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1. What is the figure of speech in the sentence: “The sun was

a ball of fire over the mountain.”

A. Personification C. Simile
B. Metaphor D. Hyperbole

2. “If you want the moon, I will get it for you” is an example

A. Hyperbole C. Synecdoche
B. Irony D. Personification

3. For the synecdoche figurative expression, “It was a black

tie affair”, what is the equivalent meaning?

A. Party for men only C. Formal gathering

B. Senior citizens’ meeting D. Costume party

4. “To be or not to be” is the beginning of the soliloquy of:

A. Richard III C. Macbeth

B. Julius Ceasar D. Hamlet

5. He is considered as the greatest English writer. He is also

known as the “Bard of Avon.”

A. Geoffrey Chaucer C. William Shakespeare

B. Sir William Scott D. Francis Bacon

6. He is known as the Father of Horror Stories.

A. Edgar Allan Poe C. William Faulkner

B. Harriet Beecher Stowe D. Mark Twain

7. Which of the following is considered as the longest epic of


A. Mahabharata C. Rig Veda

B. Upanishad D. Ramayana
8. Filipino writer whose stories and poems depict Filipino-
Spanish cultural beliefs and traditions.

A. EdilbertoTiempo C. N.V.M. Gonzales

B. Bienvenido Santos D. Nick Joaquin

9. This literally means seeking entrance, the Tagalog version

of the Mexican Las Posadas.

A. The Panunuluyan C. Salubong

B. Cenaculo D. Moriones

10. Poem which usually composed fourteen lines which

follow specific patterns of rhyme is called

A. Haiku C. Elegy
B. Sonnet D. Free verse

11. All of the following correctly describes a BALLAD


A. A ballad often rhymes a b c d

B. A ballad uses dialogue
C. A ballad often uses learned language
D. A ballad is a narrative poem

12. Haiku is traditional Japanese poem consisting of

A. Three lines totaling 17 syllables with nature as topic

B. Eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with death as topic
C. Four lines that rhyme with love as topic
D. Lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary thing as

13. “Once I passed through the populous city imprinting my

brain for future use with its shows, architecture, customs,
and traditions. Yet now, of all the cities I remember only
a woman I casually met who detained me for love of me.”
This passage is an example of

A. Blank verse C. Metered poetry

B. Prose D. Free verse
14. “How much money did you bring for shopping?” Which of
the following answers this question?

A. I have some change in my purse

B. None, but I have a credit card
C. I have P500.00 inside the envelope in my desk
D. All the cash I have was spent at the grocery store

15. According to current linguistic theories, which of the

following is the best definition of the meaning of a word?

A. Its general, dictionary definition

B. Its object to which it refers
C. Its corresponding idea in the mind
D. Its use in a particular situation

Social Science

16. Which religious missionaries first arrived in the


A. Dominicans (4th) C. Jesuits (3rd)

B. Franciscan (2nd) D. Augustinians (1st)

17. Who wasthe first editor of the La Solidaridad and an

orator of the Reform Movement?

A. Juan Luna C. Marcelo H. del Pilar

B. Graciano Lopez-Jaena D. Jose Rizal

18. During the 17th-18th century Hispanic era, what was the
highest post a native or Chinese mestizo can attain at the
municipal level, equivalent to the mayors today?

A. Gobernadorcillo C. Cabeza de Barangay

B. Tenientes de Justicia D. Directorcillo

19. Gregoria de Jesus saw her husband __________ charged

for the treason by fellow Filipinos who have formed the
Philippine revolutionary force to fight Spain.

A. Jose Rizal C. Marcelo H. del Pilar

B. Andres Bonifacio D. Emilio Aguinaldo
20. Which is the correct chronological order for the
events in history listed below?

I. Execution of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

II. Declaration of the first Philippine independence
III. The EDSA Revolution
IV. World War II



21. The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions

– the Magdiwang and the Magdalo while the Magdiwang in
Cavite was led by Mariano Alvarez, who led the Magdalo

A. CiriacoBonifacio C. Daniel Tirona

B. Baldomero Aguinaldo D. ArtemioRicarte

22. Art is product of man’s need to express himself with a

high degree of sensitivity towards his environment. Who is
the painter of fisherfolks and farmers of his hometown in

A. Vicente Manansala C. Lucio San Pedro

B. Fernando Amorsolo D. Carlos V. Francisco

23. Angmgasumusunodmalibansaisa ay mgasagisagpanulatni

Marcelo H. del Pilar. Ito ay ang

A. Pupdoh C. Dolores Manapat

B. KintingKulirat D. Piping Dilat

24. The Philippine President who was known as “The Man of

the Masses” was

A. Fidel Ramos C. Manuel Quezon

B. Ramon Magsaysay D. Manuel Roxas

25. Which power of the state enables it to impose charge

of burden upon persons, property, or property of rights for
the use and support of the government in its discharge of
appropriate functions?

A. Eminent domain C. Expropriation

B. Value Added Tax D. Taxation
26. The fundamental right invoked by filling the “writ of
amparo” is

A. The right to due process

B. The right to self-defense
C. The right to be defended by a public attorney
D. The right to life, liberty, and security

27. Democracy refers to the involvement of all the

citizens in the control of government, while an oligarchy
relegates control of government to

A. A religious group C. An autocrat

B. A selected few D. The mother country

28. Which best describes the division of the legislature

into the Senate and the House of Representatives?

A. Bicameralism C. Unicameralism
B. Bipartisanship D. Co-legislative powers

29. Of the seven continents comprising continues land mass

surrounded by biog bodies of water, the biggest (30.1
percent of the earth) is:

A. Asia C. Australia
B. Europe D. Northern America

30. Which of the following is not an ASEAN country?

A. Cambodia C. Hong Kong

B. Singapore D. Philippines

31. Study of human behavior.

A. Ethics C. Morality
B. Philosophy D. Psychology

32. What is the term for the unpleasant sensation or

frustration when a traditional-bound Filipino goes to the
U.S. and observes the open display of love and emotions?

A. Culture relativism
B. Culture cosmopolitanism
C. Culture shock
D. Culture phobia
33. He is considered as the Father of Modern Psychology.

A. Sigmund Freud C. Jean Piaget

B. Wilhelm Wundt D. John Watson

34. Which of the following is the most basic needs of a

human according to Maslow?

A. Awards C. Hydration
B. Self-confidence D. Shelter

35. Taoism is another Chinese Philosophy about the same

period as Confucianism, but more spiritual rather than
ethical interest as it stressed that nature contains a
divine impulse that directs all life. Who is the
philosopher behind Taoism?

A. Confucius C. Lao-Tzu
B. The Buddha D. Sidharta Gautama

General Science

36. Who was the Father of Modern Taxonomy and responsible

for coining the term Homo sapiens?

A. Chatton C. Aristotle
B. H. Copland D. Linnaeus

37. Of the following which are included under Kingdom


A. Fungi C. Prokaryotes
B. Magnolidae D. Protozoa

38. What is the term for slowing-down response by the

frog’s circulatory system during the cold season?

A. Cold-blood reaction C. Hibernation

B. Temperature response D. Estivation
39. Bats are able to navigate in the dark without bumping
into anything because they:

A. Are able to fluoresce in the dark

B. Have supersonic eyesight
C. Emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect
the presence of objects
D. Can disappear in the dark

40. A human arm, a bat’s wing and a seals flipper are

examples of

A. Analogous organisms C. Homologous organisms

B. Embryonic organs D. Vestigial organs

41. Which organism is an example of a fungus?

A. Algae C. Euglenoids
B. Yeast D. Entamoeba

42. Which of the following is an example of a useful

function for bacteria?

A. Can clean up an oil spill by digesting hydrocarbons

B. May be used as vectors to introduce proteins
C. Can synthesize new forms of heavy metals
D. May be pathogenic and cause human disease

43. The waste product of photosynthesis is

A. Carbon monoxide C. Carbon dioxide

B. Nitrogen D. Oxygen

44. Which of the following process involves chloroplast?

A. Conversion of light energy to chemical energy

B. Formulation of reproductive cells
C. Cell division
D. Protein synthesis
45. A hypothetical ecosystem contains lettuce (the
producer), a caterpillar (the primary consumer), a small
passerine bird (the secondary consumer), and a lion (the
tertiary consumer). A gardener arrives and sprays
pesticide, killing all the caterpillars. What can happen to
the ecosystem?

A. The passerine birds will thrive

B. The lions will eventually die
C. The passerine birds will convert to hervibores
D. The lettuce will wilt and die

46. An ant colony stores food in the summer defend itself

by stinging enemies and invade a competing ant colony and
steals larvae and uses them as new workers. What is the
term to best describe how this species copes with everyday

A. Ecological defeat
B. Environmental habitation
C. Ecological succession
D. Ecological niche– (role of an organism)

47. This demonstrates the feeding connections between all

life forms.

A. Nutritional cycles C. Fossil cycle

B. Biochemical pathways D. Food web

48. Predation is an exemplified by:

A. An orchid attached to the trunk of a Narra tree -

B. A hunter shooting a duck in the forest and having it for
C. A tapeworm living in the gastrointestinal tract of s
toddler – (Parrasitism)
D. A clownfish living within a sea anemone – (Mutualism)
49. This is true of recessive genes:

A. Will only have phenotypic expression if present as a

homozygous phenotype
B. Should be paired with a dominant gene for it to be
C. Will prevent a dominant gene from expressing its
D. Have more superior phenotypic traits

50. The molecules that contain an organism’s genetic make-

up is called

A. Genetic membrane C. Nucleolus

B. Nucleic acid D. Cytosol

51. If carbohydrates are hydrophilic-organic compounds,

lipids are __________ organic compounds

A. Biomolecules C. Polypeptide
B. Hydrophobic D. Simple sugars

52. Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides, and

nucleic acids are classified as

A. Carbohydrates C. Phospholipids
B. Acids and bases D. Macromolecules

Physical Science
53. Which of the following statements is true about
textbook laid on the table?

A. No force is acting on it
B. The textbook undergoes acceleration
C. The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero
D. The textbook undergoes deceleration

54. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28 and an

atomic number of 14. How many protons are in the atom?

A. 14 C. 12
B. 7 D. 28
(Number of Protons = Mass number –Atomic number)
55. What is the maximum number of electrons that can
occupy a p orbital?

A. 6 C. 10
B. 18 D. 14
(s – 2, p – 6, d – 10, f – 14)
56. The bond in sodium fluoride is which of the following
types of chemical bond?

A. Halogens C. Alkali metals

B. Rare earth D. Alkaline earth metals

57. Which element has Te as its symbol?

A. Terbium - (Tb) C. Titanium - (Ti)

B. Tellurium D. Technetium - (Tc)

58. Which of the following statement is true of nuclear


A. The energy process is identical to that which occurs in

the sun
B. Energy is obtained by getting nucleus of the atoms to
break up or split
C. Matter from the lighter atoms is changed into energy
D. Scientists can combine lighter atoms to form heavier

59. Apparently, the loss of weight of objects immersed in

a fluid is due to

A. Archimedes principle C. Newton’s theory

B. Specific gravity D. Buoyant force
60. A group of students tried to find out how volume would
affect the mass and density of a piece of metal. The data
are shown on the table below.

Trial Volume in cc Mass (g) Density

1 10 15 1.5
2 40 60 1.5
3 5 7.5 1.5
4 160 240 1.5

Based on the trials made, which among the following can be

I. Density of a material is constant
II. Mass is inversely proportional to volume
III. Volume is directly proportional to mass
IV. Density is dependent on mass and volume

A. III and IV C. I and II

B. I and III D. I and IV

61. Which process occurs when dry ice, CO2 (s) is changed
into CO2 (g)?

A. Evaporation - (l to g) C. Condensation - (g to l)
B. Sublimation- (s to g) D. Decomposition

(S to l – melting; l to s – freezing)
62. Fossils are most likely to be found in

A. Metamorphic rocks C. Sedimentary rocks

B. Igneous rocks D. Ocean floor

63. Which of the following is the lowest rank of coal and

is otherwise called brown coal?

A. Bituminous C. Anthracite – (highest)

B. Lignite D. Coal

64. Which of the following causes the seasons?

A. The rotation of the Earth about the Sun

B. The rotation of the Sun about the Earth
C. The distance of the Earth from the Sun
D. The tilting of the Earth on its axis
65. Which of the following statements best explain why
copper is the metal most widely used in electrical?

A. It is the best conductor of electricity

B. It is cheaper than aluminum
C. It is a better conductor than aluminum and cheaper than
D. It has high resistance to electricity

66. How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 100?

A. 24 C. 23
B. 22 D. 25

67. What percent of 75 is 15?

A. 20% C. 15%
B. 30% D. 40%

68. The fraction halfway between 3/7 and 4/7 is _____.

A. 1/2 C. 1/4
B. 1/3 D. 1/8

69. What number must be subtracted from both numerator and

denominator of the fraction 11/23 to give a fraction whose
value is 2/5?

A. 4 C. 2
B. 5 D. 3

70. Regala Company manufactures beds; in its catalogue, a

double bed is at P5,000.00 less a discount of 20%. What
will Rizza have to pay for the bed she ordered?

A. P4,150.00 C. P4,100.00
B. P4,200.00 D. P4,000.00

71. Mr. Lazarte had incurred the following expenses in his

trips to the Mindanao Islands: P3,200.00, P2,500.00 and
P1,500.00. What percent of this total monthly budget of
P40,000.00 did he spent for his trip?

A. 35% C. 18%
B. 30% D. 20%
72. A recipe calls for 2 cups of milk for every 7 cups of
flour. A chef will use 28 cups of flour, how many cups of
milk must he have?

A. 12 C. 10
B. 14 D. 8

73. Solve for the value of x to make x:8 = 4:16 true.

A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4

74. A Toyota car travelling at a rate of 70km per hour

leaves the house 2 hours after a Kia car has left and
overtakes it. In 5 hours at what rate was the Kia car

A. 30km per hour C. 50km per hour

B. 20km per hour D. 40km per hour

75. If September 25, 2014 fell on Thursday, what day will

September 25, 2016 fall?

A. Friday C. Saturday
B. Sunday D. Monday

76. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting

a number divisible by 2?

A. 1/2 C. 1/3
B. 1/4 D. 1/6

77. A ball is drawn at random from a box containing 6 red

balls, 4 white balls and 5 blue balls. Find the probability
that it is blue.

A. 1/3 C. 2/5
B. 4/15 D. 4/5

78. The sum of 2 numbers is 10. Three times the smaller

exceeds the larger by 2. Find the smaller number.

A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4
79. Factorize 2𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 − 15.

A. (x-5)(2x+3) C. (2x+5)(x-3)
B. (x+5)(2x-3) D. (2x-5)(x+3)

80. The sum of the sides of a polygon is the __________.

A. Area C. Legs
B. Volume D. Perimeter

81. The altitude of a triangle is 5 meters and the base is

20 meters. What is the area of the triangle?

A. 50 square meters C. 20 square meters

B. 60 square meters D. 24 square meters

82. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its

supplement. What is the measure of the larger angle?

A. 110.5 degrees C. 102.5 degrees

B. 95.5 degrees D. 77.5 degrees

83. The length of a rectangle is 15m, while its width is

20m. What is half its perimeter?

A. 35m C. 70m
B. 200m D. 400m

84. What measure of central tendency can best describe the

size of T-shirts commonly worn by teenagers?

A. Mode C. Mean
B. Range D. Median

85. A smaller standard deviation means:

A. The scores are scattered

B. The scores are heterogeneous
C. The scores are near the mean
D. The score are spread from each other
86. Ayon sa teoryang ito, ang salita ay nagsimula sa tunog
ng kalikasan.

A. Bow-wow C. Tarara-boom-de-ay
B. Pooh-pooh D. TeoryangYoheho

87. Kailan nagsimula ang pagkakataon ng modernisasyonng

Wikang Pamabansa?

A. 1974 C. 1997
B. 1987 D. 1988

88. “Hoy, Michelle! Tigilan mo muna ang __________ at

kumain kamuna.”

A. Lalabhin C. Paglaba
B. Lalabhan D. Paglalaba

89. Ipinagmamalaki mo siya, “bahag naman pala ang kanyang


A. Kuripot C. Mahiyain
B. Duwag D. Traydor

90. Ano ang pinaka payak na anyong salita nawalang

kahalong lapi?

A. Ponema C. Laguhan
B. Gitlapi D. Salitang-ugat

91. Uri.
Ng pagbabago ng morpoponemiko na gumagamit ng pagpapalit
posisyon ng ponema sasalita
A. Asimilasyon C. Paglalapi
B. Pagkaltas D. Metatesis

92. Ang mga salitang tanaw, aliw, kamay, reyna ay mga

A. Diptonggo C. Pares minimal

B. Klaster D. Ponema
93. Sa anong bahagi ng pananaliksik matatagpuan ang mga
lugar at mapagkukunan ngmga literature sapag-aaral?

A. Kabanata I C. Kabanata II
B. Kabanata IV D. Kabanata V

94. Paraanngpagbasakungangakda ay mahirapunawain.

A. Preview C. Mulingbasa
B. Masusi D. Kaswal

95. Ito ay pagbasangpansamantala o di palagian.


A. Scanning C. Previewing
B. Kaswal D. Masusi

96. “Kapalaran! Huwagkasanangmailap.”

A. Pagtawag C. Palit-saklaw
B. Pagmamalabis D. Palit-tawag

97. Ito ay isangdulangnagsasalaysayngbuhay at

kamatayanngatingMahalnaPoongHesukristo at

A. Moro-moro C. Senakulo
B. Karagatan D. Duplo

98. Angmgasumusunod, malibansaisa, ay


A. Ang Koran C. Ang Banal Na Kasulatan

B. AngDivinaComedia D. Ang Romeo at Julieta

99. Angkauna-unahangnagsalinsatagalogngMi Ultimo Adios ni

Jose Rizal ay si

A. Emilio Jacinto C. Andres Bonifacio

B. ApolinarioMabini D. Rafael Palma

100. Whoa was the literary figure known as “HusengSisiw”?

A. Jose dela Cruz C. Juan Matapang Cruz

B. Jose Rizal D. Francisco Baltazar
Famous Literary Works
1. Iliad and Odyssey – Homer
2. Divine Comedy – Dante
3. Road Not Taken – Robert Frost
4. Koran – Muhammad
5. Canterburry Tales – Geofrey Chaucer (Father of English
6. Annabel Lee – Edgar Allan Poe (Father of Horror Stories)
7. Tom Sawyer – Samuel Clemens a.k.a. Mark Twain
8. The Republic – Plato
9. Analects – Confucius
10. Uncle Tom’s Cabin – Harriet Beecher Stowe
11. Romeo and Juliet – William Shakespeare (Greatest
English Writer)
Social Science
Tejeros Convention
Leader: Emilio Aguinaldo
Head of Interior: Andres Bonifacio
Magdiwang: Mariano Alvarez
Magdalo: Baldomero Aguinaldo

Pen Names
1. Marcelo H. del Pilar
a. Plaridel
b. Dolores Manapat
c. Piping Dilat
d. Pupdoh
e. SilingLabuyo

2. Jose Rizal
a. Dimasalang
b. Laong-Laan

3. Antonio Luna
a. Taga-ilog

4. Juan Luna
a. Buan
b. JB

5. Emilio Jacinto
a. Dimasilaw
6. ApolinarioMabini
a. Bini
b. Paralitico

7. Emilio Aguinaldo
a. Magdalo

8. Andres Bonifacio
a. AgapitoBagumbayan
b. May Pag-asa

9. Mariano Ponce
a. Tikbalang
b. Kalipulako
c. Naning

10. Valeriano Pena

a. KintingKulirat

11. Jose Maria Panganiban

a. JoMaPa

12. Jose dela Cruz

a. HusengSisiw

13. Jose Corazon de Jesus

a. HusengBatute

14. Apolinariodela Cruz

a. Hermanong Pule

15. Severino Reyes

a. Lola Basyang

16. Nick Joaquin

a. Quijano de Manila

17. Nestor Vicente Madale Gonzales

a. N.V.M.

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