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Lesson plan

Date: 7 th of June 2019

School: National College “Ghiba Birta” Arad

Teacher: Omuț Gianina

Grade: 9 th E

Skills: Speaking, reading

Time: 50 minutes

Textbook: Going for Gold, upper – intermediate

Type of lesson: Skill development lesson

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Express their opinions by using the new acquired phrases

- use the appropriate phrase when expressing an opinion
- practice asking and giving their opinions
- practice reading for general and specific information

Techniques: discussion, conversation, question-answer, fluent speaking, writing,

reading aloud

Materials: worksheets, whiteboard, notebooks

Class organization: frontal, group-work, individual work.

Lesson Ti Teacher’s activity Students’ Techniques Materials Class
stage me activity organization

Warm-up 3’ Greets the students, an Discussion Frontal

informal conversation
takes place.

Pairs the students into

groups of 3 for the
speaking activity

Pre- 7’ Hands out the Students Question- Worksheets

worksheets and points look at the answer with pictures
speaking Group-work
at the pictures the pictures
students have in front and answer
of them. the
Asks the students
questions about the
Pre-teaches about Students Listening
voluntary work. listen .

While 12’ Introduces the new Students Listening Whiteboard frontal

speaking lesson: Expressing copy the
opinion and writes phrases in
Writing Individual
some opinion phrases their
on the whiteboard: In notebooks notebooks
my opinion/ I think/ As
far as I’m concerned/
From my point of
view/My point is that
What do you think?
/What’s your opinion?

How about you?/ Do

you agree? /What’s
your view?/ I’m not
entirely sure/ I don’t
really know/ I haven’t
really thought about it
before/I don’t think so.

Points at the given Students Fluent Worksheets Group work

exercise they have on listen to speaking
their worksheets and instructions
asks the groups to Students in
answer the questions by groups of 3
expressing their answer the
opinion, in turns. given
Students answer the questions
given questions. using the

After 5’ Checks the students’ Each group Fluent Worksheets Group work
speaking answers by asking each presents speaking
group to express their their notebooks
opinions regarding the opinions in
questions given while turns.
the others listen.
Pre- 3’ Hands out the 2 nd Reading worksheet
worksheet and points at
the magazine article
about the six young
people talking about
their experiences of
doing voluntary work.

While 7’ Asks the students to do Students writing worksheet Individual

reading the exercise by ticking complete work
the right boxes. the task.

Gives the students a

few minutes to
complete the task.

After 7’ Asks the students to Students Reading worksheet

reading read the article aloud read the speaking
and checks the answers. article and
gives the

End of the 3’ Students speaking frontal

lesson answer the
Ask the students if they
would consider
voluntary work, if so,
what kind of voluntary
work they would like.

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