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Water Dispenser with Coin Changer and SMS Notification

A Thesis by
Cuares, Joshua
Macaylas, Miabeth G.
Mahinay, Mark Jade L.
Mercado, Jessie Marie L.
Orozco, Richard Lee C.

Submitted to the College of Information Technology

SurigaoDel Sur State University – Main Campus

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

March 2020


This ThesisentitledWater Dispenser with Coin Changer and SMS Notification, prepared and
submitted by Cuares Joshua, Macaylas Miabeth G., Mahinay Mark Jade, Mercado Jessie
Marie L., Orozco Richard Lee C., in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degreeBachelor
of Science in Computer Science is hereby accepted.

[Name of Adviser]
Research Paper Adviser

[Name of Chair]
Chair, Defense Panel

[Name of Panel Member] [Name of Panel Member]

Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted and approved for the conferral of the degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

Born Christian A.Isip, DTE

Dean, College of ITE



APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................................. iv

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. viii

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the Study ............................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objectives of the Study .................................................................................................. 3

1.3 Significance of the Study ............................................................................................... 3

1.4 Scope and Delimitations ................................................................................................ 3

2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ......................................................................... 4

2.1 Review of Related Literature ......................................................................................... 4

2.1.1 Overview of your Study ........................................................................................ 4

2.1.2 Vending Machines................................................................................................ 4

2.1.3 Microcontroler/ Arduino ........................................................................................ 6

2.1.4 Sms notification .................................................................................................... 9

2.2 Concept of the Study.................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Definition of Terms ....................................................................................................... 11


3 OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK ....................................................................... 14

3.1. Materials ........................................................................................................................ 14

3.1.1. Software......................................................................................................... 14

3.1.2. Hardware ....................................................................................................... 14

3.1.3. Data ............................................................................................................... 15

3.1.4. Gantt Chart of Activities ................................................................................. 16

3.2. Methods ......................................................................................................................... 16

3.2.1. Data Gathering Procedure ............................................................................. 17

3.2.2. Proposed System Design .............................................................................. 17

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 18

4.1. System Process and Design ........................................................................................ 18

1.1.1 Modules ............................................................................................................. 18

5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................... 19

5.1. Summary ....................................................................................................................... 19

5.2. Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 19

5.3. Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 19

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 20

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 22

BIONOTE .................................................................................................................. 25


Table 3-1.Applications .............................................................................................................................. 14

Table 3-2.Classification Computer ............................................................................................................ 14

Table 3-3.Data .......................................................................................................................................... 16


Figure 2-1. (insert some figure if applicable/necessary) ............................................................................ 5

Figure 2-2. [insert here the framework of the study/architecture] .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 2-3. [insert here the framework of the study/architecture] .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 2-4. [insert here the framework of the study/architecture] .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 2-5. [insert here the framework of the study/architecture] .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 2-13. Conceptual Framework of the Study ..................................................................................... 11

Figure 3-1 [insert figure if applicable] ....................................................................................................... 15

Figure 3-2. Flow of Implementation ......................................................................................................... 16

Figure 3-8. System Design ........................................................................................................................ 17

Figure 4-1 Screenshots during System Designing ...................................................................................... 18




1.1 Background of the Study

Among the increasingly widely used domestic electrical appliances are automatic or semi-
automatic machines for producing purified drinking water. These machines can have a greater or
lower degree of automation and a greater or lower number of functions which can be selected by
the user. There are different types of vending machines categorized into product-oriented and
service oriented machines. Product-oriented vending machines offer both cold and hot food as well
as non-food items. Service-oriented vending machines offer different kinds of services, e.g.
entertainment (jukeboxes, slot machines) and non-entertainment (telephones or scales). In
addition, from packaging refund machines the customer can get the packaging deposit back.

In today’s life, there must be some elements which are needed to be controlled; therefore,
the Automatic water dispenser is providing the good quality of water for the human beings. In day
to day life, intelligent systems are used in a wide range and these are embedded in design. There
are some physical elements which are needed to be controlled in order for them to perform their
expected task (Srivastava, et al. 2017).

With the advancement in the technology, devices and machines are useful to mankind.
One of them is coin operated telephone intended for its specific functions. (Bhujade,et
al.2017)designed a project based on liquid (water, cold drinks).Coin Operated Water Dispensing
System as the name indicates, is based on COIN operation. This system is based on micro
controller. Coin detecting mechanism is used to detect the coin when inserted and sent a
corresponding signal to signal conditioning unit that converts the incoming signal into square pulse
and then given to microcontroller

Chowki, et al. (2018) developed a “Smart Liquid Level Controller Using Arduino with SMS

In the recent times due to the huge scarcity of water resources frequent droughts have
been occurring, due to which the various initiatives have been undertaken, out of which one is the
system that will serve to save the water that is being wasted in the households, agriculture's and in
different industries . some of the hazardous incidents such as the boiler bursts due to the lowering
of the water level also can be avoided, which is also controlled by using this smart system.A global
system for mobile(GSM) communication system is provided which makes the system user friendly
by providing an SMS notification to the user on their mobile phones. The GSM device is used to
control the liquid level by giving an SMS alert of the percentage of liquid filled into the system.

The recent inventions focused on the improvements of machines for dispensing beverages
and on coin insertion. Innovations like coffee vending machines for domestic use or so called
vending machines and the like are utilized by people for domestic or home use.Although such
studies the usefulness is so immense that almost all who are using the vending machine can
benefit out of the system developed, it is however meaningful and reliable if the present study will
add additional feature called the coin changer in the vending machine.Thus, this study proposes to
develop a water dispenser system which is capable of accepting coins, dispenses change and
send SMS notification if the dispenser is empty.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The study aims to develop a Coin Based Water Dispenser System with Coin Changer and
applies a new approach to improve the needs of end – users.

Specifically, this study sought to:

1. Design a Vending machine which can accept coins and dispense change;
2. Design a system which is more economics , time saving, portable, affordable and
consume less power;
3. Provide end – users with hassle free system;

1.3 Significance of the Study

The present study aims to develop a new approach for water dispensers.Specifically, this

study would prove beneficial to the following entities:

Businessmen. They are the main target of this system for it is mainly created for business.

Consumers.They can buy drinking water with a cheap price and in a convenient way.

Future Researchers.They can use this as guide in enhancing their future studies.

1.4 Scope and Delimitations

This scholarly work focused on the development of selling drinking water in a convenient

way and lesser price that has a feature that can accepts coin bills, dispense change and will notify

the owner if there is no water.



2.1 Review of Related Literature

2.1.1 Overview of your Study

Water Dispenser with Coin Changer and SMS Notification is a system which is capable of

accepting coin bills, dispense change and send a short message service (SMS). It will notify the

owner of a water dispenser that the tank is empty.

2.1.2 Vending Machines


The first vending machine was constructed by Heron of Alexandria (Mechanicus, about

100 BC). After inserting a coin, holy water was dispensed (Heron von Alexandria, 2005). For more

than 100 years people have been able to buy goods and services from vending machines. The first

commercial vending machines were built at the end of the 80's of the 19th century

(Verkaufsautomaten, 2005). On 13 March 1908, the first stamp and postcard-vending machine of

the world was installed in front of the Hotel des Postes (Tageschronik 0313, 2005).

Basically, vending is defined as the selling of products through vending machines, which

are "coin operated machines for the sale of small articles" (Bundesverband Deutscher

Verpflegungs- und Vending-Unternehmen e. V), which are "coin operated machines for the sale of

small articles" (Oxford University Press 1994).Additionally, vending machines can be designed for

the sale of large quantities of various products, e.g. in Japan, one can buy ten-kilo bags of rice

from a vending machine. Furthermore, for a couple of years, it has been possible to pay for goods

and services by credit card which has to be put in the vending machine’s slot for cards (Photoman:

Japan, 2004).

Figure 2-1. (Types of Vending Machines and Typical Examples)


Biglete et al (2018), proposed a project aims to help people especially those who are

working in call centres to enjoy eating noodles easily and quickly during their short breaks. The

unique feature of this instant noodle vending machine is that it eliminates the use of plastic or

paper cups during dispensing. Instead, cooked noodle mix is directly dispensed into the mug

provided by the user. The working prototype is flexible to dispense crushed noodles, four different

flavours to choose from, and hot water. The dispensing process is sequential which starts from the

detection of the cup, crushed noodles dispensing, seasoning dispensing based on the desired

flavour, and lastly, the water injection. The researchers were able to design and fabricate the

machine based on set standards with an acceptable percent error which are within the tolerance

limits. The working prototype was fabricated, and statistical results showed an acceptable range of

values. (Biglete et, al 2018)

2.1.3 Microcontroller/ Arduino


Gouda et al (2017),conducted a study on water vending machine using solar energy uses

solar energy to supply power to entire unit. Solar energy is renewable energy source which is

freely available which makes great advantage of the system. The electricity generated by solar

energy is stored in the battery through charging circuit. Radio frequency ID reader reads the

prepaid cards provided to the each citizen for payment while taking water. The prepaid card

contains rechargeable amount and their name which can be seen on LCD display. PIC16F877A

microcontroller is heart of the water vending machine. The microcontroller is interfaced to various

components such as RFID reader, Switches, Buffer circuit etc. Switches are provided to select the

amount of the water required that is in terms of litres. The Buffer circuit and current driver are

connected to activate the relays which have control over the water pump and buzzer. We put a

RFID card in front of RFID reader then the owner name and balance amount will be displayed on

LCD. After some seconds the switch option will be displayed on LCD and we can select the

amount of water by pushing the appropriate push button switch. Then buzzer turns on and gives

sound or alarm to the customer to collect the water. Then water pump will dispense the appropriate

amount of water to the customer. Then the amount will be deducted from the customer's RFID



In the study of Bodhale et al (2017), functionality of vending system is predominantly

collected of 3 parts: vending system correlated interact with system (containing vending system

interface plate, monolithic integrated circuit and GPRS module), GPRS communication networks

which are containing mobile diverting middle of GPRS base station controller, GPRS service

support node as well as GPRS backbone networks etc. and the control center. The vending

system communication interface module is predominantly collected with of monolithic integrated

circuit and GPRS module and so on.This system depends on arduino ATmega 328 because of

most of the functions are inbuilt on arduino board. Which are totally depends on user preferences.

Bhujade et al (2017), liquid dispenser machine which is meant to be operated with IR coin

module and mobile charging using radio frequency identification (RFID) interfacing. The main part

is control system which includes C programming in Arduino ATMEGA 328 microcontroller to

control various components in system, a 28 pin microcontroller with LCD display. This project is

very useful to people who are all using mobile phone without charging condition in public places so

that they can re-activate a low battery or dead battery by simply plug in & charge it for one rupee.

We are designing coin based dispenser machine which is going to dispense water according to the

required amount and is turn off immediately, the major advantage here is there is no need for any

mandatory person to take care about the system. This system can be placed at Hotels,

Conference centers, Exhibition halls, service offices, Shopping malls, Airports, Train terminals, etc.

Figure 2-3. (Automatic Water Dispenser Along With Mobile Charging)

2.1.4 SMS Notification


Pudasaini et al (2014), develop The “Automatic Water Level Controller”, This system will

automate the process by placing a single sensor unit in the tank that will periodically take

measurements of the water level and will control the motor automatically. This system eliminates

the efforts of people for daily filling of the tank and checks for overflow. The problem like overflow

of water in the tank of interest, empty tank condition and motor overheating due to continuous

usage is avoided. Despite its smartness, this project does not explain the update water level of

source tank. Moreover, during no lighting condition, SMS notification is sent to user. This assists

user to manage the water demand with municipal water supply system. Simply, the reservoir tank

and tank of interest holds no any communication.


Figure 2-4. (Automatic Water Level Controller with Short Messaging Service (SMS) Notification )


Caraig et al (2018),designed and developed a Water Level Sensing and Warning Device with

Short Message Service (SMS) Notification. Specifically, it aimed to: design water level sensing device

to monitor the water level specifically to flood prone areas; construct and develop a warning device that

can notify the authority in the status of the water level through SMS; test and evaluate the functionality

of the project.

2.2 Concept of the Study

The paradigm for the study is given in the figure below…….


Figure 2-2. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Insert here the discussion of the conceptual framework…..

2.3 Definition of Terms

Vending Machine A machine that dispenses small articles such as food,

drinks, or cigarettes when a coin, bill, or token is inserted.

SMS SMS. Stands for "Short Message Service." SMS is used to

send text messages to mobile phones. The messages can

typically be up to 160 characters in length, though some

services use 5-bit mode, which supports 224 characters.

Arduino It consists of both a physical programmable circuit board

(often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of

software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that

runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer

code to the physical board.


Microcontroller A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to

govern a specific operation in an embedded system. A

typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory and

input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip.

RFID Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses

electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track

tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically

stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a

nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves.

GPRS General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) is a packet-based

wireless communication service that promises data rates

from 56 up to 114 Kbps and continuous connection to the

Internet for mobile phone and computer users.

GSM Global System for Mobile Communications its a protocols for

second-generation (2G) digital cellular networks used by

mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets.

Iteration is the number of batches needed to complete one epoch.

Confusion Matrix It refers to a table that reports the number of correct and

incorrect predictions done by a classifier.

True Positive Is an outcome where the model correctly predicts

the positive class.

True Negative Is an outcome where the model correctly predicts the


negative class.

False Positive Is where you receive a positive result for a test, when you

should have received a negative result. It's sometimes

called a “false alarm” or “false positive error.

False Negative Is an outcome where the model incorrectly predicts the

negative class.

Sensitivity Means how good the test is at detecting plant images. It is

the proportion of positives that are correctly identified by the


Specificity Meansthe proportion of the true negatives. It suggests how

good the test is for classifying plant seedling class category

in normal (negative) condition.

Accuracy Is defined as the percentage of correct predictions for the

test data. It can be calculated easily by dividing the number

of correct predictions by the number of total predictions.



3.1. Materials

3.1.1. Software

The software used in the study is shown Table 3-1.

Table 3-1.Applications
Name Purpose License

[name of software]served as the primary integrated development environment for system

development or simulation and also served as the main programming language.

3.1.2. Hardware

The minimum computer specifications for executing the simulation of the modelare listed in

Table 3-2. A laptop with these specifications were used in the study.

Table 3-2.Classification Computer

Part Specification
Operating System Windows 10 Home Edition 64 bit
Processor 2.8 GHz Intel i7-479090 GPU
Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Video RAM
Hard Disk Drive 500GB SSD System 1TB SSHD Data
Memory 20 GB RAM
Network 1Gbps 1-port
Keyboard Generic USB
Mouse Generic USB

3.1.3. Data

Write in paragraph the data or information gathered…..

Figure 3-1[insert figure if applicable]


Table 3-3.Data
Data Purpose Number of Data

3.1.4. Gantt Chart of Activities

Insert the Gantt Chart here…..

3.2. Methods

The general approach used in this study is shown in Figure 3-2. Also discuss the flow of

the implementation in a form of a paragraph.

Figure 3-2.Flow of Implementation


3.2.1. Data Gathering Procedure

[discuss the process how you collect and gather the data, write in a form of a


3.2.2. Proposed System Design

Discuss and insert the design of your system……

Figure 3-3.System Design



4.1. System Process and Design

1.1.1 Modules

Figure 4-1Screenshots during System Designing



5.1. Summary

5.2. Conclusions

Based on the findings derived from this study, the following conclusions were drawn:




5.3. Recommendations

Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made:






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Appendix A:ConfusionMatrixduring Model Testing and Validation (Simulation 1)


Appendix B: Confusion Matrixduring Model Testing and Validation (Simulation 2)


Appendix C: Confusion Matrices during Model Testing and Validation (Simulation 3)



CATHERINE ROY ALIMBOYONG,is an Assistant Professor II at

the Surigao del Sur State University - Main Campus, Tandag City,

Surigao del Sur. She joined the academe in 2007 at the said


She is a member of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical

Engineers (IEEE) and the Philippine Society of Information

Technology Educators (PSITE). Her research interests include data mining and machine learning

and she has had paper presentations in several international conferences. She also has several

publications in the said areas.

The author may be reached [email protected].

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