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Suneetha.V* et al.

/International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology

ISSN: 0975-766X
Available Online through Research Article
Akmal. S, Suneetha.V
School of Bio-Science and Technology and School of Chemical Engineering, VIT University,
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India-632014.
Email: [email protected]
Received on: 15.10.2016 Accepted on: 12.11.2016

This study refers to practices, attitudes, and beliefs as well as the networks that encompasses the concepts of food ways,

cuisine, and food system. It gives detailed study about the fundamentals about food, historical and current conditions

shaping that a class’s relationship to food, and the ways in which the group of people use food to express identity,

community, values, status, power, artistry and creativity. It also includes a groups’ definitions of what can be the

possible dishes in a particular cuisine, what is delicious, healthy, and socially appropriate for specific subgroups or

individuals and when, how, why, and with whom those dishes can be consumed. This study also depicts the different

styles of meals served at various festivals or occasions. Rice, the staple food of Tamil Nadu, is used as the best example

for describing the nutritional values and few other examples describing the daily source of immunity. A few dishes that

have taken birth in Tamil Nadu that is later enhanced and modified in other states have also put forward in this study.

Keywords: Food culture, Tamil Cuisine, Culinary Aspects, Tradition.


The food culture and traditions of Tamil Nadu has been shaped by its long history, unique Geography, and greatly

influenced by the different rulers, travelers and neighbors [1,2 ,6]. Food is an important part of Tamil culture, playing a

role in everyday life as well as in festivals. In many families, everyday meals are sit-down affairs consisting of two to

three main course dishes, carbohydrate staples such as Rice, varied accompaniments such as chutneys and pickles, as

well as desserts [3,5,7].

Tamil cuisine is generally famous for its different species and also for spicy foods. Tamil Nadu cuisine is of wide

variety of tasty dishes and offers wide range of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. Tamil cuisine has well known

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Suneetha.V* et al. /International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology
curries for instance Sambar, Rasam or perhaps kuzhambu. Food is not just important for eating, but it is also a way of

socializing, getting together with family, relatives and friends.

Materials and methods

Tamilnadu Cusine

Tamil cuisine is generally famous for its different dishes and also for spices. Tamil Nadu cuisine is of wide range of

mouthwatering dishes and offers good choices for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian varieties [4,7 ,8]. This cuisine is

famous for curries like Sambar, rasam or perhaps kuzhambu (the tamarind curry which should become acquired with

sizzling warm rice). You can find accompaniments which are by using it for instance kootu (avocado dependent dish),

poriyal (assortment of vegetables) and also apalam (crispy wafers). The general opinion for breakfast is dosa (the crispy

crepe) or idlis (steamed hemp scallops), on a daily basis, which is often consumed with sambar or in combination with a

selection of chutneys (pickles). The demand for eating in places, India, that serve these dishes is higher than normal.

Under the Tamil cuisine comes the Chettinad food, which can be pointed out simply by its spices and also beef. The food

dishes in Tamil Nadu is actually hot and spicy, that is carefully prepared along with elegant use of acrylics, peas and also

tamarind. The original approach to serve South Indian food is on a banana leaf with specific culinary aspects [5,7,8].

Tamil Nadu provides its visitors with a variety of delicacies, both vegetarian as well as non-veg, though most food

cultivated in Tamil Nadu are of grain, rice, lentils and vegetables. Tamil Nadu does not use fried foods, but rather uses

the techniques of roasting and baking. One of the most common ingredient in sambar is curried vegetable presented as

soup. Fine desserts also are prepared, like mysorepak (chick pea dish) and creamy payasam (milky rice dish). However,

each place has its own unique way of presenting the Tamil culture

Culinary Aspects

Rice has been the staple diet of the Tamilian. Thanjavur is regarded as the ‘granary of the south’ usually parboiled rice

is consumed due to its nutritive value. Rice predominates in all dishes of the Tamilian and preparations of rice for all

meal of the day. Lentils too are consumed extensively as accompaniment to the rice preparation. Being on the seacoast –

seafood and coconut is also available in plenty[9,10,11]. While tamarind is used for adding tang, peppercorn, and chili,

both red and green are used to make the food hot. To neutralize the effect of the chili and soothe the stomach, curd is

used in a variety of dishes. Other spices like mustard, cumin, garlic, etc. are used for tempering and seasoning. The

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Tamils believes that the ideal food should cater to the six variety of tastes- Bitterness, acridity, sweetness, saltiness,

sourness and astringent taste. Meals served on banana leaves, consisted of rice, with flavorings or plain topped ghee.

Sambar, meat curries, vegetables are added separately for the rice. Side dishes include Poriyals, (seasoned vegetables)

Varayil (fried crisp), Pachidi (salad form or raita) along with Appalam and Vathals- followed by Payasam. The second

course is rice and rasam (dal water). The third course is curd rice with pickles. Curd is supposed to be cooling for the

body system. Rasam is religiously made in ‘Iyya Chombu’ or lead vessel to right flavors. Breakfast and afternoon snacks

called ‘Tiffin’ include Idli, Dosai, Vada, Pongal, Upma, etc. Dosai is made in different kinds with variations and is

accompanied by coconut chutney, sambar and Muluga podi.Tamil Nadu is renowned for its filter coffee made in a

special way with coffee decoction.

Eating and Serving Styles

Eating with your hands is considered important in Indian etiquette because a person eating with his hands knows the

exact temperature of food before the morsel hits his mouth thus preventing blisters in mouth due to consumption of hot

food [12,13]. A universal aspect of presentation is to sit down on a mat or low stool with the thali, a large plate with

samplings of different vegetable dishes accompanied by breads such as roti, chapathi, naan, puri and rice. In Tamil Nadu,

a cleaned banana leaf is often used as a hygienic and visually interesting alternative to plates. Traces of Magnesium and

Zinc present on the plantain leaf is said to have health benefits too. In addition the plantain leaves are completely


Results and Discussion:

Food customs followed by Hindus:

Table.1: Religious Customs and Effects On Food:

During Pongal During Diwali During Aadi During During marriage

Navarathri occasions
Newly Several sweets Total The elders fast Food prepared and
harvested rice and gastronomical abstinence during served during this
and dal are delights are from meats Amavasya and occasion are idli,
cooked together prepared and Ekadasi dosa, pongal with
in a mud pot consumed sambar and varieties
and worshipped. of chutney, vada,
idiappam, and any 2
kinds of sweets
generally as

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Suneetha.V* et al. /International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology
Food Customs Followed By Muslims:

Muslims celebrate 2 major festivals in a grand fashion- Ramzan and Bakarid.

During the month of Ramdhan (in Arabic calendar), the Muslims have a custom of fasting for 30 days. In the process of

fasting, they consume food only twice a day- before sunrise and after sunset, in between which there is absolute no

consumption of any food item or water. The food taken before sunrise must be filling and heavy, which may include

staple dishes like rice, meats and other foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins. This is done to prevent loss of energy

when no other food is consumed throughout the day. The food consumed after sunset, starts with water to prevent

complete dehydration and provides a protective coating in the stomach. Water is followed by dates, sweets, crispy or

spicy dish and porridge (made of rice, milk, coconut milk, cardamom, cinnamon). During the festival of Ramzan, the

most famous and delicious dish called biryani is prepared and consumed by all.

Famous Products from Tamilnadu:

Table.2 Famous and Common Products Available In Tamil Nadu.

Dish Description

Meen Poondu Kuzhambu It is spicy red colored garlic flavored fish gravy. It is
cooked in a mud pot over a charcoal fire.
Nadaan Paal Payasam This is made of Bengal gram, moong dal, sago and
broken rice sweetened with jaggery and cooked in
coconut milk.
Dosas Pancakes made with rice and lentil may be eaten with
chutney or stuffed with spicy potatoes.

Idly This is a steamed rice pancake eaten with chutney

enjoyed all over south India.

Idiappam These are called string hoppers. They are made of rice
flour and are steamed.

Kazhani kootu Vegetables with raw mango cooked in tamarind water

and finished with coconut milk.

Sambar sadham Boiled rice tempered with crushed jeera, peppercorn,

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slit green chilies, cashew nut and curry leaves.

Rasam Tempered dal water that can also be flavored with other
Morkholombu Buttermilk and vegetable curry.
Avial Mixed vegetables in coconut gravy.
karuvattu kuzhambu Salted, dried fish gravy.
Puttu This literally translates into jacketed cylinders made
from rice, and is served steaming hot with a gravy of
chickpeas. The garnish to the sides is generally made up
of coconut.
Appam Composed predominantly of coconut milk and batter of
rice. If the concentration of the base ingredients is
increased, the same delicacy is referred to as Pallapam.
Many variants of appam are also served like honey and
egg appam etc.
Sundal Made into a stirred fried form, it is composed of whole
grain channa or chickpeas, with rice and curry added to
it while stirring.
Chicken Chettinad Bite into the spicy taste of chicken chettinad, made
from poppy seeds, roasted chilies, cloves, cardamom,
fennel seeds and many other authentic spices, made into
a curry to amalgamate with the chicken.
Puliyogare Rice ‘Puliyogare’ is ‘Tamarind’ in Tamil and the dish is
made by mixing boiled rice with a paste made from the
same. This is usually served with the traditional chutney
made from coconut.
Bisi Belle Bhath Rice made delicacy, the traditional form of Bhath is
made by mixing rice with nutmeg, toor dal and a host of
other spices. An interesting add-on is either potato chips
or pappadums.
Uttapam, made from rice flour as the base, and fried
Uttapam with vegetables and spices added to its top.

It is made from eggs and meat, and has a unique

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traditional sauce called Salna added to it, to give it the
Kothu Parotta spicy tinge. Leave the comforts of plush restaurants,
and head to the streets for the best taste.
Murukku It is made from a combination of rice and urad dal flour.
Payasam It is a sweet in rice delicacies, with broken wheat and
tapioca added to it, cooked with sugar to give you
A traditional dumpling made from rice flour that is
Kozhukkatta sweetened using jiggery.

Tamil Nadu Food Nutrition

Most Tamil Nadu food nutrition depends on how it was cooked and the ingredients put into the dish. Most Indian food

has all the food groups, and has lot of nutritional value to it. The basic Indian dish is frequently baked or roasted. The

odd deep fried food is also available. On a nutritional level, Indian food is relatively healthy.

Table.3. Some age old practices good for health.

Food Nutritional Value

Fermented foods Idli- prepared by steaming a fermented black and batter. It is a

major source of protein, calories and vitamins, especially B-
complex vitamins, compared to the raw unfermented
ingredients. It can be used as a dietary supplement in
developing countries to treat people suffering from protein
calorie malnutrition and kwashiorkor.
Other examples: Curd, lassi, buttermilk, Dosa, dhokla,
Ghee –Clarified Butter Jalebis, Kanji, appams.
It is an integral practice of ayurvedic herbal formulation. Being
oil it can bond with lipid-soluble nutrients and herbs to
penetrate the lipid-based cell membranes of the body. It also
Jeera Water balances excess stomach acid, and helps maintain/repair the
mucus lining of the stomach.
Ragi It is very good for flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhea and cold.
It contains the amino acid Methionine. Recommended by
pediatricians for infants of six months and over because of its
Cane Sugar or Jaggery high nutritional content, especially calcium.

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Suneetha.V* et al. /International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology
It is wholesome sugar and, unlike refined sugar, retains more
mineral salts. No chemical agents involved. It is beneficial in
Coconut treating throat and lung infections.

It is rich in short and medium chain fatty acids. Lauric acid the
major component of coconut has been recognized for its
Medicinal rasam antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal functions. In addition
to the nutrient and fiber content in coconut the medium chain
White Rice fatty acids (MCFA) help lower the risk of both atherosclerosis
and heart disease.
Curries It loosens crammed stomachs and ease breathing for those with
a bad cold.
A good source of energy and fiber, 200 grams of white rice
Curd would approx. contain 420 calories.
It is used to blend or roast whole spices for better flavor
without using unhealthy ingredients. Replace the cream with
yogurt, or natural coconut milk.
Curd is basically a milk product made by fermentation of milk
Red chilies with certain bacteria. Yogurt is good for the digestive system
as the bacteria present in yogurt improve digestion. 250 grams
Lentils of curd made from toned milk would approx. serve 150
Calories. It is a good source of calcium, carbohydrates and
proteins to the body.
100 grams of chili red peppers have hardly 40 Kcal. But, chili
peppers contain the chemical compound capsaicin, which has
Turmeric anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic and anti-diabetic
properties. They are also rich in a number of Vitamins A, B, C
and many phytonutrients too.
It provides about 30% of their calories(240 Calories in 230
grams) from protein like essential amino acids isoleucine and
lysine. They also contain dietary fiber, folate, vitamin B1, and
minerals such as iron. Thus, it helps in many major functions
of the body like regulating our cholesterol and sugar levels.
Traditionally, it has been considered great medicine for
coughs,colds, stomach disorders, open wounds and as a beauty

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agent since time immemorial.
It has great anti septic properties and used without fail in
almost all dishes except sweets.


The detailed study about the fundamentals about food, food customs ,eating and serving styles, culinary aspects,

historical and current conditions shaping that a class’s relationship to food, and the ways in which the group of people

use food to express identity, community, values, status, power, artistry and creativity were discussed.


The authors want to express their gratitude to, Dr G. Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor VIT University for his constant

support and encouragement, Sri Sankar Viswanathan, Dr. Sekar Viswanathan and Sri G.V Selvam, Vice presidents, VIT

university for their constant motivation and Mr.Raj Sekar V (Temple university, Singapore) Senior Vice president Citi Group

Florida USA for providing constant help throughout this research.


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