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Copyright © 2008 by José Andrés

Food photography © 2008 by Thomas Schauer

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Clarkson

Potter/Publishers, an imprint of the Crown
Publishing Group, a division of Random House,
Inc., New York.

Clarkson Potter is a trademark and Potter

with colophon is a registered trademark of
Random House, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Andrés, José.
Made in Spain : Spanish dishes for the
American kitchen / José Andrés.—1st ed.
p. cm.
1. Cookery, Spanish. I. Title.
TX723.5.S7A6175 2008
641.5946—dc22 2008027709

ISBN 978–0–307–38263–4

Printed in the United States of America

Art Direction / Design

by Tasty Concepts / Roberto Sablayrolles

Spain photography by Pablo de Loy.

Additional Spain photography courtesy of
Tourist Office of Spain and Javier Canovas.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

First Edition

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Introduction 9
Salads 15
Andalucía 16
Soups 39
Madrid 41
Snacks 55
País Vasco 56
Vegetables 83
Navarra 84
Cheese and Eggs 99
Cantabria 101
Extremadura 117
Rice 119
Valencia 120
Fish 131
Murcia 133
Seafood 153
Galicia 154
Pork 173
Cataluña 174
Castilla y León 187
Other Meats 189
Aragón 190
Sweets 203
Asturias 205
Castilla La Mancha 220
Drinks 223
La Rioja 225
Baleares 238
Sauces 241
Canarias 243
Acknowledgments 252
Resources 253
Index 254

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Tortilla de patatas
Potato omelet
SERVES 4 Heat 3 cups of the olive oil in a
medium pot over medium-low heat
3 CUPS PLUS until it measures 250°F on a candy
EXTRA-VIRGIN OLIVE OIL thermometer. Fry the potatoes until
golden brown, about 20 minutes.
POTATOES, PEELED, With a slotted spoon, transfer the
QUARTERED, AND potatoes to paper towels to drain.

Using an electric mixer, beat the
1 TEASPOON SEA SALT eggs in a large bowl with the salt.
You want them to incorporate a lot
of air so they fluff up. Add the cooked
potatoes to the beaten eggs and let
sit for 1 minute.

Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons

olive oil in a 12-inch sauté pan over
high heat. Once the oil begins to
smoke slightly, remove the pan from
the heat and pour in the egg-potato
mixture. Return the sauté pan to the
stovetop and reduce the heat to low.
The tortilla will puff up like a soufflé.
Once it begins to set and the edges
turn golden brown, flip the tortilla.
Place a plate over the pan and invert
the pan and plate together so the
I have read a great deal
tortilla ends up on the plate, un- about the Galician
cooked side down. Slide the tortilla restaurant El Manjar
back into the pan, uncooked side over the years, but I
down. never got the chance to
Make a small hole in the center of the
eat there until recently. I
tortilla to allow the egg in the center
was amazed at how they
to cook. Once the tortilla sets, flip make their tortilla with a
the tortilla back over and allow the few simple ingredients:
center hole to close. Transfer the tor- eggs, potatoes, olive oil,
tilla to a platter, cut into wedges, and and salt. It might look
easy to cook an omelet,
but it takes a lot of
practice to cook omelets
as well as they do at El
Manjar. This recipe is
inspired by theirs—and
it’s well worth the effort
made in spain

to master.


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Chocolate a la taza
Spanish hot
Serves 4 Combine the milk, chocolate, and
sugar in a medium saucepan. Whisk
41⁄2 cups whole milk the milk mixture vigorously over high
ounces bittersweet heat until the chocolate and sugar Europe needs to thank
chocolate (preferably
70% cocoa), broken into
dissolve, about 10 minutes; do not
let it boil. Pour the thick liquid into
Spain for chocolate,
small pieces
mugs and garnish with a sprinkle of since it was Spanish
1 tablespoon sugar
cinnamon. explorers who brought
1 teaspoon ground
cinnamon the magical food back
from the New World,
and it was a Spanish
king—Charles V—who
popularized it. So try our
version of hot chocolate
and become a king or
queen for a day.


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Made in Spain
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