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Concrete is a highly versatile material used for construction. It is most widely

used construction material in the world and the second widely used substance on earth.
The popularity of concrete in the construction industry is mainly due to the fact that it is
economical, can be made from locally available materials and thus it will be possible to
satisfy the demand of a particular situation.

Even though concrete is able to withstand a large amount of compressive force, it

is very weak in handling tension. The low tensile strength of concrete causes its brittle
failure in tension at about one tenth of its compressive strength and this led to the
invention of reinforced concrete. Reinforcing of concrete enabled it to carry the tensile
force as well. Since steel is strong in tension as well as compression it is introduced in the
tension as well as the compression region. Forces are transferred to the steel embedded in
concrete through the bond between the interfaces of the two materials. The combination
of these two features provided concrete high utility and versatility.

Reinforced concrete structures consist of a large percentage of buildings and

bridges all over the world. These structural components get deteriorated with time due to
several reasons. Among the environmental factors that affect the service life and seismic
performance levels of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings, corrosion has a time-dependent
impact and cost on RC buildings [1]. Durability is the ability of a structure to resist against
environmental attacks without its performance to drop below a minimum acceptable
limit. Corrosion of steel reinforcements is the most critical durability aspect of RCC
structures. It is considered to be the prime reason behind the reduced service-life and
premature deterioration in reinforced concrete (RC) structures [2].

Structures located along the coastal lines are highly exposed to corroding
environment. The corrosion process has the ability to start in any environmental
conditions and the rate of corrosion is determined by the harshness of the environment.
The high alkaline environment of good quality concrete forms a passive film on the
surface of the embedded steel that normally prevents the steel from further corroding.

However, under the penetration of chloride ions, the passive film is disrupted or
destroyed and the steel corrodes. The corrosion products occupy a larger volume and
these induce expansive stresses in the concrete surrounding reinforcement resulting in
cracking, delamination and spalling. In addition, a RC member may undergo structural
damage due to loss of bond between steel and concrete and also loss of rebar cross-
sectional area [3].

The decrement in load carrying capacity of RC members due to reinforcement

corrosion is attributed to the combined effect of decrease in bond between concrete and
steel re-bars, reduction in tensile strength of steel re-bars and losses in effective cross-
sectional area of concrete due to cracking in cover concrete [2].

If the reduction in cross sectional area of the steel is uniform throughout the
length, then the corrosion is referred to as uniform corrosion. This type of corrosion
results in reduced load-carrying capacity of the reinforcements and hence that of
complete structure. While non-uniform distribution of corrosion along the length of the
reinforcements is referred to as pitting corrosion. This category of corrosion causes
localized yielding which reduces strength and ductility of the structure. Use of steel bars
which are susceptible to localized corrosion damage has serious effect on reliability and
general integrity of the structures with reinforced concrete [2].

Columns form one of the most important structural elements, which sustains
axial forces of dead load and live loads. Failure of column leads to total failure of a
building, as only through that element, vertical loads are transferred to the ground.
Corroded reinforcements in columns could create catastrophic failures of brittle nature.
To plan cost effective repair strategies, it is necessary to estimate the strength of the
existing structures, for which the effect of corrosion on the structural behavior of RC
columns is to be evaluated.


Corrosion may be induced in the reinforcements by any of the following methods:

1.1.1 Carbonation

The process of carbonation involves gaseous, aqueous and solid reactants. The
solids which react with CO2 include Ca(OH)2, main strength component of cement paste
CSH, and the un-hydrated constituents of C3S and C2S. Water is always present in larger
or lesser amounts in the pores of the hardened cement paste and plays a key role in the
process of carbonation. Water plays a major role, first it blocks the pores and thus hinders
diffusion of CO2 through the pores; second, it provides a medium for reaction between
CO2 and Ca(OH)2. At very low ambient relative humidity levels, CO2 can diffuse fast, but
most pores are dry and the rate of carbonation is very slow. At high ambient relative
humidity levels, practically all the pores are filled with water, therefore diffusion of CO 2
becomes very slow. The penetration is nearly proportional to square root of time. Fig.1.1
shows the mechanism of corrosion.

Fig.1.1 Mechanism of corrosion


1.1.2 Chlorides

The chloride ions, originating from de-icing salts or seawater, are the primary
cause of reinforcing steel corrosion in coastal structures. Chlorides which are transported
through the pores and micro cracks in concrete breaks the oxide film covering the
reinforcing steel and accelerate the reaction of corrosion and concrete deterioration.
Chloride penetration is a process which takes place in totally or partly water-filled pores.
The risk of corrosion increases as the chloride content of concrete increases. Chloride-
containing admixtures can also cause corrosion. When the chloride content at the surface
of the steel exceeds a certain limit, called the threshold value, corrosion will occur, if
water and oxygen are also available.


Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete structure is an electrochemical process and

is similar to the action which takes place in a flash battery. The ‘anodic reaction’ which is
the oxidation process and is dependent on the pH of interstitial electrolyte, presence of
aggressive anions and the existence of an appropriate electrochemical potential at the
reinforcing bar surface, results in dissolution or loss of metal whilst the ‘cathodic
reaction’ which is a reduction process and is dependent on the availability of O 2 and the
pH in the vicinity of re-bar. These anodic and cathodic reactions are broadly referred to as
‘half-cell reactions’.

The corrosion rate is dependent on

 The pH surrounding the rebar

 The availability of oxygen and capillary water

 Concentration of Fe2+ near the rebar

The factors which affect the corrosion of reinforcements mainly includes

1.2.1 Effect of carbonation and entry of gaseous pollutants

The pH of the concrete is reduced by the carbonation and the entry of acidic
gaseous pollutants such as SO2 and NO2. The fall in pH to certain levels may cause

commencement of reinforcement of corrosion, loss of passivity of concrete against rebar
corrosion and catastrophic corrosion as indicated in table 1.2.

pH of concrete State of reinforcement corrosion

Below 9.5 Commencement of steel corrosion
At 8.0 Passive film on the steel surface disappears
Below 7 Catastrophic corrosion occurs
Table 1.1
State of reinforcement corrosion at various pH

1.2.2 Effect of aggressive anions

Chloride in concrete may be present as acid soluble chloride, chemically bound

chloride with hydration products of cement and free or water soluble chloride within the
pore solution of concrete. Generally, the concentration of free chloride ions (Cl)
influences the corrosion process. It is reported that the corrosion rate increases with an
increase in chloride content. However, the change in pH is insignificant due to change in
chloride content of concrete.

1.2.3 Effect of Bacterial action

Aerobic bacteria may aid in the formation of differential aeration cell which will
lead to corrosion. In sewer concrete, the anaerobic bacteria produces iron sulphides which
too enables the corrosion reaction to proceed even in absence of oxygen. The bacteria
decrease the amount of cover by disintegration of cementitious material.

1.2.4 Effect of w/c ratio

Basically w/c ratio control strength, durability and permeability of concrete and
does not control the rate of corrosion but ‘permeability’ which is a function of w/c ratio
affects the corrosion of rebar. The depth of penetration of particular chloride threshold
value increases with an increase in the w/c ratio. Carbonation depth has been found to be
linearly increasing with an increase in w/c ratio. The oxygen diffusion coefficient is also
found to be increasing with an increase in the w/c ratio.

1.2.5 Effect of cover over reinforcing steel

Risk of reinforcement corrosion with low cover thickness, has been reported by
various researchers. The cover thickness has a remarkable effect on rebar corrosion due
to penetration of chloride or carbonation. This effect of corrosion is limited within the
time of casting to the time at which the rebar is de-passivated and corrosion is started.
The rate of corrosion, once it has started, is independent of the cover thickness.


The most common case of construction deterioration is the corrosion of steel

reinforcement. The type and rate of degradation processes for concrete and reinforcement
define the resistance and the rigidity of the materials. Deterioration of concrete and steel
in service causes loss of performance, and it may be the result of a variety of mechanical,
physical, chemical or biological processes. The final result of these processes is cracking.
Cracking will occur whenever the tensile strain to which concrete is subjected exceeds
the tensile strain capacity of the concrete. It impairs not only the appearance of the
structure, but also its strength and safety. [4]

Corrosion reduces the effective cross section of structural components. This will
reduce the axial and flexural strength of elements, and makes them structurally weak.
Even if corroded elements look stable, it does not mean they are safe; in fact, the
corroded structures become vulnerable for design loads (ultimate loads), i.e. a strong
ground motion can increase the stress actions beyond the capacity of the sections. Loss of
strength can happen in steel and reinforced concrete structures.

Another structural effect of corrosion is on the fatigue strength of steel elements,

connections, and RC elements. Corrosion may accelerate fatigue crack propagation in
structural steels. Development of pitting corrosion introduces additional points of stress
concentration at which cracking may develop, which will reduce the fatigue strength.

The capacity of composite elements such as RC elements depends on the

characteristics of concrete-rebar interface. When steel corrodes, the products of corrosion
expand. This will leave a poor quality steel layer over the surface of the reinforcement.
This layer has a poor bond with surrounding concrete; therefore, it will reduce the

capacity of the section. In case of lap splices or anchorage, this may reduce the effective
length of anchorage, and resulting in premature failure of sections.

Corrosion can significantly reduce the ductility of RC sections. This is critical in

seismic design and evaluation. Corroded sections have lower ductility, which means their
plastic deformation is limited. This will affect the seismic response of the elements.

Fig.1.2. Delaminated stone cover due to corrosion at the base of column



The existing older RCC structures were constructed with lower concrete strength
and poor workmanship. Further, in these structures, the durability aspects were generally
not taken into account. Parameters such as minimum required cement content, water-
cement ratio and cover to the re-bars are decided according to the prevailing
environmental conditions. However, these provisions were not included in earlier
building codes and hence the structures are prone to higher degrees of corrosion level.
Columns being the most crucial structural element, the influence of corroded
reinforcements could cause the whole structure to collapse. Unexpected increments in

loading could aggravate the situation. For assessing the condition of corrosion-damaged
structures, the remaining service life of such structures is to be estimated. For this
purpose, the effects of maintenance and repair options on their service life are to be
determined. To meet this objective, the present study is focused on the residual strength
and ductility of reinforced concrete columns that were subjected to different degrees of
corrosion damage. [2]

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the structural behavior of RCC
columns with corroded re-bars (5%, 10% and 15% mass loss) in terms of strength and
deformability performance. The purpose of this study is to develop a graphical tool that
can be used to predict reduction in bearing capacity in a scenario where the extent of
corrosion is known, the extent of corrosion being expressed in terms of the mass loss in
the reinforcements. .



A number of experimental investigations have been carried out in the recent years
on the effects of corrosion of reinforcements on the structural behavior of the reinforced
concrete structures.

Abdeldjelil Belarbi et al., in his study he investigated the effect of corrosion of

steel reinforcements on RC columns wrapped with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer
CRFP sheets. Small-scale RC columns and midscale RC columns were used in this study.
The small-scale columns were used for a comprehensive parametric study, whereas the
midscale columns were used to evaluate design guidelines proposed based on the results
of the small-scale column tests. The laboratory tests adopted a procedure similar to the
impressed electric current technique based on Faraday’s law to accelerate the corrosion
process. Although the corrosion damage induced by the technique might not be natural,
the purpose of the research study was to induce severe damage with wide cracks and
spalling of concrete cover. The writers also believed that if design guidelines are
developed based on such a severe damage level, the design of RC columns according to
the proposed design guidelines would be conservative. Then the columns were tested
under uniaxial compression up to failure. The test results showed that although CFRP
sheet wrapping decreased the corrosion rate, the corrosion of steel reinforcement could
continue to occur, eventually showing a decrease in ultimate axial compression capacity.
The proposed design guidelines based on small scale RC columns introduced a concept
of effective area to account for the corrosion damage, such as internal cracking and cross-
sectional loss of steel reinforcement.

Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete can alter the interface between the steel
and concrete and thus affects the bond mechanism. This subsequently influences the
behavior of reinforced concrete structures in terms of their safety and serviceability. C.
Q. Li et al., developed a numerical method that can simulate the behavior of reinforced
concrete walls subjected to steel corrosion in concrete as measured by their load-
deflection relationship. The method accounts for the effects of corrosion on the stiffness,
maximum strength, residual strength, and failure mode of the bond between the steel and

concrete. In the numerical method, the corrosion-affected stiffness and maximum
strength of the bond are explicitly expressed as a function of the corrosion rate. It is
found in this paper that the corrosion-affected reinforced concrete walls exhibit less
ductile behavior when compared with the un-corroded walls.

Chung-Ho Huang, conducted an experimental investigation to study the effect of

reinforcement corrosion on the bond properties between concrete and reinforcing steel
bar. Pullout tests were conducted on specimens using corroded reinforcement bars
embedded in concrete specimens. Bars were corroded by accelerated corrosion method.
Two groups of corrosion specimens were prepared whole-surface corroded and partial-
surface corroded. Each group of specimens included four levels of corrosion: 3, 5, 10,
and 15%. Results indicated that the tensile strength of steel bar decreases with the
increase of corrosion level. Corrosion levels less than 3% present a minor tensile-strength
reduction of approximately 3%, whereas the tensile strength may decrease to 75–90%
when the corrosion level increases more than 10%. The critical bond strength and
ultimate bond strength of corroded bars may increase slightly with corrosion level less
than 3%, but tend to decrease as the corrosion level exceeds 3% and, likewise, to
decrease with increasing corroded-surface percentage of steel bar. The range of partial-
surface corrosion shows no significant effect on yield strength and ultimate strength of
the steel bar. However, the critical bond strength and ultimate bond strength in a
reinforcing steel bar decrease with the percentage of corroded surface for various
corrosion levels when the corroded area increases from 40–100%.

The effect of reinforcement corrosion on the flexural strength of a uniformly

loaded and simply supported one-way slab was investigated by Abdullah A. Almusallam
et al. In addition to the flexural strength, the effect of different degrees of reinforcement
corrosion on the deformational behavior, ductility, and the mode of failure of the slabs
were also evaluated. The critical level of reinforcement corrosion that renders the strength
contribution of steel negligible was evaluated by comparing the strengths of slabs with
highly corroded reinforcement with the strengths of plain concrete slabs. To accelerate
reinforcement corrosion, direct current was impressed on the bars, using a direct current
(DC) rectifier to meet the objectives of the present study within a reasonable time frame.
In order to induce different levels of reinforcement corrosion, a calibration curve

establishing a relationship between the duration of the impressed current and
reinforcement corrosion was prepared. The magnitude of reinforcement corrosion was
measured as gravimetric loss in weight of the steel bars. The results indicated a sharp
reduction in the ultimate flexural strength of slabs with up to 29% reinforcement
corrosion; thereafter, the strength decreased at a somewhat reduced rate with further
increase in reinforcement corrosion. The ultimate deflection of the slabs decreases with
an increase in the magnitude of reinforcement corrosion, leading to a marked and
progressive reduction in the ductility of the slab.

An experimental study was performed Hakan Yalciner et al., using an accelerated

corrosion method and pull-out tests. The developed models were used to predict the bond
strength of un-corroded and corroded concrete specimens as a function of concrete cover
depths, strength levels, and two different geometries of reinforcement bars. An
accelerated corrosion method based on Faraday’s law was used to corrode the
reinforcement bars embedded in concrete specimens. Pull-out tests were performed to
investigate the ultimate bond strength of the concrete specimens.

Kyle Stanish et al., has done extensive research on the loss of bond between steel
and concrete due to corrosion and used pullout tests to find out bond strength in
specimens. According to Stanish the change in texture of the reinforcement structure
reduces the bond strength. Additionally, the corrosion products which are much more
voluminous than the iron that was corroded causes spalling, thereby exposing the steel

According to research done by Shamsad Ahmed et al., on various techniques of

corroding the reinforcements within the concrete, the impressed current method is most
suitable. Detailed study of principles behind accelerated corrosion technique for large
concrete specimens by impressed current technique was done in the study. Procedure for
calculating induced degree of corrosion was found out. Ahmed has utilized Faraday’s
equation for calculating the mass loss in this particular method.

J Revathy et al., had conducted a study on the effect of corrosion damage on the
ductility performance of concrete columns. An accelerated corrosion regime of different
degrees of corrosion damage of 10 and 25% were induced in the steel reinforcement of

concrete columns. It was based on the Faraday’s law. The columns were then tested under
uni-axial compression until failure. The results showed a marked reduction in axial
strength and ductility of the corroded concrete columns. According to the study, the
increase in corrosion intensity decreased the axial load carrying capacity of the columns
and hence reduction in the ductility of the corroded columns.

Effect of ferrocement jacketing on the flexural behaviour of beams with corroded

reinforcements was studied by Jayasree et al.. In this, the study of degradation of the
ultimate load carrying capacity of the flexural members due to corrosion was done.
Twenty-one RCC beams were cast, out of which, three beams were kept as control
specimens, and the remaining were subjected to varying levels of corrosion (5, 10 and
15%) so that six specimens were obtained for each level of corrosion. Accelerated
corrosion was induced by means of impressed current method based on Faraday’s law.
From each level of corrosion, three beams were subjected to loading. As per the study as
the corrosion rate increases, the ultimate stress and yield stress of re-bars were found to
decrease considerably. At 15% level of corrosion, width of cracks due to corrosion
surpassed the allowable crack width as per IS 456:2000. Mechanical properties such as
ultimate load carrying capacity and stiffness were found to decrease as percentage loss of
mass due to corrosion in reinforcement increases. As the percentage of corrosion
increases, the deflections observed in the corroded specimens were greater than that of
control specimens due to loss of bond between steel and concrete.

S Jayasree et al, also conducted an experimental investigation was carried out to

observe the effects of corrosion process on the structural performance of RCC columns.
An accelerated corrosion regime was adopted to achieve different degrees of corrosion
damage of 5%, 10% and 15%. The columns were tested under uniaxial compression until
failure and the relationship between degrees of corrosion level of rebars to the structural
behaviour of RCC columns were reported

All specimens have been designed and fabricated conforming to the IS 456:2000.

All specimens were cleaned for testing, according to guidelines in ASTM G1


 Accelerated corrosion using direct current is the most suitable method for
corroding the steel reinforcements within the concrete.

 Corrosion process can be completed within the given time frame with the help of
this method.

 The corrosion damage induced by the technique might not be natural, but can
induce severe damage with wide cracks and spalling of concrete cover-pitting

 Loss in the cross sectional area of reinforcement is one of the reasons for the loss
in strength of the reinforced concrete members.

 As per the studies, the presence of concrete increased the time required for a mass
loss when compared to that of a bare bar. A factor λ was introduced to counter this




The main objectives of the study are

 To observe the effects of corrosion process on the structural performance of RCC


 An accelerated corrosion regime was adopted to achieve different degrees of

corrosion damage of 5%, 10% and 15%.

 The columns are tested under uniaxial compression until failure and the
relationship between degrees of corrosion level of re-bars to the structural
behavior of RCC columns were reported


A control column specimen of size 1000*140*140 mm is made with non-corroded

reinforcement. Six columns of size 1000*140*140 mm are subjected to three degrees of
corrosion i.e. 5% ,10% ,15% mass loss (two specimens each). Corrosion is induced by
impressed current accelerated corrosion method.


Corrosion of steel in concrete is a gradual process. To achieve a significant degree

of corrosion in a limited duration the corrosion is accelerated by impressed current
technique. Column specimens (except control column) were subjected to accelerated
corrosion condition. The columns were kept immersed in 4% NaCl solution in a glass
tank and an electrolytic cell was formed. The columns were immersed for a day to ensure
full saturation condition. The direction of the current was arranged so that the
reinforcement cage served as the anode while a stainless steel plate acted as counter
electrode. The accelerated corrosion process was achieved by applying a power supply
with an output of 30 V and 10 amps. High voltage was used to accelerate the corrosion
and shorten the test period.

The time required for achieving different levels of corrosion by mass loss was
calculated using Faraday’s Law.

m= ………..(1)

Where, m is the mass of steel consumed (g),

M is the atomic weight of metal (55.8 g for Fe),

I is the current (amperes),

t is the time (seconds),

z is the ionic charge (2),

and F is the Faraday’s constant (96,485 amperes/ seconds).

This is the schematic representation of the corrosion setup

Fig.3.1. Accelerated corrosion setup for bare bar

Fig.3.2. Acceleration corrosion setup for embedded specimen

The presence of surrounding concrete can reduce the actual value of mass loss
induced, for a particular time calculated, for a desired corrosion level. Hence a factor λ, in
the equation accounts for the presence of surrounding concrete. The studies involving
corrosion in small scaled column specimens are entirely devoted to estimate the value of
λ, which is obtained by finding the ratio of the predicted theoretical mass loss to actual
mass loss. As per the studies conducted by Jayasree et al., the obtained average value of
factor λ is 1.65 for specimens of size 100 mm x100 mm x500 mm. By modifying
equation (1), the time required to provide a certain level of mass loss for reinforcements
embedded in concrete is given by:

λ mzF

Column specimens are subjected to uniaxial compression. Ultimate load at failure

is found out. Axial deformation is recorded using dial gauge.




The objective of the experiment is to observe the effects of corrosion process on

the structural performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns. In the following sections the
characteristics of constituent materials, concrete mix proportions, specimen details,
preparation of specimens has been detailed. Also, the preliminary experimental results
will be presented and discussed.


The constituent materials used in this experimental investigation were Ordinary

Portland Cement as cementitious material, M sand as fine aggregate, crushed rock with
maximum size and 20 mm as coarse aggregate.


Ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade was used. Various tests were conducted on
cement to determine the different properties of cement. The test results are shown in
Table 4.1.

Table 4.1.
Properties of cement
Properties of Cement
Properties Values
Initial setting time 110 minutes
Final setting time 6 hours
7 Day Compressive Strength 34N/mm2
28 Day Compressive strength 44N/mm2

4.2.2. Fine aggregate

M sand passing through 4.75 mm sieve was used as fine aggregate. Laboratory tests were
conducted on fine aggregate to determine the different physical properties as per IS 2386-
1963 Part 3 (Reaffirmed 1997). The gradation curve obtained from the sieve analysis is
shown in Fig.3.1. From the particle size distribution curve, it is seen that the fine
aggregate used is medium sand and conforms to zone 2 grading pattern as per IS 383-
1970 (Reaffirmed 1997).Several other tests were conducted on M-sand and other
properties were determined as shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2.
Properties of M- Sand
Specific Gravity 2.41
Bulk Density 1.74 g/cc
Void ratio 0.37
Porosity 28%



Percentage Finer(N)





0.1 1 10
Sieve Opening(D)

Fig.4.1. Gradation curve of fine aggregate

4.2.3. Coarse aggregate

Crushed rock of nominal sizes 12.5 mm and 20 mm were used in the proportion
60 % and 40 % respectively as coarse aggregate in the study .The different tests as per IS
2386-1963(Reaffirmed 1990) were conducted on coarse aggregate and the results are
shown in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3.
Properties of Coarse Aggregate
Properties Values
Specific Gravity 2.7
Bulk Density 2.64 g/cc
Void ratio 0.69
Porosity 42%

% Passing

50 Gradation curve
40 Upper limit
30 Lower limit
1 10 100
Sieve size (mm)

Fig.4.2. Gradation curve of coarse aggregate

4.2.4. Steel Reinforcement

Fe-550 Grade steel was used for casting the reinforced concrete column specimen.
Various tests were conducted on the steel reinforcement bars and the results are shown in
Table 4.4.

Properties of Steel
Properties Values
Yield Strength 599 N/mm2
Breaking Strength 674 N/mm2
Percentage Elongation 24%

4.2.5. Water

Clear water without any impurities was used for preparing the mix.


The experimental programme consisted of studying the variation of compressive

strength of reinforced concrete column specimen with different degrees of corrosion. A
concrete mix of grade M20 was prepared and the compressive strength and other
hardened properties were determined by conducting appropriate tests as per relevant
Indian Standards. Using this mix, two control column specimens were prepared with 4
no. of 10 mm diameter main reinforcement and 8 mm diameter lateral ties. Accelerated
corrosion apparatus was setup and the reinforcements were subjected to three different
degrees of corrosion (5%, 10%, 15%). The various structural behaviours of the specimens
were studied by conducting compressive tests and a graph was plotted which provided
the relationship between the loss of compressive strength and degree of corrosion.


M20 concrete mix was proportioned as per ACI 211.4R-93.


The properties of developed mix proportion was determined by conducting tests

on fresh and hardened concrete. To evaluate the fresh properties, slump flow test was
conducted soon after the completion of mixing procedure. After 28 days of water curing
the compressive test of the concrete cubes were tested.

4.5.1 Tests on fresh concrete

Slump flow test is one of the most commonly used methods of measuring the
workability of fresh concrete. The relative quantities of cement, fine aggregate, coarse
aggregate and water were added together to control its properties in the fresh state. For
conducting slump flow test, a standard slump cone of 200 mm bottom diameter, 100 mm
top diameter and 300 mm height and a base plate is used. The base plate and the inside of
the cone is oiled. Base plate is kept on a level ground with slump cone placed centrally
over it and is held down firmly. Then concrete is poured into the cone and the excess
concrete is struck off and level the top surface with a trowel. The cone is raised vertically

and concrete is allowed to flow out freely. The diameter of flow of concrete in two
perpendicular directions is measured.

Table 4.5
Workability of the mix
1. M20 43

4.5.2 Tests on hardened properties

The compressive strength, is one of the most important properties of hardened

concrete, in general is the characteristic material value for classification of concrete in
national and international codes. Three cubes of M20 mix were made. Compressive
strength is tested on standard cubes of size 15 cm on 7 th and 28th day as per IS 516:1959
(Reaffirmed 1999). After curing, the cube specimens were tested in 1000 kN compression
testing machine and loaded to failure.

Table 4.6
Compressive strength of cubes
1. M20 23.7


The reinforcement details of a typical control column are shown in Fig 6. The
column had square cross section 140mm X 140mm. The overall length of the column is
1000 mm.

Fig.4.3. Reinforcement detailing in the column (All dimensions in mm)

Concrete columns of size 140mmX140mmX1000mm were used in this study. The

reinforcement for the column consisted of 4 no. of 10 mm diameter main longitudinal
bars, and two legged stirrups of 10 mm diameter, at a spacing of 100 mm was used as
shear reinforcement .The reinforcements were corroded to specific degrees of corrosion
using the accelerated corrosion apparatus. In this study we used 5%, 10% and 15%
corroded reinforcement. Two columns corresponding to each degree of corrosion was
prepared. On a whole we had two control specimens and six sample columns for the
experimental study.


4.7.1 Fabrication of Reinforcement Cage

The reinforcement of the column are designed to behave as a under reinforced

section. The column is reinforced with 10 mm diameter bar on each corner. The stirrups
are provided with 8 mm diameter bars with spacing 100mm.In the case of sample
columns which would be later subjected to accelerated corrosion, a copper wire was
screwed into one of the main reinforcement with the help of earth tag .This arrangement
was held firmly with the help of insulating tape

Fig.4.4. Reinforcement cage

4.7.2 Placing the Reinforcement inside the mould

Steel formwork of required size and shape was fabricated for the preparation of
the specimen as shown in Figure 4.5. The inner surface was oiled and the reinforcement
cage was fixed in position.

Fig.4.5. Steel mould for casting specimen

4.7.3 Concreting

The required quantity of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate and water
for the designed mix were weighed and a uniform concrete mix was prepared. Mixing
was done until a uniform mix of required consistency was obtained. A vibrator was used
for compacting the concrete. After filling to the top, the top surface was levelled using a
trowel. Then the specimens were kept undisturbed for 24 hours. The column specimen
after casting is shown in the Fig. 4.6.

Fig.4.6. Concreting of the column specimen

Fig.4.7. Column specimens before curing

4.7.4 Curing

After 24 hours, the formwork was stripped off and the specimens were immersed
in salt water for curing. The specimens were cured for a period of 28 days.

4.7.5 Accelerated corrosion of bare bars

Accelerated corrosion on bare bars were done to verify the accuracy of Faraday’s
equation used .The accelerated corrosion setup consisting of a glass cage, a DC power
source with constant current, steel plate as cathode was set up.10mm diameter bare bar
was immersed in the 4% NaCl electrolyte. Connections were made from the DC power
source to the anode and cathode. The bare bars were supplied with constant period of
time (obtain from Faraday’s equation) depending on the degree of corrosion required.
After corrosion the bare bars were taken out and their final mass was measured after
cleaning with sand paper. The final mass and the initial mass of the specimen was
compared to find the actual degree of corrosion attained.

Fig.4.8. Corrosion setup of bare bars

Fig.4.9. Bare bar after corrosion

4.7.6 Accelerated Corrosion of columns

The accelerated corrosion setup consisting of a glass cage, a DC power source

with constant current, steel plate as cathode was set up. The column after 28 days of
curing in salt water was erected into the glass cage. The glass cage was filled with a
solution of 4% NaCl. The steel plate was folded an inserted into the glass cage.
Connections were made from the column (Anode) and the steel plate (Cathode) to the
corresponding terminals of the DC power source. The specimen was supplied with
constant current for a calculated period of time (using Faraday’s law) depending on the
degree of corrosion that is required.

Fig.4.10. Accelerated corrosion setup of columns

Fig.4.11. Accelerated corrosion

Fig.4.12. Columns after accelerated corrosion


The column specimens were tested under uniaxial compression until failure after
accelerated corrosion .The test setup along with instrumentation for recording
measurements is shown in Figure. The columns were tested in a loading frame using a

jack having capacity of 100kN. Load increments ere applied uniformly. In order to
measure the axial core displacements ,an LVDT was provided between the MS flats for
which the gauge length was 130mm. Lateral displacements were measured using two dial
gauges at mid height and one third height from the top. Axial strain values were noted
from gauge readings.

Fig.4.13. Test setup

Fig.4.14. Columns loaded to failure




This study presents the results of experimental investigations on columns with

corroded reinforcements. All the specimens were tested under uniaxial loading on a
column testing machine of capacity 3000 kN. Load – deflection characteristics and
cracking patterns were analysed through this study. To achieve different degrees of
corrosion damage of 5%, 10% and 15%, accelerated corrosion method was adopted. A
relationship between degrees of corrosion level of re-bars to the strength of RCC columns
was also obtained.


The load carrying capacity of tested columns is shown in table4.The ultimate load
carrying capacity is found to be decreasing for increasing percentage of corrosion of re-
bars. The reason for decrease in axial load carrying capacity might be due to concrete
cover cracking and decrease in area of reinforcement due to corrosion. The ultimate
strength reduced by 17% for 5% of corrosion damage,24% for 10% of corrosion damage
and 29% for 15% corrosion damage.

Table 5.1.
The ultimate load carried by the different specimens
Percentage Ultimate Load (kN) Ultimate stress (MPa) Percentage
Corrosion reduction
(%) in strength

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 1

Sample 2
0 502.80 504.83 503.82 25.65 25.76 25.7
5 416.66 412.54 414.6 21.26 21.05 21.15 17.7
10 378.23 382.34 380.28 19.29 19.51 19.4 24.51
15 355.98 350.76 353.37 18.16 17.89 18.03 29.86

A graph relating the percentage reduction in strength and percentage corrosion

was plotted to obtain a relationship between the two. From the graph, an equation relating
the two parameters was obtained.

Fig.5.1. Graph relating percentage reduction in strength and percentage corrosion

From the shape of the graph, the equation obtained is a Quadratic Equation.


y = -0.123x2 + 3.780x + 0.47

Where y = Percentage reduction in strength

x = Percentage corrosion

Also a graph relating the ultimate load carrying capacity and percentage corrosion in
columns was also plotted.

Fig.5.2. Graph relating Load and Percentage corrosion


The load and deflection values recorded during the loading test of columns were
used to draw the Load deflection graphs. Fig 5.3 shows the load deflection graphs of the
control specimen and the corroded specimens.

Table 5.2.
Deflection corresponding to Axial load for control specimen

Deflection (mm)
Axial stress
Axial load
Sample 1 Sample 2 Average
50 2.55 3.6 3.8 3.7
100 5.1 5.9 5.5 5.7
150 7.65 6.4 6.2 6.3
200 10.2 6.8 7.2 7
250 12.75 7.3 7.7 7.5
300 15.3 7.7 8.5 8.1
350 17.86 9.5 9.1 9.3
400 20.41 10.8 11.2 11
450 22.96 12.3 12.1 12.2
500 25.51 13.2 13 13.1
Table 5.3.
Deflection corresponding to Axial load for specimens with 5% corrosion

Deflection (mm)
Axial load Axial stress
(kN) (MPa)
Sample 1 Sample 2 Average
50 2.55 2.8 3 2.9
100 5.1 5.1 4.7 4.9
150 7.65 5.6 6.2 5.9
200 10.2 7.3 6.9 7.1
250 12.75 7.4 7.8 7.6
300 15.3 8.4 8.2 8.3

350 17.86 8.6 9.2 8.9
400 20.41 9.6 9.2 9.4

Table 5.4
Deflection corresponding to Axial load for specimens with 10%corrosion

Axial load Axial stress
Sample 1 Sample 2 Average
(kN) (MPa)
50 2.55 0.7 0.9 0.8
100 5.1 2.2 2.6 2.4
150 7.65 3.3 3.7 3.5
200 10.2 4 4.4 4.2
250 12.75 4.8 5.4 5.1
300 15.3 5.4 5.6 5.5
350 17.86 5.8 6.2 6

Table 5.5
Deflection corresponding to Axial load for specimens with 15% corrosion

Axial load Axial stress
Sample 1 Sample 2 Average
(kN) (MPa)
50 2.55 1 1.4 1.2
100 5.1 2.8 3 2.9
150 7.65 3.1 3.5 3.3
200 10.2 4.2 4 4.1
250 12.75 5.3 4.7 5
300 15.3 5.1 5.5 5.3

350 17.86 5.2 6 5.6

Fig. 5.3. Graph relating Load and Deflection

The ultimate deflection is observed to be decreasing with higher degrees of

corrosion. This indicates that as the percentage corrosion increases the column becomes
more brittle. Also the slope of the load deflection graph decreased with increasing
degrees of corrosion damage level. It indicates the gradual reduction in the stiffness of the
corroded columns. The area under the load deflection curve indicates the energy
absorption. The energy absorption for corroded columns decreased as level of corrosion
increased. This indicates that failure of columns is brittle in nature at higher degrees of


As the percentage corrosion increased the level of distress in the columns also
increased and the cracks became longer and drastic. In the control specimen very few

cracks were observed and as the corrosion level increased cracks became more prominent
and even led to spalling of concrete.

Fig.5.4 Crack pattern for 5% corrosion

Fig.5.5. Crack pattern for 10% corrosion

Fig.5.6 Crack pattern for 15% corrosion

Fig.5.7 Crack pattern for control specimen



The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of corrosion of the
reinforcements on the performance of columns. As per the experiments carried out, a
comparison of the corroded and non-corroded specimens was possible. From the
investigations, a study of the ultimate load carrying capacity and the load deflection
characteristics was done. And the following are the conclusions from the study:

 Current induced accelerated corrosion technique can be applied to concrete specimens

by applying Faraday’s law after giving proper corrections for the concrete resistance.
 Corrosion of steel bars has considerable effects on the ultimate axial load.
 As corrosion level increases, the axial load carrying capacity was found to decrease.
For 15% corrosion, a reduction of 29% was observed.
 A quadratic equation ( y = -0.123x2 + 3.780x + 0.47 ) from which for any percentage
corrosion the percentage reduction in strength can be found out.
 As the corrosion level increases the ultimate deflection decreases and hence a
decrease in the ductility of the columns.
 Failure of columns is brittle in nature at higher levels of corrosion.
 As the corrosion level increases, there is a reduction in the ultimate axial stresses and
hence a reduction in the stiffness of the columns.


From the experiment a relation between the percentage corrosion (percentage

mass loss) and the percentage reduction in the bearing capacity has been obtained. And
based on this equation, an approximate value of the percentage reduction in strength can
be obtained in field, if the percentage reduction in diameter is known. And based on these
values a suitable repair strategy can be formulated to safeguard the building against


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