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WASHINGTON,D.C. 20546 T WO 34925


November 2, 1967
RELEASE NO: 67-275

(To be launched no
' Z Zearlier than Nov. 7)


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GENERAL RELEASE------------------
SATURN V LAUNCH VEHICLE------------------------------------ -6-11
W Measurements at.d Instrumentation------------------------13
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND --------------------------------- ---- 14-17
Saturn Launches------------------------------------------ 15
APOLLO 4 SPACECRAFT ------------ -- ------------ ------- 18-26
Command Module (cm)----------------------------------- -1 9
Service Module (SM,--------------------------------- 19-20
Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter (SLA)-------------------20
Lunar Module Test Article (LTA-1OR)---------------------20
Spacecraft Systes------------------ ---"-----------=- - .2026
APOLLO 4 LAUNCH OPERATIONS ---------------- ---------------- 27-29
APOLLO 4 COUNTDOWN----------------------------------------- 29-30
KSC LAUNCH COMPLEX 39 -------------------------------------- 30-31
The Mobl Concpt--------- ----------------------- a-----31
THE VhHICLE ABSEMBLY BUILDING--------m---in ------- -m32-33
THE LAUNCH CONTROL CENTER---------------------------- -------33-34
MOBILE LAUNCHERm-------------------------------------------- 34-35
THE TRANSPORTER ----- m----------m.---" moo 35-M36
THE MOBILE SERVICE STRUCTURE ------------------------------- 37
WATER DELUGE SYSTM m-------------------------------m--m------
P TRENCH AND DEFLECTOR----------------------m---------- m m
I | ~PAD ARlA^8--"-----------------------------------3-9
Plght rofile and Sequence of Evento ----------- =wwwM---40-4
pollo 4 Normal Ev nto Suiiiiiiary ------- >-- --------------- 4- 47
APOLO 4 RECOVERY ---------------------
m mmm-- mmm--m- mm- m 4-
Atlantic Recovery Forces------ 484

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Ground Systems for Space Guidance, Command
and Control--------------------------------------- so
New Developments----------------------------------50
Why?-- ------------------------------------------------ 51
Sites and Status ------------------------------------ 51
Participating Stations------------------------------52
The Network Support Team--------------------------52
Testing the Network-------------------------------52-53
Final Configuration------------------------------- 53
Computers That Switch-------------------------------53
Realtime Is Now-------------------------------------533-54
Data on Call---------------------------------------54
More and More Data ---------------------------------- 54
The Tie That Binds - NASCOM----------------------- 54
Satellite Communications--------------------------- 54
Reentry Communications Blackout Study---------------55
High Speed Reentry ------ --------------------------- 55
Search for an Answer------------------------------- 55
The Scientists Take a Ljok ------------------------ 5-
Focus on the Proble
APOLLO/ATURN OFFICIALS -------------------- --------- 57-58
IMAJOR APOLLO/SATURN CONTRACTORS --------------------- 59-61
LAUNCH COMPLEX CONTRACTORS --------------------------- 65

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November 2, 1967
RELEASE NO: 67e275


The first flight test of the Apollo/Saturn V space

vehicle is scheduled for launch from the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration's John F. Kennedy Space Center, Fla.,
no earlier than Nov. 7. The mission is designated Apollo 4.

The Apollo/Saturn V is the most powerful space vehicle

developed in the Urited States space program. It is 363 feet
tall and its first-atage engines produce 7,500,000 pounds of
thrust at liftoff. Weight fully fueled is 6,220,025 pounds.
The Satturn V larnch vehicle will place 27B,699 pounds in a
101-nautical-mile (117-statuteomile) Earth orbit.

Objectives of the Earth-orbital unmanned mission are to

obtain flight information on launch vehicle and spacecraft
structural integrity and compatibility, flight loads, stage
separation, subsystem operation emergency detection sub-
system operation and to evaluate the Apollo command module (CM)
heat chield under conditions encountered on return from a
Moon ml.szion.
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The Apollo 4 mission also will test flexible thermal

seals to be used in the now outward-opening, quick-release
hatch ror the comnand m dule. On Apollo 4, the command
module hatch window has been replaced with a test panel
containing simulations of the seals and gaps between the
hatch and the surrounding heat shield,

The Apollo 4 mission includes several significant

milestones In the United States program to land men on the
Moon and return them safely to Earth.

It will mark the first launch from the Kennedy

Space Center Launch Complex 39;
The first flight of the integrated Apollo/Saturn
space vehicle;
First flight of the first (S-IC) and second (S-II)
stages of the Saturn V launch vehicle ;
... First engine restart in orbit of the upper (S-IVB)
stage of the Saturn vehicle, and the first demonstration of
Apollo spacecraft perfonmance entering the Earth's atmosphere
at speeds reached on return from a mission to the Moon.

The Apollo 4 fligh. plan calls for the Saturn V launch

vehicle to place the Apollo spacecraft and the launch vehicle
third (S-IVB) stage into a 101-nautical-mile (11T-statute-mile)
circular orbit inclined 32.73 degrees to the equator.

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Af~er completing two orbits, the third stage will ignite

a second time to place the Apollo spacecraft into orbit with
an apogee of 9,391 nautical miles (10,8o0 statute miles).

After separating from the third stage the spacecraft will

raise its apogee to 9,890 nautical miles (11,400 statute miles)
by firing its service propulsion system (8PS) engine. A second
service propulsion system burn during descent from apogee will
boost reentry velocity to 36,333 feet-per-soocond (25,000 statute
miles-per-hour, 21,800 knots) for the spacecraft command module.

The command module, protected by its heat shield, will re-

enter the atmosphere, return to Earth, and be recovered about
540 nautical miles (622 statute miles) northwest of Hawaii.
Landing will be eight hours, 41 minutes after liftoff.

The spacecraft for the Apollo 4 mission consists of a

Block I command and service module (CSM) and a lunar module
(LM) boilerplate. The service module (SM) will be separated
from the command module before reentry.

The lunar module boilerplate will remain attached to the

third stage of the launch vehicle which will follow an orbit
similar to that of the spacecraft and reenter the atmosphere
over the Pacific Ocean.

The Saturn V launch vehicle consists of three stages and

an Instrument unit (IU).


The first stage (S-Ic, is 138 feet tall, 33 feet in dia-

meter and weighs 307,000 pounds empty. Its fuel and oxidizer
tanks have a capacity of 4,400,000 pounds (214,200 gallons of 4,

RP-1 kerosene, and 346,400 gallons of liquid oxygen). Ito

five F-1 engines develop a combined 7,500,000 pounds of thrust
at liftoff and burn 15 tons of fuel per second.

The second stage (S-II) is 81.5 feet tall, 33 feet in dia-

meter and weighs 88,000 pounds empty. Fully loaded it weighs
1,033,000 pounds including 267,700 gallons of liquid hydrogen
fuel and 87,400 gallons of liquid oxygen. Its five J-2 engines
provide 1,000,000 pounds of thrust.

The third stage (S-IV3) iu 58.4 foet tall, 21 feet eight

inches in diameter and weighs 26,500 poundo empty. It carries
230,000 pounds of propellanta -- 66,900 gallons of liquid hydrogen
and 20,400 of liquid oxygen. Ito single J-2 ongine de-
velops 200,000 pounds of thrust in space.

The inotrument unit is three feet high and 21 root eight

inches in diameter. It weighs 4,'l'50 pounds and contains six
maJor systems -- structural, thermal control, guidance and con-
trol, measuring and telemetry, radio frequency and electrical.

The Apollo 4 spacecraft includes the conical command module,

12 feet high and 12 feet 10 inches in diameter at the base. It
weighs 12,000 pounds.

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The service module is a cylinder 22 feet high, 12 feet 10

inohes in diameter and weighs 55,000 pounds including fuel at
launch. It contains the service propulsion system engine which
develops 21,500 pounds of thrust.

The lunar module boilerplate, which weighs 29,500 poundo,

is contained within the spaoecraft lunar module adapter (SLA)
which Is 28 feet high, and tapers from 22 reet in diameter at
the base to 12 test 10 inches at the top, The spacecraft lunar
module adapter weighs 3,900 pounds.

The spaoeoraft launch escape system atop the coumand module

is 33 feet tall with a base diameter or four feet, It weighs
8,200 pounds including a boost protective cover which rito over
the apex of the command module to protect it against aerodynamic
heating during launch and from the rocket exhaust of the launch
escape system motors. The launch escape system provides the
capability to lift the oommand module from * remainder of the
space vehicle in event or an emergency on the pad or shortly
arter launch. The launch escape system is Jettisoned shortly
after ignition of the second stage or the launch vehicle.


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The Saturn V launch vehicle stands 281 feet tall. Total
height or the Apollo 4 on the launch pad, with the Apollo space-
craft and launch escape system in place, is 363 feet and it
weighs 6,220,025 pounds when fully fueled.
The three-stage launch vehicle is capable of placing 125
tons or payload into low Earth orbit or sending 48 tono to the
Moon, The Saturn V is painted white with sections marked in
black for more efficient optical tracking. Other painted mark-
ings include identiLication in red letters and the United States
flag on the first stage.
First Stage
The first stage (S-IC) of the Saturn V is 138 feet tall
ane 33 feet In diameter, not including the fins and engine
shrouds on the thrust structure. It was developed Jointly by
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Marshall
Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala., and The Boeing Co.
Marshall assembled four S-IC star;ts: a structural test
model, a static test version and the lirst two flight stages,
one of which is the first stage of che Apollo 4,
B oeirg, aD prime contractor, built two ground test units.
Boeing is responsible for assembly of thie other 13 flight stages
at Marshall's Mlchoud Assembly Facility, Now Orleans.
Tho static teat model and the first three flight versions
wore fired at the Marshall Space Flight Center Test Laboratory.
All other S-IC stages aro being test fired at Marshall's
Misaissippi Test F'acility in Hancock County, Miss.

A Dry weight of' the first stage is about 307 000 pounds. Its
two propellanit tanks have a total capacity for 4,4 million
pounds of fuel and oxidizer -- some 214,200 gallons of RP-I
(kerosene) and 346,400 gallons of liquid oxygen. The no-&mal
propellant flow rate to the five F-1 engines is 28,000 pounds
per second. The five engines produce a combined thrust roughly
equivalent; to 180 million horsepower at maximwn velocity,
The engines, during the normal 150 seconds of burn time,
will propel the Apollo Saturn V to an altitude of 33.5 nautical
miles 38,5 statute miles and carry it downrange 47.5 nautical
miles 54.9 statute miles) The vehicle will be moving at 5,300
knots (,100 statute miles per hour) at first stage engine cutoff.
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Four or the engines are mounted on a ring, each 90 degrees

from its neighbor. These four can be gimballed to control the
rocket's direction of flight.
The fifth engine is mounted rigidly in the center.
Sooond Stage
The second stage (s-II) is 81i feet tall and 33 feet in
diameter, Its dry weight in about 88,000 pounds but when fully
fueled it will weigh 1,033,000 pounds.
The stage, excluding propellants for the five J-2 engines,
will weigh about 103,000 pounds when it separates from the S-IC,
This extra weight covers the 10,650-pound S-IC/S-Il interstage
section, 2,720 pounds of ullage rooket propellants and other
items still on board at the time of separation,
The stage's two propellant tanks will carry about 267,700
gallons of liquid hydrogen and 87,400 gallons of liquid oxygen.
Its five J-2 engines develop a total thrust of 1,000,000 pounds.
The second stage carries the rocket to an altitude or 101
nautical miles 117 statute miles) and a distance of some 810
nautical mileo 935 statute miles) downrange. The speed at-
tained before S-II burnout is 13,300 knots (15,300 statute miles
per hour). The J-2 engines will run 6.1 minutes.
The Space Division of North American Aviation, Inc., builds
the second stage at Seal Beach, Calif. The cylindrical vehicle
io made up of the forward skirt (to which the third stage con-
nects), the liquid hydrogen tank, the liquid oxygen tank, the
thrust structure (on which the engines are mounted) and an inter-
stage section (to which the first stage connects). The two tanks
are separated by an insulated common bulkhead.
North American conducted research and development static
testing at the Santa Susana, Calif., test facility and at the
NASA Mississippi Test Facility, The flight stage for the Apollo
4 was shipped via the Panama Canal for captive firings at
Mississippi Test Facility, where all 3-II flight stages are
Third Stage
The third stage (S-IVB) was developed by the McDonnell
Douglas Corp. at Huntington Beach, Calif. It is the larger and
more powerful successor to the S-IV that served as the second
stage of the Saturn I.
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The stage i's 58 feet, 5 inches long and 21 feet, 8 inches

in diameter. Its drj weight is 26,500 pounds but at separation
from the second stage its weight will be 29,170 pounds exclusive
of the liquid hydrogen arnd liquid oxygen carried in the main tanks.
This extra weight consists mainly of solid and liquid proopllants
used in retro and ullago rockets and in the auxiliary propulsion
oyster, (APS) t
An interstage section connects the second and third stages.
This 7,627-pound interstage stays with the second stage at sep-
aration, exposing the single J-2 engine mounted on the thrust
structure of the third stage. The after skirt, connected to the
interstage at the separation plane, encloses the liquid oxygen
tank which holds some 20,400 gallons of the oxidizer. Above this
is the large fuel tank holding about 66,900 gallons of liquid
Total usable propellants carried in the two tanks is 230,000
pounds. The fuel and oxidizer tanku, as In the second stage,
are separated by an insulated common bulkhead. Insulation is
necessary in both upper stages at this point because liquid oxy-
gen, at about 293 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, is much "hotter"
than liquid hydrogen, which ia some 423 degrees below zero,
The aft skirt also serves as a mount for two auxiliary pro-
pulsiorn system modules epaced 180 degrees apart. Each module
contains three liquid-fueled 147-pound thrust engines, one each
for roll, pitch and yaw, and a 72-pound-thrust, liquid-fueled
ullage engine.
Four solid-propellant retrorockets of 37,500 pounds thrust
each are mounted on the interstage to back the second stage away
from the third stage upon separation. The third stage also car-
ries two solid-fueled ullage motors of 3,400-pounds-thrust each.
These motors help to move the third stage forward and away from
the second stage upon separation and serve the additional purpose
of settling the liquid propellants in the bottoms of the tankn in
preparation for J-2 ignition. The first J-2 burn is for 136
seconds and the second burn is for almost six minutes.
The third stage is moved from its manufacturing site by
barge or Super Guppy aircraft to Douglas' Sacramento Test Center
for static test firings. After firing and checkout, the stage
is flown to the NASA Kennedy Space Center.
The propulsion systems of the Saturn V launch vehicle vary
greatly -- thrust ratings ranging from more than 1.5 million
pounds down to 72 pounds, some engines using liquid propellants
and others using solids. The Saturn V uses a total of 4A rocket
engines in performing its function as the carrier for the Apollo

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The five F-1 engines that rovide the main power for the
first stage burn RP-1 (kerosene and liquid oxygen. Each engine
in the first stage develops 1,514,000 pounds of thrust at lift-
off, building up to 1.7 million pounds thrust before cutoff. The
cluster of five F-ls gives the first stage a thrust range of from
7.57 million pounds at liftoff to 8.5 million pounds Just before
cutoff. Technology gained from development of the H-1 and other
rocket engines using RP-1 and liquid oxygen was used in extending
the state of the art to a point at which the F-1 could become a 7
Each F-1 engine weighs almost 10 tons, is more than 18 feet
high and has a nozzle-exit diameter of almost 14 feet. The F-1
engines undergo static testing for 650 seconds in being qualified
for the 150-second run during the Saturn V first stage boost
phase. This 800-second period is still far less than the 2,200
seconds for which the engine is "guaranteed." Each engine con-
sumes almost three tons of propellants per second.
The first stage of the Saturn V also has eight other rocket
motors. These are the solid-fuel retrorockets which will slow
the stage and "back it away" from the second stage and avoid
possible collision when the two stages separate. The retro-
rockets are mounted inpairs, two in each of the four engine
shrouds. Each rocket produces a thrust of 87,900 pounds for
,6 seconds,
The main propulsion for the second stage is a cluster of
five J-2 engines burning liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Each
engine develops a mean thrust of 200,000 pounds (variable from
175,000 to 225,000 in phases of flight), giving the stage a total
thrust of a million poundn.
Designed to operate in the vacuum of outer space, the 3,500-
pound J-2 is a more efficient engine than the F-1 because it
burns the high-energy fuel hydrogen.
The second stage also has eight solid-fuel rockets, each
with a thrust of 21,000 pounds. These are the ullage rockets
mounted on the interstage section. After these rockets fire to
assure that liquid propellants are settled in the bottoms of the
main tanks, and also to help attain a "clean" separation from
the first stage, the rockets drop away with the interstage at
second plane separation.
Fifteen rocket engines perform various functions on the
third stage. A single J-2 engine provides the main propulsive
force for the stage's flight. The stage also has two main ullage
rockets, four retrorockets and eight smaller engines in the aux-
iliary propulsion system. (See "Third Stage" for descriptions.)


Instrument Unit

The Instrument Unit (IU) is a cylinder three feet high and

21 feet 8 inches in diameter, the same diameter as the third
stage. The instrument unit for Apollo 4 weighB 4,750 pounds.

Components making up the "brain" of the Saturn V are mounted

on cooling panels fastened to the inside surface of the instru-
ment unit skin. The refrigerated "cold plates" are part of a
thermal conditioning system that removes heat by circulation of
fluid coolant through a heat exchanger that evaporates water
from a separate supply into the vacuum of space.

The six major systems of the instrument unit are structural,

thermal control, guidance and control, measuring and telemetry,
radio frequency and electrical.

The instrument unit performs the following functions:

navigation, guidance and control of the vehicle; measurement of
vehicle performance and environment; data transmission between
the vehicle and ground stations, in both directions; radio track-
Ing of the vehicle; checkout and monitoring of vehicle functions;
detection of emergency situations; generation and network distri-
bution of electrical power for system operation; and preflight
>11 checkout and launch and flight operations,

A path-adaptive guidance scheme is used in the Saturn V's

instrument unit. A programmed trajectory is usea in the initial
launch phase with guidance beginning only after the vehicle has
left the atmosphere. This is to prevent the vehicle from per-
forming maneuvers that might cause it to break apart while at-
tempting to compensate for winds, jet streams and gusts en-
countered in the atmosphere.

If such air currents displace the vehicle from the optimum

trajectory during its climb, the vehicle derives a new trajectory
from its instantaneous state of position, velocity and direction.
This calculation is made about once each second throughout the
flight. The launch vehicle digital computer and launch vehicle
data adapter perform the navigation and guidance computations.
The ST-124M inertial platform -- considered the heart of the
navigation, guidance and control system -- provides apace-fixed
reference coordinates and measures acceleration along the three
mut'ially perpendicular axes of the coordinate system.

International Business Machines Corp. Is prime contractor

for the instrument unit and is the supplier of the guidance sig-
nal processor and guidance computer. Major suppliers of instru-
ment unit components are: Electronic Communications, Inc., con-
trol computer3 Bendix Corp,, ST-124M inertia3 platform; and IBM
Federal Systems Division, launch vehicle digital computer and
launch vehicle data adapter.

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The Saturn V btages are too large for movement by conven-
tional highway, rail or air facilities. Special barges move the
first stages toeted at Huntsville via the Tennessee, Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers, the Gulf of Mexico and intercoastal water-
ways to the Kennedy Space Center, a distance of more than 2,200
Barges also move the first stages produced at the
Assembly Facility to the Mississippi Test Facility and Michoud
the launch
site in Florida. Second stages produced on the West Coast are
shipped via the Panama Canal to Mississippi Test Facllity and
Kennedy Space Center. The NASA barge, Poseidon, carries the
first stage, and two modified open-deck vessels make shuttle
runs between Michoud and Mississippi Test Facility. Propellants
are carried to Mississippi Test Facility on specially-built cryo-
genic barges.
On the West Coast, the "Poin'o Barrow" carries the second
stage from Los Angeles to KenneOty Space Center. This vessel is
operated by the Military Sea Tra&* portation Service (MSTS) of
the Navy. A modified aircraft known as the "Pregnant Guppy" is
used for flying single F-1 enginn- and other items to various
points. Aerospace Lines, Inc., bailder of the Guppy, has also
built a "Super Guppy" which is used as a carrier for the Saturn
V third stage and other large items of hardware.



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The total number of measurements to be made on the Saturn

V launch vehicle, not Including those from the Apollo sp&ce-
craft, during the Apollo 4 flight is approximately 2,894. This
includes 972 in the first stage, 976 in the second stage, 609
in the third stage and 337 in the instrument unit.
The Saturn V will carry 22 telemetry systems, two track-
ing systems and two motion picture cameras. The cameras are
mounted on the second stage to record photographically the dual
plane separations of the first stage and interstage from the
second stage. The cameras will be ejected for descent by para-
balloon and splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean about 470 miles
from the launch site where they will be recovered by teams hom-
Ing on each camera's radio beacon.
The 2,894 measurements scheduled are in sharp contrast to
the average 1,365 measurements taken on Uprated Saturn I vehicles,
925 on Saturn I (from 510 on SA-l to 1,378 on SA-7), 150 on the
Jupiter and 75 on the Redstone.

e TU 8-IVB S-II S-1C TotalsI!
Acceleration ( 4r16 1 8
Acoustic 1 12 5 4 22
Temperature 57 244 326 252 879
Pressure 12 107 203 330 652
Vibration 28 34 60 8o 202
Flow Rate 11 4 10 35 60
Position 21 8 36 1 66
a &C 54 0 0 0 54
RF & TM 26 0 0 0 26
Signals 70 75 228 143 516
Liquid Levol 0 12 4 19 35
Electric Power 20 41 63 11 135
Misc, 0 37 4 15 56
Angular Velocity 33 0 3 3 39
Strain 0 32 16 71 119
RPM (Speed) 0 2 10 5 17
Totals 937 b09- 976 972 GOZ9
Telemetry Systems
- 1 -13 3 3 3 10
81 1 2 2 6
PCM/FM 1 1 1 1 4
CCS 1 0 0 0 1
FM/F 1 0 0 0 1
Totals 5b
Azusa & C-Band I 0 0 0 1
ODOP 0 0 0 1 1

Television 0 0 0 0 0
Film 0 0 2 0 2


The national goal or a manned lunar landing before 1970,
set by the late President Kennedy, created the need for a launch
vehicle larger than the Saturn I. NASA announced in January 1962
that the Marshall center had been assigned the
such a vehicle -- the Saturn V.
The first Saturn vehicle, a Saturn I using only a live first
stage, had been launched Oct. 27, 1961. Nine more were launched
successfully during the next four years. Technology gained in
developing the Saturn I and the Uprated Saturn I -- three of
which were launched in 1966 on successful missions -- was esoen-
tial to design of the Saturn V.
New tools, jigs and fixtures had to be designed and built
and new manufacturing techniques developed before actual fabri-
cation of the Saturn V could begin. The new rocket ws to be so
large that most of it would have to be built in sections and then
assembled vertically. This, in turn, required the construction
of taller buildings with overhead cranes and adjustable work
The ieso of the vehicle also required the construction of
now, giant test facilities and the design and manufacture of
special transporters. Barges large enough for the big rocket
stages had to be acquireds modified and outfitted for hauling
the first and second stages. A factory at Now Orleans was
reactivated and converted into an assembly plant ror the first
stages, and a big part of a swampy Mississippi county was
acquired and converted into a test site for the first two stages.
Other now manufacturing and testing facilities had to be pro-
vided for the second and third stages and the powerful new
The Marshall center, as plans took shape, took its needs to
industry, negotiating contracts with dozens of major aerospace
firms and hundreds of smaller concerns. These firms in turn,
negotiated subcontracts with thousands of other suppliers.
Scientists and engineers in the several laboratories at the
Marshall center also helped with the task. At dozens of loca-
tions materials were tested, new materials developed and proved,
revolutionary welding methods developed, aerodynamic studies
made, computers installed and programs set up to solve the myriad
problems. Test monitoring and recording instruments were in-
stalled, checkout procedures developed, reliability standards es-
tablished, electronics systems designed and built and guidance
schemes developed.
The first Saturn V first stage, a static test model, was
rolled out of its Marshall Space Flight Center hangar March 1,
1965, and test-fired for the first time on April 9, 1965.
Saturn Launches

Flight Date
Type Vehicle Designation Payload Launched
Saturn I (Block I) SA-1 Dummy and nose cone. 10-27-61
Saturn I (Block I) SA-2 Dummy and nose cone. 4-25-62
Saturn I (Block I) SA-3 Dummy and nose cone. 11-16-62
Saturn I (Block I) SA-4 Dummy and nose cone. 3-28-63
Saturn I (Block II) SA-5 Live second stage, nose cone, 1-29-64
boilerplate spacecraft.
Saturn I (Block II) SA-6 Live second stage, nose cone, 5-28-64
boilerplate spacecraft.
Saturn I (Block II) SA-7 Live second stage, nose cone, 9-18-64 l
boilerplate spacecraft.
Saturn I (Block II) SA-9 Pegasus I Meteoroid Technology 2-16-65
Saturn I (Block II) SA-8 Pegasus II. 5-25-65
Saturn I (Block II) SA-10 Pegasus III. 7-30-65
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --
Uprated Saturn I AS-2t01 Apollo CSM 2-26-66
Uprated Saturn I AS-203 Nose cone, experiments 7-5-66
Uprated Saturn I AS-202 Apollo CSM 8-25-66

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The first flight stage, the first stage of Apollo 4, ws

completed at the Marshall center Sept. 27, 1965, and test fired
Feb. 17 and 25, 1966. The second stage for Apollo 4 was test
fired at the Mississippi Test Facility on Dec. 1 and 30, 1966.
The Apollo 14 third stage was static tested at Sacramento May 20
and 26, 1966.
Assembly of Apollo 4 in the Vehicle Assembly Building at
KSC began Oct. 27, 1966. It was rolled out or the building on
its mobile launcher Aug. 26, 1967, and taken to the launch site,
Launch Complex 39.
The Apollo lunar landing mission is not the only use to
which the Saturn V will be put. It will be the mainstay in the
heavy vehicle area in United States space exploration for the
next several years. It will be used in the Apollo Applications
Program, the follow-on to the manned lunar landing.
Studies are in progress on methods of adapting the Saturn V
to meet the needs of various programs, either by reducing or In-
creasing its payload capability. Payloads not requiring the full
power of a Saturn V but requiring more than that of the Uprated
Saturn I could conceivably be carried to mission completion by
a two-stage model, possibly with the number of engines reduced,
Payloads greater than the Saturn V's present capability could be
carried by increasing the vehicle's power in a number of ways.
The main methods under consideration include Increasing the per-
formance of engines and adding strap-on solid rocket motors to
augmont booster thrust.

- - Dates _
Post-Static Arrived - Checkout
Stage Completed Test Fired CM ckout Shipped At K53C Assembled Complete
First 9-27-65 at 2-17-66, Completed 8-26-66 9-12-66 10-27-66 12-21-66
S-IC-501 MSFC 2-25-66 at 8-10-66 (Layover
4SFC at MAF.)

Second Systems 12-1-66 None at MTF 1-16-67 1-21-67 "Spacer" 1-21-67

S-II-501 Check com- 12-30-66 used from through
pleted at at MTF 10-31-66 1-25-67
Seal Beach to 2-15-67.
7-29-66. S-II-501
Shipped emplaced
Arr. MTF 2-25-67
0 -
Third 1-28-66 at 5-20-66, 7-27-67 8-12-66 8-14-66 11-1-66 8-14-66 _.

S-IYB- Huntington 5-26-66, (Via through

501 Beach. Sacramento Super 11-1-66
Shipped to Test Facilit Guppy)

Instrument 1-28-66 N/A 6-4-66 8-24-66 8-24-66 11-1-66 8-24-66

UJnit Structural Checkoff Via Supex through
S-IU-501 Assembly; Compl ed, Guppy 11-1-66
I-ay 1966 Pfuntsville;
Component 8-20-66
Assembly; Checkout
6-4-66 Completed
Etu.ntsville 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

i Emi-' DA - -


Command Module (CM)

The command module is a cone 12 feet high with base
diameter of 12 feet 10 inches, a habitable volume of 210
cubic feet and an approximate launch weight of 12,000 pounds.
Outer structure is stainless steel honeycomb bonded
between steel alloy sheets with surface application of
phenolic epoxy resin ablative material varying from t to 2j
inches thick for protection from reentry temperatures to
5,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Inner structure is aluminum honeycomb between aluminum
alloy with sandwich thickness from j inch at forward access
tunnel to li inches at base; fibrous insulation separates
outer and inner structures.
The command module has an inner pressure structure
and an outer structure (heat shield) separated by stringers
for support and a microquartz fiber for thermal insulation.
The outer housing limits heating of the pressure structure
to less than 600 degrees F. The combined structures keep
temperatures inside the spacecraft at comfortable levels
during orbital flight and below 200 degrees F. during reentry.
The three-piece heat shield is constructed of brazed
honeycomb stainless steel to which is bonded a phenolic epoxy
resin ablative (heat dissipating) material. The ablative
material burns away during reentry. Thickness of the ablative
material varies from 0.7 to 2.7 inches based on the antici-
pated aerodynamic heat distribution over the command module.
The three sections of the shield include forward heat shield,
crew compartment heat shield, and the aft heat shield.
The Apollo 4 has a basic Block I (Earth-orbit type)
heat shield but with the same thickness, thermal coating,
protuberances and manufacturing technique used in the Block
II (lunar mission) heat shield. A simulated Block II umbilical
will be on command module in addition to the active Block I
An Apollo mission programmer with special equipment needed
for operation of the spacecraft subsystems in the absence of
a crew will be installed.
The VHF and S-band omnidirectional antennas also will be
modizied to reflect the Block II configuration.

- - - r


The command module hatch window has been replaced with

an instrumented test panel containing simulations of the
flexible thermal seals and gaps between the hatch and surround-
ing heat shield. Successful performance or the thermal seals
during reentry heating will qualify the seals for use on manneC
command modules which will have the new quick-operating outward-
opening hatches.
Design effort on the new hatch was begun in December 1966
and intensified as a result of the Apollo 204 fire of Jan.
27, 1967. First flight test of the complete new hatch is
scheduled for the second Apollo/Saturn V mission.
A Maurer Model 220-0 Earth and sky observer camera will
be installed in the command module to take color photography
as the spacecrWet passes its apogee during the third orbit.
The camera will photograph a 42-degree field of view and
will take pictures once every 11 seconds beginning about an
hourbefore the spacecraft reaches apogee until about an hou,
after apogee.
Service Module (SM)
The service module is 22 feet high and cylindrical in
shape, including an extension to service propulsion system
(SPS) engine, with a diameter of 12 feet 10 inches. Approxi-
mate launch weight is 55,000 pounds with an engine thrust of
21,500 pounds in vacuum.
Structure is aluminum honeycomb outer skin one inch
thick formed by six panels bolted to solid aluminum structural
uprights. The interior is divided into six wedge-shaped
compartments of three different sizes around a center cylin-
drical section:
(1) 50-degree segments house auxiliary equipment, are
designated sectors 1 and 4;
(2) 60-degree segments house fuel tanks for SPS, are
designated sectors 3 and 6- and
(3) 70-degree segments house oxidizer tanks for SPS,
sectors 2 and 5.
A cylindrical center section houses two helium tanks to
pressurize service propulsion system tanks, and the SPS engine.

-- #


Space radiators to dissipate heat from the electrical

power system (EPS) and the environmental control system (ECS)
are located externally on four of the six panels making up
the service module skin; electrical power system radiators
are on sectors 1 and 4, environmental control system radiators
on 2 and 5. However, these radiators are not connected for
the Apollo 4 mission.
Four reaction control system (RCS) packages each made
up of four engines and one fuel tank, oxidizer tank, and
pressurant tank with associated plumbing and electrical
connections, are located equidistant around the circumference
of the service module.
Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter (aLA)
The Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter is a tapered cylin-
drical shape 28 feet high and 22 feet in diameter at base,
12 feet 10 inches at top, of 1 3/4 inch thick aluminum honey-
comb weighing 3,900 pounds. It houses the lunar module
boilerplate LTA-1OR.
Lunar Module Tost Article (LTA-IOR)
This lunar module test article is instrumented to
measure vibration, acoustics, and structural integrity at
36 points in the spacecraft lunar module adapter. Data will
be telemetered to the ground stations during the first 12
minutes of flight.
The test article will remain with the last stage of
the launch vehicle. Lunar Test Article-IOR uses a flight-
type descent stage without landing gear. Its propellant tanks
will be filled with water glycol and with freon to simulate
fuel and oxidizer. The ascent stage is a ballasted aluminum
structure containing no flight systems. Weight of the lunar
module test article is 29,500 pounds.
Spacecraft Systems
Reaction Control System (RCS)
The roaction control system provides thrust for attitude
maneuvers of the spacecraft in response to automatic control
signal's from the stabilization and control system (SCS) in
conjunction with the guidance and navigation system (G&N) or
to manual control signals from crew tnrough hand controllers.








- - -n--- - p ,:,-'-- -. -- d-- - --

- . j


Service module reaction control system consists of

four independent subsystems or four 100-pound-thrust engines
each (16 engines total) packaged as modules end located in
quadrants near the top of the service module. Propellant Is
hypergolic igniting spontaneously when fuel and oxidizer
are mixed. It Is made up of Aerozine 50 (half-and-halt blend
of hydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine) fuel and
nitrogen tetroxido oxidizer. In each quad, two of the four
engines give roll control, the other two either yaw or pitch
control depending on the location of the quad.
Command Module
Reaction control system includes two independent
subsystems of six 93-pound thrust engines each (12 engines
total) operating in tandem. A single subsystem is able to pro-
vide adequate attitude control should one subsystem fail.
Propellant is hypergolic with monomethyl-hydrazine fuel and
nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer. The command module reaction
control system is not activated until after the command module
and the service module have separated before reentry.
Service Propulsion System (SPS)
rTh service propulsion system has to provide thrust for
maJor velocity changes and in Earth orbital mission, for
the de-orbit burn to achieve reentry. The engine is 3 feet
5 inches high with nine-foot, four-inch exhaust expansion
skirt of columbion-titanium. It weighs approximately 810
pounds, produces 21,500 pounds of thrust in a vacuum, and is
rated at 36 restarts with eight minutes 20 seconds of total
burn time. Propellant is hypergolic Aerozine 50 fuel and
nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer and is pressure fed from the
service module storage tanks by helium gas. The service pro-
pulsion system engine is gimbal-mounted to keep the direction
of thrust aligned through the spacecraft center of gravity.
Launch Escape System (LES)
The launch escape system includes a solid propellant
launch escape motor and pitch control motor to pull space-
craft up and out from launch vehicle in the event of mission
abort on the pad or during launch up to an altitude in excess
of 270,000 feet. The launch escape system is 33 feet tall
with a four-foot base diameter. It weighs approximately 8,200
pounds including a boost protective cover which fits over the
apex of the command module for protection against boost heating
and the rocket exhaust of the launch escape motors. The three
solid propellant motors of the launch escape system are:

-4t -- *-4- <--
, I-I i¶


(1) Launch escape motor with 147,000 pounds of thrust

over three seconds' duration;
(2) Pitch control motor with 2:850 pounds of thrust
for 0.5 seconds and;
(3) Tower jettison motor, 32,000-pounds-thrust for one
second. Propellant in all three motors is poly-
Stabilization and Control System (SCS)
The stabilization and control system controls spacecraft
attitude, thrust vector of the service propulsion system
engine, and may serve as backup inertial reference system.
It operates automatically or manually. Components of the
stabilization and control system appropriate to the Apollo
4 mission are:
(1) Body-mounted attitude gyros (3MAG): Three identical
units mounted along spacecraft body axes. Attitude displace-
ment oreates signal to the reaction control system to re-
store desired attitude.
(2) Rate gyro assembly (RGA): Three gyros to show
rate of change of spacecraft attitude.
(3) Attitude gyro accelerometer assembly (AGAA):
The three EMAG units plus a pendulous accelerometer to display
acceleration data for automatic termination of service pro-
pulsion system engine thrusting.
(4) Attitude set and gimbal position indicators which
set desired angle changes and displays service propulsion
system engine gimbal pitch and yaw position angle.
(5) Velocity change indicator displays remaining
velocity change or Delta V.

condition signals from SCS components.

Mission Control Programmer (MCP)
The Mission Control Programmer receives infornation from
the updata link ground command, the Saturn instrument
ground support equipment, the guidance and navigation, unit,
landing and environmental control systems.




- 4
p~ -- - - - 1


Guidance and Navigation (O&N)

The aiiidance and Navigation System Is a semi-automatic
system interrelated with stabilization and control system,
service propulsion system, reaction control system, electrical
power system, environmental control system, telecommunications,
and instrumentation systems. It performs basic functions or
inertial guidance, attitude reference, and optical navigation.
The system has two Apollo 4 related subsystems:
(1) Inertial guidance to measure changes in spacecraft
attitude, help generate steering command, and measure changes
in velocity. It is operated automatically by the guidance
(2) Guidance computer and two display and keyboard
panels (DSKY) to calculate steering signals and engine on-
off signals, to position inertial measurement unit stable
member, to position optical unit, to conduct limited G&N mal-
function isolation, and to provide display panel information.
The computer is digital with both an erasable and a fixed mem-
Earth orbital operations of the guidance and navigation
system are in prelaunch, guidance monitor, orbital navigaticn,
inflight inertial measuring unit alignment, atitude control
and reentry phases.
Electrical Power System (EPS)
The electrical power system is made up of six main
(1) Fuel cells to produce electricity through chemical
reaction of hydrogen and oxygen pressure-fed into cells by
nitrogen gas.
Each of the three power plants consists of 31 series-
connected cells and each cell contains a hydrogen compartment,
an oxygen compartment, a hydrogen electrode and an oxygen
electrode. Each power plant is 44 inches high, 22 inches in
diameter and weighs 245 pounds.
(2) Three zinc-silver oxide batteries located in the
command module lower equipment bay to provide spacecraft power
during reentry and after landing and to supplement fuel cell
power during peak load periods, plus two independent and
isolated zinc-silver oxide batteries to ignite explosive de-
vices, plus two similar batteries in the service module to
power service module Jettison controllers after command module
and service module separation.


(3) Cryogenic storage tanks and plumbing to hold and

route hydrogen and oxygen for fuel cells and oxygen for
environmental control system.
(4) Threo solid-state inverters in the command module
lower equipment bay convert fuel cell and battery direct
current power to alternating current.
(5) The associated power distribution equipment.
(6) Three batteries for the Mission Control Programmer.
Environmental Control System (ECS)
The Environmental Control System consists of:
(1) Tthe water system which holds about 17 quarts of
potable water, some of it a by-product of the fuel cells, and
about 28 quarts of waste water used in the evaporator which
helps cool the glycol system.
(2) The glycol system to absorb and transport heat from
the cabin, electronic equipment, and a portion of the potable
water to the space radiators.
Telecommunications System
The Telecommunications System provides telemetry and
tracking and ranging communications between the spacecraft
and ground stations, and capability to synchronize timing
references for other spacecraft systems and to correlate
telemetry data. The Apollo 4 system falls into two main
(1) Data, with transmission and tape recording capability
for structure and system inflight instrumentasion and timing
data, and
(2) Tracking and ranging, using C-band and S-band tracking
by ground stations to help determine accurately the angular
position and range of the spacecraft from the station.
System equipment divides into three groups:
(1) Data, including signal-oonditioning, data storage,
and central timing equipment, up data digital decoder, pulse-
code modulation telemeter, premodulation processor;
(2) RF electronics, including VHP/FM transmitter and
VHF/AM transceiver, C-band transponder, unified S-band equip-
ment, VHF recovery beacon, and HF transceiver;


(3) Antennas, which are VHF omnidirectional, S-band,

VHF recovery HF recovery, C-band.
Operational instruments associated with the data
equipment and data transmission include some 24 classes of
transducers to measure system pressure, temperature, flow,
attitude, angular position, rates, events quantity and
Earth Landing System (ELS)
The Earth Landing System safely lands the command
module through automatic sequence of drogue and main parachute
deployment system includes recovery equipment for deployment
and activation after landing.
Parachute Subsystem:
(1) drogue chutes (two), conical ribbon nylon with
canopy diameter of 13.7 feet;
(2) pilot chutes (three), ring-slot nylon 7.2
feet diameter;
(3) main chutes (three) ringsail nylon 83.5 feet
diameter weighing 127 pounds each including
canopy, risers and deployment bag.
Recovery Equipment:
(1) uprighting system consisting of three compressor-
inflated bags, two of which are used to up-
right the spacecraft if it lands apex down
(Stable II) in the water (third bag is backup);
(2) fluorescein sea dye marker with 12-hour capacity;
(3) flashing beacon on command module apex;
(4) VHF recovery beacon transmitter, located in
command module lower equipment bay and activated
during descent to provide continuous line-of-sight
(5) swimmer's umbilical, part of the tether holding
the sea dye marker cannister.


#- S


Launch Escape System (LES)

The Launch Escape System provides safe abort capabilities
from prior to liftoff through first 173 seconda of flight
through automatic initiation by the emergency detection
system (ED8) which senses booster malfunction. The three
launch escape system abort phases -- pad, low altitude, and
high-altitude -- are indicated In the accompanying chart.
In the normal mission, the launch escape system is Jettisoned
shortly after ignition of the launch vehicle second stage;
an abort after that time is accomplished by the service pro-
pulsion system engine. Operation of the Earth landing system
under abort conditions is essentially the same as in a normal
reentry descent.

F , - ___- -- W .

S- 727SEE


w ;*c~m

|~ osv % |3 CUES - 2B FTSEC
2 CHUTES - 33.5 F71SEC wp

Timing Tquence for parachute subsystem


- - -- t S - #

e-, ra



120,000 --

50 / I -

o /DEPLOY 24,000 FT


--------------------------- A I o -n
2o ' \;i0SECF
24, 000 FT
+4 SEC

Sequence of pad. low-akdiude, and hi-o,!altude abIttS

~ i TV {
'S n-I /; ' /t



Apollo 4 mission launch operations are conducted by a team

directed by NASA's John F. Kennedyf Space Center. The final
countdown will be run by a crew of more than 450 from Firing
Room 1 in the Launch Control Center, Complex 39.

KSC launches manned and unmanned Apollo missions, using

both the Uprated Saturn I and Saturn V launch vehicles. The
KSC responsibilities include preflight test and checkout of the
launch vehicle, spacecraft and support facilities, mate and in-
tegration of the overall space vehicle, countdown and launch.

All of these activities will come together for the fIrst

time at Complex 39 with the launch Apollo 4, the first Apollo/
Saturn flight.

Two of the propulsion stages and the instrument unit of the

Apollo 4 launch vehicle arrived at KSC during the last half of
1966: the first stage (SI-C) by barge from the Marshall Space
Flight Center's Michoud Assembly Facility, New Orleans, in Sep-
tember; the third stage (S-IVD) from Sacramento by Super Guppy
aircraft in August; and the instrument unit from Huntsville,
also ini August. The S-II second scage came in from Marshall's
Miasissippi Test Facility, Bay St. Louis, by barge in January
1967. Prior to S-II stage arrival, preliminary testing was be-
gun on the other stages in the high bay of KSC~s Vehicle Assembly
Building (VAB) using a spacer In place of the S-Il in the launch
vehicle "stack."

The three stages and instrument unit were electrically mated

in High Bay I of the VAB last February.

The Apollo 4 command and service modules arrived at KSC in

December 1966, The spacecraft underwent preliminary checkout
in the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building (MSOB) before it
was mated to its adapter and moved to the VAB Jan. 12, 1967.

>1 Following some preliminary tests, the Apollo 4 spacecraft

was taken down in February and returned to the MSOB checkout
area at KSC where the electrical wiring system was modified
and reverified as a result of the Apollo 204 accident

The S-TI stage was de-mated from the "stack" June 3 when
some hairline cracks were discovered in the seams or a follow-
on S-II stage undergoing checkout preparations at the contractor
plant in Seal Beach, Calif. A series of X-ray and dye penetrant
tests were conducted. No maJor discreparcies were found and the
stage was re-erected June 20.



A series of launch vehicle combined systems tests followed

before the spacecraft was brought to the VAB and electrically
mated to the launch vehicle July 24. Combined tests of the
overall space vehicle were now ready to begin.

Checks of the apace vehicle emergency detection system and

a series of simulated countdown and flight operations were made --
first with the umbilical connections intact (plugs in) and then
with the umbilicals releasing at simulated liftoff (plugs out).
Verification of the launch vehicle swing arm performance and a
final simulated flight test were held before the launch vehicle
retro and ullage rockets and the launch escape tower were installed.

Because of the tremendous complexity of the Apollo 4 space

vehicle, Radio Corporation of America 110 A computers and digital
data techniques are used throughout the automatic checkout from
the ti1 .e the launch vehicle is erected in the VAB through liftoff.
A similar hut separate computer operation called ACE/SC (Accep-
tance Checkout Equipment/Spacecraft) is used to verify the flight
readiness of the spacecraft systems.

Rollout of the Apollo 4 was Aug. 26 when the 363-foot space

vehicle and its mobile launcher were transported 3.5 miles from
the Vehicle Assembly Building to Pad A aboard the Transporter.

After the space vehicle and Mobile Launcher were mated to

the pad, the computer data links that were disconnected for the
rollout were again hooked up between Apollo 4 and the Launch
Control Center.

The same Transporter used to carry the space vehicle to the

pad moved the Mobile Service Structure (MSS) into position Aug. 28.
The MSS permits 360-degree access to tne Launch vehicle and space-
craft during the final weeks of preparation.

Ground support equipment (GSE), such as communications cir-

cuitry, pneumatic and propellant lines, environmental controls
and electrical power supply lines were connected, power was apes
plied to the vehicle, and control and monitor links were vezrified.

Launch vehicle propellant loading tests and spacecraft sys-

tems verification checks weoe completed, leading up to the next
major milestone -- the countdown demonstration test (CDDT).

The CDDT, which takes place about three weeks before launch,
is a complete "dress rehearsal' of the actour countdown, includ-
ing propellant loading. The test ends Just Uefore engine ignition.

Prior to entering the countdown phase, a final flight readi-

ness test (FRT) is conducted to insure all elements of the mission
are ready,


-- --
The FRT consists of a series of sequence tests in parallel
with the actual countdown and in-flight operations. Tracking
stations of the Eastern Test Range and the Mission Control Cen-
ter, Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, participate.
When the unfueled vehicle arrives at the pad, it weighs
approximately 515,000 pounds. At liftoff the vehicle will weigh
more than six million pounds.

The clock for the Apollo 4 countdown will start at T-49
hours. Two built-in holds, totalling seven hours duration, are
included in the count. Following are some of the highlights or
the count.
T-49 hr. -- Power up launch vehicle. Start countdown.
T-46 to T-39 -- Spacecraft helium servicing. Third stage
hrs. auxiliary propulsion systems checks.
T-38:30 hrs. - Start spacecraft fuel cell activation.
T-33:30 hrs. -- Load spacecraft fuel cell cryogenic
(liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen)
T-21:30 hr. -- Install space vehicle flight batteries.
T-16:00 hrs. -- Range Safety checks.
T-13:30 hrs. -- Launch vehicle power transfer test.
T-11:30 hrs. - Space vehicle emergency detection system
T-ll:O0 hrs. - Remove mobile service structure to park
T-9:15 hre. - Install launch vehicle destruct packages.
T-9:00 hre. - Spacecraft closeout -- 2.5 hour operation,
Spacecraft switch list verification, final
cabin inspection, environmental control
system checks, hatch installation, and
cabin leak checks.
T-6:1 5 hrs. -- Retract Apollo spacecraft access arr.
T-6:30 hrs. -- Start six-hour built-in hold.
T-S:30 hr. -- Resume count - Preparatton for launch ve-
hicle propellant loading.
T-5:25 hrs. - Start third stage (S-IVB) liquid oxygen
T- 44t25 hrs. -- Start second stage (S-II) liquid oxygen
-- 'a-.

T-4:00 hrs. - S
Start 90-minute built-in hold to complete
S-II liquid oxygen load.
T-4:00 hrs. -- Resume count. Start second stage (S-II)
liquid oxygen load.
T-3:30 hrs. -- Start first stage (S-IC) liquid oxygen
T-2:30 hrs. -- Start second stage (S-II) liquid hydrogen
T-1:34 hrs. -- Start third stage (S-IVB) liquid hydrogen
T-60 mine. - Start final launch vehicle radio frequency
and telemetry checAr.
T-45 min. -- Begin terninal countdown -- spacecraft
final RF and communications checks.
T-40 mins. -- Remove mobile launcher.
T-27 mins. -- Power transfer test.
T-15 mine. -- Spacecraft on internal power.
T-10 mine. -- Arm launch escape system.
T-8 mins. -- Space vehicle status cheok.
T-3 min., -- Initiate firing command (automatic
10 secs. sequencer).
T-50 secs. -- Launch vehicle power transfer to internal.
T-8.9 sec. -- Ignition sequence starts.
T-0 secs. -- Launch comuit and liftoff.
NOTE: These times are approximate and subject to change
prior to the launch date.
Until the Apollo 4 mission, NASA's launch operations have
all been carried out at Cape Kennedy launch sitee under the
direction of the Kennedy Space Center.
When the late President Kennedy in 1961 announced the goal
of landing astronauts on the Moon before the end of the decade,
a suitable launch site had to be found to Ltndle the 7.5 million
pound thrust Saturn V vehicle required for the lunar flight. The
17,000-acre Cape Kennedy tract did not offer sufticient space
for such a launch site.
f. 71w- MW

A thorough study undertaken by NASA and the Department of

Defense showed that the best location to launch the more power-
ful Moon rockets would be at an 88,000-acre site on Merritt Is-
land, north and west of the Cape. The Center was relocated at
what was designated the Kennedy Space Center in 1964.
With the development of the Saturn family of large thrust
vehicles, and the resulting requirements for increased capabili-
ties in all areas, the need for a new and improved launch con-
cept was evident. These new requirements resulted in the mobile
launch concept introduced at Complex 39.

The Mobile Concept

Since 1958, when the United States launched its first satel-
lite, the fixed launch concept has been used exclusively in all
NASA missions. This method calls for assembly, checkout and
launch of a space vehicle at one site. In addition to tying up
the launch pad, this Method also can leave tho flight equipment
exposed to the vagaries of the weather for extended periods.
Using the mobile concept, the space vehicle is thoroughly
checked in an enclosed building before it is moved to the launch
pad for final preparations. Thi3 affords greater protection, a
more systematic checkout process, and a high launch Pate in the
future, since the pad time will be minimal.
Apollo 4 is the first NASA miision using the mobile concept.
The major components of Complex 39 ir.clude: (1) the Vehicle
Assembly Building (VAB) where the Apollo 4 space vehicle was as-
sembled and prepared; (2) the Launch Control Center, electronic
"brain" of' the Complex; (3) the Mobile Launcher, upon which the
Apollo 4 was erected for checkout and from which it will be
launched; (4) the Mobile Service Structure, which provides ex-
ternal access to the Apollo/Saturn V space vehicle at the launch
site; (5) the Transporter which carries the space vehicle, its
Mobile Launcher, and the Mobile Service Structure to the launch
pad; (6) the Cvawlerway; and (7) the launch pad itself.

-- w



The Vehicle Assembly Building is the heart of Launch
Complex 39. Covering eight acres, it is where the 363-foot-tall
space vehicle is assembled and tested.
The VAB contains 129,482,000 cubic feet of space. It is
716 feet long, and 518 feet wide and it covers 343,500 square
feet of floor space.
The foundation of the VAB rests on 4,225 steel pilings,
each 16 inches in diameter, driven from 150 to 170 feet to bed-
rock. If placed end to end, these piles would extend a distance
of 123 miles. The skeletal structure of the building contains
approximately 60,000 tons of structural steel. The exterior is
covered by more than a million square feet of insvulated aluminum
The building is divided into a high bay area 525 feet high
and a low bay area 210 feet ligh, with both areas serviced by a
transfer aisle for movement of vehicle stages.
The low bay work area, approximately '42 feet wide and 274
feet long, contains eight stage preparation and checkout cells.
These cells are equipped with systems to simulate stage inter-
face and operation with other stages and the instrument unit of
the Saturn V launch vehicle.
A.Lter the Apollo 4 launch vehicle upper stages arrived at
the Kennedy Space Center, they were moved to the low bay of the
VAB. Here, the second and third stages underwent acceptance and
checkout testing prior to mating with the S-IC first stage atop
Mobile Launcher A1 in the high bay area.
The high bay provides the facilities for assembly and
checkout of both the launch vehicle and spacecraft. It contains
four separate bays for vertical assembly and checkout. At pre-
sent, two bays are equipped, a third bay is being outfitted and
the fourth will be reserved for possible changes in vehicle
Work platform:' -- come as high as three-story buildings --
in the high bays provide access by surrounding the launch ve-
hltcle at varying levels. Each high bay has five platforms. Each
platform consists of trio bi-parting sections that move in from
oppot te side3 and mate, providing a 360-degree access to the
section of the space vehiile being checked,

X k


A 10,000-ton-capacity air conditioning system, sufficient

to cool about 3,000 homes, helps to control the environment
within the entire office, laboratory, and workshop complex lo-
cated inside the the low bay area of the VAB. Air conditioning
is also fed to individual platform levels located around the
The Mobile Launcher also carries a chilled water system
to assist in controlling the environment within the vehicle as-
sembly area.
There are 141 lifting devices in the VAB, ranging from one-
ton hoists to two 250-ton high-life bridge cranes.
The Mobile Launchers, carried by Transporter vehicles1 move
in and out of the VAB through four doors in the high bay area,
one in each of the bays. Each door is shaped like an inverted
T. They are 152 feet wide and 114 feet high at the base, narrow-
ing to 76 feet in width. Total door height is 456 feet.
The lower section of each door is of the aircraft hangar
type that slides horizontally on tracks. Above this are seven
telescoping vertical lift panels stacked one above the other,
each 50 feet high and driven by an individual motor. Each panel
slides over the next to create an opening large enough to permit
passage of the Mobile Launcher.
These doors are designed to withstand hurricane-force winds.
Operating time for opening and closing is about 45 minutes.


Adjacent to the VAB is the Launch Control Center (LCC).
This four-story structure is a radical departure from the dome-
shaped blockhouses at other lauInch sites.
The electronic "brain" of Launch Complex 39, the LCC was
used for checkout and test operations while Apollo 4 was being
Assembled inside the VAB. The LCC contains display, monitoring,
and control equipment used for both checkout and launch operations.
The building has telemeter checkout stations on its second
floor, and four firing rooms, one for each nigh bay of the VAB,
on its third floor. Three firing rooms will contain identical
sets of control and moritoring equipment, so that launch of a
vehicle and checkout Of others may take place simultaneously.
A high speed computer data link is provided between the
LCC and the Mobile Launcher for checkout of the launch vehicle.
This link can be connected to the Mobile Launener at either the
VAD or at the pad.

- rm-!
S ,| ) >


The three equipped firing rooms have some 450 consoles

which contain controls and displays required for the checkout
process. The digital data links connecting with the high bay
areas of the VAB and the launch pads carry vast amounts of data
required during checkout and launch.
There are 15 display systems in each LCC firing room,
with each system capable of providing digital information
Sixty television cameras are positioned around the Apollo/
Saturn V transmitting pictures on 10 modulated channels. The
LCC also contains 112 operational intercommunication channels
used by the crews in the checkout and launch countdown.

The Mobile Launcher is a transportable launch platform and
umbilical tower for the space vehicle.
The launch platform is a two-story steel structure, 25 feet
high, 160 feet long, and 135 feet wide, which is positioned on
six steel pedestals 22 feet high when in the VAB or at the launch
pad. At the launch pad, in addition to the six steel pedestals,
four extendable columns alro are used to stiffen the Mobile
Launcher against rebound loads, should engine cutoff occur.
The umbilical tower, extending 398 feet above the launch
platform, is mnonted on one end of the launch platform. A hammer-
head crane at the top has a hook height of 376 feet above the
deck with a traverse radius of 85 feet from the center of the
The 12-million-pound mobile launcher stands 445 feet high
when resting on its pedestals. The base, covering about half
an acre, is a compartmented structure built of 25-toot steel
The launch vehicle sits over a 45-foot-square opening
which allows an outlet for engine exhausts into a flame trench
containing a flame deflector. Thin opening is lined with re-
placeable steel blast shield, independent of the structure, and
will be cooled by a water curtain initiated two seconds after
The umbilical tower
service arrow and related plumbing, cabling and equipment. It
incorporates 18 work and access platforms, two 600-feet-per-
minute elevators, and systems for propellant and pneumatic
distribution, communications, closed circuit television, elec-
trical power, instrumentation and water.

.. ~ *-- -- -

There are nine hydraulically-operated service arms. These

swing arms support lines for the vehicle umbilical systems and
provide access for personnel to the stages.

On the Apollo 4 mission two of the service arms (including

the Apollo spacecraft access arm) are retracted early in the
count. A third is released at T-30 seconds, and a fourth at
T-16,7 seconds. The remaining five arms are armed at T-O and
awing back at vehicle first motion.

The swing arms are equipped with a backup retraction system

in case the primary mode f'ails.
The Apollo 41 vehicle is secured to the Mobile Launcher by
four combination support and holddown arms mounted on the launcher
deck. The holddown arms are a one-piece casting approximately
six by nine feet at the base and 10 feet tall, weighing over 20
tons. D.mper struts secure the vehicle near its top.
After the engines are ignited, the arms wJ11 hold Apollo 4
for about six seconds until the engines build up to 95 per cent
thrust and other monitored systems indicate they are functioning
properly. The arms release on receipt of a launch commit signal
at the zero mark in the count.
Three tail service masts are connected to the base of the
vehicle. They carry umbilical connections for environmental
control of the S-IC hoattail area, RP-1 fuel loading, and emer-
gency draining of the first stage liquid oxygen supply.

The six-million-pound Transporters, the largest tracked
vehicles known, move Mobile Launchers into the VAB and Mobile
Launchers with assembled Apollo space vehicles to the launch pad.
They also are used to transfer the Mobile Service to and from the
launch pads.
The first operational test of the Transporter came in May
'966, during the rollout of the Apollo/Saturn 500F facility model.
The half-million-pound Saturn V model and 12-million-pound Mo-
bile launcher were transported 3.5 miles to Launch Pad A. The
500F was used at the pad to verify launch facilities, develop
and test checkout procedures, and train launch crews,
On June 8, 1966, when a hurricane threatened the KSC area,
the Transporter moved the 5001F back into the VAB until the storm
threat passed.



The Transporter is 131 feet long and l114 feet wide. The
vehicle moves on four double-tracked crawlers, each 10 feet high
and 40 feet long. Each shoe on the crawler tracks seven feet
six inches in length and weighs about a ton.
Sixteen traction motors powered by four 1,000-kilowatt
generators, which in tutu are driven by two 2,750-horsepower
diesel engines, provide the motive power for Transporter. Two
750-kw generators, driven by two 1,065-horsepower diesel engines,
power the Jacking, steering, lighting, ventilating and electronic
Maximum speed of the Transporter is dbout one-mile-per-hour
loaded and about two-miles-per-hour unloaded. A trip from the
pad with a Mobile Launcher, made at less than maximum speed, takes
approximately seven hours.
The Transporter has a system designed to keep the top of the
space vehicle vertical within plus-or-minus 10 minutes of are -a
about the dimensions of a basketball.
This system also provides leveling operations required to
negotiate the five per cent ramp which leads to the launch pad,
and keeps the load level when it is raised and lowered on pedes-
tals both at the pad and within the VAB.
The overall height of the Transporter is 20 feet from ground
level to the top deck on which the Mobile Launcher is mated for
transportation. The deck is flat and about the size of a base-
ball diamond (90 by 90 feet).
Two operator control cabs, one at each end of the chassis
located diagonally opposite each other, provide totally enclosed
stations from which all operating and control functions are
The Transporter moves on a roadway 131 feet wide, divided
a median strip. Thiu is almost as broad as an eight-lane
turnpike and is designed to accommodate a combined weight of
about 18 million pounds.
The roadway is built in three layers with an average depth
of seven feet. The roadway base layer is two-and-one-half feet
of hydraulic fill compacted to 95 per cent density. The next layer
consists of three feet of crushed rock packed to maximum density,
followed by a layer of one foot of selected hydraulic fill. The
bed is topped and sealed with an asphalt prime coat.
On top of the three layern is a cover of river rock, eight
inches deep on the curves and six inches deep on the straightway.
This layer reduces the friction during steering and helps dis-
tribute the load on the Transportezr bearings.


- - V - ~w l

I - --
- - l



A 402-fout-tail, 9. 8 -million-pound tower is used to service
the Apollo launch vehicle and spacecraft at the pad. The 40-
story steel-trussed tower, called a Mobile Service Structure,
provides 36 0-dugree platform acceas to both the Saturn vehicle
and the Apollo spacecraft.

The service structure has five platforms -- two self-

propelled and three fixed, but relocatable. Two high-rise ele-
vators carry personnel and equipment between work platforms. The
platforms have the capability of opening and closing around the
363-f > space vehicle.
Atter depositing the Mobile Launcher with its space vehicle
on the pads the Transporter returns to a parking area about 7,000
feet from the pad. There it picks up the Mobile Service Struc-
ture and moves it to the launch pad. At the pad, the hugh tower
is lowered and secured Go four mount mechanisms.

The top three work platforms are located in fixed positions

which serve the lunar module, the serv--ce module, the command
module and the launch escape system of the Apollo spacecraft.

The two lower platforms serve the Saturn V and can be moved

The Mobile Service Structure remains in position until

about T-6 hours when it is removed from its mounts and returned
to the parking area.


A water deluge system will provide a million gallons of
industrial water for cooling and fire prevention during launch
4Aof Apollo 4. Once the service arms are retracted at liftoff,
a spray system will come on to cool these orms fro the heat of
the five Sal-Urn F-I engines during liftoff.
On t 'he Of the Mobile IAuncher are 29 water nozzles.
This deck deluge will start immediately after liftoff and will
pour across the face of the launcher for 30 seconds at the rate
of 50,000 gallons-per-minute. After 30 seconds, the flow will
be reduced to 20,0X00 gallono-per-minute.

Positioned on both sides of the flame trench are a series

of nozzles which will begin pouring water at 8,000 gallons-per-
minute, 10 seconds before liftoff. This water will be directed
over the flame deflector.
Other flush mounted nozzles, positioned around the pad, will
wash Pway any flutd spll as a protection against fire hazards.
I -



The flame trench is 58 feet wide and approximately six feet
above mean sea level at the base, The height of the trench and
deflector is approximately 42 feet.
The flame deflector weighs about 1.3 million pounds and is
stored outside the flame trench on rails. When it is moved be-
neath the launcher, it is raised hydraulically into position.
The deflector is covered with a four-and-one-half-inch thickness
of refractory concrete consisting of a volcanic ash aggregate
and a calcium aluminate binder. The heat and blast of the engines
are expected to wear about three-quarters of an inch from this
refractory surface during the Apollo 4 launch.

Both Pad A and Pad B of Launch Complex 39 are roughly octag-
onal in shape and cover about one fourth of a square mile of
The center of the pad Is a hardstand constructed of heavily
reinforced concrete. In addition to supporting the weight of the
Mobile Launcher and the Saturn V vehicle, it also must support
the 9.8-million-pound Mobile Service Structure and 5.5-million-
pound Transporter, all at the same time.
Saturn V propellants -- liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen, and
RP-1 -- are stored near the pad perimeter.
Stainless steel, vacuum-Jacketed pipes carry the liquid
oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen from the storage tanks to the
pad, up the Mobile Launcher, and finally into the launch vehicle
propellant tanks.
LOX is supplied from a 900,000-gallon storage tank, A oen-
trifugal pump with a discharge pressure of 320 pounds-per-square-
inch pumps LOX to the vehicle at flow rates as high as 10,000-
Liquid hydrogen, used in the second and third stag,. is
stored In an 850,00-gallon tank, and is sent through 1,560 feet
of 10-inch, vaouum-Jacketed invar pipe. A vaporizing heat ex-
changer pressurizes the mtorage tank to 60 psi for a 10,000-
gallons-per-minute flow rate.
The RP-1 fuel, a high grade of kerosene is stored in three
tanks -- each with a capacity of 86 000 gallons. It Is pumped
at a rate of 2,000 gallons-per-minute at 175 psig.


A7#-r8 -;>w \-4iT t i ]



The Complex 39 pneumatic system includes a converter-

compressor facility, a pad high-pressure gas storage battery,
a high-pressure storage battery in the VAB, low and high-
pressure, cross-country supply lines, high-pressure hydrogen
storage and conversion equipment, and pad distribution piping
to pneumatic control panels. The various purging systems re-
quire 187,000 pounds of liquid nitrogen and 21,000 gallons of


Lau n ch1

Launch of Apollo 4 will be from Pad A of Launch Complex

39 at the Kennedy Space Center. Earliest liftoff is 7 a.m. EST
and the latest time is 12 noon EST on date of launch. Flight
azimuth is 72 degrees from true north.

iFlight Profile and Sequence of Events

Flgh rofile
The first stage of' the Saturn V will carry the vehicle
and Apollo spacecraft; to an altitude of 33,5 nautical (38.5
statute) mniles and 47 5 ;-.14-attcal (54.9 statute) miles downrange,
building up speed to 5,300 knots (6,100 miles-per-hour) during
ite 2§ minutos of powered flJ.ght. After separation from the
second stage, the first stage will continue on a ballistic tra-
jectory that will let it fall into the Atlantic Ocean some 340
nautical (391 statute) miles downrange froDm Cape Kennedy (lati-
tude 30.2 degrees North and longitude 74.3 degrees West) about
nine minutes after liftoff.
The second stage, with engines running 6.1 minutes. will
propel the vehicle to an altitude of about 101 nautical (117
statute) miles some 810 nautical (935 statute) miles downrange,
building velocity to 13,300 knots (15,300 statute) miles-per-
hour (apace fixed velocity). The spent second stage will im-
pact the Atlantic Ocean about 20 minutes after liftoff some
2,260 nautical (2,600 statute) miles from KSC approximately at
latitude 31.8 degrees North and longitude 36.t degrees West.
The third stage, in its 136-second initial burn period,
will place itself and the Apollo spacecraft into a circular orbit
101 nautical (117 statute) miles above the Earth. Its ino'.ina-
tion will be 32.73 degrees and its orbital period 88.2 minutes.
Apollo 4 enters orbit at 55 degrees West longitude, 32.6 degrees
North latitude at a velocity of 25,568 feet-per-second 17,500
statute miles-per-hour, or 15,200 knots.
During the two revolutions of Earth parking orbit, the
Saturn V third stage will maintain an orbital pitch rate to
keep the spacecraft and third stage in an attitude which would
place a crew heads down, facing forward into the line of flight
if the mission were manned. No major propulsion systems are
used during the Earth parking phase, but low-level ullage and
venting thrust from the Saturn V third stage will cause small
changes in the orbit.
-j 2
Second Thirds-Stage Burn
When the spacecraft passes over the western coast of the
United States on the second revolution, the preignition sequence
will begin for the second burn of the Saturn V third stage. Time
from liftoff will be about three hours and six minutes, about six
minutes before third-stage ignition.
The stage will maneuver at rates of one degree-per-second
to reach a predetermined alignment for the burn. The burn is de-
signed to achieve an Earth-intersecting coast ellipse with a
30,15-degree inclination, a 9,30 -nautical-mile apogee (10,710
statute-mile) an entry flight path angle of 9.15 degrees down
from local horizontal, and an entry point at 20,8 degrees North
latitude and 157 degrees East longitude.
The trajectory meets requirements for a four-hour spacecraft
cold-soak and results in an entry load factor of about 17.7 g to
insure a moderately high entry heat rate test in the event of a
service propulsion system (SPS) failure.
The predetermined attitude for this burn is a pitch angle
or -40O08 degrees and a yaw angle of 14.85 measured in the launch
site inertial reference System.
Engine burn is based on nominal fuel depletion, and in esti-
mated at 305 seconds, At engine cutoff, the spacecraft attitude
is 57.7 degrees pitch and 17.04 degrees yaw.
Orbital Coast and Cold-Soak
After third-stage cutoff, the spacecraft is oriented rela-
tive to the Sun so that the thick side of the command module heat
shield is in shadow. The cold-soak attitude is held until the
start of the preignition sequencing for the first service pro-
pulsion system burn and through the coast phase following that
Ten minutes after third-stage engine cutoff, a programmed
separation signal is fed into the Apollo guidance computer (AOC)
to initiate separation of the command and service modules from
the Saturn V third stage. The Apollo auidance Computer initiates
a service module reaction control system burn to achieve a for-
ward thrust. After 1.7 seconds of thrusting, the spacecraft and
the launch vehicle third stage separate. Reaction control system
thrusting continues for another 8.3 seconds to separate the ve-
hiclea at a rate of about two feet-per-second.

The third stage Is expected to reenter over the Pacific

about four and one-half hours after separation.
--- Zr- -- -- ---- - -- -
*., t


At thrust termination, the command and service module begins

a 26-second reorientationl maneuver from the cold-soak attitude to
an attitude for service propulnion system ignition. A 64-second
attitude-hold phase follows. Since there is no further thrust-
ing during the attitude-hold phase, the mission requirement for
a no-ullage start or the service propulsion system ir met.
First Blurn

Ignition attitude for the first service propulsion system

burn is pitch up about 28 degrees from the inertial velocity vec-
tor, or 56 degrees from the local horizontal. The burn will last
16 seconds and will result in an apogee of 9,890 nautical miles
(11,400 statute milen), a perigee of -43 nautical miles (-49.5
statute miles). Inclination will be 30.13 degrees. Reentry
velocity and flight path angle, in the event the second service
propulsion system ignition does not occur, will be 32,312 ftet-
per-second and 8.75 degrees down from the local horizontal with
a resultant maximum load factor of 16 g.
Insertion into this new ellipse will occur about 12.15 de-
grees North latitude, 19.35 degrees West longitude at service
propulsion system engine cutoff three hours and 29 minutes after
Earth Intersecting Coast
After service propulsion system cutoff, the spacecraft
Initiates a programmed reorientation maneuver to reestablish the
cold-soak attitude. This is a nominal 26-second maneuver. At
this same time, the Apollo guidance computer begins calculation
of the time of free fall to reentry (40o,000 feet). The coast
phase ends 25 minutes before reentry.
About two hours and 20 minutes after service propulsion
system cutoff -- five hours and 49 minutes after liftoff -- the
spacecraft reaches apogee and begins Its descent. The coast
phase will end about two hours 10 minutes after apogee. At this
time Carnarvon, Australia, ground station will update the Apollo
guidance computer with spacecraft position, velocity and time of
free fall to reentry.
Some two minutes after this update is received the Apollo
guidance computer schedules the second service propulsion system
ignition for two minutes Jater. When time of free fall to re-
entry reaches 599.6 seconds, the command and service module re-
action control system begins a 30-second ullage maneuver, which
is followed immediately by service propulsion system ignition.
Time from first service propulsion system cutoff is some four
hours 416 minutes, from liftoff eight hours 15 minutes.

- - wj~ 7, -


Second Service Propulsion System Burr

The second burn of the service propulsion system is de-
signed to achieve a reentry velocity of 3b,333 feet-per-second
(25,000 statute milos-per-hour, 21,800 knots) and a flight path
angle 7,13 degrees below the local horizontal. The burn will
last about 269 seconds. Ignition attitude is about 25.5 degrees
below the inertial velocity vector, or 148,5 down from the local
horizontal, in pitch.
Reentry Sequence
At service propulsion system cutoff, about 240 seconds remain
until reentry begins 400,000-foeet-altitude). During this period
the command module and service module separation and the command
module reefitry attitude orientation maneuvers will be performed.
The maneuvers occur over the West Pacific within the Ouam area of
When time of free fall to reentry equals 200 seconds, the
spacecraft wlll reorient itself with the +X axis 60 degrees above
the inertial velocity vector. The attitude is such that a crew
would be heads up and facing forward, Thin att~itude remains
constant until time or free f'all to reentry becomes 85 seconds.
At that time, physical separation occurs with the four service
module reaction control syotem forward-firing thrusters provid-
ing a rearward push to the service module. The thrusters fire
until reaction control system propellant depletion.
Nominal splashdown for the service module (spin-stabilizod,
non-tumbling reentry) will le about eight hours and 41mintites
after liftoff -- 15 minutes 15 seconds after separation -- 28,8
North latitude and 178.2 East longitude.
Allowing about five seconds after separation for command
module stabilization, the guidance and navigation system will
reorient the spacecraft to the predetermined reentry attitude,
This attitude is 1541.8 degrees angle of attack with the relative
velocity vector, with the lift vector up. A crew would be heads
down, facing rearward.
Reentry, ccnsidered as beginning when the spacecraft reaches
400,000 feet altitude, will occur about eight hours and 23 minutes
after liftoff at 22,3 degrees North latitude and 152.7 degrees
East longitude with inertial velocity of 36,333 feet-per-second
(25,000 statute miles-per-hour) and an inertial flight path angle
of 7.13 degrees below the local horizontal. Applying a nominal
command module lift-to-drag ( L over D) ratio of 0.35 to the
reentry profile, the oplash point will be 30.05 degrees North
latitude and 171.0 degrees West longitude, soma 2,000 nautical
miles (2,300 statute miles) downrange from reentry.
~ .I - -


This reentry provides the criteria for certification or

the command module heat shield. Tbhose criteria are a maximum
reentry heat rate of 568 British Thermal Units (BTU) per-square-
foot-second, a total heat load of 35,740 BTU per-square-foot,
and a maximum reentry load factor of 8.28 g. The maximum heat
rate will be encountered about 59 seconds after a normal reentry,
maximum load about 72 seconds after reentry.
Communications blackout will occur some 26 seconds after
reentry and will last about 108 secondso Blackout is referenced
to C-band tracking. Drogue parachute deployment takes place 14
minutes and 24 seconds after reentry at an altitude of 23,500
feet, main parachute deployment 50 seconds later at 10,200 feet.
Splashdown for a nominal mission will be eight hours 43 minutes
after liftoff at 30.5 degrees North latitude and 71.0 degrees
West longitude, or some 540 nautical miles (622 statute miles)
northwest of the Kauai, Hawaii, tracking atation.




we + PITCH








Spacecraft and Reference Coordinate Systems

Apollo 4 Normal Events Summary

Time Fron Geodetic Inertial

Lift-off Weight Altitude Latitude Longitude Velocity
Evuent (Hr:!-in:Sec) (Lbs.) (Ft.) (Deg.) (Deg.) (Pt/Sec)

Earth Par-ing Orbet

Start Earth Parking Orbilt 00:11:10 274,830 628,129 32.6Na 55.OW 25,568

Start Second Revolution 01:38:35 273,868 634,036 32.5N 80.5W 25,568

Start 3rd Stage Attitude
Orient'ation and Preig-
nition Sequence 03:06:07 272,839 645,203 32.3N 105.6W 25,56

Second 3rd Stage Burn

Engine Ignition 03:11:33 272,235 645,921 31.8N 80.8W 25,560 r

Engine Cut-orf 03:16:37 126,254 1,915,479 27.3N 56.9W 30,689

Coast to First SPS Burn
Begin Reorientation to Cold-
Soak Attitude 03:16:55 126,254 1,915,479 27.3N 506.9W 30,689
End of Reorientation to Cold-
Soak Attitude 03:19:59 126,254 3,589s844 23.7N 44.1W 29,281
CSM/3rd Stage Separation 03:26:57 51,759 8,1793504 14.6N 23.7W 25,999
Begin ReorientatIon to First
SPS Ignition Attitude 03:27:05 51,747 8,276,797 14.4N 23.4WT 25,938
End or ReorientatIon to First
SPS Ignition Attitude 03:27:31 51,735 8,581,507 13.9N 22.4W 25,745


Apollo 4 Normal Events Summary (Cont'd.)
Time From Geodetic Inertial
Lift-Gof Weight Altitude Latitude Longitude Velocity
Event (Hr:M1n:Sec) (Ibs.; (Ft.) (Deg.) (Deg.) (Ft/sec)

First SPS Burn

SPS Engine Ignition 03:28:18 51,735 9,338,869 12.6N 20.2W 25,276

SPS Engine Cut-off 03:28:34 50,114 9,626,106 12.2N 19.4W 25,335
Earth Intersecting Coast
Begin Reorientation to Cold-
Soak Attitude 03:28:59 50,070 9,636,329 12.1N 19.3W 25,385
End of Reorientation to Cold-
Soak Attitude 03:29:26 50,058 9,952,012 11.6N 13.5W 25,198
Apogee 05:48:42 50,016 Si6,037,519 28.8S 37.6E 8,410
Begin Reorientation to Second
SPS ignition Attitude 08:01:09 49,977 14,977,108 12.4S 91.9E 22;522
End of Reorientation to Second
SPS Ignltion Attitude 08:01:41 49,967 14,591,678 1l.9S 92.6E 22,711
RCS Thrusters On 08:14:08 49,965 5,590,702 3.4N l16.7E 28,018
Second SPS Burn
Second SPS Engine Ignition 03:14:43 119, 902 ,256, 557 4.3N 118.05E 23, 266
Second SPS Engine Cut-off 08:19.'72 31,665 2,275,763 13.1N 133.0E 3hL,3S1

Apollo 4 Normial Event~s Summnary (Conttd.)

i~ft--OIT Weight Altitude Latitude LongitCude Velocity

Evn R:i:e) (Izbs.) (Ft.) (Deg.) (Deg.) (Ft/Se)

Pre-Entry Sequence
.~Begin Reorientation to CK/M4 1,2 ,5,40 1.N13.E3,5
Separation Attitude 0:0:53,'2 .82,3 47 3.E 325

'~End of Attitude Orientation l

Coast to CIVSI4 Separation 08:20:00 31,608 1.,714,1073 15.2N 137 .OE 35.,260

C:/SM4 Separation 08 :21 :40 11s,250 886,027 19.1N 145.1E 35.,925

Start CK4 Attitude Orientation
for Entry 08:21:45 11.,250 851,761 19.3N 145.5E 35.*,953
End of Attitude Orientation
Coast to Entry 08:-22:03' 11 24~ 734,59 19.9N 147.1E 3,5

10,000o-Ft. Altitude 03:23:12 124 40,000 22.3N 15.E36.,333

Enter Coimmunications Blackout 08:23:31 11,2240 293,856 23.2N 155.2E 36,416

Exit Comunications Blackout 08:25:19 11,2240 211,360 25.9N 171.OE 24,281

Drogue Parachute Deployment 08:37:29 10,543 23,500 30.05N 171.OE 1,,395

Main Parachute Deployment 08:38:19 10,226 103,200 30.05N 171.OE 1,,338

CM4 Splash 08:241:00 9,1877 0 30.05N 171.OE 1.,320

- v=


The Apollo 4 mission landing area is in the mid-Pacific
near Hawaii (Zone 4).

Sea ana air recovery vehicles and crews are provided by

the Department of Defense. Deployment of forces, and techniques
or search and recovery, will follow those used during previous
Apollo missions.
The normal recovery plan calls for landing during daylight
hours. Recovery aide activated Just before and after landing
will, however, assist recovery crews in locating the spacecraft
in darkness as well as daylight.
Abort Recovera
Mode 1 aborts using the launch escape system occur "off-the-
pad" prior to or at liftoff, at "low altitude" (to 120,000 feet)
and at "high altitude" (above 120,000 feet). After launch escape
system Jettison 173 seconds after liftoff, Mode 2 abort is ac-
complished by a full-lif; reentry after a service module reaction
control system separation maneuver,
Some 14 seconds after an off-the-pad -- or an extremely low
altitude abort is initiated -- the launch escape system is Jetti-
soned from the command module. At higher altitudes, it is Jetti-
soned at 24,000 feet.
Sequenclng of the Earth landing system (ELS) is the same as
for landing after orbital flight.
Boundaries of the launch abort landing corridor, beyond the
launch site landing area immediately surrounding the launch pad,
are the most extreme launch azimuth ground tracks anticipaoed.
Spotting of recovery forces within this corridor is based on the
probability of a landing in or near each particular area,
Access time to abort landing points is greater for some
areas in the abort corridor than ror the planned landing zone
for orbital flight, Aircraft access time of no more than four
hours to any point in the abort corridor ts probable, however.

Atlantic Recoveryforces
Stationed downrange in the Atlantic in the 300-400-mile
range from CaLe Kennedy will be recovery ships and planes to
locate and recover two camera capsules and to serve as a space-
craft recovery team if there should be an aborted mission.
A aeonr.dary requirement will 'he the sighting and recovery,
if possible, of thc S-IC booster or any portion surviving re-
entry asI impact,


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An LPD (landing platform dock) will be in the immediate

area in which the cameras and booster are expected to impact.
Helicopters launched from the ship's heliport will search for
the camera capsules ejected some 38 seconds after first and
second-stage first-plane separation. Impact point should be
some 470 miles from the launch site,
These personnel and those in Air Force planes in the area
will also attempt to eight the booster and photograph the im-
pact. Should any portion of the booster survive the impact
and float, the LPD will attempt a recovery. Two Marshall cen-
ter representatives will be on the ship to identify components
and decide if they may be safely recovered. The LPD'e lower
section may be flooded to allow large sections to be hauled
aboard. Should the draft of any floating component be too
great for the ship, alternate procedures call for towing it
to the nearest land and beaching the component.
The booster reentry sighting-and-recovery exercise is
being conducted to support an advanced missions study on re-
covering and refurbishing large space vehicles.

-c: -; - A -- y«.
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/ 1~



The Mission Control Center at the Manned Spacecraft Center
in Houston will be the focal point for all Apollo flight control
activities. In performing the control function, and determining
the progress or the flight, the Mission Control Center - Houston
will receive tracking arnd telemetry data from the Manned Space
Flight Network. This data will be processed through the Mission
Control Center - Houston Real-Time Computer Complex (RTCC-H) and
used to drive displays for the flight controllers and engineers
in the Mission Operations Control Room and Staff Support rooms.
Real-time spacecraft television will be received at the Mission
Control Center - Houston from the Cape Kennedy area.
A portion of the Mission Control Center - Houston flight
control responsibility will be delegated to the flight control
teams from Houston which will be manning three of the Manned
Space Flight Network stations. These teams will have display
and communications capabilities which will permit them to operate
somewhat independently or "remote," in network terminology. Dur-
ing the time these stations are operating remote, telemetry data
will be transmitted to the Mission Control Center - Houston in
teletype form only. Spacecraft commands also may be initiated
from the remote stations by the flight control team located there.


Ground Systems for Spacecraft Guidance. Command and Control
The Manned Space Flight Network is an around-the-world ex-
tension of the Mission Control Center's monitoring and command
control capabilities. Apollo 4 will demonstrate the network's
ability to provide the Flight Director complete navigational and
mission event control through its global remote facilities.
Geographically, the Manned Space Flight Network for Apollo
is similar to the configuration employed in both Projects Mor-
cury and Gemini. As the magnitude and technology of Project
Apollo increased, the worldwide ground systems' sophistication
increased to fill Apollo's greater needs.
New Developments
Extensive alterations tave been made to network equipment
to accommodate the greater volumes of astronaut and spacecraft
information to be exchanged with ground stations over longer
periods of time. A higher degree of reliability has also been
incorporated Jnto the network by designing redundancy where



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~7r~ _

Apollo spacecraft weight, space limitations, mission dur-
ation and distance demanded a more compact tracking/communica-
tions system of greater power, flexibility and reliability.
Out of these requirements, the Apollo Unified S-Band System
(USB) was born. This system combines in a single transmission
several mission functions previously requiring the separate systems.
These are:
(a) Tracking and determining flight path and velocity
(b) Commanding the spacecraft via coded radio signals
(c) Receiving telemetry (coded radio)
(d) Receiving telemetry on spacecraft integrity, systems
condition, batteries, fuel state and performance
Some USB ground stations have the additional capability to
provide tracking and communications data exchange for two space-
craft simultaneously as long as both are within the single-boam-
width of the antenna system.
Sites and Status
The Unified S-Band sites are located and equipped for the
type duties they perform. Ten land-based stations are equipped
with 30-foot diameter antenna systems, three with 85-foot dia-
meter dishes. The Grand Bahama Island station has a transport-
able van-mounted system with an erectable 30-foot antenna,
The USB systems are under engineering evaluation. Network
experience to date has included highly successful tests with
the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft in orbit around the Moon and on
Apollo/Saturn 202. While prime support for the early Apollo
flights will be through the proven Goemini systems, the new USB
systems will again be tested during Apollo 4 in actual mission
support by those portions of the USB systems not related to the
An the new systems are pronounced fully operational and
techniques perfected during successive Earth-orbital flights,
a phase-over from the Gemini systems will be made to the USB


Participating Stations
For Apollo 4, 12 NASA USB stationso two Department of De-
fense associated radas land stations, two range instruenta-
tion ships, and four Apollo Instrumented Aircraft (ARIA) will
provide the required tracking, data acquisition and communica-
tions services.
USB Sites:
30-Ft. Antenna Sites 85-Ft, Antenna Sites
Antigua (ANG). Canberra (CNB)*, Australia.
Ascension Island (ACN). Goldstone (GD8), Calif.
Bormuda (BDA). Madrid (MAD)*, Spain.
Canary Island (CYI).
Carnarvon (CRO), Australia. *Not required for Apollo 4.
Grand Bahama Island (GEM).
Guam (OWM),
Quaymas (aYm), Mexico.
Hawaii (HAW),
Merritt Island (MIL),Fla.
Texas (TEX), Corpus Christi.
Participating Ships:
USNS VANOUARD-Insertion/Injection-Atlantic.
USNS ROSE KNOT VICTOR - Powered Flight Ship.

The Network SUPort Team

Around-the-clock control of the Manned Space Flight Network
is maintained by a 30-man team (per eight-hour shift) of network
syctems specialists housed in a now and highly instrumented
operations room at the Ooddard Space Flight Center, Greenbolt,
Md. The operation's room was designed especially to monitor
every aspect of the worldwide network. Formerly located at the
Mission Control Center, Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston (MCC-H),
the team will continue to report its status and findings to the
mission flight director in the Houston Mission Operations Control
Room (MOCR) but will retain its autonomy for checks, balances and
corrections for continuity of coverage.
Testing tho Network
Before Apollo 4 is flown, a total of 14 days of checking
and testing will have been accomplished. Each network at each
station has its own performance criteria that must be met before
the Manned Space Flight Network may be pronounced ready to par-
ticipate in the mission,
J1F --- - --
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- -


At Goddard these criteria are otoi'od in a computer memory

system, Each station reports, via the UJASA Commuriicationo ?'et-
work high-speed digital circuits, its own oystem-by-system checks.
These reports are automatically compared with the stored normal
values. Any variation from the desired values in detected by the
computer and a "no-go" condition exists. If there Is no variation
from desired norms, a "go" is reported. The process is repeated
until the toot conductor states that the entire network is ready
to participate. The ritual is repeated for each mission and is
known as CADFISS, short for Computer ard Data Flow Integrated
Subsystems tests.
Final Configuration
When completed, the Apollo Manned Space r"light Network will
consist of 11 30-foot Earth-orbit USB arntenma sZ'ton; three 85-
foot antenna siteu with 85-foot antenna backuip sites I'or deep
apace tracking/evommunicationa; five Apollo ships and eight In-
strumented Aircraft (ARIA) with U8B facilities. Three of the
ships are equipped with 30-foot antennas (VANGUARD, REDSTONEO
MERCURY) for insertion/injection coverage. Two ships are equipped
with 12-root antennas for reentry coverage (HUNTSVILLH4, WATERTOWIN).
The aircraft are equipped with a seven-foot dish in the noce. In
addition to the USB sites li^;d, other ground stati IB providing
telemetry, C-Band (space position) radar and voice relay will be
used an required. It will require a manning effort of some 2,000.
CE2uter: Switc
Computers are key components in this system. They are in
effect, electronic traffic policemen. UNIVAC 642 computers at
the USB stations sort the data received from Apollo and route it
to on-station displays arid, via telecommunications, to the Houston
Mission Control Center. Tracking stations ashore and afloat are
linked through dual UNIVAC 418 Rlealtime Systems that function as
communications subowitchers with the control center at Goddard
which in equipped with much larger UNIVAC 494 Realtime Automatic
Switching Systems.
Realtime In Now
At fraction-of-a-second intervals, the digital data pro-
cessing systems, with NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center at Houston
as the focal point, "talk" in computer digital language to each
other, or to the spacecraft, in realtime.
Commands are thus sent to the'Apollo spacecraft quickly,
even though the capsule may be thousands of miles from the con-
trol center. The command capability ts needed for such matters
as control of cabin pressure, orbital guidance, or "go/no go"
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Before it is sent to the spacecraft, each command is auto-

matically checked with pre-programmed information by the on-
station computers to determine validity and thus guarantee that
only the correct commands are sent to the spacecraft.
Data On Call
For the downward data from Apollo, sensors built into the
spacecraft continually sample such spacecraft parameters as cabin
temperature, capsule attitude, and heatshield information. These
data are then transmitted to the ground. The on-site UNIVAC sys-
tems detect changes or variations for comparison with stored data;
provide continual displays; and assemble, log, and store data for
immediate "on-call" display. The computers process data for on-
site flight controllers, or if controllers are not there, the data
are put into form for transmission to Mission Control Center in
More and More Data
Each succeeding generation of the space program calls for
vastly increased requirements. During Project Mercury, for ex-
ample, the amount of network traffic handled through the Goddard
center was tne equivalent of a standard printed page every second.
Apollo mission control traffic will approximately be that con-
tained in novel each second, or an encyclopedia of material each
The Tie That Binds - NASCOM
Tying all these sites together is the NASA Communications
Network (NA3COM). JHeadquarters at Goddard, the hub of NASA com-
munications, NASCOM's Automatic Communications Switching Center
functions as the one central facility through which the Mission
Control Center in Houston is instantly connected with the world-
wide Manned Space Flight Network stations.
Through one million circuit miles, the network provides low,
medium, and high-speed messages along with voice-grade connections.
Circuits between centers are provided by common carriers and
local telephone companies in many countries.
Satellite Communications
Circuits will be provided via two Intelsat synchronous
communications satellites: one over mid-Pacific and a second
over mid-Atlantic, providing alternate and backup communications
across both oceans where only cable and radio have been available.
The network pioneered use of satellites for space operational use
by employment of NASA's Syncom III during the Gemini program.

Reentry Communications Blackout Stjdy

For the first time 1tASA scientists and engineers will have
an opportunity to gather information on the communications char-
acteristics and reentry behavior of the Apollo spacecraft under
actual lunar return conditions.
High Speed Reentry
^t approximately eight hours and 23 minutes into the mis-
sion, the command module will enter the Earthis atmosphere after
having been accelerated by the second service propulsion system
burn to the name entry velocity (36,333 feet-per-second) ex-
pected during a lunar mission entry. This speed is roughly 14
times that of a military high-powered rifle bullet.
Two periods of communications blackout will be experienced
during reentry, The first of these periods will be of approxi-
mately two and one-half minutes duration beginning at 350,000
feet, terminating at approximately 200,000 feet, After a four-
minute coast and cool-off perlod, the second blackout phase of
one and one-half minutes begins as the spacecraft dtarts its
second descent.

:Search lor an Answer

Much is known about the problem of communications blackout
during spacecraft reentry, but little has been discovered lead-
ing to a permanent solution. Weight and space limitations aboard
the spacecraft preclude some of the obvious answers associated
with known techniques.
Atmospheric electrons are so disturbed by the spacecraft's
friction-generating speed that they form a superheated envelope
surrounding the spacecraft. Ground station radic signals bounce
off this envelope. During the phenomenon, mission directors,
flight controllers, communicators, and tracking station person-
nel have no contact with the spacecraft.
The Scientists Take a Look
During thin period, Goddard's Mission Trajectory and Anal-
ysis Division will observe and record all possible data regard-
ing communicationa blackout phenomena. Observers will be sta-
tioned aboard aircraft and ships in the western Pacific Ocean
along the 5,000-mile return path from Marcus Island to Hawaii.

I, __ _


Focus on the Problem

Assisting in the acquisition of data will be two Range
Instrumentation Tracking Ships and two Apollo/Range Instrumenta-
tion Aircraft (ARIA) stationed in the western Pacific along the
entry landing path (see map). The ships will provide radar cov-
erage along the entry trajectory in which the Apollo 4 command
module emerges from the communications blackout and during the
final phase of the entry. ARIA aircraft will participate pri-
marily for performance evaluation purposes. Two ARIA will operate
in the Atlantic, as will the second Range Ins trumentation Tracking
Atlantic aircraft (Nos. 1 and 2) will be airborne and col-
lecting data during launch, the second orbit and the second
third-stage (S-Iw) burn.
Pacific aircraft (Nos. 3 and 4) will be airborne and col-
lecting data in the Hawaii area. No. 3 will track the orbiting
third stage/spacecraft as it passes west of Hawaii during the
second orbit. It will then proceed to Midway Island prior to
covering the spacecraft entry taking a position about 60 miles
south of the command module landing point. ARIA No. 4 will col-
lect data only during entry at a point approximately 150 nautical
miles north of the entry ground track. ARIA 5 will be uprange of
communications blackout to attemp; to track as far into blackout
as possible and then attempt to re-establish track prior to or
immediately after exit from blackout.


-I !



Direction of the Apollo Program, the United States'

etfort to land men on the Moon and return them safely to
Earth before 1970, Io the responsibility or the Office of
Manned Space Flight (OMSF), Headquarters, National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.
The NASA Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), Houston, Texas,
i5 responsible for development of the Apollo spacecraft,
flight crew training and mission control.
The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville,
Ala., is responsible for development of the Saturn launch
The NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Kennedy
Space Center, Fla., is responsible for Apollo/Saturn launch
The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (OSFC), Greenbelt,
Md., manages the Manned Space Flight Network under the over-
all direction of the NASA Headquarters Office of Tracking
and Data Acquisition (OTDA).


Dr. Gt irge B. Mueller Associate Administrator for Manned

Space Flight, NASA Headquarters
MaJ. Gen. Samuel C. Phillips Director, Apollo Program Office,
OMSF, NASA Headquarters
Lee B. James Deputy Director, Apollo Program
Officeo, OMF
William C. Snhnoider Apollo Mission Director, OMSF
NASA Headquarters
MaJ. Gen. John D. Stevenson Director, Mission Operations,
OMS?, NASA Headquarters
Dr. Robert R. Gilruth Director, Manned Spacecraft
Center, Houston
Oeorge M. Low Manager9 Apollo Spacecraft Program
Officeo, MSC


Donald K. Slayton Director, Flight Crew Operations,

Chrltophor C. Kraft, Jr. Director, Flight Operations, MSC
Glynn S. Lunney Apollo 4 Flight Director, Flight
Operations, MSC
Dr. Wernher von Braun Director, Marshall Space Flight
Center, Huntsville, Ala.
Brig. Gen. Edmund F. O'Connor Director, Industrial Operations,
Dr. Arthur Rudolph Manager, Saturn V Program Officer,
Leland F. Below Manager, Engine Program Office,
Dr. Kurt H. Debus DirootorJohn F. Kennedy Space
Center, Fla.
Rocco A. Patrons Director, Launch Operations, KSC
Dr. Hans F. Gruene DirectorLaunch Vehicle Operations,
*j3hn J. Williams Director, Spacecraft Operations,
Paul C. Donnelly Launch Operations Manager, KSC
Edmond C. Buckley Associate Administrator, Tracking
and Deta Acquisition, NASA Head-
quarters, Washington
H. R. Brockett Director or Operations, Communi-
cations and ADP Management Division,
Norman Pozinsky Director, Network Support Imple-
mentation Division, OTDA
Dr. John F. Clark Director, Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Ozro M. Covington Assistant Director for Manned
Space Flight Tracking, GSFC
Dr. Friedrich 0. Vonbon Chief, Mission Trajectory End
Analysis Divl3ion, GSFC
Walter I. Adams CADFISS Operations Director, OSFC

I:# - -t



Prime Contractor:
North American Aviation, Inc. Space and Information Systems
Division, Downey, Calif.

Contractor Item
Washington, D. C. Apollo Systems Engineering
General Electrio-Apollo Support Apollo Checkout and
Department, Daytona Beach, Fla. Reliability
Spacecraft Contractors
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp., Lunar Module
Bethpage, Long Island, N. Y.
North American Aviation, Inc. Spacecraft Command and
Space Division, Downey, Calif. Service modules
Massachusetts Institute of Guidance & Navigation
Technology, Cambridge (Technical Management)
General Motors Corp., AC Guidance & Navigation
Electronics Division, Milwaukee (Manufacturing)
General Electric Co., Apollo Acceptance checkout
Support Department, Equipment
Daytona Beach, Fla.
Avoo Corp., Wilmington, Mass. Heat shield ablative material
North American Aviation, Inc., VHF antenna, boost cover,
Los Angeles Division, LES tower, canards, radial
Inglewood, Calif. beams, forward heat shield
Aeronca Manufacturing Co., Stainless steel honeycomb
Middletown, Ohio panels
Eagle Pitcher, Batteries
Joplin, Mo.
ITT, Industrial Products Division, Battery charger
San Fernando, Calif.
United Aircraft Corp., Pratt & Fuol cell modules
Whitney Aircraft Division,
East Hartford, Conn.

,, / -A A
/ .1

Westinghouse Electric Corp., Static inverters

Lima, Ohio
Beech Aircraft Corp., Cryogenic storage
Boulder, Colo.
Garrett Corp. AiResearch Environmental control
Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles system
North American Aviation, Inc., Master controller systems
Autonatlco Division Integrated test equipment
Anaheim, Calif.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Lockheed LES escape and pitch
Propulsion Co., Redlands, Calif. motors
Thiokol Chemical Corp., LES Jettison motor
Elkton, Md.
Northrop Corp., Northrop-Ventura, ELS parachute subsystem
Newberry Park, Callf.
Honeywell Inc., St~abilization and control
Minneapolis, Minn. system
North American Aviation, Inc., CM RC3
Ro)cketdyne Division,
Canoga Park, Calif.
The Marquardt Corp., SM RCS
Van Nuye, Calif.
Bell Aerospace Corp., RCS positive expulsion tanks
Bell Aerosystems Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Airite Products, Helium tanks
Los Angeles

General Motors Corp., SPS propellant tanks

Allison Division,
Simmonds Precision Products, Propellant gaging and
Tarrytown, N. Y. 'xzing
Aerojet-General Corp., SPS engine
Sacramento, Calif.

41 TA4

Collins Radio Co., Communications and data

Cedar Rapids, Iowa system
Radcom, C-band antenna
College Park, Md.
General Time Corp., Central timing system
Aeronetics Division
:wiLling Meadows, Ill.

The Havilland Aircraft HF antennas

or Canada Ltd.,
Motorola Inc., Digital up-data link
Government Electronics Division,
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Beckman Instruments Inc., Data acquisition equipment
Scientific and Process Instruments
Division, Fullerton, Calif.
Control Data Corp., Digital test command system
Government Systems Division,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Electro-Optical Systems Inc., Transducers and instru-
Micro-Systems Division mentation
Pasadena, Calif.
General Precision Inc., Mission simulator trainer
Link Group,
Binghamton, N. Y.
Ford Motor Co., Displays in Mission Control
Philco-Ford Corp., Center
International Business Machines Computers in Mission Control
Federal Systems Center, Center
Galthersburg, Md.



.\ .



North American Avlation, Inc. J-2 Engines, F-l Engines

Rocketdyne Division,
Canoga Park, Calif.
The Boeing Co., First Stages (S-IC) of
New Orleans Saturn V Flight Vehicles,
Saturn V Systems Engineering
and Integration
Ground Support Equipment
North American Aviation, Inc. Development and Production
Space Division, of Saturn V Second
Seal Beach, Calif. Stage (S-II)
Douglas Aircraft Co., Development and Production
Huntington Beach, Calif. of Saturn V Third Stage
International Business Machines Instrument Unit (Prime
Huntsville, Ala. Contractor)
Bendix Corp., Guidance Components for
Navigation and Control Division Instrument Unit (Including
Teterboro, N. J. ST-124M Stabilized Platform)
General Electric Co., Saturn V Support at Mississippi
Huntsville, Ala. atid Test Facility; Ground suppnrt
Bay St. Louis, Miss. equipment
Radio Corp. of America, Ground Support Equipment
Van Nuys, Calif.
Mason-Rust Saturn V Support at Michoud
New Orleans, La. Assembly Facility
Sanders Associates Ground Support Equipment
Nashua, N. H.
Arrowhead Products Division Propellant Feed Ducting for
Federal-Mogul Corp., Saturn V First Stage
Los Alamitos, Calif.
Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Open Cycle Fuel. Cell Systems
Flexonics Division, Propellant Feed Ducting for
Calumet & Hocla, Inc. Saturn V First Stage
Bartlett, Ill.
U^ 1


AlResearoh Manufacturing Co., Prevalves for Saturn V

The Garrett Corp., First Stage
Phoenix, Ariz.
Electronic Communications, Inc. Electronic Components
St. Petersburg, Fla. and Systems
Dortech Inc. Saturn V First Stage
Dorr Oliver Co. Transporters
Stamford, Conn.
Douglas Aircraft Co. Large Sandwich Segments for
Santa Monica, Calif. Forming Common Domes
Parker Aircraft Co. 10-inch Lox Vent and relief
Los Angeles valves
Northrop Corp. Hermtically Sealed Oyro
Norwood, Mass. Packages
Brown Engineering Co. Propulsion and Vehicle
Huntsville, Ala. Engineering Laboratory
Space Sciences Laboratory
Sperry-Rand Corp. Astrionios Laboratory Support
Now York, N. Y.
Spaco, Inc. Quality and Reliability
Huntsville, Ala. Assurance Laboratory Support
Vitro Services, Test Laboratory Support
Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
Hayes International Corp. Manufacturing Engineering
Huntsville, Ala. Laboratory Support
Northrop Corp. Aero-Astrodynua-1, Laboratory
Norwood, Mass. Support
Computer Sciences Corp. Computation Laboratory Support
El Segundo, Calif.

v- =7



Collins Radio Co. Unified S-Band Systems

Collins Radio Co. 85' Antenna Systems Electronics
Blaw-Knox Co. 85' Antenna Structures
Pittsburgh, Pa.
General Dynamics Apollo Insertion/Injection
Electronics Division Ships
Rochester, N. Y.
General Dynamics Shipbuilding Corp. Tracking ships
Quincy, Mass.
Reeves Instrument Co. Apollo Insertion/Injection
Garden City, N. Y. Ships Antenna Structures
Ling-Tempo-Vought Corp. Apollo Reentry Ships
Radio Corporation of America Apollo Ships Radar (FPs-16)
Moorestown, N. J. C-Band
Collins Radio Co. Apollo Ships S-Band System
Dynatronics Corp. Pulse Code Modulation
Orlando, Fla. Telemetry systems (Shipboard
and land stations)
Univac Division Digltal Data Prooessor 8ystem
Sperry Rand Corp. Shipboard and land stations)
Raytheon Corp. Flight Controller and
Lexington, Mass. Apollo Systems Display
Westinghouse Electric Corp. Antenna Systems Switching
Pittsburgh Gear and Generators




Morrison-Knudsen Co., Inc. Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB)

Porini Corp. (outfittlng and equip)
Paul Hardeman Construction Co., Inc. Mobile Service Structure
South Oate, Calif. Launch Control Center
portion of Crawlerway
Blount Brothers Corp. VAB (foundation)
Montgomery, Ala.
U.S. Steel, VAB (steel erector)
American Bridge Division
Urbahn-Roberts-S0ely-Moran VAB and LCC (design)
Now York, N. Y.
George A. Fuller Co. Launch Pad B
Los Angeles Portion or Crawlerway
Blount Brothers Corp. Launch Pad A
and M. M. Sundt Construction Co. Portion of Crawlerway
Montgomery, Ala.
Pacific Crane and Rigging Ground Support Equipment for
Paramount, Calif. Mobile Launchers
Catalytic Construction Co. Cryogenic Propellant System
Philadelphia for Mobile Launcher
Ingalls Iron Works Mobile Launcher (ntructural
Birmingham, Ala. work)
Smith/Ernst (Joint venture) Elootrical Mechanical Portion
Tampa, Fla., of Mobile Launchers
Washington, D. C.
Power Shovel, Inc. Transporter
Marion, Ohio
Hayes International Swing Arm
Birmingham, Ala.


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