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Overview of XXP and its SAP Implementation

April 2, 2003, Glenn Booker

Warning – lists of acronyms appear later…you’ll need them!

Scope of XXP
The Extremely Expensive Program (XXP) is designed to perform several key logistics services for its
customer. They are summarized in Table 1, and connected to their respective SAP modules (see later for
more details) and what kind of processes are involved in each. Table based on the Services Description
Document (SDD) Navigation Tool on the XXP web site. (Note: XXP is a fake program name, to avoid
conflict with any actual system.)

Table 1. XXP Services

XXP Service(s) SAP Modules Types of Processes or Activities

Demand and Acquisition & Acquisition; Distribution
Distribution Distribution (A&D) Inventory Management
Warehouse Management
Environment, Health, and Safety (EH&S)
Single Stock Fund Milestone 3 (SSF MS3)
Supply Industrial Base Manufacturing Execution
Operations (IBO) Remanufacturing Execution
Quality Management
General Service Workload
Availability Supply Chain Manufacturing Planning
Planning (SCP) Remanufacturing Planning
Global Available-To-Promise (GATP)
Finance Budget & General Accounting
Finance (B&F) DFAS and Funds Management
Cost management
Budget Formulation
Product Support Product Lifecycle Provisioning
Management (PLM) Cataloging
Packaging and Freight
Maintenance Engineering
Ammunition Support
Bill of Materials
Decision Support Business Information Reports for A&D, IBO, SCP, and B&F
Statutory and Regulatory Reports
Warehouse (BW) Balanced Scorecard
Key Performance Indicators
Sustainment none Three-tier Help Desk
Continuous Improvement Program
Requirements Traceability
Their connection to the various suppliers, depots (warehouses), users, etc are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. XXP Modernized Services

Suppliers and Demand AMC Decision AMC

Vendors Management Support Analysts

Su labi

pp lity

ly (fu
(n tu

ow re
) )
End User
Finance Depot (Battalion,
(from all etc.)

AMC Finance
Staff Product Support and Sustainment are
performed at the PDC, COOP, and NOC.

In order to perform various services, each facility is broken down into work or cost centers. Personnel
within a work center are divided into resource groups (kind of like departments). Their activities are
described in routings or task lists (essentially procedures), which describe how to assemble a product,
overhaul a product, put together a shipment, etc. Every product is defined by a bill of materials, which
lists the parts which go into assembly of that product. Those products and/or parts are in turn cited by
the routings. These relationships are shown in Figure 2. A plant may be identified by its DODAAC code.
Parts may also be identified by their National Stock Number (NSN).

Figure 2. Connections between Plants and Products

Work Center
has (Cost Center) perfor
Plant y
man co
(Facility) ns
of ists Routing
(Task List)
Groups duc
Product o
de pr by
by ined
Bill of Materials has Part Number
(BOM) many (NIIN)

XXP Architecture

The XXP solution (a euphemism for the system developed and used to provide the services mentioned
above) is based on conversion of two huge legacy information systems into an integrated SAP R/3-based
system. To allow for scalability and help reliability, the solution is structured in a multi-tier client-server
manner, where most of the server side is shown in Figure 3.

Each type of function is given its own dedicated servers, so that the number of servers for any function
can be easily changed to accommodate more users and more data. The number of servers of each type
ranges from two (for the database servers), to over a hundred. The system is designed to handle a few
terabytes of active data, and tens of thousands of users.

The types of servers include:

 Database servers, which house the online data and the central instance of R/3
 Servers to run the main SAP modules APO, BW, and KW
 Backup servers and a tape library
 Terminal servers, for clients who need terminal access across the government’s private network
 Application servers, for all the other SAP components, and other commercial software
 Web servers, since many clients will access the system across an internet protocol network
 SeeBeyond servers, which manage the interfaces to external systems
 Network servers, which run Cisco software to manage the network configuration
 Security servers, to validate users and manage security certificates

For this system, SAP runs on top of an Oracle database, and the whole mess uses Sun servers connected
with Gigabit Ethernet on fiber optic cables and Cisco networking equipment. A firewall within the
network prevents outside users from directly accessing the database, backup, and SAP servers.

Figure 3. XXP Functional Architecture (partial)

Dual SAP R/3

Database APO, BW, Backup
Server and and KW Servers and
Central Servers Tape Library

iPlanet Web
Internet Portal, Citrix
Application Internal
Security, and Terminal
Servers Firewall
SeeBeyond Servers
Ext. Interfaces

Gigabit Fiber Optic Bus

External interfaces are handled using middleware called SeeBeyond. SeeBeyond acts as a central point
of contact for all external systems. Messages intended for those systems are packaged in an IDOC
(intermediate document). The IDOC tells SeeBeyond what kind of message it is (content format) and
where it needs to go (routing information). SeeBeyond then unwraps the IDOC, and sends the message
to the correct external system. This relationship is shown in Figure 4. In this case, the document is a
Document Identifier Code (DIC) for some transaction, and the external system is the Defense Automatic
Address System Center (DAASC). The reverse process is then followed when the external system needs
to send information to SAP.

Figure 4. Communication Between SAP and External Systems


- Defines DIC - Extracts DIC (Trading Partner)
- Wraps DIC in IDOC - Sends to DAASC - Processes DIC

Each way in which someone might need to perform a function on XXP is defined using a scenario.
There are three types of scenarios.

 Integrated Scenario (IS) – a series of many steps which follows some activity from start to finish;
similar to a use case.
 Independent Scenario (IND) – a short set of steps which perform a useful function, but generally
isn’t a complete user activity like an integrated scenario.
 Process Scenario (SCN) – a task which is generally one step in a larger integrated or independent

Like use cases, IS and IND scenarios form the basis for all levels of integration and system testing, and
they are used to manage the contents of each deployment (release). In other words, the functions to be
implemented with each deployment are defined by the scenarios which will be implemented.

Technical Objects
Each piece of code, screen, report, table, or other code-related thing in SAP is called a technical object
(TO). The connections among scenarios and technical objects are shown in Figure 5. Technical objects
can be standard or custom.

 Standard (or vanilla or SAP native) objects are defined primarily by SAP. They are customized
for use on a particular system by the activity called SAP Configuration. They include all of the
standard screens and transactions which have a two-letter, two-digit name format, like MM02,
CF28, etc. Changes to standard objects, beyond the predefined configurable options, is extremely
discouraged by SAP.
 Custom objects are created by SAP development programmers using the ABAP language.
Pronounced “A-bop”, it is unique to SAP, but looks like a blend between Basic and Pascal. The
names of custom objects generally start with “Y” or “Z”, like the custom transactions ZFUND
and ZIGO.
o Some forms (FRM tech objects) are coded using a horrendous scripting language called
“SAPScript”. No one ever admits to knowing how to program in SAPScript.

Each type of scenario and object is described in Table 2, and their sources are described in Table 3. The
XXP portals merged on 3/10/2003, hence only one portal is shown.

Technical objects (TO) are the source code unit in SAP. There are dozens of types of technical objects,
with an elaborate naming convention to identify the type of each technical object. The types of objects
and scenarios are described in Table 4, along with an idea of how many of each are in the XXP system
so far.
 83% of TO are INF, ISP, JOB, REP, TAB, TRX, and USX objects
 17% of TO are all the other types (DTX, FRM, IDC, INP, MOD, MTC, OSS, OUT, RTN, SCR,
UTL, and WFL objects)

A technical object (“TO”) is a piece of custom programming that has been created to enhance the SAP
package, such as a custom report, interface, or user exit (special processing embedded into the standard
SAP code); a FIT object is a process scenario or set of business processes that users perform. The FIT
objects may or may not have custom programming (TOs) embedded within them.

Other things described in Figure 5 include the following:

The types of testing include:

 Unit and String tests, and Interface String tests

 Integrated Scenario Test (IST)
 pre-SIT tests on the QAS environment
 System Integration Tests (SIT)
 Internal Quality Review (IQR)
 Regression Test

 Mock Go-Live
 Process Trials
 End-to-End (E2E) Tests

The interface objects (INF) are further defined by the Interface Configuration Database (ICDB), which
captures their physical connection characteristics, security needs, cutover needs, and point of contact.
Connection to each external interface is also defined by the Bridges and Uniques (B/U), which specifies
the communication format and contents of each physical interface.

Table 2. Types of Data, Objects, and Scenarios

Type Description Source or Owner

B/U - Bridges and Detailed external interface message structure Portal, under tech dev
Uniques work products
BI - Business Issues Mechanism for resolving scope or technical approach issues Q&ADB on SAP
BPML - Business Master requirements list Portal
Process Master List
BPP – Business Process descriptions Portal
Processes and
CI - Configuration Interface configuration info, cited by the BPML Located in the Q&ADB
CR - Change Main mechanism for discussing problems which affect Old CR database from
Requests multiple parts of the system Eileen Miller; new one
from Steve Hopkins
FIT object Process scenarios (a set of related business processes Portal, under FIT Work
performed by users) Products
ICDB - Interface Interface technical descriptions Owned by Ginny Farri
IND - Independent Execution of an independent technical object which is not Portal
Scenarios normally performed within a set of user tasks.
IS - Integrated Series of user actions with embedded technical objects, Portal
Scenarios which perform a significant function using the system
PTR – Program The main mechanism for reporting problems during data load Portal
Trouble Reports or testing.
RTM - Requirements Traces from requirements sources to SAP modules and CCSS Was on the Portal…not
Traceability Matrix functions updated in many months
SCN – Process Scenarios which are tested as part of SIT which were not Portal
Scenarios (a.k.a. PS) included in the larger integrated scenarios. Each SCN
contains a single PS. Process descriptions are under FIT
work products on the portal.
Test data Test scripts, results Located in master file for
each scenario in D1/326.
TO - Technical Custom programming; may include custom data elements, Portal
Objects tables, function modules, reports, forms, user exits, pricing
routines, interfaces, etc.

White papers Discussion and analysis of issues Portal

Table 3. XXP Data Sources

Source Name Description Source or Owner

CR Database Change Requests (old), an Access application Obtain access from Eileen Miller
CRDB Change Requests (new), an Oracle app. Web application owned by Steve
Interface Configuration Interface connectivity needs and contacts Owned by Ginny Farri
Database (ICDB)
Issues Database Business Issues (BI) Q&ADB on SAP
XXP Portal Home of the PTR, PS, IS/IND, and TO Portal
databases, BPML, white papers, and BPPs
Q&ADB Home to Configuration Information SAP database installed on
(CI) and Issues database desktop
Test data Test scripts, results Located in the master file for
each scenario in HD1/326.

The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) maps each requirement from its source to the SAP module
which will implement it (APO, MM, etc.) and to the CCSS application number or unique which used to
perform that function. It also identifies whether each process is manual or automated.

There might be a connection between the RTM and the BPML. For example, the RTM has “PERFORM
PARTS EXPLOSION”, which could correspond to the BPML’s “Change BOM Explosion Numbers”,
which is done in transaction MDSP.

The RTM maps the requirements sources, which include CONOPS, CSLA, RIA, and SBCCOM task
orders, SSF MS3, and the IDEF process model. There is no direct connection between the RTM and
scenarios or objects.

SAP Transactions
The transaction codes generally follow a two-letter, two-digit sequence (e.g. ‘MM02’). Prefixes FO
(Real Estate Management functions), MC (Logistics Information System (LIS) functions), and ME
(pertaining to procurement records) account for about 17% of the 2976 unique SAP transaction names,
while another 21% are from the list {CG, CJ, CO, FB, FM, IM, IW, KB, KK, V-, or VL}, with from 40
to 70 codes having each of those prefixes.

SAP Modules
SAP modules are discussed in the next section.

Figure 5. Scenario and Object Relationships

PTR, Change Request (CR),

or Business Issue (BI) -
Could be written against any
process, scenario, object, BPP (business
data load, or transaction ts processes and
plem procedures) Configuration
im Information (CI)

ea int
ks o
Deployment 1, 2, or 3

(or interim releases)

or one

inclu y

eva sist

of ist

luat con (main





to s
Integrated Independent Transaction la
to? ted
Scenario Scenario Codes ?
ISxxxx INDxxxx (nearly 3000
of them)
ar Requirements


sist in e ted Traceability


of s rela ?

SAP Matrix (RTM)


of sts


Process Interface
consists Technical
Scenario Configuration
of Objects (TO)




con hysica




and Interface support Bridges and
DTFxxxx Objects Uniques

Table 4. Scenario and Technical Object Types

Prefix Type Number in Meaning

DTF Data conversion Data Type file.
DTX Tech. Object <30 Data element
FO Transaction 241 SAP transaction code prefix for Real Estate Management
FRM Tech. Object <40 Form
IDC Tech. Object >50 Interface – SeeBeyond side
IFC FIT object Interface?
IND Scenario Independent scenario
INF Tech. Object 870 Interface – SAP side
INP Tech. Object <10 Loads a table
IS Scenario Integrated scenario – analogous to a use case
ISP Tech. Object 140 Custom internal interface
JOB Tech. Object 115 SAP Batch Job
MOD Tech. Object <10 Unknown
MTC Tech. Object <20 Match code (search help for SAP data)
OSS Notes 90+ SAP patches for identified bugs in the standard SAP code from the
Online Service System (OSS).
OUT Tech. Object 2 Extract data internally
REP Tech. Object >100 Report
RPT FIT object Report?
RTN Tech. Object 36 Routine
SCN Scenario Process scenario – often one step within an IS
SCR Tech. Object 68 Custom screen
TAB Tech. Object 560 Custom table
TRX Tech. Object 150 Custom Transaction (must start with the letter Z)
USX Tech. Object >190 User exit
UTL Tech. Object 40 Utility
WFL Tech. Object 50+ Workflow

SAP Modules

The structure of SAP is huge and complex. And to make it worse, they reuse acronyms in different parts
of the system (e.g. PP can be Production Planning or Project Planning).

SAP is composed of the core module, called R/3, and may use other modules called “bolt-ons” if your
system needs those functions. A web-based version of SAP is called “mySAP”, and it either lives as a
stand-alone system, or is supported by the full version of R/3. The structure and contents of mySAP and
SAP R/3 are shown in Figures 6 and 7, and the abbreviations are defined in Table 5. Other SAP and
XXP-related terms are defined in Table 6.

Figure 6. “mySAP” Modules




Based on mySAP Technology Solution Fundamentals

Figure 7. SAP Modules

Bolt-ons are labeled
in bold italics

Core R/3


CS Module PS





(see below)

(see below)



Based on LearningGateway course

Table 5. SAP and mySAP Modules

Acronym Term Definition

ABAP Advanced Business Application SAP’s proprietary programming language
A&D Acquisition & Distribution Team within R/3 (and XXP)
AA or TV Asset Accounting Part of FI module
AP Accounts Payable Part of FI module
APO Advance Planning and SAP standalone system used as a bolt-on
Optimization or Advanced
Planner and Optimizer
AR Accounts Receivable Part of FI module
B&F Budget & Finance Team within R/3 (and XXP)
BI Business Intelligence Part of mySAP; includes BW, SEM, and KM
BPS Business Planning and Simulation Part of SEM module
BW Business (Information) Warehouse SAP standalone system used as a bolt-on
CCA Cost Center Accounting Part of CO module
CEL Cost and revenue elements Part of CO module
CO Controlling Module within B&F team
CPM Corporate Performance Monitor Part of SEM module
CRM Customer Relationship Part of mySAP
CS Customer Service Module within IBO team
DB Database Core database for mySAP
DP Demand Planning Part of APO module
DS Detailed Scheduling Part of APO module
E2E End to End Test which uses full live interfaces
EBP Enterprise Buyer something?? Part of mySAP
EH&S Environment, Health, and Safety Module within A&D team
FI Financial Accounting Module within B&F team
FM Funds Management Part of FI module; creates master data
GATP Global Available-To-Promise Part of IM/WM processes
GL or General Ledger Part of FI module
GW Gateway Server Part of Web AS
HR Human Resources Module within IBO team
IBO Industrial Base Operations Team within R/3 (and XXP)
ICM Internet Communication Manager Part of Web AS
IDOC Intermediate Document Used by SeeBeyond
IM Inventory Management Module within A&D team
IS Industry Solutions Customized versions of SAP prepared by SAP AG for use by
customers, e.g. Public Sector IS & Aerospace and Defense IS (a
combination of which was used for XXP)
KM Knowledge Management Part of mySAP
MM Materials Management Module in SAP used by all modules and configured by the IBO
team at XXP
MRP Materials Requirements Planning Part of PP module
MS Message Server Part of Web AS
MySAP - Internet-based front end for SAP

Acronym Term Definition
OM Organizational Management Part of HR module
OM-CEL Cost element accounting Part of CO module
PA Profitability Analysis A bolt-on module within B&F team;
both cost- or account-based
PC Product cost controlling Part of CO module
PCA Profit Center Accounting Part of CO module – or is it FI?
PLM Product Lifecycle Management A bolt-on module within IBO team
PM Plant Maintenance Module within IBO team
PP Production Planning Part of APO module
PP Project Planning Module within IBO team
PS Project Systems Module within B&F team
QM Quality Management Module within IBO team
R&M Analytical Reporting and Team within R/3 (and XXP)
Performance Management
R/3 Real time three tiered Product name for SAP’s core functionality
RE Real Estate Part of FI and CO modules
SAP System, Application, Products Company who makes R/3 and
related systems.
SCM Supply Chain Management Part of mySAP
SCP Supply Chain Planning Team within R/3 (and XXP)
SD Sales & Distribution Module within A&D team
SEM Strategic Enterprise Management Bolt-on related to B&F team
SL ?????? Part of FI module
SNP Supply Network Planning Part of APO module
TEM Training & Event Management Part of HR module
TV or AA Asset Accounting Part of FI module
WM Warehouse Management Module within A&D team

Table 6. Other SAP or XXP Terms

Acronym Term Definition

AAA Army Audit Agency Validates how financial transactions are handled.
ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming language for SAP
ACID Atomic Consistent Isolated Desirable characteristics of a transaction
AEPS Army Electronic Product Support An external system to XXP, based at Rock Island, IL.
AKO Army Knowledge Online The Army’s Portal
AMSCO Army Management Structure Code Relates FI planning, budgeting, staffing, and accounting
AS Application Server Web runtime environment for mySAP
BC Business Connector Data exchange middleware in mySAP
BOM Bill of Materials List of what parts go into making something bigger
CATS Cross Application Time Sheet
CC Card Column Column number for ASCII-based data records
CCSS Commodity Command Standard Legacy system
CIF Core Interface Used to communicate between APO and R/3
COCP Customer order control point A subsystem within CCSS
COOP Continuity of Operations center Backup production site, used for system testing of fixes and
new features
DAAS Defense Automatic Addressing Defined by DoD 4000.25-10-M
DAASC Defense Automatic Addressing Part of DLA.
System Center
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Notice that this supports the whole DOD, not just the Army.
DIC Document identifier code Tells what kind of document is being processed
DLA Defense Logistics Agency Coordinates logistics support across the DOD.
DODAAC DOD Activity Address Code Customer code assigned by the customer master
DODAAF DOD Activity Address File The customer master is a master data record which contains
the basic data for a customer with which an organization
conducts business
DOF Depot Overhaul Factor What % of incoming parts can’t be overhauled
ESS Employee Self Service SAP end user tool, e.g. the eStub system for accessing a
payroll system
FOP Found on Post Thing which didn’t show up via a sales order or PO
GUI Graphic User Interface
I/F Interface
ILSO Industrial Logistics Support Office
IQR Internal Quality Review Informal test by Government personnel
ITS Internet Transaction Server Middleware between SAP and external systems (like
KPI Key Performance Indicators Used by CPM
LAISO Lead AMC Integration Support A subcommand under AMC
LOGSA Logistics Support Agency A subcommand under AMC
LSSO Logistics System Support Office

Acronym Term Definition
MDR Master Data Record
MILSBILLS Military Standard Billing System Defined by DoD 4000.25-7-M
MILSTRAP Military Standard Transaction Defined by DoD 4000.25-2-M
Reporting and Accounting
MILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning Defined by DoD 4000.25-1-M
and Issue Procedures
NOC Network Operations Center The main facility for developing fixes and new features for
O/P Ownership purpose Intended use of some stocked material
P&L Profit & Loss Type of statement generated by FI
PDC Primary Data Center The main production site for the system
PO Purchase Order
PRON Purchase Request Order Number
PT Process Trials Predefined system testing by end users
SDD Services Description Document A vision document for XXP, describing the scope and
approach for providing logistics services.
SDS Standard Depot System Legacy system
SIT System Integration Test Scenario test witnessed by customer
SSF MS3 Single Stock Fund Milestone 3 A major feature of XXP, not in the original scope of the
SSO Single Sign-On Universal login
WIP Work in Process


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