Giornalino n3 Marzo 2019 INGLESE

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Year XXI – Issue 3, March 2019

ASC International Communications – General Administration - Via Maria De Mattias, 10 - 00183 Rome [email protected]

Maria De Mattias and

St. Gaspar – a rich encounter

In celebrating our Foundress on February 4, and Gaspar. While he was speaking, she saw him point
March 4, we are led to reflect further on St. Maria’s to the crucifix, and she was aware that the words
human and spiritual experience and to remember spoken by the Saint were addressed directly to
her message of Charity toward God and our dear her. Thus, like a drop of water falling on arid soil,
neighbor. softening it and quenching its thirst, and the seed
Since her presence is a time of ongoing and falling on fertile ground, it was ready to sprout. In
meaningful communion for us, I would like to recall the same way, Maria was filled with a new force, that

the encounter between Sr. Maria De Mattias and of God’s love. She recognized the greatly awaited
Father Gaspar in this regard. sign and felt ready to free her heart to give it to the
It was Lent of 1822 and St. Gaspar had been world.
invited to preach in Vallecorsa. Maria De Mattias, In fact, from that meeting Maria understood
a seventeen-year-old young woman, was there what she wanted, who she wanted to be and how.
amid the crowd. She was curious, penitent, open Our Foundress’ experience, like that of many
and ready to receive a sign of the Divine, the only biblical episodes, teaches us that an encounter
One who could comfort her and calm the anxiety can be fruitful, can be a needed source for finding
of heart that she was experiencing during those the right response in our lives, but especially in
years. It was an anxiety caused by inner torment our hearts. Therefore, her testimony explains to us
that drove her to understand the meaning of life. that the true substance of the encounter is found
Like the prophets, Gaspar, a man of God, was in faith and availability, in eyes free from prejudices
led by a single desire, that the people of his time, and acceptance of the new, the different. It is found
would be fearful of the horror of sin and open in openness to grace and confident abandonment
to God’s love for them and all humanity. In fact, to continually lower our nets at His Word to be
that love cost the Father all the blood of His only ready to become the voice and action of the One
begotten Son. who is revealed through mysterious ways, but who
Maria herself recounts to Merlini the most is always present everywhere.
wonderful sensation she had in listening to Father
Sr. Maria Grazia Boccamazzo,ASC
Editorial Christy girls home - Kolar 7
Maria De Mattias and St. Gaspar – a rich encounter 1 Fear of freedom 8
General Administration Space JPIC/VIVAT Space
Thanks expressed by Sr Nadia Coppa 2
VIVAT meeting in Spain 10
From the general superior,
Sr. Nadia Coppa’s general letter 4 Maria De Mattias in Katowice 11
From the ASC World In the Congregation
The Village of Hope 5 General Administration Calendar 12
St. Maria De Mattias’ birth, Birthdays: let’s celebrate life 12
a gift for all generations 6 They have returned to their Heavenly Home 12

General Administration Space
Thanks expressed by Sr Nadia Coppa
February 4, 2019
Allow me to express my greetings! It is a true joy we, like Maria, want to do everything possible with
to be here to celebrate the sublime gift of Maria De all our strength, with our entire selves, giving that
Mattias together. I hope each year we experience missionary impulse, that enthusiasm, that impetus
a deep communion established by the Blood of marked by the Word of the Blood.
Christ in a more intense way. That Blood nourished Maria’s life was transformed, conformed to
Maria De Mattias and made her a disciple, an Adorer that of the Beloved, to the Greatest Good, to the
and a tireless apostle. Happiness of her heart.
We want to take this occasion to greet all of you She truly knew how to unite in a balanced way
and sincerely thank you for having wanted to share her missionary commitment and contemplation,
the joy of this gift again this year. It is a joy not only because each day she was nourished by that
for us but also for the Church and the world. We relationship that drove her outside herself. We
have celebrated a “strong woman, tireless worker, know that we can generate only if we belong to our
and mirror of Christian virtue….” Spouse and experience God’s generative Love that
We celebrated a “talented and gifted woman fills and overflows from our hearts.
endowed with charity, distinctive gentleness, We want to celebrate St. Maria De Mattias,
strength and goodness, wisdom and astuteness.” remembering and making her dream more known
Through these decisive and clear, sober but as we continue to generate life everywhere and
well defined broadstrokes, Father John Merlini always.
described the beautiful personality of this woman We feel called to motivate and give meaning
who sublimely united her passion for God and anew to our mission as disciples and missionaries
her tender love for the world. She was as much a called to “collaborate with Christ’s redemptive work”
spiritual woman as a human one. (LC) and encouraged to “embrace the future with
We celebrated a simple, ordinary woman who hope.” (Pope Francis)
did not draw back from the more practical things to We often say embrace the future. Maybe we
be done, but she knew how to lovingly respond by are not aware of what we are saying. Because,
living for God because God wanted her completely embracing is a sign of love. An embrace is the sign
for Himself and she wanted to be completely for of a relationship. An embrace is a sign of mutuality.
God. An embrace is the sign of openness. An embrace is
God blessed us with this gift. God blessed his a sign of acceptance. Thus, if we need to embrace
Church and blessed the world for all times. the future, the embrace becomes a metaphor of
The deep intuition that made Maria De Mattias our announcing
a tireless apostle of the Precious Blood is that of God wants for this world men and women
being love, of being charity and of collaborating to capable of embracing, capable of being close, of
re-establish the communion God came to establish tender love, of transmitting the supreme value of
with His Blood, with the Blood of His Son. It was human dignity to everyone. No one is invisible
a beautiful order to be re-established, a beautiful before God. No one is excluded from God’s heart.
order to collaborate with.
Maria De Mattias indicated that God the
Father, through the gift of His Spirit, gave her the
heart of the Son, a heart broken open, beating and
During this jubilee year when we celebrate
185 years since the foundation of the Institute,
celebrating Maria De Mattias is a very wonderful
opportunity to feel united and close together with
the same missionary passion.
We are also following the same dream, and

Adoratrici del Sangue di Cristo / Adorers of the Blood of Christ

General Administration Space
Therefore, dear Sisters, friends, and brothers, of the CPPSs, Father Terenzio Pastore and Father
let us feel called to truly embrace the world with Benedetto of the CPPS provincial administration.
the arms of Maria De Mattias, with her long, open, We join in the joy of our brothers because on
extended arms. Let us feel called to embrace this Wednesday, February 6, the beatification process
world sowing more joy, sowing more hope, sowing of Father John Merlini will begin in Naples. MDM
more actions of humanity. will be rejoicing in heaven for this!
If we say that the value of the person is Greetings to the priests who came and for the
important, we make the person visible. If we say CPPS seminarians for their liturgical service. Thanks
each person is worth the Blood of Christ, we get to all the Sisters of the nearby communities who
our hands dirty through these situations. That is came to be with us, and special thanks to all the
what Maria De Mattias did, tirelessly … for her dear Sisters around the world who joined with us in the
neighbor. sign of the Blood. Thanks to the elderly who live the
Therefore, embracing is making the pain of offering of the difficulties of their illnesses, to the
others our own. Do not be afraid to bring them young people who have enthusiastically thrown
within, even if it hurts. Be involved in the struggle, themselves into this fascinating discipleship.
to ransom that pain, to make it redemptive. Thanks to the Sisters who faithfully live the hard
Maria De Mattias made her heart a place of work of the daily exodus of letting go.
listening, a place of intimate space where there May your friendship continue to be communion
was room for everyone, and where everyone felt at and life for all of us.
Thus we recoup this by proclaiming we make Many loving wishes of holiness for you, our
room for others like Maria De Mattias did. dear Sisters united with us to celebrate this jubilee,
At the entrance to Acuto there is a beautiful to our collaborators, friends, lay associates and all
statue of Maria De Mattias stretching forward to those who through the example of St. Maria De
make room for others because she has completely Mattias are committed to follow the footsteps of
emptied herself. the Lamb with inner passion.
Let us ask the Lord for this grace, to truly make Let us be accompanied by St. Maria De Mattias
room for others, not just with words, because we are as we ask the support of her friendship, whose
good at speaking, but with our deeds, in concrete holiness “attracts and enchants.”
deeds without finding lots of excuses.
Sr. Nadia Coppa, ASC
Like Maria did and experienced, we are called
to have the feelings, emotions, desires, thoughts, General Superior
tastes, sensitivity and passion that Jesus had. And
this is possible if we make room.
Maria was full of room. Completely for God!
God wanted her for Himself, and she wanted to be
completely God’s. This is our wish: to make room
for God because it is possible even if it is a going
out, Father Emanuele told us. It is a going out and a
suffering, but it is possible.
Allow me to give special thanks to Father
Emanuele, a Missionary of the Precious Blood
who presided at this Eucharist, enriching it with
his reflection and experience. The triduum that
he prepared for us and for the community that
shares the Eucharist with us was very enriching and
enlightening. He broke - open the Word, reminding
us that our mission is a constant going out … from
ourselves ... to suffer and go out risen desiring
the fullness of a life lived in the beautiful order …
Divine Charity.
We thank Father Bill, the General Moderator

Adoratrici del Sangue di Cristo / Adorers of the Blood of Christ

General Administration Space
From the general letter of Sr. Nadia Coppa, general superior

“What cannot be reached by work

can be reached with desire. May peace reign. (…)
May Jesus be reborn in our hearts and draw us close to Him.
I bless you in abundance.”
(Father John Merlini)

The celebration for the opening of the the Church and the two beloved Congregations
beatification process of Venerable Merlini was cared for by Father John, letting us experience
held at noon on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, the intercession of our beloved and revered
at the Archdiocesan Center of Naples. His Saint.
Excellency Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe was present A big group of Missionaries of the Precious
for the occasion. Blood was present at the celebration along with
After the opening prayer, Sr. Nicla Spezzati, Father William Nordenbrock, General Moderator,
ASC and postulator, presented the request Father Emanuele Lupi, CPPS and vice postulator,
for the opening of the process. The oath and and Father Terenzio Pastore, Italian Provincial
establishment of the Ecclesiastical Court was Director.
completed. The Court will have the task of We, the members of the General
listening to the witnesses in the coming months. Administration, joyfully joined with other Adorers
These witnesses are people who can share from several nearby communities sharing in this
elements helping to prove the declared miracle moment with gratitude and presence.
attributed to the intercession of Father John We give thanks to the Lord for this special
Merlini. gift that fills our hearts with great happiness. The
This first phase carried out in the diocese Lord is encouraging us to authentic renewal of
where the miracle occurred has the character of our hearts by letting our hearts be enflamed by
an investigation, a gathering of evidence. This the Fire of the Spirit and allowing the Father to
will be followed by sending all the diocesan-level gift us with heart of his Son. Let us hope that this
documents to the Dicastery for the Causes of event may touch us deeply and impart the desire
Saints. At this point, the second phase will begin of possible holiness to us.
and, if the Lord desires, will continue until the Let us pray and invite others to pray that
final decision – his beatification and subsequent Father John Merlini may soon be proclaimed a
canonization. model of holiness by the Church.
It was a deeply moving moment in which we
experienced God’s goodness. The Lord is blessing Sr. Nadia Coppa, ASC

Adoratrici del Sangue di Cristo / Adorers of the Blood of Christ

From the ASC World
Continental Area: Africa
Region of Tanzania

The village of hope

Actual Situation and Implementation For their education, a primary and secondary
The centre has been in operation since 2002 school have been built. For the small children a
and has expanded its activity over and above the Day Care Center is in the Institution.
initial goal and has become one of the centers The schools are an example of integration
providing care and treatment to many people between the healthy children and the infected
affected of HIV in Dodoma Region and outside ones; in fact healthy and sick children are attending
Dodoma. the same schools without discrimination. The
The care of our children who are in this schools have been registered by the Ministry of
moment 153 is provided by 12 family couples and Education, open freely to all the children, but run
in each family over and above the presence of by the Institution itself.
this couple, there is one supporter who usually a The most part of this project has done by
nurse attendant who helps in the different duties Italian volunteers at different stages. Some doctors
and care needed by the children. The couples and lab Technicians were provided for the clinic
voluntarily enroll for this role and they are paid an department by the Italian Hospital of Bambino
amount decided by the Institution over and above Gesù. Usually they come twice a year for a period
receiving food, shelter and health treatment of three weeks. For the construction we have
for ordinary diseases. The couple can stop their had different groups from Italy like Amici delle
presence in the Institution any time when they Missioni of Bagnolo Mella or Impruneta Onlus and
think it is not possible for them to continue other more. They come for the realization of the
anymore. The rest of the personnel in enrolled different department of the Institute. Usually they
according to the rules of the Ministry of Work. come in different number twice a year for period
The clinical part is provided by three doctors. of four weeks. All the roofing, plumbing and
One of them visits every morning all the houses electrical installation was done freely by them.
where the children live and gives proper treatment Finally we have smaller groups or individuals. They
if it is needed. If a child needs special attention come and stay with the kids in the dispensary or
he/she is transferred to the clinic present in they are helping in different ways according to
the Institution where he is taken care in a more their skills.
appropriate way. If the child needs laboratory This is a brief outline of some of the
investigation a laboratory is present in the activities run by the Institution in favour of the
Institution. At this time, working in the Institution orphans children affected of HIV present in the
there are a total of 21 including nurse midwives Institution. The rest of the activities are directed to
and nurse attendant. people living outside the Institution.

Gargiulo, asc, Fr.

Sr. Maria Rosaria eers
CPPS and Volunt Sr. Maria Rosaria Gargiulo, asc, Fr. Vicenzo
Vicenzo Boselli.
Boselli. CPPS, Volunteer and children

Sr. Maria Rosaria Gargioulo, asc with

Students of Mar some girls (students) who are raised
ia De Mattias
Primary School since they were children in the Villa
ge of
Hope, at the moment of entertainm

Part II - Brief history of the Village of Hope given by Sr. Rosaria Garigiulo, ASC, during the Regional Annual

From the ASC World
Region of Tanzania

Birth of St. Maria De Mattias is a gift to all generations

On February 4, 2019, ASC Sisters of the given by Fr. Alex, CPPS. Her life is a gift offered
Region of Tanzania, Novices, Aspirants, Students, to God and to the dear neighbor that is why her
Believers, our Collaborators and All People who birthday celebrated all over the world. The choir
love St. Maria De Mattias celebrated her birthday. of students sung the beautiful songs, inviting all
We and all people recognize the greatness of to come to celebrate with joy the birthday of our
our mother, which manifested itself through her mother Maria De Mattias.
humility and readiness to accept God’s plan and “Come, come, come raise the voice of joy to
giving totally herself to Him as a sacrifice. Mother Maria De Mattias, is our good Mother, she
Here in Manyoni this celebration was is exalted in heaven. Come raise the voice of joy,
she is our mother, we love her very much!” is the
song sung by the students and we joined them
to sing it with great joy and gratitude to God for
the life and call of St. Maria De Mattias. These are
girls who are profiting Maria De Mattias’ dream
and prophecy, that “In this Institute will be found
all the helps needed today and always ...”. Letter of
MDM, December 6, 1838 (Edition 2005)
St. Maria De Mattias, pray for us so that we
may imitate your example of giving totally to the
launched with a tridium, thanking God for the gift
of Saint Mary De Mattias and asking His blessings
and grace to enable us to continue to embrace,
maintain and implement the charism given to
St. Maria De Mattias. The students of Amani Girls’
Secondary School prepared with prayers and
songs. St. Maria De Mattias is patroness of this
school which belongs to the ASCs and students
love her very much. They like to read her history
and his life, in order to learn and follow her steps
toward the holy life. Some of them like to join the
congregation after completing their studies.
The celebration was very interesting, the
Holy Mass began at 6:30 am, preceded by Fr.
Alex Isengwa, CPPS, together with Fr. Thomas
Sr. Rosemary Elias Malele, ASC
Wambura, CPPS and Fr. Dismas Mfungomali,
CPPS. Who would think that the birth of this child
would be celebrated in many parts of the world by
many generations? “We celebrate the birthday of
St. Maria De Mattias because she accepted God’s
plan upon her and fulfilled it.” Were some words
From the ASC World
Continental Area: Asia
Region of India

Christy Girls’ home – Kolar- India

Aradhana convent, Christy Girls’ Home,
Kolar, is a home for the most neglected ones of
society. It is home for the children of those who
are affected by the deadly HIV virus. We cater
to their physical, psychological, educational
and spiritual needs focusing on the integrated
growth of these children, so that they can bloom
as beautiful persons with greater potentialities.
We have 19 children in different grades who are
being educated. The majority of them are good
at studies as well as talented in sports and arts.
This year we had 6 new children join us and
they all came through the hospital HIV unit
where we care for the HIV/AIDS patients, many
of whom receive palliative care or surrender to
death. All five them lost their fathers who were
affected by this fatal sickness.
We also have many people coming into our
home to spend time with children and offer
their help to us in different ways. We gratefully
remember all who extend their hands and hearts
to us in generosity and solidarity. Our children
have many platforms to exhibit their talents in
academics, sports and arts and have secured
great achievements: Children’s Day, Champion-
in-Me program with many Institutions, other
events in the school and in our home.
Our HIV/AIDS unit is running well. The District
hospital is providing us all the infrastructure and
medicines needed for the patients. We have the
possibility of constant medical consultation,
sufficient supply of medicine, MRI,CT, X-RAY
facilities etc. and the patients are happy for the
treatment and express their appreciation for
the care received.
We three sisters Chinnammal, Jyothi and
myself are engaged in rendering our service
selflessely to the needy through coordination
and nursing care, children’s care, pastoral care
in the parish and farm. We are happy for what we
can give and render our constant praise to the
Lord of our life, the Crucified Master who calls us
constantly to live a process of tansformation.

Sr. Beena Thoombalan, ASC

From the ASC World
Continental Area: Europe
Region of Italy
Fear of freedom
On Friday, January 18, 2019, the awarding of for going outside the obvious and everything
the literary contest edited by our tireless Sr. Emma that does not allow us to see things in a circular
Zordan, ASC, was held at the Rebibbia prison. Sr. way. He emphasized the act of mercy that such
Emma, in addition to the various activities she is meetings represent for both the prisoners and
involved in, volunteers for those relating to them by giving us passages
at the Rebibbia prison, that enrich us and make us responsible, giving
offering support and us the opportunity and power to evangelize the
assistance to the world through the sufferings of the least. The
prisoners by involving Cardinal then dealt with the topic of freedom,
them in her writing emphasizing how freedom is a mental thing and
workshop and giving not really a physical one, in that one can be free
them the opportunity in prison or anywhere, while we can be prisoners
to express their even outside the prison. The way of freedom is
innermost feelings, always open; therefore, such an experience needs
making them more to be accessible to a greater number of prisoners
perceived by the and welcomed with love by those reading their
outside world. It is the stories. Freedom is not a result to be taken for
fourth book presented granted and achievable at low cost. It is the
by Sr. Emma since promise Jesus addresses to us, “know the truth
2014. The chosen topic was a real challenge for and the truth will make you free.”
the prisoners: “FEAR OF FREEDOM.” What happens
when they have served their sentences? What are
their expectations and what is the reality outside
of prison? It is a book filled with reflection points
on feelings, human weaknesses, the responsibility
each of us has toward the most broken in society,
and on the mercy needed to be shown toward
those who have made mistakes. All the writings in
the book clearly express the fears that many have
of not being ready to deal with the outside world
and of being unable to respond to the demands
of society. But it especially shows the fear of
finding a hard and difficult reality due to financial
restrictions that don’t allow adequate family
support and often of the lack of true and sincere
affection. In other words, a fear of the future.
Sister Emma wanted to dedicate this volume to
Doctor Stefano Ricca who has been the Director
of the Rebibbia prison since 2009 and has always
supported cultural and artistic activities in the
prison, understanding their validity for treatment
purposes. Cardinal Giuseppe Petrocchi, a man
of great human and cultural breadth, who had
already attended previous editions of the contest,
renewed his gratitude for the invitation and for
the possibility that such circumstances offer us
From the ASC World

Sister Emma had lovingly wrapped and gave to

The message that the residents at the prison
sent us is clear and evident: help us psychologically
and materially for a true rehabilitation into
society, to be accepted and loved. This is what
makes writing workshops necessary. To give
them the possibility so they can write their
personal experience, understand their journey,
communicate with others and understand the
needs of those who do not have much voice in
order to be able to express them.
Msgr. Dario Edoardo Viganò from the Thanks to Sister Emma Zordan and all
Dicastery for Vatican communications was also those who do everything possible for the
present. He has been directing Prison Ministry implementation of these good works. Greetings
for years with the “Gospel Inside” program, to the parish group from Allumiere who attended
conducted by Vatican journalist Davide Dionisi. the meeting, representing the text of Kafka, “The
Msgr. Dario Viganò, joined in the thanks already Lair.”
expressed by Cardinal Petrocchi and pointed
out how fear of freedom is widely spread today,
shining a spotlight on the conditions of hardship Prof. Maria Teresa Caccavale
humanity is experiencing. He spoke of freedom, Former teacher in the Rebibbia prison
associating it with responsibility and risk that
always exist in daily choices, a responsibility that
makes us human. For this reason, freedom makes
everyone fearful. And it is for this reason that
people have to carry out a constant selection of
their choices. The objective is that of letting the
divinity in each of us come out, God is part of us.
Another important element is forgiving others
and forgiving ourselves in order to be able to
reach peace of heart.
Each of the authors was awarded a gift that

VIVAT Spain meeting
VIVAT International Spain is an NGO formed by Universal Declaration: No one shall be subjected
Catholic religious congregations and accredited to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
by ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) of the 2. This report is presented to the Justice
United Nations. and Peace Commission of Spain, the Karibù
Association, the People United Association, the
VIVAT is involved in its double mission of work Refugees with rights groups (Caritas, Justice and
in the fields and advocacy in United Nations. The Peace and CONFER)) and VIVAT International.
VIVAT mission is carrried out in this way:
Working with people and groups
suffering all kinds of poverty by being involved
in safeguarding their well-being, dignity and
Promoting human rights, sustainable
development, harmony among peoples,
cultures, classes, religions and beliefs; making
efforts in the building of the community and a
world that promotes inclusion and participation
of everyone.
Working for ecological sustainability,
protection of biodiversity, safeguarding the
riches of the planet for future generations. Recommendations:
Since its institution in October 2015, the • Stop the practice of on-the-spot
VIVAT International Spain group has been deportation that does not assure the migrants’
carrying out the gathering and publication of rights according to international laws.
cases of vulnerability of the human rights of • Guarantee undocumented refugees the
refugees. Our commitment is to bring these needed resources and information about asking
cases to the attention of the Universal Periodic for international protection.
Review (UPR) of the United Nations, which, in the • Propose as an alternative, the protective
case of Spain, is scheduled for October 2019. internment of undocumented refugees
for temporary housing in places open to
humanitarian hospitality for the time needed to
prepare their documents.
I conclude by recalling Pope Francis’
exhortation to the European Parliament, “Europe
will be able to respond to the social problems of
immigration if it is capable of clearly proposing
its cultural identity and putting suitable laws
into practice that allow for the protection of the
rights of European citizens and at the same time,
assuring acceptance of immigrants.”

This is a summary of that report: Sr. Teresa Martínez, ASC

1. This is an overall report presented at
the 3rd cycle of the UPR of Spain. The report
gives information about the human rights
situation of refugees in Spain and is presented
for consideration of the UPR Work Group in its
35th session January-February 2010. The human
right refers to number 9 of the Human Rights


Maria De Mattias in Katowice

You cannot forget October 4. It is a day in of a non-violent resistance movement that led to
our Christian tradition corresponding to the the suspension of activities of an open-pit gold mine
marvelous person of St. Francis, the patron of Italy run by a multinational. Every one of our choices has
and true symbol of one who in meeting the souls an effect on another and this creates communion
of Creation, gave life through the hand of the Lord among people.” (Jesus, issue 12, December 2018,
and revolutioned the way of catechizing. Not by page 33.)
chance, on the same day in 2018 a group of pilgrims We are grateful to the Global Catholic Movement
headed out toward Katowice from Vatican City. group that is spokesperson for Catholic thought to
Katowice is the Polish city hosting the Conference try to stem the environmental problem and to Sr.
of the United Nations for discussing climate change. Dani Brought who allowed us to be present together
Twenty-four countries from around the world with St. Maria De Mattias in accompanying the
gathered from December 3-15, 2018, to discuss group to Katowice. Therefore, as St. Francis of Assisi
environmental problems. The pilgrimage leaving said, “Begin with doing what is needed, then what is
Rome was organized by Global Catholic Movement possible and all of a sudden you will be surprised by
and led by the Philippine environmentalist Yeb Sano doing the impossible.”
to be the spokesperson of the Catholic world upon
the invitation of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Sr. Maria Grazia Boccamazzo, ASC
Si. Sister Dani Brought, member of the General
Administration, represented our Congregation and
joined the group of pilgrims.
Many newspapers wrote about the importance
of this event, including the magazine Jesus in its
article entitled “Pilgrims of the Environment.” It
states, “An unexpected meeting with Yeb Saño in
Rome inspired Sr. Dani Brought, an Adorer of the
Blood of Christ, to join the group. (A picture of
the foundress of the Adorers, St. Maria De Mattias,
given by Sr. Dani to Yeb, accompanied the pilgrims
toward Katowice.) She stated, ‘Twenty-three years of
mission work in Guatemala showed me how much
pollution has a great impact on the health of the
people. I personally experienced the commitment

In the Congregation
General Administration Calendar
Sr Nadia Coppa, Sr Bridget Pulickakunnel, Sr Manuela Nocco attend:
March 1 – meeting with the group of Friends of Village of Hope - Impruneta
March 2 – meeting with the Project of Tanzania group of Bagnolo Mella (Brescia)
March 4 – Celebration of the opening of the 185th anniversary of foundation of the Institute
March 15 – April 12 – the general council will be doing the canonical visitation to the region of Zagreb

Let’s celebrate life
Sr. Kristen Forgotch 03/25/1989 USA
Sr. Manuela Nocco 03/06/1979 Italy
Sr. Ewa Kleps 03/03/1969 Wrocław
Sr. Palmina Totaro 03/30/1969 Italy
Sr. Fina Ponce 03/05/1959 USA
Sr. Fidelis Basić 03/07/1949 Zagreb
Sr. Jane Gegg 03/23/1949 USA
Sr. Ida Meomartino 03/01/1939 Italy
Sr. Ancilla Vukoja 03/15/1939 Zagreb

Monthly Communication
edited by the
They have returned to Adorers of the Blood of Christ
International Communications – General Administration
their Heavenly Home Via Maria De Mattias, 10 - 00183 ROME

Year XXI, Issue 3 - March 2019

02/02/2019 Sr. Emma Bevilacqua Italy Editorial Committee

Maria Grazia Boccamazzo, ASC
02/09/2019 Sr. Elena Palese Italy Mimma Scalera, ASC

Translations by
Sr. Klementina Barbić - Croatian
Sr. Betty Adams - English
Sr. Martina Marco - Swahili
Sr. Bozena Hulisz - Polish
Sr. Clara Albuquerque - Portuguese
Sr. Miriam Ortiz - Spanish
Sr. Lisbeth Reichlin - German

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