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(Pedro Bukaneg)
Don Juan and his wife Namongan lived in Nalbuan, now part
of La Union in the northern part of the Philippines. They had a son
named Lam-ang. Before Lam-ang was born, Don Juan went to the
mountains in order to punish a group of their Igorot enemies. While
he was away, his son Lam-ang was born. It took four people to help
Namongan give birth. As soon as the baby boy popped out, he
spoke and asked that he be given the name Lam-ang. He also chose
his godparents and asked where his father was.
After nine months of waiting for his father to return, Lam-ang
decided he would go look for him. Namongan thought Lam-ang was
up to the challenge but she was sad to let him go. During his
exhausting journey, he decided to rest for awhile. He fell asleep and
had a dream about his father's head being stuck on a pole by the
Igorot. Lam-ang was furious when he learned what had happened
to his father. He rushed to their village and killed them all, except
for one whom he let go so that he could tell other people about
Lam-ang's greatness.
Upon returning to Nalbuan in triumph, he was bathed by
women in the Amburayan river. All the fish died because of the dirt
and odor from Lam-ang's body.
There was a young woman named Ines Kannoyan whom Lam-
ang wanted to woo. She lived in Calanutian and he brought along
his white rooster and gray dog to visit her. On the way, Lam-ang
met his enemy Sumarang, another suitor of Ines whom he fought
and readily defeated. Lam-ang found the house of Ines surrounded
by many suitors all of whom were trying to catch her attention. He
had his rooster crow, which caused a nearby house to fall. This
made Ines look out. He had his dog bark and in an instant the
fallen house rose up again. The girl's parents witnessed this and
called for him. The rooster expressed the love of Lam-ang. The
parents agreed to a marriage with their daughter if Lam-ang would
give them a dowry valued at double their wealth. Lam-ang had no
problem fulfilling this condition and he and Ines were married.
It was a tradition to have a newly married man swim in the
river for the rarang fish. Unfortunately, Lam-ang dove straight into
the mouth of the water monster Berkakan. Ines had Marcos get his
bones, which she covered with a piece of cloth. His rooster crowed
and his dog barked and slowly the bones started to move. Back
alive, Lam-ang and his wife lived happily ever after with his white
rooster and gray dog.


A long time ago, there lived in Bayombong a tall, handsome

man called Magat. He was young and strong, and fast as a hunter
and sure in his spear shot. He could run as fast as a deer and
strong as he was, he could down a bull with ease. He was strong-
willed and obstinate but he was also kind and gentle. Except for a
few who envied him his prowess, everybody in the village loved and
respected him. Magat loved outdoor life, and roamed in the forest
surrounding the struggling settlement.
One day, fired by adventure he wandered farther than usual.
Soon night came. Being far from home, he kindled a fire in his
crude, primitive way. he lay beside the fire and fell asleep.
Early the next morning, he pursued his solitary way. Finally
he came upon the largest stream he had ever seen. He stopped and
crawled noisily to the bank of the river near the fall. Upon parting
the tall grasses he beheld a lovely sight just across the stream-
beneath the shade of the outspreading branches of the big balete
tree was a very beautiful maiden. She was bathing and was nude
from the waist up. She was the most beautiful woman Magat had
ever seen and he fell in love with her at first sight.
From where he was hiding, Magat's attention was attracted by
a silent movement on a spreading branch; Magat saw a great
python, coiled around the branch, which was ready to attack the
beautiful woman. He jumped backward. The noise he made drew
the attention of the maiden, who, turning around, saw him poise a
spear. She mistook his attitude for hostility and ducked under
water. Just as the python sprang, the spear flew from Magat's
hand. The snake was struck right through the eyes and brain.
The next moment, Magat was in the water and carried the
beautiful Maiden ashore. She struggled a little but did not scream,
as she modestly tried to cover her body with her long dark hair.
Magat pointed to the writhing python. Upon seeing it, she screamed
instinctively and drew close to Magat, who put a protecting arm
around her lovely shoulders. Gratitude and admiration were all over
her pretty face. Magat picked up his broken spear and went back to
the young woman. They wandered about in the forest. Under the
spell of nature, Magat asked the woman to be his wife; the woman,
after making Magat promise in the name of the great Kabunian not
to see her at noon, consented. He brought her home and made a
cozy room for her. Everything went well and happily for a while. But
the passing days, his curiosity mounted more and more and at last,
it grew out of bounds.
One noon, he broke his promise and broke into his wife's
seclusion. In his wife's bed of soft leaves and grasses he beheld a
sight that chilled his heart. A great crocodile was lying on his wife's
bed. Believing that his wife had met a horrible death, he rushed to
the kitchen, fetched an ugly weapon and returned to his wife's
room. He raised his weapon to kill the crocodile when suddenly he
saw his wife on the bed instead of the crocodile. His wife was dying.
"you broke your promise. I can no longer be happy nor live any
longer. I must die." his wife sobbed. Slowly life ebbed from her. On
her beautiful skin, scales appeared, as she turned into a crocodile
before his very eyes. That was his punishment for having broken
his promise made in the name of Kabunian.
Sadly, Magat buried the dead crocodile in his front yard. worn
out by grief for his lack of fidelity to his word and over the death of
his lovely wife, he drowned himself and his miseries in the same
stream grew into the mighty troublesome Magat river.


Olongapo is a city located in the province of Zambales. It is one
of the most cheerful cities in Central Luzon. It is near the Subic bay
and is also one of the places which have been largely affected by the
eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. This is how it got the name Olongapo:
There was a lad named Dodong. He is a farmer with a wide rice
field. Because of his generosity, he was well-loved by the people in
his barrio. He was labeled as APO (term used for a respectable old
man) and he became well-known to both the youth and the old.In
the neighboring town, there was a very beautiful maiden who is very
demure. Her name is Nene. Nene and Apo became very close friends
though their age gap is large. One day, Nene’s family decided to
relocate. This is the reason why Apo and Nene got separated.Days
passed into months. One day, Apo accidentally ran into Nene in one
of the town’s public places. Time only enhanced Nene’s beauty. He
noticed that Nene has transformed into a full-blown lady. He offered
to take her home. This was happily accepted by the maiden.
“Father, mother, Apo is here. He wants to visit you,” Nene
happily told her parents upon arriving home.
“Dodong! How are you? We’re glad that you came here to visit us!,”
exclaimed Nene’s father.
After updating one another, Dodong promised to visit them more
often so that he can help them with their chores. True enough,
Dodong went there every Saturday and he and Nene became closer.
Not for long, they became lovers. This was not opposed by Nene’s
parents.One morning, a large vessel ridden by drunk Spaniards
came ashore. They caught sight of Nene and so they approached
her. They asked something to the maiden which she did not
understand. She just nodded her head. The Spaniards, thinking
that Nene agrees to what they want, started to kiss and hug her.
Nene screamed and asked for help.In an instant, the people called
Apo and informed him of Nene’s situation. Apo was enraged and he
attacked the Spaniards. The armed foreigners struck Apo and killed
him. They slashed their head and hanged it on a bamboo pole to
serve as a warning to other natives.
"Ulo ng Apo! Ulo ng Apo!" (head of Apo) the children repeatedly
shouted. The Spaniards thought that this is the name of the place.
Time passed by and "ULO ng APO" became OLONGAPO. This is now
one of the most controversial cities in Zambales, Central Luzon.


In a certain wide region of Luzon,there was a village
frequented by youngmen. The town was full of trees,
beautifulflowers and a river where clear watersflowed. What
attracted the young men morethan the scenery was a
beautifulnymph- like maiden. The maiden was Maria and she had
lots of suitors who came from afar and who fought for her hand.
But Maria remained unconcerned and very choosy. Because she
was kind, her suitors remained undaunted so Maria thought of a
plan. She called all the men together and told them, "You are all
good and kind and it is difficult for me to choose one among you.
Let me decide with a test. "I'll marry the first man who can bring me
a big, live and strong serpent," Maria said in jest.The young men
were dumbfounded. After a while, the voice of Ilog broke the silence.
"I promise to bring you one, Maria. Even if I have to risk my like, I'll
bring you what you wish." Ilog was a man known for his bravery. He
left immediately to fulfill his promise. The men whispered among
themselves.They were sure that Ilog would never be able to return.
They waited for a long while but Ilog had not returned. Even Maria
was saddenedbecause she also grieved the loss of a man as brave
and accommodating as Ilog.
After many hours,Ilog returned.They crowded to see how Ilog
would prove his bravery. Ilog held a big snake by its nape and tail.
While the men were thus occupied, two Spaniards passed by. Their
attention was caught not by what Ilog held but by the beauty of
Maria. "Maria," heroically called Ilog. "I've brought you the serpent
you wished for. What else do you want me to do to make you
happy?" The Spaniards were startled. They asked the people around
where they were and in whatplace they were in but nobody paid
attention for their attention were focused on the snake and on
Maria. When Maria saw that the snake was still struggling, she
shouted. "Taga, Ilog! Taga, Ilog!" (Cut, Ilog! Cut, Ilog!) which she
addressed to Ilog so he Would cut the snake up again. The two
Spaniards, thinking that this was in answer to their question
repeated the words TAGAILOG, TAGAILOG which later became


AN EVIL SPIRIT lives in a spring near the river Tabunganan. Tuwan

Putli, with her cousin Ambaynan, goes there to fish. One day,
Tuwan Putli disappears in the river. Ambaynan sees blood in her
fish basket and returns to report the disappearance. Tuwan Putli’s
husband, Muta-Muta, was ordered by her father to search for her
but he disobeys. Muta-Muta turns to the Young Man of the Clouds
for assistance, who accepts on the condition that Tuwan Putli will
become his if he succeeds. The Young Man of the Clouds finds a
fragment of Tuwan Putli’s toenail in the teeth of a crocodile that
accidentally ate Tuwan Putli. The Young Man retrieves the fragment
and puts this in a golden chest. Later, they hear the voice of Tuwan
Putli from the chest, begging to be let out. She emerges bathed in
golden light. Learning of the events, she consents to live with the
Young Man of the Clouds.
Later on, the Young Man of the Clouds falls in love with the Lady of
the Sea-Beings, the wife of Kudaman. The Young Man wins her
love, alienating Tuwan Putli, who leaves him. Kudaman decides to
bring the Lady of the Sea- Beings to her father, Surutan Tamparan,
the sultan of the seacoast. On his journey back on board Linggisan
(the Purple Heron), Kudaman meets Tuwan Putli who accepts a
betel-nut from him. She becomes his puun or principal wife. When
Surutan Tamparan finds out that his daughter has left Kudaman,
he beheads her, but she emerges from death lovelier than ever.
Muta-Muta, Tuwan Putli’s first husband, and his brother, Datu of
Ligayan, visit Kudaman and offer a blood compact that reminds
Muta- Muta that Tuwan Putli is now Kudaman’s wife. Muta-Muta
asks to stay in Kudaman’s place to which the latter agrees and
builds him a house They celebrate with tabad (rice wine). Kudaman
goes on subsequent journeys, riding on Linggisan, initially for seven
years, where he collects three additional wives: the Lady of the Wild
Green Pigeon, the Lady of the Sea-Beings and the Lady of the Ginuu
Tree. They celebrate the building of his new kalangbanwa (big
house) in honor of Ampu, the Master of the Rice. Gongs are played
and the ladies dance.
The Young Man of the Clouds hears the music and joins the
celebration. However, the dreaded Ilanun army also hears the
music and decides to test Kudaman’s mettle. Kudaman calmly
waits for the Ilanun and invites them, but they reject the invitation.
Angered, Muta-Muta attacks them, joined by the Young Man of the
Clouds. They fight for seven years, taking them to several levels of
the world, but Kudaman wins in the end. Kudaman and the Young
Man of the Clouds return home together, passing by the house of
Limbuhanan, his first cousin. The Lady of the Agoho Tree offers to
accompany the heroes back home. Upon arrival, the celebration
resumes where jural matters are discussed regarding marriage
rules, relationships and others. Kudaman finds himself in a state of
stupor from the drinking, and is transported to another universe.
He is brought back to consciousness to see the face of the Lady of
the Hooks, whom he proposes to marry. He chews betel and spits at
the dead Ilanun army, reviving them, who then surrender to him.
Earlier, there was conflict over Tuwan Putli between Kudaman and
the chief judge of Pinagsaraan. The Lady of the Luray Tree, the wife
of the chief judge of Pinagsaraan, proposed that Tuwan Putli be cut
in two. Kudaman slices her. Each half, however, became a lovelier
Tuwan Putli. The epic continues with Kudaman’s travels to other
lands where feasts are held. In one of these, he drinks one hundred
and eighty jars of tabad after which he plummets into the navel of
the earth where he wrestles with himself. He meets the Lady of the
Young Men, who becomes his fifth wife. He wins other wives
subsequently. The epic ends with the final celebration of his tenth


Si Baltog, isang bantog na mandirigma, ay mula sa Batavara

at naparaan sa Bikol. Napamahal sa kanya ang Bikol dahil sa
maganda nitong tanawin. Lumipas ang mga taon at siya ay naging
hari ng Ibalondia. Siya ay napamahal sa mga tao roon dahil sa
siya’y maunawain, matapang at makatarungan.
Sa gitna ng kasaganaan ay sumipot ang isang dambuhalang
baboy-ramo na pumuksa sa ani ng mamamayan at pumuti ng
buhay ng maraming kawal. Si Baltog, ang bayaning katulad ni
Beowulf, ay siyang pumatay sa higanteng baboy-ramo. Nagbalik na
muli sa Ibalondia ang katahimikan.
Nang tumanda si Baltog, sumipot naman sa Ibalondia ang
mga higanteng kalabaw, mga pating na lumilipad at buwaya ng
gangga bangka. Si Handiong na naparaan doon ang sumagip sa
kahambal-hambal na katayuan ng kaharian. Pinagpapatay niya sa
tulong ng kanyang mga kawal ang mga damulag.
May isang kaaway na hindi mapasuko ni Handiong. Ito’y si
Oriol na minsa’y ulupong at minsa’y nakabibighaning binibining
nais manlinglang. Siya’y hindi nagtagumpay kay Handiong. Hindi
niya madaya ang bayani kaya kanyang tinulungan ito upang lipulin
ang mga salimaw, ang mga malignong mapanligalig. Si Oriol ay
naniniwala sa kasabihang “Kung hindi talunin, makiisa sa
Ang kilabot na si Rabot ay dumating sa Ibalondia. Kung
kanyang maibigan, ang mga tao’y kanyang nagagawang pawang
bato. Sapagkat na si Handiong, ang humalili sa kanya na bagong
tagapagligtas ay si Bantong.
Ang dambuhala ay napatay ng makapangyarihang espada ng
bagong manunubos. Dahil sa labanan, ang lupa ay yumanig at
umalon ang karagatan. Nang matapos ang malagim na sagupaan,
namalas na may maliliit na pulo sa dagat sa kalapit ng Ibalondia.
Nagbago ng landas ang Ilog Inarinan. Ang bundok ng Bato ay
lumubog at ito’y naging lawa. Namalas sa gitna ng mga sira-sirang
paligid ang isang umuusok na bulkan. Iyan ang Bulkan ng Mayon


In the beginning everything was shapeless and formless. The

earth, the sky, the sea, and the air were almost mixed up. In a
word, there was only confusion. Then from the depth of this
formless void there appeared the god Tungkung Langit and the
goddess Alunsina.
It was not known just where these two deities came from but it
is related by old Bisayan folk that Tungkung Langit fell in love with
Alunsina. After he had courted her for many years, they married
and made their home in the highest part of heaven. There the water
was always warm and the breeze was forever cool. In this place
order and regularity began.
Tungkung Langit was a loving, hard-working god. He wanted
to impose order over the confused world. He decided to arrange the
world so that the heavenly bodies would move regularly. On the
other hand, Alunsina was a lazy, jealous, selfish goddess. She sat at
the window all day doing nothing.
Sometimes she would leave her home, sit down by a pool near
the door, and comb her long, jet-black hair all day long. One day
Tungkung Langit told his wife that he would be away for some time.
He said he must make time go on smoothly and arrange everything
in the world.
When he was gone, Alunsina set the breeze to spy on
Tungkung Langit. Tungkung Langit found this out and he became
very angry. After he returned home, he told her that it was ungodly
of her to be jealous since there were no other gods in the world
except the two of them.
Alunsina resented this reproach, and they quarreled. In his
anger, Tungkung Langit drove his wife away. No one knew where
she went. Several days later, Tungkung Langit felt very lonely. He
realized that he should not have lost his temper. But it was too late.
Once vibrant with Alunsina’s sweet voice, his home became
cold and desolate. In the morning when he woke up, he would find
himself alone. In the afternoon when he came home, he would feel
the same loneliness creeping deep in his heart because there was
no one to meet him at the doorstep or soothe the aching muscles of
his arms.
For months, Tungkung Langit was in utter desolation. He
could not find Alunsina, try hard as he would. And so, in
desperation, he decided to do something in order to forget his
sorrows. For months and months he thought, but his mind seemed
pointless; his heart weary and sick. He needed something to ease
his lonely world.
One day, while he was sailing across the regions of the clouds,
a thought came to him. He would make the sea and the earth, and
the earth and the sea suddenly appeared. However, the sombre
sight of the lonely sea and the barren land irritated him. So he
came down to earth and planted the ground with trees and flowers.
Then he took his wife’s treasured jewels and scattered them in the
sky, hoping that when Alunsina would see them she might be
induced to return home. The goddess’s necklace became the stars,
her comb the moon and her crown the sun. However, despite
Tungkung Langit’s efforts, Alunsina did not come back.
Until now, some elders of Panay say Tungkung Langit lives
alone in his palace in the skies. Sometimes, he would cry out his
pent-up emotion and his tears would fall down upon the earth.
When it thunders hard, it is Tungkung Langit sobbing, calling for
his beloved Alunsina to come back, entreating her so hard that his
voice reverberates across the fields and the countryside.


Once there was a boy whose name was Juan Pusong. He

was very mischievous. One day he went to the fields to see the cows
of the King. He thought of playing a prank on the king. He
cut the tails of several cows and then drove the cows away. Then he
stuck the tails in mud holes, with half
of each tail sticking out of the mud. Then he went to the King’s
palace and told the King that many of his cows had jumped into the
mud holes and drowned.The King was very sad. He went to the
fields to see his cows. When he saw the tails sticking out of the
mud, he became even sadder.
But when he asked the people nearby he learned of Juan
Pusong’s mischief. The King became angry. He
ordered his men to put Juan Pusong in a cage. The following day
the cage was to be thrown into the sea so
that Juan Pusong would drown. Early in the morning, Juan Pusong
cried and cried. A man came along and asked, “Why do you cry,
Juan? Why are you in that cage?”
Juan Pusong answered, “I am crying because the King is forcing me
to marry his beautiful daughter but I
don’t want to.” The man thought that to marry the King’s daughter
would make him a very lucky fellow. So the man
suggested that they change places. The man put on Juan’s clothes
and placed himself in the cage. Juan
Pusong put on the man’s clothes and went home.
The following day, the King’s men came and carried the cage with
the man in it and threw it into the sea.
The next day, Juan Pusong passed by the King’s palace. The King
was surprised to see him. He thought
that Juan Pusong had drowned the day before.
The King was about to put Juan Pusong in prison again. But Juan
told the King that he had returned from
the bottom of the sea. There he had seen the King’s dead parents
and relatives. They were all very happy
and they wanted the King to come for a visit and see their beautiful
The King marveled at Juan’s story. He wished to see his parents
and relatives in their beautiful houses. So
he had himself put in a cage and ordered his men to throw the cage
into the seas. And thus the silly king
was drowned. And clever Juan Pusong became king in his place.


Long time ago, a young couple Dang and mulay lived in the
swampy shores of Kabatok, their livelihood was catching crabs and
shellfish and crossing the Bay to a village in Samar island.
One Day, Dang ventured into the bay and said to himself he
gathered a pearl. He took a dive depth into the pacific ocean. He
noticed that the ocean floor was moving and he was surprised to
find the giant crab as big as hill.
Dang hurriedly back to kabatok and tell his wife Mulay and they
planned to catch the giant crabs. They built a crab basket that big
as a hill.
That night, they capture the huge crab and they towed the big
basket with all their might. They were so triumphant and forgot one
thing, a cover for the basket. Suddenly, Dang and Mulay fall to
sleep. The big sea crab climbed out.
The Couple awake and Dang attempt to kill it but its shell was too
hard. The crab pinned the couple and dashed them against the
rocks. In her terror, Mulay shout the
word: “TAKLUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” . . . . . . .
The next day, the people in the nearby town found out a dead
bodies of the couple , Years passed, the site where the bodies buried
they grew mound, a hill, then a mountain. The people called the
mountain “Danglay” means Dang and mulay .
The swampy sitio where the couple lived was called “Takluban” as
the last scream of Mulay and become tacloban.



Noong unang panahon, may isang mag-asawang bagong kasal

lamang. Gustong-gusto nilang bisitahin ang mga magulang sa
Zamboanga. Isang araw, nagpaalam sila sa mga magulang ng babae
na pupunta sila sa Zamboanga. Nang sila ay payagan, hiniram nila
ang vinta at layag ng ama ng babae.Inayos ng lalaki ang vinta at
layag. Sinibukan niya ang layag na ito at maayos
naman.Pagkatapos nila sa paghahanda ng vinta, pinuno nila ito ng
pagkain at sila ay naglayag isang araw ng Biyernes. Umaga pa
lamamg ng araw ay nagsimula na silang maglayag. Habang sila ay
naglalayag naitulak ng malakas ng hangin ang kanilang vinta
patungo sa karagatang ng Sulu hangang marating nila ang
Lampinigan sa Basilan. Pagkatapos ng isang lingo ay narating din
nila ang Zambaoanga, nagtungo sila sa bahay ng magulang ng
lalaki .Masaya ang mga magulang ng lalaki at ang kanilang anak ay
nakapangasawa ng mabait at magandang babae.
Isang araw, pagkalipas ng isang taon, nagpaalam naang babae sa
kanyang biyenan. Araw din ng Biyernes ng sila ay umalis patungo
sa Jolo. Ang dagat ay tahimik at walang makitang alon. Naghintay
sila na umihip ang hangin. At nagsimula nga umihip ang hanging
amihan. At nang hatinggabi na, ang ihip ng hangin ay nagbago at
ang kapaligiran ay dumilim bigla, nagkaroon ng bagyo. Wala na
silang masisilungan dahil sila nasa gitna ng karagatan. Hindi nila
mapigil ang kanilang vinta
sa lakas ng hagin. Habang hinahampas ang kanilang bangka ng
mga alon, sila ay nagdarasal na lamang sa Diyos. “ O Diyos ko
pagpalain mo po kami. At kung kami po ay mamamatay, sana po
ang katawan namin ay maging dalawang kabundukan”, sabi ng
lalaki. Pagkatapos nilang magdasal sa Diyos at sa propeta nilang si
Mohammed, nagyakapan silang dalawa. Pagkalipas ng isang
sandali tinamaan sila ng malakas na alon at sila ay tumilapon sa
dagat. Hindi na sila nakita. Pagkatapos ng bagyo ay lumitaw ang
dalawang bundok sa gitna ng karagatan. Ito ang pinagmulan ng
dalawang kabundukan na nakatayo sa karatagan sa pagitan ng
Zamboanga at Jolo.


Once upon a time, when the world was flat and there were no
mountains, there lived two brothers, sons of Lumawig, the Great
Spirit. The brothers were fond of hunting, and since no mountains
had formed there was no good place to catch wild pig and deer, and
the older brother said:
"Let us cause water to flow over all the world and cover it, and then
mountains will rise up." 97
So they caused water to flow over all the earth, and when it was
covered they took the head-basket 98 of the town and set it for a
trap. The brothers were very much pleased when they went to look
at their trap, for they had caught not only many wild pigs and deer
but also many people.
Now Lumawig looked down from his place in the sky and saw that
his sons had flooded the earth and that in all the world there was
just one spot which was not covered. And he saw that all the people
in the world had been drowned except one brother and sister who
lived in Pokis.
Then Lumawig descended, and he called to the boy and girl, saying:
"Oh, you are still alive."
"Yes," answered the boy, "we are still alive, but we are very cold."
So Lumawig commanded his dog and deer to get fire 99 for the boy
and girl. The dog and the deer swam quickly away, but though
Lumawig waited a long time they did not return, and all the time
the boy and girl were growing colder.
Finally Lumawig himself went after the dog and the deer, and
when he reached them he said:
"Why are you so long in bringing the fire to Pokis? Get ready and
come quickly while I watch you, for the boy and girl are very cold."
Then the dog and the deer took the fire and started to swim through
the flood, but when they had gone only a little way the fire was put
Lumawig commanded them to get more fire and they did so,
but they swam only a little way again when that of the deer went
out, and that of the dog would have been extinguished also had not
Lumawig gone quickly to him and taken it.
As soon as Lumawig reached Pokis he built a big fire which warmed
the brother and sister; and the water evaporated so that the world
was as it was before, except that now there were mountains. The
brother and sister married and had children, and thus there came
to be many people on the earth.
Region 11 (Davao Region)


This story is well known among the Bilaan, who are one of the
tribes least influenced by the Spaniards, and yet it bears so many
incidents similar to biblical accounts that there is a strong
suggestion of Christian influence. It is possible that these ideas
came through the Mohammedan Moro.
Melu is the most powerful of the spirits and the one to whom the
people resort in times of danger.
In the very beginning there lived a being so large that he
cannot be compared with any known thing. His name was Melu,
and when he sat on the clouds, which were his home, he occupied
all the space above. His teeth were pure gold, and because he was
very cleanly and continually rubbed himself with his hands, his
skin became pure white. The dead skin which he rubbed off his
body was placed on one side in a pile, and by and by this pile
became so large that he was annoyed and set himself to consider
what he could do with it.
Finally Melu decided to make the earth; so he worked very
hard in putting the dead skin into shape, and when it was finished
he was so pleased with it that he determined to make two beings
like himself, though smaller, to live on it.
Taking the remnants of the material left after making the earth he
fashioned two men, but just as they were all finished except their
noses, Tau Tana from below the earth appeared and wanted to help
Melu did not wish any assistance, and a great argument
ensued. Tau Tana finally won his point and made the noses which
he placed on the people upside down. When all was finished, Melu
and Tau Tana whipped the forms until they moved. Then Melu went
to his home above the clouds, and Tau Tana returned to his place
below the earth.
All went well until one day a great rain came, and the people on the
earth nearly drowned from the water which ran off their heads into
their noses. Melu, from his place on the clouds, saw their danger,
and he came quickly to earth and saved their lives by turning their
noses the other side up.
The people were very grateful to him, and promised to do
anything he should ask of them. Before he left for the sky, they told
him that they were very unhappy living on the great earth all alone,
so he told them to save all the hair from their heads and the dry
skin from their bodies and the next time he came he would make
them some companions. And in this way there came to be a great
many people on the earth.


Pumunta si Sulayman sa Bundok ng Bita. Wala rin siyang

makitang tao. Ang iba ay nakain na ng mga halimaw at ang
natirang iba ay nasa taguan. Luminga-linga pa si Sulayman nang
biglang magdilim pagkat dumating ang dambuhalang ibong
Pah. Si Sulayman ang nais dagitin ng ibon. Mabilis at ubos
lakas ng tinaga ito ni Sulayman. Bumagsak at namatay ang
Pah. Sa kasamaang palad nabagsakan ng pakpak ng ibon si
Sulayman na siya niyang ikinamatay.
Samantala, ang halaman ni Sulayman sa Mantapuli ay laging
pinagmamasdan ni Indarapatra. Napansin niyang nanlata ang
halaman at alam niyang namatay si Sulayman.

Hinanap ni Indarapatra ang kanyang kapatid. Nagpunta siya sa

Kabalalan at nakita niya ang kalansay ni Tarabusaw. Alam
niyang napatay ito ng kapatid niya. Ipinagpatuloy ni Indarapatra
ang paghahanap niya kay Sulayman. Narating niya ang bundok
ng Bita. Nakita niya ang patay na ibong Pah. Inangat ni
Indarapatra ang pakpak ng ibon at nakita ang bangkay ni
Sulayman. Nanangis si Indarapatra at nagdasal upang
pabaliking muli ang buhay ni Sulayman. Sa di kalayua'y may
nakita siyang banga ng tubig. Winisikan niya ng tubig ang
bangkay at muling nabuhay si Sulayman. Parang nagising
lamang ito mula sa mahimbing na pagtulog. Nagyakap ang
magkapatid dahil sa malaking katuwaan.
Pinauwi na ni Indarapatra si Sulayman. Nagtuloy pa si
Indarapatra sa Bundok Gurayu. Dito'y wala ring natagpuang
tao. Nakita niya ang kinatatakutang ibong may pitong ulo. Sa
tulong ng kanyang engkantadong sibat na si juris pakal ay madali
niyang napatay ang ibon.
Hinanap niya ang mga tao. May nakita siyang isang magandang
dalaga na kumukuha ng tubig sa sapa. Mabilis naman itong
nakapagtago. Isang matandang babae ang lumabas sa taguan at
nakipag-usap kay Indarapatra. Ipinagsama ng matandang babae
si Indarapatra sa yungib na pinagtataguan ng lahat ng tao sa
pook na iyon. Ibinalita ni Indarapatra ang mga pakikilaban
nilang dalawa ni Sulayman sa mga halimaw at dambuhalang
ibon. Sinabi rin niyang maaari na silang lumabas sa kanilang
pinagtataguan. Sa laki ng pasasalamat ng buong tribu,
ipinakasal kay Indarapatra ang anak ng hari, ang magandang
babaeng nakita ni Indarapatra sa batisan.


Agyu and his relatives are the characters in Ulahingan. A conflict

develops between them and their rulers, usually Muslims, because
of a forced tribute and the killing of the ruler. They flee, guided by a
diwata or spirit, who promises them immortality after they have
overcome various obstacles. They leave behind Mungan, the wife of
Banlak who is Agyu’s brother, because she has leprosy. Mungan,
however, is the first among them to become immortal. It is she who
tells Agyu and the clan to go to Aruman to await the
sarimbar/salsimbar or magical flyingboat that will take themto
paradise. Characters Baybayan Agyu Banlak Mungan Midlimbag
When the appointed day comes, Agyu and his relatives ascend to
heaven. A diwata showers them with the oil of immortality and gives
them the betel nut of immortality to chew. He blesses them, but
tells them that the Midlimbag, the Highest God, sends them to live
in Nalandangan, an earthly paradise, and not in heaven. That is
their reward for enduring and having confidence in the Midlimbag.
However, Baybayan, Agyu’s son, does not join them in
Nalandangan. Three incidents in the past explain his exclusion. He
did partake of a boar which Agyu and his men had killed with the
help of a meresen etew, a heavenly messenger. His withdrawal from
the feast signaled that he would not join them on their trip to
paradise. Consequently, he is tasked to go around the world seven
times to gather converts before he can enter paradise. A similar
incident happened in Kituyed, where Baybayan was absent in the
distribution of a dead fish. Agyu again decrees that Baybayan
should circle the world and win converts before he can join them in
heaven. Before Baybayan can start on his journey, however, Agyu’s
grandfather tells him to dance the sa-ut, a circular war dance.
Instead of circling three times as dictated by tradition, Baybayan
circles seven times. The grandfather then declares that Baybayan
must circlethe worldseventimes.
In his wanderings, Baybayan encounters many adventures,
converting many peoples, including Chinese and Muslims. He and
his followers would stop journeying every seven days. In one
episode, his followers run out of food and drink. They stop by a tree
laden with fruit. Baybayan performs the first ulahing, and the fruit
falls from the tree and turns into linepet, leaf wrappings of rice. A
bowl of viand appears beside each linepet. Baybayan and his
followers feast on food, which do not run out. After more
wanderings, they are finally lifted to heaven in the salimbar, where
the highest katulusan, a divinity, makes them immortal. Midlimbag
gives them powers of a different nature than those he has given
Agyu, and provides them with another paradise to stay in. He
exhorts Baybayan to inspire mortals to perform the ulahingso that
they may not forget Agyu.


Pabula ng Maranao
Batay sa pananaliksik ni Dr. Nagsura Madale

Si Lalapindigowa-i (isang putakti) ay isang masipag na

magsasaka. May dalawa siyang asawa, sina Odang (hipon) at si
Orak (itlog). Tulad ng ibang Maranao, hindi lamang siya masipag na
magsasaka kundi isang tapat na asawa. Nagsusumikap siyang
magtrabaho upang mapakain ang dalawa niyang asawa. Isang
araw, nagwika siya sa mga asawa niya na dalhan siya ng
pananghalian sa bukid nang sa ganoon ay di masayang ang
kanyang oras sa pag-uwi. Nagkasundo at nagpasya ang dalawa
niyang asawa na mula noon ay dadalhan siya ng pagkain sa bukid.
Pagkaraan ng maraming araw at buwan ng paghahatid ng pagkain,
nagsawa ang mga asawa ni Lalapindigwa-i. Sa daan papuntang
bukid, nagalit si Odang at tumangging magdala ng pagkain. Si
Orak ay ayaw ring maghatid ng pagkain. Nagalit si Odang, ang
hipon, at nagsimula itong magdadamba hanggang ito’y mahulog sa
kaserola at naging pula ang balat. Naawa si Orak kay Odang dahil
ito ay naluto kaya’t ipinaghele niya ito. Sa di sinasadya, tumama
siya sa bunganga ng kaserola at ito’y naluto rin. Samantala, si
Lalapindigowa-i ay ginutom sa kahihintay sa kanyang dalawang
asawa. Pagkaraan ng ilang oras ng paghihitay, nagpasya siyang
lumakad pauwi. Sa daan nakita ng gutom na si Lalapindigowa-i
ang basag na kaserola at ang mga asawa niyang naluto. Galit siya
sa mga asawang tamad at sa kaparusahang tinanggap ng mga
ito.Gutum na gutom na siya kaya hinigpitan niya ang kanyang
sinturon. Simula noon, ang beywang ni Lalapindigowa-i ay lumiit
nang lumiit dahil batid niyang wala nang mga asawang magluluto
para sa kanya.
CAR (Cordillera Administrative Region)



One day a little boy named Elonen sat out in the yard making a bird
snare, and as he worked, a little bird called to him: "Tik-tik-lo-den"
(come and catch me).
"I am making a snare for you," said the boy; but the bird continued
to call until the snare was finished.
Then Elonen ran and threw the snare over the bird and caught it,
and he put it in a jar in his house while he went with the other boys
to swim.
While he was away, his grandmother grew hungry, so she ate the
bird, and when Elonen returned and found that his bird was gone,
he was so sad that he wished he might go away and never come
back. He went out into the forest and walked a long distance, until
finally he came to a big stone and said: "Stone, open your mouth
and eat me." And the stone opened its mouth and swallowed the
When his grandmother missed the boy, she went out and looked
everywhere, hoping to find him. Finally she passed near the stone
and it cried out, "Here he is." Then the old woman tried to open the
stone but she could not, so she called the horses to come and help
her. They came and kicked it, but it would not break. Then she
called the carabao and they hooked it, but they only broke their
horns. She called the chickens, which pecked it, and the thunder,
which shook it, but nothing could open it, and she had to go home
without the boy.
NCR (National Capital Region)

(Liwayway A. Arceo)

Mukhang artista! Artista nga ba? Artista? Mula nang dumating si

Fely kangina ay hindi miminsang narinig niya ang tanong na iyon
na tila ngayon lamang siya nakita. Gayong umuuwi siya dalawang
ulit isang taon; kung Araw ng mga Patay at kung Pasko. O,
napakadalang nga iyon, bulong niya sa sarili. At maging sa mga
sandaling ito na wala nang kumikibo at tumitingin sa kanya ay
iyon din ang katunayang (wala nang kumikibo) wari ay nababasa
niya sa bawat matimping ngiting may lakip na lihim na sulyap. At
mula sa salamin sa kanyang harapan ay nakita niya si Nana Ibang
sa kanyang likuran. Hinahagod ng tingin ang kanyang kaanyuan.
Matagal na pinagmasdan ang kanyang buhok. Hindi ito
makapaniwala nang sabihin niyang serbesa ang ipinambasa sa
buhok niya. - Serbesa ba ‘kamo bata ka, ha? Ngumiti siya, kasabay
ang mahinang tango. At nang makita niyang nangunot ang noo
nito, idinugtong niya ang paliwanag, hindi naman masama ang
amoy, Nana. Ngayon sa kanyang pagtindig ay hindi maikaila sa
kanya ang pagtugon ng tingin nito sa kanyang suot. Sa leeg ng
kanyang terno na halos ay nakasabit lamang sa gilid ng kanyang
balikat at tila nanunuksong pinipigil ang pagsungaw ng kanyang
malusog na dibdib. Sa kanyang baywang na lalong pinalantik ng
lapat na lapat na saya. Sa laylayan nito na may gilit upang
makahakbang siya. - Ibang-iba na ngayon ang…lahat!… at
naulinigan niya ang buntung-hininga na kumawala sa dibdib ng
matanda niyang lola. Napangiti siya. Alam niyang iyon din ang
sasabihin ng kanyang ama na sa pagkakaalam niya ay hindi naging
maligoy minsan man sa pagsasalita. Iyon din ang narinig niyang
sabi ng kanyang Ate Sedes. At ng kanyang Insong Edong, ang balo
ng kanyang Kuya Mente. At ang kanyang apat na pamangkin ay
halos hindi nakahuma nang makita siya kanginang nakatoreador
ng itim at kamisadentrong rosas. Pinagmasdan siya ng kanyang
mga kanayon, mula sa ulong may taling bandana, sa kanyang
salaming may kulay, hanggang sa kanyang mga kukong mapula sa
paa, na nakasungaw sa step-in na bukas ang nguso. - Sino kaya’ng
magmamana sa pamangkin mo… matalino. - Sinabi ko naman sa
Inso…Ibigay na sa akin…papag-aralin ko sa Maynila. Nag-iisa
naman ako. Ang hirap sa kanila…ayaw nilang maghiwa-hiwalay.
Kung sinunod ko ang gusto ni Inang…noon… kung natakot ako sa
iyakan…Tumigil siya sa pagsasalita. Alam niyang hindi maikukubli
ng kanyang tinig ang kapaitang naghihimagsik sa kanyang dibdib. -
E..oo nga… Walang anu-ano’y ayon ni Nana Ibang - Tigas nga
namang iyakan nang lumuwas ka… - Noon pa man, alam kong
nasa Maynila ang aking pagkakataon. Sasali ba ‘ko sa timpalak na
‘yon kung hindi ako nakakasigurong kaya ko ang eksamen? Hindi
sumagot si Nana Ibang. Naramdaman niyang may dumamping
panyolito sa kanyang batok. - Pinagpapawisan ka na, a. Ano bang
oras ang sabi ni Duardo na susunduin ka? Alas tres daw.
Hanggang ngayon ba’y ganoon dito? At napangiti siya. Alas tres o
alas singko. Alas kwatro na, ah! Kung hindi lang ako magsasaya, di
dinala ko na rito ang kotse ko. Ako na ang magmamaneho. Sa
Amerika… - Naiinip ka na ba? agaw ni Nana Ibang sa kanyang
sinasabi. - Hindi sa naiinip, e. Dapat ay nasa oras ang salitaan.
Bakit ay gusto kong makabalik ngayon sa Maynila. - Ano? K-kahit
gabi? Napatawa si Fely. –Kung sa Amerika… nakapunta ako at
nakabalik nang mag-isa, sa Maynila pa? Ilang taon ba ‘kong wala
sa Pilipinas? Ang totoo… Biglang nauntol ang kanyang sasabihin
nang marinig niya ang mahinang tatat ni Nana Ibang. At nang
tumingin siya rito ay nakita niya ang kulimlim na mukha nito. At
biglang-bigla, dumaan sa kanyang gunita ang naging anyo nito
nang makita siya kangina. Ang pinipigil na paghanga at pagtataka
sa kanyang anyo. Ang walang malamang gawing pagsalubong sa
kanya. At nang siya ay ipaghain ay hindi siya isinabay sa kanyang
pamangkin. Ibinukod siya ng hain, matapos mailabas ang isang
maputi at malinis na kumot na ginawang mantel. Hindi siya
pinalabas sa batalan nang sabihin niyang maghuhugas siya ng
kamay. Ipinagpasok siya ng palanggana ng tubig, kasunod ang isa
niyang pamangkin na sa pangalan at larawan lalo niyang kilala
sapagkat patuloy ang kanyang kaharap nang sabihin niyang
magkakamay siya. - Ayan naman ang kubyertos…pilak ‘yan… -
hiyang-hiya na sabi ng kanyang hipag. –Yan ang uwi
mo…noon…hindi nga namin ginagamit…Napatawa siya. –
Kinukutsara ba naman ang alimasag? Nagsisi siya pagkatapos sa
kanyang sinabi. Napansin niyang lalong nahapis ang mukha ng
kanyang Nana Ibang. Abot ang paghingi nito ng paumanhin. Kung
hindi ka ba nagbagong-loob, di sana’y nalitson ang biik sa silong.
Kasi…sabi…hindi ka raw darating… Wala nga siyang balak na
dumalo sa parangal. Ngunit naisip niyang ngayon lamang gagawin
ang gayon sa kanilang nayon. Sa ikalimampung taon ng Plaridel
High School. Waring hindi niya matatanggihan ang karangalang
iniuukol sa kanya ng Samahan ng mga Nagsipagtapos sa kanilang
paaralan. Waring naglalaro sa kanyang isipan ang mga titik ng
liham ng pangulo ng samahan. Parangal sa unang babaing hukom
na nagtapos sa kanila. Napakislot pa si Fely nang marinig ang
busina ng isang tumigil na sasakyan sa harap ng bahay. Alam na
niya ang kahulugan niyon. Dumating na ang sundo upang ihatid
siya sa bayan, sa gusali ng paaralan. Hindi muna niya isinuot ang
kanyang sapatos na mataas at payat ang takong.
4. - Sa kotse na, ang sabi niya kay Nana Ibang. Ang hindi niya
sinabi: Baka ako masilat… Baka ako hindi makapanaog sa hagdang
kawayan. Ngunit sa kanyang pagyuko upang damputin ang
kanyang sapatos ay naunahan siya ng matanda. Kasunod niya ito
na bitbit ang kanyang sapatos. Sa paligid ng kotse ay maraming
mukhang nakatingin sa kanya. Ang pinto ng kotse ay hawak ng
isang lalaking nang mapagsino niya ay bahagya siyang napatigil.
Napakunot ang noo niya. - Ako nga si Duardo! Pinigil niya ang
buntunghiningang ibig kumawala sa kanyang dibdib. Nang
makaupo na siya ay iniabot ni Nana Ibang ang kanyang sapatos.
Yumuko ito at dinampot naman ang tsinelas na hinubad niya.
Isinara ni Duardo ang pinto ng kotse at sa tabi ng tsuper ito naupo.
- Bakit hindi ka rito? tanong niya? Masasal ang kaba ng kanyang
dibdib. May presidente ba ng samahan na ganyan? A…e…-Hindi
kinakailangang makita niyang nakaharap si Duardo. Napansin niya
sa pagsasalita nito ang panginginig ng labi. A… Alangan na ‘ata…
Tumigas ang mukha ni Fely. Nagtiim ang kanyang kalooban. Si
Duardo ang tanging lalaking naging malapit sa kanya. Noon.
Ngayon, nalaman niyang guro ito sa paaralang kanilang
pinagtapusan. At ito rin ang pangulo ng Samahan ng mga
Nagsisipagtapos. - Natutuwa kami at nagpaunlak ka… Walang anu-
ano’y sabi ni Duardo. Dalawampu’t dalawang taon na… - Huwag
mo nang sabihin ang taon!- nagtatawang sabi ni Fely. Tumatanda
ako… - Hindi ka nagbabago, sabi ni Duardo. Parang
mas…mas…bata ka ngayon. Sayang… hindi ka makikita ni
Monang… - Monang? napaangat ang likod ni Fely. - Kaklase
natin… sa apat na grado. paliwanag ni Duardo. Kami ang… at
napahagikhik ito. – Kamakalawa lang niya isinilang ang aming
pang-anim… - “Congratulations!” pilit na pilit ang kanyang
pagngiti. Tila siya biglang naalinsanganan. Tila siya inip na inip sa
pagtakbo ng sasakyan. - Magugulat ka sa eskuwela natin ngayon.
Patuloy ni Duardo nang hindi siya kumibo. Ibang-iba kaysa…noon.
- Piho nga, patianod niya. Hindi naman kasi ‘ko nagagawi sa bayan
tuwing uuwi ako. Lagi pa ‘kong nagmamadali… Bagung-bago sa
kanyang paningin ang gusali. At nang isungaw niya ang kanyang
mukha sa bintana ng sasakyan ay nakita ang mga matang
nakamasid sa kanya. Isinuot niya ang salaming may kulay. Tila
hindi na niya matatagalan ang nakalarawan sa mukha ng mga
sumasalubong sa kanya. At nang buksan ni Duardo ang pinto ng
kotse upang makaibis siya ay lalong nagtumining ang
kahungkagang nadarama niya kangina pa. At may sumungaw na
luha sa kanyang mga mata. Tila hindi na niya nakikilala at hindi
na siya makikilala pa ng pook na binalikan niya.

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