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Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force

Army Learning Centre

Warrant Officer’s Course 2019

Student Name: 9116 SSgt. Pierre M

Module: Staff Organization & Operation

Assignment: Combat Estimate

Due Date: July 30th, 2019

Lecturer: Capt. RK Stevenson

Mission Analysis

OCOKA for Beverly Hills


Observation & Field of Fire The ground is The ground is a low Plot Enemy engineer
hilly and good area of land efforts based on
for observation, between hills, 2nd intelligence pertaining
the highest point class road, 3rd class to recent enemy
is Clifton Hill to roads and tracks engineer activities. For
the north. From can provide access example: manpower,
this given to higher ground equipment capabilities
position the Gun which gives us an and recent activities.
can fired over watch
Direct line of fire from
effectively. advantage. Good
the Beverly Hills
fire base from
Beverly Hills.
Plaissance Road
good access route
Cover and Concealment The Clifton Hill The enemy knows Avoid open areas to
area provides the grown and prevent being fired
natural cover and terrain so the foot upon, use anything that
support from and mobile patrol can keep the enemy
enemy may be at a from seeing you. For
observation and disadvantage if example, walls,
fire. However, enemy decided to ravines, river and the
the troops on the act. Vegetation can high buildings in the
will be at a provide cover and OA can be used for
disadvantage. buildings in OA. covering and
Obstacle Civilian Will need Remind the troops to
population that additional search operate within the
may lend support teams, holding confines of the law and
to gang members areas and Riot let the TTPS do their
by providing control teams. work. Communicate
diversion effectively with the
Will need Ops,
through protest troops on the ground.
static patrols check
actions to hide
points to monitor
the enemy.
tracks, lanes and
other areas around
the AO.

Key Terrain Key Terrain, The Beverly Hills To establish a FOB on

Clifton Hill area and other Picton Road closed to
on the north of surrounding areas the police post as a
the AO will on the outskirt can temporary base within
provide an over be monitored by the AO. Also conduct
watch advantage. the installation of spontaneous cordon
hidden CCTV and searches with the
cameras and other other stake holders
surveillance over the given period.
devices to assist the
over watch on
Clifton Hill. Also,
joint mobile patrol
with the assistance
of TTPS and
Avenues of Approach There are narrow The community A coy is to perform
dirt tracks can be toured on and foot and joint
punctuated foot whereby you mobile patrol with the
occasionally by can interact with TTPS. B Coy will be
greenery, third residence, also the on standby to assist in
and second-class use of vehicles can case fired upon.
roads for the be used to gain TTAG will be utilized
criminals to access to the 3rd as an attacking force
exploit. and 2nd class roads from the air when
within the Beverly necessary.
Hills area and

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