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Brief Resume of Tofayel Hossain Basunia

Permanent &mailing Address Tofayel Hossain Basunia

Flat: 6/B-1, (2nd phase),Darus
Salam, 59/D/B, Darus salam,
Mirpur Road, Dhaka,Bangladesh
Land line +88-02-9022822
Mobile +88- 01753646888
Internet [email protected]
Nationality Bangladeshi by birth
Date of Birth 01.09.1956
Marital status Married
Professional Qualification: Social safeguard compliance issues protection, social protection for
vulnerable people, Indigenous people, slum dwellers, socially excluded people, senior citizen with food
security and totally establishment of social safety net

Academic Qualifications

Master of Social Science in Public Administration, University of Dhaka, 1978,

Bachelor of Social Science (Hons.) in Public Administration, University of Dhaka, 1977,

Post Graduate Diploma-in-Industrial Management, 13 months, 1982, from Bangladesh

Management Development Center, (Presently Bangladesh Institute of Management) Dhaka.
From June 1,2015 to till Presently, working as National Resettlement Specialist with Third Urban
now Governance and Infrastructure Improvement Project (UGIIP-III), LGED, Financed
by ADB and OFID, Dhaka

I worked as Social Scientist cum Resettlement Specialist with Rural transport

From 18/07/2013 to Improvement Project-11(RTIP-11, Local Government Engineering Department
31/05/2015 (LGED) funded by World Bank in Bangladesh from 18/07/2013 to till now for the
social safeguard compliance and social protection, resettlement and social safety

-------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From Ist march 2013 to 17-
July 2013
Worked as Team Leader-Improved Justice Legal Aids Services (IJLAS) Project
funded by DFID under partnership with Local Partner NGO known as
Light House based in Bogra
From November 2012 to
28th February 2013 Worked as “Social Mobilizer” with Padma Multipurpose Bridge project for
resettlement and relocation in the identified location for displacement people under
CCDB implementing NGO (Christian Commission for Development in
----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From October 2011 to Worked as Programme Director with National NGO known as “Debi Chowdhurani
31/10/2012 Palli Unnayan”, Rangpur, Bangladesh since October 2011 to 31/10/2012 covering
microfinance programme supervision and management.
--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From August 2011 to Worked as National Consultant for impact assessment with Rural Employment
September 2011 Opportunities for Public Assets funded by UNDP, EU and Government of
Employer-UNDP, Dhaka Bangladesh under SSA contract.

Freelance Consultancy with the short term contract of Development Organization
From September 2010 for the Rural Poor (DORP) known as Local NGO on resettlement & microfinance ,
To September 2011 financial services, investment analysis, assessment to Improve Food Security of
Haor Dwellers project” in Bangladesh.
From: October 2008 To: August 2010
Employer: Poverty Unit of UNDP/UNCDF, Thimphu, Bhutan
Positions held: Micro Finance Specialist/
Implementation of financial access to MSMEs and BDS
From: August 2006 To: September 2008
Employer: “Pathmark Associate Limited”/Breeders Consultants Limited
Positions held: Freelance National Consultant on recovery and rehabilitation, microfinance & rural
From: April 2006 To: July 2006
Employer: UNIDO, Jakarta, Indonesia
Positions held: Marketing Specialist

From: June 2005 To: December 2005 (six months assignment)

Employer: Commonwealth Secretariat, H.Q. London, UK
Positions held: Technical Adviser-Microfinance

From: June 2003 To: December 2004

Employer: Poverty Reduction & HIV/AIDS Unit of UNDP, Maputo, Mozambique
Positions held: Programme Analyst (Micro Finance & SMEs sector) under Poverty Reduction &
HIV/AIDS unit of programme management of UNDP

From: April 2002 To: July 2002

Employer: UN, H.Q, Bonn, Germany
Positions held: United Nations Short-Term (UNISTAR) Adviser with UNDP, Addis Ababa,

From: February 2000 To: February 2002

Employer: UNDP, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Positions held: International Marketing Linkage Specialist

From: April 1999 To: January 2000

Employer: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) funded program known as
Farm to Market Enterprise Development programme under Association of
Community College in Canada and Pathmark Associates Ltd.
Positions held: National Consultant access to finance for agro business & processors

From: March 1995 To: March 1999

Employer: Worked for flood affected communities, livelihood, microfinance and marketing
linkages for the target beneficiaries in Greater Rangpur Region, Bangladesh
financed by European Union
Positions held: Marketing Specialist

From: Sept 1990 To: Feb 1995

Employer: European Union and worked with Rural Development project-9
Positions held: Manager-in-Charge, Deputy Manager (Admn. & HR)

From: February'1983 To: September 1990

Employer: Chairman, Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC)
Positions held: Marketing Officer, Administrative Officer, Assist. Secretary (Admn. & HR),

Public Relation Officer

Employment Records:
1. Presently, working as National Resettlement Specialist with Third Urban Governance and
Infrastructure Improvement Project (UGIIP-III), LGED, Financed by ADB and OFID,
Dhaka from June 1, 2015 to till now.

2. I worked as Social Scientist cum Resettlement Specialist with Rural transport Improvement
Project-11(RTIP-11, Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) funded by World
Bank in Bangladesh from 18/07/2013 to 31/05/2015 to benefit the indigenous people and
marginalized population through infrastructures facilities

3. Worked as Team Leader-Improved Justice Legal Aids Services (IJLAS) Project funded by
DFID under partnership with Local Partner NGO known as Light House based in Bogra,
Bangladesh from Ist March 2013 to 17-July 2013.

4. Worked as “Social Mobilizer” with Padma Multipurpose Bridge project for resettlement and
relocation in the identified location for displacement people under CCDB implementing NGO
(Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh) from November 12 to 28th February
2013 for supporting the social and environmental aspects .

5. Worked as Programme Director with National NGO known as “Debi Chowdhurani Palli
Unnayan”, Rangpur, Bangladesh since October 2011 to 31/10/2012 and supported on flood
affected communities and natural disaster in Bangladesh in different periods and closely
monitoring financial services of the concerned NGO.
6. Worked as “National Consultant” for impact assessment with Rural Employment
Opportunities for Public Assets funded by UNDP, EU and Government of Bangladesh under
SSA contract from August 2011 to September 2011.

7. National Consultancy with the short term/Long Term Freelance contract of local consultancy
firm known as “Pathmark Associates Ltd” for the mid- term evaluation of poverty, climate
change, recovery and reconstruction support, livelihood and market development program
from September 2010 to July 2011.

8. Worked as Microfinance Specialist with UNDP Thimphu, Bhutan, from October 2008 to August 2010
and supported to Bhutan Development Finance Corporation Limited and assisted to cyclone affected

9. Completed the assignment in July 2006 as Marketing Specialist with UNIDO programme based in
Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia for supporting to affected communities through income
generation and emergency response support after Tsunami.

10. Worked as Technical Adviser (microfinance) of Commonwealth Secretariat to the Commonwealth

Youth support Initiative programme for the Government of Sierra Leone with the objectives of recovery
and resettlement of youth communities.

11. Completed my assignment in December 2004 with UNDP, Mozambique where I worked as
Programme Officer (microfinance & SMEs sector) in the areas of microfinance policy and strategy
development, capacity building of government and non-government institutions, programme
management and implementation on poverty reduction, managing three micro finance project integrated
with HIV/AIDS in relation to poverty reduction funded by UNDP, UNCDF, AfDB and also AUSAID.

12. Worked as UNISTAR (United Nations International Short-Term Advisory Resources) Adviser with
UNDP, Addis Ababa for programme implementation of Enterprise Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on
interfirm linkage in general and subcontracting programme in particular for large, medium, micro and
small enterprises of Ethiopia from April 02 to July 02.

13. Worked as Marketing Linkage Specialist, UNDP, Ethiopia from February 2000 to February

14. Served as National Consultant with FMED (Farm to Market Enterprise Development) for almost
one years, Project funded by CIDA in the areas of trade and promotion of agro based products and
programme objectives for the capacity building of government and non-government institutions.

15. Served as Marketing Specialist under EU funded program known as Rural Development-9 project
from March 1995 to March 1999 in coordination with local/community level institutions for the
improvement of livelihoods of vulnerability communities.

16. Served as Manager, Deputy Manager (Admn. & Personnel) from september1990 to February 1995
in the same project.

17. Served as Administrative Officer, Asstt. Secretary (Admn. & Personnel from Feb 1983 to September
1990 under Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation for 8 (eight) years.

Training and Diploma:

 Completed “Early Recovery and Emergency response Training” for post
conflict and post disaster management which was held in Geneva,
Switzerland organized by UNDP, BCPR, Geneva.
 Provided training on Social Protection/social safety net in country and
other post conflict and post disaster countries such as Banda Aceh,
 Prepared training module and organized TOT for Bhutan Development Finance
Corporation Limited, Thimphu, Bhutan
 Completed Training on “Communication Skills” organized by UNDP, Thimphu,
 Completed successfully 10-day Entrepreneurship Workshop and Foreign
Linkage workshop organized by Enterprise Ethiopia Programme, Ethiopia
in cooperation with Empretec Society of Ghana, UNDP and UNCTAD.
 Completed a 4-weeks training course on "Training of Trainers (TOT)"
organized by training section and conducted by Rural Development
Training Institute (RDTI) of BRDB, sylhet, Bangladesh;
 Completed a two weeks training course on "Training of Trainers"
organized and conducted by BRAC, Bangladesh;
 Participated in orientation training organized by RRRDP-BRDB,

2. Additional skills:
Have an adequate know how of computer operation with operating system Window 2007 and the
package program MS-Office 2007, Excel.
14. Reference:
Mr. Bakhodir Burkhanov Mr. Farhad Ahmed, Senior Transport
Deputy Resident Representative Specialist, The World Bank Nepal Country
UNDP, Thimphu, Bhutan Office, P.o. Box 798, Durbar
Presently, DRR, UNDP, Vietnam Marg,Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +975-2-324516 Tel:977-1-4226792 (Ext.6181), Fax:977-1-
Cell: +975-17110046 4225112
E-mail:[email protected] E-mail:[email protected]
Md. Akhtaruzzaman
Social Development Specialistt
South Asia Sustainable Development
E-mail:[email protected]


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