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How to Punctuate

George Davidson is a former senior editor with Chambers

Harrap. In addition to writing dictionaries and thesauruses,
he is the author of several books on English grammar, usage,
spelling and vocabulary. He lives in Edinburgh.
The Penguin Writers' Guides

How to Punctuate George Davidson

How to Write Better English Robert Allen
How to Write Effective Emails R. L. Trask
Improve Your Spelling George Davidson
Writing for Business Chris Shevlin

How to Punctuate



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Introduction vii

1 What is punctuation for? 1

2 Good and bad punctuation - and how to
improve yours 13
3 Sentences and non-sentences 23
4 Full stops 42
5 Question marks 56
6 Exclamation marks 68
7 Commas 77
8 Semicolons 130
9 Colons 140
10 Dashes 155
11 Quotation marks 168
12 Brackets 184
13 Ellipsis 191
14 Obliques 196
15 Apostrophes 199
16 Hyphens 209
17 Capital letters 231
18 Paragraphs 250
19 Italics, boldface type and underlining 252
vi Contents

20 Direct speech, correspondence, and essays

and reports 257

Technical terms 272

Bibliography 278
Index 281

the Nowing ones complane of my book the fust edition

had no stops I put in A nufhere and thay may peper
and solt it as they plese
Timothy Dexter, A Pickle for the Knowing Ones

Timothy Dexter was an eccentric 18th-century Ameri¬

can merchant who wrote a short book entitled A Pickle
for the Knowing Ones. Among the notable features of
this book were its bizarre spelling and the fact that it
had not a single ‘stop’ or punctuation mark in it. When
people complained that the lack of punctuation made
the book difficult to read, Dexter published a second
edition which included all the punctuation he con¬
sidered necessary - four pages of punctuation marks
placed at the end of the book, with an invitation to
readers to ‘pepper and salt’ the text with them as they
Many people today are so baffled by punctuation
that they would find great relief in dealing with the
problem in much the same way as Timothy Dexter
did, by doing away with punctuation altogether in
their own writing and leaving it up to others to do the
punctuating for themselves. If you are looking at this
book, it may be that you are one of these people. Full
stops, commas, colons and semicolons - you are never
quite sure which to choose and where to put them.
Of course, omitting all the punctuation marks in
viii Introduction

your letters, memos, essays and reports is neither a

sensible nor a realistic solution to your problem. Punc¬
tuation is not some optional extra in a piece of writing,
to be added in if one chooses, but is an integral part of
what is written. Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulliver’s
Travels, once defined good style in writing as ‘proper
words in proper places’. One could well expand his
definition a little, however, and say that good writing
involves ‘proper words in proper places, properly
punctuated’. To write well, you must not only choose
your words carefully, spell them correctly and arrange
them grammatically; what you write must also be
punctuated appropriately.
The problems entailed in choosing the right words,
spelling them correctly and forming them into gram¬
matical sentences are beyond the scope of this book,
but if punctuating sentences appropriately is your
problem, How to Punctuate can certainly help you. If
you find punctuation difficult, it may be because you
have never been taught it at all or because you have
not been taught it properly. In either case, this book is
the answer to your problem. Chapter by chapter, the
correct uses (and also many of the wrong uses!) of
each of the punctuation marks are explained, with
examples of both correct and incorrect practice. As
you work your way through the book, your punctuation
will improve, and by the time you have reached the
end of the book, you will be able to punctuate correctly
and confidently. You need never fear being let down
by your punctuation again.
You may, of course, not want to work through this
book systematically from beginning to end, and you
Introduction ix

do not need to. How to Punctuate is equally suitable

for systematic study, for casual browsing or for quickly
checking particular points you are not sure about. By
consulting the index at the back of the book, you can
quickly and easily home in on any aspect or detail of
punctuation you want to check.
You may have noticed that this is quite a long book,
longer than many other books on punctuation avail¬
able in bookshops. Do not be put off by this. Many
punctuation guides give broad outlines of the main
punctuation rules but do not deal in sufficient detail
with specific problems. How to Punctuate provides
more advice and the answers to more problems than
many other books, while its clear and straightforward
structure and full index make it easy to consult.

A key feature of How to Punctuate is its emphasis on
the sentence as the basic unit of punctuation. Most
punctuation guides do not stress this point sufficiently.
Unless you are clear about what is, and what is not, a
sentence, you cannot hope to punctuate any piece of
writing correctly. Chapter 3 therefore deals in some
detail with sentences and non-sentences. The contents
of this chapter are of fundamental importance in punc¬
tuation and should be studied carefully by anyone who
wants to improve their punctuation.
Chapters 4 to 14 deal with each of the punctuation
marks in turn, showing how they are correctly used
(and often how they are misused). The implications of
different punctuation marks are explained by means
x Introduction

of similar but differently punctuated examples. (The

same point may be explained in more than one
chapter, so all the necessary information is where you
need it without your having to flick from chapter to
Punctuation does not, of course, consist only of full
stops, commas, colons, dashes, and so on, but also
includes apostrophes, hyphens and capital letters. The
correct use of these is dealt with in Chapters 15 to 17.
Good paragraphing and text layout, while perhaps
not actually punctuation, have an important role in
the conveying of meaning to a reader by making texts
more readable. These topics are dealt with briefly in
Chapter 18. Chapter 19 explains the uses of underlining,
italics and boldface type.
Finally, Chapter 20 is devoted to the correct punctu¬
ation of direct speech; letters and addresses; biblio¬
graphies, references and footnotes; and quotations.
This book assumes no prior knowledge in the reader
(apart from a basic knowledge of English). It is there¬
fore suitable for native speakers and learners alike.
Technical terms have been kept to a minimum, but
they have not been avoided altogether as they are useful
labels that assist explanations. All technical terms are
fully explained in an appendix at the end of the book.
The variety of English described in this book is
British English. American English differs from British
English in many respects (in punctuation as well as
in vocabulary, spelling and grammar), and the main
punctuation differences between these two major
forms of English are described at various points
throughout the book.
Introduction xi

How to Punctuate includes examples of both correct
and incorrect punctuation. Examples of incorrect
punctuation are always marked with the symbol x. The
symbol \x] is used when the punctuation is suspect but
not definitely wrong. Examples of good punctuation
are generally unmarked, but the symbol / is used
occasionally to draw attention to correct punctuation.

All the writers whose books are listed in the bibli¬
ography (page 278) have contributed in some way to
the writing of this book, even where I have disagreed
with their recommendations.
I would also like to thank Mark Handsley for his
helpful comments on an earlier draft of this book.
What is
punctuation fori

The writer who neglects punctuation, or

mispunctuates, is liable to be misunderstood.
* Edgar Allan Poe

These words of Edgar Allan Poe, the 19th-century

American poet and short-story writer, encapsulate per¬
fectly the purpose of punctuation and the dangers that
lie in not taking punctuation seriously enough: when
you write, you punctuate your sentences in order to
help other people read and understand what you have
written, and if you punctuate carelessly, what you have
written may not be understood or, perhaps even worse,
may be misunderstood.

Speech and writing

But why is punctuation so important to understanding
a piece of writing?
Although they both serve to convey information
from one person to another, speech and writing differ
in several respects. It is precisely because of these
2 How to Punctuate

differences that punctuation is needed and has been

developed and refined over the centuries.
Speech consists of much more than just the words
we speak, the sounds of which can be adequately rep¬
resented in writing by the letters of the alphabet. There
are also various vocal and non-vocal devices that we
use in speech to make our meaning clear: intonation,
rhythm, pauses, loudness, facial expressions, gestures,
and so on. All these help to gather words into sense
groups and to convey certain aspects of meaning that
the words alone might not convey. When we write,
none of these mechanisms are available to us, and so
we use punctuation to convey both the structure of
the text and the various nuances of meaning that the
different vocal and visual devices would convey when
we speak. Say the following four sentences out loud to
yourself and consider the ways in which the punctu¬
ation marks and capital letters indicate differences in
pronunciation that convey important differences in
meaning and emphasis:

He's not coming.

He's not coming?
He's NOT coming?
He's not coming!

Furthermore, when we are speaking to someone, it is

usually in a face-to-face - or at least voice-to-voice -
context. We are therefore able to pick up and immedi¬
ately correct any misunderstandings that arise. This is
not possible with a written text, because the writer is
usually not present when the reader is reading what
has been written. It is therefore important that writers
What is punctuation for? 3

use every means available to them to make their mean¬

ing absolutely clear and prevent misunderstandings
arising in the first place, because they will not be there
to explain to their readers what they really meant if
the readers get the wrong end of the stick.
One of the means available to writers for this pur¬
pose is punctuation, and that is why punctuating cor¬
rectly is every bit as important as choosing words
carefully and writing grammatically.

The recent history of punctuation

Of course, the system of punctuation that we have
today did not come into existence all at one time.
Compared to writing, punctuation is a relatively recent
invention. While writing developed from drawing
during the fourth century bc in Sumer in Mesopo¬
tamia (modern Iraq), even the simplest forms of punc¬
tuation did not come into use until some time later.
There is no need in this book to cover the history and
development of punctuation over the centuries, but
it is worth noting that the conventional system of
punctuation symbols that we use today developed very
gradually, only fully coming into effect about the 16th
Punctuation has continued to change and develop
since that time, and is still doing so. Some of these
developments are worth mentioning here.
4 How to Punctuate

From rhythm to grammar

Until the end of the Middle Ages, punctuation was
used to mark the speech rhythms of a text rather than
its grammatical structure. Punctuation marks were
provided as a guide to reading a text aloud or chanting
it in church, and therefore it marked, for example,
where to take a breath, where to pause, and how long
to pause for. From the 16th century onwards, however,
punctuation was increasingly used to clarify the gram¬
matical structure and the meaning of a text rather than
its rhythmic structure.
Nevertheless, the use of punctuation to mark pauses
in a text continued beyond the 16th century, and in¬
deed is still a feature of present-day punctuation. For
example, as will be seen in Chapter 7, a comma may
be inserted into a sentence at a point where the writer
wishes to mark a pause, and sometimes (as will be
seen in the discussion on page 120) the pauses do not
correspond exactly to the grammatical structure of
the sentence. So although grammar and logic have
replaced rhythm as the main factors underpinning
good punctuation, the rhythms of speech cannot be
ignored entirely.

From heavy to light punctuation

We use far fewer punctuation marks per sentence now
than was normal in even the recent past. This is due
to a great extent to a change in our style of writing. In
the past, good writers writing formal literature tended
to use longer sentences than is now normal, and this
naturally required more punctuation to break up the
sentences and guide readers through their structure.
What is punctuation for? 5

With the current trend towards shorter and simpler

sentences, far fewer punctuation marks are required in
the average sentence.

How punctuation works

Mr Speaker, I said the honourable member was a liar
it is true and I am sorry for it. The honourable
member may place the punctuation where he pleases.
Richard Sheridan, the playwright and politician,
on being ordered to apologize for calling a fellow MPa liar

Punctuation clarifies writing by giving the reader infor¬

mation that the letters of the alphabet alone cannot
do. As can be seen from the supposed ‘apology’ from
Richard Sheridan, a sentence without punctuation can
often be read in more than one way. (Try it for yourself.
Put a comma after ‘liar’ and another one after ‘true’
and read the sentence. Then put a full stop after ‘liar’,
a capital I at ‘it’, and keep the comma after ‘true’, and
see what difference this punctuation makes to the sense
of what Sheridan said. Which version is actually an
It may be helpful, before we go any further, to
have a more detailed look at how punctuation clarifies
writing. It does this in five ways: punctuation separates
words, groups words and links words; it differentiates
between similar words and structures; and it represents
emotional aspects of speech in ways that the letters of
the alphabet alone cannot do.
6 How to Punctuate

Punctuation separating and grouping words

When most people think of punctuation, what they
usually have in mind is punctuation marks such as full
stops and commas. But even the spaces between words
on a page are a form of punctuation that makes texts
easier to read. Consider the following passage from
George Orwell’s Animal Farm:


It is, of course, possible to read this passage as if stands,

even if you have to do so very slowly and from time
to time have to correct misinterpretations of what you
are reading. But how much easier it is to read the
passage when spaces separate the words, full stops and
capital letters mark off sentences, and commas separate
parts of sentences:

It was a bitter winter. The stormy weather was followed by sleet

and snow, and then by a hard frost which did not break till
well into February. The animals earned on as best as they could
with the rebuilding of the windmill, well knowing that the
outside world was watching them and that the envious human
beings would rejoice and thumph if the mill was not finished
on time.

In a more complex passage, the need for punctuation

marks becomes even more obvious:
What is punctuation /or? 7


It might take you several attempts before the structure

of this passage became entirely clear. On the other
hand, once the punctuation is added, it is perfectly

'Our Leader, Comrade Napoleon,' announced Squealer; speaking

very slowly and firmly, 'has stated categorically - categorically,
comrades - that Snowball was Jones's agent from the very
beginning - yes, and from long before the Rebellion was ever
thought of.'

As you can see from these two passages, at the same

time as separating words from each other punctuation
also forms them into groups and marks off these
groups. Once a passage of writing is punctuated, a
reader can immediately see which words belong to¬
gether and which do not. It is hardly surprising that
Timothy Dexter’s readers (see page vii) complained
about the lack of punctuation in his book.
The above examples show how punctuation, by
grouping words, makes passages of writing easier to
read and understand. But that is not the only result.
By separating words into groups, punctuation also
brings out differences in meaning. Look at the follow¬
ing pairs of examples and see how the presence or
absence of commas, or the position of the commas,
affects their meaning (and notice also that the commas
8 How to Punctuate

generally correspond to slight pauses in the sentences

as they would be spoken):

The girls wonted to stay till Julian arrived, (because they liked
The girls wanted to stay, till Julian arrived, (because they
didn't like Julian)

John said his sister was already married, (the sister was
John, said his sister, was already married. (John was married)

Mary went topless on one occasion only, because there were

other women there who were topless, (stresses it was only on
one occasion)
Mary went topless on one occasion, only because there were
other women there who were topless, (stresses it was because
there were other topless women there)

Other activities were arranged for the boys, who were too young
to go sailing, (that is, for all the boys, because they were all
too young to go sailing)
Other activities were arranged for the boys who were too young
to go sailing, (that is, only for some of the boys, because they
were too young to go sailing)

They had left thankfully, (they were thankful)

They had left, thankfully. (I was thankful)

Punctuation linking words

The main form of word-linking punctuation is hyphen¬
ation. Hyphens show that two or more words in a text
are to be taken together as a single unit of meaning.
Consider this sentence from a news report:
What is punctuation for? 9

Thousands of illegal migrants make the perilous voyage each

year, often in rickety ships run by people smuggling rings.

Why, you might ask, do people who are smuggling

rings take illegal migrants along as well? It must in¬
crease the likelihood of their getting caught. A hyphen
in people-smuggling would, of course, make it clear that
these two words are acting as a single unit in the
sentence and that what is meant is that the ships are
run by gangs of people-smugglers, not ring-smugglers.
The hyphen makes the intended sense clear, while the
absence of the hyphen suggests a totally different and
incorrect interpretation of the sentence.
A hyphen may sometimes be in contrast with a
comma. Consider the difference between the following
pairs of examples:

the deep-blue sea (sea that is deep blue in colour)

the deep, blue sea (sea that is both deep and blue)

a light-green dress (a dress that is light green in colour)

a light, green dress (a dress that is both light and green)

The linking hyphens and the separating commas give

entirely different meanings to the phrases.

Punctuation differentiating words

Look at this sentence from a newspaper report:

There have been attempts to rob postmen and women of Giro


Who exactly were the victims of the attempted rob¬

beries? According to the sentence as it stands, the
attacks had been made on postmen and on women.
10 How to Punctuate

However, in the context of the whole report, it is clear

that the attacks were being made on postmen and
How could the writer of the report have shown that
what was meant was not all women but just post¬
women? By means of a hyphen:

There have been attempts to rob postmen and -women of Giro


This use of the hyphen is frequently neglected. Another

option would, of course, have been to spell out ‘post¬
women’ in full:

There have been attempts to rob postmen and postwomen of

Giro cheques.

Hyphens are not the only form of punctuation used

to distinguish words consisting of the same letters.
Apostrophes also have this function. Notice the differ¬
ence the position of the apostrophe makes in these

the boy's boots (one boy)

the boys' boots (more than one boy)

The writer George Bernard Shaw was an ardent pro¬

ponent of spelling reform. Among his betes noires were
apostrophes, which he called ‘uncouth bacilli’. In his
own writing, Shaw regularly omitted apostrophes,
writing dont, havnt, shant, shouldnt and wont instead
of don’t, haven’t, shan’t, shouldn’t and won’t. However,
even he apparently drew the line at omitting the apos¬
trophe from he’ll. The following examples show why:
What is punctuation for? 11

John says the boys may want to go swimming tomorrow. He'll

take them if they do.
John says the boys may want to go swimming tomorrow. Hell
take them if they do.

Punctuation representing emotion and attitude

Question marks and exclamation marks are used to
indicate that sentences are not statements, and capital
letters are used to indicate loudness or an emphatic
tone of voice. Compare the following examples:

That isn't true.

That isn't true?
That ISN'T true?
That isn't true!
THAT isn't true!

A change of typeface or underlining can be used for

the same purpose:

That isn't true.

That isn't true.

Hyphens can also be used to indicate particular quali¬

ties of speech, such as hesitation or uncertainty:

Ye-es. I suppose that's possible.

We-e-ell. Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.

Quotation marks can be used to add a particular nuance

to what is being said. Compare the following examples:

Sheridan worded his apology very carefully, (he apologized)

Sheridan worded his 'apology' very carefully, (he didn't really
12 How to Punctuate

In speech, what is implied by the quotation marks

round ‘apology’ would be indicated by a combination
of pausing, stress and intonation.
What we have had here is just a brief overview of
the main functions of punctuation, illustrated with
examples of only a few punctuation marks and tech¬
niques. There will, of course, be many more examples
in the chapters that follow. But if you have now grasped
the main uses of punctuation, you are well on the
way to improving your own punctuation, which is the
subject of the next chapter.

Summary of key points

• Punctuation clarifies writing by giving the reader
information that the letters of the alphabet alone
cannot do.
• Punctuation separates, groups and links words, so
clarifying the structure and meaning of a piece of
• Punctuation differentiates words that would
otherwise be identical.
• Punctuation indicates emotion and attitude.
Good and bad
punctuation -
and how to
improve yours

. . . most people would probably agree that punctuation

is a matter not only of rules but of personal taste.
G V Carey, Mind the Stop

Taste and commonsense are more important than any

rules; you put in stops to help your reader to
understand you, not to please grammarians.
Sir Ernest Gowers, Plain Words

What is 'good punctuation'?

There are at least two answers to the question, ‘What
is good punctuation?’ If you have read the Introduc¬
tion to this book and Chapter 1, you will already be
aware of one of them:
14 How to Punctuate

Good punctuation is punctuation that clarifies a piece of writing

and makes it easier to read and understand.

This is essentially what Gowers means when he says

that you put in stops (that is, punctuation marks) to
help your reader to understand you rather than to
please grammarians. Punctuation has the practical aim
of making writing easier to read and understand, and
that is as important as adhering to any rules.
But perhaps Gowers goes too far in saying that taste
and common sense are more important than rules in
punctuation. There are rules of punctuation and any¬
one who wants to punctuate well must learn them
and obey them. So a second answer to ‘What is good
punctuation?’ would be:

Good punctuation is punctuation that obeys the current estab¬

lished rules.

To paraphrase Carey, good punctuation is a matter

not only of personal taste but also of rules. You can,
of course, decide not to punctuate sentences with
capital letters and full stops, but if you do, you will
be breaking two of the fixed rules of English punctu¬
ation. The use of full stops and capital letters are estab¬
lished rules of English punctuation, and they must be
adhered to.
Note the word ‘current’ in the second rule above.
Like every other aspect of language - spelling, pronun¬
ciation, vocabulary and grammar - punctuation has
changed over the years and continues to change.
Today’s punctuation norms are not the same as those
of a hundred years ago, 50 years ago, or even 20 years
Good and bad punctuation 15

ago. Norms change .. . but at any given time there are

still norms, a set of good practices which should be
understood and adhered to.
Of course, because punctuation evolves, there are
inevitably grey areas where there is disagreement
among authorities over what is or is not to be con¬
sidered good practice. Some authorities may be more
conservative in their judgements and recommend¬
ations, while others may be more accepting of recent
innovations and developments. It is, as Carey says,
sometimes just a matter of personal taste. How to
Punctuate tries to steer a sensible middle course
through these difficult and sometimes muddy waters,
neither clinging rigidly to the norms of the past nor
welcoming uncritically all recent developments (some
of which seem quite undesirable and to be based
more on carelessness and ignorance than on sound

Rules and choice in punctuation

If there are rules of punctuation, whatever they may
be at any given time, is there always just one correct way
of punctuating a given sentence? No, not necessarily.
Punctuation is an art, not a science, and as Gowers
and Carey imply, knowing the rules is not enough:
common sense, personal judgement and personal taste
also have a part to play. (Carey suggests elsewhere in
his book that punctuation is governed ctwo-thirds by
rule and one-third by personal taste’.)
It is, however, important to know and understand
the rules properly before you begin to apply your own
taste and judgement. While a sentence can often be
16 How to Punctuate

punctuated correctly in more than one way, there may

only be one correct way or one particularly appropriate
way of doing so to convey a particular meaning. Before
you make your own personal choices, you need to
know and understand the options that are available to
you and their implications.

Appropriate level of punctuation

Finally, two more things need to be said about good
punctuation. Firstly, you need to choose an appropri¬
ate level of punctuation to suit your subject matter,
your intended readers and your style of writing. For
example, you are more likely to use colons and semi¬
colons in formal writing than in informal letters and
emails, as your sentences are likely to be longer when
you are writing in a more formal style. But secondly,
and on the other hand, you should as a general rule
use no more punctuation than is required to do the
job. The lighter your punctuation, the better: if you
find that you are having to use heavy punctuation in
your writing, you should consider simplifying, splitting
or shortening your sentences.
Good and bad punctuation 17

Summary of key points

• You use punctuation to help your reader understand
what you have written.
• To punctuate correctly, you must know and adhere to
the current established punctuation rules.
• You should use no more punctuation than is
absolutely necessary. Light punctuation is better
than heavy punctuation.
• You should suit your punctuation to the style of
what you are writing.
• While knowing the rules of punctuation is important,
good punctuation requires a sensible and discerning
approach to their application. Good punctuation
requires thought and common sense.
• Good punctuation allows a certain amount of
personal choice.

Nine key ways of improving your punctuation

1, Don't be afraid of punctuation
Good punctuation really isn’t difficult to achieve. All
it takes is the knowledge of a few rules (all fully
explained in this book), the application of a few general
principles, some common sense, and a bit of thought.

2. Get a firm grip on the rules and broad principles first

Common sense and personal taste may be important
in punctuation, but the way to punctuate well is to learn
the fundamentals first. You cannot make a sensible
18 How to Punctuate

personal choice between, say, a comma and a semi¬

colon or between a semicolon and a full stop until you
are absolutely clear about the principles involved and
the implications of your choice.

3. Read actively
When you are reading, take time to look at the punctu¬
ation other people use in their writing, and ask yourself
why they have chosen that punctuation and whether
you agree with their choice.
Do not, however, copy other people’s mistakes. If
you see punctuation that is not what you would have
expected, don’t just assume that it is you who are
wrong. Other people can make mistakes too. (Sadly,
much of what you read nowadays may be badly punc¬
Also, do not forget that the rules of punctuation
have changed over the years, and the punctuation you
will find in older writers such as Charles Dickens or
Jane Austen is not necessarily appropriate nowadays.
Model yourself on good modern writers.

4. Make a punctuation book

Note examples of good punctuation in a notebook or
computer file. Build up a file of examples of good
practice. Along with the examples you put in your file,
note the rules that apply.
If you find examples of bad punctuation in other
people’s writing - and you will - you could note them
also, along with corrected versions and the rules that
explain them.
Good and bad punctuation 19

5. Think carefully about what you are trying to say

To punctuate correctly, you must understand your
own message. If you do not know exactly what you are
trying to say, it is hardly likely that whatever punctu¬
ation you add to your writing will make your message
any clearer. Punctuation is an aid to clarity of ex¬
pression; it is in itself neither the source of, nor a
substitute for, clarity of thought.
The benefit of clear thinking is that, when you have
a clear idea of the message you are trying to convey and
know the punctuation options and their implications,
many punctuation problems solve themselves.

6. Keep your sentences short(ish)

The longer and more complicated your sentences, the
more difficult it will be to punctuate them and the
more likely you are to make mistakes. Of course, you
don’t want to have a text full of nothing but very short
sentences; that would make what you have written
rather boring. An interesting piece of writing will con¬
sist of a variety of sentence types and lengths. But the
longer and more complicated a sentence, the more
punctuation you will need, and the more room there
is for error. In the early stages of improving your
punctuation, make things easy for yourself. Don’t be
too ambitious. Avoid problems.

7. Change the text to make punctuation easier

Sometimes a punctuation problem can suggest a need
to change the way something has been expressed. Look
at the following passage adapted from a letter to a
20 How to Punctuate

In response to Joyce Holloway's recent column, does she have

elderly parents; does she have children; has she been divorced;
has she been financially ruined; has she ever lost her job?

The correspondent has written a series of questions

separated by semicolons, and rounded them off with
a sole question mark at the end of the sentence. Is this
correct? Should there be question marks at the end of
every question? Should there then be capital letters at
the beginning of every question? And in that case,
should there be semicolons at all? The writer himself
may have been unsure.
The source of this problem lies in the structure of the
whole sentence. There is, strictly speaking, something
missing, because the questions do not actually follow
logically or grammatically from the part beginning
Tn response to .. They need to be introduced by
something like T would like to ask . ..’. Adding this to
the beginning of the sentence improves the sentence,
and at the same time the punctuation becomes easier.
This would be one solution:

In response to Joyce Holloway's recent column, I would like to

ask her the following questions: Does she have elderly parents?
Does she have children? Has she been divorced? Has she been
financially ruined? Has she ever lost her job?

As a rule, if you find it difficult to punctuate something

you have written, check to see whether it is the struc¬
ture of your sentence that is causing the problem. If it
is, recast the sentence and the punctuation problem
may just go away. Write in such a way that you avoid
problems and you will make fewer mistakes.
Good and bad punctuation 21

8. Check your work

When you have finished writing, always go over it
carefully and ask yourself why you have put a full stop
here, a comma there. Was it a deliberate choice, and
was it the right choice? If you’re not sure, stop, think,
and if necessary check up in this book. This may be
slow going at first but, as with any art, you will improve
with practice. You will soon have the knowledge to
make the right choice at the first attempt and will
rarely have to make changes.
Know your weak points. Always look for mistakes
you know you are liable to make. (It is a good idea to
check your punctuation book or file from time to time
in order to remind yourself of the errors you tend to
make or have made in the past.)
Do not rely on the grammar and punctuation
checker on your computer. They are not very reliable
and the suggestions they make are often not at all
helpful. Make your own choices, and know why you
have made them. You don’t need a punctuation
checker, and of course it will often be the case that you
haven’t access to one (e.g. in an exam). But if you
do feel you have to use your computer’s punctuation
checker from time to time, do so actively: don’t just
accept its suggestions - look at them carefully and
decide for yourself whether you agree or not. And do
check that your punctuation checker is set for British
English, not American English. The rules are different.
Don’t agonize over your choices. There are often
two or more possibilities and little to choose between
them. Have confidence in your decisions (once you
have consulted this book and know the rules!). If you
22 How to Punctuate

haven’t broken any rules, and if what you have written

is clear and there is nothing in it that would mislead
the reader, then let it be. It’s probably fine.

9. Practise
And lastly, practise. Practice does make perfect. No
matter what you are writing, never say to yourself that
the punctuation doesn’t matter. Get into good habits.
Avoid sloppy punctuation at all times. Punctuate infor¬
mal emails and letters to family and friends as carefully
as formal letters, reports, essays, and so on. Even if
you use emoticons, or smileys, in emails, always try to
fit standard punctuation in as well (see page 262).
One way of practising punctuation would be to
study what comes through your letterbox. A great deal
of the junk mail we all receive is very poorly punctuated
(it has been a fruitful source of examples of bad punc¬
tuation for this book), and correcting it provides good
practice in punctuation.
Sentences and

‘Begin at the beginning, ’ the King said, gravely, ‘and go

on till you come to the end; then stop. ’
Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

But where to stop? That, for many people, is the prob¬

lem. It is easy enough to start a sentence, but knowing
where to stop is a bit trickier. How do you know you
have written enough to make a complete sentence but
not less than a sentence or more than a sentence? Faced
with this problem, many people seem to simply scatter
a random selection of full stops and commas over their
writing and hope for the best. But clearly that won’t do.
Sentences are the key units of language within which
punctuation operates. If you are not clear about what
is or is not a sentence, what the various types of
sentence are, and what the various elements are that
form a sentence, you will never be able to punctuate
But don’t panic. While you need to know something
about sentences in order to punctuate properly, you
do not need to learn a lot of difficult grammar. Without
24 How to Punctuate

involving very much grammar at all (though a few

technical terms will be found to be helpful), this chap¬
ter will tell you all you need to know about sentences.
You dont need to learn everything in it, but it will
certainly help you punctuate correctly if you read
through it carefully.

What is a sentence?
There have been many different definitions of a sen¬
tence (one book lists about two hundred), and quite
frankly most of them are of little help to anyone who
is struggling with punctuation. For example, many of
us will have learned something like this at school:

A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full

stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark.

Now, this is a perfectly valid definition of a sentence,

and if you apply it to any page in a book, magazine or
newspaper, you will easily pick out all the sentences.
But if you are trying to write sentences, it is no help at
all. Where do you put a full stop? At the end of a
sentence. How do you know you are at the end of a
sentence? That’s where the full stop is. It’s completely
Here is another, more promising, definition of a

A sentence expresses a complete thought

But what is a ‘complete thought’? Consider this sentence:

The boy was choking.

Sentences and non-sentences 25

This sentence describes one action or situation, so

arguably it is expressing one ‘complete thought’. But
now look at this sentence:

James dashed out into the garden, grabbed the boy and
thumped him on the back.

Is that still a single ‘complete thought’? If so, how

about when the same event is described in two sen¬
tences? Look at the following example:

James dashed out into the garden. He grabbed the boy and
thumped him on the back.

Clearly the ‘complete thought’ definition of a sentence,

while an improvement on the ‘capital letter to full
stop’ definition, does not take us far enough. But it is
nevertheless worth keeping in mind when you are
writing. If a sentence you have written seems to be
rather on the long side, ask yourself how many separate
‘thoughts’ or ideas it encapsulates: perhaps you could,
and should, split it into two or more shorter sentences.

Recognizing sentences by their structure

A third way of identifying sentences is by their struc¬
ture. Once you can identify the various types of sen¬
tence and their basic parts, you will more easily
recognize where one sentence should end and the next
one begin and where you should put commas within
Sentences have many different structures and they
cannot all be covered here. Fortunately, they can be
dealt with in four broad categories: simple sentences,
26 How to Punctuate

composite sentences, super-sentences, and reduced

sentences. (This terminology is not that of traditional
grammar, but it suits the purposes of this book.)

Simple sentences
The most basic type of sentence is the simple sentence.

• Structure
Simple sentences can be divided into two main parts:
the subject and the predicate. The subject of the sen¬
tence is the person or thing being spoken about:

He read the letter with satisfaction.

Caroline had hardly slept that night.
The plane flew low over the hills.
James shook his head.
She was absolutely amazed.
Her father is a policeman.

The predicate is what makes up the rest of the sentence:

He read the letter with satisfaction.

Caroline had hardly slept that night.
The plane flew low over the hills.
James shook his head.
She was absolutely amazed.
Her father is a policeman.

The core of the predicate is always a verb. A verb

usually describes the action or activity of the subject:

He read the letter with satisfaction.

The plane flew low over the hills.
James shook his head.
Sentences and non-sentences 27

Notice that a verb may be separated into two parts by

some other word:

Caroline had hardly slept that night

The verb may have an object:

He read the letter with satisfaction.

James shook his head.

Some verbs do not have objects. There is no object in

either of these sentences:

Caroline had hardly slept that night.

The plane flew low over the hills.

Sometimes a verb simply links the subject to what

follows in the sentence, helping to describe the state
or condition of the subject:

She was absolutely amazed.

Her father is a policeman.

The descriptive word or phrase that follows a linking

verb is usually known as a complement:

She was absolutely amazed.

Her father is a policeman.

Complements are found after other verbs as well:

He found the door open and the money gone. (= 'the door was
open and the money was gone')

Some predicates may also have adverbs or adverbial

phrases, words that describe ‘how’, ‘when’, ‘where’,
28 How to Punctuate

He read the letter with satisfaction.

Caroline had hardly slept that night
The plane flew low over the hills.

Simple sentences may be expanded in various ways,

for example by providing more information, adding
people’s names, or including comments:

Tom goes to the opera. -*■ Tom only goes to the opera to please
his wife.
Where are you? -* Where are you, George?
You must say nothing about this. -* You must, for all oursakes,
say nothing about this.

As can be seen from the first example, a simple sen¬

tence may contain more than one verb:

Tom only goes to the opera to please his wife.

A verb that follows ‘to’ (called an infinitive) does not

count as a ‘full’ verb. Whatever its length or com¬
plexity, a simple sentence always contains only one
subject and one main verb associated with the subject.
The subject of a simple sentence may include one
or more linking words (and there may also be some

Neither John nor I will be at the meeting.

Mary and Joseph arrived at the inn.
Peter; Paul and Mary were all at the party.

The same is true for objects, complements and adverbs:

She bought bread, milkf eggs and cheese.

We were poor but happy.
I'll be here next week and the week after.
Sentences and non-sentences 29

When verbs are linked in this way, the sentences are

considered to be composite sentences (see below).
There are other elements that could be mentioned in
the analysis of simple sentences, but for our purposes it
is not necessary to go into greater detail. You should
now be able to recognize a simple sentence when you
see one or when you write one.

• Punctuation
Short simple sentences require very little punctuation.
Often there is only a capital letter at the beginning of
the sentence and a punctuation mark (full stop, ques¬
tion mark or exclamation mark) at the end:

The kitchen was empty.

Where have you put my slippers?
Run for it!

Longer simple sentences may require commas as well:

John, Paul, George and Ringo were in some pop group or other
in the sixties.
Outside, in the garden, she told the detective her story all over
One's gardening clothes are almost always worn, torn, patched,
faded and stained.

Composite sentences
• Structure
Simple sentences are the basic building-blocks of writ¬
ing. While they often stand alone, they can also be
linked in various ways to form longer sentences. When
two or more simple sentences are linked in some way,
30 How to Punctuate

they form composite sentences, and the simple sen¬

tences themselves are then referred to as clauses. Look
at these examples:

The sun rose over the mountains. It painted them a brilliant

orange, (two simple sentences)
The sun rose over the mountains and painted them a brilliant
orange, (composite sentence)
As the sun rose over the mountains, it painted them a brilliant
orange, (composite sentence)

The words that link clauses in a composite sentence

are called conjunctions. Conjunctions are words like
and, or, but, although, because, as, since, when and
There are two types of clause: main clauses and
subordinate clauses. The main clause is the clause that
describes the main action or topic of a sentence:

As the sun rose over the mountains, it painted them a brilliant

I'll tell you when I see you.
You can go if you want to.
We didn't speak again until we had finished our drinks.
He shrugged as he reached for his car keys.

Subordinate clauses often have the same function as

adverbs, saying when, where, how, etc the action of
the main clause happens:

As the sun rose over the mountains, it painted them a brilliant

I'll tell you when I see you.
You can go if you want to.
Sentences and non-sentences 31

A subordinate clause may be the object of a verb:

Tell me what happened.

I think there has been an accident
She knew she sounded like a schoolmistress.
What he was doing there, goodness only knows.

... or the subject of a verb:

What he does now is of no concern to me.

Some subordinate clauses have a descriptive function,

like adjectives:

Have you still got the book that I lent you?

His latest book, which is about UFOs and crop circles, was
lying on the floor beside the bed.

Two or more main clauses may be linked by words

such as and, or or but. Main clauses linked in this
way are ‘equal partners’ in the sentence; neither is
subordinate to the other:

He smiled sadly and turned away.

The sun was shining on the ski slope but it was still very cold.
He hadn't raised his voice, but his tone was quite definitely
We've got to act now or it will be too late.
Either John will be at the meeting or I will.

Composite sentences may comprise more than one

main clause and subordinate clause. Look at the fol¬
lowing examples (where // marks the breaks between
32 How to Punctuate

I don't know // why he said // what he said // but I can

guess // that he was rather upset// because he thought// we
had let him down.
When she came out of the room, // she glanced up and down
the corridor // and decided // that it was safe to go on // so
long as the guards did not waken.

The key feature of a composite sentence is that, no

matter how long it is, the clauses are usually linked by
means of conjunctions.
Some subordinate clauses do not actually have a
verb in them at all:

Once inside the building, the thieves made straight for the

There could, of course, be a subject and verb in the


Once they were inside the building, the thieves made straight
for the safe.

Another type of subordinate clause worth noting is

one in which there is a verb in the form of a participle
(a word ending in -ing, -ed, -en, etc) or an infinitive:

Feeling rather tired after her long trip, she went straight to
Shaken by the storm, the old tree finally collapsed.
To help us out, John came round every evening after work.

• Punctuation
When the clauses of a composite sentence are linked
by conjunctions, there is often no need for any punctu¬
ation between the clauses:
Sentences and non-sentences 33

I'll tell you when I see you.

You can go if you want to.

However, it may be that not all the clauses are linked

in by conjunctions: often, only the last two clauses of
a composite sentence are linked in this way, in which
case the others are simply separated by a comma:

He took a pencil out of his pocket, picked up the notepad and

began to write.
The old man noticed the coin, bent down to pick it up, spat
on it, rubbed it on his sleeve, slipped it into his pocket and
hobbled on.

Even with a conjunction, if a subordinate clause pre¬

cedes the main clause, the two clauses will usually be
separated by a comma as well:

Once they were inside the building, the thieves made straight
for the safe.
Feeling rather tired after her long trip, she went straight to bed.

• Structure
Super-sentences are like composite sentences in that
they consist of more than one clause, but differ from
them in that each of the separate parts of the sentence
is itself a complete sentence (which itself may consist
of one or more clauses). The separate parts are not
linked by conjunctions (though they may contain con¬
junctions) but are separated by semicolons.
A couple of examples of super-sentences will clarify
this explanation:
34 How to Punctuate

I didn't mention the risks her actions involved; I didn't fully

realize them myself at the time.
We have a close relationship; he trusts my judgement; he takes
my advice.

This use of the semicolon will be discussed in more

detail in Chapter 8, but the basic principle is that
the statements in the super-sentence require a greater
break between them than is provided by a comma but
are too closely connected in sense to be separated
completely by full stops.
A series of short sentences may be punctuated with

I was thick, I was fat, I was useless at games, I wore old

patched clothes, I smelt. No wonder I was unpopular at school.

These, too, can be considered super-sentences since

there are no linking words connecting them, but the
main type of super-sentence is the one punctuated
with semicolons.

Reduced sentences
Reduced sentences are words or groups of words that
do not have the full structure of simple sentences but
are still independent units of speech:

What a lovely day!

Happy birthday!
Good morning.
Yes, please.

Reduced sentences are a normal feature of colloquial

Sentences and non-sentences 35

'Are you senous?' 'Quite serious/

'He actually said that?' 'Those very words/
'What are you going to do about it?' 'Absolutely nothing/

Although not grammatically complete (they lack sub¬

jects and verbs), each of these highlighted sentences is
complete in itself in that it is perfectly clear from the
context what is meant:

'Are you serious?' 'I am quite serious/

'He actually said that?' 'He said those very words/
'What are you going to do about it?' 7 am going to do abso¬
lutely nothing about it/

Here is another example of a conversation with reduced


Coffee? Tea? With milk? And sugar? How many lumps? How
about a biscuit? Or a cakef perhaps? One of those sticky,
chocolaty ones?

In speech and colloquial writing, reduced sentences

like these are entirely natural. Reduced sentences are
less used in formal writing, but are acceptable in the
form of short comments:

Can the Coalition win the war? Probably. Can they win the
peace? Possibly not
So much changes when children start school. Everything, in
Only a brave or foolhardy MSP would propose a Scottish space-
exploration programme. But then again, why not?
36 How to Punctuate


She began many sentences without ending them,

running them into one another, in much the same
confused sort of way in which written words run
together on blotting-paper.
Mrs Gaskell, Cranford

There are two categories of non-sentence, both the

cause of and created by bad punctuation. They will be
referred to as fragments and strings.

• Structure
Fragments are groups of words that are really parts of
sentences but which have been punctuated as if they
were complete sentences.
Fragments differ from reduced sentences in that
reduced sentences are independent of what precedes
or follows them, while fragments, when you read them
carefully, clearly belong together in a larger sentence
that has simply been chopped up by inappropriate
punctuation. Fragments can be recognized by their fail¬
ure to meet the 'complete thought’ test (see page 25) and
by the clear grammatical links between them that show
that they really belong together in a single sentence.
Some examples will make this clearer. The following
examples consist of fragments:

x Knowing I would have to perform in front of an audience. I

was extremely miserable.
Sentences and non-sentences 37

X She stopped. Suddenly overcome by weariness. Owing to her

great exertions in the intense heat,
x People who work in first-class restaurants and hotels have
usually been trained in catering schools. Of which there are

In the first example, the first fragment explains the

reason for what is said in the second fragment. They
therefore belong together in one sentence as a subordi¬
nate clause followed by a main clause:

/ Knowing I would have to perform in front of an audience, I

was extremely miserable.

Similarly, in the second example, the second fragment

explains what is said in the first clause, and the third
fragment expands on what is said in the second, so they
should be linked together to form a single composite
sentence consisting of a main clause followed by a
subordinate clause:

/ She stopped, suddenly overcome by wean ness owing to her

great exertions in the intense heat.

And in the third example, the fragment ‘of which there

are many’ is clearly linked to ‘catering schools’, and
the punctuation should reflect this:

/ People who work in first-class restaurants and hotels have

usually been trained in catenng schools, of which there are

Fragments are acceptable as a representation of frag¬

mented speech:
38 How to Punctuate

Don't you remember? When we first met? Long ago. That sum¬
mer afternoon. In the park.
I wasn't worried. Not in the least. Not even for a moment.
Lovely marrows. Grew them myself. At the allotment.

And occasionally, a sentence may be split into frag¬

ments for the sake of emphasis. Compare the following
two examples:

The crowd were cheenng loudly, enthusiastically and passionately.

The crowd were cheenng. Loudly. Enthusiastically. Passionately.

This is an acceptable literary device but it should not

be overdone. Fragments are rarely acceptable in formal
writing, and if you spot any in your own writing, give
careful consideration to a possible rewrite.

• Structure
Strings are the opposite of fragments, and are far more
common in poorly punctuated writing. In strings, two
or more sentences are simply strung together, separ¬
ated by commas where they should have stronger
breaks indicated by full stops or at least semicolons
(see Super-sentences above). Again, an example will
make the point more clearly:

X The occupier of a house in Park Crescent discovered his garage

door open after he had previously secured it, nothing was
reported stolen.

There are two pieces of information here, two separate

‘complete thoughts’ if you like, with a change of topic
(marked by ///):
Sentences and non-sentences 39

The occupier of o house in Park Crescent discovered his garage

door open after he had previously secured it /// nothing was
reported stolen.

It is also clear that both what precedes the suggested

break and what follows it form two grammatically
complete sentences, each with a subject and verb. The
correct punctuation for this passage is therefore as two
separate sentences:

/ The occupier of a house in Park Crescent discovered his garage

door open after he had previously secured it Nothing was
reported stolen.

Sometimes the use of a comma where a full stop is

needed leads to the omission of other commas that
should have been inserted in the sentence. Compare
the punctuation in the following examples:

X Infant drinks may contain sugar which increases the risk

of tooth decay, to reduce this and other related risks we
recommend that you follow the advice below.
/ Infant drinks may contain sugar; which increases the risk
of tooth decay. To reduce this and other related risks, we
recommend that you follow the advice below.

XI was walking along the road with my mobile phone in my

hand talking to my daughter and this boy came along on a
bike, snatched the phone from me and pushed me over. I
must have seemed an easy target, it could happen to anyone.
There was no-one else around, luckily there was a shop nearby
where I went for help, a kind lady walked me home to make
sure I was all right.
/1 was walking along the road with my mobile phone in my
40 How to Punctuate

hand, talking to my daughter, and this boy came along on a

bike, snatched the phone from me and pushed me over. I
must have seemed an easy target It could happen to anyone.
There was no-one else around. Luckily there was a shop
nearby, where I went for help. A kind lady walked me home
to make sure I was all right

As a general rule, if you find that some of your sen¬

tences seem to be going on for rather a long time,
always check to see whether you are actually writing
Sentences and non-sentences 41

Summary of key points

• There are four kinds of sentence: simple sentences,

composite sentences, super-sentences and reduced
• Simple sentences have one subject and one main
• Composite sentences consist of two or more simple
sentences linked by at least one conjunction. j
• Super-sentences are sentences composed of two or
more simple or composite sentences that are too
closely related in sense to be separated by a full
• Reduced sentences are sentences that are
grammatically incomplete but which are not linked
to what precedes or follows.
• There are two kinds of non-sentence: fragments and
• Fragments consist of elements that belong together
in a single sentence but which have been
punctuated as two or more sentences.
• Strings consist of two or more sentences that have
been punctuated as a single sentence.
Full stops

No iron can stab the heart with such force as a full

stop put just at the right place.
Isaac Babel, Guy de Maupassant

A full stop is sometimes called a period. There are two

main uses of the full stop:

1. to mark the end of a sentence; and

2. to indicate an abbreviation.

Full stops in sentences

The basic rule

The basic rule for the use of the full stop is quite

Use o full stop to mark the end of any complete sentence that
is neither a question nor an exclamation.

What is or is not a ‘complete sentence’ has been ex¬

plained in Chapter 3.
There are five punctuation marks that can be used
at the end of a sentence: the full stop (.), the question
mark (?), the exclamation mark (!), the dash (-) and
Full stops 43

the ellipsis or omission mark (...). Of these five, the

last four have specialized uses, indicating respectively
questions, exclamations and, in the last two cases,
incomplete sentences (see Chapters 5, 6, 10 and 13).
The full stop is the punctuation mark to use at the end
of a sentence unless there is a good reason for using
any of the other four.

The coins were pure gold.

She smiled at the little girl.
We realized that we were not in immediate danger.
I have no intention of taking things easy when I retire.

Commands should end with full stops unless they
express strong force or emotion, in which case they
should be closed with an exclamation mark. Compare
the following:

Come in. Take a seat.

Come in when I tell you! And sit down!

Statements, questions and requests

Some sentences that have the form of questions are in
fact commands or requests and should be punctuated
with a full stop rather than a question mark:

Could you close the door, please.

Would anyone who requires a return ticket please come to the
purser's office on the main deck.

Similarly, there are sentences in the form of statements

that are really questions. It is better to punctuate such
sentences with a question mark rather than a full stop
44 How to Punctuate

(though a full stop is usually considered correct too,

and is actually preferred by some authorities - this is
one of these grey areas in punctuation where personal
taste applies more than rules):

James, I was wondering if you would like to come to the show

with us?

But if a sentence is clearly a statement rather than a

question, it should of course be punctuated with a full

1What are you thinking about?' 'Oh, I was just wondering

whether James would like to come to the show with us.'

At the end of a composite sentence that begins with a

statement of fact but ends with a statement functioning
as a question, you should use a full stop:

James, we have an extra ticket for the show and I was wondering
if you would like to come with us.

On the other hand, if the sentence begins with a ques¬

tion and ends with something like ‘I wonder’, the
whole sentence should be punctuated as a question:

Diamonds are carbon. Do they burn, I wonder?

Full stops replaced by commas in direct speech

When a speech verb follows a sentence of direct speech,
the full stop at the end of the sentence is replaced by
a comma:

'That remains to be seen/ said Gordon.

'I don't think that's very funny/ she said. 'It wasn't meant to
be funny/ he muttered to himself.
Full stops 45

However, in a sentence that follows the speech verb,

the full stop remains:

7 don't think that's very funny/ she said. 'Don't ever do that
again. I don't like it.'
7 love you/ he said. 7 love you, and I need you. I couldn't live
without you. Not now. Not ever.'

Position of full stops beside parentheses and quotation

When words in parentheses form a complete and in¬
dependent sentence, a full stop should go inside the
closing parenthesis:

All the fish served in the restaurant is caught locally except for
the prawns, which come from farther along the coast. (For some
reason, they're a lot tastier than the local ones.)
He also drew the illustrations for this book. (That was something
he very rarely did.)

When words in parentheses are a comment that form

part of a sentence, the full stop should be outside the

All the fish served in the restaurant is caught locally except for
the prawns, which come from farther along the coast (and for
some reason are a lot tastier than the local ones).
He also drew the illustrations for this book (which was some¬
thing he very rarely did).

The same applies with quotation marks. Compare the

following examples:

The sign said, 'Visitors Welcome'.

There was a sign at the front door. 'Visitors Welcome.'
46 How to Punctuate

A sign welcomed us to '.Prague, City of a Hundred Spires'.

The incident hod been officially put down as an 'Act of God'.

American practice differs from British practice. In

American English, the full stop always goes inside the
closing quotation mark:

The incident had been officially put down as an "Act of God."

Omission of full stops

• No full stop after direct speech ending in a punctuation
When the end of a passage of direct speech coincides
with the end of a sentence, there should logically be
two punctuation marks, one inside the quotation
marks to indicate the end of the direct speech and one
outside the quotation marks to indicate the end of the
whole sentence. However, in practice, when the second
punctuation mark would have been a full stop, it is

XI heard someone behind me in the queue say, 'My feet hurt.'.

/1 heard someone behind me in the queue say, 'My feet
X The lieutenant leapt to his feet, shouting: 'Charge!'.
✓ The lieutenant leapt to his feet, shouting: 'Charge!'
XI said to him, 'I beg your pardon? What did you say to me?'.
/1 said to him, 'I beg your pardon? What did you say to me?'

A dash marks a sentence that has come to an abrupt

stop without being completed, and for that reason is
not followed by a full stop:

My luggage has been

Full stops 47

In the case of an ellipsis mark ( ... ) at the end of a

sentence, it is correct to add a fourth dot as a full stop,
but current practice favours the omission of the full
stop, leaving just the three ellipsis points:

What on earth was he doing in there? We waited and waited. . .

• No full stop added after an abbreviation ending in a full

If a sentence ends with an abbreviation that ends with
a full stop (for example Ph.D.), the full stop marking
the end of the sentence itself should be omitted (i.e.
there should be only one full stop, not two):

XI don't think I'll ever complete my Ph.D..

/ I don't think I'll ever complete my Ph.D.

• No full stops in headlines, captions, titles, etc

Newspaper headlines, picture captions, the titles of
books, plays, songs and poems, sub-titles, chapter head¬
ings and section headings in reports, etc are not followed
by a full stop, even if they are complete sentences:

Row over terror claim

Celebrities jump into the jungle
The secret message on this monument may jinally be revealed
this week
To a Skylark

However, should a headline, etc consist of two sen¬

tences, the first sentence should end with a full stop,
although the second one will not:

He just walked out the door. That was the last time I saw him
48 How to Punctuate

Summary of key points

• Put a full stop at the end of any complete sentence

that is not a question or an exclamation.
• Replace a full stop with a comma in direct speech
before a speech verb.
• A sentence that has the form of a question but the
function of a request or a command should end in a
full stop.
• A sentence that has the form of a statement but the
function of a question should usually end with a
question mark.
• Headings, captions and titles should have no full
stop even if they are full sentences.
j • Do not add a full stop after another punctuation

Full stops in abbreviations

There is a general tendency in British English to omit

full stops in abbreviations nowadays, but it is not cor¬
rect to omit them in every case. Where British English
may equally correctly have or omit full stops in abbre¬
viations, American English tends to use forms with full

Abbreviations of words
Abbreviations that do not include the last letter of
the abbreviated word are generally followed by a full
Full stops 49

adv., approx., cent (='century'), d. (= 'died'), doz., esp., Jan.,

masc., Sq., Tues., voi, etc
Frankly, I'm v. lukewarm about the whole business. (= Very')

Nonetheless, many of these abbreviations (especially

the days of the week and the months) are nowadays
frequently written without full stops. This is now con¬
sidered quite correct. (See page 52 for abbreviations of
Latin words.)
Abbreviations that include the last letter of the
shortened word are generally written without full stops
in British English:

Mr, Mrs, Dr, St, Rd, etc

Full stops are not incorrect, though. (But write Ms

without a full stop, because it is not actually an abbrevi¬
ation: there is no word of which Ms is a shortened
It is also sensible to add a full stop to any abbrevi¬
ation that might be wrongly interpreted as a word.
An example Carey gives in Mind the Stop is coy. for
‘company’ (in the armed forces), the full stop being
needed to distinguish between a ‘coy. commander’ and
a ‘coy commander’.
Abbreviations formed with numbers are never fol¬
lowed by full stops:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4to (= 'quarto'), 8vo (= 'octavo')

If an abbreviation of a singular word ends with a full

stop, then its plural form generally also ends with a
full stop:

ed. (= 'editof), eds. (= 'editors'); eds is also correct

50 How to Punctuate

Abbreviations of names
Abbreviations of the names of countries, organizations,
etc are usually written without full stops:

USA, UN, EU, etc

Full stops are not incorrect, though. But when the

abbreviations are pronounced as words, they must not
be written with full stops:


Similarly VA T, when pronounced £vat’, must be writ¬

ten without full stops, but when it is pronounced cvee
ay tee’ it can be written with or without full stops.
With people’s initials it is equally correct to omit or
write full stops, and in British English probably now
commoner to omit them:

R B Burns or R. B. Burns

With abbreviations of names, whether or not including

the final letter of the name, add a full stop:

Robt. Burns, Jas. Taylor, Geo. Davidson

Abbreviations of British county names are followed by

full stops:

Hants., Leics., Yorks.

Some authorities prefer Hants and Northants without

full stops, but there seems to be no good reason for
making them exceptions to the general rule.
Abbreviations of states of the USA are also written
with full stops, but not when part of a ZIP code:
Full stops 51

S.D. or 5. Dak. (= 'South Dakota') but SD 15479

There are no full stops in British postcodes:


Abbreviations of units of measurement

Abbreviations of units of metric measurement, of the
temperature scales, and of compass directions, and the
symbols for chemical elements are written without full

cm, km, kg
10°C, 180°F
C, Fe, Pb, Z

Symbols such as £, s, d} p and $, <£ are not followed by

full stops, though it is correct to have full stops in £.s.d.
(pronounced ‘ell ess dee’).
Abbreviations of units of non-metric measurement
may be written with or without full stops:

in or in. (= 'inch'; the form with a full stop avoids possible

confusion with the word 'in')

If the abbreviation includes the last letter of the word,

there is usually no full stop:

ft, hr, mth, yr

Note also lb (= ‘pound’) and oz (= ‘ounce’).

If the abbreviation has a full stop in the singular, it
will have one in the plural as well; if not in the singular,
then not in the plural:
52 How to Punctuate

ins or ins. (but note that the abbreviation in. is also used for

Other mathematical and scientific abbreviations are

written with full stops:

d. (= diameter), etc

Authorities, however, sometimes disagree over whether

a particular letter is an abbreviation (which may be
written with a full stop) or a symbol (which is not
followed by a full stop). If in doubt, follow the recom¬
mendations in your own dictionary or textbook.

Abbreviations of university degrees and public honours

Abbreviations of degrees and honours may be written
with full stops, but are usually written without:

AM, BSc, PhD, MLitt, etc or M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., M.Litt., etc
OBE, KCVO, etc or O.B.E., etc

Abbreviations of Latin words

Abbreviations of Latin words are usually written with
full stops:

o.m., p.m., e.g., i.e.r ibid., no., q.v., viz., etc

However, etc is now often written without a full stop

(as it is in this book) and eg and ie sometimes are. The
former is acceptable, the latter two better avoided. In
stating times, both a.m. and p.m. and am and pm are
acceptable: at 12 p.m. or at 12 pm. In all other cases,
keep the full stops.
ad and bc (usually written as small capitals) may
Full stops 53

be written with or without full stops, and nowadays

more often without.

Other abbreviations
Other abbreviations written in capitals are nowadays
generally written without full stops (though in most
cases full stops are not wrong):


Two-letter abbreviations of single words

TV should not be written with full stops, because it is
the abbreviation of the single word ‘television’. How¬
ever, T. V. has long been in common use, and for that
reason possibly has to be considered acceptable, even
if the full stops are unnecessary and illogical. The
abbreviation TV., with one full stop, though logically
correct, has never caught on.
Similarly, PS or ps without full stops should be used
for ‘postscript’, MS or ms for ‘manuscript’, ID for
‘identity’, and TB for ‘tuberculosis’.

Texting, Internet and email abbreviations

Abbreviations used in texting, on the Internet and in
email are not written with full stops:

BFN (= 'bye for now')

HAND (= "have a nice day")
54 How to Punctuate

Summary of key points

• There are fewer full stops in abbreviations now than
• Except for personal names, abbreviations that
include the last letter of a word need not be written
with full stops.
• Abbreviations that are pronounced as words should
not be written with full stops.
• Abbreviations of units of metric measurement, of the
temperature scales, and of compass directions and
the symbols for chemical elements are written
without full stops.
• Abbreviations of Latin words are usually written with
full stops.

Other uses of a full stop or dot

Decimal numbers and decimal currency
A full stop is often used instead of a centred dot in
decimal numbers:


A full stop is also written between the main unit and

the smaller unit of a decimal currency:

£62.39, $104.26
Full stops 55

In British English, a full stop is written between the
hours and the minutes in stating a time:

The train should arrive at 7.35.

In American English, a colon is regularly used in this


The train should arrive at 7:35.

With a 24-hour clock time, usage varies. There may be

no punctuation at all (1935) - this is especially common
in timetables; there may be a full stop (19.35); or there
may be a colon (19:35).
When seconds are shown as well as hours and
minutes, the general preference currently seems to be
for colons (19:35:05).
Dots may also be written between the day, month
and year of a date (12.10.04), though slashes are also
possible (12/10/04).

Email and website addresses

Full stops or dots are used in email and website
addresses (and of course are called ‘dot’ when the
address is spelt out):

[email protected]
Question marks

A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an

exclamation point.
Mistinguett (French comedienne)

Question marks in sentences

The basic rule

A question mark replaces a full stop at the end of any
sentence that asks a direct question:

Hove you got the receipt?

Whot time is it?
Con you remember whot he actually said?

A question mark may be the only indication that a

sentence is intended as a question. Compare

They're closing the supermarket. Next week.


They're closing the supermarket? Next week?

In a composite sentence, if only part of the sentence is

a question and the rest a statement, the whole sentence
requires a question mark:
Question marks 57

When a lion escapes from a circus in Africa, how do they know

when they've caught the right one?
George Carlin

What would you do if you thought you were being followed by

a stalker?

Similarly, a question mark is used at the end of a sen¬

tence comprising a statement followed by a question tag:

I could hardly ask her that, could I?

You will be there, won't you?

Indirect questions
An indirect question does not actually ask a question;
it says what the question is or was. It is therefore a
statement, not a question, and should be punctuated
with a full stop, not a question mark.
The following examples show three direct questions
followed by the corresponding indirect questions:

'Do you need any help?'she asked.

'Where do you live, little girl?' she asked.
'What is she doing?' he wondered.
She asked whether he needed any help.
She asked the little girl where she lived.
He wondered what she was doing.

Questions statementsf requests and exclamations
Statements as questions
There are sentences in the form of indirect questions
or other statements that do require to be followed
by question marks, because they are in fact asking
58 How to Punctuate

I wonder if you could tell me where the bus station is? (You
are not actually wondering if the person knows where the bus
station is, you are asking for directions to it.)
I suppose there's no hope of anyone having survived the
explosion? (You are asking whether anyone might have sur¬
vived the explosion.)
Surely Joanna must have known that her lavish lifestyle couldn't
go on forever? (You are expressing surprise, anger, etc, by
asking the reader or listener to agree with you that Joanna
must have known this.)
I presume she got home all right? (You're asking for confir¬

A full stop is usually considered correct in this posi¬

tion too, and in fact some authorities prefer it. But
the question mark seems logically better, since its
job is to indicate a question and these sentences are
This use of the question mark is acceptable with
verbs of wondering or supposing, but it should not be
used with verbs that do not actually ask questions:

XI hope your mother is feeling a bit better?

/1 hope your mother is feeling a bit better.

At the end of a composite sentence that begins with a

statement of fact but ends with a questioning state¬
ment, you should use a full stop:

I'm a bit short of cash this month and I was wondering if you
could lend me £100.

A question mark is sometimes used to show that a

sentence should be spoken with a rising, questioning
Question marks 59

intonation, as, for example, when the speaker is making

a tentative suggestion:

Perhaps the letter has got lost in the post? (This is asking for
agreement rather than just expressing an opinion.)

With a full stop indicating a falling intonation at the

end of the sentence, the suggestion is less tentative and
is not asking for agreement:

Perhaps the letter has got lost in the post

Questions as requests
There are sentences in the form of questions that are
not in fact questions at all. For example, they may be

Could you pass me the salt, please. (You already know that the
person could pass the salt, so this is a request, not a question.
A request of this type is often said with a rising question-like
intonation, so punctuation with a question mark is also
Would the owner of the Volkswagen Polo parked at the main
gate please move it immediately.
May I take this opportunity of introducing myself.

A forceful request may even require an exclamation


Will you knock off doing that!

Questions indicating surprise

A sentence in the form of a question may be used to
express surprise, and in this case it should be punctu¬
ated with a full stop:
60 How to Punctuate

And who should we see at the hotel but Tom and Anne. What
a surprise!

Questions and exclamations

Some sentences in the form of questions are actually
exclamations, and should therefore be punctuated with
exclamation marks:

Wasn't that a great concert! (This is not a question but a

strong expression of an opinion.)

The same sentence may therefore be punctuated

differently depending on its underlying meaning:

What are you doing? (question requesting information)

What are you doing! (exclamation expressing anger, surprise,
horror, etc)

A rule of thumb
When in doubt, punctuate a sentence according to its
meaning or intention rather than its grammatical form.

Question marks in a senes of repeated part questions

In a series of full and reduced question sentences,
each sentence requires a question mark (and must also
begin with a capital letter):

If the house was occupied, would the owner phone the police?
Attack us with an axe? Shoot us?

An alternative would be to treat these sentences as

parts of a single sentence and punctuate accordingly:

If the house was occupied, would the owner phone the police,
attack us with an axe, or shoot us?
Question marks 61

Punctuation as three separate sentences suggests that

these are just three random possibilities being con¬
sidered; there could be others. Punctuation as a single
sentence suggests that there are only these three possi¬
bilities, or at least that these are the only three being
considered at that moment.
Some writers break what are technically single ques¬
tion sentences into two or more parts:

Were these heresies the consequences of attempts to add alien

elements onto a Christian foundation? Or the result of fitting
elements of Christianity into a prior non-Christian religious

Notice that in this example the second ‘sentence’

beginning with ‘Or’ has no subject or verb. It is in fact
a fragment (see page 36). If the writer wanted to make
a break between the two questions, he could have
repeated the subject and verb:

Were these heresies the consequences of attempts to add alien

elements onto a Christian foundation? Or were they the result
of fitting elements of Christianity into a prior non-Christian
religious system?

Alternatively, the two questions could have been

merged into one:

Were these heresies the consequences of attempts to add alien

elements onto a Christian foundation, or the result of fitting
elements of Christianity into a prior non-Christian religious

You may even see part sentences in a series without

initial capital letters:
62 How to Punctuate

13 So then, where does that leave the wise? or the scholars? or

the skilful debaters of this world?
Good News Bible, 1 Corinthians 1:20

Again, this seems an unnecessary and undesirable half¬

way house. Either the fragments should be formed into
a single sentence or else, if greater emphasis is required,
they should be treated as fully separate sentences and
punctuated accordingly:

/ So then, where does that leave the wise, or the scholars, or

the skilful debaters of this world?
/ So then, where does that leave the wise? Or the scholars? Or
the skilful debaters of this world?

Questions embedded in statements

Note the punctuation of the following examples:

What will happen now? is the question on everyone's lips.

The question on everyone's lips is, what will happen now?

Opinion is divided on the acceptability of sentences

such as these without further, or different, punctu¬
ation. The first example would certainly be improved
by the addition of quotation marks:

'What will happen now?' is the question on everyone's lips.

The second example is generally considered acceptable

as it is, but it could equally well be written with quota¬
tion marks, in which case the question must start with
a capital letter:

The question on everyone's lips is, 'What will happen now?'

Question marks 63

There is no full stop after the closing quotation mark:

see Omission of punctuation marks below. The
comma after ‘is’ is optional, but it is probably better
to put one in as indicative of the short pause that will
usually be left between ‘is’ and ‘what7 when the sen¬
tence is spoken.
With a verb of wondering or supposing, the whole
sentence can be considered the question (compare
Statements as questions page 57), so the question mark
should be at the end of the sentence:

Where is she, I wonder?

He's down the pub again, I suppose?

If the embedded question is not in the actual form the

question would have when spoken (compare Indirect
questions page 57), then the sentence should be punc¬
tuated as a statement with a comma and a full stop:

What would happen next, was the question on everyone's lips.

The question on everyone's lips was, what would happen next
Where was she, I wondered.

Headlines, captions, titles, etc

Unlike full stops (see page 47), question marks are not
omitted from newspaper headlines, picture captions,
the titles of books, plays, songs and poems, sub-titles,
chapter headings and section headings in reports, etc:

Does passive smoking kill?

Have You Seen My Pretty Peggy?
64 How to Punctuate

Position of question marks with quotation marks and

In questions in direct speech enclosed in quotation
marks, the question mark stands inside the quotation

'What does your dog look like?' she asked.

Unlike the full stop (see page 44), the question mark
is not replaced by a comma in this position:

X 'What does your dog look like,' she asked.

Nor is it followed by a comma:

X 'What does your dog look like?/ she asked.

X 'What does your dog look like?', she asked.

When a question mark comes at the end of a sentence

immediately after a word or words that are highlighted
by quotation marks, the question mark should follow
the closing quotation mark:

Is it the duty of an artist to 'keep out of politics'?

American English does not differ from British English

here (compare the rules for full stops and commas on
pages 46 and 126):

Is it the duty of an artist to ''keep out of politics?"

In the case of parentheses, simple logic applies. If the

question mark belongs to the sentence as a whole, it
should go outside the parentheses:

Was it not in this very bar that he had ordered 'Twenty Bloody
Marys' (but not all for himself of course)?
Question marks 65

If the question mark belongs to a question within

parentheses, the question mark goes inside the par¬
entheses too:

He loved her as a woman (who could not?) but also as his


The same applies to a question inserted as a comment

between dashes:

She was obviously slightly - how shall I put it? - 'tired and

Omission of punctuation marks

When the end of a passage of direct speech coincides
with the end of a sentence, there should logically be two
punctuation marks, one inside the quotation marks to
indicate the end of the direct speech and one outside
the quotation marks to indicate the end of the sen¬
tence. However, in practice, when the second punctu¬
ation mark would have been a full stop, it is omitted:

I said to him, 'What on earth was that noise?'

If one of the punctuation marks is a question mark and

the other is an exclamation mark, neither is dropped:

Why did you shout, 'Look out for that car!'?

Stop saying, 'Why? Why? Why?'!

If the two punctuation marks are both question marks,

they may both be kept, but alternatively one or other
of them can be dropped:

Why did she say, 'Who are you?'?

Why did she say, 'Who are you?'
66 How to Punctuate

Why did she say, 'Who are you'?

Clearly, if a question mark is the only indication that a

sentence is a question, it cannot be dropped. Compare
these examples:

Who was the girl who screamed, 'George Bush has won again?'
Who was the girl who screamed, 'George Bush has won again!'?

Multiple punctuation marks

Sometimes a question mark may be repeated or fol¬
lowed by one or more exclamation marks:

Did he really say that?? Really?!!

This is acceptable in informal writing as a represen¬

tation of a speaker’s emotion and intonation, but it
should never be used in formal writing. In general,
there should only one punctuation mark at the end of
the sentence.

Summary of key points

• End a direct question with a question mark, but an

indirect question with a full stop.
• When there is a clash between the form of a
sentence and its meaning or intention, punctuate it
according to its meaning or intention.
• With regard to quotation marks and parentheses,
place the question marks at the end of the question
they belong to.
' H®"*®****"""*#*"**'' S' s. ' N •. \> «XX"- S' ' *<•' "VW. < .. ' ' ' ,
Question marks 67

Other uses of question marks

A question mark in parentheses may be used to draw
attention to something that the writer is uncertain
about or which seems suspicious or questionable:

The arbitrary (?) doubting of letters is a feature of these inscrip¬

tions. (The use of (?) here indicates that the writer is not sure
whether the doubling of letters in the inscriptions is in fact
arbitrary. It may be, but it may not be.)

Similarly, a question mark is used to indicate that a

given date is not certain. There is more than one cor¬
rect style for this:

The Pharaoh fled to Ethiopia in 340(?) BC.

The Pharaoh fled to Ethiopia in (7)340 bc.

Geoffrey Chaucer (71340-1400) wrote The Canterbury Tales.

Among the British authors he quotes are Sir Thomas Elyot
(71490-1546) and Thomas Cooper (71517-1594).

If you want to suggest a correction to someone else’s

text, this should be done in square brackets:

The Pharaoh fled to Ethiopia in 340 [3397] BC.

The Pharaoh fled to Ethiopia in 340 [7339] BC.
(The original writer said 340 bc but the person quoting him
thinks it was probably in 339 bc.)

The exclamation mark is the literary equivalent of a

man holding up a card reading LA UGH TER to a
studio audience.
Miles Kington

Exclamation marks in sentences

The basic use
An exclamation mark (also called an ‘exclamation
point’ in American English) is used in place of a full
stop to express emphasis or strong emotion:

What a mess!
Ouch! That hurts!
You swine!
I didn't do it! It wasn't me!
'No!' she screamed. 'I don't want your money!'

An exclamation mark is often used to emphasize the

depth of feeling in a sentence, especially in informal
writing such as personal letters and emails:
Exclamation marks 69

It was lovely to be with you last weekend!

Great news! That's excellent! Well done!

This has been criticized by both G V Carey and Loreto

Todd in their books as ‘gushing’, but it seems a harm¬
less enough practice in informal personal letters and
emails. If you want to do it, then go ahead and do it
(but don’t overdo it: Fowler says in Modern English
Usage that ‘excessive use of exclamation marks is ...
one of the things that betray the uneducated or unprac¬
tised writer’).
Precisely because it expresses strong emotion, the
exclamation mark is not much used in formal writing,
such as essays and reports, which requires a more
measured and objective style of writing.

A command should only be followed by an excla¬
mation mark when it expresses strong emotion:

Don't speak to me like that!

Don't touch me!

Otherwise a command is correctly followed by a full


Please sit down.

Don't change anything. Leave the room as it is.

Exclamation marks in poetry

In poetry, the name of a person being addressed is
often followed by an exclamation mark:
70 How to Punctuate

Dear child! Dear girl! that walkest with me here . . .

William Wordsworth, 'By the Sea'

Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour. . .

William Wordsworth, 'London, 1802'

0 World! 0 Life! 0 Time!

On whose last steps I climb . ..
Percy Bysshe Shelley, 'A Lament'

Notice that what follows the exclamation mark begins

with a lower-case letter, not a capital, except (as in the
third example) when the word begins a new line, which
in poetry normally requires a capital letter.

Mid-sentence exclamations
Exclamations may come in the middle of sentences and
should be punctuated with exclamation marks, but what
follows the exclamation need not have a capital letter:

Nothing had been stolen, but oh, dear! what a mess there was.

You cannot hope

to bribe or twist,
thank God! the
British journalist
But, seeing what
the man will do
unbribed, there's
no occasion to.
Humbert Wolfe, The Uncelestial City
Exclamation marks 71

Position of exclamation marks with quotation marks and

In exclamations in direct speech enclosed in quotation
marks, the exclamation mark stands inside the quota¬
tion marks:

That's not fair!' she shouted.

Unlike the full stop (see page 44), the exclamation

mark is not replaced by a comma in this position:

X 'That's not fair/ she shouted.

Nor is it followed by a comma:

X 'That's not fair!/ she shouted.

X 'That's not fair!', she shouted.

When an exclamation mark comes at the end of a

sentence immediately after a word or words high¬
lighted by quotation marks, it should follow the closing
quotation mark:

How dare you call her a 'gorilla'!

American English does not differ from British English

here (compare the rules for full stops and commas on
pages 46 and 126):

How dare you call her a "gorilla"!

With parentheses, do what is logical. If the exclamation

mark belongs to the sentence as a whole, it should
go outside the parentheses, but if it belongs to an
exclamation within parentheses, it goes inside the
parentheses too:
72 How to Punctuate

Was it not in this very bar that he had ordered 'Twenty Bloody
Marys' (but not all for himself of course!).
He said he loved me not just as a woman but (oh, Lord!) also
as his muse.

The same applies to a question inserted as a comment

between dashes:

She was slightly drunk and -how typical! - very patronizing.

Multiple punctuation marks

In informal writing, especially in quotations of direct
speech, an exclamation mark may be repeated to indi¬
cate a speaker’s strong emotion or loudness:

Look out!!!

There may also be a mixture of punctuation marks:

He did what?!!

This is acceptable only in informal writing, and should

in any case not be overdone. Formal writing, being
more objective, rarely requires or allows the expression
of emotion by means of even a single exclamation

Questionsf exclamations and requests

When there is a clash between the form of a sentence
and its meaning, it is the meaning that governs the
choice of punctuation mark:

Wasn't that awful! (This is an exclamation, not a question.)

What are you doing! (This is an exclamation of surprise, not
a question.)
Exclamation marks 73

Will you stop doing that! (This is a forceful request.)

Of course, a genuine question must be punctuated

with a question mark:

What are you doing?

Will he ever stop doing that?

With requests ending in question tags, an exclamation

mark indicates a more forceful request than a question

Have a word with him, will you?

Stop doing that, will you!

Omission of full stops

When the end of a passage of direct speech coincides
with the end of a sentence, there should logically be two
punctuation marks, one inside the quotation marks to
indicate the end of the direct speech and one outside
the quotation marks to indicate the end of the sen¬
tence. However, in practice, when the second punctu¬
ation mark would have been a full stop, it is omitted:

The lieutenant leapt to his feet, shouting: 'Charge!'

From the outside, the building doesn't look very inviting. You
get a feeling of 'Keep out!'

When there is a question mark and a exclamation

mark, both should be retained:

Why didn't you shout, 'Fore!'?

74 How to Punctuate

Headlines captions, titles, etc
Unlike full stops (see page 47), exclamation marks
are not omitted from newspaper headlines, picture
captions, the titles of books, plays, songs and poems,
sub-titles, chapter headings and section headings in
reports, etc:

It's Party Time!

Look Who's Coming for Christmas!

Exclamation marks in emails

A recent development in punctuation is the use of the
exclamation mark in salutations in emails where a
comma would be expected in a letter:

Hi No rah!
Thanks for your email. . . .

This seems unexceptionable in informal emails, but do

not do it in more formal settings:

Dear Mrs Brown,

Thank you for your email. .. .

(For further information on punctuating letters and

emails, see page 261.)

Other uses of the exclamation mark

Indicating humour
Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation
point is like laughing at your own joke.
F Scott Fitzgerald
Exclamation marks 75

Scott Fitzgerald is perhaps too critical here. An excla¬

mation mark may usefully and correctly be used to
indicate that something is not intended to be taken

There have been some very odd things happening round here.
We'U be seeing spaceships and little green men next!
I'd like to thank Norma for her unfailing good humour, even
when I got things wrong!

The exclamation mark indicates to your reader that

what you have said is a joke - you are not laughing at
your own joke, you are inviting the reader to laugh
at it. In speaking, this would be conveyed by facial
expressions, gestures and intonation, but in writing
the exclamation mark has to be brought in to do
the job.

Indicating surprise
An exclamation mark in parentheses is used to show
the writer’s surprise at what is being said. The excla¬
mation mark should follow the word or phrase that
the reader’s attention is being drawn to:

She said she was in the most enjoyable (!) of black depressions.

If the surprise is that of someone else who is quoting

this sentence, then the exclamation mark should be in
square brackets (see page 188 for further explanation
of this point):

She said she was in the most enjoyable [!] of black depressions.
76 How to Punctuate

Indicating scorn
An exclamation mark may be used to indicate a sneer¬
ing or scornful tone:

He even eats peas with his fingers!

An exclamation mark may be used to emphasize a

On the (very rare!) occasions when she misunderstood some¬

thing, she was always happy to be corrected.

Summary of key points

• An exclamation mark is used to indicate strong force
or emotion.
• A command should be punctuated with a full stop,
unless it is a forceful command, in which case an
exclamation mark is correct.
• A sentence that has the form of a question but the
force of an exclamation should be punctuated with
an exclamation mark.
• Exclamation marks can be used to indicate humour,
surprise or scorn, and can also be used for emphasis.

Camilla, you see, wrote as she spoke; and her

indifference to the comma was legendary.
Richard Mason, The Drowning People

The comma is probably the most important of all the

punctuation marks. It is certainly the most misused.
People who are weak at punctuation may scatter com¬
mas across the page in the hope that by so doing they
will have adequately punctuated their text, but it won’t
work. To punctuate correctly, you cannot be indiffer¬
ent to the comma. Indeed, if Camilla really wrote as
she spoke, she could not have been indifferent to her
commas at all, because commas often provide crucial
clues in a written text as to how something was said
or should be said, and therefore to its meaning.
It has been said that you cannot learn the use of the
comma by rule, and that is certainly true. More than
any other punctuation mark, the comma requires you
to use your own skill and judgement, and an under¬
standing "of broad principles as much as hard-and-fast
rules. But there are rules that can be learnt, and the
broad principles are very much a matter of common
78 How to Punctuate

This is a long chapter, so let’s start off by stating

four basic principles regarding commas:

1. The function of the comma is to make a slight break

in a sentence, for any of a variety of reasons.
2. A comma often stands where there would be a slight
pause in the spoken sentence.
3. It is correct, and necessary, to insert a comma any¬
where it is needed to clarify the structure or meaning
of a sentence.
4. The presence or absence of a comma may be the
only way of conveying the correct meaning of a

When not to insert a comma

Many sentences do not require any breaks or pauses
at all, and therefore do not need commas. Look, for
example, at these simple sentences (for what a ‘simple
sentence’ is, see page 26):

A flicker of doubt passed across his face.

There was a young man loitering at the corner.
I wandered across the grass to the castle.
We went off to have a cup of coffee and a sticky bun.

... and these composite sentences composed of main

clauses (see page 31):

Sheila washed the dishes and Tom dried them.

I put my clothes in the locker and shut the door.
We laughed and sang the whole day long.
Either come inside or go away.
Jack had just had a heart attack but he still came to the meeting.
Commas 79

... and these composite sentences composed of a

main clause followed by a subordinate clause (see
page 30):

I'tl forgive him because I love him.

We've got to get out of here before anyone sees us.
The children all hid under the bed when their mother came
This is worse than I thought.
I told you he wouldn't come.
Here's another fine mess you've got me into.

Even quite long composite sentences may not need

commas so long as they are clear and do not fall into
any of the categories discussed below:

I'd been living in America for several years when I decided to

pack in my job and head back home to Scotland to make this
We'd been in the sea for hours and were very cold and could
hardly stand.

Comma separating subject and verb

It was formerly correct to insert a comma after the
subject of the sentence if the subject was a clause or
included a clause:

A man who has not been in Italy; is always conscious of an

Samuel Johnson

One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age. A
woman who would tell one that, would tell one anything.
Oscar Wilde
80 How to Punctuate

Nowadays, a parlour maid as ignorant as Queen Victoria was

when she came to the throne, would be classed as mentally
George Bernard Shaw

However, nowadays this use of the comma is generally

felt to be incorrect:

% That he should have achieved such a remarkable feat in two

weeks, is simply incredible.
/ That he should have achieved such a remarkable feat in two
weeks is simply incredible.

For some exceptions to this rule, see Pauses (page 97).

When to insert a comma

The following pages may seem daunting, filled as they
are with structures and rules and exceptions. However,
there are three basic principles that underpin every¬
thing that follows, easily learned and straightforward
to apply:

1. Commas are used to split up sentences into smaller

parts. To do this, commas should be added at sen¬
sible, logical breaks in sentences (for example,
between clauses or round words that have been
inserted into a clause). If you look carefully at the
structure of your sentences, it will usually be clear
where you should put the commas.
2. Commas often indicate where there are pauses in
sentences. If in doubt about a comma, apply the
‘pause test’. Say the sentence to yourself, and if
you hear a pause, put in a comma (and if you don’t
Commas 81

hear a pause, there is probably no need for a

3. A comma could often be replaced by the word ‘and’.
This is the ‘and test’.

There are many more sentence structures in English

than could possibly be discussed even in a chapter as
long as this one is. But everything that follows in this
chapter is based on these three principles, and if
you apply them you should be able to deal with any
problem you meet.

Subordinate clause + main clause

When a subordinate clause follows a main clause, there
is usually no need for a comma. But a subordinate
clause preceding the main clause is often separated
from it by a comma:

When he awoke, there was a dog watching him.

If anything can go wrong, it will.
As she fell, she cried out in pain.
Because I love him. I'll forgive him.

It is usually better to put in the comma. However,

when (a) there is a close connection in sense or topic
between the clauses, (b) the subject of the verb in each
clause is the same, and (c) there would be no pause
between the clauses when spoken, then it is perfectly
acceptable to omit the comma:

As she fell she cried out in pain.

As he sat up he could smell something burning.
Before I set off on my travels I spent one last evening with
82 How to Punctuate

Once inside the hutch the fox created havoc among the hens.
(= 'Once it was inside the hutch, the fox created . . /)

If these conditions are not met, there must be a

comma; for example, with a change of subject:

When he got back, his wife was waiting for him.

Because I love him, he can get away with almost anything.

The longer the initial clause, the better it is to have a

comma after it:

As we rushed up to the platform, we saw the train pulling out

of the station.
If you have any pretensions to intellectual credibility, you don't
ever want to be caught reading books of that sort.

When the subordinate clause includes a participle

(a word ending in -ing, -ed, -en, etc) or an infinitive
(a verb following ‘to’), it should be followed by a

Feeling rather peckish, she tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen.

Breathing heavily, he made his way across the garden.
Her hands raised to protect her face, she tried to back away.
Absolutely shaken by the experience, she lay down on the

... though some authorities accept -ing clauses and

infinitives without a comma:

While walking home after the party she was knocked down by
a car.
To stop himself laughing he bit his lip hard.

Without any verb, there should be a comma:

Commas 83

Rather peckish, she tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen.

Quite out of breath, she collapsed at the side of the road.

Lastly, notice the difference in meaning the punctu¬

ation indicates in the following examples:

Pat having lost her keys, Gavin had to climb in through the
bathroom window.
Pat, having lost her keys, had to climb in through the bathroom

To sum up this section: when in doubt, put a comma

between a subordinate clause and a following main
clause. It is not wrong to do so and sometimes wrong
not to.

Main clause + subordinate clause

When a subordinate clause’s only verb is a participle (a
word ending in -ing, -ed, -en, etc), it should be separated
from a preceding main clause by a comma:

She stepped towards him, looking mockingly into his eyes.

We tried various techniques, some turning out to be quite useful
and some not.

A comma is often inserted before a subordinate clause

to mark a pause (and a difference in meaning). Compare

I'm not going because I want to. Oh, no. I'm only going because
I have to.


I'm not going, because I don't want to.

84 How to Punctuate

Main clause + linking word + main clause

When two main clauses are linked by a conjunction
(and, but, or, etc), there is often no need for a comma
between them. For example, there is no comma when
one subject is linked to two or more verbs:

We laughed and laughed.

The crowd clapped and cheered and whistled.

.. . though commas may be used to indicate slight

pauses for emphasis (see page 99):

She wept, and pleaded, and kissed his feet, and tore her clothes,
but all to no avail.

Commas are also unnecessary when the themes of the

linked clauses are closely connected:

Sheila washed the dishes and Tom dried them. (= one single
activity - doing the dishes)
Winter came and the river froze over, (a single theme: the river
froze because it was winter)
I shouted and shouted and shouted but nobody heard me.
(describing a single situation, so no commas; but there could
egually well be a comma before 'but' because of the contrast
between 1 shouted' and 'nobody heard me' - see page 85)

A comma is generally used when the subject of the

verb is different in each clause and/or the themes of
each clause are not closely linked. Again there is likely
to be a slight pause between the clauses:

Night fell, and it began to rain. (It didn't begin to rain because
night had fallen; these are just two facts.)
I had a splitting headache, but we had to get the wallpapering
Commas 85

finished. (The headache and the wallpapering are not related.)

The fox sniffed the air for a moment; then trotted off across
the field.

A comma may be needed between main clauses if

they are long clauses. What exactly constitutes a dong
clause’ is a matter of personal judgement. Here is an
example without a comma, where it might have been
better to have had one after ‘night’:

[3 % need for somewhere to carry on with my writing without

being disturbed was dearly of less importance than her need
to entertain friends at all hours of the day and night and our
relationship soon deteriorated to one of constant argument,
accusation and recrimination.
/ My need for somewhere to carry on with my writing without
being disturbed was clearly of less importance than her need
to entertain friends at all hours of the day and night, and our
relationship soon deteriorated to one of constant argument;
accusation and recrimination.

A comma is often inserted between clauses to empha¬

size a contrast, particularly with but or yet:

I like maths, but my brother prefers English.

He seemed happy, yet there was obviously something bothering

... or to express a consequence, for example with so:

She goes out to work, so her mother looks after the children
after school.
I was late in leaving the office, so was very lucky to find a
86 How to Punctuate

. . . but not with and:

Do that again and I'll smack you.

Don’t agonize over all this. Just remember the general

principles (same or different subjects, connected or
unconnected themes, contrast or no contrast) and you
won’t go far wrong. And remember also to use the
‘pause test’ (page 80) if you are uncertain whether or
not to insert a comma.

• Comma or semicolon?
Only a few linking words (and, but, for, or, nor, so,
while and yet) can be preceded by a clause-separating

My aunt is visiting us next week, and my cousins are joining us

the following weekend.
I've not been well, but I'm better now.
Stop that now, or there'll be trouble.
She works the night shift, so she's always asleep in the morning.
John is a country boy at heart, while Sarah is definitely a townie.
He was a clever lad, yet he still failed all his exams.

Other connecting words (such as also, consequently, for

example, furthermore, hence, however, instead, more¬
over, nevertheless, therefore and thus) must be preceded
by a semicolon, and are usually followed by a comma:

Mandarin Ducks form a strong attachment to their partners and

are said to pine away when they die; hence, they are also an
emblem of conjugal fidelity.
He knew they would be looking for him; consequently, he had
a preference for being in large crowds.
Commas 87

Churchill was a great man; moreover, he had a sense of history.

She had worked for the company for over twenty years; neverthe¬
less, she got nothing from them when they made her redundant
last month.
Owen renamed the town New Harmony; however, it was any¬
thing but harmonious.

These sentences could be punctuated with full stops

rather than semicolons, but the semicolons are used
to show the close connection between the two parts of
each sentence. (For more on this, see page 131.)
If there is both a linking word such as and or but and
a word such as consequently, moreover, etc, a comma is

He knew they would be looking for him, and consequently he

had a preference for being in crowds.
Churchill was a great man, and moreover he had a sense of

When consequently, moreover, nevertheless, etc are in¬

serted into clauses rather than standing as links be¬
tween clauses, they are punctuated with two commas:

This book didn't move as fast as the others, but it was, neverthe¬
less, a good read.
She was a great pianist. She was, moreover, a dedicated

Nevertheless and consequently can stand without com¬

mas if the contrast is expressed without stress or

This book didn't move as fast as the others, but it was neverthe¬
less a good read.
88 How to Punctuate

She read a lot; and was consequently very knowledgeable about

current affairs.

At the beginning of a sentence, there may or may not

be a comma after words in this group; it depends
on whether there is a pause (use the ‘pause test’; see
page 80).

That piece of land has been fought over for centuries. Conse¬
quently no-one plants anything there.
That piece of land has been fought over for centuries. Conse¬
quently r no-one plants anything there.
The theory is simple yet powerful. Nevertheless, it has its limi¬
I don't want to do it. Nevertheless I will.

Other sentence-initial words that make links between

sentences are generally followed by commas:

We were too tired to go skinny-dipping with the others. Besides,

who would want to?
It was apparently a pretty awful game. All the same, I wish I'd
been there.
Firstly, the idea is impractical. Secondly, we don't have the

• More about however

Punctuation mistakes with however are particularly
common, with commas instead of semicolons. These
examples of incorrect punctuation are typical:

X Her family were invited to her wedding, however the invi¬

tations were not even acknowledged.
Commas 89

x She knew there was no-one around, however she still kept
looking over her shoulder to check.

Here are the same examples correctly punctuated:

/ Her family were invited to her wedding; however; the invi¬

tations were not even acknowledged.
/ She knew there was no-one around; however; she still kept
looking over her shoulder to check.

At the beginning of a sentence, however is always fol¬

lowed by a comma:

I'm really rather annoyed with her. However; I won't say


When however is inserted into a clause rather than

acting as a link between clauses, it is correctly punctu¬
ated with commas:

Things were, however, not quite going to plan.

We thought we heard someone walking about on the roof. It
was, however, only a crow.

Note the difference in punctuation between however

meaning ‘nevertheless’ and however meaning ‘no mat¬
ter how much’:

I'm really annoyed with her. However, much as I want to, I

won't say anything.
However much I want to, I won't say anything.

The relationship between the brain and the body, however,

interesting in itself, is not our concern here. (= 'although
interesting, the study of the relationship is nevertheless not
our concern')
90 How to Punctuate

The relationship between the brain and the body, however

interesting in itself, is not our concern here. (= 'the study is
not our concern, no matter how interesting it is')

Main clauses not linked by conjunctions

When three or more main clauses are juxtaposed with¬
out conjunctions, they are separated by commas:

Nothing ever happens round here, no-one visits us, no-one

writes, no-one phones.
You can do it, you must do it, you shall do it.
I like maths, my brother likes history, my sister prefers lan¬
I'm going up to Findhorn, I'm going to talk to the plants and
trees, I'm going to find inner peace and spiritual enlightenment
- that's what I'm going to do.

It is generally considered wrong, however, to separate

only two clauses by a comma. Unless there is a con¬
junction linking them, two clauses should be separated
by a semicolon:

XI like maths, my brother likes English.

/1 like maths; my brother likes English,
y I like maths, and my brother likes English.

You can, however, use a comma between two closely

related and balanced parts of a sentence when the first
one has a negative word (such as not) in it and the
second one is a comment on the first:

I don't hate your cats, it's just that I'm a dog person.
These ideas weren't just misguided, they were criminally insane.
Commas 91

Even when the main clauses have subordinate clauses

attached to them, commas are acceptable (though
semicolons would not be wrong):

I can't confirm that there was a plot, I can only say that I was
told that there was.
It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there
when it happens.
Woody Allen, Without Feathers

Clauses expressing contrasts definitely require semi¬

colons unless there is a linking word between them:

There are some people who are strongly opposed to women

bishops; personally, I have no trouble with the idea.
There are some people who are strongly opposed to women
bishops, but personally I have no trouble with the idea.

If a word or phrase is brought forward to the beginning
of a sentence for emphasis, it is usually not followed
by a comma:

Sport they call it! I call it murder. (= 'they call it sport')

Really good soup it was too. (= 'it was really good soup')
Her poetry I like, but her short stones do nothing for me.
Einstein he ain't, but he's a good lad.

A clause in this position is often followed by a comma:

What he thought he was doing, heaven only knows. (= 'Heaven

only knows what he thought he was doing')
92 How to Punctuate

Phrases saying when, where and how

The American writer James Thurber was once asked
why there was a comma in the sentence “After dinner,
the men went into the living room. ” He replied that
the comma had been inserted by Harold Ross, the
editor of the New Yorker, and that the comma was
Ross’s way of giving the men time to push back their
chairs and stand up.
A Thurber story quoted by many writers on punctuation

Thurber and Ross were forever arguing over commas,

but in this case both men were right. After an initial
word or phrase stating the time of action, it is equally
correct to insert a comma or to omit one. Here are
some examples without a comma:

By that time they had all left.

Every day the news got worse.
In the morning I awoke to find it was raining.
Presently they were joined by a third figure in black.
About eight o'clock we were picked up by some fishermen.

. .. and here are some with commas:

By that time, I was totally hooked on research.

In the morning, I got up early to have a look around the town.
Presently, she is a teacher in a city-centre school.
At about eight o'clock, we went back to Mum's for tea.

There may of course be more than one time phrase,

in which case it is better to put in the commas:

Early the next morning, about eight o'clock, we left the camp
and went into the nearby town.
Commas 93

The longer the initial phrase or phrases, the better it is

to break up the sentence with a comma or two, but
there is no hard-and-fast rule about this: it is a matter
of your own taste and judgement. But here again,
remember the ‘pause test’ (page 80).
When the time phrase comes at the end of the clause
or sentence, there is no comma:

We left the hotel at about seven o'clock in the morning and

drove south.

Words and phrases stating ‘where’ at the beginning of

a sentence are, like those stating ‘when’, equally well
written with or without a following comma:

Outside in the street a crowd was gathering.

Further along the road, there was a chip-shop.

Words and phrases describing ‘how’ are generally sep¬

arated off by a comma at the beginning of a sentence
but not at the end:

In panic, they took to their heels.

They took to their heels in panic.

Interruptions and add-ons

Any word or group of words that interrupts the struc¬
ture of a clause must be separated off by commas:

Any alteration to the plans, however small, must be viewed as

a victory.
He has, among other things, a black belt in karate.
Why is it, incidentally, that swimming pools are always such
unattractive buildings?
It is, of course, not quite as simple as that.
94 How to Punctuate

She is, after allr his mother.

That; you see, is the problem we're up against
I was, as you may gather, slightly annoyed with her.
I'm very fond of but allergic to, long-haired cats.
This war, like the next war, is a war to end war.
Lloyd George

An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of

George Mikes

Always make sure both commas are there. Watch

especially in long sentences where you may simply
forget the second one:

X Repeated invasion of their country by foreign armies over the

centuries, and the accompanying outrages and atrocities that
had been inflicted upon them had given rise to a particularly
strong stoicism among the peasants.
/ Repeated invasion of their country by foreign armies over the
centuries, and the accompanying outrages and atrocities that
had been inflicted upon them had given rise to a particularly
strong stoicism among the peasants.

Similarly, a word or group of words added on at the

beginning or end of a sentence needs to be separated
off by a comma:

Of course, it is not quite as simple as that.

Between you and me, I'm not very impressed.
Frankly, I couldn't care less.
Like sheep, they all do the same thing.
Really, what is to become of you?
Excuse me, is this the Birmingham train?
Commas 95

Well, Bob, what do you think?

Well now, what have you been up to?
Hey, I hear you've got a new car.
That's the problem, you see.
I saw Kate yesterday, by the way.
I'm not quite sure what happened, to tell you the truth.
It could only happen in Ireland, and it did. In Donegal, to be
He stared at her, totally unnerved by her bizarre behaviour.
She stared at him, her face as white as a sheet.
There were a lot of escape attempts, some successful, some
It's broken, I'm afraid.
So you've got a new car, eh?
Are you coming with us, Sam?
Good morning, sir.
Sleep all right, did you?
That's great news, isn't it?
Yes, please.
No, thank you.

Moving a subject and verb from the start of a sentence

to the middle or end of the sentence turns them into
insertions or add-ons:

I thought it was a ridiculous waste of time.

It vsas, I thought, a ridiculous waste of time.
I suppose you could argue that they were just showing some
You could argue, I suppose, that they were just showing some
I think he got the message.
He got the message, I think.
96 How to Punctuate

As a general rule, any element of a sentence that is not

strictly connected to what precedes or follows requires
a comma to mark the separation. Sometimes the sense
of the sentence changes according to whether or not
part of it is treated as an add-on:

The girts wanted to stay tilt Julian arrived, (because they liked
The girts wanted to stay, till Julian arrived, (because they
didn't like Julian)

You should have planted the bush as I told you. (= 1 told you
how to plant it')
You should have planted the bush, as I told you. (= 1 told you
to plant it')

Commas, brackets and dashes

Commas are not the only way of separating off com¬
ments in a sentence. Both dashes and brackets are used
for this purpose too:

The bus stopped frequently - every 20 feet in places, it seemed

- and at nearly every stop there was a large exchange of
Its seafront promenade is handsome and well maintained and
its vast bay (174 square mites, if you're taking notes) is easily
one of the most beautiful in the world.
Both from Bill Bryson, Notes from a Small Island

The second ‘Julian’ example could have been punctu¬

ated with a dash (whereas the first one could not):

The girls wanted to stay - till Julian arrived.

Commas 97

Dashes and brackets make a greater break before an

add-on or round an interruption in a sentence than
commas do, and are therefore not appropriate for
briefer, casual comments like ‘by the way’, ‘you see’ and
‘after all’ that are more closely integrated into the sen¬
tence. Dashes and brackets are, however, a useful way of
avoiding an excess of commas in a sentence if there are
already several commas there for other purposes.
A comma may be used when what follows the
comma explains what precedes it:

There are two sorts of people I hate, politicians and spin-


However, it may be better to use a colon or a dash in

this position when a comma might be confusing:

There are two things you need for a good life, status and money.

This does not mean ‘For a good life, for status and for
money, you need two things’ but ‘the two things you
need for a good life are status and money’. With a
colon or dash, this is made clearer:

There are two things you need for a good life: status and money.
There are two things you need for a good life - status and

Pauses and breaks

A comma may simply indicate that there should be a
pause or break in a sentence, for any of various reasons.
There are no hard-and-fast rules about this; it is often
a matter of your own judgement. The ‘pause test’ (see
page 80) is often a useful guide.
98 How to Punctuate

Pause commas may be added for the sake of clarity,

for example when two similar or identical words come
together in a sentence:

What they all were, were writers.

One thing Robert wasn't, was a coward.
Those who need to know, know.

... or when the final element of the sentence is very

short and follows a long, unbroken introductory clause
(or clauses):

Galbraith's law states that anyone who says he won't resign

four times, will.
3 K Galbraith (American economist)

Steven had the sort of friends a child with a mother like she
was reputed to be, had.
Isla Dewar, It Could Happen to You

... or where the latter part of a sentence is not directly

linked to what immediately precedes it but to some¬
thing earlier in the sentence:

Anyone knows that, who knows anything about computers.

(= 'anyone who knows ...')
She believes strongly in the capacity of even those who commit
atrocities, to do good. (='... the capacity to do good . ..')

... or when two adjacent words or phrases could form

a unit, which would mislead the reader:

He worked long hours, for his uncle was a hard task-master.

(^ '... worked long hours for his uncle ...')
What had seemed so daring then, seemed wonderfully innocent
now. '... then seemed . ..')
Commas 99

Once you know, the solution is obvious. 'Once you know

the solution ...')

Optional pauses for emphasis

A pause may serve to emphasize what follows:

I shouted and shouted, but he didn't hear me.

Do you suppose anyone knows if he died, or cares?
I've never had better service in a hotel, or felt more unworthy
of it.

Since a comma may indicate a pause that emphasizes

something, you often have a choice between insert¬
ing and not inserting a comma, depending on the
degree of emphasis you want to place on some element
of the sentence. Compare the following pairs of
examples, and notice how the pauses indicated by the
commas in the second version of each pair place
greater emphasis on the parts of the sentence they

Tim did it all by himself.

Tim did it, all by himself.

I had a pain in my leg but eventually it cleared up.

I had a pain in my leg but, eventually, it cleared up.

The boat had a sail as well as an engine.

The boat had a sail, as well as an engine.

If an introductory word or phrase in a sentence is fairly

short and unemphatic, there is no need for a comma
after it:

Perhaps I'm being too hard on her.

100 How to Punctuate

Similarly, linking words and comment words need not

be separated off by commas if there is no great empha¬
sis on them:

I'm perhaps being too hard on her.

You are therefore their last hope.
The experience was nevertheless distressing.

But commas indicate more emphasis:

I am, perhaps, being too hard on her.

You are, therefore, their last hope.
The experience was, nevertheless, distressing.

The rule is to follow the rhythm of the sentence and

apply the ‘pause test’ (see page 80).

In a sentence expressing an alternative, there should
be no comma between the alternatives.

I want to be a firefighter or a policeman when I grow up.

But when the alternative is an alternative name for

something, there should be a comma:

Boyle's original researches were into nitre, or saltpetre, ('nitre'

= 'saltpetre')
This rocky island is the home of the gannet, or solan goose.
('gannet' = 'solan goose')

Notice the difference between these two sentences:

Do you want Colin or George to go with you? (= 'or don't you

want anyone at all?')
Commas 101

Do you want Colin, or George, to go with you? (= 'one of them

is going; choose which one')

Relative clauses
A relative clause is a clause that is linked to a preceding
word by a word such as that, who or which. A relative
clause says something about the antecedent:

Is this the book that you lent her?

These are the plants that I was talking about
He prodded the boy; who was rigid with terror.
The song thrush, which was once common, has disappeared
from the UK's top ten species.

Sometimes there is no linking word:

Is this the book you lent her?

These are the plants I was talking about

There are two types of relative clause and the distinc¬

tion between them is important because they are punc¬
tuated differently.
A relative clause that identifies, picks out or des¬
cribes a particular person or thing is called a defining
relative clause. A defining relative clause is not separ¬
ated off from its antecedent by a comma:

Have you still got the book I gave you? (This identifies one
particular book.)
You know the man I mean, the man who drives that old Ford.
(This identifies one particular man.)
Who was that fellow you were talking to?
The book that was on the table was mine.
102 How to Punctuate

She had lost the diamond ring that I had given her for
I'll meet you at the spot where the path crosses the river.

Relative clauses which do not identify a particular per¬

son or thing but simply provide some further inform¬
ation about them are called non-defining relative
clauses. Non-defining relative clauses are separated off
from their antecedents, and the rest of the sentence, by

My neighbours, who come from Italy, make wonderful pasta

dishes. (The relative clause does not identify the neighbours
but makes a comment about them.)
'The Hobbitwhich was written by Tolkien, is the story of the
adventures of Bilbo Baggins.
The book, which was lying beside his bed, was something to
do with UFOs.
We met at the bridger where we had often met before*

Errors with the punctuation of defining and non¬

defining clauses are very common. Note the difference
between these examples:

We attached the fuses to the bombs, which were already in

place. (= to all the bombs)
We attached the fuses to the bombs which were already in
place. (= only to the bombs that were in place, and not to
other bombs)
The men, who had attempted to show resistance to the terror¬
ists, were all killed. (= all the men were killed)
The men who had attempted to show resistance to the terrorists
were all killed. (= only the men who had resisted were killed)
Commas 103

The following example, with only one comma, is there¬

fore incorrect and ambiguous:

x The men, who had attempted to show resistance to the terror¬

ists were all kilted.

The rule for relative clauses is: always check whether

the relative clause is picking out a particular person or
thing (in which case there should be no commas round
it) or giving additional information as a sort of com¬
ment (in which case it should be separated off, as all
comments are, by commas).

Summing up
If a relative clause sums up or comments on what
has gone before, it should be separated from it by a

The men shared with us what little food they had, which
amounted to about a mouthful each.
The girl was very slim and was wearing a tight black dress,
which made her seem taller than she actually was.

The presence or absence of a comma may alter the

meaning of the sentence:

The girl was very slim and was wearing a tight black dress,
which made her seem taller than she actually was. (The tight
dress + being slim made her seem taller.)
The girl was very slim and was wearing a tight black dress which
made her seem taller than she actually was. (The tight dress
made her seem taller.)

Explanations are treated the same way:

104 How to Punctuate

I now at last grasped the point of what he had been telling me

these past few weeks, that I would need much more money
than I had if I was to set up in business on my own.

Without the linking word ‘that’, there would have to

be a colon:

I now at last grasped the point of what he had been telling me

these past few weeks: I would need much more money than
I had if I was to set up in business on my own.

(See also page 140 for more about the use of colons in
elaborations and explanations.)

Apposition is the technical name for the grammatical
construction in which two nouns or noun phrases
referring to the same person or thing stand next to
one another in a sentence and the second picks out or
provides information about the first. Usually there will
be a slight pause at the commas, as is suggested by
the commas that must be written round the second

We have had a good response from you, our members, to our

winter programme of talks, ('you' = 'our members')
Another grand old man of the theatre, Arthur Morris, is
enjoying a grand old age. ('grand old man of the theatre'
= 'Arthur Morris')

Note that the sentence still makes sense when the word
or words within the commas are removed:

We have had a good response from you to our winter programme

of talks.
Commas 105

Another grand old man of the theatre is enjoying a grand old


In cases like this, it is always wrong to omit the separat¬

ing commas:

X If you want a hot deal, call me Tom Johnson now for a free
/ If you want a hot deal, call me, Tom Johnson, now for a free

In some cases of apposition, however, the second

element is not additional information; the first element
is a phrase describing the second element. In this sort
of apposition, there should be no commas:

/ Grand old man of the theatre Arthur Morn's is enjoying a

grand old age.

In this case, the sentence makes sense if the first element

is removed, but not when the second element is:

/ Arthur Morn's is enjoying a grand old age.

X Grand old man of the theatre is enjoying a grand old age.

The co-ordinating comma

Co-ordinating commas are inserted between a series
of words or phrases that stand together in a sentence
and have the same function. For example, there may
be a series of descriptive adjectives or adjective phrases:

She spoke in a low, quiet voice.

Today is yet another day of grey, wet, miserable weather.
They are the most beautiful, the most graceful, the most
delightful chorus girls in the whole world.
106 How to Punctuate

Unloved, unwanted, uncared-for; the children beg in the streets

by day and sleep in doorways by night

... or of nouns or noun phrases:

Plates, cups, saucers, bowls - everything crashed to the

Everything was thrown out when we left, all the furniture, all
the carpets, all the curtains, all the pictures and ornaments.

... or of verbs:

All weekend they measured, sawed, planed, nailed, plastered,

Communism isn't sleeping; it is, as always, plotting, scheming,
working, fighting.
Richard Nixon (former US president)

... or of adverbs or adverb phrases:

The men worked quietly, confidently, with deadly efficiency.

... or of predicates or other phrases:

I have struggled to make something of my life, of my work, of

What are the Conservatives to do? Should they move to the
centre, move to the right, push moral values, ignore moral
values, be more negative about Labour and the Lib Dems, be
more positive about their own policies?

(For commas separating clauses in a sentence, see

page 81.)
In sentences like these, you could theoretically
replace the commas by ‘and’ (though in some cases it
might make a rather unnatural and stilted sentence):
Commas 107

Today is yet another day of grey and wet and miserable weather.
They are the most beautiful and the most graceful and the most
delightful chorus girls in the whole world.
The men worked quietly and confidently and with deadly

This is the find test5 for commas (see page 81).

If the last two items in a list are linked by ‘and’,
there may be a comma before the ‘and’:

The official languages of Singapore are English, Mandarin

Chinese, Malay, and Tamil.
They measured, sawed, planed, nailed, plastered, and painted
the whole weekend.
Channing was a leading figure in the movement to eliminate
slavery, drunkenness, poverty, and war.

... but there needn’t be:

The official languages of Singapore are English, Mandarin

Chinese, Malay and Tamil.
They measured, sawed, planed, nailed, plastered and painted
the whole weekend.
We guarantee to rid your lawn of unsightly weeds like daisies,
dandelions, clover and speedwell.

The comma inserted before ‘and’ in this position is

often referred to as the ‘serial comma’ or ‘Oxford
comma’. While it is optional in British English, it is
generally used in American English.
The linking word may be ‘or’ or ‘but’ rather than
‘and’, but the same rule applies:

Always take the mask off when you shower, swim or sleep.
We spent all our time eating, sleeping, sunbathing, or swimming.
108 How to Punctuate

She was the selfish, difficult hut beautiful daughter of a factory-

We were all very tired, very dirty, but very happy.

When all the items in a series are linked by ‘and’, ‘or’

or ‘but’, there should be no commas:

Allan was a good and kind man.

They were poor but honest folk.
He sings and dances and plays the piano.
Which do you like best - singing or dancing or playing the

The same is true for words and phrases linked by either

... or, neither .. . nor or both . . . and:

Both Nancy and I were delighted.

Neither her sister nor her brothers were invited to the wedding.

Further points to note

• A co-ordinating comma is needed between words
that are repeated for emphasis, even though it would
be almost impossible to link them with ‘and’:

That is a wonderful, wonderful idea.

Yes, it's really, really, really annoying.

• The longer the linked elements, the better it is to

insert a serial comma:

He raised the bow to his shoulder; took careful aim at the

target, and gently released the arrow.
Telling lies is a fault in a boy, an art in a lover, an accomplish¬
ment in a bachelor, and second-nature in a married man.
Helen Rowland
Commas 109

(For more on this, see the comments on linking clauses

on page 85.)
• There are times when a serial comma, even if
optional, is best inserted for the sake of clarity, for
example when a series of items includes one which is
itself always linked by the word ‘and’ (for example, the
shop ‘Marks and Spencer’, the composers ‘Rodgers
and Hammerstein’, and food such as ‘liver and bacon’
and ‘salt and vinegar’ crisps):

There were various boxes of crisps on the shelf: cheese and

onion, tomato, chicken, bacon, salt and vinegar, and beef
(Take out the comma after 'vinegaf, and you will see that it
would be possible to interpret the last two items as 'salt' and
Vinegar and beef.)
My favourite foods are sausages, pork pies, and bacon and eggs.
Along the coast are Musselburgh, Preston pans, and Cockenzie
and Port Seton. (The comma after 'Prestonpans' shows that
the towns are 'Prestonpans' and 'Cockenzie and Port Seton',
not 'Prestonpans and Cockenzie' and 'Port Seton'.)

• It is sometimes better not to have a serial comma,

for example when there is another comma close by
marking a stronger break in the sentence:

[3 I'd have flats in London, Pahs, and New York, and a yacht
on the Med.
/ I'd have flats in London, Pahs and New York, and a yacht on
the Med.

The contrast in this example is between ‘flats in London,

Paris and New York’ and ‘a yacht on the Med’. A comma
after ‘Paris’ is undesirable because the comma after
‘New York’ marks a greater break in the sentence.
110 How to Punctuate

• The final item in a series is not followed by a comma:

XI have never read a more ridiculous, pretentious, contrived',

piece of nonsense in my life.
/1 have never read a more ridiculous, pretentious, contrived
piece of nonsense in my life.

An exception to this is when there are two or more

phrases or clauses acting as the subject of a sentence:

Her defiant attitude, her refusal to show any sense of shame,

shocked her family but pleased her friends.
What we needed to know, what he had to tell us, was where
they had hidden the bodies.

If the phrases are linked by and, however, there are no


Her defiant attitude and her refusal to show any sense of shame
shocked her family but pleased her friends.

• If commas are used to pick out items for the sake of

emphasis (see page 99), there must be two commas:

My father had a surprising, but genuine, affection for Kylie.

If there is no particular emphasis, the second comma

is not needed:

After our early, amusing, but disastrous attempt to learn to

swim from a book, we decided we had better take proper swim¬
ming lessons.

Comma problems with two or more adjectives

• When two adjectives together convey a single idea,
they should not be separated by a comma:
Commas 111

good old Peter ('Good' and 'old' together form a single

expression of approval or praise.)
o great big dog ('Great' and 'big' form a single expression
emphasizing the size of the dog.)

• When two adjectives linked by ‘and’ form a single

unit of meaning, they must not be separated by a

/ a big, noisy, red and green bus

X a big, noisy, red, and green bus ('Red and green' is a
single unit of meaning describing the colour of the

Sometimes there is unavoidable ambiguity: red and

green buses could be ‘red buses and green buses’ or
‘buses that are partly red and partly green’.
• If the last of two or more adjectives is more closely
linked to the following noun than the other(s), or if it
forms a single unit of meaning with the following
noun, then it is not preceded by a comma:

/ a stupid old man (= 'an old man who is stupid')

x a stupid, old man

/ a nice front garden (= 'a front garden that is nice')

x a nice, front garden

/ a red back door (= 'a back door that is red')

X a red, back door


a pretty little girl (= 'a little girl who is pretty')

a windy autumn day (= 'an autumn day that is windy')
112 How to Punctuate

a dry white wine (= 'a white wine that is dry')

a smelly Italian cheese (= 'an Italian cheese that is smelly')
a lovely old farmhouse (= 'an old farmhouse that is lovely')
a good working knowledge of French (= 'a working knowledge
of French that is good')

To check on whether it is appropriate to omit the

comma, try the cand test’: if you would not separate
the adjectives with ‘and’, then don’t put in a comma:

X a pretty and little girl

X a good and working knowledge of French

You can, of course, put commas between other


a cold, wet, windy autumn day

a mild, sweet, fruity white wine
a small, dry, sheltered front garden

The 'and test’ allows this:

a cold and wet and windy autumn day

Among the categories of adjectives that tend not to

be separated off by commas are adjectives denoting
materials (wooden, plastic, iron, etc), adjectives denot¬
ing a place of origin (French, Italian, American, etc),
and adjectives denoting dates (e.g. 16th-century):

an 18th-century Italian iron bucket

• It is now common practice to omit commas between

two adjectives describing a following noun, although
it is still correct to put in the commas if they pass the
‘and test’:
Commas 113

/ Along the road came a big red bus.

/ Along the road came a big, red bus.

/ We all had to wear long scratchy underwear,

y We all had to wear long, scratchy underwear.

With three or more adjectives describing what some¬

thing is like, it is normal to put in commas:

Along the road came a big, red, noisy bus.

She gave him a long, hard, cold look.
We all had to wear long, scratchy, knitted underwear.

However, as noted above, there are certain categories

of adjectives that tend not to be separated off by
commas, such as adjectives denoting materials, origins
and dates. Another category to include here is adjec¬
tives giving an opinion (great, lovely, excellent, etc),
which tend to come at the beginning of a series of

a lovely orange sunset

The BBC provides some excellent educational programmes

In series of or including adjectives in these categories,

there are therefore usually no commas:

Someone I know once stole a lovely big yellow plastic duck from
a shop.
She served up some ghastly vinegary Greek wine.
Dexter was an eccentric 18th-century American merchant.

Sometimes the difference in meaning indicated by the

presence or absence of a comma is very slight. Don’t
agonize too much over this. Apply the ‘and test’, and
also the ‘pause test’ (see page 80):
114 How to Punctuate

a lovely refreshing drink (= 'a refreshing drink that is lovely')

a lovely, refreshing drink (= 'a drink that is both lovely and

some excellent educational programmes (= 'educational pro¬

grammes that are excellent, as opposed to ones that are not
very good')
some excellent, educational programmes (= 'programmes that
are both excellent and educational')

When adjectives are preceded by words like very,

extremely, rather, quite, etc, put in the commas:

Along the road came a very big, very noisy bus.

. .. although in many such cases you might more

naturally link the adjective phrases with ‘and’, in which
case there would be no need for a comma: ,

Along the road came a very big and very noisy bus.

• The absence of a comma between two adjectives is

now so well established that one can no longer argue
against it. However, you should be aware that the
presence or absence of a comma between two adjec¬
tives can sometimes imply a slight, and often quite
subtle, difference in meaning. Consider these two

James bought a new, red car.

James bought a new red car.

The first example implies that James has bought a new

car which just happens to be red. The second example,
on the other hand, implies something slightly different:
Commas 115

James already had a red car and has now bought

another red car.
But of course, now that it has become common
practice not to put a comma in between two adjectives
in this position, this distinction is lost: James bought a
new red car could have either meaning.
In a similar vein, compare these two examples:

Officers from the Bomb Squad were called out to investigate a

suspicious object in a small, white van parked outside the bank.
(The van just happened to be both small and white.)
Two white vans were stolen, a large one and a small one. The
police have found the large white van but are still looking for
the small white van. (Of the two white vans, they have found
the large one but not the small one.)

And again:

Should I wear my black, leather gloves or my brown, woollen

ones? (gloves that are black and leather or gloves that are
brown and woollen)
Should I wear my black leather gloves or my brown leather
gloves? (leather gloves that are black or leather gloves that
are brown)

In all such cases, the distinction would be indicated in

speech by a difference in the stress patterns of the
sentences; for example:

Should I wear my black, leather gloves or my brown, woollen

Should I wear my black leather gloves or my brown leather
116 How to Punctuate

Here are two further examples:

The revised paperback edition of Jones's book is out now. (= 'a

revised version of the already existing paperback edition')
The revised, paperback edition of Jones's book is out now.
(= 'a revised version of a non-paperback book; the revised
edition is being published as a paperback')
Have you any other young singers on your books? (= 'talking
about young singers, have you any others?')
Have you any other, young singers on your books? (='talking
about singers, have you any others who are young?')

The balancing comma

A comma is used where there is a balance or contrast
in a sentence with repeated or similar elements:

The more she cried, the more he hated her.

The harder the climb, the greater the satisfaction when you
reach the top.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
So little done, so much to do.
Cecil Rhodes

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his

Karl Marx

It is, however, correct to write short balanced phrases

without commas, especially when there is another
comma nearby marking a stronger break:

I'll see how it goes, but so far so good.

My brother liked his girlfriends to be totally crazy, the wilder
the better.
Commas 117

A stronger balance or contrast must be punctuated

with a semicolon:

Brigands demand your money or your life; women require both.

(Attributed to) Samuel Butler

In particular, when the balance is between two sen¬

tences already punctuated with commas, the two
should be separated by a semicolon:

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

George Bernard Shaw

The comma of omission

When a word is omitted from a sentence, its place is
often marked by a comma:

Eclairs are strange cakes - one minute they're there, the next;
they're gone, just tike that. (= .. the next minute . . /)

When a comma is used to indicate an omission in part

of the sentence, it is often better to mark a balance
between two parts with a semicolon rather than
another comma:

To err is human; to forgive, divine.

Sometimes no comma is required to show an omission:

He loved her, and she him. (='... and she Loved him')

In fact, if the only other punctuation mark in the

sentence is a comma, or if there is no other punctu¬
ation mark, it is wrong to use a comma to mark an
118 How to Punctuate

X He loved her; and she, him.

X //e loved her and she, him.

Here again, as in so many other instances, the need for

a comma is often indicated by a slight pause. Use the
‘pause test’ (see page 80).
Too many commas can be confusing. A sentence
like the following would be considered acceptable by
some authorities on punctuation:

E Pans is famous for its galleries and museums, Rome, for its
piazzas and fountains, and London, for its pageantry and

Personally, I would not accept this as good style: there

are too many commas. Either the omission commas
should be removed or the balancing commas should
be upgraded to semicolons:

/ Paris is famous for its galleries and museums, Rome for its
piazzas and fountains, and London for its pageantry and
y Paris is famous for its galleries and museums; Rome, for its
piazzas and fountains; and London, for its pageantry and

Lastly, notice that if you omit the word ‘that’ in a

sentence, you do not mark the omission with a comma:

I said that I was coming,

y I said I was coming.
x I said, I was coming.
Commas 119

Knock-on effects
Sometimes the presence of one punctuation mark in a
sentence may lead you to insert, omit or change
another elsewhere in the sentence. For example, it is
acceptable to write a short balanced sentence such as
The sooner, the better with or without a comma. How¬
ever, if such a phrase appears in a longer sentence
where there is another nearby comma marking a
stronger break, it may be better to omit the balancing

x 1like chillies, the hotter, the better.

/1 like chillies, the hotter the better.

Alternatively, you could replace the first comma with

a dash and keep the second one:

/1 like chillies - the hotter, the better.

Again, compare the punctuation in these sentences:

Gran gave the sweets to Joan and Pat was very upset.
Gran gave the sweets to Joan and Pat, seeing this, was very

With ‘seeing this’ interrupting the sentence, the words

‘Gran gave the sweets to Joan and Pat’ could be misin¬
terpreted. To avoid this, a comma must be inserted
after ‘Joan’ to show the correct structure and meaning
of the sentence:

x Gran gave the sweets to Joan and Pat, seeing this, was very
y Gran gave the sweets to Joan, and Pat, seeing this, was very
120 How to Punctuate

There are many instances of this sort of thing. They

are yet another part of punctuation that must be
handled by a commonsense principle and personal
judgement rather than by rule, since there is no
hard-and-fast rule that could cover them all. The prin¬
ciple is simple: if something could be misinterpreted
as it stands, punctuate it to make the meaning clear.
And if punctuation doesn’t do the trick, rewrite the

Commas for full stops

Look out also for sentence strings (see page 38), with
commas where there should be full stops.

Structure versus pauses: a grey area

If you look at the following example, you can see
that there is an interruption (see page 93), ‘where
necessary5, in it. The interruption is separated off, as
you would expect, by two commas:

Our methods ore regularly reviewed and, where necessary, are

updated to ensure best practice is followed.

Notice that if ‘where necessary5 is removed, the sen¬

tence still makes sense:

/ Our methods are regularly reviewed and are updated to ensure

best practice is followed.

Whether or not a sentence would still make sense when

an interruption like this is removed is generally taken
to be the key to the correct placement of commas:
commas should go round the words that would still
Commas 121

leave a meaningful sentence if they were removed. As

a rule, this works, and it should be adopted as a general
The commas often correspond to slight pauses in
the sentence:

Our methods are regularly reviewed and, I where necessary, f

are updated to ensure best practice is followed.

When pauses correspond to breaks in the structure

of a sentence, there is no problem with punctuation.
However, many people would naturally say the sen¬
tence with pauses after ‘reviewed’ not after ‘and’:

Our methods are regularly reviewed i and where necessary 1

are updated to ensure best practice is followed.

Following the rhythm of the sentence, therefore, they

might want to punctuate it as follows:

Our methods are regularly reviewed, and where necessary, are

updated to ensure best practice is followed.

. .. even though the sentence would make no sense if

the part between the commas was removed:

X Our methods are regularly reviewed are updated to ensure

best practice is followed.

There is often this sort of clash between the logical

structure of a sentence and its natural rhythm. Another
example is this one from Partridge (You Have a Point

I don't like suggesting this, but if it's at all possible, I should

be grateful for your help.
122 How to Punctuate

If you say this sentence, it is clear that you would

naturally make slight pauses at the points indicated by
the commas. But here again, if you take out the part
of the sentence between the commas, the sentence no
longer makes sense:

XI don't like suggesting this I should be grateful for your


What are you to do, then, when the rhythm of the

sentence leads you to punctuate it in one way, while
the structure of the sentence leads you to punctuate it
in another way? Authorities disagree. Some argue that
you should always follow logic and punctuate accord¬
ing to the structure of the sentence:

Our methods are regularly reviewed and, where necessary, are

updated to ensure best practice is followed.
I don't like suggesting this but, if it's at all possible, I should
be grateful for your help.

Others (and Partridge is among them, as were the

Fowlers in The King's English) argue that you should
ignore the structure and follow the rhythm of the

Our methods are regularly reviewed, and where necessary, are

updated to ensure best practice is followed.
I don't like suggesting this, but if it's at all possible, I should
be grateful for your help.

It is generally agreed that punctuation that follows

both structure and rhythm is over-punctuation:
Commas 123

21 don't tike suggesting this: but, if it's at all possible, I

should be grateful for your help.

If you have to choose between structure and rhythm,

a rhythm-based punctuation is probably the better
option because it reflects natural speech. There are
examples in this book:

You can, of course, decide not to punctuate sentences with

capital letters and full stops, but if you do, you will be breaking
two of the fixed rules of English punctuation.
Now, this is a perfectly valid definition of a sentence, and if
you apply it to any page in a book, magazine or newspaper,
you will easily pick out all the sentences.

A grammar-based punctuation would have required

the following:

You can, of course, decide not to punctuate sentences with

capital letters and full stops but, if you do, you will be breaking
two of the fixed rules of English punctuation.
Now, this is a perfectly valid definition of a sentence and, if
you apply it to any page in a book, magazine or newspaper,
you will easily pick out all the sentences.

If you do adopt the rhythm-based approach to punctu¬

ation, be prepared for other people to disagree with
your decision (perhaps quite strongly), but don’t let
them persuade you that you are wrong.
124 How to Punctuate

Summary of key points

• Do not add commas to sentences needlessly. Many
sentences do not require commas at all. Always
check your work and remove unnecessary
• A subordinate clause is frequently separated from a
following main clause by a comma, though it is not
always necessary to do so. When in doubt, put a
comma in.
• A subordinate clause whose only verb is a participle
should be separated from a preceding or following
clause by a comma.
• Main clauses linked by words such as and or but are
not separated by a comma if they have the same
subject or deal with a single topic. But with
different subjects and unconnected or contrasting
topics, there should be a comma between the
• And, but, or, so, white and yet can be preceded by a
comma; other connecting words (such as
consequently, for example, however, instead, moreover
and nevertheless) must be preceded by a semicolon.
Particular care should be taken with however.
• Three or more main clauses can be separated by
commas; if there are only two clauses, they are
usually separated by a semicolon, unless there is a
linking word between them, in which case a comma
is correct.
• Comments, names, exclamations, etc are separated
off from the rest of the sentence by commas.
Commas 125

Position of commas with parentheses and quotation

A comma should follow the closing bracket of a pre¬
ceding parenthetical comment:

Since I had not yet learned the basic facts of life (which were
something my parents didn't think I needed to know), I had
some very odd notions about storks, rhubarb bushes and babies.

The comma does not precede the comment, nor

should there be two commas:

X Since I had not yet learned the basic facts of life, (which
were something my parents didn't think I needed to know) I
had some very odd notions about storks, rhubarb bushes and
X Since I had not yet learned the basic facts of life, (which
were something my parents didn't think I needed to know).
126 How to Punctuate

I hod some very odd notions about storks, rhubarb bushes

and babies.

With quotation marks, for example round highlighted

words, the comma should follow the closing quotation

The focus of such a life is always 'me', my thoughts, my needs,

my experiences.

Notice that American practice differs from British

practice, just as it does with the full stop (see page 46):

The focus of such a life is always "me," my thoughts, my needs,

my experiences.

Commas in direct speech

A comma replaces a full stop at the end of a sentence
in direct speech:

'That looks very tasty/ said James.

When a sentence in direct speech is split by a verb of

speaking, the split in the sentence is marked with a
comma. The comma is usually placed inside the closing
quotation mark:

'I must tell you,' he said, 'what happened this afternoon.'

'There are,' she said, 'a lot of changes to be made round here.'

However, there are some people who argue (quite

logically) that when a comma is not part of the sen¬
tence of direct speech, it should go outside the quota¬
tion marks, and only be placed inside the closing
quotation mark when it belongs to the original sen¬
tence. Compare the following examples:
Commas 127

'I must tell you', he said, 'what happened this afternoon.'

(The sentence of direct speech is ImustteLlyou what happened
this afternoon, with no comma, so the comma indicating the
split in the sentence goes outside the quotation marks.)
'I must tell you, John/he said, 'what happened this afternoon.'
(The sentence of direct speech is I must tell you, John, what
happened this afternoon, with a comma after John, so the
comma indicating the split in the sentence goes inside the
quotation marks.)

'There are', she said, 'a lot of changes to be made round here.'
(The sentence of direct speech is There are a lot of changes to
be made round here, with no comma, so the comma indicating
the split in the sentence goes outside the quotation marks.)
There are, boys, 'she said, 'a lot of changes to be made round here.'
(The sentence of direct speech is There are, boys, a lot of
changes to be made round here, with a comma after boys, so
the comma indicating the split in the sentence goes inside
the quotation marks.)

While this is an entirely logical and commendable rule,

it is not the rule that most people currently accept and
apply. It is more in keeping with current practice
always to put the comma inside the closing quotation
mark at a split.
Note that there is also a comma after the verb of
speaking when it splits a sentence:

T must tell you,' he said, 'what happened this afternoon.'

There are,' she said, 'a lot of changes to be made round here.'

But when what follows the verb is a new sentence,

there is a full stop:
128 How to Punctuate

'There are a lot of changes to be made round here,' she said.

'We'll start tomorrow.'

Other punctuation marks in direct speech are neither

replaced by nor accompanied by a comma:

'What was that noise?' she whispered.

'Look out!' he shouted.

When a speech verb precedes direct speech, it is gener¬

ally followed by a comma:

She turned to him and said, 'I hate you.'

My Mum gave me a look that said, don't argue with me.
I must have told you boys a hundred times, don't leave your
bags in the corridor.

(Note that direct speech need not always be enclosed

in quotation marks; see page 170.)
The comma may be omitted, but it is still normal
practice to put one in. Some people use a colon instead
of the comma:

She turned to him and said: 'I hate you.'

The comma is preferable, however, as colons usually

mark stronger sentence breaks than are required before
direct speech.

Commas in numbers
There are no commas in two- or three-figure numbers:


With four-figure numbers, a comma is optional but in

Commas 129

keeping with the tendency towards less punctuation,

it is probably better now to omit it:

3521 ox3,521

With numbers of five or more figures, there should be

a comma marking off every group of three figures,
counting from the units:


Sometimes in printing, thin spaces are used instead of

There are no commas in numbers after a decimal


Commas may be used in dates, but here again the

current tendency is to omit them:

He was born on 4 February, 1949.

He was born on 4 February 1949.
I think it was in August, 1973, that I first went to London.
I think it was in August 1973 that I first went to London.

There should be a comma between the day of the

month and the year if they are juxtaposed:

On February 4, 1949, a singular event took place: my birth.

Commas in letters and addresses

See page 261.

Sometimes you get a glimpse of a semicolon coming, a

few lines farther on, and it is like climbing a steep path
through woods and seeing a wooden bench just at a
bend in the road ahead, a place where you can expect
to sit for a moment, catching your breath.
Lewis Thomas

A semicolon makes a break in a sentence that is

stronger than one made by a comma but weaker than
one marked by a full stop. In fact, semicolons are most
often used in place of commas or full stops where these
two punctuation marks would for some reason not be
appropriate. It will be helpful, therefore, to discuss the
semicolon from that point of view.

Semicolon instead of full stop

A semicolon is used to link passages of writing that
could be written as separate sentences but which a
writer feels are so closely connected in sense or theme
that a full stop would make too strong a break between
them. The semicolon lessens the break. For example,
one could write the following three separate sentences,
Semicolons 131

each grammatically complete in itself, to describe the

ending of a play:

The curtain is down. The players have left the stage. Our play
is ended.

But as these three sentences together relate to a single

event (the end of the play), a writer wanting to show
the close connection between them might feel that the
breaks created by the full stops were too strong. To
lessen the breaks while still keeping the sentences
to some extent separate, it would be correct to use
semicolons instead of the full stops, so forming
the sentences into a larger unit, a ‘super-sentence’
(see page 33):

The curtain is down; the players have left the stage; our play is

When to link sentences together in super-sentences is

not something that can be learnt by rule; it must always
be a matter of personal judgement in a particular con¬
text. But some further examples may illustrate the

The war ended; a treaty was signed; trade between the two
kingdoms began again. (This is a series of linked events follow¬
ing one after the other.)
Dulcie's hair and make-up were striking; her jewellery was
modern and ostentatious; her dress was designer-labelled and
expensive. (All three sentences are closely linked, in that they
are describing a person's appearance.)
An old woman was shooing away a crowd of naked children;
evidently there was something that the children ought not to
132 How to Punctuate

see. (The old woman was shooing the children away because
there was something they ought not to see.)
If it is a mite from the pit bottom to the coat face, that is
probabty an average distance; three miles is a fairly normal
one; there are even said to be a few mines where it is as much
as five miles.
George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier

(All three sentences are commenting on the distances miners

have to walk to the coal face.)

In the last example, there is an element of contrast

between the three sentences: a mile - three miles - five
miles. Semicolons are often used in this way to link
sentences in which there is a balance or contrast:

Some of the peasants hardly seemed to care about the squalor

in the village; others clearly understood the misery they were
living in.
All I was risking was captivity; they were risking their lives.
'Only another four hundred feet to the top/ he said encourag¬
ingly; he might as well have said another four hundred miles.
Growing old is unavoidable; growing up is optional.
Capitalism is the exploitation of one man by another; commu¬
nism is the other way round.
The Cold War isn't thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat.
Communism isn't sleeping; it is, as always, plotting; scheming,
working, fighting.
Richard Nixon (former US president)

The power which establishes a state is violence; the power which

maintains it is violence; the power which eventually overthrows
it is violence.
Kenneth Kaunda (former president of Zambia)
Semicolons 133

Even with incomplete sentences, colons are used to

mark balances and contrasts:

If you want to be happy for a short time, get drunk; happy for
a long time, fall in love; happy for ever, take up gardening.
Arthur Smith

Semicolon instead of comma

• When contrasting or balanced clauses are linked by a
conjunction, they are usually punctuated by a comma:

He may be sick as a parrot, but I'm over the moon.

Although we like Tony as a person, we dislike him as a politician.

Without the conjunction, the balanced or contrasting

elements become separate sentences, and so a semi¬
colon is the punctuation mark to use:

He may be sick as a parrot; I'm over the moon.

We like Tony as a person; we dislike him as a politician.

Even with a conjunction such as and, but, for, or, nor,

so, while and yet (usually preceded by a comma), the
comma may be replaced by a semicolon to make a
greater break in the sentence (generally corresponding
to a pause), and so more strongly emphasize what

The letter had been returned unopened; and unopened it had

remained ever since.
This time we got what we needed; but only after a lot of
How Victorian her behaviour was at times, I thought; but thenr
how Victorian her upbringing had been in some respects.
It was lucky that someone saw Paul being taken away by the
134 How to Punctuate

secret police; otherwise we would have had no idea what had

happened to him.

• A comma may be used without a linking word where

there is a balance or contrast between sentences with
repeated or similar elements:

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The more she cried, the more he hated her.
The more often she asks for a pay rise, the less likely she is to
get one.

However, when the contrasting or balanced elements

themselves contain one or more commas (for example
separating clauses or indicating omitted words (see
page 117), the split between the balanced or contrasting
elements should be punctuated by a semicolon:

X If your lawn requires treatment for moss and weeds, we will

carry it out, if it doesn't, we won't.
/ If your lawn requires treatment for moss and weeds, we will
carry it out; if it doesn't, we won't.
X In France we bought cardigans, in England, shoes, in Ireland,
/ In France we bought cardigans; in England, shoes; in Ireland,

(For an alternative punctuation, see page 118.)

Semicolons should be used instead of commas in
any sentence where an excess of commas might be
confusing or misleading. Semicolons group items
clearly where commas might not:

Instead of getting down to discussing business, they had dis¬

cussed the government's proposal to introduce identity cards;
Semicolons 135

the American election; Miss Park's pet poodle which, by the

sound of it, was not long for this world; the film she had gone
to see the previous evening, which she had not enjoyed; the
book Man and Boy, which she was reading in bed; the various
illnesses her family and friends were suffering from, and her
proposed remedies; the trip to Barcelona she was planning for
the summer, and the Gaudf cathedral, which she was dying to
see; and the lack of facilities in the Barnton, the hotel she was
staying in while in town.

• Semicolons should be used in a ‘super-sentence’ in

which there is a mixture of structures in parallel, some
being sentences (that could be punctuated with full
stops) but others less than sentences (that could in
theory be separated by commas):

I thought about approaching her when she came out of her

office, in order to explain what had happened, but I rejected
that idea; thought about writing to her, but rejected that
idea too; considered a huge bunch of flowers; a small gift; an
expensive gift; my undying love; my abject apologies; none of
these seemed quite right

• Some linking words (such as also, consequently, for

example, furthermore, hence, however, instead, more¬
over, nevertheless, therefore and thus) must be preceded
by a semicolon rather than a comma, and are usually
followed by a comma:

The boiler broke down; consequently, the school was closed for
two days.
All forms of the media affect us; moreover, they often affect us
in ways we are not aware of.
136 How to Punctuate

Your privacy is important to us; therefore, we will never sell or

give your personal details to any other company.

• A series of three or more short sentences may be

separated by commas:

I was thick, I was fat, I was useless at games, I wore old

patched clothes, I smelt No wonder I was unpopular at school.

However, two sentences should be separated by a


14fe were all hungry; some of us were exhausted as well.

You can, however, use a comma between two closely

related and balanced parts of a sentence when the first
one has a negative word (such as not) in it and the
second one is a comment on the first:

He wasn't just tipsyf he was legless.

Semicolon or colon?
• Like semicolons, colons may be used in sentences
where one part is balanced against the other:

On the Continent people have good food: in England people

have good table manners.
George Mikes

This often happens in traditional proverbs and pithy


To err is human: to forgive; divine.

However, nowadays a semicolon is preferred in bal¬

anced sayings of this type:
Semicolons 137

To err is human; to forgive, divine.

.. . but a colon is used to make a strong contrast:

God is love: man is hate.

When there is a linking word between the contrasting

elements, a semicolon or a comma should be used:

Man proposes; but God disposes.

Man proposes, but God disposes.

• In introducing lists, a colon is used when all the

options are specified, whereas a semicolon is used
when only some of the possible options are mentioned:

The Gauls were afraid of only one thing: that the sky might fall
on their heads.
I'm afraid of lots of things; of dogs, of the dark, of bogeymen
under the bed, of being alone, of flying, of dying.

But if a complete list of options is introduced by

namely or that is, a semicolon may be used instead of
a colon:

The Gauls were afraid of only one thing; namely, that the sky
might fall on their heads.

Other acceptable ways of punctuating sentences with

namely, etc are:

The Gauls were afraid of only one thing: namely, that the sky
might fall on their heads.
The Gauls were afraid of only one thing - namely, that the sky
might fall on their heads.
The Gauls were afraid of only one thing, namely that the sky
might fall on their heads.
138 How to Punctuate

Semicolon, colon or full stop?

Sentences punctuated with full stops simply state facts
with no connection between them:

George Bush has been elected President Thousands of Ameri¬

cans have left for a new life in Canada.

Punctuation with a semicolon would suggest a closer

link between the happenings described. Perhaps they
took place at the same time, for example, and might
be mentioned in a list of recent happenings in America:

George Bush has been elected President; thousands of Ameri¬

cans have left for a new life in Canada; the dollar has fallen
against the euro.

Punctuation with a colon, however, suggests a much

closer link between the two happenings, i.e. cause and

George Bush has been elected President: thousands of Ameri¬

cans have left for a new life in Canada.

With the colon, it is clearly being stated that the Ameri¬

cans have gone to Canada because George Bush has
been elected.

Comma for semicolon in a quotation

A comma replaces a semicolon when a quotation is
interrupted by a speech verb:

As Samuel Johnson said: 7 will be conquered; I will not

7 will be conquered/ as Samuel Johnson said, 7 will not
Semicolons 139

American English
Unlike fall stops and commas (see pages 46 and 126),
semicolons are placed outside closing quotation marks
in American English:

He catted himsetf a "horse whisperer"; he coutd read a horse's


Summary of key points

• A semicolon makes a break in a sentence that is
stronger than one made by a comma but weaker than
one marked by a fulL stop. A semicolon is therefore
used to Lessen the break between sentences that
could be punctuated with full stops, and to increase
the break between parts of sentences that could be
punctuated with commas.
• Semicolons are used instead of full stops in a series
of closely related sentences.
• Semicolons are used in sentences with balanced or
contrasting elements.
• Semicolons are used to avoid a confusing excess of

Anyone who puts a colon in a letter is immediately

Marjorie Proops

Careful punctuation, it seems, is not the strong point

of those who write for agony columns. The agony aunt
Marjorie Proops once said that she always considered
suspect any letter she received that had a colon in it:
it was probably a hoax.
However, even if you might be better to avoid using
colons should you ever write to an agony column, you
should not neglect them in other contexts. The colon
is an important punctuation mark, with a range of
uses that cannot correctly be performed by any other
punctuation mark.

The colon introducing explanations and descriptions

A colon is used to introduce a part of a sentence that
explains, completes or elaborates on what has gone

2004 is quite a milestone for us: the Association is 25 years old.

(2004 is a milestone because the Association is 25 years old.)
Colons 141

The programme was inspired by an increasingly common TV

assumption: war is the only part of history to matter. (That war
is the only part of history that matters is the assumption.)
One thing was obvious: the man was exhausted.
I can sometimes forget about her for a few hours at a time,
and then it will suddenly hit me again: life without her will be
Her basic problem is this: she believes she is both unloved and

Using the ‘pause test’ (see page 80), you will probably
find that you will pause slightly at the point where the
colon goes.
A similar use of the colon to expand on something
is seen in the following example, in which the second
part elaborates on what was mentioned in the first part
by insisting on it:

You can do it: and you will!

In less formal writing, a dash could be used instead of

a colon:

One thing was obvious - the man was exhausted.

You can do it - and you will!

Do not use a colon if the two parts of the sentence are

already linked in some other way:

/ Her basic problem is this: she believes she is both unloved

and unlovable.
X Her basic problem is that: she believes she is both unloved
and unlovable. (There should be no colon because the link
is made by 'is that'.)
142 How to Punctuate

/ Her basic problem is that she believes she is both unloved

and unlovable.

/1 know why the sun never sets on the British Empire: God
wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark.
Duncan Spaeth

x The sun never sets on the British Empire because: God

wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark. (There should be
no colon because a link is already being made by 'because'.)
/ The sun never sets on the British Empire because God wouldn't
trust an Englishman in the dark.

Do not use a semicolon or a comma to link two parts

of a sentence of this type:

X This is how right-wing this guy is; he thinks George Bush isn't
right-wing enough.
/ This is how right-wing this guy is: he thinks George Bush isn't
right-wing enough.

X The cause of last weekend's rail crash must await the outcome
of an official inquiry, but one thing is clear, we need a
full-time Transport Secretary instead of one who also acts as
Scottish Secretary.
/ The cause of last weekend's rail crash must await the outcome
of an official inquiry, but one thing is clear: we need a
full-time Transport Secretary instead of one who also acts as
Scottish Secretary.

A comma is permissible at a weaker break with a

linking word:

I now at last grasped the point of what he had been telling me

Colons 143

these past few weeks, that I would need much more money
than I had if I was to set up in business on my own.

Without the linking word ‘that’, there would have to

be a colon:

I now at last grasped the point of what he had been telling me

these past few weeks: I would need much more money than I
had if I was to set up in business on my own.

Colon full stop or semicolon?
When statements are punctuated with full stops, they
simply state facts:

Will the series get across what makes the community tick? From
what we saw in the first programme, I doubt it. We don't really
get to know much about any of the people who live there.

A colon, on the other hand, shows that there is a cause-

and-effect relationship between adjacent statements:

Will the senes get across what makes the community tick? From
what we saw in the first programme, I doubt it: we don't really
get to know much about any of the people there.

The colon in the second version of the paragraph

emphasizes why the writer has his doubts: it is because
you don’t get to know the people properly.
A colon between two statements makes a closer
connection between them than a semicolon does, but
often there is little difference in meaning or effect:

We have two dogs; one is a spaniel and the other is a collie.

(two bare facts)
144 How to Punctuate

We have two dogs: one is a spaniel and the other is a collie.

(the second statement specifically elaborates on the first)

However, for an example showing important meaning

implications of choosing between a full stop, a semi¬
colon and a colon, see page 138.

The colon introducing definitions

A colon may be used to introduce a definition. This is
simply a particular case of what precedes the colon
being explained by what follows it:

Alimony: bounty after the mutiny.

Max Kauffmann

Desertion: an aversion to fighting as exhibited by abandoning

an army or a wife.
Ambrose Bierce

The colon introducing descriptions

Colons can be used in descriptions in which what
follows the colon describes or elaborates on what pre¬
cedes the colon:

The wide valley spread out below me: broad fields, dark wood¬
lands, little villages linked by narrow winding roads.
Suddenly it was spring again: the woods became alive with the
singing of the birds; the hills and meadows were covered with
wild flowers; and everywhere you looked there were people
working in the fields.

The second example could have had a semicolon in

place of the colon:
Colons 145

Suddenly it was spring again; the woods became alive with the
singing of the birds; the hills and meadows were covered with
wild flowers; and everywhere you looked there were people
working in the fields.

A semicolon would, however, lessen the link between

the sentences, reducing them to four simple statements
of fact. What the colon does is emphasize a causal
relationship: it was because it was spring that the birds
were singing, the flowers were in bloom and people
were working in the fields.

The colon introducing lists

A colon is used to introduce a list:

Since bird-watching is an outdoor activity, it is recommended

that you have the following things with you: a water bottle, a
map, all-weather clothing, towels, gloves, a torch, plastic bags
for rubbish, and insect repellent

If the items listed are long, they can be set apart on

separate lines:

To assess your claim, we need the following things:

your fully filled-in claim form
a copy of your financial assessment
proof of all other income and savings
proof of your rent
proof of your identity

The rules for visitors are as follows:

1) You can only stay in the UK for 6 months. ,
2) You will not be permitted to work whilst in the UK.
3) You must not intend to study.
146 How to Punctuate

4) You must have adequate accommodation.

5) You must have the finances to support yourself for the
duration of your stay.
6) You must be able to meet the cost of your onv/ard journey.

The matters to be discussed are:

(a) print run
(b) price
(c) jacket
(d) publication date
(e) marketing strategy

Notice that in this last example the colon interrupts

the structure of the sentence:

The matters to be discussed are print runr price,. . .

This is only permitted with a list of items on separate

lines or in some way separated off from one another:

/ The matters to be discussed are: (a) print run; (b) price;. . .

X The matters to be discussed are: print run, price,. . .
/ The matters to be discussed are print run, price,. . .

Whether the colon should be, or even may be, followed

by a dash when introducing a list is a matter of dis¬
agreement among authorities. For some, the answer is
‘never, never, never’. Others suggest that there should
be no dash when the listed items immediately follow
the colon on the same line, but that a dash is acceptable
(though not necessary) when the listed items begin on
a new line. That is the position adopted in this book:

X Since bird-watching is an outdoor activity, it is recommended

that you have the following things with you:- a water bottle,
Colons 147

a map, alt-weather clothing, towels, gloves, a torch, plastic

bags for rubbish, and insect repellent.

/ To assess your claim, we need the following things:-

your fully filled-in claim form
a copy of your financial assessment
proof of all other income and savings
proof of your rent
proof of your identity

. . . or equally well:

/ To assess your claim, we need the following things:

your fully filled-in claim form
a copy of. . .

Do not use a hyphen, though; always a dash.

There should, of course, be no colon at all when the
link is already made in some other way in a sentence:

X Applicants should have GCSE passes in: English, maths, a

science and a language.
/ Applicants should have GCSE passes in English, maths, a
science and a language.
/ Applicants should have GCSE passes in the following subjects:
English, maths, a science and a language.

Colon or semicolon?
In introducing lists, use a colon when all the options
are specified, but a semicolon when only some of the
possible options are mentioned:

The Gauls were afraid of only one thing: that the sky might fall
on their heads.
148 How to Punctuate

I'm afraid of lots of things; of dogs, of the dark, of bogeymen

under the bed, of being alone, of flying, of dying.

But when a list of options is introduced by namely

or that is, there are various ways of introducing the

The Gauls were afraid of only one thing: namely, that the sky
might fall on their heads.
The Gauls were afraid of only one thing; namely, that the sky
might fall on their heads.
The Gauls were afraid of only one thing, namely that the sky
might fall on their heads.
The Gauls were afraid of only one thing - namely, that the sky
might fall on their heads.

The dash is, as always, more informal than the other


The colon introducing a summing-up

A colon may be used to introduce a part of a sentence
that sums up what has gone before:

Good food, good wine, good books, good music, good friends:
these are the things that make life tolerable.

More informally, this could be done with a dash:

Good food, good wine, good books, good music, good friends -
these are the things that make life tolerable.
Colons 149

The colon introducing direct speech and quotations

A colon may be used before direct speech:

She repeatedly mouthed: 'Thank you, thank you.'

Ait she could do was say with resignation in her voice: 'I am
sure you did your best, my dear.'

A colon makes a rather emphatic introduction to

speech and is mostly used in formal, solemn or dra¬
matic contexts. Nowadays a comma is normally used
in general contexts of informal conversation, as in

He glanced up at her and said, 'You look fantastic.'

Barry commented, 'If all you pay is peanuts, then all you'll get
is monkeys.'

Colons are frequently used to introduce speech in

plays, as in this excerpt from Tom Stoppard’s Rosen-
crantz and Guildenstern Are Dead:

GUIL: Then what are we doing here, I ask myself.

ROS: You might well ask.
GUIL: We better get on.
ROS: You might well think.
GUIL: We better get on.

A colon is correctly used before longer, weightier quo¬


Martin had written down a quotation he thought Jane would

like: 'We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of

... and must be used if the quotation begins on a new

150 How to Punctuate

As Shelley once wrote:

The seed ye sow, another reaps;
The wealth ye find, another keeps;
The robes ye weave, another wears;
The arms ye forge, another bears.

When direct speech or a quotation stands in the middle

of a sentence, there should be no colon or comma to
disrupt the structure of the sentence:

X As the result was announced, she screamed: 'Oh, my God' and

began to shake. (= . . she screamed and began to shake')
/ As the result was announced, she screamed 'Oh, my God' and
began to shake.
x For some reason the old adage: 'Be careful what you wish for'
springs to mind. (= . . the old adage springs to mind')
/ For some reason the old adage 'Be careful what you wish for'
springs to mind.

Colons for balance and contrast

• Like semicolons, colons may be used in sentences
where one part is balanced against or contrasted with
the other:

To err is human: to forgive, divine.

On the Continent people have good food: in England people
have good table manners.
George Mikes

However, nowadays a semicolon is preferred:

To err is human; to forgive, divine.

... but a colon is used to emphasize a strong contrast

between the two, usually short, contrasting elements:
Colons 151

Man proposes: God disposes.

When there is a linking word between the contrasting

elements, a semicolon or a comma should be used:

Man proposes; but God disposes.

Man proposes, but God disposes.

. .. unless a strong contrast is wanted, in which case

the colon can be used along with a conjunction:

He died young: but he died happy.

• In narrative, colons may be used instead of full stops

or semicolons as a dramatic device to produce a stac¬
cato effect when describing two or more actions.
Examples are not common; these are taken from The
Oxford Companion to the English Language:

I called: you did not answer.

He arrived: he knocked on the door: we waited: he went away.

This is a literary device that is probably better avoided

by inexperienced punctuators.

Subtitles and subheadings

The colon is used between the title and subtitle of a
book, film, etc:

Nearly five years ago, Helen Fielding published Bridget Jones:

The Edge of Reason.
Leech, G N 1981 Semantics: The Study of Meaning

(For more on bibliographical references, see page 267.)

Similarly, colons may be used between two parts of
a headline or chapter heading:
152 How to Punctuate

Modern art and the city: Webster attacks Glasgow's leaders

Disobedience: Man's Original Virtue

Capital letters or small letters following a colon?

When a colon introduces a list, the first word in the
list should begin with a lower-case letter:

Inner-city communities all suffer from the same problems:

unemployment, poverty, poor health, squalor and misery.

To assess your claim, we need the following things:

your fully filled-in claim form
a copy of. ..

However, if the listed items are complete sentences,

they should be punctuated as sentences, with capital
letters at the beginning and full stops at the, end:

The rules for visitors are as follows:

1) You can only stay in the UK for 6 months.
2) You will not be permitted to work whilst in the UK.
3) You must not. . .

When a colon introduces an explanation, a summing-

up, etc, what follows should begin with a lower-case

There's something I have been meaning to tell you: it seems

they're going to build a supermarket across the road.

American English often has a capital letter in this


Now a compromise has been struck: The casino will be 198 feet
tall, not 300 feet.
Colons 153

For capital and small letters in quotations, see page


American English
Unlike full stops and commas (see pages 46 and 126),
colons are placed outside quotation marks:

They hove struck a "compromise": the casino will only be 198

feet tall.

Other uses of the colon

• Ratios
Colons are used between numbers to indicate ratios:

26:39 = 2:3

• Clock times
In American English, a colon is used between the hours
and the minutes when writing the time:

The movie starts at 6:15 pm.

British English normally uses a full stop (although the

colon is coming more into use in British English also;
see page 55):

The meeting closed at 5.05 pm.

• Book references
Chapter and verse references, for example to the Bible,
are often separated by a colon:

Ephesians 3:10
154 How to Punctuate

• Examples
Colons are also often used to introduce examples, as
in this book.

• Memos
Colons are used after headings in certain types of
business correspondence, such as memos:

To: . . .
From:. . .
Date:. . .
Re:. . .

Summary of key points

• A colon is used to introduce a part of a sentence
that explains, completes or elaborates on what has
gone before.
• A colon is used to introduce a list. It may sometimes
be followed by a dash.
• A colon may be used instead of a comma before
direct speech and quotations.
• A colon may be used in sentences where one part is
balanced against or contrasted with the other.

The dash is seductive; it tempts the writer to use it as a

punctuation-maid-of-all-work that saves him the
trouble of choosing the right stop.
Sir Ernest Gowers, Plain Words

If this was true in Gowers’s day (he was writing in the

1940s), it is probably no less true today. Of course, by
this point in the book, you will already have given up
any sloppy punctuation habits you once had. You will
now be using full stops and commas and semicolons
with confidence, so it is time to learn the correct uses
of the dash.

Separating dashes and linking dashes

In printing, the two commonest dashes are the m-dash
or m-rule and the n-dash or n-rule, so called because
they correspond in length to the width of the letters m
and n respectively. The n-dash is twice as long as a
hyphen. (In handwriting, it is quite normal and correct
to use only one length of dash, but it should always be
noticeably longer than a hyphen.)
156 How to Punctuate

Dashes have two main functions. They may be sepa¬

rating dashes, used to separate off comments in much
the same way as round brackets:

You can be a good socialist - as many people are, I believe -

and still enjoy good food and good wines.

... or linking dashes, used to link words in much the

same way as hyphens:

When the universe was created, so was the space-time con¬


In the past, separating dashes were usually m-dashes

and linking dashes n-dashes, but practice has now
changed to some extent. It is quite normal in current
British practice to use n-dashes for both purposes, as
in the two examples above, though it is not incorrect
still to use m-dashes as separators. (In America, separ¬
ating dashes are generally m-dashes.)
Notice that n-dashes used as separating dashes are
preceded and followed by a blank space whereas when
they are used as linking dashes, there are no blank
spaces. When m-dashes are used as separators, the
blank spaces are optional and often omitted:

You can be a good socialist—as many people are, I believe—

and still enjoy good food and good wines.

Hyphen or dash?
It is not uncommon to see hyphens used instead of
dashes, both separating and linking. While this usually
causes no confusion, there seems no real need or justi¬
fication for it: there are various ways of producing
Dashes 157

dashes on a word-processor (which is what most

people use nowadays) and therefore no good reason
not to use them. If for some reason you cannot make
a dash, a double hyphen is a good substitute.

The separating dash

Interruptions and comments
Separating dashes are used to separate off an interrup¬
tion in a sentence:

The virus - highly contagious among chickens - is believed to

spread to humans through contact with infected birds.
With hindsight - always the best view - his decision to resign
was no real surprise.

Occasionally a non-defining relative clause (see page 102)

may be separated off by dashes rather than the normal

The men - who were both in their sixties - were immediately

rushed to hospital.

Of course, if a comment comes at the end of a sentence,

then only one dash is needed:

In January he opened a restaurant in Moscow - the first proper

Chinese restaurant there.
I married beneath me - all women do.
Nancy Astor

She's the sort of woman who lives for others - you can always
tell the others by their hunted expression.
C S Lewis
158 How to Punctuate

Commas, dashes or parentheses?

Both dashes and parentheses make stronger interrup¬
tions than commas. Dashes make stronger interrup¬
tions than parentheses:

The viewers I spoke to, ail having expected a heated debate,

said they had been very disappointed.
Channel 4 said an average of 8.3 million viewers (41% of the
audience) watched the show.
The final show was watched by nine million viewers - 48% of
the audience share - as the 27-year-old Surrey bank clerk fended
off all challengers to win with nearly four million votes.

After half a mile the pain became (this is no exaggeration)

absolute agony.

After half a mile the pain became - this is no exaggeration -

absolute agony.

Dashes are also considered more informal than

parentheses, and so should not be used in formal
It is recommended by some authorities that one
should not use dashes round a comment consisting of
more than one sentence because it might appear to the
reader that the comment stopped at the end of the first
sentence rather than continuing through to the second
dash. It is a small point but one worth keeping in
mind. If there could be confusion, use brackets instead.

Dashes for emphasis

A separating dash may be used to indicate a pause that
emphasizes what follows:
Dashes 159

The one thing you need is - patience.

He has been invited to everyone's house - once.
He can do it - and he will!

A separating dash may introduce a clause beginning

with a conjunction, the dash again marking a pause
that emphasizes what follows:

They didn't spend ail their time together - and that's why their
marriage worked so well.
If the number of journeys made on this bus service does
not increase, the service will be discontinued - so use it or
lose it!
This is the story of everyday life in a fishing community -
although being set in the present time it is realistic about how
much actual fishing goes on in such communities.
Authors are easy to get on with - if you're fond of children.
Michael Joseph (publisher)

With a punctuation mark such as a comma, or no

punctuation mark at all, the break between the clauses
is weaker and there is therefore less emphasis on what
is said in the second part. Compare the following and
notice how the emphasis increases and the nuances
change as the break becomes stronger:

He says he's young at heart but slightly older in other places.

(almost purely factual)
He says he's young at heart, but slightly older in other places.
(with a little more emphasis on the contrast)
He says he's young at heart - but slightly older in other places.
(much more humorous)
160 How to Punctuate

A dash is often used to say to the reader, ‘Wait for it,

there’s something interesting or unexpected coming’:

Mrs Travers was surprised to hear her car engine purring - until
she lifted the bonnet and discovered a cat

A comma is correct for a statement of fact:

I couldn't see what was wrong with the engine, until I lifted
the bonnet and discovered a cat sleeping there.

Narrative insertions
A pair of dashes may be used in a narrative to separate
off something inserted into the middle of a description
or passage of speech:

He had kept the boys waiting outside his study for nearly twenty
minutes - 'Let them sweat a bit/ he'd remarked to the deputy
head - and was intending to keep them there a while longer.
'Oh, please, constable' - she clasped her hands in supplication
- 'let me in to see my son.'
'I didn't see my programme, because the television -' at this,
he glared at me '- was tuned to the other side.'

Notice from the last two examples that the dashes can
be inside or outside the quotation marks.

Incomplete sentences
A dash is used to indicate that a sentence has been cut
off abruptly and is incomplete:

'Give me that back, or I'll -' 'Or you'll what? You and whose
Dashes 161

'My luggage has been -' 'Stolen?'

'It's all rather difficult to explain, but -' 'But you'll try to make
up some sort of semi-convincing tale?'

If the interruption breaks a word, the dash should be

attached directly to the unfinished word:

As I was just say-

Sometimes an m-dash is used here even when all the

other dashes in a text are n-dashes:

As I was just say —

Note that since a dash marks a sentence that has come

to an abrupt stop without being completed, it is not
followed by a full stop. For the same reason, the dash
is not followed by a comma in direct speech before a
verb of speaking:

'Give me that back, or I'll -' he said.

However, an incomplete sentence may be followed by

a question mark or an exclamation mark:

And you are - ?

What about you, Pet-? Oh, could somebody wake Peter up,
What the -!

A dash is also used to indicate a sentence that is broken

off and followed by an unrelated sentence or clause:

It's just - well, it's not very nice.

I never cry. Even when my mother died, I - but enough of that,
what about you?
I had hoped that someday - but it doesn't matter now.
162 How to Punctuate

Dash or ellipsis?
A dash marks a more abrupt end to a sentence than
an ellipsis mark (...)• An ellipsis mark should be
used when a sentence does not stop abruptly but tails
off as if there could be more to come:

You're stilt looking at me in that funny way. . .

Marking a pause or hesitation

He wasn't a bad boy at heart, he was just young and free and
- impulsive.
Of course I'm interested, it's a - a fascinating subject
Well, I -er- I-um-I-I don't really know what to say.
One - two - three - go!

A dash can introduce a list:

This is what makes for a good story - the characters should be

interesting, the action gapping or moving, and the ending
unexpected but believable.

In formal writing, a colon should be used:

This is what makes for a good story: the characters should be

interesting, the action gripping or moving, and the ending
unexpected but believable.
Dashes 163

Summing up and referring back

While a colon is used to introduce words that expand
on or complete what has gone before, it is usually a
dash that is used to introduce words that sum up or
refer back to what has gone before:

There are three things we need: more time, more money and
more help.
More time, more money and more help - these are the three
things we need.

Sitting on a beach, listening to Bach, walking over hills - these

are the things I like best of all.
Plates, cups, saucers, sugar bowl, milk jug - everything went

A dash is used when a word or phrase is repeated:

We have laws in this country - laws that must be obeyed.

The Common Law of England has been laboriously built about
a mythical figure - the figure of the 'Reasonable Man'.
A P Herbert

A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Communism.

Karl Marx

Like the colon, the dash may be used in definitions:

A classic - something that everybody wants to have read and

nobody wants to read.
Mark Twain
164 How to Punctuate

In informal writing, dashes are used to link clauses:

Do please come on the 29th - it should be an interesting

I'm 26 years old - I really shouldn't have to be dealing with
this kind of thing.

In more formal writing, other punctuation marks

should be used as links: see the chapters on the comma,
the colon and the semicolon. Sometimes there should
be no link, and a full stop is more appropriate.

The linking dash

The linking dash functions as a linking element
between words, in much the same way as a hyphen.
The linking dash has two main uses, for which a
hyphen is not appropriate.

Indicating ranges
The linking dash is used to indicate a range or extent
between two points:

the 1914-1918 war

pages 54-67
volumes I-III
An A-Z Guide to the Whiskies of Scotland

Note that there is no space before or after the n-dash.

Dashes 165

• Two common errors

• While a dash can be used to indicate a range, it must
not be used in phrases with 'from5 or ‘between’:

xfrom 1914-1918
X between 1914-1918

These are the correct forms:

/ from 1914 to 1918

/ between 1914 and 1918

• It is better not to use a dash to indicate a range when

it would be juxtaposed with a hyphen:

✓ a course for 16- to 18-year-olds

X a course for 16- -18-year-olds

The following are definitely wrong:

x 16-18-year-olds (hyphen missing after '16')

x 16-18 year-olds (two hyphens missing after '16' and '18')
x 16- 18-year-olds (three hyphens but no dash)

Linking two or more descriptive words

When two or more words together describe a following
noun but do not form a compound word, they should
be linked by linking dashes, not hyphens:

the space-time continuum

the Paris-Dakar race
the Catholic-Protestant divide
the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (Sapir and Whorf are two people)
the Feynman-Gell-Mann hypothesis (by Feynman and
166 How to Punctuate

A hyphen is correct when the linked elements form a

genuine compound:

the Franco-Prussian war

Indo-Chinese tigers
Anglo-American relations
(The o ending of the first parts of these words shows that
they are compound-forming elements, not separate words.)
Alsace-Lorraine (considered as a single region)

The long dash

A dash longer than an m-dash is used to indicate
the omission of letters, especially in swear-words or

F— you!
Get those f—g sheep off the road!

Asterisks are also used for this purpose:

Why do newspapers always write /* * * instead of just spelling

the word out?

Formerly a long dash was used when a writer did not

. want to spell out a name:

I was living in L— at that time.

He was the cousin of Lord M—.
Dashes 167

Summary of key points

• Dashes are used to separate off comments,
explanations, etc that interrupt sentences or are
added on at the ends of sentences.
• Dashes make stronger interruptions than
• A dash is used at the end of a sentence that is
broken off abruptly.
• A dash may introduce words that sum up or refer
back to what has gone before.
• In informal writing, dashes can be used to link
• A dash is used to indicate a range or extent.
• A dash is used between two or more words that are
closely linked but do not form a compound word.
• Dashes may be used to indicate the omission of
Quotation marks

Joyce [the Irish writer James Joyce] favoured light

punctuation and disliked quotation marks, calling
them perverted commas.
The Oxford Companion to the English Language

Quotation marks, also known as ‘quotes’ or ‘inverted

commas’, are used (a) to indicate direct speech, (b) to
indicate a quotation, and (c) to highlight something
in a text, for any of various reasons.
Like brackets, quotation marks must always be used
in pairs, one preceding and the other following the
word or words to be separated off.

Single and double quotation marks

There are two types of quotation mark: single (‘...’)
and double (“...”).
British English tends to prefer single quotation
marks, but double quotation marks are acceptable and
are the usual form of quotation marks in handwritten
texts. Double quotes are arguably better than single
quotes, because they cannot be confused with apos¬
Quotation marks 169

'I'll be back/ said Arnie.

"I'll be back/' said Arnie.

American usage prefers double quotation marks.

Direct speech
Quotation marks are put round words spoken in direct

'You must help her,' he said.

'Do you need all that?' asked Agnes,
you'll be fine/ he assured her.

There should be no quotation marks round indirect


X He assured her 'she'd be fine'.

/ He assured her she'd be fine.

• Punctuation marks
Punctuation marks that are part of the direct speech
are written inside the quotation marks:

'Shoo/ he said weakly, (with a comma replacing a full stop;

see page 44)
'Why not?' he asked.
'Look out!' she shouted.

When a sentence of direct speech is split by the speech

verb, a comma must be added at the point of the split.
The comma generally goes inside the quotation marks:

'You/ he said, 'must help her.'

However, some people argue that when a comma is

not part of the original sentence of direct speech, it
170 How to Punctuate

should go outside the quotation marks, and only be

placed inside the closing quotation mark when it
belongs to the original sentence. Compare the follow¬
ing examples:

'You', he said, 'must help her.' (The sentence of direct speech

is You musthetp her, with no comma; so the comma indicating
the split in the sentence goes outside the quotation marks.)
'You, John,' he said, 'must help her.' (The sentence of direct
speech is You, John, must help her, with a comma after John;
so the comma indicating the split in the sentence goes inside
the quotation marks.)

While this is a perfectly logical rule, with much to

recommend it, it is not the rule that most people
currently apply. It is more in keeping with current
practice always to put the comma inside the closing
quotation mark at a sentence split.
Note that there is also a comma after the verb of
speaking when it splits a sentence:

'You,' he said, 'must help her.'

Omission of quotation marks

Quotation marks are not always necessary round direct
speech, for example when what is being quoted is not
part of a conversation but a person’s thoughts or a
rhetorical question:

Why me? he asked himself. Why always me?

You may ask, what is our aim? I'll tell you what our aim is.
Quotation marks 171

And if the words are not the exact words that a person
said or thought, there cannot be quotation marks:

Where were they going? he wondered. (His actual words,

spoken or thought, would be 'Where are they going?')

Repetition of quotation marks

If a passage of direct speech goes beyond a single
paragraph, each new paragraph should start with an
opening quotation mark, but only the final paragraph
should have a closing quotation mark.

Short quotations integrated into a sentence should be
marked off by quotation marks:

As Drummond says, 'the details of this population movement

are unknown to us, because the records of the kingdom at that
time have not yet been found'.
Dickens complained that he found Mrs Gaskell's North and South
'too wordy' and 'wearisome in the last degree'.
Many parents admit to feeling 'redundant' or 'empty' when their
children have all left home.

Longer quotations should begin on a new line and

should not be in quotation marks. They are usually
preceded and followed by a blank line:

As Drummond says in The Hurrians:

The details of this population movement are unknown to us,

because the records of the country at that time have not yet
been found. But in the following century, the influence of
Hurrian culture is very marked.
172 How to Punctuate

For more about quotation styles, see page 269.

Quoting exact words

Only the exact words that a person said or wrote should
be inside the quotation marks:

X Speaking on behalf of the Government, the Prime Minister

said 'that they would be tough on crime and tough on the
causes of crime'.

Wrong! What were the Prime Minister’s actual words?

‘We will be tough on crime and tough on the causes
of crime.’ He did not actually say the words ‘that they
would be tough on crime and tough on the causes of
crime’, so these words cannot be given as the quo¬
There are two ways of quoting the Prime Minister
correctly. Firstly, you could move the opening quota¬
tion mark to a point in the sentence where it does mark
the beginning of words said by the Prime Minister:

/ Speaking on behalf of the Government, the Prime Minister

said that they would be 'tough on crime and tough on the
causes of crime'.

Alternatively, you could quote the exact words spoken:

/ Speaking on behalf of the Government the Prime Minister

said: 'We will be tough on crime and tough on the causes of
Quotation marks 173

Quotations within quotations

If a second set of quotation marks is needed within
the first set, you should use double quotes within single
quotes and single quotes within double quotes:

'What does "kleptomania" mean?' he asked.

"What does 'octane' mean?" she asked.
"The worst thing for us would be for the audience to say, 'Well,
I suppose they were all right,'" he said.
'I don't like it when people go around saying "I'm English."
Who cares?'

If you need to have quotes within quotes, then it’s

single-double-single or double-single-double.

Quotation marks are used to highlight something in a
passage of writing for any of various reasons. It may
be to pick out a word that is being referred to; a
translation of a foreign word; a technical or slang word
or an invented expression; a reference to a well-known
saying, proverb, story, etc; or a punning or joking use
of a word; as in the following examples:

The word 'dodo' comes from Portuguese doudo, meaning fool'.

There are two t's in 'bottle'.
His name is Anmol, which is Hindi for 'priceless'.
He called them a bunch of chavs. What on earth are 'chavs'?
Bournemouth is one of the few English towns that one can
safely call 'her'.
John Betjeman

The question 'What now?' is one that no-one in the Middle East
can answer confidently.
174 How to Punctuate

He said it was 'really groovy' to be there. Do people really still

talk like that?
In this book, I am adopting a 'stratificational' approach to
grammar, though not that of Lamb and Lockwood.
I'm calling it a 'thingometer'.
Perhaps the name for a book of puns should be a 'punnet'!

Quotation marks are used to pick out words for


It's not a question of 'entertaining' readers or setting out to

'change lives'.
The distinction in those days was between the man who was 'a
gentleman' and the man who was 'not a gentleman'.
Some old folk don't claim their means-tested benefits because
they know that any savings they possess are the 'means' that
have to be disclosed for testing.

Quotation marks are used when you are quoting some¬

one else’s words:

The builders offered a 'complete service' but all they did was
make a complete mess.

Quotation marks may be used when you are critical of

what someone else has said or of the way they have
used a word, and you want to draw attention to it or
distance yourself from it. Quotation marks also indi¬
cate irony:

Robert's father was a Hutu, his mother was a Tutsi, and that
was the 'reason' he murdered her. (The writer does not accept
this as a valid reason.)
Here 'by chance' we met other 'prisoners'. (The writer does not
believe it was a chance meeting, nor that the people they
Quotation marks 175

met were actually prisoners - it was a planned meeting and

they were spies.)
In the 1980s and early 1990s many companies felt entitled to
take 'holidays' from their pension fund contributions.
Pensions were often 'mis-sold' (often a euphemism for fraud)
on a grand scale.

Quotation marks are used to pick out something that

does not fit grammatically into the sentence as a whole:

The Scottish parliament building is very 'look at me' and 'look

at this'.

Notice the use of the quotation marks and hyphens in

the following examples:

a 'can do' attitude

a can-do attitude
The man nodded a 'good morning' as I drew level.
The man nodded a good-morning as I drew level.

Quotation marks are used with nicknames:

I learned to play the guitar from a book by Bert 'Mr Guitar'

He was an associate of the famous Chicago gangster Al 'Scar-
face' Capone.

Do not overdo highlighting. You should only use high¬

lighting quotation marks if they actually serve a
176 How to Punctuate

Book titles, etc

Quotation marks may be put round the title of a book,
film, play, television programme, magazine, etc, or the
name of a ship, theatre, restaurant, etc:

/ We're staying at'The Red Lion'.

/ We're staying at the Red Lion.

The pamphlet was headed 'To the Sons of the Motherland!'

Isn't there a speech in 'Macbeth' that starts something like
'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow'?
I never watch 'The Simpsons'.
Nearly five years ago, Helen Fielding published 'Bridget Jones:
The Edge of Reason', a sequel to the enormously successful
'Bridget Jones's Diary'.
The ship was called the 'Mary Rose'.

However, this is often not done nowadays if it is not

necessary for clarity.
Titles of books and plays can also be underlined in
writing or be in italics in printing.
Notice that when ‘the’ is part of the title it goes
inside the quotation marks but when it is not part of
the title it goes outside the quotation marks:

I never watch 'The Simpsons'.

The ship was called the 'Mary Rose'.

For quotation marks round the titles of articles in

journals or chapters of books, see page 268.
Quotation marks 177

Punctuation in direct speech and quoted matter

The correct choice and placement of punctuation
marks around quotation marks causes many problems,
especially when there are quotation marks next to
other quotation marks at the end of a sentence. How¬
ever, if the problems are approached in a logical, step-
by-step fashion, a pattern can be seen that is not hard
to understand or put into practice. There is not total
agreement among authorities on how to handle punc¬
tuation around quotation marks, but the following can
be regarded as a reasonable and logical statement of
the principles.
In this section ‘quoted words’ means ‘anything within
quotation marks’, be it an actual quotation, a passage
of direct speech or anything else that is highlighted by
means of quotation marks.

A quotation that is not a sentence

When a sentence ends with quoted words that are not
a complete sentence, the sentence ends with only one
punctuation mark, placed outside the closing quota¬
tion mark:

He catted me a 'chav'.
What's a 'chav'?
Don't you dare catt me a 'chav'!

A quotation that is a complete sentence

When the end of quoted words that are a complete
sentence coincides with the end of the sentence they
are included in, you would expect there to be two
punctuation marks, one inside the quotation mark to
178 How to Punctuate

indicate the end of the quoted words and one outside

to indicate the end of the whole sentence; for example:

Before he hit the bait, he shouted 'Fore!'.

However, in practice, when the punctuation mark out¬

side the quotation mark would be a full stop, it is

I heard someone behind me in the queue say, 'My feet hurt.'

The lieutenant leapt to his feet, shouting: 'Charge!'
I said to him, 'I beg your pardon ?'

The rules are different for quoted words that are fully
integrated into the sentence. For them, the full stop
goes outside the quotation mark. Compare these

As Shakespeare once said, 'All the world's a stage/ (quotation

a separate unit, separated off by the comma; full stop at end
of quotation)
Shakespeare once said that 'all the world's a stage' (quotation
fully part of the larger sentence because of the linking word
'that'; full stop at end of whole sentence)

When the final punctuation mark is a question mark

or an exclamation mark, the rules are a little more
1. When the punctuation mark at the end of the quoted
words is a full stop, omit it:

x Why did you say, you're a prat.'?

/ Why did you say, 'You're a prat'?

When there is a question mark followed by an excla¬
mation mark, or vice versa, both are kept:
Quotation marks 179

Did you remember to shout 'Fore!'?

She screamed at him: 'Why shoutd we?'!

When both punctuation marks would be the same, it

is correct to put both in; for example, with question

Why did she say, 'Who are you?'?

... but much more commonly one or other of them

is dropped:

Why did she say, 'Who are you?'

Why did she say, 'Who are you'?

If you do drop one question mark, it must not be one

that is the sole indication that a sentence is a question:

Who was it who said, 'George Bush has won again?' ('George
Bush has won again' is a question.)
Who was it who said, 'George Bush has won again'? ('George
Bush has won again' is a statement.)

Quotations within quotations

The problems really start when there are quotation
marks inside quotation marks at the end of a sentence.
Notice the different position of the full stop at the end
of these examples:

Tom said, 'Tim called me a "prat"/

Tom said, 'According to Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage/"

However, the problem is much less formidable than

many people think. All you need to do is approach it
on the basis of the principles given above,
i. In the first example, prat is not a sentence, so there
180 How to Punctuate

is no full stop after it. Tim called me a “prat” is a

sentence, so it ends with a full stop. Compare:

He called me a 'chav'.
Tim called me a "prat".

Tom said, cTim called me a “chav”.’ is also a sentence

and could theoretically end with a full stop, but as we
have already seen, when there is a full stop before a
closing quotation mark, you drop the full stop after it:

I heard someone behind me in the queue say, 'My feet hurt.'

Tom said, 'Tim called me a "chav".'

2. If the ‘innermost’ quoted words are a sentence, then

they end with a full stop. All the world's a stage is a
sentence, so it ends with a full stop:

"All the world's a stage."

According to Shakespeare, “All the world’s a stage.” is

also a sentence, but as we have seen, when there is a
full stop before a closing quotation mark, you drop
the full stop after it:

According to Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage."

Tom said, According to Shakespeare “All the world’s a

stage.”’ is also a sentence, but again there is no full
stop at the end of it because there is already a full stop
after stage:

Tom said, 'According to Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage."'

So very easily, by the rules that were established for

relatively simple sentences, it is possible to establish
the punctuation pattern for more complex sentences.
Quotation marks 181

You start with the innermost quoted words, and decide

what punctuation mark, if any, is required at the end
of them:

Tom said, 'xxxxxx "xxxxx 1

Then you move one place to the right and decide what
punctuation mark, if any, you should put there:

Tom said, 'xxxxxx "xxxxx" I'

Then you move right again and decide what punctu¬

ation mark, if any, you should put there:

Tom said, 'xxxxxx "xxxxx”' I

No matter how complicated your sentence is, by work¬

ing systematically from left to right and applying the
rules used in punctuating simpler sentences, you can
always decide on the correct punctuation marks.
Sometimes, however, you may have to go back and
change your decision. Consider this sentence:

Tom said, 'Why did you sayf "You're a prat"?'

By applying the left-to-right principle, you will start

off by putting a full stop after You’re a prat because
it’s a sentence:

"You're a prat"

But when you come to cWhy did you say, ccYoure a

prat.”?\ you will realize that, because there is a ques¬
tion mark at the end of that sentence, there shouldn’t
be a full stop at the end of the included sentence (see
page 178):
182 How to Punctuate

X Why did you say, "You're a prat"?

/ Why did you say, "You're a prat"?

Moving right again, you know that when there is a

question mark at the end of quoted words, there is no
full stop after the quotation mark (see page 65); so the
whole sentence will be correctly punctuated with one
question mark and no full stops:

Tom said, 'Why did you sayf "You're a prat"?'

British and American practice

The above rules apply to British English. American
English differs in some respects. If the quotation is not
a complete sentence, the full stop goes outside the
quotation marks in British English but inside the quo¬
tation marks in American English:

The police have warned that it is not a question of 'whether' a

terrorist attack will occur, but 'when'.
We cater for everyone from the cradle to the grave'.

It seems that the issue is no longer "if' this will happen but
"how soon."
The artificial trees are available in heights from "6 to 40 feet."

The same is true for commas: outside in British English

but inside in American English:

The song, which is called 'From Here to There', is a beautiful

This is the greatest threat I can think of to the "American
ideal," whatever that means.
Quotation marks 183

<*' &'*s >_ ■ ■'■

Summary of key points

• Quotation marks are used to indicate direct speech,
to indicate a quotation, and to highlight some
element of a sentence.
• Quotation marks can be placed round book titles,
• Great care must be taken to place punctuation PlIES
■0i 'Z' j <

correctly and to omit punctuation marks that are not

'%'£i >> *5

(‘You listen to this, * said my sister to me, in a severe

Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

There are four types of brackets: round brackets or

parentheses ( ), square brackets [ ], curly brackets or
braces { }, and angle brackets < >. Of these four, the
last two have specialized uses in mathematics, science
and linguistics that are beyond the scope of a general
book on punctuation such as this.
Remember that brackets always come in pairs, one
before and one after the bracketed words.

Round brackets
Interruptions and comments
Round brackets are mainly used to separate off com¬
ments and other interruptions or add-ons (see page 93):

It was agreed that the milk and the windfall apples (and also
the main crop of apples when they ripened) should be reserved
for the pigs alone.
George Orwell, Animal Farm
Brackets 185

It wasn't that she didn't find him attractive (or was it that,
'What on earth are you doing in there?' (Her tone was a mixture
of slight concern and rising suspicion.)

Take care with other punctuation marks, placing them

in the correct position inside or outside the brackets.
When words in parentheses form a complete and inde¬
pendent sentence, the punctuation mark they end with
should be inside the closing bracket:

He also drew the illustrations for the book. (That was something
he very rarely did.)
I didn't tell her what had happened. (How could I have?) I just
said I'd been asleep.

When words in brackets are included within a larger

sentence, the punctuation mark should be outside the
closing bracket:

The bath and washbasin had gold-plated taps (the sort I always
associate with 'conspicuous consumption').
Be prepared for other people to disagree with your decision
(perhaps quite strongly), but don't let them persuade you that
you are wrong.

However, an included comment may sometimes need

punctuation of its own, in which case the punctuation
goes inside the brackets:

Chapter by chapter, the correct uses (and also many of the

wrong uses!) of each of the punctuation marks is explained.

When the included comment is a statement, there is

no full stop after it inside the brackets:
186 How to Punctuate

Eventually I ended up outside Wharfdale Shopping Centre (the

place I had visited the day before), and looked for somewhere
to eat

Brackets, commas or dashes?

Brackets make stronger breaks in sentences than

He stood on the lawn, a blanket round his shoulders, and

watched his house go up inflames.
He stood on the lawn (he had a blanket round his shoulders)
and watched his house go up in flames.

If the comment is a sentence in its own right, as in the

second example, it cannot go between commas: it must
be cordoned off by punctuation that makes a stronger
break. It is even possible for there to be more than
one sentence enclosed in brackets, in which case the
punctuation is as in the following example:

He stood on the lawn (he had a blanket round his shoulders. It

was the colour of the setting sun) and watched his house go
up in flames.

Dashes are considered more informal than brackets,

and so should not be used in formal contexts:

/ Application forms (three copies) should be sent to the Person¬

nel Manager.
X Application forms - three copies - should be sent to the
Personnel Manager.

Dashes also make stronger breaks than brackets and

can be used for your own comments:
Brackets 187

The letter said, 'Application forms (twelve copies)' - twelve

copies! - 'should be sent to the Personnel Manager.'

Brackets may be used to show alternative forms:

The name(s) and address(es) of your sponsor(s) should be

included with your application.

Additional information
Additional information of various kinds is often
enclosed in round brackets:

The Plant Sciences Research Programme (PSP) is one of 10

research programmes funded by the Rural Livelihoods Depart¬
ment for the Department for International Development (DFID).
TNT (trinitrotoluene) was developed around the time of the
Second World War.
John Donne (1572-1631) was a leading English poet of the
Metaphysical school.
The next meeting of the Association will be on the first Tuesday
of next month (December 7).

Letters and numbers in lists

Parentheses may be used round letters and numbers
in lists; for example:

The matters to be discussed are:

(a) print run
(b) price
(c) jacket
(d) publication date
(e) marketing strategy
188 How to Punctuate

The rules for visitors are as follows:

1) You can only stay in the UK for 6 months.
2) You will not be permitted to work whilst in the UK.
3) You must not intend to study.
4) You must have adequate accommodation.
5) You must have the finances to support yourself for the
duration of your stay.
6) You must be able to meet the cost of your onward journey.

The second example gives an instance of when, con¬

trary to the general rule, it is correct to have a single
bracket rather than a pair.

Square brackets

Square brackets are used to enclose letters, words or

phrases that are not in the original text but which have
been added by someone as comments, corrections,
explanations, etc:

In that time no one in Italy, not even Giovanni Agnelli [the
head of Fiat], drove round in a limousine.
Michael Palin, Hemingway Adventure

(What the original speaker actually said was In that time, no

one in Italy, not even Giovanni Agnelli, drove round in a
limousine.' The information in square brackets has been added
by Michael Palin for the benefit of the reader who, it is
assumed, would not know who Giovanni Agnelli was.)
They [the forebears of the Janjaweed] immigrated 12 centuries
ago from the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula.
, ,
She [Bridget] is neurotic smug conscious of every ounce of
Brackets 189

An alternative style that can be used where appropriate

is to replace the part that needs to be explained with
the explanation in square brackets:

[The forebears of the Janjaweed] immigrated 12 centuries ago

from the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula.
, ,
[Bridget] is neurotic smug conscious of every ounce of

Square brackets are also used to enclose editorial


According to this book, Endison [sic] began working on the

light bulb in 1878. ('[sic]' shows that the writer knows that
the name should be 'Edison', not'Endison', but is quoting the
text exactly as it was originally written; it means 'I know this
is a mistake; it isn't my mistake.')
Tony Blair said he was going to be tough on crime and tough
on the causes of crime [my emphasis]. (Here the person quot¬
ing the Prime Minister is emphasizing one particular point in
the quotation and is drawing attention to the fact that they
are doing so.)

On the other hand, if the original writer wants to

comment on something in what they are writing, round
brackets should be used.

Brackets within brackets

When it is necessary to have brackets within brackets,
it may be confusing (though it is not wrong) to have
one pair of round brackets within another pair. In that
case, it is correct to use square brackets inside round
brackets or vice versa:
190 How to Punctuate

The deceased (John Smith [aka John Smithson]) resided at 14

Chestnut Grove.

Summary of key points

• Round brackets are used to separate off comments,
additional information, etc.
• Round brackets make a greater break in a sentence
than commas but a weaker break than dashes.
• Dashes are more informal than round brackets.
• Square brackets are used for editorial comments and

The ellipsis is my favorite writing tool, because you can

save so much work by just letting the reader figure it
Andy Saunders

Ellipsis is represented by three full stops, sometimes

separated by thin spaces (...) but nowadays often
not (...). Ellipsis points are used to indicate where
something has been omitted from a quotation, to
punctuate sentences that tail off leaving something
unsaid or implied, to indicate pauses, and to form
links between parts of sentences.

Ellipsis marks indicating omissions

Omissions in quotations
Ellipsis dots are used in quoted material to show that
the quotation does not include the complete text of
the original but that some word or words have been
omitted. The ellipsis can be at the beginning, in the
middle or at the end of a text. For example, consider
this sentence from The Grammar, History and Deri¬
vation of the English Language by Evan Daniel:
192 How to Punctuate

All the facts with which a grammar deals are to be found in the
language to which the grammar belongs; and it is in the language
itself not in books, that these facts are primarily to be sought

This sentence could, when being quoted, be shortened

in various ways by the omission of parts that are not
needed for the purposes of the person quoting it. The
omission would be marked by ellipses:

As Evan Daniel says in The Grammar, History and Derivation

of the English Language, . . it is in the language itself not
in books, that these facts are primarily to be sought/

As Evan Daniel says in The Grammar, History and Derivation

of the English Language, 'All the facts with which a grammar
deals are to be found in the language to which the grammar
belongs; and it is in the language itself. . . that these facts
are primarily to be sought.'

As Evan Daniel says in The Grammar, History and Derivation

of the English Language, 'All the facts with which a grammar
deals are to be found in the language to which the grammar

An ellipsis may be placed in square brackets, but this

is not common.
The omission marked by an ellipsis may be a matter
of delicacy:

Get the ... out of my way!

Ellipsis 193

Uncompleted sentences
Ellipsis marks are used to show uncompleted sentences
or sentences that, although grammatically complete,
imply that something has been left unsaid:

Honestly, Jo, you're impossible .. .

Perhaps one day I will understand his motives; perhaps one day
he will explain them to me; perhaps we will even ... Oh, but
this is just being silly, isn't it?
I can just imagine him going home in a terrible temper and
dashing off a letter to the manager: 'Dear Sir, I wish to complain
in the strongest possible terms
The press were just beginning to forget about us, and now. . .
I don't think that was a very good idea . . .
'Ah, yes. You're Jones. And your job is to ... ?' 'Well, I, er, I,
The first part of our marriage was very happy. But then, on the
way back from the ceremony. . .
Henny Youngman

Dash or ellipsis points?

Ellipsis marks a sentence that tails off. For an un¬
completed sentence that breaks off abruptly, use a

'Look here, I had just -'

Punctuation with ellipsis

When an ellipsis indicates an uncompleted sentence,
it should not be followed by a full stop. According to
some authorities, if the ellipsis comes at the end of a
sentence that is grammatically complete (the ellipsis
merely leaving something implied), you should add a
194 How to Punctuate

full stop as well, but this is a subtlety that is generally

ignored. Three dots are enough.
An ellipsis can, of course, be followed by a question
mark or an exclamation mark:

A h, yes. You're Jones. And your job is to ... ?

Any punctuation mark that occurs before an ellipsis,

whether within or at the end of a sentence, should be

There is no science that is not capable of additions;... If this

be true of all other sciences, why not of morals? ... The
very conception of this as possible is in the highest degree
William Godwin, Enquiry Concerning Political Justice

Ellipsis marks indicating hesitation or pause

An ellipsis may indicate a slight pause or hesitation:

Until that morning, his life had been . . . well, dullr really.
Their Royal Family are like . . . living saints.
It wouldn't be wise to tell them, would it? About you and me
. . . and what we did?
Lara? .. . It's Ken.

A dash marks a shorter or more abrupt pause:

Of course I'm interested, it's a - a fascinating subject.

The pause may be for dramatic or comic effect:

He opened the box and found . . . nothing!

You've got to laugh, haven't you? Now, take my wife. . . please.
Ellipsis 195

In informal writing and journalism, an ellipsis is often

used to form a loose link between clauses and sen¬

We were ail thinking . . . was every one of the remaining 59

days going to be equally hard?
Tired of aerobics? Tired of fad diets? To really lose weight. . .
try pole dancing.

In such cases, there is usually an element of pausing

for effect. If there is no sense of pausing for effect, use
other punctuation marks. Do not use the pause ellipsis
at all in formal writing.

Ellipsis marks as links within sentences

Ellipsis points may be used to indicate a link between
two or more parts of a sentence that are interrupted
by something else, as is done occasionally in this book.
See for example page 100.

Summary of key points

• Ellipsis is used to indicate where something has
been omitted from a quotation, to punctuate
sentences that leave something unsaid or implied,
and to indicate pauses.
• Ellipsis points may also be used to link parts of
sentences that are separated by other material.

Title of book by the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard

The oblique is also called the solidus or the slash

(especially in email addresses).
In computing, it is sometimes necessary to distin¬
guish between a forward slash (/) and a backslash (\).

The oblique is used to indicate alternatives:

Dear Sir/Madam, . ..
Whatever he/she does and whatever happens to him/her affects
others as welt.
Symptoms will include dizziness and difficulty with vision and/
or balance.
Temperatures can rise above 50°C/122°F in high summer.

Unking items
The oblique is used to indicate places on a route, etc:

The 11.55 London/Manchester train has been cancelled.

The patient suffered the first spasms on the New York/Amster¬
dam flight.
Obliques 197

This can also be done by means of a short dash:

the Paris-Dakar ratty

Other words can be linked in a similar way:

Gtasgow-born singer/songwriter Ken Burns

Painter/decorator. No job too smatt

This can also be done with hyphens:

singer-songwriter ptayer-manager

Periods of time
Obliques are used to indicate periods of time:

the 2004/05 shinty season

the 2003/2004 financiat year

Obliques can be used in writing dates:

9/11 14/11/04

Dates can also be written with dots instead of obliques:


In measurements, obliques can be used to express

The density of Neptune is 1.64 g/cm3.

198 How to Punctuate

Obliques can be used in certain abbreviations:

c/o (= 'care of') i/c (= 'in charge of') a/c (= 'account')

Obliques can be used in writing fractions:

An obol was worth 1/6 of a drachma. The chalkos was worth

1/8 of an obol.

If you quote poetry, you can write the lines out in two
ways. One way is to write them as they were written,
on separate lines:

Of all the trees in England,

From sea to sea again,
The Willow loveliest stoops her boughs
Beneath the driving rain.
Walter de la Mare, 'Trees'

The other way is to write them in continuous text,

with obliques marking each new line:

As de la Mare says, 'Of all the trees in England, / From sea to

sea again, / The Willow loveliest stoops her boughs / Beneath
the driving rain.'

Internet website addresses

Obliques (in this case, usually called slashes or forward
slashes) are used in writing website addresses:

www. bbc. co. uk/radio2


Nearly all the leaflets were depressingly illiterate,

particularly with regard to punctuation -1 sometimes
think that if I see one more tourist leaflet that says
‘Englands Best or ‘Britains Largest’1 will go and torch

the place.
Bill Bryson, Notes from a Small Island

As Bryson noticed on his tour round the United King¬

dom, there are many, many people who do not under¬
stand the apostrophe. Things have become so bad that
there is now even an Apostrophe Protection Society.
Strangely, at the same time as the apostrophe is being
lost as the marker of possession (Englands Best, Britains
Largest), it is being increasingly used as a marker of
plural nouns (apple’s and banana’s). Both are equally

The possessive apostrophe

One of the main uses of the apostrophe is to mark
possessive forms:

John's books the boys' bikes

200 How to Punctuate

The basic rule

The rule in its basic form is perfectly straightforward
and comes in two parts:

1. The possessive form of a noun or name is made by adding

'5 to it:
the boy's dog (= 'the dog belonging to the boy')
the children's bikes (= 'the bikes belonging to the children')
James's wife (= 'the wife of James')
Robert Burns's poetry (= the poetry of Robert Burns')
my brothers-in-law's cars (= 'the cars belonging to my
the Laird ofCockpen's wig (= 'the wig belonging to the Laird
of Cockpen')

2. But if the noun or name is plural and it already ends in 5,

add an apostrophe alone:

the boys' dog (= 'the dog belonging to the boys')

in two months' time (= 'after two months')

• With singular names ending in s, usage is variable:

Moses' army or Moses's army

The simple rule here is: write what you say. If you say
/mohzizizf write Moses’s, but if you say /mohzizf write
Moses’. Similarly, depending on how you pronounce
the words, you can correctly write Burns’s poetry or
Burns’ poetry (but always Burns Night without an apos¬
The same applies to singular nouns ending in s, such
as species:
Apostrophes 201

ON A evidence indicates the species' fortunes went downhill

23,000 years before humans even made their mark in North

Again the rule is: write it as you say it.

Some compound nouns, originally formed with a
possessive, are no longer written with an apostrophe:

Achilles' heel but Achilles tendon

But in some cases you just have to follow what others

do: St Thomas' Hospital should be Thomas's (because
that’s how you say it) but it isn’t.
Errors to watch for:

X Les' email
x Gus' personal feelings
X He refused the waitress' offer of coffee.
(The possessive forms should be Les's, Gus's and waitress's
because that is how these words would be said.)
x childrens clothes
X ladies shoe repair
(These need apostrophes: children's, ladies'.)
X childrens' clothes
X mens' shoe repair
(The apostrophes are in the wrong place: children's, men's.)

Note, however, that no apostrophe is needed in a

compound noun written as a single word:


Apostrophes have to be added to each noun indi¬

202 How to Punctuate

X donations of unwanted ladies, gents and children's clothing

/ donations of unwanted ladies', gents' and children's clothing

Possessive pronouns do not have apostrophes:

hers, ours, yours, theirs, its, whose

Note in particular the difference between its (= ‘of it’)

and it’s (= cit is’ or ‘it has’), and whose (= ‘of whom’)
and who’s (— ‘who is’ or ‘who has’).
In expressions with sake, there may or may not be
an apostrophe:

for heaven's sake but for goodness sake

Plural nouns
The bask rule
Plural nouns do not need an apostrophe. The following
are all incorrect (and are examples of what is often
called the ‘greengrocer’s apostrophe’, though it seems
unfair to pick on greengrocers as being especially guilty
of this error):

X pasta's and kebab's

X tomato's and lettuce's
X Property's for Sale or Rent
X CCTV camera's are in operation.
X Hairdresser requires model's for trainee's

These are correct:

/ pastas and kebabs

y tomatoes and lettuces
/ Properties for Sale or Rent
Apostrophes 203

/ CCTV cameras are in operation

/ Hairdresser requires models for trainees

Similarly, there are no apostrophes in plural names:

I'm tired of keeping up with the Joneses, and the Smiths, and
the Browns.
There were two Lewises in my class in primary school.

However, allow a plural like Louis's where a regular

form (Louises) could cause uncertainty: is it boys called
‘Louis’ or girls called ‘Louise’?

Short words
The plurals of certain short words are often written
with apostrophes:

She gave me a list of do's and don'ts. (Note the position of

the apostrophe in don'ts.)
I feel there are really two me's at the moment.
Are the puppies he's or she's?
We have had several set-to's with them over this.

Forms without apostrophes are equally correct.

Quoted words
If a plural word is being quoted in a sentence, it is often
written with an apostrophe, though the apostrophe can
be omitted if there would be no confusion:

There are too many ifs, but'sf maybe's and possibles in this

Similarly, if a plural noun is the title of a book, play,

etc quoted in a sentence, it is better written with an
204 How to Punctuate

apostrophe, though again it is correct to omit the


I've already seen three Hamlet's this year. (= three versions of


This can also be a change of typeface:

I've already seen three Hamlet's this year.

Plurals of lower-case letters or of abbreviations written
wholly or partly in lower-case letters take apostrophes
for clarity:

All that remains to do is dot some i's and cross some t's.
There were some very close appeals for Ibw's.
She's got two PhD's, or are they MPhil's?

Plurals of capital letters or of abbreviations, etc written

in capital letters do not require apostrophes, except for

MPs, TVs, WCs, ASB0sf GCSEs

What we need is a couple ofJCBs.
Write a row of I's. (not. .. row of Is)

But apostrophes are needed for abbreviations with full


M.P.'s, Ph.D.'s, W.C.'s.

The same is true for past tenses of abbreviations. An

apostrophe may be needed for clarity:

The car needs to be M.O.T.'d or MOT'd.

Apostrophes 205

The plurals of single numbers are written with apos¬

Take away the 2's, then the 3's.

The plurals of longer numbers, dates, etc are better

written without apostrophes, but it is not wrong to
have one:

They lined up in 20s and 30s

the 1970s or the 1970's
They all drive 4x4s.

Letters that have been omitted are usually indicated by

are not > aren't he will > he'll

cannot > can't will not > won't
have not > haven't do not > don't (watch do's
and don'ts)

Apostrophes are often used in this way in represen¬

tations of informal speech and dialect:

She'd've done the same thing.

So'm I.
D'you like it?
I should never've trusted you!
That'd've made my day.
I know I shouldn't've said it.
206 How to Punctuate

Gi'e it tae me.

She went to sleep wi' a wee poke o' sweeties in her hand.

When and is shortened to n, there should be two


cheese V onion crisps

rock V roll

Some shortened forms of words and phrases are writ¬

ten with apostrophes even though the non-contracted
forms are no longer in use; for example:

o'clock (from of the clock)

ne'er-do-well (from never-do-well)
Hallowe'en (from All Hallow Even; Halloween is also correct)

Some contractions are out of date but still seen in

poetry, etc:

e'en, o'er, 'tis and 'twas

Many words that are in origin shortened forms are

now words in their own right. They are not written
with apostrophes:

bra, bus, cello, decaff, exam, flu, fridge, gym, phone, plane, pram,

Apostrophes indicating the omission of letters may

sometimes be found in place-names:

Bo'ness (in West Lothian = 'Borrowstounness')

Jo'burg (= Johannesburg)
Apostrophes 207

Apostrophes may also be used to indicate the omission

of numbers, e.g. in dates:

during the '70s and '80s (in this case, do not put an apostrophe
before the s: X the '70's)
That happened back in '97,1 think.

Apostrophes in foreign languages

Certain languages, such as Arabic and Chinese, require
apostrophes when transliterated into English:

the Noble Qur'an

t'ai chi ch'uan

Make sure you put the apostrophes in and get them in

the right place. If in doubt, check in your dictionary.
(There are actually two ways of transliterating
Chinese into English: one requires apostrophes and
the other does not. Hence one sees both ch’i and qi,
t’ai chi ch’uan and tai ji quan or taijiquan.)
Plurals of foreign words may be written with apos¬
trophes for clarity:

The title of the film Qian Li Zou Dan Ji means tone Ride over
a Thousand Li's' (1 Li equals 0.31 mile).

Keyboarding apostrophes
Take care when keyboarding words or numbers with
initial apostrophes. You may have to correct ones that
face the wrong way:
208 How to Punctuate

not ‘tis but ’t/s

not rock V roil but rock V roll
not 70s but 70s

Summary of key points

• Possessives are formed by adding rs to a noun or
name, unless the noun or name is plural and ends in
s, in which case only an apostrophe is added.
• Possessive forms of pronouns do not have
• Plurals are not usually written with apostrophes.
• Apostrophes are used to indicate where letters have
been omitted.

If you take hyphens seriously, you will surely go mad.

John Benbow, Manuscript and Proof

Hyphens are used much less frequently now than they

were formerly. Compound nouns, for example, that
were formerly hyphenated (e.g. tea-bag) are now gen¬
erally written either as two words (tea bag) or as single
words (teabag). In the realm of punctuation, what were
formerly full-stops are now full stops and semi-colons
have become semicolons.
Sir Winston Churchill is reputed to have called
hyphens ca blemish to be avoided wherever possible’,
and in the opinion of the Fowlers in The Kings English,
hyphens are ‘regrettable necessities... to be done away
with when they reasonably may’.
However, correctly used, hyphens add clarity to
writing by showing in black and white what stress and
intonation would indicate in speech. Hyphens may be
done away with ‘when they reasonably may’, but they
cannot be done away with altogether. Compare the
following examples and notice the difference the
hyphens make:
210 How to Punctuate

little-known paths through the mountains (= 'not well known')

little known paths through the mountains (= 'small paths')

secret-weapon technology (= 'secret weapons')

secret weapon technology (= 'secret technology')

And if you think hyphens are unimportant, consider

this question from American comedian George Carlin:

Which is taller, a short order cook or a small engine mechanic?

Descriptive phrases preceding nouns

The basic rule
When two or more words together form a phrase
describing a following noun, they must be hyphenated:

A village on the east coast is an east-coast village.

The people who live next door are your next-door neighbours.
Instructions that are easy to follow are easy-to-follow

Note that such phrases only require hyphens when

they precede the noun they describe, but not elsewhere:

/ An easy-to-use adhesive is easy to use.

x An easy-to-use adhesive is easy-to-use.

Further examples are:

a twice-weekly drama a no-risk, money-back

senes guarantee
a sixteenth-century church deep-sea diving
a six-cylinder engine a four-wheel-drive
hassle-free travel vehicle
a walk-in bath a not-so-tidy garden
Hyphens 211

a tow-cost personal loan a warts-and-all biography

a free, no-obligation quote dyed-in-the-wool Tones
a left-of-centre think-tank
a one-size-fits-all solution to the problem
a dress with three-quarter-length sleeves
a junk-food-guzzling private detective
Glits is an Edinburgh-based, female-voice choir.
Our Do-It-for-You Service is safer than DIY.
Our fertilizer lasts twice as long as off-the-shelf products.
She was packing her case in a furious, don't-anyone-dare-
argue-with-me way.
This was noses-pressed-against-the-window journalism.

Linking with hyphens and quotation marks

Notice the use of the quotation marks and hyphens in
the following examples to link words into a single unit:

I like people with a can-do attitude.

I like people with a 'can do' attitude.
The man nodded a good-morning as I drew level.
The man nodded a 'good morning' as I drew level.

Names in compounds
Names that are not normally hyphenated remain
unhyphenated when describing a following noun, even
when some element is attached to them by a hyphen:

a Rio de Janeiro night club

a Hong Kong-born businessman
her Los Angeles-based fiance
America's Grand Canyon-like political divisions
Bridget Jones-style single women
Thomas Hardy-esque scenes
212 How to Punctuate

Phrases with an added suffix

When two or more words are made to function as a single
element in a sentence by the addition of a suffix (such
as -ness), the whole compound must be hyphenated:

Esmond was being very Justice-of-the-Peace-y.

The aunts raised their eyebrows with a good deal of To-what-
are-we-indebted-for-the-honour-of-this-visitness. . .
Both examples from P G Wodehouse

Phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective

or participle
The basic rule
A descriptive phrase consisting of an adverb and an
adjective is not normally hyphenated:

a very silly boy a quite ridiculous

a lightly boiled egg suggestion
a cup of freshly boiled a beautifully illustrated
water book

However, if an adverb ending in -ly is felt to be particu¬

larly closely linked to a following participle, it is con¬
sidered acceptable by many people to have a hyphen
between the two words:

a closely-written sheet of paper

a more highly-skilled and educated workforce
a legally-binding framework for compensation
Hyphens 213

While permissible, this should only be done if there

really is a particular need for it, and there rarely is. It
is not clear, for example, what purpose the hyphens
serve here:

0 fondly-remembered holidays
E easily-defined genre boundaries

As a general rule, do not hyphenate an adverb and a

following participle.

Well, better, etc

If any of the adverbs well, better, best, ill, worse, worst,
much, little, most and least plus a past participle form
a phrase describing a following noun, then a hyphen
is required between them:

He became one of Britain's best-loved comedy actors.

They're very well-brought-up little girls.
This is one of Hollywood's worst-kept secrets.
The tale of the ill-fated liner 'Arctic' was a sad one indeed.
Fox-hunting is a much-abused sport.
Zen calligraphy has remained a little-understood art form.
This was one of the BBC's most-watched plays.
He must be one Britain's least-trusted politicians at the

No hyphen is needed when the phrase does not im¬

mediately precede a noun:

Although the book was well received, it took time for it to

become popular.
A professor of medical law, he is better known to most people
as a writer.
214 How to Punctuate

She is best known and most respected for her stand against the
Iraq war.
Like every other member of the family, the house is much loved.

Every Sunday, the whole town could be seen walking through

the park. There were the genuinely /better-off residents from
the large houses round the park; there were those who desper¬
ately wanted to be thought xbetter-off because they weren't;
and there were those who actually were pretty xbadly-off but
on Sundays managed to look almost as Xwell-dressed as the
/ . . . there were those who desperately wanted to be thought
better off because they weren't; and there were those who
actually were pretty badly off but on Sundays managed to look
almost as well dressed as the others.

However, compounds formed with ill do tend to be

hyphenated even after a verb:

In my opinion, the plan was ill-conceived.

The expedition was ill-omened right from the start.
John was ill-suited to be bishop of an affluent city.

With a present participle, the tendency is to hyphenate

in all positions:

She wrote a well-meaning but rather ill-informed article on

unmarried motherhood.
Her suggestion was very well-meaning, I'm sure.

The same is true with other short adverbs:

The problems seem never-ending.

The study was wide-ranging and comprehensive.
My girlfriend was very long-suffering and tolerant.
Hyphens 215
It was not a puppy but a full-grown dog.
We need a harder-hitting message on drug abuse.

Adjective + noun
On occasion a hyphen may be needed to link an adjec¬
tive to a following noun for the sake of clarity:

an English scholar (= a scholar who is English)

an English-scholar (= a scholar of English)

Multi-word nouns
Multi-word phrases acting as nouns are generally

my brother-in-law a man-about-town
a jack-of-all-trades a jack-in-the-box
forget-me-nots Johnny-come-latelys

However, if the phrase is of the form ‘X of Y’ or ‘X of

the Y\ there are no hyphens:

a Justice of the Peace a guard of honour

a man of the world a matron of honour
a man of action

However, compounds with special or figurative mean¬

ings are usually hyphenated:

A Portuguese man-of-war is a sort of jellyfish.

216 How to Punctuate

Other two-word phrases

Certain other two-word phrases need hyphens.
• Numbers from 21 to 99 and fractions should always
be hyphenated:

There were forty-three of them.

Four-fifths of the population live below the official poverty line.

• A two-word phrase in which the second element is

a past or present participle or a word ending in -ed
should always be linked by a hyphen:

home-made short-staffed
mind-blowing heart-warming

However, some well-established compounds may be

written as single words:

heartbreaking heartbroken

• A combination of an adjective and a noun should be


The food in the restaurant was first-rate.

The choice of music seemed rather second-rate to me.
The job will be pretty low-level for the foreseeable future.
He bought them second-hand.

• Combinations of a noun plus an adjective are hyphen¬

ated before nouns but need not be elsewhere in a sentence:

We were wading through knee-deep mud.

Shoulder-length hair is okay by me.
It was a pitch-black night.
Hyphens 217
The mud was knee deep (or knee-deep).
Knee deep (or Knee-deep) in mudr we were making very slow
Her hair was shoulder length (or shoulder-length) and curly.
Outside it was pitch black (or pitch-black).

Compound nouns formed with two elements

Usage in this area is not fixed and not totally agreed.
Usage is changing and fewer hyphens are used now
than before. When in doubt, consult a dictionary for
the correct current hyphenation of a word.

The basic rules

In general, a compound noun is written as two separate
words if it is felt that the first word simply describes
the second word, but as a hyphenated word or as a
single word if the compound is felt to be a single lexical
unit describing a particular category of person or thing:

a bus company a bus-driver

the trade balance a trademark

A compound in which the first element is the object

of the second element is generally hyphenated or writ¬
ten as a single word:

bus-driver, fox-hunting, etc

hillwalking, moneylender; etc

If the ‘single lexical unit’ type of word is well estab¬

lished and in frequent use, and if it is constructed
from short words, it is likely to be written without a
218 How to Punctuate

bedroom, bluebottle, goldfish, teacup, tablespoon, etc

A hyphen is more likely in longer words, though many

compounds that were formerly written with a hyphen
are now written without one:

dining room, food poisoning, etc

A hyphen is also frequently used to avoid an undesir¬

able or potentially confusing juxtaposition of letters:

heart-throb rather than xheartthrob

time-exposure rather than xtimeexposure

Compounds of equals
A hyphen may link words of equal status in a

singer-songwriter secretary-treasurer
player-manager actor-manager
kilowatt-hour foot-pound-second

Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs are combinations of simple verbs such as
get, give, put, send or take with adverbs such as in, out or
off or prepositions such asfor or with, or both; for example:

get back, give off, kick off, knock down, pick off, put up with,
warm up

Phrasal verbs should not be hyphenated:

/ Volunteers clean up the town.

/ This event has sold out every year.
/ Always allow yourself five minutes to warm up.
Hyphens 219

x British troops to move towards Baghdad to free-up US troops

X Pay-in cash or cheques to any value.
X You have to decide whether or not to contract-out.

Nouns formed from phrasal verbs

Nouns formed from phrasal verbs are often hyphenated:

Major dean-ups have been carried out thanks to the efforts of

local residents.
The concert was a sell-out.
Allow yourself a five-minute warm-up.
The kick-off is at three o'clock.


fly-past line-up, share-out send-up, set-to, set-upr write-off,


In some compounds the hyphen is optional (takeaway

or take-away, takeover or take-over) and many well-
established compounds are now usually written as
single words:

fallout getaway, giveaway, hangover, layabout, layout,

hideout, knockout, lookout, makeover, setback, stowaway, etc

If the verb part of the compound has a word-ending

added to it, the compound is always hyphenated:

a grown-up, a passer-by, a hanger-on, etc

I'll need to give the house a good going-over.
I can't stand all this showing-off.
She's got a lot of growing-up to do.
220 How to Punctuate

Adjectives formed from phrasal verbs

Adjectives formed from phrasal verbs are hyphenated
when they precede a noun:

an unhoped-for success her tonged-for children

a sawn-off shotgun a built-in fridge
knock-down prices o dreadfully hung-up young

In other positions, current usage seems to prefer

hyphenated combinations of verbs and prepositions
(such as for, of or with), but unhyphenated combi¬
nations of verbs and adverbs (such as by, in, out, past
or up):

His success was quite unexpectedf indeed unhoped-for.

He was really hung up about what had happened.

But when the phrase is not felt to be acting as an

adjective, no hyphen is needed:

Children had been longed for and tried for for many years.

Hyphens with prefixes, suffixes and other

word-forming elements
The basic rules
In general, hyphens are not used with prefixes (un-,
dis-, mis-, pre-, re-, etc), suffixes (Ay, -ness, -ful, -dom,
etc) or word-forming elements (electro-, hydro-,
photo-, -itis, -lysis, etc).
A hyphen is correctly used to avoid the juxtaposition
of identical letters, especially vowels:
Hyphens 221

re-enter, pre-edompsia, electro-optics, anti-inflammatory, bell¬

like, cross-stitch

In some cases compounds without hyphens are


cooperate, reenact, etc

(When in doubt, follow your dictionary.)

A hyphen is used to distinguish words that would
otherwise be identical:

re-cover = 'cover again', and recover = 'get better'

re-count = 'count again' and recount = 'tell'
co-op and coop

A hyphen is used to clarify the structure of uncommon


Many of the animals in the abattoir had been mis-stunned.

Pensions were often 'mis-sold' (a euphemism for fraud).
He was being unbearably kind and understanding and . .. just
Here and there in the crowd there were a few beardless and
moustache-less youths.

If un- is added to a word beginning with a capital letter,
the new word is usually hyphenated: un-American,
un-Islamic, etc. But it is now acceptable, though much
less common, to write such words without hyphens:
unchristian, etc.
Ex-, non- and pro- are usually followed by hyphens:

ex-wife, non-flammable, pro-life

222 How to Punctuate

But note nonconformist, nondescript, nonentity, nonplus,

When ex- precedes two or more words that form a
single unit of meaning in a sentence, it should be
linked to the first word with a hyphen, but the other
words remain unhyphenated:

an ex-Los Angeles policeman

the ex-Bay City Rollers drummer

Ho wever, if linking ex- to the following word produces

something awkward or potentially confusing, rephrase
the sentence (for example using ‘former’ instead of ex-):

® an ex-public toilet (is this now a private toilet?)

/ a former public toilet

A hyphen may be inserted when a prefix is, added to

a word that is itself hyphenated (though sometimes
neither option looks quite right):

an unre-covered or an un-re-covered seat

And occasionally more than one hyphen may be


an anti-high-tariff campaign

Long-established words beginning with co- are now

usually not hyphenated:

coefficient; cooperate, coordinate, etc

Newer coinages, on the other hand, are likely to be


co-agent, co-author; co-chair, co-driver, co-educational, etc

Hyphens 223

To avoid confusion, write co-op and co-opt rather than

xcoop and xcoopt, but coed is correct.

Suffixes are generally not preceded by hyphens. How¬
ever, for clarity it may sometimes be better to hyphenate:

sheer pie-in-the-sky-ism
a hail-fellow-well-met-ish sort of guy
Bringing in identity cards seems excessive to me, a bit sledge-
She was Botoxed or Botox-ed to the eyeballs.
We have always fetishized or fetish-ized female bodies.
She waved a cigarette-ed hand towards the baby.

Word-forming elements
Anti- is not normally followed by a hyphen:

anticlockwise, antifreeze, etc

But some words are hyphenated (especially one-off


anti-hero, anti-marketeer, etc

Bridget is neurotic, smug, anti-smug, conscious of every ounce
of cellulite.

When in doubt, follow your dictionary.

-itis is often used facetiously to designate supposed
diseases. Usually no hyphen is needed, but there may
be one following a vowel:

Arnie has footballitis, a disease that afflicts millions of men.

Don't phone me, as I have phone-itis.
224 How to Punctuate

Strictly speaking, mid- is a word-forming element like

anti- or contra-. It should therefore be linked to the
following word with a hyphen:

This started in the mid-1970s.

Two English Songs of the Mid-15th Century
From mid-May to mid-June, the Mozarts stayed in Naples.
I am in the mid-course of my life.
By mid-afternoon many people were evidently hungry.

There is a trend nowadays towards treating mid as a

word in its own right with omission of the hyphen:

Imported cloth became more difficult to obtain from the mid

The record stopped in mid tune.

At present, however, hyphenated forms are still prefer¬

able, with certain exceptions:
When mid occurs parallel to another word that does
not require a hyphen, the hyphen is best omitted:

Carrie is in her mid to late twenties.

This went on through the late third and mid to late fourth
centuries ad.
Terrorist attacks increased by over 20 per cent between mid July
and early August.

In some cases, e.g. certain place-names, a hyphen is

not correct:

He had travelled therefrom his home in Mid Glamorgan.

Words formed with self- are hyphenated unless the

second element is a suffix:
Hyphens 225

self-control, self-help but selfless

Compounds formed with half- are usually hyphenated:

ha If-baked, half-term, etc but halfway, halfwit; halfpenny

Words formed with -like are usually hyphenated unless

they are well established:

grass-like, ostrich-like but childlike, ladylike


Miscellaneous points
• When referring to a prefix, suffix or word-forming
element, it is correct but not necessary to add a hyphen:

Consider the suffix '-ism'.

• Logically there should be a hyphen in no-one:

anybody : anyone everybody : everyone

somebody: someone


nobody : no-one (with a hyphen added to separate the two


Unfortunately, language is not always logical, and the

most common spelling nowadays is no one (although
no-one is also correct).
Do not write x noone as a single word.
• Note the correct hyphenation of wild-goose chase (=
‘hunt for wild geese’), fine-tooth comb (= ‘comb with
fine teeth’). Fine toothcomb is also considered correct
by many (but not all) authorities. Fine-toothed comb
must have the hyphen between fine and toothed.
226 How to Punctuate

Frequently lost hyphens

When two or more hyphenated words occur together
in a sentence and have some part in common, the part
they have in common may be omitted:

futt-time and part-time staff > full- and part-time staff

fifteen-year-olds and sixteen-year-olds > fifteen- and sixteen-
servicemen and servicewomen > servicemen and -women

In all such cases, the hyphen preceding or following

the omitted part must be retained, as in the above
examples. Errors in this respect are frequent and
varied; for example:

X full and part-time staff

X full and part time staff
X 14 and 15-year-olds
X 14-15 year olds
x servicemen and women
x pre and post-war Britain
X smudge and water-resistant

Note the difference between, for example, her brother

and sister-in-law (= ‘her brother and her sister-in-law’)
and her brother- and sister-in-law (= ‘her brother-in-
law and her sister-in-law’).
Hyphens 227

Word-splitting hyphens
It is sometimes necessary to split a word at the end of
a line. If you are working on a word-processor, this
may be done automatically (though many word-
processors are programmed to avoid word splits
altogether); if you are writing by hand, you have to
make your own decision about where to split.
There is often more than one place in which a
word may be split correctly. As a general rule, try to
split a word between any two of its basic structural

broadminded > broad-minded or broadmind-ed

excitement > excite-ment or ex-citement
misunderstood > mis-understood or misunderstood
collective > collect-ive or col-lective
expensive > expens-ive or ex-pensive
geophysics > geo-physics
prepare > pre-pare
occur > oc-cur

When letters are doubled in forming nouns or parti¬

ciples, split between the doubled letters:

swim-ming, run-nerf prefer-red

Where there is no obvious grammatical structure to the

word, split at a suitable pronounceable point between
syllables. If there is only one consonant, make the split
before it:

thousand, trousers, etc

228 How to Punctuate

If there is more than one consonant, split between two

consonants or after the first consonant of a group of

mur-der, spec-trum, dot-drums, etc

Never split a word in such a way that the part at the

end of the line misleads the reader as to what is coming:

fastidious > Vfas-tidious not xfast-idious

reinstall > / re-install not X rein-stall
therapist > /ther-apist not xthe-rapist
represent > /rep-resent not xre-present

The split should suggest the pronunciation of the word:

Sspe-cial not xspec-ial

Sdep-recate not xde-precate
/rep-resent not Xre-present
/anstoc-racy but S aristo-cratic
Sbureauc-racy but sbureau-cratic
/psycho-linguistic but /psychol-ogy

Do not split words between letters that together rep¬

resent a single sound, such as th, ch, sh, etc:

Steach-er not xteac-her

... nor between letters if one of them is silent:

yplumb-er not xplum-ber

Do not split words of one syllable:

Swash-ing but not Xwash-ed

Hyphens 229

(Some people feel that having only two letters carried over is

Do not split personal names.

Split a hyphenated compound word at an already
existing hyphen. Do not split the word at the end of a
line in such a way as to require a further word-splitting


If you want more help with hyphenation, either choose

a dictionary that shows how to hyphenate words or
else buy a special hyphenation dictionary (of which
there are several available in shops).

Special effects
Hyphenation may be used to represent stammering or
slow speech:

'You k-kissed B-B-Bethan?'she said, both amazed and horrified.

'B-but B-Bethan's a c-c-cow!'
Say it again please, s-l-o-w-l-y.
I want to go to Keynsham. That's K-e-y-n-sh-a-m, near Bristol.
230 How to Punctuate

Summary of key points

• Two or more words that have to be understood as
single elements in a sentence are generally
j • Phrases formed with well, better, best, ill, worse,
[ worst, most and least plus a past participle require a
hyphen before a noun but (with the exception of ill)
not elsewhere.
| • Multi-word phrases acting as nouns are generally
hyphenated, but hyphenation in two-word compound
j nouns is unpredictable.
j • Phrasal verbs should not be hyphenated, but nouns
and adjectives formed from phrasal verbs usually are.
• When two or more hyphenated words occur together
in a sentence and have some part in common, the
part they have in common may be omitted but the
hyphen preceding or following the omitted part must
be retained.
• When splitting a word at the end of a line, make the
split at a structurally or phonetically suitable place,
and never where it could confuse the reader.
Capital letters

‘The collection of ballads will in future be reserved for

private study, with the object of making poetry
tributary5 - Wegg was so proud of having found this
word, that he said it again, with a capital letter -
cTributary, to friendship. ’
Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend

Capitals in sentences
The basic rule
A sentence must begin with a capital letter:

The girl took some keys out of her bog.

We hated the cook's soggy pastry.
What are you doing?
My goodness! What a surprise!

If a sentence is a comment enclosed in brackets, it does

not begin with a capital letter, but if there is more than
one sentence in the brackets, all but the first do begin
with a capital letter:

I untied his hands (that was my big mistake) and before I knew
it he had grabbed the knife.
232 How to Punctuate

I untied his hands (that was my big mistake. I'll know better
next time) and before I knew it he had grabbed the knife.

A short question included in a larger sentence may

have but need not have a capital letter:

The question 'what now?' is one that no-one in the Middle East
can answer confidently.
The question 'What now?' is one that no-one in the Middle East
can answer confidently.

Direct speech
Sentences quoted in direct speech begin with a capital

She said quietly, 'He's left me.'

If the sentence is split, the second part does not begin

with a capital:

you both know/she said, 'whatyou have to do.'

When direct speech is written without quotation marks,

it may, or equally well may not, begin with a capital

I thought to myself, Why me?

You may ask, what is our aim?

If a full-sentence quotation is grammatically integrated
into your sentence, for example by means of a linking
word such as ‘that’, it is correct to replace the initial
capital letter of the sentence with a lower-case letter
Capital letters 233

(although some authorities prefer the capital letter to

be retained in this position):

/ Drummond states that 'the Egyptian attack brought renewed

crisis to the kingdom, with a number of minor principalities
asserting their independence'.
/ Drummond states that 'The Egyptian attack brought renewed
crisis to the kingdom, with a number of minor principalities
asserting their independence'.

If a full-sentence quotation is not integrated into your

sentence by means of a linking word, it should retain
the capital letter:

As George Mikes once said, 'An Englishman, even if he is alone,

forms an orderly queue of one.'

If the quotation is not itself a complete sentence, there

should be no capital letter:

George Mikes once said that an Englishman, even if he is alone,

forms an orderly queue of one'.

In traditional poetry, each line begins with a capital
letter whether or not it is the beginning of a sentence:

There was no leaf upon the forest bare,

No flower upon the ground,
And little motion in the air
Except the mill-wheel's sound.
Percy Bysshe Shelley, 'Archy's Song'
234 How to Punctuate

In modern poetry, this may not be the case. There may

not even be capital letters marking the beginnings of
grammatically separate sentences:

I said to her
do not go
you'll only be trapped
and bewitched
and will suffer in vain.
Miroslav Holub, 'The Cat'

The basic rule
Capitals are required for the first letter of names. Any
person or thing with a unique name requires the first
letter of that name, and of all the main words of the
name, to be a capital; for example:
• people, gods, animals, etc:

Peter Lucy Tony Blair

God Odin Ptah
Red Rum Bugs Bunny

... adjectives derived from names:

Edwardian Kafkaesgue Shakespearian

Benedictine Franciscan

... and other words derived from names:

Thatcherism Blainte Britneyfication

• ethnic groups:
Capital letters 235

Piets Sioux Xhosa

Block Americans Native Americans

. and related adjectives:

Pictish Siouan


Pans England Cornwall

Barnton Road Waterloo Station Loch Lomond
Mount Everest

. languages:

Italian Welsh Esperanto

. related adjectives and nouns:

American French Glaswegian

. and other derived words:

Americanize Frenchify

days of the week and months of the year:

Monday April


Christmas Easter Wesak

Diwali Hanukkah May Day


Buddhism Christianity Islam

Hinduism Sikhism Catholicism
236 How to Punctuate

... and related nouns and adjectives:

Buddhist Christian Muslim

Sikh Hindu Catholic

• organizations:

British Aerospace Oxford University Press

• periods and events of history:

the Ice Age the Renaissance

the Russian Revolution

• acts of parliament, etc:

the Corn Laws the Declaration of


Minor words
Notice that in all the above categories, minor words
such as the and of are not capitalized:

Winnie the Pooh Vlad the Impaler

the Bay of Biscay the River Thames
the Sea of Azov the Pyrenees
Newcastle upon Tyne Carlton-on-Trent
Ashford in the Water Weston-super-Mare
the Church of Scotland Action on Smoking and Health

However, in names that specifically include ‘the’ as

part of the name, ‘the’ may correctly be written with a
capital T even in the middle of a sentence:

These kids find The Salvation Army is ready to accept them.

They have an office in The Hague.
Morrissey used to sing with The Smiths.
Capital letters 237

If the name of a newspaper or magazine is already

highlighted within the sentence, it is correct to leave
the word ‘the’ unhighlighted and not capitalize it:

/ He wrote o letter to The Times but it wasn't published.

/ He wrote a letter to the Times but it wasn't published.

In personal names of foreign origin, minor words such

as de and von or van are usually not capitalized, but
usage varies and you must simply spell names the way
the people themselves spell or spelt them:

the Venus de Milo the Marquis de Sade

Walter de la Mare Daphne Du Maurier
Leonardo da Vinci Baron von Richthofen
Ludwig van Beethoven Vincent van Gogh
Martin Van Buren Sir Anthony Van Dyck

In names beginning with Mac and Me, the following

letter may be a capital letter, or it may not:

MacDonald McEnroe
Macleod Mackenzie

Here again you must simply spell names the way the
people themselves spell or spelt them.
In Irish names, O is always capitalized, and followed
by a capital:

O'Brien O'Neill
238 How to Punctuate

Words derived from names

Many words which are in origin people’s names or
which are derived from names, but which have lost
their close association with the people concerned, do
not take a capital letter:

wellingtons (named after the Duke of Wellington)

sandwich (named after the Earl of Sandwich)
watt (named after James Watt)
ampere (named after Louis Ampere)
pasteurize (from Louis Pasteur)
bowdlerize (from Thomas Bowdler)
boycott (from Charles Boycott)

Both Platonic love and platonic love are correct. Simi¬

larly Herculean and herculean, but only quixotic. You
write Bible, Gospel, Messiah and Scripture but biblical,
gospel (as an adjective), messianic, and scriptural.

• -isms
‘-isms’ are written with an initial small letter unless
they are based on a word that begins with a capital

communism, existentialism, fascism, etc

Kantianism, Maoism, Marxism, etc

When abstract nouns are treated as people, for example
in poetry, they are given capital letters:

When Love with unconfined wings

Hovers within my gates . . .
Richard Lovelace, 'To Althea from Prison'
Capital letters 239

I love waves, and winds, and storms,

Everything almost
Which is Nature's,. ..
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Invocation'

Brand names
Strictly speaking, capital letters are required with all
proprietary names: Hoover, Rollerblades, Xerox, etc.
When words like these come to be used as general
terms for the objects they denote and the activities they
are used for, without implying the use of products of
particular companies, they are usually written without
capitals: hoover, rollerblade, xerox.
Companies strongly deprecate the use of their trade¬
marks and brand names as generic terms written with¬
out capital letters, as this threatens their trademark
status. So although it is perfectly normal not to use
capitals for words like hoover in informal writing, you
should in formal and technical writing be careful to
use a capital letter with any word that is a trademark
or brand name. Check in a dictionary: all such words
should be marked with an ® or have some other indi¬
cator of their proprietary status.
The capital is optional when these words are used
as verbs.

Planets and stars

Planet and star names are written with capital letters:

Jupiter Mars Alpha Centauri

The words sun, moon and earth need not be capitalized,

but they can be:
240 How to Punctuate

The moon orbits the earth.

The Earth is made up of several different layers.

When it is used alongside other planet names, write


Like Earth, Venus and Mercury, Mars is a rocky planet.

In idioms, do not use capitals:

What on earth are you doing?

He was over the moon about it.

Countries, regions and towns

Names of countries and regions require capital letters:

the Middle East South Africa

But a word that is not actually part of the name of a

definite place does not require a capital letter:

central London southern Africa

Therefore it is correct to write

the Republic of South Africa (the name of the country)


South Africa is a republic.


They live in the south of France.


They live in the South. ('the South' being understood as a

definite area)
Capital letters 241

Words denoting places of origin

Words relating to places are written with capital

German sausages French wines

This is true even if the words no longer imply a real

relationship with a place:

Danish pastries French windows

Brussels sprouts Cheddar cheese
Cornish pasties Dutch courage

Some people write danish pastries, french windows, etc,

but most authorities still prefer the capital letters.
Both plaster of Paris and plaster of paris are correct.

Words that are used in titles should begin with capital

the Prime Minister the Archbishop of

Sir Bernard Lyons Baroness Thatcher
the Prophet Muhammad the Three Musketeers
Queen Mary the President of the United
Parliament the Government

The same words do not, of course, require capitals

when they are not being used in titles:

How many prime ministers have there been since Disraeli?

There have been two English queens with the name of Elizabeth.
Scotland has its own parliament
242 How to Punctuate

Saint Jude is the patron saint of hopeless causes.

He knows a lot about Norse gods and goddesses.

When a title is hyphenated, both parts should have

capital letters:

Major-General Gordon
Vice-President Cheney

Titles of books plays, etc
All the main words (the nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjec¬
tives and adverbs) in the title of a book, play, film, etc
must begin with a capital letter, whereas the minor
words (the articles the and a/an, prepositions and con¬
junctions) should not have capitals. Nonetheless, the
first and last words in a title must always begin with a
capital letter:

I'm looking for a book called 'The Men and the Girls'.
You really must read 'Freedom in a Rocking Boat'.
Who sang 'It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To'?

However, practice varies: some people will begin ‘and’

and ‘or’ with lower-case letters, but capitalize other
conjunctions; others recommend writing prepositions
and conjunctions of four or more letters with initial
capital letters but shorter words with initial lower-case
letters. Whatever rule you adopt, be consistent.
If there is a hyphenated compound in a title, both
parts may be written with initial capital letters:

Chapter 3 is called 'The Self-Exciting System'.

Have you got a copy of 'Managing the Non-Profit Organization'?
Capital letters 243

There is a more recent school of thought, especially in

academic circles, that prefers only the first words in
book titles, etc to have capitals:

One of your set books for this term is 'Freedom in a rocking


Unless you are specifically required to follow this prac¬

tice, you should keep to the traditional style with capi¬
tals for all the important words.

The names of seasons are not usually written with
capital letters (thus: winter, summer, autumn), but it is
correct to write Spring if necessary for the sake of

Subjects of study
Subjects of study are not normally written with initial
capital letters:

We've got two periods of maths this morning, then two periods
of chemistry.

However, the name of the subject may require a capital

letter on other grounds:

Have we got French today?

However, when a subject of study is part of the title of

a course, degree, etc, it should be written with a capital

She's got a BSc in Physics and the Philosophy of Science.

244 How to Punctuate

Abbreviations and symbols

Abbreviations and symbols that consist of a single
letter may be either capital letters or lower-case letters:

A (= 'ampere' or 'answer7), C (= 'Celsius'), F (= 'Fahrenheit'),

a (= 'acre'), c (= 'carat'),/(= 'fathom'), etc

If you are not sure whether to use a capital letter or a

lower-case letter, check in a dictionary.
Abbreviations consisting of the initial letters of two
or more words are usually written completely in capital

AGM, APR (= 'annual percentage rate'), BA, BBC, MOT, NUM,

PLC, PS (= 'postscript'), TLC (= 'tender loving care'), USA,
WSW (= 'west-south-west'), etc

When an abbreviation takes in more than the first

letter of a word, only the first letter is a capital:

BSc (= 'Bachelor of Science'), PhD or DPhil (= 'Doctor of


The abbreviations of the names of some organizations,

etc have become established as names and are pro¬
nounced as single words. In such cases, the names may
be spelt entirely in capital letters or with only an initial

NATO or Nato, UNESCO or Unesco, AIDS or Aids, etc

Some abbreviations of this type are now so well estab¬

lished in the language that they are never written with
capital letters:
Capital letters 245

radar (= 'radio detection and ranging')

sonar (= 'sound navigation and ranging')

In the abbreviated forms of the names of some organiz¬

ations that have cof or ‘for’ in their name, the ‘of and
‘for’ may be abbreviated to a capital letter or a lower¬
case letter. In such cases, follow the practice of the
organization concerned:

FoE or FOE (= 'Friends of the Earth')

DfES (= 'Department for Education and Skills')
DFID (= 'Department for International Development')

A few abbreviations may be written with lower-case


AGM or agm, AKA or aka (= 'also known as'), BCG or bcgf PLC
or pic

Some abbreviations are always (or nearly always) writ¬

ten with lower-case letters:

asap (= 'as soon as possible'), fob (= 'free on board'), gbh (=

'grievous bodily harm')

Abbreviations of Latin words are written in lower-case


a.m.r p.m., e.g., i.e., viz.

Symbols and abbreviations for weights and measures

are written in lower-case letters:

in., cm, mph, etc

The first (or only) letter of the symbol for a chemical

element is written as a capital letter:
246 How to Punctuate

Common salt is sodium chloride, NaCL

Water is H20.

Post codes are written with capital letters, as are Ameri¬

can zip (or ZIP) codes:

Edinburgh EH14 63J

South Dakota SD 57301

Other uses of capital letters

• ‘Topping and tailing’ letters
You write Dear Sir, My dear Frances, etc at the start of
a letter, and at the end you write Yours sincerely or
Yours faithfully.

• Emphasis
Capital letters are often used for emphasis: ,

Since I have given you all this advice, I add this crowning
precept, the most valuable of all: NEVER TAKE ANYBODY'S
George Bernard Shaw, Advice to a Young Critic

The use of capital letters for emphasis is acceptable in

informal writing, but in formal writing this is better
done with italics or boldface (and done sparingly):

If you want a HOT DEAL, call us now for a free estimate.

Remember: YOU PAY NOTHING until your conservatory is com¬
pleted to your satisfaction.

A similar use of capitals for emphasis may sometimes

be seen in advertisements and headlines:
Capital letters 247

Probably the Biggest Manufacturer of Quality Sheds in Scotland

Now I Can Play a Bigger Part in My Kids' Education - Thanks to
Home-Ed Books
Radical Cleric to Face UK Terror Charges

A humorous use of capitals for emphasis in informal

writing can be seen in the following examples:

James I slobbered at the mouth and had favourites; he was

thus a Bad King.
W C Sellar and R J Yeatman, 1066 and Ail That

Owl hasn't exactly got Brain, but he Knows Things.

A A Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

German nouns
In German, all nouns are written with capital letters.
When these words are borrowed into English, they are
generally still written with capital letters:

Gastarbeiter, Lebensraum, Schadenfreude, Weltanschauung,


However, as such words become absorbed into Eng¬

lish, they tend to lose their capitals; thus:

blitzkrieg, festschrift, kitsch, lederhosen, leitmotiv, lieder, real-

politik, sauerkraut, wunderkind

There is no clear ruling about which German nouns

fall into which category, and authorities differ. Follow
your own dictionary.
248 How to Punctuate

I is always written with a capital letter.
Pronouns used to address or refer to God and Jesus
are generally written with initial capital letters, though
less so than formerly:

God has power over alt things and He is able to do everything.

All His creatures depend on Him for all they need.

Small capitals
If possible, AD and BC should be written with small

Caesar invaded Britain in 55 bc.

If for some reason you cannot write or print small

capitals, use ordinary capital letters:

Caesar invaded Britain in 55 BC.

Capital letters 249

Summary of key points

V", • |

• Sentences begin with capital letters.

• Quotations only require capital letters if they are
complete sentences and are not grammatically
integrated into a larger sentence.
• Names and titles require capital letters. But the
names of common objects and activities named after
people do not need capitals.
• The first words and all the main words of the title of

a book, film, play, etc should begin with capital

letters. j
• Many abbreviations and symbols are written with
capital letters, but not the symbols for units of
' t . 1;S#|
• German nouns used in English may or may not be
written with capital letters.

At the end of a long and boring road I came upon a

paragraph which was high, rich, soaring to the clouds.
Michel de Montaigne (French philosopher)

It is beyond the scope of this book to teach you how

to write paragraphs that your reader will look on as
high, rich and soaring to the clouds, but whether your
writing is soaring or boring, there are one or two things
you should know about paragraphs.
A paragraph is a piece of written text consisting of
one or more sentences that relate to a common topic.
Any piece of writing more than a few sentences in
length is normally broken up into paragraphs, as this
makes it easier to read than a long, unbroken text.

Indenting paragraphs
Paragraphs are usually indented slightly to the right
(up to five letter spaces, but often less). But not all
paragraphs are indented. The first paragraph in a chap¬
ter, article, report, etc is not indented, nor is the first
paragraph after a section heading or subheading. (In
addition, some people prefer not to indent a new para¬
graph that immediately follows a table, an illustration
Paragraphs 251

or anything else that breaks up the page, but in general

it is better to indent in order to indicate that it is a
new paragraph and not simply a continuation of the
preceding one.) If paragraphs on a page are separated
by blank lines, then they are not indented.
The rule is, simply, that you only indent a paragraph
if the indenting is the only clear way of showing that
that is where a new paragraph begins. If the beginning
of a paragraph is shown in any other way, then you do
not indent.

In direct speech in novels and stories, each speaker’s
words begin as a new paragraph and are indented. But
here again, the paragraph is not indented if it comes
at the beginning of a separate section of the text.
Italics, boldface
type and

The man who uses italics is like the man who raises his
voice in conversation and talks loudly in order to make
himself heard.
Herbert Henry Asquith

Just as the orator marks his good things by a dramatic

pause, or by raising and lowering his voice, or by
gesture, so the writer marks his epigrams with italics,
setting the little gem, so to speak, like a jeweller.
Oscar Wilde, in reply to Asquith

Italics are perhaps not much used in everyday life to

draw attention to epigrams, but they are used, as Oscar
Wilde used them, to draw the reader’s attention to
something in a passage of writing. Boldface type and
underlining are used for the same purpose, as are
quotation marks.
Italics, boldface type and underlining 253

Examples in this book are written in italics. But

in order to explain the correct use of italics, the
examples in this chapter are in the same print as
normal text, so that examples of italics in use are
actually in italics.


Italics are one way of picking out a word or phrase in
a sentence:

The word existentialism has not been popular in some circles.

There are two fs in bottle.

This kind of highlighting can also be done with quota¬

tion marks:

When some writers talk of 'personalism', what they have in

mind is a type of philosophy not much different from existen¬

Italic type is used to pick out a word or phrase to show
that it is being emphasized:

Now I'm really annoyed with you!

Human beings are thinking animals. We learn. We adapt. That's
how we survive.
That one? Why on earth do you want that one?
254 How to Punctuate

Italic type is used to pick out elements of a sentence
that are being contrasted:

Why do we write 'eatable' but 'edible'?

Foreign words and phrases

Foreign words and phrases are printed in italic type:

It's not true that immigrants are arriving at Dover en masse.

The man's hair was cut en brosse.
I didn't have time to build a proper hide, so faute de mieux I
covered myself with branches.

Words of foreign origin which have become accepted

as English words are not written in italics:

Do you want spaghetti or macaroni tonight?

I wasn't arguing a priori, but from empirical evidence.

Obviously this is a grey area. (Some people would want

to italicize ca priori’ in the last example, some would
not.) If you are not sure whether or not a word is
now fully accepted as an English word, check in a
dictionary: some dictionaries (though not all) show
whether the editors think a word should be in italics
or not. But in any case, any foreign word whose mean¬
ing you have to explain should certainly be in italics.
Abbreviations of Latin words and phrases that are
in common use, such as i.e., e.g. and etc, should not
be italicized:

We are looking for old drawings, photos, stamps, magazine

articles, books, etc.
Italics, boldface type and underlining 255

Titles and names

The titles of books, newspapers, magazines, films,
plays, long poems, television programmes, etc and the
names of ships, aircraft, spacecraft, etc are often put
in italic print:

Nearly five years ago, Helen Fielding published Bridget Jones:

The Edge of Reason, a sequel to the enormously successful
Bridget Jones's Diary.
In 1938, Sartre wrote the novel La Nausee ('Nausea').
I'm sure I read that in last month's Reader's Digest
He went on to summarize the teaching of the encyclical
Humani Generis.
The ship was called the Mary Rose.

You do not, however, italicize the Bible, the books of

the Bible, the Qur’an, and other scriptures.
Quotation marks can be used instead of italics, but
if possible use italics. Notice that in the Sartre example,
as also in the ‘eatable/edible’ example above, it can be
useful to use both italics and quotation marks for
Chapters of books, articles in journals, songs, short
poems and stories are by convention put in quotation

For more about this, see Lakoffs article yA Note on Vagueness

and Ambiguity' in Linguistic Inquiry.

Scientific names
Species and genus names are written in italic:

The blackbird (Turdus merula) is a member of the thrush

256 How to Punctuate

Higher-ranking scientific names (class, order, etc) are

not written in italics.

Roman for italic

If for some reason your text is already in italics, high¬
light your words in non-italic type:

She didn't want to give him carte blanche.

She didn't want to give him carte blanche.


You use underlining in handwritten texts where you

would use italics in a printed text.

Boldface type

Like italics, boldface type (or bold type) can be use for
highlighting and emphasis:

History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union

successfully launched Sputnik I.
If you want a hot deal, don't delay. Phone us now on 09876

Boldface is also frequently used for titles and headings.

Direct speech,
and essays and

Direct speech

The punctuation of direct speech has been discussed

in various chapters of this book. For convenience, the
main points are gathered together here.
• Direct speech is written inside quotation marks:

'Do you need all that?' asked Agnes.

Quotation marks are not necessary round direct speech

when the words quoted are a person’s thoughts or a
rhetorical question:

Why me? he asked himself.

If the words quoted are not the exact words that a

person said or thought, there cannot be quotation
258 How to Punctuate

'Where are they going?' he wondered.

Where were they going? he wondered.

When direct speech is written without quotation

marks, it may, or equally well may not, begin with a
capital letter:

I thought to myself, Why me?

You may ask, what is our aim?

• British English prefers single quotation marks:

'I'll be back,' said Arnie.

Double quotation marks are preferred in American


"I'll be back,"said Arnie.

Double quotation marks are acceptable in British Eng¬

lish and are the usual form of quotation marks in
handwritten texts.
• Punctuation marks are placed inside the quotation

'What does your dog look like?' she asked.

• When a speech verb follows a statement, the full stop

at the end of the statement is replaced by a comma:

'I don't think that's very funny,' she said.

Other punctuation marks are not replaced by a


'What was that noise?' she whispered.

'Look out!' he shouted.
Direct speech, correspondence 259

A dash that marks an uncompleted sentence is not

followed by a comma:

'Give me that back, or I'll -' he said.

• When a sentence in direct speech is split by a verb

of speaking, there is a comma after the verb, and the
continuation of the sentence begins with a small

'There are,' she said, 'a lot of changes to be made round here.'

There is also a comma at the split in the sentence,

placed inside the quotation marks:

'There are/ she saidf 'a lot of changes to be made round here.'

When what follows the verb is a new sentence, there

is a full stop after the verb and the new sentence begins
with a capital letter:

'There are a lot of changes to be made round here/ she said.

'We'll start tomorrow.'

• When a speech verb precedes direct speech, it is

generally followed by a comma, although it is not
wrong to omit the comma:

She turned to him and said, 'I hate you.'

A colon may be used instead of a comma, but a colon

makes a rather emphatic introduction to speech, and
is therefore mostly used in formal, solemn or dramatic
When a passage of direct speech stands in the middle
of a sentence, there should be no colon or comma, as
this would disrupt the structure of the sentence:
260 How to Punctuate

As the result was announced, she screamed 'Oh, my God' and

began to shake.

• When the end of a passage of direct speech coincides

with the end of a sentence, and there should logically be
two punctuation marks, when the second punctuation
mark would have been a full stop, it is omitted:

Some child behind me was whining, 'I'm bored.'

The farmer shouted to us, 'Don't let them get out!'
I said, 'What did you say to me?'

If one of the punctuation marks is a question mark

and the other is an exclamation mark, neither is

Why did you shout, 'Look out!'?

Stop saying, 'Why? Why? Why?'!

If the two punctuation marks are both question marks,

they may both be kept, but generally one or other of
them is dropped:

Why did she say, 'Who are you?'?

Why did she say, 'Who are you?'
Why did she say, 'Who are you'?

Do not drop a question mark that is the only indication

that a sentence is a question:

And then she said, 'He isn't dead?'

• In novels and stories, each speaker’s words begin as

a new paragraph.
If a passage of direct speech goes beyond a single
paragraph, each new paragraph should start with an
Direct speech, correspondence 261

opening quotation mark, but only the final paragraph

should have a closing quotation mark.


No commas are required in addresses:
John Brown
5 Cedar Grove
Barn ton

Nor do addresses need to have a progressive rightward

indentation, though there is nothing actually wrong
with this (and it is still preferred by some people):
John Brown
5 Cedar Grove
Barn ton
SY15 6HU

At the top of a letter, your address usually goes to the

right-hand side of the page and the address of the
person you are writing to goes at the left-hand margin.

Salutation and complimentary close

A comma is still usually written after ‘Dear Sir, etc’ at
the beginning of a letter and ‘Yours faithfully, etc’ at
the end, though there are some authorities who now
consider this unnecessary.
In American usage, the salutation in a business letter
is followed by a colon, but by a comma in informal
262 How to Punctuate

There are now usually no commas in dates:

5 July 2004 but July 5, 2004

The date should go below your address. There may be

a blank line between them.

Emails written in an informal style may use punctu¬
ation different from that normally found even in infor¬
mal letters. For example, the salutation may be
followed by an exclamation mark or a colon:

Hi Norah!
Thanks for your email. . . .

Thanks for your email. . . .

This seems unexceptionable, but in more formal emails

keep to the traditional punctuation:

Dear Mrs Brown,

Thank you for your email. . . .

Essays and reports

• Like newspaper headlines, the titles of essays and
reports are not punctuated with full stops. Any other
punctuation marks, such as question marks to indicate
questions, should be used as normal.
If typed or printed, titles are usually centred on the
page, in letters larger than the size of the text print,
Direct speech, correspondence 263

and in boldface type. In handwritten essays, the title is

generally written starting at the left-hand margin, in
the same size of letter as the text itself, and underlined.
If there is both a title and a subtitle, there should be
a colon at the end of the title:

Existentialism: Its Contribution to the Lyrics of Lennon and


The title and subtitle can be on the same line or,

especially if they are both quite long, on separate

Existentialist Thought in Mid-20th-Century Liverpool Graffiti:

Its Contribution to the Lyrics of Lennon and McCartney

• There are two accepted styles for capital letters in

titles. In one, all the main words in the title begin with
a capital letter, while the minor words do not:

America's Contribution to World Peace at the Beginning of the

21st Century

Another style has only the first word in a title beginning

with a capital letter:

America's contribution to world peace at the beginning of the

21st century

However, even if the first word in a title is a minor

word, it should always be capitalized, and in the first
style, the same applies to the last word. Any other word
that requires a capital letter by the normal rules of
English spelling should of course have one in either
style of title.
264 How to Punctuate

Section headings
• Section headings should be text-size, in boldface type
if printed and underlined if handwritten. If there are
many sections in the essay or report (and especially if
there are subsections as well), it may be best to number
the sections.
Section and subsection headings begin at the left-
hand margin. A heading is usually placed on a separate
line and followed by a blank line:

3. International Aid

Much was expected of international aid, but much that has

been funded by it has been less than a total success. . . .

The title should not be followed by a full stop or colon,

but other punctuation may be used as required. If a
heading comes in two parts, it may be punctuated with
a colon, in the same style as for titles above.
Alternatively, the title may be placed at the begin¬
ning of the first paragraph of the section, in which case
it ends with a full stop:

3 International Aid. Much was expected of international aid
but much that has been funded by it has been less than a total
success... .

• If there are subsections in the essay or report as well

as sections, you will almost certainly have to number
them so that your reader can keep track of which
subsections belong together. Put each heading on a
separate line, preferably separated by a blank line. The
text can start on a separate line or run on from a
subsection heading as in the two styles described above.
Direct speech, correspondence 265

A good way of numbering sections and subsections

is as follows:

3. International Aid

3.1 Early Days

3.1.1 The British Contribution

3.1.2 Criticisms of the British Contribution to International



If it is necessary to have smaller paragraphs or sections

set apart, you can use letters of the alphabet or roman

The first paragraph after a title or a heading that stands
on a separate line is not indented, but all following
paragraphs are. If all paragraphs are preceded by a
blank line, none of them should be indented.

Footnotes references
As a reader, I dislike footnotes. If in mid-page I shift
my attention to the foot of the page, I seldom find the
result worth the interruption. If I do not, I wonder but
never know what I have missed.
Geoffrey Vickers, Freedom in a Rocking Boat

This quotation illustrates the first rule of footnotes:

avoid them if possible. However, if you do need foot¬
notes, this is how to handle them.
Footnotes can go at the bottom of the page or at the
266 How to Punctuate

end of the essay or report (in which case they are called
endnotes). The latter is much the easier way of dealing
with them unless you are using a word-processor that
can handle footnotes automatically.
Footnotes are nowadays indicated by superscript
numbers or, if that is not possible, numbers in square

... the Western economic system.2

... the Western economic system. [2]

Notice that footnote numbers follow punctuation

The footnote itself would have the following form:

2 This has been noted by Smith in his study of. . .


2. This has been noted by Smith in his study of.. .

In the past, various symbols were used to cross-refer

to footnotes: * t $. Do not use these; use numbers.
However, if you have no more than one footnote per
page, and the footnotes appear at the foot of the rel¬
evant pages rather than as endnotes at the end of the
text, then it is acceptable to use asterisks:

... the Western economic system. *

* This has been noted by Smith in his study of.. .

If there are footnotes at the bottom of a page, there

must a line between them and the text of the page.
Direct speech, correspondence 267

References and bibliography

The best current method of giving references to other
works is the following:

... the Western economic system (London 2003: 35-53).

Here you give the surname of the person you are

referring to and the year of the publication, which
together direct the reader to a publication listed in
your bibliography. There then follows a colon, and the
numbers of the particular pages of the publication that
you are referring the reader to.
If you refer to the author of the publication within
the flow of a sentence, the style of the cross-reference
is slightly different:

... the Western economic system, as London (2003:38) notes.

Books are listed in a bibliography by the surname of

the author, then the year of the publication:

Landon, L (2003) The Economics of Western Aid Edinburgh:

Daimen Books

Note that the year of publication is in round brackets,

the title in italics and the place of publication and the
publisher in non-italic letters, separated by a colon.
Other styles are acceptable; a slightly different one is
used in the bibliography of this book (see page 278).
Look at the bibliography styles in books you use and
copy whichever suits you.
A colon is used when you are giving the title of a
book that also has a subtitle:
268 How to Punctuate

Leech, G N (1981) Semantics: The Study of Meaning Harmonds-

worth: Penguin.

Book and journal titles are written in italic (or under¬

lined in handwritten texts), whereas articles in journals
or chapters of books are given in non-italic print,
within quotation marks:

Selham, J (1990) 1 Love the Sound of Breaking Glass' Demo¬

lition Monthly 31: 23-27

Another method of giving references to other works is

the ‘numbered note’ system in which other works
being quoted or referred to are indicated by numbers
in square brackets:

... the Western economic system [14].

Although references in this system are shorter and

therefore less intrusive to your main text, they are less
informative than the ‘author and date’ system, in that
they give no indication of the author and generally do
not include page references to the text being quoted.
Compare the following:

... the Western economic system (London 2003: 35-53).

... the Western economic system [14].

If you use the ‘numbered note’ system, sources are

listed in your bibliography by the relevant numbers,
but the rest of the reference is the same as in the
‘author and date’ system:

[14] Landon, L (2003) The Economics of Western Aid Edin¬

burgh: Daimen Books
Direct speech, correspondence 269

Short quotations integrated into a sentence should be
marked off by quotation marks:

As Drummond says, 'the history of this population movement

is unknown to us, because the records of the kingdom for this
period have not yet been found'.

The quotation may be preceded by a comma or a


As George Mikes once said, 'An Englishman, even if he is alone,

forms an orderly gueue of one.'
As Shakespeare said: 'All the world's a stage.'

Longer quotations should begin on a new line, with a

blank line above it, and should not be in quotation

As Drummond says in The Humans:

The details of this population movement are unknown to us,
because the records of the kingdom at that time have not yet
been found. But in the following century, the influence of
Human culture is very marked.

A quotation that is a complete sentence should begin

with a capital letter:

As George Mikes once said, 'An Englishman, even if he is alone,

forms an orderly gueue of one.'
As Shakespeare said: 'All the world's a stage.'

The punctuation of the quotation is in this case

included within the quotation marks, and there is no
full stop after the closing quotation mark.
If the full-sentence quotation is linked into the larger
270 How to Punctuate

sentence by a word such as ‘that’, you may replace the

initial capital letter with a lower-case letter:

Drummond says that 'the history of this population movement

is unknown to us, because the records of the kingdom for this
period have not yet been found'.

Some authorities, however, prefer that the initial capi¬

tal letter be retained:

Drummond says that 'The history of this population movement

is unknown to us, because the records of the kingdom for this
period have not yet been found'.

In either case, there is strictly only one sentence, and

the full stop at the end of the sentence goes outside the
closing quotation mark.
• If you wish to shorten a quotation when you quote
it by omitting one or more words, you show the omis¬
sion by means of ellipsis points:

The details of this population movement are unknown to us,

. . . But in the following century the influence ofHurrian culture
is very marked.

Any punctuation mark that occurs before an ellipsis,

whether within or at the end of a sentence, should be

There is no science that is not capable of additions; ... If this

be true of all other sciences, why not of morals? ... The
very conception of this as possible is in the highest degree
William Godwin, Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
Direct speech, correspondence 271

When an ellipsis indicates an uncompleted sentence,

it should not be followed by a full stop. An ellipsis
can, of course, be followed by a question mark or an
exclamation mark:

Ah, yes. You're Jones. And your job is to ... ?

• Alterations or additions to a quotation should be in

square brackets:

The details of this population movement [as seen by those who

took part in it] are unknown to us, because the records of the
kingdom at that time have not yet been found. But in the follow¬
ing century, the influence of Human culture is very marked.

If you notice that something is incorrect in a quotation,

you should leave the error as it is but indicate that you
have noticed it by means of the word ‘sic’ in square
brackets (‘sic’ is Latin for ‘thus’):

But in the following century, the influence of Hunan [sic]

culture is very marked.

If there is something you think may be wrong, you may

indicate this by a question mark in square brackets:

The battle took place in 1137[?]bc.

Technical terms

An adjective is a word that describes something:

o big dog
a green cor

An adjective phrase is a phrase containing an adjective:

a very big dog

An adverb is a word that adds information about the
action of a verb:

They ail toughed loudly.

I'll be bock tonight

An adverbial phrase is a phrase that functions like an


I'll be bock a week on Tuesday.

Two nouns or noun phrases are said to be in appo¬
sition when they denote the same person or thing and
have the same function in the sentence:

My brother Philip lives in Canberra the capital of Australia.
Technical terms 273

The articles are the words a, an and the.

A clause is a sentence that forms part of a larger
sentence. There are two types of clause: main clauses
and subordinate clauses. A main clause is the chief
clause of a sentence:

Anne jumped when the phone rang.

Subordinate clauses function like adverbs, for example

saying when or why something happens:

Anne jumped when the phone rang.

I'm crying because I'm happy.
I'll come if I can.

Main clauses may be linked by words such as and and


Anne jumped and the dog barked when the phone rang.

A complement is a word or phrase that says something
about the subject or the object in a sentence:

The car is red.

They painted the car red.
Simon is a lawyer.
274 Technical terms

A conjunction is a word that links clauses:

I'll come when I'm ready.

Finish that before you leave.
We tried and tried but we couldn't open the box.

An infinitive is the form of a verb that goes with the
word ‘to’:

I want to leave now.

Sometimes an infinitive is not preceded by ‘to’:

You can go now.

Lower-case and upper-case

A lower-case letter is an ordinary small letter. An
upper-case letter is a capital letter.

A noun is a word that names a person or thing:

The dog barked loudly.

The boys were playing in the garden.
You must always tell the truth.

A noun phrase is a phrase that contains a noun and

one or more adjectives:

The big black dog barked loudly.

Technical terms 275

The object of a verb is the person or thing that receives
the action of the verb:

She was reading a book.

Pay the money and let's go.

A participle is a form of a verb that ends in -ing, -ed,
-en, etc:

Running to catch the bus, I tripped and fell.

Protected by a wall 17 metres thick, the town has survived
many onslaughts.
Hidden by the trees, we watched what was happening.

A phrase is a group of two or more words that have
the same function in a sentence as a single word.

I like dogs. I like big dogs.

He ran quickly. He ran very quickly.

The predicate is everything in a clause except the

She cut off her hair in front of the bathroom mirror.

A preposition is a word or phrase that shows the
relationship between a noun or noun phrase and the
rest of the sentence:
276 Technical terms

Hidden by the trees, we watched what was happening.

My brother Philip lives in Canberra, the capital of Australia.
She cut off her hair in front of the mirror.

A pronoun is a word such as he, she, I, we, etc.

A direct question is a question in the form in which it
is actually spoken:

Where are they?

An indirect question is a question in the form in which

it is reported:

He asked where they were.

A question tag is a short question added to the end of

a sentence:

You're coming too, aren't you?

Relative clause
A defining relative clause picks out a particular person
or thing:

What's the name of that song you keep singing?

A non-defining relative clause provides extra infor¬

mation about something:

The lyrics of the song, which she wrote five years agor are
based on an experience she had at school.
Technical terms 277

A simple sentence is a group of words in which there
is (usually) a subject and a verb:

She heard footsteps outside.

A composite sentence is a sentence consisting of two

or more clauses:

She heard footsteps outside but she couldn't see anyone.

She heard footsteps outside but when she opened the door
there was no-one there.

A verb is a word that describes an action:

The boys swam ashore.

The children were stroking the rabbit.

A verb may simply link a subject and a complement:

The rabbit was brown and white.


Allen, R E One Step Ahead: Punctuation Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2002
Carey, G V Mind the Stop: A Brief Guide to Punctuation
with a Note on Proof-Correction Harmondsworth:
Penguin Books, 1971 (first published by Cambridge
University Press, 1939)
Cook, C K Line by Line: How to Improve Your Own
Writing Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985
Daniel, E The Grammar, History, and Derivation of the
English Language (2nd Edition) London: National
Society’s Depository, 1883
Davidson, G Chambers Guide to Grammar and Usage
Edinburgh: Chambers, 1996
Fowler, H W A Dictionary of Modern English Usage
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926
Fowler, H W and Fowler, F G The King’s English
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906
Gowers, Sir E Plain Words: A Guide to the Use of English
London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1948
Jarvie, G Good Punctuation Guide Edinburgh: Cham¬
bers Harrap, 1992
King, G Good Punctuation Glasgow: HarperCollins,
McArthur, T (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the Eng¬
lish Language Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992
Nash, W English Usage: A Guide to First Principles
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986
Bibliography 279

Partridge, E You Have a Point There: A Guide to Punc¬

tuation and Its Allies London: Hamish Hamilton,
Readers Digest How to Write and Speak Better Sydney:
Reader’s Digest (Australia) Pty Ltd, 2nd edition 1994
Seaton, A Focus on Grammar Singapore: Learners Pub¬
lishing (forthcoming)
Todd, L The Cassell Guide to Punctuation London:
Cassell, 1995
Trask, R L The Penguin Guide to Punctuation London:
Penguin Books, 1997
Truss, L Eats, Shoots and Leaves London: Profile Books,
Wood, F W Current English Usage: A Concise Diction¬
ary London: Macmillan, 1963

abbreviations punctuated with obliques

with capital letters 244 196
of days of the week and separated by commas 100
months 49 American punctuation 46,126,
with full stops 48 139,152,153,156,182
of honours 52 ‘and’ test for commas 81,106,
including numbers 49 112, 113
Internet and texting 53 angle brackets 184
of Latin words 52 apostrophe 199
of names 50 differentiating between
with obliques 198 singular and plural
plural 49, 204 nouns 10
of units of measurement 51 in foreign languages 207
of university degrees 52 greengrocer’s 202
AD 248 keyboarding problems 207
additional information for omitted letter or letters
enclosed in parentheses 205
187 in plural nouns 202, 207
add-ons separated off by apposition 272
commas 93 punctuation of 104
addresses 261 Arabic 207
adjective 272 article 273
adjectives separated or not asterisks replacing letters 166
separated by commas 110, backslash 196
112 balanced sentences
adverb 27, 272 punctuated with commas
adverbial phrase 27, 272 116
also preceded by semicolon punctuated with semicolon
86, 135 or colon? 136,150
alternatives bc 248
enclosed in parentheses 187 bibliographies 267
282 Index
boldface type for highlighting in chapter and verse
and emphasis 256 references 153
brackets 184 in clock times 153
within brackets 189 followed by dash 146
see also parentheses introducing definitions 144
brand names, capital letters in introducing examples 153
239 introducing explanations,
capital letters 231 descriptions and
in abbreviations and expansions 140,144
symbols 244 introducing lists 145
after colon in American introducing subtitles and
English 152 subheadings 151
beginning quotations 232 introducing summing-up
beginning sentences 231 148
for emphasis 246 in memos 154
in German nouns 247 in ratios 153
in headlines 246 showing close link between
in letters 246 statements 138,143
in names 234 in time expressions 55
in personification 238 colon, comma or dash
in poetry 70, 233, 238 preceding explanations?
in pronouns 248 97
captions colon or comma before direct
exclamation marks in 74 speech? 149
question marks in 63 colon or dash introducing
without full stops 47 lists? 162
chapter and verse references, colon or semicolon in
colons in 153 balanced or contrasting
Chinese 207 sentences? 136,150
clause 30, 273 colon or semicolon
main clause 30, 78, 79, 81, introducing lists? 137,
83, 84, 90 147
subordinate clause 30, 79, comma
81, 83,101 affecting meaning 8
clock times, colons in 153 in American punctuation
colon 140 182
before quotations 149 in balanced sentences 116
Index 283

comma - cont. when to omit 78

basic principles of use 78, comma, colon or dash
80, 86 preceding explanations?
beside parentheses and 97
quotation marks 125 comma or colon before direct
between main clauses 84 speech 149
between series of words or comma or semicolon? 86, 91,
phrases 105 133,136
between subject and verb 79 command ending with full stop
in co-ordinated phrases 105 or exclamation mark? 43
in direct speech 126 commas, parentheses or
introducing expansions and dashes? 96,158,186
explanations 142-3 comments
making difference in enclosed in parentheses 184
meaning 96 punctuated by dashes 157
marking pauses 97 in square brackets 188
needed between adjectives? complement 27, 273
110,112,114 ‘complete thought’ test for
not between adjectives sentences 25
forming a unit of composite sentence 29, 277
meaning 110 punctuation of 32, 78, 79,
in numbers 128 81, 83, 84
obeying sentence structure conjunction 30, 274
or rhythm? 120 consequence indicated by
Oxford comma 107 colon 138,143
replaced by semicolon for consequently preceded by
clarity 118,134 semicolon 86,135
replacing full stop in direct contrast
speech 44 punctuated by comma or
separating main clauses semicolon? 91
without conjunctions 90 punctuated by semicolon or
separating subordinate colon? 136
clause and main clause correspondence 261
81, 83 curly brackets 184
serial comma 107 dash 155
showing difference in in American punctuation
meaning 114 156
284 Index
dash - cont. introduced by dash 163
for emphasis 158 description preceded by colon
following a colon 146 140,144
indicating an incomplete differences in meaning
sentence 160 indicated by hyphens 210
indicating a range 164 direct question 276
introducing a definition 163 direct speech 257
introducing a summing-up capital letters in 232
148,163 comma replacing full stop
linking dash 156,164 in 44
long dash 166 commas in 44,126
marking a pause or punctuation of 177, 257
hesitation 162,194 ellipsis 191
with repeated words 163 ellipsis points
separating dash 156,157 ending uncompleted
dash, comma or colon in sentence 193
explanations? 97 indicating omission 191
dash or colon introducing indicating a pause or
lists? 162 hesitation 194
dash or ellipsis points ending as link within a sentence 195
incomplete sentence? 162, ellipsis points or dash ending
193 uncompleted sentence?
dash or hyphen ? 156 193
dashes, parentheses or email 262
commas? 96,158,186 abbreviations 53
dashes round comments and exclamation marks in 74
interruptions 157,160 full stops in email addresses
dates 197, 262 55
days of the week, abbreviations emphasis
of 49 indicated by a dash 158
decimal currency 54 indicated by an exclamation
decimal numbers 54 mark 76
defining relative clause 101, indicated by boldface type
276 256
punctuation of 101 indicated by capital letters
definition introduced by 246
colon 144 indicated by italics 253
Index 285
emphasis - cont. in italic 254
indicated by quotation forward slash 196
marks 174 fractions
pause for emphasis marked hyphens in 216
by comma 99 obliques in 198
endnotes 266 fragment (sentence) 36
essays 262 used for emphasis 38
examples preceded by colon 153 fronting 91
exclamation in question form full stop 42
72 in abbreviations 48
exclamation mark 68 in American punctuation
in email greetings 74 182
for emphasis 76 at end of request 43
in headlines, captions, titles, at end of sentence 42
etc 74 omission of 46, 65, 73
indicating humour 74 position of beside
indicating scorn 76 parentheses and
indicating surprise 75 quotation marks 45
in mid-sentence 70 replaced by comma in direct
multiple exclamation marks speech 44
66, 72 full stop or colon? 55,130
in poetry 69 full stop or exclamation mark
position of beside quotation with commands? 43
marks and parentheses full stop or semicolon? 87
7i furthermore preceded by
exclamation mark or full stop semicolon 86,135
with commands? 43, 69 German nouns, capital letters
expansion or explanation in 247
introduced by colon 140 greengrocer’s apostrophe in
introduced by comma 142 plural nouns 202
fine-tooth comb 225 headings in essays and reports
footnotes 265 264
for example preceded by headlines
semicolon 86, 135 capital letters in 246
foreign words exclamation marks in 74
apostrophes in 207 no full stop at end of 47
capital letters in 247 question marks in 63
286 Index

hence preceded by semicolon hyphen or dash? 156

86 ID or ID.? 53
hesitation marked by ellipsis incomplete sentences
points or dash 162,194 punctuated by dash or
highlighting ellipsis points? 160,162
with boldface type 256 indirect question 276
with italics 253 not ending with a question
with quotation marks 173 mark 57
honours, abbreviation of 52 indirect speech, no quotation
how phrases 92 marks in 169
however infinitive 28, 32, 274
preceded by semicolon 86, instead preceded by semicolon
88,135 86,135
separated off by commas 89 intention governing
humour indicated by punctuation 60, 72
exclamation marks 74 Internet abbreviations 53
hyphen 209 interruption
in adverb + adjective enclosed in parentheses 184
phrases 212 punctuated with commas 93
for clarity 215 punctuated with dashes 157,
differentiating words 9 160
in fractions 216 -isms: capital letters with? 238
indicating stammering or italics 252
slow speech 229 for emphasis 253
loss of 226 for foreign words and
in multi-word nouns 215 phrases 254
in numbers 216 for highlighting 253
in phrases before nouns 210 in titles and names 255
with prefixes, suffixes and keyboarding apostrophes 207
word-forming elements Latin words, abbreviations of
220 52
presence or absence of a letters (alphabetical) and
hyphen affecting numbers in lists with
meaning 9, 210 brackets 187
splitting words at end of letters (alphabetical), plurals
line 227 written with apostrophes
in two-word phrases 216 204
Index 287

letters (correspondence) 261 punctuation of 102

capital letters in 246 noun 274
linking dash 156,164 noun phrase 274
linking with obliques 196 nouns requiring hyphens 215,
list 217
preceded by dash or colon? n-rule 155
145,162 numbers
preceded by colon or abbreviations containing 49
semicolon? 137,147 commas in 128
long dash 166 hyphens in 216
main clause 30 plurals written with
separated by comma? 84, 90 apostrophes 205
separated from subordinate numbers and letters in lists
clause by comma? 79, 81, with brackets 187
83 object 27, 275
m-dash 155 oblique 196
meaning, punctuation in abbreviations 198
governed by 60, 72 in dates 197
memos, colons in 154 in fractions 198
months, abbreviations of 49 as links between words 196
moreover preceded by marking alternatives 196
semicolon 86,135 in periods of time 197
m-rule 155 in quoting poetry 198
MS or MS.? 53 in ratios 197
names in website addresses 198
abbreviations of 50 omissions
capital letters in 234 marked by apostrophes 205
capital letters in words marked by asterisks 166
derived from 238 marked by commas 117
n-dash 155 marked by long dashes 166
nevertheless preceded by Oxford comma 107
semicolon 86,135 paragraph 250, 265
nicknames enclosed by parentheses 184
quotation marks 175 position of comma beside
no one or no-one7. 225 125
non-defining relative clause position of exclamation
102, 276 mark beside 71
288 Index

parentheses - cont. poetry

position of full stop beside 45 capital letters or lower-case
position of question mark letters in 23, 70
beside 64 exclamation marks in 69
question mark in possession marked by an
parentheses indicating apostrophe 199
uncertainty 67 postcode 51
round alternatives 187 predicate 26, 275
round interruptions, prefixes, hyphens with 220,221
comments and additional preposition 275
information 185,187 pronoun 276
round numbers and letters requiring capital letter 248
in lists 187 PS or P.S.? 53
parentheses, commas or punctuation
dashes? 96,158,186 art, not science 15
participle 32, 275 British and American 21, 46,
pause 97 126,139,152,153,156,182
for emphasis 99 choosing an appropriate
marked by comma 97 level 16
marked by dash 162 clarifying the structure and
marked by ellipsis points or meaning of a text 4, 5
dash 194 of composite sentence 32
pause test for commas 80, 93, differentiating words 9
97,100,113 good punctuation 13
pause vs structure governing heavy and light 4,16
comma placement 120 history of punctuation 3
period see full stop improving your
personification requiring a punctuation 17
capital letter 238 linking words 8
phrasal verb 218 marking the rhythm of
hyphens in adjectives speech 4
formed from 220 in the Middle Ages 4
hyphens in nouns formed personal choice and taste
from 219 13-15
phrase 275 purpose of punctuation 1
plural nouns with apostrophes representing emotion and
202, 207 attitude 11
Index 289

punctuation - cont. punctuation of 177

rules 13-15 showing an omission in 191
representing visual and quotation marks 168
vocal aspects of speech 2 in direct speech 169
separating and grouping double and single 168
words 6 for emphasis 174
use of computer for highlighting 173
punctuation checker 21 indicating disagreement 174
punctuation marks omission of 170
multiple 66, 72 position of comma beside
position of beside quotation 125
marks 45, 64, 71,125,169 position of exclamation
question 276 mark 71
ending in question mark 56 position of full stop beside 45
exclamation in question position of question mark
form 60 beside 64
in the form of a statement repetition of 171
43, 57 representing nuances of
indicating surprise 59 meaning 11
part questions 60 round nicknames 175
as request 59 round titles and names 176
within a statement 62 single and double 168
question mark with other punctuation
at end of sentence 56 marks 45, 64, 71,125,169
in headlines, captions, etc 63 ranges
indicating uncertainty 67 punctuated with dashes 164
multiple 66 punctuated with obliques
not at end of indirect 197
question 57 ratios
omission of 65 colons in 153
position of beside quotation punctuated with obliques
marks, parentheses and 197
dashes 64 reduced sentence 34
quotation 171, 269 references to footnotes, etc
beginning with capital letter 267
232 referring back 163
introduced by colon 149 relative clause 101, 276
290 Index

repeated words, use of dash needed for good

with 163 punctuation 23
reports 262 non-sentence 36
request part sentences linked by
full stop at end of 43 ellipsis points 195
in form of question 43, 59 recognizing sentences by
round brackets see parentheses their structure 25
scientific names 256 reduced sentence 34
scorn indicated by exclamation simple sentence 26
marks 76 string 36
semicolon 130 super-sentence 33,131
replacing comma for clarity separating dash 156
118,134 serial comma 107
semicolon or colon in sic 189, 271
balanced or contrasting simple sentence 26, 277
sentences? 136,150 expansion of 28
semicolon or colon punctuation of 29, 78
introducing lists? 137,147 slash 196
semicolon or comma in slow speech marked,by
balanced sentences? 133, hyphens 229
136 solidus 196
semicolon or comma to speech different from writing 2
separate contrasting square brackets 184,188
clauses? 91 round comments and
semicolon or comma with additions 188
linking words? 86 round editor’s queries 67
semicolon or full stop? 87,130 stammering indicated by
sense, punctuation governed hyphens 229
by 60, 72 statement as question 43, 57
sentence string (sentence) 36
beginning with capital letter structure vs pauses for comma
231 placement 120
composite sentence 29 style, good viii
definitions of 24, 277 subject 26
fragment 36 subject and verb separated by
fragments used for comma 79
emphasis 38 subordinate clause 30
Index 291

separated from main clause no full stops in 47

by comma? 79, 81, 83 question marks in 63
subtitles and subheadings titles and names
introduced by colon 151 enclosed in quotation
suffixes, hyphens with 220, 223 marks 176
Sumer 3 in italics 255
summing-up marked by underlining 176
preceded by a coffin or dash titles of essays and reports 262
163 TVorT.Vd 53
preceded by a comma 103 uncertainty marked by
super-sentence 33 question mark 67
punctuation of 33, 90,131, uncompleted sentence ending
135 in dash or ellipsis points?
surprise 75 193
indicated by exclamation underlining 176, 256
mark 75 units of measurement,
indicated by a question 39 abbreviations of 51
symbols, capital letters with university degrees 52
244 verb 26, 277
TB or T.B.? 53 website addresses 55
texting abbreviations 53 when phrases 92
therefore preceded by where phrases 92
semicolon 86,135 wild-goose chase 225
thus preceded by semicolon word-forming elements,
86,135 hyphens with 220, 223
time, full stops or coffins in 55 word-splitting hyphens 227
time periods linked by writing
obliques 197 development from drawing
titles 3
capital letters in 241, 242 different from speech 2
exclamation marks in 74 ZIP code 51


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