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Best coaching for mci/fmge. Each teacher in AFMG is the best in their respective subjects
and the notes they give are precise, compact and complete, in all- best study material.
They have regular tests, test series and mock tests. I am so grateful to AFMG team and Dr.
Vikas Sir for motivating us and giving us the right guidance. The whole credit of my success
goes to AFMG.


Thank you uncle thank you afmg limra by gods grace, afmg teachers guidance and friends
support I cleared thank u all for the support encouragement . thanks afmg –limra team.


Cleared FMGE.The journey has been long but all worth it.Thanks to the almighty God for
his blessings, my parents,sister&whole of my family for always believing in me,my AFMG
–Trivandrum teachers for guiding me and my friends for supporting me.Gone by the
restless days , sleepless nights and countless cup of tea, finally


With god's grace & parents blessing successfully passed MCI screening exam. What a
relief… finally Hardwork and dedication paid a lot me, to become Dr UMESH KUMAR…
Thanks to all my well wishers, friends seniors, colleagues & Team AFMG all teachers,
Vikas sir, Mahesh sir who motivated enough to me to get through this exam.

We at AFMG put in a constant effort to provide you the best quality education material
as part of our wholesome coverage of course modules for FMGE.

We have been associated with this examination in the form of a coaching institute
since 2004 and are very well aware of the constant changes in exam pattern over the
years .

The book has 48 pages with most relevant must know information has been provided.
Book has been developed keeping in mind the recent trends in exam patterns.

We at AFMG thank to all our brilliant teachers our PG students, DR. MILIN SHINDE,
DR. SHASHI KUMAR for putting their sincere efforts to provide the most relevant
material which will be useful for the students before Exam.

Best of Luck

Dr. Vikas kumar


Any suggestions and queries are welcome @ [email protected]

33 Theory of web of causation was given by Mc Mohan and Pugh
33 James Lind is related to the discovery of Prevention of scurvy
33 Gap in time between entry of the organism and the appearance of signs and symptoms is the incubation
33 When disease enters and first symptom appears is known as incubation period
33 Time between entry of the organism and to produce maximum infection is known as generation time
33 Serial interval is the time between onset of primary case and secondary case
33 Epidemiology can be defined as the study of the distribution and determinants of frequency of disease in
33 Study of time, place, person is known as descriptive epidemiology
33 Prevalence of disease can be assessed by cross sectional study
33 Longitudinal studies for identifying risk factors of disease
33 Incidence rate can calculated by prospective study
33 Study of a person who has already contracted the disease is called case control study
33 Odds ratio is calculated from case control study
33 Cohort study gives Relative risk and attributable risk
33 Selection bias can be eliminated by randomization
33 Missing cases are detected by sentinel surveillance
33 First step in investigation of epidemic to confirm diagnosis
33 Secular trend refers to gradual change in a particular direction
33 Secular trend is best demonstrated by line diagram
33 In an epidemic the first case to come to the notice of the investigator is the index case Secondary attack
rate is a good measure of the communicability of a disease
33 Contact with hospital personnel is the most common mode of transmission of nosocomial infections
33 Diseases which are imported into a country in which they do not otherwise occur is exotic
33 TT is the most efficacious vaccine
33 Adjuvant used in DPT vaccine is aluminium hydroxide
33 Normal saline is used as diluent for BCG
33 BCG vaccine is administered to children intradermally
33 WHO recommends Danish 1331 strain for BCG vaccine production
33 Immunization against Hepatitis B is included by WHO in immunization schedule recently
33 Neurological complications at the rate of 0.5/1000 is seen with rabies nervous tissue vaccine
33 Live vaccine is Yellow fever vaccine
33 In acetone killed typhoid vaccine, the immunity lasts for 3 years
33 Immunity develops In 30 days after the administration of Japanese encephalitis vaccine
33 The vaccine for yellow fever is valid till 10 years
33 17 D is a live vaccine
33 MMR is a Live attenuated
33 Vitamin A prophylaxis is an example of specific protection 
33 Vaccination against diseases is an example of specific protection
33 Iron and folic acid supplementation forms Specific protection
33 Primordial prevention deals with individuals without risk factor
33 Desks provided with table top to prevent neck problems is an example of primary prevention
33 Screening of the diseases is secondary prevention
33 ICD-10 has 22 chapters PQLI includes IMR, life expectancy at 1 year, literacy

(( One DALY signifies 1 year of healthy life lost
(( In case fatality rate, numerator and denominator are 2 separate quantities
(( Maternal Mortality Rate is calculated by maternal deaths/100000 live births
(( Denominator in maternal mortality rate is the total number of live births
(( Perinatal mortality rate includes death from 28 week to within the 1st wk of life
(( Incidence is defined as the number of new cases occurring during a specified period
(( Longer duration of the disease will cause an increase in the prevalence of the disease
(( Increase in new cases in a community denotes increase in incidence rate
(( Most important factor for a test to be a good screening test is sensitivity
(( The ability of a test to correctly diagnose the percentage of sick people who are having the condition is
called sensitivity Positive predictive value is most affected by prevalence
(( Specificity of a screening test is the ability of a test to detect true negative
(( Diagnostic power of the test is reflected by: Predictive value
(( Savlon contains Cetrimide + Chlorhexidine
(( Bacillus stearothermophilus is used to test the efficiency of sterilization of an autoclave
(( The amount of bleaching powder necessary to disinfect choleric stools, is 50 gm/lit
(( Sterilization and disinfection of blood spills is done by sodium hypochlorite
(( Syringes and glassware are sterilized by hot air oven
(( Mean and SD can be worked out only if the data is on Interval / Ratio scale i.e. continuous
(( Likert scale is an ordinal scale
(( The response which is graded by an observer on an agree or disagree continuum is based on Likert scale
Weight in kg is a continuous variable
(( Suitable method for presenting frequency distribution of data from continuous variables is histogram
(( Graph to study relationship between two quantitative data is a Scatter diagram
(( Best method to show trend of events with passage of time is a Line diagram
(( Trends can be best represented by a line diagram
(( Mode is a measure of central tendency:
(( Regarding measures of central tendency, if more outlying observation is larger than the rest of the values ,the
median will be smaller than the mean
(( TRUE ABOUT a negatively skewed data is that the mode is more than median.
(( In a Left skewed curve, true state-ment is that the Mean<Mode
(( In a standard normal curve, mean ± 2 standard deviation covers 95.4%
(( Rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true is called as Type 1 error Chi-square test is for standard error of
difference between Proportions
(( In a 3X4 contingency table, the number of degrees of freedom equals to 6
(( Suggested intake of dietary fat per day in pregnancy is 30g
(( NPU is the ratio of total nitrogen retained by total N2 intake multiplied by 100
(( The protein efficiency ratio (PER) is defined as the gain in weight of young animals per unit weight of protein-
(( Egg protein is known as reference protein
(( Salter scale is a useful method employed in the field to measure is birth weight
(( Omega-3 fatty acids is a cardio-protective fatty acid Halibut liver oil is the richest source of vitamin A
(( Under NIS, total dose of Vit A given to a child is 17 lac IU
(( Pellagra is caused by deficiency of Niacin
(( Iodized salt at production level and at consumer level should be 30 ppm and 15 ppm

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33 Safe limit of fluorine in drinking water is 0.5-0.8 mg/lit.
33 Nalgonda technique is useful in endemic fluorosis.
33 Cereals are deficient in Lysine
33 Pulse proteins are poor in Methionine
33 Maize is deficient in Tryptophan
33 IgG is present in high amount in breast milk (Most abundant Ig in breast milk – IgA )
33 Breast milk has more lactose in comparison to cow’s milk
33 Fish is deficient in Iron
33 Reference weight of Indian men and women is 60 and 55 kg respectively
33 One dietary cycle comprises of 7 days
33 Test performed on pasteurized milk is Phosphatase test
33 Test for efficacy of pasteurization of milk is Phosphatase test
33 The toxin implicated in lathyrism is BOAA
33 Aflatoxin is produced by Aspergillus flavus
33 Toxin responsible for epidemic dropsy is Sanguinarine
33 Food standards in India have to achieve a minimum level of quality under PFA standards
33 Mid-day meals provided in schools is One-third of calories and one half of protein
33 Nitrates in excess of 45 mg/L may cause infantile methemoglobinemia
33 The vital layer in a slow sand filter is zoogleal layer
33 Trickling filter has biological zoogleal layer
33 Chlorine demand of water is measured by Horrock’s apparatus
33 Disinfecting action of chlorine is due to Hypochlorous acid
33 Residual chlorine is determined by Orthotolidine test
33 Minimum chlorine content of water after chlorination should be 0.5 mg/L
33 Indicator solution in Horrock’s apparatus contains Starch iodide
33 Softening is recommended for drinking water when hardeness of water is more than 150 mg/litre
33 Normal fluoride level for drinking purposes is in mg per liter 0.5-0.8 mg / l
33 Nalgonda technique for de fluoridation is in the sequence : Lime + Alum
33 Most reliable evidence of fecal contamination of water is provided by coliforms
33 Ecoli is as an indicator for recent fecal contamination of water
33 Cooling power of air is measured by Kata thermometer
33 CO2 is the major greenhouse gas emission 
33 Humidity is measured by sling psychrometer
33 Air velocity is measured by anemometer
33 Recommended illumination (lux) for general office work is 400
33 Whispering produces sound of 20-30 db
33 Rupture of Ear drum may actually occur at a decibel level above 160
33 Chronic noise exposure above 100 db level causes permanent deafnesss
33 The maximum permissible limit of daily exposure to noise level without causing damage to hearing is 90 db
33 Sewage is defined as waste water from community containing solid and liquid excreta
33 Sullage is defined as waste water which does not contain human excreta
33 The amount of sewage flowing in a system in 24 hours is called dry weather flow
33 Biological oxygen demand gives an indication of organic matter
33 Paris green is a larvicidal for Anopheles
33 Malathion spray is effective for 3 months

(( Dose of malathion used for residual insecticidal action is 100-200 mg/sq. foot
(( Mite transmits scrub typhus
(( Sand fly is a vector in Kala-azar
(( Dengue is transmitted by Aedes
(( Endemic typhus is transmitted by flea
(( Epidemic relapsing fever is transmitted by louse
(( Smallpox was declared globally eradicated on 8th May 1980
(( Koplik’s spots are seen in Rubeola (Measles)
(( Erythemainfectiosum is known as Fifth disease
(( The incubation period of mumps is 18 days
(( For Mantoux test the standard dose of tuberculin used in India is 1.0 TU
(( The most common mode of HIV transmission in India is sexual transmission
(( The highest number of AIDS cases in India have occurred in the age group of 30-44 years
(( Nevirapine is used to prevent transmission of HIV from an infected pregnant mother to newborn child
(( MC subtype of HIV in India is HIV – C
(( HIV virus was discovered in the year 1983
(( In an HIV infected child OPV should not be given
(( Window period for HIV infection is 3-12 weeks
(( Lymphogranuloma venereum is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
(( Recommended adult prophylaxis for meningococcal infection is Rifampicin 600 mg twice daily for 2 days
(( Prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis is Rifampicin
(( In salmonellosis, isolation is done till 3 consecutive negative stool cultures
(( In AFP surveillance, re-evaluation of post polio residual paralysis is done after 60 days
(( Lepromin test is used for prognosis
(( In lepromin test, Mitsuda reaction is read after 4 weeks
(( In typical tuberculoid form of leprosy, lepromin test is highly positive
(( Herpes simplex-2 is sexually transmitted disease
(( In India the natural reservoir of plague is Teteraindica
(( Most diagnostic of rabies is negri bodies 
(( Eight site rabies vaccine schedule is 8-0-4-0-2
(( Rabies vaccine for pre exposure prophylaxis is given at: 0, 7, 28 days
(( Post exposure vaccine of rabies already immunized patient is 0-3-7
(( Age is is the most important risk factor for becoming a chronic carrier following an acute episode of hepatitis
(( A.culicifacies is the commonest vector for malaria transmission in India
(( Number of holes per square inch of a standard mosquito net is 150
(( Sporozoites is the infective stage of malarial parasite
(( The organism most commonly causing genital filariasis in most parts of Bihar and Eastern U.P. is
(( In India, the most important vector for Japanese encephalitis is Culex tritaeniorhychnus
(( In staphylococcal food poisoning signs and symptoms develops in 2-6 hours
(( Tetracycline is the drug of choice for chemoprophylaxis of cholera
(( Dog is the definite host for Echinococcus granulosus
(( Blindness as defined by WHO is the visual acuity of less than 3/60
(( Commonest cause of blindness in India is cataract

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33 Goal for blindness under NCPB is to reduce prevalence of blindness in 2020 to 0.3%
33 In vision 2020 ophthalmic surgeon population ratio is follows is 1:500000
33 Mass treatment is given in trachoma if prevalence of moderate and severe trachoma in children below 10
years of age is more than 5%
33 SAFE strategy is recommended for trachoma
33 Type of surveillance included in integrated disease control program for non-communicable disease is periodic
regular survey
33 Normal range of BMI Asian Individual is 18.5 to 22.99
33 The most common cause of maternal mortality in India is obstetric hemorrhage
33 Denominator in maternal mortality ratio is is the total number of live birth 
33 The vitamin A supplement administered in prevention of nutritional blindness in children programme
contains 1 lakh IU/ml
33 National Programme for the healthcare of elderly was started in year 2007
33 Regarding ‘Late expanding phase of demographic cycle’, death rate declines more than birth rate
33 India is in the late expanding phase of demographic cycle
33 First disability census was done in the year 2001
33 If annual growth rate of a population is 1.5 – 2%, then 47-35 yrs will be required to double the population
33 Demographic Gap attains its maximum limit in late Stage II
33 Total fertility rate is an indicator of COMPLETED FAMILY SIZE
33 Denominator in General fertility rate is women in reproductive age group in a-given year
33 Contraception of choice in newly married couple is OCP
33 Contraceptive of choice in lactating female is progesterone only pill 
33 Best index of contraceptive efficacy is Pearl index
33 Pearl index is defined as accidental pregnancies per 100 women-years of exposure
33 Conventional contraceptives includes condom
33 Emergency Contraception of choice is IUD
33 Most common complication associated with IUD is bleeding
33 Most common complication resulting in removal of IUD is pain
33 MTP Act was passed by Parliament in 1971
33 Under MTP Act, termination can be done maximum upto 20 weeks
33 Amount of infectious waste among hospital waste is 1.5%
33 Disposal of placenta at PHC is treatment with bleaching powder and burial
33 3-D in hospital waste management means Disinfection, Disposal, Drainage
33 Yellow plastic bags containing biomedical wastes are treated by incineration
33 Animal waste is disposed off by incineration
33 Mercury is disposed by safely collect and re-use
33 Best way to dispose e-waste is recycling
33 Most commonly reported disease in the post disaster period is gastroenteritis
33 In post disaster phase; for ensuring safe water supply, it is advisable to have a Residual Chlorine Level of: 0.7
mg/ litre
33 In draughts, commonly noticed vitamin deficiency is Vitamin A
33 As per the most common classification of Triage system that is internationally accepted, the colour code that
indicates high priority treatment or transfer is Red
33 Black color in triage is death
33 Triage is green-ambulatory

¡¡ Flood is the calamity with most amount of damage
¡¡ Natural disaster causing maximum deaths hydrological
¡¡ District is the nodal centre for disaster management
¡¡ Triage is categorization of patients and treating them according to the available resources
¡¡ Maximum permissible level of whole body occupational exposure to ionizing radiation is 5 rem per year
¡¡ 0.5-3 microns dust particles gets lodged in the respiratory tract: Respirable dust
¡¡ Anthrax, according to The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1992, is considered an occupational disease
¡¡ Thermoactinomyces sacchari causes Bagassosis
¡¡ Bagassosis can be prevented by spraying 2% propionic acid
¡¡ Main cause of Farmer’s lung is due to Micropolyspora faeni
¡¡ Monday fever is associated with Byssinosis
¡¡ “Snow-storm” appearance is seen in Silicosis
¡¡ Silicosis affects upper lobes of lungs
¡¡ Lead is the most common heavy metal poisoning in the world
¡¡ Lead poisoning in industries commonly occurs by inhalation
¡¡ Useful screening test for lead is measurement of coproporphyrin in urine
¡¡ The clinical symptoms of lead toxicity are associated with blood levels of 70 mcg/100ml blood
¡¡ Occupational exposure that may cause sterility in females is Lead
¡¡ Wrist drop may be caused as industrial hazard in battery use
¡¡ Nearly 3/4th of occupational cancers are Skin Cancers
¡¡ Naphthylamine are associated with Bladder cancer
¡¡ Benzene is associated with Leukemia
¡¡ Sickness absenteeism is a useful index to assess the state of health of the workers
¡¡ Ergonomics is adjusting the worker to his job
¡¡ Indian constitution has declared that children less than 14 years should not be employed in factories or mines
¡¡ ‘Safety officers’ have to be appointed in factories where no. of workers is more than 1000
¡¡ According to “Factory Act, 1948” maximum permissible working hours per week are 48
¡¡ Minimum area per person mandatory under the factory act is: 500 cu. ft
¡¡ Under ESIS act, the state government’s share of expenditure on medical care is 1/8
¡¡ “Eugenics” is the study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding
(Genetic Manipulation)
¡¡ Environmental Manipulation which enables genes to express themselves readily is known as Euthenics
¡¡ Hardy Weinberg law is related to Population genetics
¡¡ Punnet’s square is used for finding genotype of offspring
¡¡ Most commonly abused agent in India tobacco
¡¡ Maximum loss of DALY occurs in depression of all the psychiatric disorders
¡¡ Amphetamine is known as “superman drug”
¡¡ Hereditary cause of mental health disorder is schizophrenia
¡¡ Mental retardation is defined if IQ is below:70
¡¡ One sub-centre caters to the population of 5000
¡¡ Planned endpoint of all activities is known as Objective
¡¡ Recommendations of Bhore committee include major changes in medical education to prepare “social
¡¡ Multi-purpose worker scheme in india was introduced following the recommendation of Kartar singh

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33 A group on medical education & support manpower was popularly known as Srivastava committee
33 Bajaj committee recommends health manpower policy
33 Integration of health service was first proposed by Jungallwalla committee
33 Rural health scheme introduced by Srivastava committee
33 One PHC is located for a population of 30,000
33 Eligible couple Register is maintained at Subcentre
33 One health assistant male female should be posted for every 30000 population
33 A Sub-centre is manned by multipurpose worker
33 Avian influenza DOC – Oseltamivir 150mg BD X 5 days
33 MC disorder to be screened in neonates – Neonatal hypothyroidism
33 Richest source of Vit – A/D is – Halibut liver oil
33 Bedqquline targets mycobacterial ATP synthase
33 Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected aedes species mosquito, through sexual
contact & could pass to body during pregnancy
33 Tetra ethyl Ammonium blocks potassium channel.
33 Most common overall tumor of lacrimal gland is Non-Non-hodgkins lymphoma.
33 Loading dose depends on volume of distribution.
33 Maintainance dose depends on clearance.
33 Linagliptin and liraglutide are safe in renal failure.
33 Merkels discS are responsible for two points discrimination and brailie reading.
33 Kvp determines contrast and penetrating power.
33 Modified shock index-HR /Mean arterial BP
33 Good prognosis factor of ALL-hyperdiploidy.
33 Most common malignant tumor of minor salivary glands- adenoid cystic carcinoma.
33 Dariers sign seen in - urticaria pigmentosa.
33 Pemphigues vulgaris - Suprabasal cleft. Fish net patterns on IF.
33 Most sensitive test for diagnosis of H. Pylori: Rapid urease test .
33 Number connection test is done to detect: Hepatic encephalopathy .
33 Reversible myocardial ischemia is best diagnosed by: PET scan.
33 Conglomerate bodies And sheurman bodies found in: Sarcoidosis.
33 The SMA is the most commonly involved vessel in Diverticular bleed.
33 Mature pincer grasps develops at 12 months.
33 The ideal time when invertogram should be done in a newborn : After 6 hours
33 Causes of SVCS are : Squamous cell and Small cell lung Ca,Lymphoma,Thrombosis following intra venous
catheter use, Metastasis from Testicular and Breast Ca.
33 Most common causes of intestinal obstruction in neonates.
• 1st day- deodenal attresia
• 1-2 weeks- midgut valvulus.
• 3-4 Weeks - CHPS.
33 Intussuception is frequently associated with: Sub mucosal lipoma.
33 The Alkali Denaturation Test(Apt test) Used to  differentiate fetal or neonatal blood from maternal blood
33 Most common type of uterine fibroid - intramural
33 Baricitinib recently approved drug for rheumatoid arthritis.
33 NNN media used for leishmania.

(( Winter bottom sign is seen in African sleeping sickness(Trypanosomiasis).
(( Revised trauma score-SBP+RR+GCS
(( Bromocriptine recently approved for- diabetes me litmus.
(( Sickle cell anemia is associated with medulla running renal carcinoma.
(( Call exner bodies seen in granulosa cell tumors.
(( Light bulb sign in X-ray shoulder is seen in: Post dislocation of shoulder .
(( Pointing index in supracondylar fracture is due to : Anterior interosseous nerve injury . Best
(( management of open fracture is: Debridement .Increase in bone girth occurs by appositional bone formation
by generative cells in the deepest layer of periosteum.
(( The Classic O’Donoghue Triad:
(( The anterior cruciate ligament
(( The medial collateral ligament (or tibial collateral ligament)
(( The medial meniscus.
(( Function of cruciate ligaments: Prevents anteroposterior instability.
(( Parasympathetic outflow - CN 3,7,9,10 And S2, S3, S4.
(( Oprelvekin - Recombinant IL11 used in thrombocytopenia
(( Filgrastin - Recombinant Granulocyte CSF
(( Sargomustine- Recombinant Granulocyte Monocyte CSF
(( Boiled lobster syndrome caused by Boric acid.
(( Osler-Weber- rendu syndrome - hereditary hemorrhagic telengectasia.
(( Chandler index is done for hook worm.
(( Zika virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes.
(( Selenocystine - UGA Pyrrolysine - UAG
(( Gardner syndrome- Polyposis +lipomas +osteomas +Desmoid
(( Turcot syndrome - Polyposis + Astrocytomas (glioma)
(( Severe combined Immunodeficiency - Defect in Non homologous End joining.
(( Xeroderma pigmentosa - Neucleotide excision repair defect
(( BCYE media - Legionella
(( Coccidiomycosis - Desert rheumatism.
(( Segmented virsuse- bunya / orthomixo /Arena /Reovirus.
(( White Piedra - Trichophyton beigelli
(( Black Piedra - Trichosporon Hortae.
(( Paris Green - stomach poison.
(( Marquis test -Opium poisoning
(( Marsh test/ Reinsh /Gutzeit Test - Aresenic poisoning.
(( Lee Jones test - cyanide poisoning.
(( Cremasteric reflex - L1, L2
(( Mu agonist and kappa antagonist - Buprenorphine
(( Kappa Agonist and Mu antagonist- Pentazocine
(( Minute ventilation - Tidal volume X RR
(( Weight for height/ WHO grade for acute severe malnutrition : Z score less than -3
(( Bedwetting is considered normal in girls and boys till the age of: 4 and 5 years respectively .. Chromium→
Potentiates the action of insulin. Zinc stabilizes insulin.
(( The middle ear communicates with the mastoid area posteriorly and the nasopharynx (via the
pharyngotympanic tube) anteriorly . Inferior tympanic artery is a branch of : Ascending pharyngeal artery .

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33 The collecting duct develops from the ureteric bud and is thus technically not part of the nephron.
33 Posterior Cricoarytenoid: The only muscle produce abduction of vocal cord (open the rima glottides).
33 Claudius Cells are considered as supporting cells within the Organ of Corti in the Cochlea.
33 Secretory phase of endometrium is due to which hormone : Progesterone.
33 Most common progesterone metabolite in urine : Pregnanediol .
33 Together with endothelial cells of blood vessels within the fascicle, perineurial cells constitute part of the
blood-nerve barrier.
33 Only thiazide used in renal failure-ure-Metalozone.
33 Most common virus associated with transfusion hepatitis-HCV
33 Most common cause of budd chiari syndrome – Polycythemia vera
33 MCC of nephrotic syndrome in adult – membranous gromerulo pathology (FSGS : undevloping country)
33 Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children: minimal change disease
33 Syphilis Most common affect : arch of aorta
33 Most common hereditary nephritis: alport syndrome (XLD)
33 Most common type of vascuitis – Temporal arteritis (giant cell)
33 Most type of hepatitis in India: HAV (MC overall children-A, MC acute E , mc in pragnancy HEV)
33 Most common type of gall stone : mixed
33 MC viral cause of myocarditis-Coxsackie B virus
33 Most common cause of sudden death due to heart disease-VF
33 MCC of endocarditis with prosthetic valvue: S. epidermidis
33 Most heart disease with increase severity in pregnancy : RHD with MS
33 Most type of porphyrea: porphyreia cutaneous tarda - Porphyrea
33 MC type of leprosy in india-Neuritic type
33 MC site of rupture of berry aneurysm- anterior cerebral circulation
33 Most common type of stroke: Ischaemic stroke
33 MCC of calcification of brain-Neurocyticercosis
33 Lucid interval is seen in –Epidural Hematoma
33 MC site of bleed in hypertension –Putamen or basal ganglian
33 MCC of hematemesis-peptic ulcer disease
33 Light’s criteria is helpful in –pleural effusion
33 MCC of portal hypertension –Non cirrhotic portal fibrosis
33 Ranson’s criteria is useful in-Acute pancreatitis
33 MC site of polyp in peutz jeguer syndrome-Jejunum
33 MC site of perforation in gastric ulcer-Lesser sac
33 Most common site of perforation in duodenal ulcer –ANT
33 Most common sign of vitamin A deficiency –Bitot sports
33 Most common type of fistula in Crohn’s disease-Colocolic
33 MCC of nephrotic syndrome in adult-membranous glomerulopathy
33 MCC of occult blood in babies stool-Hookworm
33 MCC of adenocarcinoma of esophagus-Barret’s esophagus
33 MCC of cushing’s ulcer-increased intracranial pressure
33 IOC in Achlasia cardia-Manometry
33 Mode of vertical transmission of AIDS in India-Infective birth caval
33 MCC of meningitis in AIDS-Cryptococcus doc-Amphetericin B
33 MC type of HIV in India-HIV 1 Type C

33 Most common carcinoma in AIDS-NHL
33 MC organ affected in Amyloidosis-Kidney
33 MC site of ca stomach –Esophagogastric junction and cardia
33 MC type of intestinal polyp-Hyperplastic polyp
33 Most sensitive to hypoxia –cerebral cortex-neuron-myocardial cell neurons>myocardial cells
33 MC complication of diphtheria –Myocarditis
33 MCC of mononeuritic multipler-DM
33 Most common adult muscular dystrophy-myotonic dystrophy
33 Type of vaculities in berger’s disease –Panvascuitis
33 MC body part affected in Reynaud’s disease –Upper limb
33 MC vessel involved in Takayasu Disease –Sub clavian artery
33 Syphilis most common affect –arch of aorta
33 MC pathogenic organism in mycotic aneurysm –staph auerus
33 Most common type of gliomas-Astrocytoma
33 MC site of cerebral infarction-Middle cerebral artery
33 MC area affect in TB meningitis-basal cisterna
33 MCC of subdural empyema in adult-Streptococcus
33 MCC of sporadic viral encephalitis-HSVI
33 MCC of viral meningitis – Entero virus
33 Main cause of MDR TB- Non compliance
33 MC TB location in GIT- Illeocaecal junction
33 Most common nerve involved in increased ICT: abducens Nerve
33 Most common cause of cyclophosphamide therapy : Hemorrhagic cystitis
33 Most common manifestation of MEN 1 syndrome: Hyperparathyroidism
33 Most common cardiac manifestation of carcinoid syndrome : TR
33 Most common Death in Polio: Diaphragm paralysis
33 Most common cause of Vulvo vaginitis in DM: candidiasis
33 Most common ascending paralysis : Gullain Barr Syndrome
33 Oligoclonal bands in CSF is seen in : Multipal sclerosis – oligo clonal
33 MC manifestation of neurocysticerosis-seizures
33 MC type of vaculities-temporal arteritis (Giant cells)
33 Anti CCP antibody is seen in –Rheumatoid arthritis
33 Anti SCI 70antibody is seen in-Diffuse scleroderma
33 Reynauld’s pentad is seen in –Ascending cholangitis (charcot traid + altered mental status hypotension)
33 Charcot triad consists of-pain Abdomen, fever, jaundice
33 Earliest sign to scurvy –Perifollicular bleeding
33 MCC of sudden death in DM –hypoglycemic unawareness
33 MCC of death in HOCM-Ischaemic ventricular fibrillation
33 MC site involved in atherosclerosis-Tunica intima
33 Macrophages in kidney called as mesangial cells
33 MC type of emphysema-Irregular or Mixed
33 MCC of bronchiolitis-RSV
33 MC clinical presentation in genital TB-sterility
33 MC type of acute hepatitis in India-HEV
33 Curshemann spiral and chorcot leidar crystal seen in-BA

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¡¡ MCC of SIADH-=head trauma
¡¡ MCC of infection in burn patient-Pseudomonos
¡¡ MCC of death in multiple myeloma-Renal failure
¡¡ MC benign tumor of spleen-Hemangioma
¡¡ Most common early kidney sign is DM-Micro albuminuria
¡¡ MCC of adrenal in sufficiency in India-TB
¡¡ MCC of Cushing’s syndrome –iatrogenic steroid
¡¡ MC symptom of pheochromocytoma –intermittent occipital headache
¡¡ MC type of pancreatic adenoma in MENI-gastrinoma
¡¡ MCC of central bronchiectasis-Aspergillosis
¡¡ MCC of neuropathy-B12 deficiency
¡¡ MCC of CKD- Diabetes
¡¡ Good pasture syndrome is-Type 2 Hypersensitivity reaction
¡¡ C ANCA is specific for-wegner’s granulomotosis
¡¡ Antibody useful in congenital heart block in SLE-anti Ro AB
¡¡ Serological marker of mixed connective tissue disorder-Anti U1 – RNP
¡¡ Purtscher’s retinopathy is associated with of acute pancreatitis
¡¡ Walleuburg syndrome involve-PICA
¡¡ Fastening gait is seen in –Parkinson’s disease
¡¡ Antibody in DLE-Anti histone induced
¡¡ Antibody specific for Crohn’s disease- anti anti saccharomyces cervisae
¡¡ Antibody specific for celiac sprue-Antiendomysial ,Anti TTG
¡¡ Antibody specific for SLE- AnH DHAse
¡¡ MC symptom of primary Billiary cirhossis-Pruritus
¡¡ MCC of peritonitis in a patient with cirrhosis-E.coli
¡¡ Raised sweet electrolytes is a feature of cystic fibrosis
¡¡ Scanning speech is seen in –Multiple sclerosis
¡¡ Minimum air required to produce air embolism-100ml
¡¡ Rasmussen aneurysm invaves- Pulmonary artery
¡¡ Farmer’s lung is due to Thermophilic actinomycetes
¡¡ Shrinking lung is seen in-SLE
¡¡ Lupus perinio-Seen in –Sarcoidosis
¡¡ Reid’s index seen in – chronic bronchitis
¡¡ Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency causes-Panacinar emphysema
¡¡ Paradoxical breathing is seen in –Flail chest
¡¡ HLA associated with Myasthenia gravis-B8
¡¡ Wide fixed split heart sound is seen in –ASD
¡¡ Quincke’s sign is seen in-Aortic Regurgitation
¡¡ Australia antigen is related to HBsAg
¡¡ DOC for pseudomembranous colitis –Metronidozole
¡¡ MC site of hydatid cyst –Liver
¡¡ MC carcinoma associated with AIDS is caused by –HHV 8
¡¡ HIV principally affects which of the following –CD4(T cells)
¡¡ Type of neuropathy in diabetes-Sensory Polyneuropathy
¡¡ Schilling test is done to detect-Vit B12 malabsorption

33 Hormone used for managing hyperkalemia-insulin
33 Doc for tetanus-Penicillin
33 Micronutrient used in willson’s disease-Zinc
33 Loeffler’s syndrome is caused by-Ascaris lumbricoides
33 Doc for pneumocystis cariniil –co-trimoxozole
33 MC manifestation of pulmonary embolism-dyspnea
33 Beck’s triad is seen in-Cardiac tamponade
33 Basic defect in hereditary spherocytosis-Ankyrin
33 Pseudo –hypertrophy of calf muscles is seen in –Duchne’s MD
33 Caplan syndrome associated with -Rheumatoid arthritis
33 Doc for toxoplasmosis –Sulfadiazine + pyrimethamine
33 Bite cells are seen in –G6PD
33 Pretibial myredema is seen in –Hyperthyroidism (Graves)
33 Pneumocystis prophylaxis is started when CD4 is below-200
33 Anemia in CKD is due to-Erythropoietin deficiency
33 MCC of secondary hypertension –Renal parenchymal disease
33 DOC for kalaazar –AMPHOTERICIN B > Sodium stibgluconate
33 RED INFARCT ( venous occlusion) –organ with dual blood supply-gut, liver,lungs
33 Dystrophic calcification occure in – dying tissue ( calcium level NORMAL)
33 Line of zahan are seeb in- thrombus
33 Chicken fat clot – postmortem thrombus
33 Heart failure cell seen in – left lung
33 Cell 1st involve in cell injury – neutrophils
33 Most abundant collagen of human body – type 1
33 Basal lamina has – type 4 collagen
33 Virchow’s triad- endothelial injury, stasis, hypercogulabilty
33 Inflammatory mediator which does not occure in fever- nitric oxide
33 T(8;14)- burkitts lymphoma
33 T(11;21)- ewings sarcoma
33 Mcc of myocarditis- viral
33 Mc primary cardic tumour – myxoma
33 Dresslers syndrome is autoimmune
33 Lipofuscin – golden yellow pigment seen in heart muscle in atrophy
33 Charcot leyden crystals seen in – asthma
33 Cruschmann soiral- asthma
33 Reid index used for – chronic bronchitis
33 Alpha 1 anti trypsin deficiency is associated with- panacinar emphysema(Smoking- centri acinar emphysema)
33 Test use for sarcoidosis- kveims test
33 Vita. Deficiency in biliary cirrhosis- vita. K
33 Crescents (epithelial cell+ fibrin+macrophage) are seen in – RPGN
33 B/L RCC may seen in – VHL
33 Luetic/syphilitic aneurysm involves- ascending aorta
33 Hyaline arteriosclerosis is seen in – benign hypertension
33 Multiple myeloma- russell bodies and and flame cells are seen , bence jones proteins are light chains,urea
level in MM are raised , bone lytic lesion,

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33 Csf finding in pyogenic meningitis- increased protein, decresed sugar
33 Mc primary brain tumour – glioma(mc glial tumour- astrocytoma)
33 Mc tomour in adults- astrocytoma
33 Mc posterior fossa tomour in child –cerebellar astrocytoma
33 Enemal like structur is found in – craniopharyngioma
33 Pseudo rosette are seen in – nueroblastoma
33 Mc B/L breast tomour- lobular ca.
33 Klinefelter syndrome associated with – mediastinal germ cell tomour
33 CAT EYE SYNDROME is associated – defect in chromosome 22
33 Rapid diagnostic test for malaria – HRP-2
33 Early manifestation of hyponatremia-Altered sensorium
33 Spike and dome pattern of EEG is seen in-Absence seizure
33 Prominent U waves on ECG are seen in-Hypokalemia
33 Blindness in temporal arthritis is due to-Posterior ciliary artery
33 Anti Jo 1 antibodies is due to-Polymyositis, Dermatomyositis
33 MCC of subacute bacterial endocarditis-Strep. viridians
33 Differential cyanosis is seen in –PDA
33 DOC for hairy cell leukemia-Cladribine
33 Graham steel murmur-pulmonary regurgitation
33 Bronze diabetes is related to-Hematochromatosis
33 Albumino –cytological dissociation in CSF-GBS
33 Gold standard for diagnosing interstitial long disease –HRCT
33 MC inherited bleeding disorder –von willebrand disease
33 Parameter used to monitor short term diabetic control-Serum fructosamine
33 IOC for chronic SAH-MRI
33 Gold standard for diagnosing pulmonary embolism-Angiography
33 Most common posterior wall fossa tumor in children –cerebellar astrocytoma
33 Kimmel stein Wilson nodule is always :Diabetic nephropathy
33 Pain and temperature is carried by which tract-lateral spinothalamic track
33 DOC for minimal change disease- Steroids
33 High stepping gait is seen in –foot drop
33 Diagnosis of pheochomacytoma is done by-Urine VMA
33 WBC cast in urine suggest-Pyelonephritis
33 Obstruction of hepatic vein-Budd chari syndrome
33 Color changes of reynaud’s phenomenon-white-blue-red
33 DOC for HOCM-beta blocker
33 DOC for trigeminal neuralgia-Carbamazepine
33 Pseudo Tumor cerebri is caused by-Hypervitaminosis A
33 Salt losing nephropathy is known as-Interstitial nephritis or urinary tract obstruction
33 Management of congenital hydrocele-Herniotomy
33 Most serious complication of onchocerciasis-blindness
33 HLA associated with IDDM –DR3 (Mainly)
33 Gastric MALI lymphoma is caused by which organism-H.pylori
33 MALT worker’s lung is caused by –Aspergilles fumigates
33 Granulomatous condition a/w hypercalcemia-Sarcoidosis

• DOC for amoebiasis and giordiasis-Metronidazole
• Keratoderma blenorrhogica –seen in reiter’s syndrome
• Autoimmune hemolytic anemia seen in which blood cancer-CLL
• Oster’s nodes are seen in infective endocarditis
• Inferior notching of ribs is seen in co arctation of aorta
• Hepatitis virus carrying worst prognosis in pregnancy-HEV
• Standard treatment of Kawasaki disease-IV immumoglobulin
• skip lesions are seen in Crohn’s disease
• Ground glass appearance or x-ray chest –ARDS
• IOC for mitral stenosis-ECHO
• DOC for PSVT-Adenosine
• MC carcinoma causing superior venecava syndrome –small cell ca
• Signs seen on HRCT in brochiectasis-Tram track signet ring
• Acid fastness of mycobacterium TB is due to –mycolic acid
• Maccallum patch is seen in which condition –Rheumatic heart Disease
• Wire loop lesions is seen in-Lupus nephritis
• DOC for inflammatory bowel disease- 5-Amino salicylic acid
• Angina pectoris and syncopal attacks are seen in which valvular condition-Aortic stenosis
• Which bacteria is causes atherosclerosis –chlamydiaa
• Mask like facies is seen in parkinsonism
• Tremors at rest occurs in lesions of basal ganglia.
• Characteristics histological feature of DM nephrology-nodular glomerolosclerosis
• Lung carcinoma with worst prognosis-small cell ca
• Commonest site of thyro-glossal cyst-Sub hyoid
• Mild head injury having a GCS is -13-15
• Commonest cause for hyperparathyroidism –Single Adenoma
• Treatment of choice for cystosarcoma phyllodes-simple mastectomy
• Carcinoma breast with best prognosis –tubular
• Occult thyroid malignancies are usually –papillary
• Commonest cause of ureteric injury during surgical operation is-hysterectomy
• Golf-hole ureteric orifice is seen in-TB urinary bladder
• The common organism isolated in emphysematous pyelonephritis is-E.Coli
• Renal calculi associated with proteus infection-Triple phosphate(Staghorn)
• Lord’s and Jabouley’s operation is done for-hydrocele
• Screening test for ca prostrate-DRE+PSA
• Most important prognostic indicator of RCC-pathological stage
• Ideal time for orchidopexy incase of undescended testes is-6 months
• Hydrocele is a type of exudation cyst
• MC Predisposing factor for pyelonephritis –VUR
• Most malignant testicular tumaor-choriocarcinma
• First symptom of TB of kidney –Increased frequeury of micturition
• Mayo operation is done for-umbilical hernia
• Howship rombery sign is seen in-Obturator hernia
• The TOC for inguinal hernia in infants-herniotomy
• Ochner sherren regimen is used in –Appeudicular mass

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(( Heller’s operation is done in-Achlasia cardia
(( Commonest complication of Meckel’s diverticulum-bleeding
(( Ramsted’s operation is done for-congenital pyloric stenosis
(( Sister mary Joseph nodule is mc seen in-Ca stomach
(( MC dynamic cause of intestinal obstruction-postoperative adhesions
(( MC site of curling’s ulcer-Duodenum
(( MC of esophagitis-Esophageal reflux
(( MC type of intusssusception –Iieo colic
(( MC early complication seen in illeostomy-skin necrosis
(( Corkscrew esophagus is seen in –Diffuse esophageal spasm
(( Best treatment of zollinger elison syndrome-excision of tumor
(( Surgery done for meconium ileus-Bishop Koop operation
(( Diagnosis of hirschsprung’s disease is done by -Rectal biopsy
(( Child’s criteria is employed for-Cirhossis
(( Casoni’s test is done for-Hydatid disease
(( IOC for hydatid disease-CT SCAN
(( Most sensitive and specific test for acute pancreatitis – S. trypsin
(( MC site of cholangioca -Hilum
(( Chronic and recurrent pancreatitis -may be a feature-Homocystinuria
(( Best way to diagnosis gallbladder stones-USG
(( .MCC of hemobilia is-Trauma
(( Grey turner’s sign is seen in-acute pancreatitis
(( MC vodule seen in liver-Hemangioma
(( Best way to localize extra-adrenal pheochromocytona-MIBG scan (metaiodobenzylguanidine)
(( MCC of peripheral limb ischemia in India-Atherosclerosis
(( IOC for varicose veins-Duplex USG imaging
(( Platelets can be stared at 20-240C For 5 days
(( Hunter’s ligature is employed for-Aneursysm
(( Earliest and MC feature of DVT-rise in temperature
(( MC vessels to be affected in Buerger’s disease-anterior tibial artery
(( MCC of death due to burns in early period is- hypovolemic shock
(( MC primary source of mets to brains-ca lung
(( Commonest site of sialectasis –Parotid
(( Sebacous cyst is-Epidermoid cyst
(( Sardonic grin is associated with-Tetanus
(( Commonest tumor of parotid gland –pleomorphic adenoma
(( The term universal tumor refers to-lipoma
(( MC Tumor of anterior mediastinum is-thymoma
(( A boil due to staphylococcal infection of –follicle
(( Commonest site of meningomyelocele lumbo-sacral
(( Catgut suture is derived from intestine of-sheep
(( Transplant of kidney from mother to son is-allograft
(( Hyperacute graft rejection is due to –performed anti body
(( Prolapsed intervertebral disc is mc of –L4-L5
(( .MC type of renal transplantation in india – Allograft

33 Crush syndrome result into-Renal failure
33 Prevention of colorectal carcinoma can be possible by intake of –Nsaids
33 MC histological type of and cancer-Squamous cell ca anal
33 IOC for solid thyroid nodule-FNAC
33 Desmoids tumor arises from-muscule –aponeurotic tissue
33 B/L breast carcinoma –Lobular
33 .TOC for cystic hygroma-Excision
33 Meckel’s divertianum is a remnant of –vitello-intestinal duct
33 MC site of colorectal ca-Rectum
33 Whipple’s tried is seen in –Insulioma
33 MC site of basal cell ca-inner canthus of eyes
33 Retention cyst of subliuglal gland is-ranula
33 Pair technique is used for-Hydatid cyst
33 MCC of urinary obstruction in male infant-posterior urethral valve
33 Nicoladoni branham sign is seen in-AV Fistula
33 MC site of pseudpaucreatic cyst-lesser sac
33 MC part of colon involving -sigmoid
33 IOC for VUR-MCU
33 Dukes classification is employed for-Rectal ca
33 Benign prostrate hypertrophy arise from-periurethral region in transitional zone
33 Best way to prevent DVT in post of period –Heparin
33 Invertogram is done for-Imperforate Anus
33 Cleft lip repair at 3 months
33 Vitamin K dependent factors are-2,7,9,10
33 Reverse 3 sign or bariom studies is seen in –ca Head of pancreas
33 Spigelion hernia is seen of the level of –arcuate line
33 IOC for lump is-Biopsy
33 MC vessels to be affected in Buerger’s disease is-Small and medium sized vessels
33 Which vaccine is indicated in ca urinary bladder-BCG
33 Most common ca of the testis in young age group-Teratoma
33 Example o radiolucent stone-Uric acid
33 MC organ ruptured in blunt injury to abdomen- spleen
33 Pelvis in which Ap diameter is more than transverse diameter-Anthropoid pelvis
33 One of the common complication of dichorionic diamniotic twins-preterm Labor
33 Earliest time when twin pregnancy can be diagnosed on USG-10th week
33 MC site of ectopic pregnancy-Ampulla
33 Placenta succenturiate is-Placenta having 2 different lobes
33 What is seen in help syndrome –Hemolytic anemia
33 Treatment of idiopathic cholestasis of pregnancy-Ursodeoxycholic acid
33 Cord compression shows which type of deceleration in fetal heart rate-variable deceleration
33 Agent of choice to treat hyperthyroidism in pregnancy-propylthioracil
33 Condition in which pregnancy should be terminated-pulmonary hypertension
33 Immune hydrops is associated with-Rh compatibicity
33 Karyotype of complete Mole-46XX

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33 Oligohydramnios associated with-Renal agenesis
33 A female with recurrent abortions and isolated prolonged a PTT patient is most likely associated with-Lupus
anti coagulant
33 Volume of amniotic fluid is maximum at which gestational weeks-36-38
33 Theca lutein cysts are associated with which of the following-complete mole
33 Chadwick’s sign time-8weeks
33 Timing for performing amniocentesis -12-20weeks
33 Dark brown colored amniotic fluid is seen in-Intra uterine death
33 What will occur if chorionic villous sampling is done before 10weeks of gestation-Orofacial limb defects
33 Spalding sign is-Overlapping of skull bones
33 A lady presented with 24 month molar pregnancy-management of choice-suction evacuation
33 Most chances of death are seen in which type of twin pregnancy-monochorionic monoamnionic
33 MCC of death in twin pregnancy –cold compression
33 MC tubal pregnancy to rupture in which part-Isthmus
33 Target to maintain systolic BP in severe pre-eclampsia patient by drug therapy-<140
33 First sign to appear indicating toxicity of MgSo4-diminished plantor response
33 Ovulation returns in non –lactating women occurs offer how many weeks-4 weeks
33 Increase in cardiac output in pregnancy is by-40%
33 Ideal time for screening of blood sugar to rule out diabetes in a pregnant female-24-28 weeks
33 Polyhydramnius is defined as amniotic fluid volume of more than-2000ml
33 ovary is formed from-Genital ridge
33 Primordial follicles present at birth-2million
33 Uterns develops from-paramesonephric ducts – uterus
33 Contraceptive which is supplied by government free of cost-Mala-N
33 Shortest and narrowest past of fallopian tube-interstitial
33 Pearl index is used to calculate –accidental pregnancies
33 Technique of cu-T insertion-withdrawal technique
33 Which of the following IUCD has a life span of 10years –CU380A
33 MC site of ligation by clip in female sterilization –isthmus
33 Progesterone of choice in emergency contraception –levonorgesterane
33 Gold standard investigation in diagnosing PID-laparoscopy
33 Strawberry vagina is seen with-Trichomonas vaginalis
33 The commonest complication of pregnancy after complete treatment of gential TB-Ectopic pregnancy
33 MC symptom of acute pelvic inflammatory disease is-abdominal pain
33 Face to pubis is common in which type of pelvis-anthropoid
33 Insulin status in pregnancy-increases
33 Polyhdramnios is associated with –Esophageal ,duodenal, atresia
33 Longest diameter of fetal skull-Mentovertical
33 Graphical representation of stages of labor is-Partogram
33 A young girl with 6 weeks of amenorrhea with abdominal mass and empty uterus on USG –Ectopic pregnancy
33 Earliest sign of immune hydropson USG –Scalpedema
33 MC heart disease associated with pregnancy-Mitral stenosis
33 MCC of PPH-uterine atony
33 MC organism responsible for puerperal pyrexia-streptococcus
33 Smallest pelvic diameter in AP plane of inlet-Obstetric conjugate

* Best time to diagnose fetal anomalies by USG-18weeks
* MC type of vertex presentation-Left occipito anterior
* MC presentation of H-mole- Bleeding PV
* Bishops classification is used for-Need of induction of labor
* Average blood loss in normal delivery-500ml
* MCC of uterovesical fistula in India-obstructed labor
* MCC of ectopic pregnancy-Previous tubal disease
* Increased LH:FSH ratio is seen in –PCOD
* Menstrual blood in menorrhagiais-80ml
* MCC to secondary amenorrhea in India-Preganncy> TB
* Hot flushes in postmenuopausal women are best treated with which of the drug-Estrogen
* Cystoglaudular hyperplasia is a feature of –Metropathia hemorthagica
* Irregularand infrequent menstruation is k/a-oligomenorrhea
* MCC of postmeuoppausal bleeding in woman is-ca endometrium
* MCC of pyometra –Ca cervix
* Best management of a 40 year old lady with CIN III –total abdominal hysterectomy
* MC degenerative change in uterine myoma-Hyaline generation
* Toc for choriocarciuoma-Chemotherapy with methotrexate
* Pap smear shows ca in site next stop –Chemotherpay and biopsy
* Treatment of red degeneration of fibroid during pregnancy-Analgesics and reassurance
* Marker for granulose cell tumor-inhibin
* Meig’s syndrome is commonly associated with-Fibroma
* Chemotherapy for dysgermiuoma-cisplatin,etoposide,bleomycin
* Condyloma accuminate is caused by-HPV
* Onset of LH surge precedes ovulation by-36hrs
* Post coital test is employed to assess-cervical factor
* Best diagnosis of ovulation is by-Endometrial biopsy
* Best investigation to assess tubal patency is-laparoscopic chromotubation
* B lynch suture is applied on –Uterus
* MC genital fistula in India is-Vesicovaginal
* MC presentation of uterus didelphys-Dyspareunia
* MC site and symptom of endometriosis-site-ovary-symptom-dysmenorrhea
* The commonest cause of breech presentation-prematurity
* A 45 years old female presenting with dysmernorruea and nenorrhagia, diagnosis is-uterine fibroid
* The most effective drug in Sheehan’s syndrome-Corticosteroids
* Sexual development in the adolescent gins occurs in the following order-ans: Thelarch, pubarch, growth
* Corpus luteum function maximally without an implantation -9days
* Doc for cholera in pregnancy-Furazolidone
* Accurate diagnosis of anencephaly is seen in USG at weeks-14weeks
* Endomic disease means-That a disease is constantly present in a given population group
* Good indicator to assess the severity of an acute disease-case fatality rate
* Antibiotic treatment of choice for treating cholera in an adult is a single dose of - Doxycycline
* The most common cancer affecting Indian urban woman in Delhi ,Mumbai, Chennai is-Brest cancer
* The recommended daily energy intake of an adult woman with heavy work-2900 kcal

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(( What is the color coding of bag in hospitals to dispose of human anatomical waste such a body parts-Yellow
(( The diagnostic power of a test to correctly exclude the disease is reflected by-Negative predictivity
(( The best indicator for monitoring the impact of iodine deficiency disorders control programmer is-Urinary
I2 excretion
(( Under WHO vision 2020 programme SAFE strategy is adopted for which disease –Trachoma
(( WHO defines adolescent age between -10-19 years
(( Transplantation of human organs act was passed by government in India in-1994
(( Prevalence of TB infection in a community is done by-Tuberculin test
(( According to International health Regulation there is no risk of spread of yellow fever it the aedes, aegypti
index remains below-1
(( Multipurpose worker scheme in India was introduced following the recommendation of –Kartar singh
(( If the grades disease is classified as mild moderate severe the scale of measurement used is-ordinal
(( The usefulness of a screening test in a community depends on its –Sensitivity
(( Denominator while calculating the secondary attack rate includes –All susceptible amongst close contact
(( The organism most commonly causing genital Filiariasis in most parts of Bihar is- Wuchereria bancrotti
(( Class ii exposure in animal bites includes the following –Licks on a open wound
(( Leprosy is considered a public health problem it the prevalence is more than-1per10,000
(( In the management of leprosy ,lepromic test is most useful for-prognosis
(( Most important epidemiological tool used for assessing disability in children is-wing’s handicaps ,behavior
and skills
(( The vitamin A supplement administered in prevention of nutritional blindness in children programmer
contain-1lac IU/ml
(( The protein efficiency ratio is defined of-The gain of weight of young animals per unit volume of protein
(( Iron & folic acid tablets supplied under the national programme for anemia prophylaxis-100mg iron 500
microgram folic acid
(( Elemental iron and folic acid contents of pediatric iron folic acid tablets supplied under rural child heath
programme-20 mg iron ,100 microgram folic acid
(( Chi –square test is used to measure the degree of –Association between two Qualitative variables
(( Iron and folic acid Supplementation forms-Specific protection
(( The most important function of sentinel surveillance is-To find the total amount of disease in population
(( Serial interval is-Time gap between primary and secondary case.
(( The infectivity of chicken pox lasts for -6days after onset of rash
(( Acute flaccid paralysis is reported in a child age-0-15 years
(( Cereals and pulses are considered complimentary since –cereals are deficient in lysine ,pulses in methionice
(( Under the national TB programme for a PHC to be called a PHC –requisite is –Microscopy plus Radiology
(( A subcentre in a hilly area caters to a population of -3000
(( In a community an increase in new cases denote-increase in incidence rates
(( Sampling error is classified of –Alpha error
(( Virulence of a disease is indicated by-case fatality rate
(( Best test to detect iron deficiency in community is-serum ferritin
(( In culex mosquito the type of biological transmission for filarial parasite Cyclodevelopmental
(( Reverse cold chain is used for-Carrying stool samples of polio patient from PHC to the lab
(( Commonest complication of mumps is-Orchitisl oophoritis

33Vector control for yellow fever ground an airport is done upto a distance of -400mts
33 The best measure of incidence of TB in a community is-Tuberculin conversion index
33Tuberculin test denotes-previous or present sensitivity to tubercle proteins
33Definition of blindness by WHO includes –visual acuity <3/60
33A health guide works at-Each village level
33Village health guide measures the state of malnutrition in an under 5 child by using-Mid arm circumference
33Food poisoning within 6 hrs of intake of milk is caused by-Staphylococcus aureus
33Universal precaution is applied to-SEMEN
33The behavior science used extensively in PSM is-anthropology
33Triad of physical quality life index
• infant mortality
• life expectancy at age 1
• literacy
33 Best comparison of health status of two population is-standardized mortality rate
33 Bhopal gas tragedy is an example-point source epidemic
33 Reconstituted measles vaccines should be used within-1hr
33 The diluent used for BCG-normal saline
33 Commonest cause of infant mortality rate in India is-prematurity
33 Extra calorie requirements for a lactating mother are-600kcal /day
33 Nalgonda techniques used in –Endemic fluorosis
33 Osmolality of WHO ORS is-330 (now 245)
33 Under the registration act of 1969,death is to registered within -7days (now 21 days)
33 95% of confidence limit exist between = +-2SD
33 Population covered by a PHC in hilly region is-20,000
33 Difference between Dispensary and PHC is that a PHC –gives integrated services
33 Sickness benefits under ESI is available for a period is-91 days
33 HOSPICE refers to- Special group of people helping the old and terminary in patients
33 Incidence rate is measured by-longitudinal study
33 Scrub typhus is transmitted by-Mite
33 Total fertility rate is-Indicates approximate magnitude of completed family size
33 Denomitator of MMR-1000 live births (now per 10000 live birthds)
33 MCC of maternal mortality in India is-Hemorrhage
33 Minimum duration of developing coal minor pneumoconiosis ->10 years
33 Sensitivity is-True positivity rate
33 Yoga day- 21st june(premodial prevention)
33 Baromarker of social welfare-T.B.
33 Black death- plague
33 herd immunity examples- polio, diphtheria, measles
Type a alpha virus-chikungunya arbo virus 
Type b flavi virusJE,YF,DENGUE,KFD
33 Level of vena caval opening: T8
33 Level of esophageal opening: T10
33 Level of aortic opening: T12
33 Caval opening is through: Central part
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33 Aortic opening is through: Osseo-aponeurotic opening (not a true opening)
33 Esophageal opening is through: Muscular part of diaphragm
33 Right phrenic nerve passes through: Vena caval opening
33 Vagus nerve passes through: Esophageal opening
33 Esophageal branch of left gastric artery passes through: Esophageal opening
33 Azygous vein passes through: Aortic opening

33 Formed by union of 2 vertebral arteries: Basilar A.
33 Inferior vesical artery is a branch of: Anterior division of internal iliac artery
33 Uterine A. is a branch of: Anterior division of internal iliac A.
33 Inferior thyroid A. is a branch of: Thyrocervical trunk
33 Ascending pharyngeal A. is a branch of: External carotid A.
33 Internal pudendal A. is a branch of: Anterior division of internal iliac A.
33 Left gastro-epiploic A. is a branch of: Splenic A.
33 Splenic A. is a branch of: Coeliac trunk
33 Cystic A. is a branch of: Right hepatic A.
33 Cilio-retinal A. is a branch of: Choroidal A.
33 Middle meningeal A. is a branch of: Maxillary A.
33 Anterior spinal A. is a branch of: Vertebral A.
33 Ophthalmic A. is a branch of: Internal carotid A.
33 Medially, superior thyroid artery is related to: External branch of superior laryngeal nerve

33 Prochordal plate & primitive streak is seen on: 14th day
33 Oogonia & germ cell are derived from: Yolk sac
33 1st polar body is formed during: Oogenesis
33 1st polar body is extruded: At the time of ovulation
33 Y chromosome is: Acrocentric
33 Sperms are stored in: Epididymis
33 Length of human sperm: 50-60 microns
33 Number of chromosomes are reduced down to half in: 1st meiotic division
33 In humans, implantation begins on the: 6th day after fertilization
33 Initiation and maintenance of primitive streak is because of: Nodal gene
33 Primitive streak develops in which week: 3rd week
33 Structure developed from cloaca:
• The cloaca develops into the rectum and upper 2/3 of the anal canal,
• While its anterior subdivision, the urogenital sinus, develops into the bladder and
• In the female, the urethra and vestibule,
• While in the male the prostatic urethra.


33 Meckel’s diverticulum: Remnant of vitelline duct
33 Ligamentum venosum: Remnant of ductus venosus
33 Ligamentum arteriosum: Remnant of ductus arteriosus
33 Median umbilical ligament: Remnant of urachus
33 Medial umbilical ligaments: Remnant of 2 umbilical arteries
33 Ligamentum teres: Remanant of left umbilical vein


33 Mesodermal in origin: Kidney, Muscle (EXCEPT musculature of iris), Bone etc.
33 Trigone of bladder: Mesoderm
33 Somites: Paraxial mesoderm
33 Epithelial lining of biliary tract: Endoderm
33 Tympanic membrane: All the 3germ layers

Derivatives of neural crest:

Neurons of
• Dorsal root,
• Sensory &
• Autonomic/ sympathetic ganglia
Schwann cells,
Mesenchyme of dental papillae etc.


33 Collecting duct develops from: Ureteric bud
33 Epithelium of Ureter develops from: Mesonephros
33 Uterus/ appendix testes develops from: Mullerian duct/ paramesonephric duct
33 Ovary develops from: Genital ridge
33 Scrotum develops from: Genital swelling
33 Clitoris develops from: Genital tubercle


33 Meckel’s cartilage develops from: 1st pharyngeal arch
33 Sphenomandibular ligament develops from: 1st pharyngeal arch
33 Stapes develops from: 2nd pharyngeal arch
33 Stylohyoid ligament develops from: 2nd pharyngeal arch
33 Greater cornua of hyoid develops from: 3rd pharyngeal arch
33 Posterior belly of digastric develops from: 2nd pharyngeal arch
33 Anterior belly of digastric develops from: 1st pharyngeal arch
33 Platysma develops from: 2nd pharyngeal arch


33 Palatine tonsil develops from: 2nd pharyngeal pouch
33 Inferior parathyroid gland & thymus develops from: 3rd pharyngeal pouch
33 Superior parathyroid gland & ultimobranchial body develops from: 4th pharyngeal pouch
33 Parafollicular cells are derived from: NCC > Ultimobranchial body

33 Muscle of tongue develops from: Occipital myotomes
33 Muscles of tongue are: Both smooth & skeletal muscles

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33 Safety muscle of tongue: Genioglossus
33 Pain of Ca base of tongue is referred to the ear through: Glossopharyngeal nerve
33 Circumvallate papillae of tongue are supplied by: Glossopharyngeal nerve
33 Anterior 2/ 3rd of tongue develops from: Lingual swellings & Tuberculum impar
33 Tate sensation from anterior 2/ 3rd of tongue is by: Chorda tympani (facial)
33 Posterior 1/3rd of tongue develops from: Hypobranchial eminence

33 Mesothelium of pleura, peritoneum & pericardium is lined by: Simple squamous epithelium
33 Nasal cavity, nasal air sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx (EXCEPT vocal cords), trachea & bronchi are lined by:
Ciliated pseudo
stratified columnar epithelium
33 True vocal cords, cornea, tonsil & vagina are lined by: Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
33 Epithelium with extra reserve of cell membrane: Transitional epithelium
33 Calyces, Ureter, ureterovesical junction & urinary bladder have: Transitional epithelium

33 1ST step in investigating an epidemic is- verification of diagnosis

33 3 moths training in psm was prposed by – bhore committee
33 Chlorination is by – hypochlorus acid
33 Wernikes encephalopathy due to deficiency of – thiamine (B1)
33 ACRODERMATITIS ENTEROPATHICA responds dramatically to – zinc
33 Anton test is done for – listeria monocytogenes
33 Morbidity is measured by-Active surveillance
33 Most sensitive index of recent transmission of malaria is –Infant parasite rate
33 Annual growth rate is-crude birth rate –crude death rates
33 The goal of NRR-can be best achieved by use of following contraceptive methods-vasectomy
33 Maize are deficient in –Tryptophon & lysine
33 According to ICMR protein ,requirements during lactation include as extra-600 kcal/d
33 Sanguinariue is derived from-Argemone oil
33 Mid day meals provided in schools provide-1/3 of daily total calories and ½ ofdaily protein
33 Malathion is used once every-3months
33 Square root of mean deviation is also called as –standard deviation
33 Health education is-Health promotion
33 Berke sonian bias refers to –Bias arising from differates rates of admission to the hospital
33 In a case control study , the most characteristics feature is- odds ratio estimation
33 The perinatal rate in India is-late fetal death + early neonatal death
33 BOAA-beta oxalyl amino alanine
33 Case control studies are used for-finding multiple risk factors
33 Pre-exposure prophylaxis for rabies-3doses
33 India belongs to which stage of the demographic cycle-Late expanding
33 An IQ between 50 -70 would be classified as what kind mental retardation –Mild
33 Niacin deficiency in a maize eating population is due to –high leucine
33 Kuppuswami classification is base on-
• Income
• Occupation
• Education
¡¡ In a epidemic of poliomyelitis ,the best way to stop spread is by-OPV drops to all children
¡¡ Chandler index is used for-Ancysostoma duodenale
¡¡ In India the MI vector of Japanese encephalitis is- Culex tritaeniorhynchus
¡¡ Under NMEP the function of fever treatment depot is-Collection of slides +treatment of fever
¡¡ The safe limit of fluoriue in drinking water is-0.5-0.8mg/dl
¡¡ Highest biological value of protein is seen in –egg
¡¡ Pearl index is used for calculating- accidental contraceptive failure
¡¡ Toxin of epidemic dropsy – sanguinarine
¡¡ Leptospirosis is transmitted by- infected rat urin
¡¡ Most essential fatty acid- linoleic acid
¡¡ Most heat sensitive vaccine- RECONSTITUTE BCG>OPV>RECN.MEASLES>HEP.B>BCG>T.T.
¡¡ Cold sensitive-hep B>DPT>DT>T.T.
¡¡ Causative agent of acute suppurative rititis media-Pneumococcus otitis
¡¡ Endolymph is present in –scola media
¡¡ Oxygen of corti is present in –cochlea
¡¡ Otoacoustic emissions are low intensity sounds produced by-Cochlea
¡¡ Singer nodule is present at Junction of anterior 1/3rd and posterior 2/3rd of vocal cords
¡¡ MCC of tonsilitis –Group A beta hemolytic streptococci
¡¡ IAC open in to – nasopharynx
¡¡ Bell’s palsy – hsv
¡¡ organ of corti is covered by- tectorial membrane
¡¡ tympanpmetry –Type A – NORMAL
(( type As curve- otosclerosis
(( type Ad – ossicles Dislocation / perforated t.m.
¡¡ CARHART NOTCH seen in – otoslerosis (2KHZ) OR/ 2000HZ
¡¡ Jvp causes - hsv6,hsv11
¡¡ Atrophic Rhinitis/ ozeana is a autoimmune dis.
¡¡ Some important signs-
¡¡ AQUINO’S SIGN: Glomus tumors 
blanching of the tympanic mass with gentle pressure on the carotid artery
¡¡ BATTLE SIGN:  petrous temporal bone fracture (middle fossa #)
¡¡ Bruising behind ear at mastoid region
¡¡ BEZOLD’S SIGN: mastoiditis
Inflammatory edema at the tip of the mastoid process
¡¡ BOCCA’S SIGN : Ca Larynx
Absence of post cricoid crackle(Muir’s crackle)
¡¡ BROWNE’S SIGN : Glomus tumor
¡¡ BRYCE SIGN: combined laryngocele & external laryngocele 
 compression will cause a hissing sound as the air escapes from it into the larynx (but don’t try!)
¡¡ DELTA SIGN: Lateral sinus thrombosis
CT or MRI with contrast shows an empty triangle appearance of the thrombosed sinus surrounded by
contrast enhanced dura (empty triangle sign)
¡¡ GRIESINGER’S SIGN:  lateral sinus thrombosis

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-Erythema and oedema posterior to the mastoid process resulting from septic
thrombosis of the mastoid emissary vein
CSF will separate from blood when the mixture is placed on filter paper
resulting in a central area of blood with an outer ring or halo

33 HENNEBERT’S SIGN : false positive fistula test(congenital suphylis)

33 LIGHT HOUSE SIGN: Acute suppurative otitis media<acute mastoditis
(small pin hole perforation with a pulsatile ear discharge)
33 PHELP’S SIGN : glomus jugulare
RISING SUN SIGN : glomus tumour
33 SCHWARTZ SIGN : active phase of otosclerosis(otospongiosis)
33 STEEPLE SIGN: Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
33 TEAR DROP SIGN :  Orbital floor fracture
33 THUMB SIGN :  Epiglottitis
33 TEA POT SIGN: CSF rhinorrhoea
- Trotter’s triad – U/L CONDUCTIVE DEAFNEES
- palatal palsy ( d/t-10th c.n.)
33 Nerve involved in Frey’s syndrome –Auriculotemporal
33 MCC of malignant otitis exterua-pseudomonas aeroginosa
33 Eustachian tube develops from -1st pharyngeal pouch
33 MC complication of CSOM-Mastoiditis
33 Bezold’s abscess lies in relation to which muscle-Sternocleidomastoid
33 Triad of deafness, vertigo tinnitus –Meniere’s disease
33 MC involve structure in acoustic neuroma-superior vesticular nerve
33 Mikulicz cells are seen in-Rhinoscleroma
33 CSF Rhinorrhea is seen in # of –Cribriform plate of ethmoid
33 MC site of epistaxis –little’s area
33 Abductor of vocal cord-Posterior Crico arytenoids
33 MC causative agent of Quinsy-Streptoccus pneumonia
33 MCC of strider of newborn-Laryngomalacia
33 Methods use for corneal parameter
Corneal thickness- patchymeter
Corneal curvature – keratometer
Corneal shining – placido’s disc
Corneal endothelium- specular microscope
Corneal surface – placido’s disc, window reflex
Corneal staining – flurescein staining:- ulcer stained brilliant green

Mcc of Staphyloma :- 1.anterior staphyloma- corneal ulcer

2.posterior staphyloma-degenerative high AXIAL MYOPIA


1.orbicularis - facial
2.levator palpebrae - oculomotor
3.muller’s - sympathetic fibres

Hornor syndrome- is caused due to compression of sympathetic nerve plexus by an apical tumor called as
pancast tumor
panjabi- ptosis
A -anhidrosis
L-loss of ciliospinal reflex
- Max. cones are seen in fovea centralis
- 1 mm change in the axial length of the eyeball produce a change in refractive index by 3 diopter.
- Depth of anterior chamber of eye 2-3 mm.
- Normal ph of tear 7.5 .
- Max.refractive power of eye structure- anterior surface of cornea.
- Thinnest part of eye- posterior
- Thinnest part of lens – posterior
- Attachment of vitreous is longest- around ora serrata.
- In direct opthalmology image is magnified by 15 times
- Darkroom test is the most reliable provocative test for ACG
- FINCHAM’S TEST – distinguish b/w coloured halos of cataract and glaucoma
- Cover-uncover test done for – latent squint
- Field vision tested by perimetry, bjerum’s screen
- Trachoma:- doc-azithromycin
- Corneal ulcer
- Herbert’s pit
- Arlt’s line
- Follicles
- Papillary hyperplasia
- Pannus
- Sago grain follicles
- Hp bodies ,
SAFE strategy – (S- surgery , A-antibiotic, F- facial cleanliness, E-enviromental improvement), blaket therapy

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- Karatoconus:- fleischer ring
-vogt’s striae
- munson’s sign
-high myopic astigmatism
- Angular conjunctivitis is caused by moraxella axenfeld
- Haemorrhagic conjunctivitis is caused by enterovirus 70
- fungal corneal ulcer:-convex hypopyon, hyphate margins,SATELLITE LESIONS are seen
- diagnostic test for the corneal ulcer is sadium fluorescein dye
- neovascular glaucoma is caused by CRVO, CRAO, and diabetes mellitius
- dangerous zone of eye- ciliary body
- after cataract is secondary cateract-1.sommering’s
- 2.- elshning pearl
- Nd –yag laser is use in Mxof after cataract
- Blue dot cataract mc type of congenital cataract
- Hard contact lens made by PMMA
- Soft contact lenses made by-HEMM
- ARGYLL ROBERSON PUPIL- a pupil responds to accomdation but light reflex is absent.
- Legal blindness- <3/60
- Economic blindness<6/60
- 1st nerve affected in cavernous sinus thrombosis-6th c.n.
- Vestibulo ocular reflex is important for the perception of :- image
- Mc part injured in orbital blow out fracture- inferior wall

33 Antero posterior length of eyeball-24mm

* Nerve supply to superior oblique muscle –Trochlear (SO4LR6)
* Pupil in angle closure glaucoma is –Vertically oval, mid dilated ,fixed
* Ropy discharge from eye is suggestive of –spring catarrh
* Muscle commonly affected in thyroid opthalmopathy – Inferior rectus
* DOC for acute anterior Uveitis-Steroids
* MCC of blindness in children in India-Vitamin –a deficiency
* Kayser Fleisher rings in eye are seen in –Wilson’s disease
* Roth spots in eye are seen in –Sub acute bacterial endacarditis(SABE)
* Dalen fuch’s nodules are seen in –Sympathetic opthalmitis
* Iris pearls are noticed in –leprosy
* Organism which can penetrate normal intact cornea -Neisseria gonorrnea, N meningitidis Diphtheria
* Neurotrophic keratitis involves-Trigemiyal nerve
* Recurrent corneal erosions are seen in corneal – corneal dystrophy
* Flexner winter steiner rosettes on microscopy are seen in –Retinoblastoma
* Lens used to correct astigmatism –cylindrical
* Recurrent vitreous hemorrhage is a feature of –Eales disease
* MC drug used in open angle glaucoma-Timolol
* Cause of sudden loss of vision in diabetic patient –Massive vitreous hemorrhage
* Fincham,s test is done to differentiate between –colored holos of acute congestive glaucoma and cataract

* Inital manoeuvre done in a congenital dacrocystitis-Massaging
* MC parasitic cause of uveitis is –toxoplasmosis
* Night stick #- #shaft ulna
* Chauffeur #- intra-articular oblique # of radial styloid
* Side –swipe #/ baby car #-injury to protruding elbow, combinantion of distal
humerus and proxiamal radius/ulna #
* Bumper #- comminuted , depressed # of lateral condyle of tibia
* Pott’s #- bimalleolar ankle # , cotton’s #- trimalleolar ankle #
* Avitaor’s #- # neck of talus
* Jone’s #- avulsion # base of 5th metatarsal
* Jefferson #- # of 1st cerivical vertebrae
* Hangman’s # - b/l lamina and pedical # at C2
* Boxer’s #-# neck of 5th metacarple
* Thurstons Hollond sign is a feature of Salter Harris type-II
* Hill sachs lesion is observed in –Recurrent anterior dislocation of shoulder joint
* Triple deformity of knee includes-Flexion, posterior subluxation and external rotatin of tibia.
* Brittle bone disease is also known as-Osteopetrosis
* Mcc of pathological #- osteoporosis
* Gustilo-anderson classification- open /compaund #
* Pauwel’s classification- # neck of femur
* Mc liga. Injury- ATLF( anterior telofebular liga.)
* Strongest ligament –iliofemoral liga
* Russell’s traction – trochantric #
* Gallow’s and bryant traction - # shaft femur in child <2 yrs
* Dunlop’s traction and smith traction- supracondylar # humerus
* Arthritis classification
* 1. InflamMatory ;- (a) seropositive- RA, LUPUS,SCLERODERMA, VASCULITIS,SJOGREN’S
* CARPL TUNEL SYNDROME- mcc- idiopathic>hypothyroididsm
C-compressed midean nerve
A-acromegaly( GH. High)
P- pregnancy
L- low thyroid( hypothyroidism)
Syndrome- sansation ( tingling and buming)
* MC site of gout-Great toe
* Age group affected in Ewing’s sarcoma-5-20years
* Splaying of metaphysic is in –Rickets
* IOC for traumatic paraplegia-MRI
* Tardy Ulnar nerve palsy is seen with-#Laternal humeral condyle
* Galeazzi fracture involves-Distal radius

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33 MC complication of fracture of neck of femur-Non-union
33 Most common symptom of TB spine-Bachache
33 Barlow test is done for-Developmental dysplasia of hip
33 Fracture of radial styloid process is known as –Chauffer’s#
33 Housemaid’s knee is due to –Prepatellar bursitis
33 Swan neck and Z deformity of fingers is seen in –Rheumatic Arthritis
33 Forward slipping of 1 vertebra over other-Spondylolisthesis
33 Heterotopic bone formation in a muscle belly is known of – myositis ossificans
33 Tension band wiring is best done for –Olecranon and patella fractures
33 MC type of TB spine-Paradiscal
33 Kienbock’s disease is avascular necrosis of –lunate bone
33 Acute stage of poliomyelitis last-10-15days
33 Best and most successful treatment of bronchial asthma-Avoidance of antigen
33 Epiphyseal dysgenesis is a pathoglomonic of –Hypothyroidism
33 Best method to diagnose childhood HIV –PCR
33 MCC of nephrotic syndrome in children –Minimal change disease
33 Duchne muscles dystrophy is a disease of –Sarcoleemmal protein
33 MCC of meningitis is a post natal period –Streptococcus pneumonia
33 MCC of death in diphtheric child-Myocorditis
33 Noctural enuresis may be considered normal upto-5years
33 TOC for bronchiolitis in children is –Ribovirin
33 The MC presentation of neonatal meningitis –Poor feeding
33 Most common malignancy of the childhood –ALL
33 MCC of heart failure in infancy –Congenital heart disease
33 MCC of cholestatic jaundice in newborn-Neonatal hepatitis
33 A neonate born to infected hepatitis B mother should be treates with –Immunoglobulin are HEPB vaccines
33 True for vitamin D resistant rickets-Defect in proximal tubular real sorption
33 Breast feeding should be initiated within- ½ hr
33 Head control is possible in a infant by-3months
33 Child speaks sentences of-2years
33 A baby knows his/her gender at the age of -3years
33 DOC of myoclonic epilepsy in children-Valproic acid
33 Temperature of a child in severe hypothermia- C320 C
33 MCC of death in klinefelter syndrome –Infections
33 MC form of intracranial hemorrhage in preterm neonates is –Subependymal hemorrhage
33 Physiological jaundice in preterm bodies last for-14days
33 Anterior fontanel fuses by-18months
33 MC type of seizure in newborn-Subtle

33 In apoptosis Apaf -1 is activated by release of which of the following substance from mitochondria-
Cytochrome C
33 A simple bacterial test for mutagenic carcinogens is-AMES test
33 Stain specific for Amyloid –Congo red
33 Type of Amyloidosis is caused by mutation of the transthyrting protein –Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy
33 In famillal mediterorean fever the gene the following protein undergoes mutation –pyrin

33 The classification purposed by the international lymphoma study group for NHL is-REAL classification
33 Sub type of Hodgkin’s disease which is geniticancy district from are the other sub types is- lymphocyte
33 The membrane protein clathrin is involved in –receptor mediated endocytosis
33 Lipoxins belongs to family of-Arachidonic acid metaboullites
33 Genes favoring Apaptosis-bax,bad ,bcl-X5
33 Genes that inhibit apoptosis-bcl2,bcl-xl
33 Most common cytogenetic abnormality in adult MDS-nonosomy 7
33 Most abundant glycoprotein present in basement membrane-type IV
33 The blood in the vessels normally doesn’t clot bec2-vascular endothelium is smooth and coated with
33 The correct sequence of cell cycle is-Go –GI-S-G2-M
33 Routine technique for karyotyping using light microscopy-G banding
33 Gluten sensitive enteropathy is most strongly associated with which HLA system-HLA
33 Pan T lymphocyte marker –CD3
33 Memory T cells can be identified by using marker-CD45RO
33 NHC class III gene encodes –TNF and are important elements in governing susceptibility to auto immuue
33 Raised level of lipoprotein a is a predictor of –atherosclerosis
33 The epithelliod cell and multinucleated giant cells of granulomatous inflammation are derived from-
Monocytes macrophages
33 The following feature is common to both cytotoxic T cells and NK cells –effective against virus infected cells
33 A myocardial infarct showing early granulation tissue has most likely occurred –within 1 week
33 Enzyme that protects brain from free radical injury –Superoxide dismutase
33 Autoimmuue hemolytic anemia is seen in –CLL
33 Massive blood transfusion result is –Metabolic Alkalosis
33 The marker for B lymphocyte is -- CD19
33 Firm warty vegetation along the line of closer of valves is due to –Rheumatic heart disease

33 Flat vegetations in pockets of valves are due to-libman sack’s endocarditis

33 Characteristic feature of rheumatic carditis is –Pancarditis
33 MC histological types of lung ca in India – Squamous cell ca
33 A highly ionized drug –is excreted mainly by the kidney
33 Theophyline has on antagonistic interaction with which receptors -adenosive receptors
33 Dry mouth during anti depressant therapy is caused by blockage of receptors- Muscarinic acetylcholine
33 Antiosychotic drug induced parkinsonism is treated by –anticholinergics
33 Inverse against of benzodia zepine receptor is-Beta-carboline
33 Hemorrhage secondary to heparin administration can be corrected by administration of –PROTOMINE
33 Antibiotic bacitracin acts of –cell wall
33 The most effective drug against M.leproe is-Rifampicin
33 Bosentan is –Endothelin receptor blocker
33 Barbiturates are contraindicated in which disorder-Porphyria’s
33 Proton pump inhibitos are most effective when they are given-shortly before meals

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(( The mechanism of action of sodium nitroprasside is-increased guanylate cydase
(( True statement regarding inverse against is-birds to receptor and causes opposite action
(( True statement regarding first order kinetics-A constant proportion of plasma concentration is eliminated
(( Mechanism of action of tetracycline –Birds to A site and inhibit of attachment of t-RNA
(( In low doses aspirin acts on –cyclo –oxygenase
(( β-blocker with peripheral vasodilator action is-carvedilol
(( Diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is by-Edrophonium
(( Coronary steal phenomenon is caused by-Dipyridamole
(( The nitrate which does not undergo first pass metabolism –Isosorbide mononitrate
(( A patient has hepatic encephalopathy the drug used for gud sterilization in this patient is-Neomycin
(( A patient taking ketoconazole tertenadine both is prove for cardiac arrhythmia
(( The treatment of contacts of meningococcal meningitis is by-Rifampicin
(( Cyclosporin act’s by inhibiting the proliferation of IL-2
(( DOC for malaria during pregnancy is – chloroquine
(( MESNA is given with cyclophosphamide- To avoid side effect of hemorrhagic cystitis
(( DOC in acute central anticholinergic syndrome – Physostigmine
(( Difference between action of diethylcarbazepine and Ivermectin in a scrotal filariasis is –DEC act’s on adult
and ivermectin on microfilariae
(( Milk alkali syndrome may be caused by investigation of –calcium carbonate
(( Tetrahdrocannabinol is the active component of –marijuana
(( First drug to be used in anaphylactic shock =S.C.Adrenaline
(( MC site effect of 5 Fluroro-Uracil I s-G.I Toxicity
(( Prolonged use of steroids may cause-Decrease in bone matrix protein
(( In the small intestine cholera toxin acts by –ADP ribosylates of the G-regulatory protein
(( A bacteria disease that has been associated with i.e Rats Ricefield, Rainfall is –leptospirosis
(( The MC pathogens responsible for nosocomial pneumonia in the ICU are –Gram negative organisms
(( Virus mediated transfer of host DNA from due cell to another is known as-Transduction
(( HIV can be detected and confirmed by-RT PCR
(( Which protozoal infection leads to malabsorption –G lamblia
(( The capsule of Cryptococcus neoformons in CSF sample is best seen by –India ink Preparation
(( The serum concentration of which IgG subclass is maximum-IgG
(( Adenosive deaminase deficiency is associated with-Serve combined immunodeficiency
(( A 20 year old man presented with hemorrhagic colitis the stool sample grew E coil in pure culture The
following type of E coil is likely to be its causative agent-01577 A7
(( The most sensitive method for detecting cervical Chlamydia trachomatis infection is-PCR
(( Heat labile instruments for use in surgical procedures can be best sterilized by-Ethyene oxide gas
(( The earliest immunoglobulin to be synthesize by the fetus –IgM
(( Rate of automaticity in AV node-40-60beats/min
(( Conduction velocity of impulse is maximum in which part of heart –Purkinji fibres
(( Which part of ventricle is repolorized at last –base of heart
(( Cannon ‘a’ wave is seen in JVP in which disease-CHB
(( Most accurate method to measure cardiac output-Fick’s principle
(( Acidification of urine occurs in –CD
(( Maximum absorption of sodium and water takes place in which part of nephron-PCT
(( Mutation of Na++k+2cl channel lead to –Barter’s syndrome

33 Mutation of Na+Cl- Channel lead to –Gitelman’s syndrome
33 Hyper functioning of Epithelial Na+ channel in collecting duct lead to-Liddle’s syndrome
33 Mutation of Ryanodine receptor leads to –Malignant hyperthermia
33 Bell magendie low-
33 Sensory –
33 Dorsal horn
33 Motor –ventral Horn
33 Bipolar neurons are seen in –Retina ,olfactory sensory nerves, cochlea
33 Rest membrane potential of neuron is-70mv
33 Mutation of voltage gated calcium channels in nerve leads to –hypokalemic periodic paralysis
33 Myelin sheath in peripheral nervous system is formed by-schwann cell
33 Blood brain barrier is formed by- Astrocytes
33 MC fracture in all age groups –Clavicle fracture
33 Nerve supply to serratus anterior muscle(boxer’s muscle)-long thoracic nerve (palsy resulting winging
33 Accessory nerve(11th cranial nerve)Supplies two muscles-Trapezius ,sternocleidomostoid muscles
33 Lattisimus dorsi muscle is supplied by-Thoracodorsal nerve
33 Rhomboideus major ,minor levator scapulae are supplied by-Dorsal scapula nerve
33 Adhesive tendinitis of rotats to cuff muscles is known as-Frozen shoulder
33 Axillary nerve supplies two muscles –Teres minor,deltoid muscles
33 Biceps brachii,coracibrachialis ,brachiates muscles are supplied by-Musculocutaneous nerve
33 The short head of biceps and coracobrachialis muscle have a common origin from-Tip of coraccid process
33 Student’s elbow is- Olecranon bursiti’s
33 Pulled elbow or nerve maid elbow-Subluxation of head of radius from annular ligament
33 Golfer’s elbow is known as-Medial epicondylitis
33 Tennis elbow is known as –Lateral epicondylitis
33 Hinge joints –Elbow Joint, Ankle joint interphalangeal joint
33 Main abductor of arm-Deltoid muscles
33 Book test card test ,froment’s sign done in –Ulnar nerve palsy
33 Structures having length of 45cms –Spinal cord ,vas deferens adult femurs thoracic duct
33 Motor supply of diaphrasm-Phrenic nerve
33 Most common type of congenital diaphragmatic hernia-Bochdalek most common left side
33 Thoracic part of Esophagus is supplied by artery-Esophageal branch of thoracic aota, bronchial artery
33 Little’s area is formed by-Anterior ethmoidal artery ,sphenopalatine artery superior labial branch of facial
33 Structures opening into middle meatus -frontal sinus, maxillary sinus ,anterior ethmoidal sinus, middle
ethmoidal sinus
33 Largest branch of external carotid artery-Maxillary artery
33 Middle cerebral artery is a branch of –Internal carotid artery
33 The muscle which opens the mouth-Lateral pterygoid muscle
33 All the muscles of mastication are supplied by-Mandibular nerve (masseter, Temporalis, medical pterygoid
,lateral pterygold)
33 Waldeyer’s ring around the oral cavity is formed by-Adenoids ,tubal tonsils, palative tonsils ,lingual tonsils
33 Tensor palatine muscle of soft palate is supplied by-mandibular nerve
33 Stylopharyngeus muscle is supplied by-Glussopharyngeal nerve

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33 Submandibular and sublingual glands is supplied by-Facial nerve
33 Parotid gland is supplied by-Glossopharyngeal nerve
33 Safety muscle of tongue which causes protraction-Genioglossus
33 Posterior 2/3rd of tongue and circumvallate papillae is supplied by which nerve-Glossophorygeal nerve
33 Cricothyroid muscle of larynx is supplied by –Superior laryngeal nerve
33 The three unpaired cartilages of larynx are-Epiglottis ,thyroid cricoids
33 Abductor muscle of vocal cord(main) –Posterior cricoarytenoid
33 Adductor muscle of vocal cord-lateral cricoarytenoid
33 Sensory supply of supraglottic comportment of larynx is by-Internal laryngeal nerve
33 Sensory supply of infraglottic compartment of larynx is by-Recurrent laryngeal nerve
33 Main movements at ankle joint are-Dorsi flexion plantor flexion
33 The most common ligament to be involved in the sprains of ankle joint is-anterior talofibular ligament
33 Subtalar joint is a type of-plane synovial joint
33 Ligament spring is present at which joint-Subtalar joint
33 Patella develops in tendon of which muscle-Quadriceps femori
33 Prepatellar bursitis is known as-housemaid’s knee
33 Infrapatellar bursitis is known as-Clergymon’s knee
33 Anterior compartment of leg muscle of supplied by-Deep peroneal nerve
33 Posterior compartment of leg muscle is supplied by-Tibial nerve
33 Hamstring muscles of thing are supplied by-Sciatic nerve
33 Nerve compressed in Tarsel tunnel syndrome-Tibial nerve
33 Compression of sciatic nerve at posterior comportment of thing is known as-Sleeping foot syndrome
33 Dortos muscle of a scrotum is supplied by-L1 Root of Ilio inguiual nerve
33 Cremasteric muscle of testis is supplied by-L1L2 root of genitofemoral nerve
33 The tendon of fabella (sesamoid bone)lies in-lateral head gastronemus muscle
33 MC Carpal bone to get fracture is-Scaphoid
33 Adductor pilicis is supplied by-ulnar nerve
33 The main motor nerve of hand-ULNAR nerve-(Musician’s nerve)
33 1st Carpometacorpal joint is a type of-Saddle joint
33 Wrist joint is a type of –Condyloid or ellipsoid joint
33 Callot’s triangle is formed by-Common Hepatic duct, Cystic duct, Lower border of liver
33 Portal vien is formed by-Superior me senteric vein + splenic vien
33 Contents of inguinal canal –Spermatic cord ,ilioiguilnal nerve ,genital branch of genitor femoral nerve
33 Conjoint tendon is formed by-=Fusion of aponeurotic fibres of internal oblique and transverse abdominis
33 Superior epigastric artery is a branch of –Musculophrenic artery(Branch of internal thoracic artery)
33 Left gastric artery is a branch of –Celiac trunk
33 Gastroduodonal artery is a branch of-Common hepatic proper artery
33 Appendicular artery is a branch of –Ilecolic artery
33 Middle rectal and inferior rectal arteries are branches of –Internal iliac artery
33 Maxillary artery and Mandibular nerve are derived from which bronchial arch-1st arch(mandibuls arch)
33 Internal pudeudal artery is a brancle of-Internal iliac artery
33 Muscles of facial expression and stapedial artery are derived from which branchial arch-2nd arch
33 Common carotid artery and stylopharyngeus muscle are derived from which branchial arch-3rd arch
33 Cricothyroid muscle and aortic arch are derived from which branchial arch-4th arch
33 Muscles of larynx and duct arteriosus are derived from which branchial arch-5th arch

¡¡ Remnant of ductus venosus-Ligamentum venosus
¡¡ Remnant of left umbilical vein-Ligamentor teres
¡¡ Physiological closure of ducts arteriosus takes place within -1-3days
¡¡ Shortest cranial nerve is-olfactory nerve
¡¡ Total no of spinal nerve-12pairs
¡¡ Cranial nerve with largest intracranial nerve-IV CN
¡¡ The neurotransmitter released at preganglionic fibres of sympathetic nerve system is-Acetylcholine
¡¡ The pre and postganglionic fibres release which neurotransmitter-Acetylcholine
¡¡ The largest ganglion of parasympathetic nervous system supplying the lacrimal gland via greater superficial
petrosal nerve is-Pterygopalatine ganglion
¡¡ IF damage to area 22 wernicke’s area-Lead to SENSORY APHASIA
¡¡ If damage occurs to area 41,42 (Auditory area)leads to-Motor Aphasia
¡¡ Pyramidal tracts are –Corticospinal tract ,corticobulbur or corticonuclear tracts
¡¡ Extra pyramidal tract are-Vestibulospinal, olivospinal,Reticulospinl rubrospinal ,tectospinal tracts
¡¡ MC vessel involved in extradural hemorrhage-Middle muscle artery
¡¡ MC vessel involved Intracerebral hemorrhage in hypertensive bleed is-Lenticulostriate branch of middle
cerebral artery
¡¡ Site of formation of CSF is –Lateral ventricles of brain
¡¡ Which is longest muscle of body (Tailor’s muscle)-Sartorius
¡¡ Lateral compartment muscle of leg are supplied by which nerve-Superficial personal nerve
¡¡ Muscle which is caused as Peripheral heart of body - “Soleus”
¡¡ Strongest ligament in the body-Iliofemoral
¡¡ Strongest tendon in the body-Tendoachilles
¡¡ Locking muscle of knee joint –Quadriceps femoris
¡¡ Unlocking muscle of knee joint –Popliteus
¡¡ Main flexor muscle of knee joint –hamstring muscles
¡¡ Popliteal artery branches
33 Anterior tibial artery
33 Posterior tibial artery
¡¡ Inferior epigastric artery is a branch of –External iliac artery
¡¡ Superficial epigastric artery is a branch of –Femoral artery
¡¡ Descending genicular artery is a branch of-Deep Branch of femoral artery
¡¡ Main Flexor muscle of hip joint-Iliapsoas muscle
¡¡ Main extensor muscle of hip joint-gluteus maximus
¡¡ Abductors of hip joint
33 Gluteus medius
33 Gluteus miniumus
33 Tensor facia lata
¡¡ Nevus which is pre malignancy highly-Junction nevus
¡¡ Shortest acting muscles relaxant-Succinyl choline
¡¡ Hoffman’s elimination is related with-Atracurium
¡¡ Dissociative anesthesia is related with –Ketamine
¡¡ Agent of choice for day care surgery-Propofol
¡¡ Anaesthetic agent causing adrenocotical Supression-Etomidate
¡¡ Anesthetic agent causing postpartum hemorrhage-Halothane

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33 Pin index of nitrous oxide is-3.5
33 Second gas effect /diffusion hypoxia is seen with-Nitrous oxide
33 Cause of post dural puncture headache-CSF leak
33 Mallampati grading is done for-Assessment of oral cavity before intubation
33 Site of spinal anaesthesia in infants-L4-L5
33 Agent of choice for induction in pediatric are grap-sevoflurane
33 Anesthetic agent having low blood and tissue gas partition coefficient-Desflurane
33 Anesthetic agent which sensitizes heart to adrenaline-Halothane
33 Anesthetic agent which cerebro protective-Propofol
33 Anesthetic agent causing profound analgesic-Ketamine
33 Position of head and neck during intubation-Neck flexed and head extended
33 MC complication of intubation is-sore throat
33 Aspirin should be stopped how many days before surgery -7
33 Most potent antiemetic used in premedication-Hyosine
33 CVP is measured most commonly in which vein-Right internal jugular vein
33 Most common site for intra-arterial cannulation-Radial
33 Narrowest part of larynx is adult is-Glottis
33 Location of pneumotaxic center-Upper pons
33 Xylocaine should not be used with adrenalin for blocks in which region-Ring block penile block
33 Normal V/Q ratio is-0.8- 0.9 l/min
33 Normal breath holding time should be more than>25seconds
33 Directly acting muscles relaxant drug – Dantrolene
33 All local anesthetics are vasodilators except-Cocaine
33 Which muscle relaxant safe renal/liver failure-Atracurium
33 Best general anesthetic in status asthmotics-Ketamine
33 DOC for bier’s block-Lidocaine
33 Amongest flurances ,fastest acting induction agent is –Desflurane
33 N20 is contraindicated in –Pneumothorax
33 Difference between auxiliary temperature and core temperature is-0.5
33 Safety system developed to discourage incorrect cylinder attached-pin, index
33 Block used for labour analgesic /painless labor-Epidural
33 Touhy’s needle is employed for admisnstery –Epidural block
33 MC Factor related to post dural puncture headache-Size of needle
33 Location of postdural puncture headache-Occipital or bifrontal
33 MC complication of subarachnoid block-CSF leakage resulting in headache
33 Shortest acting non-depolarizing muscle relaxant –Mivacurium
33 Toorniquet time for upper limb-45minutes to 1hr
33 CVP reflects pressure of which chamber of heart –right atrium
33 During endotracheal intubation ,endotracheal tube commonly positioned to which sided brochial-Right side
33 Supraclavicular block is employed for surgeries on which parts of body-upper limb
33 Blue color of cylinder indicator which gas-Nitrous oxide
33 Carina is at the level of thoracic vertebrae-T4
33 High spinal anesthesia is characterized by – hypotensive bradycardia
33 In spinal anaesthesia first nerve fiber to get block are-Automomic preganglionic B fibres
33 Neurotransmitter involved dementia-Acetylcholine

• Drug of choice in ADHD in children –methylphenidate
• False unshaken belief not amenable to resoning is know as – Delusion
• 1st symptom of pschizophrenia to go with treatment – auditory hallucination
• Paranoid schizophrenia may be associated with the use of which drug-Amphetamine
• Longest acting SSR1-Fluoxetine
• Abnormal pre-Occupation and normal body function is known as-Hypochondriasis
• Irresistible desire to drink alcohol is known as-Dipsomania
• Fear of animals is known as-Zoophobia
• Nihilistic ideas are seen in-Depression
• Grandiosity and fight of ideas may be a feature of –Mania
• Most common severe symptom of alcohol withdrawal is-Delirium tremens
• Flashback phenomenon is associated with use of –LSD
• Nightmares are seen in which phase of sleep-REM
• Agent of choice for prophylaxis in monia-Lithium
• DOC for phobia-Paroxetine
• DOC for OCD-Fluoxetive
• Value of IQ for severe MR-20-34
• Tactile hallucinations and jet black tongue are associated with abuse of –Cocaine
• Disorder of content of thought-Delusion
• Child with difficulty in forming social relationships-Autism
• To diagnose mania, symptoms should be present for at least-7days
• Effect of long term lithium therapy on thyroid-Hypothyroidism
• Drug useful in acute attack of migrane –Sumatripton
• Main feature of korsakoff’s psychosis-Confabulation
• Disulfirum alcohol reaction occurs due to the inhibition of which enzyme-Aldehyde dehydrogenates
• Maximum loss of DALY occurs in which psychiatric disorder-Depression
• Bad trip weed is-LSD
• Othello syndrome is-Morbid jealousy
• Worst prognosis in which type of schizophrenia-Hebephrenic
• Noctural enuresis is considered normal up to the age of -5years
• Major depression is defined as depressed mood on daily basis for a minimum duration of -14days
• Alcoholic seizures occurs after how many hours of heavy bout of drinking-24-48hours
• Delirium tremens occurs within how many days of abstinous from alcohol-4days
• Magnan symptoms are seen with abuse of –Cocaine
• Patchy impairment of personal memory is-Dissociative amnesia
• Value of IQ for profound MR -<20
• A mentally in person smells odour when none is present this is an example of-Olfactory hallucination
• Undue familiarity to unknow objects is-Déjà vu
• Absolute C/I to ECT is-Raised intracranial tension
• Most common symptom of alcohol with drawa is-Tremors
• Drug used in opoid dependence to prevent relapes-Naloxane
• A 30 Year old man was started on haloperidol and developed hyperpyrexia ,muscles rigidity ,alkinesia and
increased BP Likely is diagnosis –Neuroleptic malligant syndrome
• A patient avoids public transport to go to his place of place as he is having fear of being in a crowd. This is
• A person missing from home is found wondering purposefully. Likely is – dissociative fugue

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ǷǷ A 22 year old lady seeks plastic surgery for her nose which is normal she rarely meets her friend diagnosis is-
Body dysmorphic disorders
ǷǷ A 36 year old woman with a 16 year old history of vague and chronic physical complaints she says that she is
always been in pain in abdomen ,chest ,legs Diagnosis is somatization disorder.
ǷǷ A22 year old lady experiences a sudden loss of vision after a fight with husband but appears uncorrected (la
belle pudifference diagnosis is-Conversion disorders)
ǷǷ Waxy flexibility ,negativism ,echclalia ,echopraxia are a feature of which type of schizophrenia-Catatonic
ǷǷ Substance having same atomic mass and different atomic number is-Isobars
ǷǷ Most penetrating rays-gamma rays
ǷǷ MRI rooms are shielded by-copper/Aluminium
ǷǷ Sugar used in PET scan-De oxyglucose
ǷǷ Tram track appearance of skull on CT scan is seen in –Sturge weber syndrome
ǷǷ Triple bubble sign is seen in –Jejunal atresia
ǷǷ Radiological feature of ureterocele –Adder head appearance
ǷǷ IOC for chronic Subarachnoid hemorrhage –MRI
ǷǷ IOC for perthe’s disease –MRI
ǷǷ Best method to detect minimal pleural effusion on right effusion on right effusion –USG
ǷǷ Claw sign is seen in –Intussusception
ǷǷ Measure of activity of radiation –Bec Querel (s.i unit) curie non-SI unit)
ǷǷ Most radio sensitive phase of cell cycle-G2M
ǷǷ Use of gamma knife-stereo-tactic radio surgery
ǷǷ Radiologjcal feature of pulmonary hamortoma-pop corn calcification
ǷǷ Frost berg’s reverse 3sign is seen in –ca head of pancreas
ǷǷ IOC for interstitial lung disease –HRCT
ǷǷ Coeur’eu sabot heart is seen in TOF
ǷǷ Rays having maximum ionizing power-Alpha rays
ǷǷ Earliest radiological change of mitral stenosis on radiography –Straightening of left border of heart
ǷǷ Investigation which itself can lead to acute pancreatitis –ERCP
ǷǷ Air crescent sign is seen in which lung pathology –Aspergilloma
ǷǷ Signet ring sign is associated with which lungs pathology-Bronchiectasis
ǷǷ Hampton hump is a radiological feature of –Pulmonary embolism
ǷǷ IOC for osteoporosis-DEXA SCAN
ǷǷ Shepherd crook deformity of femur is a radiological feature of –Fibrous dysplasia
ǷǷ Figure of 3’ on chest x-ray is suggestive of –Co arctation of aorta
ǷǷ Dropping flower sign is suggestive of –Ectopic/Duplication of ureter
ǷǷ Water lily sign is suggestive of –Hydatid cyst lung
ǷǷ Right border of heart on –x-ray is formed by-superior vena cava, right atrium ,inferior vanacava
ǷǷ Frog eye appearance in USG is suggestive of –Anencephaly
ǷǷ IOC for renal vein thrombosis and IVC thrombosis-Doppler USG
ǷǷ X-RAY for closed Pneumothorax is done in which stage of respiration-Expiration
ǷǷ Figure of 8 appearance is seen in –TAPVC
ǷǷ DTPA and DMSA scans are used for which organ-Kidney
ǷǷ Half life of radiolodine is-8days
ǷǷ IOC for remnant spleen is-Tc 99 labelled RBC
ǷǷ Si unit of radiation absorbed dose is-gray

33 .IOC for kidney morphology is-DMSA
33 Egg shell calcification in hilar node suggestion-Silicosis sarcoidosis
33 Strings of beads /sausage appearance of the renal artery is seen in fibromuscular dysplasia
33 Meckel’s diverticulum is best diagnosed by-TC 99 Scan
33 Dye used for myelography –Metrizamide
33 Gold standard investigation in acute cholecystitis-HIDA scan
33 Shield used in radiology are made up of which metals lead
33 Fetus is most radio sensitive at what gestational age is -3weeks
33 Angiographic findings in burger’s disease is-Corkscrew vessel
33 Chain of lake appearance is seen in –Chronic pancreatitis
33 Chain of lake appearance is seen in carcinoma-CA colon
33 Solitary hypoechoic lesion of liver with septa and debris is seen in –Hydatid cyst
33 Superior & inferior radioulnar joints are an example of: Pivot joint
33 Pointing index- Loss of fl ex. Digitorum superfi cialis+ Flex.digi. Pollicis
33Duputryen’s contracture is seen in cirrhosis of liver.
33 Anatomical snuff box –present at thumb( laterally-Ext.Poll. Brevis + APL and medially- Ext. Poll. Longus)
33 Int. thoracic art. Is also called as internal mammary artery.
33 Rt. sided superior gluteal nerve injury causes Lt. sided lurching gait and vice-versa.
33 High stepping gait is seen in foot drop is seen in foot drop.
33Muscle aff ected in Carpal tunnel syndrome- Abductor pollicebrevis.
33 Claw hand- injury to Median + Ulner nerve.
33 Winging of scapula – caused by injury to long thoracic nerve.
33 Erb’s palsy aka policeman’s tip deformity involves C5-6
33 Klumpke’s deformity involves C8T1
33 Median nerve is also called as eye of hand
33 Ape thumb deformity caused be involvement of Abductor pollicis brevis (most aff ected) + opp. Pollicis
33M.C. peripheral artery for aneurysm- Poplitial artery.
33 M.C art. involeved in Berry’s aneurysm- Ant. Communicating artery
33 Clergyman’s knee – Infra-patellar bursitis.
33 Students elbow – Enlarged Olicrenon.
33 Hunter’s canal/adductor canal/ subsartoreal canal is present at mid thigh.
33Meckel’s diverticulum – True diverticulum
33Zanker’s diverticulum- False diverticulum
33 Nerve supply of platysma: Facial nerve
33 Salivary gland, NOT supplied by facial nerve: Parotid
33 All palatal muscles are supplied by cranial accessory nerve through pharyngeal plexus EXCEPT: Tensor veli
33 Azygos vein passes through Aortic hiatus
33 Source of bleeding in extradural haemorrhage: Middle Meningeal artery
33 Haversian canal is a histological feature of: Compact bone/ cortex
33 Uterine artery is a branch of: Anterior division of Iliac artery
33 1st polar body is extruded at the time of: Ovulation
33 Meckel’s diverticulum is a remnant of: Vitellointestinal duct
33 Structure derived from all the three germ layers: Tympanic membrane/ ear drum
33 Stapes develop from Ilnd pharyngeal arch

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33 Safety muscle of tongue: Genioglossus
33 Taste sensation from anterior 2/3rd of tongue is carried by: Chorda tympani
33 Epithelial lining of tonsil: Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium
33 Peritoneal cavity is lined by: Simple squamous epithelium
33 Intercalated disc is a histological feature of: Cardiac muscle
33 Erb’s point is: C5, C6
33 Injury to lower trunk of brachial plexus is known as: Klumpke’s palsy
33 Adductor pollicis is supplied by: Ulnar nerve
33 Teres minor & deltoid muscle are supplied by: Axillary nerve
33 Nerve supply of gluteus maximus: Inferior gluteal nerve
33 Ligament preventing hyperextension at the hip joint: Iliofemoral ligament/ Ligament of Bigelow
33 Inversion & eversion occurs at Subtalar joint
33 Joint between epiphysis & diaphysis is: Primary cartilaginous
33 Vessels in umbilical cord:2 arteries & 1 vein (right vein disappears, left vein is LEFT)
33 Ligamentum arteriosum is derived from: Ductus arteriosus
33 Artery present in anatomical snuff box: Radial artery
33 Sperm are stored in:Epididymis
33 Hassal’s corpuscles is seen in:Thymus
33 Peyer’s patches are present in: Ileum
33 Nerve supply to hypothenar muscle is from: Ulnar nerve
33 Nerve passing deep to flexor retinaculum at wrist: Median nerve
33 Nerve related to spiral groove of humerus: Radial nerve
33 Azygos veins drain into: Superior Vena Cava
33 Housemaids knee is inflammation of Prepatellar bursa
33 Superficial inguinal ring is a defect in the: External oblique aponeurosis
33 Left testicular vein drains into: Left renal vein
33 Left gastro-epiploic artery is a branch of: Splenic artery
33 MC position of appendix: Retrocaecal
33 Nasolacrimal duct opens into inferior meatus
33 Parasympathetic secretomotor fibres to submandibular gland is through: Facial nerve
33 Opening of parotid duct:opposite upper 2nd molar
33 Abductor of vocal cord: Posterior cricoarytenoid
33 In adults spinal cord ends at the lower border of L1 vertebra (in children, it is at lower border of L3)
33 Muscle supplied by spinal part of accessory nerve: Sternocleidomastid & trapezi us
33 Unlocking of knee is done by: Popliteus
33 Type of cartilage in auricle of ear: Elastic
33 Nerve supply of superior oblique muscle: Trochlear
33 Muscle producing abduction, intorsion & depression of eyeball: Superior Oblique
33 Tay sachs – hyperacusis, cherry red spots, microcephaly and loss of motor skills
 Gauchers disease  Deficiency of beta glucosidase
 Erlenmask fl ask deformity- Gauchers disease
 Sandhoff s - deficiency of beta- hexaminadase A & B
 Wolmans disease -calcifi cation of adrenal glands
 Hormone sensitive lipase is activated by -glucagon
 Hormone sensitive lipase is inactivated by - insulin

 Apo A1 activates LCAT
 Apo E is rich in arginine
 Apo E3 is most common
 Tangier disease - Mutation in gene encoding ABCA1
 Norum disease - LCAT defi ciency
 Rate limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis HMG CoA reductase
 Type 1 hyperlipoproteinemia is due to LPL defi ciency
 Accumulation of sphingomyelin in phagocytic cells is a feature of Niemann Pick disease
 Defect in alpha oxidation of phytanic acids  REFSUMS DISEASE
 Cu acts as co enzyme for Tyrosinase, Dopamine β-hydroxylase, Cytochrome oxidase, Lysyl oxidase
 Zn acts as co enzyme for -carbonic anhydrase, glutamate DH, LDH, alcoholDH, superoxide dismutase, leucine
aminopeptidase, retinine reductase, alkaline phosphatase, DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase & d-ALA
 McArdle disease is a prototypical muscle energy disorder as the enzyme defi ciency (Ms. glycogen
 limits ATP generation by glycogenolysis and results in glycogen accumulation
 Length of okazaki fragment sin eukaryotes  100-250 nucleotides
 Shortening of DNA is prevented by TELOMERASE/ TELOMERE
 Pompes disease is a deficiency of acid alpha, 1-4- glucosidase /acid maltase
 NADPH producing enzymes -G-6-P-D & 6- phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
 Muscle cannot use glycogen due to lack of G-6-phosphatase.
 Faconi bickel syndrome - Glucose transporter 2 defi ciency
 Site of absorption of iron -Proximal duodenum
 Site of absorption of folic acid - Proximal jejunum
 Site of absorption of cobalamin -Ileum
 Most common site of cholesteatoma  Prussack’s space
 Samter’s triad -Aspirin sensitivity, Asthma and nasal Polyp
 Best Radiological view to evaluate maxillary sinus – Water’s view
 Best Radiological view to evaluate sphenoid sinus -Submentovertical view
 Most common sinus involved in osteoma - Frontal sinus
 Most common sinus involved in squamous cell CA - Maxillary sinus
 Hot potato voice is seen in - Quincy (peritonsillar abscess)
 Semon’s law is a hypothesis for - RLN palsy
 Key hole glottis is seen in this condition – Phonasthenia


 Neurofibromatosis involve chromosome – 17,22
 Button hole sign – simple neurofibroma
 Bag of worms sign – plexiform neurofibroma
 Most pathognomic sign of Neurofibramatosis – Axillary freckling
 Neurofibromatosis Café au lait macules – regular rounded margins –coast of California
 Café au lait macules – irregular margin – coast of maine
 Tuberous sclerosis involve chromosome – chromosome-9,16
 Vogt’s triad – epilepsy , Adenoma sebaceum , low intelligence (EPILOA)
 Most common site of ashleaf macule is – trunk

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 Shahgreen patch is a collagenoma
 Koenentumor is seen in – periungual areas
 SEGA(subependymal giant cell astrocytoma) is found in – foramen of munro
 Tram track calcification is seen in sturge weber syndrome best seen in
 Sturge weber syndrome is characterised by U/L port wine stain
 Port wine stain is vascular malformation in region of trigeminal nerve
 Treatment of port wine stain – pulse dye laser

 Single painless INDURATED ulcer with RUBBERY , SHOTTY lymphnodes – syphilis
 First test to become positive in syphilis – FT-ABS
 Best test to monitor patient for followup – VDRL
 Test for Neurosyphilis performed in CSF is – VDRL
 Patient of latent syphilis shows chancre like lesions on the site of previous chancer – CHANCRE
REDUX(spirochete can be isolated from chancre)
 Patent of tertiary syphilis shows chancre like lesions at the site of previous cancre – PSUEDO CHANCRE
(spirochete cant be isolated from chancre)
 Treatment in neurosyphilis – crystalline penicillin or procaine penicillin
 Unilocular bubo is found in – Chancroid caused by hemophylusducreyi
 Multilocular bubo found in – LGV
 Groove sign seen in – LGV
 Donovanosis has no lymphadenopathy, PSUEDOBUBO +
 DOC of genital warts – podophyllin
 DOC of genital warts in pregnancy – Cryotherapy
 Criteria for Bacterial vaginosis – Amsel criteria
 Chlamydia trachomatis causes which STD-Lymphogranulomavenereum
 Soft chancre is caused by –Hemophilusducreyi


1. Granuloma annulare – seen in diabetes mellitus , commonly on the dorsum of hands
2. Necrobioticalipoidicadiabeticorum – seen in diabetes , orange plaque on shin
3. Seborrhic Keratosis(SK) – stuck on appearance….multiple eruptive SK in non- sun exposed sites – LASER
TRELAT SIGN - seen in gastric carcinoma
4. Sweet syndrome – acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis seen im AML , Chrons disease
5. Necrolytic migratory erythema – erosions in peri anal area seen in glucagonoma
6. Hypertrichosis lanuginose – hair present everywhere on face seen in gastric adenoma
7. Sister joseph nodule – gastric adenoma
8. Erythema gyratum – lung cancer

9. Urticaria – red dermatographism
10. White dermatographism seen in –Atopic Dermatitis
11. Hereditary angioedema has C1 esterase deficiency
12. DOC f hereditary angioedema – Danazol

13. Most common cause of erythema multiforme is HSV 1 virus
14. Target lesions seen in – erythema multiforme

1. Scabies mite burrows till stratum corneum
2. Incubation period of scabies – 4 weeks
3. Itching area – circle of hebra
4. DOC of scabies – permethrin 5%
5. Oral ivermectin dose in scabies – 200 microgram/kg or cap 12 mg stat

6. Pediculosishumaniscorporis also known as Vagabond disease
7. MACULAE CERRULAE seen in pediculosiscorporis and pediculosis pubis
8. Eyelashes involved in pubic louse not head louse

9. Dermatophytes infect stratum corneum
10. Most common cause of Tineacapitis – Microsporumcanis
11. Scutula are seen in – Favus(inflammatory Tineacapitis)
12. Furfuraceous or Rice powder scales seen in -Pityriasisversicolor
13. 10% KOH of P.versicolor – Sphagetti and meat ball appearance
14. Commonest fungal infection of genetalia in diabetes is Candida
15. cigar shaped bodies and asteroid bodies- sporotrichosis
16. Malasezzia furfur causes-pityriasisversicolor
17. Best diagnostic test for fungal skin infection-KOH amount

• Virchow lepra cells or foamy macrophages found in – LL Hansen
• Mc cranial nerve involved- facial nerve(7)
• Ulnar nerve>common peronial>posterior tibial
• Unmyelinated c fibres affected first
• Cold>hot>pain>touch>pressure
• Most common type of leprosy in india – BT HANSEN
• saucer right side up– TT hansen

• Satellite lesionsnear margins – BT Hansen

• Bizarre geographicallesion ,Annularlesions, Swiss cheese or punched out- BB Hansen
• Inverted saucer lesions – BL Hansen
• Thalidomide has no role in Type 1 lepra reaction
• DOC of both type 1 and 2 lepra reaction is steroids
• Most effective antileprotic drug is – Rifampicin
• Leprosy does not affect which organ of females-Uterus
• Lucio phenomenon is seen in –Leprosy

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• Leonine facies is seen in-Lepromatous leprosy

1. Most common cutaneous TB is Scrofuloderma
2. Second most common is Lupus vulgaris
3. Annular lesion with central scarring – Lupus vulgaris
4. Apple jelly nodule on Diascopy seen in Lupus Vulgaris

5. Swimming pool granuloma or Fish Tank Granuloma caused by- M. marinum

6. Buruli ulcer-M. ulcerans
Other bacterial infections
7. HONEY COLOURED CRUST Seen in Impetigo contagiosum
8. Woods lamp – coral red flouroscence seen in Erythrasma
9. Most common site for impetigo - Face ---around nose
10. Most common etiology for impetigo – Staph Aureus
11. annular lesion with central crusting VOLCANO sign- cutaneous leishmaniasis
12. infiltrated papular lesions in the central area of face (Muzzle sign)-PKDL

2. DOC of wart in pregnancy – cryotherapy
3. Condyloma is caused by-Human papilloma virus

1. Grattage test and Auspitz sign positive in psoriasis
2. only indication of systemic steroids in psoriasis - Impetigo herpetiformis
3. Most specific nail sign in psoriasis – oil drop sign -Focal onycholysis at the centre of nail
4. 5 P’s: pruritic, purple, polygonal, plane topped, papules& plaques – lichen planus
5. Dorsal pterygium: wing like extension of proximal nail Seen in lichen planus
6. Civatte bodies are seen in-Lichen planus
7. Collarette scales are seen in – Pityriasisrosea
8. Von Zumbusch –lakes of pus - acute generalised pustular psoriasis
9. TOC of erythrodermic psoriasis - Methotrexate

1. Row of tombstone appearance seen in- Pemphigus vulgaris
2. Cluster of jewels appearance or string of pearl appearance - Linear IGA disease
3. corpronds and grains in skin biopsy seen in – Darier disease
4. Dilapidated brick wall appearance in skin biopsy seen in haileyhailey disease
5. Skin condition associated with gluten sensitive enteropathy-Dermatitis herpetiformis
6. Chronic familial benign pemphigus is also known as-Hailey Hailey disease


 Germ theory was given Louis Pasteur, he is the father of microbiology, he laid the principles of sterilization
and disinfection
 Principles of asepsis in surgery was introduced by Joseph lister
 Robert Koch discovered the causative organism for tuberculosis and cholera
 Prokaryoties have N acetyl muramic acid and N acetyl glucosamine in their cell wall. They lack nuclear
membrane and cytoplasmic organelles.
 The cell wall of gram negative bacteria contains lipopolysaccharide, periplasmic space and outer membrane.
 Prions are least susceptible to disinfectants and antiseptics.
 Thermal death point is the lower temperature that kills all microbes in 10 min
 Isograft is best suited for renal transplantation
 In transplantation reaction, Eichwald-Silmer effect is unilateral sex linked histocompatibility
 Most common agent associated with neonatal bacterial meningitis is streptococcus agalactiae and E. coli
 Identification of possible high risk births by rectal and lower vaginal swabs at 35-37 weeks of pregnancy is
most likely to reduce the incidence of group B streptococcal disease in an infant.
 Neissria species in that the pathogenic species grow well in enriched media.
 Meningococci differ from gonococci in the presence of a polysaccharide capsule

 Pasteurella multocida is oxidase and catalase positive and does not grow on macconkey agar. It is commensal
in URT of several animals, eg. Dogs/cats. It causes wound infections of cat and dog bites
 Francisella tularensis is a gram negative bacillus which causes tularaema/rabbit fever, voles, rabbits, and
muskrats are reservoir hosts. Most common type ulceroglandular (60-70%)
 About 50% of world population affect 80-85% of population is infected in some developing countries.
 H. aegyptius causes pink eye and brazilain purpuric fever
 Mycoplasma needs cholesterol and other lipids for growth
 Rickettsia are gram negative coccobacilli, obligate intracellular form basophilic inclusion bodies that stain
with Castaneda or giemsa stain.
 The tuberculosis bacillus was discovered by Robert Koch
 National institute of tuberculosis is located at Bangalore
 Quantitative assays like plaque assay and pock assay are done for quantifying the number of infectious virus
 Quantal assays indicates only presence or absence of infectious viral particles
 Parvovirus B19 has single stranded DNA genome, it is the smallest pathogenic virus.
 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) remains latent in salivary glands and kidneys
 Hepatitis A virus belongs to genus enterovirus of family picornavirus. Nonenveloped ss RNA virus. Feco oral
transmission. No chronic complications.
 Myxovirusese like influenza virus are cultured on aminotic cavity and allantoic cavity of chick embyo
 Orthomyxoviruses(influenza virus) has a segmented genome. Genetic recombinant strains due to this kind of
 In case id death custody the inquest must be conducted must be conducted by judicial magistrate
 Juvenile court is usually presided by 1st class woman magistrate
 Non-compliance of court summon from a criminal court may be punished under section 174 IPC
 If a person survives after giving dying declaration is not admitted but has corroborative value.
 The most important type of evidence in a court of law is oral

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((Punishment of perjury is given in section 193IPC
((Warning notice is issue for violation of medical ethics.
((Disciplinary control over a registered medical practitioner in under state medical council.
((During registration in a state medical each applicant is given a copy of the following declaration to read and
agree to abide the same declaration of geneva.
((Red cross emblem can be used by only membersof medical services of armed forces.
((Appeal against the professional death sentence after exhausting all the remedies in state medical council is
made to central health ministry.
((Infamous conduct is serious professional misconduct.
((Receiving commission for referring case is known as Dichotomy.
((Privileged communications means exception to the general rule of professional secrecy.
((A medical practitioner can be charged of criminal negligence if he exhibits gross lack of competency.
((Section of IPC in which a doctor is punishable if convicted of criminal negligence is 304 A
((For age estimation from skull sutures the most reliable is sagittal.
((For estimation of age 16 years x-raysis best advised is elbow
((At the end of 1 year ,the number of carpal bones seen in x-ray of hand is 2
((The best single criterion for determining age from 3rd to 5th decades of life symphysis pubis.
((Cortex thickness of human hair in comparison with medullary thickness is five times (4to 10times)
((Human hairs have scales.
((Human hair differs from animal hair by medulla is thin.
((Hasse rule is used for age estimation (foetus)
((Karl pearson ‘s formula is used for determination of stature.
((The least common pattern of fingerprint is composite.
((In dactylography points of similarity should be matching for establishing identity is16.
((Fingerprinting as a method of identification is also known as galton system.
((Post –mortem staining is not seen in pressure points.

((Post –mortem staining is seen in both in internal organs and skin of dependent parts.
((Nysten’s rule is related to rigor mortis.
((Rigor mortis is simulated by cadaveric spasm.
((When group of muscles of a dead body were in state of strong contraction immediately prior to death and
remain so even after death ,the condition is termed as cadaveric spasm.
((If a woman died due to some unnatural cause within 7 years of her marriage-inquest is done under 176 crPC
punishment in 304B IPC
((In an unconscious patient with head injury requiring emergency surgery, if there are no relatives to give
consent the doctor should operate without consent (sec 92IPC)
((An accused person can be forcefully examined if requested by an investigating officer not below the rank of
sub inspector under section 53 CPC
((Grievous injury is defined under section 320IPC
((The 6th cause of section 320 IPC (grievous hurt)permanent weapon or means is punished under section 326
((Section 304-B of Indian pancel code is related to dowry deaths
((Section 302 of Indian penal code is related punishment of murder
((Adultery is punishment under section 497 IPC
((Outrage of modesty of a woman is punishable under section 354 IPC

33Sexual harassment is punishable under section 354 A IPC
 Stalking is punishable under section 354 D IPC
 Under section 376 IPC minimum punishments for committing rape is 7 year of rigorous imprisonment
 The punishment of a repeat offender of rape is given under section 376 E IPC (
 Disclosure of name of rape victim is punishable under section 228A IPC
 Section 377 IPC deals with sodomy (unnatural sexual offence)
 Unnatural sexual acts are punishable under section 377 IPC
 Causing voluntary miscarriage is punishable under section 312 IPC
 McNaughton’s rule is accepted in india and included in section 84 IPC
 Vitriolage is punishable under section 326-A IPC
Diatoms in bone marrow of long bones are suggestive of death due to –drowing Burking is – homicidal
Crocodile skin is seen in – electrical burn
Lichtenburg/filigree figure are due to – superficial burn of skin resembling branches of tree like pattern due to
1 D DOLICO CEPHALIC (long head ) – 70-75 eg. Africans,aaryon, nigro
2 M MESTI CEPHALIC (medium head ) – 75-80 eg. Europian (indian , chinese)
3 B BRACHY CEPHALIC (round head) – 80-85 eg . mangolian ( max c.index but short head )
1.Garlic like – phosphorus and arsenic
2. burn rope – cannabis poisoning
3. bitter almond – cyanide
- chalky white teeth – sulfuric acid(H2so4)

A-Alderich mess line ON NAIL
R-4R- Rain drop pigmentation, red velvety mucosa of stomac , rash , rice waterly diarrhea
S- Subendocardial hemorrhage , sentation (tingling) , skin>hair>nail>bone
E-excessive pigmentation of palm and soles
N- Neuritis
I-iron oxide + BAL ( TREATMENT)
C- mimics CHOLERA , some time use for CRIMINAL ABORTION
m- marsh test done for detection
A-Anemia (MCHC)
D-drop :- 1. Foot drop , 2. Wrist drop
F-FACIAL PALLOR ( earliest sign)
G –GUM LINE ( burtonian)
H- hormonal problems
Membraneous colitis, MGN, minimatas disease
Lens deposition( mercuria lentis)
Mercurial erethism

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Dear students last 10 day when you are supposed to only study the important and high yield topics from
all 19 subjects Team AFMG Team AFMG have prepared list that will help you with the important topics
please go through one before one week exam

33 3. parkland formula
33 10. TYPES OF #
33 15.hypersensitivity rxn
33 16.genetic disoder classification
33 17. Blood cells cancer classification

Believe in yourself .you can and you will


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