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A.Y. 2019-2020

A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School of

La Concepcion College, Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Practical Research II


Desiree Ann A. Gambota

Alexandra V. Evite

Alliah Mae Dulguime

Caroline P. Tolentino

Marian Kayla Villas

Mariz D. Ocampo

Sherilyn R. Lebosta

Kyle Vincent D. Dimailig

October 2019

This is to certify that the study entitled IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO THE
Prepared by Gambota, Evite, Dulguime Tolentino, Villas, Ocampo, Lebosta and
Dimailig has been examined and examined and recommended for FINAL-ORAL

Paul Ramachandra S. Rajah Gopal



This is to certify that the study entitled IMPACT OF SOCIAL

CONCEPCION COLLEGE. Prepared by Gambota, Evite, Dulguime Tolentino,
Villas, Ocampo, Lebosta and Dimailig has been examined and examined and
recommended for FINAL-ORAL DEFENSE.




Member Member

We hereby certify that this Research is our own work and that, to the best of
our knowledge, Ideas, and beliefs, It contains no material previously written or
published by another person or organization nor any material which has been
accepted for award of any other degrees or diploma from a university or institution
of higher learning, except the intellectual contact of this research is the product of
our work although we have received assistance from others on the manner of
organization, presentation, language, and style.

Desiree Gambota

Marian Kyla Villas

Sherilyn Lebosta

Alliah Mae Dulguime

Mariz Ocampo

Alex Evite

Caroline Tolentino

Kyle Vincent Dimailig


October 28 ,2019

Attended by

Mr. Paul Ramachandra S. Gopal

Research Instructor

October 28, 2019


The successful completion of this manuscript was made possible through th

invaluable contribution of a number of people. To say “Thank You” to all of you is
not enough to express our deepest gratitude.

First and foremost we would like to give gratitude to our adviser Ms.Teresita
M. Reyes for always being our number one supporter from the very start, for
continuously encouraging us and helping us prepare for what we need for this study.

Secondly, Our research instructor Mr. Paul Ramachandra S. Gopal who led
us to this finish line and for providing enough information in terms of making a
research paper and for his support.

To Ms. Joyce Gelotin, Mr. Ej Kyle F. Guivarra, and Mr.—that serves as our
panelist and who guide us and for the constructed criticism that made us more
stronger and putting a wonderful end for this study.

The Library staff, especially Ma’am Maribeth T.Tarum for generously

allowing us to review and use the previous study to review and check a few things
and for our reference materials.

To Mr. Resty Calo Samosa who taught us how to be responsible in a very

hard way and leading us to garner more knowledge and information by ourselves.

To our respondents who willingly cooperate to us to gather data that we can

used for this study.

To our dearest parents, relatives, and friends who bare with us in the process
of making this manuscript and for rooting us to start till the very end.

And most of all to God almighty who guide us from above and let these
things to happens that help us to learn something new and make it more worth it to

This research is dedicated to our most loving and supportive parents tat is the
source of our inspiration and motivation. They have provided everything to show
their support and trust to us their children, without their love and trust we will not be
able to pull this off.

We dedicate this research to our research instructor who believes in us till the
very end, although this is not his masterpiece he still gave his all in order to provide
information to us his students, his hard work and will inspire us to keep going
despite of feeling low and having a hard time to finish this study.

And lastly we dedicate this study to the Lord Almighty who has always been
there for us truly providing us whatever we need, the intellect, the strength and the
capability to do all these things comes from him.

This study aims to determine the impact of social media to the Accountancy,
Business and Management students in La Concepcion College it seeks to answer
of the following questions: (1) To identify the demographic profile of the
respondents (2) To distinguish the general weighted average (3) To evaluate the
respondents academic performance. (4) To determine the time they spent on
using social media in their everyday life. (6) To determine if there is positive
effect between The Impact of social media to the academic performance of Grade
12 Accountancy, Business Management students in La Concepcion College A.Y.
2019-2020. (7) To determine if there is negative effect between The Impact of
social media to the academic performance of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business
Management students in La Concepcion College A.Y. 2019-2020.

The descriptive correlation method of research is being used. The researcher

used a survey questionnaire to obtain the required data for the study.

Title Page ……………………………………………………….....… i

Approval Sheet………………………………………………………. ii

Certificate of Originality…………………………………………….. iii

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………... iv

Dedication……………………………………………………………. v

Abstract………………………………………………………………. vi

Table of contents……………………………………………………... vii

List of tables………………………………………………………….. viii



Introduction ………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………...… 3

 Hypothesis

Objectives of the study..……………………………………………. 4

Scope and Limitation of the study………………………………...…5

Significance of the study………………………………………… ...6


Related Literature………………………………………………………..8

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………..13

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………..14


Research Design…………………………………………………………15

 Population of the Study

Research Instrument……………………………………………………...16

 Data Collection

Statistical Treatment……………………………………………………...17


Interpretation of data ……………………………………………………18




Operational Definition of Terms………………………………………..29



Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………..
List of Tables

Table page

1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution………………………….18

Of the respondents according to their Age


2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution……………………….....19

Of the respondents according to Gender

3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution…………………………..20

Of the respondents according to Social

Media Applications they frequently use
4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution………………………….21

Of the respondents according to General

Weighted average
5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution ……………………..…...22

Of the respondents according to hours they spent

On Social Media
6 Pearson Correlation Coefficient to test the significance……..…24

Of the respondents social media usage and their GWA.




Social media is a software developed technology with a purpose of

connecting two or more people wherever they are and is dependent on mobile phones

and other gadgets that could access the social media applications in website.

Jude Mohanty (2018) states that “social sites have proved to be an important medium

for communication” this is where the exchange of conversations mostly happen

nowadays. The favorite realm in the internet world are Facebook, Messenger,

Instagram, and Twitter wherein you can use these in order to share ideas, images,

videos, and for gathering information.

Social media plays an important role in higher education. It is a best way for students

as well as teachers to initiate collaborative learning, building more stable relationship

with the others whether it is formal or non-formal learning method as it gives a

spacious, friendly, and placid environment to educate and gain new knowledge. A

great way for students to widen the range of their capacity to obtain knowledge and

improving their social life. According to Kim Garst (2014) “communication are

happening weather you are there or not” It is preferably for learners and teachers to

gather and distribute any information regarding group activities, admissions,

suspension, etc., different social media applications offers different type of

conveniency, usage, and purpose, it all just depends on what kind of information or

activities the students want to dig or possess.


Through the years, technology has been evolving, studies from the past have

different interpretation of what social media is in their respective era. Compare to the

upgradation of digital media that we are experiencing. Millennial and generation Z

grew up bolder and more literate in using social media together with the

development and releasing of today’s innovation and inventions. Students usually

use social media as a basis for some of their academic activities directed by their

educators, applications related to social media offers a lot in the hand of its user,

hence, it could bring distractions to the student specially teens are the one who is

usually inclined in the virtual realm. This puts the means to connect anywhere, at any

time on any device in everyone’s hands It is not a doubt that this is why usage of

social media is widely accepted and popular by the students of La Concepcion


The researchers conducted this study in order to know if there is an impact of

using social media to the academic performance of the selected ABM students in La

Concepcion College and be an eye opener not only to the students but also to the

whole society that every change has greatly affects us including using social media.

Statement of the problem

This study aimed to know the impact of social media to the academic

performance of selected grade 12 Accountancy, Business and management students

in La Concepcion College. Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? In terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Section

2. What is the general average of the respondents for the first semester S.Y 2018-


3. How much time does the respondents spent on social media activities each day?

4. Is there any significant effect on impact of social media towards academic

performance of Accountancy, Business, and Management students?


Ho: There is no significant impact between the social media and academic

performance of the Accountancy, Business, And Management students.

Ha: There is a significant impact between the social media and academic

performance of the Accountancy, Business, And Management students.


Objectives of the Study

 To identify the demographic profile of the respondents

 To distinguish the general weighted average

 To evaluate the respondents academic performance.

 To determine the time they spent on using social media in their everyday life.

 To determine if there is positive effect between The Impact of social media to the

academic performance of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business Management students

in La Concepcion College A.Y. 2019-2020.

 To determine if there is negative effect between The Impact of social media to

the academic performance of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business Management

students in La Concepcion College A.Y. 2019-2020

Main objective

The researchers would want to find out regarding if the social media can affect their

academic performances positively and negatively. And by this study it will guide

them and open their mind in this certain topic since the respondents are can relate to

it since they are using social media in different purposes.


Scope and Delimitation

This research is focused only to the fifty grades 12 Accountancy, Business,

and Management student in La Concepcion College located at Kaypian Road, corner

Quirino St, San Jose del Monte City on the present academic year 2019-2020 as the

respondents of this research. All the possible set of questions is about how social

media can affect the academic performance of the students. The researchers of this

study will have random respondents from each section of ABM track. This study will

use survey questionnaire to gather data.

Figure 1 shows the location of La Concepcion College.


Significant of the study

This study aims to explain how the social media affects academic

performance of the grade 12 ABM students of La Concepcion College. It aims to

point out the factors positively and negatively it poses to student’s daily lives. This

study would give benefits to the following:


To improve academic performance and to enhance their management skills

enable to

Perform during activity that is given by the school.


This research will help them in getting more information and to teach their student

to the proper usage of social media.


The research will lead the parents to discipline their children to avoid addiction

and give their children limitation in using social media.

Guidance Counselors

To be aware and knowledgeable about the effect of social media to their students

and be the one to spread awareness.


Future Researchers

This will guide them to discover some old and new information of our research.

School Administrators

Through this research, they will be aware to the situation their down lines

were suffering from, leading them to come up to a possible solution.



This chapter presented the literature and study of the other author that maybe

related to this study.

Related Literature and Studies


Indicated by Kabani (2011) that “there are three main reasons why people

join different social networking sites: Identity, Connections, and Community”

The first on the list only signifies that people wants to showcase who they are

because social network says something about their users. The second and third are

common reasons why people joins these sites. Connections are as easy as one, two,

and three when you are in a social networking site and in this way you can build or

join a community wherein you can feel that people cares for you or even know you

for some things you try to show them through the site.

According to Wilson (2013), “although social networking sites do really have

positive impacts to an individual’s life or even to the whole community, too much

using of these would begin to interfere with their lives wherein he stated the

psychologists refer this as social networking compulsion or addiction.”

Knowing the symptoms would be really easy to anyone but trying to stop the

addiction of using these sites would not be so easy because some people try to deny

that they do have some of the symptoms due to their need and want of using social

networking sites in making their lives pass by day to day.

Stated by Roxanne Gay, Social media is something of a double-edged sword.

At its best, social media offers unprecedented opportunities for marginalized people

to speak and bring much needed attention to issues they face. At its worst, social

media also offers everyone an unprecedented opportunity to share in collective

outrage without reflection.

People now a day using social media to gain more likes, because they want to

be famous in the field of social media specially the millennial, but sometimes I

thought that they using social media to express who they are, and they think that

using social media gain their confidence and self-esteem, why not? Using it. As long

we are responsible for what we do inside the social media. Other say “Think before

you click”.

Based on Karpinski (2009) “social media has a negative association with

students’ academic performance which is much greater than the advantages derived

through the use of social media platform..”

People or students around the globe have been addicted to the internet

which has given rise more students using social media more often than before, so it

gives people or student distraction on the things and priorities they need to do, and

also it will give a negative cause of our health affecting the students’ performance in

terms of academic

Foreign Studies

According to Johnson et al (2014), the advancement of social media in higher

education has fostered opportunities for thousands of students to collaborate, both

interdisciplinary and discipline specific subject matter as well as across institutions,

with educators and peers on a level that was not possible in previous decades.

It helps build relationship between the learners and the teacher wither it is

informal or formal learning method as it gives more space and convenience to both

party, asides from the student-teacher it also expands the students in one institution

to come up with a new sense of collaboration and interaction in different sections.

On the other hand, Vijay K Sharma stated “that Social media is

impacting students positively and negatively. Positive practices of social media

increase student’s social media increase student’s social intelligence and

understanding of human behaviors. Negative practices of social media make them

materialistic, angry and addicted to too many bad things”.

But it’s not the problem, created by social networking websites, but

problems arise when we use it without analyzing what we are doing and what will be

its impact on us, our family, society, and country that’s why social media not only a

great tool for personal development but it is also a tool for personal and social


In accordance of Olubiyi (2012),” noted that these days students are so

attached in social media that some are almost and always online 24/7”.

Students even cannot get their phones out of their hands may it be in schools

or in their home, some are still active in social media apps during classes or lectures.

Based on the study of other researcher, Osharive Peter (2015) “social media

is a websites that does not just give you information but interact with you while

giving you information.”

It forms communication just by asking you questions for your desired content

and you answering to generate the program to give you what you want. There are

some social media apps that can be downloaded and are divided by categories in

order to fulfil your demands; there are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and what’s App

that serves different kind of services in the social media world.

As contested by Selvaraj S., (2016) “Social networking site diverting students

from their studies. Studies spend more time on social media than they do using

personnel email. Even through there is loss of privacy and safety, social media

provides opportunities for connecting with friends, classmates and people with

shared interest.”

This generation tends to focus more on having a rich social life rather than a

rich mind for it makes them feel active and more useful.


This chapter discusses the research design, population and sampling, research

instruments and data collection.

Research Design

The researchers utilized the descriptive correlational research design it gives

an indication of how one variable may predict another. It is concerned with the most

appropriate methods to use to come up with adequate interpretation of the data and is

accurate utilization of the significant variables that needs to emphasize the true

meaning of the gathered data.

Population and sampling

The total population of grade 12 ABM students of La Concepcion College,

Inc. academic year 2019-2020 is 85. For the quantitative component of the study and

in order to get a sample covering different sets of questions, the chosen respondents

for this study are 50 Accountancy, Business, and Management students using simple

random sampling. Under this method of drawing the sample, “Those who meet the

purpose or objective of the study are those deliberately included by the researcher in

the sample” (Samosa, 2018).


Research instrument

The Researchers used a survey questionnaire for this study to assess the data

needed for the respondents’ profile and answer to the problem. The draft of questions

was made by the researchers own experience and previous studies. And which

enables the researchers to make generalizations concerning to this study.

In addition, the questionnaire was consulted by the research adviser before it

was used for the study. Within are the questions asked such as their demographic

profile, Social media applications they frequently used, how often they surf the

internet and its effect on their daily lives; in order to collect and analyze data for the

consumption of the conclusion.

Data Collection

The researches filed a request letter for approval to hold an interview. After

retrieving the signed letter, orientation of our selected respondent is done and a

survey questionnaire will be given to each one of them to answer. They will be given

a specific time to finish answering the questions, when the given time is reached the

respondents should submit the survey questionnaire back. After gathering all the

questionnaire we will now evaluate it then we will now propose something to the

Guidance Counselor to hold a council regarding the impact of social media to the

academic performance of the ABM students in La Concepcion College, Inc. to

provide and be an eye-opener not only to the students but also the parents and faculty


Theoretical framework

A theoretical framework is the foundations of Hypothetic-Deductive research, as it is

basis of the hypothesis that will you develop. Theoretical framework represent on

how certain variables or concepts are related to each other.

Schematic Diagram Of Theoretical Framework

The diagram will show the independent and dependent variables.

Social media applications Academic Performance of Grade 12

Accountancy, Business and
management students

Above the diagram, social media is independent variable and the academic

performances of ABM Students are dependent variable

Social Media

Web-based applications which provide functionality for sharing, relationship,

group, conversation, and profiles.


Conceptual framework

This study aims to determine the impact of using of social media to the

academic performance of Grade 12 ABM students in La Concepcion College. The

researchers use the Input – Process – Output system approach. The Input – Process –

Output approach is composed of unrelated elements that serve as a guide by the


Input Output

This study aims to The researchers will

This study analyses the
discover the impact of then file a letter to
impact of Using social
using social media to the conduct a seminar to
media through
academic performance give those who are
questionnaires whether it
among selected ABM concern knowledge
have an impact or not.
Students of La about the impact of

Concepcion College. social media.

Box 1 shows the purpose, respondents, and the location where the study is


Box 2 illustrates how the data in the study is collected.

Box 3 shows the researchers proposal after knowing the impact of using social media

to the academic performance of the students.


Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical techniques will be utilized to interpret the data

gathered by the researchers. The data to be gathered from the standardized test will

be statistically treated using the appropriate statistical tools.

1. The percentage and frequency distribution is used to determine the

frequency counts and percentage distribution of personal related variables of

the respondents. The frequency also presents the actual response of the

respondents to a specific item in the questionnaire.

Formula: % = f / n * 100

Where: f = Frequency (number of answers from the respondents

n = overall Points

% = percentage of answers from the respondents

2. Pearson correlational Coefficient used to determine whether the values of

two variables are associated.

√∑(𝑥−𝑥)2 √∑(𝑦−𝑦)2

Where: x - Mean of X variable

Y – Mean of Y variable


In this chapter the results of the data analysis are presented. The data were

gathered from grade 12 Accountancy, Business Management students of la

Concepcion College in determining the impact of social media in academic

performance of students. It is made to be a comprehensive reference which answers

the questions in the statement of the problem.

Table 1.1 Frequency and Percentage distribution of demographic profile of the

Respondents in Terms of Age Profile.

Age Profile Frequency distribution Percentage distribution

16 1 2%

17 23 46%

18 20 40%

19 3 6%

Others 3 6%

Total 50 100%

Based on tabulated data below, it showed that 17 years old are most number

of respondents with 23 frequencies that corresponds 46% of the total population in

this research study. Moreover, that 18 years old with 20 frequencies that corresponds

to 40% of the total population. In addition, the least number of respondent is 16 years

old with 1 frequency that corresponds to 2% of the total population.


Table 1.2 Frequency and Percentage distribution of demographic profile of the

Respondents in Terms of Sex Profile.

Sex Profile Frequency distribution Percentage distribution

Female 45 90%

Male 5 10%

Total 50 100%

Based on tabulated data below, it showed that female are the most number of

respondents in this study, with 45 frequencies that corresponds to 90% of the total

population. On the other hand a male respondent has 5 frequencies that correspond to

10% of the total population.


Table 2: Frequency and Percentage distribution of Social Media application

frequently used.

Social Media Frequency distribution Percentage distribution

Facebook 42 40%

Twitter 4 4%

Gmail 5 5%

Instagram 18 17%

Messenger 35 34%

Total 104 100%

The data showed that Facebook are most frequently used by the respondents

with total of 42 frequencies or 40%. Moreover, Messenger is the second frequently

used social media application with 35 frequencies or 34%. Consequently, twitter is

the least number of respondents with 4 frequencies or 4%.

According to J. Clement (2019), Facebook is still the top of social network in

the United States. With 25 million mobile users accessing the Facebook app in June

2019 the company others properties Instagram and Messenger marked as second and

third with 123 and close to 108 million users respectively.


Table 3: Frequency and Percentage distribution of General Average of the


General Average Frequency distribution Percentage distribution

70-79 0 0

80-89 28 56

90-99 22 44

TOTAL 50 100%

The abovementioned data show that most of the respondents have 80-89

general weighted average with frequencies of 28 or 56%. In addition, some of the

respondents have 90-99 general weighted average with a frequency of 22 or 44%.


Table 4: Frequency and Percentage distribution of Numbers of hours spend

using social media per day.

Number of hours Frequency distribution Percentage distribution

0-2 hours 17 34%

3-5 hours 22 44%

6-8 hours 9 18%

9 hours and above 2 4%

Total 50 100%

The abovementioned tabulated data, showed that 4-6 hours, 22 frequencies or

44% are the most number of hours spend using social media per day. Moreover, 1 to

3 hours have 17 frequencies or 34%. In addition 7 to 9 hours have 9 frequencies or

18%. Consequently, others have the least number of hours used in social media per

day with 2 frequencies or 4%.

According to McDougal (2019), we use it every day also to post such thing as

updates, blogs and means etc. We tend to spend more time creating content for this

media may say is Facebook which is more focused now a day.


Table 5: Frequency and Percentage distribution of Respondents if there

was a significant effect of social media application that affects their academic


Responses Frequency distribution Percentage distribution

Yes 26 52%

No 24 48%

Total 50 100%

Based on the above-mentioned data, it showed that most of respondents

believe that social media application can affect their academic performance.

Moreover, 24 respondents or 48% believe it is cannot affects students academic


According to Allen (2017), university have increasingly adapted social media

for variety of educational and communication activities, this technology can boost

student collaboration, case resources sharing and facilitate certain instruction

however students online behavior has also been a growing concern for educators and


Table 6: Shows the significance between the Impact of social media towards the

academic performance of Accountancy, Business, and Management.

Social media usage General Average

Social media usage Pearson Correlation — .573

Sig.(2-tailed) 2.011

N 50 50

2.General Average Pearson Correlation .573 —

Sig.(2-tailed) 2.011

N 50 50

The results Table 6 shows there was no significant relationship between social media

usage and academic performance. It shows that ( r = 0.573, t=<2.011) pearson

correlation between these two variable, it has no impact on Accountancy, Business,

and Management students.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and

recommendations of the study. The main objective of the study was to assess the

impact of social media to the academic performance of selected students in La

Concepcion College. To accomplish the objectives, the data gathered were treated

quantitatively, analyzed and then interpreted.

Summary of Findings

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? In terms of;

1.1 Age

Aged 17 years old got the highest population, specifically twenty-

three (23) respondents, while the 18 years old follows with a number of

twenty (20) respondents. And the least group of respondents are found in the

age sixteen (16) years old, which only one out of fifty (50) respondents.

1.2 Sex

Female occupies the 90% of the population with forty – five

respondents and the remaining five respondents are determined as male.


2. What is general average for the first semester S.Y 2018-2019 of the respondents?

From the deducted data, twenty - eight of the respondents have 80-89 general

weighted average. In addition, twenty – two of the respondents have 90-99

general weighted average.

3. How much time do you spend on social media activities each day?

From the results of data analysis, showed that 4-6 hours are the most number

of hours spend using social media per day by twenty – two respondents.

Moreover, seventeen respondents spend 1 to 3 hours in using social media. In

addition, nine of the respondents are also spend 7 to 9 hours in social media

application. Consequently, others have the least number of hours used in social

media per day.

4. Is there any significant effect on impact of social media towards academic

performance of Accountancy, Business, and Management students?

The computed z- value obtained is 5.045 which is greater than the tabular

value of 2.58 at 0.01 level of probability (confidence) and is highly significant.

This means that the social media towards academic performance of Accountancy,

Business, and Management students. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected

because there is significant Effect of social media towards academic performance

of Accountancy, Business, and Management students.


From this juncture, it showed that twenty – nine respondents believed that social

media application contribute Collaborative Learning. Moreover, twenty – seven

respondents believed that online announcement also positive effects of social

media application. Furthermore, twenty respondents also say that recalling

Assignment is positive effect of social media application. Consequently, the least

number of positive effect of social media application is the interactively.

In contradiction , it showed that twenty – four respondents believed that

social media application contribute distraction among students. Secondly, sixteen

respondents say, it is also getting more activities in social media application.

Moreover, ten respondents believes it prioritizing socializing on social media

rather than the offline world. Consequently, the two respondents says that affect

social media application can caused depression.


1. From the results of data analysis revealed that 17 years old is the most number

of user of social media application in La Concepcion College.

2. From deducted data, female occupies number of user of social media

application in La Concepcion College.

3. From the study revealed that 4-6 hours are the most number of hours spend

using social media per day.

4. From this juncture, it showed respondents believed that social media

application contribute Collaborative Learning, Online announcement,

Recalling Assignment is positive effect of social media application


5. In contradiction, it showed that respondents believed that social media

application contribute distraction among students. Secondly, sixteen

respondents say, it is also getting more activities in social media application.

Moreover, respondents believed it prioritizing socializing on social media

rather than the offline world.

6. Using Pearson’s correlational coefficient test it shows that there is significant

effect the social media on students ‘academic performance of Accountancy,

Business, and Management.


1. Utilize the used of this study for further research with bigger population.

2. Conduct a School – Based workshop on proper implementation of the Social

Media Application that used in Educational Purposes.

3. Conduct parallel study to further validate the results of the study.


Operational Definition of Terms

This issue will include important words that are used in the study which

are very not commonly used by everyone it also provides for each word based on

how it has been used and related in the study.

 Academic performance - is the extent to which a student, teacher or

institution has achieved their short or long term educational goals.

 Addiction - the need or strong desire to do or to have something, or a very

strong liking for something: cognitive relating to or involving the processes

of thinking and reasoning

 Booming – making a loud deep sound.

 Congenial - producing a feeling of comfort or satisfaction:

 Descriptive survey method - are pretty much as they sound they describe

situations. They do not make accurate predictions, and they do not determine

cause and effect.

 Entertainment – is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of

an audience, or gives pleasure and delight.

 Identities – who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make

them different from others


 Impact – the force with which one thing hits another or with which two

things hit each other

 Immoral – conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles

 Inculcate – to cause someone to have particular beliefs or values by

repeating them frequently

 Innovation – the process of translating an idea or invention into a good

service that creates value or for which customers will pay.

 Instrument – a tool or other device used for doing a particular piece of work

 Interactive dialogue – is a critical part of such learning, and in this article I

shall explore what it means to engage your organization.

 Intuitive – able to know or understand something because of feelings rather

than facts or proof

 Networking compulsion – a force that makes you do something in order to

get information that can help you

 Optimal learning – highlights newer views of learning and teaching to

create teaching environments where optimal human learning is supported and


 Random sampling – is a produce for sampling from a population in which

(a) the selection of a sample unit is based on chance and (b) every element of

the population has a known, non-zero probability of being selected.

 Software – the program and other operating information use.


 Platforms – are the things they say they believe in and that they will achieve

if they are selected

 Websites – a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular

subject, published by a single person or organization

 Advancement – an act of making something better

 Educate – To teach

 Placid – steady and calm

 Medium – form of system of communication

 Software – data or codes processed inside the computer



Reference: Shama Hyder Kabani “The Zen of Social Media Marketing”

Reference: Dr. Lawrence Wilson “Social Media Addiction”,%20SOCIAL%20M.htm

Reference: Olubiyi (2012) “Impact of Social Media Usage on Students Academic

Performance in Terengganu Malaysia”


Reference: M Rithika, Sara Selvaraj (2013) “Impact of social media on students’

academic performance”
Reference: Osharive Peter (2015) “Impact of Social Media Usage on Students
Academic Performance in Terengganu Malaysia”
References: Cresswell J.A. (2008) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and

Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
References: Veletsianos, G. (2016). Social media in academia: networked scholars.
Mobile number: 09058272735
Email address: [email protected]
Permanent address: blk 43 lot 4 Brgy. Lawang Pari Area I City of San Jose del
Monte Bulacan

To be able to provide a good quality of service, and learn more about the
background of the job to acquire more knowledge that can develop my


Date of birth : May 11, 2002

Place of birth : San jose del monte Bulacan
Civil status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Gender : Female
Age : 17 years old
Height : 5’3
Weight : 40lbs
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language proficiency : Tagalog and English
Mother’s name : Celia C. Dulguime
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s name : Allan Joseph Dulguime
Occupation : OFW


La Concepcion College
ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management) Grade 12
S.Y 2019

La Concepcion College
ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management) Grade 11
SY: 2018-2019


San Jose Del Monte National Trade School

S.Y 2013-2018


Bagong Buhay I Elementary School

S.Y 2007-2013

Special Skills
Do The assigned Task, active Listening, time management, patience, goal setting.

I hereby certify that the above information is true and a legitimate reference of the


Dulguime, Alliah Mae C.

Mobile number: 09613689067
Email address: [email protected]
Permanent address: #998 Blk 8 Gumaoc Central City of San Jose del Monte
Other address: #35 sta. Catalina st, Bf road brgy. Holly spirit Diliman Q.C

To exert my skills and to share my talents and mere expertise in the field
and to acquaint myself with the new techniques and information that
would aid my growth and allow me to contribute in this industry.
To leverage my skills and share my talents in this field.

To be able to provide a good quality of service, and learn more about the
background of the job to acquire more knowledge that can develop my


Date of birth : July 16, 2001

Place of birth : Quezon City
Civil status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Gender : Female
Age : 18 years old
Height : 5’3
Weight : 50 lbs
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language proficiency : Tagalog and English
Mother’s name : Carina F. Villas
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s name : Marlon A. Villas
Occupation : Office Employee



La Concepcion College
ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management) Grade 12
S.Y 2019

Yverdon de Pestallozi School

ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management) Grade 11
SY: 2018-2019


La Concepcion College
S.Y 2013-2018


Gumaoc Elementary School

S.Y 2007-2013

Special Skills
I’m a Fast learner. I can manage my time well. Work properly without any
complaints. Responsible and I have Good communication skills.
I hereby certify that the above information is true and a legitimate reference of the

I possessed good communication skills, adoptive person, very good at managing

time, and
I’m a responsible person. I am good at managing time effectively. I possessed good
communication skills.

Villas, Marian Kayla F.

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