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1. Ifa says that there is a woman where this Odu is revealed.

This woman will be blessed with many children. There is
however the need for her to offer ebo so that she will be able
to beget all the children that she has in her womb. Ifa
advises this woman to offer ebo with one matured she-goat,
two hens, eight rats, eight fish and money. she also needs
to feed Ifa with four rats, four fish and one hen. On this, Ifa

Oye rosu-rosu
Dia fun Aitale
Ti nmoju ekun sungbere omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo

Oye rosu-rosu
Ifa’s message for Aitale insect
When lamenting her inability to beget many children
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of many children
2. Ifa says that it foresees many children for the person for
whom this Odu is revealed. He/she will receive this blessing
in abundance. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with two
hens, four rats, four fish and money. on this, Ifa says:

Oye rorooro
Oye gosu-gosu
Dia fun Orunmila
To feyinti, to nfekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo

Oye rorooro
Oye gosu-gosu
They cast Ifa for Orunmila
When lamenting his inability to beget his own children
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of children

3. Ifa says that it foresees plenty of children for this person.

This person will also receive the blessing of prosperity. Ebo
materials: two pigeons, two hens, four rats, four fish and
money. on this, Ifa says

Oye rosurosu
Dia fun Yangan
Ti nlo oko alero lodun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kilagbado wa da bo
Igba aso, lagbado wa da bo
Kilagbado wa mu bo
Igba omo Lagbado wa mu bo

Oye rosurosu
He cast Ifa for Yangan, the corn
When going on annual farm cultivation
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
What type of garment did the corn brought back
200 different garments did the corn brought back
How many children did the corn gave birth to
The corn gave birth to 200 children

4. Ifa says that it foresees the blessing of childbearing for this

person. Ifa says that it is advisable for this person to live
very close to either a stream, river, lagoon or sea. It is in
that location that all his/her ire are. Ifa advises this person to
offer ebo with two hens, two pigeons and money. on this, Ifa

Oye rosurosu
Dia fun Keere
Eyi ti yoo saya abata
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Keere o waa dee aya Abata
Nba bimo bi ire nba yo

Oye rosurosu
Ifa’s message for Keere
The wife of Abata the swamp
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Here comes Keere, the wife of Abata
If I am lucky to give birth to many children like you i will be
5. Ifa says that it foresees prosperity for this person. Ifa
advises this person to join any money cooperative society.
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four pigeons and
money. on this, Ifa says:

Oye rosu-rosu
Dia fun won lajo eesu
Nibi won gbe nkori owo jo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Aje o nii ran reran awa
Origbo, origbo laje nso

Oye rosu-rosu
He cast Ifa for them where they are doing money
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Wealth will not disappear in our lineage
Wealth will continue to multiply

6. Ifa says that a young woman where this Odu is revealed

ought to be handed over to an awo in order for her not to
continue to suffer from incessant ailment. Ifa advises her to
offer ebo with one matured she-goat, four rats, four fish and
money. The rat and the fish will be used to feed Ifa. On this,
Ifa says:
Ara ndun pepe
Eyin ndun aja
Orule ni gbogbo ara ko je tohun
Dia fun Oye-ogosun
Tii se baba Ojuumoto
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Oye-Ogosun, o ba roju fa Ojuumoto foko awo
Oye Ogosun

Pepe is suffering from body pains
And Aja is suffering from back ache
Orule complains that every part of her body is in pains
Ifa’s message for Oye-Ogosun
The father of ojumooto
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
Oye-Ogosun, why not make up your mind and hand over
Ojumooto to an awo in marriage
7. Ifa says that this person must be very careful before
employing any house help, this is in order to avoid a
situation where the house help will end up inflicting serious
pain on those who employ him/her. As a matter of fact, it is
a taboo for this person to employ house help in anyway.
Also, it is a taboo for this person to send his/her child away
as house help for anyone. The result will certainly be
disastrous. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one
matured he-goat and money. on this, Ifa says:
Oye rorooro
Oye gosu-gosu
Dia fun Ekute-ile
Ti nlo fomo re losin fun Ologbo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo

Oye rorooro
Oye gosu-gosu
Ifa’s message for the mouse
When going to send her child in servitude to Ologbo the
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns
Let those advised to offer ebo comply accordingly
8. Ifa advises this person to hold on to Ifa and make Ifa his/her
sanctuary. Everything that he/she is looking for shall be
given unto him/her through Ifa. Ifa advises this person to go
for Ifa initiation and offer ebo with four pigeons, four hens,
four guinea-fowls and money. he/she also needs to feed Ifa
with four rats and four fish. On this, Ifa says:

Oye baba Irosun

Dia fun Iyere
Tii somo Oye Oluigbo
O feyinti moju ekun sunrahun tomo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje Orunmila gba mi o
Ifa ma ke mogba
Eeyan to ba ke gbami laa gba
Gbami o, mo ke mogba

Oye the father of Irosun
He cast Ifa for Iyere
The child of Oluigbo
When lamenting her inability to have her own baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Ifa I come to you as my sanctuary
It is whoever ask for protection that one protects
Please come to my rescue
I plead for protection
Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa – for direction, progress, victory, development, success
and general well being
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, victory, success, protection,
and self actualization
3. Esu-Odara- for sanctuary, protection, success, victory and
4. Aje – for financial success
5. Osun –for compatible spouse, child bearing and child rearing
6. Ogun – for protection, victory, leadership and success
7. Egungun – for ancestral support and progress


1. Must never send his child into servitude – to avoid disaster
2. Must never be the coordinator of any money contribution – to
avoid debt that will send him away from the community
3. Must never use the partridge for anything – to avoid
incessant trouble and debt
4. Must never consume corn – to avoid child mortality
5. Must never live too far away from water – to avoid
restlessness and childlessness
6. Must never drink alcohol in public – to avoid the wrath of
1. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess
2. Banker, insurance agent, money transfer agent etc
3. Musician, drummer, singer, and band manager


1. Ifasomo – Ifa gives me this child
2. Ifagbemileke – Ifa gives me victory and accomplishment

1. Ifayemi – Ifa befits me
2. Ifasayo – Ifa brings joy

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