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Building what matters

Refrigeration Unit
Production & Processing Solutions
Condenses valuable natural gas liquids from natural gas to create
high-quality liquid and residual gas products.
Natural gas is composed of a wide range of hydrocarbon compounds that will condense to form liquids at
a particular temperature. The more energy-dense or “heavier” components can condense at operating
temperatures and can cause operational problems within pipelines and midstream equipment. These natural
gas liquids (NGLs) also have a high market value that provides an incentive for maximum recovery.

SNC-Lavalin mechanical refrigeration units (MRUs) cool natural gas to condense the hydrocarbons and, with product
stabilization, distill the liquids to meet precise product specifications. The resulting residue gas is pipeline quality,
and the NGLs are safely transported or stored. SNC-Lavalin MRUs are modular, skid-mounted and assembled
in a controlled environment for quicker deployment to the field.
Customer Challenge Features and Benefits
Maximize liquid hydrocarbon recovery with minimal pressure drop. > Robust exchanger and chiller system: MRUs are capable of
handling a wide range of gas compositions with minimal
In an economy that places a much higher value on NGLs than on pressure drop.
natural gas, producers can greatly benefit from maximizing NGL > Flexible refrigeration system: MRUs can be paired with a
recovery. Also, if natural gas is not processed, then heavy propane compressor best suited to the customer’s needs.
hydrocarbons can condense in pipelines and midstream equipment, > Skid-mounted modular design: Time-efficient and cost-
effective installation.
causing a variety of operational and safety problems. Between the
high market value for NGLs and the decreased operational risk, gas
processing is an essential consideration. How It Works
After inlet separation and sweetening, the customer’s gas flows
SNC-Lavalin Solution through gas/gas and gas/liquid exchangers for pre-cooling. Prior to
the exchangers, ethylene glycol (EG) is injected to inhibit hydrate
SNC-Lavalin MRUs are specifically designed to cool rich natural gas formation. After pre-cooling, the gas flows to the chiller vessel. The
for maximum liquid recovery. They utilize a robust exchanger and chiller vessel ties into a refrigeration system that utilizes propane as
chiller system in conjunction with flexibility for large and small a refrigerant and an electrically-driven refrigerant compressor.
propane compressors to fit a variety of applications.
SNC-Lavalin also provides NGL product stabilization equipment The chiller cools the gas with a minimal pressure drop to a specific
to meet liquid product specifications for safe storage and temperature that best fits the customer’s application. The lean gas,
transportation. SNC-Lavalin’s expertise extends beyond equipment liquid hydrocarbon and EG flow to a cold separator vessel for
design, however. separation. Finally, the lean gas-flows to the pipeline for sale, the EG
circulates to regeneration, and the liquid hydrocarbon flows to
SNC-Lavalin works closely with our customers throughout the product stabilization.
project development process to better understand their needs.
One recurring need is rapid equipment availability. SNC-Lavalin
Standard Sizes
proactively stocks long-lead components to reduce delivery times
Furthermore, based on the extensive experience of our subject
SNC-Lavalin provides mechanical refrigeration units in the
matter experts, SNC-Lavalin has proven standard designs that
following standard nominal configurations. Additional sizes
minimize time spent in the equipment design phase.
may become available at any time.

Additionally, SNC-Lavalin provides customers with greater > 35 MMscf/d

value through a turnkey integrated services agreement. By
> 100 MMscf/d
manufacturing, installing and commissioning the facility,
SNC-Lavalin can provide accelerated startup and a process
guarantee. This seamless process flow solution is the
SNC-Lavalin commitment to making the project successful.

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