Evidence-Based Public Health, by Ross C. Brownson, Elizabeth A. Baker, Terry L. Leet, Kathleen N. Gillespie

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Evidence-Based Public Health, by Ross C. Brownson, Elizabeth A. Baker, Terry L.

Leet, Kathleen N. Gillespie

Article  in  Preventing chronic disease · April 2004

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Goldie MacDonald
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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VOLUME 1: NO. 2 APRIL 2004


Public Health

Editors: Ross C. Brownson, PhD, Elizabeth A. Baker, PhD, Community Health Status Indicators Project; the Annual
MPH, Terry L. Leet, PhD, Kathleen N. Gillespie, PhD Review of Public Health; evidence-based information on
New York health care outcomes, quality, cost, use, and access via the
Oxford University Press, Inc. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ); the
Publication Date: Oct 2002 Guide to Community Preventive Services; the Models that
256 pages Work Campaign to identify and promote innovative com-
Price: $39.95 munity-based models; the Planned Approach to
ISBN: 0-19-5143760 Community Health (PATCH); PRECEDE-PROCEED; and
the CDC Working Group on Evaluation.
Suggested citation for this article: MacDonald G.
Evidence-Based Public Health [book review]. Prev Evidence-Based Public Health was prepared for 4 main
Chronic Dis [serial online] 2004 Apr [date cited]. user groups: public health practitioners, policy makers,
Available from: URL: http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/ researchers, and key stakeholders, including the public.
2004/apr/04_0012.htm. The text should be considered necessary reading in schools
of public health; the authors artfully marry science and

I n a relatively short amount of time, the term “evidence-

based public health” has flooded dialogues on program
planning, implementation, and evaluation. What is evi-
practice with accessible case examples throughout. The
combination of practical steps and supporting resources
serves as a foundation for decision making in public health
dence-based public health? Abigail Adams reminded us as a tangible product of lessons learned via traditional
that “we have too many high sounding words, and too few research, the ongoing translation of diverse sources of evi-
actions that correspond with them” (1). In Evidence-Based dence, and reflective practice. Without question, the
Public Health, Brownson and colleagues provide not only authors demystify “evidence-based public health” and
a precise definition of a complex term but also a stepwise delve into intimately related concepts, including the role
framework for decision making toward improved public and varying quality of “best practices” in public health.
health practice.
Yet, with an increasing emphasis on more integrated,
The authors order the text according to a 6-step process community-based approaches to chronic disease preven-
for enhancing evidence-based decision making in public tion and health promotion, the authors leave room for oth-
health: 1) develop an initial statement of the issue; 2) ers to undertake a much-needed discussion of the back-
quantify the issue; 3) search the scientific literature and and-forth relationship between emerging or “promising
organize the information; 4) develop and prioritize pro- practices” and how this information might expand on
gram options; 5) develop an action plan and implement existing evidence to inform public health practice now and
interventions; and 6) evaluate the program or policy. With in the future. As we strive to identify important leverage
every step in the process, the authors provide resources for points for improving community and health outcomes, how
immediate use, including Wide-ranging OnLine Data for will lessons learned in the front lines of public health prac-
Epidemiologic Research (WONDER), a Centers for tice infiltrate that which constitutes “good” evidence? Do
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) program; the community-based practitioners have the resources neces-

The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and
does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2004/apr/04_0012.htm • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1
APRIL 2004

sary to evaluate programs and disseminate key findings?

Have we created ample pathways for informing evidence-
based decision making in public health?

The book lends itself to a follow-up discussion of com-

munity-based participatory research as a possible strategy
for enhancing the evidence base relevant to program
development to address a wide range of existing and
emerging health disparities. Moreover, Evidence-Based
Public Health highlights the necessity of continued invest-
ment in research syntheses, as well as strategies of dis-
semination that take into account the real-world chal-
lenges faced by practitioners in a climate of uncertain
resources and increasing calls for accountability to new
and diverse stakeholders. To this end, the authors surely
set the stage for rich dialogue on a host of issues critical to
advancing chronic disease prevention and health promo-
tion in bold new directions.

Goldie MacDonald, PhD

Steps to a HealthierUS
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Ga


1. McCullough D. John Adams. New York (NY): Simon

and Schuster, Inc.; 2001. p.17.

The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and
does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2004/apr/04_0012.htm

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