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Oracle Analytics Cloud for HR: Demo Walkthrough

HR analytics has been the buzzword in HR circles for almost a decade now. Corporate leaders
speak of moving beyond intuition and making decisions backed by data. This has led to the
emergence of evidence-based HR where decisions for the unforeseen future are made based on
the limited data available from the past.

From the time an employee joins an organization till the time she leaves, there is a lot of
information collected and hidden for years in the form of physical and system files. But this
information is hardly ever analyzed.

HR analytics is the application of analytic processes to the human resource department of an

organization to improve employee performance and therefore getting a better return on

There are three different ways in which an organization can use analytics to gather insights about
their workforce.

 Descriptive Analytics, which answers the question, “What has happened?”

 Predictive Analytics, which answers the question, “What could happen?”

 Prescriptive Analytics, which answers the question, “What should we do?”

Oracle Analytics Cloud is an end to end solution to understand the correlation between people
performance and business performance. It uses data visualization to create interactive
dashboards and machine learning to make future predictions.

Let’s look at how Oracle Analytics Cloud analyses workforce data with an example of HR Attrition

1. Understand why employees are leaving your company (Descriptive Analytics)

Reason Codes like Job Role, Age, Performance Rating are used to identify key reasons affecting
employee turnover. The attributes that are highly correlated with employee turnover appear and
further analysis is done to arrive at exact reason for turnover.
Fig 1: Correlation between Reason Codes and Employee Turnover

Fig 2: Final Inference: Technicians have maximum turnover due to No Promotion

It is inferred that Technicians that have the highest performance rating have the highest turnover
rate. The high performing Technicians are leaving because they are not getting promoted to
Senior Technicians.

2. Understand and forecast the future turnover rate (Predictive Analytics)

The turnover for last two quarters is visualized using a line graph. It is seen that turnover was
high for this period. At the click of a button, using the Forecast option, the turnover for the next
few months can be estimated. All the background work is done by Oracle Analytics.
Fig 3: Employee Turnover for last two quarters

Fig 4: Forecasted Turnover for next few months

We observe that Employee Turnover is forecasted to increase over the next few months
unless corrective action is started.

3. Prescribe a solution to address and reverse the employee turnover trend (Prescriptive
New data can be added to identify which employees have completed employee training and
the geography where the employees belong. Oracle Analytics provides many different
visualization options and color customizations.

Fig 5: Cities with highest turnover

It is inferred that one of the reasons behind Seattle and Chicago having highest turnover is
because of lower employee training. The prescribed solution is that training needs to be improved
in these two locations to reduce attrition.

The above demo walkthrough of Oracle Analytics cloud is an example of how the HR department
can be empowered and have a better people advantage. They can get an insight into Recruitment,
Attrition, Payroll and Talent Management of their employees. Moreover, Oracle Analytics Cloud
is extremely user friendly and accurate. It uses machine learning models, trends and future
projections to make better business decisions. Oracle Analytics is one of the best tools to get a
comprehensive view of your organization, predict employee actions, understand your workforce
better, and make better budgetary decisions.

For organizations that are using on-premises applications, the Oracle Analytics Server helps
organizations to use data visualizations and augmented analytics with their on- premises Oracle
BI license or subscription. Those organizations that have moved to the cloud can use Oracle
Analytics for Applications which is built on Oracle Analytics Cloud, which sources data from the
SaaS applications and stores it in Oracle’s Autonomous Datawarehouse. Metrics and KPI’s give
insights which help in monitoring and aligning various data points.
Oracle’s integrated platform gives flexibility to companies to run OAC entirely on cloud or blend it
with their on premises applications.

So, whether you are on-premise, or considering moving to cloud, or have already moved to cloud,
OAC is a great solution for your organization’s data crunching needs.

1. Guest author. (2019). Oraclecom. Retrieved 7 August, 2019, from
2. Halobicom. (2016). Halo. Retrieved 7 August, 2019, from
3. John Hagerty. (2019). Oraclecom. Retrieved 7 August, 2019, from
4. Oraclecom. (2019). Oraclecom. Retrieved 7 August 2019, from
5. Techopediacom. (2019). Techopediacom. Retrieved 7 August 2019, from

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