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Review of Related Literature

A foundational knowledge for the study. This section consists of written documents
and works such as books, journals, legal citations and the like; systematically bearing true
facts, concepts, theories and proven hypothesis. They must be as recent and as relevant as
possible except for those that are original philosophies, theories and constructs. They must be
credibly and reliably authored and published in scholarly publications.
Reviewing literature means analyzing the substance of writing and judging their
relevance to the thesis topic. The procedures and findings selected from the reviewed
literature are presented in the past tense. While the discussions of analyses, comments,
correlations and integration of research literature are in the present tense.

Proposed Thesis Topics:

1. Agritourism: Coffee Farming and Production Facility
 Coffee Trade and Economy
 Supply Chain of Coffee
 Important Attraction in The Coffee Landscape
 Genetic Tree of The Most Important Varieties
 Land Size of Coffee Farms in The Philippines
 Performance of Philippine Agriculture
 Foreign Visitors to Philippines
 Coffee Capital of The Philippines
 Soil Types
 Sustainable Agriculture

2. Aquatecture: Water Pollution Control Facility with AquaMuseum

 Philippines Water Crisis
 Water Resources in the Philippines
 Water Quality Management
 Causes of Water Pollution in the Philippines.
 Common Marine Life of the Philippines
 RA 1378: Plumbing Code of the Philippines
 Floating Architecture
 Sewerage Services
 Manila Bay
 Water Processing Method

3. Zero Power School of Arts and Design

 Planning and Design of School
 School Offerings
 Powerless Ventilator
 Solar Energy
 Defining Net Zero Energy
 Fire Code of the Philippines
 Architecture of the Future
 Architecture Courses in the Philippines
 Sustainable Architecture
 Construction Standards

Research Methodology
The systematic method of gathering data. This is where various steps are being
generally adopted by the researchers in studying his research problems along with the logic
behind them. In order to successfully produce your study, researchers must know the Who,
What, When, Where, When and How of your study. In short, a methodology provides a
blueprint for researchers to follow.
Qualitative Research
These are data in the form of words, images or objects. It is objective which represents
only facts, and precise measurement and analysis of target concepts. These data are
recommended during earlier phases of thesis projects.
Quantitative Research
These are numerical data that can be transformed into numbers. It is subjective which
uses participant observation in forms of interviews, surveys and the like. It goes toward the
more specific details which are recommended during latter phases of thesis projects.

1. Agritourism: Coffee Farming and Production Facility

Qualitative Quantitative
Existing Coffee Farms in the Philippines Public’s Opinions on Coffee Quality in
the Philippines
Varieties of Coffee Numbers of People Consuming Coffee
in a Certain Area
Agriculture Condition in the Philippines Number of Farmers in the Rural Areas

2. Aquatecture: Water Pollution Control Facility with AquaMuseum

Qualitative Quantitative
Common Marine Life in the Philippines Number of People using Plastics
Philippines Water Crisis Public’s Opinion on Causes of Water
Condition of Manila Bay Public’s Views on Protecting Marine
3. Zero Power School of Arts and Design
Qualitative Quantitative
Facilities in a School of Arts and Design Number of Students who took
Architecture and Fine Arts
Solar Energy in the Philippines Student’s Opinion on Design Process in
a School
Planning and Design of School in the Public’s Views on Zero Energy
Philippines Architecture

 De Belen, R. T. (2003). Research Method & Thesis Writing(1st ed.).

Wiseman's Books Trading.
 Leveriza, J. P. (1997). Thesis Writing: A Practical Guide. New Day.
 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Methods. (2018, July 09). Retrieved
 Qualitative Research vs Quantitative Research. (n.d.). Retrieved from
 Writing a Thesis Statement. (n.d.). Retrieved from
 National Coffee Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from
 Primer Media Inc., & Primer Media Inc. (n.d.). Types of Coffee that Grow in
the Philippines. Retrieved from
 Causes of Water Pollution in the Philippines. (2018, March 15). Retrieved
 Read "Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics" at (n.d.). Retrieved from
 Archive, A. (2010, July 27). Philippines water crisis: Real, not imagined.
Retrieved from
 Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.pdf | El ... (n.d.).
Retrieved from
 Marrone, R. (2018, February 28). Water Pollution in the Philippines: Causes
and Solutions. Retrieved from
 (n.d.). Retrieved from
 Aouf, R. S., & Aouf, R. S. (2018, November 19). Solar-powered architecture
and design. Retrieved from

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