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Criterion A: Introduction

Sabrina Z. Rolbiecki 
(Candidate number)



The Relationship Between Natural Eye Color and Preference of 

Color Between of Red, Blue, Green. 


Table of Content 
Interpretation of results……………………………………………………………..
Validity/ improvements……………………………………………………………....

Have you ever heard the saying that “ people with blue eyes are more sensitive to bright
lights? Have you ever wondered if eye color had an effect on what color you like? For my
Internal Assessment in mathematics I decided to chose to determine whether there was a
relationship between a person’s natural color which are limited to the simple
(Brown,Blue,or Green) and their preference of color, also limited to (Red, Blue, and
Green)​. I wanted to study the relationship between the two due to curiosity, I’ve always believed
there was a relationship between the two, however now I can fact check that.

The main objective of this study is to focus in the relationship between a person’s natural color
which are limited to the simple (Brown,Blue,or Green) and their preference of color, also limited
to (Red, Blue, and Green), we will be testing for independency or not. In order to test the
independency, I developed a google survey that spreaded through my social media, so the
survey was given to people of all races, and between the ages.

The survey given included these two questions:

What is your Natural Eye color ? What is the color you prefer out of the
-​pick the closest you identify with following?
● Blue ● Red
● Brown ● Blue
● Green
● Green

My first process out of the three that i will be conducting is finding the average out of of both
categories. The purpose in doing so is to compare it to my Chi squared results. After that then I
will be creating a visual aid ( in this case it would be a scatter plot) to help the numerical data
make sense, and easier to look at . After doing so, I will be doing Chi squared Test which is a
test for independence. This technique is used to determine whether two different characteristics
are independent or if they rely on each other. This test will help to determine whether the color
of someone’s eye is related to the preference of color from the selected few given.

Hypothesis​ :

If a person’s eye color is light then the person will most likely pick a darker color, because the
lighter your eye color is, the more sensitive it is to brighter colors.

The results of this study will be relevant because it will prove that eye color does have an affect
on the preference of color.

Information/Measurements/Data Collection: 

The Relationship Between Natural Hair Color and Preference of Color
Blue Brown Green TOTAL

Blue 11 30 13 54

Red 9 12 7 28

Green 5 7 6 17

TOTAL 25 49 26 100

Criterion C: Mathematical Process

This is a pie chart, the pie chart here represented that out of the 100 people that took the survey. Each
percentage shown on the pie chart is a representation of out of all 100 people who surveyed what natural
eye color they had.

In this pie chart, each different percentage represents out of all the 100 people who took the
survey, their preference out of the colors available to choose from, they choose the certain

Blue Brown Green TOTAL

Blue 11 30 13 54

Red 9 12 7 28

Green 5 7 6 17

TOTAL 25 49 26 100

In this table it is able to decipher all the different categories and split them up and it is easier to
tell how many people with (X color of hair) voted for X color. This also shows how reliable my
math was seeing as I had 100 people take the survey, and to see if my math will come out right,
the total comes out to be 100. This chart is being used to perform the chi Squared test

In order to find the standard deviation and means of each variable within this, we will be using a
graphing calculator in order to get the most precise answers.

The formula for Chi-Squared Test for independence:


Null hypothesis, and alternative hypothesis are required when using the test for independency to 
predict either possible outcome. 
● Null hypothesis ; The Natural eye color of a person and their color prefered by a student 
is completely independent.  
● Alternative Hypothesis : The Natural Eye color of a person and their color prefered by a 
student are N
​ ot ​ Independent. 
Expected values & Expected Value Calculations:
Blue Brown Green TOTAL
11×54 30×54 13×54
Blue 100 100 100 54

9×28 12×28 7×28

Red 100 100 100 28

5×17 7×17 6×17

Green 100 100 100 17

Total 25 49 27 100

This table above shows all the expected values and how to calculate the expected calculator by
hand or by using your calculator.

Calculating the ​Degrees of freedom: 

(rows-1)(columns-1) = (3-1)(3-1)=(2)(2)=4  
4 Degrees of freedom 
A significant level must be chosen, so I choose .5 
Then, using an online chart for the squared data , i need to make sure that the data and the 
significance level percentage in order to find the critical value that is crucial when determining 
whether the null hypothesis is approved or denied. 
This is the online chart for Chi Squared that was being used. 

1. Go to second MATH in your graphing calculator in order to enter the MATRIX page.
2. Then go to the EDIT page and enter on the slot, then due to the fact that each question
had 3 options, make sure to set the matrix to 3x3 ( row by column).
3. After setting the matrix to 3x3 enter in the information from the survey into the table.
4. Then proceed to STAT and then go to the TESTS page , scroll down to option C which is
( χ2 - Test.)
5. After selecting χ2 - Test. , then continue to press enter until you reach CALCULATE.
Then your Data should appear .
6. Once your Degrees of freedom, P value and your χ2 = value appear onto the screen of
your graphing calculator

Validity/ Discussion:
Throughout this project, there were a few negative traits that affected its overall outcome,due to
the fact that my data had no numerical data, it was very hard to do math ( as you can see my
lack in any math within this IA, i found myself conflicted and confused as to what the next step
would be, so i couldn't really do any math, and i think overall in total, i should've chosen a
different topic, or at least altered my survey to where I could actually get numerical data and
actually do the math that i intended to do throughout this IA.

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