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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
A. Define Microorganisms
B. Identify groups of microorganism and their characteristics
C. Compare each group according to their benefits and harmful effects

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Microorganisms
Referece: Science Links by: Meliza P. Valdoz, Jonna M. Abistado, Jan Jason M.
Mariano and Estrellita A. Madriaga. Page 111 to 115.
Materials: Pictures, Laptop, Projector, white board and marker
III. Procedure
A. Preparation
Teacher Activity Student Activity
1. Class Routine

A. Opening prayer One selected student will lead the

B. Checking of attendance Students will raise their hand upon
hearing their names being called
C. Checking of assignment Students will exchange notebooks to
check each other’s assignment
D. Review of past lesson Students are expected to participate
through recitation
E. Motivation (Video presentation on Students are expected to watch the
the importance and impact of motivational video presentation

B. Presentation

1. What are microorganisms?

Microorganisms are living things that Microorganisms are small living

cannot be seen by the unaided eye. For things that can be seen through
them to be seen and observed, a microscope only.
microscope should be used. They are
diverse not only in structure but also in
their role in the environment and their
effects on living things such as humans.
2. What are the groups of
microorganisms and their
A. Fungi A. Fungi are plant-like
-Fungi are plant-like microorganisms.
microorganisms. It includes yeast,
penicillium and aspergillus.

B. Protozoa B. Protozoa are the animal-like

Protozoa are the animal-like microorganisms.
microorganisms. They are
unicellular and they can move about
in their environment. They have
flagella, cilia or pseudopodia.
C. Bacteria C. Bacteria are smaller than
Bacteria are smaller than fungi and fungi and protozoa. They are
protozoa. They are divided into three divided into three according
according to their shapjes. 1. Coccus to their shapes. 1. Coccus has
has spherical shape. 2. Bacillus has spherical shape. 2. Bacillus
rod shaped. 3. Spirillum has spiral or has rod shaped. 3. Spirillum
coiled shape. has spiral or coiled shape.
D. Virus
Virus lacks the characteristics that D. Viruses are called Marginal
can be attributed to living things. organisms. They are
They are living only when come in pathogenic meaning they
contact with living things. They are cause diseases.
called Marginal organisms. They are
pathogenic meaning they cause

3. How do we compare each group

according to their benefits ad
A. Fungi- They are used in Fungi are used in
fermentation industry and baking fermentation industry and
products, such as Saccharomyces baking products, such as
cerevisae, commonly called yeast. Saccharomyces cerevisae,
Penicillium notatum which is the commonly called yeast.
source of the antibiotic penicillin; Penicillium notatum which is
ad Aspergillus flavus, which is the the source of the antibiotic
source of aspergillic acid. penicillin; ad Aspergillus
flavus, which is the source of
Pathogeic fungi such as Tinea aspergillic acid. Pathogeic
capitis ca cause ringworms and fungi such as Tinea capitis ca
athlete’s foot. cause ringworms and athlete’s
B. Protozoa – Amoeba, a unicellular foot.
protozoa can be parasitic and can
cause amoebic dysentery and can Protozoa – Amoeba, a
cause bleeding ulcers as they live in unicellular protozoa can be
the intestine and feed on the parasitic and can cause
intestinal walls. Trypanosoma, a amoebic dysentery and can
protozoan that moves about using cause bleeding ulcers as they
its flagella. Trypanosoma live in the intestine and feed
gambiense is the species that can on the intestinal walls.
cause sleeping sickness. It can be Trypanosoma, a protozoan
spread to humans and domestic that moves about using its
animals by the bite of infected tse flagella. Trypanosoma
tse fly. Plasmodium is a nonmotile gambiense is the species that
organism and all are parasitic. They can cause sleeping sickness. It
can cause malarial disease through can be spread to humans and
the bite of infected mosquito of the domestic animals by the bite
genus Anopheles. of infected tse tse fly.
C. Bacteria – They bring about the Plasmodium is a nonmotile
breakdown of organic materials, organism and all are parasitic.
called the process of Decay. They They can cause malarial
break down the tissues of dead disease through the bite of
animals and plants, and return infected mosquito of the
oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, genus Anopheles.
phosphorus and sulfur to the air,
soil and water. Bacteria are Bacteria – They bring about
important in preparation of cheese, the breakdown of organic
sauerkraut and pickels. materials, called the process
Actinomycetes, is responsible for of Decay. They break down
the production of antibiotics such as the tissues of dead animals
streptomycin. and plants, and return oxygen,
The idea that bacteria can cause carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus
diseases- the germ theory of and sulfur to the air, soil and
disease- was developed by the water. Bacteria are important
French scientist Louis Pasteur in in preparation of cheese,
the mid-1880s. 1. Bacteria can be sauerkraut and pickels.
numerous that they can interfere Actinomycetes, is responsible
with normal functioning of the for the production of
body. 2. In some diseases, they antibiotics such as
produce toxins ad poisons that can streptomycin.
interfere with normal functioning of The idea that bacteria can
the body. cause diseases- the germ
D. Viruses – They are pathogenic ad theory of disease- was
known to infect plants, animals, developed by the French
fungi, algae, protozoa and humans scientist Louis Pasteur in the
and eve bacterial cells. Viruses that mid-1880s. 1. Bacteria can be
infect bacteria are called numerous that they can
bacteriophage viruses. Examples of interfere with normal
common viral diseases are measles, functioning of the body. 2. In
mumps, chicken pox, small pox, some diseases, they produce
rabies and warts. toxins ad poisons that can
interfere with normal
functioning of the body.

Viruses are pathogenic and

known to infect plants,
animals, fungi, algae,
protozoa and humans and
even bacterial cells. Viruses
that infect bacteria are called
bacteriophage viruses.
Examples of common viral
diseases are measles, mumps,
chicken pox, small pox, rabies
and warts.

C. Generalization

1. What are microorganisms?

2. What are the groups of microorganisms and their characteristics?
3. How do we compare each group according to their benefits ad effects?

D. Application

IV. Evaluation
10 Item quiz
1. What is a tool used to see microorganisms? Microscope
2. What specie of fungi is the source of antibiotic penicillin? Penicillin notatum
3. What specie of protozoa ca cause amoebic dysentery? Amoeba
4. What specie of protozoa can cause sleeping sickness? Trypaosoma gambiense
5. What specie of protozoa can cause malaria? Plasmodium
6. What type of bacteria with spherical shape? Coccus
7. What type of bacteria with rod-shape? Bacillus
8. What type of bacteria with spiral or coiled shape? Spirillum
9. They are considered as marginal organism? Viruses
10. A process of breakdown of organic materials is called? Decay

V. Assignment

1. What is Sexual and Asexual Reproduction?

Prepared by:

Jestoni S. Geronimo

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