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Balance sheet
2017 2016
Authorized share capital 81,743,869 81,743,869
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital 42,100,460 42,100,460
Reserves 3,284,236 3,285,168
Accumulated profits 371,679,543 329,821,182
417,064,240 375,206,810
Non-current liabilities
Long term financing - secured 11,616,234 19,360,390
Long term deposits 55,480 55,480
Deferred liabilities
deferred taxation 45,238,728 43,320,094
compensated absences 371,033 295,890
57,281,474 63,031,853
Current liabilities
Current portion of long term financing 7,744,156 7,744,156
Trade and other payables 60,345,623 64,473,525
Short term borrowings - secured 5,449,591 16,294,278
Provision for taxation - net 2,138,168 -
Mark-up accrued on borrowings 172,681 364,975
75,850,220 88,876,934
Total Liabilities 550,195,934 527,115,597
Non current assets
Property, plant and equipment 219,631,736 214,489,263
Intangibles 401,678 16,179
Long term loans and advances 1,085 3,759
Long term deposits 3,414,895 2,677,565
Investment property 83,455,695 58,746,918
306,905,089 275,933,684
Current assets
Stores, spares and loose tools 36,326,337 39,581,723
Stock in trade 25,862,187 17,136,413
Trade debts - unsecured, considered good 9,367,193 7,052,060
Short term investments 142,210,172 151,601,537
Advances, deposits, prepayments and other receivables 16,019,273 18,906,031
Advance tax-net - 3,998,566
Cash and bank balances 13,505,683 12,905,583
243,290,845 251,181,913
Total Asset 550,195,934 527,115,597

Income Statement
Sales - net 368,945,629
Cost of goods sold (210,161,762)
Gross profit 158,783,867
Selling and distribution expenses (3,533,137)
Administrative and general expenses (4,441,668)
Other operating income 10,711,291
Other operating expenses (11,114,737)
Operating profit 150,405,616
Finance cost (2,315,033)
Profit before taxation 148,090,583
Taxation (51,501,622)
Profit after taxation 96,588,960
Earnings per share - basic and diluted 1
Other comprehensive income -
Items that are or may be reclassified to profit and loss account: -
Available-for-sale financial assets -
net changes in fair value (932)
reclassified to profit and loss account -
Total comprehensive income for the year 96,588,029
price per share 201
shares outstanding
Ratio calculation
total asset turnover 0.6705713485
NWC 167,440,625
NWC turnover 2.2034415447
fixed assets turnover 1.2021489464
Profitibality measures
profit margin 0.2617972752
ROA 0.1755537519
ROE 0.2315925251
EPS 1.18159355
P/E ratio 71.94
liquidiy ratios
current ratio 3.20751667
quick ratio (1.10)
cash ratio 0.178057269
NWC to total assets 0.3043290847
long term leveage
total debt ratio 0.24
debt to equity 1.3192114815
equity multiplier 1.3192114815
long term debt ratio 0.12
coverage ratios
times interest earned -64.9690911058
cash coverage 150,405,611.64
Inventory ratios
inventory turnover -2.5182435174
du pont identity
ROE under dupont identity 0.2315925251

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