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5 Rules for an


From the ADHD Experts at

A trusted source of advice and information for families touched by attention-deficit disorder—
and a voice of inspiration to help people with ADHD find success at home, at school, and on the job.

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New Hope Media 646-366-0830 contributing Editors:
108 West 39th St, Suite 805 Carol Brady, Ph.D., and John Taylor, Ph.D. (Children)
New York, NY 10018 Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. (Life)
Sandy Maynard, M.S. (Coaching)
Michele Novotni, Ph.D. (Adults)
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University of California Perelman School of Medicine
Berkeley, CA University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Peter Jaksa, Ph.D.
ADD Center of America Jerome Schultz, Ph.D.
Chicago, IL Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
5 Rules for an
What you eat can’t cause — or cure — your ADHD
symptoms. But eating the right foods (and avoiding the
wrong ones) can have a positive effect on focus, impulsivity,
and attention. Use these 5 easy-to-follow rules to cook up a
healthy ADHD diet.
By the Editors of ADDitude

1. Beef up protein levels.

Your brain needs protein to build neurotransmitters, the biochemical mes-
sengers that carry signals from one brain cell to another. ADHD brains are
abnormally low in these critical chemicals, so eating a healthy amount of
protein is critical for optimal focus, alertness, and brain function. What’s
more, low protein levels can lead to surges in blood sugar, which may in- Make Breakfast
crease hyperactivity — particularly in children. Count

TO-DO: “Because the body makes brain-awakening neurotransmitters 9 protein-packed recipes

when you eat protein, start your day with a breakfast that includes pro- you can’t afford to skip, at
tein,” says Laura Stevens, M.S., a nutritionist at Purdue University. “Also
look for ways to slip in lean protein during the day.” Aim to eat within 30
minutes of getting out of bed and spread out your protein intake through-
out the day, instead of eating it all at once, to improve absorption.

Excess protein intake can worsen kidney function, however, so don’t go

overboard. Adults should aim to eat .36 grams of protein per day per
pound of body weight. Children need slightly more protein per pound:
about half a gram for each pound of body weight.

2. Limit foods high in artificial colors,
sweeteners, or preservatives.
Some studies suggest that artificial food dyes and flavors may contribute to
ADHD symptoms, particularly in children. No similar studies have been
done on adults, but anecdotal evidence — and general knowledge about
food sensitivities — suggests that the link between food dyes and hyperac-
tivity may continue beyond adolescence.

TO-DO: Food dyes, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives appear in

many foods that we eat every day. If you’re serious about reducing your
family’s consumption of food dye, you’ll need to be vigilant. Here are 3
steps to get you started:

• S
 ubstitute 100 percent fruit juices — or if you’re able, plain water Feed Your Child’s
— for any soft drink, sports drink, or other sweet beverage that you Focus
drink on a day-to-day basis.
Learn more about the
• B
 ake your own desserts. Candy, cake mixes, and many store-bought role of artificial colors
sweets have artificial colors and flavors. and flavorings in ADHD
symptoms at
• Th
 ink beyond food. Artificial dyes lurk in a lot of products we use
every day, like toothpaste, mouthwash, or even medicine. Make sure
you check the ingredient list on any product that goes in your mouth.

3. Take omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s are essential fats important for normal brain function. They are
called “essential” fats because the body must get them from diet; we can’t
produce them ourselves. Omega-3s can be found in flaxseed oil, wild rice,
eggs, and soybeans — but they are by far most abundant in fish, particularly
cold-water fatty fish like salmon and tuna. Some studies show that people
with ADHD have naturally lower levels of omega-3s in their bodies, which
is why many people supplement with fish oil to achieve healthy levels.

Omega-3s have been extensively studied as an ADHD treatment, with many

studies concluding that they improve several aspects of the condition — par-
ticularly hyperactivity, impulsivity, and concentration.

TO-DO: Starting a fish oil regimen is a smart choice for many children and
adults with ADHD. Before you get started, here’s what you need to know:
5 Rules for an
• Th
 e two main omega-3 fatty acids found in supplements are eicosa- ADHD-Friendly
pentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It appears
from the editors of

that most benefits are derived from omega-3 products that contain
more EPA than DHA.

 ost doctors recommend a total dose of 2,000 mg for adults; Dr. Hal-
• M
lowell recommends as much as 5,000 mg for adults (the FDA has only
determined that fish oil is safe in doses up to 3,000 mg).

 mega-3s come in capsule, liquid, and chewable form. However,

• O
gummies and chewables usually don’t have much fish oil in them, so
it’s best to take a capsule or a liquid.

4. Avoid “trigger” foods.

Several studies conducted in the last 30 years have concluded that certain
foods — like dairy, gluten, or eggs — may contribute to ADHD symptoms in
some children or adults. When these food sensitivities exist, eliminating the
offending food (or foods) from the diet often causes a significant reduction
in ADHD symptoms.

It is important to distinguish food sensitivities from food allergies. A food

allergy is an allergic reaction to a certain food that can be detected by a skin DIY Elimination Diet
or blood test. Most people with ADHD do not have food allergies, although Learn the smartest way to
some might. If you suspect you have a food allergy, go to a doctor right away, eliminate potential trigger
as some can be life threatening. foods at
A food sensitivity is evident when a food causes some type of physical or
behavioral symptom in a person, but no true allergy can be found through
testing methods. Food sensitivities can cause stomachaches, rashes, head-
aches, or, in the case of ADHD, increased hyperactivity, impulsivity, and lack
of concentration.

TO-DO: How do you know if you have a food sensitivity? Try an elimi-
nation diet; avoid one or more foods for at least three week before rein-
troducing them to determine their impact on ADHD symptoms. You
can eliminate as many potential triggers as you choose, but many par-
ents and adults find it easier to eliminate just one at a time.

Sandy Newmark, M.D., typically recommends that his patients begin

by eliminating dairy or gluten to start, as they cause the most common
problems. If you notice improved focus, behavior, or attention in your-
self or your child, add the food or foods back. If you eliminated several 5 Rules for an
foods at once, add them back one at a time. If symptoms return when ADHD-Friendly
you reintroduce a food, you’ve identified a food trigger and will be better Diet
equipped to avoid it in the future. from the editors of

5. Watch the sugar.
Many people affected by ADHD — particularly parents — are convinced
that eating sugar has a negative effect on ADHD symptoms and makes chil-
dren more hyperactive. The actual research, however, is mixed: some stud-
ies link sugar consumption to impulsive or destructive behavior in children
with and without ADHD, while others find no connection between sugar
and symptoms.

Still, most health experts agree that less sugar is better. It has no real nutri-
tional value, and may be taking the place of other nutrients that keep kids
and adults with ADHD calm and focused. If you think sugar increases your
hyperactivity or inattention — or if you just want to cut it out for health rea-
sons — be aware that it hides in your food under various disguises. Look for
ingredients like “corn syrup,” “dehydrated cane juice,” or anything that ends
with “-ose,” a suffix used to indicate different sugars.

TO-DO: To reduce your sugar intake, follow these steps: Sugar and ADHD

• Check labels. Sugar can lurk where you least expect! A few seconds Learn about sugar’s impact
reading a label at the grocery store can go a long way toward manag- on your or your child’s
ing ADHD symptoms. brain at
 anage what you bring home. It’s easier to eat sugar if your pantry
• M
is filled with cookies. If you are craving a cookie (or any sweet treat),
go out and buy one to enjoy — instead of buying a family-sized box at
the grocery store and bringing it home.

 e aware of situations where sugar is likely to show up. Holidays

• B
like Valentine’s Day and Christmas center around cakes, cookies, and
candy. Informing yourself about potential triggers (and cutting your-
self a little slack if you slip up) is a smart strategy for managing long-
term sugar intake.

5 Rules for an
from the editors of

ADDitude eBooks
Available Now FREE ADDitude Downloads
ADHD Vitamins and
A Parent’s Guide to ADHD, Diet, and Nutrition Find out which herbs, vitamins,
The foods, vitamins, minerals, supplements, and herbs that can help and nutritional supplements may
your child manage symptoms. help control some symptoms of
What is a good ADHD diet? Is sugar the enemy? What about gluten? Dairy?
In this comprehensive special report, we detail the connection between 9 Foods to Eat (And Avoid)
the food your child eats and the severity of his hyperactivity, inattention, for Improved ADHD Symp-
and impulsivity, covering topics from artificial dyes and flavors to the right Your guide to a high-protein, low-
amount of protein. sugar, no-additive diet.
>> Learn more about this eBook:
Fish Oil for ADHD
Learn how omega-3 supplements
can help improve focus in kids and
Mindfulness and Other Natural Treatments adults with ADHD.
The best non-medical treatments for ADHD, including exercise, green
time, and mindful meditation. Music for Healthy ADHD
Learn how mindfulness works on ADHD brains, and how to begin practic- 8 of the best songs to help you or
ing it today. Plus, research the benefits of other alternative treatments like your child focus.
yoga and deep breathing exercises — including some designed especially for
11 ADHD Coping
kids — as well as the science behind each natural therapy. Mechanisms
>> Learn more about this eBook: Dr. William Dodson’s 11 ADHD-
tested treatment strategies that
really work.
ADHD Medication and Treatment Secrets of the ADHD Brain
The latest information on managing medication, starting therapy, evalu- Learn why we think, act, and feel
ating alternative treatments, and more. the way we do.
You’re relieved to know, finally, that your lifelong symptoms are due to Your Free Guide to
ADHD. But now, you have questions — on everything from which medica- Flavorful Fish Oil
tions are available to how to tell if they’re working properly. In this compre- Kid-tested, ADHD-approved
hensive special report, you’ll learn how to seek an accurate diagnosis and omega-3 supplements.
map out a treatment plan that’s right for you.
Find these and many
>> Learn more about this eBook: more free ADHD
resources online at:
Expert Webinar Replays:
ADHD-Friendly Nutrition Strategies for Your Child
& Teen
Newsletters from
>> Sign up to receive criti-
In this expert webinar, learn how artificial food colors can affect your child, cal news and information
about ADHD diagnosis
how to test for some of the most common food sensitivities, the pros and
and treatment, success at
cons of the Feingold Diet, and more — with Laura Stevens, M.S. school, adult ADHD, and
parenting strategies:
Healing the ADHD Brain: Interventions and Strategies
that Work
Adult ADHD and LD
>> Expert advice on managing your
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach for treating ADHD. Here, Daniel G. household, time, money, career,
Amen, M.D., explains treatment options ranging from medication and sup- and relationships
plements to diet and exercise. Parenting Children with
How Diet, Sleep, and Exercise Reduce ADHD Strategies and support for par-
Symptoms ents on behavior and discipline,
time management, disorganiza-
>> tion, and making friends.
Medications are an important part of the treatment toolkit for many with
ADHD and LD at School
ADHD. But they don’t work for everyone, and don’t always control every How to get classroom accom-
symptom — which means that kids with ADHD needs a holistic treatment modations, finish homework,
plan that incorporates diet, sleep, and regular exercise in order to get the work with teachers, find the right
schools, and much more.
best results. In this expert webinar, learn how to set up the most effective
plan for your child’s needs. Treating ADHD
Treatment options for attention
Neurofeedback and Cognitive Training for Kids deficit including medications,
food, supplements, brain training,
>> mindfulness and other alternative
Is brain training — including neurofeedback and cognitive training (CT) therapies.
— really all it’s cracked up to be? Is it safe for kids? Is it worth the money?
For Women with ADHD
Naomi Steiner, M.D., shares the research behind some computer-based al- Managing ADHD on the job,
ternative therapies so you can make an informed decision before treating running a household, dealing
your child. with challenging emotions, and
much more.
Sound Medicine for Your Child’s ADHD Brain
Music can be a powerful catalyst for learning in children with ADHD or
LD — but most parents aren’t sure how to harness it. In this expert webinar,
with Sharlene Habermeyer, M.A., learn how music develops three key areas
of the brain, how music can improve your child’s reading and math skills,
and which songs work best.

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