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Welcome POPsters!

On the following sheets you will find your meal plan for Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sun followed my your meal
plan for Tues, Thurs, and Sat. On the 4th sheet, I have given you the option to eat Protein Pancakes
everyday if you wanted to. There is a regular plan and a vegetarian plan with suggestions for you

We are on this plan for 90 days beginning Oct 24, 2011. I've given you some room for flexibility as you
will see in the "notes" column in case you get bored. Please try not to stray away from what I have
written. This very important if you want to see results.

The meal plan is very balanced and delicious! If the calories seem too high or too low for you, just play
with the portions a bit. Never go under 1200 calories. You'll need energy for your workouts and you'll
want to build muscle. You can't build muscle if you're starving. Also if you're a runner or need more
carbs, just increase intake of grains and fruits throughout the day. How much to increase is up to your
own calculations.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Our end date is January 22, 2012. I will be posting workout
samples on the blog, but remember, 80% of your physique is your diet. We will be working out 5-6x a
week and it will include strength training, HIITS, and Cardio.


Okay, are you ready? Give me your full commitment!!! LET'S DO THIS!!!!!

<3 Cassey
W, F, Su) cals fat (g) carbs (g) protein (g) Notes & Subs (M, W, F, Su) cals fat (g) carbs (g) protein (g) Notes & Subs To make vegan...
1/2 cup oatmeal 150 3 27 5 Prepare oatmeal w/ water. 1/2 cup oatmeal 150 3 27 5 Prepare oatmeal w/ water. Prepare oatmeal w/
1/2 cup egg whites 63 0 1 13 You can scramble & eat 1/2 cup egg whites 63 0 1 13 You can scramble & eat almond milk and add
1/2 banana 53 0 13 1 the eggs separately or mix 1/2 banana 53 0 13 1 the eggs separately or mix 1 scoop of soy or
in. in. hemp protein powder.
TOTAL 266 3 41 19 TOTAL 266 3 41 19

1 small-med apple 55 0 14 0 Fruit sub: 1/2 cup of any 1 small-med apple 55 0 14 0 Fruit sub: 1/2 cup of any
10 unsalted almonds 60 5 2 2 fruit of your choice 10 unsalted almonds 60 5 2 2 fruit of your choice
TOTAL 115 5 16 2 TOTAL 115 5 16 2

6 oz chicken breast 165 2 0 56 Meat sub: lean turkey, 2 hard boiled eggs 155 11 1 13 Egg sub: tofu, tempeh, Egg sub: tofu,
2 cups chopped white fish, or 1 small can 2 cups chopped TVP. Lettuce sub: any tempeh, TVP, more
romaine lettuce 20 0 3 1 of canned tuna. Lettuce romaine lettuce 20 0 3 1 leafy green. Bean sub: beans.
1 roma tomato 35 5 3 0 sub: any leafy green. Bean 1 roma tomato 35 5 3 0 garbanzo, black/pinto
1/2 cup unsalted sub: garbanzo, black/pinto 1/2 cup unsalted beans.
shelled edamame 100 3 9 8 beans. Make sure chicken shelled edamame 100 3 9 8
2 TBS balsamic is baked, boiled, grilled, or 2 TBS balsamic
vinegar 23 2 1 0 steamed. vinegar 23 2 1 0
1/2 avocado
1/2 avocado (optional) 144 13 7 2 (optional) 144 13 7 2
TOTAL 487 25 23 67 TOTAL 477 34 24 24


If you don't have powder, 1 serving Trader Hemp ok too. If you don't
1 serving Muscle Milk eat 1/2 cup of cottage Joes vanilla soy have powder, eat 1/2 cup
vanilla whey protein cheese or plain nonfat protein powder + of cottage cheese or plain
powder + water 130 2 2 27 greek yogurt after your water 120 1.5 1 25 nonfat greek yogurt after
TOTAL 130 2 2 27 workout. TOTAL 120 1.5 1 25 your workout.

Steam all. If you don't want 1/3 firm tofu Tofu sub: 1 serving
6 oz chicken breast 165 2 0 56 the sweet potato, eat package 132 7 3 13 tempeh or 2 eggs. Potato
1 medium stalk another steamed veggie. 1 medium stalk sub: another steamed
broccoli 63 1 13 4 The almonds are for your broccoli 63 1 13 4 veggie. The almonds are
1 small sweet potato 54 0 12 1 mini munchies after 1 small sweet potato 54 0 12 1 for your mini munchies
10 unsalted almonds 60 5 2 2 dinner. 10 unsalted almonds 60 5 2 2 after dinner.
TOTAL 342 8 27 63 TOTAL 309 13 30 20

1/2 cup lowfat cottage Mix all together. Cottage 1/2 cup lowfat Mix all together. Cottage Sub cottage cheese
cheese 102 2 4 16 cheese makes a great last cottage cheese 102 2 4 16 cheese makes a great last for soy yogurt. Or for
1 TBS sugarfree meal bc it contains casein, 1 TBS sugarfree meal bc it contains casein, a completely diff
strawberry jam a slow digesting protein strawberry jam a slow digesting protein meal, you can have
(optional) 10 0 2 0 that keeps your muscles (optional) 10 0 2 0 that keeps your muscles 1/2 cup of berries and
1 TBS unsalted fed throughout the night. 1 TBS unsalted fed throughout the night. 10 almonds.
sunflower seeds 55 5 2 2 sunflower seeds 55 5 2 2
TOTAL 167 7 8 18 TOTAL 167 7 8 18

GRAND TOTAL 1507 50 117 196 GRAND TOTAL 1454 63.5 120 108
RATIO by cals 29.86% 31.06% 52.02% RATIO by cals 39.31% 33.01% 29.71%


1. You must drink 3-4L of water throughout the day, everyday. 1. You must drink 3-4L of water throughout the day, everyday.
2. You must eat every 2-3 hours. 2. You must eat every 2-3 hours.
3. Blogilates-approved condiments: lite soy sauce, sriracha, 3. Blogilates-approved condiments: lite soy sauce, sriracha,
tabasco, mustard, lemon, Mrs. Dash. tabasco, mustard, lemon, Mrs. Dash.
4. If you want to see results quickly, eat ONLY the above foods. 4. If you want to see results quickly, eat ONLY the above foods.
Do not snack mindlessly on other things. It all counts. Do not snack mindlessly on other things. It all counts.
5. If you find it is too much or too little food, just play with the 5. If you find it is too much or too little food, just play with the
portion sizes. But do not go under 1200 cals, as we will be portion sizes. But do not go under 1200 cals, as we will be
working out 5-6x a week. working out 5-6x a week.
6. Unsweetened tea and black coffee ok. 6. Unsweetened tea and black coffee ok.
7. No alcohol. But if you REALLY can't stand it, red wine once a 7. No alcohol. But if you REALLY can't stand it, red wine once a
week. Add it to your totals. week. Add it to your totals.
*This meal plan is based off of the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno, *This meal plan is based off of the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca
Fitness Competitor "Cutting" diet plans, and my own experience Reno, Fitness Competitor "Cutting" diet plans, and my own
as a fitness professional. experience as a fitness professional.
*If you're wondering how I calculated "Ratio by cals": 1g protein = *If you're wondering how I calculated "Ratio by cals": 1g protein
4 cals, 1g carbs = 4 cals, 1g fat = 9 cals. = 4 cals, 1g carbs = 4 cals, 1g fat = 9 cals.
*I am not a certified dietician, so please consult your physician *I am not a certified dietician, so please consult your physician
before going on this plan - especially if you are allergic to any before going on this plan - especially if you are allergic to any
foods. Use your senses, you know your body better than I do foods. Use your senses, you know your body better than I do
obviously. obviously.
Sat) cals fat (g) carbs (g) protein (g) Notes & Subs Th, Sat) cals fat (g) carbs (g) protein (g) Notes & Subs To make vegan...
1/2 cup egg whites 63 0 1 13 Make an omelet. Use Extra Virgin 1/2 cup egg whites 63 0 1 13 Make an omelet. Use Extra Virgin Sub eggs for tofu to make
1/2 red pepper 19 0 4 1 Olive Oil. Basically any veggie is ok 1/2 red pepper 19 0 4 1 Olive Oil. Basically any veggie is "Scrambled Tofu". You must press
1/2 cup mushrooms 11 0 2 1 here. You can also use 2 eggs if you 1/2 cup mushrooms 11 0 2 1 ok here. You can also use 2 eggs water out of tofu by placing block
want, but I have calc'd egg whites if you want, but I have calc'd egg b/t 2 layers of several paper towel
1/2 cup frozen spinach 30 0 5 4 1/2 cup frozen spinach 30 0 5 4
only. whites only. sheets. Place saran wrap on top
1/2 cup edamame 100 3 9 8 1/2 cup edamame 100 3 9 8 layer and put a few books upon it.
4 TBS salsa 15 0 2 2 4 TBS salsa 15 0 2 2 Let sit for 1 hr. Once dry, crumble
TOTAL 238 3 23 29 TOTAL 238 3 23 29 and scramble!

1 banana 105 0 27 1 Fruit sub: 1/2 cup of any fruit of your 1 banana 105 0 27 1 Fruit sub: 1/2 cup of any fruit of
10 unsalted almonds 60 5 2 2 choice 10 unsalted almonds 60 5 2 2 your choice
TOTAL 165 5 29 3 TOTAL 165 5 29 3

6 oz chicken breast 165 2 0 56 Meat sub: lean turkey, white fish, or 4 oz tempeh 205 8 15 17 Protein sub: 2 eggs, Tofu, TVP,
1 medium stalk broccoli 63 1 13 4 1 small can of canned tuna. If you 1 medium stalk broccoli 63 1 13 4 any bean or lentil. If you don't want
1 small sweet potato 54 0 12 1 don't want the sweet potato, eat 1 small sweet potato 54 0 12 1 the sweet potato, eat another
another steamed veggie. Fruit can steamed veggie. Fruit can be 1/2
1/2 cup blueberries 41 0 11 1 1/2 cup blueberries 41 0 11 1
be 1/2 cup or 1 serv of your choice. cup or 1 serv of your choice.
TOTAL 323 3 36 62 TOTAL 363 9 51 23

1 serving Muscle Milk If you don't have powder, eat 1/2 cup 1 serving Trader Joes Hemp ok too. If you don't have
vanilla whey protein of cottage cheese or plain nonfat vanilla soy protein powder powder, eat 1/2 cup of cottage
powder + water 130 2 2 27 greek yogurt after your workout. + water 120 1.5 1 25 cheese or plain nonfat greek
TOTAL 130 2 2 27 TOTAL 120 1.5 1 25 yogurt after your workout.

6 oz tilapia 163 3 0 34 Steam all or bake all. Veggie sub: 1/3 cup uncooked quinoa 209 3 36 8 Too cook Quinoa, it is a 1:2 ratio
asparagus, bok choy, green beans 1/2 red pepper chopped, b/t the grain and water. Make a
etc. with 1 serv cilantro, Mexican Bowl! Quinoa on bottom,
1 medium stalk broccoli 63 1 13 4 onions, and lemon juice 54 0 12 1 black beans in middle, top with
1/2 avocado, chopped into veggie choppings! You can sautee
1/2 cup black beans 110 0 19 6 cubes 144 13 7 2 veggies or eat fresh.
1/2 cup black beans 110 0 19 6
TOTAL 336 4 32 44 TOTAL 407 16 55 11

1/2 cup lowfat cottage Mix all together. Cottage cheese 1/2 cup lowfat cottage Mix all together. Cottage cheese Sub cottage cheese for soy yogurt.
cheese 102 2 4 16 makes a great last meal bc it cheese 102 2 4 16 makes a great last meal bc it Or for a completely diff meal, you
1 TBS sugarfree contains casein, a slow digesting 1 TBS sugarfree contains casein, a slow digesting can have 1/2 cup of berries and 10
strawberry jam (optional) 10 0 2 0 protein that keeps your muscles fed strawberry jam (optional) 10 0 2 0 protein that keeps your muscles almonds.
1 TBS unsalted sunflower throughout the night. 1 TBS unsalted sunflower fed throughout the night.
seeds 55 5 2 2 seeds 55 5 2 2
TOTAL 167 7 8 18 TOTAL 167 7 8 18

GRAND TOTAL 1359 24 130 183 GRAND TOTAL 1460 41.5 167 109
RATIO by cals 15.89% 38.26% 53.86% RATIO by cals 25.58% 45.75% 29.86%


1. You must drink 3-4L of water throughout the day, everyday. 1. You must drink 3-4L of water throughout the day, everyday.
2. You must eat every 2-3 hours. 2. You must eat every 2-3 hours.
3. Blogilates-approved condiments: lite soy sauce, sriracha, tabasco, 3. Blogilates-approved condiments: lite soy sauce, sriracha,
mustard, lemon, Mrs. Dash. tabasco, mustard, lemon, Mrs. Dash.
4. If you want to see results quickly, eat ONLY the above foods. Do 4. If you want to see results quickly, eat ONLY the above foods. Do
not snack mindlessly on other things. It all counts. not snack mindlessly on other things. It all counts.
5. If you find it is too much or too little food, just play with the portion 5. If you find it is too much or too little food, just play with the
sizes. But do not go under 1200 cals, as we will be working out 5-6x portion sizes. But do not go under 1200 cals, as we will be working
a week. out 5-6x a week.
6. Unsweetened tea and black coffee ok. 6. Unsweetened tea and black coffee ok.
7. No alcohol. But if you REALLY can't stand it, red wine once a 7. No alcohol. But if you REALLY can't stand it, red wine once a
week. Add it to your totals. week. Add it to your totals.
*This meal plan is based off of the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno, *This meal plan is based off of the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno,
Fitness Competitor "Cutting" diet plans, and my own experience as a Fitness Competitor "Cutting" diet plans, and my own experience as
fitness professional. a fitness professional.
*If you're wondering how I calculated "Ratio by cals": 1g protein = 4 *If you're wondering how I calculated "Ratio by cals": 1g protein = 4
cals, 1g carbs = 4 cals, 1g fat = 9 cals. cals, 1g carbs = 4 cals, 1g fat = 9 cals.
*I am not a certified dietician, so please consult your physician
*I am not a certified dietician, so please consult your physician before going on this plan - especially if you are allergic to any
before going on this plan - especially if you are allergic to any foods. foods. Use your senses, you know your body better than I do
Use your senses, you know your body better than I do obviously. obviously.
Just in case you wanted to eat Tone It Up Protein Pancakes for all Breakfasts...
REGULAR cals fat (g) carbs (g) protein (g) Notes VEGETARIAN cals fat (g) carbs (g) protein (g) Notes
1/2 banana 53 0 13 1 Mash banana first, 1/2 banana 53 0 13 1 Mash banana first,
1/4 cup egg whites 32 0 0 7 then mix everything 1/4 cup egg whites 32 0 0 7 then mix everything
1 scoop vanilla together! Skim milk 1 scoop Trader Joes together! Skim milk
whey protein or soy milk can be vanilla soy protein or soy milk can be
powder 130 2 2 27 subbed. Then spray powder + water 120 1.5 1 25 subbed. Then spray
2 TBS vanilla pan w/ PAM or 2 TBS vanilla pan w/ PAM or
almond milk EVOO. Dollop batter almond milk EVOO. Dollop batter
unsweetened 5 0 0 0 on pan. Set on low- unsweetened 5 0 0 0 on pan. Set on low-
medium heat. medium heat.
1 tsp cinnamon 6 0 2 0 1 tsp cinnamon 6 0 2 0
1 TBS ground flax 1 TBS ground flax
seed 35 2 2 2 seed 35 2 2 2
TOTAL 261 4 19 37 TOTAL 251 3.5 18 35


(M, W, F, Su) 1502 51 95 214 (M, W, F, Su) 1439 64 97 124
RATIO by cals 30.56% 25.30% 56.99% RATIO by cals 40.03% 26.96% 34.47%


(T, Th, Sat) 1382 25 126 191 (T, Th, Sat) 1473 42 162 115
RATIO by cals 16.28% 36.47% 55.28% RATIO by cals 25.66% 43.99% 31.23%

*Feel free to eat protein pancakes for all of your breakfasts. This is what the overall *Feel free to eat protein pancakes for all of your breakfasts. This is what the overall
macronutrient breakdown would look like. macronutrient breakdown would look like.

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