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Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade 5 -_______________________ Score: ___________/50

I. Read and analyze each item carefully. Select the best answer from the choices A, B, C and D and
then, shade the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. (5 points)

1. Which number has the least value?

Ⓐ 1 000 000 Ⓒ 787 799
Ⓑ 999 000 Ⓓ 99 000
2. G.C.F. stands for ___________________.
Ⓐ Greatest Common Function Ⓒ Greatest Common Factors
Ⓑ Greatest Common Fraction Ⓓ Greatest Common Format
3. Which number is not a prime?
Ⓐ 17 Ⓒ 29
Ⓑ 33 Ⓓ 19
4. The value of 7 in 9 742 125 is _____________.

Ⓐ 700 000 Ⓒ 7 000 000

Ⓑ 70 000 Ⓓ 7 000
5. Jane read that there were 8,331,127 cars registered in the state of Manila. What number is in
the ten thousands place?
Ⓐ2 Ⓒ3
Ⓑ7 Ⓓ1
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. (10 points)

A. Complete the number pattern

1. 35 552, ____________, ____________, 38 552, 39 552

2. 71 680, 71 780, __________, 71 980, ____________

3. 28 361, 29 361, ____________, _____________, 32 361

B. Fill in the blanks.

In 52 396 874

4. The digit ____________ is in the millions place

5. The value of the digit 2 is _____________.

6. The digit 3 stands for _____________.

7. The digit 9 is in the ____________________ place.

8. The value of the digit 9 is ____________.

9. The digit 6 stands for _______________.

10. The digit _____________ is in the ten millions place.

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III. A. Write the words in numbers, write your answer on a space provided (2 points each)

1. One billion ______________________________

2. Thirteen million, seven hundred and fifty-six thousand ______________________________

3. Twenty-Three million, eighty-nine thousand and four hundred ______________________________

4. Four hundred and eleven million, six hundred and ______________________________

nine thousand, five hundred and seventy-two

5. Nine hundred and thirty-two million, forty-eight thousand and ______________________________


B. Write the numbers in words (3 points each)

1. 24 587 600 ______________________________________________________________________________


2. 138 900 790 ______________________________________________________________________________


3. 409 876 000 _____________________________________________________________________________


4. 720 035 482 _____________________________________________________________________________


5. 908 006 070 _____________________________________________________________________________


IV. Round each given number to the nearest place value, write your answer on a space provided (2
points each)

Round 235 748 000 to the nearest

1. Ten Thousand _______________________________

2. Hundred Thousand _______________________________

3. Million _______________________________

4. Ten Million _______________________________

5. Hundred Million _______________________________

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