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Zion National Park National Park Service

U.S. Department of the Interior

Wilderness Guide

The Official Wilderness Guide of Zion National Park

Plan Your Trip

Welcome to Zion National Park. Zion is a spectacular network of
colorful canyons, forested mesas, and striking deserts. All of the land
within the park boundary is preserved by the National Park Service for
the benefit of the public. In addition, a remarkable 84 percent of this
extraordinary landscape is preserved as wilderness. This designation
ensures that over 124,000 acres of the park will continue to be a place
where nature and its “community of life are untrammeled by man, a place where man
himself is a visitor who does not remain.”

PREPARE AND PLAN or stream courses, or on slickrock

AHEAD whenever possible. Avoid stepping on
Traveling into the vegetation or biological soil crusts.
wilderness, even on short Do not build or destroy rock cairns.
trips, can be challenging They are used to mark the trail or route.
and risky and requires
If placed incorrectly, they can mislead
careful planning before you begin. Each
year, people are injured or die while visitors, causing unnecessary damage
exploring the park. Your safety depends and potential injuries. Also, do not build
on your own good judgment, adequate structures including benches, tables and
preparation, and constant observation. shelters. Leave the area in a natural state
for others to enjoy. Camping is limited to
designated sites in much of the Zion not write or carve on natural surfaces. bags or trash bags are highly
LEAVE NO TRACE Wilderness. In areas where at-large Feeding wildlife is illegal and unhealthy. recommended to transport solid waste.
More than 60,000 people camping is permitted, camp at least 200 Animals can become aggressive when fed. If you do not have a disposal bag, human
receive permits to visit feet from water and out of view of trails Store food and trash responsibly. waste can be buried in a small hole 4 to 8
the Zion Wilderness each and streams. Camp one-quarter mile Allow others to enjoy the peace and inches deep and 200 feet from any water
year. Please show respect from springs. Campfires are not allowed solitude of the park. Keep your group sources, rivers, trails or campsites. All
for your national park, fellow visitors, in the wilderness. Please use a gas stove. quiet and limit the size of your group. human waste must be carried out of the
and future generations. Virgin River Narrows in waste
It is illegal to remove anything from Carry all of your trash out of the park.
disposal bags.
Stay on the trail. If you must leave the the park. Leave the flowers, rocks, and This including toilet paper, food scraps
trail, travel in canyon bottoms, in river everything else for others to enjoy. Do and human waste. Human waste disposal

Published 2019
Reservations & Permits
Permits are required an additional charge for a permit that is long lines for last minute permits. When a
for all overnight trips, determined by the size of your group. slot canyon day trip is fully booked online Contact Information
including climbing through the Calendar reservations system
Zion National Park
bivouacs, all through- Many of the permits for Left Fork (The or the Advance Lottery, the Last Minute Superintendent
hikes of The Narrows Subway) and Mystery Canyon are Drawing becomes an option. Individuals Jeff Bradybaugh
and its tributaries, all canyons requiring secured through the Advance Lottery can submit an application for the Last
Mailing Address
the use of descending gear or ropes, prior to calendar reservations becoming Minute Drawing to obtain any remaining Zion National Park
and all trips into Left Fork (The Subway). available. reservations for permits. The Last Minute Springdale, UT 84767
All permits (including those with Drawing is limited to one request per
Park Information
reservations and those awarded though ADVANCE LOTTERY individual per canyon. 435 772-3256
the lottery) must be obtained in person RESERVATIONS Last Minute Drawing applications are
on the day before or day of the trip at Wilderness Information
The Advance Lottery is for trips through completed online. Entries can be 435 772-0170
the Zion Canyon or Kolob Canyons Left Fork (The Subway) and Mystery submitted as early as one week prior to
Visitor Centers. Use the park’s online Canyon. Due to the popularity of these Website
a trip date until two days before at noon
reservation system at areas, the park created an online lottery
MT. The drawing is held at 1:00 pm MT,
planyourvisit/wilderness.htm. for reservations. The Advance Lottery two days before a trip date. Any spaces E-mail
does not run from November through not taken through the drawing will be [email protected]
GET A PERMIT March due to a low demand for permits, available as Walk-in Permits the day
Lost and Found
There are several ways to obtain a permit however, permits are still required for before a trip date. Report at any visitor center
for your trip into the Zion Wilderness. these areas any time of year. Calendar
Over half of all available permits are reservations can still be made. Applicants will be sent a notification Emergencies
secured using the advance reservation 911 or 435 772-3322
email with information about the status
system. The remaining permits are Advance Lottery applications are of their request. If a reservation is
obtained through the Last Minute completed online. Entries must be awarded, the permit must be obtained
Drawing (canyoneering day trips) or submitted three months prior to your before the trip at a park visitor center. Permit Fees
as Walk-in Permits (backpacking trips). planned trip. Entries are limited to one Must be 18 years of age to apply for Fees help cover the costs of issuing
request per individual per canyon per permits, wilderness patrols, resource
lottery, reservations, and Last Minute
monitoring, and trail repairs. Fees are
CALENDAR RESERVATIONS month. Entrants can request three Drawings.
non-refundable and based on group size.
Visitors can reserve a wide variety of prioritized dates. The non-refundable
trips using the online reservation system. lottery application fee is $5.00. WALK-IN PERMITS • $15.00 for 1 to 2 people
Please note that calendar reservations are • $20.00 for 3 to 7 people
About one-third of wilderness campsites • $25.00 for 8 to 12 people
not permits. Visitors with calendar Applicants will be sent a notification
are not available through the reservation
reservations must pick up their permits email on the fifth day of the following
system. They are made available as visit the Zion Canyon Wilderness Desk
at either the Zion Canyon or Kolob month with information about the status
Walk-in Permits and can be obtained to complete a short orientation and sign
Canyons Visitor Center before beginning of their request. If a reservation is
the day before your trip starts. Any slot a program agreement form.
their trip. awarded, the permit must be obtained
canyon or climbing permits not taken
before the trip at a park visitor center.
through the reservation system are GROUP SIZE LIMITS
MAKING A CALENDAR available as Walk-in Permits. Wilderness
RESERVATION Occasionally, a few spaces remain after Large groups result in larger impacts. All
campsites, climbing areas, and slot
Reservations are available online during the Advance Lottery has been held. groups traveling into the Zion Wilderness
canyons that are not listed in the
a three month time frame. On the fifth These spaces can be reserved through the must follow the group size limit for that
reservation system are only available as
day of every month at 10:00 am MT, Calendar reservations system. area. These limits apply to all trips into
Walk-in Permits. Plan ahead and obtain a
reservations for trips a month out the park’s wilderness including trips that
LAST MINUTE DRAWING reservation to avoid any disappointment.
become available. If they are still do not require a permit. Wilderness trails
available, reservations can be made until RESERVATIONS have a group size limit of 12, but many
5:00 pm MT on the day before your trip. Visitors can apply for the Last Minute canyoneering areas are limited to 6.
MEMBERSHIP Group size limits are strictly enforced.
There is a $5.00 non-refundable fee for Drawing for canyoneering day trips. This
Zion Express Membership allows Permits will be denied and violators will
an online calendar reservation. There is drawing eliminates the need to wait in
members who obtain a reservation in be cited if limits are exceeded.
their account to convert it to a permit
Note: The Advance Lottery is only for trips through Left Fork
Reservation Dates (The Subway) and Mystery Canyon online, three days before their trip. The Groups are limited to a maximum of
entire permit process can be completed 6 or 12 people that share the same
For a trip in Advance Lottery Calendar Reservations online. Zion Express Membership is
applications received in become available affiliation (e.g., school, club, scout troop,
recommended for frequent visitors. family, and friends). Groups that exceed
April January February 5
May February March 5 The benefits of membership include: these limits may not split up and visit the
June March April 5 • No cost to enroll. same drainage, route, or wilderness trail
July April May 5 • No waiting in line to pick up permit. on the same day, but may split up and
August May June 5 • No need to coordinate with Wilderness visit different areas.
September June July 5 Desk hours of operation.
October July August 5 • Greater flexibility in planning (allows Group size limits do not apply to most
November September 5 for early starts and late finishes). trails in Zion Canyon, including the
December October 5 • Reservation fees are applied to the cost Emerald Pools Trails, Angels Landing,
January November 5 of the permit. Riverside Walk, Watchman Trail, and
February December 5 • Membership is valid for three years. The Narrows below the junction with
March January 5 To become a Zion Express Member, Orderville Canyon.
2 Wilderness Guide
Wildlife Climate

You will encounter Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
wildlife while in the Temperature (°F)
wilderness. Be aware Average high 54 59 66 75 86 95 100 99 91 79 64 54
that wild animals can be Average low 30 34 39 45 54 63 70 68 61 48 37 30
unpredictable. Do not Record high 73 90 91 95 106 114 115 111 110 99 86 81
Record low –15 0 10 21 19 36 41 36 33 18 6 –5
approach or attempt to move sick or
Days above 100°F 0 0 0 0 0 6 16 10 2 0 0 0
injured wildlife. Please report any Days below 32°F 20 13 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 18
encounters with aggressive, sick, or
Precipitation (inches)
injured animals to a park ranger.
Average 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.3 0.7 0.3 1.2 1.5 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.6
Record high 9.3 6.7 7.1 5.4 3.0 4.0 4.9 5.1 6.7 5.5 4.0 4.7
RESPECT WILDLIFE Record daily snowfall 12.5 8.0 7.2 4.0 4.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 4.5 8.0
Respect wildlife. Please keep all animals Days with thunderstorms 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 5.0 14.0 15.0 5.0 2.0 0.0 0.0
wild and healthy by viewing them from a
Temperatures at higher elevations, including the Kolob Canyons area of the park, may be 5 to 10 degrees cooler than Zion Canyon.
safe distance. Do not feed or touch
wildlife. Store food and trash in animal
proof containers.

Mountain lions are wild animals and can
be dangerous. They have been seen in SPRING elevation areas such as the Kolob best if completed prior to mid-October
the park. An attack is unlikely, and the As the park warms, more Canyons and West Rim can see high when cooler temperatures may require
park has never had a reported attack on areas of the wilderness temperatures in excess of 90°F. Visitors wetsuits and other specialized gear.
people or pets. However, mountain lions become accessible. One must pay constant attention to the
have attacked in other wilderness areas. of the first areas without possibility of thunderstorms and WINTER
snow is the Southwest Desert of the park. lightning. The park typically experiences Much of Zion National Park is snow-
• Watch children closely, and never let La Verkin Creek is often snow free by a monsoon season from mid-July through covered through the winter months.
them run ahead or lag behind. mid-March, and the East and West Rims mid-September with an increased risk All trails, even at lower elevations, can
• Solo hiking is not encouraged. are usually snow free by late April. In an of severe thunderstorms and dramatic be ice-covered and traction devices
• Never approach a mountain lion. Most average year, high water due to snow melt flash flooding. are highly recommended. In winter,
will avoid a confrontation. Always give makes The Narrows impassable until late sections of the Kolob Terrace Road are
them a route to escape. May. FALL not plowed. Snow causes closures of
• Do not run. Try to look large and put The brilliant autumn colors and cooler the Kolob Terrace Road near the Hop
your arms up. SUMMER temperatures can make the fall an ideal Valley Trailhead throughout the winter,
• If a mountain lion approaches, wave Zion National Park is hot through the time for backpacking trips in the park. as well as periodic closures of the
your arms, shout, and throw rocks or summer months with temperatures Canyoneering trips through The Kolob Canyons Road. Recreational
sticks at it. regularly exceeding 100°F. Even higher Narrows and other slot canyons are use is limited to skis and snowshoes.
• If attacked, fight back.

Flash Floods
All narrow canyons are FLASH FLOOD experience flash flooding.
potentially hazardous. POTENTIAL RATINGS Watch for these indications of a possible
Flash floods, often caused
In the summer, the National Weather flash flood:
by storms miles away, are
a real danger and can be Service issues a daily Flash Flood • Any deterioration in weather conditions
life threatening. By Potential Rating for multiple areas in • Build up of clouds or sounds of thunder
entering a narrow canyon you are Utah. Zion has worked in partnership • Sudden changes in water clarity from
assuming a risk. with the National Weather Service to clear to muddy
create specific Flash Flood Potential • Floating debris
During a flash flood, the water level rises Ratings for Zion National Park’s unique • Rising water levels or stronger currents
quickly, within minutes or even seconds. environment and terrain. These flash • Increasing roar of water up-canyon
A flash flood can rush down a canyon in
flood ratings predict the severity of the If you observe any of these signs, seek
a wall of water 12 feet high or more.
flooding that is expected to occur within higher ground immediately—even
the park.
BE PREPARED climbing a few feet may save your life.
Before starting your trip, pay close Remain on high ground until conditions
attention to the weather forecast and • Dry: Flash flooding is not expected. improve. Water levels usually drop
the Flash Flood Potential Rating for the • Low: Flash flooding is possible. within 24 hours. Flash floods can occur
park. If bad weather threatens, do not Some slot canyons may experience in the park during periods of low flash
enter a narrow canyon. Whether hiking, flash flooding. flood potential. A moderate or higher
climbing, or canyoneering, your safety • Moderate: Flash flooding is probable. flash flood potential is a serious cause
depends on your own good judgment, Some slot canyons are expected to for concern. Slot canyons will be closed
adequate preparation, and constant experience flash flooding.
Flash floods can be extremely violent. The if a Flash Flood Warning is issued. The
strength of the water can tumble logs and attention to your surroundings. Your • High: Flash flooding is expected. canyons will reopen two hours after the
large boulders. A hiker caught in a flash safety is your responsibility.
Many slot canyons are expected to Flash Flood Warning has expired.
flood like this would not survive.

Wilderness Guide 3
Transportation Safety
ZION CANYON March 10 to the end of October and STEEP CLIFFS HYPOTHERMIA
SHUTTLE on weekends in November. The Zion- Falls from cliffs on trails Hypothermia occurs
During much of the year, Mt. Carmel Highway and other park have resulted in deaths. when the body is cooled
the Zion Canyon Scenic roads are open to private vehicles. Loose sand or pebbles on to dangerous levels. It is
Drive is only accessible stone are very slippery. the number one killer of
by shuttle bus. The buses are accessible PRIVATE TAXIS Be careful of edges when using cameras outdoor recreationists,
and have room for backpacks, climbing You may choose to complete your hike or binoculars. Never throw or roll rocks, even in summer, and it usually happens
gear, and bicycles. The buses are free and at a different location from your starting as there may be hikers below you. Trails without the victim’s awareness. It is a
you may get on and off as often as you point. Other shuttle and taxi services are can be snow and ice covered in winter. hazard in narrow canyons because im-
like. Pets are not allowed. See the shuttle available. Please inquire at the Wilderness mersion in water is the quickest route to
schedule for times and dates of this free Desk. • Stay on the trail. body heat loss. To prevent hypothermia,
service • Stay back from cliff edges. avoid cotton clothing (it provides no
BICYCLES • Observe posted warnings. insulation when wet) and eat high-energy
Plan your trip to include the shuttle. For food before you are chilled. The signs of
Bicycles are not permitted • Please watch children.
instance, if your hike ends at a trailhead hypothermia include:
in Zion Canyon, time your trip so you in the wilderness. Bicycles
may travel on roadways WATER
will not miss the last shuttle of the day. • Uncontrollable shivering
and on the Pa’rus Trail. The desert is an extreme
• Stumbling and poor coordination
Shuttles will not pass moving bicycles. environment. Carry
AUTOMOBILES • Fatigue and weakness
Pull over to allow a bus to pass. Do not enough water, one gallon
• Confusion or slurred speech
Park in designated lots. pass a moving shuttle. Shuttles have racks per person per day, and
Pedestrians must use for bicycles. Bicycles are not permitted in drink it. Water is available at visitor cen-
If you recognize any of these signs, stop
established walkways. the Zion-Mt. Carmel Tunnel. ters, campgrounds, and the Zion Lodge.
hiking and immediately replace wet
Do not walk on Water flow at natural springs
clothing with dry clothing. Warm the
roadways, road can vary; check for information at visitor
OTHER VEHICLES centers. Do not drink untreated water.
victim with your own body and a warm
shoulders or social trails. Pull-outs
ATVs and OHVs are not drink, and shelter the individual from
along State Route 9 should not be Water collected in the wilderness is not
permitted in the park. breezes. A pre-warmed sleeping bag will
used as shuttle access parking. Private safe to drink without treatment. There
Access to private property also help prevent further heat loss.
vehicles are not permitted on the are two safe methods to treat water.
Zion Canyon Scenic Drive from by snowmobile is allowed.
Pets are not allowed on
Bring water to a rolling boil for one
wilderness trails or on the
minute. Add one minute for each 1,000
shuttle buses. Even well-
Shuttle Schedule feet above sea level.
behaved pets may disrupt
wildlife and other visitors.
Spring Summer Fall Do not leave pets in vehicles. Boarding
Filter through an “absolute” 1 micron
Zion Canyon Shuttle kennels are available in Rockville, Kanab,
filter, or one labeled as meeting ANSI/
Hurricane, St. George, and Cedar City.
NSF International Standard #53. Then
First Bus add eight drops of liquid chlorine bleach,
from Zion Canyon Visitor Center 7:00 am 6:00 am
7:00 am FIREARMS
or four drops of iodine, per gallon of
It is the visitor’s
water and let stand for 30 minutes.
Last Bus responsibility to
from Zion Canyon Visitor Center understand and comply
7:30 pm 8:30 pm
6:48 pm HEAT
from Temple of Sinawava 7:03 pm with all applicable Utah,
8:10 pm 9:15 pm EXHAUSTION
from Zion Lodge
8:30 pm 9:30 pm
6:45 pm local, and federal firearms
Heat exhaustion occurs laws. Federal law prohibits firearms
Springdale Shuttle when the body loses in certain facilities in Zion National
more fluid than is taken Park, which are posted with signs. The
First Bus 8:10 am in. Signs of heat exhaustion include
8:10 am 7:10 am discharge of firearms and hunting within
8:30 am
from Majestic View Lodge 8:30 am 7:30 am nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headaches, the park are prohibited.
from Zion Canyon Village pale appearance, stomach cramps, and
cool clammy skin. If a member of your DRONES
Last Bus to Zion Canyon Shuttle 10:15 pm
6:15 pm party begins to experience any of these Due to concerns about
9:15 pm
from Majestic View Lodge symptoms, stop your hike immediately. wildlife harassment
Find a cool, shady area and rest with your and visitor safety,
7:30 pm feet up to distribute fluids throughout drones are not allowed at
Last Bus 9:00 pm 10:00 pm
4 Wilderness Guide 7:45 pm your body. It is important to drink fluids, Zion National Park.
from Zion Canyon Village
but it is also important to eat. Drinking
The average wait for a shuttle bus is fifteen minutes or less. The wait is longer in the lots of fluids and not eating, while
morning and evening, but shorter during peak hours. Shuttles will also operate on weekends suffering from heat exhaustion, can lead
inNovember, with additional service on Thanksgiving Day and Friday. The shuttle schedule is to a potentially dangerous condition
subject to change. Please check your Map and Guide for current information.
of low blood salt. If heat exhaustion
symptoms persist for more than two
hours, seek medical help.

Emergencies Heat stroke is an advanced stage of heat

exhaustion. It is the body’s inability to
cool itself. Symptoms include confusion,
For 24-hour emergency response, call 911 or 435-772-3322. The Zion
disorientation, behavior changes, and
Canyon Medical Clinic is located in Springdale near the south entrance seizures. If you believe that a member of
to the park. For hours, please call 435-772-3226. Other medical clinics your party is suffering from heat stroke,
are located in Hurricane. The nearest hospitals are in St. George, Cedar it is imperative to cool them and obtain
City, and Kanab. immediate medical assistance.
Canyoneering Safety
ALWAYS free backup. Make safety your number
one priority.
There is no substitute for September 6, 2016, two males attempted
planning ahead, taking the proper to descend Middle Echo Canyon, but
equipment, having the right skills, and did not look at their route description
using sound judgment. Be prepared to until they descended into Lower Echo
take care of yourself and your group by Canyon. They continued through the
resolving any difficulties that may arise. canyon, even though the features did not
Rescue is not a certainty. If rescue is meet the route description. By the time
possible, it will take hours or days to they looked at their route description,
remove an injured hiker from the they were already too committed to exit
wilderness. Lower Echo Canyon. Eventually, they
emerged at the top of Weeping Rock,
ENGLESTEAD CANYON a drop more than 10 times higher than
September 3, 2017, a male was the largest rappel in Middle Echo (this
descending Englestead Canyon with a rappel is not permitted). Luckily, they
group. The first rappel in this canyon is were able to call down for help. These
approximately 300 feet. On this rappel, canyoneers spent the night at the top of
he lost control approximately 70 feet Weeping Rock where they were rescued
off the ground and fell to the canyon the next day, after being stranded for
floor where he was fatally injured. This approximately 15 hours.
individual was descending on a single Even heavily traveled canyons in the park
Do you have a backup for all party members? Can all
strand of rope, using a new 8.3 mm rope. are routes, not maintained trails. Do members of your group stop mid-rappel or ascend a short
He was descending on an ATC device you have a map and a route description? distance to correct a problem? If not, consider taking a
without a belay or a backup. He was Are you confident in your ability to use canyoneering course before heading out on your own.
reported to be an experienced canyoneer. them? When you enter a canyon and
Understand your system, forces, and pull your rope after your first rappel, you trapped on separate sand bars 200 feet rappel device when he was about
the variables that will change your are committed. You must complete the apart. One of the men somehow survived 40 feet off of the ground. He lost
descent. Are you taking shortcuts? Will canyon whether you intended to or not a swim to the end of the Riverside Walk. control while completing the tie off
your descent system stop you if you are and regardless if you are prepared for the The other man was killed by the flood. and fell 20 to 40 feet. A prussic caught
unable to stop yourself? Are you positive canyon you are descending. Always check the weather before your him before he impacted the ground,
you possess and are employing the skill trip. If bad weather threatens, do not but he still suffered back and chest
to safely complete the canyon you are PINE CREEK CANYON enter a canyon. If you observe any signs injuries. The boy’s prussic backup
attempting? Know how to tie a hands On November 15, 2014, a group of of a possible flood, climb to high ground prevented more serious injuries.
three was rappelling through Pine Creek and remain there until water levels drop. Do you have a backup for all party
Canyon. A member of the party jumped members? Can all members of your
group stop mid-rappel or ascend a
off an obstacle about five feet high into a REFRIGERATOR CANYON
pool of water. He believed that the pool short distance to correct a problem?
On September 20, 2014, a group of
was deep enough to cushion his fall, but If not, consider taking a canyoneering
eight people, including a thirteen-
landed on a hidden ledge. The 36-year- course before heading out on your
year-old boy, attempted the
old man suffered from a significant lower own.
Refrigerator Canyon route. The boy
leg injury. The patient was less than half attempted to rest by tying off his
a mile from a road, but the technical
rope rescue necessary to extract him
from the canyon required six hours and
14 rescuers. Lower leg fractures are the
most common injuries suffered in the
wilderness. The most common cause
of lower leg injuries is jumping. Do not
jump. Bring a rope and use it.

On the morning of September 27, 2014,
two men hiked into the lower end of The
Narrows. There was a 90% chance of
rain that day, and the flash flood potential
rating indicated that flash flooding was
expected. Heavy rain began mid-morning
and lasted through most of the day. The
volume of the river increased to 40 times
its early morning flow. The men were

Wilderness Guide 5
Zion National Park
To Cedar City,
Cedar Breaks NM,
and Salt Lake City

C am p
C re

Wildcat Canyon West Rim Lava Point The Narrows

At-large camping is limited Site Number Max Group Size This primitive campground is Site Number Max Group Size
to 30 people per night. 18 1 12 not part of the any Wilderness 1 online 4
Kolob Canyons reservations are available online. 2 online 2 backpacking route or traverse 2 4
Visitor Center N o r t h Fo r k The maximum group size is 12. 3 4 and can not be included in any 3 online 6
Taylor Creek Taylo
r Cre 4 online 12 Wilderness permitted trips. 4 2
ek T
C a n y o ns Midd ra il
Exit b le F
o rk 5 4 Six first come, first serve sites. Has 5 online 6
40 lo

Ko 6 online 6 pit toilet bu no water available. 6 12

S ou t h
Lee Pass F o rk
7 4 Closed in the winter. 7 online 6
K OLOB 8 online 6 8 6
Kolob W i l li s
Canyons C re e k Kolob
Chasm 9 6 9 online 6
Viewpoint Reservoir

k Trail
10 6

C ANYO NS 11 4
1.8 mi

To La Verkin,
12 online 12
1 Kolob 0.3 mi
Springdale and

La V r kin C
Arch 12
Zion Canyon 0.6 mi
Visitor Center 11
2 7-10

r eek

6.4 mi 6 Spring

b e
4 5 k
re e

3 C

La Ver

A horse camp Vehicles longer than

19 feet/5.8 meters are

not allowed on Lava
B Point Road. Unpaved

l i
roads are impassable La
when wet. Po va
t R West Rim Trailhead
6.5 mi d Chamberlain’s Ranch

Lava Trailhead

Point 0.1 mi
Lava Point

0.8 mi

Ko R i v er
lo b Trailhead and trail

9 For k Vi r g i n

N o r th are on private property.

Sawmill Please close gates.



ee k


on Trail

n 1


Ca n y


Beyond this point, road c at

not plowed in winter. ld 4.8 mi 3

lob Terrace Ro





Canyon 7

Kolob Canyons Hop Valley ai l 8

Tr Trailhead RI M
Trailhead C o n ne ct o r
R im

10 9
4.1 mi No upstream travel beyond this point


N or t

Site Number Max Group Size 1.0 mi 11


1.1 mi

1 4 Big Spring 12


te P

5.9 mi


2 online 4

eak s

Potato Hollow

3 6

8 Spring

4 online 7 Y

5 online 4 ORDERVILLE

6 4

6 No upstream travel beyond this point


7 2 rk Unpaved roads are

Fo impassable when wet.

8 online 12 2.4 mi Closed in winter.

E a s t Mes a Trail
3.0 mi 5
9 12 West Rim
10 2 ft 4 1 Spring Temple of
Unpaved roads are Le 3.0 mi Private
impassable when wet. Left Fork 3 West R Sinawava property

11 online 4 Trailhead 2 of Zion

permit parking only Ponderosa
4.4 mi

12 8 Ranch
1.5 mi

13 4 0.4 mi C 2.5 mi
A online 12 horse camp Grapevine F o rk O
Rig ht CH 0.3 mi
Trailhead E
B 7 Right Fork Angels
Landing 2.1 mi
0.3 mi

Cable Ea
Mountain Spring st No
Ri rt h
m F
The Grotto Tr


1.8 mi 1.1 mi il

Zion Lodge

ek Deertrap

Mountain E A S T 5.9 mi
3.2 mi
Private vehicles are not permitted
To Mt. Carmel

S OU THWE ST beyond Canyon Junction when RI M Junction and
East Entrance

r th
shuttles are running.

Bryce Canyon NP

i gh w a y

Vehicles pulling trailers
me l H
Ca r

not recommended. u nt

Narrow winding road DES E RT Mo

with steep grades. The o n-

5 Zi
upper section is not

To La Verkin and plowed in winter. Spring Zion Human History Museum
Kolob Canyons lo Tunnel
Ko 2
1.4 mi Wa Tunnel
1.9 mi 4 sh

Virgin 1

g in
South Entrance


3.5 mi
6 1.5 mi Springdale Zion Canyon Visitor Center

Vi 9

n 9


C o a lp i t
1.7 mi W in AP
r rg WE

Ch i n l e
Tra Vi U


H ub
Ri rk

ve 2.1 mi 3.2 mi PA
r Coalpits Wash
R i v er Area closed
Southwest Desert i r g in to all access.
k V
Fo r

N o r th F
Grafton st
(ghost town) Rockville Ea
Site Number Max Group Size East Rim
Bridge Chinle
1 6 Road Trailhead
Roa d turn on Anasazi Way
ft o n
2 online 6 G ra At-large camping is limited
3 6 Unpaved roads are to 50 people per night. 20
impassable when wet.
4 6 May be closed in winter.
reservations are available online.
5 online 6 The maximum group size is 12.

6 online 12 kw
o n i a n B u t te S c e n i c B a c
ith s

0 1 2 3 4 5 Kilometers On March 30, 2009, President Barack Obama signed the Omnibus Public
0 1 2 3 4 5 Miles Land Management Act of 2009 into law designating 124,406 acres of
Shuttle Information Visitor Information wilderness in Zion National Park. Eighty-four percent of the acreage of Zion
Springdale shuttle Paved road open to 2.5 mi Trail mileage This map is for planning purposes only. National Park is managed under the 1964 Wilderness Act. According to
route private vehicles Do not use this map for wilderness travel.
No camping except
Topographic maps are available for sale. the act “a wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own
Zion Canyon shuttle Unpaved road
route (impassable when wet) in designated sites works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the
From March 10 through Hiking and At-large camping earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man
October 28, the Zion Canyon stock trail No designated sites
Scenic Drive is open to himself is a visitor who does not remain.”
Hiking trail Campground
shuttle buses only. Private only
vehicles are not permitted
beyond Canyon Junction. campground
Hiking route
12 Backcountry

Zion National Park’s wilderness is managed using standards that were developed to measure the health of natural resources and to determine the number of encounters people considered desirable and acceptable while experiencing wilderness.
These two standards were combined with existing management zones to create overall use limits and group size limits. The use limits are evaluated each year, and may change as conditions warrant.

Wilderness Use Limits

Area Total Use Limit Advance Reservations Last Minute Drawing Group Size Limit

Behunin Canyon* 12 people per day 6 people per day 6 people per day 6
Echo Canyon* 12 people per day 6 people per day 6 people per day 6
Keyhole Canyon 80 people per day 60 people per day 20 people per day 12
Left Fork (The Subway) 80 people per day 60 people per day 20 people per day 12
Mystery Canyon 12 people per day 6 people per day 6 people per day 6
Orderville Canyon* 50 people per day 30 people per day 20 people per day 12
Pine Creek Canyon* 50 people per day 30 people per day 20 people per day 12
Spry Canyon 20 people per day 14 people per day 6 people per day 6
The Narrows 40 people per day 24 people per day 16 people per day 12

*Total use limits are reduced from March through August for wildlife protection.

Wilderness Guide 6-7

Stock Use
Zion National Park has the finger canyons of the nearby cliffs to
a number of trails in a Timber Creek. The trail follows the creek
variety of landscapes * There are only nine campsites along the
downstream until it reaches La Verkin
for backpackers to West Rim Trail. They are filled most days
Creek, where the trail starts to gain
explore. Backpackers so if you do not have a reservation, have a Horses traditionally
elevation. As the canyon narrows,
in the Zion Wilderness can camp in back up option. * have been used to explore
you receive stunning views of the
designated campsites or in at-large areas Zion National Park.
surrounding cliffs. The trail from Lee
Late spring and fall are ideal times for Allowed stock animals
on Zion’s high plateaus, in the low desert Pass to Kolob Arch is seven miles. Water
hiking the West Rim. Temperatures are include horses, mules,
shrublands, or next to a river in a narrow may be available at Beatty Spring. Check
usually ten to fifteen degrees cooler than and burros. Llamas, dogs, goats, camels,
canyon. at visitor centers for availability.
Zion Canyon. The trail is typically snow and others are not allowed.
covered from December through April.
Reservations can be made for
approximately two-thirds of the
OTHER TRAILS AND Permits are not required for day trips.
The West Rim Trail traces a series of
backpacking sites. These sites are booked canyon rims with panoramic views.
ROUTES However, stock are prohibited during
through Calendar Reservations. Reserve spring thaws, unusually wet periods,
A difficult but rewarding one-night The map shows the locations where
as soon as possible as sites go quickly. or times when their use would cause
backpacking trip can be accomplished camping is limited to designated
The remaining one-third of the trail damage. Maximum group size is
by hiking from The Grotto to one of the campsites, including The Narrows,
backpacking sites are booked as a six animals.
campsites near Cabin Spring. The trip West Rim, La Verkin Creek, and the
Walk-in Permit. Wilderness sites are in is five miles one way, with 2,500 feet of Southwest Desert. In other areas,
high demand and are often booked for TRAILS
elevation gain. A more moderate at-large camping is permitted. Online
several days. If you do not have a one-night trip descends from Lava Where trails are present, stock animals
reservations are available for at-large
reservation, have a backup plan. Point to campsites near Potato Hollow. must remain on trails. Free trailing or
camping on the East Rim and in
loose herding is not allowed. Maintain
Wildcat Canyon.
When planning your trip, consider your Water may be available at Cabin, Potato a slow walk when passing hikers. When
interests, time, and ability. There is no Hollow, and Sawmill Springs. Check at standing, stock must be kept at least
Water and maintained trails are not
perfect trail. Use the Wilderness Guide, visitor centers for availability. 100 feet from drainages.
always available in the at-large camping
other guidebooks, and topographic Check the map on pages 6 and 7 for
areas. Permits are required. Visitors must
maps to plan the best trip for you during trails open to stock use. Off-trail use is
EAST RIM TRAIL camp one mile from roads, out of sight
permitted only in Lower Coalpits Wash
your visit. Refer to the map for campsite of trails, and one-quarter mile from any
locations. This trail begins at the east entrance of from the trailhead to the junction with
the park and climbs 1,000 feet onto the Scoggins Wash, in Scoggins Wash, and
plateau with views into Jolley Gulch in Huber Wash.
NO CAMPFIRES and several small canyons. There are EXTENDED TRIPS
Campfires are not
sweeping views of the surrounding
allowed in the Trips up to 50 miles in length can
terrain before entering a high desert
be made in Zion National Park’s
ponderosa forest. As you near the east
Please use a gas stove. wilderness by combining the The only overnight stock camp is Hop
rim of Zion Canyon, the trail begins
La Verkin Creek, Hop Valley, Valley Site A and your stay is limited to
a 2,300-foot descent through Echo
Wildcat Canyon, West Rim, and East one night. A permit is required. Stock
Canyon, ultimately ending at the Weeping
Rim Trails. These routes cross several must be hobbled or tethered to reduce
Rock Trailhead.
roads, so many variations to your trip damage to vegetation.
are possible. A vehicle shuttle may be
Water may be available at Stave Spring.
necessary. Backpackers that intend To reduce the spread of noxious and
Check at visitor centers for availability.
to camp in multiple locations need to exotic weeds, stock must be fed certified
make a separate reservation for each. weed-free hay two days prior to the trip.
The Chinle Trail crosses the open desert

as it winds toward the base of Mount

Kinesava. The trail offers spectacular
views of the West Temple and Mount

a r e d
r e p
Kinesava. The Chinle Trail can be very
hot in the summer, but mild in the spring
and fall. Coalpits Wash has no developed
trail, but there is a well-worn path to the
junction with Scoggins Wash.

Water may be available at Coalpits Spring.

Check at visitor centers for availability.


Spring and fall are ideal seasons for
hiking in La Verkin Creek. Temperatures
are typically 5 to 10 degrees cooler
than Zion Canyon. Trails in the Kolob
Canyons area of the park are frequently
snow covered in winter.

The La Verkin Creek Trail begins at the

West Rim Trail Lee Pass Trailhead and descends past

8 Wilderness Guide
Canyoneering Climbing
Canyoneering combines MAP AND ROUTE Zion National Park’s
Due to their difficulty, most
route finding, rappelling, DESCRIPTION 2,000-foot sandstone cliffs
routes in the park are not
problem solving, hiking, You must have and use them. Carefully are world renowned for
and swimming. Zion recommended for
assess your location before beginning their big wall climbs. Due inexperienced climbers.
National Park is one of your first rappel. to their difficulty, most routes
the premier places in the country to
in the park are not recommended for
participate in this exciting activity. With
dozens of different canyons to explore, ANCHOR EQUIPMENT inexperienced climbers. There are few
Can you replace webbing if it is worn? top roping areas and no sport climbs.
some barely wide enough for a human to
squeeze through, the park Can you create a new anchor if needed? Permits are not required for day climbs,
offers opportunities that range from trips but they are required for all overnight
for beginners to experiences requiring EXTRA CLOTHING bivouacs. It is illegal to camp at the
advanced technical skills. base of the wall or in your vehicle.
Could you spend an unexpected night in
the canyon? Detailed route descriptions are
A short trip into the lower end of The
available at wilderness desks.
Narrows from the Temple of Sinawava is
a great introduction to the slot canyons EXTRA FOOD
of the park. For those with expertise and Food keeps your energy up and helps you ROUTE CLOSURES
experience, The Subway and Orderville stay warm if you remain out overnight.
Some rock formations and routes
Canyon offer opportunities for route
finding, swimming, and short rappels. are closed to climbing from March
WATER through August each year to
Drink a minimum of one gallon per protect nesting peregrine falcons.
MINIMUM IMPACT person per day. Some areas that are routinely closed include
CANYONEERING the Great White Throne, Cable Mountain,
Travel on durable surfaces, like slickrock, FLASHLIGHT / HEADLAMP Court of the Patriarchs, and Angels Landing.
river bottoms, or drainages. Avoid steep,
Every week, canyoneers spend Check at the visitor center or visit www.nps.
sandy, or erodible slopes.
unintended nights camped in the gov/zion for current closure information.
Carry solid waste disposal bags and pack wilderness of the park. A headlamp could
out everything, including toilet paper. make the difference between spending
Don’t bury it, burn it, or leave it. the night in the canyon and making it out. MINIMUM IMPACT CLIMBING
Prevent bottlenecks. If a faster group Many of the park’s routes are now going
catches up to you, allow them to pass. HELMET clean. Avoid using pitons and hammers
Rock falls can cause severe injuries. where they are not needed. Excess
Avoid bolting. Bolts should only be bolting is discouraged and the use of power
placed as a last result. Only use a bolt drills to place bolts is prohibited. When
if there are no other safe options for FIRST AID KIT
approaching a climb, please use established
creating an anchor. If bolts are used, they Even a minor injury can cause major
problems in the wilderness. trails. Never climb directly above trails
should be placed so that they will last for
Remember, even the most reliable cell where hikers may be hit by dislodged
many years and will avoid scarring on the
rock caused by rope pulls. There are phones and GPS units rarely work in the rocks. Tube or bag human waste and
several items that you should bring on narrow canyons of Zion National Park. carry it out. Do not drop your waste.
every canyoneering trip in Zion National


River Trips
The ability to stop, move up, or down
while hanging mid-rope is a lifesaving
skill that must be learned before you
need it. Can you create extra friction? All watercraft use in the
Do you have ascenders? Can you belay park requires a
the less experienced members wilderness permit.
of your group? Permits are issued when
the river is flowing in
UP-TO-DATE WEATHER & excess of 150 cubic feet
per second.
FLASH FLOOD POTENTIAL Watercraft must be specifically designed
Carefully evaluate the forecast and for white water use. Operators must be
flash flood potential before entering equipped with approved personal
a narrow canyon. Remember that a flotation devices. Kayak trips through
30 percent chance of rain means that The Narrows should only be attempted
30 percent of the forecasted area is by expert paddlers who are prepared to
expected to receive measurable survive without assistance for multiple
precipitation. days. Permits for kayaking through The
Narrows will not be issued on the day of
Continuously evaluate weather
the trip and must be obtained the day
conditions. If bad weather threatens,
before. An early start to this trip is need-
avoid traveling in a slot canyon. If you
ed. Inner tubes are not permitted at any
are in a slot canyon, find higher ground
time on any watercourse within the park.
and wait for conditions to improve.

Wilderness Guide 9
The Narrows
The Virgin River WHEN TO HIKE THE
has carved a spectacular NARROWS
gorge in the upper reaches Entering The Narrows is safest when the
of Zion Canyon: 16 miles forecast has little chance of rain and the
long, up to 2,000-feet river is low, clear, and relatively warm.
deep, and at times only 20 to 30-feet Conditions change from day to day and
wide. The Narrows, with its soaring walls, are impossible to predict. Check the
sandstone grottos, natural springs, and Zion Canyon Visitor Center for the latest
hanging gardens can be an unforgettable weather forecast and possible advisories.
wilderness experience. Permits are not issued when the flow is
120 cubic feet per second (cfs) or greater.
The Narrows is not a hike to be Flash floods can occur any time, but are
underestimated. Hiking The Narrows more common in mid-summer and early
means hiking in the Virgin River. At least fall. From November through May, trips
60 percent of the hike is spent wading, through The Narrows require wetsuits,
walking, and sometimes swimming in or even drysuits, and special cold weather
the river. There is no maintained trail preparation. Spring snowmelt frequently
because the route is the river. The current causes the river to run at dangerously
is swift, the water is cold, and the rocks high levels from March to early June.
underfoot are slippery. Flash flooding
and hypothermia are constant dangers. FOOTWEAR
Good planning, proper equipment, and Hiking The Narrows is like walking on
sound judgment are essential for a safe slippery bowling balls. It requires
and successful trip. Your safety is your balancing on algae-coated rocks in a
responsibility. swiftly flowing river. Sturdy footwear is
essential. Hiking boots with good ankle DAY HIKE FROM THE TRANSPORTATION
GROUP SIZE LIMIT support are best. Sandals and bare feet BOTTOM AND BACK If you are planning to hike The Narrows
Large groups produce increased impacts are not appropriate. Inappropriate To experience The Narrows, start at the from top to bottom, there are a couple of
on the wilderness. Group size is limited footwear often results in twisted ankles Temple of Sinawava, hike one mile to the transportation options:
to a maximum of 12 people sharing the and crushed toes. end of the Riverside Walk and wade into
same affiliation (e.g., school, club, scout the river. In less than a mile, you will be • If you have two vehicles, you can shuttle
troop, family, and friends) in the same CLOTHING hiking in one of the narrowest sections of yourself by parking one vehicle at
drainage, route, or wilderness trail on Even in summer The Narrows can be the canyon. There is not a formal Chamberlain’s Ranch and the other
the same day. Group size limits are strictly cool. The water is cold, breezes blow destination, and you will return the same at the Zion Canyon Visitor Center.
enforced. Permits will be denied and steadily, and very little sunlight penetrates way you came. Some hikers try to reach • You may make arrangements with a
violators cited if limits are exceeded. to the canyon floor. Take extra warm Orderville Canyon, a tributary roughly local shuttle service.
clothing. Clothing made of wool or two hours upstream from the end of
synthetic fibers has the best insulation. the trail. Travel upstream into Orderville At the end of your hike at the Temple
Canyon or beyond Big Spring is of Sinawava, you must catch the Zion
DRINKING WATER prohibited. No permit is required for this Canyon Shuttle to the visitor center.
Untreated water from the river and its day hike. Groups size limits apply beyond Plan your hike so you do not miss the
springs is not safe to drink. It has passed the junction with Orderville Canyon. last shuttle of the night.
over rangeland and may be contaminated
with illness-causing bacteria. Treat the DIRECTIONS TO
water you collect by filter, tablets, or by
boiling. Hikers are encouraged to carry
Walking the entire length of The Chamberlain’s Ranch is a 1.5-hour drive
in all of their water. Drink one gallon of
Narrows can be a grueling experience. from Zion Canyon, along paved and
water per person per day.
Under favorable conditions, the 16-mile dirt roads. The dirt roads are passable
route takes an average of 12 hours. Even for normal cars only when dry. When
FALLS wet, they may be impassable even for
Even the most experienced hikers fall in for well-conditioned hikers, this makes
for a long and strenuous day. four-wheel drive vehicles. Snow closes
The Narrows. Pack a walking stick for
The trailhead at Chamberlain’s Ranch the road in winter. From the park’s East
additional stability. It is also a good idea
is a 1.5-hour drive from the Temple of Entrance, drive 2.5 miles east on Route 9.
to waterproof your belongings. Many
Sinawava. Two vehicles or a shuttle is Turn left on a paved road and continue
hikers line their packs with plastic bags.
necessary. A wilderness permit is 18 miles to a bridge that crosses the
Smaller resealable bags provide extra
required. Group size limits apply. North Fork of the Virgin River. Turn left
protection for cameras and other items.
beyond the bridge and drive one-quarter
OVERNIGHT HIKE FROM mile to the gate of Chamberlain’s Ranch.
WATER DEPTH Please close the gate behind you. Drive
The water level varies in The Narrows. TOP TO BOTTOM one-half mile farther and park just before
Under ideal conditions, when flow is To enjoy The Narrows at a more leisurely
the road crosses the river. To begin your
less than 70 cubic feet per second, most pace, some visitors choose to spend a
hike, cross the river and follow the road
crossings are around knee-deep. Higher night in the gorge. There are twelve
for approximately 3 miles. Enter the river
flows mean higher water, a stronger numbered sites. Only one-night stays are
at the end of the road past the old cabin.
current, and may require wading in allowed, and overnight trips must start
Chamberlain’s Ranch is a private ranch
waist-deep water. Be prepared to swim. from Chamberlain’s Ranch. Reservations
outside Zion National Park. Please
Even when the river is low, chest-deep are recommended for weekend trips.
respect private property.
holes are common. When possible, help Campsite capacity is limited and only two
the park protect fragile vegetation in The sites can accommodate groups of more
Narrows and hike in or near the river. than six people.
10 Wilderness Guide
The Narrows Timetable Protect the Virgin River
Chamberlain’s Ranch 0:00 / 0.0 mi With the increase in
Old Cabin 1:00 / 2.3 mi recreational use along
First Narrows 3:30 / 6.1 mi Zion National Park’s
Waterfall 4:15 / 8.3 mi waterways, the National
Deep Creek 5:00 / 8.9 mi
Park Service introduced
Kolob Creek 5:45 / 9.8 mi
a human waste disposal program for
Goose Creek 6:35 / 10.9 mi
overnight users in The Narrows. An
Big Spring 7:20 / 11.5 mi
Orderville Canyon 10:00 / 13.5 mi
environmentally friendly human waste
Riverside Walk 11:50 / 15.1 mi disposal bag, complete with use and
Temple of Sinawava 12:20 / 16.2 mi disposal instructions, is provided to
all party members with an overnight
Track your progress by recognizing side wilderness permit for The Narrows.
canyons like Deep Creek, Kolob Creek, It is a lightweight and sanitary way to
and Big Spring. Watch closely for the pack out human waste.
mouth of Goose Creek.
The bag-within-a-bag design and
interlocking closure securely contains
waste and odor, while the blend of
polymers breaks down the waste and
transforms it into a deodorized gel. The
contents of the disposal bag are safe for
landfills and may be deposited in the
trash. Use of this waste disposal system
is required in The Narrows, and strongly
encouraged for all hikers in all park slot
canyons, to help protect the Virgin River
and the drinking water for Springdale,
Rockville, Virgin, La Verkin, Hurricane,
St. George, and other communities

Left Fork (The Subway)

There are two ways to
hike Left Fork (The
Subway). Both trips
involve extensive route
finding. Visitors are
encouraged to travel with an experienced
hiker of Left Fork (The Subway) or
obtain a detailed route description.
Permits are required regardless of the
direction of travel. Left Fork (The
Subway) is a day-use area only.


This strenuous 9-mile round-trip hike
requires route finding, stream crossing,
and scrambling over boulders. This hike
begins and ends at the Left Fork
Trailhead on the Kolob Terrace Road.


This strenuous 9.5-mile hike requires
rappelling skills, 60 feet of rope, and
extensive route finding experience.
The route also requires swimming
through several deep pools of very cold
debris-filled water. The trail begins at the
Wildcat Canyon Trailhead and ends at
the Left Fork Trailhead. Both trailheads
are located on the Kolob Terrace Road
north of Virgin, Utah.

Wilderness Guide 11
Maps & Guides
The Zion Natl Park Forever Project sells maps and guides, as well as other
books, at park visitor centers. Zion Forever is the park’s official nonprofit
partner which supports the scientific, educational, historical, and
interpretive activities of the park.

Zion Adventure Guide by Greer Chesher
A ranger approved, information packed guide - ideal for the first time visitor or a valuable resource
for return visitors.

Hiking Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks by Eric Molvar and Tamara Martin
An illustrated guide to the breathtaking slickrock canyons and towering cliffs of southwestern Utah.

Hiking the Southwest’s Geology, Four Corners Region by Ralph Lee Hopkins
Information on 50 hikes includes the landscape and geologic features along each trail.

Favorite Hikes In & Around Zion National Park by Tanya Milligan and Bo Beck
Information about hikes within a 100-mile radius of Zion National Park.

Zion: Canyoneering by Tom Jones

Descriptions of trail hikes, off-trail hikes, and technical canyoneering routes.

Rock Climbing Utah: A Falcon Guide by Stewart M. Green

A guide for planning climbing trips in Utah.

Zion Climbing: Free and Clean by Bryan Bird

A climber’s guide to Zion National Park.

Trails Illustrated Map of Zion
National Park
Scale approximately 1:37,700; 30 x 25”
Wilderness and hiking information,
waterproof, tear-resistant, folded.

St. George/Springdale, Utah Trail Map

Scale 1:25,000; 27 x 39”
Hiking information, waterproof, tear
resistant, folded.

USGS Topographic Maps

Scale 1:24,000; 7.5 minute quads.
Paper, rolled. Kanarraville, Kolob
Arch, Kolob Reservoir, Cogswell
Point, Smith Mesa, Guardian Angels,
Temple of Sinawava, Clear Creek,
Springdale East and West, and The

The printing of this newspaper was made possible by the Zion Natl Park Printed with
Forever Project. To find out more about the programs and publications
available through the ZNPFP, please visit our website at SOY INK
or call 800 635-3959.
Printed on recycled paper. Please recycle again.
12 Wilderness Guide

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