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Alimannao Hills, Peñablanca, Cagayan


1. The four concepts common to nursing that appear in each of the current conceptual models are:
a. Person, Nursing, Environment, Medicine c. Person, Environment, Health, Nursing
b. Person, Health, Nursing, Significant other d. Person, Environment, Physiology, Nursing
2. Her area of clinical practice is adult medical surgical nursing:
a. King b. Rogers c. Orem d. Leininger
3. Nurse Jovan is correct when he says that: “Nightingale became a Heroin in Great Britain because?
a. She was born in Europe
b. Of the result of her work in Crimean War
c. She was the Lady with a Lamp
d. She had a very broad education
4. Nightingale died on __________
a. May 12, 1820 b. March 13, 1919 c. August 13, 1910 d. August 31, 1910
5. According to Nightingale, she urged the caregiver to consider the source of air in the Patient’s room
a. Health of Houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
6. Nurse Liza was having a long conversation with Patient Edi’s cousin. According to Nightingale, nurses should
not talk about them. What major area thus this refers to?
a. Health of Houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
7. In Nightingale’s theory, she verbalized that once air is stagnant, and then sickness will follow:
a. Health of Houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
8. C.I. Grafifi was talking to her student, Mumay. She said that it is important for individuals to look beyond the
individual’s environment in which he lives.
a. Health of houses c. Light
b. Ventilation and warming d. Social Consideration
9. She was born on March 19, 1897
a. Henderson b. Nightingale c. King d. Abdellah
10. She once served as Deputy Surgeon General of the United States of America
a. Henderson b. Nightingale c. King d. Abdellah
Case Study: Mr. Noah is married to his wife Ms. Ruth. They had 2 children named Elay & Jelay. To meet his family’s
basic need, he works as a janitor and at the same time a tricycle driver. Mr. Noah didn’t finish his schooling due to
financial problems.

11. Mr. Noah says that he is very interested in getting a degree and plans to enter school.
a. Recreation c. Work accomplishment
b. Learn, discover, or satisfy curiosity d. Workship according to one’s faith
12. He verbalized that he wanted to spend to spend more time with his family.
a. Recreation c. Work accomplishment
b. Learn, discover, or satisfy curiosity d. Workship according to one’s faith
13. He reported that he is no longer happy with his job.
a. Recreation c. Work accomplishment
b. Learn, discover, or satisfy curiosity d. Workship according to one’s faith
14. Attends mass recovery Sundays with his family
a. Recreation c. Work accomplishment
b. Learn, discover, or satisfy curiosity d. Workship according to one’s faith
15. Mr. Noah says that he smokes 2 packs of cigarettes / day and has cough late in the afternoon.
a. Breathe normally c. Elimination
b. Eat and drink adequately d. Move and maintain body postures
16. He verbalized that his weight is 164 lbs and his height is 5 ft., 6 in.
a. Breathe normally c. Elimination
b. Eat and drink adequately d. Move and maintain body postures
17. Dr. Ishi was able to speak to Mr. Noah
a. Communication c. Elimination
b. Eat and drink adequately d. Move and maintain body postures
18. The patient reported, he feels pain upon urination.
a. Breathe normally c. Elimination
b. Eat and drink adequately d. Move and maintain body postures
19. He also reported that after working, there is pain in his legs and his arms.
a. Breathe normally c. Elimination
b. Eat and drink adequately d. Move and maintain body postures
20. “Feels tired most of the time”
a. Sleep and rest c. Maintain body temperature
b. Suitable clothing d. Keep body clean
21. Mr. Noah also said that he feels comfortable when he wears jeans and shirt to work.
a. Sleep and rest c. Maintain body temperature
b. Suitable clothing d. Keep body clean
22. He tells Nurse Glaiza that he takes a bath twice a day, brushes his teeth thrice.
a. Sleep and rest c. Maintain body temperature
b. Suitable clothing d. Keep body clean
23. She identified 14 basic needs
a. Abdellah b. Henderson c. Leininger d. Nightingale
24. This theorist says that the unique function of the nurse is to assist clients sick or well in its performance of
a. Abdellah b. Henderson c. Leininger d. Nightingale
25. She identified 21 nursing problems
a. Abdellah b. Henderson c. Leininger d. Nightingale

Leine Holt, 3 years-old, a female Swedish-Filipino who lives near a Rural Health Unit met an accident related to
motor vehicular accident. She had a head injury. Although she was “conscious”, she was not oriented to time and
place. She had multiple abrasions and an open wound on her right arm. She was brought to a hospital and was
admitted to a crowded Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the hospital. Lights were turned on 24 hours; noise of the
equipments was heard. After 2 days, Leine became confused and wounds became infected.

26. According to Nightingale, second to fresh air, a sick person needs:

a. Health of houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
27. She also stated that patients should never be waked during their sleep.
a. Health of houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
28. This could be irritating to patients
a. Health of houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
29. The sick rarely lie with their faces on the wall but are much likely to face the window where there is the
source of the sun.
a. Health of houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
30. Nurse Agua was very concerned about foul odor that came from excrement.
a. Health of houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
31. Patient Leine’s room should not be too cold or too warm.
a. Health of houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
32. Badly constructed hospitals could mean that sickness is certain to follow.
a. Health of houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
33. The lack of appropriate environmental stimuli can lead to confusion due to lack of the accustomed cycling of
day and night.
a. Health of houses b. Ventilation and warming c. Light d. Noise
34. Sheets that do not fit tightly can lead to wrinkling that can result to bed sores.
a. Variety c. Cleanliness of room and walls
b. Bed and bedding d. Personal cleanliness
35. She had multiple abrasions and an open wound on her right arm.
a. Variety c. Cleanliness of room and walls
b. Bed and bedding d. Personal cleanliness
36. Leine’s friends sent her books, flowers and cards.
a. Variety c. Cleanliness of room and walls
b. Bed and bedding d. Personal cleanliness
37. Floors should be easily cleaned rather than covered with dust trapping carpets.
a. Variety c. Cleanliness of room and walls
b. Bed and bedding d. Personal cleanliness
38. She urged that there should not be business transaction while patients are eating.
a. Variety c. Cleanliness
b. Bed and bedding d. Nutrition
39. Upon taking good care of Leine, nurses are to do hand washing first.
a. Variety c. Cleanliness of room and walls
b. Bed and bedding d. Personal cleanliness
40. Nurses should obtain complete and accurate information of what the patient is feeling.
a. Variety c. Cleanliness of room and walls
b. Bed and bedding d. Observation of the sick

Ronie experiences severe crushing chest pain after knowing that his wife was having an affair with his friend Chris.
Upon admission, he was assessed to have cardiac damage. He also had history of chest pain for five months
41. Nurse Jovit inserted an Intravenous Fluid of Normal Saline Solution.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To facilitate maintenance of supply of oxygen to all body cells
42. He was ordered to have oxygen at 6 liters per minute.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To facilitate maintenance of supply of oxygen to all body cells
43. Patient Ronie was positioned in Semi-Fowlers position.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To facilitate maintenance of supply of oxygen to all body cells
44. Since patient Ronie was placed under complete bed rest without Bathroom Privileges he was given urinals
upon urination.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To facilitate maintenance of supply of oxygen to all body cells
45. He verbalized during episodes of attack, he turns cyanotic.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To facilitate maintenance of supply of oxygen to all body cells
46. Nurse Gerald widens his base of support upon carrying patient Ronie.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. Maintain good body mechanics
47. Upon driving himself to the hospital, he nearly hit a cow along the road.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To promote safety
48. He was advised to have Range of Motion exercises,
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To promote optimal activity
49. Hand washing was done to every activity that nurses has done to Ronie.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To facilitate maintenance of supply of oxygen to all body cells
50. He was asked to differentiate the smell of a coffee from that of an alcohol.
a. To maintain good hygiene and comfort
b. To facilitate maintenance of elimination
c. To facilitate maintenance of fluid and electrolytes
d. To facilitate maintenance of sensory functions.
As a professional nurse, you are expected to come up with decisions that the to deliver legal and ethical
interventions. Actions must be supported by the use of different nursing theories in the patients.
51. Which of the following considers to utilize nature and environment in the healing process.
a. Nightingale b. Orem c. Abdellah d. King
52. Nightingale was born in
a. Germany b. Italy c. France d. Philippines
53. Which is unlikely to Nightingale?
a. Transcultural nursing b. Lady with a lamp c. Notes in Nursing d. Crimean War
54. What country did Nightingale train in Nursing?
a. Belgium b. US c. Germany d. England
55. When the nurse is expected to accomplish all patients therapeutic care, it is categorize as:
a. Wholly compensatory c. Supportive – educative
b. Partially compensatory d. Conservation of personal integrity

Identify the following if it is Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention and Tertiary Prevention.
Shade A for Primary, B for Secondary and C for Tertiary
56. Promotion of General health
57. Development of good health habits
58. PT among CVA
59. Speech therapy
60. Maintaining ideal body weight
61. BCG
62. Wearing hazard devices in worksites
63. Hepa-B Vaccine
64. Periodic follow up and treatment
65. Self-monitoring of blood glucose of DM patients
66. Regular Pap Smear test
67. Monthly Breast Self-Exam
68. Sputum exam for TB patients
69. Annual stool and rectal exam
70. Measles Vaccine
71. Oral Polio Vaccine
72. Reduce fat, increase fibre
73. Adequate intake of fluids
74. Avoid overexposure to sunlight
75. Wearing of sunglasses

Shade A if your answer is King, B for Rogers, C for Abdellah, D for Leininger, E for Orem
76. Goal Attainment Theory
77. Transcultural Nursing
78. She defined that Nursing is when the nurse and client using action, reaction and interaction.
79. Health according to her is a dynamic experience because of the continuous adjustment to stressors.
80. Health is an important concept in transcultural nursing
81. Human are believed to be caring and concern about the survival of other.
82. Nursing is defined as the nurse and client using action, reaction and interaction.
83. She was born in Dallas, Texas.
84. Theory of Nursing Systems
85. Born in Nebraska
86. She was a pioneer nurse anthropologist
87. Human being / person: is social being who are rational and sentient
88. Nursing is both a science and art
89. She was born in 1923
90. Care and culture are inextricably linked

State and Describe the theory of Florence Nightingale.

Prepared by:

Dean Reynaldo M. Adducul

Approved by:

Presenita C. Aguon, PhD.

Vice President for Academic Affairs

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