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Santiago, National High School

Senior High School Department

First Quarter Examination
Creative Writing
Section:____________________________ Score:
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the best answer in your paper. Answers should be in CAPITAL
Letters. ERASURE means WRONG.
1. These are words, phrases, or sentences that have meanings different from the literal meanings of the words
in the expressions.
a. Diction b. Idiomatic Expression c. figures of Speech d. literary devices
2. These are literary devices that achieve a special effect by using words in distinctive ways.
a. Diction b. Figures of Speech c. Idioms d. Imaginative devices
3. This refers to language arranged in lines.
a. Prose b. Poetry c. Acrostic d. Literature
4. This is the central idea or message in a poem.
a. Tone b. Mood c. Theme c. Sound
5. This is the attitude a writer takes toward a subject.
a. Tone b. theme c. voice d. mood
6. This is a word people use to talk about the way poems talk to the reader.
a. Voice b. Sound c. theme d. Moral
7. A group of lines that form a unit of poetry.
a. Rhythm b. Rhyme c. Voice d. Stanza
8. This is the repetition of a regular rhythmic unit in a line of poetry,.
a. Meter b. Rhyme c. Caesura d. Tone
9. This is a strong pause within a line, and is often found alongside enjambment.
a. Caesura b. Rhyme c. Rhythm d. Mood
10. This refers to the repetition of an initial consonant sound.
a. Assonance b. Alliteration c. Consonance d. Onomatopoeia
11. An imaginary character or an absent person is represented as speaking.
a. Apostrophe b. Prosopopoeia c. Paradox d. Anti climax
12. This figure of speech addresses an inanimate object, an abstraction or an absent person.
a. Paradox b. Climax c. Apostrophe d. Oxymoron
13. This refers to a statement that appears to contradict itself.,
a. Paradox b. Euphemism c. oxymoron d. sarcasm
14. This refers tp a statement or situation that is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea.
a. Euphemism b. Anticlimax c. Sarcasm d.Apostrophe
15. This makes use of words that mean the opposite of what the speaker or writer wants to say especially in
order to insult someone, to show irritation or to be funny.
a. Metonymy b. Sarcasm c.Hyperbole d. Epiphora
16. This refers to the repeated syntactical similarities introduced for rhetorical effect.
a. Rhetorical Question b. Oxymoron c. Climax d. Parallelism
17. This figure of speech uses incongruous or contradictory terms usually side by side with each other.
a. Rhetorical Question b. Oxymoron c. Climax d. Parallelism
18. This refers to the substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit.
a. Euphemism b. Climax c. Oxymoron d. Understatement
19. This is different in that the last word of a verse or sentence is repeated at the beginning of the next.
a. Euphemism b. Anadiplosis c. Oxymoron d. Understatement
20. This is a figure of speech in which an inanimate objection or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or
a. Hyperbole b. Personification c. Metaphor d. metonymy
21. Sarah’s seven sisters slept soundly in the sand.
a. Alliteration b.assoannce c. Consoannce d. Onomatopoeia
22. The bombs go Boom!Boom!Boom!
a. Anadiplosis b.Assonance c. Consonance Onomatopoeia
23. Water, water everywhere, and all the boards did shrink.
Water, water everyehere, nor any drop to dip.
a. Anaphora b. Epiphora c. Onomatopoiea d. Anadiplosis
24. Be round impaled with a glorious crown.
And yet I know not how to get the crown.
a. Anaphora b. Epiphora c. Prosopopoeia d. Anadiplosis
25. George is as worn out as an old joke that was never funny in the first palce.
a. Sarcasm b. Personification c.Simile d.Metaphor
26. The sofa is fertile soil for a couch.
a. Understatement b. Sarcasm c.Simile d.Metaphor
27. At last, lady luck smiled at me!
a. Irony b. Personification c, Paradox d. Apostrophe
28. Your dog is so ugly, we had to pay the fleas to live on him.
a. Understatement b. Hyperbole c. Sarcasm d. Irony
29. Malacanang praised the honest cop that went viral on Facebook.
a. Metonymy b. Synecdoche c. Personification d. Irony
30. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
a. Metonymy b. Synecdoche c. Paradox d. Irony
31. Your performance is below par, so we have to let you go.
a. Oxymoron b. sarcasm c. Hyperbole d. Euphemism
32. Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do “practice”?
a. Irony b. Paradox c. Understatement d. Rhetorical Question
33. What remain are faith, hope, love: these three; but the greatest of these is love.
a. Climax b.Anti climax c. Parallelism d. Paradox
34. Marcus, the father of three; Chris, the loving husband; Jojo, a friend to all…
These young men gave their lives. And so would Danny. Danny, who loved telenovelas.
35. The silence in the courtroom is deafening.
a. Parallelism b. Oxymoron c .Irony d. Sarcasm
36. Together we fight. Together we fall.
a. Paradox b. Climax c. Parallelism d./No figure of speech
37. Let us all praise the public servant who served his own interests well.
a. Sarcasm b. Irony c. Paradox d. All of the above
38. They who make the law, violate the law.
a. Sarcasm b. Irony c. Paradox d. None of these
39. All men are equal, but some men are more equal than others.
a. Paradox b. sarcasm c. anticliamx d.Metaphor
40. Rest in Peace, Grammar.
a. Personification b. Sarcasm c. apostrophe d. Prosopopoeia
41. This refers to real or imaginary individuals who take part in the action of a story.
a. Personality b. Character c.Setting d. Plot
42. This refers to the relationship between a narrator and the events he or she narrates.
a. Plot b. Point of View c. Setting d. Conflict
43. This refers to chain of related events that take place in a story.
a. Conflict b. Plot c. Theme d. Point of View
44. The story develops in tension and and suspense as it builds to a climax.
a. Conflict b. Plot c. Theme d. Point of View
45. These are statements that have deeper meanings.
a. Foreshadowing b. Hints c. Tone and mood d. Symbolism
46. Refers to the time and place in which the event occur.
a. Setting b. Time c. Conflict d. Atmosphere
47. This is like the beat of a song in that it establishes a predictable means of emphasis.
a. Meter b. foot c. Rhyme d. caesura
48. Same word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or verses.
a. Anaphora b. Epiphora c. Anadiplosis d. Alliteration
49. This is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place or thing or idea of historical , cultural, literary, or
political significance.
a. Allusion b. Diction c. Figures of Speech d. Idioms
50. This is the style of speaking or writing determined by the choice of words by a speaker or writer.
a. Allusion b. Diction c. Figures of Speech d. Idioms

II. MATCHING TYPE. Match the idiomatic Expressions under column A with the correct meanings under
Column B. write the letter of your answer on your paper.

1. tickled pink a. be patient
2. hands down b. very sick
3. down in the dumps c. not well
4. sick as a dog d. be happy
5. under weather e. very easy
6. rise and shine f. mild punishment
7. close, but no cigar g. kidding
8. ‘til the cows come home h. made very happy
9. rain cats and dogs i. no competition
10. driving me up the wall j. sad
11. piece of cake k. for a very long time
12. slap on the wrist l. beyond comprehension
13. an arm and a leg m. wake up and be happy
14. pulling your leg n. making someone very annoyed
15. sounds Greek o. expensive
p. close, but didi not make it
q. rain very hard
r. unpredictable
III. IDENTIFICATION. Choose the correct word in the box that follows to complete the following sentences. Write
your answers on your paper.

Abstract Figure of Speech Mood Sound Acrostic Free verse

Poetry Subject Caesura Goal Rhyme Tanaga
Cliché haiku Rhythm Theme Concrete Kinesthetic
Sensory tone Diction Line Break Sentimentality
Voice Diona mask Stanza enjambment Meter

1. An __________is a composition usually in verse in which sets of letters (as the initial or final letters of the lines)
taken in order form a word or phrase or a regular sequence of letters of the alphabet.
2. _________is highly imaginistic, and is written in condensed language , stylized syntax, and figures of speech
not found in ordinary communication.
3. The ______ is the central idea or message in a poem or in other work of literature.
4. _________is the attitude a writer takes toward a subjevt.
5. _________refers to the emotional response of the reader to a work.
6. _________is a word people use to talk about the way poems talk to the reader.
7. A _______puts on the identity of someone or something else, and speaks for it.
8. _________is a dialogue between two voices and often asks readers to guess who the voices are.
9. A ________is a group of lines that form a unit of poetry.
10. One of the most important things poems do is play with_______.
11. _________refers to the pattern or beat of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry.
12. A _________ is a language that communicates ideas beyond the literal meanings of the words.
13. _________is the repetition of a regular rhythmic unit in a line of poetry.
14. Words _______ when the sound of their accented vowels and all the succeeding sounds are identical.
15. A ______ is a strong pause within a line, and is often found alongside enjambment.
16. _______is a very short form of Japanese poetry consisting of fourteen lines of five, seven, five syllables
17. __________is a poetic form which originated in Italy, consisting of fourteen lines that traditionally follows a
strict rhyme scheme and specific structure.
18. _________is poetry that does not contain regular patterns of rhyme and meter.
19. _________is the continuation of a sentence form one line or couplet into the next.
20. A ________is placed where a natural pause occurs within the line.
21. According to Ziehl and Jerz, you have to know your ______ before you begin any writing project.
22. A______ is a metaphor or simile that has becomes so familiar with overuse.
23. ________ is dominated by a blunt appeal to the emotions of pity and love which should be avoided in writing
24. _______ images stimulate the sense.
25. _________words describe things that people experience with their senses.

IV. Comprehension. Modified True or False

Directions: Read and analyse the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it’s
false, replace/change the underlined word(s) with the word(s) that will make the statement true. Write
your answers on your paper.

_______1. A short story is a work of fiction that can be read in a number of sitting.
_______2. The difference between a short story and other fictional forms, such as novel, lies in its coherence.
_______3. A static character is also termed as round character.
_______4. The setting of the story is the time and place in which the events occur.
_______5. Atmosphere is something readers sense of feel.
_______6. A milieu story is the literary equivalent of tourism.
_______7. In most plots, events are set in motion by the characters.
_______8. Mood is the attitude a writer takes toward a subject.
_______9. Crafting your title can be one of the most difficult, but one of the most important parts of writing your story.
_______10. With a longer short story, you will have more readers.

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Approved by:


Principal III

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