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System-Components for

and Powerquality

Product Catalogue
erfahren, zuverlässig, flexibel

experienced, reliable, flexible

Experienced, reliable, flexible.
Beluk is one of the leading manufacturers in the
area of power factor control relays. Our
experience in this technologically complex field
dates back to 1956. And our customers have also
profited from our forward-looking concepts in the
construction of switchgear for more than 30
On the basis of this extensive know-how, we offer Controlling everything!
you not only matured standard components, but
also problem solutions tailor-made to fit your The current generation of BELUK power-
specific requirements. Experienced specialists factor-control relays is the result of 50 years of
support you with word and deed in your planning. technological development. To start with, the
The production organisation has been set up in production was done in electromechanical
accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, thus versions. In the seventies electronics became
guaranteeing a uniformly high quality level. In the order of the day until 1988, where the first
addition, we are always on the latest power-factor-control relays with microcontrol-
technological level thanks to well-founded lers were built. By now you can get the current
research and development. A large number of interfaces for data communcations integrated
renowned customers all over the world in our devices.
documents our reliability. Naturally, we also produce specific power
factor control relays for special applications,
such as dynamic compensation, compen-
sation of induction furnaces, mediumvoltage
switchgear and wind-power stations. BELUK
power factor controll relays “separate the chaff
from the wheat”, that is to say reactive from
active energy, regardless of the number of
“harmonics” disturbing the system! Thanks to
this highly sophisticate measuring technique,
our POWER-ANALYZERS are to be found all
over the world.
Further devices, such as monitoring relays for
voltage, current and capacitors in medium-
voltage grids as well as static switch for
capacitors supplement our range of products.

Energy Efficiency by
Power Factor Correction

In times of shortage of resources and climate change, Apparent power

S2 = P2 + Q2
conservation of resources is a fundamental objective, and
increasing energy efficiency a core aim of policy. Active power S
P = S . cosj Q
With the systematic use of power factor correction,
Reactive power
Q= S . sinj j
• energy losses in the electrical transmission and
distribution networks can be significantly reduced, with a
Example: 3-phase motor P
Active power 500kW
corresponding reduction in the CO2 emissions involved Reactive Power: 510kvar (ind)
Resulting apparent power: 714kVA
in generating that lost energy;
cosj ind. 0,70
Transmission in is 714kVA, although only 500kW can be used. Power
• energy transmission and distribution networks can be
losses in network are two times of the power losses with cosj=1.00
used more efficiently, for instance for the transmission
Power factor correction
of regenerative energy;
If the lagging power factor is corrected, for example by
• the reliability of planning for future energy networks installing a capacitor at the load, this totally or partially
can be increased. eliminates the reactive power draw at the power supply
company. Power factor correction is at its most effective
Origin and effects of reactive power
when it is physically near to the load and uses state-of-the-art
Many electrical devices, e.g motors, need active power and
reactive power. Active power is converted into mechanical
power or heatlosses, reactive power is needed to maintain NETWORK
the magnetic fields of the devices. This reactive power is GENERATOR MOTOR

transferred periodically in both directions between the

generator and the load. PFC

The inductive reactive power Q1 is compensated for totally
GENERATOR MOTOR or partially by the capacitive reactive power Qcomp, the
apparent power thus being reduced from S1 to S2.

Active power 500kW

Vector addition of active power P and reactive power Q Reactive power 510kVar (lag.)
Power-factor-correction 510kVar (lead.)
gives the apparent power S. Power generation utilities and Resultant reactive power 0 kVar
giving apparent power 500kVA
network operators must make this apparent power
available and transmit it. This means, that generators, Q1 Qcomp
transformers, power lines, switchgear, etc. must be sized
for greater power ratings than if load only drew active j S2
power. Power supply companies are therefore faced with P
The motor draws an active power of 500kW as before, but ist reactive
extra expenditure on equipment and additional power
power is fully compensated.The supply network needs to transmit an
losses. They therefore make additional charges for reactive apparent power of 500kVA. Power factor correction reduces the
transmission load by 43% of nominal active power. The transmission
power if this exceeds a certain threshold. Usually a certain
losses are reduced by factor 2.
target power factor cos of between 1.0 and 0.9 (lagging) is In Germany, due to power-factor correction it’s possible to save energy
losses of around 1 nuclear power plant (compared with no power-
factor correction).
Power Factor Control Relay BLR-CX
Display of Information
BLR-CX is equipped with LCD with backlit. It shows information
about the panel and about the mains parameters. It’s also
necessary for setting the parameters of BLR-CX:

Mains paramters: voltage, current, kW, kvar, kVA, kvar to target,

THD U, 3rd to 19th harmonic of voltage, displacement power-
factor, power-factor, tan phi, frequency, temperature

Panel informations: power-on hours of panel, operating cycles

per step, max. temperature of panel, average power factor, rating
per step in kvar, percentage of the rating per step compared with
the nominal rating.

Displacement power-factor and status of the control-outputs are

shown permanently.

The intelligent regulation algorithm of Beluk switches the steps
optimized and by this it guarantees short compensation times High-contrast LCD with backlit
combined with the smallest amount of operations. The operating
cycles are shared equally to all steps.
and temperature range between -20°C and 70°C.
All relevant parameters for the regulation are set ex works in the (Original size)
way that in nearly all cases for BLR-CX no further adjustments are
necessary to start the regulation. An optimization of the control
mode of the compensation panel to the local conditions is still
possible. Parameters can easily be changed, also during BLR-CX is calculating by the measuring of current and voltage the
operation. power conditions in electrical network. Generally, it’s not important,
These settings can be done in two separate user menues. The in which phase voltage and current are connected, because the
“Start” menue contains only the settings, which can be necessary connection is corrected by BLR-CX after starting the automatic
for commissioning, like nominal voltage, CT and VT ratio and the phase correction. The min. sensing current is 15mAmp, which
automatic correction of current and voltage connection. ensures a reliable and exact regulation.
These and furthers settings of the “Expert” menue are: There is no manual changing of any settings necessary, to use
either 5Amp or 1Amp CT.
Measuring: nominal voltage, CT ratio, VT ratio, The wide range SMPS allows to realize voltage measuring in a
tolerance of voltage, connection Ph-Ph/Ph-N, range between 90V and 550V.
phase-correction, autom. correction of
connection, synchronisation, reset operating By using the temperature sensor, BLR-CX can measure the
hours, reset average PF, internal temperature of the compensation panel and can switch by
reset max. temperature, temperature offset using one of the control outputs a fan. The switch-off of the
capacitor steps due to excess temperature can be triggered by
Regulation: sensitivity, target-cosphi 1 and 2, reaching the second excess temperature threshold or can be
switch interval, delay step exchange, triggered by N/O contacts of external thermostats, which are
step exchange, autom. capacitorsize detection, connected in parallel to the temperature sensor.
blocking of defective steps,
Regul.progr.: Best-Fit, LIFO, combi, progressiv,
Offset reactive power, asym.-switch interval,
avoid leading power factor
Steps: discharging time, step size in kvar,
The monitoring features of BLR-CX guarantee a reliable operation
steptype (e.g. Fix-steps), reset step database
and a long life of the compensation panel:
Alarming: regulation alarm, defective step alarm,
- Low voltage switch-off against chattering of contactors
power loss of capacitors, THD U Alarm,
- Over voltage switch-off for protecting the capacitors
overtemperature, limit switching operations,
- Overtemperature switch-off
limit OPH of panel, limit temp1/temp2
- Monitoring of THD U and switch-off by exceeding THD U
I=0 alarm (failure in current path), etc.
- Recognition of defective capacitors
- Alarming, when target of regulation cannot be reached
To start regulation, only the correct setting of nominal voltage is
- Signaling of the need for maintenance
necessary. Differing voltage is blocking control function for
- Fan control
protecting the capacitors. If CT ratio is not set, then measurement
readings which depend on current are blanked. A wrong
Failures and announcements of the panel are shown in LCD.
connection can be corrected by starting the automatic phase
Failures can also be forwarded by the volt free alarm-contact
correction. For maintenance work, each individual step can be
(sign-of-life signal)
switched manually.
For switching the fan, one of the control-outputs has to be used.

Connection Diagram Order Codes
Feed-in from Load Available versions:
L1 BLR-CX04R: BLR-CX with 4 relay outputs
X/1A or X/5A
L2 BLR-CX06R: BLR-CX with 6 relay outputs
BLR-CX08R: BLR-CX with 8 relay outputs
BLR-CX10R: BLR-CX with 10 relay outputs
BLR-CX12R: BLR-CX with 12 relay outputs
BLR-CX14R: BLR-CX with 14 relay outputs
BLR-CX06T: BLR-CX with 6 transisitor outputs
interface BLR-CX12T: BLR-CX with 12 transisitor outputs
K L Um1 Um2 M A TTL K1-K14
15mA - 6A 90V - 550V
-L: Pluggable temperature-sensor
BLR-CX -V: Separate plug for supply voltage
Measuring voltage 90-690V
-MB: RS485 Modbus RTU, USB
T1 T2 MS 1 14 1-14 -VT Transparent cover with lock

K1 K14 3USB Interface kit for retrofitting
RS485 Modbus, USB
UMS9 Data cable TTL/USB
N 3ZWC Wall mountig bracket
external Indication: upto max. 14 fan is contacted to
temperaturesensor in order switching outputs a switching output
(contact is

Technical Data
Type of Device: Reactive power regulator
Control Variable: Electrical displacement reactive power
Priciple of Regulation: Gradational regulation with the following modes:
- Best-Fit: starting with the biggest suitable capacitor
- LIFO: last in-first out
- Combifilter: Best-Fit, with more connected reactive power of odd outputs
- Progressive: all required outputs are switched in short intervals
Special Features: - Automatic detection and correction of the phase of current and voltage connection
- Automatic detection of the engaged outputs
- Automatic detection and adaption of the capacitor ratings
- Over- and undervoltage monitoring
- Monitoring of THD U
- Overtemperature switch-off
Measuring Display: V, A, kVA, kW, kvar, cosphi, PF, Dkvar, THD U, 3rd to 19th harmonic of voltage
Information Display: Switch cycles per step, capacitor rating, status of the exits,
operating hours of the panel, max.temperature, average PF
Measuring- and
Auxiliary Voltage: 90- 550V AC, single phase, 45-65HZ, 5VA, max. fuse 6A, VT ratio from 1,0 to 350,0
Current Measuring: 15mA -6A, single phase, burden 20mOhm, CT ratio from 1 to 9600
Control Outputs: Up to 14 relay, N/O, voltfree with common point, max. fuse 6A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 400V AC / 2A
Temperature measuring: By NTC
Sign-Of-Life contact: Relay, voltfree, N/O, max. fuse 4A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 400V AC / 2A
Fan Control: By using a control output
Interface: TTL, rear
Ambient Temperature: Operation: -20°C - 70°C, storage: -20°C - 85°C
Humidity: 0% - 98%, without moisture condensation
Overvoltage class: II, pollution degree 3 (DIN VDE 0110, part 1 / IEC60664-1)
Standards: DIN VDE 0110-1 (IEC 60664-1:1992 +A1:2000 +A2:2002)
VDE 0411-1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
VDE 0843-20-1:2006 (DIN EN 61326-1:2006 / IEC 61326-1: 2005)
VDE 0843-20-2-2:2006 (DIN EN 61326-2-2:2006 / IEC 61326-2-2: 2005)
Conformity and Listing:
Terminals: Plugable terminal blocks, screw type, max. 4qmm
Casing: Front: instrument casing plastic (UL94-VO),
Rear: metal
Protection Class: Front: IP50, (IP54 by using a gasket between relay and panel)
Rear: IP20
Weight: approx. 0,6kg
Dimensions: 144x144x58mm hxwxd, cutout 138 (+0,5) x 138 (+0,5)mm

Power Factor Control Relay BLR-CM-R
Display of Information
BLR-CM is equipped with graphical LCD with backlit. It shows
information about the panel and about the mains parameters. It’s
also necessary for setting the parameters of BLR-CM:

Mains paramters: voltage, current, kW, kvar, kVA, kvar to target,

THD U, THD I, 2nd to 30th harmonic of voltage and current,
displacement power-factor, power-factor, frequency, temperature

Panel informations: OPH of panel, operating cycles per step,

max. temperature of panel, average power factor, rating per step
in kvar, percentage of the rating per step compared with the
nominal rating.

Displacement power-factor and status of the control-outputs are

shown permanently.

BLR-CM is calculating by the measuring of current and voltage the
power conditions in electrical network. Generally, it’s not important,
in which phase voltage and current are connected, because the
connection is corrected by BLR-CM after starting the automatic
phase correction. The min. sensing current is 15mAmp, which
ensures a reliable and exact regulation.
There is no manual changing of any settings necessary, to use
either 5Amp or 1Amp CT.
Description Voltage measuring is possible in a range between 50V and 530V.
By using the integrated temperature sensor, BLR-CM can measure
The intelligent regulation algorithm of Beluk switches the steps the internal temperature of the compensation panel and can switch
optimized and by this it guarantees short compensation times by using digital output a fan. Switching-off capacitor steps due to
combined with the smallest amount of operations. The operating excess temperature can be triggered by reaching the second
cycles are shared equally to all steps. excess temperature threshold.
All relevant parameters for the regulation are set ex works in the
way that in nearly all cases for BLR-CM no further adjustments are
necessary to start the regulation. An optimization of the control Monitoring
mode of the compensation panel to the local conditions is still The monitoring features of BLR-CM guarantee a reliable
possible. Parameters can easily be changed, also during operation and a long life of the compensation panel:
These settings can be done in two separate user menues. The - Low voltage switch-off against chattering of contactors
“Start” menue contains only the settings, which can be necessary - Over voltage switch-off for protecting the capacitors
for commissioning, like language, nominal voltage, CT and VT ratio - Overtemperature switch-off
and the automatic correction of current and voltage connection, - Monitoring of THD and switch-off by exceeding THD U or THD I
control on/off, target-cosphi1, switch interval, discharging time and - Recognition of defective capacitors
step types. - Alarming, when target of regulation cannot be reached
These and furthers settings of the “Expert” menue are: - Signaling of the need for maintenance
- Fan control
Measuring: nominal voltage, CT ratio, VT ratio, - external alarm by digital input
tolerance of voltage, connection Ph-Ph/Ph-N,
phase-correction, autom. correction of Failures and announcements of the panel are shown in LCD.
connection, synchronisation, reset OPH, Failures can also be forwarded by the volt free alarm-contact
reset average PF, reset max. Temperature, (sign-of-life signal)
temperature offset For switching the fan, digital output can be used.
Regulation: sensitivity, target-cosphi 1 and 2,
switch interval, delay step exchange,
step exchange, autom. capacitorsize detection,
Data logger
blocking of defective steps, Datalogger (option -DM) is split into 4 parts:
Control modes: Best-Fit, LIFO, combi, progressive,
Offset reactive power, asym.-switch interval, SETUP HISTORY: modification of paramter is logged with date
avoid leading power factor and time. The logged information can be seen in LCD.

Steps: discharging time, step size in kvar, ALARM HISTORY: Beginning and End of alarms are logged with
steptype (e.g. Fix-steps), reset step database date and time. The logged information can be seen in LCD.

Alarming: control alarm, defective step alarm, power loss LOGGER OF MEASURING VALUES: logging of measuring
of capacitors, THD U Alarm, THD I Alarm, values in adjustable intervals from 1 to 720 minutes. The
overtemperature, cosphi alarm, kW overload, measuring values are recorded with minimum, maximum and
kvar overload, kW Export, external alarm, mean value per interval.
limit switching operations, limit temp1/temp2
I=0 alarm (failure in current path), etc. LOGGER of SYSTEMINFORMATION: daily logging of kWh,
kvarh, number of switching operations and step size per step,
To start regulation, only the correct setting of nominal voltage is average power-factor and average power-factor of the last 24h.
necessary. Differing voltage is blocking control function for
protecting the capacitors. A wrong connection can be corrected by Measuring values and system information can be downloaded by
starting the automatic phase correction. For maintenance work, TTL-interface with TTL-USB converter cable and saved to CSV-
each individual step can be switched manually. file on pc. Analysis of the data can be done by spreadsheet
Connection Diagram Order Codes
Feed-in from utility
L1 Available Versions:
X/1A or X/5A
L2 BLR-CM06R: BLR-CM with 6 relay outputs
L3 BLR-CM12R: BLR-CM with 12 relay outputs
-HV: Version for MV and HV application
-MB: RS485 Modbus RTU
-DM: RS485 Modbus RTU, data logger
RTC, digital input 24VDC
K L La Um1 Um2 M DO1 DI1 A
15mA - 6A 50V - 530V -Q: Control characteristic Q(U), target-pf
depends on level of voltage
-VT Transparent cover with lock

TTL 0 MS MO DO2 DI2 1 12 UMS9 Data cable TTL/USB

Interface 3ZWC Wall mounting bracket
K1 K12

Alarm Digital Digital 6 or 12
output Input Switching outputs
e.g. fan
or additional
alarm Technical Data
Type of Device: Reactive power regulator
Control Variable: Electrical displacement reactive power
Priciple of Regulation: Gradational regulation with the following modes:
- Best-Fit: starting with the biggest suitable capacitor
- LIFO: last in-first out
- Combifilter: Best-Fit, with more connected reactive power of odd outputs
Special Features: - graphical LCD with backlit
- Automatic detection and correction of the phase of current and voltage connection
- Automatic detection of the engaged outputs
- Automatic detection and adaption of the capacitor ratings
- Over- and undervoltage monitoring
- Monitoring of THD U and THD I
- Overtemperature switch-off
Measuring Display: V, A, kVA, kW, kvar, cosphi, PF, Dkvar, Hz, °C, kWh imp, kWh exp, kvarh ind, kvarh cap,
THD U, THD I, 2nd to 30th and 3rd to 29th harmonic of voltage and current.
Information Display: Switch cycles per step, capacitor rating, status of the exits,
operating hours of the panel, max.temperature, average PF
Auxiliary Voltage: 230V AC with tapping point 115V AC,+/- 10%, 45 - 65HZ, 10VA, max. fuse 6A
Measuring- Voltage: 50 - 530V AC, single phase, 45 - 65HZ, <1VA, max. fuse 6A, VT ratio from 1,0 to 350,0
Current Measuring: 15mA - 6A, single phase, burden 20mOhm, CT ratio from 1 to 9600
Control Outputs: Up to 12 relay, N/O, voltfree with common point, max. fuse 6A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 400V AC / 2A
Temperature measuring: By integrated NTC
Alarm contact: Relay, voltfree, C/O, max. fuse 4A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A
Digital output: relay, N/O, voltfree with common point, max. fuse 6A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 400V AC / 2A
Fan Control: By using a digital output
Digital input 1: 50 - 250V AC, programmable
Digital input 2: 10 - 30V DC, for synchronizing of data-logger (only available in option -DM)
Interface1: TTL, rear
Interface 2: RS485 Modbus RTU Slave (only available in options -MB and -DM)
Ambient Temperature: Operation: -20°C - 70°C, storage: -20°C - 85°C
Humidity: 0% - 98%, without moisture condensation
Overvoltage class: II, pollution degree 3 (DIN VDE 0110, part 1 / IEC60664-1)
Standards: DIN VDE 0110-1 (IEC 60664-1:1992 +A1:2000 +A2:2002)
VDE 0411-1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
VDE 0843-20-1:2006 (DIN EN 61326-1:2006 / IEC 61326-1: 2005)
VDE 0843-20-2-2:2006 (DIN EN 61326-2-2:2006 / IEC 61326-2-2: 2005)
Conformity and Listing:
Terminals: Plugable terminal blocks, screw type, max. 4qmm
Casing: Front: instrument casing plastic (UL94-VO),
Rear: metal
Protection Class: Front: IP50, (IP54 by using a gasket between relay and panel)
Rear: IP20
Weight: approx. 1,0kg
Dimensions: 144x144x58mm hxwxd, cutout 138 (+0,5) x 138 (+0,5)mm
Real Time Power Factor Control Relay BLR-CM-T/RT
Display of Information
BLR-CM is equipped with graphical LCD with backlit. It shows
information about the panel and about the mains parameters. It’s
also necessary for setting the parameters of BLR-CM:

Mains paramters: voltage, current, kW, kvar, kVA, kvar to target,

THD U, THD I, 2nd to 30th harmonic of voltage and current,
displacement power-factor, power-factor, frequency, temperature

Panel informations: OPH of panel, operating cycles per step,

max. temperature of panel, average power factor, rating per step
in kvar, percentage of the rating per step compared with the
nominal rating.

Displacement power-factor and status of the control-outputs are

shown permanently.

BLR-CM is calculating by the measuring of current and voltage the
power conditions in electrical network. Generally, it’s not important,
in which phase voltage and current are connected, because the
connection is corrected by BLR-CM after starting the automatic
phase correction. The min. sensing current is 15mAmp, which

Description ensures a reliable and exact regulation.

There is no manual changing of any settings necessary, to use
either 5Amp or 1Amp CT.
The real time regulation algorithm of Beluk is calculating the control Voltage measuring is possible in a range between 50V and 530V.
deviation directly after measuring one mains periode and switches By using the integrated temperature sensor, BLR-CM can measure
dependent on the settings all necessary capacitors in one the internal temperature of the compensation panel and can switch
operation. The hybrid version is working with two separate by using digital output a fan. Switching-off capacitor steps due to
algorithm. The standard algorithm for contactor controlled excess temperature can be triggered by reaching the second
capacitors is building an optimized working point for the real time excess temperature threshold.
algorithm. To get an optimization of the control mode of the
compensation panel to the local conditions different parameters
can be changed. These settings can be done in two separate user
menues. The “Start” menue contains only the settings, which can
be necessary for commissioning, like language, nominal voltage, The monitoring features of BLR-CM guarantee a reliable
CT and VT ratio and the automatic correction of current and voltage operation and a long life of the compensation panel:
connection, control on/off, target-cosphi1, switch interval,
discharging time and step types. - Low voltage switch-off against chattering of contactors
These and furthers settings of the “Expert” menue are: - Over voltage switch-off for protecting the capacitors
- Overtemperature switch-off
Measuring: nominal voltage, CT ratio, VT ratio, - Monitoring of THD and switch-off by exceeding THD U or THD I
tolerance of voltage, connection Ph-Ph/Ph-N, - Recognition of defective capacitors
phase-correction, autom. correction of - Alarming, when target of regulation cannot be reached
connection, synchronisation, reset OPH, - Signaling of the need for maintenance
reset average PF, reset max. Temperature, - Fan control
temperature offset - external alarm by digital input

Regulation: sensitivity, target-cosphi 1 and 2, Failures and announcements of the panel are shown in LCD.
switch interval, delay step exchange, Failures can also be forwarded by the volt free alarm-contact
step exchange, autom. capacitorsize detection, (sign-of-life signal)
blocking of defective steps, For switching the fan, digital output can be used.
Control modes: Best-Fit, LIFO, combi, progressive,
Offset reactive power, asym.-switch interval,
avoid leading power factor Data logger
Datalogger (option -DM) is split into 4 parts:
Real time: measuring break, building average of control
deviation, limit kvar which can be switched in
SETUP HISTORY: modification of paramter is logged with date
one operation, blocking switching operations at
and time. The logged information can be seen in LCD.
exceeding THD U
ALARM HISTORY: Beginning and End of alarms are logged with
Steps: discharging time, step size in kvar,
date and time. The logged information can be seen in LCD.
steptype (e.g. Fix-steps), reset step database
LOGGER OF MEASURING VALUES: logging of measuring
Alarming: control alarm, defective step alarm, power loss
values in adjustable intervals from 1 to 720 minutes. The
of capacitors, THD U Alarm, THD I Alarm,
measuring values are recorded with minimum, maximum and
overtemperature, cosphi alarm, kW overload,
mean value per interval.
kvar overload, kW Export, external alarm,
limit switching operations, limit temp1/temp2
LOGGER of SYSTEMINFORMATION: daily logging of kWh,
I=0 alarm (failure in current path), etc.
kvarh, number of switching operations and step size per step,
average power-factor and average power-factor of the last 24h.
To start regulation, only the correct setting of nominal voltage is
necessary. Differing voltage is blocking control function for
Measuring values and system information can be downloaded by
protecting the capacitors. Dynamic mode has no recognition of
TTL-interface with TTL-USB converter cable and saved to CSV-
capacitor sizes. Capacitor sizes can be detected by using normal
file on pc. Analysis of the data can be done by spreadsheet
mode at the beginning. A wrong connection can be corrected by
starting the automatic phase correction. For maintenance work,
each individual step can be switched manually. 8
Connection Diagram Order Codes
Feed-in from utility
L1 Available Versions:
X/1A or X/5A
L2 BLR-CM06T: BLR-CM with 6 transistor outputs
L3 BLR-CM12T: BLR-CM with 12 transistor outputs
BLR-CM12RT BLR-CM with 6 relay outputs and
6 transistor outputs
~ AC -
~ DC
-MB: RS485 Modbus RTU
K L La Um1 Um2 M DO1 DI1 A
15mA - 6A 50V - 530V -DM: RS485 Modbus RTU, data logger
RTC, digital input 24VDC
-Q: Control characteristic Q(U), target-pf
BLR-CM-T depends on level of voltage
-VT Transparent cover with lock

TTL 0 MS MO DO2 DI2 1 12

- - UMS9 Data cable TTL/USB
3ZWC Wall mounting bracket
+ +

Alarm Digital Digital 6 or 12
output Input switching outputs
e.g. fan
or additional
alarm Technical Data
Type of Device: Reactive power regulator
Control Variable: Real time mode: Electrical displacement reactive power in real time
Standard mode: Average of electrical displacement reactive power
Priciple of Regulation: 2 parallel working control modes for real time and for standard mode.
Special Features: - graphical LCD with backlit
- Automatic detection and correction of the phase of current and voltage connection
- Automatic detection of the engaged outputs
- Automatic detection and adaption of the capacitor ratings (not in real time mode)
- Over- and undervoltage monitoring
- Monitoring of THD U and THD I
- Overtemperature switch-off
Measuring Display: V, A, kVA, kW, kvar, cosphi, PF, Dkvar, Hz, °C, kWh imp, kWh exp, kvarh ind, kvarh cap,
THD U, THD I, 2nd to 30th and 3rd to 29th harmonic of voltage and current.
Information Display: Switch cycles per step, capacitor rating, status of the exits,
operating hours of the panel, max.temperature, average PF
Auxiliary Voltage: 230V AC with tapping point 115V AC,+/- 10%, 45 - 65HZ, 10VA, max. fuse 6A
Measuring- Voltage: 50 - 530V AC, single phase, 45 - 65HZ, <1VA, max. fuse 6A, VT ratio from 1,0 to 350,0
Current Measuring: 15mA - 6A, single phase, burden 20mOhm, CT ratio from 1 to 9600
Control Outputs: transistor, open collector, switching capacity 8 - 32V DC / 100mA
relay, N/O, voltfree with common point, max. fuse 6A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 400V AC / 2A
Temperature measuring: By integrated NTC
Alarm contact: Relay, voltfree, C/O, max. fuse 4A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A
Digital output: relay, N/O, voltfree with common point, max. fuse 6A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 400V AC / 2A
Fan Control: By using a digital output
Digital input 1: 50 - 250V AC, programmable
Digital input 2: 10 - 30V DC, for synchronizing of data-logger (only available in option -DM)
Interface1: TTL, rear
Interface 2: RS485 Modbus RTU Slave (only available in options -MB and -DM)
Ambient Temperature: Operation: -20°C - 70°C, storage: -20°C - 85°C
Humidity: 0% - 98%, without moisture condensation
Overvoltage class: II, pollution degree 3 (DIN VDE 0110, part 1 / IEC60664-1)
Standards: DIN VDE 0110-1 (IEC 60664-1:1992 +A1:2000 +A2:2002)
VDE 0411-1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
VDE 0843-20-1:2006 (DIN EN 61326-1:2006 / IEC 61326-1: 2005)
VDE 0843-20-2-2:2006 (DIN EN 61326-2-2:2006 / IEC 61326-2-2: 2005)
Conformity and Listing:
Terminals: Plugable terminal blocks, screw type, max. 4qmm
Casing: Front: instrument casing plastic (UL94-VO),
Rear: metal
Protection Class: Front: IP50, (IP54 by using a gasket between relay and panel)
Rear: IP20
Weight: approx. 1,0kg
Dimensions: 144x144x58mm hxwxd, cutout 138 (+0,5) x 138 (+0,5)mm

Power Factor Control Relay BLR-CM3phase
Display of Information
BLR-CM3phase is equipped with graphical LCD with backlit. It
shows information about the panel and about the mains
parameters. It’s also necessary for setting the parameters:

Mains paramters: voltage, current L1/L2/L3, kW L1/L2/L3/tot,

kvar L1/L2/L3/tot, kVA L1/l2/L3/tot, kvar to target L1/L2/L3/tot,
THD U, THD I L1/L2/L3, 2nd to 30th harmonic of voltage and
current L1/L2/L3, displacement power-factor L1/L2/L3,
power-factor L1/L2/L3/tot, frequency, temperature

Panel informations: OPH of panel, operating cycles per step,

max. temperature of panel, average power factor, rating per step
in kvar, percentage of the rating per step compared with the
nominal rating.

Displacement power-factor and status of the control-outputs are

shown permanently.

BLR-CM3phase is calculating by the measuring of current and
voltage the power conditions in electrical network. Generally, it’s
not important, in which phase voltage and current are connected,
because the connection is corrected by BLR-CM3phase after
starting the automatic phase correction. The min. sensing current
is 15mAmp, which ensures a reliable and exact regulation.
There is no manual changing of any settings necessary, to use
Description either 5Amp or 1Amp CT.
Voltage measuring is possible in a range between 50V and 530V.
By using the integrated temperature sensor, BLR-CM3phase can
Due to the 3ph-phase measuring system BLR-CM3phase can
measure the internal temperature of the compensation panel and
recognize asymmetric load. The regulation algorithm of
can switch by using digital output a fan. Switching-off capacitor
BLR-CM3phase is working with as well with three phase as with
steps due to excess temperature can be triggered by reaching the
single phase capacitors. This is a waranty for optimum results of
second excess temperature threshold.
reactive power compensation of unbalanced load conditions. Short
compensation times combined with the smallest amount of
switching operations which are shared equally to all steps with
same size are pointing up the predominat intelligence of Monitoring
BLR-CM3phase. The monitoring features of BLR-CM3phase guarantee a reliable
To get an optimization of the control mode of the compensation operation and a long life of the compensation panel:
panel to the local conditions different parameters can be changed.
These settings can be done in two separate user menues. The - Low voltage switch-off against chattering of contactors
“Start” menue contains only the settings, which can be necessary - Over voltage switch-off for protecting the capacitors
for commissioning, like language, nominal voltage, CT and VT ratio - Overtemperature switch-off
and the automatic correction of current and voltage connection, - Monitoring of THD and switch-off by exceeding THD U or THD I
control on/off, target-cosphi1, switch interval, discharge lock time - Recognition of defective capacitors
and step types. - Alarming, when target of regulation cannot be reached
These and furthers settings of the “Expert” menue are: - Signaling of the need for maintenance
- Fan control
Measuring: nominal voltage, CT ratio, VT ratio, - external alarm by digital input
tolerance of voltage, connection Ph-Ph/Ph-N,
phase-correction, autom. correction of Failures and announcements of the panel are shown in LCD.
connection, synchronisation, reset OPH, Failures can also be forwarded by the volt free alarm-contact
reset average PF, reset max. Temperature, (sign-of-life signal)
temperature offset For switching the fan, digital output can be used.

Regulation: sensitivity, target-cosphi 1 and 2,

switch interval, delay step exchange,
step exchange, autom. capacitorsize detection,
Data logger
blocking of defective steps, Datalogger (option -DM) is split into 4 parts:
Control modes: Best-Fit, LIFO, combi, progressive,
Offset reactive power, asym.-switch interval, SETUP HISTORY: modification of paramter is logged with date
avoid leading power factor and time. The logged information can be seen in LCD.

Steps: discharging time, step size in kvar, ALARM HISTORY: Beginning and End of alarms are logged with
steptype (e.g. Fix-steps), reset step database date and time. The logged information can be seen in LCD.

Alarming: control alarm, defective step alarm, power loss LOGGER OF MEASURING VALUES: logging of measuring
of capacitors, THD U Alarm, THD I Alarm, values in adjustable intervals from 1 to 720 minutes. The
overtemperature, cosphi alarm, kW overload, measuring values are recorded with minimum, maximum and
kvar overload, kW Export, external alarm, mean value per interval.
limit switching operations, limit temp1/temp2
I=0 alarm (failure in current path), etc. LOGGER of SYSTEMINFORMATION: daily logging of kWh,
kvarh, number of switching operations and step size per step,
To start regulation, only the correct setting of nominal voltage is average power-factor and average power-factor of the last 24h.
necessary. Differing voltage is blocking control function for
protecting the capacitors. A wrong connection can be corrected by Measuring values and system information can be downloaded by
starting the automatic phase correction. For maintenance work, TTL-interface with TTL-USB converter cable and saved to CSV-
each individual step can be switched manually. file on pc. Analysis of the data can be done by spreadsheet
Connection Diagram Order Codes
Feed-in from utility
L1 Available Versions:
X/1A or X/5A
L2 BLR-CM06R-3A: BLR-CM3ph with 6 relay outputs
L3 BLR-CM12R-3A: BLR-CM3ph with 12 relay outputs
BLR-CM06T-3A: BLR-CM3ph with 6 transistor outputs
BLR-CM12T-3A: BLR-CM3ph with 12 transistor outputs
BLR-CM12RT-3A: BLR-CM3ph with 6 relay outputs and
6 transistor outputs

K L K L K L La Um1 Um2 M DO1 DI1 A

15mA - 6A 15mA - 6A 15mA - 6A 50V - 530V Options:
-MB: RS485 Modbus RTU
-DM: RS485 Modbus RTU, data logger
BLR-CM3phase RTC, digital input 24VDC
-VT Transparent cover with lock

TTL 0 MS MO DO2 DI2 1 12

Interface Accessories:
K1 K12
UMS9 Data cable TTL/USB
3ZWC Wall mountig bracket

Alarm Digital Digital 6 or 12
output input switching outputs
e.g. fan
or additional
alarm Technical Data
Type of Device: Reactive power regulator
Control Variable: Electrical displacement reactive power individual per phase
Priciple of Regulation: Gradational regulation with the following modes:
- Best-Fit: starting with the biggest suitable capacitor
- LIFO: last in-first out
- Combifilter: Best-Fit, with more connected reactive power of odd outputs
Special Features: - graphical LCD with backlit
- Automatic detection and correction of the phase of current and voltage connection
- Automatic detection of the engaged outputs
- Automatic detection and adaption of the capacitor ratings
- Over- and undervoltage monitoring
- Monitoring of THD U and THD I
- Overtemperature switch-off
Measuring Display: V, A, kVA, kW, kvar, cosphi, PF, Dkvar, Hz, °C, kWh imp, kWh exp, kvarh ind, kvarh cap,
THD U, THD I, 2nd to 30th and 3rd to 29th harmonic of voltage and current.
Information Display: Switch cycles per step, capacitor rating, status of the exits,
operating hours of the panel, max.temperature, average PF
Auxiliary Voltage: 230V AC with tapping point 115V AC,+/- 10%, 45-65HZ, 10VA, max. fuse 6A
Measuring- Voltage: 50- 530V AC, single phase, 45-65HZ, <1VA, max. fuse 6A, VT ratio from 1,0 to 350,0
Current Measuring: 15mA -6A, single phase, burden 20mOhm, CT ratio from 1 to 9600
Control Outputs: Upto 12 relay, N/O, voltfree with common point, max. fuse 6A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 400V AC / 2A
transistor, open collector, switching capacity 8-32V DC / 100mA
Temperature measuring: By integrated NTC
Alarm contact: Relay, voltfree, C/O, max. fuse 4A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A
Digital output: relay, N/O, voltfree with common point, max. fuse 6A, breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 400V AC / 2A
Fan Control: By using a digital output
Digital input 1: 50 - 250V AC, programmable
Digital input 2: 10 - 30V DC, for synchronizing of data-logger (only available in option -DM)
Interface1: TTL, rear
Interface 2: RS485 Modbus RTU Slave (only available in options -MB and -DM)
Ambient Temperature: Operation: -20°C-70°C, storage: -20°C-85°C
Humidity: 0% - 98%, without moisture condensation
Overvoltage class: II, pollution degree 3 (DIN VDE 0110, part 1 / IEC60664-1)
Standards: DIN VDE 0110-1 (IEC 60664-1:1992 +A1:2000 +A2:2002)
VDE 0411-1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
VDE 0843-20-1:2006 (DIN EN 61326-1:2006 / IEC 61326-1: 2005)
VDE 0843-20-2-2:2006 (DIN EN 61326-2-2:2006 / IEC 61326-2-2: 2005)
Conformity and Listing:
Terminals: Plugable terminal blocks, screw type, max. 4qmm
Casing: Front: instrument casing plastic (UL94-VO),
Rear: metal
Protection Class: Front: IP50, (IP54 by using a gasket between relay and panel)
Rear: IP20
Weight: approx. 1,0kg
11 Dimensions: 144x144x58mm hxwxd, cutout 138 (+0,5) x 138 (+0,5)mm
Thyristor-Switch 400-480V BEL-TS
Nominal power 15kvar 180

Nominal voltage / V (+/-10%) 400 440 480

Nominal current / A 22 20 18 6
L1 C1
Controlled phases 2, semi-controlled
Dimensions H x W x D / mm 188 x 202 x 200
Weight / kg 2,9

Losses / W 41 37 33 L3 C3

Cooling AN, air natural

Protection degree IP20


Changing connectionpoint L -> C
will damage the system!
Das Vertauschen der Anschlüße L -> C
wird das System zerstören!
Nominal power 25kvar 50kvar
L1 C1
Nominal voltage / V (+/-10%) 400 440 480 400 440 480
Nominal current / A 36 33 30 72 66 60


Overtemperature protection
Controlled phases 2, semi-controlled
Ansteuersignal “EIN”
Triggersignal “ON”
Power Dimensions H x W x D / mm 200 x 160 x 215
L3 C3
Weight / kg 4,3
Losses / W 68 61 52 122 111 104
Cooling AN, air natural
Protection degree IP10



Changing connectionpoint L -> C
will damage the system!
Das Vertauschen der Anschlüße L -> C
wird das System zerstören!

L1 C1

Nominal power 75kvar 100kvar 125kvar



Nominal voltage / V (+/-10%) 400 440 480 400 440 480 480

Nominal current / A 109 99 90 144 131 120 150 Overtemperature protection

Ansteuersignal “EIN”
Triggersignal “ON”

Controlled phases 2, semi-controlled

L3 C3
Dimensions H x W x D / mm 270 x 160 x 215
Weight / kg 5,6
Losses / W 205 184 172 250 224 244 261
Cooling AF, air forced (fan voltage can be chosen)
Protection degree IP10



Discharging of capacitors Using discharge reactors is not allowed! For dimensioning the discharge resistors, please consider high DC-voltage levels!
Recovery time Typical after 1 period
Supply voltage Direct from power connection. (Optional is separate supply available)
Consumption of supply max. 9VA
Voltage trigger signal 8 - 30V DC
Consumption of trigger signall 2mA at 12V DC
Max. Altitude 1000m NN (higher altitude is possibel with reduced current ratings)
Ambient temperature -10 °C - 45°C (temperature up to +65°C is possible with reduce current ratings)
Humidity 10% - 95% (without moisture condensation)

BEL-TS Thyristor-Switch 525-690V

Nominal power 65kvar 130kvar

Changing connectionpoint L -> C

Nominal voltage / V (+/-10%) 525 will damage the system!

Das Vertauschen der Anschlüße L -> C
wird das System zerstören!

Nominal current / A 72 144 L1 C1

Controlled phases 2, semi-controlled
Dimensions H x W x D / mm 200 x 160 x 215 270 x 160 x 215


Weight / kg 4,3 5,6 Überhitzungsschutz
Overtemperature protection
Ansteuersignal “EIN”
Triggersignal “ON”

Losses / W 122 250


Cooling AN, air natural AF, air forced L3 C3

Protection degree IP10



Changing connectionpoint L -> C
will damage the system!
Das Vertauschen der Anschlüße L -> C
wird das System zerstören!

L1 C1


Nominal power 50kvar 100kvar
Overtemperature protection
Ansteuersignal “EIN”
Triggersignal “ON”
Nominal voltage / V (+/-10%) 690
Nominal current / A 42 84
L3 C3
Controlled phases 2, semi-controlled
Dimensions H x W x D / mm 200 x 160 x 270 270 x 160 x 270
Weight / kg 4,6 5,9
Losses / W 75 145
Cooling AN, air natural AF, air forced

Protection degree IP10



Discharging of capacitors Using discharge reactors is not allowed! For dimensioning the discharge resistors, please consider high DC-voltage levels!
Recovery time Typical after 1 period
Supply voltage 230V 50/60Hz, other voltage levels are available on request
Consumption of supply max. 9VA
Voltage trigger signal 8 - 30V DC
Consumption of trigger signall 2mA at 12V DC
Max. Altitude 1000m NN (higher altitude is possibel with reduced current ratings)
Ambient temperature -10 °C - 45°C (temperature up to +65°C is possible with reduce current ratings)
Humidity 10% - 95% (without moisture condensation)

Active Harmonic Filter BEL-AF
A reliable electric power supply is in companies the indication for such situation are harmonics, unbalanced
basic requirement for all operational sequences. load, neutral current and bad power-factor.
Many electrical devices are polluting electrical grid Function of active filter BEL-AF is improvement of voltage
by non-linear load current. Effect is, that electrical quality by filtering the current. BEL-AF is compensationg
devices are disturbing each other and correct harmonics upto 51st order, balancing phase current and
function is not possible. Also load in electrical grid is improvement of power-factor. By this neutral current will
much more as necessary. In extreme situations, this be reduced.
can cause shortage in electrical power-supply. An

Unbalanced load current with high Current of harmonics divisible by Filtering of current by BEL-AF causes
harmonic content can be the reason three and unbalanced current create symmetrical sinusoidal phase
that required quality of mains-voltage neutral current. This is often larger current.
cannot be met. than phase current. Condition for this is, that BEL-AF is
Examples for electrical load which BEL-AF is compensating harmonic sized with sufficient capacity. With
creates these problems are power current and unbalanced load. By this enough power reserve real-time
supplies of electronic devices, way neutral current is reduced. compensation of phase-shift is also
inverter and energy saving lamps. possible.

Spannung Spannung Spannung

Laststrom L1 Strom N-Leiter nicht gefiltert gefilterter Strom L1
Laststrom L2 Strom N-Leiter gefiltert gefilterter Strom L2
Laststrom L3 Strom N-Leiter in BEL-AF gefilterter Strom L3

Connection Diagram
closed loop open loop

Load Load
L1 L1

L2 L2

L3 L3





Parallel Operation
3PH, N Load



1 2 3 max. 8
Current inputs of the filters are connected in series!

Technical Data
BEL-AFW435@400C BEL-AFW460@400C BEL-AFW490@400C BEL-AFW4120@400C

Compensation current 3 phase / 3 wires 35A 60A 90A 120A

3 phase / 3 wires 35A 60A 90A 120A
Current limit at full correction
Inrush current less than rated current
Compensated harmonic orders 2nd to 51st. Order
Response time < 20ms
Power factor correction ind. 0,70 - cap. 0,70
Input voltage 400V +15% -20%
Frequency 47 - 63 Hz
Current transformer standard 100A:1A - 10000A:1A
optional 100A:5A - 10000A:5A
CT location source side closed loop control
load side open loop control
Max. Heat losses < 700W < 1350W < 2000W < 2650W
Cooling AF, air forced
Altitude < 1000m NN
Ambient temperature operation 0°C - + 40°C
storage -20°C - + 70°C
Display LCD
Indication in LCD meter paramter, wave form and spectrum
event log Up to 300 records (FIFO)
configuration all necessary settings and modes
language setting upto 10 different languages
Interfaces standard RS232 / USB
optional RS485 / RS422 / Ethernet
I/O’s standard 5 output dry contacts
standard 1 input dry contact
standard 1 EPO

Unbalance protection relay KSR1

Double star- connection

6 identity capacitors are L2
connected in two star L3
connections. The current
transformer is located in the
conductor which is connecting X/1A or X/5A
the two star points. The
measured current is an indicator K L Um1Um2
of the capacitor symmetry. In KSR-1 20mA - 5A 0,2V - 20V
case of a internal failure, the Ub1 DI2
changed symmetry will cause a Ub2 TTL

variation of the current and is

signaling by this an capacitor 11 12 14 2122 24 3132 34 4142 44
fault. Trip Alarm progr. in Order

Description H-Bridge connnection L1

C1 C2
High voltage capacitors taken into operation must be 4 identity capacitors are
supervised all the time. Most of these capacitors are connected to form a H.
manufactured by using insulating oil for the The current transformer is X/1A
or X/5A
located in the conductor which is C3 C4
dielectricum, which could catch fire in any case of fail.
connecting the middle of the left
When considering some liters of oil which are filled in and right branch. The measured
the capacitor, there is a fire load not to be disregarded. current is an indicator of the
Therefore it's necessary to separate the capacitors capacitor symmetry. In case of a
K L Um1 Um2
from the grid before a failure causes an accident. internal failure, the changed KSR-1 20mA - 5A 0,2V - 20V DI1

The KSR1 is designed to protect the capacitors symmetry will cause a variation Ub1 DI2
of the current and is signaling by
against internal failures in a versatile way without
this an capacitor fault
generating useless and expensive cut offs. The KSR1 11 12 14 2122 24 31 32 34 41 42 44
Trip Alarm Rel3 in Order
can be set to monitor current or voltage, selectable
from the menu. The device can monitor two threshold
levels for Alarm / Trip. All thresholds / readings can be
either a current or voltage value or a % value
respective setting of the maximum value. Once the
Alarm or Trip level is reached the appropriate relay will
operate, after the programmed delay time has
Voltage monitoring
elapsed. 3 identity capacitors are
The signaling relays can be programmed to be held in connected in star connection.
the Alarm/Trip position until reset by the user if Via three 2 pole insulated L1

required, alternatively they can be set to automatically voltage transformers the voltage L2
of each capacitor is taped. The
reset if the fault is cleared.
secondary sides of the VT's are
A further relay can be used to operate when the connected in series.
Alarm/Trip or both Alarm+Trip have operated. The
The measured voltage is an
KSR1 can record details of the last 5 Alarm and Trip indicator of the capacitor KSR-1 K L Um1 Um2
20mA - 5A 0,2V - 20V
operations. symmetry. In case of a internal Ub1 DI2
An natural unbalance (out of balance or asymmetrical failure, the changed symmetry TTL

value) can be programmed into the device if required. will cause a variation of the
11 12 14 2122 24 3132 34 4142 44
This natural unbalance is subtracted from the voltage and is signaling by this
Trip Alarm progr. in Order
an capacitor fault
measured value and allows a more exactly setting of
the thresholds.

Measured value
– Natural unbalance
= Value

Comparator Adjusted threshold

No Value > limit Alarm / Trip

Delay time Adjusted delay time

No Relay 1 TRIP
Alarm / Trip for Alarm / Trip

Relay 2 ALARM
Monitoring Switch output relay
blocked via DI1 &
Yes DI2 No Relay 3 progr.

Technical Data
Supply voltage: 40 - 250V AC, 45-65HZ / 40 - 300VDC, 5VA; max fuse 6A

Measuring voltage: 0,2 – 20V; burden 284kOhm; vt-ratio from 1 – 350, with low pass filter
Continuous overload: 120V; Short term overload: 500V for ten seconds
Accuracy: 0.5% from upper range value

Current measuring: 20mA – 5A; burden 20mOhm; ct-ratio from 1-4000, with low pass filter
Continuous overload: 25A; Short term overload: 100A for one second
Accuracy: 0.5% from upper range value

Relay outputs: Max. output rating AC: 1250VA, max switching voltage: 440VAC
Max. output rating DC (ohmic): 30V / 5A; 60V / 1A; 110V / 0,5A; 220V / 0,3A

Digital input: Blocking Alarm / Trip via digital input

Interface: TTL, rear

Ambient temperature: Operation: -20°C – 70°C, storage: -40°C – 85°C

Humidity: 0% - 95%, without moisture condensation

Overvoltage class: II, pollution degree 3 (DIN VDE 0110, Teil 1 / IEC 60664-1)

Standards: IEC 60255-1 Oscillatory Waves

IEC 60255-2 Electrostatic Discharge
IEC 60255-3 RF-Electromagnetic Fields
IEC 60255-4 Electrical fast transients
IEC 60255-5 Impulse Test Voltage (Surge)
DIN VDE 0110 part 1 (IEC 60664-1:1992)
VDE 0411 part 1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
VDE 0843 part 20 (DIN EN 61326 / IEC 61326: 1997+ A1:1998 +A2: 2000)

Conformity and listing: CE

Terminals: screw-type, max. 4mm2

Casing front: instrument casing plastic (UL94-VO), rear: metal

Protection class Front: IP50, (IP54 by using a gasket), Rear: IP20

Weight: approx. 0,65 kg

Capacitor protection relays KSR
The KSR measurement system provides 3 voltage
measurement channels and 4 current measurement
For voltage measurement the connection of N is not
necessary in all cases. If left open, an artificial N potential is
provided by an internal resistor network.
For the current measurement CT's must be used.
Depending on the device type the KSR comes with inputs for
1 A or 5A. CT ratio range is 1-10000. It must be considered
that the channels 1-3 are using the same ratio but ratio for
channel 4 is to be adjusted separately.
Each input channel contains a high precision input filter with
a 3dB-cutoff-frequency in the range of 2.5kHz - 3 kHz.

For the KSR are 32 „protection settings“ available. The
following settings can be done for each of the „Protection
Source = monitored value

Description Trigger = monitored value < or > compared to the threshold

Limit = threshold
High voltage capacitors taken into operation must be supervised all
T-ON = delay time after violating the adjusted threshold
the time. Most of these capacitors are manufactured by using
insulating oil for the dielectricum, which could catch fire in any case T-OFF = delay time for the alarm reset after the monitored

of fail. When considering some liters of oil which are filled in the threshold is becomming normal
capacitor, there is a fire load not to be disregarded. Therefore it's Output = selection of the relays, which shall be activated if
necessary to separate the capacitors from the grid before a failure alarm condition is true and after T-ON is over. For giving
causes an accident. alarm signals there are 6 relay outputs available (2 c/o and 4
The KSR is designed to protect the capacitors in a versatile way n/o) available. Each relay can be triggered from more than
without generating useless and expensive cut offs. The device one “Protection Setting”. All relays can be programmed to be
provides a big liquid crystal display for easy reading of values and inverted and to be latching. If a relay is set to be “latched”, it
settings. The backlight provides a good visibility even in poor light
can be reset only at the deivce, a missing power supply does
conditions. Four context-sensitive soft-keys provide easy, instant
not reset it.
usage without the need to read the manual along when using the
It should be considered that without the powersupply the
relays are not active! The alarm display feature can be
Nearly all displayed values are true RMS (TRMS) values, which
means they are correct even if the waveform is not a sine function. selected here too, as if it was another relay output.
Harmonics are considered in all measurement values
A full range “Fast Fourier Transformation” is performed on the input
The fault recorder (Option -DM) provides the following
data of all channels (3 voltage channels, 4 current channels). This
informations in 64 storage cells. All informations below are
provides information about the harmonic contents which distort the
shown in the display:
sine waveform of the signals.
SOURCE: which value is monitored
For monitoring of out of balance current the KSR comes with a
separate 4th current channel. For this channel it's possible to adjust DATE/TIME: timestamp of the event
a separate CT ratio. To grant an exact setting for the out of balance LIMIT: adjusted threshold
current, the natural unbalance can be compensated (set to „0“). For EXT-VAL: maximum measured value between
this a value of the natural unbalance is stored from the device as violation of the threshold and trip.
absolute value and in phase. This is done only by pushing one Moment of start and end of the alarm event is stored with
button. date and time. This data can be also read out via the LCD.
Additionally to fault recorder, the option -DM provides a
modbus interface and a digital input for blocking alarms.
Sample application Order codes
Available option models:
KSR-am-V: Power supply 110VDC
KSR-am-W: Power supply 220VDC
KSR-am-S: Power supply 24VDC
KSR-am-T: Power supply 48VDC
KSR-am-B: Power supply 110VAC
KSR-am-C: Power supply 230VAC
-E galvanically insulated current measurement channels
short term overload 200A for 1 Sec
-DM: RS485 Modbus RTU, faultrecorder, real time clock,
digital input 24VDC
-MB: RS485 Modbus RTU
-VT Transparent cover with lock Ip5
K L K L K L K L L1 L2 L3 L N - + Accessories:
4x 50mA - 5A ULN: 55-318V 80 - 132VDC 10-30V

Current measuring
ULL: 95-550V
Voltage measuring Power supply Digital Input:
UMS9 Data cable TTL/USB
Alarm blocking

3ZWC Wall mounting bracket

-m Signalling relays -a Control relays Interface

Technical Data
Modbus RTU
82 8184 72 7174 64 63 44 43 24 23 14 13 + GND -

Voltage measuring: ULL: 95V - 550V, ULN: 55 - 318V, 45-65Hz, VT-ratio 1 - 4000
Current measuring: 50mA -5A (Typ 5) or 20mA-1A (Typ 1) burden 15 mOhm
ext. CT is required, CT-ratio 1 - 10000,
Overload: 20% continuous, 200A for 1 Sec
Switching outputs: 2 c/o contacts, voltfree, 250V AC / 5A
4 n/o contacts, voltfree, 250V AC / 5A
Switching power: 250V AC / 5A, 30VDC / 5A (ohmic)
110V DC / 0,4A (ohmic), 110V DC / 0,3A (inductive)
Fan control: temperature sensor on rear, control outputs can be
programmed to switch a fan depending on the temperature
Interfaces: standard: TTL
optional: RS485 Modbus RTU Slave
Ambient temperature: Operation: 0°C - 70°C, Storage: -20°C - 85°C
Humidity: 0% - 95%, without moisture condensation
K L K L K L K L L1 L2 L3 L N - +
4x 50mA - 5A ULN: 55-318V
ULL: 95-550V
80 - 132VDC 10-30V
Overvoltage category: II, pollution degree 3
Current measuring Voltage measuring Power supply Digital Input:
Alarm blocking
Standards: IEC 60255-1 Oscillatory Waves
-m Signalling relays -a Control relays Interface
IEC 60255-2 Electrostatic Discharge
IEC 60255-3 RF-Electromagnetic Fields

Modbus RTU
82 8184 72 7174 64 63 44 43 24 23 14 13 + -
IEC 60255-4 Electrical fast transients
IEC 60255-5 Impulse Test Voltage (Surge)
DIN VDE 0110, Part 1 / IEC 60664-1
DIN VDE 0110 Part 1 (IEC 60664-1:1992)
C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 C2
VDE 0411 Part1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
X/1A X/1A X/1A X/1A
VDE 0843 Part 20 (DIN EN 61326 / IEC 61326:1997
oder X/5A oder X/5A oder X/5A oder X/5A
C3 C4 C3 C4 C3 C4 C3 C4 +A1:1998 +A2:2000)
Approvals: CE
Connection: screw type, max. 2,5qmm
Case: Instrument case
Protection class: Front: IP50 (IP54 by mounting a gasket),
Rear: IP20
Dimensions: 144 x 144 x 59 mm hxwxd, cutout 138(+0,5)x138(+0,5)mm
K L K L K L K L L1 L2 L3 L N - + Weight: ca. 650 gr
4x 50mA - 5A ULN: 55-318V 80 - 132VDC 10-30V
ULL: 95-550V DC

Current measuring Voltage measuring Power supply Digital Input:

Alarm blocking

-m Signalling relays -a Control relays Interface


Modbus RTU
82 8184 72 7174 64 63 44 43 24 23 14 13 + GND -

Capacitor protection relays KSR-Z
The following „Protection Settings“ are factory set at the
KSR-Z. For each of this „Protection Settings“ it's only
necessary to adjust the threshold. Source and output is
factory set.
Following „protection settings“ can be monitored in two
steps (alarm / trip) independently:
OL: “Overload” monitoring TRMS current (greater than
Olth: “Overload thermal” current as thermal damped value.
The corresponding „tau“ value can be set in the device.
Olf: “Overload fundamental” monitoring current as
fundamental value (Only ground wave 50 or 60 Hz)
UL: “Underload” monitoring TRMS current (less than
KSR-Z threshold)
BELUK Kondensatorschutzrelais
Capacitor Protecting Relay
OV: “Overvoltage” monitoring TRMS voltage (greater
than threshold)
UV: “Undervoltage” monitoring TRMS voltage (less than

Description UB: “Unbalance” out of balance current at double star

respective H-Bridge connection.
The KSR-Z is the next generation of our KSR. It has been designed EF: “Earth fault” KSR-Z is caculating the earth fault
to fulfill special applications too. current as absolute value from the vector sum of the
The KSR-Z is always equipped with the fault recorder, modbus phase currents.
interface and a digital input for alarm blocking. The KSR-Z comes VA: “Voltage Asymetric” KSR-Z is comparing the phase
with factory set „protection settings“ to allow a easy and fast voltage of the individual phases. The threshold is adjusted
commissioning even without the powerful adjustment software. in % of deviation.
Additionally to the standard time delay, the KSR-Z can use tripping
curves according to ANSI/IEC to give alarm / trip only depending on
the height of violation of the adjusted threshold.
Also there are some calculated values like „Earth fault“ and
„Voltage Asymmetric“ for monitoring available. Each threshold can Tripping curves ANSI / IEC
be monitored in two independent Steps (alarm/trip) with a
separately adjustable delay time respective threshold. Trip Curves

For all „protection settings“ is a additional timer available to detect 1000

repetitive short time threshold violations (memory effect) as well as



The KSR-Z measurement system provides 3 voltage measurement
channels and 4 current measurement channels.
Time [log] in sec


For voltage measurement the connection of N is not necessary in all 10


cases. If left open, an artificial N potential is provided by an internal C2

resistor network. C4
For the current measurement CT's must be used. Depending on the C1
device type the KSR-Z comes with inputs for 1 A or 5A. CT ratio C5

range is 1-10000. It must be considered that the channels 1-3 are 1

using the same ratio but ratio for channel 4 is to be adjusted

Each input channel contains a high precision input filter with a 3dB-
cutoff-frequency in the range of 2.5kHz -3 kHz.
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5
Sample application Technical Data
Voltage measuring: ULL: 95V - 550V, ULN: 55 - 318V, 45-65Hz, VT-ratio 1 - 4000
Current measuring: 50mA -5A (Typ 5) or 20mA-1A (Typ 1) burden 15 mOhm
ext. CT is required, CT-ratio 1 - 10000,
Overload: 20% continuous, 200A for 1 Sec
Switching outputs: 2 c/o contacts, voltfree, 250V AC / 5A
4 n/o contacts, voltfree, 250V AC / 5A
Switching power: 250V AC / 5A, 30VDC / 5A (ohmic)
110V DC / 0,4A (ohmic), 110V DC / 0,3A (inductive)
Fan control: temperature sensor on rear, control outputs can be
programmed to switch a fan depending on the temperature
Interfaces: TTL
RS485 Modbus RTU Slave
Ambient temperature: Operation: 0°C - 70°C, Storage: -20°C - 85°C
Humidity: 0% - 95%, without moisture condensation
Overvoltage category: II, pollution degree 3
Standards: IEC 60255-1 Oscillatory Waves
IEC 60255-2 Electrostatic Discharge
K L K L K L K L L1 L2 L3 L N - +
4x 50mA - 5A ULN: 55-318V 80 - 132VDC 10-30V
IEC 60255-3 RF-Electromagnetic Fields
ULL: 95-550V DC

Current measuring Voltage measuring Power supply Digital Input:

IEC 60255-4 Electrical fast transients
Alarm blocking
IEC 60255-5 Impulse Test Voltage (Surge)
-m Signalling relays -a Control relays Interface
DIN VDE 0110, Part 1 / IEC 60664-1
DIN VDE 0110 Part 1 (IEC 60664-1:1992)

Modbus RTU
RS485 VDE 0411 Part1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
82 8184 72 7174 64 63 44 43 24 23 14 13 + GND -
VDE 0843 Part 20 (DIN EN 61326 / IEC 61326:1997
+A1:1998 +A2:2000)
Approvals: CE
Connection: screw type, max. 2,5qmm
Case: Instrument case
Protection class: Front: IP50 (IP54 by mounting a gasket),
Rear: IP20
Dimensions: 144 x 144 x 59 mm hxwxd, cutout 138(+0,5)x138(+0,5)mm
Weight: ca. 650 gr

Relay N/C Display
Protection setting: Monitored values: Operated Relay Store in FR Blocked by DI Auto reset Man. reset
OL Alarm TRMS current Relay 1 e e e e e

OL Trip L1, L2, L3 Relay 4 e e e e e

UL Alarm TRMS current Relay 2 e e e e e

UL Trip L1, L2, L3 Relay 4 e e e e e

OL th Alarm Thermal damped current Relay 1 e e e e e

OL th Trip L1, L2, L3 Relay 4 e e e e e

OL f Alarm Fundamental current Relay 1 e e e e e

OL f Trip L1, L2, L3 Relay 4 e e e e e

UB Alarm Relay 2 e e e e e
Current channel 4
UB Trip Relay 4 e e e e e

EF Alarm Relay 8 e e e e e
Calculated earth fault current
EF Trip Relay 4 e e e e e

VA Alarm Voltage asymmetry between Relay 7 e e e e e

VA Trip all phases Relay 4 e e e e e

OV Alarm TRMS voltage Relay 7 e e e e e

OV Trip L1-L2, L2-L3, L1-L3 Relay 4 e e e e e

UV Alarm TRMS voltage Relay 7 e e e e e

UV Trip L1-L2, L2-L3, L1-L3 Relay 4 e e e e e

Capacitor protection relay KSR-V
The KSR-V measurement system provides 7 input
For Voltage measurement the connectors L1, L2, L3, (N)
have to be connected witch the corresponding points of the
supervised system. The connection of N is not necessary in
all cases. If left open, an artificial N potential is provided by
an internal resistor network. The max. possible VT ratio is
The out of balance voltage is measured at voltage
measurement channels V1-4 via voltage measurement
transformers (secondary connections open delta). The
measurement range is from 0-20VAC. The maximum
overload is 120V. To adjust a vt ratio is not possible. Each
input channel contains a high precision input filter with a
3dB-cutoff-frequency in the range of 2.5kHz -3 kHz.

For the KSR-V are 32 „protection settings“ available. The
following settings can be done for each of the „Protection
Source = monitored value

Description Trigger = monitored value < or > compared to the threshold

Limit = threshold
High voltage capacitors taken into operation must be supervised all
the time. Most of these capacitors are manufactured by using T-ON = delay time after violating the adjusted threshold
insulating oil for the dielectricum, which could catch fire in any case T-OFF = delay time for the alarm reset after the monitored
of fail. When considering some liters of oil which are filled in the threshold is becomming normal
capacitor, there is a fire load not to be disregarded. Therefore it's
Output = selection of the relays, which shall be activated if
necessary to separate the capacitors from the grid before a failure
causes an accident. alarm condition is true and after T-ON is over. For giving

The KSR-V is designed to protect the capacitors in a versatile way alarm signals there are 6 relay outputs available (2 c/o and 4
without generating useless and expensive cut offs. The device n/o) available. Each relay can be triggered from more the
provides a big liquid crystal display for easy reading of values and one “protection setting”. All relays can be programmed to be
settings. The backlight provides a good visibility even in poor light
inverted and to be latching. If a relay is set to be “latched”, it
conditions. Four context-sensitive soft-keys provide easy, instant
usage without the need to read the manual along when using the can be reset only at the deivce, a missing power supply does
device. not reset it.
Nearly all displayed values are true RMS (TRMS) values, which It should be considered that without the powersupply the
means they are correct even if the waveform is not a sine function. relays are not active! The alarm display feature can be
Harmonics are considered in all measurement values
selected here too, as if it was another relay output.
A full range “Fast Fourier Transformation” is performed on the input
data of all channels (3 voltage channels). This provides information
about the harmonic contents which distort the sine waveform of the Order codes
voltages. This is important when protecting capacitors, because Available option models:
capacitors can be damaged by voltage harmonics.
KSR-amv-V: Power supply 110VDC
For monitoring of out of balance voltage the KSR-V comes with 4 KSR-amv-W: Power supply 220VDC
special voltage measurement channels. By using this, the KSR-amv-S: Power supply 24VDC
unbalance of 4 capacitor banks can be measured and monitored. KSR-amv-T: Power supply 48VDC
Each value can be monitored in two steps (Alarm / Trip), for each KSR-amv-B: Power supply 110VAC
step it's possible to adjust the threshold as well as a delay KSR-amv-C: Power supply 230VAC
-MB: RS485 Modbus RTU
-VT Transparent cover with lock Ip5
UMS9 Data cable TTL/USB
3ZWC Wall mounting bracket
Sample application
82 8184 72 7174

x u
Out of balance voltage measurement

c/o contact

x u
4x 0 - 20VAC

x u

x u
64 63 44 43 24 23 14 13


2-pole insulated
voltage transformer 3pcs
Grid voltage measurement

secondary connections

open delta
ULL: 95-550V
ULN: 55-318V
N/o contact


198 - 253V
45 - 65Hz

Modbus RTU


Technical Data
Auxiliary voltage: 230V +/- 10%, 45-65Hz, 8VA, max. fuse 6A
(also available 110V AC, 110V DC, further ratings on request)
Voltage measuring: ULL: 95V - 550V, ULN: 55 - 318V, 45-65Hz, VT-ratio 1 - 4000
Voltagemeasuring for
Out of balance detection: 0-20V, minimum sensitivity 0,5V, max 60V continous
Relay outputs: 4 n/o contacts, voltfree, 250V AC / 5A, 110V DC / 0,3A (induktiv)
(optional available) 2 c/o contacts, voltfree, 250V AC / 5A, 110V DC / 0,3A (induktiv)

Fan control: temperature sensor on rear, control outputs can be

programmed to switch a fan depending on the temperature
Interfaces: standard: serial interface with TTL signals
optional: RS485 Modbus RTU
Display: graphical LCD 128x64 pixel with backlit,
menues in cleartext
Operating: membrane keyboard with 4 Softkeys
Ambient temperature: operation: -20°C - +70°C; storage: -30°C - +80°C
Humidity: 0% - 95%, without moisture condensation
Overvoltage category: II, pollution degree 3 (DIN VDE 0110, Teil 1 / IEC 60664-1)
Standards: IEC 60255-1 Oscillatory Waves
IEC 60255-2 Electrostatic Discharge
IEC 60255-3 RF-Electromagnetic Fields
IEC 60255-4 Electrical fast transients
IEC 60255-5 Impulse Test Voltage (Surge)
DIN VDE 0110, Teil 1 / IEC 60664-1
DIN VDE 0110 Teil 1 (IEC 60664-1:1992)
VDE 0411 Teil1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
VDE 0843 Teil 20 (DIN EN 61326 / IEC 61326:1997DIN VDE 0110-1
(IEC 60664-1:1992 +A1:2000 +A2:2002)
VDE 0411-1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
VDE 0843-20 (DIN EN 61326 / IEC 61326)
Approvals: CE
Connection: plugable terminals, screw type, max. 4 sqmm rigid wire
Case: front: instrument case, plastic (UL94-VO)
rear: metal
Protection class: front IP50 (IP54 by mounting with gasket), rear IP20
Weight: approx. 650gr
Dimensions: 144 x 144 x 59 mm hxwxd, cutout 138(+0,5)x138(+0,5)mm

Power-Analyzer EMM-5
32 programable thresholds in EMM5
Selection of 52 different measuring values
Monitoring of exceeding and shortfall
Delay of alarming and drop-off in the range of 0-600 sec
Programmable announcement of alarm:
2 C/O contacts (option -m)
4 N/O contacts (option -a)
Text message in LCD
Event logging with date and time of alarm and drop and information about
threshold and max. values (option -DM)
Blocking of alarming in special situations (e.g. start of a motor) by signal at
digital input (option -DM)
Alarm conditons can be read out by interface RS485 Modbus
(Optionen -MB, -DM)
Recording of measuring values in programable intervals. Each interval is
recorded with date, time, minimum, maximum and mean value of the
measuring values. The data can be downloaded to PC by TTL-USB-
Konverter and is saved in a csv-file, which can be used with all spread-sheet

EMM5 and MiniSCADA - the network solution for power applications

Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3 Feeder 4 Feeder 5

Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3 Feeder 4 Feeder 5



RS485 RS485 RS485 RS485 RS485

Modbus RTU Modbus RTU Modbus RTU Modbus RTU Modbus RTU


PC xy
e.g. monitoring from office Database server PC
monitoring from home

Features EMM5 - MiniSCADA:

- Simple installation - 64 programable Alarms in MiniSCADA
- Complet SCADA System in one device - Alarming by e-mail
- DIN-rail mounting of MiniSCADA - Alarming by SMS (MiniSCADA2 is necessary)
- Display and parametering is done by using a web-browser - Programable command structure for alarm messaging
- No software installation at pc - Data logging in MiniSCADA with data transmission by e-mail
- Licence fee is included in hardware - MiniSCADA2 is equipped with internal GPRS-modem
- access also by internet - Integration of BLR-CM, BLR-CM3phase and KSR is provided
- MiniSCADA is working as Modbus Master - Integration of external devices offering a
RS485 Modbus RTU slave interface is possible
- internal webserver with upto 30 pages
- 1 MiniSADA can connect upto 32 devices
Connection diagram:
L2 Measurement values (Display / Monitoring / Recording)
ULN: 55-318V +/-0,5%
ULL: 95-550V +/-0,5%
PE I L1, L2, L3, N 0,05-5A +/-0,5%
Ith L1, L2, L3, N 0,05-5A +/-0,5%
digital input:
alarm blocking
IF L1, L2, L3, N 0,05-5A +/-0,5%
synchronizing F: 45-65Hz +/-0,1Hz
K L K L K L K L L1 L2 L3 N L N - + Rotation field right/left
4x 50mA - 5A ULN: 55-318V 198 - 253V 10-30V
cosj L1, L2, L3 c0,00 - i0,00 +/-0,01
ULL: 95-550V 45 - 65Hz DC L L1, L2, L3 0,00 - 1,00 +/-0,01
current measuring voltage measuring auxiliary voltage -DM S L1, L2, L3, tot 0 - 35GVA +/-0,5%
P L1, L2, L3, tot 0 - 35GW +/-0,5%
EMM5 Q L1, L2, L3, tot 0 - 35Gvar +/-0,5%
THD U 0 - 100%
-m c/o contacts -a n/o contacts -I pulse outputs -DM THD I 0 - 100%
kVarh kWh Harm. U 2. - 63. 0 - 100%
cap. ind. exp. imp. Modbus RTU
RS485 Harm. I 2. - 63. 0 - 100%
Temperature: 5°C - 80°C
82 8184 72 7174 64 63 44 43 24 23 14 13 44 43 34 33 24 23 14 13 + GND -

Counter Order codes

Tariff 1: Available option models:
Active energy import L1, L2, L3, total 0000000.00kWh - 4000000.00GWh
Active energy export L1, L2, L3, total 0000000.00kWh - 4000000.00GWh EMM5 Standard
React. energy inductive L1, L2, L3, total 0000000.00kvarh - 4000000.00Gvarh EMM5 -m 2 c/o contacts
React. energy capacitiveL1, L2, L3, total 0000000.00kvarh - 4000000.00Gvarh
EMM5 -am 2 c/o contacts
Tariff 2 (only Option -DM): 4 n/o contacts
Active energy import L1, L2, L3, gesamt 0000000.00kWh - 4000000.00GWh EMM5 -Im 2 c/o contacts
Active energy export L1, L2, L3, gesamt 0000000.00kWh - 4000000.00GWh 4 Impulse outputs
React. energy inductive L1, L2, L3, gesamt 0000000.00kvarh - 4000000.00Gvarh
React. energy capacitiveL1, L2, L3, gesamt 0000000.00kvarh - 4000000.00Gvarh
Due to separate metering of all three phases plus total value, EMM5 provides 32 meters. -MB RS485 Modbus RTU
With option -DM every day the meters are saved, to get a history of the meters. -DM RS485 Modbus RTU
Tariff switch-over can be done either by an external signal at digital input or every day Event recorder
at a preset time. Measured data storage
Real time clock
Digital input

Technical Data 2048 kB

Auxiliary voltage: 230V +/- 10%, 45-65Hz, 8VA, max. fuse 6A -E galvanically insulated
(also available 110V AC, 110V DC, further ratings on request) current measurement
Voltage measuring: ULL: 95V - 550V, ULN: 55 - 318V, 45-65Hz, channels
VT-ratio 1 - 4000 short term overload
Current measuring: 50mA - 6A, 50A for 1 sec., burden < 1VA, 200A for 1 Sec
ext. CT is required, CT-ratio 1 - 10000
Temperature measuring: +5°C - 80°C, temperature sensor on rear
Switching outputs: -a: 4 n/o contacts, voltfree, 250V AC / 5A, 110V DC / 0,3A (inductive)
(optional available) -m: 2 c/o contacts, voltfree, 250V AC / 5A, 110V DC / 0,3A (inductive) MiniSCADA Web-Gateway
-I: 4 pulse outputs, solid state, max. 250V DC / 0,1A RS485 Modbus
Interfaces: standard: serial interface with TTL signals Alarm by E-Mail
optional: RS485 Modbus RTU Webserver
Display: graphical LCD 128x64 pixel with backlit, MiniSCADA2 Web-Gateway
menues in cleartext RS485 Modbus
Operating: membrane keyboard with 4 Softkeys Ethernet
Alarm by E-Mail
Ambient temperature: operation: -20°C - +70°C; storage: -30°C - +80°C Alarm by SMS
Humidity: 0% - 95%, without moisture condensation Webserver
integr. GPRS Modem
Overvoltage category: II, pollution degree 3 (DIN VDE 0110, Teil 1 / IEC 60664-1)
Standards: DIN VDE 0110-1 (IEC 60664-1:1992 +A1:2000 +A2:2002)
VDE 0411-1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001) UMS9 TTL-USB converter
VDE 0843-20 (DIN EN 61326 / IEC 61326)
Connection: plugable terminals, screw type, max. 4 sqmm rigid wire
Case: front: instrument case, plastic (UL94-VO)
rear: metal
Protection class: front IP50 (IP54 by mounting with gasket), rear IP20
Weight: approx. 650gr
25 Dimensions: 144 x 144 x 59 mm hxwxd, cutout 138(+0,5)x138(+0,5)mm
Voltage Control Relay VSR/VCR

The VSR/VCR has been designed to monitor single respective 3 phase instant usage without the need to read the manual along when using
grids and detect dangerous situation for connected capacitors or other the device.
electronic devices. Capacitors which are in use for e. g. compensation Nearly all displayed values are true RMS (TRMS) values, which
panels can be damaged by overloading or voltage peaks. Due to this a means they are correct even if the waveform is not a sine function.
monitoring of the connected voltage including the harmonics is Harmonics are considered in all measurement values automatically.
recommended. A full range “Fast Fourier Transformation” is performed on the input
If the VSR/VCR is detecting a violation of an adjusted threshold, this data of all channels (3/1 voltage channels). This provides
will be show in the display and also a relay can switch off the capacitors. information about the harmonic contents which distort the sine
These are the functions a VSR/VCR can perform in a very flexible way. waveform of the voltages. This is important when protecting
The device provides a big liquid crystal display for easy reading of capacitors, because capacitors can be damaged by voltage
values and settings. The backlight provides a good visibility even in harmonics.
poor light conditions. Four context-sensitive soft-keys provide easy,

Technical Data Order codes

Voltage measuring: 55/95V - 318/550V, 45-65Hz, ratio 1 - 4000 Available option models single phase:
Switching outputs: 2 c/o contacts, voltfree, max. fuse gL6A VCR-am-V: Power supply 110VDC
4 n/o contacts, voltfree, max. fuse gL6A VCR-am-W: Power supply 220VDC
Breaking capacity: 250V AC / 5A, 30VDC / 5A (ohmic) VCR-am-S: Power supply 24VDC
110V DC / 0,4A (ohmic), 110V DC / 0,3A (inductive) VCR-am-T: Power supply 48VDC
Fan control: temperature sensor on rear, control outputs can be VCR-am-B: Power supply 110VAC
programmed to switch a fan depending on the temperature VCR-am-C: Power supply 230VAC

Interfaces: standard: TTL Available option models three phase:

optional: RS485 Modbus RTU Slave VSR-am-V: Power supply 110VDC
Ambient temperature: Operation: 0°C …+70°C, VSR-am-W: Power supply 220VDC
Storage: -20°C …+85°C VSR-am-S: Power supply 24VDC
VSR-am-T: Power supply 48VDC
Humidity: 0% - 95%, without moisture condensation
VSR-am-B: Power supply 110VAC
Overvoltage category: II, pollution degree 3 VSR-am-C: Power supply 230VAC
Standards: DIN VDE 0110, Part 1 / IEC 60664-1 Options:
DIN VDE 0110 Part 1 (IEC 60664-1:1992)
-MB: RS485 Modbus RTU
VDE 0411 Part1 (DIN EN 61010-1 / IEC 61010-1:2001)
-VT Transparent cover with lock Ip54
VDE 0843 Part 20 (DIN EN 61326 / IEC 61326:1997
+A1:1998 +A2:2000) Accessories:

Approvals: CE UMS9 Data cable TTL/USB

Connection: screw type, max. 2,5qmm 3ZWC Wall mounting bracket

Case: Instrument case

Protection class: Front: IP50 (IP54 by mounting a gasket),
Rear: IP20
Dimensions: 144 x 144 x 59 mm hxwxd, cutout 138(+0,5)x138(+0,5)mm
Weight: ca. 650 gr

configurable web gateway MiniScada

Description Web server
The Gateway acts as a web interface to one or more Modbus RTU
The miniSCADA is an easy-to-use web based SCADA
devices (SLAVES). The Gateway holds an embedded web server
system. Both local and remote monitoring and control is
with corresponding web pages inside. The user can configure
supported over Ethernet, Internet, LANs, Telephone modems,
what data (up to 400 Modbus registers) to be monitored and
GSM (external modem necessary) and GPRS.
controlled through the onboard web pages. When the
The Beluk miniSCADA hardware has a built-in web server that
configuration is saved, the Modbus data will start updating
operates when customizing the graphical user web interface.
immediately on the web pages.
Everything is done by clicking your way through the onboard
web pages using a standard web browser at any computer. Alarms by Email and SMS
Therefore no Windows tools or HTML editors are needed. No The user can configure up to 64 alarms and the conditions to
licenses or royalties. trigger an alarm. The alarm can be sent by email or SMS (external
Connect the Modbusdevices and select the desired Data. GSM modem necessary) where the user can decide whom to
Data which has been configured are shown automatically on receive the alarms. Of course the user can configure the text in
the integrated webpage. There is no need for HTML the email or the SMS. All alarms are additionally stored in an
programming. alarm history.
Data logging with historical trend graphs
The device can log up to 64 parameters with selectable sample
Technical Data rate (10 s - 60 min). The parameters are stored into the built-in
memory and they are also displayed with trend graphs. Collected
Ethernet Protocols: data can be downloaded to the PC as CSV-file.
Modbus TCP
Ethernet Baud rate: 10 / 100 Mbit/s
The Gateway acts as pure transparent connection between serial
Serial interface #1:
Modbus RTU devices to the standard Ethernet protocol Modbus
RS232 / RS485 for Modbus RTU / ASCII
TCP, used in all major SCADA systems or PLC's.
Serial interface #2:
RS232 (full modemsupport)
To ensure safe communication the product supports different
Network baud rate: Configurable up to 57.6 kbit/s
levels of security. For example, an authorized user must be able
Power supply: 9 - 32V AC/DC
to log on with the right user name and password, assigned by the
Current consumption: 50mA / 24V administrator.
Operation temperature: 0...+60°C The product also holds several functions to keep the data base
Certifications: consistent in case of power loss etc.
EN 50081-2:1993 und EN 61000-6-2:1999
Humidity range:
5 -93% RH, non condensing
Grey plastic, Lexan 940, self-extinguishing
acc. to UL94-V0
Din rail mounting, 4 modules, IP 20
Mechanical dimensions: 90mm x 70mm x 58mm

Beluk GmbH
Taubenstrasse 1
86956 Schongau
tel.: +49 8861 23320
fax: +49 8861 233222
e-mail: [email protected]

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