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III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Direct Taxation

Question No. 31: Answer the followings:

(a)What are the factors to be considered for ascertaining substantial interest of a person in an organisation?

Answer: Sec.2 (32) defines substantial interest. Person who has a substantial interest in the company, in
relation to a company, means a person who is the beneficial owner of shares, not being shares entitled to a
fixed rate of dividend whether with or without a right to participate in profits, carrying not less than twenty
per cent of the voting power. In the case of a non-corporate entity, a person can be said to have substantial
interest if 20% or more share of profit is held.

(b) Define an Infrastructural Capital Company.

Answer: An Infrastructural capital company as defined in Sec.2(26A) of the Income Tax Act,1961, means such
company which makes investments by way of acquiring shares or providing long-term finance to any
enterprise or undertaking wholly engaged in the business referred to in sub-section (4) of section 80 –IA or
sub-section (1) of section 80-IAB or an undertaking developing and building a housing project referred to in
sub-section (10) of section 80- IB or a project for constructing a hospital with at least one hundred beds for
patients.[ Sec. 2(26A)].

(c) Define Resulting Company.

Answer: Resulting Company vide Sec 2(41A) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, means one or more companies
(including a wholly owned subsidiary thereof) to which the undertaking of the demerged company is
transferred in a demerger and, the resulting company in consideration of such transfer of undertaking, issues
shares to the shareholders of the demerged company and includes any authority or body or local authority or
public sector company or a company established, constituted or formed as a result of demerger.

(d) Define Capital Asset u/s 2(14).

Answer: Capital Asset u/s 2(14) includes property of any kind, whether or not connected with business or
profession, but excludes:

(i) Stock in trade

(ii) Personal Effects
(iii) Rural Agricultural Lands in India
(iv) 6 ½ % Gold Bonds 1977; 7% Gold Bonds 1980 & National Defence Gold Bonds, 1980.
(v) Special Bearer Bonds, 1991
(vi) Gold Deposit Bonds issued under Gold Deposit Scheme,1999
(i) Stock in Trade means: Raw material or Consumable stores used by the assessee In his business or
(ii) W.e.f. A.Y. 2008-09, Personal effect means Movable property Including wearing apparel and furniture
held for personal use by the assessee or any member of his family dependent on him but excludes:

(a) Jewellery (b) Archaeological collections (c) Drawings

(d) Paintings (e) Sculptures or (f) Any work of art.

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(e) Define Accumulated profits for a company under liquidation.

Answer: Accumulated profits for a company in liquidation includes all profits of the company upto the date of
Accumulated profits should include the credit balance of profit and loss account, general reserves, investment
allowance, capitalized profits and profits of the year upto the date of distribution/liquidation.
However, provisions and reserves meant for specific liability, to the extent of the liability shall not be included.
Provision for income tax, provision for dividend, reserve for depreciation do not form part of the accumulated
 Securities premium is not accumulated profits.
 It may consist of exempted incomes, like agricultural income.
 It will include current profits and all profits of the company till the date of liquidation, subject to the
exception provided therein.

(f)State the circumstances on which an Assessing officer refers to the Valuation Officer for determining the
valuation of a capital asset.

Answer: An Assessing Officer, vide Sec.55A,shall have to refer to a Valuation Officer, to determine the
valuation of a capital asset, under the following circumstances, and his valuation report shall be binding on the
Assessing Officer:
(i) Where the value of the asset Is estimated by the registered valuer but the Assessing Officer is of the
opinion that the value so determined is less than its fair market value.
(ii) In any other case, the Assessing Officer is of the opinion that
(a) The fair market value of the asset exceeds the value of the ‘assets declared by the assessee either
by more than 15% or by ` 25,000 (Rule 11AA); or
(b) The nature of the asset and other relevant circumstances are such that, it is necessary to do so.

(g)State the forms prescribed for submission of return of income under Income Tax Act,1961.

Answer: The relevant forms as prescribed for submission of return of income and their applicability are:

Form Applicability

ITR -1 Return of Income for Individuals having salary and interest income and no other Income

ITR-2 Return of income for Individuals and HUFs having income from any source except from
business or profession

ITR-3 Return of income for Individuals and HUFs being partners in Firms and not having Proprietary
business or profession

ITR-4 Return of Income for Individuals and HUFs having Proprietary business or profession

ITR-5 Combined form of Return of Income and Fringe Benefits for Firms/AOP/BOI.

ITR-6 Combined Form for Return of Income and Fringe Benefits for Companies

ITR-7 Combined Form For Return of Income and Fringe Benefits For Charitable/Religious Trusts,
Political parties and other Non-Profit Organisations

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ITR-8 Stand alone form for Return of Fringe Benefits for persons who are not liable to file Return of
income but are liable to file Return of Fringe-Benefits

ITR-V Return of Income/Fringe Benefits transmitted electronically without digital signatures

(h)What is a ‘Foreign Exchange Asset’?

Answer: Foreign Exchange Asset- means those “specified asset” which the assessee has acquired or purchased
with, or subscribed to in, convertible foreign exchange.
The following are the “specified assets”:
(i) shares in an Indian Company (public or private)
(ii) debentures issued by an Indian Company which is not a private company ;
(iii) deposits with an Indian Company which is not a private Company, it may be even deposit with SBI or
any other banking company;
(iv) any security of the Central Government ; and
(v) such other asset as the Central Government may specify in this behalf by notification in the Official

(i) During the previous year 2010-11 a charitable trust earned an income of Rs.50,00,000 out of which
Rs.40,00,000 was received during the previous year 2010-11 and the balance Rs.10,00,000 was received
during the previous year 2012-13. To claim full exemption of Rs.50,00,000 in the previous year, state:
What is the maximum amount which can be accumulated to be utilized for charitable trust or religious
purposes as a later date.

Total income earned Rs.50,00,000
Accumulation allowed @15% Rs.7,50,000
Balance to be utilized during the year Rs.42,50,000
Amount which may be deemed to be utilized because it has not been received during the previous year
Therefore, amount to be actually applied during the previous year Rs.32,50,000 ( i.e. Rs.42,50,000 –

(j) Define an oral trust.

Answer: An oral trust means a trust which is not declared by a duly executed instrument in writing [ including
any wakf deed which is valid under the Mussalman Wakf Validating Act,1913] and which is not deemed under
Explanation 1 to be a trust declared by a duly executed instrument in writing. The trustees of such trust is
assessable on such income as representative assessee [ Section 160(v)]

(k) XYZ Research Foundation is a company established u/s25 of the Companies Act,1956. The Assessing
Officer is of the contention that this company is subject to the provisions of Sec.115JB. Is the contention
Answer: A company registered under section 25 of the Companies Act,1956, whose income is exempt under
principles of mutuality cannot be brought within the purview of section 115JB. [ Delhi Gymkhana Club Ltd.
vs.Dy.CIT (2010)39 DTR 48 (Del) (Trib)].

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(l) A trust was created for the benefit of minor child. The beneficiaries had no right to enjoy the income of
the trust till they attain majority. Income was to vest in the beneficiaries only when they attain majority. The
income was to get capitalized from year to year. The beneficiary was both parents, i.e. father and mother.
The income of father was higher than income of the mother. Hence, A.O. had clubbed the income in the
hands of father and also allowed a deduction of Rs.1,500. Is the action justified?

Answer: Clubbing provisions are not attracted in respect of income from a trust for the deferred benefit of
minor children. Hence, in this case, the income cannot be clubbed in the hands of the father during minority of
beneficiaries. Hence, the action of the A.O. is not justified.

(m) When is a transfer considered to be revocable?

Answer: As per section 63, a transfer for the purpose of sections 60,61 and 62 shall be deemed to be revocable
(a) It contains any provision for the re-transfer, directly or indirectly of the whole or any part of the
income or assets to the transferor, during the life time of the beneficiary or the transferee as the case
may be;
(b) It gives the transferor the right to re-assume power directly or indirectly over the whole or any part of
the income of assets during the life time of the beneficiary or the transferee as the case may be.
The power to re-transfer must be to the transferor as himself and not in any different capacity and also not to
anybody else. [ Jyotendrasinghji vs.S.I. Tripathi and others (1993) 201 ITR (SC)].

To treat a transfer to be recovable there need to be actual re-transfer or exercise of the power to reassume; it is
sufficient if there is a provision of the nature contemplated. [ CIT vs. Raghbir Singh (S.) (1965) 57 ITR 408 (SC)].

(n) Mrs. A started the business in 2008. Her capital in the business as on 1.4.2009 was Rs.3,00,000. Mr.A ( her
husband) gifted a sum of Rs.4,00,000 to Mrs. A on 10.12.2009, which was also invested in the aforesaid
business on the same date. She earned a profit of Rs.3,00,000 and Rs.5,00,00 during the previous years 2009-
10 and 2010-11 respectively. Compute the amount of income to be clubbed in the hands of Mr.A, assuming
Mrs. A had drawn Rs.30,000 out of profits for the previous year 2009-10 on 15.4.2010.

Assessment Year: 2010-11 i.e. previous year 2009-10, there will be no clubbing of income. In the previous
year,2009-10, although the gift of Rs.4,00,000 was made by Mr.A and the same was invested in the business by
Mrs.A, but there will be no clubbing of income in the hands of Mr.A as the amount of gift to Mrs. A was on
10.12.2009 and as such there was no investment out of the gifted money as on 1.4.2009, i.e. the first day of the
previous year under consideration.

Assessment Year: 2011-12

Amount invested as on 1.4.2010, i.e. first day of the previous year
= out of gifted money from her husband Rs.4,00,000 (+) own funds of Mrs. A Rs.3,00,000 (+) profit for the
previous year 2009-10 (-) Drawings made out of profits
= 4,00,000 + 3,00,000 + 3,00,000 (-) Nil [ drawings was made on 15.4.2010, i.e. after 1.4.2010, on which date,
the investment remained unaffected with the amount of drawings, hence not considered]

Therefore, total investments= Rs.10,00,000

Profit to be clubbed in the hands of Mr.A = Rs. (5,00,000 x 4,00,000/10,00,000) = Rs.2,00,000

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Question No.32
(a) Define Company.

Answer: ‘Company’ as per Income Tax Act, 1961, means:

(i) any Indian company; or

(ii) body corporate incorporated outside India under the laws of a foreign country; or
(iii) any institution, association or a body which is assessed or was assessable/assessed as a company for
any assessment year commencing on or before 1.4.1970; or
(iv) any institution, association or body whether incorporated or not and whether Indian or non-Indian
which is declared by general or special order of the Central Board of Direct Taxes to be a company.
[Sec. 2(17)]

(b) Define a Domestic Company.

Answer: A ‘Domestic Company’ means —
a. an Indian company; or
(ii) any other company which, in respect of its income liable to tax under the Act, has made the following
prescribed arrangements for the declaration and pay ment of dividends within India in accordance
with Sec. 194 read with Rule 27 of the Rules:
(a) The share register of the company for all shareholders should be regularly maintained at its
principal place of business in India, in respect of any assessment year, from 1st April of the
relevant assessment year.
(b) The general meeting for passing of accounts of the relevant previous year and for declaring
dividends in respect thereof should be held only at a place within India.
(c) The dividends declared, if any, should be payable only within India to all shareholders [Sec. 2(22A)]

(c) Define an Indian Company.

Answer: ‘Indian Company’ means a company formed and registered under the Companies Act, 1956. Besides,
it includes the following:-
(a) A company formed and registered under any law relating to companies formerly in force in any part of
(b) A corporation established by or under a Central, State or Provincial Act;
(c) Any institution, association or body which is declared by the Board to be a company u/s. 2(17).
(d) A company formed and registered under any law in force in the State of Jammu and Kashmir;
(e) A company formed and registered under any law for the time being in force in the Union territories of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Pondicherry and State of Goa.
In the aforesaid cases, a company, corporation, institution, association or body will be treated as an Indian
company only if its registered or principal office is in India. [Sec. 2(26)]

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(d) Define a Company in which public are substantially interested.

Answer: A “Company’ is said to be a company in which the public are substantially interested, if-
(i) a company owned by Government or Reserve Bank of India or in which not less than 40% shares are
held singly or taken together by the Government or the Reserve Bank or a corporation owned by the
Reserve Bank; or
(ii) it is a company registered u/s. 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, i.e., companies incorporated for
promotion of Commerce, Arts, Science, Religion, Charity and prohibiting the payment of any
dividends to its members; or
(iii) it is a company having no share capital and it is declared by the CBDT to be a company in which the
public are substantially interested; or
(iv) it is a company which carries on, as its principal business, the business of acceptance of deposits from
its members and which is declared by the Central Government u/s. 620A of the Companies Act to be a
Nidhi or Mutual Benefit Society; or
(v) it is a company which is not a private company and its equity shares are, as on the last day of previous
year, listed in a recognised stock exchange in India; or
(vi) it is a company which is not a private company and its shares carrying not less than 50% of the voting
power (40% in the case of Indian companies whose business consists mainly in the construction of
ships or in the manufacture or processing of goods or in mining or in the generation or distribution of
electricity or any other form of power)have been allotted unconditionally to or acquired
unconditionally to, or acquired unconditionally by, and were throughout the relevant previous year
beneficially held by-
(a) the Government; or
(b) a statutory corporation; or
(c) a company in which the public are substantially interested or any wholly owned subsidiary of
such company.
(vii) it is a company, wherein equity shares carrying not less than 50% of the voting power have been
unconditionally allotted to or acquired by and were throughout the relevant previous year beneficially
held by, one or more cooperative societies. [Sec. 2(18)]

(e) What is arm’s length price? State the methods of computation of arm’s length price.

Answer: Arm’s length price means a price which is applied or proposed to be applied in a transaction -
(i) Between persons other than associated enterprises,
(ii) In uncontrolled conditions.
The arm’s length price in relation to an international transaction shall be determined by any of the following
methods as stated u/s 92C are :-
(i) Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method;
(ii) Resale Price Method;
(iii) Cost plus Method;
(iv) Profit Split Method;
(v) Transactional Net Margin Method;
(vi) Such other method as may be prescribed by the Board.

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(f) What is a qualifying company?

Answer: Vide Sec.115VC of the Act, a company is a qualifying company if :-

(i) It is an Indian company;
(ii) the place of effective management of the company is in India;
(iii) it owns at least one qualifying ship; and
(iv) the main object of the company is to carry on the business of operating ships.

(g) Return of income for the previous year 2009-10 was submitted by R on 16.7.2010. the Assessing Officer
wants to take the case for scrutiny assessment and serve the notice on (i)27.9.2011 (ii)31.10.2011. Is the
notice valid?

Answer: (i) Yes, the notice is valid if served on 27.9.2011

(ii) No, the notice is not valid if served on 31.10.2011. It should have been served within 30.9.2011.

(h) State the consequence of failure to comply with notice u/s 143(2).

Answer: The consequence of a default in complying with a notice u/s143(2), may entail an ex parte , best
judgement assessment u/s144. Such a default may also attract penalty u/s 271(b) which has been fixed at

(i) State the consequences of failure to pay whole or part of self-assessment tax.

Answer: If the assessee fails to pay the whole or any part of such tax or interest or both, he shall, without
prejudice to any other consequences which he may incur, be deemed to be an assessee in default in respect of
the tax or interest or both remaining unpaid and all provisions of the Act shall apply accordingly. Penalty u/s
221 would be one of them.

(j) An Assessing Officer without giving a show-cause notice u/s144 , and executed an assessment thereby
granting a refund. Is the action tenable?

Answer: The action of the assessing officer is bad in law.

(i) The A.O. cannot assess income u/s144 for an assessment below the returned income or cannot assess
the loss higher than the returned loss

(ii) If the assessment u/s 144 is made without giving a show cause notice u/s 144 [ except where a notice
has been issued u/s 142(1)(i) ] then the assessment is void ab-initio.

(iii) No refund can be granted u/s 144.

(k) An assessee has quoted a false PAN Number in his return. What are the possible consequences?

Answer: If a person who is required to furnish PAN, quotes or intimates a number which is false, and which he
either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, the Assessing Officer may direct that
person, who shall have to pay a penalty of Rs.10,000.

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Question No.33

State True or False with reasons:

Sl.No. Subject Matter Opinion Justification/Reason

(a) Salary due for the month of March, 2011 False Salary due in a previous year is taxable,
was received on 4 April, 2011. Hence, the even if it not received.
assessee claims this income to be assessed Salary is taxable on due basis or on receipt
during the previous year 2011-12 and not for basis, whichever is earlier.
the year 2010-11.
(b) Mr. Z, after his retirement, now resides in False If an employee gets pension paid abroad in
UK. He is in receipt of monthly Pension from respect of services in India, the same will
his Indian Employer. Mr. Z claims that such be deemed to accrue or arise in India.
income from pension should not be assessed
to tax as an Indian income as it has neither Hence, pension paid to Mr. Z is to be taxed
received nor generated in India. as an Indian income.
(c) Mr. B, an Indian citizen, is an employee at True Any allowance or perquisites paid or
the Indian embassy in USA, is in receipt of allowed outside India by the Government
salary including perquisites and allowances. to a citizen of India for rendering services
He claims that his allowance or perquisites outside India will be fully exempted.
should be exempted from tax.
(d) An employee is in receipt of House Rent False Exemption should be calculated in respect
Allowance from his employer for the entire of the period during which rental
previous year, i.e. 12 months. He was accommodation is occupied by the
actually residing in rented accommodation employee during the previous year.
for 5 months. He claims exemption of HRA Hence, the employee is not justified in his
for 12 months. action.
(e) Un-commuted pension is not taxable for a False Un-commuted pension is taxable for both
Government employee government and non-government retired
employees as income from salaries
(f) Zero Coupon Bond means a bond issued on False Zero Coupon Bond means a bond issued on
or after 01.04.2004, by: (I) Any Infrastructure or after 01.06.2006, by: (I) Any
Capital Company, or (ii) Infrastructure Infrastructure Capital Company, or (ii)
Capital Fund, or (iii) Private sector Company. Infrastructure Capital Fund, or (iii) Public
Sector Company.
(g) A Ltd., an Indian Company, in a scheme of False Vide Sec. 47(vib) Transfer of a capital asset
demerger, demerged and transferred assets by the Demerged Company to the
to the resulting company, which is French Resulting Indian company, subject to : the
Company. This is an exception to Transfer as fulfillment of the following conditions :
defined u/s 2(47) of the Income Tax Act, (a)Transfer of capital asset should be from
1961. demerged company to a resulting
(b)Resulting company should be an Indian
(c)Transfer of capital asset should be made
in a scheme of demerger.
(h) X Ltd., is a 100% Indian subsidiary Company False Vide Sec.47 (v) When a transfer has
of B Ltd. (i.e. holding company of X Ltd.) been made by a 100% subsidiary to its
Now, X Ltd. has transferred capital assets to Indian holding company shall continue to
B Ltd., which shall be exempted from being be exempted if:
assessed under Capital Gains (a)If within the course of 8 years from the
date of transfer, holding company loses its
100% stake on the subsidiary company.

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(b)If the transferee company transfers this

capital asset as their stock-In-trade within
8 Years

In both the above cases, the earlier

exemption so granted shall be withdrawn
and there would arise incidence of capital
gains, in the original year of transfer, which
would be initiated as per Sec.155 (7B)
amendment proceedings.
(i) Gain or loss from transfer of depreciable False Gains or losses from transfer of
assets is assessed to tax as Long term capital depreciable asset results in short-term
gains or long term capital loss capital gain or loss u/s 50.
(j) Interest earned on enhanced compensation False Interest on enhanced compensation
received pursuant to compulsory acquisition received pursuant to compulsory
of property is also chargeable under the acquisition of property is chargeable under
head “Income from capital gains”. the head “Income from other sources”.
(k) Loss from owning and maintaining race False Loss from owning and maintaining race
horses can be set off against any other head horses can be set off only against income
of income. of that activity.
(l) U/s 80CCF-for purchase of fixed deposits, a False U/s 80CCF, deduction is available for
senior citizen can claim a deduction of investment/subscription to long-term
`25,000 and other than senior citizen can infrastructure bonds and maximum
claim a deduction of `20,000. deduction of `20,000/- is available to a
HUF or an individual, irrespective of age.
(m) Sec. 80IB, specifies, deductions in respect of False Deductions in respect of profits and gains
profits and gains by an undertaking or by an undertaking or enterprise engaged in
enterprise engaged in development of development of Special Economic Zone is
Special Economic Zone. specified in Sec. 80IAB.
(n) Deduction in respect of royalty of authors False Deduction in respect of royalty of authors
[Sec. 80QQB] is allowable to any individual, [Sec. 80QQB] is allowable to any resident
being an author/joint author, in respect of individual, being an author/joint author, in
any income by way of Lump sum respect of any income by way of Lump sum
consideration or royalty or copyright fees for consideration or royalty or copyright fees
assignment or grant of any of his Interests in for assignment or grant of any of his
the copyright of any book. Interests in the copyright of any book.
(o) “venture capital company” means a False “venture capital company” means such
domestic company as has made investments company as has made investments by way
by way of acquiring equity shares of venture of acquiring equity shares of venture
capital undertakings in accordance with the capital undertakings in accordance with
prescribed guidelines; the prescribed guidelines;
(p) Commission earned by a broker for selling False For considering an income as an
agricultural produce of an agriculturist is an agricultural income, such Revenue should
agricultural income. be derived from land. Hence, Commission
earned by a broker for selling agricultural
produce of an agriculturist, since not
derived from land, is not an agricultural
(q) Thumb impression appended by an assessee False Thumb impression appended by an
is not valid for furnishing the Return of assessee is valid for furnishing the Return
Income of Income.
The General Clauses Act accepts the thumb
impression, as one of the modes of signing,
valid and binding. [CIT vs. Kanhaiya Lal And

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Sons (2005) 273 ITR 425 (All.)]

(r) A person shall be deemed to be of Indian False A person shall be deemed to be of Indian
origin if he or either of his parents or any of origin if he or either of his parents or any
his grandparents, was born in India. of his grandparents, was born in an
undivided India.
(s) A ‘Hindu Undivided Family’ is a creation of False A ‘Hindu Undivided Family’ is neither the
law and hence not a contract or status. creation of law nor of a contract but arises
from status.
(t) Tax payable on Assessed Income: `15,000. False The total amount of penalty does not
Assessing Officer imposed a penalty of exceed the amount of in arrea` Hence,
`20,000. Hence, total amount payable by the total amount payable can be a maximum
assessee is `35,000. of `30,000. (including tax payable and
(u) Mr. Gomes, transferred a property of `50 False Mrs. Gomes is the legal owner of the
lakhs, in the name of his wife, on her property. Property transferred by Mr.
birthday. Income earned from that property Gomes to his wife on her birthday, is out of
is `4 lakhs. The Assessing Officer has love and affection and not against
assessed such income in the hands of Mrs. adequate consideration.
Gomes, considering her the owner of the
Hence, Mr. Gomes is the ‘Deemed Owner’
property. He claims to be justified in his
of the property vide Sec.4 (1) (a) (i) of the
Wealth Tax Act. Further, income from that
property shall be clubbed and assessed to
tax in the hands of Mr. Gomes u/s
(v) Mr. A, transferred an asset of `30 lakhs, to False Sec.64(1)(iv) is not applicable if assets are
Ms. B on 15 May,2010. They got married transferred before marriage, as on the
on 20 May, 2010. The Assessing Officer, date of transfer, husband-wife relationship
claims that his action of considering Mr.A as does not exist.
the Deemed owner of the property u/s
Hence, action of the Assessing Officer is
4(1)(a)(i) and income earned from that
not justified and bad in law.
property which is also clubbed with income
of Mr. A and assessed to tax, is justified as
per law.
(w) Asset used in business after it ceases to be False Actual cost of the asset minus the amount
used for Scientific Research is taken at WDV of deduction allowed u/s 35 will be NIL.
in the books of accounts. The action is Assets utilized for scientific research
considered to be correct by the assessee purpose, is allowed 100% against profits of
that year. Hence, the cost is NIL. The action
of the assessee is not justified and is bad in
(x) Recovery of bad debts allowed as deduction False Sec.41(4) does not contain any provision
is considered as deemed income u/s 41(4) in regarding taxability of bad debts recovered
the hands of the successor in business. by a successor in business. Such amount
cannot be taxed in the hands of the
successor in business. Continued existence
of the business is not a condition for
applying this section but the identity of the
assessee must remain the same.

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Question No. 34:

(a) B, is employed at Mumbai as a Manager of R Ltd. The particulars of his salary for the previous year
2010-11 are as under: Basic Salary ` 26,000 p.m. Dearness allowance ` 15,000 p.m. Conveyance
Allowance for personal purpose ` 6,000p.m.; Commission @0.5% of the turnover achieved which was `
90,00,000 during the previous year and the same was evenly spread. HRA `10,000 pm. The actual rent
paid by him ` 15,000 pm for an accommodation at till 31.12.10. From 1.1.11 the rent was increased to `
17,000 pm. Compute taxable HRA. If the assessee is provided a rent-free unfurnished accommodation in
Mumbai, suggest the most suitable option for the assessee, considering the tax planning aspect.
Note: If there is an increase in rent paid, it is advisable to calculate the exemptions separately based on the
time period. Rent before and after increase.
Option (A) If the Assesse is receiving House Rent Allowance from the employer

Salary for HRA (for 9 months) = Basic Pay + DA (considered for retirement benefits) + Commission (if received
as a fixed percentage on turnover as per terms of employment)
= (26,000 × 9) + (15,000 × 9) + (0.5% of 90,00,000 × 9/12) = 4,02,750

st st
Computation of Taxable House Rent Allowance (for 9 months: 1 April, 2010 to 31 December, 2010)
Particulars ` `
Amount received during this 9 month on account of HRA (` 10,000 x 9) 90,000
Less: Exemption u/s 10 (13A) Rule 2A.
Least of the followings:
(a) Actual amount received 90,000
(b) 50% of Salary 2,01,375
(c) Rent paid less 10% of Salary 94,725 90,000
[15,000 × 9 – 10% of 4,02,750]
Taxable HRA NIL

Salary for HRA (for 3 months) = Basic Pay + DA (considered for retirement benefits) + Commission ( if received
as a fixed percentage on turnover as per terms of employment) = (26,000 × 3) + (15,000 × 3) + (0.5% of
90,00,000 × 3/12) = 1,34,500

st st
Computation of Taxable House Rent Allowance (for 3 months: 1 January 2011 to 31 March, 2011)
Particulars Rs Rs
Amount received during this 3month on account of HRA (` 10,000 x 3) 30,000
Less: Exemption u/s 10(13A) Rule 2A
Least of the followings:
(a) Actual amount received 30,000
(b) 50% of Salary 67,125
(c) Rent paid less 10% of Salary
[17,000 × 3 – 10% of 1,34,500] 37,550 30,000
Taxable HRA NIL

Therefore, Total Taxable HRA for Mr.B for the previous year 2010-11 is NIL.

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Option (B) : If the assessee is taking the benefit of rent-free unfurnished accommodation but not HRA
Taxable value of perquisite for rent-free unfurnished accommodation:= 15% of Salary = 15% of Rs. 5,37,500 =
Rs. 80,858
Salary for Accommodation = Basic pay + D.A. (forming part of retirement benefit) + All other taxable
allowances + any other monetary benefits
= Total of basic pay + D.A (forming part for retirement benefits) + commission ( as a fixed percentage on
turnover) = Rs. (4,02,750 + 1,34,500) = Rs.5,37,500 [ figures already calculated above]

Since, Taxable value of perquisite for accommodation is higher than HRA, in this case, the assessee should
continue taking HRA and not to avail the benefits of rent-free unfurnished accommodation.

(b) Mr. Ravi resigned from B Ltd after 23 years 8 months of service. He received a gratuity of `11,50,000. His
average salary for the last 10 months, preceding the month of retirement is `54,000. What is the taxable
gratuity? What would be the amount of taxable gratuity if prior to his joining B Ltd., he had also served
in A Ltd. for a period of 4 years 6 months? If Mr.Ravi now joins C Ltd. and after serving for 5 years 10
months of service, receives ` 4,50,000, what would be the taxable gratuity, assuming that his average
salary is `40,000?


Computation of Taxable Gratuity (from B Ltd.) for the Previous Year 2010-11
Particulars ` `

Amount received as Gratuity 11,50,000

Less: Exemption u/s 10(10)(iii) Least of the followings:
(i) Actual amount received 11,50,000
(ii) 1/2 × Average salary × No. of fully completed years of service [½ x 54,000×28] 7,56,000
(iii) Maximum Limit 10,00,000 7,56,000
Taxable Gratuity 3,94,000

(1) No. of years of completed service shall also include the services of Mr.Ravi in A Ltd. for a period of 4 years,
which is prior to B Ltd. From A Ltd. he has not received gratuity has he did not serve for a period of 5 years,
but for the purpose of computing total length of service, that time period shall have to be considered.
Hence, total no. of fully completed years of service is 23 years 8months + 4 years 6 months = 28 years 2
months = 28 years fully completed.
(2) An Assessee shall be eligible to claim a total exemption of ` 10,00,000 during the entire service-life time. In
this case, out of gratuity received from B Ltd., ` 7,56,000 is exempted, being the lowest. So, at the time of
computation of taxable gratuity from C Ltd, the maximum limit of ` 10,00,000 shall be reduced by the
amount of exemption from gratuity already availed. Hence, the maximum limit after adjusting will be = `
(10,00,000 – 7,56,000)= ` 2,44,000.
(3) Now, total length of service for Mr.Ravi would be 28 years 2 months + 5 years 10 months = 34 years, fully
completed. Hence, for the purpose of computing taxable gratuity from C Ltd., total length of service shall
be taken as 34 years

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Computation of Taxable Gratuity (from C Ltd.)

Particulars ` `
Amount received as Gratuity 4,50,000
Less: Exemption u/s 10(10)(iii)
Least of the followings:
(i) Actual amount received 4,50,000
(iii) ½ × Average salary × No. of fully completed years of service [½ x 40,000×34] 6,80,000
(iv) Maximum Limit ( See Note 2 above) 2,44,000 2,44,000
Taxable Gratuity 2,06,000

Question No.35

(a) Mr. King is getting a salary of ` 15,400 pm since 1.1.09 and dearness allowance of ` 8,500 pm, 50% of
which is a part of retirement benefits. He retired on 30th November 2010 after 30 years and 11 months of
service. His pension is fixed at ` 11,800 pm. On 1st February 2011 he gets 3/4ths of the pension commuted at
` ,3,69,000. Compute his gross salary for the previous year 2010-11 in the following cases:
(i) If he is a government employee and received gratuity
(ii) If he is an employee of a non-government company, and received gratuity
(iii) If he is an employee of a non-government company and gratuity not received.
Solution :
th st
Date of retirement: 30 November, 2010. Pension commuted on 1 February, 2011. Hence, the assessee has
drawn full amount of pension, i.e. `3,800 p.m. for the months of December 2010 and January ,2011. After
commuting pension, he then received 25% of the pension amount. So, he received `950 p.m. (i.e. 25% of `
3,800 ) for two months i.e. February and March,2011 during the previous year 2010-11.

Particulars Case (i) Case (ii) Case (iii)

Uncommuted Value of Pension [(11,800×2) + (2,950×2)] 29,500 5,900 5,900

Commuted Value of Pension Exempted 2,05,000 1,23,000

Case (i) Gratuity and commuted value of pension received by a Government employee is fully exempted. Only
uncommuted value of pension is fully taxable.
Case (ii) Gratuity received by an employee of a non-government company
Commuted Value of Pension
Actual commuted value of pension received 3,69,000

Less: Exempted u/s 10(10A)

1/3rd of Full Value of Commuted Pension [1/3 × 4,92,000] 1,64,000

Where, Full Value of Commuted Pension [= 3,69,000 x 4/3 = 4,92,000]

Taxable Commuted Value of Pension 2,05,000

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Case (iii) Commuted Value of Pension (Non-govt employee, gratuity not received)
Actual commuted value of pension received 3,69,000

Less: Exempted u/s 10(10A)

1/2 of Full Value of Commuted Pension [1/2 × 4,92,000] 2,46,000
Where, Full Value of Commuted Pension [= 3,69,000 x 4/3 = 4,92,000]

Taxable Commuted Value of Pension 1,23,000

(b) Ms. Parineeta retired from service after 28 years 7 months from ABC Ltd. Leave sanctioned by employer
42 days p.a. Leave availed during service 400 days. Leave encashment received: ` 4,30,000. Average salary
for 10 months preceeding the month of retirement ` 27,000. Compute taxable amount of leave encashment
for the previous year 2010-11.
Since leave sanctioned by the employer is more than 30days p.a., the following calculation is required, to
determine the amount of leave credit on the date of retirement. Further, only completed years of service shall
have to be taken into consideration, which in this case is 28 years.
Particulars `
(i) Leave credit available on the date of retirement

= Total Leave sanctioned during tenure of employment – Total leave availed during service
= [(28 years x 42 days per annum) – 400 days] 776
Less: Excess leave sanctioned by the employer [(42– 30) days per year x 28 years] 336

Leave credit on the basis of 30 days credit for completed years of service 440
(ii) Leave salary on the basis of 30 days credit = Step (i) × Average Salary = 440 × (27,000/30) 3,96,000

Computation of Taxable Leave Salary on Retirement

Particulars ` `

Amount Received on Leave Encashment 4,30,000

Less: Exemption u/s 10(10AA) Least of the followings:
(i) Actual amount of Leave encashment received 4,30,000
(ii) Average salary of the individual for the past 10 months × 10 months 2,70,000
(iii) Maximum Limit 3,00,000
(iv) Leave at credit at the rate of 30 days p.a. for every Completed year of

service as calculated in Step (ii) 3,96,000 2,70,000

Taxable Value of Leave Encashment 1,60,000

(c) Mr. Rozario, was retrenched from service of “GO SLOW Ltd”. Retrenchment compensation received `
6,50,000. Amount determined under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1948 ` 5,75,000. What is the taxability?

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Solution :

Computation of Taxable Retrenchment Compensation

Particulars ` `
Amount received as Retrenchment Compensation 6,50,000
Less: Exemption u/s 10(10B): Least of the followings:
(i) Actual amount received 6,50,000
(ii) Amount determined under the Industrial 5,75,000
Disputes Act, 1948
(iii) Maximum Limit 5,00,000 5,00,000
Taxable Value 1,00,000

(d) Mr. Virat, after serving Z Ltd. for 23 years 7 months, opted the Voluntary Retirement Scheme. Total
tenure of service: 30 years Compensation received ` 8,00,000. Last drawn Salary (i.e. Basic pay + D.A,
forming part of retirement benefits) ` 25,000. Compute exemption & taxable value of VRS compensation.
Total tenure of service = 30 × 12=360 months
Actual length of service = 23 years 7 months = 283 months
No. of months of service left= (360 – 283) months = 77 months
Computation of Taxable amount of compensation received on Voluntary Retirement
Particulars ` `
Amount received as VRS Compensation 8,00,000
Less: Exemption u/s 10(10C): Least of the followings:
(i) Actual amount received 8,00,000
(ii) Maximum Limit 5,00,000
(iii) The highest of the following:
Last drawn salary x 3 x No.of fully completed years of service
=25,000 x 3 x 23= 17,25,000
• Last drawn salary x Balance of no.of months of service left. 19,25,000
= 25,000 x 77 months= 19,25,000 5,00,000
Taxable Value 3,00,000

Question No.36
(a) Calculate the perquisite value of the expenditure on medical treatment, which is assessable in the hands
of an employee of a company, inclusive of the conditions to be satisfied:
Gross total income, inclusive of salary ` 2,00,000
(i) amount spent on treatment of the employee’s wife in a hospital maintained by the employer ` 20,000
(ii) amount reimbursed by the employer on treatment of the employee’s child in a hospital ` 14,000
(iii) medical insurance premium reimbursed by the employer on a policy covering the employee, his wife and
dependent parents ` 7,000

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(v) (i) amount spent on medical treatment of the employee outside India ` 2,50,000 and (ii) amount spent on
travel and stay abroad ` 90,000
(vi) amount spent on travel and stay abroad of attendant ` 60,000

Computation of Taxable Value of Perquisite for expenses related to medical treatment

Nature of Perquisites Amount Taxability/Non-taxability

i Treatment of employee’s wife in a hospital

nil fully exempted
maintained by employer
ii Treatment of employee’s child in a hospital, not
nil Since the amount is less than `15,000, it
maintained by the employer
is exempted.
iii Reimbursement of medical insurance premium
nil since medical insurance premium u/s 80D
is paid on the employee and members of
his family
iv Expenses on medical treatment outside India
nil it is assumed that the whole of such
expenditure is permitted by RBI
v Amount spent on travel and stay abroad for the
nil not taxable as the gross total income does
employee ( referred as patient in this case)
not exceed `2,00,000
vi Amount spent on travel and stay abroad for the
nil not taxable, as the gross total income
does not exceed `2,00,000

(b) R submits the following information regarding his salary income for the year 2010-11: Basic salary
` 1,70,000 p.a.; D.A (forming part of salary) 60% of basic salary; City Compensatory Allowance ` 300 p.m;
Children Education Allowance ` 400 pm per child for 3 children; Transport Allowance ` 1,000 p.m. He is
provided with a rent free unfurnished accommodation which is owned by the employer. The fair rental value
of the house is ` 24,000 p.a. Compute the value of perquisite for accommodation provided, assuming that
the accommodation is provided in a city where population is (a) exceeding 25 lakhs (b) exceeding 10 lakhs
but not exceeding 25 lakhs (c) less than 10 lakhs

Workings: (1) Computation of Income from Salary for accommodation provided by employer

Particulars Amount (`) Amount (`)

Basic salary 1,70,000
D.A. (60% of ` 1,70,000) 1,02,000
City Compensatory Allowance (fully taxable) (`300 × 12) 3,600
Children Education Allowance
Actual amount received (400 × 12 × 3) 14,400
Less: Exemption u/s 10(14)
@ `100 per month per child subject to a maximum of 2 children 2,400 12,000
(` 100 × 12 × 2)

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Transport Allowance
Actual amount received (` 1,000 × 12) 12,000
Less: Exemption u/s 10(14) @ ` 800 p.m. (` 800 × 12) 9,600 2,400
Gross Income from Salary u/s 17(1) 2,70,000

Computation of Value of Unfurnished accommodation u/s 17(2) Rule 3(1) explanation 1

Case (a) Population exceeding 25 lakhs
15% of salary
Salary = Basic pay + DA ( forming part of retirement benefits) + all other taxable allowances
= 1,70,000 + 1,02,000 + 3,600 + 12,000 + 2,400
= 2,70,000 40,500
Total Income from Salary 3,10,500

Case (b): Where population is exceeding 10 lakhs but not exceeding 25 lakhs
10% of Salary shall be considered as the value of taxable perquisite =10% of ` 2,70,000 = ` 27,000
Case (c) : Where population is less than 10 lakhs
7.5 % of salary shall be considered as the value of taxable perquisite = 7.5% of ` 2,70,000 = ` 20,250

(c) Mr. Haider, was provided an accommodation in a hotel by his employer for 22 days, before he could be
provided with a rent free accommodation, owned by the employer. The hotel charges paid ` 6,000. Salary
for the purpose of accommodation for the period of 22 days is ` 22,000. Compute the value of
accommodation assuming `3,000 was recovered from the employee.

In case of accommodation provided to the assessee on account of transfer, which is exceeding 15 days
cumulatively, such shall be taxable as a perquisite. The company recovered ` 3,000 from the employee.
Compute taxability.

Lower of the followings:

(i) 24% of salary paid/payable= 24% of 22,000 = 5,280
(ii) Actual charges paid/payable = 6,000 5,280
Less: Amount paid by the employee (i.e. recovered from the employee) (3,000)

Taxable value of perquisite for accommodation in hotel 2,280

(d) Mr.Ritesh is provided with an accommodation in Kolkata since April 2010. Salary ` 40,000 p.m. Cost of
furniture provided `80,000. On 1st September, 2010, following a promotion with a increase in Salary by
`15,000, he was transferred to Jharkhand (population less than 25 lakhs but more than 10 lakhs), and was
also provided an accommodation there. Mr.Ritesh was allowed to retain the Kolkata accommodation till
March, 2011. Compute taxable value of perquisite for accommodation possessed by the assessee.

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Solution : Phase 1: Value of Furnished Accommodation (Kolkata) (April to September 2010)

Particulars `
Value of unfurnished accommodation (15% of 40,000 × 6 months) 36,000
Add: Value of Furniture provided:
• 10%p.a. of original cost of such furniture (10% of 80,000 x 6 months) 8,000
Value of Furnished Accommodation 44,000
Phase 2: Valuation of accommodation (October 2010 to December 2010)
(a) For the first 90 days of transfer: Where accommodation is provided both at existing place of work and
in new place, the accommodation, which has lower value, shall be taxable.
(b) After 90 days: Both accommodations shall be taxable.
Computation for the first 90 days of transfer: (October 2010 to December 2010)
Lower of:
(i) Value of accommodation at existing place of work
(ii) Value of accommodation at new place
Value of accommodation at existing place of work (Kolkata)
15% of salary for 3 months (i.e. 90 days) = 15% of 55,000 × 3 months = 24,750
Add: Cost of furniture provided: 10% of 80,000 x 3 months = 24,000
Total Value of Perquisite 48,750

Value of accommodation at new work place (Jharkhand)

10% of salary for 3 months (i.e. 90 days) = 10% of 55,000 × 3 months = 16,500
Therefore, the assessee shall be assessed to tax on ` 16,500 (being the lower)
Phase 3: Valuation of accommodation (after 90 days) (January 2011 to March 2011)
For Kolkata accommodation: 15% of 55,000 x 3 months = `24,750
Add: Cost of furniture provided: 10% x 80,000 x 3 months = `24,000
Total value of perquisite `48,750
For Jharkhand accommodation: 10% of 55,000 x 3 months = `16,500
Total value of perquisite:
Particulars Taxable value of
Phase 1: Accomodation in Kolkata 44,000
Phase 2: Accomodation in Jharkhand (being the lower during 90 days) 16,500
Phase 3: Accomodation in Kolkata 48,750
Total Value of Taxable Perquisite 1,25,750

Question No.37
(a) Mr. Z is the manager of F Ltd. his son is a student of Amity International School. School fees of ` 4,000
pm and hostel fees of ` 3,000 pm., are directly paid by Z Ltd. to the school but it recovers from Z only 30%. F
also joins an advanced course of Marketing Management for 4 months at IIM, Ahmedabad, fees of the
course, ` 2,50,000 is paid by F Ltd. Determine the perquisite value of the education facility.

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Computation of taxable value of perquisite for education facility provided by the employer [As per Rule 3(5)]
Particulars Taxable value of
perquisite (`)
(1)(a) School fees of his children, studying in a school run by employer:
(`4,000 x 12) - (1,200 x 12) 33,600
(b) Hostel fees: (3,000 x 12) – (900 x 12) 25,200
2) Fees paid for Marketing Management course for Mr.Z ( it is a fully
exempted perquisite) nil
Total value of taxable perquisite 58,800

(b) Mr. Ashwin is a Manager in Z Ltd. He gets salary @ ` 50,000 pm. He is also allowed free use of computer,
video-camera and television of the company. H Ltd. has purchased (i) Computer for ` 60,000 (ii) Video-
camera for ` 30,000. Their written down value on 1.4.08 is ` 40,000 and ` 20,000 respectively. Television set
has been taken on lease rent @ ` 250 pm. The employer recovers ` 500 per month for use of the assets.
Compute his gross salary for the assessment year 2011-12.
Computation of taxable value of perquisite relating to use of assets provided by employer [As per Rule 3(7)(vii)]

Salary: ` 50,000 × 12 6,00,000

Add: Free use of computer, u/s 17(2)(vi) read with Rule 3(7)(vii) Nil
Add: Free use of video camera, u/s 17(2)(vi) read with rule 3(7) (vii) [10% of `20,000] 2,000
Add: Free use of telephone, u/s 17(2)(vi) read with rule 3(7)(vii) [ `250 x 12 months] 3,000
Less: Amount recovered from the employee (` 500 x 12) (6,000)
Gross Salary 5,99,000

(c) Mr.C is an accountant of D Ltd. He gets basic salary of ` 35,000 pm. He has purchased motor car and
washing machine from the company on 1 February 2011. Particulars of cost and sale price of the two assets
are given below:

Year of Purchase Particulars of the Asset Purchase Price (Rs) Sale price (Rs)
01.07.2008 Motor car 2,50,000 1,65,000
15.09.2006 Washing Machine 10,000 5,000

Compute the taxable value of perquisites for the assessment year 2011-12.

Computation of taxable value of perquisites on transfer of moveable assets [As per Rule 3(7)(viii)]


Nature of Assets transferred Amount

Motor car (Actual Cost) 2,50,000
Less: Depreciation @ 20% on WDV from 01.07.2008 to 30.06.2009 50,000
WDV after completion of first year from the date of purchase 2,00,000

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Less: Depreciation @ 20% on WDV from 01.07.2009 to 30.06.2010 40,000

WDV after completion of second year from the date of purchase 1,60,000

Amount paid by the employee to the company for purchase of the Motor Car is ` 1,65,000. This is more
than the WDV of the motor car on the date of transfer. Hence, there is no perquisite.

Washing Machine (Actual Cost) 10,000

Less: Depreciation @ 10% on SLM from 15.09.2006 to 14.09.2007 1,000
WDV after completion of first year from the date of purchase 9,000
Less: Depreciation @ 10% on WDV from 15.09.2007 to 14.09.2008 1,000
WDV after completion of second year from the date of purchase 8,000
Less: Depreciation @ 10% on WDV from 15.09.2008 to 14.09.2009 1,000
WDV after completion of third year from the date of purchase 7,000
Less: Depreciation @ 10% on WDV from 15.09.2009 to 14.09.2010 1,000
WDV after completion of fourth year from the date of purchase 6,000
Less: Amount recovered from the employee 5,000
Value of Perquisite 1,000

(d) Amrit, Director (Administration) in MNPC Ltd. He is entitled to a motor car (1.8 ltrs) to be used for both
official & private purposes.
Discuss the taxability of perquisite if :
(i) The car is owned by the employer, expenses paid by employer & it is a chauffeur driven car.
(ii) The car is owned by Amrit and expenses incurred ` 35,000 & chauffeur paid a salary of ` 48,000
provided by the employer.
Solution :
(i)Taxable value of perquisite will be : ` (2,400 + 900) p.m for chauffeur= ` 3,300 p.m × 12 months = ` 39,600
(ii)Value of Perquisite `
Amount of expenses 35,000
(+) Salary to chauffeur 48,000
Less : Value of Perquisite if the car was owned by the employer (39,600)
[as computed in (i) above] 43,400

Question No.38

(a) Aniket joined a company on 1.7.2010 and was paid the following emoluments and allowed perquisites
as under: Emoluments: Basic Pay ` 35,000 per month; D.A. ` 20,000 per month; Bonus ` 20,000 per
Perquisites :
(i) Furnished accommodation owned by the employer and provided free of cost;
(ii) Value of furniture therein ` 3,60,000; Hire charges of Furniture provided ` 20,000 p.a.
(iii) Motor car owned by the company (with engine c.c. less than 1.6 litres) along with chauffeur for
official and personal use, expenses met by Employer.

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(iv) Sweeper salary paid by company ` 1,500 per month; amount recovered @ ` 200 pm.
(v) Watchman salary paid by company ` 1,500 per month; amount recovered @ ` 300 pm.
(vi) Educational facility for 2 children provided free of cost. The school is owned and maintained by the
company. Elder child studies in class V and younger child in class II. Tuition fee per month ` 1,600 & `
900 respectively.
(vii) Loan of ` 5,00,000 repayable within 7 years given on 1.10.2010 for purchase of a house. No
repayment was made during the year; let charged by employer @ 2% p.a. Interest chargeable as per
Income Tax Act @ 10% p.a.
(viii) Interest free loan for purchase of computer ` 50,000 given on 1.2.2011. No repayment was made
during the year;
(ix) Corporate membership of a club. The initial fee of ` 1,00,000 was paid by the company. Aniket paid
the bills for his use of club facilities.
You are required to compute the income of Aniket under the head “Salaries” in respect of assessment year

Previous Year: 2010-2011 Assessee : Mr. Aniket A.Y. 2011-2012
Computation of Income under the head ‘Salaries’
(i) Basic Pay (35,000 × 9) 3,15,000
(ii) D.A. (20,000 × 9) 1,80,000
(iii) Bonus (20,000 × 9) 1,80,000
(iv) Value of furnished accommodation Note 1 1,28,250
(v) Motor car (1,800+900) × 9 m 24,300
(vi) Sweeper Salary (1,500–200) × 9 m 11,700
(vii) Watchman Salary (1,500–300) × 9 m 10,800
(viii) Education facility Note 2 5,400
(ix) Interest free housing loan Note 3 23,333
(x) Interest free computer loan Note 4 1,375
(xi) Corporate membership fee 1,00,000
Gross Salary 8,80,158

Note 1. Value of furnished accommodation:

Particulars Amount
Salary for this purpose -
Basic Salary (35,000 × 9) 3,15,000
D.A ( assuming part of retirement benefits) (20,000 × 9) 1,80,000
Bonus (20,000 × 9) 1,80,000
Total 6,75,000
Assuming, Mr. Aniket stays in a city where population is more than 25,00,000 as per 2001 census,
Value of unfurnished accommodation = 15% of salary
= 15% of 6,75,000 = ` 1,01,250
Value of furniture provided = 10% p.a. of actual cost
= 10% of 3,60,000 × 9/12 = ` 27,000
(Assuming, value of furniture given in the problem represents actual cost.)
Value of rent free furnished accommodation = 1,01,250 (+) 27,000
= ` 1,28,250

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Note 2. Value of Educational Facility

Where the school is owned and maintained by employer, if the cost of education provided is less than ` 1,000
p.m. then the value of perquisite is NIL. If the cost of education exceeds ` 1,000 p.m. then the value of
perquisite will be equal to the actual cost of education provided in excess of ` 1,000 pm. per child maximum
for two children. Value of perquisite for elder child = ` (16,000 – 1,000) × 9 months = 5,400. Value of perquisite
for younger child = NIL, since tuition fee per month is less than ` 1,000. Assuming, cost of education provided
to Babu’s children is less than ` 1,000 p.m. value of perquisite provided is NIL.
Note 3. Interest free housing loan
Value of perquisite = Interest @ 10% p.a. less Actual interest charged
= (10% – 2%) × `5,00,000 × 7/12 = ` 23,333.
Note 4. Interest free computer loan
Value of perquisite = Interest @ 16.50% p.a. less Actual interest charged
= (16.50% – 0%) × ` 50,000 × 2/12 = ` 1,375.

(b) A was employed with Z Ltd. He retired w.e.f. 1.2.2011 after completing a service of 24 years and 5
months. He submits the following information:

Basic Salary: ` 5,000 per month (at the time of retirement); Dearness Allowance: 100% of Basic Salary (60%
of which forms part of salary for retirement benefits). Last increment ` 500 w.e.f. 1.7.2010.
His pension was determined at ` 3,000 per month. He got 50% of the pension commuted w.e.f. 1.3.2011 and
received a sum of ` 1,20,000 as commuted pension. In addition to this, he received a gratuity of ` 1,50,000
and leave encashment amounting to ` 56,000 on account of accumulated leave of 240 days. He was entitled
to 40 days leave for every years of service.
Compute his Gross Salary for assessment year 2011-12 assuming that he is not covered under Payment of
Gratuity Act.

Computation of Gross Salary for the Assessment Year 2011-12
` `
Basic Pay: April ’10 to June ’10 = 3 months @ ` 4,500 pm 13,500
July 10 to June ’11 = 7 months @ ` 5,000 pm 35,000 48,500
Dearness Allowance @ 100% of Basic Pay 48,500
Uncommuted Pension
February @ ` 3,000 pm 3,000
March @ ` 1,500 pm 1,500 4,500
(Since 50% commuted)
Commuted Value of Pension
Amount Received 1,20,000
Less : Exemption u/s 10(10A)
1/3 of Value of Commuted Pension 80,000 40,000
Where, Full value of Commuted Pension [ 1,20,000 / 50% = 2,40,000]

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Gratuity :
Amount received 1,50,000
Less : Exempt (See note No. 1) 93,120 56,880
Note 1: Exemption, being least of the followings:
(i) Actual Amount Received 1,50,000
(ii) Maximum limit 10,00,000
(ii) 1/2 months average salary for each year’s of 93,120
completed service
Salary for Gratuity (not covered by Payment of Gratuity Act)
= Basic Pay + D/A (Forming part for retirement benefit)
Average Salary = (48,500 + 60% of 48,500) /10 = 77,600/10 = 7,760

Leave Encashment
Amount received 56,000
Less : Exemption u/s 10(10AA)
Least of the followings:
(i) Actual Average Salary 56,000
(ii) 10 months average salary (10×7760) 77,600
(iii) Maximum limit 3,00,000
(iv) Leave Credit as per note below NIL NIL 56,000

Note : Calculation of Leave Credit

Total leave entitlement (24 yrs × 40 days p.a.) = 960 days
Less : Leave Availed during service 720 days
= Total leave entitlement – Leave encashment
= (960 – 240) 240 days
Less : Excess Leave in excess of 30 days p.a.[24 (40 – 30)] 240 days
Leave credit NIL

(c) Vineet had been working with M Ltd., in a tribal area since 1-10-1996. He was entitled to the following
1. Basic salary w.e.f. 1-1-2010 ` 6,000 p.m.
2. Dearness allowance 50% of basic salary (40% of which forms part of salary for retirement benefits)
3. Medical allowance ` 1500 p.m. (entire amount is spent on his own medical treatment).
4. Entertainment allowance ` 400 p.m.
5. Children education allowance ` 80 p.m. per child for three children.
6. Hostel expenditure allowance ` 100 p.m. per child for three children.
7. Uniform allowance ` 250 p.m. (He spends ` 1,500 on the purchase and maintenance of uniform)

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8. House rent allowance ` 750 per month. He pays ` 1,000 per month as rent.
9. He contributes ` 900 per month to a recognised provident fund to which his employer contributes an
equal amount.
He retired from his job on 1.1.2011 and shifted to Delhi. He was entitled to the following benefits at the time
of his retirement :
(a) Gratuity ` 1,35,000
(b) Pension from 1.1.2011 ` 3,000 p.m.
(c) Payment from recognised provident fund ` 3,00,000
(d) Encashment of earned leave for 150 days ` 36,000
He was entitled to 40 days leave for every completed year of service. He got 50% of his pension commuted in
lumpsum w.e.f. 1.3.2011 and received ` 1,20,000 as commuted pension.
He joined K Ltd. at Mumbai w.e.f 1-2-2011 and was entitled to the following emoluments:
(1) Basic salary ` 5,000 p.m.
(2) Dearness allowance (forming part of salary) 20% of basic salary
(3) Rent-free unfurnished accommodation in Delhi which is owned by the employer and whose fair rental
value is ` 48,000 p.a.
He was also given the following facilities by the employer:
(a) Motor car (1.4 ltr. engine capacity) with driver, which he uses partly for official and partly for
personal purposes.
(b) The monthly expenses incurred by ‘A’ on gas and electricity were ` 500 which were reimbursed by the
(c) Reimbursement of educational expenses of his two children which amounted to ` 350 p.m.
(d) On 4.3.2010 his wife fell ill and the employer reimbursed the expenditure of medical treatment
amounting to ` 17,500.
(e) A watchman, a sweeper, a cook and a gardener have been provided to whom the company pays a
salary of ` 400 p.m. each.
(f) Loan of ` 1,00,000 @ 8% p.a. for construction of his house was given by the company. SBI rate of
interest is 7% p.a.
He made the following payments during the previous year:
(1) Professional tax ` 500
(2) Premium paid `15,000 on a Life insurance policy of ` 1,00,000.
(3) Deposit in PPF account ` 50,000.
Compute his total income and tax liability for the assessment year 2011-12.

Solution :
` `
Employer – M Ltd.
Basic salary 6,000 × 9 54,000
DA @ 50% of Basic Salary 27,000
Medical allowance @ ` 1,500 pm × 9 months 13,500
Entertainment allowance @ ` 400 pm × 9 months 3,600
Children education allowance 80 × 3 × 9 2,160
Less : Exempt u/s 10(14) = 80 × 2 × 9 440 720
Hostel expenditure allowance 100 × 3 × 9 2,700

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Less : Exempt u/s 10(14) = 100 × 2 × 9 1,800 900

Uncommuted pension (2,000 × 2 + 1,000 × 1) 5,000
Uniform allowance (250 ×9 – 1500) 750
House Rent Allowance
Amount Received (750 × 9) 6,750
Less : Exemption u/s 10(13A) Rule 2A
Lease of the followings :
(i) Amount Received 6,750
(ii) 40% of Salary 25,920
(iii) Rent paid – 10% of Salary 2,520 2,520 4,230
(1000 × 9 – 6,480)
Salary for HRA = Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance (forming part of salary) + Commission (if received at a fixed
percentage on turnover) = 54,000 + (40% of 27,000) = 54,000 + 10,800 = 64,800
Employer’s Contribution to RPF @ ` 900 pm × 9 months 8,100
Less : Exemption u/s 10(14) upto 12% of salary
Salary = Basic Pay + D.A (forming part)
= 54,000 + 40% of 27,000 = 64,800
Therefore, 12% of 64,800 = 7,776 7,776 324
Gratuity — (from A Ltd.)
Actual Amount Received 1,25,000
Less : Exemption u/s 10(10)
Least of the followings:
(i) Actual Amount Received 1,25,000
(ii) Max. limit 10,00,000
(iii) 1/2 months average salary for each
years of completed service 50,400 50,400 74,600
[1/2 × 7,200 × 14]
Salary for Gratuity (not covered by Payment of Gratuity Act) = Basic Pay + D/A (forming part for retirement
Benefit ) + Commission (if received at a fixed percentage on turnover)

Again, Average Salary = Salary for 10 months preceding the month of retirement

B/P = 6,000 × 10 = 60,000

D/A (forming part) = 40% × 50% × 6,000 = 12,000

Average Salary per month = ` 72,000/10 = ` 7,200

Commuted Value of Pension
Amount Received 1,20,000
Less : Exemption u/s 10(10A)

1/3 of Full Value of Commuted Pension [1/3 of 2,40,000] 80,000 40,000

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Full Value of Commuted Pension = ( 1,20,000 / 50% = 2,40,000)

Payment from RPF (Exempt) —

Leave encashment – Actual amount 36,000
Less : Exemption u/s 10(10AA) 4,800 31,200
Least of the followings:
(a) Actual encashment ` 36,000
(b) Eligible encashment (7,200/30 × 20) ` 4,800
(c) 10 months average salary (7,200 × 10) ` 72,000
(d) Amount specified ` 3,00,000
Leave encashment shall be exempt as under :
Completed years of service 13 years
Number of days leave allowed every year 40
Total leave allowable 520 days
Leave encashed 150 days
Therefore leave availed (520 – 150) 370 days
Leave available on basis of 30 days (30 ×13) 390 days
Less : Leave availed 370 days
Therefore encashment eligible for exemption (390 – 370) 20 days

Employer — S Ltd.
Basic salary (5,000 ×2) 10,000
Dearness Allowance @ 20% of B/Pay 2,000
Motor Car facility (1,800 + 900) × 2 months 5,400
Free Gas/Electricity (500 × 2) 1,000
Education Re-imbursement (350 × 2) 700
Medical Re-imbursement (17,500 – 15,000) 2,500
Watchmen (400 × 2) 800
Sweeper (400 × 2) 800
Cook (400 ×2) 800
Gardener (400 × 2) 800
Interest on Loan (not taxable as interest charged is more than the rate of SBI) —
Perquisite for Value of Rent-free unfurnished accommodation 2,250
Valuation of unfurnished rent-free accommodation:
15% of salary which includes the following:
Basic (5,000 × 2) ` 10,000
DA ` 2,000
Uncommuted pension from R Ltd. (2,000 + 1,000) ` 3,000
` 15,000
Value of the unfurnished accommodation 15% of ` 15,000 = ` 2,250

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Aggregate salary from M Ltd. and S Ltd. 2,82,874

Less : (i) Entertainment allowance u/s 16(ii) Nil
(ii) Professional-tax u/s 16(iii) 500 500
Income from salary 2,82,374
Other Income Nil
Gross Total Income 2,82,374
Less : Deduction u/s 80C
RPF (900 × 9) 8,100
LIP 15,000
PPF 50,000 73,100
Total income (rounded off) 2,09,274
Total Income (Rounded of u/s 288) 2,09,270
Tax on ` 2,09,270
upto ` 1,60,000 = Nil
@ 10% on (2,09,270 – 1,60,000) = 10% of 49,270 = 4,927 4,927
Add : Education Cess @ 2% 98
Add : SHEC @ 1% 49
Total tax liability 5,074
Tax Payable (Rounded off u/s 288A) = ` 5070
Since he has received lump sum payment on account of gratuity, commuted pension and leave encashment,
he can claim relief u/s 89 if the same is beneficial to him.

(d) Ramesh retired as General Manager of XYZ Co. Ltd. on 30.11.2010 after rendering service for 20 years
and 10 months. He received ` 9,00,000 as gratuity from the employer. (He is not covered by Gratuity Act,
1972) . His Salary details as below -
Basic Pay ` 30,000 p.m. upto 30.06.2010
Basic Pay ` 32,000 p.m. from 01.07.2010
Dearness Allowance (not forming part of salary for Retirement Benefits) 50% of Basic Pay
Transport Allowance ` 3,000 p.m.
Ramesh resides in his own house. Interest on monies borrowed for the self-occupied house is ` 84,000 for the
year 31.3.2011. From a Fixed Deposit with a Bank, he earned Interest Income of ` 18,000 for the year ending
31.3.2011. He also invested ` 30,000 in long-term infrastructure Bond and ` 80,000 in PPF.

Compute Total Income of Ramesh for the year ended 31.03.2011.


Assessee : Mr. Ramesh Previous Year: 2010-2011 Assessment Year : 2011-12

Computation of Total Income
Particulars ` ` `
(A) Salary from XYZ Co. Ltd
1. Basic Salary (` 30,000 × 3 + ` 32,000 × 5) 2,50,000
2. Dearness Allowance (50% of Basic Salary) 1,25,000
3. Transport Allowance (` 3,000 × 8) 24,000

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Less: Exempt u/s 10(14) (` 800 × 8 Months) (6,400) 17,200

4. Gratuity Received (Not covered under Payment of Gratuity Act) 9,00,000

Less: Exemption u/s 10(10) = Least of the following —

(i) Actual Amount received 9,00,000
(ii) ½ months average salary for each years
of completed service = ½ × 30,800 × 20 years 3,08,000
(iii) Maximum Limit 10,00,000 3,08,000 5,92,000
Average Salary for Gratuity = (Salary for 10 months preceding the month of retirement)/10

= (30,000 x 6 + 32,000 x 4) =3,08,000 /10 = 30,800

Gross Salary 9,84,200

Less: Deduction u/s 16 Nil
Income under the head Salary 9,84,200
(B) Income from House Property
Self Occupied — Annual Value Nil
Less : Deduction u/s 24 — Interest on Borrowed Capital (84,000) (84,000)
(C) Income from Other Sources : Bank Interest 18,000
(D) Gross Total Income 9,18,200
Less : Deduction under Chapter VIA

u/s 80C – Deposit in PPF ` 80,000

(Maximum amount allowed as deduction) 70,000

u/s 80 CCF – Subscription to Long-term Infrastructure Bond

– Amount deposited ` 30,000, but deduction restricted upto `20,000 20,000

(E) Total Income 8,28,200

(e) Mr. Ganesh retires on 31.10.2010 voluntarily from XYZ (P) Ltd as per the scheme u/s (10C) of the Income-
tax Act, 1961. He furnishes the following particulars:
(i) Basic Pay ` 20,000 pm.
(ii) Pension ` 8,000 pm.
(iii) D.A. forming part of Salary for retirement benefits ` 6,000 pm.
(iv) Compensation of voluntary retirement ` 6,00,000
(v) Gratuity ` 1,50,000
(vi) Leave Salary ` 40,000
(vii) He gets 60% of his pension commuted for ` 90,000 on 31.1.2011. Completed years of service 18 years
and 7 months. Leave availed while in service 19 months. But for the voluntary retirement, Mr. Ganesh would
have retired only after 45 months. The last increment he received was on 1.11.2009.
Compute his taxable salary income for the A.Y. 2011-12.

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Solution :
Assessee : Mr. Ganesh Previous Year: 2010-2011 Assessment Year : 2011-12
Computation of Total Income
Particulars `
Basic salary (` 20,000 × 7) 1,40,000
Dearness Allowance (` 6,000 × 7) 42,000
Gratuity (W.N. 1) NIL
Pension (W.N.2) 70,400
Voluntary Retirement Compensation (W.N.3) 1,00,000
Leave Encashment (W.N.4) 90,000
Income under the head “Salaries” 4,42,400

Working Notes:
(a) Computation of Taxable Gratuity
Particulars ` `
Gratuity received (assumed as not covered by 1,50,000
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972)
Less : Exempt u/s 10(10) :
Least of the following —
(i) Actual Amount of Gratuity Received 1,50,000
(ii) Maximum Limit 10,00,000
(iii) ½ months average salary for each years of
completed service (½ × 18 × 26,000) 2,34,000 (1,50,000)
Taxable Gratuity NIL
(b) Computation of Taxable Pension
Particulars ` `
(a) Uncommuted Pension
• Period: November 2010 - January 2011 (` 8,000×3 Months) 24,000
• Period: February 2011 - March 2011 (` 8,000×40%×2 Months) 6,400
• Total 30,400
(b) Commuted Pension
Amount Received 90,000
Less : Exempt u/s 10(10A)
1/3rd of Full Value of Commuted Pension
(Since Gratuity received)
[1/3rd of (90,000/60) x 100] (Note 1) (50,000) 40,000
Taxable Pension 70,400

(C) Computation of Taxable VRS Compensation

Particulars ` `
Amount of VRS Compensation Received 6,00,000
Less: Exempt u/s 10(10C):
Least of the following —
• Actual Amount Received 6,00,000
• Maximum Limit 5,00,000
• The above shall not exceed higher of :
(i) Last Drawn Salary x 3 x No. of completed years
of service (26,000 x 3 x 18 Years) 14,04,000
(ii) Last drawn Salary x balance of months of
service left (26,000 x 45 Months) 5,40,000 (5,00,000)
Taxable Value of VRS Compensation 1,00,000

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(D) Computation of Taxable Leave Encashment

Particulars ` `
Amount of Leave Encashment Received 90,000
Less : Exemption u/s 10(l0AA) :
Least of the following:
(i) Amount Received 90,000
(ii) Notified Amount 3,00,000
(iii) Average salary of past 10 months Salary x 10 months 1,20,000
(12,000 × 10)
(iv) Leave Encashment based on 30 days credit for every Nil Nil
completed year of service (Note)
Taxable Leave Encashment 90,000
Note :
Total Leave Eligible on basis of 30 days credit for every completed years of service of 18 years = 18 Months
Total Leave Taken 19 Months
Leave to his credit Nil

Question No.39
(a) Write short note on: terminal depreciation and balancing charge. Give an example to illustrate the same.

Terminal Depreciation refers to Loss on Transfer & Balancing Charge refers to Gain on Transfer.
(a) It is applicable for any undertaking engaged in generation or generation and distribution of power;
(b) It must be a depreciable asset, on which depreciation is claimed on straight line basis;
(c) Such depreciable asset, is sold, discarded, demolished or destroyed in a previous year
If there arises:
(i) Loss on Sale = Terminal Depreciation;
(ii) Gain on Sale= Balancing Charge.
Calculation of Terminal Depreciation:
1. Calculate Written Down Value of the depreciable asset on the first day of the previous year in which such asset is
sold, discarded, demolished or destroyed.
2. Ascertain Net Sale Consideration.
If value as per (1) > value as per (2) = Loss= Terminal Depreciation
Balancing Charge u/s 41(2) and Capital Gain u/s 50A:
If value as per (2) > value as per (1) = Gain = Balancing Charge. i.e. if , NC > WDV = Balancing Charge
Again, if, (i) NC > OC = Capital Gain and (ii) OC < WDV = Balancing Charge


NC = Net Sale Consideration

OC = Original Cost
WDV = Written Down Value

Example :
Neyduli power Projects is a power generating unit. On 1.4.2008, it purchased a plant of ` 50,00,000, eligible for
depreciation @15% on SLM. Compute balancing charge or terminal deprecation assuming the plant is sold on 21.4.2010 for
: (a) ` 8,50,000 (b) ` 32,00,000 (c) ` 45,00,000 (d) ` 52,00,000

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Solution :
Computation of Terminal depreciation or balancing charge, capital gain.

Particulars A B C D

W.D.V. as on 1.4.2010 (as per Note below) 35,00,000 35,00,000 35,00,000 35,00,000
Less: Sale Proceeds 8,50,000 32,00,000 45,00,000 52,00,000
Balance 26,50,000 30,00,000 (10,00,000) (17,00,000)
Terminal depreciation 26,50,000 3,00,000 NIL NIL
Balancing charge NIL NIL 10,00,000 15,00,000
Short term capital Gain NIL NIL NIL 2,00,000

Note: Computation of Depreciation and WDV as on 1.4.2010:

Original cost 50,00,000
Less: Depreciation 7,50,000
WDV as on 1.4.2009 42,50,000
Less: Depreciation for the year 2009-2010 7,50,000
WDV as on 1.4.2010 35,00,000

(b) Pharma Ltd. imported machinery from Germany on 27.8.10 at a cost of ` 40 crores. Customs Duty paid @ 20%.
Countervailing Duty @ 10%. Government granted subsidy of ` 25 crores. The entire logisitics was supported by
Nexgen Courier Ltd., an Indian Company. Total Service charges paid to them ` 20 lacs including service tax of `
1,86,763. Compute Actual Cost, if assessee, avail CENVAT credit adjustment.

Previous Year: 2010-11 Assessee : Pharma Ltd Assessment Year : 2011-12

Computation of Actual Cost

Particulars Amount
(` crores)
Cost of Purchase 40.00
Add: Customs Duty @ 20% on ` 40 crores 8.00
Less: Countervailing duty @ 10% of ` 40 crores 4.00
Less: Government subsidy granted 25.00
Less: CENVAT Credit ( Service Tax paid included in the payment made to Nexgen Courier Ltd.) 0.187
Actual Cost for the purpose of charging depreciation 26.813

(c) ZED Ltd. imported machinery from South Korea on 12.5.2010 for US$ 50,000. Exchange rate on that date : US$ = ` 44.
70. Customs Duty paid @ 20%. Government granted subsidy of ` 15,00,000. The assessee had a forward contract on
2.4.2010 at US$ 45.30. Logistics services was provided by Carrywell Courier Ltd. Service Charges paid ` 2,00,000
including service tax of ` 25,000. Engineers and labourers were engaged at site for installation of the machinery. Salary
and wages paid for site engineers and labourers including their travelling expenses amounted to ` 4,60,000. Expenses
incurred during trial run period ` 1,50,000. Sale of output produced during trial run period ` 90,000. Interest earned on
deposits made to open Letter of Credit for purchase of this machinery ` 15,000 . The machine was put to use from
05.10.10. Depreciation @ 15%. Compute Actual Cost and Written Down Value.

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Assessee: ZED Ltd. Previous Year: 2010-11

Computation of Actual Cost and Written Down Value

Particulars Amount

(` crores)

Cost of the Asset ( US$ 50,000 × ` 44.70) 22,35,000

Add : Customs Duty paid @ 20% on ` 22,35,000 4,47,000
Less : Government Subsidy granted (15,00,000)
Add : Exchange Rate Difference [US$ 50,000 × ` (45.30 - 44.70)] 30,000
Add : Transportation charges paid ` 2,00,000 (including Service Tax ` 25,000) 2,00,000
Less : CENVAT credit adjustment (credit for Service tax included in service (25,000)

charges paid to Carrywell Courier Ltd.)

Add : Installation expenses incurred for payment of site engineers & labourers 4,60,000

including travelling expenses

Add : Expenses incurred during trial run period 1,50,000
Less : Sale of output generated during trial run period (90,000)
Less : Interest earned on deposits made to open Letter of Credit for

purchase of this machinery (15,000)

Actual Cost for the purpose of determining depreciation 18,92,000
Less : Depreciation @ 50% of 15% (since Put to Use < 180 days)

for previous year 2010-11 ( ` 18,92,000 × 50% x 15%) 1,41,900

WDV as on 01.04.2011 17,50,100

(d) Mention the probable situations where proportionate depreciation may be resorted to.

Answer: In the following cases, depreciation is allowed on proportionate basis where in any Previous Year, there is :-
(i)Succession of a partnership firm by a company [u/s. 47(xiii)] or
(ii) Succession of a proprietary concern by a company [u/s. 47(xiv)]
(iii) Succession of any business other than on death [u/s. 170] or
(iv) Amalgamation of company [u/s. 2(1B)] or
(v) Demerger of any company [u/s. 2(19AA)]

(e) A Bros., a sole-proprietorship concern, was converted into a A Ltd. on 20.9.2010. Before the conversion, the concern
had a block of furniture (rate of depreciation @ 10%), whose WDV as on 01.04.2010 was ` 6,50,000. On 01.05.2010, a
new furniture of the same block was purchased for ` 50,000. A Ltd. purchased another furniture of the same type on
20.12.2010 for ` 48,000. Compute depreciation that would be claimed by A Bros. and A Ltd for the previous year 2010-11.

Solution :
(1) Depreciation shall have to be calculated at the prescribed rates, as is applicable for a going concern, without
considering the event of amalgamation or demerger.
(2) Depreciation shall have to be apportioned between the predecessor and the successor in the ratio of number of days
for which such assets were held for their business purpose and used by them.

Depreciation to be apportioned = [W.D.V. as on 1.4.2010 + New Purchases on 01.05.2010] = ` (6,50,000 + 50,000) = `

7,00,000 × 10% = ` 70,000

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(f) X Ltd., is a company engaged in the business of growing, manufacturing and selling of tea. For the accounting year
ended 31st March, 2010, its composite business profits, before an adjustment under section 33AB of the Income-tax Act,
were ` 60 lakhs. In the year, it deposited ` 25 lakhs with NABARD. The company has a business loss of ` 10 lakhs
brought forward from the previous year. The company withdrew in February, 2010 ` 20 lakhs from the deposit account
to buy a non-depreciable asset for ` 18 lakhs and could not use the balance before the end of the accounting year. The
withdrawal and the purchase were under a scheme approved by the Tea Board. The non-depreciable asset was sold in
November, 2010 for ` 29 lakhs. Indicate clearly the tax consequences of the above transactions and the total income for
the relevant years.

Solution: Computation of total income of X Ltd. for A.Y. 2010-11

Particulars `

Net profits before adjusting deduction u/s 33AB 60,00,000

Less: Deduction u/s 33AB 24,00,000
[Lower of
(i) 40% of `60 lakhs = `24 lakhs; or
(ii) actual amount deposited with NABARD = `25 lakhs
Profiits after adjusting deduction u/s 33AB 36,00,000
As per Rule 8 of Income-tax Rules, 40% of this sum is subject to income-tax and the balance 60% is treated as agricultural

Hence, the business income is 40% of ` 36 lakhs 14,40,000

Add: Non-utilisation of amount withdrawn: ` 2 lakhs [i.e. (` 20 lakhs – ` 18 lakhs)]
40% is taxable as business income (the balance 60% is treated as agricultural income). 80,000
Business income 15,20,000
Less: Business loss brought forward from the previous year 10,00,000
Total income 5,20,000

Computation of Total Income of X Ltd. for A.Y.2011-12

Particulars `
Business income (See Note 2) 7,20,000
Capital gains (Short-term) (See Note 1) 11,00,000
Total Income 18,20,000

Note 1 - Computation of capital gains

Particulars `
Sale proceeds 29,00,000
Less: Cost of acquisition 18,00,000
Short term capital gains (since the period of holding is less than 36 months) 11,00,000

Note 2 - Computation of business income Since the asset is sold within 8 years, the cost of the asset i.e. ` 18 lakhs should
be treated as income since the same has been allowed as deduction in the assessment year 2010-11.
However, out of this ` 18 lakhs, 60% would be agricultural income and the balance 40% i.e. ` 7.2 lakhs would be business
income of P.Y.2010-11. This is because deduction under section 33AB was allowed in P.Y.2010-11, before disintegration of
income into agricultural income and non-agricultural income.

Question No.40
(a) Free Call Ltd. obtained a telecom licence on 15.6.07 for a period of 8 years ending on 31.3.2015 against a fee of `
30 crores to be paid in four instalments of ` 12 crores, ` 7 crores, ` 6 crores, ` 5 crores by June 2008, June 2009,
June 2010 and June 2011 respectively. Explain how the payment for licence fee shall be dealt under the Income Tax
Act, 1961.

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Assessee : Free Call Ltd. Previous Year 2010-11 Assessment Year: 2011-12

(a) U/s 35ABB, expenditure incurred for the purpose of acquiring any right to operate telecommunication services is
allowed equally as deduction throughout the unexpired life of the licence. Deduction shall be allowed only for the
actual payment made.

(b) If only part payment is made, amortization is based on the amount paid and not on the basis of total consideration.
For any further payments, deduction/amortization is allowed equally for the remaining unexpired useful life.

(c) Computation of amount of eligible deduction u/s 35 ABB:

Previous year Amount paid Unexpired Period of Amount of Deduction

(` Crores) Licence on the date of (` Crores)

actual payment

2007-08 12.00 8 years 1.50

2008-09 7.00 7 years [1.50 + (7.00/7)] = 2.50
2009-10 6.00 6 years [2.50 + (6.00/6)] = 3.50
2010-11 5.00 5 years [3.50 + (5.00/5)] = 4.50

(b) Hello International Ltd. incurs an expenditure of ` 240 crores for acquiring the right to operate telecommunication
services for Assam & Sikkim. The payment was made in November 2009 and the licence to operate the services was valid
for 15 years. In December 2010, the company transfers part of the licence, in respect of Assam, to Hi International Ltd.
for a sum of ` 56 crores and continue to operate the licence in Sikkim. What is the deduction allowable u/s 35ABB to
Hello International Ltd. for the Assessment Year 2011-12?

Solution :
Assessee: Hello International Ltd. Previous Year: 2010-11 Assessment Year : 2011-12
(a) u/s 35ABB, where part of the Telecom Licence is transferred and Net Consideration received on such transfer, is
less than the expenditure remaining unallowed, the amount of deduction shall be computed as follows :

(i) Unallowed amount as on 01.04.2010 = Total Expenditure Less Deduction for Financial Year 2009-10
= `240 crores Less ( `240 crores/licence period of 15 years)
= `240 crores less `16 crores = `224 crores.
(ii) Net Consideration received = `60 crores
(iii) Remaining period of licence = 14 years (including current previous year)
(iv) Deduction u/s 35 ABB = ` (224 crores less 56 crores) / 14 years= `12 crores.

(c) Jammer International Ltd. incurs an expenditure of ` 300 crores for acquiring the right to operate telecommunication
services for Orissa and Jharkhand. The payment was made in August 2009 and the licence to operate the services was
valid for 12 years. In December 2010, the company transfers part of the licence, in respect of Orissa to Hammer
International Ltd. for a sum of ` 280 crores and continue to operate the licence in Jharkhand . What is the deduction
allowable u/s 35ABB to Jammer International Ltd. for the Assessment Year 2011-12?

Previous Year: 2010-11 Assessee: Jammer International Ltd. Assessment Year : 2011-12
(a) u/s 35ABB, where part of the Telecom Licence is transferred and Net Consideration received on such transfer, is
more than the expenditure remaining unallowed, the amount of deduction shall be computed as follows :
(i) Unallowed amount as on 01.04.2010 = Total Expenditure Less Deduction for Financial Year 2009-10

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= `300 crores Less ( `300 crores / licence period of 12 years)

= `300 crores less `25 crores= `275 crores.
(ii) Net Consideration received = `280 crores
(iii) Remaining period of licence = 11 years (including current previous year)
(iv) Deduction u/s 35 ABB = ` (224 crores less 56 crores) / 14 years
= ` 12 crores.
(d) Sleepwell Ltd. is an existing Indian Company, which sets up a new industrial unit. It incurs the following expenditure
in connection with the new unit:
Preparation of project report 4,00,000
Market survey 5,00,000
Legal and other charges for issue of additional capital required for the new unit 2,00,000
Total 11,00,000
The following further data is given:
Cost of project 30,00,000
Capital employed in the new unit 40,00,000
What is the deduction admissible to the company under section 35D for Assessment Year 2011-12?

The deduction admissible under section 35D is one-fifth of the expenditure incurred for the project. This works out to `
However, such expenditure should not exceed the following limits as prescribed in section (3):
(a) 5% of cost of the project or
(b) 5% of the capital employed in the new industrial undertaking (being a company) — whichever is higher.
In this case
(a) 5% of the project cost is ` 1,50,000 and
(b) 5% of the capital employed is ` 2,00,000.
Hence, the expenditure eligible for amortization under section 35D would be ` 2,00,000.
And the admissible deduction for the current assessment year is 2,00,000 × 1/5 = ` 40,000.

(e) Ms. Raveena , a retail trader of Kolkata furnishes the following Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year
ended 31st March, 2011 :
Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31.03.2011

` `

To Opening stock 90,000 By Sales 12,11,500

To Purchases 10,04,000 By Closing Stock 1,80,000
To Gross Profit 2,97,500
13,91,500 13,91,500
To Salary 60,000 By Gross profit b/d 2.97,500
To Rent and rates 36,000 By Income from UTI 2,400
To Interest on loan 15,000 By Other Business receipts 6,100
To Depreciation 1,05,000
To Printing & stationery 23,200
To Postage & telegram 1,640
To Loss on sale of shares (Short term) 8,100
To Other general expenses 7,060
To Net Profit 50,000
3,06,000 3,06,000
Additional Information:
(i) It was found that some stocks were omitted to be included in both the Opening and Closing Stock, the values of
which were : Opening stock ` 9,000 ; Closing stock ` 18,000

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(ii) Salary includes `10,000 paid to his brother, which is unreasonable to the extent of ` 2,000.
(iii) The whole amount of printing and stationery was paid in cash.
(iv) The depreciation provided in the Profit and Loss Account ` 1,05,000 was based on the following information :
The written down value of plant and machinery is ` 4,20,000. A new plant falling under the same Block of
depreciation of 25% was bought on 1.7.2010 for ` 70,000. Two old plants were sold on 1.10.2010 for ` 50,000.
(v) Rent and rates includes sales tax liability of ` 3,400 paid on 7.4.2010.
(vi) Other business receipts include ` 2,200 received as refund of sales tax relating to 2008-09.
(vii) Other general expenses include ` 2,000 paid as donation to a Public Charitable Trust.

You are required to advise Ms.Raveena whether she can offer her business income under section 44AF i.e. presumptive

Let us assume that the facts relate to previous year relevant to assessment year 2011-12 and accordingly compute the
income of Ms.Raveena.
Computation of Business Income of Ms.Raveena for the Assessment Year 2011-12.

` `
Net Profit as per profit and loss account 50,000
Add : Inadmissible expenses / losses
Under valuation of closing stock 18,000
Unreasonable salary paid to brother [section 40A(2)] 2,000
Printing and stationery paid in cash [Section 40A(3)] 100% of ` 23,200 23,200
Depreciation (considered separately) 1,05,000
Short term capital loss on shares 8,100
Donation to public charitable trust 2,000
Less : Deductions items:
Under valuation of opening stock 9,000
Income from UTI 2,400
Refund of sales tax [Taxable u/s.41(1) – No adjustment necessary] Nil 11,400
Business income before depreciation 1,96,900
Less : Depreciation (see note 1) 66,000
Business Income 1,30,900
Computation of business income as per section 44AF
As per section 44AF, the business income would be 5% of turnover = 12,11,500 × 5 /100 = ` 60,575 . The business income
under section 44AF is ` 60,575.
As the business income under section 44AF is lower than the business income as per the normal provisions of the Act, it is
advisable for Ms. Raveena to offer the business income under section 44AF of the Act

Note 1

Calculation of depreciation

WDV of the block of plant & machinery as on the first day of previous year 4,20,000
Add : Cost of new plant & machinery 70,000
Less : Sale proceeds of assets sold 50,000

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WDV of the block of plant & machinery as on the last day of previous year 4,40,000
Depreciation @ 15% 66,000

Note : No additional depreciation is allowable as the assessee is not engaged in manufacture or production of any article.

Note 2
Since sales-tax liability has been paid before the due date of filing return of income under section 139(1), the same is

Question No.41
(a) Mr Sanjeev , non-resident in India, for the year ended on 31 March 2011. Compute his income from business and his
gross total income for the assessment year 2011-2012.
Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31.3.11
Dr. Cr.
Expenditure ` Receipts `
To Purchases 1,90,000 By sales less returns 5,69,300
To Salaries and wages 1,40,000 By bad debts recovered, 2,000
To Trade expenses 1,000 allowed in earlier years by the
To Purchase of trademarks 50,000 Assessing Officer
To Registration of trademarks 2,000 By interest on securities (gross) 892
To Rent, rates and taxes 5,000 By dharmada, mandir and 2,000
To Discount allowed 1,500 gaushala receipts
To Household expenses 6,000 By refund on income tax 1,008
To Advertisement bill paid in cash 30,000 By proceeds of life insurance 43,500
To Income tax 10,000 policy on maturity
To Sales tax paid 3,000
To Purchased technical know-how 12,000 By Net Income from Business outside India 3,00,000
By Profits from a business outside India 2,00,000
( 30% received in India)
To Expenses incurred on income 15,100
tax and sales tax proceedings
To Contribution paid to a trust for 1,000

staff welfare
To Staff welfare expenses incurred 700
To OYT deposit 5,000
To Postage and telegrams 1,300
To Donation to National Defence Fund 2,500
To Life insurance premium on the 2,000
life of the assessee
To interest on capital 5,000
To interest on loan taken to pay 500
income tax
To wealth tax 500
To audit fee 1,000
To entertainment expenditure 30,000
To gifts and present to five customers, 15,000

costing ` 3,000 each

To expenses on apprentice training 4,000
To emergency risk insurance 200

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To fire insurance premium for stock 200

To provision for bad and doubtful debts 3,000
To reserve for pecuniary losses 5,000
To net profit 5,76,000
Total 11,18,700 11,18,700

Solution :

Computation of Gross Total Income for the Assessment Year 2011-2012

Particulars ` `

Income from Business

Net profit as per profit and loss account 5,76,000
Add: Expenses inadmissible in computing profits and gains from

business or profession:

Purchase of trademarks 50,000

Household expenses [Sec. 37(1)] 2,500
Advertisement bills paid in cash [Sec. 37(1) r.w. Sec. 40A(3)] @ 100% of ` 30,000 30,000
Income tax [Sec. 40(a)(ii)] 10,000
Purchase of technical know-how 12,000
Contribution to a Trust for staff welfare fund [Sec. 40A(9)] 1,000
Donation for National Fund [Sec. 37(1)] 2,500
Life Insurance premium [Sec. 37(1)] 2,000
Interest on capital [Sec. 36(1)(iii)] 5,000
Interest on loan to pay income tax [Sec. 37(1) r.w. 40{a)(ii)] 500
Wealth tax [Sec. 40(a)(iii)] 500
Provision for bad and doubtful debts [Sec. 37(1) r.w. 36(1)(vii)(2)] 2,000
Reserve for pecuniary losses [Sec. 37(1)] 6,000 1,24,000
Less: Income from Business outside India (assuming the business was set up and controlled
from a place outside India and income earned had neither accrued in India or received (3,00,000)
in India during the previous year, hence deducted, as Mr. Sanjeev is a non-resident in India)

(a) Income not relating to business or profession: [Sec. 28(i)] 892
Interest on government securities
(b) Dharada, mandir and gaushala receipts 2,000
(c) Refund of income tax 1,008
(d) Proceeds of L.I.P.: It is not a business receipt and exempt 43,500
[Sec. 10(10)]
(e) Depreciation on trademarks; 25% of ` 50,000 12,500
(f) Depreciation on know-how: 25% of ` 12,000 3,000 59,400
Gross Income from business 3,40,600

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Less: Income from Business outside India ( assuming set-up and controlled from a place outside
India, but a part of profits received in India- hence balance part non-taxable, as the assessee is a non-resident)
70% of 2,00,000 = 1,40,000, received outside India, is to be deducted as it is included in the above profits. (1,40,000)
Net Income from Business 2,00,600

Statement of Gross Total Income for the Assessment Year 2011-12

1. Income from business 2,00,600
2. Income from other sources— Interest on securities 892
Gross Total Income 2,01,492

Note :

(i) Mr. Sanjeev is a non-resident in India for the previous year 2010-11. It is assumed that the business was set up and
controlled from a place outside India and income earned had neither accrued in India nor received in India during the
previous year, hence, does not form part of taxable income as per Income Tax Act,1961
(ii) Bad debts deducted in earlier years and now recovered, has been rightly included in the profit and loss account as
business income [Sec. 41(4)].
(iii) Since payment of income tax is not deductible, its refund cannot be taxed as deemed profits [Sec. 41(1)].
(iv) OYT (own your telephone) deposit is an allowable deduction in the year in which it is paid.
(v) “Dharmada”, “mandir” and “gaushala” receipts are customarily levies by trader for charitable purposes. Amount
received under these heads are not trading receipts. The fact that the amount collected under these heads are spent
for other purposes would amount to breach of trust but it would not affect the initial nature and character of the
receipt. Such receipts are not taxable.
(vi) The assessee is entitled to the deduction in respect of donation to National Defence Fund under Sec. 80G.
(vii) Life insurance paid by assessee on his life is allowed to be deducted in imputing total income under Sec. 80C.
(viii) Any payment on advertisement exceeding ` 20,000 should be made by on account payee cheque or account payee
bank draft. Since the payment has been made in cash, 100% of advertisement has been disallowed [Sec. 37(1) r.w.
Sec. 40A(3)]. ‘Crossed cheque’ requirement has been amended by ‘account payee’ cheque. It is operative from 13-07-
(ix) From the assessment year 2001-2002, intangible assets also fall within the scheme of depreciation. Hence,
depreciation has been allowed on trademarks and know-how.
(x) Registration expense of trademarks is revenue expenditure, allowed under Sec. 37(1).

(b) Dr. Christin Pinto, is a renowned medical practitioner. He furnishes his Receipts and Payments account for the
financial year 2010-2011:
Dr. Cr.
Receipts ` Payments `
To balance b/d 35,000 By Rent of clinics:
To Consultation fees : 2008-2009 13,600
2008-2009 25,000 2009-2010 44,800
2009-2010 1,80,000 2010-2011 26,600 85,000
2010-2011 2,62,000 4,67,000 By electricity and water 12,000
To Visiting fees 1,30,000 By purchase of professional books 18,000
To loan from bank for professional purpose 2,25,000 By household expenses 97,800
By municipal taxes paid in respect 12,000
To sale of medicines 1,73,000 of property
To gift/presents from patients 15,000 By purchase of motor car 2,45,000

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To remuneration from articles 26,000 By Telephone Charges 10,000

published in professional By fire insurance in respect of 3,200
magazines property
To rent from house property 96,000 By surgical equipment 44,700
To interest on Post Office National 17,000 By advance income tax 43,000
Savings Certificates By salary and perquisite to compounder 72,000
To Royalty from co-authorship of “Training Manual’’ 3,50,000
To Royalty from a Registered Patent 4,00,000 By entertainment expenses 16,000
By purchase of X-ray machine 2,00,000
By expenses of income-tax 15,000
By life insurance premium 25,000
By gifts to wife 25,000
By interest on loan 12,000
By loan a/c—instalment paid 25,000
By donation to Political Party 2,500
By car expenses 36,000
By purchase of medicines 1,05,000
By balance c/d 79,800
19,34,000 19,34,000
Compute his income from profession and gross total income for the assessment year 2011-2012 after taking into account
the following additional information:
1. One-third of the car expenses are in connection with personal use.
2. Depreciation on motor car is allowed at the rate of 15%.
3. The construction of the house property was completed in March 2006. It was let out for residential purposes.
4. Expenses on income tax proceeding include ` 1,000 paid for the preparation of return of income.
5. Receipts outstanding from patients for 2010-2011, amount to ` 8,000.
6. Closing stock of medicines is ` 8,000 but its current market price is ` 12,000.
7. Books purchased include annual publications of ` 12,000, purchased in December 2010.
8. Interest paid on loan taken for higher –education of his son Rs.33,569, not accounted for .
9. Royalty received in convertible foreign exchange within the prescribed limit of six months (i) Rs.2,85,000 from co-
authorship of training manual and (ii) Rs.3,50,000 from royalty of patents.

Solution: Computation of Income from Profession for the Assessment Year 2011-2012 :

Particulars ` `

Income from Profession:

(1) From Advisory role / Practice in Medicine

(a) Receipt from profession:
1. Consultation fees: [Sec. 28(i)]: (` 25,000 + ` 1,80,000 4,67,000

+ ` 2,62,000)
2. Visiting fees [Sec. 28(i)] 1,30,000
3. Sale of medicines [Sec. 28(i)] 1,73,000
4. Gifts and presents from patients [Sec. 28(iv)] 15,000
5. Remuneration from articles published in professional 26,000

magazines [Sec, 28(i)] 8,11,000

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(b) Closing stock of medicines 8,000

Total receipts and closing stock 8,19,000

Less: Expenses allowable:
1) Rent of clinic [Sec. 30] 85,000
2) Electricity and water [Sec. 37(1)] 12,000
3) Salary of compounder [Sec. 37(1)] 72,000
4) Entertainment expenses [Sec. 37(1)] 16,000
5) Expenses on income-tax proceedings [Sec. 37(1)] 15,000
6) Interest on loan [Sec. 37(1)(iii)] 12,000
7) Purchase of medicines [Sec. 37(1)] 1,05,000
8) Car expenses [Sec. 37(1)] (2/3 x ` 36,000) 12,000
9) Depreciation on professional books :
(i) Annual publications: 12,000 × 100% × 50% 6,000
(ii) Other books: 6,000 × 60% 3,600
10) Depreciation on car [Sec. 32 r.w. Sec. 38] : 15% of 2,45,000 × 2/3 24,500
11) Depreciation on plant and machinery:

(i) X-ray machine 2,00,000

(ii) Surgical equipment 44,700
Depreciation @ 15% of 2,44,700 36,705
12) Telephone Charges 10,000 (4,09,805)
Income from Profession ( from practice in medicine) 4,09,195
Add: Income from Royalty from co-authorship of Training Manual 3,50,000
Add: Income from Royalty of Patents (Registered) 4,00,000
Total Income from Profession 11,59,195

Add: Income from House Property :

Gross annual value on the basis of rental valuation 96,000
Less: Full municipal taxes paid by the owner 12,000
Net annual value 84,000
Less: Statutory deduction: 30% of net annual value 25,200
Income from House Property 58,800
Gross Total Income 12,17,995
Less: Deduction u/s 80C (LIC premium paid) (25,000)
Less: Deduction u/s 80 E (interest on loan paid for higher education) (33,569)
Less: Deduction u/s 80GGC ( actual amount of donation paid to political party) ( 2,500)
Less: Deduction u/s 80QQB ( for royalty income on books other than text books)
Lower of :
(i) 100% of such income to the extent brought into India within six months in convertible foreign exchange
= 100% of Rs.2,85,000 ( Actual receipt of Rs.3,50,000 is not considered)
(ii) Maximum Limit = 3,00,000 (2,85,000)
Less: Deduction u/s 80RRB (for royalty income on patents)
Lower of :
(i) 100% of such income to the extent brought into India within six months in convertible foreign exchange

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=100% of 3,50,000 ( not to consider Rs.4,00,000 the actual income)

(ii) Maximum limit = 3,00,000 (3,00,000)
Total Income 5,71,926
Total Income rounded off u/s 288A 5,71,930


1. Purchase of motor car is capital expenditure. Hence, it is not deductible. Depreciation has been allowed on motor
2. Plant includes books and surgical equipment. Depreciation on professional books is allowed @ 60% but annual
publications are written off @ 100%. However, as annual publications have been put to use for less than 180 days
during the year, depreciation has been allowed @ 50%. The assessee can claim depreciation on surgical equipment
at general rate.
3. Contribution of articles to periodicals and magazines constitutes income from vocation of the assessee.
4. Expenses in income-tax proceedings are wholly deductible [Sec. 37(1)].
5. One-third of car expenses and proportionate deprecation in respect of motor car have been disallowed as they are
in connection with the personal use of the assessee.
6. Interest on Post Office National Saving Certificates is exempt from income tax [Sec. 10(15)].
7. Profits and gains of the business or profession are computed according to the method of the accounting regularly
followed by the assessee (Sec. 145). Since the assessee has adopted cash system of accounting. “Income” is taxable
on receipt basis and “expenditure” is allowed to be deducted on payment basis, irrespective of the previous year to
which the receipt of payment belongs. Receipts outstanding for the previous year 2010-2011 will not be taken into
8. Profits and gains of business profession is required to be computed according to the system of accounting regularly
followed by the assessee but if the income cannot be properly deduced therefrom, the Assessing Officer may
compute the income on such basis and in such manner as he may deem fit [Proviso to Sec. 145(1)].
In view of this, the Assessing Officer may take into account the value of closing stock while determining profits even
under cash system of accounting
9. Donation to Political Party is allowed to be deducted from gross total income under Sec. 80GGC.
10. It is assumed that the assessee has furnished the prescribed forms i.e. Form 10CCD and Form 10H for claiming
deduction u/s 80QQB and Form 10CCE and Form H for claiming deduction u/s 80RRB.

(c) The firm of M/s Amal & Associates is engaged in the business of growing and manufacturing tea. The Profit & Loss
Account for the year ended 2010-2011 is given as follows:
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ` Particulars `
Cost of growing and manufacturing tea 40,00,000 Sales 95,00,000
Salaries and wages 15,00,000 Stock 13,50,000
Advertising 5,00,000
Entertainment expenses 1,00,000
Travelling expenses 3,00,000
Fine and penalties 50,000
Cost of patent rights 6,00,000
Expenses on scientific research 6,00,000
General and sundry expenses 2,00,000
Net profit 30,00,000
1,08,50,000 1,08,50,000

Additional information:

(i) Advertising includes payment of ` 2,00,000 made to a political party for insertion of advertisement in party’s
journal. The payment has been made by bearer cheque,

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(ii) Travelling expenses include a visit of the director to UK for 10 days (including 2 days for travelling). Five days were
utilized for business purpose. Permission for foreign exchange was granted for ` 50,000. Total expenditure on the
visit is ` 1,00,000 (including air fare of ` 40,000).

(iii) Expenses on scientific research include:

(a) Purchase of land ` 1,50,000
(b) Contribution to Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi which is a National Laboratory ` 20,000.
(c) Contribution to Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (an approved research association)for statistical research, which
is not related to business ` 30,000.
(iv) Refund of custom duty, deducted in the previous year, 2008-2009, amounting to ` 50,000, has not been credited to
the profit and loss account.

(v) Sundry expenses include a contribution of ` 60,000 to Kolkata Municipal Corporation for undertaking a Drinking
Water Project for slum-dwellers. The Project has been approved by National Committee but KMC has not issued any
certificate indicating the progress of the project.

(vi) A deposit of ` 12,00,000 was made in instalments with National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (a) `
4,00,000 in September 2010, (b) ` 6,00,000 in July 2011 and (c) ` 2,00,000 in December 2011. It has not been
included in the profit and loss account. Date of submitting return of income 30/09/2011.

(vii) (a) W.D.V. of machinery on 01-04-2010 (Rate of depreciation 15%) `15,00,000

(b) Machinery purchased in December 2010 for scientific research ` 5,00,000
(c) Purchase of five small drier machine, each costing `10,000
(d) Sale price of an old machinery (Rate of depreciation 15%) ` 6,00,000
(viii) Lump sum payment of ` 5,00,000 was made to acquire a licence regarding technical information to improve tea-
flavour. It has not been charged to P/L a/c.
Compute the taxable business profits for the assessment year 2011-2012.

Solution :
Computation of Business Profits for the Assessment Year 2011-2012

Particulars ` `
Net profit as per Profit & Loss Account 30,00,000
Add: Inadmissible Expenses:

1. Advertisement payment to a political party [Sec. 37(2B)] 2,00,000

2. Travelling outside India [Sec. 37(1)]. Proportionate expenses 22,500

of foreign travel, (excluding air fare) not relating to business : ( 60,000 x 3/8)

3. Fine and penalties 50,000

4. Cost of patent rights 6,00,000
5. Expenditure on scientific research (Sec. 35): Purchase of land 1,50,000
6. Contribution to Bombay Municipal Committee (Sec. 35 AC): 60,000 10,82,500
Since the Certificate indicating progress in the prescribed 40,82,500

form has not been issued, no deduction is allowed.

Add: Deemed profit: Refund of Customs Duty, deducted in earlier 50,000

years, not credited in the profit and loss a/c [Sec.41(1)]

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Less: Admissible expenses:

Capital expenditure on scientific research [Sec.35(1)(iv)(2)] 4,00,000
Depreciation on Patent rights @ 25% of ` 6,00,000 1,50,000
Depreciation on know-how: @ 25% of ` 5,00,000 1,25,000
Depreciation on Machinery:
WDV as on 01/04/2010: 15,00,000
Add: Purchase of driers 50,000
Less: Sale of Old Machinery 5,00,000
WDV as on 31/3/2011 10,50,000
Depreciation @ 15% on ` 10,50,000
Weighted Deduction for scientific research: 1,57,500
(i) National Laboratory: @ 125% of ` 20,000= ` 25,000 –
` 20,000 = ` 5,000
(ii) Bhaba Atomic Research Laboratory: @ 125% of ` 30,000 =
` 37,500 – ` 30,000 = ` 7,500
Therefore, total deduction `(5,000 + 7,500) 12,500 8,45,000

Composite Profits before making deduction u/s 33AB 32,87,500

Less: Deduction u/s 33AB, for Deposit with NABARD

Least of the followings:
(i) Deposit of ` 10,00,000 (within the due date of submission of return)
(ii) 40% of Business Profits: 40% of ` 32,87,500 = ` 13,15,000 10,00,000

Composite Profits after deduction u/s 33AB 22,87,500

Apportionment of profits into agricultural income and business income (As per Rule 8)[since the assessee is engaged in
the business of growing and manufacturing tea: 40% of ` 22,87,500 = 9,15,000

(d)State whether the provisions or Sec. 41(1) of the Act can be applied to a case, where refund of excise duty has been
obtained by the assessee on the basis of a decision of the CEGAT and where the matter has been taken up in further
appeal to the Court by the Central Excise Department.

Answer: This question has been answered by the Apex Court in Polyflex (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. CIT [2003] 257 ITR 343. (SC)
The refund of excise duty pursuant to the decision of the CEGAT would be subject to tax by virtue of Sec. 41(1) and it is not
necessary that the revenue should await the verdict of a higher court.

(e) In the course of an assessment proceeding, the Assessing Officer enhanced the value of the closing stock and added
the difference to the total income. In the assessment year subsequent to this, the assessee wants the Assessing Officer to
enhance, by the same amount, the value of the opening stock of the year. Discuss the validity of the claim.

Answer: The value of the closing stock of the preceding year must be the value of the opening stock of the succeeding
year. Hence, if the value of closing stock at the end of a year is enhanced, the enhanced value should be taken as the value
of the opening stock of the next year for the purpose of income tax.
The claim of the assessee in this case is, therefore, valid.

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Question No. 42

(a) What would be your advice regarding admissibility of the following items of expenditure in computing the business

(i) A donation of ` 1 lakh made to a University for starting a laboratory for scientific research (i) relating to the
assessee’s business, (ii) not relating to the assessee’s business.
(ii) Travelling expenses include a sum of ` 15,000 incurred by a director in travelling abroad for negotiating purchase of
plant and purchase of plant and machinery.
(iii) Amount payable as damages to Government on account of shortfall in export target.
(iv) Overdraft from bank for payment of income tax: interest charged by the bank is ` 20,000.
(v) Payment of interest of ` 40,000 on monies borrowed from bank for payment of dividends to shareholders.
(vi) ` 12,000 paid for shifting of business from the original site to the present place which is more advantageously
(vii) Retrenchment compensation of ` 4 lakh paid to the workmen on the closure of one of the units.
(viii) Fees paid to the Registrar of Companies for bringing about a change in the Memorandum and Articles of
Association in regard to issue of Equity.


(i) The donation has been made to University to be used for scientific research for starting a laboratory. If the University
is approved for the purpose of Sec. 35(1)(ii), then irrespective of the consideration whether the scientific research is
related to assessee’s business or not, deduction could be claimed @ 125% of amount paid. If it isnot approved,
donation could not be claimed as a deduction under Sec. 35 in the computation of business income. However, the
assessee could claim deduction from Gross Total Income under Sec. 80G, if the same is eligible.
(ii) Travelling expenses incurred by the director for negotiating the purchase of plant and machinery is a capital
expenditure and hence to be disallowed.
(iii) The payment is not for any infraction of law but for failure to reach a target undertaken by the company being
payment made wholly in the course of business, it is deductible.
(iv) Interest on overdraft taken to pay income tax is not allowable under Sec. 36(1)(iii).
(v) Interest on borrowings utilised for payment of dividend is allowable under Sec. 36(1)(iii).
(vi) Shifting expenses of business premises resulting in an expenditure of enduring benefit is a capital expenditure and is
not allowable.
(vii) Retrenchment compensation payable to workmen on the total closure of a business cannot be allowed as deduction
as the expenses are not incurred for the purpose of carrying on of its business. When, however, the tax-payer closes
one of its units and continues to carry on the same business as before, the compensation will be admissible under Sec.
(viii) Fee paid to Registrar of Companies for bringing about change in memorandum and articles of association is a capital
expenditure, where it relates to issue of equity shares. Where alterations are warranted by the changes made in the
Companies Act, the expenses are allowable.

(b) A company engaged in the manufacturing of fertilizer products, commenced its business on 01.04.2010. During the
financial years 2007-2008 to 2009-2010 it had incurred ` 4.00 lakh annually as expenditure on salaries and purchase of
raw material for the purpose of research connected with its business. During the previous year 2010-2011 incurred on
scientific research, revenue expenditure of ` 3.00 lakh and a capital expenditure of ` 4.50 lakh on purchase of plant and
machinery. Since the result of the research was unsuccessful, the company sold it its plant and machinery on 31.12.2010
for ` 8.00 lakh and closed its research activity. Compute the admissible deduction under Sec. 35 for the assessment year

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Computation of deduction u/s 35 for Expenditure on scientific research

Particulars ` `
Expenditure incurred during the earlier 3 years on salaries and purchase of raw material
for the purpose of research connected with the business — fully allowed in the year of commencement
of business by by virtue of Explanation to Sec. 35(1)(i) : [` 4,00,000 × 3] 12,00,000

Revenue expenditure on scientific research incurred during the previous year 2010-11 3,00,000
Capital expenditure on scientific research incurred during the previous year 2010-11 4,50,000
Total Weighted deduction © 150% on ` 7.50 lakh u/s 35(2AB) 11,25,000

Admissible deduction u/s 35 for the AY 2011-2012 23,25,000

(c) A company engaged in pharmaceuticals manufacturing, debited to its profit and loss account a sum of ` 50,000, being
the interest on loan of ` 5,00,000 taken for financing its expansion scheme. The plant and machinery purchased for the
project with the loan were not received during the year and those were still in transit at the end of the year. A sum of `
4,000 was paid to a broker who arranged the loan. Discuss the admissibility of the interest.

Answer : Interest paid in respect of capital borrowed for the purposes of business or profession is admissible
u/s 36(1)(iii). As per the Proviso to Sec. 36(1)(iii) inserted by the Finance Act, 2005, from assessment year 2006-2007,
interest paid in respect of capital borrowed for acquiring an asset for extension of existing business or profession (whether
capitalised in the books of account or not) for any period beginning from the date on which the capital is borrowed for
acquisition of the asset till the date on which such asset is first put to use cannot be allowed as deduction. In this case, the
asset has not been put to use till the end of the previous year. Therefore, interest of ` 50,000 is not be allowed as
deduction. However, the cost of the asset is to be increased by the amount of interest and depreciation is admissible on
enhanced cost [Proviso to Sec. 36(1)(iii)].The deduction brokerage of ` 4,000 paid to a broker for arranging the loan there is
a bit controversial.
One view is that definition of the term “interest” u/s 2(28A) includes service fee or other charges in respect of monies
borrowed, “brokerage” can be considered to fall under the scope of the term “other charges” and is therefore included
under the definition of interest. Hence, brokerage of ` 4,000 for arranging the loan should be treated in the same way as
interest. As per the other view, where brokerage or commission paid to an agent for arranging a loan for the purpose of
business is not allowable as deduction u/s 36(1)(iii), but is allowable under Sec. 37(1). As per this view, ` 4,000 paid to a
broker for arranging a loan is allowable as a deduction under Sec. 37(1).

(d)Apporva Shantilal filed his return of income for the assessment year 2010-11 on 29-1-2011 showing a loss of `
11,42,000. The same represented unabsorbed depreciation of foundry business of ` 9,00,000 and the balance loss in
foundry business. During the previous year relevant to the assessment year 2011-12, two businesses are carried on by
him – a steel rolling mill at Kanpur and a fertilser manufacturing company at Cuttack. The foundry business was not
carried on (discontinued). Separate books of account are being maintained for the two business carried on at different
places. The following information is furnished :
Relating to Steel Rolling Mill at Kanpur

Particulars `

(a) Business Income prior to depreciation and following adjustments 5,60,000

(b) Opening WDV of factory building 6,20,000

This building, constructued 5 years back, was sold for 10,28,000

(c) Machinery (entitled to depreciation @ 15%) Opening WDV 3,20,000

All machines sold in March 2011 for 5,10,000
(d) Opening WDV of Motor Car 1,20,000

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Relating to Fertilizer unit at Cuttack

Particulars `

(a) Factory building (purchased in March, 2006) Opening WDV 2,80,000

(b) New Machinery (Rate of depreciation 15%) purchased in June, 2010 50,00,000
(c) Jeep Opening WDV 1,80,000
(d) Furniture Opening WDV 80,000
(e) Business income prior to above adjustments 7,16,000

Compute the total income of Mr. Apoorva Shantilal for the A.Y. 2011-12

Solution :

Computation of Total Income of Mr. Apoorva Shantilal for the A.Y. 2011-12

Particulars `

Profits and gains of business

Profits prior to depreciation of Steel rolling mill 5,60,000
Profits prior to depreciation of Fertilizer unit 7,16,000
Depreciation for the year (Note - 1) 7,74,500
Less : Set-off of Brought Forward Unabsorbed

Depreciation u/s 31(2) – related 5,01,500 Nil

Capital Gains
Short-term Capital Gain on Sale of Building (Note-1) 1,28,000
Less : Set-off of Brought forward Unabsorbed

Depreciation for the A.Y. 2010-11

restrocted to the amount of profits 1,28,000 Nil

Gross Total Income Nil

(–) Deduction under Chapter VIA Nil
Total Income Nil

Note : The assessee can carry forward ` 4,08,500 being unabsorbed depreciation for set off against income in the future

Working Note :

1. Computation of Depreciation and Short Term Capital Gains

Block-I Block-II Block-III Block-IV
Particulars Factory Furniture Plant & Motor
Building & Fixture Machinery Vehicles
Rate of Depreciation 10% 10% 15% 15%
Opening WDV
— Kanpur 6,20,000 Nil 3,20,000 1,20,000
— Cuttack 2,80,000 80,000 Nil 1,80,000
Total opening WDV 9,00,000 80,000 3,20,000 3,00,000
Add : Additions during the year Nil Nil 50,00,000 Nil

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9,00,000 80,000 53,20,000 3,00,000

Less : Sales during the year 10,28,000 Nil 5,10,000 Nil
Short term Capital Gains 1,28,000 N/A N/A N/A
Net Book Value Nil 80,000 48,10,000 3,00,000
Less : Depreciation for the year Nil 8,000 7,21,500 45,000
Closing WDV Nil 72,000 40,88,500 2,55,000

Total Depreciation ` (8,000 + 7,21,500 + 45,000) = ` 7,74,500

2. Unabsorbed Depreciation – to be carried forward from Assessment Year 2010-11 ` 2,70,500 (after Set-off of ` 6,29,500
against income during the year) relating to Assessment Year 2010-12.

3. Unabsorbed Business loss of ` 2,42,000 ( = ` 11,42,000 – 9,00,000) of A.Y : 2010-11 cannot be brought forward for
setting off as the return of income for that Assessment Year was filed after due date of furnishing return u/s 139(1).

(e) A firm comprising of four partners A, B, C and D carrying on business in partnership, sharing profits/losses equally
shows a profit of ` 2,00,000 in its books after deduction of the following amounts for the year :
Particulars `
(i) Remuneration to partner ‘A’ who is not actively engaged in business 60,000
(ii) Remuneration to partners ‘B’ & ‘C’ actively engaged in business
Partner ‘B’ 80,000
Partner ‘C’ 90,000
(iii) Interest to partner ‘D’ on loan of ` 1,50,000 36,000
The deed of partnership provides for the payment of above remuneration and interest to partners. You are required to
work out the taxable income of the firm as well as partners for assessment year 2011-12.

Solution : Computation of Income under the head Profits and Gains of Business or Profession for the A.Y. 2011-12

Particulars `

Net profit as per P/L A/c 2,00,000

Add : Inadmissible expenses —
(i) Remuneration to A (not an active partner) 60,000

– disallowed u/s 40(b)

(ii) Remuneration to B and C 1,70,000
– (considered separately [ ` 80,000 + 90,000]
(iii) Interest paid to D on Loan advanced 36,000
Net Profit before Interest and Remuneration to Partners 4,66,000
Less : Maximum Permissible Interest u/s 40(b)
@ 12% on Loan from D = ` 1,50,000 × 12% p.a. 18,000
Book Profit 4,48,000
Less : Maximum Permissible Remuneration to B and C u/s 40(b)
(i) upto ` 3,00,000 – ` 1,50,000 or 90% of Book profits, whichever is higher = 2,70,000
On balance of Book Profits: 60% of Book Profits= 60% of 1,48,000 = 88,800

(ii) Actual Remuneration paid 1,70,000

Lower of (i) & (ii), allowed as deduction 1,70,000

Taxable Income 2,78,000

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Taxable income of the partners

Particulars A B C D

Remuneration Nil 80,000 90,000 Nil

Interest Nil Nil Nil 18,000

Taxable income Nil 80,000 90,000 18,000

Working notes :
(1) In the case of a firm, remuneration to a partner who is not a working partner is not eligible for deduction. In the case
of working partners the remuneration paid is disallowed if it exceeds the limit prescribed u/s 40(b) with reference to
“book profit”.
Book working partners remuneration is worked out as under :

First ` 3,00,000 of the book profit @ 90% 2,70,000
On the balance ` 1,98,000 of book profit @ 60% 1,18,800
Total 3,88,800

(2) Any interest and salary to partners disallowed in the firm’s case shall not be included in the total income of the
partner and shall not be chargeable to tax in the partner’s hands.
(3) Share of profits of the partners is exempt u/s 10(2A) of the Income-tax Act and therefore, not included in the
partner’s taxable income.

Question No.43

(a)X Ltd., carrying on business in manufacture and sale of textiles, showed a net profit of ` 10,50,000 in its Profit and
Loss Account for the period ending March 31, 2011. On the basis of the following particulars noted from the company’s
accounts and ascertained on enquiry, compute, giving reasons, the total income of the company for the assessment year
2011-12. The company maintains books of account on the basis of mercantile system.
1. The general reserve account shows a credit of ` 2,75,000 under the head “Surplus on devaluation”. The enquiries
show that the company had exported textile to U.S.A. during the year 1995-96. The sale proceeds were placed in a
separate bank account in U.S.A. which were utrlized for import of cotton from time to time After obtaining
permission from the Reserve Bank of India, in January 2011 the company remitted to India a sum of ` 2 lakh, being
the balance standing to its credit in the said bank account which included the above surplus realized on account of
devaluation of the rupee in June 1996. The company claims that the said surplus is not taxable, firstly, on the
ground that the said surplus did not relate to the previous year and secondly, the said surplus is not a trading
2. The company had imported automatic looms under a special permission granted by the Textile Commissioner
under the Cotton Textile (Control) Order, 1948. One of the conditions laid down while granting the permission was
that the company should execute a bond in favour of President of India agreeing to export an agreed quantify of
cloth and in default pay a sum calculated at the rate of 10 paise per metre to cover the shortfall. The company fell
short of the target during the previous year as a result of which it was required to pay a sum of ` 40,000 towards
the shortfall. The company has debited the said amount to “General expenses account”.
3. The company has set up a laboratory for conducting research in textile technology. It has incurred a capital
expenditure of ` 1,00,000 for the said purpose. The amount is shown in the balance sheet us “Laborotory
equipment account” but is claimed as deduction in the return of income for the assessment year 2011-12.
4. The interest account includes payments amounting to ` 50,000 on deposits made by non-resident buyers of textile
manufactured by the company. The said payments were made outside India without deduction of tax.
5. The legal charge includes a sum of ` 60,000 paid to solicitors for framing a scheme of amalgamation of all other
textile mill with the assessee-company. The scheme is approved by the Central Government in public interest.

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6. Travelling expenses include a sum of ` 1,25,000 being expenditure incurred by the directors of the campany in
connection with their tour to USA and UK for the purchase of new machinery for setting up a new plant for
manufacture of caustic soda.
7. ` 1,00,000 (debited to profit and loss account) is paid to an approved Notional Laboratory with a specific direction
that it shall be used for on approved scientific research programme.

Solution :

Net profit as per Profit and Loss Account 10,50,000
Adiustments :

Surplus arose on conversion of foreign currency into Indian currency (since foreign currency (+) 2,75,000

was kept for purchasing stock-in-trade, it will be revenue receipt)

Payment of ` 40,000 towards the shortfall in export (allowable as deduction —

since the payment is not penalty)

Capital expenditure on scientific research (–) 1,00,000
Interest to non-residents [not deductible under section 40(a) since payment (+) 50,000

was made without deducting tax at source]

Legal charges for framing amalgamation scheme [deductible u/s 35DD in five years) (+) 48,000
Travelling expenses of directors [section 37(1) does not permit a deduction (+) 1,25,000

of capital expenditure]
Weighted deduction under section 35(2AA) in respect of ` 1,00,000

paid to a National Laboratory [amount deductible is 125% of ` 1,00,000, (–) 25,000

(–) Amount 1,25,000
Show in P/L A/c 1,00,000
Expenses not debited ealier 25,000

Net Income 14,23,400

(b) D Ltd., carrying on business in manufacture, sale and export of tyres, tubes and accessories, has disclosed a net profit
of ` 21,00,000 in its P & L account for the period ending March 31, 2011. On the basis of the following particulars
furnished by the company and ascertained on inquiry, compute, giving reasons, its total income for the assessment year
2011- 12. The company follows the mercantile system of accounting :
(i) A sum of ` 20,000 is debited to compensation account. The company had placed an order for machinery to
manufacture tyres with a UK company. However, due to a sudden increase in the price of machinery by the vendor,
the assessee, had to cancel the contract, in lieu of compensation The company claims the said amount as
deduction on revenue account or, in the alternate, as loss under the head “Capital gains” as the payment was
mode towards extinguishment of right to acquire a capital asset.
(ii) “Loss on export of accessories account” shows a debit of ` 4 lakh. In this connection it is explained that two trucks
belonging to the company carrying tyres accessories were intercepted at the international border and seized by
customs authorities for illegal export. The goods were confiscated by the customs authorities and a fine of ` 2 lakh
was levied. The company claims the value of confiscated goods as a trading loss under section 28 and the payment
of the fine of ` 2 lakh which is debited to rates and taxes account as on expenditure in the course of business under
section 37(1).
(iii) The company had set up a separate unit for manufacture of plastic tubes at Bangalore in 1995. The said unit
suffered heavy losses. As a result the same was closed down and the plant and machinery were sold away. The
company, however, claims unabsorbed depreciation amounting to ` 8 lakh in its return of income. It is not debited
to the profit and loss account.

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(iv) During the previous year 1995-96, the assessee-company acquired 5,000 shares of E Ltd., on Indian company, as a
result, the entire share capital of the said company is now held by the assessee-company. In May 2010, the
assessee-company sold to E Ltd. plant and machinery for ` 6,00,000. The actual cost is ascertained at ` 4,00,000
and written down value at ` 1,50,000.
(v) In the years 2000-2001 and 2001-02, the Government of India arranged exports of tyres and tubes through the
Federation of Tyre Dealers of which the company was a member. The exports which were made to For Eastern
countries resulted in loss which was shared by all members including the company. The Federation thereafter took
up the questions of reimbursement of losses with the Government, which after protracted discussion and
correspondence agreed to grant a subsidy calculated at a certain percentage of exports. The assessee-company
received its share of subsidy amounting to ` 3 lakh in the previous year. The amount stands credited to the
“Capital reserve account” and claimed as exempt.

Solution : Computation of Total Income for A.Y. 2011-12

Net profit as per Profit and Loss Account 21,00,000
Adjustments :
(i)Payment of compensation [not allowable since payment is in
the nature of capital expenditure, being made to avoid unnecessary
investment in capital asset ; nor can it be allowed as capital loss as
there is no transfer of capital asset] (+) 20,000
(ii)Loss arising out of confiscation of stock by customs authorities
[not deductible by virtue of Explanation to section 37(1)] (+) 4,00,000
(iii)Fine [not allowable as penalty paid for breach of law is not normal
incidence of business (+) 2,00,000
(iv)Unabsorbed depreciation of a unit closed before the commencement
of previous year [allowable as deduction] (–) 8,00,000
(v)Recovery of loss [taxable under section 41 (1)] (+) 3,00,000
(vi)Compensation paid on voluntary retirement of employees
[under section 35DDA, one-fifth of such compensation is deductible
in the year in which the expenditure is incured and the balance is
deductible in the next four years; section 35DDA is applicable
even if the voluntary retirement scheme has not been framed in
accordance with the guidelines given under section 10(10C); (+) 22,40,000

Business Profit 44,60,000

Capital gain on sale of machinery to wholly owned subsidiary company
[since transferee-company is wholly owned Indian subsidiary company
of the assessee, the transaction is not treated as transfer under section
47(iv) and surplus arising on transfer is not taxable as capital gain] —
Net Income 44,60,000

(c ) Bharat, owner of Great India Roadways, furnishes following details for the A.Y. 2011-12.

Revenue from customers 31,00,000
Less : Expenses
Rent of office premises 1,80,000
Rent of godown 2,40,000
Truck Driver salary 5,00,000
Allowance to truck driver 1,20,000
Cost of petrol, diesel, etc 7,50,000
Other expenses other than depreciation 2,00,000
Income from business without charging depreciation 11,10,000

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Additional Information :
Great India Roadways have following details of its assets —
Assets Written down value as on 1.4.2010
Office Premises ` 2,50,000
Machinery block (30%) consists of — ` 20,00,000
— 2 Diesel engine trucks of 13000 kgs each
— 2 Diesel engine trucks of 10000 kgs each
— 1 Petrol engine truck of 12000 kgs
During the year, he purchased 2 medium-size-truck (petrol engine) for ` 3,50,000 each on 13.7.2010. However, 1 petrol
engine truck of 12,000 kgs was sold on 9.9.2010 for ` 1,00,000.
Compute his income under the head Profits & gains of business or profession.
Solution :
Computation of Profits & gains of business or profession of Shri Bharat for the A.Y. 2011-12

Particulars Amount
Net profit as per Profit and Loss A/c 11,10,000
Less : Expenditure allowed but not debited to P & L A/c
Depreciation u/s 32 (Note) 8,05,000
Profits & gains of business or profession 3,05,000
Note : Computation of depreciation allowed u/s 32
Particulars Details Amount
Block 1 : Office Premises @ 10%
W.D.V. as on 1.4.2010 2,50,000
Add : Purchase during the year Nil
Less : Sale during the year Nil
Depreciation @ 10% on ` 2,50,000 25,000
Block 2 : Trucks @ 30%
W.D.V. as on 1.4.2009 20,00,000
Add : Purchase during the year 7,00,000
Less : Sale during the year 1,00,000
Depreciation @ 30% on ` 26,00,000 7,80,000
Depreciation allowed u/s 32 8,05,000
Alternative II : Computation of income u/s 44AE
No. of vehicle Type of goods Month including
carriage part of month Details Income
2 Diesel engine trucks of 13000 kgs each Heavy 12 3500×12×2 84,000
2 Diesel engine trucks of 10000 kgs each Other vehicle 12 3150×12×2 75,600
1 Petrol engine truck of 12000 kg Other vehicle 6 3150×6×1 18,900
2 medium size truck Other vehicle 9 3150×9×2 56,700
Profit and gains of business or profession 2,35,200
Income of the assessee under the head Profits & gains of business or profession shall be ` 2,35,200 u/s 44AE.

(d) During the previous year 2010-11, profit and loss account of Shri Amarnath, proprietor of Free Bird Enterprises
engaged in the business of garments, shows profits of ` 4,50,000. With the following information, compute his taxable
income from business -
(i) Interest on capital ` 5,000
(ii) Purchases include goods of ` 42,000 from his younger brother in cash. However, market value of such goods is `

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(iii) Interest paid outside India ` 1,00,000 without deducting tax at source.
(iv) Penalty paid to local government for non-filing of sales tax return ` 5,000
(v) Penalty paid to customer for non-fulfilling of order within time ` 10,000
(vi) Bad debts ` 1,00,000. Money has been advanced for purchase of Building.
(vii) Revenue expenditure on promoting family planning among employees ` 10,000.
(viii) Premium paid on health of employees ` 6,000 in cash
(ix) Premium paid on health of his relatives ` 6,000 in cheque
(x) Employer’s contribution to RPF ` 12,000. One-half of the amount is paid after due date as per relevant Act but
before 31.3.2010
(xi) Employees contribution to RPF ` 10,000. ½ of the amount is paid after due date as per relevant Act.
(xii) Interest on late payment of sales tax ` 1,000 (yet to be paid)
(xiii) Interest on loan from State Bank of India `10,000 (` 5,000 is not paid till due date of filing of return)
(xiv) Interest on late refund from income tax department ` 500
(xv) Sale includes sale to Raj ` 10,000. (Cost of such goods ` 8,000; Market value of such goods ` 12,000)
(xvi) He received ` 80,000 from a debtor at a time in cash.
(xvii) Recovery of bad debt `10,000 (out of which ` 8,000 was allowed as deduction during AY. 2006-07)
(xviii) Depreciation (being not debited in accounts) ` 20,000 allowed as deduction u/s 32

Computation of Profits and gains of business or profession of Shri Amarnath for the AY. 2011-12
Particulars Note Details Amount

Net profit as per Profit and Loss account 4,50,000

Add : Expenditure disallowed but debited in P &L A/c
Interest on capital 1 5,000
Interest paid outside India without deducting tax at source 3 1,00,000
Penalty paid to local government for non-filling of sales-tax return 4 5,000

Bad debt 6 1,00,000

Premium paid on health of employees in cash 8 6,000
Premium paid on health of his relatives in cheque 9 6,000
Employees contribution to RPF 11 5,000
Interest on loan from State Bank of India 13 5,000
Cost of goods sold to himself 14 8,000 2,40,000
Less : Expenditure allowed but not debited in P & L A/c
Depreciation u/s 32 20,000
Less : Income not taxable but credited to P & L A/c
Sales to himself (goods withdrawn for personal purpose) 14 10,000
Recovery of bad debts 15 2,000
Less : Income taxable under other head but credited to P & L A/c

Interest on late refund from income tax department 16 500 32,500

Profits and gains of business or profession 6,57,500

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(i) Interest on capital to proprietor is not allowed as no one can earn from a transaction with himself. The provider of
loan and receiver of loan are same hence does not involves any actual expenses.
(ii) Any unreasonable payment to relative is disallowed u/s 40A(2). Hence, `3,000 is disallowed. Since cash payment
towards allowed expenditure (i.e. `19,000) does not exceed ` 20,000, hence provision of sec. 40A(3) is not applicable.
(iii) Any salary paid outside India without deducting tax at source is disallowed u/s 40(a).
(iv) Any payment made for infringement of law is disallowed.
(v) Payment made for non-fulfilling of contract is not a payment for infringement of law Hence, allowed
u/s 37(1).
(vi) Bad debt is allowed only when such debt has been taken into account as income of previous year or any earlier
previous year(s) [Sec. 36(1)(vii)]. Since, the debt is in respect of purchase of a building, which was not considered as
income of any previous year, hence it is disallowed.
(vii) Any expenditure for promoting family planning is allowed to company assessee [Sec. 36(1)(ix)]. However, such
expenditure (revenue in nature) incurred by assessee other than company shall be allowed u/s 37(1).
(viii) Payment of insurance premium on health of employees in cheque is allowed u/s 36(1)(ib).
(ix) Payment of insurance premium on health of relative is not related to business, hence disallowed.
(x) Employer’s contribution towards RPF is allowed if payment is made before due date of filing of return irrespective
of fact that such payment was made after due date prescribed in the relevant Act.
(xi) Any sum received from employees as their contribution towards RPF is allowed only when such sum has been
credited to such fund within the due date prescribed in the relevant Act [Sec. 36(1)(va)].
(xii) Interest on late payment of sales tax is not a penalty but compensatory in nature. Hence, it is allowed u/s 37(1)
Further such interest is not governed by the provisions of sec. 43B.
(xiii) Any interest payable to any scheduled bank is allowed on cash basis [Sec. 43B]. Hence, unpaid amount is
(xiv) Any expenditure of personal nature is not allowed. Further, no one can earn from a transaction with himself.
Hence, sale made to himself is not treated as income.
(xv) Bad debt recovery is treated as income in the year of recovery to the extent of bad debt allowed in the earlier year
[Sec. 41(4)]
(xvi) Interest on late refund of income tax is taxable under the head ‘Income from other sources’.
(xvii) Receipt from debtor ` 80,000 in cash is not attracted by provision of sec. 40A(3).

(e) Discuss the admissibility or otherwise of any five of the following claims in connection with assessment to income-tax.
They do not necessarily relate to the same assessee:
(i) An expenditure of ` 1,00,000 was incurred on the occasion of the silver jubilee of the company for presentation of
silver mementos to shareholders and directors, the value of each memento being ` 1,000 only.
(ii) An assessee carries on business in respect of which it holds tenancy rights. It carries out improvements to the said
building at a cost of ` 2,00,000 and claims depreciation @ 10% thereon. The assessing officer rejects the claim on
the ground that the assessee is not the owner of the building.
(iii) Excise duty amounting to ` 2,00,000 for the period 2009-10 was paid by the company by 30-9-2010 before
furnishing the return of income for the assessment year 2010-11.
(iv) A criminal case was filed against a company under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. The company incurred
litigation expenses amounting to ` 50,000 to defend the directors. The directors were ultimately acquitted.
(v) A company was generating electricity privately for its factory. Later, at its expense, electric lines were laid from
the trunk road to the factory. It paid ` 5,00,000 to the State Electricity Board as its contribution for this purpose.
The ownership of the power-line was to vest with the State Electricity Board.
(vi) X and Yare two shareholders of Pooja Ltd., a closely held company. X holds 55% share capital on 30-1-2010, X
transfers his shares to A. Pooja Ltd. wants to set off brought forward loss of ` 4,00,000 (business loss ` 1,00,000;

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unadjusted depreciation ` 3,00,000) of the previous year 2008-09 against the income of the previous year
2009-10 (i.e., ` 9,00,000). Can it do so?


(i) As per the decision of the Apex Court in the case of Aluminum Corporation of fndia Ltd. v CIT (1972) 86 ITR 11 (SC)
and various other decisions, where an expenditure is incurred for commercial expediency, the same shall be
allowed as deduction under section 37(1). If at the time the expenditure is incurred, commercial expediency
justifies it, it will be taken to be for the purpose of the business even though not supported by any prevailing
Presentation of silver mementos to the directors and shareholders on the occasion of silver jubilee is to motivate
both the directors and the shareholders. The expenditure has been incurred on account of commercial expediency
and should qualify for deduction under section 37(1).
(ii) According to Explanation to section 32(1) where the business or profession of the assessee is carried on in a
building not owned by him but in respect of which the assessee holds a lease or other right of occupancy and any
capital expenditure is incurred by the assessee for the purposes of the business or profession on the construction
of any structure or doing of any work, in or in relation to, and by way of renovation or extension of, or
improvement to, the building, then, the provisions of section 32 shall apply as if the said structure or work is a
building owned by the assessee. Hence, depreciation in this case will be allowable.
(iii) As the excise duty has been paid or before the due date of furnishing return under section 139(1) in respect of the
previous year in which the liability to pay such sum was incurred, the same shall be allowed as deduction on due
basis as per section 43B.
(iv) Section 37(1) does not make any distinction between expenditure incurred in civil litigation and that incurred in
criminal litigation. All that the court has to see is whether the legal expenses were incurred by the assessee in his
character as a trader, in other words, whether the transaction in respect of which proceedings are taken arose out
of and was incidental to assessee’s business. Further, it is to be seen whether the expenditure was bona fide
incurred wholly and exclusively for the purpose of the business. [CIT v Birla Cotton Spg. & Wvg. Mills Ltd. (1971) 82
ITR 166 (SC)]. In view of this, the litigation expenses of ` 50,000 incurred in detending directors is deductible under
section 37(1).
(v) The new electric power lines were laid to run the factory efficiently but since the ownership of the power lines was
to vest with the State Electricity Board, the contribution of ` 5,00,000 paid to the State Electricity Board shall be
allowable as revenue expenditure under section 37(1).
(vi) According to section 79 the losses of a closely held company can be carried forward and set off in the subsequent
assessment year only when at least 51% of the shares of the company carrying voting rights are held by the same
persons as on the last day of the previous year in which the loss was incurred and the last day of the previous year
in which the losses are set off. In this case business loss will not be allowed to be set off but unabsorbed
depreciation is not a loss and shall be allowed to be set off.

Question No.44
(a) Discuss the correctness or otherwise of the following propositions with reasons therefor :
(i) Where a person draws from his own stock-in-trade for personal use, there can be no taxable profit.
(ii) Even an outlay for acquiring an enduring advantage for business may be deductible as revenue expenditure.


(i)The Supreme Court in CIT v. Kikabhai Premchand (1953) 24 ITR 506 held that when a person draws from his own stock-in-
trade for personal use, there can be no taxable profit as in this case the vendor and the vendee are not different.
To constitute a sale these should be one buyer and seller. The buyer and seller has to be different entity to
constitute a proper sale.

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(ii) Normally, an amount spent for acquiring an enduring advantage for business is of capital nature but there can be
certain cases when the amount spoent on acquiring an enduring advantage may be treated as revenue
expenditure. The Supreme Court in CIT v. Empire Jute Co. Ltd. (1980) 124 ITR 1 held that when a jute mill as a result
of an arrangement with other Jute mil had undertaken to work only for specified hours during a week but exceeded
the same and paid for such excess period to other members of the pooling arrangement, such payment is known as
purchasing loom hours. Though looms are capital assets, the payment was for their operations. By the purchase of
loom hours no new asset was created and there was no addition to or expansion of the profit-making apparatus of
the company. Hence, such payment is of revenue nature.

(b) A Public Limited Company engaged in the generation and distribution of power had its business acquired by the
Government in June 2008. Certain items of plant and machinery used by the Company in its business were taken over by
the Government at a price which resulted in the Company realizing a surplus of ` 26,60,000 over its written down value.
The compensation was received by the Company in April 2009 which was accepted by it under protest. The Company
proceeded to initiate arbitration proceedings under law and was granted an additional compensation of ` 16 Lakhs. This
was decided by the arbitrators in December 2008 and received by the Company in March 2010.
The Company claims that the assessment of the Company to tax should not be made since the business was completely
taken over by the Government in June 2008 and at the time of final determination of compensation in March 2010, the
Company did not exist.
Do you agree to the Company’s claim? Discuss with reference to the Assessment Year(s) to which the claim to tax, if any,
can be related.

1. In case of acquisition of property under any law, the balancing charge u/s 41(2) is taxable as income of the previous
year in which it becomes due and not in the year in which it was settled. [United Provinces Electric Supply Co. 110
Taxman 134 (SC)]
2. As per Explanation to Section 41(2), even when the business is not in existence, such balancing charge shall be
taxable in its hands as if it is in existence in the relevant previous year.
3. Conclusion :
(a) Surplus of ` 26,60,000 — taxable in AY 2009-10 as Balancing Charge under the Business Income.
(b) Additional Compensation of `16,00,000 determined in December 2009 taxable as Balancing Charge in AY
2010-2011 under Business Income.

(c) Mr. Tony has estates in Rubber, Tea and Coffee. He derives income from them. He has also a nursery wherein he
grows plants and sells. For the previous year ending 31.3.2010, he furnishes the following particulars of his sources of
income from estates and sale of Plants. You are requested to compute the taxable income for the Assessment year 2010-
(i) Manufacture of Rubber ` 5,00,000
(ii) Manufacture of Coffee grown and cured ` 3,50,000
(iii) Manufacture of Tea ` 7,00,000
(iv) Sale of Plants from Nursery ` 1,00,000

Assessee : Mr. Tony Previous Year : 2010-11 Assessment Yea : 2011-2012

From the words ‘Mr. Tony has estates’, it is presumed that the had grown Tea, Coffee and Rubber, and also Plants in his
Estates, and the amount given is the Profits of the Business.

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Computation of Taxable Income is as under:-

Particulars Agricultural Income Non-agricultural income

5,00,000 × 65% = ` 3,25,000 5,00,000 × 35% = ` 1,75,000
Growing and Manufacture of Rubber
[Rule 7A]

Grown and Cured Coffee[Rule 7B] 3,50,000 × 75% = ` 2,62,500 3,50,000 × 25% = ` 87,500

Growing and Manufactured of Tea 7,00,000 × 60% = ` 4,20,000 7,00,000 × 40% = ` 2,80,000
[Rule 8]

Growing & Sale of Plant by Nursery ` 1,00,000 —

[See Note]

Total ` 11,07,500 ` 5,42,500

Taxable Income Exempt u/s 10(1) ` 5,42,500

(d) Romit acquired a plot of land on 1.6.75 for ` 4,00,000/-. He converts the plot into stock in trade of his real
estate dealing business on 18.2.2007 when the fair market value of the plot was ` 35,00,000. The stock-in-
trade is sold by him on 18.5.2010 for ` 40,00,000/- (FMV as on 1.4.81 was ` 6,00,000 and FMV as on 1.4.76

The conversion of capital asset into stock-in-trade is treated as a transfer as per sec. 2(47). Capital asset was
converted into stock-in-trade on 18.2.2007 i.e. previous year 2006-07.
Computation of Capital Gains
Consideration for Transfer (FMV) 35,00,000
Less : Indexed Cost of Acquisition 31,14,000
Long term Capital Gains 3,86,000
Computation of Business Income
Sale Proceeds of HP 40,00,000
Less : FMV on the date of conversion 35,00,000

(e) PQR & Co. is a partnership firm, consisting 3 partners P, Q and R. the firm is dissolved on 31.12.10. The
assets of the firm were distributed to the partners as under:
Particulars Block of Stock (given to Q) Land (given to R)

machinery (given to P)
Year of acquisition 1990-91 2002-03 1978-79
Cost of acquisition (`) 7,20,000 4,00,000 10,000
Market value as on 31.12.10 15,00,000 6,00,000 25,00,000
WDV as on 31.12.10 10,40,000 — —
Value at which given to 10,00,000 4,50,000 18,00,000
partners as per agreement
Market value as on 1.4.81 — — 2,70,000
Compute the income taxable in the hands of the firm for the assessment year 2011-12. What shall be the
cost of acquisition of such assets to the partners of the firm?

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Computation of Short Term Capital Gains on block of machinery

Sale consideration (i.e. the market value) 15,00,000
Less : Cost of Acquisition (WDV of the block) 10,40,000
Short Term Capital Gains 4,60,000
Income from Business (on transfer of stock)
Market value of stock 6,00,000
Less : Cost of Acquisition 4,00,000
Computation of Capital Gains on transfer of land
Consideration for transfer 25,00,000
Less : Indexed cost of Acquisition : 19,19,700
Cost of acquisition of assets to the partners
Partner “P” 1,00,000
Partner “Q” 4,50,000
Partner “R” 18,00,000
Less : Indexed cost of Acquisition : (19,19,700)
Question No.45

(a) Mr. B acquired a house property for ` 50,000 in 1969-70. On his death in October 1985 the house was
acquired by his son C. The market value of the house as on 1/4/81 was ` 3,00,000. This house was acquired
by the Government on 15.3.2008 and a compensation of ` 16 lacs is paid to him on 25.3.2010. C filed a suit
against the Government challenging the quantum of compensation and the court ordered for giving
additional compensation of ` 14,00,000. He incurred an expenditure of ` 40,000 as an expenditure in
connection with the suit. The additional compensation was received on 25.3.2011. Compute capital gains
chargeable to tax.

Solution :
Capital Gain on initial compensation shall be chargeable in the A.Y. 2010-11, i.e. for the previous year 2010-11.
Computation of Long Term Capital Gains for the A.Y. 2010-11
Consideration for transfer (being the compensation) 16,00,000
Less : Indexed Cost of Acquisition 14,25,564
Long Term Capital Gains 1,74,436

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Computation of Long Term Capital Gains for the A.Y. 2011-12

Enhanced Compensation received 14,00,000
Less : Cost of Acquisition NIL
Cost of Improvement NIL
Expenses on Transfer (40,000)
Long Term Capital Gains 13,60,000

(b) A holds 15,000 shares (10% of total share holding) in B Ltd. which he had purchased on 10.2.96 for `
6,00,000. The company went into liquidation on 16.7.2010 and paid a sum of ` 20 per share in cash and an
asset whose market value as on the date of distribution i.e. 5.10.10 was ` 18,20,000 to A. the accumulated
profits of the company were ` 15 lacs.
(i) Compute the income of A for the A.Y. 2011-12 assuming that he has no other income.
(ii) Compute the capital gain chargeable to tax if the asset of B Ltd. is sold by A for ` 15 lacs on 28.3.11.
Solution :
Computation of Capital Gains of Mr. B for the A.Y. 2011-12

(a) (i) Capital Gain on transfer of shares

Total consideration (15,000×20+18,20,000) 21,20,000
Less : Proportionate amount of deemed dividend
(10% of ` 12,86,353) 1,28,635
Less : Indexed Cost of Acquisition 15,18,149
Long Term Capital Gains 4,73,216
(ii) Income from others Sources
Dividiend from Indian Company Exempted

(b) Capital Gain on transfer of asset (B Ltd.)

Full Value of Consideration 15,00,000
Less : Cost of Acquisition (being the market value as on the date of distributions) 13,20,000
Short Term Capital Gains 1,80,000
Accumulated Profits 15,00,000
Dividend tax @ 16.60875% (= 15% + 7.5% + 2% Education cess + 1% SHEC)
Hence, the amount to be distributed plus tax @ 16.60875% on such amount should be ` 15,00,000
Therefore, amount of tax = ` 2,13,6470
Profits available for distribution = ` (15,00,000 – 2,13,647) = ` 12,86,353.

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(c) Ravi owns a residential house which was purchased by him in 1975 for ` 80,000. The FMV as on 1.4.81
was ` 2,00,000. This house is sold by him on 16.7.2010 for a consideration of ` 15,00,000. The brokerage and
expenses on transfer was ` 15,000. Compute capital gains for the assessment year 2011-12. If he invests `
5,00,000 for purchase of a new house on 15.3.2011. If the HP so purchased in 15.3.2011 is again sold in
21.10.11 for ` 9 lacs, what will be the tax liability?
Solution :
Computation of Capital Gains for the A.Y. 2011-12
Consideration for transfer 15,00,000
Less : Expenses on transfer 15,000
Net Consideration 14,85,000
Less : Indexed Cost of Acquisition 14,22,000
Long term Capital Gains 63,000
Less : Exemption u/s 54
Cost of New HP Purchased ` 5,00,000
(exemption restricted upto the balance of LTCG) 63,000
Taxable Long term Capital Gains NIL
If the HP purchased in 15.3.2011 is again sold on 21.10.11 for ` 9 lacs, there share a rise short term capital
gains. The cost of acquisition shall be adjusted to the extent of long term capital gains exemption already
Computation of Capital Gains for the A.Y. 2012-13
Consideration for transfer 9,00,000
Less : Cost of Acquisition
Cost of purchase 5,00,000
Less : Exemption u/s 54 availed during A.Y. 2010-11 63,000 4,37,000
now withdrawn
Short term Capital Gains 4,63,000
(d) Saptarshi acquired shares of G Ltd. on 15.12.99 for ` 5 lacs which were sold on 14.6.10 for ` 16 lacs.
Expenses on transfer of shares ` 20,000. He invests ` 8 lacs in the bonds of Rural Electrification. Corporation
Ltd. on 16.10.2010.
(i) Compute capital gain for the assessment year 2011-12.
(ii) State the period for which the bonds should be held by the assessee. What will be the consequences if
such bonds are sold within the specified period?
(iii) What will be the consequences if Saptarshi takes a loan against the security of such bonds.
Solution :
Computation of Capital Gains for the A.Y. 2011-12
Consideration for transfer 16,00,000
Less : Expenses on Transfer 20,000
Net Consideration 15,80,000

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Less : Indexed Cost of Acquisition (5,00,000 x 711/389) 9,13,882

Long-term Capital Gains 6,66,118
Less : Exemption u/s 54EC 6,00,000
Taxable long-term Capital Gain 66,118
(ii) Saptarshi should not transfer or convert (otherwise than transfer) into money such bonds within 3 years
from the date of their acquisition.
If these bonds are transfered or converted into money within 3 years, capital gain of ` 6,00,000
exempted earlier shall attract taxability towards long-term capital gain of the previous year in which
such asset is transferred or converted into money.
(iii) If any loan is taken against security of such bonds, it shall be taxable as long-term capital gains of the
previous year in which such loan is taken against the security of such bonds.

(e) The house property of A is compulsorily acquired by the government for ` 10,00,000 vide Notification
issued on 12.3.2005. A had purchased the house in 1991-92 for ` 2,00,000. The compensation is received on
15.4.2009. The compensation is further enhanced by an order of the court on 15.5.2010 and a sum of `
2,00,000 is received as enhanced compensation on 21.10.2010. A wants to claim full exemption of the
capital gains Advise A in this respect. Compute the capital gain and determine the year in which it is taxable.
Also specify the period upto which the investment in the new house should be made by the assessee.
Solution :
Although the house property is compulsorily acquired on 12.3.2005, the capital gain will arise in the previous
year in which full or part of the compensation is first received i.e. previous year 2009-10. However, indexation
will be done till the year of compulsory acquisition. Therefore, capital gains will be calculated as under:
Assessment year 2010-11 `
Full value of consideration 10,00,000
Less : Indexed cost of acquisition: ( 2,00,000 x 632/199) 6,35,175

Long-term capital gain 3,64,825

The assessee should either invest at least ` 3,64,825 for the purchase/construction of a residential house
property on or before 31.7.2010 (relevant due date) and /or deposit the amount under the capital gain scheme
on or before 31.7.2010, to be utilised for purchase of house property by 14.4.2011 and /or construction of the
house property by 14.4.2012.
Computation of Capital Gain for the A.Y. 2011-12
Enhanced compensation Received 2,00,000
Less : Cost/Indexed cost of acquisition Nil
Long-term Capital Gain 2,00,000
The assessee should either invest at least ` 2,00,000 for the additional construction of a residential house
property already acquired for claiming under section 54 on or before 31.7.2011 (relevant due date) and/or
deposit the amount under the capital gain scheme on or before 31.7.2011 may invest ` 2,00,000 in the
specified bonds.

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Question No.46

(a) V. G. had placed a deposit of ` 10 Lakhs in a bank on which he received interest of `80, 000. He had also
borrowed `5 Lakhs from the same bank on the security of the deposit and was liable to pay `50,000 by way
of interest to the bank. He therefore offered the difference between two amounts of `30,000 as income from
other sources. Is this correct?

Answer :
(i) U/s 57, any expenditure (not being capital expenditure) expended to earn income chargeable under the
head “Income from Other Sources” will be allowed as deduction against such income.
(ii)Interest on bank FD was the income in the hands of the assessee and the interest on the loan taken from
bank on that deposit is not an allowable expenditure.
Therefore, in the given case, the interest of `50,000 paid by VG is not allowable as deduction, and the entire
interest of `80,000 is fully taxable.

(b) Shrey purchased in 2003, 10,000 Shares of Hero Ltd. for ` 5 Lakhs by borrowing money from a bank. He
holds them as ‘Investments’. He received dividend during the previous year 2010-11. He has paid interest of
` 85,000 on the loan to the bank during the previous year. Please advise Shrey, how should he deal with
these facts in computing his income?

Answer :
(i)In computation of total income under the Income Tax Act, the expenditure incurred in relation to income,
which does not form part of Total Income, shall not be allowed as deduction. [Section 14A]
(ii)Dividend Income is exempt u/s 10(34) and hence does not form part of Total Income.
Therefore, the interest payment is not an allowable expenditure.

(c) Mr Goutam, out of his own funds, had taken a FDR for ` 1,00,000 bearing interest @ 10% p.a. payable
half-yearly in the name of his wife Latika. The interest earned for the year 2010-2011 of ` 10,000, was
invested by Mrs Latika in the business of packed spices which resulted in a net profit of ` 55,000 for the year
ended 31st March 2011. How shall the interest on FDR and income from business be taxed for the
Assessment year 2011-2012?

Answer: Where an individual transfers an asset (excluding house property), directly or indirectly to his/her
spouse, otherwise than for adequate consideration, or in connection with an agreement to live apart, income
from such asset is included in the total income of such individual [Sec. 64(1)(iv)].

Accordingly, interest on FDR, accruing to wife, is included in the total income of her husband. However,
business profits cannot be clubbed with total income of husband. Clubbing applies only to the income from
assets transferred without adequate consideration. It does not apply to the income from accretion of the
transferred assets. Hence, business profit is taxable as the income of wife.

(d) Sawant is a fashion designer having lucrative business. His wife is a model. Sawant pays her a monthly
salary of ` 20,000. The Assessing Officer while admitting that the salary is an admissible deduction, in
computing the total income of Sawant had applied the provisions of Sec. 64(1) and had clubbed the income
(salary) of his wife in Sawant’s hands.

Discuss the correctness of the action of the Assessing Officer.

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Answer: Where an individual has got substantial interest in a concern and his spouse derives any income from
such concern by way of salary, commission, fees or by any other mode, such income is clubbed with the total
income of such individual [Sec. 64(1)(ii)].

However, clubbing provision does not apply if the earning spouse holds technical or professional qualification
and the income is solely attributable to the application of such knowledge and experience.

Salary earned by wife as model from the concern where her husband holds substantial interest is assessable as
her income.

(e) Discuss whether the loss could be set-off in the following case:
Smt. Vatika carried on business with the gifted funds of her husband Mr.Dabuu. For the previous year ending
31.3.2010,Vatika incurred loss of ` 5 lakh which loss Dabbu wants to set-off from his taxable income.

Answer: Funds for business were gifted by husband to wife. Accordingly, income from business should be
clubbed with the income of husband [Sec. 64(1)(iv)].

“Income” includes “loss” also. Hence, husband is entitled to set-off the business loss of wife against his taxable

(l) Due to a business re-organisaton, whereby a private company or a listed public company is succeeded
by a limited liability partnership fulfilling all the conditions of Sec.47(xiiib). Now the erstwhile company
has paid compensation for Voluntary Retirement. Can the successor LLP avail the benefit of such


Successor LLP will be allowed deduction of payment under Voluntary Retirement Scheme for the unexpired
period vide Sec.35DDA(4A) [w.e.f. A.Y: 2011-12], as they would have applied to the company, if reorganization
of business had not taken place.

(m) B Ltd. a widely held listed company arising out of a business reorganization has been succeeded by a
LLP. It has now transferred capital asset and intangible asset to the successor LLP. The Assessing Officer
holds this transfer to be taxable. Is it a valid contention?


Transfer of capital asset or intangible asset by a private limited company or a non-listed company to LLP shall
not be regarded as transfer. Correspondently, any transfer of a share or shares held in a company by a
shareholder shall also not be treated as transfer on conversion of the above company to a LLP, vide Sec.47(iiib)
w.e.f. A.Y.2011-12.

In this case, B Ltd. is a widely held and listed company. Hence, transfer of assets shall be considered as a
transfer. Hence, the contention of the Assessing officer is justified.

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Question No.47

(a)D has earned income of ` 5,60,000 from speculation business during the PY 2010-2011. However, he has
suffered losses in business and profession ` 3,20,000 and ` 1,70,000, respectively during the same period.
Determine his income from business profession for the assessment year 2011-2012.

Solution: Income from business profession for the AY 2011-2012:

Particulars `
Profits from speculation business 5,60,000
Less. (i) Loss from Non-Speculation Business (-) 3,20,000
(ii) Loss from profession (-) 1,70,000
Income from business and profession 70,000

(b) Following are the particulars of the income of Mr. Siddharth for the previous year 2010-2011
1. Income from house property
(i) Property R (+) 12,000
(ii) Property J (-) 20,000
2. Profits and gains from business:
(A) Non-speculation:
(i) Business X 40,000
(ii) Business Y (-) 50,000
(B) Speculation:
(i) Silver 40,000
(ii) Bullion (-) 10,000
3. Capital gains:
(i) Long-term capital gains (+) 30,000
(ii) Short-term loss (-) 10,000
4. Income from other sources:
(i) Card games-loss 10,000
(ii) From the activity of owing and maintaining race horses:
(a) Loss at Mumbai (-) 50,000
(b) Profit at Kolkata (+) 40,000
(iii) Dividend from Indian companies 10,000
(iv) Income by letting out plant and machinery 1,11,000
The following losses have been carried forward:
(i) Long-term capital loss from the assessment year 2006-2007: 18,000
(ii) Loss from silver speculation from the assessment year 2006-2007 and
which was discontinued in the assessment year 2007-2008 25,000
Compute the gross total income for the assessment year 2011-2012

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Solution: Computation of Gross Total Income for the Assessment Year 2011-2012
Particulars ` `
1. Income from house property (+ 12,000 - 20,000) (-) 8,000
2. Profits from speculation:
(i) Profit from Silver Business 40,000
Less: Current year loss from bullion (-) 10,000
Less: Carried forward silver speculative loss (-) 25,000
Surplus from Speculation 5,000
(ii) Add: Business profit from X business 40,000
(iii) Less: Business loss from Y business (-) 50,000 (-) 5,000
Unabsorbed business loss may be set-off against the income of any other head except ‘salaries’ and ‘winnings
from lottery, card games, crossword puzzle, betting on race horses’, etc.
3. Capital gains:
Long-term capital gains 30,000
Less : Short-term capital loss (-) 10,000
Long-term capital gain 20,000 20,000
4. Income from other sources:
(i) Income by letting out plant and machinery 1,11,000
(ii) Card game-loss of ` 10,000
Neither it can be set-off nor it can be carried forward
(iii) Profit from race horses at Kolkata (+) 40,000
Less : Loss from race horses at Mumbai (-) 50,000
Less : to be carried forward for next four assessment year (-) 10,000
(iv) Dividend from Indian companies: Exempt under Sec. 10(34) Nil
Aggregated income after setting-off current year losses from house property 1,18,000
profit and business against income from other sources:
Less : Carried forward long-term capital loss, from the assessment (18,000)
year 2006-2007 to be set-off against long-term capital gains
Gross total income or total income as there is no deduction available from GTI 1,00,000

(c ) Mr. Dey furnishes the following particulars of his income for the previous year 2010-2011:
Particulars `
Unit “A”: Business loss (-) 4,00,000
Unabsorbed depreciation (-) 2,00,000
Unit “B”: Business profit 10,00,000
Income from house property 2,00,000
Carried forward losses and allowance;
Unit “C” business was discontinued on 31-12-2004
Apart from the abovementioned, the following unabsorbed:
1. Business loss (-) 3,00,000

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2. Depreciation (-) 2,00,000

Unit “D” business was discontinued on 1-3-2007 leaving the following unabsorbed:

1. Business loss (-) 3,00,000

2. Depreciation (-) 1,00,000
Compute his total income for the assessment year 2011-12.

Solution : Computation of Total Income for the AY 2011-2012

Particulars ` `
Income from house property 2,00,000
Business - profession
Profit of B-business (+) 10,00,000
Less: Business loss of A - business (-) 4,00,000
Depreciation of A-business (-) 2,00,000
(+) 4,00,000 4,00,000
Aggregated income 6,00,000
Less: Carried forward business loss:
(i) Loss of C Business to be set-off against business profits (-) 3,00,000
(ii) Loss of D business (-) 3,00,000
6,00,000 (-) 6,00,000
Total income Nil
Note : Where business loss and depreciation both are being carried forward, business loss has got priority,
over depreciation. Unabsorbed depreciation is carried forward without time-limit.

(d) Mr Jamal, a resident assessee, runs a manufacturing business in Delhi. For the previous year 2010-2011,
he disclosed his taxable income as below:
Business profits 2,55,000
Long-term capital gains 25,000
Short-term capital gain 15,000
He has hired furnished accommodation for his own use and pays ` 4,000 p.m. He has paid donation
amounting to ` 10,000 to National Defence Fund. He has deposited ` 50,000 under a scheme framed by the
Life Insurance Corporation for maintenance of his dependant brother with a disability. The disability is
certified by the medical authority. Compute his total income for the assessment year 2011-2012.
Computation of total income of Mr Jamal — Assessment Year 2011-2012
Particulars ` `
Income from business (computed) 2,55,000
Long-term capital gain (computed) 25,000

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Short-term capital gain (computed) 15,000

Gross Total Income 2,95,000
Deductions from gross total income:
(i) Deposit for maintenance of a dependent with 50,000
disability [Sec. 80DD]:
(ii) Charitable donations to National Defence Fund [Sec. 80G]: 10,000
Amount of Deduction @ 100% of ` 10,000
(iii) Expenditure incurred on rent [Sec. 80GG] [ W.N.1 ] 17,000 77,000
Total Income 2,18,000
Workings Note 1:
Particulars ` `
Expenditure incurred on rent [Sec. 80GG]:
• [Rent paid -10% of ATI], i.e. 48,000 -21,000 = 17,000, or
• 25% of AGTI, i.e. 25% of 2,10,000 = 52,500, or
• ` 2,000 p.m. = ` 24,000
whichever is less, is to be deducted, i.e. ` 17,000
Adjusted Total Income for Sec. 80GG:
Gross total income
Less: Aggregate of 2,95,000
(i) All permissible deduction from GTI except for deduction 60,000
for u/s 80GG
(ii) Any long-term capital gain 25,000 85,000

Adjusted Gross Total Income [AGTI] for Sec. 80GG 2,10,000

(e) M, resident in India, furnishes the following particulars of his receipts and outgoings during the previous
year 2010-2011. `
(i) Income from salary 2,00,000
(ii) Income from house property 3,00,000
(iii) Gross winning from crossword puzzle 3,50,000
Outgoing :
(i) Contribution to LIC annuity plan 15,000
(ii) Medical insurance premium:
(a) For himself 4,000
(b) His wife, not dependent 3,000
(c) Mother, non-resident, 67 years, dependent 5,000
(d) Nephew, wholly dependent with disability 3,000
(e) Grandson, dependent 2,000
(iii) Expenditure on medical treatment and maintenance of the nephew referred to 30,000
(iv) Medical treatment for grandson, suffering from a disease specified 50,000
under income-tax rules(v)
(v) Donation to Gujarat government for family planning 50,000
(vi) Scholarship to a poor but meritorious student 20,000
(vii) Contribution to approved scientific research association 30,000
(viii) Contribution to Delhi Municipal Corporation for sewage scheme for 50,000
slum-dwellers, approved by National Committee
(ix) Donation to Political party paid during November 2010 assembly elections
Compute his total income for the assessment year 2011-2012. 20,000
Make necessary assumptions and clarify them.

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Solution: Computation of Total Income for AY 2011-2012

Particulars ` `
Income from salary 2,00,000
Income from house property 3,00,000
Gross winnings from crossword puzzle 3,50,000
Gross Total Income 8,50,000
Less: Deductions under Chapter VIA :
Contribution to LIC annuity plan [Sec. 80CCC] 10,000
Medical insurance premium [Sec, 80D]
Self 4,000
His wife 3,000
Mother, 67 years old 5,000
Nephew dependent with disability x
Grand son x 12,000

Maintenance and medical treatment of a dependent with disability [Sec. 80DD]

Expenditure for medical treatment of grandson [Sec. 80DDB] Nil

Donations for scientific research or rural development [Sec. 80-GGA]
(a) Donation to approved scientific research association 30,000
(b) Contribution to MCD for slum-dwellers scheme, approved by 50,000
National Committee
Donations to political party [Sec. 80GGC w.e.f. 22.9.2004] 20,000
Charitable donations [Sec. 80G]
(a) Scholarship to a poor meritorious student xxx
(b) Gujarat government for family planning: 100% of qualifying amount
1. Actual donation = 50,000, or
2. 10% of specified GT1 = 37,800
8,50,000 – (3,50,000 + 10,000 + 12,000 + 30,000 + 50,000 + 20,000)
= `3,78,000
whichever is less, is QA 37,800= 100% of 37,800 37,800 1,59,800
Total Income 6,90,200

Question No. 48
(a) Previous year Particulars X Y
2005-2006 Business profits or loss before depreciation (–) 6,00,000 14,00,000
Depreciation 4,00,000 2,00,000
2006-2007 Business profits or loss before depreciation 5,00,000 2,00,000
Depreciation 4,00,000 1,00,000
2008-2009 Business profits or loss before depreciation 8,00,000 10,00,000
Depreciation 4,00,000 2,00,000
2009-2010 Business profits or loss before depreciation 28,00,000 12,00,000
Depreciation 4,00,000 6,00,000
Compute the amount of deduction for X u/s 80-IA and total income of C Ltd. for all four previous years

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Computation of deduction u/s 80-IA for undertaking X

Particulars 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2009-2010

Profits or loss before depreciation (-) 6,00,000 5,00,000 8,00,000 28,00,000
Less: Depreciation (-) 4,00,000 (-) 4,00,000 (-) 4,00,000
6,00,000 1,00,000 4,00,000 24,00,000
Set-off of carry forward business loss (-) 1,00,000 (-) 4,00,000 (-) 1,00,000
Set-off of carry forward depreciation xxx xxx (-) 4,00,000
Profits eligible for deduction u/s 80-IA Nil Nil Nil 19,00,000
Amount of deduction @ 100% of profits Nil Nil Nil 19,00,000
Computation of profits of undertaking Y and total income of C Ltd.

Particulars 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2009 2009-2010

Profits or loss before depreciation: 14,00,000 2,00,000 10,00,000 12,00,000
Less: Depreciation of Y (-) 2,00,000 (-) 1,00,000 (-) 2,00,000 (-) 6,00,000
12,00,000 1,00,000 8,00,000 6,00,000
Profits of X after depreciation Nil 1,00,000 4,00,000 24,00,000
Set-off of business loss of X (-) 6,00,000
Set-off of unabsorbed depreciation of X (-) 4,00,000
Gross Total Income 2,00,000 2,00,000 12,00,000 30,00,000
Less: Deduction u/s 80-IA Nil Nil Nil 19,00,000
Total income of C Ltd. 2,00,000 2,00,000 12,00,000 11,00,000
Note: Even though the business loss and unabsorbed depreciation of X were set-off during the PY 2006-2007
itself in computation of total income of C Ltd., for the purpose of deduction u/s 80-IA, they will
still be carried forward on notional basis and set-off only against the profits of business eligible u/s
(b) SK Industries, a diversified group, discloses profit from the following sources for the previous year 2010-
2011 :
(` in lakhs)
(i) Profits from small-scale unit, started in 2001-2002 6.00
(ii) Profit from industrial undertaking 2002-2003, in Vidisha, a B-class 10.00
industrially backward district.
(iii) Profit from multiplex theatre, started in 2006-2007
(a) Delhi 4.00
(b) Allahabad 2.00
(iv) Profits from convention centre, started in 2007-2009
(a) Delhi 5.00
(b) Allahabad 3.00
(v) Profits from Hill View, a hotel started in 2002-2003 at Manali in 10.00
Himachal Pradesh. Hotel is approved by prescribed authority
(vi) Profits from undertakings engaged in refining of mineral oil since 1 January 2004 in 10.00
Uttar Pradesh, not listed in backward state in Eighth Schedule.
Compute the total income for the assessment year 2011-2012.

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Computation of Total Income

Particulars (` lakhs) (` lakhs)
(i) Profits from SSI 6.00
(ii) Profits from undertaking located in industrially backward 10.00
B-class district
(iii) Profits from multiplex theatre: (4 + 2) = 6.00
(iv) Profits from convention centre : (5+3) = 3.00
(v) Profits from Hill View Hotel 10.00
(vi) Profits from refining undertaking 10.00
Gross Total Income 50.00
Less: Deduction in respect of profits and gains from certain industrial undertaking,
other than infrastructure undertakings (Sec. 80-IB) :
1. Profits from SSI [Sec. 80-IB (3)] : 25% of ` 6 Lakh : 1.50
2. Profits from undertaking in B-class industrially backward district 2.50
[Sec. 80-IB (4)] 25% of ` 10 lakh
3. Profits from multiplex theatre [Sec. 80-IB(7A) 50% of Rs.2 lakhs 1.00
(No deduction for Delhi)
4. Profits from convention centre [Sec. 80-IB(7B)] 50% of Rs.8 lakhs 4.00
5. Profits from Hill View Hotel [Sec. 80-IB(7)] Allowed only for Indian company Nil
6. Profits from refining undertaking [Sec. 80-IB(9)]-100% of profits for 10.00 19.00
7 assessment years
Total Income 31.00

(c) Evergreen Construction (P) Ltd. has earned profits during the PY 2010-2011 from construction and sale of
flats under three housing projects, developed at Rajarhat, Kolkata, details of which are given below:
(` in lakhs)
(i) Profits from construction and sale of flats, built up on a plot of 1.5 acres, 80.00
built up area of the flat 1400 sq feet, located 30 km from Kolkata.
(ii) Profits from construction and sale of flats, built up on a plot of 1 acre, 60.00
built up area 1050 sq feet, located within 25 km from Delhi.
(iii) Profits from construction and sale of flats, built on a plot of 0.90 acre, 40.00
built up area 1000 sq feet, located 35 km from Kolkata.
The housing projects have been approved by the Kolkata Industrial Development Authority in the year 1
April 2006. Compute its total income for the previous year 2010-2011 relevant for the AY 2011-2012. Would
your answer be different in the following cases:
(i) The housing projects were not approved.
(ii) The housing project is carried out in accordance with a scheme approved by West Bengal
Government for redevelopment of buildings in slum areas.
(iii) The company was engaged only in the sale of flats and not developing and building the housing

Computation of Total Income for the AY 2011-2012

Particulars (` in lakh) (` in lakh)
Profits from Project (i) 80.00
Profits from Project (ii) 60.00
Profits from Project (iii) 40.00
Less : 180.00
Deductions from profits and gains from certain industrial undertaking other than
infrastructure undertaking (Sec. 80-IB):
(i) Profits from Housing Project (a) are fully deductible as the size 80.00
of flat not exceeding the prescribed area 1,500 sq.ft.
(ii) Profits from Housing Project (b) not deductible as the area of the x

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flat exceeds the prescribed area of 1000 sq.feet

(iii) Profits from Housing Project (c) not deductible as the size of the x (–) 80.00
Housing plot is less than 1 acre.
Total Income 100.00

(d) Mekon Ltd., an Indian company, as on 1 April 2010, has 95 regular workers on the pay roll. During the
previous year, it earns profits of ` 90 lakh before allowing any deduction for wages for new employments
during the previous year 2010-11. Compute its total income for the previous year 2010-2011 taking into
account the following employment schedules of workers:
Date of employment Number of workers Status of workers Rate of wages
1-5-2010 90 Casual 3,500 p.m.
1-6-2010 25 Employed through contract labour 4,000 p.m.
1-6-2010 10 Regular 5,000 p.m.
1-7-2010 15 Regular 6,000 p.m.
Computation of Total Income for the AY 2011-2012

Particulars ` `
Profits before allowing deduction for wages 90,00,000
Less: Wages paid to workers [Sec. 37(1)] :
(i) 90 × ` 3,500 × 11 34,65,000
(ii) 25 × ` 4,000 × 10 10,00,000
(iii) 10 X ` 5,000 X 10 5,00,000
(iii) 10 × ` 5,000 × 9 4,50,000 (-) 54,15,000
Business Profits and Gross Total Income 35,85,000
Less: Deduction in respect of employment of new workmen (-) 75,000
[Sec. 80 JJAA] 30% (` 5,000 x 5 x 10) – Refer Note.
Total Income 37,10,000

(i) The company had already 95 workers on the pay roll as on 1 April,2010.
(ii) Deduction u/s 80JJAA is available @ 30% on additional wages paid to the new regular workmen
employed by the assessee during the previous year
(iii) Regular Workmen does not include :
(a) A casual workman; or
(b) A workman employed through contract labour; or
(c) Any other workman employed for a period of less than three hundred days during the previous year.

(iv) Hence, for the purpose of computing deduction only 5 workmen is considered, out of those regular
workman employed during 1-6-2010. On this date, the total number of regular workman crosses more than
one hundred. i.e. it becomes (95 + 10) = 105. Hence, for the excess of 100 workman, the deduction is
(v) Regular workman employed on 1-7-2010 could not be considered for deduction as the total number
of working days during the previous year is less than 300 days.

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Question No.49
(a) Mr. J is suffering with 60% locomotor disability which is certified by medical authority. He is
employed as Technical Supervisor with Air Tel at a salary of ` 20,000 p.m.
Particulars `
(i) Income from government securities 20,000
(ii) Long-term capital loss (-) 40,000
(iii) Short-term capital gain (Sec. 111A) 1,00,000
(iv) Insurance commission (gross) 1,00,000
(v) Interest on Saving Fund a/c from bank 10,000
He has incurred the following expenses:
(i) Medical insurance paid by cheque for his father, resident in India and 70 years 18,000
(ii) Deposit with LIC for maintenance of father, mainly dependant on him for support and maintenance
and suffering from low-vision with a severe disability of 80%, as per certificate of the medical authority
(iii) Rent paid for the year 2010-2011 for accommodation hired by him. 40,000
Compute his total income for the assessment year 2011-2012.
Computation of Total Income for the Assessment Year 2011-2012
Particulars ` `
1. Income from salaries 2,40,000
2. Income from capital gains :
(a) Short-term capital gains (Sec. 111A)
(b) Long-term capital loss to be carried forward 1,00,000
3. Income from others sources : Nil
(a) Interest government securities 20,000
(b) Interest on savings fund a/c with Bank 10,000
(c) Insurance commission 1,00,000 1,30,000
Gross Total income 4,70,000
Less : Deductions under Chapter VIA:
Medical insurance (Sec. 80D) 18,000
Deduction in respect of maintenance including medical 1,00,000
treatment of a department, a person with severe
disability (Sec. 80DD)
Deduction in case of a person with disability (Sec. 80U) : 50,000
Deduction u/s 80GG :( Least of the followings)
(a) (i) Rent paid less 10% of Adjusted Gross Total Income
40,000-23,300 = 16,700,
(b) (ii) 25% of 2,33,000 Adjusted Gross Total Income=58,250,
(iii) 2,000 p.m. × 12 = 24,000 16,700 1,84,700
Whichever is less, is or be deducted
Total income 2,85,300

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(b) Mr. X, Finance Manager of K Ltd. Mumbai, furnishes the following particulars for the Financial Year
2010-2011. `

(i) Gross Salary (per month) 64,000

[Tax deducted from Salary ` 1,09,000]
(ii) Valuation of medical facility in a hospital maintained by the Company 7,000
(iii) Rent Free Accommodation owned by the Company
(iv) Housing Loan of ` 6,00,000 at the interest rate of 5% p.a. (no repayment
(v) made during the year, to be repaid within 10 years)
(vi) Gift made by the Company on the occasion of wedding anniversary of X 4,750
(vii) A wooden table and 4 Chairs were provided to X at his residence
(viii) (Dining Table). This was purchased on 1.5.2007 for ` 60,000 and sold to X on 1.8.2010 for ` 30,000
(ix) Personal purchases through Credit Card provided by the Company amounting to ` 20,000 was paid by
the Company. No part of the amount was recovered from X.
(x) A Maruti Esteem Car which was purchased by the Company on 16.7.2006 for ` 5,50,000 was sold to the
assessee on 14.8.2010 for ` 1,30,000.
(xi) Other income received by the assessee during the previous year 2010-2011 are : `
Interest on Fixed Deposits with a Company 5,000
Income from specified mutual fund 3,000
Interest on bank deposits of a minor married daughter 3,000
Income from UTI received by his handicapped minor son 1,200
(xii) Contribution to LIC towards Premium u/s 80CCC 10,000
(xiii) Deposit in PPF Account made during the year 2010-2011 75,000
(xiv) Bonds of ICICI (Tax Savings) eligible for tax deduction 25,000
(xv) Compute the Taxable Income of Mr. X and the tax liability for the Asst. Year 2011-2012.


Previous Year: 2010-11 Assessee: Mr. X Assessment Year : 2011-12

Computation of Total Income

Particulars ` `
Income from Salaries:

Basic Salary (` 64,000 × 12) 7,68,000

Add: Value of Perquisites:

1. Value of Medical Facility in hospital maintained by K Ltd.

— Treatment in hospital maintained by Employer — Fully Exempt Nil
2. Rent Free Accommodation owned by Company — Explanation 1 to Sec. 17(2) 1,15,200
15% of salary = 15% of ` 7,68,000 (Population > 25 Lakhs)
3. Housing Loans at concessional rate – Rule 3(7)(i)
= ` 6,00,000 × (10% – 5%) 30,000
4. Use of Furniture & Fittings upto 1.8.2010 - Rule 3(1)(vii)
= 10% × ` 60,000 × 4/12 2,000
5. Transfer of Assets - Rule 3(7)(viii)
Dining Table as per WN 1 (a) 12,000
Motor Car as per WN 1 (b) 95,280 1,07,280
6. Gifts made by the Company on the occasion
of the Wedding Anniversary Nil
7. Credit Card Purchases taxable as perquisite u/s 17(2) 20,000

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Gross Income from Salary 10,42,480

Less : Deduction u/s 16 Nil
Net Income from Salaries 10,42,480
Income from Other Sources:
Interest on Fixed Deposits with a Company 5,000
Income from specified mutual fund 3,000
Less : Exempt u/s 10(35) (3,000)
Interest on Bank Deposits of minor married daughter 3,000
Less : Exempt u/s 10(32) (1,500) 1,500
Income received by handicapped minor son - not clubbed u/s 64(lA) Nil 6,500
Less: Deduction under Chapter VI-A
U/s 80CCC – Contribution towards Pension Fund 10,000
U/s 80C – Contribution towards PPF 75,000
U/s 80CCF – Bonds of ICICI (Long term infrastructure bonds) 25,000
Working Notes :

1. Valuation of Perquisites on transfer of Movable Assets :

(a) Transfer of Assets Dining Table (`)
Purchase Price 60,000
Less : Depreciation till date of Sale (18,000)
(` 60,000 × 3 × 10%)
WDV as at date of transfer 42,000
Less : Deduction for
collection from Employee (30,000)
Value of Perquisite 12,000

(b) Motor Car `

Cost of Purchase (16.7.2006) 5,50,000
Less : Depreciation @ 20% (16.7.2006 - 15.7.2007) 1,10,000
16.7.2007: WDV 4,40,000
Less : Depreciation for 16.7.2007 - 15.7.2008 88,000
16.7.2008: WDV 3,52,000
Less : Depreciation for 16.7.2008 - 15.7.2009 70,400
16.7.2009: WDV 2,81,600
Less : Depreciation for 16.7.2009 - 15.7.2010 56,320
16.7.2010: WDV 2,25,280
Less : Amount Recovered on Transfer 1,30,000
Value of Perquisite 95,280

2. Gifts received from the employer on the occasion of the wedding anniversary
(a) Taxable as perquisite u/s 17(2).
(b) As per Rule 3(7)(vi), value of any gift or voucher or token (other than made in cash) or convertible ; in
cash on ceremonial occasion or otherwise shall be taxable if the the aggregate value of Gift during the previous
year is ` 5,000 or more. Since the value of gifts received is less than ` 5,000, it shall be exempt from tax.

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Question No.50

(a) M, an individual, retired from the services of a Company on 31.10.2010. He joined another employer
on 1.11.2010 and was in service till end of March 2011, when he furnishes the following details and
information :
1. Salary and Allowances for the period
From First Employer ` Per month
Basic Salary 30,000
Dearness Allowance 16,000
Conveyance Allowance 6,000
From Second Employer ` Per month
Basic Salary 35,000
Fixed Conveyance Allowance 8,000
2. While he was with the first employer, M contributed 10% of his basic salary to a Provident Fund
Account with the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner. He did not become a member of the Provident
Fund maintained by the second employer.
3. M was permitted by the second employer to encash 15 days leave he had accumulated during his
service and received ` 12,500 from his employer.
4. M had constructed a residential house in Chennai in February 2007 for ` 30 Lakhs. Part of the costs of
construction was met by borrowals of ` 20 lakhs from the Housing Development Corporation, at interest of
12.5% p.a. The loan was taken on June 2005. The loan outstanding at the beginning of the current year was
` 12,00,000. The rate of interest applicable for the current year was reduced to 9% p.a. due to reduction in
rates. [He had also borrowed from some relatives ` 4,00,000 on which interest at 15% p.a. was due.] The
property had been let-out soon after completion.
5. In the Assessment Year 2007-08, M was allowed a deduction of ` 50,000 for irrecoverable rents. The
annual value decided by the Corporation of Chennai for the property is ` 80,000. The property was let-out in
the current year to a Company on a rent of ` 20,000 p.m. The half-yearly municipal taxes on the property
were fixed by the Corporation of Chennai only in August 2010 at `15,000 for every half year from 1.4.2007.
M paid the taxes due in September 2010 upto the half-year ending 31.3.2010.
6. M also received from the previous tenant ` 40,000 (out of the dues of ` 50,000).
7. After retirement from the first employer, M received ` 4,50,000 from the Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner, money was fully invested by him in the 15% Non-Redeemable Debentures issued by the
Indian Oil Corporation interest on these had not come in by the end of March 2011.
8. M received interest of ` 60,000 on long-term fixed deposits with Banks, ` 25,000 as interest on Post
Office Savings Bank Accounts and ` 20,000 as income from units.
9. M owns a car which is used for office purposes also and it is found that the entire conveyance
allowance from his employer had been fully spent on travel for official purposes.
10. One of the policies of insurance taken by M had matured for payment and ` 8,00,000 received by him
in June 2010 from the LIC was invested by him, in the name of his 16-year old son, in fixed deposits with
companies. Interest received upto 31.3.2011 on these deposits was ` 90,000. On one of the continuing
policies of insurance, M paid a premium of ` 60,000 in the year. Compute M’s total income for the
Assessment Year 2011-12.
Solution :
Previous Year: 2010-11 Assessee: Mr. M Assessment Year : 2011-12
Computation of Total Income
` ` `
Income under the head Salaries
From First Employer
Basic Pay (` 30,000 x 7) 2,10,000
Dearness Allowance (` 16,000 x 7) 1,12,000
Conveyance Allowance (` 6000 x 7) 42,000
Less: Exempt u/s 10(14) (42,000) Nil 3,22,000
Amount received from Regional Provident
Fund Commissioner 4,50,000

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Less: Exempt u/s 10(12) (4,50,000) Nil

From Second Employer
Basic Salary (` 35,000 x 5) 1,75,000
Conveyance Allowance (` 8,000 x 5) 40,000
Less: Exempt u/s 10(14) (incurred for official performance of duties) (40,000) Nil
Leave Encashment - Fully taxable while in service 12,500 1,87,500
Gross Income from Salary 5,09,500

Income from House Property :

Gross Annual Value u/s. 23(1) — Higher of Municipal Value of
`80,000 or Actual Rent of ` 2,40,000 2,40,000
Less: Municipal Taxes paid during the year @ ` 15,000 for
every half year from 1.4.2007 upto 31.3.2010
(Current Year - Not Paid) (90,000)
Net Annual Value (NAV) 1,50,000
Less: Deduction
@ 30% of NAV u/s 24(a) (45,000)
Interest on Borrowed Capital u/s 24(b)
Loan from Housing Development Corporation:
Current Period Interest: `12,00,000 × 9% 1,08,000
Prior Period Interest (Interest upto 31.3.2006) 51,667
[(`20,00,000 × 12.5%) +
(4,00,000 × 15%)] × 10/12 × 1/5
Loan from Relative - Current Period Interest 60,000 (2,19,667)
(` 4,00,000 x 15%)
Add: Unrealised Rent recovered (taxable in the year of recovery u/s 25AA) 40,000 (74,667)

Income from Other Sources

Interest on Long-term Fixed Deposits with Bank 60,000
Interest on Post Office Savings Bank A/c 25,000
Less: Exempt u/s 10(15) (25,000) Nil
Income from Units of UTI 20,000
Less: Exempt u/s. 10(35) (20,000) Nil
LIC Policy matured 8,00,000
Less: Exempt u/s. 10(1D) (8,00,000) Nil
Interest from Fixed Deposits with Companies
in the name of minor son 90,000
Less: Exemption u/s. 10(32) (1,500) 88,500 1,48,500
Gross Total Income 5,83,333
Less: Deduction under Chapter VI–A–
u/s 80C –LIC Premium (60,000)
– RPF – 10% of ` 1,40,000 (14,000) 74,000
Total Income 5,09,333
Total Income (Rounded Off u/s 288A) 5,09,330
Assumptions :
1. It is presumed that Mr. M accounts for his interest income on receipt basis.
2. Assumed that there has been no repayment of Housing Loan Principal during the year ending 31.3.2006
for the purpose of calculation of prior period interest.
3. Recognised Provident Fund received on retirement shall not be taxable u/s 10 (assuming conditions are
4. Unrealised Rent recovered: Since the assessee has been allowed a deduction of ` 50,000 from his
house property income in earlier years in respect of unrealised Rent, entire ` 40,000 recovered during current
year becomes taxable.
5. Deduction of Interest u/s 24 shall be allowed even if the amount is borrowed from any person other
than the Banks/Financial Institutions in respect of Let out property.

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(b) Mr. A, a Senior Citizen, has furnished the following particulars relating to his House Properties:-

Particulars House I —` House II —`

Nature of Occupation Self Occupied Let-out
Municipal Valuation 60,000 1,20,000
Fair Rent 90,000 1,50,000
Standard Rent 75,000 1,40,000
Actual Rent per month — 12,000
Municipal Taxes paid 6,000 12,000
Interest on Capital borrowed 90,000 80,000
Loan for both Houses were taken on 1.4.2006. House II remained vacant for 4 months.
Besides the above two house, A has inherited during the year 1988-89 an old house from his grandfather.
Due to business commitments, he sold the house immediately for a sum of ` 250 Lakhs. The house was
purchased in 1962 by his grandfather for a sum of ` 2 Lakhs. However, the Fair Market Value as on 1.4.1981
was ` 30 Lakhs. With the sale proceeds, A purchased a new house in March 2010 for a sum of ` 140 Lakhs
and the balance was used in his business.
The other income particulars of Mr. A besides the above are as follows (AY 2011–2012):-
• Business Loss ` 12 Lakhs
• Income from Other Sources (Bank Interest) ` 1 Lakh
• Investments made during the year PF ` 70,000
• ICICI Infrastructure Bond Purchased (u/s 80CCF) ` 30,000
Compute Total Income of Mr. A and his Tax Liability for the Assessment Year 2011–2012

Assessee : Mr. A Previous Year : 2010-11 Assessment Year : 2011-12

Computation of Total Income

Particulars ` ` `
1. Income from House Property :
(a) House I: Self Occupied — Annual Value u/s 23(2) Nil
Less : Deduction u/s 24(b) = Interest on Housing Loan
taken on 1.4.2006 (Note 1) 90,000 (90,000)
(b) House II : Let-out – (Note 2) (21,000) (1,11,200)
2. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession – Loss (12,00,000)
3. Capital Gains — Sale of Residential House Property — Long Term Asset
Sale Consideration 2,50,00,000
Less : Expenses on Transfer Nil
Net Consideration 2,50,00,000
Less : Indexed Cost of Acquisition — Fair Market Value as
on 1.4.81 × CII of year of Sale /CII of year of first
holding (` 30 Lakhs × 711/161) (1,32,48,447)
Long Term Capital Gain 1,17,51,553
Less : Exemption u/s 54 — New House purchased for Rs.140 lakhs, but
deduction restricted upto the balance of capital gains 1,17,51,553 NIL
4. Income from Other Sources : Bank Interest 1,00,000
Gross Total Income Nil

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1. No deduction under Chapter VIA is allowed as there is no positive income.
2. Balance of loss from House property after adjustment against Income from other sources is Rs.11,200 (i.e.
Rs.1,11,200 – Rs.1,00,000)
3. Loss from Business Rs.12,00,000 is carried forward for adjustment in the next year.
4. It is assumed that the construction of the house was completed within 3 years from the end of the financial
year in which the loan was taken.
5. Annual Value of House Property II is computed as under —
(i) Municipal Value (MV) 1,20,000
(ii) Fair Rental Value (FRV) 1,50,000
(iii) Higher of MV + FRV 1,50,000
(iv) Standard Rent 1,40,000
(v) Reasonable Expected Rent (RER) 1,40,000
[lower of (iii) + (iv)]
(vi) Annual Rent @ ` 12,000 pm 1,44,000
(vii) Unrealised Rent Nil
(viii) Actual Rent [(vi) – (vii)] 1,44,000
(ix) Vacancy Allowance 48,000
(x) Gross Annual Value [(viii) – (ix)] 96,000
Less : Municipal Tax paid 12,000
Net Annual Value (NAV) 84,000
Less : Standard deduction @ 30% of NAV u/s 24(a) 25,000
Less : Interest on borrowed Capital u/s 24(b) 80,000
Income for House II (21,200)

(c) Mr Ashok a senior citizen, owns a property consisting of two blocks of identical size. The first block is used
for business purposes. The other block has been let out from 14.2010 to his cousin for `20000 p.m. The cost
of construction of each block is ` 5 lacs (fully met from bank loan), rate of interest on bank loan is 10% p.a.
The construction was completed on 31.3.2010. During the year ended 31.3.2011, he had to pay a penal
interest of ` 2000 in respect of each block on account of delayed payments to the bank for the borrowings.
The normal interest paid by him in respect of each block was ` 42,000. Principal repayment for each block
was ` 23,000 An identical block in the same neighbourhood fetches a rent of `25,000 per month Municipal
Tax paid in respect of each block was ` 12,000. The income from business prior to adjustment towards
depreciation on any asset is ` 2,20,000. He follows mercantile system of accounting. Depreciation on
equipments used for business is ` 30,000. On 23.2.2011, he sold shares of B Ltd., a listed share in BSE for `
2,30,000. The share had been purchased 10 months back for ` 1,80,000. Security transaction tax paid may be
taken as ` 220. Brought forward business loss of a business discontinued on 12.1.2009 is ` 90,000. This loss
has been determined in pursuance of a return of income filed in time and the current year is the seventh
year. The following payments were affected by him during the year:
1. LIP of ` 20,000 on his life and ` 12,000 for his son aged 22, engaged as a software engineer and
drawing salary of ` 25,000 per month.
2. Medical insurance premium of ` 6,000 for himself & ` 5,000 for above son. The premiums were paid by
cheque. You are required to compute the total income for the assessment year 2011-12 and the tax
payable. The various heads of income should be properly shown. Ignore the interest on bank loan for
the period prior to 1.4.2010, as the bank had waived it.

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Computation of Total Income of Mr. Ashok for A.Y. 2011-12.

Particulars Amount Amount

(1) Income from house property (Let out)
Gross Annual Value (being Fair rent) 3,00,000
Less: Municipal tax 12,000
Net Annual Value 2,88,000
Less: Deduction:-
u/s 24(a) Standard Deduction (30% of NAV) 86,400
u/s 24(b) Interest on loan 42,000 1,28,400 1,59,600
(2) Profits and gains of business or profession
Net profit before depreciation 2,20,000
Less: Expenditure allowed but not debited in P & L Account
Depreciation on equipment 30,000
Depreciation on building i.e. 10% of ` 5,00,000 50,000 80,000
Profits and gains of business or profession of current year 1,40,000
Less: Brought forward losses set off u/s 72 (90,000) 50,000

(3) Capital gains

Consideration for Transfer 2,30,000

Less: Cost of acquisition (1,80,000)

Short Term Capital Gains 50,000

Gross Total Income 2,59,600

Less: Deduction u/s

80C: LIC Premium paid 32,000

Repayment of bank loan 23,000 55,000

80D: Medical insurance premium 6,000 61,000

Total Income 1,98,600

Tax payable Nil

1. Penal interest is not allowed u/s 24(b)
2. It has been assumed that interest, municipal tax on property used for business have already being
charged while computing “business income before depreciation” i.e. ` 2,20,000.
3. STT is not allowed as expenditure on transfer.

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Question No.51

(a) Thomas took voluntary retirement from State Bank of India on 1 st May, 2010 under the Voluntary
Retirement Scheme (VRS) and received a sum of ` 25 lakh on account of VRS benefits. At the time of his
retirement, Thomas was having 47 months of service left and had served the organisation for 18 years 11
months. His last drawn Basic Pay ` 60,000, D.A. @ 60% of B/Pay (80% of which forming part of salary). Later,
he started a business of plying, hiring and leasing of goods carriages from 1 st June, 2010 by acquiring 3
heavy vehicles for ` 12 lakh, 2 medium goods vehicle for ` 5 lakh and 3 light commercial vehicles for ` 6 lakh.
Although, he did not maintain regular books of account for his business, the diary maintained by him reveled
gross receipts of ` 3,12,000 for the financial year ended 31st March, 2011 and he incurred an expenditure of
` 1,68,500 on the business towards salaries of drivers, repairs, fuel, etc. Depreciation on vehicle is not
included in the said expenditure.
During the financial year 2010-11, he received a sum of ` 3,00,000 on account of pension from bank and he
contributed a sum of ` 65,000 to his PPF account maintained with the said bank in the same year. His PPF
account was credited with interest of ` 35,000 during the financial year 2010-11. He also purchased long-
term infrastructure bonds for ` 20,000; Repayment of educational loan interest for the year ` 50,000. He also
paid medical infrastructure premium of ` 14,000.

Further, he had two residential properties, one is self occupied and other is let out. During the financial year
2010-11, Thomas was able to let out his property only for 11 months on a monthly rent of ` 17,000. The total
municipal taxes on the let out property was ` 8,000, 50% of which was paid by the tenant and 50% by him.
The interest on loan taken for renovation of the self occupied property paid by him during the year was `
34,000. The insurance premium on the house and actual repairs and collection charges paid are ` 1,600 and
` 18,000 respectively and the entire expenditure is borne by him. During the financial year 2010-11, he was
able to recover the unrealized rent of ` 33,000 from old tenant who vacated the house during the August,
2009 after spending litigation expenses of ` 15,000. During the financial year 2010-11. Thomas suffered
short term capital loss on account of sale of shares on various dates amounting to ` 8,50,500.
From the aforesaid information, you are required to compute the total income of Thomas for the AY. 2011-
12 giving reasons in respect of each and every item and indicate the relief/rebate/deduction which he is
entitled to claim.

Previous Year : 2010-2011 Assessee : Mr. Thomas Assessment Year : 2011-2012
Computation of Total `
(1) Income from Salary
Pension Received 3,00,000
Voluntary Compensation
Actual Amount Received 25,00,000
Less : Exemption u/s 10(10c)
Least of the following:
(i) Actual Amount Received 25,00,000
(ii) Maximum limit 5,00,000
(iii) Higher of the following :
(a) Last Drawn Salary × 3 × No. of Fully 47,.95,200

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completed years of service

= 88,800 × 3 × 18 = 47,95,200 5,00,000

(b) Last Drawn Salary × Balance of number of months of service left

= 88,800 × 47 = 41,73,600 20,00,000

Last Drawn Salary = B/ Pay + D.A (forming part)

= ` [60,000 + 60% of 80% of 60,000]
= ` [60,000 + 28,800]
= ` 88,800
(2) Income from House Property
(a) Self-occupied:
Annual Value Nil
(–) Interest on Loan u/s 24(b) ` 34,000
– restricted upto ` 30,000 (30,000) (30,000)
(b) Let-out House Property
Gross Annual Value
(being the Rental Value) = 17,000 ×12 2,04,000
Less : Municipal Tax Paid by the assessee during the year
= 18,000 × 50% 9,000
Net Annual Value (NAV) 1,95,000
Less : Standard deduction @ 30% of NAV u/s 24(a) 58,500
Less : Interest on loan u/s 24(b) Nil 1,36,500 1,06,500

(3) Income from Business or Profession

Presumptive Income u/s 44AE
in the Business of plying, leasing or hiring trucks
(i)Light goods vehicles = 3 × 4,500 × 10 = 1,35,000
(ii)Medium goods vehicles = 2 × 4,500 × 10 = 90,000
(iii)Heavy goods vehicles = 3 × 5,000 × 10 = 1,50,000 3,75,000

(5) Income from Capital Gains

Short Term Capital Loss (8,50,000)
Gross Total Income 19,31,500
Less : Deductions under Chapter VIA
u/s 80 C – Deposits in PPF 65,000
u/s 80D – Medical Insurance Premium 14,000
u/s 80E – Interest paid on Education loan 50,000
u/s 80CCF – Investments in Long-term Infrastructure Bonds 20,000 1,49,000
Total Income 17,82,500

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Tax on Total Income of ` 17,82,500 3,88,750

(+) E/c @ 2% 7,775
(+) SHEC @ 1% 3,888
Tax Payable 4,00,413
Tax Payable (Rounded off u/s 288B) 4,00,410

(b) Mr. Anurag is a Cost Accountant in practice. The Income & Expenditure Account for the year ending
March 31, 2011 read as follows :
Expenses ` Income `
To Employees cost 1,50,000 By Professional earnings 16,00,000
To Travelling & Conveyance 50,000 By Dividend income
To Administration & Office exp. 4,00,000 from shares 2,00,000
To Interest 1,50,000 from equity oriented
mutual funds 1,00,000
To Demat charges 10,000
To Net profit 11,40,000
Total 19,00,000 Total 19,00,000

Other Information:
(a) Entire Dividend income is claimed as exempt from taxation by virtue of Section 10(34) and 10(35).
(b) Anurag claims that no expenditure has been incurred against the dividend income, which is claimed as
exempt from tax.
(c) The value of investment in shares as on the first day and the last day of the previous year is ` 7,50,000
and ` 9,00,000 respectively.
(d) The value of investment in units of Mutual Funds as on the first day and the last day of the previous
year is ` 5,00,000 and 2,00,000 respectively.
(e) All expenditure including interest expenditure of ` 1,50,000 incurred by Anurag are relating to taxable
and non taxable Income. Demat charges are directly attributable to exempt income.
(f) The value of the total assets as appearing in the Balance sheet of the assessee as on the first day and
last day of the previous year is ` 60,00,000 and `80,00,000 respectively.
You are required to compute the taxable income of Anurag for the assessment year 2011-12.

Solution :
Computation of Taxable Income A.Y. 2011-12

Particulars `
Income from Profits & Gains of Business or Profession 8,40,000
– as per Working Note 1
Income from other sources
– as per Working Note 2 Nil
Total 4,40,000
Add : Disallowance u/s 14A
– as per Working Note 3 31,804
Taxable Income 4,71,804
Working Note 1 — Profits & Gains of Business or Profession
` `
Net profit as per Income & Expenditure Account 11,40,000
Less : Income considered under other heads
– Dividend Income from shares 2,00,000
– Income from UTI 1,00,000 3,00,000
Taxable professional income 8,40,000

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Working Note 2 — Income from other sources

` `
1. Dividend Income from Shares 2,00,000
Less : Exemt under sec 10(34) 2,00,000 Nil
2. Income from units in Mutual funds 1,00,000
Less : Exempt under sec 10(35) 1,00,000 Nil
Taxable income from other sources Nil
Working Note 3 — Disallowance u/s 14A
(a) Amount of expenditure directly relating to exempt income
(Other than interest) — Demat charges 10,000
(b) Amount of interest incurred by way of expenditure other than
those included above (1,50,000 × 8,25,000 / 70,00,000) 17,679
(c) Amount equal to 0.5% of the average value of Investments
(8,25,000 × 0.5%) 4,125
Total amount disallowed u/s 14A (a) + (b) + (c) 31,804

1. Average value of Investment = (7,50,000 + 9,00,000) / 2 = ` 8,25,000.
2. Average value of Total Assets = (60,00,000 + 80,00,000) / 2 = ` 70,00,000.

(c) Mr. Samir submits the following information for the A.Y. 2011-12.
Particulars `
Taxable Income from Salary 1,64,000
Income from House property :
House 1 Income 37,000
House 2 loss (53,000)
Textile Business (discontinued on 10.10.2010) (20,000)
Brought forward loss of textile business - A.Y. 2008-09 (80,000)
Chemical Business (discontinued on 15.3.2010)
– b/f loss of previous year 2008-09 (25,000)
– unabsorbed depreciation of previous year 2008-09 (15,000)
– Bad debts earlier deducted recovered in July ’2010 40,000
Leather Business 62,000
Interest on securities held as stock in trade 10,000
Determine the gross total income for the assessment year 2011-12 and also compute the amount of loss that
can be carried forward to the subsequent years.
Computation of Gross Total Income A.Y. 2011-12

Particulars ` `
I. Income from Salary : 1,64,000
II. Income from House property :
House 1 Income 37,000
House 2 loss (53,000) (26,000)
III. Profits and Gains of Business or Profession:
(i) Textile business loss (20,000)
(iii) Chemical business – Bad debts
recovered taxable u/s 41(4) 40,000
Less : (i) Set off of brought forward

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loss of P.Y. 2008-09 u/s. 72 (25,000) 15,000

(iii) Leather Business Income 62,000
(iv) Interest on securities held
as stock-in-trade 10,000 72,000
Less : B/f. business loss ` 80,000 restricted to 67,000 Nil
Gross Total Income 1,38,000

Note :
1. The unabsorbed loss of ` 13,000 (80,000-67,000) of Textile business can be carried forward to A.Y. 2011-
12 for setoff u/s. 72, even though the business is discontinued.
2. The unabsorbed depreciation of ` 15,000 is eligible for set off against any income other than salary
income. Since, Gross total income contains the balance of Income from Salary only, Unabsorbed
depreciation cannot be adjusted. Hence, carried forward for adjustment in the subsequent years.

Question No.52

(a)H Bros., an HUF, started an undertaking in “Special Economic Zone” during the previous year 2007-2008.
From the following particulars relating to the previous year 2010-2011, compute the total income for the
assessment year 2011-2012.
(in lakh)
(i) Total turnover 30
(ii) Export sales 25
(iii) Business profits 15
(iv) Receipt of convertible foreign exchange in India up to 30 September 2011
(v) Convertible foreign exchange kept outside India with the permission of 16
RBI for importing a new machinery
(vi) Receipt of convertible foreign exchange in December 2011 4
(vii) Convertible foreign exchange received for reimbursement for freight, 2
insurance attributable to export

Solution : Computation of Total Income ` (in lakhs)

Business profits 15
Less : Deduction for export profits : [ Sec. 10A] 10
Total income 5
Note :
1. Convertible foreign exchange received in December 2011 has not been included in Export turnover,
because it is received after the prescribed time limit without approval of the competent authority.
2. Convertible foreign exchange kept outside India with the permission of RBI is included in Export
3. Reimbursement of freight and insurance in convertible foreign exchange is not included in Export

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

(b)The books of account maintained by a National Political Party registered under the Representation of the
People Act, 1951 for the year ended on 31-3-2011 disclose the following receipts :
(i) Rent of property let out to a departmental store at Chennai. 10,00,000
(ii) Interest on deposits other than banks. 2,00,000
(iii) Contribution from 100 persons (who have secreted their names) of 33,00,000
` 33,000 each
(iv) Contribution @ ` 22 each from 1,00,000 members in cash 22,00,000
(v) Net profit of cafeteria run in the premises at Delhi 3,00,000
Compute the total income of the political party for the assessment year 2011-2012, with reason for inclusion
or otherwise.

Solution: Computation of income of National Political Party: AY 2011-2012

Particulars `
(a) Rent from property: Exempt under Sec. 13A —
(b) Income from business—Profits of cafeteria 3,00,000
(c) Income other sources: —
(i) Interest on deposit other than banks: Exempt under Sec. ISA —
(ii) Contributions from 100 persons exceeding ` 22,000 each—See Note below, 33,00,000
(iii) Contributions from 1,00,000 members: Exempt Sec. 13A. —
Total income 36,00,000
Note : Any income of a political party received by way of voluntary contributions is exempt, provided:
(i) it keeps and maintains such books of account and other documents as would enable the Assessing
Officer to properly deduce its income therefrom;
(ii) it keeps and maintains a record, name and address of the person who has contributed in excess of `
20,000; and
(iii) its accounts are audited by an accountant defined in Explanation below Sec. 288(2).
Thus, in order to claim exemption in respect of voluntary contributions exceeding ` 20,000, a political party is
required to keep and maintain a record, and names, address of persons who have made such contributions.
The legislative intention is to ensure that there is transparency in the process of collection of funds [Common
Cause v. Vol. 222 ITR 260 (SC)]. Hence, no exemption can be allowed in respect of contributions exceeding `
20,000 from persons who have secreted their names.

Question No.53

(a) D Ltd., a closely-held Indian company, is engaged in the business of manufacture of chemical goods
(value of plant and machinery owned by the company is ` 55 lakh). The following information for the
financial year 2010-11 are given : D Ltd. is engaged in the business of manufacture of garments.
Sale proceeds of goods (domestic sale) 25,00,000
Sale proceeds of goods (export sale) 7,00,000
Amount withdrawn from general reserve (reserve was created in 1996-97 by debiting P&L A/c) 2,00,000
Amount withdrawn from revaluation reserve 1,50,000
Total 35,50,000
Less : Expenses
Depreciation (normal) 6,16,000
Depreciation (extra depreciation because of revaluation) 2,70,000

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Salary and wages 2,10,000

Wealth tax 10,000
Income-tax 3,50,000
Outstanding customs duty (not paid as yet) 17,500
Proposed dividend 60,000
Consultation fees paid to tax expert 21,000
Other expenses 1,39,000
Net Profit 18,56,500
For tax purposes the company wants to claim the following :
—Deduction under section 80-1B (30 per cent of ` 14,56,500).
—Depreciation under section 32 (` 5,36,000)
The company wants to set off the following losses/allowances:
For tax purposes For accounting
` `
Brought forward loss of 2003-04 14,80,000 4,00,000
Unabsorbed depreciation — 70,000

Compute the net income and tax liability of D Ltd. for the assessment year 2011-12 assuming that D Ltd. has
a (deemed) long-term capital gain of ` 60,000 under proviso (i) to section 54D(2) which is not credited in
profit and loss account.


Net profit as per P&L A/c 18,56,500
Add :
Excess depreciation [i.e., ` 6,16,000 + ` 2,70,000 — ` 5,36,000] 3,50,000
Wealth tax 10,000
Income tax 3,50,000
Customs duty which is not paid 17,500
Proposed dividend 60,000
Total 26,44,000
Less : Amount withdrawn from reserve (i.e., ` 2,00,000+` 1,50,000) 3,50,000
Business income 22,94,000
Less : Unabsorbed loss 14,80,000
Business Income 8,14,000
Long-term capital gain 60,000
Gross total income 8,74,000
Less : Deductions under section 80-IB [30% of ` 4,14,000] 1,24,200
Net Income (rounded off) 7,49,800
Tax liability (under normal provisions)

[20% of ` 60,000 + 30% of ` 6,89,800, plus 3% of tax as cess] 2,25,508

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Computation of Book profit

Net Profit 18,56,500
Add :
Depreciation (i.e. ` 6,16,000 + ` 2,70,000) 8,86,000
Wealth tax Nil
Income-tax 3,50,000
Proposed dividend 60,000
Less : Amount withdrawn from general reserve (–) 2,00,000
Unabsorbed depreciation (–) 70,000
Depreciation (normal) (–) 6,16,000
Amount withdrawn from revaluation reserve to the extent

it does not exceed extra depreciation because of revaluation (–) 1,50,000

Book profit 21,16,500
Tax liability (18.54% of book profit) 3,92,399

D Ltd. will pay ` 3,92,399 as tax for the assessment year 2011-12 as per section 115JB. Tax credit is however,
available in respect excess tax (i.e., ` 1,66,891) under section 115JB.

(b) What is the due date of filling of return of income in case of a non-working partner of a firm whose
accounts are not liable to be audited?

Answer : Due date of furnishing return of income in case of non-working partner shall be 31st July of the
assessment year whether the accounts of the firm are required to be audited or not.
A working partner for the above purpose shall mean an individual who is actively engaged in conducting the
affairs of the business or profession of the firm of which he is a partner and is drawing remuneration from the
(c) Can unabsorbed depreciation be carried forward even if the return is filed after due date?
Answer : Unabsorbed depreciation can be carried forward even if the return of loss is submitted after the due
date, as it is not covered under Chapter VI of set off or carry forward of losses but covered u/s 32(2).[ East
Asiatic Co.(India) Pvt. Ltd. vs.CIT (1986) 161 ITR 135(Mad.)]

(d) Can a belated return of income filed u/s 139(4) be revised?

Answer : There was a difference of opinion among various courts regarding filling of revised return in respect
of belated returns. However, it has been held that a belated return filed u/s 139(4) cannot be revised as
section 139(5) provides that only return filed u/s 139(1) or in pursuance to a notice u/s 142(1) can be revised [
Kumar Jagdish Chandra Sinha vs.CIT(1996) 220 ITR 67(SC)].

(e) Can a revised return be further revised?

Answer : If the assessee discovers any omission or any wrong statement in a revised return, it is possible to
revise such a revised return provided it is revised within the same prescribed time[ Niranjan Lal Ram Chandra
Vs.CIT (1982) 134 ITR 352 (All.)]

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

(f) What is a protective assessment under Income-tax law? What is the procedure followed for the
recovery of tax in such cases?
Answer: A protective assessment is made in a case where there are doubts relating to the true ownership of
the income. If there is an uncertainty about the taxing of an income in the hands of Mr. A or Mr. B, then at the
discretion of the Assessing Officer, the same may be added in the hands of one of them on protective basis.
This is to ensure that on finality, the addition may not be denied on the ground of limitation of time. Once
finality regarding the identity of the tax payer to be taxed is established, the extra assessment is cancelled. But
the Department cannot recover the tax from both the assessees in respect of the same income. Penalty
cannot be imposed on the strength of a protective assessment.
(g) If an assessment is remanded back to Assessing Officer, can he introduce new sources of income for

Answer: Where the assessment is set aside by the Tribunal and the matter remanded to the Assessing Officer,
it is not open to him to introduce into the assessment new sources of income so as to enhance the
assessment. Any power to enhance is confined to the old sources of income which were the subject matter of
appeal [Kartar Singh vs.CIT (1978) 111 ITR 184 (P &H)].

Question No.54

(a) A, B and C Ltd. are three members of an AOP, sharing profit and losses in the ratio 2:2:1. The AOP
discloses its income for the PY 2010-2011 as below:
Particulars `
(i) Long-term capital gains 4,00,000
(ii) Business profits 6,00,000

Determine tax liability of AOP in the following cases:

(i) C Ltd. is an Indian company
(ii) C Ltd. is a foreign company

Solution: Allocation of income of AOP among partners

Particulars of income A B C Ltd
` ` `
Long-term capital gains 1,60,000 1,60,000 80,000
Business profits 2,40,000 2,40,000 1,20,000
Share income of the members 4,00,000 4,00,000 2,00,000

Tax liability of an AOP

Particulars Case – I Case – II
C Ltd. an Indian company C. Ltd. as foreign company
` `
Tax on the share of C Ltd.
Case I : 1,20,000 x 33.99% 40,788 —
Case II: 1,20,000 x 42.23% — 50,676
Tax on balance income at AOP:
(i) Long-term capital gain 90,640 90,640
4,00,000 x 22.66%
(ii) Business profits
6,00,000 x 33.99% 2,03,940 2,03,940
Total tax payable 3,35,368 3,45,256
Total Tax (Rounded off a/c 288B) 3,35,370 3,45,260

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

(b) Devdas Charitable Trust submits the particulars of its receipts and outgoing during the previous
year 2010-2011. as below : `
(i) Income from property held under trust for charitable purposes 20,00,000
(ii) Voluntary contribution (out of which ` 5,00,000 will form part 15,00,000
of the corpus)
(iii) Donations paid to blind charitable school 6,00,000
(iv) Scholarship paid to poor students 4,00,000
(v) Amount spent on holding free eye camps in urban slums 3,00,000
(vi) Amount set apart for setting up an old age home by March 2013 10,00,000
Compute the total income of the trust for the previous years’ 2009-2010 and 2014-2015 if it spends `
5,00,000 during the previous year 2013-2014 and ` 3,00,000 during the previous year 2014-2015 in setting up
the old age home.
Solution : Computation of the taxable income of the trust for previous year 2010-2011/AY 2011-2012.
Particulars `
(i) Income from property held under charitable trust 20,00,000
(ii) Income from voluntary contributions (` 15,00,000-` 5,00,000) 10,00,000
Total 30,00,000
Less: 15% set apart for future application 45,00.000
Balance 25,50,000
Less: Income applied for charitable purposes:
(i) Donations to blind charitable school 6,00,000
(ii) Scholarship to poor students 4,00,000
(iii) Free eye camps in urban slums 3,00,000
Total 13,00,000
Amount set apart for old age home 10,00,000 23,00,000
Taxable income 2,50,000
(b) Previous year 2014-2015 /AY 2015-2016:
Amount set apart for old age home 10,00,000
1. Amount spent during 2013-2014 3,00,000
2. Amount spent during 2014-2015 5,00,000
Taxable income 2,00,000
(c) In the case of Ms Laxmi, you are required to compute the interest u/s 234A, 234B & 234C from the
following details—
Tax on total income ` 2,00,000; Due date for filing the return 30.09.2011; Actual date of filing the return
1.10.2012 and tax paid on 30.09.2011 ` 2,00,000.
Solution: Computation of Interest u/s 234A
Particulars As per assessed income
Tax ` 2,00,000
Less : Advance tax paid Nil
TDS Nil Nil
Amount on which interest is payable ` 2,00,000
Period of default (October being part of a month shall be considered) 1 month

Interest u/s 234A (1% × ` 2,00,000 × 1 month) ` 2,000

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Computation of Interest u/s 234B

Since assessee did not pay any amount by way of advance tax, hence she is liable to pay interest u/s 234B.
Particulars Assessed income
Shortfall ` 2,00,000
Period of default (From April to September) 6 months
Interest (1% × 2,00,000 × 6 months) ` 12,000

Computation of Interest u/s 234C

Due Date Advance Advance Cumulative shortfall in Surplus Months Interest

Tax Tax paid Advance payment
payment Tax paid
before due
15.9.2010 30% of nil nil 60,000 nil 3 1,800
2,00,000 =
15.12.2010 60% of nil nil 1,20,000 nil 3 3,600
15.3.2011 100% of nil nil 2,00,000 nil 1 2,000
Total Interest payable u/s 234C 7,400

Question No.55

(a) X Ltd. estimates its income for the previous year 2009-10 at ` 1,20,000. Besides this income, it has also
earned long-term capital gain of ` 80,000 on transfer of gold on 1.12.2010. Compute the advance tax
payable by the company in various instalments.

Solution :
Tax on ` 1,20,000 @ 30% 36,000
LTCG of ` 80,000 @ 20% 16,000
Add : Education cess @ 2% 1,040
SHEC @ 1% 520

Amount payable on 1st and 2nd instalment

For the first two instalments tax on LTCG will not be taken into account as this accrued on 1.12.2010 i.e. after
the due date of the first 2 instalments.
Tax including Education Cess and SHEC payable
without Long-term Capital Gain (` 36,000 + 720 +360) 37,080
Advance Tax Payable

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Due Date Tax Liability as on due date Amount of Instalment Payable (`)
15.6.2010 15% of 37,080 = 5,562 ` 5,562
15.9.2010 45% of 37,080 = 16,680 = 16,680 – 5,560 = 11,118
15.12.2010 75% of 53,560 = 40,170 = 40,170 – 5,562 – 11,118 =23,490
15.3.2011 100% of 53,560 = 53,560 = 53,560 – 5,562 – 11,118 – 23,490
= 13,390
(b) Find out the amount of advance tax payable by ABC Ltd. on specified dates for the financial year 2010-
11 :
Business income ` 1,75,000
Long term capital gain on 31-7-2010 ` 3,50,000
Bank interest ` 10,000
TDS on business income ` 19,995
Computation of total income of ABC Ltd. for the Previous Year 2009-10
Particulars Amount

Profits and gains of business or profession 1,75,000
Capital gains: Long term capital gains 3,50,000
Income from other sources: Bank Interest 10,000
Total Income 5,35,000
Computation of tax liability of ABC Ltd. for the previous year 2010-11
Particulars Long term capital gain Other income

` `
Income 3,50,000 1,85,000
Tax rate 20% 30%
Tax on above 70,000 55,500
Add : Education cess & SHEC 2,100 1,665
Tax and cess payable 72,100 57,165
Less : TDS — 19,995
Advance tax payable 72,100 37,170
Advance tax to be paid on specified dates
Advance tax on LTCG Advance tax on income
other than LTCG
Date Workings Amount Workings Amount Total
(a) ` (b) ` (a+b) `
15.06.2010 As LTCG occurred on 31.7.10 Nil 15% of ` 37,170 5,576 5,576
15.09.2010 45% of ` 72,100 32,445 30% of ` 37,170 11,151 43,596
15.12.2010 30% of ` 72,100 21,630 30% of ` 37,170 11,151 32,781
15.03.2011 25% of ` 72,100 18,025 25% of ` 37,170 9,292 27,317
Total 72,100 37,170 1,09,270

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

(c) Find out the amount of advance tax payable by Mr. A on specified dates under the Income tax Act, 1961
for the Previous Year 2010-11:
Business income 2,75,000
Long term capital gain on 31-7-2010 60,000
Winning from lotteries on 12-9-2010 50,000
Bank interest 10,000
Other income 5,000
Investment in PPF 40,000
Tax deducted at source:
Case I 48,000
Case II 25,000
Computation of Total Income of Mr. A for the previous year 2010-11
Particulars Details Amount
Profits and gains of business or profession 2,75,000
Capital gains: Long term capital gains 1,60,000
Income from other sources
Winning from lotteries 50,000
Bank interest 10,000
Other income 5,000 65,000
Gross Total Income 5,00,000
Less : Deduction u/s 80C — Deposits in PPF 40,000
Total Income 4,60,000
Computation of Tax liability of Mr. A for the previous year 2010-11:
Income Case 1 Case 2
Long term capital gain (` 1,60,000 @ 20%) 32,000 32,000
Winning from lotteries (` 50,000 @ 30%) 15,000 15,000
Balance income (` 2,50,000) 9,000 9,000
Tax 56,000 56,000
Add : Education cess & SHEC 1,680 1,680
57,680 57,680
Less : Tax Deducted at Source 48,000 25,000
Total Tax Payable 9,680 32,680
Advance tax to be paid on specified dates:-
Case I : Since amount of tax payable is less than `10000, assessee is not liable to pay advance tax.
Case II : Advance Tax Payable
Due Date Tax Liability (`) Amount of Instalment (`)
15.6.2010 30% of 32,680 = 9,804 9,804
15.9.2010 60% of 32,680 = 19,608 = 19,608 – 9,804
= 9,804
15.12.2010 100% of 32,680 = 32,680 = 32,680 – 9,804 – 9,804 = 13,072

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Question No.56

(a) Mr. Prasad, ordinarily resident in India, furnished the following particulars of his income/savings
during the previous year 2010-2011.
(i)Income from foreign business (Including ` 2,00,000 from business 12,00,000
connection in India) accruing outside India
(ii)Loss from Indian business (–) 2,00,000
(iii)Income from house property 4,00,000
(iv) Dividends gross from Indian companies 60,000
(v) Deposit in Public Provident Fund 70,000
(vi)Tax paid in foreign country 2,50,000
There is no double taxation avoidance treaty. Compute the tax liability

Solution: (a) Computation of Total Income for the A.Y. 2011-12

Particulars ` `
1. Income from House Property 4,00,000
2. Income from Business :
(a) Income from Indian business (-) 2,00,000
(b) (i) Income from foreign business accruing or (+) 10,00,000
arising outside India
(ii) Income from foreign business deemed to accrue or (+) 2,00,000 10,00,000
arise in India
3. Income from other sources
Dividends from Indian companies exempt [Sec. 10(34)] Nil
Gross total income 14,00,000
Less : Deduction for approved savings (Sec. 80C): 70,000
PPF Deposits
Total income 13,30,000

Tax liability on Total Income :

Income-tax on slab rates 3,48,000
Add: Surcharge on income tax Nil
(assuming total income less than one crore) 3,48,000
Add : Education cess : 2% on the aggregate of income 6,960
tax and surcharge
Add : SHEC @ 1% 3,480
Tax liability 3,58,440
Less : Double taxation relief on foreign business profits, 2,08,330
not deemed to accrue or arise in India (Sec. 91) [10,00,000 × 20.833%]
Tax payable 1,50,110

Note: 1. Relief is allowed on the doubly taxed income either at average rate of Indian tax or average rate of
foreign income tax, whichever is lower;
(a) Average rate of Indian income tax : 3,58,440 / 13,30,000 × 100 = 26.95%
(b) Average rate of foreign income tax: (2,50,000/12,00,000) × 100 = 20.833%
2. The amount of doubly taxed income has been worked out as under: `
Income from foreign business, accruing outside India 12,00,000
Less: (i) Income from business connection deemed to accrue or
arise in India which is not entitled to double taxation relief. 2,00,000
Doubly taxed income 10,00,000
3. Loss from Indian business has been set-off against profits from foreign business which is deemed to
accrue or arise in India.
The mode of set-off increases the amount of double taxation relief.

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

(b) A is a musician deriving income from foreign concerts performed outside India, ` 50,000. Tax of ` 10,000
was deducted at source in the country where the concerts were given. India does not have any agreement
with that country for avoidance of double taxation. Assuming that Indian income of A is ` 2,00,000, what is
the relief due to him under Sec. 91 for the assessment year 2011-2012.
Solution : Computation of Total Income for the A.Y. 2011-12
(a) Computation of total income: `
(i) Indian income 2,00,000
(ii) Foreign income 50,000
Gross Total Income or Total Income 2,50,000

(b) Computation of Tax Liability :

Income tax on total income: 9,000
Add :
(i) Education cess @ 2% 180
(ii) SHEC @ 1% 90
Less : Double taxation relief under Sec. 91: ` 50,000 × 3.71% 1,855
Tax payable 7,415

Question No.57
(a) Samir furnishes the following particulars for the compilation of his Wealth Tax return for Assessment
Year 2011-12.
(i) Gifts of jewellery made to wife from time to time aggregating ` 80,000.Market value on valuation
date ` 3,00,000
(ii) Flat purchased under installment payment scheme in 1979 for ` 9,50,000. Used for purposes of his
residence and market value as on 31.3.2010. (Installment remaining unpaid ` 80,000) ` 10,00,000
(iii) Urban land transferred to minor handicapped child valued on 31.3.2010 ` 5,00,000.
Explain how you will deal with these items. Make suitable assumptions if required.
Particulars Taxable Reasons
Gift of Jewellery made to wife ` 3,00,000 Deemed asset u/s 4. Fair Market Value of the Jewellery is
Flat used for residence NIL Taxable as an asset u/s 2(ea) but the assessee can claim
exemption u/s 5(vi). So full value of the asset is exempt from
Urban Plot in the hands of the minor NIL Asset held by the minor who is handicapped u/s 80U,
clubbing provisions does not apply.

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

(b) Sunrise Promoters & Developers Ltd. a widely held company owns the following assets as on 31.3.2011 : -
(i) Land at Rajarhat (West Bengal) purchased in 2002 on which a residential complex consisting of 24
flats, to be sold on ownership basis, is under construction for last 18 months
(ii) Two office flats at Noida purchased for resale in the year 2003
(iii) Shares of Group Companies, break-up value of which is ` 19,00,000
(iv) Cash at construction site ` 8,00,000
(v) Residential flat in occupation of company’s whole-time director drawing a salary of ` 4,50,000 per
Which of the above assets will be liable for wealth? Give reasons in brief.

Solution : Assessee: Sunrise Promoters & Developers Ltd. Valuation Date: 31.3.2011

Assessment Year: 2011-12

Nature of Asset Amount Reasons

Land at Rajarhat purchased in 2005 NIL Urban Land held as stock-in-trade for a period less than

10 Years -not an asset u/s 2(ea)

Residential Flats at Noida purchased NIL House Property held as stock-in-trade - not an asset u/s

in 2004 for resale

Shares of Group Companies NIL Not an asset u/s 2(ea)
Cash at construction site NIL Any amount recorded in the books of account is not an
asset u/s 2(ea)
Residential House Property for NIL Since Gross Annual Salary of Whole Time Director

Whole-Time Director is less than ` 5 Lakhs - not an asset u/s 2(ea)

(c) Hassan, a person of Indian origin was working in Australia since 1986. He returned to India for permanent
settlement in June 2004 when he remitted the moneys into India. He furnished the following particulars of
his wealth as on 31.3.2011. You are required to arrive at his wealth in respect of Assessment Year 2011-12 :
(a) Market Value of Residential house in Jharkhand (let-out for residence) ` 10,00,000 with Net
Maintainable Rent p.a. of ` 1,20,000.
(b) Share in building owned by a firm in which Hassan is a Partner - used for business ` 5,00,000
(c) Motor-car purchased in April 2009, out of moneys remitted to India from Australia ` 4,00,000
(d) Value of interest in Firm excluding item (b) above ` 5,00,000
(e) Shares in companies (quoted) ` 2,00,000
(f) Assets purchased out of amount remitted from Australia :
• Jewellery purchased in March 2002 ` 5,50,000
• Vacant land purchased in October 2000 ` 10,00,000
(g) Amount standing to the credit of NRE Account ` 15,00,000
(h) Cash on hand (out of sale proceeds of agricultural income) ` 65,000

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Solution : Assessee: Hassan Valuation Date: 31.3.2011 Computation of Net Wealth

Nature of Asset Amount Reasons

Residential House in Jharkhand NIL Not an Asset u/s 2(ea) - Let-out for whole year -Hence,
not taxable
Share in the building owned by NIL Not an asset u/s 2(ea), used for its own business -

the firm not chargeable to tax

Motor-car 4,00,000
Less: Exempt u/s 5(v)-acquired NIL Asset u/s 2(ea). But, exemption available u/s 5(v),

out of money brouqht into India since acquisition out of money brought into India.
Value of Interest in a Firm 5,00,000 Assumed as deemed asset u/s 4(1)(b)
Shares in Companies NIL Not an asset u/s 2(ea)
Value of Jewellery 5,50,000 Asset u/s 2(ea) - Not entitled for exemption
Vacant Land 10,00,000 Asset u/s 2(ea) - Purchased in October 2000
Money in NRE A/c NIL Not an asset u/s 2(ea)
Cash in Hand in excess of ` 50,000 15,000 Asset u/s 2(ea), being an Individual

NET WEALTH 20,65,000

Tax Liability Nil
Since less than the Basic Exemption limit.

Question No.58

(a) Abhishek, a person of Indian origin was working in Austria since 1991. He returned to India for
permanent settlement in May 2010 when he remitted money into India. For the valuation date
31.3.2011, the following particulars were furnished. You are required to compute the taxable wealth.
The reason for inclusion or exclusion should be stated:-
• Building owned and let-out for 270 days for residence. Net maintainable rent (` 1,00,000) and the
Market Value (Excess of Unbuilt Area over Specified Area is 20% of the Aggregate Area) ` 30 lakhs
• Jewellery : (a) Purchased in April 2010 out of money remitted to India from Austria ` 12,00,000
(b) Purchased in May 2010 out of sale proceeds of motor-car brought from abroad and sold for ` 40
• Value of interest in urban land held by a firm in which he is a partner ` 10 lakhs
• Bonds held in companies ` 10 lakhs
• Motor car used for own business ` 25 lakhs
• Vacant house plot of 480 sq. mts. (purchased in December 2003) market value of ` 20,00,000
• Cash in hand ` 45,000
• Urban land purchased in the year 2007 out of withdrawals of NRE Account ` 15,00,000

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Assessee : Abhishek Valuation Date : 31.3.2011 Assessment Year : 2011-12

Computation of Net Wealth

Nature of the Asset ` ` Reasons

Value of the House 18,50,000 Asset u/s 2(ea). Working Note 1
Jewellery: Purchased in April 2010 12,00,000 Asset u/s 2(ea).
Less: Exempt u/s 5(v) (12,00,000) Nil Purchased out of money

Jewellery brought into India

Jewellery: Purchased in May 2010 40,00,000 Asset u/s 2(ea).
Less: Exempt u/s 5(v) (40,00,000) Nil Purchased out of sale proceeds of

assets brought into India

Interest in Urban Land held by firm 10,00,000 Deemed Asset u/s 4(1)(b)
Bonds held in companies — Nil Not an asset u/s 2(ea)
Motor car 25,00,000 Asset u/s 2(ea). Not held as

Vacant House Plot (480 sq. mts.) 20,00,000 Asset u/s 2 (ea)
Less: Exempt u/s 5(vi) (20,00,000) Nil House/part of house/plot

less than 500 sq.mts.

Cash in hand Nil Since not exceeding `50,000
Urban Land Purchased 15,00,000 Purchased out of money
Less: Exempt u/s 5(v) (15,00,000) Nil brought into India
NET WEALTH 53,50,000
Less : Basic Exemption 30,00,000
Net Taxable Wealth 23,50,000
Tax Payable @ 1% 23,500

(1) Working Notes: Valuation of Building :

Net Maintainable Rent(NMR) = `1,00,000
Capitalized Value of NMR=NMR×12.5 (Owner of the land) = ` 1,00,000 × 12.5 = `12,50,000
Add : Premium for excess of unbuilt area (20%) over specified area = 40% of CNMR = ` 5,00,000

(b) Mr. Kushal Sengupta owns a house at Jharkhand, which is let-out at `1,35,000 per annum. The annual
value of the property as per municipal records also is `1,00,000. Municipal taxes are partly borne by the
owner (`5,000) and partly by the tenant (`6,000). Repair expenses are borne by tenant (`10,000) the
difference between the un-built area and specified area does not exceed 5%. The property was acquired
on 10.5.1998 for ` 15,00,000.

Final Examination: Revisionary Test Paper Page 133

Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Determine for purposes of Wealth Tax Act, the value of the property as on 31.3.2011 on the following
situations —
(i) The house is built on a freehold land.
(ii) It is built on a leasehold land, the unexpired period of lease of the land is more than 50 years
(iii) If the area of the plot on which the house is built is 800 sq. mete` FSI, permissible is 1.4 and FSI
utilised is 1088 Sq. metres. (136 Sq. metres × 8 Storeys)
(iv) The tenant had made interest free deposit of ` 1,00,000 with the landlord.

Solution :
Assessee : Mr. Kushal Sengupta Valuation Date : 31.3.2011 Assessment Year : 2011-12
Computation of Value of House Property
For Situations (i) & (ii):
Computation of Gross Maintainable Rent (Amount in `)
Particulars No Rental Rental Deposit
Deposit excess of 3 Mths
Actual Annual Rent 1,35,000 1,35,000
Add: Municipal Taxes borne by the tenant 6,000 6,000
l/9th of Actual Rent Receivable since repair expenses are 15,000 15,000
borne by the tenant (`1,35,000/ 9)
Rental Deposits - 15% Interest on ` 1,00,000 Nil 15,000
Less: Municipal Taxes Paid 11,000 11,000
Less: 15% of Gross Maintainable Rent 23,400 25,650
Net Maintainable Rent 1,90,400 2,07,650
Case (a) Capitalization of Net Maintainable Rent
-Freehold Land NMR x 12.5 23,80,000 25,56,625
Case (b) Capitalization of Net Maintainable Rent
-Leasehold Land - Unexpired Lease 50 Years = NMR×10 19,04,000 20,07,650
Property Acquired after 31.3.1974 i.e. 10.5.1997 15,00,000 15,00,000
Therefore, Value of the Property (whether on 15,00,000 15,00,000

Lease-hold Land or on Freehold Land)

For Situation (iii) : In case of excess unbuilt area :

Unbuilt Area = (Actual Area of the Land less Built up Area) = (800 sq. mt less 136 sq. mt). = 664 sq. mt.
Excess Unbuilt Area = (Unbuilt Area less Specified Area) = 664 sq. mt. less 70% of 800 sq. mt. = 664 Less 560 =
104 sq. mt
% of Excess Unbuilt Area = Excess Unbuilt Area × 100/Aggregate Area = 104 × 100/800 = 13%

Therefore, Value of the Property = Substituted Net Maintainable Rent i.e. `15,00,000 + 30% of SNMR = `

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Question No.59
(a) From the following dated furnished by Mr. Soumitra, determine the value of house property built on
leasehold land as at the valuation date 31.3.2011:
Particulars `
Annual Value as per Municipal valuation 1,40,000
Rent received from tenant (Property vacant for 3 months during the year) 1,08,000
Municipal tax paid by tenant 10,000
Repairs on property borne by tenant 8,000
Refundable deposit collected from tenant as security deposit which does not 50,000
carry any interest
The difference between unbuilt area and specified area over aggregate area is 10.5%.

Solution :
Assessee: Mr. Soumitra Valuation Date: 31.3.2011 Assessment Year: 2011-12
Computation of Value of House Property
Step I: Computation of Gross Maintainable Rent (GMR)
Particulars ` `
Actual Annual Rent- ` 1,08,000 x 12 Months/9 Months 1,44,000
Add: Municipal tax paid by the Tenant 10,000
l/9th of Actual Rent Receivable as repair expenses are borne by 16,000
the tenant - ` 1,44,000/9
Interest on Refundable Security Deposit- ` 50,000 x 15% x 9/12 6,000 32,000
Step II: Computation of Net Maintainable Rent (NMR)
Particulars ` `
Gross Maintainable Rent (GMR) 1,76,000
Less: Municipal Taxes levied by the local authority 10,000
15% of Gross Maintainable Rent - `1,76,000 x 15% 26,400 (36,400)
Step III: Capitalisation of the Net Maintainable Rent (CNMR) (Assumed that unexpired lease period is more
than 50 Years)
NMR × Multiple Factor for an Unexpired Lease Period - ` 1,39,600 × 10 = ` 13,96,000
Step IV: Addition of Premium to SNMR in case of excess inbuilt area:
Particulars `
Add: Capitalisation of the Net Maintainable Asset 13,96,000
Premium for excess of 10.5% unbuilt area over specified area-30%
of CNMR 4,18,800
Value of House Property as per Wealth Tax Act 18,14,800

(b)Property Company Ltd. has let-out a premise with effect from 1.10.2010 on monthly rent of `1.5 lakh. The
lease is valid for 10 years and the tenant has made a deposit equivalent to 3 months rent. The tenant has
undertaken to pay the municipal taxes of the premises amounting to ` 2 lakh. What will be the value of the
property under Schedule III of the Wealth Tax Act for assessment to wealth tax?
Solution :
Assessee: Property Company Ltd. Valuation Date: 31.3.2011 Assessment Year : 2011-12
Computation of Value of Let-out Property
Actual Annual Rent Receivable :- ` 1,50,000 × 12 Months 18,00,000
Add: Municipal Taxes borne by the Tenant 2,00,000
Gross Maintainable Rent (GMR) 20,00,000

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Less: Municipal Taxes levied by the Municipal Authority 2,00,000

Less: 15% of Gross Maintainable Rent (` 20,00,000 × 15%) 3,00,000
Value of the Property = Capitalized Value of NMR
NMR × 8 (unexpired period of lease is less than 50 years) = ` 15,00,000 × 8 = ` 1,20,00,000

Question No.60
(a) Net wealth of firm consisting of three partners Bidyut, Kingshuk and Deepak in 2:2:1 and a capital
contribution of ` 17 Lakhs, ` 13 Lakhs, and ` 12 Lakhs respectively is as under -
(i) Value of assets located outside India ` 30,00,000
(ii) Value of assets located in India ` 80,00,000
(iii) Debts incurred in relation to assets in India ` 40,00,000
Determine the value of interest of the partners in the firm under the Wealth Tax Act, 1957.
Assesses: Bidyut, Kingshuk & Deepak Valuation Date: 31.3.2011
Assessment Year: 2011-12
Computation of net wealth of the Firm
Particulars ` `
Value of Assets located in India 80,00,000
Less: Liability in relation to assets in India 40,00,000 40,00,000
Value of Assets located outside India 30,00,000
Net Wealth of the Firm 70,00,000

Computation of Interest of the Partner in the net wealth of the Firm (Amount in `)
Particulars Bidyut Kingshuk Deepak
To the extent of Capital Contribution 17,00,000 13,00,000 12,00,000
Balance (Net Wealth-Capital Contribution) in Profit 11,20,000 11,20,000 5,60,000

sharing ratio since dissolution ratio is not given

Interest of the Partner in the Net Wealth of the Firm 28,20,000 24,20,000 17,60,000

Computation of the Interest of the Partner in the net wealth of the Firm on the basis of location of assets:
(Interest of the Partner in the Firm apportioned in the ratio of 4:3)
Particulars Balu Kausik Deepu
Assets Located Inside India 16,11,429 13,82,857 10,05,714
Assets Located Outside India 12,08,571 10,37,143 7,54,286
Interest of the Partner in the Net Wealth of the Firm 28,20,000 24,20,000 17,60,000

(b) Satender is aged 35 years. His father settled a property in trust giving whole life interest therein to
Satender. The income from the property for the years 2006-07 to 2009-10 was ` 70,000, ` 84,000, ` 90,000, `
108,000, respectively. The expenses incurred each year were ` 2,000, ` 4,000, ` 5,000 and `6,000
respectively. Calculate the value of life interest of Mr. Jogi in the property so settled on the valuation date
31.3.2011, with the help of the factor of 9.267.

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Gr.III: Paper 14: Indirect and Direct Tax Management December 2011

Step Procedure
1 Average Income for last three years = (` 84,000 + ` 90,000 + ` 1,08,000)/ 3 = ` 94,000.
2 Average Expenses for the last three years = (` 4,000 + ` 5,000 + ` 6,000) / 3 = ` 5,000.
3 Maximum Permissible Expenses = Average Expenses or 5% of Average Income, whichever is less =
5% of ` 70,000 = ` 3,500
4 Average Annual Income = ` 94,000 Less ` 3,500 = ` 90,500.
5 Life Interest=Average Annual Income×Life Interest Factor = ` 90,500 × 9.267 = ` 8,38,664.

(c) The assessment of assessment year 2005-06 was completed on 28.03.2008. On 5.7.2010, the Assessing
Officer issues notice under Sec.148 as he has reasons to believe that Rs.95,000 has escaped assessment for
the assessment year 2005-06. Is the notice valid? Would your answer differ is the amount involved was
Rs.1,05,000 instead of Rs.95,000?

Answer: As income escaped is less than Rs.1,00,000, as per section 149(1), notice under section 148 could
have been issued till 31.3.2010 ( 4 years from the end of the relevant assessment year of which income
escaped assessment). Hence, notice issued on 5.7.2010 is time barred and thus invalid.
Since income exceeds Rs.1,00,000, as per Sec.149(1), notice u/s 148 could have been issued upto
31.3.2012.hence notice issued on 5.7.2010 is a valid notice.

(d) Mr.R wins a motor car in a lucky draw held by G Ltd. The market price of the car is Rs.3,00,000. What
should be the amount of TDS to be recovered?
Answer: In this case, G Ltd. shall have to recover the tax as follows:
Gross up the draw amount which shall be : 3,00,000 x 100/70 = 4,28,571
The tax to be deducted shall be = 4,28,571 x 30% = 1,28,571
G Ltd. shall deposit Rs.1,28,571 as tax and the gross income of Mr. R shall be Rs.4,28,571.

(e) State the objectives of tax planning?

Answer: The prime objectives of tax planning are:
(i) reduction of tax liability;
(ii) minimization of litigation
(iii) productive investment
(iv) healthy growth of economy
(v) economic stability.

(f)State the factors on the basis of which tax planning is done.

Answer: It is essential that areas of tax planning should be identified, so that one does not realise too late
that one has missed the opportunity for tax-cost reduction. A survey of such areas should help proper tax
planning. The following factors are helpful for effective tax planning:
(i) Residential status and citizenship of the assessee;
(ii) Heads of income/assets to be included in computing net wealth
(iii) Latest legal position
(iv) Form vs. substance

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