SOBO June 27, 2018, Agenda Packet

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388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122  LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529  Fax 510.452.4530

[email protected] 
[email protected] 

388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122  LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529  Fax 510.452.4530
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
YTD SOBO Budget Snapshot - June 2018

SOBO Actual Budget Variance Actual Budget Variance Perm/Temp Variance Comments
Clean and Safe $335,461.56 $312,540.98 -$22,920.58 $410,295.59 $381,993.98 -$28,301.61 Unfavorable TV - billed hours exceed

Misc. $377.83 $4,784.02 $4,406.19 $4,183.94 $5,000.02 $816.08 Favorable TV

Program Coordinator $13,422.13 $13,863.00 $440.87 $16,404.91 $16,943.48 $538.57 Favorable TV due to the percentage of the
projected end of year bonus included in
monthly allocation.
PROW Maintenance $17,030.56 $17,178.52 $147.96 $18,235.81 $18,396.52 $160.71 Favorable TV

Watering $2,051.57 $2,550.00 $498.43 $2,507.52 $3,000.00 $492.48 Favorable TV

Total SOBO $368,343.65 $350,916.52 -$17,427.13 $451,627.77 $425,334.00 -$26,293.77

YTD PROW Maintenance Budget

Projects 2018 YTD Current Notes
Annual Actual Remaining
Budget Funds
Hanging Plants $11,113.00 $9,434.63 $1,678.37 Includes basket replanting and costs associated with basket
Median Maintenance $7,844.00 $1,221.96 $6,622.04 Includes median mulching and maintenance.
Ground Planter Maintenance $2,000.00 $642.80 $1,357.20
Public Art Initiatives $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00
Big Splash $2,500.00 $90.17 $2,409.83 Gravel for tree wells.
Latham Square Maintenance $2,000.00 $186.82 $1,813.18
Video Surveillance Network $2,900.00 $2,684.54 $215.46
Misc. $1,000.00 $2,769.64 -$1,769.64 Includes costs related to Big Bellys and reimbursable expenses
related to public space activation.
Total $34,357.00 $17,030.56 $17,326.44

Projects 2018 YTD Current Notes
Annual Actual Remaining
Budget Funds
Hanging Plants $13,362.00 $11,446.31 $1,915.69 Includes basket replanting and costs associated with basket
Median Maintenance $9,031.00 $2,311.55 $6,719.45 Includes median mulching, maintenance, and repairs to
Ground Planter Maintenance $2,000.00 $1,478.70 $521.30
Big Splash $2,500.00 $374.15 $2,125.85 Gravel for tree wells.
Public Art Initiatives $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00
Franklin Square Maintenance $2,000.00 $111.15 $1,888.85
Video Surveillance Network $1,900.00 $1,762.04 $137.96
Misc. $1,000.00 $751.91 $248.09 Includes costs related to Big Bellys and reimbursable expenses
related to public space activation.
Total $36,793.00 $18,235.81 $18,557.19

Ambassador Program
Operational Report
Presented By: Albert Burruss
April and May 2018

In April and May we have been able to continue our focus on our
April 01, 18-- April 30,2018
goals for the year; Bring value to the program and Being brilliant 501 Hazardous Waste Clean Up
at the basics. We have been able to analyze our stats and ensure
4224 Business Contact
that the information being entered is not only correct but
understandable. We have tweaked the deployment to ensure
2779 Hospitality Engagement
maximum coverage and effectiveness. The turn over in the
program has been at its best. At the beginning of the year we had
36690 Trash (lbs)
planned to lose some ambassadors do to life changes and foreseen
problematic performance. To date we have stayed true to that 289Calls for Service Received
projection, while maintaining the programs hours.

We continue to have challenges with some problematic street

pollution. Currently there are a few individuals who continue to
refuse services while requiring a lot of the programs bandwidth, QUICK VIEW
with repetitive calls for service. We continue to work with the May 01, 18-- May 31,2018
businesses, OPD, and Mental Health Services. 521 Hazardous Waste Clean Up
We also continue to refine our relationship with OPD. There has 4637 Business Contact
what seems to be a revolving door with Officers whom we have
established history with. Our agendas have at time aligned up and 2448 Hospitality Engagement
other times we have struggled with bridging our relationship. We
will continue to prioritize our efforts and come up with different 39050 Trash (lbs)
ways to bring value to the force.
265 Calls for Service Received
13th Street and Broadway has seen several new faces and some of
our familiar faces we haven't seen for some time. For the most part
we have been able to continue building relationships and
leveraging those relationships when needing to control the crowd.
We have had a combination of success and failures with our daily
attempts. We continue gathering information on suspicious
activity and sharing that information with our OPD contacts.

We have seen OPD deploy their Horse Patrol, which has been
received positive feedback from the community. The horses have
been seen both Uptown and Downtown. Currently there are only
2 horses being deployed. There are 2 additional horses in training
upon their successful training we look forward to them joining the
current force.

Our ambassadors continue to impress and raise the bar with

connecting with the public. We are averaging 5 to 8 letters being
sent in from various individuals whose encounter with the
ambassador was worthy enough for a email to sent in explaining
and commending that interaction.

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The Team Leads continue to focus and reflect on their team’s performance and ways to implement
one of this year goals, of being brilliant at the basics. Training and emphasizing the importance of
correct SMART usage, best practices, safety, and value added measures to the program have been
the forefront of many of our teams meetings. We continue to have our mid-shift transitional
meetings out in the field at different locations within the district. Changing up the locations of the
meetings allows for us to show a high visibility within the districts. Meeting outside also allows us
to be ready and available as we still receive calls from the public. Conducting our safety meetings
in the field make for a quicker deployment back out onto our routes. Also it’s a great look to those
who rely on our program, to see us out there in full force. We feel confident this is a good change
of pace and slowly we will be adding extra training including role plays on scenarios that we may
face out in the streets.

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Graffiti Removal

Call for Service Received

Hazardous Waste Clean Up

Problematic Behavior Engagement

Trash Collected (lbs)

Hospitality Engagement

Business Contact

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000

Hospitality Problematic Behavior Hazardous Waste Call for Service
Business Contact Trash Collected (lbs) Graffiti Removal
Engagement Engagement Clean Up Received
May 4637 2448 39,050 0 521 265 1676
April 4224 2779 36,690 0 501 289 1432
March 4922 2091 32,062 623 358 1353
Febuary 5615 886 30295 685 315 685
January 6414 941 31760 781 282 823
Goals 2835 525 28000 250

4/1/2018 4/4/2018 4/11/2018 4/18/2018 4/25/2018

Week Ending: to to to to to
4/3/2018 4/10/2018 4/17/2018 4/24/2018 4/30/2018 Month to date

Hours Billed 315.00 828.00 771.50 754.75 803.25 3,472.50

Avg. Daily Hours 52.50 138.00 128.58 125.79 133.88 578.75

Avg. Daily Expected 60.88 152.00 152.00 152.00 121.60 127.70
Contract Hours 304.40 760.00 760.00 760.00 656.00 3,240.40
Shortage 10.60 68.00 11.50 (5.25) 147.25 232.10



5/16/2018 5/23/2018 5/30/2018

Week Ending: 5/2/2018 to 5/9/2018 to to to to
1-May-18 5/8/2018 5/15/2018 5/22/2018 5/29/2018 5/31/2018 Month to date

Hours Billed 172.75 905.00 866.00 902.50 906.25 335.50 4,088.00

Avg. Daily Hours 28.79 150.83 144.33 150.42 151.04 55.92 681.33
Avg. Daily Expected 30.40 152.00 152.00 152.00 121.60 60.80 111.47
Contract Hours 152.00 760.00 760.00 760.00 608.00 304.00 3,344.00
Shortage 20.75 145.00 106.00 142.50 298.25 31.50 744.00

New Faces to the District!
OPD recently have deployed their two newest
officers, Spirit and Peppa. They have been seen
roaming throughout the 2 districts. The public
has had nothing but positive feedback so far.

We continue to be challenged with our street
population, especially when they showcase
problematic behavior. We have reached out to
OPD , Mental Health, and the local businesses on
ways to deal with these individuals safely and
consistently without adding more fuel to the fire.
Franklin Square has had one of our top 5
problematic behavior indivuduals occupy its space
for some time. We continue to monitor the
situation and assist where needed. OPD and
Mental health have attempted to provide services
several times to Mr. Jones, without success.

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50th Year Celebration

The Oakland A's are celebrating their 50th

Birthday in Oakland . They have deployed several
Stomper statues to assist with the celebration.
They have been put 50 statues throughout the
city. We have 7 of those statues in the district

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Before After

Power Washing

Before After

Graffiti Removal

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Before After


Before After

Illegal Dumping

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