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Chart Folio system and Chart Catalogue (NP131)

Chart folio

a) Chart folios are the folder/canvas/cloth cover of charts used on board a ship in which charts
are kept in a systematic manner. Folio covers are made of canvas or other appropriate material
capable of holding charts. A list of charts within it and a table of correction record is posted
outside of the folio cover.

b) Chart folios may be grouped either according to their sequence of use/ or to their distinct

c) A ship voyaging all over the world and having no fixed route may maintain international folio
system or standard folio system, maintained by the company as per BA number thus BA 1 to
BA 300 may be listed in folio 1, BA 301 to BA 600 may be listed in folio 2 & so on.

d) Area may be geographically divided in two zones & ship will then have two folios with one folio
having eastern zone charts & other folio having western zone charts.

e) The International convention for the safety of life at sea (SOLAS 1974) states that; “All ships
shall carry adequate and up to date charts, sailing directions, list of lights, notices to mariners,
tide tables and all other nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage (Chapter V,

Chart correction log(NP 133A)

a) Chart correction log(NP 133A) lists every chart numerically and is used to record updates against
any chart affected.

b) when the ANM are received, you should identify those charts which are affected and record
the relevant NM number against the chart number in the NP 133A. you should correct your
charts with ink and cross the appropriate NM number through with pencil in NP 133A as you
complete each update.

c) The date of the New Edition/New Chart should be entered in ink as a permanent record. The
date of current year of NM should be underlined so that it is not confused with an NM number.

d) It is vital that an up-to-date record is maintained of all updates affecting all charts held. Without
such a record it is very easy to lose track of where you are up to in the updating process. If
this happens, the process will become chaotic and you are likely to miss several notices.

Chart Catalogue(NP 131)

a) A chart catalogue is a list of charts and publications available at present.A chart catalogue is
published by an office authorised by the government of a country.In India, it is the National
Hydrographic Office, located at Dehra Dun.

b) Contents of chart catalogues

1. Comprehensive reference in textual and graphical form of charts and publications available.

2. General instructions.

3. Full details of each chart - title,number,area covered, and price.

4. Full details of each publication - title, number, area covered, and price.

5. Details of electronic charts.

c) The chart catalogue is used to determine the charts and publications required for the passage.

d) The chart catalogue is issued every year and lists the data of publications and printing of all
current charts and publication, including latest supplements of the publications.

Chart corrections

Following notices to mariners(NM) are important sources of keeping a Chart folio system updated
and corrected.

a)The Admiralty Chart Catalogue (NP 131),the catalogue is revised and republished on 1st December
every year. ,

b)Weekly Notices to Mariners ,

c)Cumulative Notices to Mariners(this is published once in six months in January NP234A and in
July NP234B), and

d)Annual summary of Admiralty Notices to mariners.

Types of chart corrections:

1) Permanent correction

2) Temporary and preliminary (T&P)correction

3) Navigational warnings

4) New edition
Procedure for chart correction including T&P notices

Things required for chart correction:

1. Admiralty notices to mariners

2. Chart correction pens

3. Highlighter

4. Paper cutter

5. Cutting board for cutting blocks

6. Parallel ruler

7. Tracing paper etc.

Chart corrections procedure:

1) Highlight the charts which you have on board with a highlighter in the correction log (NP133A).

2) Enter the chart folio and sequence number from index.

3) Voyage charts must be corrected first,followed by all charts on board.

4) Check in the latest cumulative notices to mariners against the chart numbers.note them on
correction log(NP 133A).

5) Start by correcting latest correction first followed by all other corrections until all the
corrections are done.

6) Correct the Admiralty chart catalogue(NP 131) if affected.

7) Cancel the old edition of chart by writing boldly on top “CANCELLED” remove it from the

Temporary and preliminary (T&P) notices to mariners are corrected in following way:

1. Only voyage charts to be corrected.

2. Look up the list of T’s and P’s in force (This is published monthly in ANM).

3. The T&P notices are printed in one side of the page,this is to facilitate them being cut out
and pasted.The index of this file should be “monthly T&P notices in force”.

4. This has to be renewed monthly when the new one is to be received.

5. Correct voyage charts with the T’s and P’s in force,by pencil,and note the correction number
in the bottom left-hand corner of the chart ,as well as in the correction log(NP 133A).

Using information from NM and correction using tracings:

1. Notices to Mariners are the means of official communication of safety information to mariners.

2. They are available in paper and digital formats.

Note:admiralty charts and publications must be corrected ONLY by Admiralty Notices to

Mariners(ANM).Charts and publications of local governmental agencies must be corrected ONLY by
NM issued by them.

3. Tracings:It’s a book of . It contains a compilation of changes

to marine navigation maps, published by the UK Hydrographic Office.

4. Ships will subscribe to the service through a third party, and receive the latest copy of the book
when they dock at port. They tear out each page, and apply the relevant changes to their paper
maps with a pencil and transfer paper.

Use of Admiralty publication NP 294

Published by the UKHO.

The section 1 of the publication provide details about

1. Ways to obtain admiralty notices to mariners(AWNM) from Admiralty chart agents.

2. The information which is available from the weekly edition of notices to mariners.

3. The format of updating charts provided in Notices to Mariners. This section is supplemented
with examples indicating description and meaning of each symbol used in notices to mariners.

4. Details about the tools to be used for correcting charts using tracings are also provided.
Explanations are provided for various terms used in Notices to Mariners(NM).

5. Information is provided for various types of corrections such as inserting a new voyage area,
inserting a light, submarine cable, deleting lights, inserting fish havens ,racon, altering boundaries
of charts, moving a buoy etc.
6. All these changes or corrections to charts are illustrated with the help
of diagrammatic explanations which are of great use to novices or deck officers who are taking
up immediate ranks of navigating officers.

7. publication deal with ways of correcting various Admiralty Publications such as Admiralty list
of lights and fog signals, Admiralty Sailing directions, Admiralty list of radio signals, Admiralty
tide tables, Catalogue of Admiralty charts and publications etc.

The section two of NP 294 is a generation ahead and in compliance with keeping the electronic means
of navigation up to date. It implies methods to be adopted for keeping the digital product of Admiralty
Updated. The elaborations in this chapter are helpful to guide a navigator in finding ways to obtain
admiralty digital publications and knowing about data updating wizards. The section also serves as
a manual for guiding users regarding application of data, and installing and updating admiralty vector
chart service (AVCS) with their relevant permits.

Chart correction using digital notices

First, you need to find out whether or not your chart actually needs updating. There are two ways of going
about this.

If you have your computer switched on, you can go to UKHO and select ‘view update list by chart
number’. Insert the chart number into the box provided and it will give you a list of all of the corrections
applied to that chart since the release of its latest edition.

Alternatively, if you have a smart phone you can download for free any QR code reader and read the QR code
in the corner of your chart (older charts may not have a QR code, in which case you’ll have to search the first
way). Reading the QR code will take you directly to the results page of the nmwebsearch site.

You then need to compare the nm numbers with those written along the bottom of the chart. If the chart
has been corrected/updated by hand before, some of these will be handwritten. Otherwise, they will be printed.
If there are no numbers missing, your chart is up to date. If there are one or more numbers missing from the
chart, these corrections need to be applied, by hand, in order to bring your chart up to date.

So….how do I work out what needs to be corrected?

Back to the NMwebsearch page showing your list of notices for your chosen chart. Tick the box next to the
notice that you need and select ‘view selection’. This will then take you to the notice.


The alternative is to get your Notices to Mariners out .You can either buy them for £2.40 each or you can
download them from the UKHO website. On the front (top left-hand corner) of the paper one, you will find
the notice numbers which are contained within that edition. Find the correct edition then search by notice
number for the correction.

The notice will then give you the co-ordinates and correction that you need to apply.

Correctionn for digital notices to mariners and

Digital notices to mariner

ADMIRALTY Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs (NP231)

A detailed reference guide designed to help bridge crew, trainers and those responsible for risk and
safety management to gain an understanding of practical ENC use. Divided into seven chapters,
content includes information on the construction of an ENC, the influence of ECDIS display settings
and how they can be optimised.
This publication is available in both paper format and as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication

ADMIRALTY ENC and ECDIS Maintenance Record (NP133C)

The ADMIRALTY ENC and ECDIS Maintenance Record is a quick reference folder that is designed
to simplify the management of paper records, helping bridge crews to clearly show inspectors and
auditors that ENCs are up-to-date and maintained. Sections include ENC update status, AIO status,
withdrawn ENCs, README file review and general maintenance, with descriptions on how to optimise
available templates.

ADMIRALTY Guide to ENC symbols used in ECDIS (NP5012)

Offers detailed explanations and descriptions of both traditional and simplified forms of ENC symbols
displayed in ECDIS, ensuring bridge crews possess the knowledge needed to navigate safely.

This publication is available in both paper format and as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication

ADMIRALTY Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures (NP232)

Guidance on the efficient integration of ECDIS across fleets, with clear information to help fleet
managers to adopt ECDIS efficiently and ensure ECDIS implementation is fit for purpose. Content
also includes guidance on ECDIS policies and procedures to assist crews, fleet managers and those
involved in the development of detailed ECDIS operating procedures to ensure ECDIS is adequately

This publication is available in both paper format and as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication

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