Oakland Coal Ban Ruling

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OAKLAND BULK & OVERSIZED Case No. 16-cv-07014-VC



An old army base sits along the water in Oakland, next to the Bay Bridge toll plaza. In

an effort to convert the old base into something useful to the community, the City of Oakland

entered into an agreement with a developer to build and operate a bulk cargo shipping terminal.

The idea was to allow commodities to be delivered to the terminal by train and then shipped out

by boat for export to other countries.

The development agreement froze in place the local regulations that existed at the time

the agreement was signed. This means, generally speaking, that any regulations adopted by

Oakland thereafter would not apply to the shipping terminal. But the agreement contains an

important exception: a regulation that postdates the development agreement can be applied to the

shipping terminal if the City determines that the failure to apply the new regulation would pose a

"substantial danger" to the health or safety of people in Oakland. The agreement specifies that

any such determination by the City must be supported by "substantial evidence."

After the development agreement was signed, word spread that the developer was making

plans to transport coal through the terminal. Many people in Oakland expressed concern about
this. The Oakland City Council responded by adopting two measures: (i) an ordinance that bans
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coal operations at "bulk material facilities" in Oakland; and (ii) a resolution that applies the

ordinance to this terminal, through a finding by the City Council that coal operations at the

terminal would pose a substantial danger to the health and safety of people in Oakland.

The developer responded by filing this lawsuit. Among other things, the suit alleges that

the City lacked substantial evidence to conclude that the proposed coal operations at the terminal

would pose a substantial health or safety danger to people in Oakland. This means, according to

the developer, that the City breached the development agreement by applying the coal ban to the


The parties have a number of disputes about how to interpret and apply the provision in

the development agreement that allows the City to protect its people from substantial health or

safety dangers. With respect to many of these disputes, Oakland makes strong arguments. For

example, Oakland is correct that the "substantial evidence" standard is deferential and gives

policymakers significant latitude to determine whether a danger to health or safety is significant

enough to justify applying a new regulation to the facility. Oakland is also right to say that it has

a special obligation to protect vulnerable members of the community – people who, partly

because of their income status and where they live, are more likely to experience adverse health

effects from pollution. Furthermore, Oakland is probably right that local policymakers are not

required to take it on faith that existing federal or state pollution standards will adequately
protect people.

But on the primary question presented by this lawsuit, Oakland is wrong. The question,

as both sides agree, is not whether any evidence that might possibly exist could support the City

Council's decision to ban coal operations at the facility. Rather, the question is whether the

record before the City Council when it made this decision contained substantial evidence that the

proposed coal operations would pose a substantial health or safety danger. Even under the

deferential standard of review in the development agreement, the record before the City Council

does not contain enough evidence to support the City Council's conclusion that the proposed coal
operations would pose a substantial danger to people in Oakland. In fact, the record is riddled

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with inaccuracies, major evidentiary gaps, erroneous assumptions, and faulty analyses, to the

point that no reliable conclusion about health or safety dangers could be drawn from it. Perhaps

a more thorough investigation could result in a lawful determination that coal operations may be

restricted at the facility, but in this case, the record was inadequate. Because the resolution

adopted by the City Council applying the coal ordinance to this shipping facility constitutes a

breach of the development agreement, it is invalid and the City may not rely on it to restrict

operations there.


After the Oakland Army Base was closed in 1999, some of its land became the property

of the City of Oakland. The City then embarked upon years of planning to redevelop it, which

culminated in contractual agreements with a group of developers who were interested in building

a bulk goods shipping terminal. A bulk goods shipping terminal is a facility that can receive,

store, handle, and ship goods that are typically transported in large quantities, such as cement,

iron ore, coal, and petroleum coke (also known as petcoke or coke). In 2012, Oakland officially

entered into a "Lease Disposition and Development Agreement" with the Oakland Bulk &

Oversized Terminal ("OBOT") to develop this terminal. Lease Disposition and Development

Agreement (Trial Exhibit ("Ex.") 65). In July 2013, the City and OBOT entered into a

"Development Agreement," which further established and elaborated OBOT's rights to build a
bulk goods terminal on this property. Development Agreement (Ex. 584). (Technically, both

agreements were signed by a legal predecessor of OBOT, but OBOT has assumed all of the

relevant rights and obligations under the agreements, so for all relevant purposes, it is effectively

the contracting party.) Since then, OBOT has contracted with a company named Terminal

Logistics Solutions to design and manage the terminal, although OBOT remains the landlord.

Collectively, OBOT, Terminal Logistics Solutions, and their partners are considered the project

developers. "OBOT" is used to refer to both the company and the bulk goods terminal being

At this stage, the most detailed description of OBOT's operations is contained in its "basis

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of design." The basis of design is a set of documents that the project developers gave the City in

September 2015. These documents describe, in general terms, how the terminal will operate, the

permits the developers will seek, and the rules and regulations the developers believe they will

have to follow. The basis of design is no more than a basic framework for the project, with the

details yet to be filled in. It reflects the design process at 8 to 10 percent completion, meaning

that approximately 90 percent of the pre-construction process remains, including further design

and permitting. Basis of Design, Volume 1, July 2015 Presentation (Ex. 1238.0005); May 16,

2016 OBOT Response to City Questions at 2 (Ex. 166.0002); Trial Transcript ("Tr.") 59:10-60:4,

61:15-24 (Tagami).

The basis of design lists goods that could be shipped through the terminal but does not

specify which of these goods the developers will actually ship. Two of the listed commodities

are coal and coke, and it is widely understood that they are intended to be the primary goods to

be shipped. Although OBOT continues to say it is considering other commodities, news articles

have reported that Terminal Logistics Solutions has been negotiating the transport of coal from

Utah. ESA Report at 2-3 to 2-4 (Ex. 14.0024-0025); May 16, 2016 OBOT Response to City

Questions at 1-2 (Ex. 166.0001-0002); Oct. 6, 2015 OBOT Response to City Questions (Ex.

149.0001). Moreover, Terminal Logistics Solutions, which was formed to operate bulk terminals

like OBOT, is a wholly owned subsidiary of a natural resources company named Bowie
Resource Partners that primarily owns coal mines in Utah.

According to the basis of design, the developers are planning for roughly 5 million metric

tons of coal and/or coke to pass through the terminal each year. Both commodities would be

brought to Oakland from other parts of the country. Basis of Design, Volume 1, July 2015

Presentation (Ex. 1238.0011); June 23, 2016 Agenda Report at 8-9 (Ex. 135.0008-0009). While

the Port of Oakland, which is adjacent to the former army base, ships many different kinds of

goods, it does not currently ship coal or have a bulk coal facility. Therefore, OBOT would be

the first coal shipping facility of its kind in Oakland. June 23, 2016 Agenda Report at 4 (Ex.
135.0004). For the purposes of this dispute, the parties have not meaningfully distinguished

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between coal and coke, focusing almost exclusively on coal. Accordingly, for ease of reference,

this ruling describes OBOT's proposed operations as "coal operations" and uses the word "coal"

as shorthand to refer to both commodities.

The proposed coal operations can be broken down into three phases. The first is the

"transport" phase. The coal will be mined in western states, such as Wyoming and Utah, and

then travel via interstate rail lines to the terminal. These rail lines will likely be operated by

Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe, which are known as mainline or long-haul rail

carriers. ESA Report at 2-4 to 2-5, 5-1 (Ex. 14.0025-0026, 0070).

The second phase is "staging." Once the trains reach the rail yard at the Port of Oakland,

they will be segmented. For instance, a 104-car train may be divided into four 26-car trains. At

that point, the rail car segments will be taken across a dedicated portion of rail track, called a rail

spur, to "dumper pits" on the property of the OBOT terminal. ESA Report at 2-4, 5-1, 5-10, 5-11

(Ex. 14.0025, 0070, 0079, 0080); Tr. 189:22-190:7 (Evans).

The third phase is "terminal operations." In this phase, the cars will be pulled over the

dumper pits and their bottoms will open up, unloading the coal onto an underground conveyance

system. The conveyance system will move the coal into storage in enclosed buildings, and later,

onto ships that will carry the coal overseas. ESA Report at 2-9, 5-1 (Ex. 14.0030, 0070); Tr.

275:22-276:14 (McClure).
In response to broader concerns about climate change and the environment, the City

Council adopted a resolution expressing Oakland's opposition to transporting fossil fuels through

the city in mid-2014. Resolution No. 85054 (Myre Decl. ISO OBOT's Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. 62,

Dkt. No. 141-62). Soon thereafter, word began to spread about the developers' plans to ship coal

through the bulk goods terminal, which generated significant public concern in Oakland. In

September 2015 and May 2016, the City Council held public hearings to receive testimony about

the health and safety effects of storing, handling, and transporting coal through Oakland.

Community members, organizations, and stakeholders from across the Bay Area testified and
submitted written comments. The City Council asked its staff to evaluate the submissions to

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determine what actions the City Council should take, if any. As a part of this undertaking, the

City Council authorized the City Administrator to hire Environmental Science Associates

("ESA"), an outside consultant, to analyze the health and safety effects of transporting coal

through OBOT.

The City's focus on health and safety was prompted at least in part by the language of the

development agreement. In the agreement, the City committed to limiting its ability to impose

new regulations on OBOT. With a few exceptions, the agreement freezes in place the

regulations that existed when the agreement was signed and precludes the application of

regulations adopted after the signing. However, one exception in the agreement allows the City

to apply new regulations to the project if the City makes certain findings about the project's

impact on health or safety.

ESA produced its report on June 23, 2016. The report summarized the existing public

record before the City Council and purported to estimate the environmental impact of the

proposed coal operations. A handful of other reports in the record also summarized the public

comments and offered opinions on the health and safety question. For instance, one was

prepared by Dr. Zoe Chafe for City Councilmember Dan Kalb, and another was prepared and

sent to the City Council by a group of public health professionals called the "Public Health

Advisory Panel." Environmental organizations, such as the Sierra Club, also submitted

Based in large part on the ESA report, as well as the public testimony and comments, the

City Administrator recommended that the City Council enact an ordinance prohibiting the

storage and handling of coal at bulk goods facilities in Oakland. It is undisputed that no such

facility currently exists in Oakland, and only one such facility has been contemplated – OBOT.

But the City appeared to operate under the assumption that this new ordinance could not

automatically apply to the OBOT facility because of the restrictions in the development

agreement. So the City Administrator also recommended that the City adopt a resolution that
would apply the ordinance to OBOT on the grounds that it would be "necessary to prevent

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conditions substantially dangerous to the health and/or safety of existing and/or future occupants

or users of the Project and Adjacent Neighbors." These recommendations were contained in an

Agenda Report, which attached drafts of the proposed ordinance and resolution, the ESA report,

and other comments, and was transmitted to the City Council on Friday, June 24, 2016. June 23,

2016 Agenda Report at 8 (Ex. 135.0008). On Monday, June 27, 2016, the City Council held a

public hearing, at which it approved the proposed resolution and ordinance. (Under state law,

city councils generally must read and vote on new ordinances, but not resolutions, twice. So

while the ordinance in this case was initially approved by the City Council on June 27, it

officially became law after the City Council's second, pro forma vote adopting it on July 19.)

Ordinance No. 13385 (Ex. 4); Resolution No. 86234 (Myre Decl. ISO OBOT's Mot. for Summ.

J. Ex. 50, Dkt. No. 141-50).

In response, OBOT filed this lawsuit. OBOT asserts that the City breached the

development agreement by applying this new coal ordinance to OBOT, because the City Council

failed to garner "substantial evidence" that transporting coal through the terminal would present a

"substantial danger" to people in Oakland. OBOT also argues that the ordinance violates the

Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution and is preempted by a variety of federal statutes: the

Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act,

and the Shipping Act of 1984.

Shortly after the lawsuit was filed, the Sierra Club and San Francisco Baykeeper, two

environmental advocacy groups, requested permission to intervene to help the City defend the

ordinance. The organizations argued that they would bring their specialized expertise – in

environmental law and the health and safety impacts of coal – to the case. The Court allowed the

Sierra Club and San Francisco Baykeeper to intervene in the lawsuit, but limited the scope of

their participation. Specifically, the Court ruled that these organizations could assist the City in

defending its law, but that they could not bring counterclaims or cross-claims, or prevent the case

from being dismissed pursuant to a settlement agreement between OBOT and the City. Mot. to
Intervene (Dkt. No. 28); Order Granting Mot. to Intervene & Denying Mots. to Dismiss (Dkt.

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No. 71).

Both sides filed motions for summary judgment on all of the claims brought by OBOT.

With respect to OBOT's breach of contract claim based on the development agreement, the Court

denied both sides' motions, concluding that a bench trial was necessary to properly assess the

evidence in the record before the City Council. The Court deferred ruling on OBOT's

constitutional and federal preemption claims, since it would be unnecessary to adjudicate those

potentially more weighty questions if the case could be resolved on the breach of contract claim.

The Court then held a bench trial, at which both sides presented the testimony of the key people

involved in the project and in the creation of the record before the City Council, as well as expert

testimony and documentary evidence.


For all the reasons discussed in this section, the record before the City Council does not

contain substantial evidence that OBOT's proposed operations would pose a substantial danger to

the health or safety of people in Oakland.


As a general matter, development agreements are contracts between local governments

and developers that freeze existing zoning and land use regulations into place. These agreements

are intended to provide developers with a measure of certainty that new and unexpected
government regulations will not stymie their projects, particularly when the projects require

years of investment, government approvals, and construction. Consistent with this general

approach, the agreement between the City and OBOT includes a provision that prevents the City

from imposing new regulations on the terminal project after the date on which the City signed

and adopted the agreement. Development Agreement § 3.4.1 (Ex. 584.0022-0023); see Save

Tara v. City of W. Hollywood, 45 Cal. 4th 116, 138 (2008); Santa Margarita Area Residents

Together v. San Luis Obispo Cty., 84 Cal. App. 4th 221, 226-27 (2000).

But there are a few exceptions, one of which is section 3.4.2 of the agreement. Section
3.4.2 allows the City to apply a new regulation to the project if the City has "substantial

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evidence" that failure to apply the regulation would create a "substantial danger" to the health or

safety of current or future users, occupants, or neighbors of the project. Specifically, section

3.4.2 of the development agreement states, in relevant part:

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, City shall
have the right to apply City Regulations adopted by City after the Adoption Date,
if such application

(a) is otherwise permissible pursuant to Laws (other than the Development

Agreement Legislation), and

(b) City determines based on substantial evidence and after a public hearing that a
failure to do so would place existing or future occupants or users of the Project,
adjacent neighbors, or any portion thereof, or all of them, in a condition
substantially dangerous to their health or safety.

Development Agreement § 3.4.2 (Ex. 584.0023).

There is a common understanding in the law of the meaning of the words "substantial

evidence," and there is no indication that Oakland and OBOT intended a different meaning.

"Substantial evidence" is "such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate

to support a conclusion," so long as it is "reasonable in nature, credible, and of solid value." City

of South San Francisco v. Workers' Comp. Appeals Board, 20 Cal. App. 5th 881, 896 (2018)

(quoting Braewood Convalescent Hospital v. Workers' Comp. Appeals Board, 34 Cal. 3d 159,

164 (1983)). The "substantial evidence" standard is less rigorous than the evidentiary standard

that governs civil trials, namely, the "preponderance of the evidence" standard, which requires
juries to inquire whether the evidence makes it more likely than not that something happened. In

other words, as applied to this case, the development agreement allows the City to apply a new

law to the terminal even if the evidence suggests there is less than a 50 percent chance that the

law is necessary to prevent a substantial danger to people in Oakland. This standard is

deferential to the City. Even if the Court believed the proposed coal operations would not pose a

health or safety danger, the Court would be required to uphold the decision to apply the new
regulation to the facility as long as the record before the City Council contained reasonable and

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credible evidence to support the City Council's conclusion.

Contrary to the parties' assertions, the Court need not get bogged down in state law

standards that apply in cases involving judicial review of actions taken by administrative

agencies. Administrative law is a highly specialized and technical field governed by its own set

of statutes, regulations, and cases. This case is not an administrative law case. Rather, this is a

contractual dispute, and the contract – namely, the development agreement – sets the standard

the Court must apply.

It bears emphasis that notwithstanding the deferential standard of judicial review, under

the agreement, the City Council's decision to ban coal at the facility may only be justified on the

basis of evidence that was before the City Council at the time the decision was made. The City

Council's record includes the oral and written testimony received at the public hearings, the

comments submitted to the City Council by community members, the reports commissioned by

public officials, and any other documents the City Council considered in connection with the

ordinance before its passage. The basis of design for the terminal is also part of the record.

When the City Council was considering the new law, the basis of design was the single most

comprehensive description of OBOT's plans available, although OBOT supplemented it with

various materials during the legislative process.

During the trial, both sides presented evidence that was not in the record before the City
Council. For instance, email exchanges between people working on the ESA report were not

part of the record before the City Council but were admitted at trial. This type of evidence is

relevant to the Court's ruling, to a limited extent, because it sheds light on the adequacy of the

evidence that was actually before the City Council. In other words, the non-record evidence

admitted at trial can inform the Court's understanding of whether the record before the City

contained substantial evidence that the proposed coal operations would pose a substantial danger

to health or safety. In the discussion that follows, the term "record" is used to describe only the

evidence before the City Council when it enacted the ordinance.

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Air pollution was one of the key concerns behind the ordinance. The most significant

parts of the record before the City Council focus on whether OBOT's operations would diminish

air quality in Oakland and thereby endanger human health. ESA used the evidence from the

record to estimate emissions for the project, which were then reprinted in the City

Administrator's June 23, 2016 report recommending that the City Council pass the ordinance and

apply it to OBOT. June 23, 2016 Agenda Report at 12 (Ex. 135.0012). ESA's estimates,

however, were almost completely unreliable.

Background on Emissions

The emissions at issue are particulate matter emissions. Particulate matter is an air

pollutant consisting of a mixture of fine particles. It can include liquid droplets, chemicals, dust,

metals, and other elements emitted from cars, factories, fires, and other activities, that become

suspended in the air. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tracks two kinds of particulate

matter – particulate matter 2.5 and particulate matter 10. Particulate matter 2.5, also known as

PM 2.5, is made up of particles in the air that are 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter. That is the

equivalent of 0.0001 inch or less in diameter, which is less than the thickness of a human hair.

Particulate matter 10, also known as PM 10, is comprised of particles in the air that are between

2.5 and 10 micrometers in diameter. Typically, the smaller the particles, the deeper they can go
into the human lungs and the easier it is for them to enter the bloodstream. ESA Report at 4-5

(Ex. 14.0062).

The most significant particulate matter emissions are expected from fugitive coal dust.

Fugitive coal dust is created when pieces of coal jostle against each other, eroding the coal into

fine particles. When air flows past these particles, they can become suspended in the air as fine

particulate matter. These particles can be emitted during any activity that involves the

movement of coal, including when coal is carried by rail car, unloaded from a train, moved

around a bulk facility, or conveyed onto a ship. These kinds of emissions can also result from
wind blowing over coal piles and producing coal dust that becomes suspended in the air. ESA

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Report at 5-1 (Ex. 14.0070).

ESA estimated emissions in Oakland from each of the three stages of OBOT's operations

and concluded that overall PM 2.5 emissions from the operations would be 21 tons per year, or

115 pounds per day. ESA believed that the bulk of these emissions would result from the staging

phase – when the rail cars would be disassembled at the Port of Oakland's railyard and taken

across the terminal's special rail spur to the terminal itself. Specifically, ESA estimated PM 2.5

emissions of 6 tons per year from the initial rail transport, 11.7 tons per year from the staging,

and 2.7 tons per year from the operations at the terminal. These emissions estimates are

summarized in Table 5-7 of the ESA report, which was reprinted in the June 23, 2016 Agenda

Report provided to the City Council. (As the City explained at trial, the subtotal for staging of

11.7 tons per year was incorrectly printed as 18 tons in the ESA report, although the overall

totals were added up correctly.) ESA also estimated the PM 10 emissions that would result from

each phase of the operations. In large part, however, the discussion about emissions in the

record and at trial focused on PM 2.5, likely because of the heightened health concerns

associated with finer particulate matter. Accordingly, the discussion below focuses on PM 2.5 –

although the methodological mistakes described apply to the calculations for both kinds of

emissions. ESA Report at 5-17 (Ex. 14.0086); June 23, 2016 Agenda Report at 12 (Ex.

State emissions standards put ESA's numbers in context. These standards, which are

often referred to as the "thresholds of significance," are used to monitor compliance with the

California Environmental Quality Act. For PM 2.5, the annual threshold is 10 tons of emissions

per year for a given project, and the daily threshold is 54 pounds of emissions per day. These

thresholds reflect the emissions levels that California has determined would result in a significant

and adverse impact on air quality from a particular project. BAAQMD May 2017 CEQA

Guidelines at 2-1 to 2-2 (Long Decl. ISO City's Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. 68, Dkt. No. 166-11 at

20-21). Regional agencies in charge of air quality monitoring use these thresholds in their
oversight of emissions from development projects and commercial operations in their areas. For

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instance, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (the "Air District") regulates air

pollution in the Bay Area to ensure compliance with these standards. Typically, the Air District

examines whether a project's estimated emissions will exceed the thresholds of significance to

decide whether to require the developer to take measures to mitigate the emissions. BAAQMD

May 2017 CEQA Guidelines at 1-6 (Long Decl. ISO City's Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. 68, Dkt. No.

166-11 at 17); Tr. 322:6-18, 333:24-334:22 (Chinkin). When recommending that the City

Council enact the ordinance, the City Administrator pointed to the fact that ESA estimated that

OBOT's emissions would exceed these state standards as evidence that the terminal would pose a

substantial health danger.

Incidentally, ESA did not provide separate emissions estimates for coke, simply saying

that it expected emissions to be similar for both commodities. This implied that ESA's estimates

would remain largely the same as long as the total throughput of coal and coke remained 5

million metric tons. ESA Report at 5-18 to 5-19 (Ex. 14.0087-0088); Tr. 177:25-178:22 (Evans).

Transport and Staging: Covers and Surfactants

The first major problem with the emissions estimates for the transport and staging phases

is that ESA assumed OBOT would take no mitigation measures during those parts of the

operations. As explained in further detail below, while ESA offered rough estimates of what

"controlled" emissions could look like, its analysis and final emissions estimates in Table 5-7
disregarded at least two critical mitigation measures that the developers committed to using – rail

car covers and surfactants. This mistake tainted the record before the City Council. Not only

were the estimates in Table 5-7 the grounds for ESA's conclusions about OBOT's dangers, but

they were also an important part of the City Administrator's recommendation that the City

Council enact the coal ban. June 23, 2016 Agenda Report at 12 (Ex. 135.0012). For this reason,

the emissions estimates in Table 5-7 were the focal point of the debate at trial.

To begin, the City did not meaningfully explore whether rail car covers could be used to

mitigate fugitive coal dust emissions, and if so, what their impact would be. The terminal
operator, Terminal Logistics Solutions, has committed to requiring any rail cars transporting coal

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to the terminal to use covers, made by certain identified manufacturers, such as EcoFab, or any

other manufacturer willing to provide them. Oct. 6, 2015 OBOT Response to City Questions

(Ex. 149.0008). Despite the developers' commitment, ESA's inquiry into the issue extended only

as far as learning that these kinds of covers have not yet been used for coal cars in the United

States. Unable to find additional information about how well these covers would work for coal

cars, ESA simply assumed they would not be used. ESA Report at 2-11 to 2-13 (Ex. 14.0032-

0034). This was a big mistake. The lack of existing data about the effectiveness of a new

technology like rail car covers is not enough of a reason to assume them away, particularly when

the developers have committed to using them.

ESA emphasized that there are no existing rules or regulations that would require the coal

operations to use covers. Other commenters, and later, the City, echoed this point. But this

simply begs the question. ESA Report at 2-13 (Ex. 14.0034). The project developers submit that

they are willing to obligate themselves to accept only coal that is carried to the terminal on

covered rail cars. That is, OBOT could, and seemingly would, contractually require the terminal

operator, coal supplier, or rail carrier to use covers as a condition of doing business. This would

address any concerns about limits on local governmental authority to impose constraints on the

coal or rail operations. Oct. 6, 2015 OBOT Response to City Questions (Ex. 149.0008-0009,

0045-0046). And it appears that after the ordinance was passed, OBOT did just that, requiring
the terminal operator to use covered rail cars as part of its lease agreement. Tr. 65:24-66:11


Alternatively, the Air District in the Bay Area could require OBOT to mitigate emissions

by using coal covers. As OBOT points out, the South Coast Air Quality Management District

recently adopted a rule requiring covers. The rule requires facilities that store, handle, and

transport coal and coke to cover vehicles carrying these goods before they leave the facilities.

The rule also specifies the kinds of covers that are acceptable, allowing alternatives only if they

are capable of preventing fugitive particulate matter emissions. South Coast Air Quality
Management District Rule 1158(d) (Ex. 448.0004-0008). Not only could the Air District in the

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Bay Area require the use of covers as a condition of issuing a permit to operate, but it could pass

similar regulations that would apply more generally.

The City also asserts that its lawmakers could reasonably have concluded covers would

be dangerous, given the public comments expressing concern that covered coal could be prone to

spontaneous combustion. Tr. 188:22-189:10 (Evans); ESA Report at 5-5 (Ex. 14.0074); Chafe

Report at 70 (Ex. 961.0072); Public Health Advisory Panel Report at 25 (Ex. 960.0035). But

this was nothing more than generalized speculation, since the record before the City Council did

not contain any actual, specific evidence about the danger of covers. In fact, Steve Radis, ESA's

subcontractor for safety issues, told ESA that there was no data to support the idea that using

covers on rail cars would increase the risk of coal fires or spontaneous combustion. June 21,

2016 Radis Email to Barringhaus (Ex. 58); Tr. 126:14-127:19 (Evans). And the Air District's

Director of Planning testified before the City Council in September 2015 that the City should

require covers on OBOT's coal cars (as well as its conveyors, storage, and other operations),

suggesting their viability. Sept. 21, 2015 City Council Public Hearing Transcript at 160 (Myre

Decl. ISO OBOT's Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. 29, Dkt. No. 141-29 at 5).

The City also failed to meaningfully consider how chemicals could be used to suppress

coal dust emissions. Certain chemicals, called surfactants or dust suppressants, can be sprayed

on a coal pile to create a crust on top of the coal. The crust can help keep the coal intact while it
travels in an uncovered rail car or while it is stored as an uncovered pile. This decreases the

amount of fugitive coal dust that a coal pile would otherwise create. Because surfactants are

another potential mitigation measure that OBOT could be required to use – and one that OBOT

itself proposes using – they should have factored into the City's analysis of the project's health

dangers. South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1158 (d)(2)-(4) (Ex. 453.0005);

Oct. 6, 2015 OBOT Response to City Questions (Ex. 149.0008, 0045-0046, 0049-0050); Tr.

277:21-278:2 (McClure); ESA Report at 2-10, 2-14 to 2-18 (14.0031, 0036-0039).

ESA excluded surfactants from its main emissions estimates because it claimed it did not
have objective scientific data about how well surfactants would reduce coal dust emissions from

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rail cars. But instead of attempting to estimate their effectiveness, ESA simply decided that

surfactants would not be effective and did not account for them in its final emissions estimates.

ESA Report at 2-17 to 2-18, 5-17 (Ex. 14.0038-0039, 0086). This again was a big mistake.

Because the project developers had told the City they would require surfactants to be used on the

coal arriving at the terminal, ESA should have made a meaningful effort to incorporate them in

its final estimates rather than deeming them irrelevant.

ESA sought to justify its decision to disregard surfactants by asserting that surfactants

would dissipate during the rail journey. Because surfactants can wear off, ESA concluded that

fugitive coal dust emissions would resume unabated well before the trains reached the terminal.

ESA Report at 5-5 (Ex. 14.0074). But this fails to acknowledge the ability of the coal supplier,

rail carrier, or terminal operator to require surfactants to be reapplied during the journey.

Surfactants could also be reapplied to the coal during the staging phase, just before the rail cars

are broken up and taken to the terminal for unloading. Thus, the fact that surfactants can wear

off does not justify omitting them from the analysis.

The City reprises its argument that surfactants were excluded because no laws require the

coal supplier, terminal developer, or terminal operator to use them. June 23, 2016 Agenda

Report at 10-11 (Ex. 135.0010-0011); see also ESA Report at 2-14 (Ex. 14.0035). But again, the

Air District or another agency could impose regulations or permitting conditions requiring
OBOT to use surfactants. If this is not enough, OBOT has expressed a willingness to commit

itself contractually to using surfactants – which presumably includes requiring the rail lines

carrying coal to the terminal to use surfactants as a condition of doing business.

ESA attempted to reason around its decision to exclude controls by arguing that its

emissions estimates were already conservative because they did not account for other kinds of air

pollution that OBOT's operations could cause. For example, ESA's estimates did not account for

re-suspended dust – that is, coal dust that would accumulate on rail tracks and other surfaces, and

later, as a result of wind or other movement, become suspended in the air as particulate matter
pollution. ESA Report at 2-17, 5-4 to 5-5, 5-12, 5-16 to 5-17 (Ex. 14.0038, 0073-0074, 0081,

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0085-0086). ESA suggested, albeit indirectly, that these emissions would make the proposed

coal operations substantially dangerous even if the developers used controls. This line of

reasoning was reiterated by other comments in the public record and by the City's experts at trial.

But the City cannot justify the failure to analyze OBOT's intended design, which includes

controls, by pointing to other gaps in the record – particularly where the record provides no way

of comparing the mitigating effects of covers and surfactants to the effects of these aggravators

that ESA points to. Combating error with error is not the way to create a credible record.

ESA's final estimates thus wrongly assumed that emissions during transport and staging

would be uncontrolled. ESA provided rough estimates of "controlled" emissions earlier in its

report, where it assumed (without any meaningful analysis) an 85 percent reduction in emissions

during the transport and staging phases (Tables 5-2 and 5-5). But these numbers were excluded

from the final table (Table 5-7). Although these earlier tables suggested the dramatic reduction

in emissions that controls might make possible, ESA, and later, the City, gave them little, if any,

weight. As explained earlier, the City Administrator reprinted Table 5-7 in the June 23, 2016

Agenda Report and concluded from it that the emissions from OBOT would pose a substantial

danger to health and safety and that the City Council should pass the ordinance. As the City

Administrator put it, "Per the table . . . the overall emissions from the OBOT project are expected

to exceed both the daily and annual PM 10 and PM 2.5 City of Oakland CEQA Thresholds of
Significance, which would be considered a significant unavoidable impact under CEQA and thus

presumptively a substantially dangerous condition to health." June 23, 2016 Agenda Report at

12 (Ex. 135.0012); ESA Report at 5-6, 5-12, 5-17 (Ex. 14.0075, 0081, 0086); see also ESA

Report at 5-15 to 5-19 (Ex. 14.0084-0088).

Therefore, given the record before it, the City Council was not even equipped to

meaningfully guess how well these controls would mitigate emissions. This created a sizable

gap in the record, and a major flaw in the City Council's ultimate conclusion that OBOT's

emissions would pose a substantial health or safety danger.

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Transport and Staging: Coal Type

The emissions estimates were further flawed because they resulted from a misapplication

of federal guidance and mistaken assumptions about the type of coal to be transported to the


The guidance document ESA used to produce its emissions estimates was from the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency. Titled "AP-42," this document explains how to calculate

emissions from different industrial activities and sources of pollution. ESA Report at 5-1 to 5-2

(Ex. 14.0070-0071); Tr. 172:6-25 (Evans); Tr. 351:12-352:6 (Chinkin); Tr. 536:10-537:2 (Sahu).

There was a debate at trial about whether it was appropriate for ESA to use the AP-42 guidance,

but in the end it doesn't matter, because even if using the AP-42 guidance was the best available

approach, ESA did not select the appropriate inputs for it.

Of particular concern is ESA's choice of threshold friction velocity. Threshold friction

velocity describes the minimum wind speed necessary for a collection of particles to begin

moving. The lower the threshold friction velocity, the less wind is required to get the particles

moving. Tr. 355:17-356:13 (Chinkin). The AP-42 guidance lists threshold friction velocities for

six types of coal. ESA used the threshold friction velocity associated with "fine coal dust on

concrete pad," which was 0.54 meters per second. However, OBOT's expert credibly and

convincingly explained that this threshold friction velocity was too low a value to use for the
coal that would travel by rail car from Utah to Oakland, because it reflected the wind speed

necessary to begin moving an ultrafine pile of coal dust – the equivalent of coal dust that had

been bulldozed and crushed under heavy equipment. Tr. 358:10-361:11 (Chinkin); Muleski

Study (Ex. 1085). This is not what would be carried on rail cars from mines in Wyoming and

Utah to Oakland. The threshold friction velocity for an "uncrusted coal pile," which reflects

emissions from a coal pile that is actively moving with pieces being added, removed, and

replaced, would almost certainly have been a better fit. Tr. 361:12-362:16 (Chinkin); Axetell &

Cowherd Study (Ex. 982). This type of coal is listed as having a threshold friction velocity of
1.12 meters per second. AP-42 Guidance Section 13.2.5 – Industrial Wind Erosion at 13.2.5-5

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(Ex. 435.0005).

Victoria Evans, the ESA project manager who oversaw the preparation of the report for

the City, explained that ESA used the "fine coal dust on concrete pad" threshold friction velocity

because it felt that would better capture jostling cars in motion, while the "uncrusted coal pile"

threshold friction velocity better characterized stationary coal. Evans Decl. ISO City's Mot. for

Summ. J. ¶ 7 (Dkt. No. 155 at 3-4). But OBOT's expert provided credible testimony, citing to

the scientific studies underlying the AP-42 guidance, that the "uncrusted coal pile" coal type

describes active, moving coal and more closely resembles the kind of coal that OBOT would


This testimony was not meaningfully rebutted by the City's expert at trial. The City's

expert responded by arguing, in large part, that the lower threshold friction velocity for "fine coal

dust on a concrete pad" was justifiable because it compensated for other shortcomings in the AP-

42 guidance. According to the City's expert, the threshold friction velocities listed for different

coal types in the AP-42 guidance were not suited for estimating fine particulate matter emissions

because they came from studies of larger particulate matter. Therefore, he said, even the

threshold friction velocity for "fine coal dust on a concrete pad," which was the lowest one in the

AP-42 guidance, was conservative. Tr. 538:1-539:25 (Sahu). But if the City's expert was correct

about the AP-42 guidance being a poor fit for this case, perhaps the ESA report should not have
estimated emissions using this guidance; at the very least, ESA should have described its

shortcomings to the City Council. It would be difficult to conclude that ESA was justified in

selecting an inapplicable coal type from inapplicable guidance simply because that coal type was

the "least inapplicable" coal type from the inapplicable guidance, at least without an explanation

in the record about why that would be appropriate.

OBOT's expert went on to estimate that the projected PM 2.5 emissions from staging

would fall from 11.7 tons per year to 0.68 tons per year if the threshold friction velocity for

"uncrusted coal pile" type coal were used. Tr. 365:12-366:2 (Chinkin); see also Chinkin Decl.
ISO OBOT's Mot. for Summ. J. ¶ 28 (Dkt. No. 140 at 10). But even setting the expert's revised

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estimates aside (since they were not before the City Council when the ordinance was passed),

ESA's decision to use "fine coal dust on concrete pad" for its emissions estimates was a

significant flaw in the record.

Transport and Staging: Rate of Emission

Another major issue with the emissions estimates for transport and staging is that they

assume the same amount of fugitive coal dust will be produced at each mile of the rail journey

from the coal mines to the terminal. ESA estimated that 6 tons of PM 2.5 would be emitted each

year during the Oakland segment of the rail trip by calculating total emissions over the

approximately 700-mile rail journey and multiplying that by the fraction of rail track in Oakland.

In calculating total emissions, ESA assumed that PM 2.5 emissions from the rail cars would be

one pound per mile per car for the entire 700-plus mile journey (assuming no covers or

surfactants). Tr. 177:18-24, 198:9-204:4 (Evans). But common sense suggests that even if no

controls were used – indeed, especially if no controls were used – the train speed and ambient

wind speed would affect how much coal dust would be emitted and become suspended in the air.

Tr. 345:14-346:17 (Chinkin); Tr. 567:8-22 (Sahu). As a point of comparison, OBOT's expert

estimated fugitive coal dust emissions would be no more than 2.5 tons per year in the Bay Area

and 0.1 tons per year in West Oakland if train and wind speeds were taken into account,

assuming no controls. Tr. 348:13-350:9 (Chinkin). Although the Court takes no view on the
accuracy of the expert's estimates, they suggest that a more precise estimate of coal dust

emissions is possible – and that the City could estimate these values in a meaningful way if it

chose to.

Terminal Operations

ESA's emissions estimates for terminal operations also have serious problems. OBOT

has said it will use (and more importantly, will likely be required to use) "best available control

technology" for the operations at the terminal that follow the staging phase – namely, unloading,

storing, and transferring the coal to ships. Best available control technology is the Air District's
term for the most effective emissions controls that are both technologically feasible and cost

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effective, which the Air District can require a developer to use as a condition of receiving the

permits it needs to begin construction and operation. BAAQMD Regulation 2, Rule 2 at 2-2-4 to

2-2-5, 2-2-11 (Long Decl. ISO City's Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. 60, Dkt. No. 166-3 at 5-6, 12).

OBOT is already laying the groundwork for using this kind of technology. For instance, OBOT

has proposed using bottom-release rail cars to unload the coal into underground dust collection

systems, and then moving the coal across the facility using enclosed conveyance systems with

dust control technology. According to ESA, all of these control measures would qualify as best

available control technology. ESA Report at 5-12 to 5-14 (Ex. 14.0081-0083); Tr. 194:22-195:7


But the City appears to have ignored these controls. ESA's estimates for emissions from

terminal operations are listed in Table 5-6 of its report. Despite Table 5-6's title, which says that

it contains controlled emissions estimates, the underlying spreadsheet strongly suggests that the

table mistakenly contains uncontrolled emissions estimates. In the spreadsheet, the emissions

estimates that are labeled "controlled" equal 1 percent of the emissions estimates labeled

"uncontrolled," seemingly reflecting ESA's assumption that OBOT would use control technology

that would be 99 percent effective in mitigating emissions. But, as OBOT's expert pointed out,

the estimates labeled as "controlled" in the spreadsheet never made it into the final report.

Instead, Table 5-6 presents the estimates labeled "uncontrolled" in the spreadsheet. And ESA
used the numbers from Table 5-6 in its final table of emissions estimates from all three phases –

that is, Table 5-7. ESA Report at 5-13, 5-17 (Ex. 14.0082, 0086); June 6, 2016 ESA Emissions

Spreadsheet (Ex. 432.005); Tr. 135:11-136:12 (Evans); Tr. 367:12-372:16 (Chinkin).

Evans testified that the underlying spreadsheet, not the final report, is incorrect.

According to Evans, ESA adjusted the inputs that were used to calculate emissions to account for

controls. For instance, Evans says that ESA used reduced wind speeds to reflect OBOT's use of

closed coal conveyance systems. (These inputs are not visible in the spreadsheet.) As a

consequence, although the spreadsheet labels the numbers that were used in the final report as
"uncontrolled," Evans says they are actually controlled numbers, and Table 5-6 was correctly

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titled. Tr. 194:10-196:14 (Evans); see also Evans Decl. ISO Opp. to Summ. J. ¶¶ 9-10 (Dkt. No.

155 at 4).

It's not obvious which side's story is correct. The spreadsheet with the underlying

numbers does not list the inputs that were used, such as wind speed; nor does it explain how

these numbers may have been modified to capture the effects of using best available control

technology. The City, for its part, did not elicit an explanation from Evans (or others) to clarify

this confusion.

Given the state of the record, OBOT's read of the data is more credible. Evans's

explanation requires reading the "uncontrolled" section of the spreadsheet to reflect controlled

emissions estimates, and the "controlled" section to reflect a further 99 percent reduction in

emissions. Would this mean the 99 percent reduction in the "controlled" section was duplicative,

doubly accounting for controls? Does this mean that other "uncontrolled" values in ESA

spreadsheets also implicitly incorporated control technology? Although the record is not clear,

OBOT's explanation of what happened is far more plausible.

Notably, ESA's estimates appear to be the only ones in the record before the City Council

about emissions from terminal operations. Tr. 196:15-21 (Evans). Even if the numbers in the

report are accurate, the ambiguity about how they were calculated suggests that the City Council

probably couldn't have understood what they represented even if it had tried. If the numbers in
Tables 5-6 and 5-7 are actually mislabeled, as appears to be the case, the record is even more

mangled. A 90 to 99 percent reduction in coal dust emissions would mean that ESA's estimated

emissions from terminal operations would have been between 0.027 and 0.27 tons per year, not

2.7 tons per year. This is a dramatic difference, and the City Council did not have the chance to

consider it.

The Air District's Authority

As the preceding discussion makes clear, an overarching problem with the record before

the City Council is that it reflects no meaningful analysis of the Air District's role in mitigating
the health and safety risks associated with the project. The ordinance, resolution, and underlying

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reports hardly mention the agency – even though it was clear that the Air District would require

OBOT to obtain permits to operate and that the Air District could impose conditions to limit

emissions from the project. Evans admitted that the ESA report did not even contemplate

whether the project would pose a danger after the developers had secured the necessary permits

from the Air District. Tr. 112:19-21, 235:22-236:24 (Evans). Nearly all the evidence before the

City Council presumed OBOT would operate in a regulatory vacuum.

Although the Air District permitting process is complex and involves multiple approvals,

two primary permits are relevant here. The first is the "authority to construct," a permit the Air

District requires the developer to obtain before building or installing anything. The second is the

"permit to operate," which the Air District requires the developer to obtain before starting to use

the facility or equipment that was installed pursuant to the authority to construct. The Air

District can, and typically will, impose conditions on both the authority to construct and the

permit to operate. And the Air District will not issue the permit to operate if the developer does

not comply with the conditions associated with the authority to construct. The Air District has a

fair amount of latitude: it can impose almost any condition that it deems necessary to ensure

compliance with its emissions limits and other regulations. BAAQMD Regulation 2, Rule 2 at

2-2-16, 2-2-18 (Long Decl. ISO City's Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. 60, Dkt. No. 166-3 at 17, 19).

Most significantly, the Air District could impose permitting conditions that would limit
the amount of coal that could be processed at the terminal. ESA assumed the terminal would be

shipping 5 million tons of coal per year. Other commenters assumed 10 million tons. But if that

amount of coal would pollute the air as much as the City speculates, there is strong reason to

believe the Air District would step in, and the City provides no reason to think otherwise.

Limiting the magnitude of the coal operations would have a significant impact on emissions,

even if the Air District did not directly regulate coal dust from the rail transport or staging phase.

As explained earlier, the Air District could also require OBOT to limit emissions by using rail

car covers, surfactants, and other controls. Tr. 344:4-23 (Chinkin). All of this is consistent with
the evidence presented at trial that the Air District had informed ESA that it could work with

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OBOT to reduce its emissions by 95 percent compared to an entirely uncontrolled operation. Tr.

112:23-114:21 (Evans); May 20, 2016 Evans Email (Ex. 53.0003).

But the record before the City Council makes only fleeting reference to the Air District's

authority. For example, a footnote in the City Administrator's June 23, 2016 report gestured to

proposed Air District regulations, but concluded in a cursory manner (and incorrectly) that the

ESA report already accounted for any impact these new regulations might have. June 23, 2016

Agenda Report at 5 n.1 (Ex. 135.0005). More generally, there is no serious evaluation in the

record of the broad scope of the Air District's regulatory power or the effect it would likely have

on the proposed coal operations.

Paradoxically, the ordinance itself recognizes that the Air District's permitting process is

meaningful, even though the City disregarded it in evaluating OBOT's proposed coal operations.

As written, the ordinance exempts manufacturing facilities in Oakland that consume coal and

coke on site as part of their production processes, so long as their consumption is consistent with

their permits from the Air District. This narrow exemption seems to be aimed at protecting an

iron foundry in Oakland that burns coke to make pipes and fittings. Ordinance No. 13385 §

8.60.040(C) (Ex. 4.0010); June 23, 2016 Agenda Report at 4 (Ex. 135.0004); ESA Report at 2-23

(Ex. 14.0044); see also City's Mot. for Summ. J. at 8 & n. 16 (Dkt. No. 145 at 20). The City

does not explain how the Air District's permit power could have been a reason to exempt the iron
foundry from the ordinance yet unworthy of consideration when it came to OBOT.


Even if the emissions estimates could somehow be considered reliable despite the flaws

discussed above, the record contains no meaningful assessment of how these emissions would

actually affect air quality in Oakland.

Emissions are a measure of air pollution in terms of volume. In other words, an

emissions estimate captures the quantity of a pollutant released into the air, typically in terms of

pounds per day or tons per year. Air quality, on the other hand, is measured in terms of
concentration. It captures the amount of pollutant in a given quantity of air. For particulate

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matter, air quality is measured in terms of micrograms per cubic meter. The two metrics are

distinct, albeit related. Air pollutant concentrations are calculated using dispersion models that

use emissions estimates as inputs. By combining emissions estimates with data about a given

geographic area and pollution source, these models assess how the emissions from a particular

source affect a region's air quality. Tr. 321:5-323:15 (Chinkin).

Take, for example, a smokestack at a coal power plant that emits a constant amount of

particulate matter each day. As you might expect, a person living next to the smokestack

breathes in a different amount of particulate matter each day than a person living one mile from

the smokestack. The air quality one mile away depends on many different factors, including

wind speed, weather patterns, and baseline pollution levels. The same quantity of emissions can

yield very different measures of air quality in different places and at different times. Because air

quality describes how much particulate matter is in the air in a particular place, it more

accurately reflects how much pollution a person actually breathes in.

ESA originally proposed a two-part study of the air pollution from OBOT: the first phase

would involve reviewing the comments the City had received, and the second phase would

involve independently analyzing OBOT's anticipated emissions and their effects on air quality.

ESA even proposed conducting dispersion modeling to estimate the concentration of air

pollution. Evans, who led the ESA project, testified that ESA thought it would be useful and
important to do this kind of modeling. But the City rejected this plan, asking ESA to skip the air

quality modeling. Tr. 108:10-110:2 (Evans); Oakland-ESA Service Agreement (Ex. 62); Jan. 8,

2016 ESA Draft Scope of Work at 10 (Ex. 25.0011).

Lacking air quality models of their own, some reports in the record instead imported the

findings of a study by Daniel Jaffe of the University of Washington. Jaffe's study described

particulate matter emissions along a rail route in the Columbia River Gorge in the summer of

2014. Jaffe's team measured PM 2.5 concentrations in the air before and after freight and coal

trains passed by. On average, the researchers found that PM 2.5 concentrations increased by 8.8
micrograms per cubic meter when a freight train passed and by 16.7 micrograms per cubic meter

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when a coal train passed. But these numbers were a poor substitute for actual air quality

modeling for OBOT. Jaffe's findings reflected the wind speeds, weather patterns, and

geographic features of the Columbia River Gorge, not Oakland. Moreover, the trains in the

Gorge carried coal from the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana. Powder River

Basin coal is far dustier and likelier to emit particulate matter than western bituminous coal from

Utah, making Jaffe's numbers largely inapposite to OBOT's operations. Nor did Jaffe's study

model how controls, such as covers or surfactants, could affect emissions. Daniel A. Jaffe et al.,

Diesel Particulate Matter and Coal Dust from Trains in the Columbia River Gorge, Washington

State, USA, 6 Atmospheric Pollution Research 946 (2015),

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2015.04.004; Tr. 176:17-19, 179:12-180:5 (Evans).

Therefore, the numbers from the Jaffe study cannot be used as meaningful evidence of

how OBOT's operations would impact the concentration of air pollutants in Oakland. Even

though the differences between Jaffe's study and OBOT's operations were clear, the ESA report,

the public health professionals' report, the Chafe report, and other public comments all made the

mistake of uncritically applying Jaffe's findings to evaluate the terminal. ESA Report at 2-14 to

2-15, 5-7 to 5-8 (Ex. 14.0035-0036, 0076-0077); Public Health Advisory Panel Report at 18-19

(Ex. 960.0028-0029); Chafe Report at 14 n.17, 32 n.102, 70-71 (Ex. 961.0016, 0034, 0072-

0073); see also Tr. 229:10-232:11 (Evans). Jaffe's earlier 2014 study, which was cited by some
commenters, was inapplicable for similar reasons. Daniel A. Jaffe et al., Diesel Particulate

Matter Emission Factors and Air Quality Implications from In-Service Rail in Washington State,

USA, 5 Atmospheric Pollution Research 344 (2014), https://doi.org/10.5094/APR.2014.040.

Nor does the City's invocation of national air quality standards compensate for its failure

to do air quality modeling. Those standards, officially titled the National Ambient Air Quality

Standards, are established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and used to measure air

quality on a regional basis across the country. If a region does not meet any one of these

standards, it is considered "out of attainment." For instance, when this litigation began, the Bay
Area was considered out of attainment in terms of the concentration of PM 2.5 in the air,

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although it was re-designated as "in attainment" in 2017. Tr. 329:2-330:16 (Chinkin). The

standards are set at levels intended to protect public health. Tr. 396:17-397:17 (Maier); Tr.

603:5-25 (Moore). Although these standards could have provided a useful benchmark for the

City to evaluate the danger from OBOT's emissions, the record provides no way for the City to

make a meaningful comparison to them since it lacks any rigorous analysis of how OBOT would

actually impact air quality in Oakland.

Despite the absence of any adequate air quality analysis, the City argues that OBOT

would cause impermissible exceedances of the national standards. The record does not contain

meaningful evidence to support this assertion. The concentration of a pollutant in the air is

measured by dividing the amount of pollutant that passes through an air quality monitor by the

total amount of air that goes through the monitor during a given time period. For PM 2.5, the

annual standard is 12 micrograms per cubic meter, averaged over three years. This means the

annual PM 2.5 concentration, averaged over the last three years, should not exceed 12

micrograms per cubic meter. The daily standard is 35 micrograms per cubic meter, averaged

over three years. This means the daily PM 2.5 concentration, averaged over the last three years,

should not exceed 35 micrograms per cubic meter, with seven days of exceedances allowed each

year. The allowance for seven exceedances means that brief extreme weather events, like

wildfires, do not put a region out of attainment. NAAQS Table (Chinkin Decl. ISO OBOT's
Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. B, Dkt. No. 140 at 26-28); ESA Report at 4-2 to 4-3 (Ex. 14.0059-0060);

Tr. 324:11-328:12 (Chinkin).

Not only did the City fail to meaningfully estimate how many exceedances OBOT would

cause, the City did not appear to recognize that seven exceedances of the national standard for

daily PM 2.5 concentration are allowed. ESA and other public commenters merely stated, in a

generalized way, that OBOT would cause additional exceedances. ESA Report at 4-12, 5-9, 5-

15 to 5-17 (Ex. 14.0069, 0078, 0084-0086); see also Public Health Advisory Panel Report at 18

(Ex. 960.0028). In light of the allowance for seven exceedances, a handful of additional
exceedances caused by OBOT would not automatically lead to a violation of the national

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standards. Moreover, the record does not appear to acknowledge the Air District's rules

specifying that the agency will not grant a permit to construct for a project that will significantly

increase emissions from a federally monitored pollutant without first finding that the project will

not contribute to an exceedance of the national standard for that pollutant. BAAQMD

Regulation 2, Rule 2 at 2-2-12 to 2-2-13 (Long Decl. ISO City's Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. 60, Dkt.

No. 166-3 at 13-14).


The City argues that none of this matters because no amount of exposure to particulate

matter is safe, especially for the vulnerable residents of West Oakland. But the City's contract

with OBOT sets the bar higher. Recall that section 3.4.2 of the development agreement says that

before applying a new regulation to OBOT, the City must determine, based on substantial

evidence, that existing or future occupants or users of the project or adjacent neighbors would

face a condition substantially dangerous to their health or safety without the regulation. When

the City asserts that any increase in exposure to particulate matter is enough to meet this

standard, it reads the word "substantial" out of the contract.

Deciding what is "substantial" requires context. To understand whether something poses

a "substantial" danger, you need a baseline against which to compare the danger. Defining

"substantial" as "[o]f considerable importance, size, or worth," the Oxford English Dictionary
gives the following example of its usage: "a substantial amount of cash." Substantial, Oxford

English Dictionary, https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/substantial

[https://perma.cc/XAS2-BC7C]. But what is a substantial amount of cash? Without context, it's

impossible to tell. Ten thousand dollars in cash may not be substantial to Phil Tagami, but it

would be substantial to a typical public school teacher.

Of course, the City was not limited to using federal and state standards as context.

Oakland's assertions that these existing standards are inadequate to protect the health of its

residents may be legitimate (notwithstanding the record's failure to provide meaningful evidence
of that). And presumably the City is correct that adverse health effects can sometimes result

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from pollution levels lower than the national and state standards. Tr. 586:24-587:5, 589:4-

590:12 (Moore); Chafe Report at 19 (Ex. 961.0021). But if these are not the right standards for

assessing what makes for "substantial" danger, what are? If the City wanted to argue that the

national and state standards are insufficient, it should have provided a different way of showing

that the danger from OBOT to public health would be substantial, rather than simply repeating

that no amount of PM 2.5 exposure can be considered safe.

For instance, perhaps the City could have compared emissions from the OBOT project to

emissions from other sources nearby – the Port of Oakland, the Bay Bridge toll plaza, the iron

foundry exempted by the ordinance, or even the construction of a new stadium for the A's that is

being contemplated at the port near Jack London Square. Perhaps the City could have argued

that any project with more particulate matter emissions than one or more of these sources would

pose a substantial danger. Although it's not clear that this would have been sufficient, at the very

least, it would have provided a benchmark for the policymakers to use when evaluating the

magnitude of OBOT's potential effects on public health.

Counterintuitively, the City says that any emissions pose a substantial danger even

though it continues to allow the East Bay Municipal Utility District and iron foundry to consume

coal and coke – and emit particulate matter. Ordinance No. 13385 § 8.60.040(C) (Ex. 4.0010);

June 23, 2016 Agenda Report at 4 (Ex. 135.0004); ESA Report at 2-23 (Ex. 14.0044); see also
City's Mot. for Summ. J. at 8 & n. 16 (Dkt. No. 145 at 20). Granted, these facilities receive and

use less coal and coke than the shipping terminal would. But if any emissions are a substantial

danger, how does the City justify allowing emissions from these sources? The utility district and

iron foundry are not alone. All kinds of activities emit particulate matter, from truck traffic to

office park development. Tr. 33:24-35:22 (Cashman). Without comparing these activities'

impact on air quality to OBOT's, it's difficult to grasp how the City decides which activities pose

a substantial danger to health and which do not.

At trial, the ESA project manager made clear that context would have been useful.
However, the City had restricted the scope of ESA's study so that it was limited to identifying

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existing agency-developed thresholds and the public comments in the record before the City.

Oakland-ESA Service Agreement (Ex. 62.0032, 0033, 0037); see also Jan. 8, 2016 ESA Draft

Scope of Work at 7 (Ex. 25.0008). As a result, ESA did not compare the OBOT emissions

estimates to emissions from other sources of pollution in Oakland, or even to emissions from

other bulk facilities in California. There wasn't even a comparison to the overall level of

emissions in Oakland, even though ESA "could easily have done that." Tr. 206:4-210:9 (Evans).

Much of this information was available from regional Air Districts or the U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency. An Air District official even testified before the City Council that the Air

District could provide data on air quality in Richmond, where there is another shipping terminal

and port. Sept. 21, 2015 City Council Public Hearing Transcript at 163 (Myre Decl. ISO

OBOT's Mot. for Summ. J. Ex. 29, Dkt. No. 141-29 at 8). At the very least, a clearer

presentation in the record about the impact on air quality of shipping terminals in Richmond,

Long Beach, or elsewhere could have shed some light on the reliability and magnitude of ESA's

estimates for OBOT.

Relatedly, the City emphasizes that the old army base is located near residential

neighborhoods in low-income parts of West Oakland, as well as near a child care center and

schools. The City correctly points out that children and low-income people are more vulnerable

to environmental contamination. And it rightly expresses concern that existing air quality
standards may be especially inadequate to protect these particular Oaklanders from public health

dangers. These are factors that the City can, and absolutely should, consider when assessing

whether the proposed operations will present a substantial danger to public health. But it is not

enough to simply intone that the facility will operate near a child care center and low-income

neighborhoods. If the City wanted to point to these residents to justify the ordinance, it should

have compiled a record with credible evidence that would allow the City to assess whether the

proposed coal operations would actually present a substantial health danger to these people.

The City raises a host of other concerns about the terminal, including fire hazards, worker

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safety, and greenhouse gases. But on these points, too, the City's record lacks substantial

evidence that the coal operations will pose a substantial health or safety danger.

Fire Safety

Any bulk commodity shipping operation will involve some fire risk, which the City

knowingly took on when it signed the development agreement. But the record before City

Council contains mere speculation about the possibility of combustion, with no attempt to

quantify the risk or meaningfully compare it to the fire risk from operations involving

commodities other than coal. Taken to its extreme, the City's argument suggests that the City

could put the brakes on any development given any chance of fire.

The record before the City Council and the evidence at trial contradicted the City's

speculation that coal operations would pose a more significant danger of fire or combustion than

other bulk commodity operations. As the City Council was informed in advance of its

September 2015 hearing, bituminous coal is classified as a low fire risk by the National Fire

Protection Association, a nonprofit organization that creates model fire safety codes used

nationwide. Specifically, bituminous coal has a flammability rating of 1 on a scale of 1 to 4 –

the same rating that ground corn has. Sept. 10, 2015 City Agenda Report at 5 (Ex. 213.0005);

Basis of Design – Potential Commodities, NFPA 704 (Ex. 1261). The Fire Department did not

keep this a secret: in a fall 2015 meeting with Claudia Cappio, who was then the Assistant City
Administrator and responsible for managing the army base development project, the Oakland

Fire Marshal informed Cappio not only that coal was a low risk commodity on the National Fire

Protection Association's rankings, but also that the Fire Department uses these rankings in its

emergency response system. Tr. 468:20-469:22 (Cappio). The National Fire Protection

Association also classifies commodities into "dust hazard classes" based on their relative risk of

explosion (using a slightly different ranking than for fire risk). Bituminous coal dust and

petroleum coke dust are both classified in the lowest dust hazard class. By comparison,

cellulose, which is the main component of paper (and which the City presumably would have no
objection to shipping through the terminal, at least so long as it's recycled), belongs to a higher

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dust hazard class. NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting at 68-57,

68-67 (Ex. 900.0060, 0070); Tr. 415:17-416:11 (Rangwala).

Radis, ESA's safety subcontractor, actually told staffers at ESA that major fires at coal

terminals are infrequent and more commonly associated with Powder River Basin coal. June 15,

2016 Radis Email to Barringhaus (Ex. 48); Tr. 127:20-128:20 (Evans); see supra p. 26. Radis's

statements, like the Fire Marshal's comments, do not appear to have made it into the ESA report,

and do not appear to have been meaningfully explored elsewhere in the record. This further

detracted from the City's ability to make an informed decision about the project's dangers.

The record is also bereft of any serious discussion of the Fire Department's oversight and

ability to mitigate the project's risks. As the City acknowledges, the OBOT developers will be

required to submit a fire safety plan once the project is completely designed, before the building

permit is issued. At that point, the Fire Department will be able to require changes to the plan or

reject the plan if it does not adequately address fire hazards. 2012 Oakland Army Base Project

Standard Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program at 48 (Ex.

138.0049). This process was set up as part of the regulatory scheme for the redevelopment of the

army base, which the City Council approved in July 2013 and which involved more than 70

pages of environmental conditions and mitigation measures that OBOT is required to comply

with. But nothing in the record examines the effectiveness of these requirements. 2012 Oakland
Army Base Project Standard Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting

Program (Ex. 138); Tr. 278:16-280:2 (McClure); Tr. 470:3-471:12 (Cappio). ESA had offered to

evaluate mitigation measures for fire risk, but the City Council excluded that from ESA's scope

of work as well. Jan. 8, 2016 ESA Draft Scope of Work at 11-12 (Ex. 25.0011-0012); Oakland-

ESA Service Agreement (Ex. 62). Perhaps the City Council thought the Fire Department's

regulatory authority would not be enough to address the fire risk. But the record does not

adequately explain why this would be the case.

Worker Health and Safety

The evidence in the record about danger to worker health and safety, relative to the health

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and safety risks posed by other bulk commodity operations, is even thinner. Again, there is little

discussion of whether mandatory workplace safety laws would be inadequately protective and if

so, why. The Chafe report refers to the health risks for coal miners as evidence of the kinds of

dangers workers at the terminal would face, but does not discuss how dangers would differ at a

bulk materials facility that uses best available control technology and is subject to federal, state,

and local workplace safety laws. The Chafe report also asserts that existing workplace coal dust

standards are insufficient to prevent the illnesses that result from coal dust, but withholds any

explanation of those standards or why they are inadequate. The same report criticizes OBOT for

not adequately evaluating the health risks of coal dust to workers, without acknowledging the

preliminary nature of OBOT's operating plans. Chafe Report at 33-39 & nn. 125-26 (Ex.

961.0035-0041). The ESA report makes similarly sweeping statements, like when it points to

comments in the record about the health risks of coal dust buildup. ESA Report at 5-20 to 5-21

(Ex. 14.0089-0090). Certainly these are real concerns, but the record provides no way of

understanding just how significant a danger they pose, particularly once all reasonable mitigation

measures are taken.

Global Warming

The hostility toward coal operations in Oakland appears to stem largely from concern

about global warming. To be sure, shipping coal for use in other countries will make some
contribution to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere, and climate

change is detrimental to public health and safety. But the City's argument that global warming

allows it to invoke section 3.4.2 of the development agreement barely merits a response. It is

facially ridiculous to suggest that this one operation resulting in the consumption of coal in other

countries will, in the grand scheme of things, pose a substantial global warming-related danger to

people in Oakland.

Other Risks

The City gestures to other risks, such as the release of metals like mercury, arsenic, and
lead from coal and coke into the environment, but there is virtually nothing in the record to

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support a conclusion that these elements will escape in sufficient quantities to pose a substantial

danger to public health. The ordinance proclaims that "exposure to these toxic heavy metals is

linked to cancer and birth defects" without explaining the extent to which this project will lead to

meaningful exposure to these metals, where that exposure will be in Oakland, or the likelihood

of adverse health effects from it. Ordinance No. 13385 § 8.60.020(B)(1)(a) (Ex. 4.0005). The

evidence in the record is equally devoid of such analysis. ESA Report at 3-8 to 3-9 (Ex.

14.0053-0054); Chafe Report at 15-17, 26-28 (Ex. 961.0017-0019, 0028-0030); Public Health

Advisory Panel Report at 29-32 (Ex. 960.0039-0042). Again, simply identifying a potential risk

is not the same as evaluating whether that risk poses a substantial danger.

The City was not required to compile a perfect evidentiary record; far from it. But the

gaps and errors in this record are so numerous and serious that they render it virtually useless.

Perhaps a record that more carefully and thoroughly laid out the evidence, accompanied by more

rigorous analysis, could have satisfied the standard the City imposed on itself in the development

agreement. But this record does not come close to doing so, which means OBOT prevails on its

breach of contract claim.


The intervenors defending the ordinance, the Sierra Club and San Francisco Baykeeper,
raise a new argument in post-trial briefing: that California Government Code section 65866,

which is a part of the development agreement statute, allows the City to apply the ordinance to

OBOT even without substantial evidence in the City Council record that the coal operations

present a substantial danger to people in Oakland, and notwithstanding the language of section

3.4.2 of the development agreement. The development agreement statute provides the

groundwork for cities and counties to give developers a measure of certainty about the legal

regimes that will govern their projects by locking in the rules and regulations that are in place at

the time the agreements are signed. See Mammoth Lakes Land Acquisition, LLC v. Town of
Mammoth Lakes, 191 Cal. App. 4th 435, 443-44 (2010). Although normally California public

Case 3:16-cv-07014-VC Document 249 Filed 05/15/18 Page 35 of 37

policy prohibits local governments from contracting away their right to exercise their "police

power" in the future – that is, the power to regulate private conduct in furtherance of the public

good – the development agreement statute creates a limited exception to this rule. See Santa

Margarita Area Residents Together, 84 Cal. App. 4th at 232-34. Specifically, section 65866 of

the statute says the following:

Unless otherwise provided by the development agreement, rules, regulations, and

official policies governing permitted uses of the land, governing density, and
governing design, improvement, and construction standards and specifications,
applicable to development of the property subject to a development agreement,
shall be those rules, regulations, and official policies in force at the time of
execution of the agreement. A development agreement shall not prevent a city,
county, or city and county, in subsequent actions applicable to the property, from
applying new rules, regulations, and policies which do not conflict with those
rules, regulations, and policies applicable to the property as set forth herein, nor
shall a development agreement prevent a city, county, or city and county from
denying or conditionally approving any subsequent development project
application on the basis of such existing or new rules, regulations, and policies.

The intervenors appear to make two alternative arguments based on this provision. The

first appears to be that section 65866 allows a local government, in a development agreement, to

restrict its ability to apply future land use regulations to the property, but not other types of new

regulations (at least so long as those other types of regulations do not conflict with the land use

regulations that have been locked into place). Applying this reading of section 65866 to this

case, the intervenors appear to argue that: (i) the coal ordinance is not a land use regulation; (ii)

the coal ordinance does not conflict with any land use regulations that were frozen in place when

the development agreement was signed; and therefore (iii) Oakland is permitted to apply the

ordinance to OBOT. In other words, according to the intervenors, section 65866 does not

meaningfully disturb the default rule, at least with respect to non-land use regulations, that a

local government may not contract away its police power. In the intervenors' view, this means

that the Court should construe section 3.4.2 of the development agreement and its "substantial
evidence" requirement to apply only to (i) land use regulations or (ii) non-land use regulations

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that directly conflict with locked-in land use regulations. The consequence of this would be that

section 3.4.2 would not be applied to this ordinance at all, to avoid a conclusion that section 3.4.2

gives away more of Oakland's police power than Government Code section 65866 permits.

Whatever else might be said about this argument, the problem with it in this case is that

it's too inconsistent with the language of the development agreement itself. Neither section

3.4.1, which freezes new regulations by the City, nor section 3.4.2, which sets out the health and

safety exception, say that the substantial evidence standard is only meant for new land use

regulations. The language of the development agreement does not even distinguish between land

use regulations and non-land use regulations. And the City clearly knew how to draw

distinctions between categories of regulations. The development agreement demonstrates this by

carving out not only the health and safety exception in section 3.4.2 but also an exception for

new regulations relating to construction under section 3.4.4. Nor do sections 1.1 or 3.4.3, which

define "Existing City Regulations" and require the City to provide the developer with a compiled

volume of these regulations, limit the laws that are frozen in place to land use regulations. As if

to further prove this point, the City itself has, from the very early days, proceeded on the theory

that section 3.4.2's substantial evidence standard applies to the ordinance. This is why the

contract with ESA, the City Administrator's Agenda Reports to the City Council, and the

ordinance and resolution, among many other documents, all reference section 3.4.2 of the
development agreement as the governing standard.

In the alternative, the intervenors appears to argue that if section 3.4.2 applies to all new

laws, it is invalid and unenforceable because it restricts Oakland's police power more than the

Government Code allows, and contrary to public policy. Perhaps there is merit to this argument,

but the Court declines to consider it, because it is beyond the scope of the intervention that was

allowed in this case. The Sierra Club and San Francisco Baykeeper were permitted to intervene

to help defend Oakland, not to seek to invalidate a provision of an agreement that Oakland

entered into. If the intervenors wish to assert this argument by suing Oakland and OBOT in state
court to invalidate section 3.4.2, presumably they may do so. Indeed, the issue is likely better

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addressed in state court, because it is complicated, novel, and presents important questions of

state law. Although OBOT is right to note that it would also be unfair to force it to defend

against this argument so late in the litigation, that is beside the point, because the intervenors

could not have raised it earlier in any event.


The resolution applying the coal ordinance to the OBOT facility is invalid, because it is a

breach of the development agreement. The City is therefore enjoined from relying on the

resolution either to apply the ordinance to OBOT or to restrict future coal operations at the

facility. As a practical matter, this renders the coal ordinance a nullity, because the only reason

the City adopted it was to restrict OBOT's operations, and OBOT is the only facility in Oakland

to which it could conceivably apply. But as a strictly technical matter, there's no reason to strike

down the ordinance once it has been determined that Oakland may not presently apply it to

OBOT. The City remains free, of course, to pursue future regulation of the project so long as it

complies with its legal obligations, including any legitimate contractual obligations to the project

developers. Because OBOT prevails on its breach of contract claim, the Court enters judgment

for OBOT without reaching the constitutional and statutory claims raised at summary judgment.


Dated: May 15, 2018

United States District Judge


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