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Teaching Science

through English –
a CLIL approach
Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

3 What is CLIL?
Content first
The 4Cs of CLIL
Content-obligatory or content-compatible language?

6 Considerations when planning a CLIL science lesson

Activating prior knowledge
Input and output
Wait time
Collaborative tasks
Cognitive challenge
Developing thinking skills

8 What kind of challenges are there in CLIL?

Challenges for teachers
Challenges for learners
Use of L1
Lack of materials

11 How can CLIL teachers overcome the challenges they face?

What can teachers do?
How can teachers plan for CLIL?
What helps learners learn?
Appropriate task types

17 Applying CLIL to a science lesson

The human skeleton
Structure and function of the skeleton
Investigating whether long bones break more easily than short bones
Recording data

26 References

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

What is CLIL?
CLIL is an acronym for Content and Language Integrated Learning. It is an approach to teaching the
content of curricular subjects through the medium of a non-native language. In a CLIL course, learners
gain knowledge and understanding of the curricular subject while simultaneously learning and using the
target language.

Content first
It is important to notice that ‘content’ is the first word in CLIL. This is because curricular content leads
language learning. Learning about science involves developing knowledge and understanding of: the
material and physical world; the impact science makes on life and on the environment; scientific
concepts; scientific enquiry. In addition, learners need to develop the accurate use of scientific language.
For example:


Describing characteristics: Plants have three main organs: leaves, stems and roots.

Explaining a process: Photosynthesis takes place in leaves. The leaves take in and
expel gases from the atmosphere. They get rid of excess water
in the form of water vapour.

Describing functions: The stem keeps the plant upright and supports it. It also carries
water and minerals to other parts of the plant.

Expressing purpose: Plant roots have two functions: to fix the plant to the ground; to
absorb water and minerals.

Science teachers in CLIL programmes therefore have to know the specific academic language that
learners need in order to communicate their knowledge of scientific concepts, processes, functions and
purposes. They also need to ask scientific questions, to analyse scientific ideas, to evaluate experimental
evidence and to make conclusions and justify them. In order to achieve competence in communicating
ideas, teachers should help learners notice key grammatical patterns as well as key content vocabulary.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

The 4Cs of CLIL

It is helpful to think of Coyle’s 4Cs of CLIL for planning lessons (Coyle, 1999).

1 Content: What is the science topic? e.g. plants.

2 Communication: What science language will learners communicate during the lesson? e.g. the
language of comparing and contrasting in order to analyse similarities and differences between fungi
and plants.

3 Cognition: What thinking skills are demanded of learners in the science lesson? e.g. classifying
leaves, thinking about advantages and disadvantages of growing plants in polytunnels.

4 Culture (sometimes the 4th C is referred to as Community or Citizenship):

Is there a cultural focus in the lesson? e.g. learners can find out about plants which are indigenous
to their home countries and also find out about popular plants which are grown around the world.
Fertilizers used to help plants grow can also be compared. Which chemicals are used in different
fertilizers? These questions encourage learners to express opinions about the effect of science on
the environment. In multilingual contexts, it is important to encourage learners to find out about
plants found in their home countries as they can learn the names of a wider range of plants, and
discussion can take place about conditions in which different plants grow well.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Content-obligatory or content-compatible language?

Learners need to produce the academic register of science and they need to know both content-obligatory
and content-compatible language. ‘For every academic topic, certain language is essential for understanding
and talking about the material.’ (Snow, Met & Genesee, 1992)

Content-obligatory language
Every subject has its own content-obligatory language associated with specific content. This is the
subject-specific vocabulary, grammatical structures and functional expressions learners need to:

yylearn about a curricular subject

yycommunicate subject knowledge
yytake part in interactive classroom tasks.

Content-compatible language
This is the non-subject specific language which learners may have learned in their English classes and
which they can then use in CLIL classes to communicate more fully about the curricular subject.

For example, science teachers could identify the following language for learning about vertebrates:

Content-obligatory language Content-compatible language

vertebrate invertebrate short long

endoskeleton exoskeleton group, class
bones, backbone head, body, tail
terrestrial They lay eggs.
aquatic They catch fish.
(explaining differences) Vertebrates have (defining) It’s an animal that lives in the
endoskeletons but/whereas invertebrates sea/on the land.
have exoskeletons or no skeleton.

Teachers do not need to use the technical descriptions of these two types of language.
Usually content-obligatory language is described as subject-specific or specialist language.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Considerations when planning

a CLIL science lesson
Activating prior knowledge
It is helpful to start a lesson by finding out what learners already know about the science topic.
Learners may know many facts about a topic in their L1 (first language) but may have difficulty
explaining this knowledge in a second or third language. When brainstorming ideas about a new topic,
expect learners to use some L1 and then translate.

Input and output

Teachers need to plan the input, i.e. the information that is being presented in the CLIL class. Will it be
delivered orally, in writing, on paper, electronically? Is it for whole class work, group or pair work? Will
it include practical demonstrations? Teachers also need to plan for learner output. How are learners
going to produce and communicate the content and language of the lesson? Will it be communicated
orally, in writing or by using practical skills? What will success for the learners look like?

Wait time
Wait time refers to the time teachers wait between asking questions and learners answering them.
When subjects are taught in a non-native language, a longer wait time than usual is needed so that
learners can process new subject concepts in a new language. This is especially important at the start
of new CLIL courses so that all learners are encouraged to take part in classroom interaction.

Collaborative tasks
Include tasks that involve learners in producing key subject-specific vocabulary and structures in
meaningful pair or group work activities. Tasks may be at word level, e.g. a pair work information-gap
or labelling activity, or at sentence level, e.g. pairs can ask and answer questions about different body
organs, groups can explain how they plan to do an experiment or explain their results after doing an
experiment. They can do this either digitally or face-to-face. Activities should support processing
of new science content and language.

Cognitive challenge
Learners usually need considerable support to develop their thinking skills in a non-native language.
They need to communicate not only the everyday functional language practised in many
English classes, but they also need to communicate the cognitive, academic language of school
subjects. In CLIL, learners meet cognitively challenging materials from the beginning of their courses.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Providing scaffolding, i.e. content and language support strategies which are appropriate but temporary,
is therefore very important. For example, writing a substitution table on the board to support skills
of expressing purpose:

Living things need glucose to get energy.

Reptiles have hard scales in order to keep them warm.

The cells in the seed multiply so a new plant can develop.

Some cells are long and thin so that they can absorb water and minerals from the soil.

Providing effective scaffolding is a challenge to all CLIL teachers because learners vary in the amount
of support they need and in the length of time the support is needed. Learners might need more support
and for longer in one subject than in another.

Developing thinking skills

Teachers need to ask questions which encourage lower order thinking skills (LOTS), e.g. the what, when,
where and which questions. However, they also need to ask questions which demand higher order
thinking skills (HOTS). These involve the why and how questions and therefore require the use of more
complex language. In CLIL contexts, and especially in science subjects, learners often have to answer
higher order thinking questions at an early stage of learning curricular content.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

What kind of challenges

are there in CLIL?
Challenges for teachers
Subject teachers need to feel confident about their English language level, especially if they have not
used English for some time. For example in science, subject teachers need to:

yybe able to present and explain concepts in their subject area clearly and accurately
yycheck pronunciation of subject-specific vocabulary which may look similar to other words in
English but have different pronunciation
yybe able to use appropriate classroom language to present new concepts, to question,
paraphrase, clarify, encourage and manage their classes in English.

Language teachers may decide to teach subjects in CLIL or may be asked to. They need to feel
confident about their knowledge and skills related to the subject they are going to teach. For example in
science, language teachers need to:

yyknow how to explain scientific concepts and applications of science in meaningful and creative
ways that will deepen learners’ understanding
yybe prepared to answer questions about scientific concepts which may be unfamiliar to the
learners, for example, ‘What is the difference between bacteria and viruses?’
yywiden their knowledge of science vocabulary and its pronunciation.

Challenges for learners

Most learners need considerable support in the first two years of CLIL courses. Most teachers do not
know how long learners will take to do tasks, complete worksheets or understand instructions and
explanations until they have used materials for the first year. Learners are all different; some need more
support in order to understand subject concepts, while others need more support to communicate ideas
about subject concepts. Learners may need differentiation of:


Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

The table below gives an example of the way a classroom activity can be differentiated for less able
learners who are finding out about bones.

Types of differentiation Examples

outcome to explain the steps of an experiment (rather than to explain the

findings of the experiment)

task pair less able learners with more able peers

support provide gap-fill sentences to help communicate the steps of an

First we prepared _________. Then we took straws and _________.
Next we measured the ____________ and recorded the _______ in
the table. We used a forcemeter to ____________. After recording
__________, we repeated the experiment with _____________. It was a
fair test because ______________.

Differentiation is also necessary for more able learners. Teachers need to plan extension activities to
develop learner autonomy and learners’ higher order thinking skills for science. This is when Information
and Communications Technology (ICT) can be very useful for online learning activities such as web
quests and independent fact-finding.

Use of L1
In CLIL, it is recognised that some use of L1 by learners, and sometimes by teachers, is a bilingual
strategy that helps learners communicate fluently. Moving between L1 and the target language, either
mid-sentence or between sentences, is quite common for learners in CLIL. This is known as code
switching. Classroom observations show that use of L1 and the target language happens between
learners in the following interactions:

yyclarifying teachers’ instructions

yydeveloping ideas for curricular content
yygroup negotiations
yyencouraging peers
yyoff-task social comments

It is important that teachers avoid using L1 unless they are in a situation when it would benefit or
reassure learners. Some schools have a policy where no L1 should be used. Teachers should be able to
justify when they use L1.

Lack of materials
One of the most common concerns of CLIL teachers is that they can’t find appropriate science materials
for their classes. Either they cannot find anything to complement the work done in the L1 curriculum or
adapting native-speaker materials takes too much time. Increasingly, publishers are producing resources
for specific countries. However, as teachers gain more experience of CLIL, they generally start to feel
able to adapt native speaker materials from science websites and from subject-specific course books.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

CLIL assessment leads to much discussion. Teachers are unsure whether to assess content, language
or both. Different regions, different schools and different teachers assess in a variety of ways. What is
important is that there is formative as well as summative assessment in CLIL subjects and that there is
consistency in how learners are assessed across subjects in each school. Learners, parents and other
colleagues need to know what learners are being assessed on and how they are being assessed.

One effective type of formative assessment is performance assessment. It involves learners in

demonstrating their knowledge of content and language. For example, they could:

yyexplain how they set up an experiment to test bone strength

yydescribe how they applied their knowledge of bones to do a survey of broken bones and
recovery rates from the breaks, and then recorded the data using ICT.

Teachers observe and assess learners’ performance using specific criteria. Performance assessment can
involve individuals, pairs or groups of learners. As CLIL promotes task-based learning, it is appropriate
that learners have opportunities to be assessed by showing what they can do individually and
collaboratively. Performance assessment can also be used to evaluate development of communicative
and cognitive skills as well as attitude towards learning. For example, teachers can look for evidence of
learners’ ability to explain the effects of microorganisms on the human body (communication), reflect
on the reliability of their findings (cognitive skills) and share information with other group members

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

How can CLIL teachers overcome

the challenges they face?
What can teachers do?

What subject teachers can do

yyuse an online dictionary with an audio function to hear the pronunciation of science vocabulary,
e.g. Cambridge School Dictionary with CD-ROM
yyuse a grammar reference book in order to practise producing questions which involve: high order
thinking skills such as hypothesising. For example for the topic of light and sound:
yyWhat would happen if the speed of light slowed down?
yyHow could noise (reverberations) in the school hall be reduced?
yyLook at the diagram of the light experiment and the data collected. How could the students have
made the results more accurate?
yymake sure learners know the functional language needed to talk about their subject area, e.g.
explaining why a flower stem in a glass vase looks bent; describing what happens when sound
waves hit an obstacle.

What language teachers can do

yyusing online sources or subject-related books in English or the L1, read about science and the
concepts learners will need to understand the skills they need to practise
yyhighlight the subject-specific vocabulary learners need and present new words in topic-related
word banks rather than in alphabetical order, e.g. digestion: mouth, oesophagus, stomach, liver,
pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, rectum
yypractise delivery of science materials, prepare questions which demand low and high order
thinking skills and predict questions learners might ask about the topics presented.

What both subject and language teachers can do

yyif possible, plan curricular topics together so that both benefit from each other’s area
of expertise.

How can teachers plan for CLIL?

There are more components in a CLIL lesson plan than in a subject or language lesson plan.
The following nine areas need to be planned:

yyLearning outcomes and objectives

Teachers first need to consider the learning outcomes of each lesson, each unit of work and each
course. What will learners know and understand about science? What will they be able to do at the end
of the lesson, unit or course that they couldn’t do at the beginning? What skills will they master and
what attitudes about collaboration will they develop? Learning outcomes are learner-centred as they
focus on what the learners can achieve rather than on what the teacher is teaching.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

For example, in the science topic of living things:

Learners should know … Learners should be able to … Learners should be aware of …

that living things are organisms explain the features of plant the history of the discovery
made up of cells and animal cells of cells
similarities and differences draw diagrams of plant and
between plant and animal cells animal cells
the functions of cells compare and contrast
how plant and animal cells functions and features
divide of cells using a table
explain how plant and animal
cells divide

yySubject content
What content will learners revisit and what content will be new? Learners need to hear subject-specific
language more than once, so revisiting a new concept is necessary. For example, endoskeleton and
exoskeleton may be confused because the words are similar, or reflection and refraction may be
confused because the concepts are both related to the topic of light. To revisit concepts, teachers
should present learners with different tasks that demand different language skills but that are aimed
at communication of the same concepts. While planning, teachers should also note any anticipated
difficulties learners may have with content and language learning.

As CLIL promotes collaborative learning, teachers need to plan pair work or group work activities so
that learners can communicate the language of the subject topic. Communicative activities should be
integrated during the lesson, rather than left to the end of the class. They can be:

yyshort, e.g. tell pairs of learners they have 3 minutes to brainstorm words related to muscles
yylonger, e.g. tell learners they have 10 minutes to work with a different partner to draw a diagram
of how arm muscles work. Finally, pairs tell their partners how accurate their diagrams are.

yyThinking and learning skills

The development of both thinking and learning skills needs to be planned. Do learners move from lower
order to higher order thinking skills during the lesson? Subject teachers need to plan and sometimes
practise types of questions they will ask to develop both types of thinking. The table below provides
some examples:

Lower order Higher order

Purpose Purpose
thinking questions thinking questions
Are most chemical to check Look at the diagrams. to develop skills
reactions reversible or understanding of a In which test tube will of evaluating and
irreversible? new concept the iron nail rust? How reasoning
Which three things to review learning do you know? to develop creative
are needed for a fire to Why do you think thinking
burn? fireworks contain
metal salts?

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

CLIL teachers need to plan how to support learners in developing learning skills, such as planning
how to set up an experiment, ‘following instructions and working safely, making observations and
measurements, recording observations and measurements, handling data, drawing conclusions,
evaluating the experiment.’ (Hayward, 2003)

Teachers need to think about the kind of tasks learners will do during the lesson and as a follow-up.
It is important to plan a range of tasks which require different challenges, such as less demanding tasks
which involve transferring numerical data, for example about the times different metals take to react
to acid, and comparing results of tests shown on two different graphs. More demanding tasks include
evaluating evidence of, for example, changes in rocks as a result of chemical weathering, and applying
subject knowledge to everyday or hypothetical situations, e.g. Why does water in some areas of the
country damage washing machines and how could the damage be reduced?

yyLanguage support
All teachers need to plan to support for:

1 the language of input

2 the language of output

Sometimes support for input and output can be the same. It is useful to think of support at word,
sentence and text levels. In science, tasks include all three. The table below shows some examples
from the topic of food chains:

Word-level support Sentence-level support (explaining a process)

Word bank: Substitution table:

1. Plankton is food for fish.
is eaten by
2. Fish are food for whales.
are eaten by
herbivore Sentence starters:
carnivore Herbivores are animals which only eat ___________.
omnivore Primary consumers are animals which eat __________________.

yyMaterials and resources

In all teaching, teachers need to find or create materials and then evaluate them to make sure the
content and language are suitable for the stage the learners are at. In CLIL, most subject materials
need adapting because of the complexity of language used in the instructions, in texts or in the
activities themselves. This can also be an issue when teachers recommend science websites for
learners to access. Web links need to be checked to ensure the language is comprehensible.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

yyCross-curricular links
CLIL promotes links with other subjects in the curriculum so teachers should plan to include references
to learning similar content in other subjects. For example, if learners are studying the topic of forces in
science, it is useful to find out if they have been studying how the body uses forces in P.E.
(physical education). For design and technology, learners can find out which levers are applied in the
home and in industry. Teachers can then make links to forces in biology and physics. The example
of bones that follows can be linked to learning in P.E.

In CLIL plans, it is important to link the assessment of learning, i.e. formative assessment to the
attainment of learning outcomes for the lessons. Many European CLIL programmes use ‘Can Do’
statements as these are clear for both teachers and learners. Assessment criteria are therefore
transparent. For example, in a science topic:

Learning outcomes Assessment

Most learners should: Most learners can:

know: • explain the properties of acids and alkalis

• the properties of acids and alkalis and the and the differences between them
differences between them • give examples of where acids and alkalis
• that acids and alkalis are found in everyday are found in daily use
products • describe how neutralisation takes place
• that acids and alkalis can react to make neutral • describe applications of neutralised
solutions and that these can change the pH of solutions in farming and industry
certain substances • explain a practical example of neutralisation
be able to: using plants: nettles (produce acid
• explain the properties of acids and alkalis and the if hairs on leaf break) and dock leaves
differences between them (contain alkali)
• describe the use of acids and alkalis in household
products and in daily life
• explain how neutralisation reactions can change
the pH of substances
• apply theory to a natural example

Teachers should keep ongoing records of continuous, formative assessment done through observation
of learning experiences in the classroom, in the science lab or outside. It is not necessary to record
information about each learner during each lesson. However, over a period of several weeks, evidence
of learners’ progress as they work towards achieving the learning outcomes needs to be recorded. Here
is part of a record for formative assessment in science. Teachers record the date when they observe
learners’ achievement of the following:

Assessment criteria (matter)

name can describe the can give examples can ask a research can check a
three physical of substances question related hypothesis
states of matter which are mixtures to separating by separating
and how a of components mixtures, and set mixtures and
substance can up an experiment evaluate the
change from one experiments
state to another

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

What helps learners learn?

Two different surveys carried out with secondary CLIL learners produced interesting findings
(Bentley and Phillips, 2007). The first set of questionnaires was completed by 14–15 year old Spanish
learners who were studying science in English. It was their second year of learning science and fifth year
of learning English. Here are a few responses to the question ‘What helps you learn science in English?’:

yy‘More vocabulary and more diagrams on the worksheets’

yy‘Give us more explanations’
yy‘Use easy words for the explanations and vocabulary’
yy‘Work with games’
yy‘The complicated words in English with the Spanish words next to the English’
yy‘Put the hard vocabulary in a side of the page in Spanish. Put more pictures.’
yy‘Add a list of vocabulary and illustrations’
yy‘Maybe put the most difficult science words with translation’

It is clear that the quantity and complexity of new science vocabulary was causing problems.
Highlighting key content vocabulary with explanations can be helpful.

The second set of questionnaires asked learners to tick a list of factors that help them learn school
subjects in English. The learners were aged between 13 and 16 and were from different Spanish schools
implementing CLIL programmes.

yypictures: 38%
yydiagrams: 19%
yyword lists: 18%
yytranslations: 49%
yyuse of computers: 19%
yyteacher explanations: 56%
yyfriends: 36%

The results of the surveys show, firstly, how important it is that teachers explain their subject content
effectively and, secondly, if friends support each other in the classroom, it is important to include
experiential learning, especially in science subjects.

CLIL teachers also report that at the start of courses, learners need considerable scaffolding
and encouragement to help them learn. This can be in the form of clearly presented step-by-step
instructions or explanations, constructive feedback and use of language frames. Learners respond
positively to meaningful contexts that personalise learning. They also need regular consolidation
of new content and language.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Appropriate task types

There is a range of task types that teachers can use in CLIL. Learners need a variety of tasks to stimulate
output of content and language. Some tasks are more time-consuming to set up and create, and also
take more time to complete.

It is useful to keep a list of task types and to tick off the ones that have been used over a school term or
a year. Here are some examples of task types for science:

circle, underline, tick describe and guess, information transfer sequence stages in a
the word, sentence or e.g. the bone, muscle from text to graph or scientific process
diagram which is true table

classify types of domino games jigsaw map word searches and

materials, plants etc. web searches

collect and organise find the mistake or label or match true/false; yes/no,
information find the link, e.g. diagrams or images e.g. an elimination
between different game
organisms Is the material solid?
compare and contrast gap-fill multiple choice/odd
results of experiments one out Is it organic? (no)
Is it a mineral? (yes)
complete the identification keys, PowerPoint
diagram/table/graph e.g. a binary key with presentations Can it be several
questions to help colours? (yes)
learners identify Is it a type of rock?
minerals (yes)

Questions teachers should ask about the tasks they use are:

yyWhich tasks motivate the learners?

yyWhich tasks involve interaction?
yyWhich tasks develop thinking skills for the subject I teach?
yyWhich tasks need language support?

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Applying CLIL to a science lesson

The example of a science lesson is taken from Stage 7 of the Cambridge Secondary Science 1 curriculum
framework. Although many of the ideas described here are topic-specific, they can be modified to fit
any science topic, and for students at other stages.

The lesson described concentrates on the development of scientific enquiry skills.

The human skeleton

Learning outcomes
yyto review the names of the main bones in the human skeleton
yyto understand the functions of the human skeleton
yyto investigate a question about the strength of bones
yyto be able to use a forcemeter to measure forces in newtons
yyto be able to record numerical data in a results table
yyto be able to consider the variables to be kept the same when carrying out an investigation
yyto be able to use results to make conclusions

Learning outcomes
The above learning outcomes can be divided into those which focus on science content, i.e. bullet points 2, 3, 4
and 6, and those which focus on content and language, i.e. bullet points 1, 5 and 7. It is important that teachers
notice learning outcomes which may need language support. Many teachers like to write the learning outcomes on
the board so that learners are clear about what they should understand and achieve by the end of the science lesson.
Learners also need to understand that the aim of the experiment is to help them develop scientific enquiry skills
in addition to learning about bones.

Activating prior knowledge

Begin the lesson by using questions to establish what learners already know. For example, they may
already have used a forcemeter in a physics lesson. You could ask:

What is a forcemeter?
How do we use one?
Which unit is used to measure forces?

When asking questions, remember to use direct questions such as the examples listed. Indirect questions can cause some
difficulty with word order and are more difficult for some learners to comprehend. Avoid using, ‘Does anyone know …?’ or
‘Do you know …?’ because with teenagers in CLIL contexts, these can sometimes lead to silence.
Remember to wait for an answer to each question because learners need additional time to process language, to think
of an answer and to work out how to express it in English.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

If learners have already covered the concepts, check understanding using a quick oral or written quiz.
For example, hand out to pairs of learners a five-question multiple-choice quiz with questions such as:

What is the unit we use for measuring forces?

A gram B joule C metre D newton

Set a time limit of four or five minutes to answer and check that learners agree with each other before
taking feedback.

As well as ensuring that all students have a firm basis from which to begin the lesson, oral or written
questions also help to consolidate some of the vocabulary that will be used in the lesson: forcemeter,
force, unit and newton. You can help students to learn and understand these words by showing them a
forcemeter and using the words as you demonstrate how to use it. Ensure that they are all able to read
the scale on the meter.

Building a scientific glossary

It is a good idea for students to build up a glossary of scientific terms as they learn about new science topics. Examples
of key words can be highlighted in bold on their worksheets. You can help the class to build up definitions of the four
terms listed above, and allow time for learners to add each term to their glossary. Doing this electronically, e.g. in
Word, makes it easy to insert new terms in alphabetical order at any stage. As well as this, make two sets of 10–12
cards using two different colours of card: put the words on one colour and the definitions on cards of the other colour.
Periodically, hand out sets of cards to small groups and ask them to match each word with its definition.

Scientific vocabulary
Science is full of technical terms that need to be used correctly. Some of the science terms have different meanings
when used in everyday speech. For example, the word 'force' and ‘unit’ have several different meanings in English.
This could lead to confusion or, in some cases, learners may not know the meanings in everyday use so are less
likely to be confused by them.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Structure and function of the skeleton

This part of the lesson introduces learners to the main bones in the skeleton and their functions.

If possible, show students a model of a skeleton. If that is not available, a good diagram can be used
instead. Ask the class to suggest what their skeleton does. Use this to introduce the term function.
The idea that structure relates to function is an important one in science and will recur in many different
topics. Elicit or pre-teach that the skeleton supports the body, protects parts of it (e.g. the brain and
heart) and helps with movement.

Talk about the names of the bones with the class, ensuring that they know how to pronounce each
name. They will generally enjoy learning the correct technical terms (e.g. ‘scapula’ rather than
‘shoulder blade’).

Checking understanding
The following two techniques are effective ways of checking understanding of science vocabulary:
1) Asking learners to ‘point to’ their ribs provides a quick and easy way to concept check some vocabulary as you can
easily see who is unsure of what ribs are.
2) Asking about similarities and differences is an effective way to encourage higher order thinking skills. It also provides
practice in naming the bones in the arms and legs and helps learners develop skills of observation as they look at

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Use discussion and questioning to consolidate both language and understanding of concepts.
For example, you could say and ask:

• Point to your ribs. How many ribs do you have?

• Which bones are similar and where are they?

As a class exercise, ask learners to write the names of the bones on an unlabelled diagram of a
skeleton, or to attach labels to the appropriate parts of a model. Labelling an unlabelled diagram
(preferably one that is not identical to the one in their textbook) is a good homework exercise and
helps learners to remember new vocabulary.

Investigating whether long bones break more easily

than short bones
This part of the lesson will help learners to develop scientific enquiry skills. Write the question,
‘Do long bones break more easily than short bones?’ on the board and make sure learners understand
that developing scientific enquiry skills is the reason they are doing the experiment. An outline of the
steps of an enquiry can help. For example:

Scientific enquiry

Ideas and evidence Learners make predictions and if possible give evidence for their ideas.

Planning Learners decide on appropriate approaches to questions.

They identify variables and consider if the test is fair.
They use information from a range of sources and identify limitations
of secondary data.

Carrying out the Learners make systematic observations and take accurate
investigation measurements using appropriate apparatus.
They identify when they need to repeat observations and
measurements in order to obtain reliable data.

Recording and Learners communicate what they have done using scientific language
presenting data and diagrams or graphs.

Making conclusions Learners consider:

• How fair was the test?
• How accurate were the measurements?
• How reliable were the results?
• What improvements would you make?
They then write their conclusions.

If possible, take enough materials so that groups of learners can do the experiment in class. A practical
approach to learning science is memorable, collaborative and meaningful. Present the instructions as a
worksheet and use diagrams to help learners to understand what they should do. If this is impractical,
ask learners to watch you demonstrate the experiment at the front of the class. If learners can only read
about an experiment on a worksheet, real understanding may not take place.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Using group work to develop language skills and understanding of science

It is good for learners to collaborate in groups while doing practical science work. They should be allowed to talk freely to
one another. Encourage learners to talk in English as much as possible because this will give them practice in using the
vocabulary of scientific enquiry, and also topic-specific vocabulary. Discussion also helps with the understanding of what
they are doing and why. More able learners develop their communication skills by clarifying their ideas as they explain
them to others. Less able students are usually supported by other group members, and feel more confident to contribute
ideas. Try to move around groups and ask questions that use scientific language associated with enquiry skills, and that
require learners to use it in response.

Language support
Collaborative work is an important part of developing enquiry skills. However, learners often do not know enough
language to discuss, challenge statements and present alternative ideas. It is helpful to tell learners that ‘on-task’
talk should be in English, i.e. talking about the experiment and what they are doing. ‘Off-task’ talk, e.g. negotiating,
turn-taking or asking for clarification may be done in the L1 if they don’t know the English words. The aim is not to slow
down the process of doing experiments but to encourage communication of ideas. It is also helpful to write language on
the board or on laminated cards so learners can refer to it and use it when necessary. For example:

1. Define the task What have we got to do?

2. Outline any difficulties We/I don’t understand the bit where/when …

3. Arrive at a common understanding What do you think this means?

What do you think he/she/they mean(s)?

4. Introduce an alternative point of view I understand you but I think …

 Another way of doing it is …

5. Support a point of view Yes, of course.
That’s right.

6. Bring ideas together We think the main point is …

We all agree about …
We agree about … but not about …
We don’t agree about …

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Experiment: Do long bones break more easily than short bones?

The experiment is taken from Jones et al. (forthcoming)

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Adapting a worksheet
With any materials, teachers need to ask: Is the content suitable? Is the language suitable?
Sometimes, and if possible, changes need to be made. For example, in the worksheet above, it may help learners to:
• simplify some language: instead of real bones not real bones
rather than break but not break
• reduce the amount of language: It’s easiest to do this in pairs Do this in pairs.
• delete the ‘summary’ as this is not important for the experiment.

Write additional language support on the board to make everything very clear. For example:
• a list of materials needed:
a drinking straw
half a drinking straw
a quarter of a drinking straw
a ruler and marker pen
a forcemeter, a wooden block with a nail in it at one end
• add two further headings above the results table:
variable reading
• provide sentence level support for communication of results:
The ________er the straw, the __________ easily it breaks.

It is important to introduce or consolidate the term variable before learners start the experiment or to
check understanding of it after they have done the experiment. A variable is something that can change
in an experiment. In this experiment, the effect of changing one variable (the length of the 'bone') on
another (the force needed to make it break) is investigated. Consolidate the meaning of this term by
asking learners questions such as:

yyWhat variable will you change/did you change in your experiment? How will you
change/did you change this variable?

(Answer: We will change/We changed the length of the 'bone' by using different lengths
of straw.)

yyWhat variable will you/did you measure in your experiment? How will you/did you measure it?

(Answer: We will measure/measured the force needed to make the straw bend, by pulling
with a forcemeter and reading the force when the straw just starts/just started to bend.)

An important feature of a well-planned scientific experiment is that all other variables should be kept
the same. This is so that only the variable investigated (the length of the 'bone') affects the results.
Learners often instinctively understand that the experiment must be 'fair', and the term 'a fair test'
is important. You can ask:

yyWhat variables will you keep the same in your experiment to make it a fair test?

(Answer: the material of the straw; the diameter of the straw; always pulling halfway
along the straw.)

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Recording data
Recording data in a well-constructed results table is an important skill. Here, learners have a
results table on the worksheet, complete with headings. Later in the course, you can give them
partly completed tables, and later still you can expect them to construct their own.

The purpose of a results table is to communicate data clearly. The headings of rows and columns
therefore need to be very clear. Learners should always include the units in these headings, rather than
writing them with the numbers in the other cells of the table. Check understanding of the word 'unit'
by asking students:

yyWhat is the unit we used to measure the length of the straw?

yyWhat is the unit we used to measure the force?

Making a conclusion from a set of results is another important skill. It is often a good idea to look back
at the title or aim of the experiment before writing a conclusion. Here, the aim of the experiment was
to find out if long bones break more easily than short ones, so the conclusion should use the results to
answer this question. A conclusion should be short; a good conclusion is generally a single sentence,
which directly answers the question that was being investigated. For example: From the results of our
experiment we have proved that long bones break more easily than short ones.

Anticipated problems
Content: some learners may not find the task challenging. You could encourage these learners to address scientific
enquiry skills by increasing the level of demand. For example:
1) A sk them to make three measurements of the force needed to bend each length of straw, then calculate the mean
(average) value. They need to modify the results chart if they do this.
2) A sk them to take measurements for at least five different lengths of straw, then plot a line graph of their results with
the length of straw on the x-axis and the mean force needed to bend it on the y-axis.

Learners should be encouraged to evaluate their experiment. In particular, they should think about how
much they trust their results, and how confident they are in their conclusion. This is a high-level skill and
many learners will need language support to evaluate what they did. Provide a language frame so they
can do this effectively. For example:

The experiment was … (how fair was it and why?) _____________________________________________________

Our measurements are … (how accurate are they?) ____________________________________________________
We are able to answer the question because our results show …. (how reliable are the results?) ____________________

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

With time and practice, learners will be able to include a discussion or evaluation each time they write
up an experiment. To begin with, it is a good idea to discuss the evaluation orally with the whole class,
rather than expecting learners to write their own discussion.

It is important to note that the experiment did not use real bones, and that the forces applied to them
are not the same as the kind of forces that break real bones. Most students will be aware of this so
they should be encouraged to write one or two sentences about the differences after they write their
conclusion, explaining that their experiment cannot really answer this question with any certainty.

It is a good idea to conclude the lesson by bringing learners together to round everything off in a plenary.
You could discuss:

yyany problems that they had when doing their experiment, and how they solved them
yythe results that they found – were they what they expected?
yythe conclusions they made
yyany suggestions for how they could make their experiment better if they did it again.

This provides further opportunity to use and consolidate new vocabulary associated with this topic. At
this stage some learners may code-switch, using some L1 and some English. Accept this and encourage
them to try again or translate or write sentence starters on the board to help them communicate in
English only. Leave time to revisit the learning outcomes and to ask learners:

yyDo you think you made a good start at achieving the outcomes?
yyWhat will help you understand them more clearly?

You can then use their answers when giving homework or when planning the next lesson.

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL approach

Bentley, K. and Phillips, S. (2007) Teaching science in CLIL, unpublished raw data

Coyle, D. (1999) Theory and planning for effective classrooms: supporting students in content
and language integrated learning contexts in Masih, J. (ed.) Learning through a Foreign
Language, London: CILT

Hayward, D (2003) Teaching and Assessing Practical Skills in Science, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press

Jones, M, Sang, D. and Fellowes Freeman, D. (forthcoming) Cambridge Checkpoint Science Coursebook
7 (p.7), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Snow, M. A., Met, M. and Genesee, F. (1992) A conceptual framework for the integration of language
and content instruction. In P. A. Richard–Amato and M.A. Snow (eds) The multicultural classroom:
Readings for content–area teachers (pp.27–38), New York: Longman

Teaching Science through English – a CLIL
This book is designed to help CLIL (Content and Language Integrated
Learning) teachers practically and effectively teach science through the
medium of English. Written by experienced CLIL teachers, it provides
useful tips and guidelines on how to plan lessons and develop activities
and resources in support of a CLIL approach.

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