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Necromunda Comprehensive Rulebook,

Prospect Edition
Petitioner’s City (A. Collins)


Using the Bestiary
Horrors may be used as an alternative to Sump Horrors in the Monster Hunt scenario, or may be used as opponents at
the behest of the arbitrator or by players if all playing agree for other scenarios.
Vermin are encouraged in all scenarios: Up to D6 vermin may be placed on the field as an alternative to the Beast’s
Lair; players take turns putting them on the board, following the rules for the Lair.
Using the Models
When not controlled by an arbitrator or following specific scenario rules, each character or creature has a ready
Horrors and Vermin have two actions during their activations. During the round, each horror or vermin has a Ready
Marker placed on its Fighter Card/beside the model. Players may attempt to activate a Horror or Vermin instead of
activating one of their own fighters. Roll a D6; on a 3+, the player who rolled may control the horror or vermin. On a 1-
2, their opponent controls the Horror or Vermin. All Horrors and Vermin must be activated before the End Phase can
The players are free to make any action with the Horror or Vermin, who are considered to have 360 degree vision
arcs. However, if it cannot see any models, it must move as directly as possible toward an enemy model, chosen by
the controlling player.
Human characters, Cybernetica and Automata usually have their own scenario-specific rules.

Many hivers react badly when strangers show up and start shooting, and it can be tricky to predict just how they will
react. In addition to their presence in a Downtown Dust-Up, any number of Hive Dwellers may be introduced into a
scenario and deployed by the Arbitrator as they wish. They are controlled by the Arbitrator or a third player, and are
activated by them in the End phase, making actions determined by the controlling player, using the following profile:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wp Int
5’’ 5+ 5+ 3 3 1 4+ 1 7+ 8+ 9+ 9+
Wargear: Hive Dwellers may be equipped as the Arbitrator wishes, but any weapons they carry should be low quality,
cheap items. Autopistols, stubguns, shotguns, clubs, fighting knives and other such Common basic, pistol and close
combat weapons are ideal – with roughly no more than 30 credits of items each – following what is visibly on the
model as closely as possible. If wearing clothes, they will have flak armour, unless modelled with hazards suits.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int
4’’ 5+ 4+ 3 3 2 4+ 1 7+ 6+ 7+ 7+

Wargear: An agent is usually equipped with mesh armour and a displacer field and is armed with a laspistol.
Dangerous creatures lurk in the underhive, ready to prey on careless gang fighters. If both players agree, the following
special rules may be used to represent the presence of such a creature. After both gangs have been deployed, the
defender, or the winner of a roll-off (if there is no defender), may deploy a Beast’s Lair anywhere on the battlefield
that is not within 6" of any fighter.
If any fighter ends their activation within 6" of the Beast’s Lair, they risk rousing the beast within. To see if the beast is
roused, roll a D6. If the result is a 6, or if the result is higher than the number of inches between the fighter making
the test and the Beast’s Lair, the fighter is immediately attacked by the beast. The beast has the following profile:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

- 4+ - 6 4 3 - 1 - - - -

The beast lair attacks with its tentacles:

Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Beast’s tentacles E 6’’ - - S -2 3 - Knockback, Melee, Versatile
Special Rules
The Beast’s Lair is not a fighter. It is always considered to be Standing and can never become Prone or be moved by
any means. Fighters can move within 1" of the Beast’s lair and may move into base to base contact with it without
needing to perform a Charge (Double) action. Fighters can attack the Beast’s Lair with ranged or close combat attacks,
although the Lair is a small target and suffers a -1 to hit penalty for ranged attacks. If the Beast’s Lair is reduced to 0
Wounds, it is removed from play.


This rule applies in certain scenarios. When a fighter is activated, and they are not within 8’’ of any other fighters
(from either side), roll a D6 on the following table:
D6 Result
1 The fighter suffers a Strength 6 hit, with an AP of -1 and a Damage of 2. If they are Seriously Injured as a result, they are
dragged away into the darkness and taken Out of Action.
If players agree, the monsters may emerge – if the fighter is taken out of action, roll a D6, on a 1-3, nothing happens, on
a 4-5, replace them with a random Vermin model, on a 6+, a random Horror model. This move and attack as described
2-3 A nightmarish creature emerges from the shadows, seeking easy prey. The fighter cannot make any actions this turn as
they are too busy driving the creature away.
4-5 The fighter hesitates, hearing a noise in the darkness. They can only make one action this turn.
6 The fighter goes unnoticed and can act normally

Where a scenario requires there to be Carrion Critters, Necromunda Giant Rats or other similar creatures, you may
use any of the following alternatives. Some may be suitable more for certain Environments:

Use these rules for generic vermin in the Underhive.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

6’’ 5+ 6+ 3 3 1 3+ 1 9+ 7+ 9+ 11+

Carrion creatures may be armed with various beaks, claws, mandibles and so forth, but they count as being unarmed
and make unarmed attacks. Carrion Critters are small targets.
Ambull larvae are called Borewyrms. They are carnivorous and in a swarm are no less dangerous than adult Ambulls.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wp Int
4’’ 4+ 6+ 3 4 2 3+ 3 5+ 7+ 9+ 11+

Weapons: Borewyrms are armed with their vicious jaws:

Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Vicious Jaws - E - - S -1 1 - Melee, Rending

Special rules
Skill: Infiltrate, Evade
Armour: Chitin Armour (4+)

There are many strange and disturbing things lurking down in the depths of the hive, from brainleaf thralls and
sump virus victims, to spider venom madmen and plague zombies. Any of these can be used to represent a
zombie horde controlled by the Arbitrator.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
2D6’’ 5+ 6+ 3 3 1 6+ 1 12+ 4+ 6+ 12+
Weapons: Clubs (or guns used as clubs) or fists and teeth (count as unarmed attacks).
Special Rules
Shambling Movement: Brainleaf Zombies can only take a single action each activation, and move 2D6" when taking a
Move action. Should their movement take them into base contact with an enemy, they are considered to have made a
Charge action and immediately make an attack.
Resilient: Brainleaf Zombies cannot be Pinned, automatically pass any Cool checks they are required to take and
ignore all Injury dice results except Out of Action. A Brainleaf Zombie that has been taken Out of Action is not
removed from the board and instead counts as having suffered a Seriously Injured result.
In the Recovery phase, Seriously Injured Brainleaf Zombies stand back up, recovering from their injuries but taking no
other action. The only way to remove a Brainleaf Zombie from the battlefield is by making a Coup de Grace action
against it while it is Seriously Injured.
Brainleaf Zombies subject to the Blaze condition are not automatically Broken and cannot attempt to put out the fire.
Brainleaf Spread: Enemies taken Out of Action by a Brainleaf Zombie are replaced with a Brainleaf Zombie in the End
At the end of the game, fighters who became Brainleaf Zombies automatically go into Recovery, though suffer no
other adverse effects. If they were taken out of action by a coup de grace action, roll a Lasting Injury as normal.
These large bats live in the runnels of the Underhive, where they hang upside down in seething colonies. If disturbed they flutter
down the runnels in a huge squealing swarm. Carrion bats have ferocious Piranha-like jaws but they live by scavenging meat from
the kills made by larger creatures. The bats are drawn by the seem of fresh blood and will flutter down to steal a few mouthfuls of
flesh before the rats arrive lo pick a carcass clean. Underhivers are afraid of carrion bats because their bite carries diseases caught
from their scrofulous diet including the dreaded zombie plague

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

8’’ 3+ - 2 2 1 4+ 1 10+ 8+ 10+ 9+

Bats are armed with sharp jaws, but they count as being unarmed and make unarmed attacks.
Special Rules
Small Target: Ranged attacks against Carrion are at -1 to hit. In addition, a Bat is never a potential target when
working out the effects of a Stray Shot.
Fly: A Carrion Bat ignores all terrain, may move freely between levels without restriction, and can never fall. It may
not, however, ignore impassable terrain or walls, and may not end its movement with its base overlapping an obstacle
or another fighter's base.
Flitter: Fighters attempting to hit a Carrion Bat in close combat suffer a -2 to hit modifier.
Plague: Carrion Bats potentially carry the Plague. A fighter taken out of action by a bat rolls an additional D6 in
addition to rolling on the Lasting Injury table. On a 1-3, they roll on the Plague chart:

D6 roll Result
1 Clear: After a few tense days, no symptoms of plague have emerged and the gang member is in
the clear.
2-3 Sickness: The fighter will be ill for days; the fighter enters in Recovery – even if for Lasting
Injury they roll a result which does not include Recovery.
4-6 Plague: The gang member is infected and suffers death. The models weapons, armour and
equipment is also infected and counts as destroyed.

The Underhive contains a warren of disused and decaying tunnels and sewers that are infested by swarms of rats. There are many
different mutant sub-species of rats on Necromunda and their individual physiology varies immensely. Giant rats can grow
anywhere up to 4 feet long (not including their tail), while the huge sharp fangs of some of the larger creatures can reach to well
over a foot. Necromundan rats exhibit a sort of low animal cunning and have incredibly fast natural reactions. These combine to
give them an almost supernatural ability to dodge any attack that is aimed at them.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

6’’ 4+ - 3 3 1 3+ 1 10+ 8+ 10+ 9+

Giants rats are armed with jaws:

Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Rat Jaws - E - - 3 - 1 - Melee, Backstab

Small Target: Necromunda Giant Rats are quick, making them difficult to target in the perpetual gloom of the
underhive. Ranged attacks against Necromunda Giant Rats are at -1 to hit. In addition, a Necromunda Giant Rat is
never a potential target when working out the effects of a Stray Shot.
Nimble: Necromunda Giant Rats have almost preternatural reflexes, seemingly sensing danger before they strike. A
Necromunda Giant Rat has a save of 4+, which is never modified by Armour Penetration.
Many forms of mutant spiders grow to great size in the Underhive – up to several feet in size. These are so common,
they have traditionally been associated with Necromunda and the most famous Imperial Guard regiment recruited on
Necromunda are known as the Spiders.
Wolf Spider

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

8’’ 4+ 6+ 4 3 1 2+ 1 9+ 6+ 6+ 12+

Orb Spider

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

4’’ 4+ 6+ 3 3 1 2+ 1 9+ 6+ 6+ 12+

Weapons: Wolf Spiders are armed with their viscous jaws. Orb spiders are armed with their webs:
Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Vicious Jaws - E - - S -1 1 - Melee, Rending
(Wolf Spider)
Web Spit 4 8 +1 -1 3 - - 2+ Web, Blast (3’’), Leave in Place
(Orb Spider)
Venomous Bites (both) - E - - - - - - Melee, Toxin

Special Rules
Clamber – When the fighter climbs, the vertical distance they move is not halved. In other words, they always count
as climbing up or down a ladder.
Chitin – Spiders have a 6+ armour save.
Fear – If an enemy makes a Charge action that targets this fighter, they must make a Willpower check before moving.
If the check is failed, they cannot move and their action ends immediately
Spit Webs – The starting position of an Orb Spider is marked by a 3’’ web marker, and when it shoots its webs, leave
the spider’s web template in place after it has fired. These represent the spider laying its web traps. A potential victim
that moves into a web has to pass an Initiative test on 1D6 to avoid being entangled, and if this is their second move
or they are Charging, must test of 2D6. Once entangled, the victim counts as Webbed, and may be attacked by the
spider or other fighters. Spiders are immune to their own and other Spiders’ webs. .
Trail Lines – Both Orb and Wolf Spider mode counts as being equipped with a Grapnel Launcher.

Miliasaurs are hideously mutated and enlarged centipedes which can reach up to two metres in length. They normally
live in the darkened recesses and sump-holes that abound in the Underhive. Poisonous, they quickly can reduce all but
the largest creatures to a helpless state.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

5’’ 3+ - 1 3 1 4+ 1 10+ 8+ 10+ 9+

Weapons: The Miliasaur attacks with its poisonous bites:

Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Venomous Bites - E - - - - - - Melee, Toxin
Special Rules:
Small Target: Ranged attacks against Miliasaurs are at -1 to hit. In addition, a Miliasaur is never a potential target
when working out the effects of a Stray Shot.
Clamber: When the fighter climbs, the vertical distance they move is not halved. In other words, they always count as
climbing up or down a ladder.
These are dangerous bat-like creatures which attack by enveloping the heads of their opponents. Unless speedily
removed, its victims suffocate or bleed to death.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

8’’ 5+ - 1 2 1 3+ 1 10+ 8+ 10+ 9+

Bats are armed various beaks, claws, mandibles and so forth, but they count as being unarmed and make unarmed
Special Rules
Small Target: Ranged attacks against Ripper Jacks are at -1 to hit. In addition, a Ripper Jack is never a potential target
when working out the effects of a Stray Shot.
Fly: A bat ignores all terrain, may move freely between levels without restriction, and can never fall. It may not,
however, ignore impassable terrain or walls, and may not end its movement with its base overlapping an obstacle or
another fighter's base.
Flitter: Fighters attempting to hit a Ripper Jack in close combat suffer a -2 to hit modifier.
Envelop: Ripper jacks do not fight in close combat the normal way, instead making the following Envelop attack:
Envelop (single): Roll a D6 for a Ripper Jack; if the roll is lower than the model’s initiative, or a roll of 1 in any
circumstances, then the Ripper Jack has enveloped its target’s head. Models may only be enveloped by one
Ripper Jack at a time, though several could attempt to envelop a victim before the rest move onto a new
An enveloped fighter becomes Enveloped – they are prone, and may not move or shoot until he goes out of
action or the Ripper Jack is pulled off. IF the victim is engaged in close combat, they count as being Seriously
Injured, but may not make Move actions.
Instead, roll 2D6 for the victim when either the victim or the ripper jack activates. If the score is less than or
equal to the model’s Strength, it has pulled the Ripper Jack off and killed it (remove the Ripper Jack model from
play). If the score is greater than the model’s Strength then the Ripper Jack remains firmly attached – the victim
immediately suffers a S4 hit with no armour save allowed. Models reduced to 0 wounds by a Ripper Jack are
automatically taken Out of Action.
During the recovery phase, the model must make the same test, but will not suffer damage. Models may aid
friends being attacked by Ripper Jacks. To do so, they must be in base-to-base contact with the victim; they add
their strength to that of their companion when working out if the Ripper Jack is removed.
A model may attempt to hit the Ripper Jack in close combat before it Envelops them, or it may disengage if it is not
enveloped – in which case, the Ripper Jack may make unarmed Reaction Attacks against the fleeing fighter.
Serious Injuries. If a model is taken out of action by a Ripper Jack, do not roll on the normal Lasting Injuries chart.
Instead, roll on the Ripper Jack Injury chart below:
D66 Roll Injury
11-16 Horrible Scars
21-26 Impressive Scars
31-35 Recovery
41-46 Old Battle Wound
51-53 Eye Injury
54-56 Head Injury
61-66 Dead
Some Krocs live in the wild, living in the sump seas and pools of the Underhive.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

4’’ 3+ - 4 4 2 6+ 2 8+ 6+ 7+ 11+

Sumpkrocs are armed with their Ferocious Jaws:

Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Ferocious jaws - E - - S -1 1 - Melee, Rending

Special Rules
Scaly Hide: The Sumpkroc has a naturally scaly and resilient hide, granting it a 5+ save roll.

Dogs are everywhere, some are domesticated, others are not.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

5’’ 3+ - 3 3 2 6+ 2 8+ 6+ 7+ 11+

Equipment: Savage Bite

Special Rules:
Small Target: Ranged attacks against Wild Canids are at -1 to hit. In addition, a Wild Canid is never a potential target
when working out the effects of a Stray Shot.
Loyal Companions: Hive dwellers may be accompanied by Canids; in which case they act as an Exotic Beast owned by
a Dweller. While the Canid is Standing and either Active or Engaged and within 3" of its owner, enemy fighters may
not make a Coup de Grace action against the owner.
Combat Master: The fighter never suffers penalties to their hit rolls for interference, and can always grant assists,
regardless of how many enemy fighters they are Engaged with.
Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Savage Bite - E - - S -2 1 - Disarm, Melee
Ambulls are towering bipedal creatures possessed of strength and durability beyond almost any other beast of their
size. They make their lairs In subterranean cave networks. They aggressively defend their territory from interlopers
and also seek out potent energy sources to consume. On Necromunda, Ambulls are rare and terrifying prospects,
which hivers hope to avoid.
Ambulls will be accompanied by 2 Borewyrms.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wp Int
6’’ 3+ 6+ 6 6 7 4+ 4 6+ 2+ 6+ 12+

Weapons: The Ambull attacks with its Enormous Claws

Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Enormous Claws - E - - S -3 2 - Melee

Special Rules
Skills: Infiltrate, Unstoppable
Armour: Chitin armour (3+),
Terror: If an enemy makes a Charge action that targets this fighter, they must make a Willpower check before moving,
rolling 3D6 and choosing the two lowest dice. If the check is failed, they cannot move and their action ends

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

D6” ? - ? ? ? ? ? - - - -

For each characteristic value that is shown as a (?), roll a D6 and consult the appropriate column on the following
table (roll separately for each such characteristic). Note that the Movement characteristic is random, determined by
rolling a D6 each time the Spawn makes a Move or Charge action
1 5+ 3 4 1 5+ 1
2-5 4+ 4 5 2 4+ 2
6 3+ 5 6 3 3+ 3

A Chaos Spawn carries no weapons and will always make unarmed attacks.

Warped Monstrosity: Chaos Spawn cannot be Pinned and will never become Broken or Insane. Any Flesh Wound and
Serious Injury results on an Injury roll for it are ignored. If one is taken Out of Action, it does not suffer a Lasting Injury
– instead, it is automatically restrained during the Wrap-up (as described below).
Mindless Beast: The only actions a Chaos Spawn can make are Move, Charge, Fight and Coup de Grace. It cannot use
weapons or equipment of any kind. Any Cool or Willpower checks made for a Chaos Spawn automatically pass, but
any Leadership or Intelligence checks automatically fail.
In the deepest depths of the underhive truly monstrous spiders lurk in the eternal gloom. Despite the dangers of these
behemoths, hunters seek them out for their meat, venom and jewel like eyes.
A gigantic Spider may be accompanied by D3 Giant Spiders – either Wolf Spiders and/or Orb Spiders.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Will Int

6’’ 4+ 4+ 5 4 4 2+ 2 6+ 6+ 6+ 12+

Weapons: The Gigantic Spider is armed with Vicious Jaws and its Web Spit:
Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Gigantic Spider’s Webs 6 12 +1 -1 4 - - 2+ Web, Blast (3’’), Leave in Place
Vicious Jaws - E - - S -1 1 - Melee, Rending
Venomous Bites - E - - - - - - Melee, Toxin

Special Rules
Clamber – When the fighter climbs, the vertical distance they move is not halved. In other words, they always count
as climbing up or down a ladder.
Chitin – The Gigantic Spider has a 4+ armour save.
Spit Webs: The starting position of the spider is marked by a 3’’ web marker, and when it shoots its webs, leave the
spider’s web template in place after it has fired. These represent the spider laying its web traps.
A potential victim that moves into a web has to pass an Initiative test on 1D6 to avoid being entangled (with 1 always
a fail), but if this is their second move or they are Charging, must test on 2D6 (with 2 always being a fail). Once
entangled, the victim counts as Webbed, and may be attacked by the spider or other fighters. Spiders are immune to
their own and other Spiders’ webs. .
Trail Lines: The model also counts as being equipped with a Grapnel Launcher.
Terror: If an enemy makes a Charge action that targets this fighter, they must make a Willpower check before moving,
rolling 3D6 and choosing the two lowest dice. If the check is failed, they cannot move and their action ends

Sump Horrors are monsters of various forms in the underhive – these are deadly and unexpected beasts whose
emergence may often spell the end of a gang as it is viciously cut down in the deep dark.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wp Int
3’’ 5+ 6+ 7 6 8 4+ 4 9+ 2+ 6+ 12+

Wargear: The Sump Horror has a 5+ save, cannot be Pinned, and its attacks are Strength 7 and inflict 2 Damage with a
save modifier of -3.
Special Rules
Terror: If an enemy makes a Charge action that targets this fighter, they must make a Willpower check before moving,
rolling 3D6 and choosing the two lowest dice. If the check is failed, they cannot move and their action ends
Unstoppable Advance: Coup de Grace actions cannot be taken against the monster. At the start of the End phase of
each round, the Sump Horror fights any fighters in base contact, or if there are no fighters in base contact, it moves,
or charges (if in range) toward the nearest fighter.
Sometimes, when gangs are hunting for a rumoured archaeo-hoard they may find an abandoned mining automata.
The automata has the following profile:
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wp Int
4’’ 4+ 5+ 5 5 5 6+ 3 12+ 2+ 6+ 10+

Wargear: An automata is equipped with light carapace armour and is armed with a meltagun and a heavy rock cutter.
Special Rules
Imposing: An automata cannot be Pinned.
Powered Down: Unless the Arbitrator decides otherwise, at the start of the battle, an automata is in a powered-down
state. To power up the automata, a fighter from either gang that is within 1" of it can perform a Power Up (Simple)
action. The fighter makes an Intelligence check and, if passed, the automata becomes powered up. Once powered up,
the automata immediately becomes Ready and will act as a part of the gang who powered it up until it powers down.
In the End phase, the automata returns to a powered down state.

Murder Cyborg assassins secretly infiltrate gangs present for their own missions. In a scenario using these, at the
discretion of all players, or on the arbitrator’s instructions, there will be an assassin amidst the players. Whenever a
fighter suffers a wound as a result of a hit from a weapon with a Damage characteristic other than ‘-‘, the owning
player should roll a D6. On a 5+, a cyborg assassin is revealed. Remove the wounded fighter from the board (they do
not count as having been Seriously Injured or taken Out of Action) and replace them with an appropriate model to
represent the cyborg assassin. Each assassin uses the following profile:
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wp Int
4’’ 3+ 2+ 4 5 3 4+ 3 8+ 3+ 5+ 8+

Weapons: Two bolt pistols (with las-projectors), shotgun (with execution shells)
Wargear: Light carapace armour, displacer field, frag grenades, krak grenades
Range Accuracy
Weapon S L S L S Ap D Am Traits
Bolt pistol with Las 6’’ 12’’ +2 - 4 -1 2 6+ Sidearm, Rapid Fire (1)
Shotgun with Executioner 4’’ 16’’ -1 +1 4 -2 2 6+ Knockback, Limited

Frag Grenades 6’’ 24’’ -1 - 3 - 1 6+ Blast (3’’), Knockback

Krak Grenades 6’’ 24’’ -1 - 6 -2 2 6+ -

Skills: Fast Shot, Gunfighter, Iron Jaw
Cyborg Toughness: An assassin is unaffected by the Coup de Grace action and treats any Out of Action results on the
injury dice as a Serious Injury instead. While Seriously Injured, the cyborg does not roll Injury dice in the End phase.
Instead, they will recover (suffering a Flesh Wound as normal) if they can roll equal to or less than their Toughness
value (for the purpose of this roll, Flesh Wounds suffered do not count). .
Once an assassin reaches 0 Toughness, as a result of Flesh Wounds, it cannot recover – though it may still make a
Crawl (Double) action – and can now be removed from the board with a Coup de Grace action.
The cyborg assassin ignores the effects of the Flash, Gas and Toxin traits and cannot be Pinned. The cyborg assassin
may be subject to the Blaze condition, but unlike other fighters, it may still perform actions.
Cyborg Mission: When the cyborg is first revealed the player with Priority should roll a D6 on the following table to
find out what its mission is. The player who has Priority controls the cyborg as if it were one of their fighters, although
it must follow its directives as detailed below. The assassin never counts as a friendly model for either gang.
D6 Result
1-2 Extermination Directives: The cyborg must kill everyone. If it is Engaged, it take Fight actions, if not, it will
target the closest model with a Shoot action. If it can see more than one model, it must divide its Shoot
actions between them as evenly as possible, starting with the closest model and moving outward (it must take
Cool tests as normal to target models other than the closest). If it cannot see any models, it must move
toward the nearest model.

3-4 Decapitation Subroutines: The cyborg must kill the Leaders. The assassin acts as above. However, it will only
target Leader models, only fighting other models if they are either Engaged with it, or blocking its path to a
5-6 Preservation Protocols: The cyborg must return to its masters. When the assassin is revealed, the player who
has Priority picks a point on the board edge farthest from the assassin – this is the cyborg’s escape point. If the
assassin ends any round in base contact with the escape point, it is removed from the board. While escaping,
during each activation, the cyborg must make at least one Move action that takes it closer to the escape point
if possible, though it can shoot at the closest targets as detailed above, at the controlling player’s discretion.

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