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Event & Experiential Marketing | [email protected] | 888.655.1127

We Connect Your Brand With People

Through Experiences
We Create Experiences
Bolt can develop an event marketing strategy and activation Whether you are in need of a brand, want to
plan, design and produce your event display and signage, rebrand, are ready to refresh your brand
ign Gra
hire your event staff, plan your event schedule,
a p
strategy, or want to produce content that

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manage the event logistics, and provide highlights your brand, Bolt can help.
post-event reporting and photo/video assets
C a e ra
& gem
from the field.

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Vehicle icatio

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& Fab

Execute turn-key events locally, Give your customers a brand-rich
regionally, or nationally with a experience inside your store or event
branded, custom fabricated vehicle space with custom-built, affordable

that includes customized displays seating, point-of-sale (POS) stations,

In tom
and interactive technologies. product displays, signage, and more.
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We take great pride in providing our clients with brand

ambassadors and event managers that are trained to
embody your brand, effectively communicate the brand
message, and execute events flawlessly.
Street Decals Branded Clock

Turning the pavement What is a low-cost, but engaging

itself into a place for branded way to beef up a cooking competition
messaging helped NW Natural sponsorship? After wrestling with
add value and brand impact this question, we created a branded
to Portland area home shows. countdown clock to give consumers a
These street decals promoted reason to engage with NW Natural’s
the lifestyle natural gas can offer brand. The clock made it possible for
consumers by associating it with excited spectators to count down the
new, beautiful homes. last ten seconds of each competition.

Bolt’s ‘Blue’ Experiences

Marketing Vehicle

Attention is not given, it’s earned.

That was one of the driving factors
behind the creation of NW Natural’s
‘Experience Blue’ marketing trailer. It
wraps up a cooking demonstration,
working fireplace, online tools, and a
digital cost savings leaderboard into
one, self-contained activation. The
‘Experience Blue’ trailer is the unique,
eye-catching marketing attraction
that NW Natural was looking for.
Custom Interactive Displays

We stimulated consumers’ an interactive touchscreen the process. Interactive iPad

curiosity with interactive with custom programming placards further explained
displays at the Better Living where attendees could test the benefits of natural gas
Show in Portland. As part of their knowledge of natural appliances throughout the
the expo activation, we added gas and learn more about it in event space.

Custom Expo Space

To integrate iPads into Center. Organizing NW Natural’s

NW Natural’s smaller event digital tools and data capture
activations, we retrofitted an forms into one modular unit
existing collapsable table asset made for an efficient set-up and
into a branded Cost Comparison attractive consumer experience.

Event Staffing

Successful event marketing

requires brand ambassadors
who can effectively bring
consumers into the event
space and keep them engaged
with the brand. Bolt provided
NW Natural with professional
and well-spoken staff to
communicate brand messaging,
capture consumer data, and
promote the company in a
personal and relatable way.
Bridgespan Health

BridgeSpan Health brand engagements at events

Insurance came to Bolt in the Puget Sound and
wanting to grow brand Portland markets, combining
recognition in the competitive wellness and excitement as
health insurance market. participants pedal customized
The BridgeSpan ‘Tour de bikes to blend a fresh smoothie
Smoothies’ campaign conducts for themselves.
Nike Football

The Nike Football Tour compared, and assessed

brought SPARQ testing and athletes with the SPARQ
training programs to high rating system. Our staff made
school athletes in football connections with high school
hotbeds across the nation. athletes that last to this day
Traveling in custom, branded and helped weave Nike into the
marketing vehicles, our Nike fabric of those communities’
brand ambassadors evaluated, football tradition.
Custom Interactive 3D Renderings & Interior Design
Beginning with 3D renderings, our an impressive shoe display, a fitting
A 30-foot wide shoe wall - plan for the interior design and consumer room, point of sale, and additional
216 sneakers in all - made a quick experience focused on creating excitement digital interactive touchpoints. This fully
impression on consumers when for Eastbay’s extensive product selection customized retail brand experience was a
they entered the trailer. Consumers and brand. We seamlessly integrated huge draw at events and left consumers
scanned shoe barcodes below consumer registration, photo booths, with a great impression of Eastbay.
one of three monitors in order
to get detailed product info. Two
40-inch interactive touch screens
showcased exciting brand videos
as well as Eastbay’s retail website.
Added together, this digital
interaction was a big hit with
our youthful demographic and
encouraged active participation.

Photo Booth

By ducking into one of the two replica Eastbay catalog. Consumers

photo booths, consumers had their could take their printed photos home,
image printed with their choice of an and they also had the option to post the
Eastbay branded border, including a images live to their Facebook pages.
Retail Point of Sale Touring Event
Marketing Trailer
Find a shoe that you showcased both on the
just gotta have in your trailer and on the website. The 53-foot trailer, with bold
wardrobe? That’s perfect, Additional promotions and exterior graphics, created a captivating
because consumers incentives were used to presence both at events and on the
could purchase products drive sales. road. The results were impressive -
over two and a half years the tour
hosted thousands of visitors resulting
in captured customer leads, on-site
sales, user-generated brand content,
and memorable brand impressions.

‘Where Athletes Are’ Tour

Event Marketing Works

70% of consumers leave events & experiences

with a more positive impression of the
brand, company, or product showcased

say event & experiential marketing is

important or critical
to their organization

Event & experiential marketing budgets grew by last year

Data from EventTrack, 2013


When Subaru needs other models to Subaru’s vehicles. Post event, we

event staff to execute their devoted customer base at report back to Subaru on
regional events, Bolt is who mountain, race, and surf the event metrics that are
they call. Our reliable brand events. Our event managers important to them. When
ambassadors and event transport Subaru vehicles to Subaru needed some custom
managers are trained to the event locations, set-up seating and a cell phone
speak the Subaru language the event space, and then charging station for their
and execute flawlessly for execute the event while event kit set-up, we made
the brand. Our event staff representing the brand by sure to deliver with silver
has helped introduce the talking to consumers about and blue options that really
brand new Crosstrek and the benefits of Subaru grab consumers’ attention.

Implementing custom retail ensure the seats arrived in time for

displays and seating was one way all of their new store openings. Crocs
Crocs decided to boost their in- custom retail seating evolved from
store branding. Bolt designed and square to cylindrical and changed
produced custom, affordable seating colors to align with their stores’
and provided the logistical support to interior design.
Nike Soccer

As part of Nike Most teams received wheels for easy transport

Soccer’s sponsorship of the a modular retail display and storage. Taking on
National Women’s Soccer custom-branded with their these improvements
League, they leaned on team colors and logos. bolstered the fan
Bolt to develop custom These setups included a experience and increased
retail solutions for each of matching cash wrap and Nike Soccer’s gameday
the nine NWSL teams. larger display unit, each on visibility at each stadium.
Experiences for Every Budget
$ $$ $$$ $$$$

Brand Ambassadors

Product Sampling

Branding & Design

Expo Spaces

Street Teams

Retail Displays

Guerrilla Activations

Interactive Displays

Custom/Modular Event Activations

Custom Vehicle Campaigns


Bolt was tasked with

making a connection between
UrgentRx and its athletic,
on-the-go consumer base.
Equipped with a branded
event kit and product
samples, our UrgentRx-
trained brand ambassadors
introduced the new products
to targeted consumers at
local running events during
this summer-long campaign.
Nike Cross Nationals

Beginning in 2010, Bolt races. Detailed and diligent event

became the retail partner for planning is at the crux of this
Eastbay at their sponsored Nike event series. With events across
Cross Nationals series of races. We the nation, there are logistical
coordinate and execute the Nike challenges that require attention
retail operations at these regional to detail to ensure successful
and national cross country execution at each event.
Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams

Bolt’s brand brand ambassadors

ambassador team were trained to share
introduced consumers the rich history of this
to a variety of new ice cream brand as
flavors for Jeni’s consumers enjoyed
Splendid Ice Creams samples. In-store
through in-store sampling often results
sampling efforts at in direct sales, and we
local grocery stores did just that for Jeni’s
in the Northwest. Our Splendid Ice Creams.
Event & Experiential Marketing

2505 SE 11th Avenue, Suite 326

Portland, OR 97202

Direct: (503) 890-9061

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