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CONCEPCION, Alliah Jean C.

BSBA-MA 202 P—A#1

Describe the following:

 According to the definitions given by Wikipedia, lyric poetry is a formal type of
 poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings, typically spoken in the first
 It is from the Latin word “lyricus”, meaning “of/for the lyre.”
 Best examples of lyric poetry come from Italian and English sonnets.

Types of Lyric Poetry:

a. ODE – long serious poem, mostly about nature, object of attraction or aimed
at adoring someone or something.
b. SONNET – poems comprising 14 lines falling into 3 quatrians followed by a
c. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE – also known as person poem. This type of
poetry is highly narrative and imagined by the person, which reveals the
aspects of his/her character and nature while describing a situation or event.
They are often lengthy and famous.
d. OCCASIONAL POETRY – is written on a specific occasion. This form of
poetry is meant for a performance, accompanied by instruments.
e. ELEGY – laments the death of someone.

All types of lyric poetry fall under a METER.

METER – an underlying structure beneath the words which helps the poet emphasize or stress on
certain words of the poem.
 LAMBIC – standard line with five lambic feet in a row.
 TROCHAIC TETRAMETER – opposite of limbic, it has four trochees.
 PYRRHIC – also known as dibrach, which consists of two unaccented and short
 ANAPESTIC – is a quantitative meters which is made up of two short syllables followed
by a long one.
 DACTYLIC – is a reverse of anapestic metrical foot of three syllables, one being stressed
by two unstressed.
 SPONDEE – is a metrical foot which consists of two accented syllables.
 According to the definitions given by, dramatic poetry is
written in blank verse and is meant to be spoken. Its main purpose is to tell a story
or describe an event in an interesting and descriptive way.
 Speaker is mostly a character rather than the author.

Types of Dramatic Poetry:

b. COMEDY – it has a humorous sense that readers think of today or it may be
comedy in the classical sense.
c. TRAGEDY – story that ends unhappily.

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