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Grade: 8

Core Subject Title: ENGLISH Total No. of Hours: 160 Hours


The learner The learner
demonstrates transfers learning
understanding of: by composing and
African literature as delivering an
a means of informative speech
exploring forces that based on a
human beings specific topic of
contend with; interest keeping in
various reading mind the proper
styles vis – à-vis and effective use
Deliver an Oral
purposes of of parallel
QUARTER I (Week 1) Reading with
reading; prosodic structures and
EN80L-IA- correct volume,
features that serve cohesive devices 1 Hour (60
1. Use the correct sounds of English 3.11 projection, pitch,
as carriers of and appropriate minutes)
stress, intonation,
meaning; ways by prosodic features,
juncture and
which information stance, and
speech rate
may be organized, behavior.
related, and
delivered orally;
and parallel
structures and
cohesive devices in
2. Use appropriate cohesive devices in 1 Hour (60
composing an informative speech minutes)
3. Present ideas using a variety of EN8WC-Ia- 1 Hour (60
graphic organizers minutes)
4. Describe the notable literary genres EN8LT-Ia-
1 Hour (60
contributed by African writers (African 10.2
Week 2
1. Identify the distinguishing features of 1 Hour (60
notable African chants, poems, EN8LT-Ib-8.1 minutes)
folktales and short stories
2. Use context clues from the material
1 Hour (60
viewed to determine the meaning of EN8VC-Ib-8
unfamiliar words or expressions
3. Organize ideas in one-step word, EN8WC-Ib- 1 Hour (60
phrase and sentence outline forms 1.1.6 minutes)
1 Hour (60
4. Use parallel structures EN8G-Ib-7
1 Hour (60
Week 3
EN8SS-Ic- 1 Hour (60
1. Skim to determine key ideas
1.5.1 minutes)
2. Express appreciation for sensory EN8LT-Ic- 1 Hour (60
images used 2.2.1. minutes)
EN8LT-Ic- 1 Hour (60
3. Explain the literary devices used
2.2.2. minutes)
4. Explain how the elements specific to
1 Hour (60
a genre contribute to the theme of a EN8LT-Ic-2.2
particular literary selection
1 Hour (60
Week 4
1. Determine the meaning of idiomatic EN8V-Id- 1 Hour (60
expressions by noting context clues and 10.2 minutes)
2. Determine tone, mood, technique EN8LT-Id- 1 Hour (60
and purpose of the author 2.2.3 minutes)
3. Deliver a self-composed informative 1 Hour (60
speech minutes)
Week 5
1. Use the appropriate reading style 1 Hour (60
(scanning, skimming, speed reading, EN8RC-Ie-7 minutes)
intensive etc.) for one’s purpose
2. Determine how volume, projection,
pitch, stress, intonation, juncture and 1 Hour (60
speech rate serve as carriers of minutes)
3. Use appropriate prosodic features of 1 Hour (60
speech when delivering lines minutes)
4 Organize notes taken from an 1 Hour (60
expository text minutes)
Week 6
1. Note the changes in volume,
1 Hour (60
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
EN8LC-If-5.2 minutes)
juncture and rate of speech that affect
2. Determine the meaning of words and
1 Hour (60
expressions that reflect the local culture EN8V-If-6
by noting context clues
3. Appreciate literature as a means of
understanding the human being and 1 Hour (60
the forces he/she needs to contend minutes)
Week 7
1 Hour (60
1. Read intensively to determine the EN8RC-Ig-
author’s purpose 7.1
2. Draw similarities and differences EN8LT-Ig-2.3 1 Hour (60
of the featured selections in minutes)
relation to the theme
3. Organize notes taken from an 1 Hour (60
expository text minutes)
4. Use the correct stance and 1 Hour (60
behaviour minutes)
Week 8
1. Compare and contrast the
1 Hour (60
presentation of the same topic in EN8VC-Ih-
different viewing genres 15

2. Explain how a selection may be

1 Hour (60
influenced by culture, history,
EN8LT-Ih-3 minutes)
environment or other factors
3. Highlight important points in an
1 Hour (60
informative talk using appropriate EN8OL-Ih-
presentation aids 3.12
Week 9
1. Use the appropriate reading style
1 Hour (60
(scanning, skimming, speed
EN8RC-Ii-7 minutes)
reading, intensive reading, etc.)
for one’s purpose
2. Note the changes in volume,
projection, pitch, stress, 1 Hour (60
intonation, juncture and rate of EN8LC-Ii-5.2 minutes)
speech that affect meaning
3. Deliver a self-composed 1 Hour (60
informative speech minutes)
4. Use appropriate cohesive
1 Hour (60
devices in composing an EN8G-Ii-3
informative speech

Total No. of
Hours: 33

The learner The learner

demonstrates transfers learning
understanding of: by composing and
East Asian literature delivering a brief
as an art form and creative
inspired and entertainment
influenced by speech featuring a
nature, relationship variety of effective
of visual, sensory, paragraphs,
Compile traditions
and verbal signals in appropriate
and cultures of
both literary and grammatical QUARTER II ( Week 1)
1 Hour (60 China, Japan and
expository texts; signals or 1. Evaluate the personal EN8RC-IIa-
minutes) Philippines and
strategies in listening expressions in topic significance of a literary text 2.22
write informative
to long descriptive development, and
and narrative texts; appropriate
value of literal and prosodic features,
figurative language; stance, and
and appropriate behaviour.
grammatical signals
or expressions
suitable to patterns
of idea
2. Discern positive and negative
EN8VC-IIa- 1 Hour (60
messages conveyed in a material
17 minutes)
3. Describe the notable literary
EN8LT-IIa- 1 Hour (60
genres contributed by East Asian
9.1 minutes)
4. Use appropriate grammatical
signals or expressions suitable to 1 Hour (60
each pattern of idea minutes)
 General to particular
 Claim and counterclaim
 Problem-solution
 Cause-effect and others
Week 2
1. Relate content or theme to EN8RC-IIb- 1 Hour (60
previous experiences and 2.18 minutes)
background knowledge
2. Infer dominant thoughts and
EN8LC-IIb- 1 Hour (60
feelings expressed in the text
6.2 minutes)
listened to
3. Distinguish between and among
verbal, situational and dramatic
EN8V-IIb- 1 Hour (60
types of irony and give examples
24.1 minutes)
of each

1 Hour (60
4. Compose effective paragraphs EN8c-IIb-2.8
Week 3
1. Employ appropriate listening skills
1 Hour (60
and strategies suited to long
EN8Lc-II-7 minutes)
descriptive and narrative texts

2. Determine the tone and mood of

EN8Lc-IIc- 1 Hour (60
the speaker or characters in the
2.13 minutes)
narrative listened to
3. Develop related support EN8Wc-IIc- 1 Hour (60
sentences 2.2.1 minutes)
4. Produce the sounds of English
correctly and effectively when EN8Ol-IIc- 1 Hour (60
delivering an entertainment 3.11 minutes)
Week 4 1 Hour (60
1. Determine the tone and mood of EN8Lc-IId- minutes)
the speaker or characters in the 2.13
narrative listened to
2. Predict the gist of the material
EN8VC-IId- 1 Hour (60
viewed based on the title,
1.3 minutes)
pictures , and excerpts
EN8LT-IId- 1 Hour (60
3. Explain the literary devices used
2.2.2 minutes)
4. Use a variety of techniques to EN8WC-IId- 1 Hour (60
formulate a conclusion 2.2.2 minutes)
Week 5
1 Hour (60
1. Infer the theme of the text EN8LC-IIe-
listened to 2.17.3
2. Discriminate between literal and 1 Hour (60
figurative language minutes)
3. Develop paragraphs that
illustrate each text type (narrative
EN8OL-IIe- 1 Hour (60
in literature, expository,
2.6 minutes)
explanatory, factual and
personal recount, persuasive)
4. Use appropriate non-verbal cues
EN8OL-IIe- 1 Hour (60
when delivering lines in an
2.6 minutes)
entertainment speech
Week 6
1. Explain visual-verbal relationships
1 Hour (60
illustrated in tables, graphs and
EN8SS-IIf-1.2 minutes)
information maps found in
expository texts
2. Employ appropriate listening skills
1 Hour (60
and strategies suited to long EN8LC-IIf-7
descriptive and narrative texts
3. Formulate predictions about EN8LC-IIf- 1 Hour (60
contents of the listening text 2.5 minutes)
4. Identify figures of speech that EN8V-IIf- 1 Hour (60
show emphasis (hyperbole and 10.1.4 minutes)
Week 7
1. Transcode information from 1 Hour (60
linear to non-linear texts and minutes)
2. Listen to paraphrase EN8LC-IIg- 1 Hour (60
information/ideas 3.12 minutes)
3. Deliver a self-composed
entertainment speech using all 1 Hour (60
the needed speech minutes)
4. Maintain the interest of the
EN80L-IIh- 1 Hour (60
audience by delivering punch
3.13 minutes)
lines effectively
Week 8
1 Hour (60
1. Organize information in tables, EN8RC-IIh-
graphs and maps 2.15
2. Employ projective listening EN8LC-IIh- 1 Hour (60
strategies with longer stories 2.15 minutes)
3. Draw similarities and differences
1 Hour (60
of the featured selections in EN8LT-IIh-2.3
relation to the theme
Week 9
1. Explain visual-verbal relationships
1 Hour (60
illustrated in tables, graphs, and EN8WC-IIi-
information maps found in 1.2
expository texts
2. Discriminate between literal and EN8WC-IIi- 1 Hour (60
figurative language 124 minutes

3. Explain how a selection may be 1 Hour (60

influenced by culture, history, EN8WC-Iii-3 minutes)
environment or other factors
4. Deliver a self-composed EN8WC-IIi-3 1 Hour (60
entertainment speech using all minutes)
the needed speech conventions
Total no. of
Hours- 35

The learner The learner

demonstrates transfers learning
understanding of: by composing and
Southeast Asian delivering a
Literature as mirror persuasive speech
to a shared based on an
heritage; coping informative essay
strategies in featuring use of
processing textual properly
information; acknowledge QUARTER III ( Week 1)
strategies in information 1. Recognize propaganda 1 Hour (60
EN8RC-IIIa- Vocabulary
examining features sources, techniques used in a given text minutes)
12.1 Mapping
of a listening and grammatical
viewing material; signals for opinion-
structural analysis of making,
words and persuasion, and
propaganda emphasis, and
techniques; and appropriate
grammatical signals prosodic features,
for opinion-making, stance, and
persuasion, and behaviour.
2. Explain the meaning of word
EN8V-IIIa- 1 Hour (60
through structural analysis
15.3 minutes)
(prefixes, roots, suffixes)
3. Identify the notable literary
EN8LT-IIIa- 1 Hour (60
genres contributed by Southeast
11 minutes)
Asian writers
EN8G-IIIa- 1 Hour (60
4. Use modals appropriately
3.6 minutes)
Week 2
1. Judge the relevance and worth 1 Hour (60
of ideas presented in the text minutes)
listened to
2. Identify the distinguishing features
of notable poems, short stories, EN8LT-IIIb- 1 Hour (60
dramas and novels contributed 11.1 minutes)
by Southeast Asian writers
3. Observe the use of correct stress,
1 Hour (60
pitch and juncture when EN8OL-IIIb-5
delivering a persuasive speech
4. Share ideas using opinion- EN8RC-IIIB- 1 Hour (60
marking signals 10 minutes)
Week 3
1 Hour (60
1. Differentiate facts from EN8RC-IIIc-
opinions 2.13
2. Employ different listening
strategies suited to the topic, 1 Hour (60
purpose and level of difficulty minutes)
of the listening text
3. Determine the issue and stand
EN8VC-IIIc- 1 Hour (60
presented in the material
18 minutes)
4. Explain how elements specific
to a genre contribute to the 1 Hour (60
theme of a particular literary minutes)
Week 4 1 Hour (60
1. Utilize coping reading strategies minutes)
2. Use appropriate strategies for 1 Hour (60
unlocking difficult words minutes)
EN8LT-IIId- 1 Hour (60
3. Explain Figurative Language used
2.2.4 minutes)
EN8WC-IIId- 1 Hour (60
4. Compose an informative essay
2.2.16 minutes)
Week 5
1 Hour (60
1. React to what is asserted or EN8RC-IIIe-
expressed in a text 2.1.7
2. Arrive at meanings through EN8V-IIIe- 1 Hour (60
context clues 12.3 minutes)
3. Acknowledge sources by EN8SS-IIIe- 1 Hour (60
creating a bibliography 1.6.3 minutes)
4. Use emphasis markers for 1 Hour (60
persuasive purposes minutes)
Week 6
1 Hour (60
1. Distinguish facts from opinion EN8LC-IIIf-
cited in the text listened to 2.10
2. Judge the relevance and worth
EN8VC-IIIf- 1 Hour (60
of ideas presented in the material
19 minutes)
3. Arrive at meanings through EN8V-IIIf- 1 Hour (60
context clues 12.3 minutes)
4. Deliver a self-composed 1 Hour (60
persuasive speech minutes)
Week 7
1 Hour (60
1. Examine biases (for or against) EN8RC-IIIg-
made by the author 3.1.12
2. Analyze intention of words or
1 Hour (60
expressions used in propaganda EN8V-IIIg-26
3. Determine key ideas, tone, and EN8LT-IIIg- 1 Hour (60
purposes of the author 2.2.5 minutes)
4. Show respect of intellectual
property rights by acknowledging EN8SS-IIIg- 1 Hour (60
citations made in an informative 1.6 minutes)
Week 8 1 Hour (60
1. Determine various social, moral, EN8LC-IIIH- minutes)
and economic issues discussed in 7.4
the text listened to
2. Judge the relevance of ideas EN8VC— 1 Hour (60
presented in the material viewed IIIh-19 minutes)
EN8SS-IIIh- 1 Hour (60
3. Use in-text citation
1.6.5 minutes)
EN8G-IIIh- 1 Hour (60
4. Use modals appropriately
3.6 minutes)
Week 9
1. Determine various social, moral, 1 Hour (60
and economic issues discussed in minutes)
the text listened to
2. Use appropriate strategies for 1 Hour (60
unlocking unfamiliar words minutes)
3. Explain how a selection is
1 Hour (60
influenced by culture, history, EN8LT-IIIi-3
4. Use appropriate verbal and non-
EN8OL-IIIi- 1 Hour (60
verbal cues when delivering a
4.1 minutes)
persuasive speech
Total No. of
Hours – 36

The learner The learner

demonstrates transfers learning
understanding of: by composing
South and West variety of QUARTER IV ( Week 1)
1 Hour (60 Conduct Speech
Asian Literature as journalistic texts, 1. Identify positions of a topic sentence EN8RC-Iva-
minutes) Choir or Oral
an expression of the contents of 2.21.1
philosophical and which may be used
religious beliefs; in composing and
information flow in delivering a
various text types; memorized oral
reality, fantasy, and speech featuring
opinion in listening use of properly
and viewing acknowledge
materials; word information
decoding sources,
strategies; and use grammatical
of information signals for opinion-
sources, making,
active/passive persuasion, and
constructions, emphasis, and
direct/reported appropriate
speech, perfect prosodic features,
tenses, and logical stance, and
connectors in behaviour.
journalistic writing

2. Analyze the elements that make

EN8VC-Iva- 1 Hour (60
up reality and fantasy based on a
20 minutes)
material viewed
3. Identify features of journalistic EN8WC- 1 Hour (60
writing IVa-3.4.1 minutes)
4. Use appropriate logical EN8G-Iva- 1 Hour (60
connectors for emphasis 16 minutes)
Week 2
EN8RC-IVb- 1 Hour (60
1. Identify details that support the topic
2.21.2 minutes)
2. Raise questions about a
EN8VC-IVb- 1 Hour (60
particular aspect of a
12 minutes)
material viewed
3. Identify notable literary genres
EN8LT-IVb- 1 Hour (60
contributed by South and West
13 minutes)
Asian writers
4. Use active and passive EN8G-IVb- 1 Hour (60
constructions in journalistic contexts 13 minutes)
Week 3
1 Hour (60
1. Note explicit and implicit signals (like EN8RC-IVc-
cohesive devices) used by the writer 13.1
2. Use various strategies in decoding EN8V-IVc- 1 Hour (60
the meaning of words 15 minutes)
3. Identify the distinguishing features
found in religious texts, epics, myths, 1 Hour (60
drama, and short stories contributed minutes)
by South and West Asian writers
EN8G-IVc- 1 Hour (60
4. Use appropriate modifiers
15 minutes)
Week 4
1. Interpret and follow 1 Hour (60
instructions, directions, notices, minutes)
rules and regulations
2. Use various strategies in EN8V-IVd- 1 Hour (60
decoding the meaning of words 15 minutes)
3. Distinguish among types of
journalistic writing (news report, 1 Hour (60
opinion article, feature article, and minutes)
sports news article)
4. Use past and past perfect tenses 1 Hour (60
in journalistic writing minutes)
Week 5
1 Hour (60
1. Summarize information from EN8LC-IVe-
the text listened to 3.14
EN8OL-IVe- 1 Hour (60
2. Compose journalistic texts
3.4 minutes)
3. Use the appropriate prosodic
features of speech like pitch, stress, 1 Hour (60
juncture, volume, and projection, minutes)
intonation and speech rate
4. Use appropriate modifiers EN8G-IVe- 1 Hour (60
15 minutes)
Week 6
1 Hour (60
1. Distinguish between general and EN8RC-IVf-
specific statements 10.2
2. Compare and contrast one’s
EN8VC-IVf- 1 Hour (60
beliefs/convictions with those
15 minutes)
presented in a material viewed
3. Express appreciation for sensory EN8LT-IVf- 1 Hour (60
images used 2.2.1 minutes)
4. Use appropriate logical 1 Hour (60
connectors for emphasis minutes)
Week 7
1 Hour (60
1. Evaluate the accuracy of a given EN8RC-IVg-
information 15.1
2. Analyze the elements that make
1 Hour (60
up reality and fantasy based on a EN8-IVg-20
material viewed
3. Determine key ideas, tone, and EN8LT-IVg- 1 Hour (60
purpose of the author 2.2.5 minutes)
4. Deliver a manuscript with ease EN80L-IVg- 1 Hour (60
and fluency before an audience 1.5 minutes)
Week 8
1. Draw conclusions from a set of 1 Hour (60
details minutes)
2. Raise questions about a particular EN8VC-IVh- 1 Hour (60
aspect of a material viewed 12 minutes)
3. Use effective non-verbal
communication strategies: gestures EN80L-IVh- 1 Hour (60
and body movements and eye 3.7 minutes)
contact, etc.
4. Use active and passive EN8G-IVh- 1 Hour (60
constructions in journalistic contexts 13 minutes)
Week 9 1 Hour (60
1. Synthesize essential information found EN8RC-IVi- minutes)
in a given text 15

2. Use various strategies in decoding 1 Hour (60

the meaning of words EN8V-IVi-15 minutes)
3. Deliver a memorized oral speech
EN8OL-IVi- 1 Hour (60
with ease and fluency before an
1.5 minutes)
4. Use past and past perfect tenses 1 Hour (60
in journalistic writing minutes)
Total No. of
Hours- 36
Total Number of
Budgeted Hours 140 Hours
Quarterly Exams 4 Hours
Summative Tests 16 Hours

160 Hours

Prepared by:


Teacher III


Teacher I

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