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A CKNOWLEDGEME 1'S ......... ... ... ....... .. .. .......................... ...... ...... ...... ... ... .. ... ... ... ....................... ... ... .. .. .. ... .. ...... 4
I '1'RODUCTlON ... ..... ...... ...... ............. .... ... .. ... .. .... ........... ....... ....................... .... ..... ................ .... ... ... .. ........ ... .... 5
HowTo USE TlJls FIELD G UII)E ...... .. .. ....... .... .. ......... .. ............ .. ....... ...... .... .......... ............... .... ... ...... .. ... ..... .. .. 6
Keys ... .... ..... .. ........ .... ... ... ....... ..... .. ... ...... .. ..... .. ........... .... ....... .. .. ...... ... .... ........ .. ... ...... ... ........... ........ ... .. 6
Illustrati ons ... .. ... ..... ............ ... .. ........... ... ...... ........... ... ............ .. ................... ....... .... .. ......... .. .... ..... .... ... .. 6
Descripti on ........... ... .. .. .... .. .... .................. .... ...... .. .......... .......... ... ... ... ... ............................ .. ...... ....... .. ... 6
Reef Pheno lllena .......... .. ..... .. .. ........... .. ............ ... .. .... .......... ... .. .... .. .. .... ...... .. ...... .... ..... ..... ... ................. 7
HISTORICAL PERSI'ECTIVE ........................... ...... .. .. ... ...... ...... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ........ ....... .. ......... .... ... ... ..... .... ...... .. ... 7
PR ESENT STATUS OF CORAL R EEFS .. ...... ........ .. ....... ... ........ .... .. .... .. ...... .. .. ...... ..... ........... ................................ . 8
K ey to Ihe Ph y la ....... .. .. ... .... .. .. .... ........................ .. ... ... ... .... ....... ... .. .. ....... ...... .. .. ... ... ..... ...... ... .. .......... 1 1
K ey l o lhe Rhodophy ta ........................................ ................................................................. ............ 12
Corallina les .... .. .. .. .. ... ........... .. .... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... ................... ........... ..... .. ...... .. ....... ....... ... ...... .. ....... 20
Gelidiales ......... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... ........ ... .... .. ............................................... ... .... ....... ................... 42
Copyright © by D .S. LitLler emalial es ... .... .... .. .. .... ....... .... .. .. .. .. ... ....... ........ ..... .. .. .... .. ... ..... ....... ... .. .. ......... ... .. ... .. .... ..... .. ...... 48
B onnelllaisoniales ...... ... ..... ... .. .. ...... ............ ... ... .. ....... ............ .. .... .. ... .. .. .......... ... ... ... ... ......... ...... 66
AII rights reserved. No part of thi s publication may be reproduced, sto red in a retrieval system or Rhodogorgonales .. ........ ...... ... .... .... ....... .. .... .... ..... .. .... .. ..... ..... ... ....... .................................... ..... . 68
transmitted, in any form or by ally means-electrolli c, mechanical, recordillg or otherwi e- Gi galtinales .. .. .. ................................................. .. ... .. .. .. ... ..... ..... .. ... ........ ........ ... .. .. .......... ... .... .. .. 70
without prior writte(] permi ss ion of D.S . Littler except in the case of brief quolations embod ied in HalYllleniales .................................................... .......... .. .. ... .... .. ... .. ....... ........... ............ .... .. .... .. . 100
articl e and reviews. Gracilari ales .. ... .... .... ... .... .. .... .. ..... .. ........... ........... .... ....... ... ... ................................................... 1 10
Rhodymeni ales .......... ..... .. ...... ..... .... ...... ... ... .... .... .... .... .. ........... .... .. .... .. ... ... ... ........ .. .. ...... .. ... ... 120
First publi shed 2000 by OFFSHORE GRAPHICS, INC. Ceramiales ... .. ...... ... ..... ... ... .... ........ .. .. ...... .... ... ... .. ...... .... ... ... ... .. .......... .. ...... ..... ...... ... ...... ... .. .... 140
Firsl Printing April, 2000 P¡'¡AEOI'¡'¡YTA (BROIV ' ALGAE)
K ey 10 lhe Ph aeoph y ta ... .. .... ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. ...... .. .. ... .... .. ................... ....... ..... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. ......... .... 238
Library of Congress Card umber 00-1901 39 EClocarpal es ... .......... ...... ........... ... .... ......... .... ..... .. .... ........ ........................................... .... ... .... . 240
Cataloging Data Chordariales .............................................................................................................. .. .. ........... 244
Sporochnales ... .... ..... .. ... ... ... ........................... ... ... ...... .... .. .............................. ... .............. ......... 246
Littler, Diane Scullion Scytosiphonal es ... ..... .. ......................... .. .. ........ ... ....... .. ... .............. ... ...... ..... ... ........ .................. 246
Caribbean Reef Planls / Diane Scullion Littler, Mark M asterton Littler Sphace larial es .. ... .. ..... .. .... ........ ..... .. ..... .. .... ... .. .. ....... .... .. ... .... ............... .. .. ....... .. .. ... .... ... ........ ... 250
Lnclude bibliographical references and indexo Di cl yol ales ...... .... ........................................................................................................ ...... ... ... 254
ISBN 0-9678901 -0-1 Fucales ......................................................................................................... .. ........................... 280
l . Marine A lgae-Caribbean Area- Identification. 2. Benthos-Caribbean Area- Pictorial CIiLOROPIIYTA (GREEN ALGAE)
Works. 3. Marine Organi sms-Caribbean Area. 4. Marine Biology. Key to lhe Chloroph y ta ............. .. ... .... ............. .. ..... ................................... .. .... ...... ... ... ...... .. .. ......... 292
Tetras poral es ........ ........................ .. ... ...... .... ....... ..... ..... ...................... .......... ... .... ... ... ... .. ... .. ... . 296
1. LitLler, Mark Masterton. n. Tille.
Ul va les ... .. ... ... ...... ... .................... .... ............ .... .............. .. .. ....... ....... .... ... .. .. .. ........ ... .. ...... ... .. .... 298
Cl adophorales ... ..... ....... .. .... ..... .. .......... ............................................. ....................................... 308
Publi shed and di stributed by:
BryopsidaJes ........... ..... ... ... ... .... .. ...... ..... .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .. ....... .... .... ..... ..... ... .... ...... .......... ... .. .. ....... 340
Dasycladales ..... ... ... ... ... ..... .. .. ... .... .. ... .. ..... .. .......... ... ....... ...... ......................... ... ..... ........... ........ 434
P.O. B ox 6139
W AS HI GTON, D.e. 20044-6 139, U.S .A .
Key 10 Lhe Cyanobacleria ................................................................................................................ 447
Chroococcales ............ ....... .. ......... ... .. .. .... .. .. ... .... .. .. ... ....... ..... .... ... ... ... .. ...... ..... .. .... .. ..... .... ... .. .. 448
Prinled in China on acid free paper lhrough:
O cill atoria les ... .. ..... ... .... .. .. .... ....... ... ...... .. ..... .. .. ... ......... .... ...................................................... 450
osloca les ...... ...... ....... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... ... ... ... .. .. ....... .................................................................... 468
K ey l o Ihe M agnoli ophyta .......... .. ........................... ..... ........ ... ...... .... ... .. ...... ... .. ....... .. .... .... .... ... .. .. . 480
H ydroc harilal e ... .. ... ........ ... .. ...... .. ............. ... .... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ...... ... .. .... .............. .. ................ 480
POl alllogelO nales .............. .... ......... ........ ..... .... .... .... ........ ....... ... ... ....... ... .. .......... ....... .. ............. 484
Color producti on by:
ApI'ENDIX: SYNO Y~ I S & NOTES ... .......... ....... ..... ... .. ..... ..... .. ........ .... .......................................................... 486
GLOSSARY ... ... .. .. ... ........ .. ... ..... .... .. .. .. ...... ........ .. .. .... .. .......... ......... .... ... .. .. ....... .. ... ...... .... ... .... ... ...... .. .. .. ... ... 492
1806 T STREET, N .W ., SUITE 250
BIIlLlOGRAI'IIY ... .. .... ....... .. ..... .. .. .... ... .. ...... .. .. .. ........... .. ...... .... .... ... .... ... ..... ... ...... ...... ... .. ..... ... ........ ..... ... ...... 50 1
W AS HINGTON, D .e. 20009 , U .S.A .
I NDEX ........................ ... ...... .... .. ..... .... .. ... ... .. ....... ...... ...... ... ... .... .... .. .. ..... ......... ... .. .. .......... .............. .. .... 527

sub lrate. Addit i nall y, baseline in ventori es of Looe Key Nali onal Marine Sanctu ary (Lini er et al. SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT
1986a) re ulted in substanLi al penalt ies fo r the de lructi on of back-reef habital foll ow ing anolher shi p KEy TO THE PHYLA
grounding, a fi r t fo r damage to eaweed-dominaled communiti es. Some of our more rewarding l . Pl ants with vein-like vascular systems, consi ting of true roots, stems and leave .......... ... ............. ....

Thali~;~··~·i· ~i~~~;·~~~~~i·~;·~y~;~~~~·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. ~~~~~~~~.PI~.~~.~~.~f~.~~~~.>.:.~:.~8~

bi ological inventory and survey programs (conducled for tate and federal agenc ies such as lhe Bu reau
of Land Management. Offi ce of Water Resources Research, State of Hawaii , NOAA, NaLional Park l.
Service, Minerals Management Service) cul minaled in the development of standard large-scale
2 . Thallus often blue-green, gray-green lO blue-gray ; cell eontents appear granul ar, without di stincl
moniloring melhods (Lini er & Lilller 1985, 1987) and lhe con ervation of major coaslal ecosyslems plastids .. ... ....... ... .. .. ... ...... ....... ...... .. .. .... .... ....... ....... .... ...... ... .. .. .......... .... ........ . CYANOIlA CTERlA~ p. 447
(Lini er & Murray 1977, 1978, Lini er 1979, Littl er et al. 1986a, 1987a). 2 . Thallu s nOl blue-green, gray-green 0 1' blue-gray (occas ionall y irideseent when li ving); eell s wlth
In eonducting lhe above-mentioned basic and app li ed researeh, we were astounded to learn how few di stinct pl a tids (pi gmented bodi es) .. .. ........ .. ...... .. .. .... ............ .......... .. .. .... .. .. ........ .. .... ................ ...... 3
of lhe larger pecies have yel been d iscovered and properl y idenli fied from lhe vasl Caribbean reg ion;
3. Thallus red, violel, pink, white- pink 10 bluish-green; red pi gments extract in boiling water; pit
we beli eve th at there are poss ibl y more mac rophyti c spec ie (visible to lhe naked eye) undescribed than eonneetions present between cell s; reproduction by non-motil e eeLls.. .......... .... RHODOPHYTA, p. 12
described. As exa mples, we produced three generic monographs incorporating our ow n ex tensive 3. Th allu generall y pal e 10 dark green or oJ ive to dark brown ; pi gments do nOl ex traet 111 bOllll1g
SCU BA-depth co ll ections (Litll er & Littler 1990a, 199 1, 1992); ajl three of these IreatmelllS more waler; pit connecti ons ab ent between cell s; reprodueti on by Illotil e cell s .... .. .. .. .. .. .......... .... ......... 4
lhan doubled lhe number of known laxa for eacb genus (A nae/yomene, Avrail/ villea , Ve/otea) in the
4. ThaJlus predominately pale to dark green; starch (' tains bl aek with iodine') present in cell s; plants
Cari bbean and lropica l Weslern All antic. Consequenll y, we came lO lhe conc lu ion lhal a selecli ve
often mu ltinucleate or eoenoeytie (without cell wall s) .. .. .. ................ .... ..... .. . CHLOROPHYTA, p. 292
lechnica l manu al was criti ca ll y needed for a broad speclrum of marine in vesLi gators and conserva- 4. Thallus oli ve to dark brown ; stareh absent; ceU s uninucJeate ...... ..... .... .. ........ .... .. . PHAEOPHYTA, p. 238
li onists. We find il slimul ating th al there is Sl ill exc ilin g work to be done: i. e., as re fl ecled by lhe
inclusion of laxa idenlifi ed onl y lO genus or designated as c f. (simi lar tol o
Since produc ing a popular phologuide (Littler el al. 1989a), we ha ve had many requests lO develop
a systematic lreatmelll thal is co mparabl e in its user-fri endl y des ign, bUl would also be more compre-
hensive wilh complete spec imen documenlati on (morphological and analomi ca l), lhu enabling users to
key ami analomicall y verify their identifi cations. Such requesls ha ve eome fro m numerous eoll eagues in
adjaeent area of research (physioJogy, ehemi try, eeo logy, geology/ edim entology) as well as from our
syslemalisl eounterparts.
Thus, Ca ribbean Reef Plall(s, wrinen in language eomprehen ibl e lO any seienti st, prov ides a
dependable source to idenli fy most tropical weSlern All anti c marine pl allls, wi lhout the li ability of
shipping materi als to overcommitted speciali sts for determin ations. In lhi s regard , a major probl em is
the current dearth of appropri ately trained alga l taxonomi sls, a seientifi c group eonsidered by orton
et al. ( 1996) to be "lhe most threatened pecies of all". We trusl lhal the eulmin alion of lhi s 15-year
effor! will begin lO fae ilitale advances in: ( 1) lhe ability 10 identify Caribbean marine pl ants and
document their di stri butions, (2) know ledge of loca l and regional natural pattern of plant bi ocom-
plex ity and (3) understanding lhe proeesses lh at create and mainta in these pattern s in spaee and time.

Thi type of eoral-

dominated Caribbean
reef eOllllllunily is
indiealive of heailhy
condilions. Wilh ils
Illany nook and
crannie , il provides
shelter and prolection
for counlless slllall
fishes. invel1e brates
andal gae.

Aerial view of rieh patch-reef habitats in lhe Belize Barrier Reef Lagoon.

18( 17). Mi croscop ic ca lcified ova ls o r spheres with rod-shaped core on med ull ary fi laments .
[thallus to 16 cm high. white to white-pin k; branchtng deeply lobed] ................ Rellollx/O , p. 68
Key to genera oCRhodophyta 18( 17). Mi croscopic calcified ovals or phere absent fro m medull ary fi laments ............................ .. .. . 19
l. Tha llus calcified [bubb les form when exposed to hydrochloric aci d ( 1% so lllti on)) ..... .. ... ...... ... 2 19( 18). T hallu dark tran lucent brown-red; branches to 1.5(-3.3) cm dia m .............. Liagoropsis, p. 54
l. T hallus uncalcified ..................... .................... .. .................................. ... ... ........ .... ...................... .... 5
19( 18). Thallus white, pin k or pink with whi te halo; branches less than 8 mm di am . .......................... 20
2( 1) . T halllls firm, tOllgh, often rock- hard ........... ................. ...................... ... ... ...................... ... ... ........ 3
20( 19). Thallu s Wilh uni eri ate main ax is [each segment or cell of ma in axis havillg o ne set of ~ h o rl ed
2( 1). Tha llu s mllcilaginoll or gelatinoll ........... ... ... .. ... ... ... ......................................................... .. .. .. ... 17 branchl ets; thallus pink] ......... ... .. ...... .. .......... .. ........ ....... ... ............. ... ................ ... erOl/ama, p.154
3(2). Thall us generall y nOl fl ex ibl e, wi thou t joints ........ ..................................... .................................. 4 20( 19) . Thalllls without lIn iseri ate ax is ... ....... ..... ........................ ...... ........ ... ... ... ................................. ..... 2 I
3(2). T hallu s fl ex ible o r with non-calcifi ed fl ex ible joints in erect branches ................ ... .................. 24
2 1(20). Carpogonial branches terminal on cortica l branchlets [thallus generall y pink wilh white
4(3). Tha llu s crllst- li ke, generally appeari ng as pin k, red or purpl e cement, occa ionall y with ha lo] ................ .. ... ........... ... .............. .. ........ .... ................ ... ... ... ........... ..... ... ........ Tricltogloea , p. 56
thickened erect branche o r knob- li ke projections; calc ifica ti on heavy throughollt ...... .. ....... 29 2 1(20). Carpogoni al branches lateral o n corti cal branchlets [thalllls white o r pink, often with red
4(3) . Thallus pro trate, crust-like, without erect parts; calcifica lio n in basal layers onl y ..... .. ... ... ... 39 tips] ..... ............ ... .... .. .. ... ........ ... ........ ...... ................ ... .. .. .... ... ....... ..... .... ......... .. .. .. .. ............... ... .. .... 22

5( 1). Thallus other !han network of fu ing branchlet ................. .. ...................................................... 6 22(2 1) . Carposporoph ytes with multice llul ar gonimobl ast fi laments de cending alo ng talk ......... .. ...... ..
5( 1). Thallu formed by branchl ets (generally uni seriate) fusing to form mesh-like network ... ... .... 43 ....... .... ............. ...... ............. ... .. ....... .. ... ... ... ................... .. ..... ............ .. ...... ..... . Trichogloeopsis, p. 48
22(2 1). Carposporophytes without multi cellul ar gonimobl ast fil ament descending along stalk .. ... ... .. 23
6(5). Thallus not uni seriate throllgho ut ... ... .. ....... ... .... ........................................................................... 7
6(5). Th allu ole ly uni seri ate, mostl y fi ne fil aments, cortication lac king o r o nl y basal .... .. .... ... ... .. 47 23(22). Carpogoni al branches born on speciali zed (initi all y short) cortical fi laments .. CaT/Ollema, p. 48
23(22). Carpogoni al branches born o n regul ar cortica l fil aments .. .. .. .... ......... ... ..... ............. Liagora, p. 48
7(6). Thallus blade- li ke wi lh in ro lled margins ............................... .. ........ .. ............ .. .. .. ........ .... ........ .. .... 8
7(6). Thallu witho ut inrolled margins ........ ... .......................... .. .... ............. .. .... .... ... .. .......... ... .... .. ..... .. .. 9 24(3). Micro copic calcified oval s or spheres with rod-shaped core present in patches o n surface
[dmllu to 50 cm high, pink-white to brown-red ; branching irregular to altern ate, di stally often
8(7). Blade two cell s thi ck; midrib raised .......... ......... ....... ........................................ .. .. Amallsia, p. 192 unil ateral, not in one pl ane] ...... ................. .. ......................... ... ................ ...... RhodogorgolZ , p. 70
8(7). Blade greater th an two cell s thick; midrib not raised .... ... ... ...... .. ... .. ... .......... Osmlllldaria, p. 222 24(3). Microscopi c calcified ovals or sphere lacking .. .. .. ............. ... ... ... .... .. .. ..... ........ .. ............. .. .. ... .... 25
9(7). Uni seriate main axes corti cated al joints (axes faintl y banded) or corticated in older porlio ns 25(24). Thallus moderately to li ghtly caJcified, tough, often (but not always) with surface hair-like
o r entirely corlicated by one or two layers of small thin -walled cell s .... .. .. ..... .. ................ ... ..... 57 fil aments; apica l depres io n at branch ti ps oflen o bscure ........... ... ............... .. .. ... ................. ..... 26
9(7). Mai n axes other than aboye .......... .. ......... .... .. .... .. .. ... ..... ..... .. .... ........ ... ... .... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ... . 10 25(24). Thallus heavily calcifi ed, hard , tony, brittle; api cal depre sio n absent .. .. .............. .... .............. 27
10(9) . Entire thallus or api ces of thallus as fin e fi laments three cell s in di ameter, with each new 26(25) . SlIrface hai r-like fil ament present, in mosl species common at leasl at base of lhallus ...... ..... ..
segment offset 60° .. ... ....... ................................... .. ...... ... .... ..... .. .. .... .. ... ... .. ...... Asparagopsis, p. 66 .... .. ....... ... .................. ... ... .................. ................... ... ... ... ..... .. .............. .. ................. Calaxal/ra, p. 58
10( 9). Thalllls lacks fil aments three cells in di ameter .... .... ..... ...... .. ....... .. ...... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ... ..... .... .. I I 26(2 5 ). Surface filaments absent .. ...... ... .................... ................. .. .. ...................... .. .. .. .. Tricleocarpa , p. 64
I I (10). Main axes andlor branches sole ly polysipho nous (central and pericentraJ cells of similar 27(25). Thallu s segm ents vari ed in length ; joinls formed fro m more than one rier of cell s; medull a of
length , obvio us in younger branches), tough; ba al rhi zo idal corti eati o n rare .......... .. ...... ... ..... 64 segments with tiers of vari abl e leng th ; conceptacles scallered on surface ......... Amphiroa, p. 20
I I ( 10). Thallu s not as aboye .. ... ... .. .... ........ .. .. .. ...... .. .. ........ .. ... ... .. ........ ... ....... .... .. .. .. .,.. ... .. .. ..... .. ...... ... ..... 12 27 (2 5). Thallus segm ents mo re equal in lenglh; joinls formed from o ne ti er of cells; medllll a of
12( 11 ). Thallu s moslly uni slratose (one cell layer thi ck), thin , delicate ............................................... 70 segments hav ing tier o f lInifonn length; conceptac les terminal or in axi l of developing
12( I 1). Th allu no t uni stratose .... ......................................................................... ..... ..... .. .................. .. ... 13 di cho to my ..... ... ... .. .. ............... ... .. .... ... ......... ...... ..................... .. ... ..... ................ .. .. ... .......... ....... .... 28

13( 12). Thallu s of slender fil aments within muci lagino us gel; texture soft, fl e hy, mucil agino us or 28(27) . Branching primarily pinnate (hav ing consistently oppC1site branchlet ), occas io nall y
gelalino us [if thallus has whili sh cast, re fer to choice # 1 'Thallus calcified ' ) ...... ...... ... ... ... .. ... 77 di cholomo us or irregul ar at apices ...... ..... ......... ................... ..................... ... ....... HaliptilolZ, p. 26
13( 12). Thallus not solely of slender fil ament within mucil ag inou gel; tex ture fi rmer ...................... 14 28(27) . Branching primarily di choto moll s, occas ionall y irregul ar ......... .. ........ .......... .. .. ... ...... }alliLl, p. 30

14(13). Thallus hav ing thin but firm cortex surrounding mucil aginous gel-fill ed interio r; fi ne, parse, 29(4). Thallu s as thin crust, generall y less than 5(- 10) cell s thi ck, rare ly lo I mm thi ck ........... ..... . 30
internaJ fil aments when present u uall y lran ver e .. .. ............ .. .......... ............ ... ... .... ...... .. .. .... .. .. 8 I 29(4) . Thallu s as thi ck massive crust, some gen<!ra with stout uprig hts .......... .. ....... ............ .. .... .......... 33
14( 13). Thallus nOl having lhin cortex surrounding mucil agino us interio r; interi or fil aments if presenl 30 (29). Middle cell s of crust verti call y elongated; lateral pit connecti ons cO ffim on .. Titanoderllla, p. 40
mosll y longitudinal ... ...... .. .. ....... .................................................... .................. .. ... ... ..... ..... ... .. ..... 15 30 (29). Cell elongating hori zontall y; lateral pit conneclio ns absent .... ....... .. .. .. ................... ................ 3 I
l 5( 14). Thallus [firm , tough] with polysiphono us core (central and peri centra I cell s of simil ar lengdl ,
3 1(3 0 ). Crusts found exclusively o n Challlaedoris sta lk s .............. .. .. .. .............. ......... .. .. .. . Fosliella, p. 24
obvious in younger branches), often but not alway widl terminal tufts of hair-like fil aments 3 1(30). Crusts found on various substrates, nol restricled to stalks of Chamaedoris .. .. ........................ 32
on bl anche o r branchlets ...... .. ...... ... .. .. ..... .. ....... ... ............... ... ... ............. ........ ... ....... .. ... ... .. .... .... 96
15( 14). ThaJ lu without obvious polys ipho nous core, wilhout tenninal hair-like fil aments .... ... .... ..... 16 32(3 1). Cru sts di fferentiating fro m four-celled tructure (apparent in younger crusts) ............. ... ........... ..
........ ... ... .. ..... .... ... ... ....... ................. .. .... ..... ..... .................................. .. Hydrolitl/OII (in part), p. 28
16( 15). Thallus formed by cells of imil ar size (surface cell s may vary); some genera with intern aJ,
32(3 1). Crll sts differenti ating from eight-celled strllcture ...... ........................ .. ........... PlleophyllulIl, p. 38
th ick-wa lled, lender fi lament (rhi zines) intermi xed widl intern al cell ; most thalli toug h, wiry
[cy lindri ca l or with lo ng narrow fl at bl ades arisin g from prostrate runners] ....... ......... ......... .. 104 33(29) . Tetrasporangial conceptacles or sori with mllltiple pores ................. ........... .......... .. .. ............. ... 34
16( 15). T hallus not composed of sim ilar-sized ce lls; most thalli thi ck, leathery ............ ... ..... ......... ... 108 33(29). Tetra porangial conceptac les wilh single pore .................... ........ .. .. ........................................... 36
17(2). Thallus of slick, 50ft, nat blade [pink, chalky gray-white when dried] ........ . TitallopllOra , p. 92 34(33). Tetrasporangia lrreglll arly cruciate, formed in multi -chambered sori ............ .. Sporolitholl , p. 42
17(2). Thallu of cy lindri cal o r hghtl y fl attened branches .. .. ... .. ................. .. .... .. .......... ... ... ............. ... 18 34(33). Tetrasporangia zonately di vided, fo rmed in single-chambered conceptacle ...................... ..... . 35

35(34) . Thallu lower layers dominanl (hYPolhall us coax ial), forming one-half lO two-lhirds of lhallus 54(53). Main axe 150-625!-Lm diam ....................................... .. ... .... ... ................. Pleollosporillll/., p. 158
thickness ............ ....... ... ........ .......................... .. ...... .. ........................................ Mesophylllllll , p. 34 54(53). Mai n axes 20-50 ¡.tm diam. [mo tly epiphytic on Codium] ... .................... .. ... Tiffalliella , p. 166
35(34) . Thalllls lower layer 01' layers thin (hYPolhallus noncoaxial), most of thalllls thickness fonned
by middle tissue (perithalllls) arching IIp fro m thin lower layer ........ .......... Li/ho/hamllioll, p. 34 55(53). Mai n axes 13-24 !-Lm diam. [fou nd a hort fuzz on mangrove prop roots] ...... Lejolisia, p. 158
55(53). Main axes 40-230 !-Lm diam .. ................................ .. .............. .. .. .. .... .... ................................. 56
36(33). Trichocyte absent ................................ .......................................................... Lithophyllum, p. 34
36(33). Trichocytes (exceedingly large, often hair prodllcing cells) pre enl .. .. ............ .. ....................... 37 56(55). Sporangia lateral and sess il e (w ithout stalk) on branches ..................... .. .. Aglao/hamllioll, p. 140
56(55). Sporangia termina l on branches ........ .. .. .. .................. .... ... .. .. ................. Compsothamllioll, p. 152
37(36). Trichocytes in hori zontal gro ups .................... .. .................................................. Porolit/w/l., p. 38
37(36). Trichocytes scattered as individual cells .... .... ................... .. .. .. ........... .. ............ .............. .. ...... .... . 38 57(9). Cortication thinl y covering all axes .............. ..... ................................... ............ ...... .. ...... .. ......... 58
57(9). Cortication onl y at joint of thallus or branchlels, occasionall y complete in o lder portions .. 59
38(37). Lower layer (hypothalllls) one cell thick .. .. .. ........................ .. ......... HydrolitluJ/l. (in part), p. 28
38(37). Lower layer (hypothallus) more than one cell thick .. .... .. .. .. .......... ...... .. ... Neogolliolilholl, p. 36 58(57). Cortical cells rectangul ar, in longitudinal rows .......... .. ........... .. .... ........ ... ....... Celltroceras, p. 144
58(57). Cortical cells spherical to oval, not in longitudinal rows ................. Ceralllium (in part), p. 146
39(4). Both basal (descending) and surface (ascending) layers developing from large horizontally
spreading central fi laments .......................................................... ... .. .. ............... .. .. .. .. E/helia, p. 84 59(57). Cortication complete in main axes with bands of short wider cells alternati ng with long
39(4) . thinner cells; corticati on in branchlets lim ited to joints ............. .. ...... .. .. .. ........... Spyridia, p. 162
Swface layers ascending from horizontall y spreading basal layer ....................................... ...... 40
59(57). Cortication nol as aboye ............................................................... ....... .. ........... ..... ..................... 60
40(39). Basal layer with distinct large-ceLled uni seriate (s in gle row) veins (35-42 11m diam .) alternately
60(59). Corticating cells at joint only .......................................................... Ceramilllll (in part), p. 146
branching from every cell [when decalcified, small groups of surface cells remain connected
60(59). Corticatin g cells as rhi zo id-li ke fil aments origin ating fro m lowermost cell of lateral branchlets
and form clusters of erect fil aments] ...... .. ... ................................................. Erythrodermis, p. 84
... .. .......... ...... ............. ....................................................................... .... .... ........ .... .. ... .. .. .... .... ........ 61
40(39). Basal layer lacking large-cell ed lIni seriate veins ................................. ... ..................................... 41
6 1(60). Basal portions sllrrounded by free rhi zo ids (not c1inging to central ax"i ); thallus producing
41 (40). Surface cells mixture of large ( 12-25 11m diam.) and small (6- 10 11m diam. ) cell ......... ............ ..
seirosporangia (spore produced in chain-like seri es) ....................................... Seirospora, p. 162
............................. .... ... ... ... ................................................................ ... .......... .. Haematocelis, p. 86 6 1(60). Rhi zoids nOI as aboye; thallus prodllcing tetrasporangia ...... ....... .. ............................................. 62
41(40). Surface cells of uniform small size .. .. ...... .. ....... ........................................................................... 42
62(6 1). Main axes to 60 !-Lm diam .......................................... .. ............ .. ............................ Balliella, p. 144
42( 4 1). Basal ceLl layer in di stinct fan-s haped arrangement ............................................ Crlloriella, p. 84 62(61 ). Main axes greater than 60 11m diam ....... ...... ..... ......... ........ .... ..................................................... 63
42(4 1). Basal ceU layer more parall el, not in fan -shaped arrangement ... .. ... .. .. .......... Peyssollllelia, p. 86
63(62). Tetrasporangia less than 60 !-Lm diam., termi nal on branchlets; involucral fi laments absent ...... .
43(5). Soli d membrane of blade interrll pted with net-like zones or bands .. Martellsia (in part), p. 186 ...... ......... .... .. ....... ... ... ............... ... ... ... .. .......... ............ ......... .. ................... COlllpsothamllioll, p. 152
43(5). Tha.llus not as aboye ..... .................... .. ........... .................................. .. .. ........ ...................... .......... 44 63(62). Tetrasporangia greater than 60 ¡.ull diam. , forming near joints, surrounded by conspicuou s
44(43). Thallus differenti ated into central supporting axes encircled by branchl ets forming delicate incurved in volucral fi laments .......................... .. ................................................. Wrallgelia , p. 166
network .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .... ................. ................................. .. .. ..... ... .. .. ...... ... ........................................ .. 45 64( I 1). Restricted to lIpper intertidal habitat ; apical fi laments (trichoblasts) lacki ng .. ............... .. ..... .. ...
44(43). Th allus undifferenti ated, solely network of fi laments ................... .. .. .. ........... ......... ...... ............ 46 ............................................................................................................ Bostrychia (in part), p. 192
45(44). Branchlet fu ing to fo rm spiraling mesh-like blades around supporting ax is ... DictyllrtlS , p. 178 64(1 1). Not solely intertidal ; so me sort of apical filaments at least occasionall y present ................... 65
45(44). Branchlets fusing lO form loose mesh-like net (often and fi lled) arollnd supporting axis .......... 65(64). Prostrate 01' main axes with upturned apices; branches often arising verticall y from major
........ .. .. .... ..... ... .. ...... .. .. .. ... .... ... ... ... .. ........... .. ..... .... .... ..................................... ..... ... Tlzllretia, p. 182 pros trate axes .... ....... ... .. ....... ... .. .... .... .. ....... .. ...... ... ... ... ..... .. .. .. ... ....... ........ .... ........ ... ... ............... .. . 66
65(64) . Prostrate or main axes generally without uptllrned apices; branches simil ar lO di tal
46(44). Thallus as delicate clump of interlocking fil aments ............ ......... .. ............... Halydictyoll , p. 178
branches or sim ilar throughout .............................. .. .................................... .. .............................. 67
46(44). Thallus as tufts or clumps of mes h-like blades ................ ...... ......... .. .. .. ......... Haloplegma , p. 158
66(65). Vertical branches with unil ateral cre t of fi laments ................................ Lopltosiphollia , p. 220
47(6). Largest axial cells greater than 250 11m diam . ...... ........... .. .. ........... .. ..... ................ ............. ...... .. 48
66(65). Vertical branches with terminal tufts or piraling filanlents ..................... Herposiphollia, p. 206
47(6). Largest ax ial cells less than 250 11m di am .................... .. .... .. .. .. .. .................. .. ....... ............. .... ..... 49
67(65). Tetrasporangia in swollen branches ............................. .. ................................ Polysiphollia, p. 224
48(47). Most ceLl s cy Lindrical, apical and subapical cells spherical; letrasporangia conspicuollsly
67 (65). Tetrasporangia in speciali zed structures ..... .. .. ... ............. .. ..... .. ............. .. ... ...... ...... .. .. .................. 68
stalked ......... .. ...... .. .. ... ............................................................................... ....... Allotrichillm, p. 142
48(47). Most cell swollen to spherical (moniliform, bead-like); tetrasporangia sessile or 68 (67). Filaments not consistently forming at every joint ... ............................. . Dipterosiphollia, p. 206
inconspicuously stalked .......... ... .. .. ..... ...... .. ... ........................ ...... .. ... .................. Griffithsia, p. 156 68(67). Fi laments consistently fo rming at every joint [filaments deeply pigmented] .......................... 69
49(47). Gland cells presenl ............... :... ......... ... ........ .. ..... ................. .......... ............... .. ... .. ............. ........... 50 69(68). ~Thallus lax, to 10 cm hi gh; lateral fil aments to 2 mm long; tetrasporangial structure at first
49(47). Gl and cells absent or seldom present .. ....... ... ........................ ..... ... .. ........................... ... .............. . 5 I dichotomy of lIniseriate fijamenr; tetrasporangia in spifal seri es .. .. ........ .. .. Lophocladia, p. 218
69(68) . Thallus stiffer, often rurf-like, to 5 cm hi gh; lateral filaments less than 1.5 mm long;
50(49). Gland cells covering or in contact with only one vegetati ve cell ......... Alltithamllion.ella, p. 142 tetrasporangial structures on multiseriate (several cells in diameter) stalks; tetrasporangia
50(49). Gland celJ covering or in contact with 2-3 vegetative cells ......... .. ........... Alltitlzal/lllioll, p. 142 whorled ................. ... ......... .... ............................................................................. Murrayella , p. 222
5 I (49). Branching main ly opposite to unil ateral, rarely altern ate or absent ................. .. .. ... ................. 52 70( 12). Thallus with midrib .. ........................................................ .. ........ .... .. .. ...... ...... ........... .. .. .. .......... .. . 71
5 I (49). Branching alternate, appearing dichotomous or rarely unilateral ........ ............... .. ..... ...... ......... 53 70( 12). ThaLlus without midrib ......................... ....... ............. ... .. .. .............................. ... ...... .. ........ ... ....... .. 74
52(5 1). Stolon cell having upright fi lamenls developing from one end and rhi zo ids descending from 71 (70). New blades never arisi ng fromm idrib ...... .. .. ....... ...... .. ........ .. ... ............. Brallchioglosslll1l , p. 182
opposite e nd ..................................... .. ..................................................... Spermotlzamllioll, p. 162 7 1(7 0). New blades oFten arisi ng from midribs .. ...... ................ .. .................... .. ........ ......... .. ............ ...... ... 72
52(5 1). Stolon cells having upri ght fi lanlenlS and descending rhizoid opposite one another al
mid-cell ............ ................. ................... .............. ..................... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ....... Ptilothal1lllioll, p. 160 72(71). Lateral vei ns from midrib to margin present (noticeable in lower blade) ..... ApoglosSlll1l, p. 182
72(7 1). Lateral veins absent ..... ..... ..... ........... .... ... .. .. .... ... .. ... ..... ..... ............ .... .... .... ............ ... .. .. .. .... .. ..... .. 73
53(5 1). Thallus producing pol ysporangia, rarely tetrasporangia ..................... .. ... .. ................................ 54
73(72). Main branching pseudodi chotomous, secondary branching from midrib; apices generall y forked;
53(5 1). Thallus produci ng onl y tetrasporangia .............................. .. ................. .. ..................................... 55
thallll inconspicuolls, dark pllrple-red ro brown, mostl y intertidal ................. Caloglossa, p. 184
73(72). Main branching from midrib; apices pointed or rounded, not forked ; thallus li ghl transparent
pink, red or yell ow-green, mostl y subtidal, oFten in deeper waters ............ Hypo~losS1l11l , p. 184

74(70). Blade membrane interrupted w ith net-like zones 0 1' bands ... ........... Mar/elisia (in part), p. 186 90(87). Limited to upper illlerúdal zone; branches of elongated, flattened ro cy lindri ca l egmel1ls
74(70). Blade conti nuous solid membrane ..... ... ............ .. ............................................. .... .............. ... ....... 75 with lhin narrowl y pinched or consrricted area belween segment [tough and wiry when
75(74). Growth by means of ing le transversely dividing apical cell ; margino undul ating wi th obviou exposed lO air for long periods] ............ ............................................................. Ca/elle/la , p. 70
macroscopic teeth .............. .... .......... ................ ........ ...... .... ....... .. ......... ............. ... Calloseris, p.184 90(87). Ol li miled to inlerlidal zone; branches not of elongaled segment ...................................... 9 1
75(74). Growth by means of zone of iniúal di viding obl iquely; l11argins smooth or with micro cop ic 9 1(90). Tetrasporangia zonately divided; branche often sli ghtly constricted at base ....................... 92
teeth ................................................. ...... ............ .. ...................................... ................ .................. 76 9 1(90). Tetrasporangia cruciately divided ; branches genera ll y not constricted at base ...................... 94
76(75). Carposporangia terminal ....... .. .................. .. ..... ..... .... .... ... .. .......... .... .............. Nitophy/lum , p. J88 92(91). Thallus blades flal , lhin (300-650 11m thick), with repeatedly dicholOmous branching .......... .
76(75). Carposporangia in cha ins ......... .. ............ ....... ......... ... ......... .. ... ... .. .... .. .. ... .. ... Myriogramm e, p. 188 .. ............ ................................. ....... ... ............................. ... .. ...... ... Sarcodiolheca (in part), p. 98
77( 13) . T hallus rad ialJ y 0 1' irregul arl y branched, occas iona ll y lobed, generally opaque pink; tex ture 92(9 1). Thallus blades cy lindrica l or lhi ck ly (greater lhan 1 111m) fl attened, branching other than
mucilaginous (gooey) .. ... ....... ......... .. .. .... ............. .. ... ......... .... .. .. ....... .. ................ ... .. ........... .. ... .... . 78 repeatedly dichotomous .............................. .. ........ ..... .. .... ... ......... .. ...... .. ................................... 93
77( 13). Thallu thick, lobed or di chotomou sly branched. generall y dark translucent red; tex nt re 93(92). Cystocarps common, 0.5-1 .0 ml11 diam., forming surface bulge .............. .. ........ Solieria, p. 98
gelati nous ... .................... ................. .. ..... .............. ... .. ... ............. ........ ............. ............. .. .... ...... .... .. 79 93(92). Cystocarps nOl a COl11mon, 1-2 mm diam., sunken in branch .... Agardhiella (in part), p. 94
78(77). Carpogoni al branches wi lh short lateral branchlets, wilh fus ion between fertili zed 94(9 1). Thallus either sl11all and peltate or a large thin perforated heets; carpogonia and auxi li ary
carpogonium and cell s of laterals; cortical fi lamellls con istently radiating laterally in cell s borne on specialized tilamenlOu structures ........................................... Kallymellia, p. 78
di únct whorl s from l11iddle of each central fi lamelll cell .................... .. .. .. Acrosymphyloll, p. 74 94(91 ). Th allus neither peltate nor as large thin perforated sheets; carpogoni a and auxili ary cell s
78(77). Carpogon ial branches without hort lateral branchlet , wi th ferti li zed carpogonium fusing not borne on pecialized fi lamentou tructures ................ .. .............................................. .. .... 95
with cell s 3-5 of carpogoni al branch; cortical filamellls not consistently radiating
in whorls from middle of each central filament cell ...................... ...... ............ Dudresllaya, p. 74 95(94). Thallus so ft but fl e hy, cartil aginous; cortex 4-6 cell s thick, anticlinal nature (oulward ly
growing, chain -like fa hion) obviou ; tetra porangia in patches or small groups ........ .. .. ...... .. ..
79(77). Gland cell s commonly present; corti ca l fi laments unil atera ll y dichotomously branched ; outer ................................... ........ .......... ............................................. .................... . Grateloupia, p. 102
cell of cortical filaments spherical ...... ...... ........................................ ...... .. .. ..... Nemastoma , p. 82 95(94). Thalllls soft, deli cate. gelatinous; cortex 2-3(-4) cells thi ck, an li c linal nature not as obviolls;
79(77). Gland ce ll s genera ll y ab elll; corti ca l fi laments dichotomously branched; outer cell s of corti ca l tetra porangia scattered ................................ .. .. .. ........ ...... .... ...... ... HalYlllellia (in part), p. 104
fil aments cy lindrica l ................ ..... .... ... ... .. ... ... .. .............. .... ... ........ ......... ..... ... .... ............. ......... ... 80
96( 15) . Thallus restricted to upper intertida l habitats, dor iventrall y organi zed ; api ca l fil aments
80(79) . Thallus often wi lh orange-yellow iridescent tips; apices bluntly rounded; med ull ary fil aments lacking .................... .... ............ ......................................................... Bostrychia (in part), p. 192
2-3 ~lm diam ............................................. .. .................................. ...... ...................... Predaea , p. 82 96( 15) . Thallus not solely inrertidal, nOl dorsiventrally organi zed; apical fila menl often present.. 97
80(79) . Thallus without orange-yell ow iridescent tips; apices bluntly pointed; medullary filament s
8- 14 11m diam ............................. .. ...................... .. ........ .................. ................ ........ Platollla , p. 92 97(96). Axes or apices covered with decidllou (oon droppi ng off), nonpi gmented filament
(trichoblasts) ................................................. ..... .. ............. ........ ... ......... ...... .... ....... .... ........ ....... 98
8 1( 14). Thallu or blades filled with mucilaginous gel. without internal filaments or with filaments 97(96). Axes covered wi th fairly persistent. deeply piglllented filalllents (ramelli) ........................ 102
restricted to base, stalk or older portion of blade ................................ .. .. ................................. 82
8 1( 14). Thallus 0 1' blades with sparse internal tilamellls within mucilaginous gel ...... .. ...... .. .................. 87 98(97). Branchlers peg-like or spi ndle-shaped ............ .. ....................................................................... 99
98(97). Branchlet spi ne- or spike- like ............................................................ .. .. .... .......... ...... .......... 100
82(8 1). Thallus with tough wiry stalk and bulbous or flallened bulbous blades ......... Bo/ryoc/lldia, p. 128
82(8 1). Thallus wi thout bulbous blades on wi ry stalk .................... .. ................ ............ .............. .............. 83 99(98). Ultimate branclle genera ll y (bllt nOl always) constri cted at ba e; apices ei ther with temlinal
pit 0 1' pointed ; tetrasporangia forming from pericenlral cell s; spermatang ia formed in
83(82). Thallus with intermittent partitions (septa) .......... .. ............................ .. .. ..... ......... .. .... ........... .... 84 ex posed sori .................................. .... ......................................... : ...................... CllOlldria, p. 196
83(82). Thallus central cav ity continu ous, without intermittent partiti ons ................ .. ........................ 85 99(98). Ultimate branches generall y not constricted at base; apical cell alway sunken in terminal
84(83). Partili on evenl y spaced form in g barrel-shaped 0 1' cy lindrical segment ; branching oppos ite, pit; tetra poranoia not forming from pericentral cell s; spermatangia in sori sunken in
whorled or irregular .................. ........ .................................................................... C/wmpia, p. 120 terminal pit .... ~ ...................................................... ......................................... Lourencia, p. 210
84(83). Partition onl y at ba e of branches; branching genera ll y di chotomous ....... Coelarl/¡rum , p. 136 100(98). Branchl ets stiff, lOllgh, simple (not branching), cy lindrical, from sparse to crowded .............. .
85(83). Thallus soft, delicate, to 30 cm high; branches cy lindri ca l or fl anened, 2-12 mm wide ............ . .................................................................... .. .. ..... .............. ...... ..... ....... ..... ......... .. Digellea, p. 204
........... .. ....... ..... ....... .. .... ..... ............... .. ... .. .... .. ... .. ...... .............. ...... .................. C/¡rysymellia , p. 132 100(98) . Branchl ets sp ine- like, abundant, short, tOllgh, wi th wide base. pointed apex ...................... 101
85(83) . Thallus turf-like, tangled, generally less th an 7 cm high; branches cy lindri ca l, to 1.5 ml11 diam. 10 1(100). Branchlet arranged in lhree vertical rows, creating tri angul ar branches .................................. .
.................... ............... ............ ... .... ........ ... .... .. .. .. ...... ......................... .. ... ......................... .............. 86 .... .. ....... ... ... ... ... .. .... .... .. .... .. .... ..... ..... ...... .... .. .. ... .................... ............... .. .... Bryolhal1llliol/. , p. 196
86(85). Thallus 3-7 cm hi gh, pale maroon-red to purple-pink ; cortex 2-3 cell s thi ck ...... .. ............ ...... .. 101 ( 100). Branch lets not in vertica l rows but scattered randomly, occasionall y radial ............................ .
...... ... .................... ....... .... .. .. .. ...... ...... ........ ..... ...... ...................... ....................... Lomell/aria, p. 126 ........ .. ... .... ..... ........ ................................................................................... .. Acalllhophora , p. 190 .
86(85). Thallus to 3 cm hi gh, bri ght iridescel1l blue; cortex 4-6 cell s rhick ............ ... Coelol/¡rix, p. 136 102(97 ). Lateral filament alternate ly branched; basa l cell s of latera l fil ament branchlets uniqlle ly
87(8 1). Branches with repeared dichoromous branching ............................................ .. .................. .. ....... 88 shoIt; tetrasporangia in spiral serie on main branch of til ament ................ Wrightiella , p. 234
87(8 1). Branche wirhout repeated dichotomous branching .... .. ................................ .. .............. .. ........... 90 102(97). Lateral filam ents Ill ainl y di chotomollsly branched; basal cel!. oC lateral fil ament branches
not hort; tetrasporangia whorled in true stichiclia (developin g from uni seriate til ament) .. 103
88(87). Thallu cortex two cell s thi ck, delicate; subsurface cell s small. tear-shaped ; long itudinal
medu ll ary filament in loose centra l bundle of 6-50 strands [vaguel y apparent when th allus 103( 102). Fi laments mostJ y alternate on every second segment; letrasporangia almost compl etely
he ld 10 li ght] ............................................................................................ .... .............. Scillaia, p. 62 covered by protective cell .. ...... ........ .......................................... .......... .. Helerosiphollia, p. 178
88(87). Thallus cortex 1-7 cell s thick; cortica l cells decreasing in size toward surface; l11edullary 103 ( 102). Filaments radially an'an ged; tetrasporangia exposed at surface of tichidia ....... Dasya , p. 168
fi lamen ts canered, tangled .... ...... ...... .... ............ .... ........................ ............ ... ............... .... .. ... ...... 89
104( 16). Growlh iniliated by one apical cell at tip of branch .................................................... ...... .... 105
89(88). Gland cell pre ent at inter ection of medullary fi laments; surface cell s pherical: branching 104( 16). Growth initialed by two apica l cell s or series of cell s al tip of branch ................................. 107
strict ly dichotomou ............................................................................................ Sebdenia, p. 108
105( 104). Rhi zines absent ........................ .. ...................... .. ................................................. Gelidiella, p. 46
89(88). Gland cells absent; surface cell s radia ll y elongated; branching somewhat unilaterally
105( 104). Rhi zi nes present (s 111 a 11 dark slaining, thi ck-walled filament intemlixed with medllllary
dichotomous .......................................... .. .............................. .. .......... Halymellia (in part), p. 104
cell ) ............ ...... ................................................ ................................. ..................................... 106

I 06( 105 ). Blade 10 2 mm wide; tetrasporangia 18-25 ¡.1m diam.; cyslocarps with one chamber .. ... ..... .. 123( 122). Large medull ary cells often inlersper ed with lhin-wa lled small er cells; blades oflen
.. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... ............... ........... ....... .... ... .. ..... ........ .. .. .. .. ....... .. ... .......... ........... .. PterocladieLla , p. 42 fu sing to adj acent blades .................................... .. ....................................... Agardhillllla, p. 128
I 06( I 05). Blades 10 I mm wide; tetrasporangi a 25-45 !1m diam.; cysLOcarps with IWO chambers each .. 12 3( 122). AII medullary cell large, grading smaller loward surface; blades nol fu ing .... .. .... .. .... ...... .. 124
..... ..... ....... ... .... ... ..... .. ... .. ... ................ .......... ............ ... ................. ... .. .... ........ .... .. . Gelidilllll, p. 42 124( 123). Surface cell oflen compressed, slighll y fl attened; auxiliary cell of reproducti ve structure
I 07( I04) . Cells of cenU'al medull a thick-walled, ti ghtly packed, fonning angul ar walls in transver e pre ent .......... .... ........ ..... ... .. ..... ............... ... .. .. ............... .. ... ... .............. ... .. .... Rhodylllellia , p. 138
section; letrasporangia zonalely divided ....... .... .... .. .. ... ................ .......... Wllrdelllallllia , p. 100 124( 123). Surface cell eldom compressed or flattened. mos! often pherica l or elongated outward;
I 07( I 04). Cells of central medulla thin-wall ed, not tightly packed , circular in transverse ection ; auxiliary cells absen! ... ... ............... ..... ... .. .......... ... ... ...... .. .... .. ... ........... ; ......... .................... ..... 125
tetrasporangia tetrahedrall y divided ... ..... ... .. ... ...... ...... ... ........ .. ........ ... .. ..... .. Gelidiopsis, p. 124 125( 124). Thallu tangled, bushy, lippery; cylindrical branche 0.5-2.0 mm ' am.; wart- li ke
I 08 ( 16). Thall us fimi , cartilagi nous, cylindrica ll y club-shaped, rare ly branched, tapering toward base cy tocarps 0.5-2.0 mm diam. ; carposporophyte witl10ut trabecu fil aments radiati ng
to slender stipe ... ..... .... .... ............ .. .. .. .... .. ..... ...... .. .... .... .. ................ .. ........ Coryllolllorpha, p. 72 between gonimob last and pericarp) .... .. .. ........ .. ........ ........ .. ............ .. .. ...... Gracilariopsis, p. 118
108( 16). Thallus other than aboye ... .... .. .. .......... .. .. .... ... ... ... .. .... ........... .. ..... ...... ...... .... .. .. ....... .......... .. . 109 125 ( 124). Tha llus genera ll y no! as aboye; carposporophytes witl1 trabecu lae .................. ...................... ..
.......... ................. ...... ............................ ... ................... .. .. ... :............. Gracilaria (in part), p. 110
I 09( 108). Thallus with many tightl y packed central longitudinal fil aments surrounded by large
medullary cell or mucilaginous gel (longitudinal fil aments generall y filling most pace)
and tl1ick cortex; mOSI lhalli fleshy .......... ............. ... .. ... ......... .. ......... ..... .. .. .. ..... ... ....... ..... .... I 10
I 09( I 08 ). Thallus with or wilhoUI 1-2 central filament , olher cells dramaticall y decreasing in size
toward cortex; most thaUi thi ck, leathery ... ..... ............................. ....................................... I 18
11 0 ( 109). Thallu havi ng wide, flat , strap-shaped or rounded blades .... .... .... ............ .. .. .. .. .......... ... .... .. II 1
110( 109). Thallu havi ng tl1icker, fleshy, oflen cyLindrical or li ghtly flattened blades or branches .. I 14
I I 1( 1 10). Thallus to 4 cm hi gh, fan-shaped when young, pseudopeltate (offset parasol) or irregular
when mature .. .. ...... .. .. .... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ... ... .... ... .... ........ .... .......... .... ........... ..... .... Flahallltia , p. 96
I I I (1 10). Thallus to 35 cm hi gh; branching di chotomous, opposite, irregular or palmate ...... .... ..... . I 12
I 12( I 11). Branching di choLOmous, palmate to irregular .... .......................... Agardhiella (in pa rt), p. 94
I 12( I I 1). Branching opposite to irregular ... .. .. ... ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. .... ........ ..................... .... ........ ....... ... ... .. ... . 11 3
11 3( 11 2). Thallus 1- 10(-15) cm hi gh, deep bright red; midrib often pre ent at least near base; medu ll a
of tightly packed mosll y longitudinal fi laments ....... .... ... .................. ..... . Cryptollelllia, p. 100
11 3( 11 2) . Thallu 7- L5 cm high, ro e red to dull purple; midrib absent; medulla mucilaginous
with scattered fi lament ... .. ... .......................... ...................... ... Sarcodiotheca (in part), p. 98
I 14( II O). Thallus often with pine- or spur-like branchlets ... .. .... .. .. ... ... .. .. ....... .. ...... .. .......... ... .... ....... l IS
I 14( I 10). Thallus witl10ut spine- or spur-like branchlets .. .. .. .. ......... ........ .. ...... ..... .. .. .. .. .. ........... .......... I 17
I 15 ( I 14). Axe compressed, flattened ... .... .... ... ............... .......................... ............. ... ...... Meristiella, p. 96
I 15( I 14). Axes cylindri cal .............................................................. .. .... .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................... I 16
116( 11 5). Medulla of large cells surround ing central core of slender, thick-wall ed.longitudi nal
filaments ; base of branchlets not compres ed .. .. .. .......... .. ................ ...... ........ Ellchellllla, p. 94
116( 115 ). Medulla of mucilaginou gel containing sparsely arranged longitudinal and transverse
filaments; base of branchlets often slightly compre ed .. .. .... ...... Agardhiella (in part), p. 94
117 ( 114). Axes cylindrical .......... .. ...... ............ ........ .. .... ........................................................ Solieria, p. 98
117 ( 1 14). Axe compres ed, fl attened ...................... ... .... ......................... Sarcodiotheca (in part), p. 98
11 8(\ 09). Thallus generall y peltale; medulla mostly 2-3 cells tl1i ck; cortex of 2-3 small cells scattered
in outer gelatinou layer ...... ...... ...... .. ........ .. ...... .. .............................. .. ...... . Asteromellia, p. 128
1 18( 109). Thallus not peltate; medu ll a generall y greater than 2-3 cells tl1ick; cortical cells not
cattered in outer gelati nou layer .. .. ........ .... ................ ...... .............. .. .............. ........ ............ 1 19
119( 11 8) . Thallu iridescent bright blue, red or purple; medullary cells surrounding two prominent
longitudinal central filaments; cortex of tightly packed spheri cal cell in radial chains 5- 10
cells long ...... .... .. .... ... .. ........ .... ... ... ...................... ........ .... ....... .............. ......... .... . Ochtodes, p. 90
119( 11 8). Thallus not as aboye .............. .. .. .... ........................................ .. .... ...... ...... .... .......................... 120
120( 11 9). Axe cylindri cal with short spur-like branchlets [one species with hooked branch tip 1 ... 12 1
120( 1 19) . Axes without spur-like branchlets .. .... ................................................................................... 122
121 ( 120). Central fi lan1ent in transver e section obvious ...... .. ........................................... Hypllea, p. 76
12 1( 120). Central filament in tran sver e ection ab ent .......... .... ...... ...... .... Gracilaria (in part), p. 110 Caslle- li ke Slrucrures built by lhe c hilo n CllOlleplax lata. By alte Iing the meri te matic g rowth
of lhe coralline a lga Porolitiloll pacilyderl1lul1l (cf. Linie r & Littler I 999a). lhe c hilo n inc rease
122( 120). Thallus mortled pale straw-ye ll ow to red-brown, often with metalli c gold-copper urface lhe bio mass , vo lume and surface area of lhe corall ine (see pp. 38 & 39).
sheen; surface cells genera 11 Y tear-drop shaped .......... .. .... .. .. ........ ............. Hydroplllltia, p. 118
122( 120). Thallus color not mottled; surface cells genera ll y spherical , flattened or sli ghtly irregular ....
20 RlloDol' HnA RI-IODOPIIYTA 21

F AMILY CORALLINACEAE Di amo nd Rock. M rutin iqu e,
Key to species of Alllphiroa o ne o r lhe fi che t alga l siles
l . Mature branches generall y fl attened, greater lh an 2 mm wide ................................ .. .. .. ...................... 2 in lhe Caribbea n ( ee Lini e r
l . Mature branches cylindrical or sli ghtl y flattened. les lhan 2 mm diam ....... ... .. ........ ...... .. .............. .. . 3 el a l. 1993 fo r additi o na l
2. Matllre branche 2-4 mm wicle, Wilh raisecl cel1ler vein ; branching whorl ecl .. .. ...... ... A. tribulus, p. 24 eco logicaJ info rmati o n).
2. Mature branches to I cm wicle, Wilho ut di stinct cel1ler vein : branching irregul ar or cli chotom ous .....
... .. ... .. .. ... ......... ... ... .. ....... .......... ....... .. ... ... ... ............... .... ....... .. .. .. ... ... ... ..... .... .. .... ... ... .. A. hal/cockii, p. 22
3 . Branches cy linclri ca l throug hout ...... .. ....... .. ........ ... ...................... ....................... ....... .. ................... ...... 4
3. Branches wilh ome portion fl attenecl or compressed .. .... .. .......... .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .......... . 5
4. Branches 150-600 '.1111 diam .. Orlen swo ll en at joil1ls; joinls at di choto mi es or lrichOlo mi es .... .. .. .. ..
............ .... ..... .. .... .... ... .. .. ... .. .... ... .. ... .... .... .. .. ... ... .. ... .... ............... .... ... .. ...................... A.fragi/issima, 1). 22
4 . Branche 1-2 mm di am. , no t swoll en at joints; joints rarely at di choto mies ............. A. rigida, p. 22
5 . Thallus in tightly cro wded clumps; branchin g irregular to di choto mous; commo nl y fu sing with
adj acent branches .. .. ... ..... .. .. .. .... .... .... .... ........... .. .............................................. .. ...... A. brasilial/a, p. 20
5. Thallus in loose clumps; branching tri cLl y cli chOlo mo us; rare ly fu sing wilh aclj acent branches ....... ..
.... ........... .......... .... ....... ............ ........... ... .. .... ........................ ........ .... ... ... .... ... ... ...... .. .. A. beallvoisii, p. 20

Amphiroa beauvoisii J.V. Larnouro ux 18 16: 299.

Thallus fragile. ca lcareous. in sparse o r clense c lumps. lO 5 cm hi g h, / . Typical bral/c/!.
white-pink ; branching wiclely di choto mo us. primarily al joinl , 2. Seglllel/I sholl'il/g six liers
generall y in o ne pl ane. Bm l/ches blittle; segments 1-5 mm long; of long cells (1)
lo wer segments cy linclri cal , 400- 500 ~1I11 cliam. ; outer egmel1ls allematil/g \\Iilh Olle lier
li ghll y flatt enecl. 500-650 11m wide. rarely fu sing with aclj acent of sllOrl cells (s).
branche . Medulla ti erecl; 6-7 (others reporLing 2-4) lransverse rows 3 . Lol/g ilL/dillal seclioll of
of lo ng cell s (70-80 11m lo ng) alternaLin g wilh o ne ro w o r sho rt ce ll s bral/cJ¡ sholVil/g lierecl
( 15-25 ~1I11 lo ng). COrlex several layers of short cells increas ing in lIIedl/lla r)' cells lI'ilh .I'lIIall
number ancllhi ckne s with age; cell ro unded angul ar, 10-20 Ilm cOrlical cells (c).
cli am. l oillls fl ex ibl e, uncal cifi ecl; meclull ary cell s in 2-5 bands. 4. SI/lface of j oilll cOlllposed
Holdfasl cru st-like, inconspi cuous. COllceplac/es lateral. conspicuous, of slllall .I'f1h erical ce lis.
hemi pheri cal , 270-850 Ilm di am., Wilh olilary terminal pore.
Telrasporal/gia 01' bisporallgia ova l, 17-25 11m cli am. , 38-63 ~lm
lo ng, zonalely clivicled.
UI/commol/: lig htl y attachecl on hard subslJ·ates, oflen found o n
mang rove prop roots; to 2 m cleep.
Distributioll: WeS lern Caribbea n. Gul r or Mex ico.

Amphiroa brasiliana Decaisne 1842: 125.

Thallus heav il y calcified, sto ny, crowdecl, in brittle clumps, to 5 cm /. Typical branche.l' lI'il/¡
hi gh. pink ; branchin g irregular to cli cho to mou . Brallches cy lindrical cOllceptac/es (c) .
to li ghtl y f1 attenecl , 0 .3- 1.5 mm di am .. often laterall y fu sing wilh 2. Laleral f l/sioll (f) of con ex
adj acel1l branches. Medl/lla ti ered ; 2-4(-5) transverse rows o r lo ng commollly fO l/lld w/¡ ere
cell (60-80 1lJ11 lo ng) alternating with 1(-2) row 01' hon ce ll s brallches 10UCJ¡.
( 15-20 11m lo ng) . COrlex several layer of hort cell s increas ing in 3. LolIgiludillal seclioll of
number and th ickness w ilh age; cell s 8- 15 Ilm di aJ11. l oillls inrre- medl/I/a s/¡oll'illg fO llr liers
quent, inconspi cuo us. unca lcified: olcler joints ri gid clue to heavy of 10llg cel/s allem alillg
overlapping ca lcifi cati o n; slruclUre simil ar lO medulla. Holdfasl \I 'il/¡ olle lier oI s/¡ort cells
cru st-like, inconspicuo us. COllceplac/es conspicuous. hemi spheri ca l, ClI1d smal/ cel/s of con exo
270-420 Ilm cli am .. abundant, lateral on reltil e segment" wilh 4 . Transverse seclion of
o lit¡u'y terJ11inal pore. TelrasporclIlgia ova l, 25-35 1lJ11 di aJ11 ., conceptacle s/¡ owing
40-50 1lJ11 lo ng, zonately di vided. lelrasporangia (1).
UI/commol/: in crown o r other sturdy plant, (o rten nesLl ecl in
AlIlphiwa IIC/Ilcockii ) or on rocks: LO 10m deep.
Dislribl/tioll: Fl orida. Les er Antill e.. oUlh ern Ca ribbea n. Western

Amphiroa fragilissima (Linnaeus) J. V. Lamouroux 1816: 298.

Corallilla jragilissima Linnaeus 1758: 806.
Thallus tangled, fragile, calcareou , in dense c lumps or mats, l. Mal!u'e brancl1 wi/h
to 8 cm thick, yell ow-green to white-pin.k; branching widely concep/acles.
dichotomous , occa ionally trichotomou , primarily at joints. 2. Imma/tlre branc/l ha ving
Branches th in, brittle, cy lindri cal, often swo llen al segment ends; swollen segmen/ ends.
lower segments 150-600 I-lITI diam. , 8-20 diameters long. Medulla 3. Longitudillal section of
tiered ; 4-8 transver e rows of long ce lls (55- 120 11m long) branch showing five tiers
altemating with l-2 rows of short cells ( 15-35 11m long). Cortex of 10l1g cells al/erna/ing
several layers of short cells increasing in number and thickne s with wi/h one tier of short cells.
age. Joinls flexible , unca lcified; urface cells 8- 1O ~lITI diam. Holdfas/
cru t-like, inconspicuous. Concep /ac/es conspicuous, hemispheri ca l,
300-340 l-tITI diam. , lateral on segment, Witll sol itary terminal pore.
Tetrasporangia 20-25 11m diam. , 40-50 11m long, zonate ly divided.
Commoll: li ghtl y attached on hard substrates, often intermixed wi th
other species, among seagrasses or in rock crev ices; to 60 m deep.
Disfriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antille , Lesser Anli lles,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Amphiroa hancockii W.R. Taylor 1942: 95. pI. 13, li gs. 1, 2.

Thallus stony, heavil y ca lcifi ed, forming heads or clumps, to 15 cm l . Habi/ of /halhls.
diam. , pink-purple; branching irregular to dichotomous. Branches 2. Typical segment wi/h
stout, to I cm wide; you nger segments smoothly cy lindrical; older hemispherical
segments flattened. Medtllla tiered; 1-2 transver e rows of long cells concep/ac/es.
(to LOO 11m long) alternati ng with one row of short cells (8-30 !!m 3 . Longitudinal section of
long). Cortex many layers of short cells increasing in number and branch segll1ent showing
thick.nes with age. Joints infrequent, uncalcified, you nger joint 17ledulla wilh t\Vo
flexible, older join ts rigid and inconsp icuous due to heavy over- /ransverse rows of long
lapping ca lc ification from adjacent segments; structure sim ilar to cells alternating wi/h one
med ull a. Ho/dfast crust-like, inconspicuous. Conceptacles con- row of short cells.
spicuous, hemispheri cal, 210-270 ~un diam., lateral, crowded on 4. Transverse sectioll of
fertile egments, wi th so litary terminal pore. Tetrasporangia ova l, /etrasporan gial
15-20 I-lIll diam. , 30-50 11m long, zonately divided. conceptac/e containing
VIlCOmI1WIl: in crevices of spur-and-groove, in areas of considerable zonalely divided
wave surge; 2- 10 m deep. tetraspo rangia.
Dislriblltioll: Greater Antil les, Lesser Anti ll es, Southern Caribbean,
Wesrern Caribbea n.

Amphiroa rigida J.V. Lamouroux 1816: 297, pI. 11, lig. l '
Thalllls brittle, heavi ly calcified, fomling open clum ps, 10- 15 cm l . Branch showing )oi/l./s
diam., li ght ivory to pale purple; branching widely dichotomous. genera lly no/ at forks .
Branches unequal in length, cy lindri ca l, 1-2 mm diam.; apices 2. Ma/ure IVi/I!
tapered slightly or bluntl y rounded. Medu lla ti ered; two transverse hem.ispherical
rows of long cells (80- 100 11m long) altemating with one row of con.ceptac/es.
hort cells ( 15-20 ~lm long), ali gned in longitudinal rows (not offset) 3. Longitudinal sec/ion of
with blunt apices. Cortex everal layers of short cells increa ing in branch segment showing
number and lhickness wi th age. Joints abu ndan!, conspicuous, seldom IWo transverse rows of long
al fork , flexible, uncalcified; cell in two transverse rows, thick- cells al/erna/ing wi//¡ olle
wa ll ed, ali gned ob lique ly (offsel) with pointed apices. Holdfast row of shor/ cel/s alld
cm t-like, incon pi cuou s. Concep/ac/es conspicuous, hemispherical, cor/ex of sll1aller cells.
250-400 !!m diam., lateral on egments, wilh central pore. 4. LongitudinaL sec/ion of
Te/rasporallgia oval, zonately divided. )oil1/ with two /ransverse
Common: loosely attached to rock or dead cora l fragments, often in rows of offset ce lis.
eagrass beds; to I m deep.
Dislribllfioll: Florida, Bahal11as , Grealer Anti ll es, Lesser Anlilles,
Southern Caribbean, We tern Caribbean, Gu lf of Mexico.

Amphiroa tribuLus (J. Ell i, & Solande r) J.V. L1 1ll0 1lro UX 18 16: 302.
Corallilla rriblllt,s J. Ell i, & Solander 1786: 124. pI. 21. fi g. e.
T/¡al/us a fragil e calcifi ed clump , 10 10 cm hi gh, pink-red ; l . M alLfre thal/us shollliflg
branching irregul ar, c1ustered or whorl ed at j oints. Brafl ches britlle, outer cylifld rical
thin , 2-4 mm wide, cy lindri ca l to n at, edges o ften exceedin gly braflc/¡ es cffld 10IVer
n atlened wilh center keel-like ridge. M edul/a liered ; 4-8 lran verse j1a llefl ed bra fle/res lIIit/¡
rows o f long cell s (60-70 1.1111 long) alternating with one row o f ceflt er keel or ridge (r).
horl cell s (30 11m long). Cortex many layers of hOr! cell s 2. YOlfflger cylifldrical
increas ing in number and lhi ckness wilh age. Joims conspi cuou , thal/us displayifl g
abundanl , n ex ibl e, unca lcified; slructure simil ar 10 medulla . H oldfast IVhor/ed brafl chiflg
crust-like. inconspi cuous. COfl ceptae/es hemi spheri ca l, to 450 ¡Am pallem .
di am., wilh solilary termin al pore, common on nanened segmenls. 3. M atlfre segmenl lVil/¡
TetrCfsporaflgia ova l, zonalely di vided . cofl eeprae/es Ofl j1a llefl ed
C01l111101/: in crev ices of reef crests, patch ree fs or spur-and-groove ma rg ifl.
areas: to 10m deep.
Distributiofl: Fl orid a, Bahalllas. Grealer Amilles, Lesser AnLill e ,
Soulhern Caribbea n, We tern Caribbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

FosLieLLa chamaedoris (Foslie & M. Howe) M. Howe 1920: 588.·

Lirhophyllllm e/lamaedoris Fo, lic & M. Howc 1906: 134 , pI. 90. fig. 1.
T/¡al/us proslrale, fragile, thin . forming ca lcified crusts, l . H abit lVith sporaflg ial (s)
(30-)60- 150 ~1I11 lhi ck, o f indeterminale size, dull pale rose eOfl eeplae/es.
10 pale purpl e. Crust generall y 1-2 cell s lhi ck, increasing in 2. Slfriaee vielll of eel/
lhi ckness around conceplacle ; attached by lower cell surfaces. arrafl gemeflt .
Cel/s rectangul ar, 7- 10 11m wide, 12- 14 11m long; cap cell squ are 3. Loflgitudiflal seeliofl
lo ova l, 4-9 11m wide, 4-6 11m long. Sporangial cOfl eeprae/es of erust lIIit/¡ smal/ cap
hemi spheri ca l, 150-200 11 m d ia m.; bisporangia 30-40 ~lm diam .. eel/s (e).
50-75 11m long. 4. Longitudiflal sectiofl af
UnC01ll1l101/: most o flen fo und on slalks of the green alga bisporCffl gial eOflceptacle.
Chamaedoris; 10 30 m deep.
Distriblftioll: Baha mas, Grea ler Amill es. Lesser Amill es. Grow ing on slalk of lhe
green alga Chamaedoris
peflieullff/1 in photograph .

Aeri a l v iew o f lhe Tobacco The Smilhso ni a n fi e ld

Range. Be liLe. mangrove tali on o n Carri e Bow
co mpl ex . o te lhe lIniqlle Cayo Be li ze (see RÜILler &
fractllred peal habilal as Mac inty re 1982 for
slIbmerged da rk areas o ff lhe bac kground info nnatio n).
lIppe r edge o f!h e is land (see
Littl e r e l a l. 1995c fo r
additio na l bi o logical and
geolog ical informat ion).

Key to species of Haliptiloll Plumed Scorpio nfi sh

l . Main branc hes cy lindrical ....................... .. ... .......... ........ .......... .... .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .. ....... .. H. clIbellse, p. 26 (ScO/paella gralld icorn is)
l . Main branches flattened .................................... .. ............................. ....................... H. slIblllatlllll , p. 26 w ilh c ruslose coralline- like
markings. Thi s cryptic fi sh
lie mOli onl e amo ng a1 gae
to awa it un su pecting prey.
The pines o f lhe do rsal fin
are ex tre me ly venomo u
(see a1 so p . 125).

Haliptilon cubellse (Montagne ex Küt¿ing) Garbary & H.W. Johanscn 1982:

2 18. lig. 10.' Jonia ellbensis Mon tagne ex KÜlzing 1849: 709.
Thallus erect or creep in g, delicate, heavil y calcifi ed, densely crowded, l . Mauu'e branch showil/g
10 3 cm hi gh, chalk-pink 10 rose-red; main branching dichol01l10US opposile, occasionally
to irregul ar; lalera l branchl els oppo ite, in one plane, whorled whorled. lateral branchlels.
immed iately below joint when older. Branehes cyli ndrical; lower 2. Youl1g brallch wilh
egll1ents 1 0~00(-7oo) Ilm diall1. , 150-660 ~tm long; midd le Opposile laleral branehlels.
segments 80- 180 ~lIn diam., 10 600 11m long. BranchlelS cy lindrical, 3. Longitudinal seelioll of
50-100 Ilm diam ., unbranched or forked , tapering 10 35 11m diam .; branch sholVing )oil1l
apices bluntly pointed. Medulla tiered ; cell s elongated, to 12 11m (darkelled) consisling of
diam. , 36- 100 11m long. Swfaee eells rounded to rectangul ar, one lier of parallel cells.
5.0-7.5 Ilm diam . Joinls flexible, uncalcified; cell s parallel , in one 4. Conceptac/e (e) al
tier; cortex lacking. Holdfasl crust-li ke; secondarily attached where branchlel apex wil" four
branch tips touch o lid substrate . Telrasporallgial eoneeplac/es urn- lateral hom-like
haped with central pare, fo nned in swo llen apica l segments. branehlets.
U IlCO I1l11l01l: inconspicuou , epiphyti c on larger algae or forll1ing
dense turfs o n hard substrates; to 60 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Fl orida , Bahall1a , Greater Amill es, Le ser An lilles,
Soulhern Caribbean , Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mexi co.

Haliptiloll subulatum (J. Ellis & Solander) H.W. Johansen 1970: 79,
ligs. 10. 12. Cara/lina sllbll/alll J. Ellis & Solander 1786: 11 9. pI. 2 1. lig. b.
Thalllls delicate, mall, compressed, heavil y calcified, to 4 cm hi gh, l . MalLlre braneh sholVing .
chalky pink; branching di cholomous; lateral branches oppo ite, in opposile branehillg in one
one plane. Brane" es brillle; lower segment cy lindri ca l to flatlen ed, plane, appearing flato
100-240 11m diam.; middle egments comp ressed. 0.7- 1.0 mm diam .• 2. Braneh apex wil"
0.3---D.7 mm long. Braneh!els fl attened to cylindrica l, to 60 ~lln /¡¡¡/Il erOI/ S opposile
diam. , unbranched or forked , tapering toward apices. Medulla tiered; branehlels.
cell s elongated, 10 10 11m diam. Swfaee eells rou nded to rectangular.
5.0-7.5 Ilm diam. , den sely pigmentecl. JOillls flexible , uncalcified;
cell s parallel, in one tier; cortex lack in g. Holdfasl pad-like crust,
inconspi cuou s. Coneeptac/es formed in swoll en ap ical segments;
segments ova l, smooth. often with small lateral (horn-like)
project io ns.
Rare: epiphytic on larger algae. often in ¡ide pools; to 10 m deep.
Distriblllioll: Florida. Bahall1as, Greater Amilles. Lesser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean. Gulf of Mexico.
28 R11 0 DO PlI y rA RII OI>OPIIYTA 29

Key to species of Hy drolithon S ha ll ow-water (3 m)

l . Thallus as thick mass ive crust, grealer than 3 cell s thi ck .................................... H. boergesellii, p. 28 corallinea lgal ba lls
l . Thallu s as thin crusl, le than 3 cell s thick (except conceptacles) ....... ...... ............................... ........ . 2 (rhodoliths) contain ing
brow n a lga l ep iphytes
2. Cru t radiating in olid fan-s hapes .... ..... .. ... ....... .... .... .... .... ..... ................................. H. farill.o slll/l , p. 28
( ee L ittl er e l al. 199 1 fo r
2. Crust fi laments creeping and meandering ............................... H. farinoslllll f. callithamnioides, p. 30
add itiona l in fo rmario n).

Hydrolithon boergesenii (Foslie) Foslie 1909: 56.

COl/ioli/hol/ boergesel/ii F Iie 190 1: 19.
T/¡allus as heavi ly calcified crusts 2-5 mm thick o r fo rming knob- l . Transverse seelioll of
li ke nodules (5-8 mm diam. , 3-5 mm hi gh), covering indetermin ate rerraspo rangial
areas, purpl e- Iavender; surface rough, chalky, granul ar. Cells of rhe eoneeplacle wilh
surface layer (ca p cell s) 6- 18 flm diam. , 4-- 10 flm thick, sy nchrono us cerrasporangia (r).
lo ughing of urface layer common; sub urface cell s in poorly-defined 2. Transverse seelÍon of
rows, 8- 12(-20) flm diam. , 7- 15 (-30) ¡.un lhick, ofren verticall y erusr.
elo ngated, fusing latera ll y wi th age; basa l layer (hypoth aLlu s) one cell 3. Tran sverse seerioll of
thick , cell s 8- 12 f.lIll di am. , 7- 18 ~un rhick. Triehoeyres rareo solilary, upper sU/iaee showing
seldom in small cluster , 9-25 J.lm diam ., 12-30 J.lm thi ck.
COl1cepracles hemis pherical, 300-400 flm diallJ ., 50-160 flm hi gh,
with central pore. Terrasporang ia oval, 60-80 flm diam. , 120- 160
cap cells (e) and
triehoeyre (r).
4. Tral1s verse seerioll of
flm long, zonately divided, fo rmed at periphery of conceptacle. lower layers with
COIIIIIIO//.: behind reef cre t just below low-tide line as a nodule-rubbl e disrinerly squarish basal
zone or on seaward ponions of shall ow reef tlats; to 67 m deep. row of eells (b) and older
Dislributioll: Florida, Bahama , Greater Antilles, Les er Anti ll e , medL/lla/y eells often
Sou thern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, GlIlf of Mexico. fusing lareral/y (j).

Hydrolithol1 farinosum (J.V. Lamouroux) Penrose & Y.M . Chamberlain

1993: 295. figs. 1- 19 Melobesiafarillosa J.Y. Lamouroux 18 16: 3 15, pI. 12, lig. 3.
T/¡alllls pro trate, fragi le, thin , forming li ghtl y ca lcifi ed crll sts, to l . Organizarion of yOL/llg
20 flm thick, 5 mm diam. , white to paJe pink. Crusr develop in g fro m rhallL/s showing fOL/r-
initi al four-celled strllcture; generall y one cell thi ck excepl fo r small celled inirials (da rkly
cap cell s and increased cell layer around conceptacles, attached by shaded), Irichocyre (r)
lower cell surfaces. Cells 5- 17 flm wide, J4--30 flm long; cap cell s and cap eells (e).
ova l, 3- 10 J.lm wide, 7-14 ¡.un lo ng. Triehoeyres 8-20(-30) J.lm w ide,
11-44 J.lm lo ng, lerminal in filament row , scattered. Telrasporallgial Growing on the green alga
cOllceptacles hemispberica l, 140-250 flm di am. ; tetrasporangia Vel11ricaria venrrieosa in
elongated, (20-)23-39(-50) flm diam., 36-65(-90) J.lm long, ph otograph.
zonateJy divided , up lo e ight per conceptacle. Bisporangial
cOlleeplacles hemispherical, 240-280 J.lm diam.: bisporangia ova l,
26-42 J.lm diam. , 54--78 flm lo ng, up 1020 per conceptacle .
COIIIIllOI/: inconspicll ous, epiphytic o n larger marine algae or
seagrasses, or o n shelJ or other hard surfaces; lO 15 m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Bahama , Grealer Anli lJe , Les er Anti ll es,
So ulhern Caribbean , We lern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Hydrolithon farinosum f. callithamnioides (Foslie) ehamberlain

1983: 35 1, fig. 20b. Me/obesia ¡arillosa f. callithalllllioides Foslie 1905a: 96.
Thal/us prostrate, fine, fragi le, thin , well calcified, as creep ing and l. Organiza/ion of ce//s
mea ndering filaments, to 3 mm diam., white to pale pink; branching showing /richocy/es (/)
irregular. Crus/filamen/s developing from initial four-ce lled and cap cells (e).
trucrure; generall y one cell thi ck except for cap cells and ferti le 2. You ng /"al/us showing
areas; attached by lower cell surfaces. Cel/s rectangular, 7- 18 I.un ini/ia/ four-ce lled (i)
wide, 12-30 I.un long, often wi th small cap cells; trichocytes s/ructure.
pherical, 12-20 Jlm wide, irregularly scattered, solitary, seldom with
surface hairs attached. Te//'CIspo/'CIngia/ concep/ac/es hemi pherical, Growing on lhe red alga
140-250 Jlm diam.; tetrasporangia oval, 20-50 Jlm di am., 40-90 Jlm Bo/ryocladia in
long, zonately di vided. Sperma/angia/ concep/ac/es hemi spherical, photograp h.
60-80 Jlm diam.
Comlllo/!: inconspicuous, epiphytic on larger marine plant ;
to 15 m deep.
Distribution : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Anti lles, Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, We tern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Key to species of j allia This large chiton

l . Thallus less th an 3 mm hi gh .................... .... ................ .... ..... .. ...................... .... ... ......... . j. pumila, p. 32 ( P OLYPLACOPHORA) feeds on
l . Thallus greater than 3 mm high ........ .. .............................. .. .......... .. ........ .. .. .. ...... .. ...... .. .. .. ........ .. ...... .... 2 blue-g reen alga l tu rfs.
2 . Dichotomies narrow (angled 10"-20°); maru re segments often barrel-shaped ............ j . rubens, p. 32 maintaining a cleared
2. DicholOmies wide (angled greater than 30°); mature segments cylindri cal .... .. .................................... 3 sub trate within its ho me
range. Chitons play multiple
3. Delicate, lO I cm high; segments to 100 Jlm diam ................................................. j. capillacea, p. 32
ro les with sorne actually
3. Not deli cate, to 4 cm hi gh; segments greater than 100 Jlm diam ........................... j . adhaerellS, p. 30
inc reas ing bio mass of the ir
prey (Liltler el al. 1995b,
p. 19 he re in ), whereas othe rs
are major bioerode rs o f
shorelines (Rasmussen &
Franke nbe rg 1990, p. 451
here in).

Jania adhaerens J.V. Larnouroux 18 16: 270.

Thallus erect but creeping, dense, in brittle clumps, to 4 cm l . Dieh% mous branching
high, pink ; branching widely dichotomous. Branches cy lindrical, wi/h blun/ly pointed apices.
90-200 Jlm diam., taperi ng sli ghtl y toward blunt apices. Segmellls 2. Holdlast (h) and ereeping
heavily calcified, 0.4- 1.0 mm long; medullary cells ti ered, paraJle l, basal filamen t.
60-75(-88) Jlm long; cortical cells roundly rectangular, 6-8 Jlm 3. Tran sverse section 01
diam., densely pi gmented. JoinlS fl ex ible, uncalcified, occurring at b/'CInch.
base of branch and at regul ar interva ls between branches; cells 4. Longitudinal section a/
e longated, 7- 10 Jlm diam., (40-)65- 100(- 125) Jlm long, parall el, in joint (shaded) showing
one tier; cortex lacking. Ho/dfas/ crustose-like; secondarily attached absence 01 cortex.
by lateral hold fasts on branche . Te/rasporangia/ cOt/eeplacles va e-
shaped, 240-300 Jlm diam., 300-340 Jlm long, formed in swollen
terminal segments, eventually initiating new branchlets;
tetrasporangia oval, 60-70 Jlm di am., 80- 100 Jlm long, zonately
Comlllon: on hard surface or epiphyti c on other marine plants;
to 18(-35) m deep.
Distributio//.: Florida, Bahama , Greater Anti ll es, Lesser Antill e ,
Southern Caribbea n, Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

lallía capiLLacea Harvey 1853: 84."

Thal/us deli cale, a lighLl y pac ked clum ps or sma ll cushi ons, l . Lol1gillldinal secrion of
4- 10 mm hi gh, rose-red; branching wide ly dicholo mo us (angled rerrasporallgial
30°-45° ). Bral1ches cy lindrica l. 45- 100 I-lm diam., o rten recurved; cOllceplac/e cO/!la illing
apices poin led 10 occas ionall y rounded. Seglllenls calcified, rerrasporangia.
300-600 I-lm lo ng; medull ary ceUs tiered, pa rall el, elo ngaled, 2. Brallching pallem IVilh
26-42 ~lm lo ng; cortica l cell s roundly rectangul ar, 5-8 I-lm diam., lelrasporangial
densely pigmenled. l oinls tlex ibl e, uncalc ified; occurrin g al base of segmellls (1) oflen
branches and al regul ar inlerva ls belween branches; cell s elongaled, in iriaring branchlels.
42-77 I-lm lo ng, paraJle l, in one li er; cortex lacki ng. Ho/dfasl cru 1-
like or disc- like. Telrasporal1gial conceplae/es o litary, vase-shaped,
wilh cenlra l pore, fo rmed in swollen api ca l segments, eventuall y l
initi ating new branchlets; telrasporangia ova l, 25-38 ~un diam.,
80- 105 I-lm long, zonately di vided.
COIIIIllO/!: epiphylic o n other marine plant , in calm water :
to 15 m deep.
Dislribulioll: Florida, Bahama , Grealer Anli ll es. Le er Antill es,
So ulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mexico.

lanía pumita J.Y. LamourOllx 18 16: 269. pI. 9. fig. 2.

Tha l/us erect o r parti all y prostrate, as small cushi o ns, 10 I cm di am., l . Branch IVilh wide
o r a hort lurfs, 10 3 mm hi gh, ro e-red ; branching widel y dichoto- dicholomolls branching.
mous. Branches somewhal cy lindrical, 60- 150 I-lm di am. , often 2. TrclIl sverse seclioll of
recurved ; apices lapering. ro unded . Segmenrs short, stout, ca lcifi ed ; segmenr.
medull ary cell ti ered, parall el, elongated, 20-30 I-lm long; corti ca l 3. Decalcified surface view
ce ll ro undl y rectangul ar, 4-8 I-lm di am., den e ly pig mented. l oinls of joim al dicholomy.
tl ex ibie, unca lcified; occurring at base of branches and at regul ar
interva ls belween joint ; cell s elo ngated, 4-6 I-lm di am., 50-60 I-lm
lo ng, in o ne ti er; cortex lacking. Ho/dfasl di c- like, to 400 I-lm di am.
Telrasporallgia / conceprae/es in segment al base of outermo t
di choLOmie , tri ang ular Wilh two ho rn-like segment , possess ing
single api cal pore; teu'aspo rangia elo ngated oval, zonately di vided .
Comlllo/!: incon picuous, epiph yti c o n coar e marine pl ants;
lO 5 m deep.
Distribution: Fl orida, Bahama , Greater Antille , Lesser Antill es,
Southern Caribbean, Wes lern Cari bbean.

lanía rubens (Linnaeus) J.Y. Lamouroux 18 16: 272. pI. 9. figs. 6. 7.

Corallilla rubells Linnaells 1758: 806.
Thal/us as lig hll y packed clumps or mall cu hion-like tufts, to 8 cm /. Branch IVilh dicholomies
hi gh, rose-red; branching narrow ly di choto mous (angled 10°-20°). of equal /englh.
Branches 125-280 I-lm di am.; outer branches cylindrical, 65- 100 I-lm 2. Telrasporan gia /
di am., ex panded al dichoto mi es; apices pointed 10 occa ionall y conceplac/e fo rming
rounded . Segmeflls barrel-shaped, 0.6-2.5 mm long, ca lcified ; medul- al base of dicholomy
lary cell s ti ered, para ll el, elongated, 80- 146 I-lm long; corti cal cells IVill! elol1galed
ro undly rectang ular. densely pi gmented, 7.5- 12.5 I-lm di am. l oin/s lelrasporangia (1).
tlex ible, uncalcified; occurring al base of branches and al regul ar 3. Longitudinal seclion ar
inlerva ls between branches; cell in one LÍer, elo ngaled, 80- 168 I-lm join/ showing IVel/-calcified
lo ng; cortex lacking. Terrasporangial collcep/ac/es olilary, vase- cortex of adjacem
shaped, 249-300 I-lm wide, 300-340 ~un lo ng, with single apical segmel1lS (shaded).
pore, formed in swollen api ca l segments, eventuall y initi ating new 4. Transverse seclion of
branchl ets; telraspo rangia ova l, 45-60 I-lm di am., 100- 150 I!ffi lo ng. segmento
COlllflfOIl: o n rocks or dead coral in ca lm waters o r as sho rt lhi ck
turf on wave-washed rocks; lO 30 m deep.
Dislriblllioll: Fl orida, Bahama , Grealer Anl ille , Lesser Antill es,
Soulh ern Caribbean, We lern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Lithophyllllln congestum (Foslicl Foslie 1900: 20."

GouioU,IIlJII COll 'e,} lIIm Foslie 1898: 13.
Tilal/us heavi ly calcifi ed, slOny, forming bluntly branched head , l. Trallsverse sectioll of
to 15 cm high, pink to red ; surface glossy; branch lips oflen chalky: thal/us s/¡owillg lateral
branching irregul ar, densely crowded . Brallches stout, 10 2 mm diam. , fus ioll and synchrono/ls
cy lindrica l 10 sli ghtl y flattened , ari sing so mewhat parallel and perpen- slougilillg of suiface cel/s.
dicular from mas ive base, occas ionally broadened or wafer-like, lobed 2. Tralls verse section o/
0 1' folded , fu ing with adjacent branches. Crust to 1 mm thick ; ba al bisporallgial cOl'lceptac/e.
layer one 10 severa l cell s thi ck, ce ll s ( 1-) 10- 19 Ilm di am. , (8-) 12-24
Ilm thick ; subsurface layers progressive ly e longating with depth, latera l Additi onal photographs
pit connections common; cap ce ll s quare, 4.5- 10.0 Ilm wide., 2.0-8.5 on pp. 47 & 101 .
~lm thi ck, sy nchronous sloughing of surface layer common. COllcep-
tac/es sli ghtl y convex, not sharpl y defined, 2 16-300(-42 1) Ilm di am.,
80-2 10 Ilm hi gh, with central pore, crowded on upper and lower
branche ; tetrasporangia or bi sporangia oval, 55-75 Ilm diam., 80- 100
~lm long, generall y al periphery of chamber.
COII/II/OII: abundant in extremely heavy-surf conditi ons on reef crests,
often the domi nanl component of ' the algal ridge'; to 3(- 10) m deep.
Distribulioll: Greater Anlille , Lesser Anlilles.

Lithothamnion ruptiLe (Foslie) Foslie 1907: 5.

Uthot/wlllnion syntrophiculII f. ruptile Foslie 1905b: 18.
Thallus cru t-like, often bearin g small irregul ar projections, brittle, l . Transverse section o/
heav il y calcified, covering indeterminate area, pink to bri ght red; tetrasporang ial
ti ghtly attached. Crust of indeterminate thickness; ba al layer thin , cOllceptacle.
30-55 ~lm thi ck, of rec ta n ~ l ar cell s, 4-10 Ilm wide, 10-25 Ilm thick, 2. Transverse section of
cell s generall y parallel; sub urface cell round to square, obl ong in tetrasporangium in
section, 4-10 Ilm diam ., 4-6 ¡.tm thick, progressively elongaling Wilh cOllceptacle.
depth, cell fu ion co mmon, primary pit connections often with dark 3. Transverse section of
staining plugs; cap cells (s mall surface cells) di c- haped, 3- 12 Ilm non-fertile thallus.
di am ., 2-3 Ilm thick. Sporangial cOllceplac/es 300-500 Ilm di am. , 4 . Transverse sectioll of
to 150 Ilm high, slightl y rai ed, flat-topped, with multipl e small sLllface layers showing
pores, forming embedded cavitie within o lder tisslle; sporangia to flattened cap cel/s.
35 ¡.tm di am., 10 70 Illll long, zonate ly di vided .
Commoll: found solely in deep waters, often forming rhodoliths Additiona l photograph
(spheri ca l algal nod ules); 30-80 m deep. on p. 77 .
Distribulioll: Lesser Antilles

MesophyLLum mesomorphum (Foslie) W.H. Adey 1970: 25.

Uthothalllnioll lIIesolllorp/1LI111 Foslie 1901: 5.
Thallus crust- li ke, of overl apping thin shelves or lobes, brittle, l . Transverse section of 1'1011-
heav ily calcifi ed, loosely attached, covering indeterminate area, pink fertile thal/us; lower layers
to bright red ; sllrface glossy. Lobes 300-500 Ilm thick; basal layer s/wwing coaxial
domin ant (hypoth allus coaxial), forming one-half to two-thirds o f arran.gement of cells.
thallu thi ckness, cells rectangular, 4- 10 Ilm wide, 10-25 Ilm thi ck; 2. Tral1sverse section of
sllbsurface cell s round to square, oblong in sec li on, 4-9 ~lm diam., tetrasporan.gial
4-8 Ilm th ick; urface cell s squari sh, 5-8 Ilm wide. Sporangial concepcacle.
conceptac/es hemi pherical, 100-140 ~1I11 di alll ., to 60 !-1m hi gh,
partially sunken, with multiple pores, forming cavity when older; Additiona l photographs
porangia in lWOS or fOllr . Cystocarpic conceptacles sli ghtly sllnken, on pp. 145 & 469.
cone- haped.
COII/moll: in shady cracks and crev ice 01' ep iphylic on other algae;
10 35 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Babamas, Le ser Antilles, oUlhern Caribbean.

PneophyLlum fragile KÜl zing 1843: 3 5.

Thal/us prostrate, fragil e, formin g thin ca lcified crusts, 0.5-2.0 mm l . Orgal/.izariol/ of cel/s from
diam. , 15-30 11m thick, with o lder thalli often merging together, original eight-cel/ed cluster
rose, pale pink to white. Cells quare to rectan gular, 5- 10 11m (shaded).
wide, 5-20 11m long, radiating from orig inal eight-cell ed structure:
one cell thi ck, older cru st up to four cell s thick; surface cells Growing on the green alga
6.5-12.0 11m wide, 3.5- 11.5 11m long, 17-20 !-1m thick ; cap cells Valonia macrophysa in
wider lh an long, 3.4-8.0 ~lm wide, 1.5-3 .5 11m long, 2-3 !-1m thi ck, photograph.
at di stal ends of surface cells. Trichocytes intercalary, rare,
8.5-13.5 ~lm diam. , 11 - 16!-1m long. Conceptacles flat or slightly
rai sed, Wilh central pore; cystocarpic and sporangia l conceptacles
(60-) 150-250(-300) 11m diam.; permatangi aJ conceptacles
( 13-)75- 100 ~lm di am. Tetrasporangia elongate, ( 18-)25- 50 !-1m
diam. , ( 11 -)32-80 11m long, zonately divided , formed peripherally
in chamber; bisporangia 17-5 1 11m diam. , 3 1-65 ~lm long.
COII/lllon: inconspicuous, epiphytic on macroalgae or seagrasses;
to 10 m deep.
Distribl/tioll: Florida. Bahamas. Grea ler Anlil les, Lesser Antill es,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Porolitholl pachydermum (Fo lie) Foslie 1909: 57*

LiIJwp/¡y llu/Il ol/kodes r. pac/¡ydel1lUl Foslie 1904: 5.
Thallus stony, heavily ca lc ified, living maleri al genera ll y to 100 11m l . Transverse section 01 stol/y
thick but can grow to 1 mm thick, frequently building upon itself to thal/lls with embedded
fonn lhick crusts of indetenninate area, pink-gray; urface chalky. conceptacles.
Cel/s of surface layer compact, 6-9 11m wide., 8- 14 ~lm long; sub- 2. Transverse section of large
surface cell 4-10 11m wide, 4-17 ~lm lon g, fu sions between cells 'richocyres.
common; bottom layer oriented horizontally. parallel to substrate. 3. Tral/s verse section 01
Trichocytes common , c\ustered horizontaJly, 8-J 6 ¡.un diam. , tetrasporal/gial
17-29 11m high. Tetrasporangial conceptacles 150-250 11m diam., conceptacle.
with central ap ical pore; tetrasporang ia 30-40 11m diam., 60-70 11m
long, zonate ly divided, formed al periphery of conceptac\es. Additional photograph
COlIIlllOII : covering ex lensive areas along the reef-cresl, major below and on pp. 19, 39
component of algaJ reef crest in lhe Caribbean; intertidal to &77.
10 m deep.
DislribllliOIl : Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Western
Caribbea n.

The reef-c rest assoc iati o n Cl o e-up . ho wing the

of Choneplax lata c hito n Choneplax lata o n
(c hito n) a nd Porolithol! ilS princ ip ie prey, lhe
pach)'derlllunl (c ru stose cora lline alga Porolithon
cora lline a lga). whe re the pachydenlllllll. The
c hiton s' feeding actuall y inte rca lary me ri ste mati c
inc reases lhe gro wth o f o r grow ing li s ue of
lhe cora lline by keeping Porolitholl i located we ll
it free o f e piph ytes. beneath the urface;
Fle hy e piphy tes would lhe re fo re. lhe graz in g o f
othe rw ise ra pid ly the c hito n o nl y a ffects the
overg ro w a nd eve ntua ll y ouler ex pe ndable surface
kili the comlline (see layers (LitLl e r et a l. I 995b).
Liul e r et a l. I 995 b).
40 RIIOOOI'II\'TA R11000PllvrA 41

Key to species of Titalloderma Co mmunity fi sh netting in

l. Not epiphytic; crllst to 300 f.llll thick; crealll to red ............................................. T. prototyplllI/., p. 40 Do mini ca. O verfi shing, by
l. Epiphytic; crllst to 350 f.llll lhick; pink to white ................................................... T. pllstulatulIl, p. 40 mea ns o f nets (p. 305) and
trap (p. 59). is a seri o us
cause 01' C aribbean ree f
de mi se (see Hu g he 1994).

Titanoderma prototypum (Foslie) Woelkerling. Chambcrlain & P. C.

Silva 1985: 333. Litilotl/{/IIIII;OIl prolOl)'pl/lII Foslie 1 97: 18.

Thal/Lls heavily ca lcified, forllling stone- like crusts, to 300 f.llll thick , l . Trallsverse seclioll of half
of indelerminate area, cream to red; su rface glos y; Illargins lhin, of bisporallgial
developing circu lar pattern inilialJy, later becoming more irregular. cOllceplac/e.
C/'LISI two cell thick , contin uall y overgrowing itself; surface (cap) 2. Tralls verse seclioll of
cell s sq uare to rOllnd, 10-15 f.lm wide, 2-8 f.lm thick ; ub urface cells l/¡alflls showillg fOllr layers
e longated. I0-15 ~lm wide, 10-25 f.lm lhick, wilh lateral connectio n of overgrowl/¡.
between vertica l wall . Telra- (4) or bi-sporclI/g ial (2) cOllceplac/es
helllispherical , lO 400 ~lm diam. , cattered in central portions of
thallus, partially sunken with central apica l pore; roof two cell s
(one cell plus cap cell ) thick. CyslOcC/lpic cOllcepwc/es 450-550 f.lm
diam. , partially sunken.
Ullcollllllon: on solid rock. dead shell or rubble fraglllents;
lO 5 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida. Bahama , Greater Antilles. Le ser Anlilles.

Titalloderma pustuLatum (J.v. Lamouroux) ¡¡geli 1858: 532. rOOlnolc.

Me/obes;a IIIISlIIllIllI J.v. Lamouroux 18 16: 3 15, pI. 12. lig. 2.
T/¡al/lIs as moderately ca lcified crusts, 2- 10 mm diam., to 350 f.lm l. Basal view of IOIVes/ cel/
thick, older thalli often confluent, pink-red to white; Illargin s lhin , layer al growillg lIIarg in.
developing circu lar pattern initially, later becollling more irregular. 2. Trallsverse seclioll of
Cel/s of surface layer having convex top, 8- 15 ~lm diam ., wi th //¡al/lIs s/¡owing lell s-
lateral connections in vertica l wall s; subsurface layers 1(-8) cell shaped swface cel/s.
lhick; cell s vertica ll y elongated, 8- 15 f.llll wide. 17-55 ~lm thick; 3. BisporclII gial cOllceplCtc/e.
ba al cell s square LO rectang ular, 8- 15 f.lJl1 wide, 12- 55 f.lm thick .
Te/ra - (4) or bi-sporal/gial (2) conceplac/es hemi spherical , to Growing on the green alga
500 !-1m dialll .. I00 ~un hi gh, scatlered in central portions of lhallus, Vel1lricaria vel1lricosa in
partially unken. willl central apical pore; roof several cells lhick; photograph .
sporangia oval, 22-50(-70) !-1m dialll., 55-130 !-1m long, zonately
COIIIIllOII: ep iphyli c on eagrasses or coarse algae; to 5 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Ballamas. Grealer Antilles, Lesser Amilles,
SOUlhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Sporolitholl episporum (M. Howe) E.Y. Dawson 1960: 40.
ArclU/eolirhorhallllli/l1ll episporlll11 M. Howe 1919: 2. pis. 1-6.
Thal/us heav il y ca lcified, forming stone- like crusLS, lO 5 mm lhick, l . Sporarrgial sorus slrowing
of indelerm inale di ameter, red-brown, bri ght while where broken or individual chambers
chipped: surface smoolh. sli ck, glazed. Crus/s spreading, repealedl y sepa ra/ed by elollga /ed
overgrowing lower layer; urface cell s rectangular, 5-8 ~un wide, cel/s.
8-15 ~n thick; layers often alternating shorl with lo ng cell s; sub- 2. Sporang ial sori repea/edly
surface layers 30-- 170 ¡.u n thi ck, cell s in horizontal rows, 8- 1I '.un overg rown by new layers.
w ide, 17-28 11m lhick. Sporal/gial sori 0.1 - 1.0 mm di am., sli ghtl y 3. Transllerse sec/ion of s/one-
e levaled, soon buried but remain obvious in older layers; tetraspor- like crus/ showing mul/iple
angia crucialely divided, o ne per chamber. layers of overgrolV/h.
Uncollllllon: on rocks or dead coral ; low-inlertida l to 30 m deep.
Distribrrtioll: Soulhern Caribbean .

ORDER GELIDIALES A gastropod shell has

been broken to show the
rock-boring micro copic
Key to species of GelidiulIl and Pterocladiella. green alga Osfreobium sp.
l . SUlface cell 10-20 11m di am. [blades cylindrical be low, slrap-shaped abo ve, lO I mm wide; branching inside. Gastropod shells
abundant; tetrasporangia 30-45 11m di am.] ... ...... ... ... .............. .... ... ... ............. .. .. . G. americallrrlll , p. 42 and coral skeleton ofien
l . Surface cell 10 12 ~1I11 di am ................... ... .......... ... .... ..... ... .. .... ....................... .. ... ..... ............ ... ... .. .......... 2 contain this endolithic
2. Th allus generall y 1- 2(- 15) cm high; bl ades cy lindrica l below, strap-shaped aboye. lO 1.5 mm wide; alga within their calcium
branching sparse; lelrasporangia 2~0 11m diam. , mosll y crucialely di vided .... ..... G. pusillrrlll , p. 44 carbonate matrix.
2. Thallus 3- 10(-20) cm hi gh; blades strap- haped, to 2 mm wide; branching abundant; letrasporangia
18-25 ~lm diam. , moslly letrahedra ll y divided ....... .. .......... .......... ... ...... .. ......... ....... P. capillacea, p. 44

GeLidium americanlllll (W.R. Tay lor) Sanlelices 1976: 173, lig'. 28-33.
Prerocladia alllerica/la W.R . Taylor 1943: 154. pI. 4. lig. 1.
Tlwl/us gregario us, lough, wiry, in dense turfs. 0.5-2.0(-6.0) cm l . Habi/.
hi gh. dull dark maroon; firmJ y attac hed by creeping runners; growth 2. Transverse secliol/ of
from single ap ica l cel!. Blades cy lindri ca l below, slrap- haped aboye, brclllch slrowillg large
to I mm wide, 75- 150 11m thick; branchlel sparse, irregul ar, lIIedrrl/O/y cel/s ill/erspersed
alternale to pinn ate. Medul/ar)' cel/s I 0--20 ~lm diam., colo rless, lVi/ir slllal//lrick-wal/ed cel/s
interspersed with slender thick-wa ll ed fi laments (termed rhi zines) rrhdlles).
3-6 11m di am. Surface cell.l· rounded to ang ul ar. 10--20 11m diam. 3. Blade apex slrowing single
Telrasporal/gia spheri ca l to ova l, 30-45 11m di am., scatlered, in apical cel/.
palches o n f1 altened branches. Carposporoplry/es swe lling bOlh
urfaces with pore on each surface.
COlllmol/: inconspi cuou ,on ponges, rocks or other hard surfaces,
in wave-exposed areas oflen wilh hi gh wave hock; interlidal lO
8 m deep.
DistribrrtioT/: Florida. Bahamas, Greater Alllill es. Lesse r Anlille .
Soulhern Caribbean, We lern Ca ribbea n. Gulf 01' Mexico.

Gelidium pusillum (Slackhollse) Le Jolis 1863: 139.'

Fllclls IJIIsilllIS Slackhouse 1795 11795- 180IJ : 16. pI. 6.
Tlwlllls ereCl or creeping, tough, wiry, in dense lufts or turfs, l . Habil of branches.
1-2(- 15) cm high, dark maroon-black; growlh from single apical 2. Brand/ apex showing
cell. Blades lrap- haped abo ve, cy lindrical below, !O 1.5 mm wide, single apical cel/.
110-170 11m lhick; branchlels opposite, pinnale 10 irregular. 3. Transverse seclion ofyollng
Medlll/CIIY cel/s to 25 11m diam. , inlerspersed wilh slender ( 10 6 fllll fe nile brand/.
diam.) lhi ck-wa ll ed rhizines; rhi zine dominale celllral medullary
area. SLllface cel/s rounded to angular, 4- 10 fun diam . Holdfasls
incon picuous, pad-like, irregularly spaced, ventral on creeping
stol on. Telrasporangia spheri ca l to ovaJ, 25-40 11m diam., 0} _.u ............. . ._.........
cruciately (occas ionaJl y lelrahedrall y or irregularly) divided ,
scatlered in subsurface cells of slightly expanded branchlets or
blades. Cyslocarps wilh lWO chamber , em bedded; carpo porangia
lerminal on gonimoblasl.
Comlllo/!: on rock or other hard surfaces, in wave-expo ed area
oflen Wilh high wave shock; inlertidaJ to 8 m deep.
Distribll/ion : Florida, Grealer Anlilles, Le ser Antilles, Southern
Caribbean. Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Pterocladiella capillacea (S.G. G melin) Sanlilices & Hommersand

1997: 11 8, figs. 1a, 2b. 3b. 4, 5. ' FIIC//s capillacells S.G. Gmelin 1768:
146. pI. 15, fig. 1.
Thal/us ereCl, wiry, tou gh, in dense lufts, 3-10(-20) cm high , dark J. Habil showing paddle-
red-brown; growth from single apical cell. Blodes trap- haped, to shaped le/raspo/"ic
2 mm wide, ISO flm thick ; branchlelS Opposile, pinnate lO irregu lar. branchlel (b).
M edlll/ary cells 10 25 11m diam ., inter per ed with slender (to 8 11m 2. Brand1 apex showil/g
diam .) thick-walled rhi zine ; rhizines concentrated al center of blade. single apical cel/.
Swface cel/s rounded to angular, to 12 11m diam. Holdfas/s pad-like, 3. Tran sverse sec/ioll of blade
ilTegularly paced, ventral on creeping stolon . Telrasporangia wil/¡ larger medul/ary cel/s
spherical !O oval, 18-25 11m diam. , tetrahedral ly (occas ionally illlerspersed wilh Ihick-
crucialely or irregu larly) divided , scattered in subsurface cell s, di stal walled rhizilles.
on tlattened, paddle-s haped branchlels. Spermolangia in linear sori 4. Slliface view of
on branchJets. CySIOCCllpS 200-500 11111 diam. , solitary or in sing le lelraspores (1).
file in midd le of branchlets.
U/!COIllIllO/l. : on sponge , rocks or other hard surfaces; intertidal
to S m deep.
Distrib lltiol/ : Grealer Alllilles, Lesser Alllille , Southern Caribbean,
Gulf of Mex ico.

Aeria l view of a man grove Ae ri a l view of sa nd de pos ils

land (Tw in Cays, Be li ze) (Ii ghl) and macrophyle
reveal ing vari ed lake , co mmunities (dark) wh ich
ponds , c recks and abound in the sha ll ow waters
channels, a ll fo rming ri ch of the Baha mas . Aeria l
hab ilats fo r seaweed photography ca n pl ay a
com munities. Boating majo r role in base line
around a mangrove is land mappin g a nd recording lhe
o fte n g ives a mi s leading d islributi o n and abunda nce
impre sion s ince Ihe of marine sy te m (Lillle r &
intri cate inner lake and Lillle r 1987).
pondo are hidden fro m
view by the lhick
overhang in g growth of
mangrove tree .

FAMILY GELIDIELLACEAE The hydrocoral Millepora

Key to species of Gelidiella eOll/planala being
overgrown ba ally by lhe
l . Thallus generally grealer lhan 3 cm high ................................ ..... .. ...... ... ..... ... .. ........ .. G. acerosa, p. 46 competing coralline alga
l. Thallus genera ll y less lh an 3 cm hi gh .. ................................... .... ...... ........................... .. .. .. .. .................. 2
LiI/¡Ophyllul1l eongeslLtlll
2. Branches genera ll y les than 120 ~m diam ... .. .. ...... .. ............................. ... ..... ...... .. G. trillitatellsis, p. 48 (p. lO 1). Both of lhese
2. Branches generall y greater lh an 120 ~m diam . .... .. ... ... ........ .. .. .. ..... ........ .. ........ ..... .. .. .. .......... .... ... .. .. .. .. 3 organi m are important
3. Branchlets pinched al base; surface cell s never in longitudin al rows .... ........ .. ... .... .. .. .. G. selacea, p. 48 contributor. lO carbonale
3. Branchlets not pinched al base; surface cell s al Least initially in longi tudin al rows ........... .................. . accrelion on Caribbean
........... ... ..... .. .. ... ....... ............................................ .. .. .... ...... .. ..... ... ... ... .............. ......... G. sallctarLIlll , p. 46 coral reefs .

GeLidieLla acerosa (ForsskAI) Feldmann & Hamel 1934: 533.

FllclIs acerOSIlS Forssk 1 1775: 190.

Thallus solitary or gregarious, tough, wiry, 10 8(- 15) cm hi gh, olive- J. Habil showing several
yellow 10 dark red-brown; branching parse, allemate or oppo ite; ferlil e branehlels (f).
basal parts creeping; growth from single apical cell. Branches 2. Transverse seclion of
cyl indri cal to sLi ghtly f1attened ; branchlets 2-6 mm long, scattered branch.
or in two oppo ite rows; apices often recurved or arched. MedullO/y 3. Brand!. apex showing 0
cel/s 3~0 ~m diam. , thick-walled, grading smaller toward surface. single apical eell.
Surface cells spherical to oval, 8- 1O ~m diam. Rhizoids lough, pad-
like, ventral on creeping tolon . Tetrasporangial branchlels often
club-shaped; tetrasporangia develop al apices. Cyslocarps a swollen
areas on branchlets.
COIllIllO/!: on hard substrates, often principal COmponent of mixed
turfs; intertidal to 7 m deep .
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Orealer Anti lI es, Lesser Anti lIes,
Southern Caribbean, We lern Caribbean.

GeLidieLla sanctarum Feldmann & Hamel 1934: 539. figs . 6. 7.

Thal/us stiff, bristle-like, tufted or erect, 2-3(-5) cm hi gh, dark J. Habil.
pink to maroon ; branching sparse, irregul ar; basal parts creeping; 2. Transverse seclion of
growth from single apical cell. Branches cy lindrical to slightly
compres ed, l 00-200 ~m diam ., nOl pinched al ba e; apices pointed. 3. Branch apex showing
Meduf/O/y cells I0-15 ~m diam ., thick-wa ll ed, grading onl y sli ghtly single apicaL cel/.
maller toward surface. Surface cells rounded-rectangular, 8-1 O ~m
diam. , in longitudinal row , lo ing linear arrangement with age.
Rhizoids lOugh, ventral on creeping stol on. Telrasporangial slichidia
130-150 ~m diam ., to 450 ~m long, lerminal on branch ;
tetrasporangia pherical to oval, 3~0 ~m di am. , irregu larly
VI/commo/!: inconspicuous, on hard surfaces or mangrove prop
roots ; intertidal to I m deep .
Distriblltioll: Lesser Antilles, WeSlern Caribbean, Oulf of Mex ico.

Gelidiella setacea (Feldmann) Feldmann & Hal11cl 1934: 533.

EchilloCOLllolI setaceLlIII Feldman n 193 1: 163.

Thal/us fine , sliff, tuft-like, lO 2(-5) cm high. dark red ; branching J. Habil lVil" regrolVlh fro/ll
sparse, irregular; basal parts creeping; growlh from . ingle api ca l cel!. b/unl apices afier gra~il/g.
Branches sli ghll y compressed. 120-200 ¡.tm diam .. occasionall y 2. Branch apex sholVil/g
pinched at base; apices pointed. Medul/wy cel/s 10-15 ¡.tm di am., sil/g/e apica/ cel/.
thick-wa lled, grading slighlly smaller toward surface. SU/face cel/s 3. Tral/sverse seclion oJ
rounded-rectangular, irregu lar, 4-10 ¡.tm diam., nOl in longitudinal brand/.
row . Rhizoids pad-like, tough, ventral on creeping tolons.
Uncommo//. : inconspicuous, on hard urfaces or mangrove prop
roots, often in mixed turfs; lO I m deep .
Dislribulioll : Lesser Anlilles, Western Caribbean.

Gelidiella trinitatensis W.R . Taylor 1943: 150, pI. 1, lig. 1.

Tila//us fi ne, soft, tufl- like, to 2(-5) cm hi gh, li ght pink to red ; / . Habil.
branching sparse, irregular; basa l parts creeping or form ing thin 2. Transverse seclion of
crust; growth from ingle apical cel!. Brallches cylindrical lO slightly branch.
compres ed, 55- 11 0 11m diam. , occasiona ll y pinched al base; apices 3. Branc// apex sholVing
poillted. Medullwy cel/s 10-15 11m diam ., thi ck-walled, grading single apica/ cel/.
s light ly smaller toward urface. SLllface cells rounded to irregular.
5- 10 11m diam . Rhizoids to 10 11m di am ., cluslered, ventral on
creeping sto lon. Telrasporangia near apices , in V-shaped parallel
Comlll01l. : inconspicuous, on hard surfaces or mangrove prop roots,
ofien principal component of mixed tlllfs; to I m deep.
Dislribution: Grealer Anti ll es, Lesser Amil le , Southern Caribbean,
Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

K ey to s p ecies of Gal/oTlem a, L iagora and Trich ogloeopsis [all having simi lar external appearances].
l. Distal branch ing genera lly dicholomous ... ..... .. ... .... ................... .......... .. ................................ ... ........ ... .. 2 5. Distal branches 1-2 mm diam ................................................ .. ............. ........... .. .. ... .... .......................... 6
l . Distal branching generall y irregular or alternate ........ ...................... .... ................................. .. .............. 5 5. D istal branches less than 1 mm diam ............................ .. .. .. .. ............................ .. .......... ........................ 7
2. Thallus tiff lhroughout, wiry, heavily calcified; branches to 500 11m diam ........ L. eC. albicalls, p. 50 6. Calcification mostly in ouler mucus: cortical fi laments 4-7 times dichotomously branched; surface
2. Thallus at least di sta ll y so ft, fleshy, med ium to li ghtly calcified; branches greater than 500 ¡.tm di am. cell s ova l, bead-like, 12-20 ¡.tm diam ......................................... .. .. ........................ T. pedicellata, p. 54
...... .. ................. ....... .. ..... ... .... .... ... .... .. .............................................................................. ... ........... ... .... ... 3 6. Calcification moslly in medu ll a; conical filalll enls 2-4 lim es dichotomously branched; surface cells
cy lindrica l to slightl y swo llen, 17- 28 ~lIn diam . .. .. .. .......... .. ................................... . L norrisiae, p. 52
3. Thallus pink-white, apices red-brown ; medullary filaments to (20-)30(-40) ¡.trn d iam. , cell
generally 10-20 diamelers long .. .. .................................................................................. L valida , p. 54 7. Calcification heavy; llledullary fil am ents (50-) 100-200 11m diam .; surface cell s 19-25 11m diam .,
3. Thallus pink-white or white-red throughout; medu llary fil aments grealer than 30 ~un diam. , cell s wilh api cal " hal o" ........ .... .... .. .. .. .. .................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .............. .............. L megagylla, p. 52
less than 10 diameters long .......... .... .. .............. .......... .. ...... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .............. .. .... .... .. .. .. .................. 4 7. Calcificalion light; medullary fil am enls 40-80 11m diam.; urface cell s 13- 19 ~lIn dialll., WilhoUl
api ca l " halo" .............................................. .............. .... ........ ...... ............................ L dendroidea , p. 52
4 . Th allus tangled, without slippery lex ture; branching loose; medull ary filaments to 45 11m diam.,
cell s 5- 10 diameters long ................................ .. ....................................................... G. Jarill oslIlII, p. 50
4. Thallus compact, with slippery texture; branching tighl; medullary filaments to 40 11m diam .,
cells less than five diameters long .......... .. .. .. ................ .. .................. .... ................... L ceranoides, . 50

Ganonemafarinosum (J .V. Lamour ux) K.e. Fan & v.e. Wang 1974: 492.
Liagora Jarillosa J.Y. Lamouroux 18 16: 240.
Thalllls soft, f1 eshy, tang led, lo 12 cm high , whi te-red; brancbing l . Cortical jilament with
loo e, irregul ar below, widely dichotomous at apice ; ca lcification apieal hairs (h), irregularly
modera te, heavy al ba e. Branehes to 2 mm diam. proxim all y; shaped basal cell (b) and
apices tapering to 0.5 mm diam. Medallary jilaments 10ngitudinaJ , sparse basal rhizoids (r).
cylindri ca l, 1045 !-1m diam.; cells 5-10 diamelers long. Cortical 2. Erect cO/pogonial brand1
jilamel1ls radial, 2-4 times dicholomously branched; cell s J-2 (e) forming near base of
diameters long; basa l cell irregularly shaped, swo llen, to 40 !-1m diam. ; short cortical jilament.
basal rhizoids often abund ant, 8- 10 !-1m diam. ; apica l cells cy lindri ca l 3 . Spermatangia (s) terminal
10 s li gh tly swollen, ]3-2 t !-1m diam. , 15- 25 ¡.u n long; apica l hairs on cortical jilaments.
common. Spermatangial tufts 40-60 !-1m diam., densely branched,
termi nal on cortical fi laments. Carpogonial branehes erect, of
4-6 cells, 18-25 !lITI diam. , near base of cortical fiJamenls.
Common: on rocks or coral fragments, in andy protecled areas;
to 10 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas , Grealer Anti ll es, Les er Anti lles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of Mexi co.

Liagora cf. albicans J.v. Lamouroux 18 16: 240, pI. 7, fig. 7'
Thallus sti ff, wiry, to LO cm high, chalk-w hile, peppered with dark l . Cortical filament with
red dots when reproductive; api ces pink-wbite; branchiog dichoto- eO/pogonial braneh (e).
mous to opposite; caJcification heavy. Branehes to 500 !-1m diam. ; 2. Tightly ineurved
apices slightly taperi ng, to 450 !-1m diam. Medullary jilaments earpogonial braneh (e).
longitudinal , cyJindri caJ 10 sli ght1y swollen, 15-30(-40) ¡.un diam. ; 3. Carposporophyte terminal
cells 3-15 diameters long. Cortiealfilam.ents radial , cylindricaJ, on cortical jilament.
6- 12 !-1m diam. , 4-5 times dichotomously branched; basal rhi zoid 4. Spermatangia (s) terminal
absent; api cal cells spherical or tear-shaped, 8- 10 11m diam. , to 20 on cortical jilament.
!-1m long. Holdfast inconspi cuous, pad-like. Spermatangia 2-4 ¡.un
diam., in c1uslers, termi nal on corti ca l fi laments. Carpogonial
branehes tightly incurved, of (2-)3-4(-5) cells, 10-20 ¡!m diam.,
neal' middle of corticaJ filaments. Carposporophyles hem ispherical,
lO 300 !-1m diam. , terminaJ on cortical filamenls, a red dot on
branch surfaces; carpospores tear-shaped, 5-6 !-1m di am., to 10 !-1m
Rare: on rocks or coral fragments, often in wave-exposed locations;
102m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Anti lles, Lesser Antilles.

Liagora ceranoides J.v. Lamouroux 18 16: 239.

Thallus sofl, slippery, compact, oflen hemisphericaJ, 3- 5(-8) cm l. Cortical jilam.entS with
hi gh, pink-while; proximal branching sparse, irregular; di stal spherieal apical eells.
branching prolific, widely di cholomous; calcification moderate; 2. Carposporophyte-
basal surface rough. Branehes 1- 2 mm dian1. , short; apices lapering surrounded by involueral
lO 0.5 mm diam. Medullary fi laments longitud inal, 20-40 ¡!m diam.; filaments (i).
cells cylindrical lO s1ight1y swollen, less than five diameters long. 3. ln eurved eO/pogonial
Cortiealfilaments radi al, 4-6 times di chotomously branched, seldom braneh (e).
eXlending beyond mucu ; ba al rhi zoids generall y present, 16- 18 11m
diam. ; apical cells sphericaJ to oval, 4- 12 !lITI diam. , often bearing
fi ne co lorless hairs. Holdfast inconspicllolls, pad-li ke. Spennatangia
1.-3 !lITI diam. , in clu lers on ouler segmenls. Carpogonial branehes
incllrved, of 3-5 cells, 12-24 !-1m diam ., l1ear midd1e of corti cal
fi lamenls. CC/lpmporophytes spheri cal, 100-500 !-1m diam. , wilh
basal coll ar of involucral filaments.
Common: on rock or coral fragments; lO 20 m deep.
Distriblltion: Florid a, Bahama , Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gu lf of Mexico.

Liagora dendroidea (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) I. A. Abboll 1990: 3 17.'

He/mili/hora delldroidea P. Crouan & H. Crouan in Maté & chrallllll 1878: 178.
Thallll.\" gelalinou . SOfl. gooey. nacc id, 10 20 cm hig h, pink-while l. Corrical jilamellls
(spe rmalangial lh alli pink ); branc hing irregular; ca lc iticalion li ghl. radiari/l ' from medllllllly
Bral/ches 10 1.3 mm diam. proxi mally: apices lape ring, 0. 3-0.6 mm jilamellls.
diam . Medllllary jilamel/rs longitudinal , cy lindri ca l, (20-)40-80 !-1m 2. Erecr ca rpogonial
di a m.: cell 10 six diamelers long; bra nc h apices co mpri sed of 3-4 brclI/ ches (c) /l ear middle
medullary filamenls. Cortical jilamel/ts radial, c lu slered, 3-4 times of cOl'rical jilallle/lrs.
di c holomously branched; basal rhizoids occasio nall y presenl ; apica l 3. Carposporophyre
cell s spherical to ova l, 13- 19 !-1m di am., 13-24 !-1m long, oflen surrolll/ded by il/ volllcral
inili aling tine co lorless hairs. Holdfast inco nspicuous, pad-like. jilal1lellls (i) and conical
SpermalCmgial rufrs 25-50 !-1m diam. , on o ule r corlical segments; jilamelll e/llsrer il/iriaril/g
spennatangia 2-5 !-1m di am. Carpogol/ial bral/ches erecl. of four basal rhi~oids (r).
cell s, 15-28 !-1m diam. , near middle of cortical tilamellls. Carpo- 4. SpermalC/ngial e/usrers (s)
sporophyres 100-200 !-1m diam. , le rminal o n o uter corli ca l 01/ corrical jilamems.
filamenls; involucral fil ame nt few lO many.
COIIIII/.Ol/: on rocks 01' cora l fragmenl ; lO 15m dee p.
Dislribllliol/: Florida. Bahama . Greater Anti ll es, Lesser Antilles,
We lem Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Liagora megagyna Bprgcscn 19 15: 77. ligs. 82-86.

TI/CIIIIIS gelatinous, Ofl, gooey, flacc id , lO 14 c m hi gh, pink-w hile; l. Corrical jilmllel/ rs, wirh
branching irregular; calcilkation heavy, lack ing al ap ices. Bral/ches apical halos (o) al/d ol/e
to 1. 1 mm diam. proximally ; api ces with liltl e 01' no laper, rarely lO apical hair (h).
0.6 mm diam. MedulllllY [tlam ems longitudin al, 100-200 ~lIn diam.: 2. CC/lposporophyre.
cell s cylindrical 10 barrel-shaped. Conical jilamel/rs radial , 2- 7 times 3. Apex of conical jilamel/r
dic holomously branched; basal rhizoids common; apica l ce ll s \\Iirh jUl'el/ile apieal hairs
spherical , bead-like, 19-25 ~lm diam ., commonl y iniliatin g fine (17 ) al/d apical halos (o).
colo rle hair; apical halo (cell emptied of comenls) presenl.
Holdfasr inconspicuous, pad-like. Spermarangial rllfts 25-50 !-1m
diam., lermi nal on cortical filam enl . CCllpogol/ial brc/Ilches erect,
of 3-5 cell , 20-27 ~un diam ., near middl e of cortica l fil a menl s.
CallJOSporophyre 150- 200 ~lIn diam. , terminal on cortical filamem s;
in volucra l filamenls presenl.
UIICOIII II/.Ol/: on rocks 01' cora l fragments ; to I m deep.
Dislributiol/ : Bahamas, Greater Anlilles, Lesser Allli ll es, Gulf of
Mex ico.

Liagora Ilorrisiae I. A. Abboll 1984: 1017. fi gs. 10-15.

Thalllls SOfl , n eshy, n acc id , 10 8 cm hi gh, pink-white, pe ppe red Wilh l. COI'rical [tlam em wirh small
dark red-brown d01S when reproducti ve: branching ilTegular on all spenl/alal/gial lL(fr (s).
sides; ca lcifi calion li ghl 10 moderate, mostly in medull a. Bral/ches to 2. Erec[ 0 1' slighrly ifTl:llrved
2 mm diam ., short: apices rounded . Medullary [tlam em s longitudinal, cC/lp ogollial branc/I (e)
30-80 ¡.u n diam. ; ce ll s 3-6 diameters lon g, cy lindri ca l 01' sli ghtl y I/ ea r middle of corrical
swo ll e n. COI'rical [tlm/lems radial , 2-4 limes di c ho tom ou Iy bra nc hed ; jilamem.
basa l rhizoids s parse, 10- 14 !-1m diam.: apical cell s cy lindri ca l, 3. CC/lposporophyre \\Iirh
occasiona ll y s li ghtl y woll e n, 17-40 ~Im diam. , 2-3 diamelers long. eOl/rorTed il/ vollleral
Spermalcmg ial rllfts 10 20 !-1m diam. , lale ral on second lo fourth ce ll jilame"ts (i).
from apex of conica l fil aments. never le rminal. CC/l p ogol/ial 4. SpennalCmgial lI/ft /clleral
bral/ches e recl 10 sli ghll y incurved, of four cell s. lO 20 !-1m diam., 0 1/ cOrTical [tlamem .
near middle of corti ca l filaments. CCllposporophyre lO 100 ~Im di a m. ,
te rminal on o uler corti ca l fil ameI1ls: in vol uc ral fil a meI1ls of 3-4
cells; carpospo res ova l, 10 15 !-1m di am .. 18 ~lIn lo ng.
UIICOIIIIIIOII: locally abundanl, o n roch o r coral fragments, in ca lm
prolected areas; 10 10 III deep.
Dislribll/ioll: Wesle rn Caribbean.

Liagora vaLida Harvey 1853: 138. pI. 31 . A·

Thallus wilh tiff lower par! . 50ft upper parts, fl eshy. to 10 cm l . Medullary jilamellf with
hi gh, chalk-white below, pink-white aboye, peppered wilh dark red il/temal rhi~oids (r)
dots when reproductive; apices red-brown; branching dichotomou s initiatillg fro m bases of
throughoul; calcificalion heavy below, moderate abo ve. Brancl/es to radial branehlets.
1.3 mm di am.; api ces lapering lO 0.8 mm diam. MedullGlY jilamenrs 2. Cortical jilaments with
longitudinal , 20-30(-40) 11m diam .; cells 10-20 diameters long, carpogonial branehes (e).
cy lindrical to sli ghtl y wollen. Cortical jilamellls radial , cy lindrical,
lO 16 11m di am., 4--5 times di chotomously branched; basal rhizoid s
8-10 11m diam .. abundant; apical cell s pear-shaped or spherical ,
8-12 fun diarn . Spennatal/gia forming irregular tufts, terminal on
cortical filaments. Carpogonial brallehes erect to slightly incurved,
of 3-5 cell s, 10-22 11m diam ., near middle of cortical filaments. ;
CGlposporophytes as red dots on branch surface, hemi pherica l,
lO 400 11m diam ., termin al on cortical filament .
COlI/lIlon: on rock or cora l fragments, oflen in wave-expo ed
locations; LO 2 m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Anlille , Lesser Antilles, CD
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean. Gulf of Mex ico.

Liagoropsis schrammii (P. Crounn & H. Crounn) DOly & LA. Abboll

1964: 443. Helll/i/llllOcladio sc{¡rall/II/i P. Crouan & H. Crouan in
Mazé& Schramm 1878: 177.
Thallus undulaling, exceptiona ll y slippery, gelati nous, gooey, lO l . Cortical jilamen/ with
35 cm long, dark tran lucent brown-red; branching irreg ular to sperma/al/gial cluster (s) . so
opposite, occasion ally dichotomou below; calcification light. 2. Medullary jilamellf. p-m
Brancl/es cylindrical , to 1.5(-3.3) cm diarn .; apices tapering, bluntly 3. Spermatal/gium.
rounded. Medul/ary jilamel/ls longitudinal, cylindrical, 2- 14 fun
diam. , loosely interwoven, thick-walled, with fewcros walls. Cor/ieal
jilamellfs radial , in bead-like chain s, 13- 14 11m di am., dichoLOmou Iy
branched; cells pherica l 10 oval, to 28 Ilm long. Spermatallgial tufts
distal on terminal cell s of cortical filaments; permatangia 2-5 11m
diam. Cwpogol/ial brancl/ erecl, of (3-)4--8 cell s, terminal o n 2-4
cell ed stalk , often clustered in groups of 3-4 o n cortica l fil aments.
CW1JOSporophy/es near middle of cortical filaments; carpo po res
oval, to II Ilm diam ., 14 fun lo ng.
Rare: abundant when pre enl, attached to coral or shell fragments
on sball ow sand plains; to 10 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Grealer Anlilles, Lesse r Antilles, Soulhern aribbea n.

TrichogLoeopsis pediceLLata (M. Howe) LA. Abboll & DOly 1960: 638.
figs. 18-20. Liagora pedicellata M. Howe 1920: 556.
Thallu oft, fl eshy, flacci d, to 16 cm hi gh, pa le pink-white l . Cortical jilamen / SllOIVillg
(spermatangial lh alli beige-white); branching irregul arl y alternate, spherieal apieal eelts.
lateral branches progressively shorter creating pyramid-like shape; 2. Cor/ieal jilamel/ls
calcification moderate, w ith ca lcareous granul es in outer mucus. sllOwil/g sIVollen /ips on
Branehes 1.2-2.5 mm di am. Medul/w)' fi lamel/ls longitudinal, surfaee hairs.
cylindrical, 300-600 flm diam., tapering at api ces. Cor/ical jilamellls 3. Carposporophyte wi/h
radi al, 4--7 times d ichoto mously branched; basa l rhi zo ids common , deseendil/g gon imoblas/
10- 16 flm di am.; api ca l ce ll s spherica l lO ova l, 12-20 flm di am., jilamel//s U).
15-26 flm long, often bearing fin e co lorl ess hairs. Sperma/al/gia
13-20 11m diam. , in tufts o n outer segments. Carpogol/ial branehes
erecl, of 3-6 cell s, 20-25 flm diam ., terminal or replacing lateral
branchlet o n corti ca l filament. Carposporophytes 90-2 15 Ilm diam.,
o n o uter segment ; gonimobl a 1 filamenl mullicellular.
COII/lllon: on rocks or coral fragments, in spur-and-groove areas
seaward of reef crests: lo 12 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florida, Baha mas, Grealer Antill es, Lesser Anti lles.
Weslern Caribbean. Gulf of Mexico.

Key to species oC Trichogloea Aeri al view of the clear

l. M ain branches to 8 mm diam.; purple-red .. ... ....................... .. ................ ...................... T. herveyi, p. 56 waters of the Bahamas
l . Main branches to 4 mm diam.; pink-while .... ..... .......... ......................... ...... ... ... ... .. ... T. reqllienii, p. 56 showing grazing halos (Ii ght
zones) surrounding lhe patch
reefs. Grazing halos occur
(in large part ) a a re ult of
herbi vorous Fi h and sea
lIrchin onl y ventllring a short
distance away from the
sheller o f lhe ree f (Ogden el
al. 1973). The fl al sandy
areas (having no structural
shelter) ome distance from
lhe patch reefs o ffer a refuge
for many marine pl anls.

Trichogloea herveyi W.R. Taylor 195 1: 119.

Thall/ls undulating, bu shy, gelatinous, gooey, lippery, to 30 cm long. l . Fin e, dic/¡ otomo L/sly
pink-white center with thi ck bri ght red halo; branching alternate, branc/¡ed cortical jilaments
sparse; ca lcification slight, diffuse, only in medulla. Branc/¡ es overlying Large medL/llCl/ y
cy lindrica l, to 8 mm di am.; lateral branche to 4 mm diam., ji/aments.
tapering; apices blunl. MedL/llary ji/aments longi tudinal, cy lindrica l, 2. Cortical ji/ament apices
75-100 f.lm diam., dichotomously to irregularly branched. CorticaL depicting deve/opmenta/
ji/amen/s radi al, dichotomou Iy branched; api cal cells oval, 18-20 f.lm s/ages of spermatangia.
diam . Ho /dfast inconspicuous, di c-like. Spermatangia 2.5-3.5 f.lm lila/L/re spermatangia on
diam. , initially 2-3 per stalk, whorled on outernlOst 1-4 cell s. rig/¡t sholVing 2-3 per
Carpogonia/ b ranc/¡ es terminal on cortical fil aments; in vo lucral sta/k.
filament hort, 1-3 time dichotomously branched. Carpo-
sporophytes 50-120 f.lm diam ., sunken in corti cal filaments;
carpo porangia oval, 10.0- 12.5 f.lm diam ., 15- 17 f.lm long.
Rare: abundant when present, on rocks or other hard surfaces;
to 10 m deep.
Distribll/ion: Greater Antilles, Les er Antilles.

Trichogloea requiellii (Monlagne) KÜlzi ng 1847: 54.

Barrac/¡osperlllLlIII req//;e,,;; Monlagne 1843: 355.
Tha//L/s undul ating, bu hy, gelatinous, gooey, lippery, to 20 cm J. Fin e. dichotoll/oL/sly
long. pink-white center with bright red halo; branching alternate; branched cortical jj/aments
ca lcificaLÍon moderate, only in medulla. Branc/¡ es cy lindrica l, Ivit/¡ terminal carpo-
to 4 mm diam.; lateral branches to 2 mm diam., tapering at api ce . sporophyte (c), sparse
M edL/llary ji/aments longitudinal, cy lindrica l, 25-30 f.lm diam., in llo/ucra/ ji/amellls (i) and
dichotomou Iy lO irregu larl y branched. Cortica/.ti/Cttllellls rad ial , s/¡ ort terminal hairs (h).
dichotomously branched; api cal cells pherica l, 12-25 f.llll diam . 2. Brcltlchlet apices with
Ho /dfast inconspi cuous, di c- like. Spermatangia 2-5 f.lm diam. , spenlla tallg ia (s) .
whorled on ubapica l (rarely apica l) to fifth cell I( 1-)2-4(-5) cells
removed from terminal cell]. CCl/7Jogonia / brcttlc/¡es terminal or
slightly offset on corti ca l filamems ; involucral filamems 10-30 f.lm
long, sparse, 1-2 times divided. Ca/7JOSporop/¡ytes 45- 145 f.lm diam.;
carposporangia oval, 5-9 f.lm diam., 10- 12 f.lm long.
Uncolllmon.: on rock or other hard sub. trates; to 15 m deep.
Dis/rilm/ion: Florida. Bahamas, Greatcr Antilles, Lesser Anti lles.
Gulf of Mexico.

Key to species of Galaxaura This primiti ve fi sh trap
i con lruc ted of tic k ,
l. Branches fl at ...... .. ...... ........ ...... .. .. ................ .... .......... ....... ..... ................................... G. margi/!ata, p. 58
l. Branche cylindrical ............................................ ... ................................................................................ 2 chi c ken-w ire a nd Slo ne .
Fish traps o fte n become
2. Branches densely (but even ly) covered by hair-like filamenls .............................................. ............... 3 lost but continue to trap
2 . Branches other than den ely covered by hair-like fil ament ............................................................ .. . 4
both he rbi vorous and
3 . Shol't surface filaments 1.0- 1.5 mm in length; long surface filaments 3-4 mm in length; medullary camivo rous fi shes
filament overl app ing basal cell of surface filaments ............ .. .................... ............... G. comal/S, p. 58 (as we )) as c rustaceans)
3. Short surface filaments 30-40 l-lm in lenglh; long urface filaments to 1.6 mm in length; medull ary
resulting in countless
fil ament not overl apping basal cell of surface filaments .. G. rugosa, Tetrasporophyte Stage, p. 60
wastefu l deaths (see
4. Branches to 4 mm diam .; innermost corti cal cell 60-120 l-lm diam ....................... G. obtusata, p. 60 also p. 305).
4. Branches to 2 mm diam .; innermo t cortical cells le s than 60 l-lm diam ......................... ................... 5
5. Distal branches smooth, proximal branches with short incon picuou surface filament .................... .
.................................................................................................. G. rugosa , Gametophyte Stage, p. 60
5. Branches covered with rings (whorl ) of minute hair-like filaments ............... G. subverticillata, p. 62

Galaxaura comans Kjellman 1900: 44, pI. 2, figs. 10-18; pI. 20, fig. 13-
Thal/L/s bu hy, oft, compact, 2- 12 cm hi gh, purple-red; branching J. Trans verse seclion of corlex
irregularly alternate, se ldom dichotomou ; ca lc ification absent or showing sliff Izair-like
s li ght. Branches short, crowded, cy lindri cal, fuzzy, 5- 10 mm diam . surface jilalllems (f) ane/
(inc lu ive of urface filam ents), densely but evenly covered by stiff medl/I/ary jilamellls (m )
hair-like filaments. MedL/llary jilamellls 10-25 l-lm di am. , loosely commonly overlapping
intertwined, extending into cortex (i.e., overl apping and intertwined bulbous basal cel/s (b).
with bulbou cortical cell s). Correx indistinct; surface filament s 2. Transverse seclioll of corlex
cy lindri ca l, I 5-22 ~lm di am. , intermixed short ( 1.0-1.S mm long) wilh ligl1lly packed bL/lboL/s
with long (to 3-4 mm long); cell s at base of filaments often bulbous, basal cel/s (b) ane/
30-55 l-lm di am. , 50-80 l-lm long, li ghtJy pigmented . Hole/fasl illlerlWined medl/l/C/I)'
inconspicuous. jilamellls (m ).
Comlllol/: on coral fragment s, mangrove prop roots or rocks,
in protected sandy areas; to 12 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Bahamas, Grea ter Antill e , Lesser Alllilles, We tern
Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Galaxaura marginata (J. Ellis & Solander) J.v. Lamouroux 18 16: 264-
Corallil/a margil/a/{¡ J. Ellis & Sola"der 1786: 115. 1'1. 22, lig. 6.
Thal/l/s bu hy, hemi pherica l, 5-14(-20) cm high, crea m-red; J. Telrasporangial {hal/L/s:
branching dicholomou ; calcification moderale. Blades 1.0-3.0 mm IrallSverse seclion 01
wide, 300-500 l-lm lhi ck, fl at, smooth , oflen with fainl cro s banding darkly pigmenled sll/face
near apices; margi ns slightl y lhickened. MedL/I/C/I)' jilamenls 8- 15 ¡,¡m cel/s, large and ofien fl/sed
diam. , sparse, intermixed wilh gelatinou mucilage. Corlex 2-3 cell s sL/bsu lface cel/s and
tJli ck; innennost cells 25-65 ~lll1 thick , 50-100 l-lm wide, li ghtI y conn ecling inlemal
pi gmented; urface cell s of tetrasporangial lhalli stalked , oval or (lIlee/L/I/C/I)') jilamenls.
spherical , 22-40 l-lm diam ., 30-60 11m lon g, thick-walled , laterally 2. Gamelangial Ihal/lIs:
free, with apex rarel y poimed: subsurface cell s bearing 1-3 surface Iransverse seclion howing
cells; urface cell of ga metangial lh alli narrow ly ova l 0 1' columnar, narrOl vly CO IL/lll11ar
10-16¡.u n diam. , 25-45 11m long, with blunt apex; subsurface cell s sLllface cel/s.
triangul ar, compre sed, co lorl es , laterally adherent, bearing one 3. Telraspo/'c/Ilg ial Ihal/L/s:
surface cell ; urface hair-like fil ament rareo sLllface view.
Comlllo/!: in lide poo l , on hallow reef fl al or mangrove prop
roOI , in prolecled Jocations; to 10 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antille , Le ser Amilles,
OUUlern Caribbea n, WeS lern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Galaxaura obtusata (J. Ellis & olander) J.V. Lam uroux 1816: 262. ·
Cora/til/a obr/lsaf{/ J. Ellis & olander 1786: 133. pI. 22. lig. 2.
T/¡a l/lIs forming ti ff bushy clu ters, 7- 10 c m high, pink to cream- l . Gamelangial Ihalhrs:
red; bra nc hing di cholOmo us, often con lri cted at joi nts; calcifica ti o n slffface vielV.
li ght in tetrasporangial lh alli , ex tremely sli g ht in ga meta ngial thalli . 2. Gametangial Ihal/us:
Branc/¡ es cy lindri ca l, 1-4 mm d iam .. 1-4(-9) d iameters lo ng, smooth transverse secliol/ oJ corlex
or with sparsely pl aced hairs; api e blunt; joints fl ex ibl e, uncaJc ifi ed. s/¡ olVing da rk sU/face cel/s,
Medlll/ary jilamem s parse, 10-20 ¡.1m di am., di choto mo usly imerfllediale si:.ed
branc hed, inte rmi xed in gelatino us mucil age. Cor/ex three cell s thic k; subsU/face cells alld large
inne rmost cell s broadl y ova l, 60- 120 ~1I11 di am., colo rl e s; subsurface basal ce lis corlllec/ed by
ce ll s in tetraspo rang ial th alli stalk- li ke, 8- 15 ¡.1m di am. , 15-25 ~lm imem al jila fll ell/s.
thick, in game tangia l th alli swoll e n, 20-40 ¡.1m di am., 20-30 ¡.1m 3. Telrasporallgial Ih al/us:
thick; surface cell s tri a ng ul a r in transver e secti on (more f1 attened lra fl sverse seclion oJ da rkly
in ga metang ia l thallu s), po ly hedral fro m surface, 20-45 ¡.1m di am., pigmell/ed, slalked sU/face
heav il y pi gme nted, rarely producing surface hairs ( 15-20 ¡.1m di a m.). cel/s, large subsw face cel/s
COlllfllOIl: o n coral fragments 0 1' rocks, in prolected sandy area ; alld corlllectiflg ill/erl/al
to 32(-53) m deep. (medul/a ry) jilame flls.
Dislriblltiol/: Flori da, Baha mas. Greater Anlill es , Lesser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Cari bbean, Gul f 01' Mex ico.

Galaxaura rugosa (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouro ux 18 16: 263.
Cora/tina rugosa J. Ellis & Solande r 1786: 11 5, pI. 22, lig. 3.
Thallus bushy, stiff, compact, loosely dome- haped, to 12 c m l . Trafl sverse seclioll oJ cOrlex
hi gh, cream-red to ro e-red ; branching d icho to mo us; ca lcificati o n lVilh f used Subslllface cel/s,
heavy. Branches cy lindrical , 1-2 mm di am. : joints fl ex ible, cOllneclillg il//ernal
unca lc ified, gene rall y at ba e of di choto mi es. Medul/{f/Y jilamellls (m edulla ry) jilamefll s clI7d
8-20 ¡.1m di a m., spar e, colo rJess, inte rmi.xed with gelatinous occasioflal suiface
mucilage. Corlex 3-4 cell s thi ck: inne rmost cell s 30-40(-60) ¡.1m jilamenl (j).
di a m., 25-30(-40) ¡.1m thic k, colorJes , ofte n late rall y fu ed ; surface 2. Slliface vielV.
cells hort, 18-30 ¡.1m di am., 10- 15 ¡.1m thic k, 4-7 sided in urface
vie w ; urface fi la ments 10- 18 ¡.1m di a m., to 1 mm lo ng, absent
di stall y, abund ant near ba e. HoldJasl inconspic uo us.
COl1llllon: on coral fragme nt , roc ks o r mang rove prop roots,
in protected areas; to 1 m deep.
Dislriblltion: Fl orida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Lesser Anlilles,
Soulhern Caribbean , Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Galaxaura rugosa (J. Ellis & Solander) J.v. Lamouroux 18 16: 263.
[Gala.w/lra /apidescens (J. Ellis & Solander) J.v. Lamouroux 18 16: 264.]
Thal/us bushy, ti ff, compact, do me-shaped, 8- 12 cm hi gh, c ream- l . Trafl sverse secliofl of COrlex
red; branching irregularly alte m ate; calcificati o n li gh!. Branc/¡ es lVi//¡ hair-like sllfface
short, crowded, cy lindri ca l, 1-3 mm di am., de n ely bUI evenl y jilamenls (j) and medullary
covered by sliff hair- like fil a me nts. Medullary jilarnenls 10- 16 ¡.1m jilamen/s (m) 1/0 1
di am., loosely inte rtwined, not ex te nding inlo cortex. COrlex indi s- overlapping bulbous basal
tinct; surface filam e nts cylindri ca l, 15- 22 ~1I11 di am. , inte rmi xed hort cells (b).
(30-40 ¡.1m lo ng) wiLh lo ng (to 1.6 mm lo ng); ce ll s at ba e of 2. Transverse seclioll of COrlex
fil a me nts o fte n bulbous, 30-55 ~Ull di am., 50-80(- 100) ~11 long, s/¡olVing occasiol/al su/face
pi g me nta ti o n li ght o r lac king, occasio nall y bulbo us cell s lac king. jilamelll (j) IVilllout
Holdfasl inconspi cuo u . bulbolls basal cel/.
ComlllOI/: on coral fragme nt , mangrove prop roots o r roc ks, in
prolected sandy areas; to 12 m deep.
DislriblltiOI/: Fl ori da, Bahama , Greater Ant ill es. Lesser Anl illes,
Southern Caribbean, Westem Caribbea n, Gul r or Mex ico.
62 R HOOOI' II\' J'A RII OOOPII\' J''' 63

Galaxaura subverticillata Kjcllman 1900: 48, pI. 3, figs. 12- 14: pI. 20,
fi g. 17"
Thal/us bu hy, tiff, compact, forming hemi spherica l mounds, l. ec/ioll of cor/ex lackillg
4-7(- 9) cm hi gh, dark white-red; branching in'egul arly dichotomous; sU/fac e jilamellls.
caJcificati on moderate. Brallches cy lindri cal, 1.0- 1.5 mm di am., 2. Sec/ioll of cor/ex wi/il silon
fuzzy, ringed (whorl ed) with minute hair-like til aments. Medullary sU/fa ce ji/amellls.
ji/aments 7- 28 ¡.tJll di am ., colorless. COrlex two cells thick; subsurface 3. Seclion of corlex wilh long
cell oval, 40-60 ~lm di am.; surface cells lightl y packed, oval, sU/fa ce ji/amel1ls.
25- 50 !!m di am., 40-76 !!m thick, often topped by single filam ent;
surface fil aments 18-25(-36) !!m di am ., cells 1-3 di ameters long;
surface whorl ed with short ( 100-200 !!m) fil ament a1ternating with
long [300-500(-900) !!m] til aments in younger parts, whorl s
becoming obscure with age. Ho/dfas / inconspicuous.
C011l11l0 1/: on coral fragments or rocks, often in areas of moderate
wave surge; to 10m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahamas, Oreater Antill es, Lesser Antill es,
Southern Cari bbean, Western Caribbean, Oul f of Mex ico.

Key to species of Scinaia The bloom-forming

l . Distal branches constricted at dichotomies; cortex with slender filam ent cells penetrating between c hrysoph yte Chl)'Socyslis
larger surface cells .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... ...... .. .. ............ ............ .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ........ .... .. .. .. ............ .. S. caribaea, p. 62 lewisii, whic h i o fte n
l . Distal branches not constricted at di chotomies; cortex without slender til ament cell penetrating abundantl y conspic llo u
between larger sllrface cells .. .. .. .. .......... .. .. .......... .. .. .. .. ........ .. .... .. ........ .. ........ .. ....... S. COl1lplollota, p. 64
as an extre me ly delicate
e piphyte o n Caribbean

Scinaia caribaea (W.R. Taylor) Hui man 1985: 4 17. "

GloiopMoea caribaea W. R. Taylor 1943 : 14, pI. 1, fi g. 2.
Thal/us soft, gelatinous, sli ppery, 3-4 cm hi gh, translucent, pale l . Habi/ of /hallus.
ro e-red; branching 7- 13 times dichotomou s, di tal branche 2. Transverse sec/ion 01 b/ade
di stinctly constri cted at di chotomies. Blades cy lindri cal to sli ghtly medullO/ y jilamel1ls (m)
fl attened , mooth; egment 0.5- 1.8 mm diam., 3-4 di ameters surrounded by gela/inous
long. Medullary ji/amen/s 6-1 4 !!m di am. , in one loo e bundle o f l1Iuci/age with in.lerspersed
30-50 strand , urrounded by clear gelatinous mucil age interspersed jine jilamellls and sU/face
with fin e di chotomously branched filam ents 2- 6 !!m diam. Corlex corlex.
two cells thick; subsurface cells oval to tear-drop- haped, to 10 !!m 3. Surface view of con exo
diam., 10-1 6 !!m long, darkl y pigmented; surface cells unpigmented, 4 . Transverse sec/ion of
polyhedral in surface view, squari sh in transverse secti on, to 30 !!m corlex.
wide, 25- 30 !!m thi ck, often with slender til ament cells penetrating
between large urface cell . Spermatangia spheri cal , 2.5- 7.5 !!m
di am., ingle or paired. Carposporophy/es spherical , 145- 175 !!m
di am. , embedded in ide cavity adjacent to and in contact with cortex.
UIlCOI1l11l01l: on coral fragments or rubble, on deep sand plain ;
to 20 m deep.
Dis/ributioll: Florida, Oreater Anti lIe .

Scinaia complanata (Coll ins) Callan 1907: 260.

Scil/aia ¡urcel/a/a f. cOlllp/al/a/a Collins in Coll ins el al. 190 1 [ 1895- 19 19]:
na. 836.
Thal/us hemi pheri cal, soft, ge lalinou , slippery, ro 8 cm hi gh, J. Tra/l sverse seclio/l of
translucent, pale rose-red ; branchin g 7-9 times dichOlo mous. Blades corlex.
cy Lindri ca l to slightl y fl attened, mooth , approx imalely of equal 2. Darkly pigm.e l11ed
lengtll ; segments 1-6 mm di am ., 4--7 di ameters long. MeduLlary subsLllface cel/s.
jilam.en/s fi ne, to 4 !!Jl1 di am., 6-30 tightl y bundled slrands surrounded 3 . Spen na/allgial sorus.
by clear gelalinous mucil age. Cor/ex two cell s thick; subsurface cel! 4. SU/face view showing e/ear
tear-drop-shaped ; urface cell s rectangul ar, dome-shaped in transverse slIIface cel/s, da rkly
secti on, 12-44 ~Im di am ., 34--35 !!m thi ck. Holdfas/ inco nspi cuous, pigmen/ed subsurface cells
di sc- like. Sperma/angia spherical, 2.5-7.5 ~Ull di am ., in cattered and spe rmatang ial sori
clusters between surface cells. C0I1JOSporophy/es spherical to oval, projec/ing as da rk e/us/ers
145-350 !!m di am., 130--220 !!Jl1 long, embedded inside cav ity between su rface cel/s.
adj acent to and in contact with cortex.
Vl/eOll/llloll: on coral fragments or rubble on deep and plains;
to 10(-30) m deep.
Distriblltion: Florida, Bahamas. Grearer Antille , Lesser Antill es,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Key to species of Tricleocarpa Herbi vorou rudderfish

l . Branches 0.4-- 1.0 mm di am., of uniform di ameter .. .. .. .............. .. ... .................. .. ..... T. cylilldrica, p. 64 ( K VPHOSIDAE) trave l in
l . Bran ches 1-2 mm di am., often tapered at api ces ........ ......... .. .. ....... .. .. ....... .. .. ... .. .. ....... T.fragilis , p. 66 med ium-sized schools a lo ng
the reef and top
occasiona ll y to devour a lgae.
T hi s species a nd o the r
herbi vorous fis hes, as well
as in vertebrale g razers, he lp
keep lhe reef p la nrs fro m
overgrow ing the sess ile
in vertebrates.

Tricleocarpa cylindrica (J. Ell is & Solander) Hu isman & Borowilzka

1990: 164, lig . 40-45 , 50-52.'
Coral/il/a cylil/drica J. Elli & Solander 1786: 11 4, pI. 22, lig. 4.

Tha l/us bushy, stiff, 10 10 cm high, pink-red ; branching di chOlomous; J. Transverse sec/ion f cor/ext
ca lc ification heavy. Brallches cy lindri ca l, 0.4--0.8(- 1.0) mm diam., showing compressed
smooth, of uniform di ameter (no taper); joints fl ex ibl e, unca lc ifi ed. sw f ace cel/s, oval
Medullary jilamel11s sparse, to 12 !!m di am., di chotomously branched, subS/.llface cel/s and broad
intenni xed w ith gelatinous mucil age. Cortex 2-4 ce ll s thick: inner- illner cel/s con/l ec/ed by
most cell s broadl y ova l, 18-75 !!m di am., colorl ess; subsurface cell s medul/ary jilamen/s.
e longated ova l, to 30 !!m di am., 40 !!m long, li ghtl y pi gmented or 2. SLllface view.
colorl ess; urface cell so mew hat co mpre ed or fl attened, 10-- 17 !!m
di am. , heav il y pi gmented. Holdfas/ inconspicuous. COIposporangia
ova l, 10-- 15 !!m di am .. 25-30 !!m long.
Comll/.oll: on cora l Fragments or rocks, in protected sa ndy areas,
generall y at sand/roc k interface; intertidal to 15 m deep.
Dislribu/ioll: Fl orida, Bahamas, Grealer An lill es, Lesser Antill es,
Soulhern Cari bbea n, We lern Caribbean, Gul r of Mexico.

icleocarpa f ragiLis (Linn"ells) Hui , man & R.A. Townsend 1993: 100.
le 2." Es{"//{//"{/Jrag i/is Linnaeus 1758: 805.

al/lis bushy 10 sparse, slifr. 7- 15 cm high, crea m-red; branching l. Trallsverse seelioll of eorlex
;hOlOmou ; calcifi cation sli ght. Branches cy lindricaJ, 1- 2 mm ShOlllillg eompressed
am .. smoolh. lapered at api ces; joints fl ex ibl e, unca lcifi ed. sl/lfaee eel/s, spherical
edul/alY jilamenls sparse. 10- 20 ¡.1m di am. , di cholomou Iy subsl/Iface cel/s alld broad
anched, intermi xed in gelatin ous mllcilage. Corlex 3-4 cell s lhick; illner ce l/s conllecled by
nermo l cell s broadly ova l, 35-60 ¡.1m diam. , colorless; sub urface l17edullary jilamellls.
:lI s phelical to broadly ova l, 25-40 ~lIn diam., pigmented or 2. Sl/Iface vielV.
)Iorl ess; urface cell s considerably compressed, 8- 17 ~un diam .,
::avily pig mented. Holdfasl incon picuous.
'O/1/moll: on coral fragments or rocks, in protected sandy areas;
) 30 m deep.
lislribution : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
:oulhern Caribbean , Western Caribbean , Gulf of Mex ico.

ORDER BONNEMA lSO l ALES Di ver conducting

F AMILY BONNEMAISONlACEAE underwate r eco logica l
srudies at Looe Key
Key to species of Asparag opsis Natio nal Mar ine Sa nctua ry
l . Thall us as fi lamentous tufts .... .. "Falkenbe r gia stage" of A. taxiform is, S POROI' H YTE STAGE, p. 68 wi th a wate rproof ta pe
l . Thall u with man y stalks terminating in fin e fi lamemous branchl ets .... .......... ........................ ............ . recorde r a nd full face mask
.. .. .... .................. ................................................................. .. A . taxiformis, GAMETOPHYTE STAGE, p. 66 containing a micropho ne
(Lillle r e t al. 1986a).

Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan 1845: 45. "

Fllells taxiformis Delile 18 13 ( 18 13- 1826): 295, pI. 57. lig. 2.


Thal/us delicale, soli tary or gregarious, extremilies fluffy and finely J . Brancl, densely covered
branched at apices, to 20 cm high, light pale red lO red-gray; lower wilh branehlels illcluding
branching irreg ular, sparse; OUler branching compact. Brallehes naked I"\VO eysloearpie (e)
below, den sely covered with branchl ets above. Brallchlels soft, branehlels.
re peated ly alternately divided, three cell in di ameter, each set 2. Transverse seelion of
aJtemating approximalely 60° (o ff,et fro m one another); apices brand, showing central
extremely fine. Medul/m )' ./ilamem so lilary, long itudinal , to 45 IlI11 jilamenl (f) surrounded by
diam ., surrounded by open gclatinous fill ed chal11ber; cell s to 1.5 111111 lIIucilage-jil/ed ehamber
long. Corlex 3-6 cell; thick; subsurface cells rounded to irreg ular, to and Ihiek con exo
60 IlI11 diam .; surface cell s lO 15 Ilm diam . /-Ioldfasl fibrous mass 3. Brclllchlel slIIfaee and
spreading by proslrate runners (slolons). Cyslocwps 400-550 Ilm Iransverse seelion showing
diam ., on hOlt , wollen , c1ub-shaped branc hlels. Ihree-eel/ed conslruelion.
Common: in areas wiLh vigorous water 1110Lion or c un'ent;
to 30 m dee .

A5paragopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan 1845: 45. "

FI/el/s IlLriJormis Dcli le 18 13 ( 18 13- 1826): 295. pI. 57. fig. 2.
T/¡al/us tlu ffy, fi ne, as fi lamentous tufts, LO 4 cm hi gh, bri ght li ght , . Cylilldrical fi lalllelll lVil/¡
pink ; branching irregul ar to alternate. Brallc/¡ es cy lindrical, each I/¡ree-cel/ed seglllelll
occa ionall y moniliform (Wilh segments swoll en 0 1' bead-like), allernalely rOlaled f rolll
30-80 !-un di am. , three cell s in di ameter; cell s co mmonl y pointed at adjacelll sel.
lips, each et rotated approx im ately 60°. /-Ioldf asl initially di sc- like, 2. Basal/¡oldfasl.
later becomin g branched, tangled, creeping, forming fil amentous 3. Apex of.filamelll.
mass. Telrasporangia so litary on outer filam ents, not in groups
or eri es.
COllllllon : epiph ytic on other algae, often on mangrove prop roots
or on back-reef areas with genll e water moti on; to 1(- 14) m deep.
Distributioll: Fl orida , Bahama . Greater Antilles, Les el' Antill es.
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, GlIlf of Mex ico.

ORDER RHODOGORGONALES Many spo nge coloni es, sllch

as the ye llow llIbe form
Aplysilla .fistula ris, contai n
Key to species of Rellollxia zooxanthe ll ae (mic roscopi c
a lgae) in lhe ir Li ssues, w hi ch
l. Thallus pink with white apices; medullary fil aments 7- 12 J.lm diam . .. .... .......... .. .. Renouxia sp., p. 70
l . Thallus white to white-pink; medllllary filaments 3-8 J.lm di am ..... .. ....................... R. antillana, p. 68 enables the sponge to photo-
synthes ize much in lhe
ma nne r o f pl ants (pp. 344
& 347). Sponge a lso erve
a suita ble altachme nt sites
fo r many reef pl anls (pp. 29 1
& 471 ) and produce an ex ces s
of nilrogenou s nUlrie nts
essenli a l for pl a nl g rowth
(C o rredor el a l. 1988).

RenOllxia antillana Fredericq & J. . orris 1995: 329, figs. 1-40.

Thal/us gelatinou ,slippery. oft, to 12 cm high, white to white- / . Di- 01' Iri-c/¡olomously
pink; branching irregularly lobed with irregul ar, blunt, hort, fin ger- divided conical brallchlel
like projections. Main axis tl attened, 4-7 mm thick, 9- 15 mm wide, wil/¡ apical cel/s fo rming
eventually developing cleep lobe ; apices blunt or blunlly pointed . sp ermalangia. I
Medul/a of loosely arranged longitudin al fil ament (3- J.lm di am.) 2. Typical corlical brclllc/¡Iel.
within mucil ag inous gel; fil aments having nllmerou s small ca lcifiecl 3. Medul/C/I)' fi lalllellls lVil/¡
oval or spheri ca l bodi es ( 12-25 J.lm cli am., 25-45 J.lm long) hav ing slrallge sp/¡erical 10 oval
central rocl-s haped core (2-5 J.lm cliam., 12-30 J.lm long) formed on calciJied Sll'llClures wit/¡
medull ary fil ament . Corlical fi lall1ellls racli al, 4-7 times cli - or tri - ülller rod-shaped core (1').
chotomou Iy branchecl ; cell cy lindrical to sli ghtl y swo ll en, 4-8 !!m
cli am. , api ca l ce ll s 15-25 !-1I11 long. /-Ioldfasl di sc- like, inconspi cuou .
CarpogOllial brancl, of lWO cell s, 40-60 J.lm long; carposporang ia
ova l, 10-20 J.lm cli am., 30-35 !!m long. Spermalallgia to 10 J.lm
di am., 30 !!m long. fonned as apica l cell o f corli cal fil aments.
Rare: found below lhe reef cre t oflen grow ing on deacl elkhorn
coral; 1- 15 m cleep.
DistributiOIl: Greater Antill e . Le er Antill e .

RenOllxia sp.
Tllalllls gelatinous. slippery, soft . 6- 16 cm hi gh, pink Wilh white l. Dicholomously di vided
apices; branching moslly in one plane. omew hal dicholomou s, co nical bral1chlels lVilll
palmate or irregular. Maill axis flattened , 4-7 mm Ihick, 9- 15 mm calcified (1) slruclures al
wide, evenw ally developing deep lobes; ap ices blunt or bluntly base.
pointed. Medl/lla of loosely arranged longi tudinal filaments 2. Medullary ji/amel1l lVill¡
(7- 12 11m diam .) wilhin n1ucilaginou s gel; filaments having slrange oval calcijied
numerolls small ca lcified ova l or pherical bodie wilh rod-shaped slruclllres lI'illl illller rod-
cores (to 10 !-1m diam. , 20-30 ~lm lo ng). Conica/ ji/amellts radial , sllaped eore (rJ.
4-7 limes di - 01' lri-cholomollsly branched, deeply pigmellled; cells 3. MedullCIIY ji/amel/ls
cy lindrica l to s li ghtl y swo llen, 3-6 !-1m diam .; apica l cell s illiticllillg fille rhizoida/
5- 12 !-1m long. Ho/dfasl di sc- like, inconspicuou . ji/amel1ls.
Rare: found below the reef crest oflen growi ng on dead staghorn
cora l; 1- 15 m deep.
Distriblllioll: Grealer Antil les .

Rhodogorgoll ramosissima J.N. orris & Bucher 1989: 1059, fi gs. 6-7'
Thalllls erect, tOllgh, leathery. li ck, to 50 cm hi gh, pink-white / . Trcl/lsverse sectioll showil1g
to brown -red ; branching irregul ar to alternate, di stally unil atera l ullpiglllel/led medullar)'
(favoring one side), sparse to densely compacl. Bralle//es cy lindrica l, ji/amel/ls aqd heavi/y
sli ghtly flattened below, to 6 mm diam. Medl/llary ji/amel/ls illler- pigmentec/ conica/
twined, to 4 !-1m diam. , unpi gmented; cell s to 90 11m long. Cortex ji/amen ls.
di stinct, 70- 105 11m thick; cortica l filaments radial , cylindri cal, 2. Cortical ji/amelll e/llste/:
c1l1 stered , darkly pigmented; cells to 6 ~lm diam. , 18 !-1m long;
lerminal cell often blllbous, unpigmenled ; calci te sheathed cells, Addi ti onal photograph
in patches on sllrface. Slipe short, to l cm diam. , inconspicuolls. on p. 185 .
Ho/dfasl disc-like, inconspicllolls.
V I/common : resembling so ft (gorgonian) coral, allached 10 hard
surfaces on pri tine reefs; to 12 m deep .
Dislriblllioll: Bahamas, Le ser Anli lles, Soulhern Caribbean, We lern

ORDER GIGARTINALES T hi s cam o uO aged chilo n

/ matc he lhe maroon colo r
Key to species of Catellellll o f lhe assoc iated cru stose
l . Atlached by short sta lked cells on ventral side of con triclions: telrasporangia form ing in terminal a lga Peyssol1llelia.
egments ... ... ... .. .. .. .... .. .. ... ... ... .............. .. ............... .......... ... ................. .. ... ........ ... .. ... .. C. caespilosa, p. 72
l. Anached as aboye or more commonly from modified apica l segmenls; telrasporangia Forming one
or two segments from apicaJ segment ....... .... ... .... .......... ... ....... .............. ... .... .. .. ....... C. impudica , p. 72

Catenella caespitosa (Wilhcring) L.M . Irvine in Parke & Dixon 1976:

590. ' U /va caespitosa Wilhcrin g 1776: 735.
ThallLls small , inconspicuous, creeping, lO 3 cm hi gh, red-purpl e; l . Brand, showing holdfasls
branching primaril y dichotomous 01' irregular below, occasionaJl y (h) on venlral side of
opposite abo ve, from widest part of segment. Segmenls elo ngaled conslriclions.
ova l, f1anened or cy Lindri cal, 0.4-0.6 mm diam., hi ghl y variable, 2. Brancl1 wilh
generally 3-5 times longer than wide, pinched between segments. le/rasporangia (1) in
Pericetllral cel/s 5-6, thi ck-walled, initiating fine lateral filalllents. swollen lerminal segmel/./s.
Corlical cel/s 6- 10 11m diam ., tough, in several layers. Holdfas/ 3. Tran sverse seclioll of
shorl stalked cell s o n ventral side of constrictions, terminati ng in
broad disc-like attachment pad. Telrasporangia ova l, zonately
divided, cattered in swo ll en terminal segments. CyslOcmps ova l,
200-360 11m di am. , to 520 11m long, rare, appearing on terminal
branch showing dense
OLller con ex and six
pericemral cel/s.

" lmm

~! <
segments; carposporang ia oval, to 55 11m di am., 70 11m long.
COllllllon: on mangrove prop root , rocks o r coral fragments;
extreme hi gh intertidal.
Distribution.: Florida, Bahama , Grealer Anlilles, Lesser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.
~'~mm \l
Catenella impudica (Monlagne) J. Agardh 1852 [1851 - 1863): 70 1.
Lomelltaria illlplldica MOlllag ne 1840: 197.
ThallLls small , inconspicuolls, creepin g, to 4 cm hi gh, red-purple; J. Branches wirh holdfasls on
branching in'egular, prim arily di- or tri-chotomoll s below. Segmen/s ventral (v) side of
when immature e longated, cylindrical , constricted at intervals; conslriclions 0 1' as
mature segments oval, f1attened, to 2 mm diam ., generall y 3-5 times specialized segments (s)
longer than broad, pinched between segment . Pericen/ral cel/s 5-6, altaching al apices.
thi ck-walled, initi ating fine lateral filament . Conical cells spherical, 2. Telra sporangial brancl1
4- IO!llll dialll ., tough, in several layers. Holdfasl on ventral side of with lelrasporangia (1) in
constrictio ns or as specialized segments attaching at apice 01' sides. swol/etl subapical segmento
Te/rasporal1gia oval, 40- 75 11m diam. , 70-110 11m long, zonately 3. Transverse seclion of
divided, cattered between subapical to third segment from apex. branch showing jive
COl1llllon : on mangrove prop roots, rocks or coral fragments; pericentral cel/s aroL/tld
hi gh intertidal. central jilamen/.
Distributio//.: Bahamas, Les er Antille , Soulhern Caribbean.

Corynomorpha clavata (Harvey) J. Agard h 1872: 4.
Acmt)'/lI s c!m'atlls Harvey 1853: 196.
Thal/L/s olitary or gregari ous, erect, sli ck, firnl , f1 eshy, cartil agino us, J. Tral/sverse sectiotl /of yOLltlg
c lllb-shaped, tapering from slender stipe 10 wide blunt apex, 3-8 mm con exo
dialll. , to 6.5 cm hi gh, dark brown to purpl e-red, apices oflen 2. Lotlgiludinal secliof1 of
yellow-green; unbranched 0 1' occasionall y dichotomously branched. tila/tire cor/ex.
Medllllary jilaments slender, sparse, in mucil agino us gel, oflen inler-
spersecl wilh fine filaments ol' blue green algae. Corlex 50-100 11m
thick; cell s tightl y packecl, c1i vicling radiall y in rows; surface cell s
3-5 11m c1i alll ., 8- 12 !lIll thi ck. Slipe 0.5- 1.5 cm lon g, often
lInsheathecl where stipe meets blade. Holdfasl inconspicllous,
lobecl, c1i sc- like. Cys/ocarps al swo ll en api ce ,crowclecl , embeclded.
Ullcommoll: o n salld-coverecl harcl subsu'ates; lower interticlal
to 26 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Grealer Anlilles, Lesser Anlilles, Soulhern
Caribbea n.
74 RlloooPII, n RIIOOOPII VTA 75

Acrosymphyton caribaeum (J . Ag¡¡ rdh) G. Sjosledl 1926: 9.
Ca/osipltoria caribaea J. Agardh 1899: 8-1.
Thal/lIs bushy, frag il e, hi ghly gelatinoll , gooey, to 22 cm hi gh, l. EI/largemelll of bral/ch.
translucent, li ght red to pink; branching altern ate to radi al. Braf/ ches 2. Cortical jilalllent showil/g
cy lindri ca l, 2-4(-8) mm diam. at base; api ces lapering to 1 mm di am. tri- or di-chotolllous
Ax ial jilalllelll 60-1 30 ¡.un diam ., solitary, transparent, often branchil/g.
surrounded by longitudinal rhi zoidal filam ents. Cortical jilamen/s 3. Spermatangia at apices of
radi al, 6.5- 10.0 11m di am., 5- 7 times tri - or di -cholomou Iy co rricating jilam en/.
branched, in whorl s fro m middl e of ax ial cell s; cell s spheri ca l 10
oval di stall Y' irregul ar prox imall y. Sperlllatangia spheri ca l 10 oval,
2-3 11m diam., clu lered on terminal cell s of corti cal fil amenl .
CC/lp ogonial branches of 7-9 cell , incurved or straighl; laleral
branchl ets below carpogonium 1-4 cell s long. CyslOcarps 40-90 11m
di am.
COIllIllOIl: anached to various substrates, o ften lang led among larger
species; 10 12 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florida, Greater Anlill es, Le ser Anlill es.

Key to species of Dudresl/aya Broken portio n of a large

l. Th allu 109 cm hi gh; branches to 3 mm diam. ; urface fil amenls pheri ca l ... .. D. berllludellsis, p. 74 Madracis m irabilis co lo ny
l. Thallus 10 25 cm hi gh; branche 10 10 mm di am.; surface filam enls cy lindrical ... ..... D. crassa , p. 76 how ing lhe inte rio r cryptic
c rustose coraBine
community. The c ru tose
coralline algae w ithin the
bra nches and at the base of
many corals he lp 10
lrengthen and ceme nt lhe
overa ll tructure together.

Dudresnaya bermudensis Selche ll 19 12: 244. pI. 27. fi g. 8.

Thal/us solilary, fragil e, hi ghl y gelalinous, gooey, to 9 cm hi gh. l . Axial jilalllel1ls (elea r)
lranslucel1l rose-red ; branchin g irregul ar di slall y, palmate proxim all y. surroLl//{led by cortical
radi alin g from somewh at fl allened base. Brallches cy lindrical, oflen jilal7lel/rs (shaded} l\'itl1
fl attened, 10 5 mm diam. ; api ces laperin g to 3 mm diam. Ax ial 1- 2 terminal spennatangia
jilalllellls cy lindri ca l, to 30 11m di a m. ; ce ll s 150-200 11m long. (s) .
Cor/ical j ilalllents radial , cylindri cal to ova l, 4-8 11m di am ., 4-6 limes
dicholomously branched, rarely alternate, in whorl s of four ori ented Note crypti c crab at base
around ax ial cell ; api ca l ce ll s spheri ca l, 10 20 ~lm di am. S/alk 1-2 cm of lower ri ghl branches in
hi gh. cy lindri ca l, firm o pink. Holdfast inconspi cuous, di sc-like. ph olog ra ph .
SperlllalC/ngia spheri ca l, !O 10 11m di am., 1- 2 lerminal on api cal
cell s. CC/lpogonial IU'anches of 5- 10 cell s; auxili ary fil amenls
unbranched or wilh 2-3 di visions, li ghll y curved . CyslOcarps
kidney-shaped, 11 2- 126 11m di am.
Ullcomllloll: on coral fragmenls or olher hard objects; 10 30 m deep.
Distriblltion: Bahamas, Soulhern Ca ri bbea n.

Dudresnaya crassa M . Howe 1905b: 572. pis. 28. 29. tigs. 12- 26.
Tlw llus bu hy, frag ile, highl y gelatinous, g oey, 10 25 cm hi gh, l . Large axial ji/al/le11/s
translucent pin k to gray-red; branching dense, radi al. Branches sllrroul1ded by cyli11drica/
cylindrical, to 10 mm diam.; apice tapering to I mm di am. Axia / cortical ji/amen/s IVi/h
ji/amen/s cylindrical. 50- 165 ~1Il1 di am.; cells 200-430 ¡.tm long. severa/ /en nina/i11g il/
Cortical ji/amen/s radi al, cylindri cal, 3-5 ¡.tm di am., 4-6 times apica / hairs (h).
aJtern ate to dichOlo mously di vided, in whorl ol' fom ori ented 2. Carpogol/ia/ bra11ches on
around ax ial cells. S/a /k cylindrical, to 4 mm di am. Ho /{(fas/ cortica l ji/ament.
inconspicuou , f1 e hy, disc-like. Sporallgia cylindrical to oblong, 3. Sperma /a11gia (s) 0 /1 Otller
10.0- 12.5 ¡.tm di am., 37-53 ¡.tm long, terminal on corti cal fil aments. 2-3 cel/s of cortical
Sperma /angia / /halllls smaller, paje; sperm atangia cylindrical to ji/amen/s.
oval, 2-3 ¡.tm di am .. in terminal or lateral c1usters on outer 2-3 cells
of corti cal fi laments. CO/pogollia / bra11ches of 6- 10 cells, near Growing on the crusto e
middl e of coni cal fil ament. CO/posporangia oval, 7.5- 15.0 ¡.tm di am. coralline Li/ho /h amnio11
VI/commol/: but abundant when present, on coral fragments; rup/i/e in photograph.
to 20 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Western Caribbean.

F AMILY H VPNEACEAE PeyssO/lIIelia boergesellii

Key to species of Hypnea overgrow ing Poroli/holl
pachyderlll 11111 , in lUI11
l . Api ces terminate in wide, f1attened hoo ks ..... .... ... .... ..... .... .... .... ....... ......... .... ..... H. musciformis, p. 76 overgrow ing lhe coral
l . Apices straight or slightly curved .... ... ....... .... .. ... ....... ....... ......... .. ........... .... ....... .. ... ....... .... ...... .. ..... .... ... 2
Mon/as/rea cavernosa.
2. Branching dichotomous below, alternate or cervicorn aboye; branchl ets tendril-like, spar e, On a healthy reef. species
pirally arranged ....... ... .. ....... ........ .... .. ............. ... .. ... ...... .. ............ .... .. ..... ..... .... ...... ....... H. spil/elln, p. 78
are conslantl y overgrow ing
2. Branching irregul ar; branchl et spine- or spur-like, often star-shaped and densely crowded
proximaJJ y ... .. ... ...... ... ... .... ..... ..... .... ......... ............ ........ ....... ..... .. ...... .. .. ....... ... ........ ... . H. va/el/tiae, p. 78 one anolher while competing
for space and lighl. Space
and light are lwo important
limiting resources affecting
di stri bulions and abundances
o f allached orga ni ms on
coral reefs.

Hypnea musciformis (Wu l fen ) J.Y. Lamouroux 18 13: 43 (reprim 13 1).

FI/cm ml/sciformis Wul fen in Jacquin 179 1: 154. pI. 14, fi g. 3.
Thallus bushy, tangled. wiry, to 20(- 50) cm hi gh, orange-red; l . Apices wirh j/.allened
branching irregul ar, often parse. Branches 0.5- 2.0 mm di am. hooks.
Bra11ch/e/s numerou , lightl y upcurved, spur-like, 1- 10 mm long; 2. Brallch wi/h spherlca /
apices often termin ating in unique, wide, f1 attened hooks, occa- cys/ocO/ps.
sionall y witll small spur-like branchl ets on outer curve. MedullO/ y 3. Transverse sec/ion of
cel/s thick-walled, irregular, 100-280 ¡.tm diam., surrounding small, branc/¡ .
often obscure, central fil ament. Cortex 1-2 cell thick; cell 4. Transverse secrion. of
rounded to irregul ar, 7.0- 17.5 !-1m di am., densely pigmented. branch/e/.
Ho /dfas/ inconspicuous, di sc-li ke, more commonl y tangled by long
tendrils. Te/rasporangia oval. 22- 33 ¡.tm di am., 42- 84 !-1m long,
zonately di vided. in swollen sori (nemathecia) girdling middle of
lateral branchlets. Cys/ocarps pherical, 0.3- 1.0 mm di am.,
clustered at apice or olitary on ide branchl ets.
Commoll: on hard ubstrates or tangled on larger plant ;
to 26 m deep.
Dis/ribu/ion: Florid a, Bahamas, Greater Antilles. Le ser Antilles,
So uthern Ca ribbea n, Weslern Caribbean. Gulr of Mex ico.

Hypllea spinella CC. Agardh) KÜl/ing 1847: 23. ·

S/JhaeroeoeclIs spillel/lls C. Agardh 1822 [1822-1823] : 323.
Thallu.\· wiry, erec{ or in tang[ed mals, to 3 cm hi gh, brown-red; /. Brallch with spille-like
branching in aJl directions. Branches 0.4-1.0 mm diam., cy lindrica l. brallclziels ane/
Branchlets spine-, spur- or lendri[- like, numerous, lO 2.5 mm long, tetrasporallg ial
occa ionaJly (when lendril- like) [onger; apices lapering, pointed, not brallchlet (t J.
upcurved. Medul/ary cel/s lhick-waJled, irregul ar to oval, 100-350 I-lm 2. Trans verse sectioll oflolVer
diam ., surround ing obv ious thick-waJled central filament (70-80 I-lm brallch.
diam.). Cortex [-2 ceJl s thick; ceJl s rollnded to irregul ar, 7.5-25.0 I-lm 3. Branchlet with solitary and
diam. , dense[y pigmenled. Holdfast initi aJl y disc-like. Telrasporangia clustered cystoca rps.
oval, 10-20 I-lIll diam. , 25-30 I-lm long, zonately divided, in swoJl en 4. Cystocarp.
sori (nemathecia) gird[ing middl e part of lateral branchlet. CyslOcalps 5. Swol/ell tetrasporallgial
spherica l, 100-450 I-lm diam., solitary or clustered at base to midd le sorus with tetrasporangia.
of branchlet.
C011l11l01/: on rocks, coral or epiph ytic on larger seaweeds;
to 30 m deep.
Distribll.tion: Florida, Bahama , Greater Anti Jl es, Lesser Anti Jles,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gu[f of Mexico.

Hypnea valentiae (Turner) Momagne 1841 [1 839- 1841] : 161.

Flleus valellliae Turner 1808- 1809: 17, pI. 78.
Thal/us bllShy, tangled, tough, wiry, to 12(-40) cm hi gh, dark green J. Branch with spine-like
to red ; branching irregul ar. Branches 0.4- 1.5 mm diam .; apices upcurved branchlets.
upcllTved, tapering, pointed. Branchlets numerolls aboye, spine or 2. Transverse sec/ion of
spur-like, to 3 mm long, below densely crowded, often star-shaped branch.
wi th up to six points. Mee/ullar)' cells thick-wal led, lrreglll ar,
50-280 I-lm diam ., sllrrounding smaJl but obviou central fi lament.
Cortex 1-2 ceJl thick; ceJl s rounded to irregul ar, 7.5-[2.5 I-lm di am.,
densely pi gmented. Holdfast inconspiclloUS, disc- li ke. Telrasporangia
ova l, 17-23 I-lm diam. , 38-49 I-lm long, zonately di vided, in wo Jl en
sori at ba e of branchlet. Cystocarps clu tered on ide branchlets, um-
shaped to pheri cal, 325-500 I-lm di am.
COI/lITlOII: on coral frag ments, sheJl or other hard urfaces in shaJl ow
protected areas; to 5 m deep.
Distributioll : Florida, Grealer Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Southern
Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

F AMILY KALLYMENlACEAE Diver using underwater

Key to species of Kallyl/lellia video lO conducl an
I ecologica l transect of
l . ThaJllls peltate or blade- Like, to cm hi gh .... ... ....... ... ... .... .... .... ..... ... ... .... ...... ... ... . K. lil1ll/lillghii, p. 80 biological zone from deep
l . ThaJlu s sheet- like, greater than I cm high ............................................................... .. ......... ... ..... ....... ... 2
lo shallow. These are Ihen
2. ThaJllls bl ade wi lholll scattered perforali ons ............... ....... ................ ................. Kallyl1lellUl sp., p. 82 " cored" for percenl cover
2. ThaJlus blade with scattered perforations ...... ... .. .. ........ .. .. ....... ... .. .... ..... .... .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. ..... .. ..... .... ...... 3 of attached organisms in
3. Perforation not uniform , larger perforations to 50 mm diam. or more; medull ary filaments the laboratory. Such video
10-241-lm di am.; urface ceJl pherical .................................................................... .. .... K. westii, p. 80 record can be relocated
3. Perforations more uniform , larger perforation to 8 mm diam. ; med uJlary filaments 4- 10 I-llll by GPS and compared
dialll .; llrface ceJl s radiaJly elongated ........ ... .... ... ... .......................................... K. er. cribrogloea., p. 80
with subsequenl transects
lo document change (see
p. 236).

Kallymenia eC. cribrogloea Womersley & R. Norris 197 1: 7. fi gs. 6- 12.

Thalllls de licate, gelatinous, as one solilary, large perforated sheet, l . Slade margin showillg
to 40 cm diam. , pink 10 bri ghl red. Slades to 200(-700) 11m thi ck, many slIlall perforclliom.
ova l, occasionally lobed ; margi ns smoolh, often tom when older; 2. Sase of blade wilh disc-like
larger perforations 3-8 mm diam. in older malure li ssue, circu lar holdfasl and lapered lower
when young, e longating to oval; small er pelforation 1-2 mm di am., margino
c ircul ar 10 ova l, seldom ilTegul ar, enl arging rapidl y from very sm all 3. Transverse seclion of blade
near margi n to larger a few cemimeters away. Medllllary fi lameJ1ls showillg mucilage-filled
10 10 ¡.un di am ., running in all directi ons; star-shaped cells lO 30 ¡.u n medl/l/a wilh sparse
di am., uncommon, where filaments mee!. COrlex 3-4 cell s thick, l1I edullary fi lamenls.
progressively smaller loward urface; inner curtical cell s spheri ca l, 4. Suiface view.
lO 30 !-un diam., thin-walled ; subsurface cells 10-15 11m di am.; surface
cell s elongated, oval , to 4 11m di am. , 12-18 !-lm long. Holdfasl sm all ,
di sc- like.
Rare: on rocks or other hard urfaces; 30-45 m deep.
Dislributioll: Lesser Antille .

Kallymenia limminghii Monlagne 186 1: 173, pI. II ,A .

Thallus small , gelatinous, sli ck, pseudopeltale, lO I cm hi gh, J. Habil of three Ihalli
trans lucenl red. Slades flat, 0.6-2.0 cm di am. , lO 130 11m thick; showing pelrale, fan and
new blade common ly appearing from cenler of older blade; slacked-pelrate g rowth
margin smooth , not toothed , se ldom lobed. Medullary filamenls forms .
cylindrical , 2-4 11m diam. , random ly arranged in mucilaginou gel, 2. Transverse seclion of blade.
radiating from star-shaped cell s. Corlex 2-3 cells thick; inner
cortical cell s spherical, 15-20 ¡.uu di am. ; surface cell s spherical to
sljghtly oval, 4-6 !lJ11 diam. , darkly pigmented. Stalk 1-2 mm
high , to 500 11m diam. Holdfasl inconspicuou , di sc- like.
Rare: mo t common ly found on corall ine algaJ substrate ;
10-40 m deep.
Distributioll: Westem Caribbean .

Kallymenia westii Gane an 1976: 169, figs. 1- 12, 14, 16-2 1.

Thallus delicate, gelatinou , a perforated sheet , to SO cm diam., /. Siade margin wilh
pink lO bright red. Slades 200-400 ¡.uu truck , ova l, occas ionally peiforaled developmenf.
lobed, ofien irregular in shape; margin mooth, tom when older; 2. Transverse seclion p f biade.
larger perforations to S cm or more diam. , circu lar or irregular; 3. SU/face view wilh
smaller perforation lO 2 mm di am., circular, ova l or irregu lar. felrasporangia.
Medulla ry filam.ents 10-24 ¡.tm di am., running in all directions;
slar-shaped ceLls 60-90 ¡.tm, common where filam ents meet.
C0I1ex 3-4 cell s thi ck, progres ively smaller toward surface; inner
cell pherical, 50-90 ¡.tm diam. , thin -wall ed ; sub urface cell
10-20 !-lm diam .; sUlface cell s spberical, 4-6 ¡.tm di am. TW'a-
:,porangia pherical lO ova l, to 24 11m diam. , unevenly cntciately
divided, cattered in cortex. Sperl7lalangia spherical, 1.0-2.5 !-1m
diam. Carpogonial branches of 2-4 ce ll s; subsidiary ceLls on large
supportjng cell s. Cyslocarps in cattered cluster , spheri caJ,
0.5- 1.0 mm diam .
Rare : on rock or olher hard surfaces; 30-45 m deep.
Distributioll: Grealer Anlilles, Les er Anlilles, Southem Caribbean.

KaLlymenia (?) sp.

Thal/lIs f1 eshy. gelatinous, to 40 cm hi gh, 50-60 cm wide, bri ghl /. Trallsverse sec/ion of blade.
green-red, brown-red lO deep purple- red; branching irregul ar, from 2 . Sw face view ofslerile
ba e. Blades cluslered, membrane-like, ova l, eX lremely f1 al, blade.
300-600 !Am thi ck; margins flen lobed, smoolh or worn ragged ; 3. Early pos/ fe r/iliza /ioll
occasionall y with inconspicuous, minute leelh . Medul/CIIY ft lamen/s s/age of cCllpogonial
3- 14 !Am di am., radi ating from occa. ional, irregul ar shaped, large branch sys/em.
(20- 100 !Am di am.) cell s; dark taining star-shaped gangli a cell s 4. a & b. Younges/ s/ages of
common in inner cortex. Cortex 1-3(-5) cell s lhi ck; subsurface developing cCllp ogonial
cell s ( 15-)40-60 ¡.tm di am.; urface cells 3- 10 ¡.tm di am. Cys/ocarps brand l appara/lIs.
pherical, 120-250 ¡.tm di am., fo rmin g raised areas on surface; c. Ren1l1allls of fused
carpogoni al branch of three ce ll . subsidiCIIY cel/s of aborted
Ullcommon: atLached lO pebbl es or coral fragments on deep sand cC/l pogon ial bralld l
plai n ; 17- 55 m deep. appa ra/lIs.
Distribution: Lesser Antilles.

Nemastoma gelatinosum M. Howe 19 18: 536.
Thal/us gelatinolls, slippery, soft , 6-1 6 cm high, burgundy to green- /. Habi/ showillg blullI
red; branching mosll y in one pl ane, somewhat dicholomous, palmale apices.
or irregul ar. Main axis f1attened, 4--7 mm thi ck, 9- 15 mm wide, 2. Trallsverse sec/ion of
eventuall y developing deep lobe ; api ces blllnl or blunLl y pointed. cortex.
Medulla o f loosely arranged longitudinal filam ents (7- 12 ¡.tm di am. ) 3. Indi vidual conical ft lamen/
within mucilaginous gel. Cor/ical Jilaments radi al, 4--7 times sholVing un ila/eral
unil aterally dichotomous (l onger dicholomi es at base decreasing d ich% mous branehing
in length outward to create f1 at-topped cluster) branched, deepl y and gland cel/ (g) .
pi gmented; cell cy lindrical to lightl y swollen; apical cell s sphep ca l,
3-6 !Am di am. ; gland cells spheri cal, 20-30 Ikm di am. , ori ginating
subapi cal ly on corti cal fil aments, at maturity in lower cortex.
Holdfas/ di sc- like, incon pi cuous.
Rare: found be low the reef cre t often growing on dead e lkhorn
coral ; 1- 15 m deep.
DistributiOIl: Florid a.

Predaea feldmannii Bf<l rgesen 1950: 7, fi gs. 1-3.

Thallus gelatinous, slippery, soft to turgid, 2-30 cm hi gh, pink to /. DieholOmously branehed
rose-red ; branching irregul ar. Main ax is f1 attened, to l cm thick, cor/ieal Jilamelll wi/h a
irregularly lobed, in more than one pl ane, 0.5- 6.0 cm wide; apices ma/ure carpospo'}'phy/e
blunLly rounded . Medulla of loosely arranged longitudinal filam ents (e) developing from a
(2-3 !Am di am .) within mucilaginou gel. Cor/ieal ftlamen/s radial , sph erical al/x iliCIIY eell (a)
di chotomously branched, deepl y pi gmented; ce ll s cy lindrical , 4--5 !Am and adj aeent eells bea ring
di am. ; internal rhjzoidal filaments produced from both cortical and dw ills of nu/ri/ive cel/s (11).
medullary cell . Spermcllangial /hal/Lls with more lobes; sperm atangia 2. Filament wi/I¡ two
spheri cal, 2-3 ¡.tm diam. , [-2 terminal on lIrface cell s. Carpogonial 3-cel/ed ca rpogonial
branehes of three cell s, form ed on inner corti ca l fil aments. branehes (eb J.
Cys/ocarps oval , 40-80 !Am diam ., 55- 190 !Am long ; auxili ary ce ll s
spheri cal lO oval, 12- 13(-30) ¡.tm di am., 12-25(-35) ~111l long;
adjacent cell s above and be low auxili ary cell bearin g 4--6 branched
chains of spheri ca l nutriti ve cell s (5-6 !Am di am.); carposporangia
ova l lO irregul ar, 7.4--15.0 !Am di am.
Rare: on rocks or coral rubble on deep sand plains; 15-55 m deep.
Distributiol/: Grealer Antill es, Les er Anlilles.

Cruoriella armorica P. Crollan & H. Crouan 1859: 289. pI. 22. fi g. G.
Thallus crll Sl- like, proSlra le, thin , li ghll y ca lc ifi ed , less lhan 100 !-1m l . Basal cellla)'er shoIVing
thi c k, covering an indelerminale area, dark pink to dark rose-red Ion-slwped arrongem en/
w ith d isLinct radi a l a nd ra int concentri c line , lower surfaces ad he ring of cells.
ti g htl y bUl eas il y re moved from s moolh surfaces. SI I/face layers 2. Radia l ver/ica l sec/iol1 oI
developing verti ca ll y from ba al layer; in radial . ection , second grOlVing /l/a rgin.
ce ll from base g iving rise to lWO verLical fi la menls 0 1" 1-2(-3) ce ll s 3. Radial vertical sec/ion of
each; surface cell s 8- 12 !-1m di am. , when e lo ngaled 20- 25 ~lm lo ng, /I/(//ure blade IVi/il large
8- 12 11m lhick. Basal cell layer developing hori zonta ll y, in sma ll fan - cell (fullc/ion unkl/oIVn).
ha ped grOllpS; cell s rollnd ly rectang ul ar, 10- 15 11m w ide, 15-20 ~1I11 4. Radial vertical sec/ion oI
long , 10-15 ~lm thi ck; la rger vein cell s 15- 20 11m w ide, 20-30 ~lm developmelll of large cells
lo ng, obvio lls in younger growth , in iti ating mo ·t branching: ba 'a l (s haded ).
c uti c le di Lincr, 8- 12 11m lhick. Rhi~o ids 8- 10 11111 cliam., to 20!-ll11 5. Trans verse vertical sec/iol1
lo ng, uni cellular, clescenclin g from anterior e ncl of pare nl ce ll. oI large cells (slwded).
CO Il/IIIOII: anached !O vari o ll s harcl ubstrates, 1110st cO l11l11o nl y
e ncollntered o n g lass bo ttl es; to 27 111 deep.
Dis/ribution : Grea ler A nlilles, Lesser Antill es. Weslern Caribbean.

Erythrodermis haematis (Hollenberg) Deni zol 1968: 223. fi g>. 183. 18-1,
187- 192.' Pe/rocelis I/l/ellla/i.\· Ho llenberg 1943: 575. lig. 12.
Thallus c ru st- like, lhin , irregul arl y lobed. 1110de rate ly ca lc ifi ecl o n J. Radial ver/ical sectioll oI
lower surface, 180-300 11111 thi ck, coverin g an incle lennin ate area, ma/ure /hallus.
maroon-orange. ofle n w ith fainl rad ia l a nd/or concentri c lin e ; lower 2. Basal cells oI /lwllus
slIrfaces adherin g ti ghtl y to subsu·ate. Sil/lace layers developing sl/O\\Iing alternare/y
verlicall y from basa l layer w ilh fil amenls loo e ly adhe ring lalera ll y, brallched maill veil1 .
s plining to indi vidua l fil a me nts auached at bases a nd tips when 3. Wh ell /IIC/llus is decalcified
decalc ified: in radi a l secli on seco nd cell fro l11 base g iving ri se !O rwo and squash-moulI/ed,
verti ca l fil a l11e lll of 6- 10 cell s each; api ca l cell s 10- 15 !lI11 dial11. , longitudinal sec/iom of
6- 12 ~1I11 thick . Basel! cell layer di stinc l, developing horizonla ll y Wilh /1/ain ve in (a t base)
large vein cell s allernately branc hed ; cell s 10- /5 ~1111 wide, 20-30 !-l111 reveal su/lace cell.\' f used
lon g, 10- 12 11111 thi c k; larger vein cell s 35-42 11m diam. , 30-40 11111 (a t tips).
lo ng; calc ifi cali on 150-320 11111 lhi c k al base with rhi zoids 4. Su/face vieH' with sLl/lace
peneu'aling throug h carbonate. Rhizoids l 0-15 ~lm di a l11. , cells arrallged in orderl)'
excepti ona ll y long, multi cellul ar, descending from anteri or e nd roH'S.
o r pare lll cell.
COll/ fIlo n : atlached lO varioll s hard s ubsu'a tes , lO 30 m deep.
Dislribu/iO Il : Greater Antilles. Weslern Caribbea n.

Ethelia Sp.*
TIIC/llus c rust-like, prostrate. irregula rl y rounded , lobecl, nOl pliabl e, / . SII/j'ace layer al cells.
10 500 11111 lhi k, covering an indete rl11inate area , l11agenta-p ink w ith 2. Trallsverse vertical sec/ioll
distinct li ght magenta radi al line , havi ng li gh! pink co ncenlri c of cen/ral veill.
inlerrupted lines w lle n reprodllcli ve, lower s urfaces loose ly adhe ring 3. Radial ver/ical see'rioll of
lO substrate, cOl11l11o nl y w ith l11 arg in s ra ised aboye ubsu·a te . Su/:face celllral vein.
layer.\' develo ping ve rti ca ll y frol11 large centra l vein , branching 4. Radial ver/ical sec/ion of
di c holol11ously; urface cell s a ng ul a r 10 ova l. 10- 15 f.l111 dial11. , grOlving margill.
I0- 12 ~n thick, evenl y spaced. Basallayers descending frol11 large
cenu'a l vein , branchin g dichol0l110U Iy; basa l cUlicl e di slinc l. Celllral
ve in di slincl. develo ping hori zonla ll y; cell s squa red in rad ial section ,
irreg ul a r in transver e sec tio n, 50-70 ~1111 di al11 .. 30-60 ~U11 long.
Rhizoids nOl observed.
COIllIllOII : in dee p wate r, a llached lO various hard subSlrales;
to 60 111 deep.
Distribulion : Wes te rn Caribbea n.

Haematocelis sp.*
T/¡allus as lhin cru SlS conforming li ghlly lO ubstrale, heavily l . Radialver/ieal secrion of
calcified on lower surface, 150-200 ¡.tm lhick, covering an groll'ing margin s/¡olVing
indelenninate area, dark muslard brown to yellow-brown; lower large basal cells.
surfaces lightly adhering, margins eldom rai sed above ub trate. 2. SLllface vielV s/¡olVing
II/face layers 20-30 ¡.tm thick when mature, of 2-3 smaller cell lIIixlllre of large and slIIall
layers, li ghtly pigmented or colorless; surface layer mixture of large sll/face cells.
( 12-25 ¡.tm diam. ) and small (6-10 ~lm diam .) cells. Basallayer 3. Basal cell arrangelllel1l.
developing horizontall y; cell s 8- 12 ¡.tm wide, 20-40 ¡.tm long, 4. Transverse ver/ical seclion
20-30 ¡.tm lhick. off et from adjacent latera l cell s in staggered of l17alllls wilh sll/face
arrangement: filaments in radiatin g, parall el, occasiona ll y lelrasporangiulIl (darkly
dichOlomou Iy branching rows, densely pi gmel1led. R/¡i~o ids pigmenled).
6-10 ~lm di am .. to 40 ¡.tm long. unicellular. Telrasporallgia oval. 5. Radial ver/ical seclion of
20-25 ¡.tm diam. , 30-40 ~lIn long, zonalely divided , forming at I/¡alllls s/¡olVing lIIixture of
urface scattered, one per vertica l cell-row. larger and sl1laller sLllface
Rare: or se ldom collected, on hard substrates such a coral fragmenls cells.
or carbonate rock; lO 3 m deep.
Distribl/tiou: Weslern Caribbean.

Key to species ol' Peyssollllelia The dee pest known p la nl

l . Rhizoids mullicellular ... ...... .. .. ... .............. ............. ................................................... P. boergesenii, p. 86 life o n earth is lhi s c rustose
l . Rhizoids unicellular ....................................................... ..... ........ ............................................................. 2 cora lline alga (arrow )
w hi ch occurs LO 295 m
2. Calcified basa l layer over twice as lhick as upper thallus; rhizoid s grealer th an 600 ¡.tm long
[th allus lhin, 60-80(-150) ¡.tm lhi ck, not pliable, ro e-red lO orange-brown) .......... P. stoechas, p. 90 deep o n Sa n Sa lvado r
2. Calcified ba al layer less than twice as thick as upper lhallus; rhi zoids less than 200 ¡.tm long ........... 3 Seamo unl. Bahama (see
linier & Lini er 1994).
3 . Vertical filaments generall y unbranched [surface cells greater lhan 15 ¡.tm diam., wilh prec ise
uniform spaci ng, horizonlal filaments evenly taggered ; lhallus burgundy red] ... ... .. P. crispa/a, p. 88
3. Vertical fil amenl branched ...................................... .... .. ...... .... ..... ... ... .... ..... ... .. .. ..... .... .. ... .. .... .. ...... ....... 4
4. Thallu loo ely attached to . ubstrate, nearly foliose ....... ........................................ P. il/allloel/a , p. 88
4 . Th allus tightly attached to ubstrale ........................... .. ....... ................................................................. 5
5 . Thallus red to burgundy ................................................ ... .. .... .. .. .. ............................ P. cOllchicola, p. 88
5. Thallus dark pink ..... .. .. .. .. ........... .. ........................................... .... ............ .. .................. P. simll/ans , p. 90

Peyssollllelia boergesenii Weber-van Bosse in Bprgesen 19 16: 137,

figs. 142- 145 .
Thallus as crusts conforming to ub trate, 300-500 ¡.tm thick , l . Radial verlical seclioll
covering an indeterlllinate area, yellow green with dark green of growing lIIargill
rad ialing bands to dark maroon in shady areas; heavil y ca lci fied showing larger basal cells
basally; lower surfaces Li ghtly adhering to ub trate; margin s often and smaller swface cells.
raised above substrale. Basal cells 12-30 ¡.tm wide. 30-70 ¡.tm long, 2. TrclIlsverse vertical seclioll
30-60 ¡.tlll thick, in pinnate branching paltern, den sely pi gmented. of I/¡alllls showillg
SlIrface layers 100-200 ¡.tm thick when mature, li ghl ly pigmenled coll/lIlnar arrangelllelll
or col orles ; surface cells 10-15 flm dialll. , 8- 10 ¡.tlll thi ck. Rhizoids of cells IVilh lIIullicelll/lar
20-28 ¡.tm diam., multicellul ar. Carposporangia oval, lo 75 ~lIn r/¡i~oids CI/ base.
diam .. lO 160 ¡.tm long, irregularl y zonalely di vided, forming at 3 . Basal cell arrclIlgelllelll
urface in soru -like structures. IVil/¡ pillllale brallchillg
COllllllon: on hard sub trates; interlidal lo 40 m deep. pallern.
Distribution: Lesser Antille. oulhern Caribbean , We. tern
Caribbean, GlIJf of Mex ico. Addilional photograph
on p. 77.

PeyssollneLia cOllchicoLa Piccone & Grunow in Piccone 1884.: 3 17.

pI. 7. fi gs. 5-8.
Tha"us crust-like, irreglll arl y rounded. lobed, pli abl e, li ghtl y calcifi ed /. Radial vertical sec/ioll of
on lower lIrface, older thalli more heav ily ca lc ified, 80- 150 !-1m grolVing margino
thi ck, covering an indeterminate area, red 10 burgllndy, occa ionall y 2. Radial vertical seclion of
pllrple, rarely with radi al or concentri c lines, firml y adhering to malure blade.
sub U'ate, e ldom with ra i ed margino. Sll/face layers develo ping 3. Basal cells showillg 1110slly
verticall y, branchin g at second cell from base; surface cells 10--20 ~lm slaggered arrangemell/ of
diam ., 10-- 15 !!m thi ck, evenl y paced. Basal ce" layer develo pin g parallel rowS.
hori zontall y; cell taggered, in parall el row , 7- 18 !-Ill1 wide, 4. SL/./face view of ce/Is.
18-45 !-Ill1 lo ng. 15-28 !-1m thick. squ are to boot-s haped in radi al
ve rti ca l secti on, giving ri se to 2-3 vertical fil am ents of 6--7 cell
each; basal cutic le di stincl, 6-20 !-1m thi ck. Rhizoids uni cellul ar,
de cending fro m anteri o r end of parent cel!. Telrasporangial lissue
e levated, 100-200 !-1m thick; tetrasporangia ova l, 30-40 !-1m di am.,
cru ciately di vided. Carposporcmgial lissue elevated, to 100 !!J11 thi ck;
carpospo rangia ova l, 30-40 !-1m di am., zonately di vided in 2, 3 or 4 ' .
COIllIllOfl: attached lO vario us hard substrates; 2 1-60 m deep.
Dis/ributiol1: Bahamas, Les er Antill e , So uthern Caribbean .

Peyssollllelia cf. crispata Boudou resque & Denizol 1975: 42.

fi gs. 66-77. '
Tha"us crust-like, prostrate, irregul arly rounded, lobed, pli abl e, / . Radial ver/ical sectiol1 of
li ghtly ca lcifi ed o n lower surface, o lder thalli more heav il y cal citi ed, growing margino
100-- 150(- 190) !-1m thick, covering an indeterminate area, red to 2. Radial ver/ical sectiol1 of
burgundy, with fainl radial line , without concentric lines, lo wer mature blade with
urface firml y adhering 10 substrate, rarely with ll1argins rai sed developing reprodu ctive
aboye substrate. SlIIjace layers developing verti call y, rare ly branching tissue al sLl/face.
at basa l or second cell from base; urface cell 15-20!!m diam ., 3. Trallsverse ver/ical section
10- 15 !!m thick, with preci e unifo rm spac ing. Basal celllayer of malUre blade showing
developing hori zontall y; cell s evenl y staggered, in parall el rows, basal ce" s half as wide as
irregul arl y rectangul ar, 5- 11 !-1m wide, 20--3 1 !-1m long, 20--25 !!Jll vertical cel/s du e 10 even
thick, in radi al ecti on boot- haped giving ri e to one (rarely lWO) spacin.g.
vertica l fil aments of 5-7 cell s each; basa l cutic le 15-20 !!m thi ck; 4. Evellly ~paced and aligned
basal ca lcifi cati on 45- 130(- 190) !-1m thi ck. Rhizoids 7- 12 !-1m di am., surface cells.
occasionall y to 200 ~lm lo ng, uni ce llular, descending from anterio r 5. Basal cel! layer IVilil dislal
end of parent cel!. Reprodu ctive tissue elevated, 10 100 !!m thi ck. end hidden by preceding
UflCOIllIllOfl: attached to various hard sub trates; to 40 Jll deep. ce" .
Distributio//.: Bahama .

PeyssolllleLia illamOella Pilger 19 11 : 3 11. figs. 24-25.

Thallus prostrate. nearl y fo li o e, irregul arl y rounded, lobed, pli abl e, / . Radial vertical sectiof/ of
100--2 15 ~lm thi ck, coverin g an indetermin ate area, pink 10 rose-red growing margill.
with faint radi al and concentri c lines present, loosely adhering 10 2 . Basal ce" layer sl1ljiwillg
substrate, cOlllmonl y with margin raised aboye ub trate. SlIIjace slaggered arrC/ngemellt of
layers develo ping verti ca ll y; in radial vertical ecti oll seco nd cell from cel/s alld larger colórless
ba e boot-shaped givin g ri e to lwO, rarely tilree verti ca l filam ents of cells which fo rlll lighl
3-6 cell s each; surface cell s 6- 15 !!m di am. , 3- 12 !!m thi ck. Basal ce" radiallill.e.
layer developing hori zontall y; ce ll s staggered, in paraLl el ro ws, irregu- 3. Malll/'e lelrasporallgilllll.
larl y rectangul ar, 7- 15 !-1m wide, 18-50 !-1m long, 15-26 !-1m thi ck: 4. Radial vertical seclioll of
occasional large, paired vein cell present (creating radial lines); basa l letrasporangial /issue (1)
cuticle 8- 10 !-1m thi ck. Rhi~o ids unicellul ar, descending from center of wil/¡ developing
parent cel!. TelrC/sporangial tisslle elevated , to 385 ~lm thi ck, deeply lelrasporang illm.
pi gmented . in concentri c pattern ; tetrasporangia ova l, 25- 57 ~lm
c1i am., cruciately di vided. Spermalc/Ilgia in linear chains, terminal o n
fil ament , in tuft . Carpogonial brallches o f 4-6 cell , lateral on
erect filam ents. Ca rposporic lissue e levated, deeply pi gmented.
COIIIII/OII: attached to vari ous harcl substrates; 2 1-60 m deep.
Dislributioll: Fl orida, Lesser Antill es.

PeyssolllleLia simuLans Weber-van Bos.e in Borgescn 1916: 142, figs.

138. 140. 148.
Tha l/lIs prosu·ate, irregul arl y rounded, lobed, not pli able, 100-200 l . Radial verrical sec/iol1 of
!.un thi ck, covering an indetermin ate area, dark pink, with oul faim /hal/lIs lVi/h developing
radial and concentric lines, loosely adhering to substrate. SLllface /e/rasporang ial /issL/e a/
layers developing venicall y, regul arly branching at second or third slI/face.
cell from ba e, 3-5 cells lhi ck in younger secti ons, 4-6 cells thi ck 2. Basal cel/laye/:
in older ecti ons; surface cells irregularl y arranged, angul ar, 10-22 ¡Am 3. Typical radial verrical
wide, 6- 15 Ilm thick. Basal celllayer developing hori zomall y; ce lls sec/ion of /hal/L/s.
taggered , in parall el rows, 5- 11 ¡Am wide, 20-50 I.un long, 20--45 ~1Il1 4. Radial ver/ical sec/ion of
thi ck, in radi al verti ca l secLi on rectangul ar; basa l cuticle 6- 10 ¡Am "'vo overlapping grolVing
tJli ck: ca lcifi cati on mainly be low ba al cells, 100- 160 ¡Am thick, ma rg ins.
with rhi zoid pa ing tJl rough. Rhi;:.oids uni cellul ar, descending from
anteri or end of basa l cel!. Te/rasporangial /issL/e (nema/heda) raised.
deepl y pi gmemed, in concentri c pattern , 100-200 ¡Am thi ck.
CC/lposporic /issL/e (nema/h eda) raised, deeply pi gmented, in small
irregul arl y patches; carposporangia transversely di vided 2-4 times.
COllllllon: altac hed to vari ous hard substrates; to 60 m deep.
Dislriblltion: Les er Anlill es.

Peyssonnelia stoechas Boudouresque & DenizOI 1975: 53, ligs. 97- 106.
Thal/us prostrate, irregul arl y rounded, lobed , not pliable, 60-80(- 150) l . Radial vertical sec/ion of
!.un thick, covering an indeterminate area, rose- red lO orange-brown g rmving ma rg in o
with faint radi al and concentric lines, hav ing dark red-brown 2. Radial ver/ical sec/ion of
concentri c bands when reproducti ve, lower surfaces loosely adhering ma /L/re Ihallus.
to substrate, commonl y with margin raised. Sl/Iface layers developing 3. Basal cel/ layer sholVing
verti ca ll y, regularl y branching al second cell from base, occasionally paral/el arrangemen/.
from third cell , 3-4(-5) cells tlli ck in younger secti ons, 4-6 cell 4. Te/rasporangiallissue lVi/h
thi ck in older secti ons; surface cells squared oval, (7-) /0-1 2(- 18) Ilm deve loping /e/raspo rang ia
wide. 10-1 7 long, 6-8(- 17) ¡Am thi ck, evenl y spaced. Basal cel/layer (da rkened).
developing hori zontall y; cell s generall y taggered, in parall el rows,
e longated rectangul ar, 7- 18 !.u n wide, 20-50 !.un long, 15-28 ¡Am
thi ck; basal cuti cle 6- 10 ¡Am lhi ck; cal c i~i cati o n mainl y below basal
cell s, 80-160(-300) ¡Am thi ck, with rhi zo ids pas ing through. Rhizoids
(4-) 10- 12 ¡Am diam. , to 600 ¡Am long, unicellular, deseending fro m
anterior end of basal eeH. Te/rasporangial /issue 80- 100 ~lm thi e k;
tetrasporangia oval, 30--40 Ilm di am. , 60-80 ¡Am long.
Locally CO/III/IO/I.: attaehed to vari ous hard substrates; to 60 m deep.
Dislriblllion: Grealer Anlill es.

Ochtodes secltlldiramea (Molllngne) M. Howe 1920: 583.
flY/Jllea secwuliramea Mo ntagne 1842a: 255.
Tha llus fi rm , densely bu hy, 4-7 em hi gh, irideseent bri ght blue, l . Branch /ip ShOlVi/!g
red or purple; branehin g irregul ar ro irregul arl y alternate, clustered, irregular branching.
in one pl ane. Brallches ey lindri ea l to s li ghll y f1 attened, to I mm 2. Tran sverse sec/io/l of
di am. , tapering to 0. 1 mm diam. at api ees. Medullm) cel/s somewhat brand / corlex dep icli/lg
spherical, 80- 100 ¡Am di am., gradin g small er LOward surfaee; two radial chai/ls of slllall
central fil aments prominent, 50-75 ~lm di am.. cells 150-250 Ilm cor/ical cells.
long, oeca ionall y surrounded by maller ce lls. Cor/ical cells spheri ea l, 3. Transverse sec/ion of entire
4- 14 ¡A m di am., ti ghll y paeked, in short radi al ehains. Holdfas/ branch sholVing (lVO
ineonspi cuou . Cys/ocC/lps in c lu lers of 2-3, ova l to hemi pheri ea!. central jilalllellls.
Common : on hard sub. trates, in lurbulent lO moderately lurbul enl
areas; lO 15 m deep.
Dislriblllio/l: Bahamas. Greater Amill es, Les er Anlill es, Soulhern
Ca ri bbea n, We lern Ca ri bbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Platoma cyclocoLpa (Montagne) F. Schmitz 1 9: 453.
Nalymellia cyclocolflll Montagne 1841 11839-184 1]: 163.
Thal/us gelalinous, slippery, soft, 4-8 cm high, red with orange- l. Dicilotolllously brallcil ed
yell ow iride cenl ti ps: branching irregul ar. Main axis fl attened. 10 cortical jilame11ls
8 mm thi ck, 9 cm wide, eventuall y developing deep lobes: ap ices surrounding developillg
bluntl y pointed. Medu l/a of loosely arranged longirudinal fi laments carposporophyte.
(8- 14 IAm di am.) wilh in mucil aginous gel. Cortical jilalllellls rad ial, 2. Matu re ca/7JOsporopilyte
2-4 time dicholomou Iy branched, deeply pigmented ; cell (c) developillg frolll an
cy lindrical, 2-4(-7) ~lm d iam., 10- 15 IAm long. Hole/fast di c- like, auxiliary cel/ (a). adj acellt
inconspicuou . Cystocarps spherica l, 60- 11 0 IAm diam. : auxili ary cel/s prodllcing n/ltritive
cells ova l, 10- 15 IAm dia m., 25-30 IAm long; nutriti ve cell s cel/s (/'1 ) and da rk staining
spheri ca l 8- 12 IAITI diam. ; gonimobl asl initi als lateral on auxili ary Iricilogyne (1).
cell s; carposporangia oval lo irregul ar or spherical , 6- 10 IAm di am.
Rare: epi phytic on sess il e animals such a sponges or alcyonarians
on deep sand plains; 20-43 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Les el' An lill e .

Titanophora incrltstans (J. Agardh) Blilrgesen 1949a: 4. pI. 1.

Nalymellia illC/'IISlOlIS J. Agardh 1885: 150.
Tila/lus slick, o f sofl fl attened blades, li ghll y ca lcified, 10 14 cm l. Cortical jilamell t '.
hi gh , pin k, chalky gray-w hite when dried; branching in older porti on 2. Medul/a/Y jilamellts \Vilh
marginall y pinnate to irreg ul ar, occa ionally with talk-like base, ribboll -like chloroplasts.
younger porti ons abo ve somewhal dicholomous. Maill axis fl at, 3. Su /face view sholVillg the
4-7(-20) mm wide, 0.5- 1.3 mm lhick, eventuall y developing deep 3--4 sU/face cells supported
lobes. Branchlels cy lindrical to fl atlened ; api ces forked, lapering, by a single subs/llface cel/.
blunll y pointed. Medulla of one 10 several loosely arranged longitu -
dinal fil ament (cell s 15-30 11m di am., 200-400 11m long) and many
loosely intertwined secondary fi laments [ce ll s (6-)8- 12 11m di am.,
40-60 11m long] wilhin mucilaginous ge l. Cortex 30-80 IAm thi ck;
fil aments 3-4 times lricholomously (occas iona ll y di - or tetra-
chotomous) branched ; cell s spheri ca l to ova l, 10- 12 11m di am.,
lo 14 IAm long. Gland cel/s spheri ca l to irregul ar, 30-40 IAm di am. ,
35-70 11m long, as inlerca lary cell s of the medull ary fil ament .
Rare: found be low lhe reef crest oflen growing on dead slaghorn
coral; 1- 15 m deep.
DislribllliOIl: Flori da, Grea ler Antilles.

F AMll..Y SOLIERlACEAE Schoo l o f the he rbi vorou s

parrotfi sh Sca rus iserti
Key to species of AgardlzieLLa numbe ring in the hundred s.
l . Branching pinn ately allern ate 10 oppo ile; main ax is compre ed, lhickly strap-shaped ......... ~ .... .. ... Thi s sma ll fi sh (to 25 c m
....................... ..................... ... ... .... .. ......... .. .. .. .. .... ............................... .. ... .. .. ... ....... A. ramosissillla, p. 94 in le ngth), w hich passes
l . Branching radi all y alternate, occas ionall y favorin g one side; main ax is cy lindri ca] .............. .. .. .. ........ . through the la rge mesh of
................ .... .... ..... ...... ....... .......... ....... .. ...... ... .. ................. ... .. .. .. .. .. .... .................... ... .. .. . A. subu/ala , p. 94
fi sh traps (p. 59), can ha ve
a majo r impact o n coral
reef bi o logy. parti c ul arl y
where the larger
herbi vorou s fi hes have
been dec i maled by
tra ppin g.

Agardhiella ramosissima (Harvcy) Ky/in 1932: /7.

CI,rysymellill rlllllosissilllll Harvey /853: 190. pI. 30b.
ThallL/s Oeshy, slippery, firmo 5-30 cm high. rose-red lO brown; /. Habil of ole/ 1I'0rll thallL/s.
branching repeatedly pinnately allem ale lO oppo ile. Ma i/¡ axis 2. Tral/sverse seclion of
Oatlened, lhi ckly lrap-s haped, 2- 10(- 15) 111111 wide, 1.0-- 1.5 ml11 brancll shol\lil/g s111all
lh ick, lapering loward api ces and base; apice blu ntly poi nted. sw face ce lis ane/ inl/er
Brc/IlciJlels pinnate ly Oppos ile or altern ate, sl11 all esl branchl ets cortical cells g ivil/g rise
cy lindri ca l ralher lhan fl attened. Mee/L/llary jilalllel1ls 2- 1O ~lm 10 il/lernal mee/L/llwy
di al11 ., loosely arranged wilhin mucil ag ino us ge l, radi ating fro m jilam el1lS.
inner corti ca l ce ll s. Cortex 4-6 cell s lhi ck; inner cortex 3-4 layer , 3. TrCll1sverse seclion of
cell s 50--250 f.U11 di am., co lorl ess or li ghll y pi gmented ; o uter cortex corlex.
1-2 layer . densely pigmenled ; surface cell s spheri ca l lO elonga led,
7- 13 ,.un di am., irregul ar in surface view. Hole/fasl di c- like,
inconspi cllo us. Telrasporangia spherica l lO ova l, 30-50 ~lIn di am.,
47-78 ¡.tm lo ng, zonalely di vided, scallered in urface palches.
Cyslocarps pherical, 1.0-- 1.7 mm di am.
Locally abul/dallt: on rocks or coral rubbl e, o ften o n deep sand
pl ain ; 10-40 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Flori da, Grealer Anl ill e , Les er Antilles.

Agardhiella subuLata (e. Agardh) Kraft & M.J . Wynne 1979: 329-
fJlllIerococclIs slIblllll/tlS e. Agard h 1822 11 822- 1 23]: 328.

TiJa llus hi ghly vari abl e, fl eshy, slippery, firl11 , 7-45 CI11 hi gh, rose-red, / . Habil of bral/ches.
light purpl e, green or brown; branching radi all y alternate, occasio nall y 2. Trallsverse secliofl of
favoring one ide ( ecund). Main axis cylindri cal, 0.5-5.0 ml11 di am., brcm ch.
lightl y pinched at base, tapering toward api ces. Mee/ullary jilamellls 3. TrclfIsverse seclion of
loosely langled within mucil aginous gel; lo ngitudinal fil ament 10- 15 corlex.
~lm diam. ; lateral fil aments (2-)8- 12 ¡.tm di am. Corlex 4-6 cell s thick; 4. Sw face view of
inner cortex 2-4 layers, cell 60-250 ¡.tm di am.; outer cortex 1-2 brancl1 cel/s.
layer ; urface cell s spheri cal to elongated, 5-20 ¡.tm di am., rounded or
angul ar in surface view. Tetrasporangia oval, 22-44 ¡.tm di am. , 47-78
¡.t111 long, zonalely di vided, catlered in cortex. Spennalal/g ia oval,
6-7 ¡.tm di am., 14- 17 ¡.t111 long, scattered in surface patches. CYSlocwps
spherical, 1-2 mm di am., causing no surface $welling; carposporangia
oval, 15-30 ¡.tm di am. , 34-47 ¡.tm long.
UI/ comlllo/!: on rocks or coral ru bbl e, often o n deep and plains;
lO 45 m deep.
DistriblltiOI/: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Greater Amill es, Lesser Antill es,
Gul f of Mex ico.

Eucheuma isiforme (C. Agardh) J. Agardh 1847: 16.

fJhaerococctI,' isiJormis e. Agardh 1822 [1822- 1823]: 271.

ThallL/S conspicuous, large, to ugh, fl e hy, fi rm , 16-70 cm hi gh, pa le J. Habit.

straw-yell ow to li ght red-brown; branching generall y sparse, irregular. 2. Transverse seelion I
Branches cy lindri cal, 2-8 mm di am., with scattered o r who rled spine- showing slIlall Ihiek-
like projecti ons, rarely smooth ; api ces pointed; ba e not pinched but wallec/ eelllral
often tapering. Mee/u/lwy eells oval, 12-60(-80) ¡.tm di am., thin - jilaments alld large
walled, colorless, decreas ing in size toward surface; central fil al11ent Ihin -wC/lled mec/ullary
3-6 ¡.tm di am .. crowded, thick-waJled, tang led. Corlieal eel/s oval , cel/s.
5-7 ¡.tm di am., darkl y pi gmented. Cwicle to 20 ¡.tm lhi ck, colorl e . 3. TrCl/lSVerSe seelion
Holc/fasl to ugh, Oeshy, di c- like. Telrasporangia oval, 12-20 ¡.t111

of eortex with thick
diam. , 35-55 ¡.tm long, zonately di vided, embedded in branches or cwicle (e).
pine- like projecti ons. Cyslocarps hemi spherical, 0.5- 1.8 111m di am ., e
al lip of spine- like projecti o n ; Carposporang ia oval, 9- 14 ¡.tm di am. Addi tional photograph
Comlllol/: in protected area , often loosely tang led 3mong Thalassia on p. 2 11.

festL/din L/1Il (turtle grass); to 10(-30) m deep.
DistribllliOI/: Fl orida, Baham3s, Grealer Ami ll es, Lesser Amill es,
Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Flahaultia tegetiformalls W.R. Taylor 1974: 68, ligs. 14-24.

Thalllls pro trate, tough, fan-shaped when young, pseudope ltate J. Habil wilh marginal pad-
(offset paraso l) or irregular when mature, 1-4 cm di am., bri ght like ho /dfasls (h).
maroon. Blades disc-shaped, lobed to irregular, (50-) 100-165 J-lm 2. Marginal pad-Iike
Lhick, overl apping, often fu si ng to adjacent blades. Medlllla/)' holdfasls.
jilamellls 1.5-4.5(- 10) J-lm diam. , co lorles . Corlex 2-4 cells thick; 3. Transverse seclion of blade.
inner cell s spherical, 7-11 J-lm di am.; subsurface cell smal ler;
urface ce ll s compact, oval, 3-4(- 8) J-lm di am., 6-9 J-lm long,
densely pigmented. Slipe minute, offset, seldom from center
of blade, Holdfasl inconspicuous, pad-like, often wiLh additi ona l
attachment pads at margins.
V I/COIIIIllO/! : inconspicuous, in dark cave, cracks or crevices;
to 30 m deep.
Distribll/ÍOII: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles.

Key to species oC Meristiella Tere be llid worll1

l. Thalllls pro trate or formin g mounds; blades 5-7 mm wide; branchlets tooth-like or spur-like, (T EREBELLl DAE) li ving in
opposite ..... ......... ..................... .. ... .... ...................................... ..... ... ...... .... ....... . M , echinocarpullI , p, 96 a tube con tructed o f
l. Thallu not pros trate, not forming mOllnds; blade to 10 mm wide; branch let tough, stubby, spur- calcareous segme nts o f
like, crowded ... ........ ... ... ..................... .......... ........... .... ......... .... .... ............................ M. schrallllllii, p. 98 Ihe g reen alga Halimeda
(see p. 3 11 ).

Meristiella echillocarpum (Areschoug) O.P. Cheney & P.W. Gabrielson

in Gabrielson & Cheney 1987: 483, fig. 6.' Ellc/¡elll/U/ ec/¡illocarplIlII Arescho ug
1854: 349.
Tlza lllls tOllgh, leathery, tangled, pro trate or forming mounds to / . Branching pallerh Llnder
20 cm diam. , deep red to green-yell ow; branching abundantl y from moderale sl/if condiliol1s.
base, irregular prox im ally, dichotomous or opposite di stall y. Blades 2. Branching pallem , Llnder
5- 10 mm wide, 10-40 mm long, strap-shaped in heavy surf calm cOl/diliol1s.
conditions, only sli ghtl y compressed in calm waters; teeth or spur- 3. Trans verse seclio/l. of
like branchl ets at margin s, coarse, often oppos ite, 3-20 mm long . blade.
Medullary jilamellls longitudinal and lateral, 8- 15 J-lm diam. , thick- 4. Trallsverse seclion offerlile
wa lled, inner cell s loo ely arranged, 150-300 J-lm diam. , decrea ing cortex wilh ~OI IC1Tely
in size towards surface. Suiface cel/s spherica l to ova l, to 20 J-lm divided lelrasporangia (1).
diam. HoldJaSI fibrou s. Telrasporangia oval, 10-30 ~un diam. , 5 . Trans verse seclion ofslerile
45-90 J-l1l1 long, zonately divided. Cysloca/1JS in diminuli ve spherical con exo
VncolI/lllon: on reef fl ats ti ghtl y ad hering to substrate or as mOllnds
in protected prisúne water; to 20 111 deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Greater Ami ll es, Lesser Anti lles, Southern
Caribbean. Weslern Caribbean.

MeristieLLa schrammii (P. Crouan & H. rollan) D.P. Cheney & P.w.
Gabrielson in Gabrielson & Cheney 1987: 483.
Myclwdea SC/¡/,tllIIlII; p. Crouan & H. Crouan in Schmmm & Mazé 1865: 10.
Thallus LOugh, thi ck, leathery, 10-30 cm hi gh, pale yell ow lo red - l . Slerile brand1.
brown; branch ing ilTegu lar. Branches stra p-shaped, f1 eshy, 1- 2 cm 2. Ferlile branch wilh
wide, with numerou marginal spine or pur- li ke projeclion . hem.ispherical
Medullary cells 80-180 !1In diam. , decreas ing in size toward lllface, cysloearps (e).
interspersed with fine (4--8 !-lm d iam.) fil aments. Corlex 3--4 cell s 3. Longitudillal seclion
thick; cells 5- 10 J.lm dialll. Holdfasl f1eshy, disc- li ke. Telrasporallgia of blade.
oval, 10-20 J.llll dialll. , 34--5 1 J.l1l1 long, zonately d ivided, in scattered 4. Tram- verse section of
c lusters. Cystocatps spheri cal to he mispherical, 0.8- 1.0 mm diam., corlex.
oflen with small spine-like projecti ons; carpo porangia oval,
22-26 !-lm dialll. , 30-38 !-lID long, soli tary or in seri es of 2-3 on
ends of gonimob lasts.
UncolII/1lon: when encountered abundan t, on rocks, in areas wilh
modera te current; to 40 m deep.
Dislribution: Florida, Greater Antill es, Lesser Anlill es, Soulhern
Cari bbea n, Weslern Caribbea n.

Sarcodiotheca caribaea w.R. Taylor 19620: 54, pI. 1. figs. 1, 2; pI. 4,

fi g. l .
Thallus f1 eshy, slippery, firm , 7- 15 cm hi gh, rose-red to dull Pllrple; J. Habil of brand1.
branching 4--8 time repealedl y di chotomous. Branehes f1 attened, 2. Tran sverse seelion of
2- 7(- 10) mm wide, 300-650 !-lm th ick; apices blunl, rarely sharpl y braneh.
pointed ; rnargins Sll1ooth. Medullaty fi lamenls 4-- 10(-20) !-lm di am., 3. SLI/iaee view of malure
loosely arranged with in mucil aginous gel. Corlex 4--5 cells thick: brand1.
inner cortex 2- 3 layer , cell s 50-1 40 f-L111 diam., colorles or li ghtl y 4 . Transverse seclion of
pigmenled, thin-wall ed ; outer COrlex two layers, densely pi gmented; eorlex.
urface ce lls spherica l to broadly oval in transverse section , angul ar
in surface view, (5-) 15-25 J.lm di am. Holdfasl di sc-like, incon-
spicuous. Telrasporangia oval, 24--38 J.l m di am., 32- 55 J.lm long,
zonately di vided, as scatlered palches in outer con exo Cystoea rps
pherical, predominant al margi ns, with obvious relea e pore.
Rare : on rocks or cora l rubbl e, often on deep sand plains;
30--45 m deep.
Dislributioll: Lesser Anti lIe .

Solieria filiformis (Kützing) P.w. Gabrielson 1985: 278. figs. 1b, 1d, 2.
E"/¡Ylll enia fitiJorlllis KÜl zing 1863: 15.
Thallus f1e hy, slippery, firm, 5-24 cm hi gh, li ght rose-red to pink; l . Habit of branches; rwo
branching somewhat dichotomous below, above alternate or occa- branches having dislincl
ionally unil ateral. Main axis cylindrical, 0.5-2.0(-5.0) mm diam. , cysloea rps (e).
pinched at base, tapering loward api ces; apices sharply po inted. 2. SUtiace view of braneh.
Medullaty fi laments loosely tang led within rnucilagioou ge l; longitu- 3. Transverse seelion of
dinal filament 10- 20!-l111 di alll.; lateral fil amems (2-)5- 12 !-lm di am. brand1.
COrlex 4--6 cells thi ck; inner cortex 2--4 layers, cells 60- 160 !-lm 4. Trans verse seetiofl of corlex
diam. ; outer cortex ( 1-)2 layers; surface cells spherical to elongated, showing medullary
5- 15 !-lrn dialll., irregu larly rounded or angular in surface view. filalll ents (m) and inne r
Tetrasporangia spheri cal to oval, 15-35 !-lm di am., 30-55 J.lm long, cortical eel/s joined by
zonately di vided, scattered in conexo Spermntangia oval, 2-3 J.lm specialized eonneeling
di am. , 3--4 !1In long, scattered in urface patches. Cystoearps cell (s).
pherical, 0.5- 1.0 mm diam. , embedded in larger branches causing
surface welling ; carposporangia pherical to oval, 10-20 J.lm diam .
Rare: on rock 01' cora l rubbl e, on deep sand plains; 10-30 m deep.
Distribution : Florid a, Bahamas, Greater Anti ll es, Lesser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Gu lf of Mexico.

Wurdemallnia miniata (Sprcngcl) Feldmann & Hamel 193-1: 5-14.
S"lwerococclIs millia/lls prengel 1827: 340.
T/¡alllls small , incon picuous, wiry, gregari o ll s, langled, creepi ng, l. Habil.
ofle n forming turfs. 10 3 c m hi g h. dllll red, yellow-green when 2. Mllllicellular apex (\Vil/¡
bl eached; branching pa rse, irregular. perpendicular 10 parenl branc h; 1I1L111iple apical cells).
g rowth fro m mulliple api ca l ce ll s. Brancl/es cy lindri ca l, 100-220 11m 3. Trallsverse secliol/ of
diam .; base oflen sli g hll y constri cled ; apices po inted. Medullary branch.
jilamenls long iludina.l , thick-wa ll ed; cell s 10 250 11111 di am .. SlIrrollnded 4. Transverse seclioll o/
by hort ova l cell s. SLllface cells 6-8(- 12) 11m diam ., lough, heav il y bran ch/el.
pi gme nted; subsurface cell s 10- 16 11m di al11. , rounded when yOllng,
sOl11ewhat hexagonal when marure. Telrasporangia oval . 23-26 11m
di a m. , 48-55 11m long, zonatel y di vided, scalle red, distal on sli ghll y
swo lle n branchlets. Sperma/angia 10 300 ~lm di a m. , to 1 mm lo ng, in
swo lle n le nninaJ segme nls.
VI/COIllIllOI/: inconspicllous, o n mangrove prop rools, rocks or coral
fragment ; high inte rtidal (reported 10 30 m deep).
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Antill es. Lesser Anlilles,
Soulhern Caribbea n, Western Caribbea n.

ORDER lIALYMENlALES Helerotrichous growth (cr.

F ANULV IlALYMENlACEA Littler & Kauker 1984)
showing both upri ghl and
Key to species or Cryptonemia pro trale forms of the
l . Stipe forming rai sed l11idrib in lower bl ades: margins smoolh , nOl loothed ......... C. semil/.ervis, p. 102 coralline alga Litlzophyllwn
l . Stipe eldom forming midrib at base of blades; marg in s loothed .. ...... .. .. .... ............ ......... .... ..... ..... .. .... . 2 congestl/m (see Sleneck &
2. Margi nal leelh Wilh mulliple po ims, sla r-shaped .................................................. C. crel/ulata, p. 100 Adey 1976). The lalerally
2. Ma rg in al leeth WilhoUl multipl e point , no t ta r-s haped ... .. .. .. ... .... ... .... .... .... Cryptol/emin sp., p. 102 spreading cru tose portion
can invade new substrates,
whereas the upright knobs
resist altachment of
harmful snail and sea
urchin predators.

Cryptonemia crenulata (J. Agardh) J. Agardh 185 1 1185 1- 18631: 225.

P¡'yllo,,¡'ora crelllllll/a J. Agardh 184 1: 18.
Thalllls inconspicllOus, clu te r of slrap-shaped blades, lo 5 cm hi gh, l . Habil.
brighl red; branching absent, dichotomolls lO irregul arl y dicholomous. 2, YOllllg blade mar¡¡in.
Blades 3-6(- 15) mm wide, 60-90(- 150) 11m thick; margi ns rippled 3. Matllre blade margin wil/¡
or undlll ating, 40-60(- 100) 11m lhi ck, irreglll a rly loolhed; malllre slar-slwped marginal
margin al spi nes ofle n wi lh mullipl e po ims o r slar-shaped. Medullary spines.
jilamellls cy lindri ca l, 6- 10 11m diam., co lo rl ess. Corlex 1-3 cell s 4. Trw/s verse seclion o/ blade.
thi c k; inner corti ca l cell s sphe ri ca l, I 0-20(-30) ~ll11 di am.; surface
cell s sqllari h-reclang ul a r, 5-7 11 m di am., heav il y pi g l11 ented . Slipe
inconspicuous. 1-3 111m I ng. Holdfasl inconspicllolls, pad- like.
VI/ComIllOI/: inconspicuou , in low- li ght hab itals sllc h as caves,
cracks or benealh rock ledges. al base of fa n and whip corals;
lower interlidal 10 30 111 deep.
Distriblllion: Les,cr Anti ll es. We ' lern aribbean.

Cryptonemia seminervis (e. Agardh) J. Agardh 1846: pJ. 17.·

S,JhaerococclIs semillervis e. Agardh 1821: pJ. 17.
T/¡allus inconspicuous, cluster of slrap-shaped blades, 5-15 c m l . Habit.
hi gh, deep bright red ; branching irregular to palm ate, mo l 2. Transverse sectiol/ oj blade.
co mmonl y proliferati ng from margin or midrib. Blades 5-15 mm
wide, 100-200 ¡.un thick; margin rippl ed or undu latin g, 70-80 Ilm
thi ck, smoolh, lacki ng teeth; apex bluntl y rounded. MedullQ/y
filalllents 6---8 Ilm di am., intertwi ned, Li ghlly packed, colorl ess.
Corlex 1-3 cells Ihick; inner cortical cells phericaJ, 10-22 Ilm diam.,
colorles ; surface cell s rounded-rec Langlll ar, 5-7 11m diam., heav ily
pigmented. Slipe 1.0-1.5 mm 100ig. Holdjasl inconspicuolls, pad-like.
Rare : inconspicllous, in low- light habitats such as caves, cracks
or beneath rock ledges, often partially or enLirely encrusted by
bryozoans; almost exc lu ively deep water; 3-40 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Southern
Caribbean .

Cryptollemia Sp.
Thal/us inconspi cuous, cluster of strap-shaped blades, l. Habit oj thallus.
( 1- )3- 10(- 15) cm hi gh, intense bri ght red; branching pseudodi- 2. ¡rregular/y 100thed margino
chotomous to pa lm ate or as proli feration's from blade margin o 3. Transverse seclion oj blade.
Blades 3-6(- 15) mm wide, (60-)80- 100(-280) Ilm thi ck; nl<u'gins
rippled oc undlllated, (40-)60-80(- 160) Ilm thi ck, irregularly
toolhed; apex bluntl y rounded, occasionally indented ; center line
at ba e often thi ckened but nOl forming di stinct midrib. MedllllQ/y
fi laments 6--- 10 11111 diam., thick wal led, intertwined, ti ghll y packed,
colorl ess. Cortex 2- 3 cells thick; inner cortical cells pheri ca l,
10-20(-30) 11m di am., li ghtl y pigmented; surface cells rounded-
rectangu lar, 5-10(- 12) Ilm di am ., heav il y pi gmented. Slipe
inconspicllOus, 0.5- 3.0 mm long. Ho/djast inconspicuou , pad-like,
preading, o ften iniLiating several blades.
UnCOIIIIllOI/: inconspi cuoll s, in low- li ght habitats such as cave,
cracks or beneath rack ledge , at base of fan and whip cora ls; lower
intertidaJ to 30 m deep.
DistriblltiOIl: Les er Antill es, Western Caribbean.

Key to species of Grateloupia Co mpe titi ve overgrowth

l . . Blades to 2.5 mm wide; main ax is less than 200 Ilm thick .................. .......... .. ...... .. .. G. filicina, p. 104 inte ractio ns a mo ng
l . Blades 1- 5 cm wide; main axis greater than 200 Ilm thi ck ....... ...... ................ .. .... ... G. gibbe ii, p. 104 attac hed c rusto e pl ant
a nd sess il e anima ls a re
impo rt anl o ngo ing events
o n cora l reefs (see a lso
p. 77). Co mpetiti ve
outcomes are hi ghl y
infllle nced by bolh natura l
(e.g., di seases. weathe r.
sto rm s. grazing) and
a nth ropogeni c (e.g. ,
overfi . hing, po lllltio n)
factor .

Grateloupiafilicilla (l .V. Lmnour uxl C. Agard h 182211822- 18231: 223.

Delesserill jilicillo l . V. Lamouroux 1813: 125 (reprinl p. 37).

Tila//us gelatinou , sli ck, 2- 10(-75) cm hi gh, purpl e, pink LO l. Sil/tace view oj
translucent red ; branching near ba e, irregular to opposile. B/ades lelrasporangia / reg ion.
fl al to oval, 0.5-2.5(-5.0) mm wide, 120-200 IAm thick. Brallch/els 2. Tran sverse seclion oj corlex
irregul arly opposite from margin , 0.3- 1.0 mm wide, numerous; wir/¡ dark staining
apices bluntl y pointed. Medullary ji/amenls cy lindri ca l, 3-4(-8) IAm lerrasporangiulI1.
di am., cell s to 50 I.un long, loosely arranged in Illucilaginous gel,
radi aling from inner corti cal cell s. Corlex 2-3 cells lhi ck; inner cells
irregul ar, I0-18 ~lm di alll ., increas ing in number radially ; surface
cell s oval, 3-5 I.un di am. Telrasporangia ova l. 11 -27 IAm diam .,
25-47 ~lm long, cruciatel y divided, clustered, forllled in outer cortex
of branchl ets. Spermatangia in scattered palches, formed from
ouler cortical cells. Cyslocarps pherical, 200-300 IAIll diam. ;
carpo.sporangia pherical , I 1-20 IAm di alll.
IlIfrequelll: on rock or coral rubbl e; intertidal lo 20 III deep.
o CP o 0 0 0 0
Dislriblltion: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Alllilles, Lesser Anlilles, -,-=-=-~- Oo O o o Oo
Gulf of Mexico. lOO¡Lm o

Grateloupia gibbesii Harvey 1853 199, pI. 26.

TIJa//us twisted cluster of strap-shaped blades, 3-60 cm hi gh, dark l. Habil oj IIJallus.
purp le-pink to red ; branching irregul ar from margins. Blades f1 at, 2. Trans verse seclion oj blade.
1- 5 cm wide, 240-950 ~lm thick; margin smooth with many
broad points; apices bluntl y pointed . Medullary ji/amellls cylinclrical,
1-4 IAm diam. , co lorle , intertwined in mucilaginous gel, radi ating
from inner cortical cell s. Corlex 3-5 cells thick; inner cells star-
shaped, 5- 10 IAm diam., colorless, increas ing in nUlllber radially ;
urface cell s elongaled, 4-6 IAm dialll. , heavily pi gmenled. Sripe
inconspi cuous. Ho/djasl inconspi cuou , pad-like. Telrasporangia
oval, 7- 18 I.un diam. , ( 11 -)28-35(-45) IAm long, cruciately divided,
form ed in inner cortex . Spermalangia in scattered sori , 2-3 I.un
di am. , formed from outer cortical cells. CySIOClllPS spherical ,
to 150 ~1Il1 di alll ., scattered; carposporangia spherical to irregular,
9- 16 IAm diam .
Rare: attached to rocks or coral fragments on deep and plain ;
lower intertidal lO 30 m deep.
Dislriblltiol/: Florida, Lesser Antilles.

Key to species of Halymellia Di vers co llecting seaweed

l . Branche cy lindrical; branching repeatedly di choLOIllOUS ...................... ................. H. elollgata , p. 106 specimens fram lhe fo re
l . Branches blade- like; branching not di chotomous .....................................................................~ ............ 2 reef in Be li ze. Thi s lhree-
dimensiona l habitat
2. Blades strap-shaped; di stinct branches narrow, numerous, irregularl y opposite from margin .......... . 3
2. Blades lobed ; dislincl branches abselll or as shorl (lO 2 cm long) narrow branchlets ... ......... .............. 4 harbo r abundant
herbi vo re popul ati o n
3 . Branchl ets long and narrow ....... ..................... ... ......................................................... H. floresia, p. 108 and lhe resulla nt alga l
3. Branchl ets short, delloid or triangular .................. .. .. ... .. ... .............. ............... H. pselldofloresia, p. 108
fl o ra is do minated by
4. Blades rough with surface papillae (projections) .................................. ..... ...... H. dllchassaingii, p. 106 ca lca reous cruslose
4 . Blades Illoolh wi th out surface pap illae ... .. ..... .... ..................... .......................... H. echinophysa, p. 106 corall ine and sparse
fi lame nlous lurf algae.

Halymenia duchassaingii (J. Agurdh) Kylin 1932 : 29.

M er;stot}¡eclI dllc}¡lIsslI;ng ;; J. Agordh 1872: 37.
Tlw llus gelatino us, slippery, mbbery, to 20 cm hi gh, red lO cream; l. Habil of blade margino
branching irregul ar near base. Blades fl eshy, 1-4 cm wide. 300-700 2. Malure cyslocC/lp
¡.tm thick, irregul arl y lobed ; surface o flen rough Wilh nUl11erous hard, re /easing carpospores
oflen fo rked papillae; margins undul ating, having many small upward from so/ilary pore.
poi nling leelh . Medulla ry ji/amenls cy lindri ca l, 4-8(- 15) ¡.t111 di al11., 3. Tra nsverse secliol1 of
sparse, in mucil ag inous gel, radi aling from innenn osl cortical cells. corlo;.
Corlex 4-6 cell lhi ck; inner cell irregul ar, lO 40 ¡.tm di am.; surface
cell s round frol11 surface view, elongaled in transverse secti on,
lO 4 ¡.tm di am., 15 ¡.t111 thick, densely pi g mented ; surface covered
wilh mucilaginou ubstance. Slipe incon picuous, 2- 3 mm di am.,
3-5 mm lo ng. Holdfasl 3-4 ml11 thick, di sc- like. Telrasporangia
ova l, 8- 12 ¡.t111 di al11., 20-25 ¡.t111 lo ng, cruc iale ly di vided, scattered
in surface layer. Cyslocatps spheri ca l, 120-1 80 ¡.t111 di am. , evenly
scattered, swo llen; carposporangia spheri ca l lO ova l, 15-20 ¡.t111 dial11 .
Unco fllmon: as scatlered indi viduals on reef fl als; LO 10 m deep.
Distriblltiot/: Greater Amill es, Lesser Amill es, Southern Caribbean.

Halymenia echinophysa Collins & M . Howe 19 16: 180.

Thallus gelatino us, sli ck, 10- 18 cm high, pink LO translucent red ; l . Habil.
irregul arly lobed. Blades fl at, 2-6 cm wide, 125- 500 ¡.tm lhick; 2. Transverse seclion of
l11argins smoolh with irregularl y placed, ob cure leelh. Medullary tIlalure cortex sholVing
jilamellls cy I.indri cal , 10-1 4 ¡.tm di am., loosely arranged in muc il ag- large slar-shaped
in ous gel, radi aling fro l11 large (80- 180 ¡.tm di al11.) ubcortica l sta r- subcortical cell (s).
shaped cell s. Corlex 4-5 cell s lhick; inner cell s irregular, 25-85 J.lm 3. Surface view of
dial11 .; surface cell s spheri callo oval , 6- 10 ¡.tm di al11 . Holdfasl lelrasporctngia.
inconspi cuous. Telra~po rang ia spherica l 10 ova l, 11 -20 ¡.tm di am., 4 . Transverse seclion of young
13-35 ¡.tm lo ng, crucialely di vided, scattered in surface layer. corlex wilh
Rare : on rocks or coral fragmenls on deep sand plains; 5- 20 m deep. lelrasporangiulII (1)
Distribllliot/: Lesser Anlill es. fo rming f rolll slI/face cell.

Halymenia elongata c. A gardh 1822 11 822- 1823 1: 209.

Tha llus gelatino us, slippery, sofl to turgid, 5-20 cm hi g h, pink, l . Habil of Ilwllus.
rose-red lO brow n; branching re peated ly dichotomo us. Branches 2. Transverse seclion of
cy lindrica l, 2- 6 mm di am. Main axis cy lindri ca l lO sli ghtl y COl·lex.
fl attened, mo re fl allened at di choto mies, tapering al base,
broadening quickly. 2-6 ml11 diam., also la pering loward api ces;
apices 1- 2 mm wide, forked. Medullary jilaments 2-7 J.lm di am. ,
loo e ly arranged wilhin l11ucil aginou gel, radi ating fro l11 Slar-
shaped cell s ( 18-40 J.lm di am.). Cortex 1-4 cell s lhick; inner cell s
20-30 ¡.tm diam. , loosely arranged; surface cell s e longaled lO cl ub-
shaped, 3- 6(-9) ¡.t m di am. , 3- 13 ¡.tm lo ng, irregul ar in surface view,
dense ly pi g l11enled. Telrasporangia spheri cal 10 ova l, 10- 15 ¡.tm
di am., 15- 20 ¡.tm lo ng, crucialely di vided, ca ttered in OUler con exo
Cyslocarps pheri ca l, 70- 180 ¡.1m di am., fo rming in medull a,
with few lO l11 any in vo lucral fi laments; ca rposporangia ova l,
5- 15(- 23) ¡.tm diam.
Rare : altached lo rock or coral rubble on deep sa nd pl ain s;
15-40 m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Grea ler Antill es, Le ser Antilles.

Halymenia floresia (Clemente y Rubio) C. Agard h 18 17: 19.

Fllells floresills Clemente y Rubio 1807: 3 12.
T/¡allus howy, gelaúnou , slick, to 50 cm high, translucent pink to l . Habil of blade.
red ; branching l1ear base, irregu lar lo opposite. Blades f1at, 10 5 cm 2. Trall sverse seclioll of blade.
wide, 120-400 11m Ihi ck. Branchlels irregularly oppo ite from
margins, narrow, numerous ; apices blul1ll y pointed. MedullO/y
filam ents cylindrical , 3- 10 !-1m diam. , loosely arranged il1 mucil-
aginous gel; cell s 50-80 I.un lo ng. Cortex 2-3 ce ll s thick; ubsurface
cell irregul ar, 10-25 11m diam. ; surface cells ova l, 5-8 11m diam. ,
generally three per subsurface cell; star-shaped cell s (ganglia) rare,
dark staining, 30-40 11m diam. , irregularly branched. Slalk shorl,
inconspicuou . Telrasporangia spherical to oval, 11 - 18 ~un diam. ,
13-30 11m long, cruciately divided , scattered in surface layer.
CyslocO/ps pherical to lobed, 150-230 11m diam. ; carpo porangia
pherical lO oval, 7.5- 12.5 11m diam.
/nfrequellt: on olid substrales, often found attached to rocks o r
coral rubble on deep sand plains; 5-40 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Greater An tilles, Lesser Antilles, Southern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Halymenia pseudofloresia Collins & M. Howe 19 16: 177.

Thal/us showy, gelatinous, slick, 7-36 cm hi gh, translucenl pink to l. Habil of blade.
red; deepl y lobed with many marginal proli feration s. Blade 2. Transverse seclion of blade.
undul aúng, 10 8 cm wide, 300-450 11m thick. Branchlels irregularly 3. Tralls verse seclioll of slerile
opposi te from margins, numerous, small, deltoid or triangular; apices corlex.
bluntly pointed. Medul/aryfilamenls cy lindri cal, 10- 16!l111 diam., 4. Trans verse seclion offertile
loosely arranged in mucilaginous gel, radiating from inner cortical cortex wilh
cell s; cell s (20-)60-90 11m long. Corlex (2-)4-6 ceU thick; inner lelrasporangium (1).
cell s irregular to broadly ova l, 20-55 11m diam ., oflen fu ing with 5. Surface view offerlile
adjacent cell s; surface ce ll s elongaled oval in tran sver e ecúon, blade showing crucialely
4-8 11m diam. , 10-14 !-1m thi ck, lhree per subsurface cel!. Slalk divided lelrasporangia.
short, inconspicuous. Holdfasl disc-like, inconspicuous. Telraspor-
angia spherical to ova l, 11 - 18 !-1m di am. , 14-26 11m long, cruciately
div ided, cattered in surface layer.
Illfrequellt: o n so lid substrales in protecled location ; 5-30 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Greater Antilles, Lesser An till es.

Sebdenia flabellata (J. Agardh) Parkinson 1980: 12."
IS)'lIIellio flabellllta J. Agardh 1899: 66.
Thal/lIs gelatinous, slippery, soft to turgid, 4-30 cm hi gh, pink, l . Habil of Ihal/us; in Florida
rose-red to brown ; branching repealedly dichotomous, in o ne plane. specimens, branches are
Brall c/¡es cy lindri cal, 3- 10 mm diam. Main axis oflen pinched at afien /ll ore swol/en and
base, broadening quickly, cy lindri ca l 10 sli ghtl y f1attened , more so shorter Ihan illuslraled.
al dichol mies, 3- 10 mm wide, to 23 mm wide below dicholomie , 2. Medul/ary filamellls
sli ghtly lapering toward apices; api ces 1-3 mm wide, forked . sholVing dark-slaining
Medlll/a ryfilamenls longitudinal , langled, 3- 10 !-1m diam ., loosely gland cel/s.
arranged wilhin muc ilagino us gel, radiating from tar-shaped cell s 3. Transverse seclion of
( 18-40 11m di am.); g land cells o flen pre enl. Corlex 3-7 ce ll thi ck; brandl cortex wilh
surface cell spherical 10 oval, 3-9 !-1m di am., 3- 13 11m thi ck, crucialely di vided
pol ygonal from surface view. nlrasporangia 13-27 ~lIn diarn. , lelrasporangiut1l forming
19-30 11m long, c rucialel y di vided. Carpogonial branches of JUSI below sw face cel/s.
3-4 cell s. form ed lalerall y on centra l corti ca l cell s.
Rare: on rocks or coral rubble 011 deep sand plains; 10-55 m deep.
Distribution: Florid a, Greater Anti lles.

Key to species oC Gracilaria
l . Branches flal, strap-shaped, greater th an 5 mm wide ...... ... ..... .. .......... .. ... ..... ....................................... 2 7. Distal branching distinctly cervicorn (one side of dichotomy not developing further) [m ain ax is
l . Branches cy lindrical or li ghtl y fl attened, les than 5 mm wide ..... ... .. ... .. ...... .. ................... .. .. .... .... .. .. 5 often compressed; branchlets cy lindri cal] .. .............. .. .......................................... G. cervicomis, p. 112
7. Di tal branching nOl cervicorn ................................ ...... .. .. ........ .. .......................................... ...... .......... 8
2. Blades greater lhan 1.2 cm wide, base of bl ades constri cted .................... ........ .. .. ... G. curtissiae, p. 114
2. Blades less than 1.2 c m wide, base o f bl ades not constricted .... .. .. .... ....... .... .... ...... ... ............ .. .. .... .... .... 3 8. Branches 1-4 mm diam .; api ces generaJly blunl; distal branching alternate to unil ateral .......... .... .... ..
............ .... ........ .. .. ..... ................ .. ..... ..... ... ..... .. .................................... .... .. .. .. ... .. G. bursa-pastoris, p. 110
3. Branching from margin ,opposite to irregul ar; apices bluntly pointed ......... ... G. domingellsis, p. 116 8. Branchl ets 0.2- 1.0 mm diam.; apices pointed; di stal branchin g widely irregular .. G. tikvalziae, p. 116
3. Branching somewhat dichotomou s; apices rounded ................... ... .......... .. ... .... .. ............... .. .. .. .. .... .... .... 4
9. Branches tapering at base, not abruptl y pinched or ti ghtly constricted ; branchlets not tapered or
4. Thallus blade 0.2-0.3 mm thick ; margins generall y undul ating ................. ... ... .. .. .. . G. Clllleata, p. 112 constri cted at base [branche 0.5-2.0(-3.0) mm diam. ; branch let 0.3-1.0 mm diam.] .................... ..
4. Thallus blades 0.5-1.5 mm tllick; margins never undul ating .. ...... .. ..... .. .... ...... G. mammillaris, p. 116 ... ................................................. ... ...................................... .. ..................................... G. caudata, p. 112
5. Branching generally evenly di chotomous throughoul .... ............. ..................... G. damaecomis, p. 114 9. Branches pinched or ti ghtly con tri cted at ba e; branchl ets also con tri cted at base ........................ 10
5 . Branching other than eve nl y di chotomou s lhroughoul. .......... ......................... ... ... .............. .. .. ........ .... 6 10. C lear, transparent rose-red; branching sparse; branches 2-4 mm diam .; apices blunt; main stalk
6. Branches often with compressed ( lightl y flatten ed) main ax is or compre ed be low di visions, constricted at ho ld fa t ........ ........................ ........ .. .... .......... .. .... ............................... G. cylilldrica, p. 114
not or sli ghtl y tapering at base ...... ... ... ......... ....... .... ... ..... .. ................... .... .............................. ............... 7 10. Opaque, purple, pink to rose-red; branching abundant; branches to I mm diam .; apice pointed;
6. Branches cy lindri cal lhroughoul, di stinctly taperin g or pinched at base ........ .... .. .. ... ... ... .. .. .... ............ 9 main stalk not constri cted at holdfast [branchlets 0.2-0.5(- 1.0) mm diam.] ...... G. blodgettii, p. 110

Gracilaria blodgettii Harvey 1853: 111.

ThaJlus tough , cartilagi nous, slippery, to 20 cm hi gh, purple, pink /. Habit.
to ro e-red; branching radiaJly alternate to irregular; stalk not 2. Trans verse secliol1 of
constricted at hold fast. Branches cy lindricaJ , to I mm diam. branch.
Branchlels cy lindri cal, 0.2-0.5(-1.0) mm diam. , arched in ward, 3. Transverse seclion of
sharply constricted at base; apices pointed. MedullOlY cel/s irregular, corlex.
100-400(-600) /-1m diam ., colorl ess, thin-walled. Corlex 2-3 cell s
tlück; subsurface cells to 35 /lI11 diam. , Lbi ck-walled; surface ce Us
7- 15(-25) /-1m di am. , den sely pigmented. Telrasporangia sphericaJ
to oval, 20-38 /-1m diam., 30-38(-50) ~lm long, cruciate ly divided ,
in swoUen areas just aboye constricted ba e of outer branchJ ets.
Spermatangia cattered, in small concave ori. Cysrocarps warty,
to I mm diam ., scatlered; carposporangia spherical to oval,
to 38 /-1m long.
Locally commoll : on small pebbles, shell fra gments or other smaU
objects on sand plaillS or in mi xed com muniti es tangled in shall ow
seagrass beds; 1- 2 m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Greater Alllilles, Lesser Anti ll es. Western
Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Gracilaria bursa-pastoris (S.G. Gmelin) P.C. Si lva 1952: 265 "

Fueus bursa-pastor¡s S.G. Gmelin 1768: 12 1. pI. 8. lig. 3.
Thallus tough, fleshy, slippery, to 20 cm high, red-brown to rose- / . Habil showillg somewhal
purple; proxim al branching irregularl y dichotomous, di stally unilateral arrallgemeJ1.l of
alternate to unilatera l. Branches compres ed or sli ghtly flatten ed branches.
at or below divi sions, 1-4 mm diam. , with no or little taper; bases 2. Transverse sectioll of
not co nstricted. Branchlels cy lindrica l, less 'than 2 mm diam .; bases branchlel.
not con tricted. Medullary cel/s irregu larl y spheri ca l, to 300 Jl.m 3. Trans verse section of
diam . Corlex 1-3 cell thi ck; subsurface celJ s 15-25 /-1m diam. ; branchtet corlex.
surface cell s 10- 15 /-1m diam ., densely pigmented. Stipe indistinct.
Hotdfasl incon picuou , di sc- li ke. Cyslocarps scattered,
he mi sphericaJ.
Commol/: but inconspi cuous, on small pebb les, shell fragment or
other hard objects, in areas of moderate wave acti on; to 5 m deep.
Distribution: Florid a, Greater Antilles, Le ser Anti ll es, Southern
Caribbean. Gulf of Mex ico.

Gracilaria caudata J. Agardh 1852 [185 1- 1863J: 598."

Tha llus bushy, deJicate, oft, slippery, 6-30(-60) cm high, purple, J. Habi/ of branching.
green or rose-red; branching rad iall y alternate to irregul ar, abun- 2. SlIIface vielV of crucia /e/y
dant ; main slalk nOl constri cted at holdfasl. Branches cy lindrical, divided /e/raspores.
0.5-2.0(-3.0) mm di am., tapering lowa rd base. Branch!e/s 3. Transverse sec/ion of
cy lindri ca l, 0.3- 1.0 mm di am., genera lly not tapered at base; brall chle/.
apices po inted. Medullary cells irregul ar, to 650 ¡.un di am., thin - 4. Tra/lSverse sec/ion of
wall ed . Cor/ex 2-3 cell s thi ck; surface cell s 5- 15 ¡.t m di am. ; surface brallchle/ con exo
hairs commo n, dec iduollS, fin e. Te/rasporallgia spheri ca l to ova l,
20-40 ¡.tm di am., 27-45 ¡.tm lo ng, cruc iate ly di vided, scattered.
Spermarangia scattered, in small concave pilS in cortex o f
younger branchlets. Carposporophy/es with trabecul ar ti laments
(fil amenLs radi atin g between gonimo bJast and peri ca rp ; major
di fferenti ati on fro m Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis) . CyslOcarps
warry, hemi spherica l, to I mm di am ., scattered .
COlll lllon : on mall pebble, hell fragments or other small obj ects
on salld plains; intertidal to 30 m deep.
Distribution : Florid a, Grealer AnLilles, Lesser Ant ille , Southern
Cari bbea n, WeSlern Cari bbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

Gracilaria cervicornis (Tumer) J. Agardh 18521 185 1- 1863]: 604. "

Fueus ce /vico,."is Turner 1808- 1809: 13 1, pI. 12 1.
ThaLlus tough, n eshy, lippery, to 20(-40) cm hi gh, red-brown /. Typical brand1.
to green-yell ow; branching proximaJl y di choto moll s, di stall y 2. Trallsverse section of
cervicorn . Branches parli all y natlened, 1-5 mm wide; branchlels branch.
cy lindrical, le s than 2 mm di am. MedullO/y ce lis irregularl y 3. Transverse section of
spheri ca l, 175-300 ¡.tm di am., thi ck-wall ed . Correx 3-7 cell thick; cortex.
sub urface cell 20-30 ¡.tm di am., lightl y pi gmented; surface cell s
6- 10 ¡.tm diam., den ely pigmenled ; surface hai rs rare, delicate,
co lorl ess. S/ipe indisLinct, inconspi cuous. Holdfas/ inconspicuou ,
di sc- li ke. Te/rasporangia oval, 22-25 ¡.tm di am., 30-40 ¡.tm long,
cruciately di vided, cattered in den e cl usters just below surface.
Spenna/angia in sma ll vase-shaped cav iti es. Cystocarps hemi -
spherica l, 0.5- 1. 1 mm di am., at margins of ouler segment .
COI/IIllO//. : inconspi cll o us, on smal l pebb les, shell fragments or
other hard obj ecls, in areas o f moderale wave acti o n; to 10 m deep.
Dislribulioll: Florid a, Bahamas, Greater AnLill es, Lesse r Anlille ,
oUlhern Caribbea n, Western Caribbea n, Gul f of Mexico.

GraciLaria clllleata Areschoug 1854[1851- 18631: 351. r10F0 -'-- "--'-

Thallus lough, neshy, li ppery, 10- 18 cm hi gh, red-brown 10 rose- l. Habi/.
~via ~
purpl e; branching repealedl y di choto mous. Brallches trap-shaped, 2. Longitudinal section of

4- 12 mm wide, 200-300 ¡.tm thick; margins ruffi ed, occasio nall y cortex.
somewhal scall oped. MedullalY cells ova l lO spheri ca l, 100- 180 ¡.tm 3. Longitudinal sectioll of
diam. Cortex 1-2 cell s thi ck; ubsurface cells vari ab le, 15-35 ¡.tm blade.
di am.; surface cell 6- 12 ¡.tm d iam., dense ly pi gmented. Stipe 4. Transverse section of
indisLincl. Holdfas/ inconspi cuous, di sc- like. CyslOcalps scatlered, cor/ex. - -_._-------
he mi ph eri ca l. 5. Transverse sec/ion of ,blade. 2cm
U IICOI/IIII OII : on small pebbles, shell fragments o r other hard
o bjects, generall y in protected habitats; 5-20 m deep.
Distriblltioll : Florida , Lesser Antill es.
~ (i)

~ 200J.Lm

GraciLaria curtissiae 1. Agardh 1885: 61.

T/¡alllls a~ elongated cJ umps of wide flat bl ades, 10 40 cm hi gh, pale- l . Habi/.
pink 10 straw-yell ow: branching al base pa lm ale or ilTegul ar from 2. TrallSverse sectioll oJ
margi ns, di stall y somewhal d icholomous. 81ades widely strap- blade.
shaped, 3-22 cm long, 1.0-3.5 cm wide, 0.5- 1.0 mm thi ck, often 3. Trall sverse sec/ion oJ
constri cled at base; margins smooth. 8rallc/¡/e/s marginal, irregul arly cor/ex.
pl aced ; api ces bluntl y rounded. Medulla ry cells irregularl y spherical.
120-600 ~lm di am .. co lorl ess, thin -wall ed. Cor/ex 1-3 ce ll s thick;
subsurface cells 01' intermedi ate size, frequentl y co mpressed ;
urface cell s oflen elongated , 7.5- 13.0 ~m di am., well defin ed.
Te/raspo rangia crucialely di vided, scanered jusI be low Ulface.
SperlllalCmgia in 5mall vase- haped cav ities, cJusters forming li ghl
patches on bl ade surface. CyslOcarps hemi spheri ca l, to 1.2 mm
di am., dark red, scaltered ; carposporangia oval to cy lindri cal,
to 38 ~m long.
UnCOIIII/IOIl: in moderalely wave-ex posed lO prolecled areas;
to LO m deep.
Distribl/lion: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Anlill es, Les er An lilles,
Southern Ca ribbea n.

Gracilaria cylindrica Bf>rgesen 1920: 375, figs. 364. 365 '

ThallLls fl eshy, slippery, 10 38 cm hi gh, c lear, lransparent, rose-red ; l . Habi/ s/¡ owing sha rply
branching irregul ar, sparse. 8ranches cy lindri cal, 2-4 mm di am., cons/ric/ed poill/s oJ
sharpl y constri cted at poim o f anachment. 8ranchle/s similar to allachlllel11 ofbranches
main ax is, arched inward , sharpl y constri cted at poinl of attachmenl ; and bra nchle/s.
branching allernately radi al ; apice mo ll y blunt. MedLllla ry cells 2. Transverse sec/ion oJ
200-525 ~m di am. , colorl ess to lighll y pi gmented, transparent, b ra ncllle/.
thin-wall ed, irregular. Cortex 1-2 cell s thi ck; subsurface cell s of 3. Transverse sec/ion oJ
intermedi ale 'ize, thi ck-walled, irregul ar lO rectangular, li ghtl y brancl1 con exo
pi gmented ; urface cell 5.0-7.5 ~m di am. , densely pi gmented .
S/alk constri cled al holdfast. Te/raspo rang ia obl ong 10 spheri ca l,
to 40 ~m di am., 40-60 ~m long, cruc ialely di vided, scallered or
in small groups, e mbedded in urface layers. CyslOcarps scattered,
warty, 10 2 mm di am., dark red; carposporangia oval 10 spheri cal,
to 40 ~m long.
Locally COIIIIllOIl: on small pebbles, she ll fra gmenls or oÚler smaJl
obj ects on deep sa nd plains; 15- 110 m deep.
Distribl/liOIl: Fl orida, Bahamas, Grea ter Antilles, Lesser Antill es,
Gulf of Mex ico.

Gracilaria damaecornis J. Agardh 18521 185 1- 1863 1: 597.

Th allLls bushy, lough, leathery, to 15 cm hi gh, pink-red; branching l . Habit oJ branch.
dichotomou . 8ral1ches cylindrical to sli ghtl y flattened, 1.5-4.0 mm 2. Transverse sec/ion oJ
diam.; api ces short, blunt. MedL/lIary celLs to 200 ~m di am ., thin- corticaL cel/s al brallchle/
wall ed, li ghtl y pi gmenled, grading smaller toward urface. Swface ap ex.
cel/s 8-20 ~m di am., thin~ wa lled , beav il y pi gmented. HoldJas/ 3. Transverse sec/ion oJ
inconspi cuous, di sc-like. Tetrasporangia cruciately di vided, scattered surface cells 0 11 ma/L/re
just bel ow surface. Sperma/ang ia in small vase- haped caviti es in brancl1.
urface layer. Cys/oca rps hemi sphericaJ . 4 . Transverse sec/ion oJ
UIlCOIIIIllOIl: on coral fragments, rocks or other hard surfaces; branchlel.
to 10 m deep.
Distributiol1: Fl orid a, Bahamas . Grealer Antill es, Lesser Antilles,
South ern Ca ribbea n, Western Caribbean, Gulf 01' Mex ico.

Gracilaria domillgellsis (Külúng) Sonder ex Dickic 1874,.: 149.

Sp/werococcllS t!ol1úlIgells;j KÜl/i ng 1869: 8. pis. 22a, 22b.

TIJ alll/s n accid, in linear clumps. lO 10(-35) c m hi gh, rose-red to l . Habil.

g reen-brow n: branc hing irreg ul ar from ma rg ins. Bral/ches 2- 12 mm 2. Ferlile blade su/iace IVilh
wide, n atte ned, trap-shaped; branchl ets short , s le nder, op posi te. scallered lelrasporal/g ia.
Medl/llary cells to 600 ~lIll d iam .. sli ghtly f1 atte ned. thin-wa ll ed, 3. TrclIlsverse seclion of blade.
li g htl y pi g me nt ed . Corlex 2-4 cell s thi ck; sub urface cell s o f 4. Tral/sl'erse secliol1 offerlile
inte rmedi ate size; surface cell s ova l lO f1 atte ned, 6- 10 f.u n d iam., corlex showil/g
heav ily pi gme nted ; surface hairs ra re to abund anl. delicale, co lorless. lelrasporclIlg ia.
HoldfasI inconspi c uo us, d isc- like. Telrasporal/g ia phe ri ca l to ova l.
to 45 11m di am., c ruciately d iv ided, scattered ju t below sudace.
Spermalangia to 40 11m di a m., e mbedded in vase-s haped caviti es.
CyslOcarps he mi s pheri ca l. obvio us, numero us. clark recl, on f1 atle necl
surface of blacles.
COIllI/f.OIl : o n coral fragme nts and othe r harcl sub trates;
to 15 m deep.
Dislriblltion: Flori da, Greater Antill es , Lesser Antill es, So uthern
Cari bbea n. Gulf of Mex ico.

Gracilaria mammiLLaris (Monlag ne) M. Howe 19 18: 515.

RllOdymellia lIlam",il/aris Montagnc 1842a: 252.
Thallus g regari ous, so lita ry or in thi ck palches, tough, f1 eshy, l . Typica l branching.
to 9(- 14) c m hi gh, green-red to cl ark red; branching somewhat 2. Tral/sllerse secliol/ oI blade
di c hoto mous, occas iona ll y tri cho to mo us. Bral/ ches f1 arle necl. showil/g (¡ emisp{¡erical
to I c m wide. 0.5- 1.0 mm thi ck; api ces rouncled. ofte n notc hed. cysloca rp.
Medl/llary cells sphe ri cal to ova l, 50- 150 ~lm di a m. Con ex 3. Tral1 sverse secliol/ of slerile
1-3 cell s thi c k; surface cell s recta ng ul ar , 5- 18 ¡.tm di a m., cle nsely con exo
pig me nted . Srcrlk ho n , cy lindri ca l, branc hed . Holdfasl in con-
pi c uo us, di sc-li ke . TelrasporclIIg ia sphe rica l to ova l, 25-35 11m
di am., c ruciately di vided. sca tte recl just be low surface. Sperma-
langia in small vase-shaped cav iri es. Cysloccfl pS he mi spherica l.
1.0- 1.3 mm di am.; carpospo ra ngia sphe ri ca l to irregul ar, to
30 ~lIn cli am.
Uncollllllofl: o n roc k. , mangrove prop roots 0 1' other hard
surfaces, in protected a reas o r ex posed lo mocle rare wave acti o n;
lO 18(-60) m deep.
Disfriblltioll: Fl orida. Greater Antill es. Lesser Antill es. So uthern
Caribbea n, Western Caribbea n.

Gracilaria tikvahiae McLach lan 1979: 19, lig. l. '

Thallus hi g hl y vari abl e, deli care, spar e c lllmp ro coarse, ri ghtl y l . Habil.
bra nc hecl spheres, 10-20(-37) C I11 hi g h, fro m cleep green, brig hr 2. SLlljace lIiew ol cortical
red lO brown; branc hing wi de ly irregul ar, ofle n di c horo mo us below. ce" .\'. I
alternare aboye, d icholOl11 ouS al api ces. Bral/ches cy lindri ca l, 3. Transverse secliol/ ol
0.2- 1.0 mm di am .. occas io nall y arched outward , ofren Il atre ned brancl?
be low d ivisio ns: ap ices tapered, po inled . Med,,"wy ce" s irregul ar. 4. Transllerse secliolJ of
70-270 ¡.tm di a m. Co rt e.~· 2-3 cell s thi ck; surface cell s round ro corlex.
a ng ul ar. 5- 1.3 ¡.tm di a m .. cle nse ly pi g me nred . Telrasporcmgia ova l
1 s phe ri ca l. 10-3 5 ~tm d ia m .. 17-45 ~m lo ng, c ruc iale ly di vided,
sca rte red in surface layers. Sperll/alal/gicr in o ri , scalle red. Add ili onal photograph
CySlocarps he mi spherica l, to I 111m d ial11 ., nllm erous; carpospo rangia on p. 189.
phe rica l to ova l, 15-40 11 m di am.
Comlllon: in ca lm estuari es a nd bays, grow ing free or attached
to small rocks or coral fragme nls; int ertida l lO 10 m deep, deepe r
(48 m) in co lder ware rs. Hi ghly vari abl e in co lor and morph o logy
( IOO's of gene ti c u'a ins known, see van der Meer 1979).
Distributiorr.: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Grealer Antill es. Lesser Anl ill es.
SOllthern Ca ri bbean, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

GraciLariopsis Lemaneiformis (Bory de Suinl-Vincenl) E.V. Dawson.

Aclelo & Foldvik 1964: 59. pI. 56. lig. A. "
Gigarrilla lemalleiJormis Bory de Sainl-Vinccnl 1828[1826- 18291: 15 1.
Thal/us tangled, slippery, to 0.5(-2.0) m high, purple, pink, rose-red l . Habit.
10 brown: branching radial , allernale 10 irregular, generally sparse. 2. Transverse sectioll of
Brallches cylindrical, 0.5-2.0 mm diam. Branchlets cyl indri cal , brallchlet.
0.3-1.0 mm diam., rare ly slightly lapered toward ba e; apice 3. Trall sverse sectioll of
gradlla ll y tapering to harp point. Medlll/ary cel/s irregu lar, to cyslOcarp ShOIVillg absellce
400 ¡.1m diam., Ihin-walled. Cortex 3-6 ce ll s thick ; lIrfáce cell s of trabeclllar filalllellls
2.5-7.5 ¡.1m diam ., densely pigmented. Holc(fast di sc- like; occasion all y radiatillg between
secondari ly attached by hort stolon-l ike branchlets. Tetrasporallgia gonimoblast (g) alld
ova l, 25.0-27.5 ¡.1m dial11., 32.5-47.5 ¡.1m long, crucialely divided , pericarp (p).
cattered in OLuer cortex. Spermatangia in scattered bUI oflen
overlapping sori in outer corlex. Carposporophytes witholl t trabeclIlar
filamenls (filamenl radiating between gonimob la I and pericarp;
major difference from Gracilaria coudara) .
CO/1/moll: on small pebbles or shell fragments on sand plains or
tangled in eagrass bed arollnd mangrove i lands; to 30 m deep .
Dislriblllion: Florida, Greater Antille , Lesser Antille .

Key to species of Hydropulltia The herbi voro ll s crab

l. Thallus erecl ......................................................................... ............ ................. .......... H. cornea, p. 118 M ilh rax sCLllptLls. livin g in
l . Thalllls proslrale ................ .. .. .. .. .......... ... ....... ........................................... ........... H. crassissillla, p. 120 lh e fire cora l Mi/lepora
cOll1p lana ra. pl ays 3n
important ro le in re mov ing
harmful e piphytes fro m its
cora l and coraJ linealgal
habilats (see Coe n 1988,
Stachow icz & Hay 1996).

Hydropuntia cornea (J . Agardh) M.J . Wynne 1989: 476. "

Gracilaria corn ea J. Agardh 185211851 - 1863]: 598.
Thal/us erect, coarse, stiff-rubbery, often irregular and gnarled, to l . Typica l brallch.
25 cm high , motlled pale straw-yellow, pink or pale green; branching 2. Trans verse sectioJl of
generally abllndanl, irregular. Bralle/les variable. short-stubby to brallc//.
long-thin , so mewhat ftauened. Medul/ary cel/s 100-320 ¡.1m diam., 3. Tralls verse sectioll of
grading smaller toward surface. SU/face cel/s ova l or lear-shaped, conexo
10-15 ¡.1m diam . Holdfast inconspicllOll , di sc- like. Tetrasporallgia
cruc iately divided.
COllllllon: attached 10 rubble fragments, on protecled sand-covered
reef ftats and tllrtle-gras beds: 10 10 111 deep.
Dislribu/Íol/: Florida, Bahalllas, Greater Anlilles, Le er Anlille .
Soulhern Caribbean, We tern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Hydropuntia crassissima (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) M.J. Wynnc 1989:

477'* Plocaria crassissima P. Crou"n & H. Crouan in Schram m & Mazé 1865: 20.
Tha/lus prostrate, creeping, rubbery, lough, lO 30 cm di am. , mottl ed J. Typical youl/g
red- braw n, often with metaJlic go ld-copper surface sheen. Branches 2. Tral1sverse section 01 slerile
fl arlened, braad, langled, fused, when mature curving downward al corlex.
margins. Medullwy ce/ls 80- 120 !-1m diam. , decreas ing in size toward 3. Trans verse seclion 01
urface. Cortical cells oval to tear-shaped, 4-- 10 I,U11 di am. , 8- 15 !-1m lelrasporangial con exo
long, in short radiating chains. Holdlast inconspi cuous.
Tetrasporangia to 20 !-1m di am., cruciate ly di vided,
COIIIIIIOII: on hard ubstrates, generall y on leeward side of reef crest
in area of moderate wave turbul ence; intertidal to 9 m deep.
Dislributiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Anti ll e . Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean , Gulf 01' Mexico.

ORDER RHODYMENlALES These Be li zean wo me n

F AMILY CHAMPIACEAE are preparing the red a lga
Eucheuma isifarme for
Key to species of Champia "sea- moss po rridge".
l. Branches 320-4 10 !-1m diam. ; attached al many point along prastrate branch ......... ....... .. ... ............. . The porridge, made with
.......... ........ .... .... .... ..... .... .... ........... .......... ......... ............ ... ...................... C. parvula varo prostrata, p. 122 E. isifa rme, co nde n ed
l . Branches greater than I mm di am. ; generally attached by sing le holdfast .... ..................................... . 2
weetened l11ilk, etc .,
2. Thallus less th an 2 cm hi gh; branches decidedl y fl attened ........................ .... .... .... C. vieillardii, p. 122 is locall y regarded ro l'
2. Thallus greater than 2 cm hi gh; branches cy lindricaJ to sli ghtJ y fl attened .. .. .. ....... .. ... .... ............... ..... 3 its aph rodi siac po we rs
3. Segments 1- 2 mm di am., 1- 5 diameters long ... ..... ... ... .... ... ... .. ... .. ...... .. .. .................. C. parvula , p. 120 (see p.2 11 ).
3 . Segments 1-4 mm di am. , as long as wide ... ....................... .. ................ .... ....... . C. salicomioides, p. 122

Champia parvula (e. Agard h) Harvey 1853: 76.

Chol/dria parl'lIla e. Agard h 1824 : 207.
Tha/lus gelatino us, forming soft interlw ined clumps, to 10 cm hi gh, J. Outer brc/Ilch wilh girdling,
trans lucenl yell ow lO pale red ; branching variable, mostl y alternate. swollen, spenl1al9" gial
Branches cy lindri ca l to sli ghtl y flattened; api ces lapering, bluntly sori (s).
pointed. Segments swo llen 0 1' barrel-shaped, 0.8-2.0 111m di am., 2. SI I/face view 01 scallered
1- 5 diameters long; cavity filled with clear mu cil aginou s gel, inner lelrasporangia in OUler
wal llined Wilh faim longitudin al filaments; filam enl cell s 8- 10 !-1m mel1lbra ne.
diam., 200-250 j.lm long, wilh sparsely scattered, ova l, gland cells; 3. Transverse seclion 01
large urface cell s rectangular to oval, 22-38 ¡.U11 wide, 50- 130 !-1m brancll.
long; smaJl surface cell s irregul ar to spheri cal, 7.0-12.5 I.U11 di al11 .,
between or overlapping larger cell s. Joinls sli ghtl y constri cted;
parrili ons lhin . SlIIface cwicle c lear, gelatino us, 10-25 j.lm thick.
Telrasporcmgia pherica l, 50-100 !-I111 di am., telrahed rall y divided .
Spermalang ia 1-2 !-1m diam. , in girdling sori. Cyslocwp s urn-shaped.
COII/1Il0": as incon picuou epiph ytes on seagrasses 0 1' grow ing on
sand-covered rack; to I S m deep.
Distributio,,: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Alllill es, Lesser Amilles,
Soulhern Caribbea n, We lern Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Champia parvula varo prostrata L.G. Wi ll iallls 195 1: 155.

Tha llus gelalino us, as Ofl running stran d , to 2 C I11 lo ng, u'anslucent J. Creepillg habil oJ Ihal/us.
yell ow to pa le pink ; branching variabl e, 1110 tJ y irregul ar. Brallches 2 . Apex lVirh rhi:oidal bUlldle
cy lindrica l to sli ghtl y f1 atte ned ; api ce tapering, bluntl y po inted. ar joil/l.
Segmel/ls cy lindri caJ , 320-4 10 fll11 di al11 ., 1-2 111111 long; cav ily fi ll ed 3. Su/fa ce view 01 scallered
w ilh c lear l11uc il aginous ge l, inner wa lllined w ith fa int long iludin a l lelraspo rallg ia.
fil al11e nl ; fil a l11e nt cell 6-- 10 fUTI di a l11 ., 200-280 fll11 lo ng, w ith
s parsely scatlered , ova l, g land cells; large urface cell recta ngul ar,
30-50 fll11 di a l11. , 80- 140 11111 long, 40-50 11111 thi c k; sl11a ll surface
cell s sphe ri ca l, 7- 12 11111 di al11 ., between or overl apping larger cell s,
o ri g inating al base of dec iduo u urface hai rs. Joil/l partiti ons lhin.
l11e l11brane- like. SII/fac e culicle c lear. 10-22 11111 lhi ck. HoldJasl di sc-
Iike, econdaril y attached by short bundled rhi zoid at or near branc h
j o inls. Telrasporangia sphe ri ca l, 65- 90 11111 di al11 ., tetra hedra ll y
di vided . Spermalallg ia 1-2 11111 di al11. , in g irdling sori . Cyslocarps
dOl11e- ha ped , 0.7-0.8 111111 di al11. , borne o n l11arg in of f1 atte ned blades.
V I/COmm o 11: as inconspi c uo us epiphyle o n othe r l11arine plants;
to 15111 deep.
Distrihlltiol/: Weslern Caribbea n. G lIlr 01' Mex ico.

Champia salicornioides Harvey 1853: 76. pI. 19, B.

Thal/us ge lalino us, fo rl11ing soft robust tuft , to 12 CI11 hi gh. /. Outer brallcll IVirh
lrans lucent pa le red ; bra nc hing irregul ar, so mewh al c lustered . immalllre urn -shaped
Branehes cy lindrical to sli ghtl y f1 aue ned; a pi ces tape ring, bluntly cystoca rps (e).
po inted. Segmellts short, barre l shaped , swolle n, 1-4 111111 di al11 ., as 2. S LI/face view oJ
lo ng as wide; cavity fill ed w ilh c1ear muc il agino us gel, inne r wa ll li ned lelrasporallgial seglllellt.
with fa int long itudin a l fil a l11e nts; fi la llle nl ce ll s 10- 12 11111 di a l11. ,
10-20 di al11eters long, w ith sparsely scattered , ova l g land cell s; large
surface cell s recta ng ul ar 10 roundly rectan g ul ar, 30-60 11111 di a l11 .,
50-70(- 140) 11111 long; sl11a ll surface cell s sphe rica l, 10 10(- 20) 11111
di a l11 ., scatte red between larger cell s. Joints constricted ; pa rtiti o ns
lhin , l11e l11brane- li ke. S LI/f ace cuticle c lear, ge la lino us, 10-30 11111
lhi c k. Tetrasporangia spheri ca l, to 90 11111 di a l11 ., scartered .
Sperlllarallgia 1- 2 11111 di al11 .. in g irdling sori . CyslOelll ps urn-sha ped.
10 0.9 111111 di al11. , scaue red ; carpos po rang ia 40-50 11111 di al11 .
Comlllol/: attac hed to hard s ub trates or e piphyti c on seagrasses o r
olher a lgae; 10 27 111 deep.
Distrihlltiol/: Florida, Bahamas. Grea ler Antilles, Lesser Anlill es.
o lllhe rn Ca ribbean.

Champia vieillardii KÜlzing 1866: 14 . pI. 37. figs. e. r.

Thal/us gelaLinous, inconspicuo us, lO 1(- 3) C I11 hi gh, translucent / . Habil oJ bralld /.
ye ll ow lO pale red ; branc hing irregul ar, vari abl e, Ill ostl y fro l11 base, 2. SU/fa ce vielV 01
in excepti ona ll y large lh a lli (3 C I11 hi g h) frol11 l11a rg ins at or near rerrasporall gia l sf glllenr.
joints. Brcl/lches f1 atte ned ; apices ta pe rin g, blul1lly po inted . Segllle11ls
swoll en or barre l-shaped , 0.7- 1.5 111111 w ide. 0.5- 2.0 dia l11ete rs long:
cav ity fi ll ed w ith c1ea r l11uc il aginous gel, lined w ilh faint long iludina l
fil a l11e nts; fil a l11e nt cell s 8- 10 1-1111 di a l11 ., 200-250 f1l11 lo ng, Wilh
pa rsely pl aced oval g la nd cell s; large surface cell s recta ng ul a r LO o va l,
40-50 11111 d ia l11 ., 50-80(- 90) 11111 lo ng; Illall urface cell s sparse, hai r
ce ll s whe n young, sphe rical or occas io na ll y ova l, LO 10 11111 di al11 .,
20 11111 long, al junctio ns belween la rger cell s. Joil/ls slighll y con-
slri c ted ; pa rtili o ns lhin, l11e l11bra ne- like. Telrasporangia s phe ri ca l,
80- 100 11111 d ia l11 ., scaue red. Sperlllalangia 1- 2 fll11 d ia lll ., in g irdling
o ri . CyslOeCl/ps urn-shaped , to 0.9 111111 di a l11 ., cauered .
V I/ COl1lmOIl : inconspic uo us, e piphyli c on larger a lgae o r seagrasses ;
10 l 111 deep.
Distrihuliol/: G reater Antill es , Lesser Anrill es, Soulhcrn Carib bea n,
WeS lern Caribbea n.
124 RHOOOI'IIYTA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ __ RHOOOPIIYTA 125


Key to species of Gelitliop sis The S potled Scorpi o nfi sh,
No/e: We fo llow aunders et al. (1999) in placing Gelidiopsis in the famil y Lomentariaccae as a discrete taxon (see Priee &
SC0I1Jaena pLlllllieri, Wilh it
Kraft, 199 1l. rJthe r than combin ing il into the gen LIS Cera/odie/yol/ . mottl ed co lo rali o n close ly
l. Branches cylindri ca l di stal ly, 150-3 10 !!m diam ......................... .. ...... ..... ................................ .. .. .. .. ..... 2 re e mbles lhe urro un d ing
l . Branches compressed di sta ll y, LO 1. 1 mm di am . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ...................................... .. .. .. .. ...... ............... 3 enc ru sting coralline a lgal
community. This is lhe mo l
2. Thallu lO 8 cm hi gh; branches 230-3 10 !!m di am., often fu in g together ............ G. ill/ricala , p. 124
co mmo n scorpi o nfi sh in me
2. Thallus to 4 cm high; branches I 50-220(-300) ~tll1 di am. , never fusing together ................ .. .. .. .. .. .... .
.. .... .. .. ............ .. .... .. .. .......... .. ... .... .. .. .... ....................................................................... G. variabilis, p. 126 Caribbean a nd , li ke othe r
pecies in lhe g roup (p. 27),
3. Branchin o irregular .... .. ...... .. .................... ............................ .... .. .. .. .. ..... ........... .... . G. plan icaulis, p. 124 has ex t:reme ly veno moll
3. Branchin~ dichotomous ..... ......... .. .. .. .. ........... .. ....................... .. .... ............... ............. G. scoparia , p. 126
spines o n lhe do rsa l fin.

Gelidiopsis intricata (e. Agardhl Vickers 1905: 6 1.

Spltaerococcl/s illlrica ta e. Agard h 1822 I1 22- 1823 1: 333.
Thallus stiff, tough, wiry, tangled, to 8 c m hi gh, red, green, brown , . Typical bronchillg.
or purpl e; branching sparse, irregul ar to so mewhat d ichotomous; 2. Trallsverse secrioll of
ba al axes (stolons) creeping, prostrate. Erecr axes cy lindri ca l, brollch.
230- 3 10 !!m di am., o ften fusing; api ce bluntl y pointed, multi - 3. Branch apex lVirh mulriple
cellul ar. Medullary cells 20-30 11m di am., grading li ghll y sma ller apical cel/s.
LOward surface, genera ll y 5-7 cell layers deep. Surface cel/s spherical
LO ova l, 8- 12!!m di am., 8- 14!!m long. Cwic/e 8- 10!!m th ick.
Srolons 250-350 !!m di am.; rhi zoid irregular, terminating
in attachme nt pads.
Uncommon: forming large mats on mangrove prop root or other
hard urfaces; intertidal lO 10m deep.
Dislriblllion: Florida, Grea ler Antill es, Lesser Anlill es, Soulh ern
Caribbea n, Western Ca ribbea n, Gul f of Mexico.

Gelidiopsis planicaulis (W.R. Taylor) w' R. Taylor 1960: 353. "

Wl/rdell/l/I/IIia mil/iata varo plallical/lis W.R. Tay lor 1943: 158.
Thal/us sti ff, tough, wiry, LO 8 cm high, deep red ; branching sparse, , . Habir ShOlVillg basal
irregul ar. Branches cy lindri ca l prox imally, sli ghtl y compressed srololl (s) and pad·like
di ta ll y, 0 .5- 1.1 mm wide, 125- 185 !!m tlli ck; api ces rounded, holdfasls (h).
mullicellul ar. Medul/ary cel/s 10-20 ~tll1 di am., lO 80 ~tm long, 2. Transverse secrioll of
grad ing small er and shorter toward surface. Surface cel/s ova l, marure branch.
8- 10 11m di am., 10- 15 11m long. Srololl.\' 200-400 11m di am.; 3. Branch apex Ivirfi lIl ulriple
rhi zo ids irregul ar, term inating in atlachment pad. Telrasporangia apical cells.
pheri ca l, 20-40 11m d iam., letrahedrall y di vided, on swo ll en apex 4 . Swol/en lerrasporangial
of short branch. apex (a) of s" orr brallc/l
Com lllol/ : inconsp icuous, on hard urfaces , often as tu fts on 5. Surface view of
mangrove prop roOl. ; to 1 m deep. rerrasporangia (1).
Dislriblltioll: Grea ler Antill es, Lesser Antill es, So ulhern Ca ri bbea n,
WeSlern Ca ribbean.

Gelidiopsis scoparia (Molllagne & Millardel) De Toni 1900: 4 10.

Gelidiwl/ scolwriwl/ MOlllagne & Mi llardel 1862: 13, pI. 27. lig. 1.
T/¡allus SLiff, tough, w iry, langled, lo 4(- 12) CI11 hi gh, red, green 0 1' l . Habit.
purpl e; branching d ichotol11ou , rarely irregular. Bralle/¡ es fl atlened, 2. SUtface vie\ll of branel/.
0.7- 1.0 111111 wide, 180--220(-300) ~111 Lhick; apices pointed, 3. Transvase sectioll of
multicellul ar. Medullary eells 15-30 ~ m di a.l1l. , grading sli ghLl y branel/.
maller toward slllface, generall y 2-3 cell layers deep. Corlex two 4. Braneh apex lVil/¡ lI1ufliple
ce ll s lhi ck; cell s spheri cal to oval, angul ar in surface view, 8- 10 !Am apica f eells.
di am. Sto fons 200-250(-425) !Am di am ., creeping, prosLrate; rhi zoids
irregul ar, terminating in small attachment di scs. Tetrasporangia
pherica l to oval, to 500 Ilm diam. , 750 ~m long, tetrahedrall y
di vided, on api ces of short branchlets.
Vl/comlUon: inconspi cuous, in crack and crevices on hard ub trate;
intertidal LO 10m deep.
Distributioll: Greater Antill es, Southern Caribbea n, Western
Ca ribbean.

Gelidiopsis variabilis (Grev ille ex J. Agardh) F. Schm itz 1895: 148."

Gelidilllll variabile Grevi lle ex J. Agardh 185 1 [1 85 1- 1863]: 468.
J. Typieal branehillg.
Thallus stiff, tough, wiry, tangled, to 4 Cm high, red, green or purpl e; 2. Braneh apex with lIIuftiple
branching sparse, irregular; basal axes creeping, prostrate. Ereel axes apieal eel/s.
cy lindri cal, ( 150--) 180--220(-300) ~m di a.l1l.; apices bluntl y pointed, 3. Transvase seelion of
multi cellul ar. Medullary eel/s to 16 ~m di am., grading onl y li ghtl y branel!.
small er toward surface, generall y 6-8 cell layers deep. Suifaee eel/s 4. SU/faee view of eortex.
pherica l to oval , 8- 12 !Am di am., 8- 12 !Am long. CL/tiele I0--20 ~m
thi ck. Stolons 220--350 !A111 dia.l1l. ; rhi zoids irregul ar, termin ating in
attachm ent pads.
ComlUon: inconspi cuolls, in crack and crevices on hard lIbstrates;
intertidal to 2 m deep.
Distributioll: Lesser Antill es, We tern Caribbean.

Lomentaria baileyana (Harvey) Farlow 1876: 698.

Chylocladia baileyano Harvey 1853: 185, pI. 20, lig. C.
Thallus turf-like, oft, tangled, 3-7(-20) cm high, pale maroon- red l . Branehes wilh la/eral
lO plIrple-pink; branching irregul ar, often unilateral near api ces. eyslOearps (e). f
Branches cy lindrical, 0.5-0.8(- 1.5) mm di am.; api ces tapering, 2. Cysloearp wit/¡ apiea f
bluntly pointed. Central eavit)' fill ed with clear mucilaginous gel; pore plug relea sed.
gland cell s spheri cal, projecting inlo cavity. Cortex 2-3 cell thick; 3. Transverse seetion of
innermost cell s (Iinin g cavity) thi ck-wa ll ed, oval , 30--50 ~m diam. , braneh showing mall
lO 90 ~m long; surface cell s hi ghl y vari abl e, rollnded rectangular, gland eells (g) proj eeting
ome 8- 10 Ilm dial11. , oLher lO 25 !Am di am. , 60 !Am long. Holdfast il110 central eavit)'.
pad-like, with few short, stOlll rhi zoids. Tetrasporangia 30--35 !Am
di am., letrahedrally di vided, scattered in subcorti cal layer. Cystoearps
um- haped, 120-- 180 !Am di am., wiLh api cal pore, lateral on branches.
VnCOmI1l01l: epiphytic on other pl an l ; lO 33 m deep.
Distribulion: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Grealer Anlill e , Lesser Antilles,
SouLhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.


Agardhinula browlleae (J. Agardh) De Toni 1 97: 64.
Callophyl/is broll'lIeae J. Agardh 1885: 36.
T/¡al/us f1eshy, gelatinous, 10-30 cm hi gh, pink to rose-red, occa- J. Habil of blade, /lOle areas
sionall y tran lucent; branching, if pre ent, dicholomous to irregul ar w/¡ere upper blade /¡as
at margins, palmate below. 81ades broad ly strap-shaped, 1-2(-6) cm fused UJ wil/¡ lower blades.
wide, 300-625 I.un thick ; margins smooth, undul ating or sligh tl y 2. Trallsverse seclioll of cOrlex
lobed; often proliferating new blades from basa l areas; coml11onl y lVil" I/¡ick ouler gelalillous
fusing with adjacent bl ades. Medul/ary cel/s ova l, 35-370 I.un diam. , cL/lic/e.
larger cell s intersper ed with sl11aller cell s, co lorle s. COrlex 1-3 cell s 3. Transverse seclion ofblade
thick; urface cell s pherical , 4-10 ¡.un dial11., deeply pigmented, s" owillg c/¡araclerislic
scattered in outer gelatinous cuticJe. Telrasporallgia ova l to spherical, large medul/ary cel/s
12.5-22.5 Ilm diam., 17.5-37.5 ¡.ull long, cruc iately divided, scattered illlerspersed IVil/¡ sl1lal/er
in outer ge latinous cuticJe. Sperl1lalan.gia ova l to spherical, 1-2 ~un cel/s.
diam. CyslOcO/ps omewhat spherical, 0.7-1.0 mm diam.;
carposporangia phericaJ to angular, 10- 15 Ilm diam.
Rare: on rock or coral fragment : 15-55 m deep.
Dis/ributiol/: Florida, Lesser Anti lIes.

Asteromellia peltata (W.R. Taylor) Huisrnun & A. Millar 1996: 139,

ligs. 2, 3, 7-9, 11 , 14'
Fallchea pe¡/(Ita W.R. Tay lor 1942: 11 3, pI. 3. lig. 9; pI. 16, ligs. 1- 5.

T/¡a l/us f1 eshy, gelatinous, prostrate or peltate, so litary or c lu stered l. Ma/ure //¡a l/us.
in ma ll patches, to 1-3 cm hi gh, 2-9 cm wide, deep red, occasion- 2. O/der cOl1lorled Ihallus.
all y iride cent; branching, if present, irregular to somewhat di choto- 3. Cys/ocarp lVil" elol/galed
mous. 81ade f1at, hall ow ly lobed or strap-shaped, 1 6~80 Ilm /leck a/'ld release pore.
thi ck, thinner near margi ns; margi ns smooth , undul ati ng or with 4. Transverse seclioll of blade.
coar e teeth when older. Medul/lIIY cel/s oval, 60- 130 Ilm diam. ,
50- 175 Ilm thi ck, decrea ing in size toward urta e. Corlex 2-3 cell s
thick; surtace cell s spherical , 3-6 Ilm diam., scattered in outer
gelatinous coating. Slipe cy lindrical, to 1(- 3 in old thalli ) cm high.
Holdfasl lobed, frequent ly attached secondaril y by supports from
blade margins. Telrasporangia pherical to oval , 10-15 IlI11 diam. ,
cruciatel y divided, cattered in outer gelati nous coating.
Commol/: in conspicuous; fo und at bases of ca lcified plants and
animal s, in prolected cracks or crev ices; to 45 m deep.
Dis/ribll/iol/ : Florida, Grealer Antilles. Lesser Antill es, Southern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean.

Key to species of BotryocLadia Sand-inllndated a lgal

l. Thallus 1025 cm hi gh; vesicul ar blade radially to bilaleral ly arranged ...................... ........ "1" .. ... .. .. .. .. 2 commllni ty show ing lhe
l. Thallus less than 10 cm hi gh; vesicul ar bl ades soli tary or randomly clustered ............ ... ..................... 3 e mergenl fronds o f the
2. G land cell s solitary, rarely in pa irs ...................................................................... B. occidentalis, p. 130 red a lga Gelidiella l/cerosa.
2. G land cell 2-8 per c lusler, rarely so litary ............................................................ B, pyriformis, p. 130 1f lhe ex posed pOltio ns
o f lhe fro nds are grazed ,
3. Vesicular blades formin g fro m sto lon (runner); surface covered with minute, mi croscopi c spines .......
......... .. .......... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... .... .... .. ................................... .................................. 8 . spillulifera , p. 132 lhe thalllls can qlli c kl y
3. Vesicu lar blades forming from single holdfa t; surface smooth .......................................................... .. 4 regene rate fro m the basa l
strllclllre w hi c h is
4. Thallus 10 10 cm hi gh; gland cell 1-4(-8) per c luster, borne on spec iali zed irregu larl y lobed inner
cells ..... ............ .... ... ...... ................ .... .... .. .... ............... .. ..... ..... ..... ... ... ... ... ... .. .... ....... .... B. shanksii, p. 130 pro lecled by lhe layc r
4. Thallus 10 5 cm high: gland cell s 6- 12 per c luster, borne direclly on regularly placed, smal l cortical of sand .
cell s .. ... ... ........... .. ................ ................ ... ........... .... .... ........... ............................ Botryoclndia. sp. , p. 132

BotryocLadia occidentalis (B0 rgcscn) Kylin 193 1: 18.

Chrysyl11cni a uvaria varo occidentalis B¡<lrge,en 1920: 403, lig. 388.
Thallus wiry with spheri ca l blade ' . LO 25 cm hi gh, green -red LO dark l . Habil oJ bral/ch.
rose-red; branching alternal e to so mewhat dichotomou , abundan!. 2. SlIIface vielV Ihrough
Blades vesicular, bulbous. oval to spheri cal, 2-8 mm diam. , 3- 11 corlex 10 scaltered solilary
mm long, radia ll y LO bilaterally arranged, numerous . Cenlral caviry gland cells.
filled with clear mucilaginous gel; gland cell solitary, rarely in two , 3. Transverse seclion oJ
sphericaJ. ova l or pear-shaped, 7-20 11m diam ., cattered, projecting su/face l1lembral/e lVilh
imo cav ity, borne directJ y o n large inner corti ca l cell s. Cortex solila/y gland cell (g).
generall y three cell thi ck; inner cell s ang ul ar, 50-150 11m diam .,
thin-walled; subsurface cell s intermediate in size; surface cell
spherical. 3- 15 ~Ull diam .. occasiona ll y fOllning incompl ete layer.
Stalk smaJl to ab en!. HoldJasl massive, di sc-like. Cystocarps
spherical, to 1.5 mm diam ., cattered, rare; carposporangia ova l
to irregullU', 12-25 11m diam.
Locally CO IIIIIIO/!: on rock o r other hard subslrates; to 55 m deep.
Distriblltion: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Anti lles, Lesser Anti ll es,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean.

BotryocLadia pyriformis (B0rgesen) Ky lin 193 1: I

ClII)'s)'mel/i{/ pyriformis B ~rgesen 1910: 187, ligs. 8, 9.
Thallus wiry staLks with spherical bl ades, LO 25 cm hi gh, rose-green J. Habit of Ihal/us.
to dark rose-red, often Wilh yeLJ ow-brown tinge; branching freq uent, 2. Surface view Ihrough
alternate to omewhat dichotomou , abundant. Blades vesicu lar, cortex 10 cluslered glal/d
bulbous, oval to spheri ca l, 2-8 mm di am., 3- 11 mm long, rad iall y cel/s (darkly slwded).
LO bilaterally lUTanged, numerous. Cenlral cavity fill ed with clear 3. Trans verse seclion of
mucil aginous gel; gland cells pear-shaped, 7-20 1-1In diam. , in clusters l1lel1lbrane \Vith solila/y
of 1-8, scatlered, projecling into cavi lY, borne directJy on inner gland cell (g) .
cortical cell s, parenl cell often small er lhan surrounding cell s. Cortex 4. Tran sverse secliol/ oJ
85- 110 11m thick, generaJ ly of three cell layers; inner cell s angul ar, membrane wilh cluslered
50-150 11m diam. , thin -wa ll ed; ubsurface cell s intermed iate in size; glal/d cells (g).
surface cell s spheri cal. sli ghtl y fl altened, 3- 15 !-lm diam. , growi ng
horizontaJl y over lower cell , generall y fOllni ng complete layer. Slalk
cylindrica l, so lid. Holdfasl mas ive, di sc- like.
Locally COIIIIllO/! : 0 0 rock or other hard substrates; intertidal
to 55 m deep.
Distribution: Les er Antilles.

BotryocLadia shanksii E.Y. Dawso n 1962: 385, pI. 1, lig. a: pI. 2, figs. a, b;
pI. 5, fig. b.
Thallus as solitary blade or in ti ghl clu ters of blades, 1-2(-7) cm l . Habil \Vith commonly
hi gh, translucent wine-red. Blades vesicul ar, bulbo u , tear- haped to occurring laTeral ,
spheri cal, 2-4(-6) mm dianl ., 2-5(-7) mm lo ng. Cen tral cavity fiLJed holdfasls (h).
with clear mucil agi nous gel; gland cell s 1-4(-8) per cluster, tear- 2. Transverse seclion of
shaped, 20-30 ¡.un diam . 30-50 11m long, several sets per blade, oflen surface membralle showing
borne on speciali zed irregularly lobed or rounded cell s ex tending tnto gland cel/s (g) 6/1
central cav ity. Cortex 3-4 cell s thick; inner cell s ang ul lU', 50- 120 11m specialized inlernal cell (s)
diam., thick-wa lled, oflen interspersed with mall er cell s; subsurface and letrasporangia (1).
cell s spherica l-angu lar, to 50 !-1m diam .; surface cell s spheri cal, 3. Surface view Ihrough
8- 15 11m diam ., formin g co mpl ete layer. Slalk wiry, cy lindri cal, cortex 10 lelrasporangia (1).
500-900 11m di am. , 3-4 mm hi gh, unbranched or branched. Holdfasl
fl at, lobed, disc- like. Telrasporangia spherica l to ova l. 16-20 11m
diam. , 20-25 11m lo ng, cruciately divided .
U /!CO IIIIIIOI/: o n rock or Olher hard surfaces in shaded habitats;
intertidal to 55 m deep .
Distributioll: Baham as, Greater Antil les, Les er An till e , Soulhern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean.
132 Rll o o o l'lI YT\ RIIODOI'IIYTA 133

Botryocladia spillulifera

W.R. Taylor & I. A. Abbou 1973: 4 10.
. ~ .
figs. 1-4.
Tllal/lls creepin g, langled. wiry. 10 3 cm long. dark rose- red;
branching irregul ar, sparse. Blades vesicul ar, bulboll , lear- haped.
l. S II/face viel\! /II rollgll
corlex 10 glalld cel/. .:: ":,..'!~~)
oval to spheri ca l, o rLen nattened. 1-4 mm di am., 2-5 mm long,
delicate, unilaterall y to radi al ly an·anged. Cell/ra l ce/vi/)' lilled wilh
2. Tral/sverse seclion of
membralle shol\!ing soli/ary
, -g 100 ¡<m
c lear mllc il aginous gel; gland cells so lit ary or in pairs, spheri ca l to g land cel/ (g) and sll/face
ova l, 8- 10 J.lm diam., 10-20 J.lm long, scattered, proj ectin g in to cel/s lI'illl sllarply laperil/g
cav ity, borne directl y on inner corti ca l cell s. Cor/ex 2-3 cell s thi ck; spil/es (s).
inner cell s roundl y angul ar, 38- 150 J.lm di am., thin-wall ed; Sllbsur-
face cell s 20-30 J.lm di am., occas ionall y absent; surface cell ova l
lo round. 3- 17 J.lm diam . with one sharpl y tapering spine or spi ke-
like projecti on per cell; spine 8- 11 J.lm hi gh. S/alk small to absent.
SlOlolI cy lindrica l, tough; rhi zoid clu tered, pad-li ke. Te/raspor-
ang ia ova l, 15- 18 J.lm di am., 20-29 ~lIn long, cruciately divided .
LocaLLy abundanl: inconspicllolls, mi xed in turf communities ju I
behind reef crest on carbona le subslrates: intertidal to 49 m deep.
Dislribll/ion: Flori da, Greater Antill es. Les er An till es, Western
Caribbea n.

BotryocLadia Sp.
T/¡al/lls so litary 0 1' lightl y clllstered , o f 1-6 blades, 1-2 cm hi gh, l. SII/iace viel\! Ihrough
translu cent rose-green to wine-red. Blades ves icul ar, blllboll , tear- cortex 10 g land cel/
shaped, selclom spherica l, 3-5 mm di am., to 9 mm long. Cenlral c1usler.
cavily fill ed with clear mucil aginous gel; gland cell s 6- 12 per clu ster, 2 . Tral/sverse secliol/ of
tear- or pear-shaped, 5- 14 J.lm diam. 10-25 J.lm long, projecling into sLllface membrane lVilh
cav ilY, borne direcll y on inner cortical cell s. Cortex 35-55 J.lm thi ck, g lal/d cel/ c1usler (g).
o f 3-4(-5) cell layers; inner cell angul ar. 30- 138 fI.I11 di am. , lhick-
walled, oflen interspersed Wilh small er cell s; ubsurface cell s
pheri ca l-angular, 12- 14 ~lm di am .; surface cell s spheri ca l, rarely
oval , 3-8 J.lm cli am. , fo rming complete layer. SlCIlk wiry, short,
cylindri cal , to 4 mm long, unbranched or branched. Holdfasl flat,
lobecl, di sc-like. Te/rasporangia ova l, to 35 J.lm di am ., 44 J.lm long,
cruciate ly di vided .
COlI/lIlo/!: inconspi cuou , on rock or olher hard subslrates in shaded
habilals; intertidal 10 55 m deep.
Dislribll/iol/: Fl orida, Greater Alltilles, Lesser Antill es, Soulhern
Ca ribbea n, We tem Ca ribbean (o ften mi sidentiri ed as BOlryoc/adia
pyrifo ,.,,,is) .

Key to species of Chrysymenia Di vers collecting

l . Branches lIni fo nnl y cy lindri ca l th rollghollt, deepl y conslri cted al base ....... C. enlerolllOlpjlG, p. 134 macroa lgae by SCUBA .
l . Branches fl attened to so me ex tent, n t uniforml y cy lindri ca l tlu·oughout. not deepl y constricted C o llecting and
al base ........ .. .. .... ..... .. ........ ..... .. .... ... ....... ...... .... ... ...... ... .. .. ...... ..... ..... .. ... .... .. ............... ...... .... .. .... ... ... .... .... 2 photographing algae i
o fie n a team e ffort with
2 . Branches cy lindrical, sli ghll y flattened below branching .... ........ ... ....... .. .. ........ .. .. C. venlricosa, p. 136
2 . Branches cy lindri ca l when young, tl attened when marure .................................................................... 3 variou me mber e ither
spo tting unu sual spec ies,
3. Apices oflen ex panded to 10 mm di am. , rollnded ..... ....... ... ...... ..... ....... .. .. .... .. ... .... C. littleriana, p. 134
photographing or co llecting
3. Apices tapering, blllnll y pointed .. .. ... .... ..... ......................................................... .... . C. nodulosa., p. 134
the indi vidu a l pec imens
ph otograph ed .

Chrysymenia enteromorpha Hnrvey 1853: 187.

Tllal/us bushy, delicate, gelalinous, to 30 cm hi gh, yell ow 10 pale l. Habi/ of branching.
ro e-red, oflen iridescent; branching irregular 10 alternate, mostly 2. Transverse sec/ion of
from branch apice . Brand/es cylindrical, 4- 10 mm diam. sU/face lIlelllbrClIle sllowing
proximall y, tapering to 2 mm diam. di stally; base deeply constricted; large subsulface cel/s,
apices rounded when yOllng, bluntly pointed when mature. Celllral darkly pigmen/ec/ glanc/
cavity filled wilh c lear mllcilaginous gel; gland cell 3- 18 per cluster, cel/s (g) anc/ sll/al/er
lear-shaped, 10--18 11m di am. , projecling into cavity, borne directl y sll rface cel/s.
on inner cortical cell . COrle-r 1-2 cell s thick; sllrface cell 5-30 ~lm 3. SlIIface view o/
diam., on perimeter and seldom completely covering Olller face of /e/rasporan gial blac/e wilh
subsurface cell s. Stipe inconspicllolls but distincl. Te/rasporangia crucia/ely c/ivic/ec/
ova l to spherical, 27-40 '.un diam., 35-45 11m long, cruciately /e/rasporangia.
divided, scatlered. Spennatangia to I 11m di am., fonning from small 4. SU/face viel\! o/ blac/e
surface cells. Cys/ocarps hemi spherica l, to 780 11m diam ., cartered; through cor/ex \Vith large
carpo porangia pherical 10 irregular, 15- 20 11m diam. subsLllface cel/s partial/y
VI/COIIIIIIO" : on deep sand plains attached to small rocks or coral exposec/.
fragment ; 15-90 m deep.
Distriblltion: Florida, Grealer An lilles. Lesser Antilles, Soulhern

Chrysym.enia littLeriana J.N. orri s & D.L. Ballanline 1995: 154,

fi g . la, lb, 3, 6. 10- 14.
Thal/Lls bushy, 50ft , ge latinous, to 30 cm hi gh, straw-pink lo l . Habil o/ brC/nch.
ro e-red; branching opposite, alternale, irregular or rarely 2. Transverse seclion of
dichotomous. Brand/es cy lindri ca l below, flattened or sli ghll y sLl/face membrane sllowing
fl attened elsewhere, pinched or narrow at base; apices often expanded glanc/ cel/s (g) anc/
to 10 mm dial11. Central cavity filled with clear I11l1cilaginous gel; filamen/ (f) connec/ion
g land cell s ( 1-)3-5 per cl uster, triangular or tear-shaped, 12-20 ¡.tm wilh olller sLlbcorrical cel/s.
dial11., 20--30 11111 long, projecting into cavity, on innennosl 3. Transverse seclion of corlex
subcortica l cell s; subcortical cell in 2-3 layers, oval, to 500 ~1111 sllolVing rac/ial
dial11. ; l11edu ll ary rhizoidal filal11enls lO 15 11m dial11. , onl y present c/evelopmenl o/ 200 ¡.c.m
between subcortical cell s at base or thicker secti ons of thallu s. sp ermalan gia /roll1

Cortex 1-3 cell s thick; surface cell s oval, 4-8 11m dial11. sU/face cells.
Te/rasporang ia oval, 12-25 11111 di am., cruciately divided , cattered. 4. Fila/1/ el1ls conll ecling 10
Spermlllangia spherical to oval, 2-3 ¡.tm diam. , formed in chains 10\Ver subcorlical cel/s.
of ( 1-)2-4 radiating from surface cell s. Cys/occl/ps dOl11e-shaped, 5. Dome-shapec/ cysloca rp.
to 1.2 111m dial11 ., cattered.
Rare: atlached to rocks or coral fragmenls; 12-40 111 deep.
-- g
Distriblllioll: Le ser Anli ll es. 200¡.c.m

Chrysymellia lloduLosa J. . orri s & D.L. Ball anline 1995: 159,

figs. 2a. 2b. 4. 5. 7, 8a. 8b. 9.
Thal/Lls bu hy, SOfl, gelalinous, to 30 cm high , gray-red; branching l. Habil o/ branch.
opposite, alternate or irregular. Branches cylindrical when young, 2. Inn er sU/face o/¡cor/ex
slightly flattened when marure, 10 12 ml11 wide, pinched or narrow viewec/ frOI/1 mucilage
at ba e; apices tapering, bluntly pointed. Celllral caviry fill ed with fil/ec/ cenlral cavity
clear mucilaginou ge l; gland cell to 25 per cluster, triangular or tear- sholVing glanc/ cel/s 0/1
shaped. 25-35 ¡.t111 dial11. , to 32 ¡.tm long, COl11mon, on innermo t larger subcortical cel/s \Villl
subcorti ca l cell projecting into cavity; subcorlical cell s in 2-3 layers, sll1al/ cel/s in Ih e
ova l to irregul arly rectangular, 10 300 11m diam ., to 600 11111 wide; backg rounc/.
rhizoidal fil aments to 22 ¡.tm diam. , only present belween subcortical 3. Tran sverse seclion o/
cell in older ection of lhallllS. Corlex 2-3 cells lhick; surface cell sU/fa ce II/ embrane sholVing
oval,4-6 11m diam .. TelrasporC/ng ia ova l, 14-20 ~lm di al11 ., cruciately glanc/ cel/s (g) on inner
divided , scattered. Sperll1alang ia spherical to oval, 2 .2-3 .6 11111 dial11. , subcorlical cel/s.
forl11ed in chain of ( 1-)2-4 radiating from surface cell s. CyslOcarps
hemi spherical , to l ml11 diam. , callered on di slal branches.
Rare: on bed rock or anached 10 small rocks or cora l fragl11ems on
deep sand plain ; 12-30 111 deep.
Distriblltioll: Grealer Anlilles.

Chrysymenia ventricosa (Lamouroux) J. Agardh 1842: 106.

DUlllol/tia I'el/ tricosa Lamouroux 18 13: 45. pI. 4. lig. 6.
Thal/us bushy, SOfl, gelaLinous, to 30 cm hi gh. purpl e-red ; branching l . Habil oJ brand /.
irregular, o ppos ile, altern ale 10 radi all y alternale. Branches cy lin- , 2. Sw face vielV sholVing
dri cal, oflen sli ghtl y Aattened below branching, slighll y pinched o r variol/s cel/layers lVilh
narro w al base; api ce bluntl y ro unded. Celllral cavity filled with clear da rkly srainillg gland cel/s
mucilag ino us gel; gland cell s 1- 5 per cluster, triangul ar o r tear- appa renl.
haped, 12-20 ¡.un di am., 20-30 11m long, proj ectin g into cavity, o n 3. Tran sverse seclioll of
innermos l subcorLica l cell s; subcorticaJ cell s in 2-3 layers, o va l, to surface membralle showing
600 ¡.tm di am. , decreasing in size to ward surface, colorless; rhi zoidal darkly srain ed gland cell
fil aments to 16 11m di am. , only present between subcorticaJ cell s at penelralillg il1lo cenTral
base 01' thi cker seclions of Ih allus. Corlex 1-3 cell s thi ck; sUlface cavily.
cell s oval , 4-8 ~lm di am., lO 12 11m lo ng. Tetrasporallgia oval ,
15-20 11m di am., cruciate ly di vided, scanered. Cystocarps hemi -
spheri cal or dome-shaped, scattered on di stal branches.
Rare: on bed rock 0 1' atlached to small rocks or coral fragments
on deep and pl ains; 20-1 30 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Fl orida, Grea ter Antill es, Le ser Antill es, Southern
Caribbea n.

Coelarthrum cliftonii (Harvey) Kylin 193 1: 15.·

Chyloc/adia diJtoll i Harvey 1855: 556.
Thallus deli cate, generall y sparse, gelalino us, 10 5 cm hi gh, deep l . Tran sverse seclion of
pink to c lear red; branching dichoto mo us. Brallches swoll en al sU/f ace membrane showing
inlerva l , rare ly cylindri cal, to 6 mm di am. , pinched al base; glalld cell extending il1lo
segments 10 10 mm long. Celllral cavity fill ed with clear mucilaginou celllral ca vity 0 11
gel; gland cell s 1- 5 per cluster, spherical, to 40 ¡.tm di am. , proj ecting specialized irregularly
inlo cav ity, borne on speciali zed, irregul ar, tar-shaped cell s o n inner shaped cel/.
side of membrane. Cortex 1-2 cell s thick; larger cell s square lO 2. Surface view \Vith gland
ang ul ar, lo I00 ~lIn di am., c lose-set; small er cell s oval , 10 25 11m cel/.
di am., irregularl y arranged belween larger cell s. Joilll partitions 3. Longitudillal section of
so lely of larger ce ll s. Stipe absent. Holdfast incon spi cuou s, di sc-like. branc/¡{et.
Tetrasporallgia spheri ca l, 25-45 11m diam. , cruciately o r inegul arly
di vided, fonning urface bump . CystocCllps scattered, hemi spherical.
Ullcollllllon: on hard substrales; 10 35 m deep.
Dislriblltioll : Fl orida, Greater Antill es, Lesser AnLill es, Southern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean.

Coelothrix irregularis (Ilarvey) Bl'lrgesen 1920: 389, figs . 373, 374.

Cordylec/adia irregularis Harvey 1853: 156.
Thallus turf-like, wiry, tangled, to 3 cm hi gh, bri ghl irideseent blue; J. Typical branchillg.
branching irregular. Brallches cy lindri ca l, 0.3-0.8 mm di am., rigid; 2. Transverse sectiOlI
apices tapering, bluntly pointed. Central cavity fill ed wilh clear s/¡owing inner glalld cel/s
muc il agino us gel; gland cell pheri cal to club-shaped, projecting (g) .
inlo cavity. Correx 4-6 cell s thi ck; inner cell s (lining cavity) thi ck- 3. Longitudinal section
wall ed, elongated, 45-80 11m di am. , 120-200 11m long; surface cell s showing inner g'land
16-27 ~lm di am., 30-54 11m long, heavil y pi gmenled. Tetrasporallgial cel/s (g).
thallus with lhinn er branches, 300-400 ~Ull diam .; letrasporang ia
in'egularl y spheri cal, 40-60 11m di am., letrahedrall y di vided, in short Growing on sponge in
(to 4 mm lo ng) , swo llen (10 650 ¡.tm wide) branches. Spermatangial ph otograph .
thal/us with thi cker branches, 400-800 11m di am.; spermatangial sori
wo ll en al branch api ce ; permatangia to 4 11m di am. Cystoca /1JS
pherical, 10 600 11m di am., olitary or in c lusters of 3-4, scatlered .
COIllIllOII: fo nning spar e to dense mal in shaded crack, crev ice or
under ledge , oflen o n mangrove prop roOls ; intenidal 10 10 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Fl orida , Bahama , Greater Antilles, Les er Antilles,
SOllthern Ca ribbean, Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mexico.

Key to species of Rhodymellia Herbi vor oll s fishes, slIch

l. Bl ades 5- 10 rnrn w ide, 375-600 IJm thi ck, never with palmate branching al wound ile ........ ... ... ... .. as lhe Berllluda chub
... ...... ..... .......... .................... .. ... .... ..... .... .. ..... ... ..... .......... ............... .... .. .. .. ............ R. er. divaricata, p. 138 (KyphosLls secta trix)
l . Blades 3-5 rnl11 w ide, 100-250 J.l111 thick, often w ith pall11ate branching al wound sites ..................... . comrnonly found on 1110st
................................................ .... .. .. .......... ... ..... .... ........ ........ .... ... .... .. .. .. ........ . R. pseudopalmala , p. 138 hallow-water reef , help
prevent the algae frol11
overgrowing corals and
other es ile in vertebrate .

Rhodymellia er. divaricata E.Y. Dawson 19-11 : 14 1. pI. 23, fl g. 3 1."

Thal/us so litary or clustered frOI11 one holdfast, tough, fleshy, J. Mature Ihal/us.
4-5 crn hi gh, dark ro e-red ; bran ching dichotornous, anglin g 2. Su/face vielV of cells.
45°_75°. Branches fl at, strap-shaped, 5- 10 rnl11 wide, 375-600 J.l111 3. Transverse section of blade.
thick ; api ces blunt. Medullary cells sph eri ca l lO ax iall y elongated 4. Transverse secliol/ of cortex
in longitudinal section, spherical in transverse secti on, 100-200 J.lrn showing slllal/ darkly
di arn. , 100-250 J.lrn thi ck. Cortex 2-3 cell thi ck; surface cell s pigmellled sw face cel/s.
irregular to oval , 10- 15 J.l111 di arn ., densely pi grnemed. Slalk short,
cy lindrica l, 0.2-0.5 mrn di al11., branched or unbranched. Holdfast
inconspi cuou , di sc-like. Tetrasporangia ova l, 12-20 J.l111 di am .,
20-25 J.lrn long, crucial ely di vided, scattered, in irregular yell ow-
pink sori. Cystocarps hemj pherical, lO 0.8 rnl11 di al11 ., scatlered;
carposporangia spherical 10 irregular. 7- 18 J.l111 diam. , darkl y
pi gl11ented.
Uncommoll: interrni xed with other algal species in deeper water ,
rarel y encountered in shaUow walers; 10 54 rn deep.
Distributioll: Florida.

Rhodymenia pseudopalmata (J.v. Lamouroux) P.e. Silva 1952: 265.

Fllells pselldopa/llla/(¡ J.V. Lamouroux 1805: 29.
Thal/us olitary or in thick patches, tough, fl eshy. 4- 12(- 16) cm l. Brancl1.
high, dark rose-red; branching nurnerous, dichotol11oUS, rarely 2. LolIgitudinal sepioll of
irregular, anglin g (25°-)40°_65°(_75°), palrnme and proliferou s al growing lIIa rgill.
wound sile . Branches flat, strap-shaped, 3-5 111111 wide, 100-250 J.l111 3. Transverse sectiol/ of blade.
thi ck; api ces blunl. Medul/C/f)' cel/s axi all y elongated, pheri ca l in 4. Lol/giwdinal section of
transverse secti on, 45-90 J.l111 dial11 ., to 120 J.l111 long. Cortex 2-3 blac/e.
cell s thick ; surface cell s ova l, 5- 12 J.l111 dial11 ., 9- 14 J.lm long,
densely pi gl11emed. Stalk short, cy lindri ca l, 0.3-0.7 111111 diarn. ,
branched or unbranched. Tetrasporal/gia spheri ca l LO ova l, 15-25 ~ll11
di arn ., 25-40 IJI11 long, cruciately divided, in dark.l y pi gl11ented sori
banded several rnillirneters frol11 api ces ( ubapical). Sperlllatangial
sori ova l, li ghtl y pi grnented, ubapi ca l ; spermalangia 2-3 ~lIll di alll .,
paired on parem cel!. Cystocarps hemi spheri ca l, raised, lO I I11rn
di alll ., developing at rn argins: carposporangia 5- 20 J.lrn di arn .
Locally common: interl11i xed w ith other algal pecies in deeper
waters, rarely encountered in shall ow waters; to 22 rn deep.
Distriblltioll: Fl orid a.

ORDER CERAMlALES The red a lga Dasya

spinuligera ex pa ndin g as a
band on lhe cora l Madra cis
Key to species of Aglaothamllioll decae/lis in lhe Turk a nd
l . Li ghlly corli cated onl y at base; apica l cell s less lh an 10 ¡lm di am., 400 ¡lm long .. ....... ............ ... .. ...... . Ca icos. The a lga seul ed o n
.......... ...................................................................... ......... ...... ... .. .............................. A. cordatlllll, p. 140 lhe li v ing po ly ps and
l. Main slalk loosely bul heav ily corticaled, bushy; api ca l cell s 8- 12 ¡lm diam., 15-60 ¡lm long .. ........ . appeared 10 ex ude a
.. .... ............ .... ................................ ............................. .. .... ..... .. .... .. ... ... .... ................ .. .... A. h erveyi, p. 140 c he rni cal lox ic 10 lhe cora l.

AgLaothamnion cordatum (B¡;lrgesell) Feldmallll·Mazoyer 194 1: 459.

Callitlllllllllioll corda/IIIII B¡;rgesen 1909a: 10, ngs. 5--6.
Th alllls fi lamentous, deli cate, fi ne, bushy, to 4 c m hi gh, pale blue- l . Bral/elrle/ wi/Ir
pink; main branching alternate, sparse below, abund ant aboye; /etraspo rangia.
lateral branchl ets somew hal di chotomous. Main axis lO 200 ¡lm 2. Te trasporclIlgilllll .
di am ., beco lT)ing lhinner di stally; cell s lO 300 ¡lm long, lhi ck-
wa ll ed ; api ca l cell s to 50 ¡lm di am., 400 ¡.un long. BranchLe/s
nlllnerous, fi ne, sparse, hair- like, to 8 ¡lm di am.; tip incurved ;
basa l cell s often with ingle long rhi zoid grow ing downward from
joint along main branch. Rlrizoids as fi ne, inconspi cuou
oUlgrowlh fro m basa l cell . Te/rasporclIIgia oval lO obl ong, to
27 ¡.¡m di am., 40 ¡lJTI long, tetrahedrall y di vided, ess il e, so lilary
on ouler branchlels. Sperma/angial sori on c losely spaced short
branchlets bearing 2-4 spernl ati a. Ca rposporoplry/es heart-shaped
or trilobed, larger ones with everal layers of carpo pore .
VncollllllolI: epiphYlic on other algae; to 30 m deep.
Dis/riblltion : Florida, Greater Antill es. Lesser An till es, Southern
Carib bea n.

AgLaothamnion herveyi (M. Howe) Aponle, D.L. Ballanlille & J. . orris

1994: 232, ngs. 1,4- 15. Callitlllllllllioll "erveyi M. Howe 19 18: 528.

Tha llus fi lamentous, bushy, slighd y gelatinous, to 5 cm high, pale l. Habi/ oJ branclr.
pink to pale purple or bright rose-red; branching radi all y allernale; 2. Spermatangial yluster (5)
conica tion absent di tall y, heavy proxi mall y, basal poni ons often lateral 0/1 sillgle-eellecl
w ilh free rhi zo ids (not c linging tightl y to main ax is) giving haggy slalk.
appearance. Ma ill axes 40-80 ¡lJTI di am.; cell s lO 160 ¡lm long, 3. A I/emately cliviclillg
tapering di stall y; cell wa ll 12-25 11m lhick. Branchle/s lapering brclllchle/s.
to 8- 12 ¡lm di am. , allern ately di vided, rarely dichotomous; cell s 4. Main axis with-clinging (c)
1-3 di ameters long. Rhizoids ori gin ating from corti caling rhi zoid s. rhizoicls which eventually
TetrasporclIIgia ova l, 38-40 ¡lm di am., scattered, lateral al joints. Jo ml thick eortex ancl free
Monosporangia oval, 36-65 '.un diam., lermin al, catlered or (j) rhizoicls giving lower
irregularl y cluslered . Spemlatangial clus/ers ova l lO pheri ca l, axis a shaggy appearallce.
30-50 ¡lm dia m., lateral, alop single-celled slalk. Carposporophy/es
spherica l, 100-220 11m diam., oflen in pa irs.
VI/comlllol/ : epiphYli c on eagrasses or larger algae; to I m deep.
Dislriblllioll: Florida, Greater Antill es, Sou thern Caribbean.

Anotrichium tenue (c. Agardh) age li 1862: 399.

Griffithsia tel/llis C. Agardh 1828: 131.
Thallus de licate, Ofl, fine, spar e, forming filamelllou llIfts or as J. Apex of brand, showing
individual strand , 10 7 cm high, dark translucent red-purple; branching 10llg IricholOlllously
spar e, orten at ri ghl angles 10 prostrale filaments, generall y Erom divided slerile jilalllellls
proximal end of parent cells. Pros/rale axes 200-300 11m di am. ; cells al fo urllt cell al/d ShOI'I,
0.5- 1.1 mm long. Erecl axes 100-220 11m diam ., cylindrical; apical whorled, spermalallgial
cell s spherical. Slerile jilame/l./s whorled at di stal ends of parent cell s, branchlels al Ihird cel/.
on cell s 3- from apex. Rhizoids single-celled, from proximal ends of 2. Slalked sporangia
prostrate or basa l brandl cell s. Telrasporangia spherical, 50-100 11m (illlll1ature) d istal/y
diam. , tetrahedrally divided, on shorl stalk, whorled at di stal ends of whorleel 0/1 segmelll.
parenl cells. Spermalangia to 3 11m diam. , on 1-3 celled branchlets
whorled at di stal ends on subapical cell s (occasionally to sixth ce lJ ).
Carpospol'ophyles of 1-3 lobes, 40-60 11m diam. , apical on short
sta lk; stalk whorled at di stal ends of parent cell .
C011/11/on: inconspicuous, generally epiphytic on larger algae;
to 30 m deep .
Dislriblltioll: Florida, Greater Antille , Lesser Antilles, Southern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexi co.

Antithamnion lherminieri (p. Crouan & H. Crouan) Born el ex Nasr

194 1: 66. ' Callithall/Ilioll 'herll/il/ieri P. Crouan & H. Crollan in Mazé &
Schramm 1878: 144.

Thal/us fine, de licate, filamentou s, creeping, 1-8 mm high , J. Habi/ of thallus.

trans lucenl red . Erecljilamenls 20-40 ¡,tm diam .; cells 50-150 ¡,tm 2 . Brand1 wilh glal1el cel/s (g)
long; basal cell of erect filaments often short, 20-30 ¡,tm long, 0 1/ i/'ll1er side and in
somewhat pherica l. Branchlets oE first order alternate on every COlllacl wilh two cells of
cell; secondary branchlets short, one per branchlet, 1-3(-4) cell bra/'lc/¡lel.
long, often bearing solitary gland cell. Glal/el cells 13-18 11m diam. , 3. Telrasporangiw/'l (1) i/'l axil
20-25 ¡,tm long, on inner side of branchlets, generally parallel to and of branchlel.
in contacl with 2(-3) branchlet cell s. Slolol1s 40-60 ¡,tm diam. ; cell
70-200 11m long, thick-walled; rhizoids fine, incon picuous, distal
on paren! cell , oppo ite upright filam ents. Telrasporallgia oval,
20-40 11m diam. , 50-90 11m long, sess ile, cruc iately divided, in axil
of branchlet.
Ullcollllllon: inconspicuous, epiphyti c on larger algae or intermixed
with blue-green algae; to I m deep.
Distriblllion : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antille , Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulr of Mex ico.

Antithamnionella breviramosa (E.Y. Dawson) Wollaslon in Womersley

& A. Bailey 1970: 322. Antithall/lliall breviramoslls E.Y. Dawson 1949: 14.

Thallus fine, delicate, filamentou s, creeping, 0.5- 5.0 mm high, / . Habil of Ihal/us.
tran slucent pale rose-red . Erecl jilamellls 20-36 11m di am. , 5-15 ceUs 2. La/eral bral1ch w)lh darkly
from tip to base; cell s 50-75 11m long; basal cell s di stinctly short, pigmenled gland cel/s.
30-40 ¡,tm in lengtll. Branchlels 2-3 whorled at di stal end of mo t 3. Laleral brand1. wil/¡ darkly
axia l cell s, densely clustered at apex; secondary branchl ets 8- 15 ¡,tm pigmenteel
diam. , sli ghtly tapering towards apex , alternately to pseudodichoto- le/rasporangium.
mously branched one to three times, majority gently curving toward
central axi . Gland cells oval, 8-10 11m diam ., 15-20 ¡,tm long, Growing on the red alga
generally parallel to and in contact witll one-ha lf to two-tIlird of BOlryocladia in photograph.
basal cell on lateral branchlets. SlololIs 25-50 11m di am.; rhizoids
distal on parelll cell, opposite upri ghl filamenl. Telrasporangia oval,
17-28 ¡,tm di am., ess il e, tetrahedral , cruciate or irregul arly divided ,
solitary on basa l cell of lateral branchlet. Spermalangia terminal on
lateral branchlets. Carposporophy/es oval, to 63 11m diam .
Ullcollllllon: minute, inconspicuous, epiphytic on larger algae (e.g.,
BOlryociadia ) or intermixed with blue-green a1gae; to 35 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Florida, Greater Ami Il es.

BaLLieLLa pseudocorticata (E. Y. Dawson) D. . Young 1981: 94.

AI/lilllllllllliol/ pselldocorticaWIII E.Y. Dawso n 1962: 20. pI. 7, fi gs. 1. 5.
Thal/lIs fine, delicate, as fi lamenlous tufts, 5-25 mm hi gh, J. Habil 01 brclIlching.
translucent pale red ; branching of main axes altemate, mai n 2. Crucialely divided
branches developing on every other cell ; branchl et opposi te in lelrasporangia.
uneven pairs, distal on every segmenl. Main axes to 60 11m di am.; 3. Corricaling rhizoids
cell to 200(- 350) 11m long; corticati on on older malllre axes by lonlling al base 01
branched rhi zoids developing from basal ce ll s of lateral branches or branchlels.
branchlets. 8ranchlels to 20 11m di am., tapering toward apex; basal
cells often spheri ca l, a long as broad. Gland cel/s lac king (in ou r
pecimens) or spheri cal (Dawson 1962), lO 15 11m di am., on basa l
cell s of lateral branches. Rhizoids multi ce llul ar, from ba al cell s of
lateral branches; api ces blunl. Telrasporangia spheri ca l, to 50 11m
diam. , sessile, cruciately di vided, olitary on lower side of basa l cell
of branchl el.
Rare : inconspicuou , epiphytic on larger algae or on dead
gorgoni ans; 5- 10 m deep.
Dislributiol/ : Greater Anlilles, We tern Caribbean.

Key to species of Centroceras Reversals of co mpe liti ve

l . Spines lacki ng at joints ............. .... ........ .. ............ ...... .............. ..... .... ....... ...... ...... .. .. C. illtemitel/s , p. 146 do minance hown by
l . Spines presenl al joints .... ....... ........... ...... .. ... ..... ..... ........ .... .... .. .. .............. ... .... .. .. C. cla vulatum, p. 144 two e nc rusting red a lgae
(i. e., each are a ltem ate ly
overgrow ing and
smotllering the othe r).

Centro ceras clavuLatum (e. Agardh) M ontagne 1846: 140.

Ceralllilllll claVllla llll1/ C. Agardh 1822: 2.

Thal/us filamenlou , in loose undul ating tufts, 10 20 cm long, dark J. 8ranch apex IVilh
brown-maroon; branching narrowly dichotomou ; apices forked , incurved lips.
slightJy incurved , pincer- like. Branches 50- 150 ¡.ull di am., heavi ly 2. 8 ranch sho\lling spined
pigmented, darker pigmentation at joinls. Segmellls 300-500 ~lm )oinls.
long; corticatin g cell s in one layer, rectangu lar, of unifonn length 3. Longiludinal seclion 01
lhroughout, longitudinally ali gned. Joints whorled wilh spines; )oilll.
corti catin g cell s in two layers; pines deciduous or worn away with 4. Transverse seclion 01
age. Telrasporangia oval to spherical, 45- 50 11m diam. , 50- 63 11 m segmenl.
long, tetrahedrall y divided, occas ionall y cruciate, thi ck-wa ll ed, 5. Transverse seclToll 01
whorled on outer joillls; involucra l fi laments fo rmed lateral ly at )oinl.
j oillls, cu rving around tetras porangia. Spermalangia in termin al
clu ter . Carposporophyle fonned laterall y at joint . ~m

Common: as mats, drooping clusters or bushy rufts on rock , ropes

or mangrove prop roots; illlertidal zone to 5 m deep.
Dislributiol/: Florida, Bahama , Greater Anti ll es, Le ser AnliJle ,
Southern Caribbean, We tern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Celltroceras illtenzitells Gallagher & HumITI 19 3: 26 1, fi gs. 1- 16.

Thal/lIs sparse, forming filamentous luflS, lO 5 cm long, li ghl brown- l . Brand , lip sholVing-
pink ; branching irregular lO alternate; api ces slraighl lO slrongly slraighl (no l incurved)
incurved. Branches lO 350 11m diam. , lighll y pi gmenled, darkly apex.
pi gmented al joints. Segmellls 100-500 11m lon g; corlicating cell s 2 . Malure brandl lVilhoUl
in one layer, reclangul ar, longitudinally ali gned . Joinls occasion all y spines al joinls.
swo ll en, spines lacking; corticating cell s in lwo layers. Allached by
celJ penelralion inlo hosl plant. Telrasporcmgia oval lO spherical,
40- 50 11m diam ., 50-60 11m long, !hick-wall ed, whorled al jo ints;
in vo lucral filamenls short. Spennalangia whorl ed at j oint.
Carposporophyles formed laterally at joints, of I-several lobes,
surrounded by short involucral fil aments.
Comlllon: inconspi cuou s, epiphyti c on olher marine plants, mo t
commonl y found growing on Ceramium nile/lS; 10 18 m deep.
Distributiol/: Bahamas, Grealer Amilles, Weslern Caribbean.

Key to species of Ceramium

l. Corti cating cell s completely covering central fil amenl .. .. ............................. ... .. .. .............. .... ............. 2
l . Corticating cell on ly at joints .. .................... .. .. .. .. .. ............. .. ........ .. ........... ..... ...................................... 3 An e nc rusting e piph yti e
red a lga l co mmunity
2. Strands lO l mm di am., with faint bandin g ............................ ................................ .. .. C. rubrul1l, p. 152
( Rhodo ph yta) w ith
2. Strand 130-430 '.un diam. , withoUl fainl banding ....................... .. .............................. C. lIitells, p. 150
indi vidu als eo mpe ling for
3. Lower row of joint cells broader !han long ...................................... .. ................. .. . C. flaccidul/l., p. 150 spaee o n (he surfaee o f the
3. Lower row of joint cells not broader than long ..................................................................................... 4
green a lga Venrricaria
4. Branching alternate to irregul ar ........................................................................ C. comiClllatul/l., p. 148 l'enlr¡cosa (Chl o rophy ta.
4. Branching dichotomou , p eudodichotomou or cervicorn throughout ............................................... 5 ef. p. 235).
5. Joint cell s in two bands throughout .. ............................................... C. cil1lbricul1l f.flllCcidul/l., p. 148
5. Joint cells in more than two bands .......... ...... .............. ........ .. ... ...... ........................................................ 6
6. Joint cell s of two bands in youn ger filam ents, 4-6 bands in mature filam ents ... C. cilllbriclll1l, p. 148
6. Joint cells in more than two band throughout ................................... .. ... ..... ...... .. .. .... ..... .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. ... 7
7. Branching cervicorn; thallus less !han 1.5 cm hi gh; tetrasporangia crucialely divided ....................... ..
................................................................................................................................. C. cruciatlll/l., p. 150
7 . Branching evenl y di chotomous; thallu greater th an 1.5 cm hi gh; tetrasporangia tetrahedrally
divided .................................................................................... C. brevizonahulI varo caraibicul1l, p. 146

Ceramium brevizonatum varo caraibicum H.E. Petersen &

B9Jrgesen in B9Jrgesen 1924: 29, fig. 1 1.

Thallus oft, forming filamentou s tufts or in small tangled c lumps, /. Brand , lip showillg
rarely to 15 cm hi gh, rose-red 10 bri ght red-pink ; branching incurved apices.
di cholomou , pincer-like at apices, lateral incurved or spur-like 2. Telrasporangia 'in laleral
at joints. Segments 80-120 11m diam ., 10 1.3 mm long, li ghtly series al joinls.
pigmented. Joillls 90-136 ,.un di am., heav ily pi gmented ; cell s in 3. Exlremel)' incurved laleral
three bands, top cell s smallesl, middle cells largest, lower cells branchlel developing from
intermediate, all irregu larly rounded . Rhizoids forming tightly knit main Jilamel1l.
malS. Telrasporangia partially embedded, 30-60 ¡.un di am. ,
tetrahedrall Y divided, one per joint, often in lateral series.
Carposporoph)'les al upper forks, frequenlly wilh several
involucral filaments .
COllllllon: on dead coral s or epiphyli c on other algae; to l m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Greater Antille , Les er Anlilles, Soulhern
Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Ceramium cimbricum H.E. Pelersen in Rosenvi nge 1924: 378.

lig .3 18.3 19.
Cerolllilllllfas/igiatlllll Harvey 1834.: 303, /10111. iIIeg. (see Si lva el al. 1996).
Thallus fin e, de li cate, sparse, fo rming fil a mento us tuflS, to 10 c m J. Fi/amelll apices wilil
hi gh. purple to rose-red ; bra nc hing irregul arly dic hoto m US, wide ly slra ighl o r s/igill/y curved
spreading, abundant; api ces trai ght, rare ly inc urved; lateral lips.
branc hlets uptllrned, spur-like. Seglllellls 60- 1SS ¡.tm diam .. 10 2. Apex of ji/amenl.
600 ¡.tm lo ng, li ghtl y pi g me nted. Joinls lO 170 ¡.tm di am ., 65 flm 3. & 4. Va rialions in j oilll cell
long, swo lle n, o fte n purp le, heav ily pi gmented ; cell in two bands a rrangem enl.
in younger fi laments, 4-6 bands in mature fil ame nts : cell s of uppe r
band smalle r than lo we r 0 1' middle band o Rhizoida /mal parse.
Telrasporang ia phe ri ca l, lO 60 ¡.tm di am .. so lita ry 0 1' clu stered at
joints. SpermalClng ia at joints.
V llcommon: inte rtwined or e piphyti c on coar e r algae o r man grove
prop root ; to 40 m dee p.
Distribution: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Greater Anlill es, Le er Amill es,
Soulhern Caribbean. Weslern Caribbea n. Gulf of Mex ico.

Ceramium cimbricum f.jZaccidum (H.E. Peler en) Furn ari & Seiro
in Cecere el a l. : 1996: 2 12.
Ceralllilllll fas/igio/IIIII f j1accidlllll H.E. Pelersen in B ~rgesen 19 1 : 24 1, fi g. 23 l .
Tilalllls fin e, deli cate, spar e, fo rming fil a me nto us tufts, lO 10 cm J. Growing lip.
hi gh, li g hl pink to rose-red ; branc hing irregul arl y dic holo mous, 2. Fi/amenl j oinls.
wide ly spreading; api ces straight, rarely inc urved ; lateral branc hl ets
upturned, spur-like . Segmenls lO 60 ¡.tm di am. , 400 ¡.tm lo ng, li ghtl y
pi gm enled. Joillls to 70 ¡.tm di am., 40 ¡.un lo ng, swo ll en, heav il y
pi g mented ; cell s in two bands, upper cell s small er than lowe r cell s.
Rhizoida / lIlal sparse. Telraspo rangia spheri ca l, to 60 ¡.tm di a m. ,
o litary o r clu ste red al jo inls. SperlllalClngia at j o ints.
COII/lllon : e piph yti c o n seagra ses o r coar er al gae, o r growing o n
m3n grove prop root ; to 40 m deep.
Distribl/.tion: Fl orida, Grealer Antill es, Lesser Antill es, Weslern
Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Ceramium corniculatum MOlllag ne 186 1: 172.

Thallus fi lame ntous, dense, fonlling sho rt mats, to 4 c m hi gh, dark J. Malure branc/¡ s/¡owil/g
pink to rose-red ; branc hing a1 ternate to irregul ar, rare ly di choto mous; nUlllerous rows of j oil7l
api ces most often straig ht, occas ionall y somewhat inc urved ; late ral cells. I
branc hle ts incurved. Seg mellls 90-200 fml d iam., ex tremely short 2. Bral/ch apex wil/¡ crolVded,
abo ve, lo nger below, clear lO li ghtl y pi gme nted . JoilllS 100-2 10 ¡.tm da rk/y pigmellled )oil7l
di a m., 160 ¡.tm lo ng, heav il y pig me nted; cell s in fo ur bands, all o f cells.
simil ar size, each band several cell s wide, covering e ntire segments 3. Ferli/ejoil/I wilh
at a pices. Rili~oida / lIlal sparse. Telrasporangia sphe ri ca l, to SO ¡.tm lelraspo rang ia.
di a m. , tetralledralJ y di vided. whorled al j oints, often on short lateral
branc hl e ts.
COII/lllon : o n mangrove pro p rools, rocks 0 1' o lhe r solid surfaces;
inte rtidal lO 1(- 20) m deep.
Distributiol/: Fl o rida. Bahalll a , Greater Amill es. Lesser AnLill es,
Wes lern Cari bbean, Gulf 01' Mex ico.

Ceramium cruciatum Collin~& l'lervey 19 17: 144. pI. 4. Iigs. 27. 28.
Thallus creeping or as small dense tuFts , 10 1.5 cm hi gh, li ght pink l . Typical Ollfer braneIJ.
to rose- red ; branching cervicorn (uneq ually dichotomous); apices 2. Mature Jilalllelll showing
incurved, pincer- like. Segmel1ls 80- 120 '.un diam ., clear 10 lightl y /e/rasporal/gia in
pigmented, ex tremely shOrl abo ve, longer be low, with fainl unila /eral arrangemel1l
longitudin al lines e ldom ex tending entire length of egment. and 10l/g i/udinal/y s/ria/ed
10il//s 120-140 11m diam. heav ily pigmented ; cells in everal segmen/s.
bands, lower or middle band with largest cell s, other band cell s 3. Basal S/OIOlI wi/h rhizoids
smaller, in no pecific order. S/olol/s to 200 !-1m di am.; rhi zo ids developil/g a/ join/s.
numerous, colorless, originating from joint cell s. Te/rasporclIIgia
oval , 35-50 '.un diam. , cruc iately divided, one per joint in latera'
success ion, rarely 2-4 at joint . Spenlla/angia 5-8 !-1m di am. ,
cl ustered, covering joints.
V ncoII/II/on: fonn ing diminuti ve mats or tufts on coarser algae or
on mangrove prop roOlS; intertidal to I m deep.
Distriblltiol/ : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Anti ll es, Le ser Amil les,
Southern Caribbean , We tern Caribbean, Gu lf of Mexico.

Ceramium flaccidum (Kützing) Ardissone 187 1: 40'

Hormoceras f/accidllm KÜlzing 1862: 2 1. pI. 69. Iigs. a-d.
Thallus fine , dense, as fi lamentous tufts, 2-5(- 10) cm hi gh, li ght l . La/eral branchle/ wi/h
pink to ro e-red; branching in'egular to pseudodichotomou ; apice developing /e/rasporangia
most ofien straight, occas ionally somewhat incurved, rarely pincer- (/) at swol/en joints.
like. Segmel7ls 50-90 11m di am., to 300 '.un long, li ghtl y pi gmented. 2. 10in/ s/ruc/ure wilh lower
10in/s 70- 120 flm diam .. to 60 flm long, heav il y pi gmented ; cell s in cel/s wider /han long.
3--6 bands, upper 1-2 bands of small, round to angul ar cells, lower 3. Brand1 apex showing
1-2 bands of tran sver ely elongated (broader than long) ce ll s. ma/ure /e/rasporc/ngiL/ln.
Rhizoids initi ated from joint cell s, numerous. Te/rasporangia spher-
ical, 60-70 !-1m di am., tetrahedra ll y divided, solitary or c lustered at
joints. Sperma/al1gia in tufts at joints. C{//posporophyles often
lobed, termin al on shOlt branchlets; in volucral fil aments as whorls
of branchlets forming just be low carposporophyte.
COllllllon: epiphytic on seagrasses 0 1' coarser algae; to 22 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florid a. Baham as, Grealer Ant i lI es, Lesser Anli lIes,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, GlIlf of Mex ico.

Ceramium nitens (e. Aga rdh) 1. Agardh 1851 11 85 1- 18631: 130.

Ceramillm rubrlll/J va r. lIitells e. Agardh 1824: 136.
Thallus firnl strands (occas ionally oft and jippery), fornling tllFlS l. Sc/zematic vielV oJ s/rand
0 1' small clllmpS, to 10 cm high, bright ru st or rose; branching s/ruc/ure showing inner
dichotomous to alternate, widely spreadin g; apices often branching eore jilamel// (/)
on outer ide only, incurved. S/rands 130-430 !-1m di am.; central surrounded by sl11al/er
fil ament cell s 2-3 di ameters long; corticating cell s darkly pigmented , eel/s, sU/face hairs (h) and
com pletely covering central fi lament, obscuring characteri stic /e/raspora l/ gillll1 (1) .
banding; urface hairs pre ent or absent, to I mm long, straight, 2. Trallsverse sec/ion oJ
developing al joints. Rhizoids forming tight mats. Te/rasporangia s/rand.
spherica l, 65-95 !-1m di am., cruciate ly di vided, randomly arranged,
embedded between surface cell s. Ca rposporophy /es lateral on upper
branches, w ith three in vo lucral fi laments.
eOIl/IllOJl: on dead corals or epiphyti c on other algae; too 10m deep.
DistributioJl: Florida, Bahamas, Grearer Antille , Le ser Anti ll es.

Ceramium rubrum (Hudson) C. Ag"rdh 1 17: 60·

COl/fel"" rtlbrll Hudson 1762: 486.
Tilallus tiff, tangled, forming rufts or sma ll c lumps, to 40 cm hi gh, l . Scilell1atic vielV of stralld
dark green to red , often grading from dark al ba e to light at tip ; structLlre wilil cemral
branching dichotomous to alternate, widely spread ing; apices fi lamelll (j) slIrrollllded by
tapering, often curved, rarely pincer-like. Strallds with fa int banding, subcorticallayer (s)
to I mm diam. ; central filament cells 1-3 di ameters long; corti cating surroLlllded by ourer
cells darkl y pigmented, completel y covering central fi lament, cortical laye/:
obscuring characteri sti c banding; subcorti ca l cells elongated , 2. Tralls verse section of
ori ginatin g from 8- 16 larger joi nt cells. Rhizoidal lIIats tu rf- li ke. segmellt.
Tetrasporallgia oval to spherical, 30-80 !-(m di am., 40-80 !-(m long, 3. Tralls verse sectioll al joint.
at joints or scattered. Sperlllatallgia in crowded tu fts.
Carposporopilytes spherical, di stal on short lateral branchlets with
3-5 in vo lucral fi laments.
COII/lllon : on dead corals or other hard urface; to 10m deep.
Dislribulioll: Florida, Greater Anlilles, Lesser Anli ll e .

Compsothamllioll thuyoides (Smith) F. Schlllitz in F. Sch lllitz &

Hauptn eisc h 1897: 49 1. COl/felva Ihllyoides Smi th 18 10 [1790-1814): pI. 2205 .
Thalllls delicate, 50ft, filam entous, gregariou s, 3-5(-8) cm high, pink l . Durer bral/ cil showing
10 brown-red; branches alternately occurring on opposite sides of termillal tetrasporangia.
ax is. Axial cells 100-200(-230) !-(m diam., to 400 !-(m long, wa lls to 2. Basal bral/chlet illiliating
20 !-(m thi ck; corti cati on partial , from descending rhi zo id . Branchlet corticatil/g rhi~oids.
cells t.o 50 !-(m di am. , tapering di stall y; walls to 10 !-(m thick. Rhizoids
fine, fil amentous, forming at ba e of lower branch lets, generall y
enlang ling sand grains. Tetrasporallgia spherical to ova l, 37-53 ~tm
diam .. 50-60 11m long, so litary, terminal on outer branchl ets.
Carposporophytes soli tary, seldom in pairs, termin al or lateral on
outer branchl ets.
U IICO IIIIIIOII: epiphytic on larger plants or on sand-covered rocks;
lower intertidal to 60 m deep.
DislribLllioll: Florida, Bahama .

It is well known thal This is [he ide nti ca l pl Ol

lurf-fo rming a lgae harbor pi ctured o n lhe o ppos ite
many sJ11a ll in verlebrales; page fo llo win g the
however. most o f these rellloval o f the upper-
turf cOllllllunilie o n hard story turf cOIllJ11unity.
surface have an e ntire ly The thri ving cora lline sub-
diffe re nt a lga l cOllllllunity ca nopy is c1 earl y vi s ible.
on lhe unde rl ying substrate.
This pho tograph is a
Microdictyol/ ma rillLIII1
dOlllinated turf cOllllllunity
pri o r lO ph ys ica l re lllova l
( ee fac ing page).

Key to species of Crouallia Mi xed community o f

l. Branches 0.2-0.5 mm di am. ; ax ial cell s lO 170 1ID1 di am. ; branchl ets upturned .. C. attelluata , p. 154 interacting encru sting red
l. Branches 0.2-2.0 mm di am.; ax ial cell s lO 400 ~lm d iam.; branchlel perpendi cul ar to main ax is .... .. algae, sponges and
......... .. .. ... .......................... ............................. ............... .. ... .................................. C. pleollospora., p. 154 tuni cates o n a verti cal
wall at Navassa Ts land
(see a lso p. 239).
Compe tili ve overg rowth
and s molhering are
important Life-and-death
ínteracti ons o n coral reefs.

Crouania attenuata (c. Agardh) J. Agard h 1842: 83.

M esogloia alfel/tlata C. Aga rdh 1824: S I.
Thallus delicate, so ft , gelatinous, li ghtl y calcified, to 5 cm hi gh, rose l . Large axial cel/s IVilh
ro white; branching irregul ar ro alrem are. Branches 0.2-0.5 mm uplurn ed lareral
diam .; axial ce ll s to 170 ~m di am. , 300 ~m long; corticati on absent; branchlels.
lateral branchlets upturned, whorl ed at upper end s of ax ial cell s; 2. Spermatangia 0 11
branchl et cell 25-30 ~lm di am. , 2-4 diameter long, taperin g branchlel apices.
di stall y to 6-8 ~lIn di am. Holdfasl initiall y small , inconspi cuou s;
older lhalli tangled in larger aLgae. Tetrasporangia pherical to oval,
40-80 ~lIn diam ., 60-85 ~m long, so litary, on basa l cell of lateral
branchl ets. Spermatangia on branchl et api ces; spermatangial
branchl ets perpendi cul ar to main ax is. Ca rposporophytes generally
so litary.
COIIIIllOII: inconspicuous, often lang led among coarser peci es;
to 20 m deep.
Distributioll: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Grealer Antill es, Les er Anrilles,
So ulh ern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean.

Crouania pleonospora W. R. Taylor 1928: 193. pI. 27, fig. 10; pI. 30,
lig. S: pI. 32, lig. 8.
Thal/us de licate, soft, gelatinous, li ghtl y ca lcified. lo 7 cm hi gh, rose l . Axial cel/s showillg lareral
to white; branching irregul ar to alternate. Branches 0.2-2.0 mm branchlels IVil/¡ lelraspores.
di am.: ax ial cell s to 400 ~m di am. , 10 800 ~un long; cortication
partíal on o lder branche ; lateral branchl ets perpendi cul ar lo
main ax is, whorl ed ju t abo ve middle of ax ial cell s; branchlet cell s
25-30 ~lJn di am., 2-4 di ameters long, tapering di stall y to 8 11m di am.
Holdfasl initi all y small , inconspi cuous; older thalli tangled in larger
algae. Telrasporangia solitary or c1ustered, 60-90 ~m di am. , al any
fo rk on branchlet. Carposporophyles olitary or in pairs.
UIlCOI1l1ll01l: often tang led in large coar er spec ies; to 20 m deep.
Distriblltiol/ : Flori da. Grealer Amill es, Le . er Antill e , So uthern
Caribbea n.

Key to species of Griffithsia SOUlheasle rn tip o f the

l . Sterile filalllenls present; thallus erecl proximally; seg ment wollen ; distal segment bead- like, re mote and inaccess ibl e
pherical, LO 1.5 mm di am ......... .. ................................................................ .. ....... G. globuliJera, p. 156 avassa I land , one oClhe
l. Sterile filamenl lacki ng; thallu creeping proximally; segmenls cy lindrica l; distal segment li ghtly most spectacul ar di ve sile
swoll en to bead·like, to I mm diam ..................................................................... G. schousboei, p. 156 in U.S. water (ee Littl er
e t a l. 1999) . The unde rc ut at
lhe uppe r- inte rtida l zone.
whic h e nc irc les the isla nd ,
mak es access ex treme ly diff-
icult. The undercut i la rge ly
due to lhe destructi ve ra ping
(feeding) o f chilons suc h a
Aeanthoplellra granulata (see
p. 451 here in, Ras mu ssen
& Fra nke nberg 1990).

Griffithsia globulifera Harveyex Kützing 1862: 10, pI. 30, Iigs. a-d.
Thallus delicate, so ft , gelatinous, to 6 cm hi gh, transparent bright l . Otile/' branches showing
rose; branching mainly dichoLOmous. Segmen/s bead·like, lightiy bead-like nalure of
swoll en be low, spherical above, to 1.5 mm diam. Slerile jilamenls segmellls.
whorled at upper ends of segments, tri chotomously branched. 2. Ca/'posporophyle (e)
Rhizoids fine, inconspicuous. Telrasporallgia spherica l, 10 lOO IAm su/'/'ounded by large
di am. , letrahedrally di vided, whorled al upper neck of seg l11ents, involueral (i) eells.
surrounded by short, thick, curved involucral cells. Spenllatallgial 3. Developillg slerile
sori covering ouler 30% LO 50% of ultimate cell on fertile branch , jilaments.
less cOl11monly on subapical cel1; spermatangia oval, 2.5-3.2 IAm 4. Tetrasporangial seglllelll
di alll. , to 3.8 IAm long. Carposporophyles al upper ends of segments; showing tetrasporangia (t)
carpo pores pherical to oval, 15-40 IAm dialll., urrounded by large, surroullded by involueral
incurved, sausage-shaped involucral cell s. (i) eells.
Comllloll: inconspicuous, on rocks, mi xed in algal turf or epiphytic
on calcareous algae; LO 10m deep.
Distriblltion: Florida, Bahama , Greater Anlille , Lesser Anlilles,
Somhern Caribbean, WeSlern Caribbean.

Griffithsia SChollsboei Monlagne in Webb 1839: 11 , pI. 10.

Tilallus delicate, SO fl , gelatinous, Oflen tufted , to 6 cm high, J. Otlter brallches showing
bri ght rose; branching dichotomous to irregular, often attaching to lateral allachmelll rhizoids
adjacel1l branches by short lateral cell . Segments cylindrical (r) and spherical
below, 2-3 di al11elers long, Hghtly swollen 10 spherical above, telrasporangial
400-750(-1000) IAm di am.; apical egments often spherica l. segmellls (t).
Slerile jilamellls generally ab en!. Holdfasl incon picuous, 2. Segmellt showing
fil amentous. Tetraspo /'ang ia spherical, 45-60 IAm diam., crowded tetrasporangiwll
at joinls, surrounded by everal shOlt, thick , curved in vo lucra l sllrroLlllded by in volucral
cell s. Spermatangia also crowded al joints with severa l short (i) cel/s; lower left witil
in volucral cell . Carpospo/'ophyles solilary, oflen unilateral , al laleral rhizoid (1').
upper ends of segments; carposporangia pheri cal LO oval , densely
urrounded by large, incurved, sausage- haped in volucral cell
CO/1//1/01l: inconspi cuous, on rocks , mixed in alga l tmCs 0 1'
epiphyti c on large calcareous algae; 10 23 111 deep.
Dislriblltion: Grealer Antilles. Lesser Amille , Southern
Caribbean, We lern Caribbean, GlIlf or Mexico.

Haloplegma duperreyi Monlagne 1842a: 258. pI. 7. lig. 1.

T/¡alllls spongy, ru ffl ed, felt-li ke, erect, pendent 0 1' pro trate, to / . YO llng mes/lI vork of
12 cm wide, 5 cm hi gh, dark to pa le-pin k. B/ades irregul ar, lobed, fi /amellls lVi/h sho rl suifaee
often Wilh minute fringe, fo rmed by den ely interwoven fil aments. proj ec/ioll s.
Fi/amell/s cy lindri cal, lO 30 fAm di am. , uni seri ate; cell s 30-70 fAm 2. O/del' b/ade wi/I! squa re
long; ce ll wa ll to 5 fAm lhi ck; branches most o ften perpendi cular LO cOI/fig ura/ion of mes/¡ -
one another, abutting to adj acent fi laments, forming squari sh me h- work sOlllelV/¡a / dis/o rted.
work . S Lllfaee projec/iolls short. 1-4 cell s long, widespreading when
branched ; api ces blunt. R/¡izoids to 20 fAm diam., fro m margins or
basa l area . Te/raspol'l/Ilgia on slll'face projecti ons, tetrahedrall y
di vided . Sperllla /an gia/ e/lIs/ers somewhat cy lindri ca1, on sllrface
projecti ons. Carposporophy /es in woll en urface proj ections;
in volllcral fi laments incurved .
Comlnol/: inconspi clloll , in low li ght habitat , on hard urfaces
lInder overhanging ledges, caves or crevices; to 15 m deep.
Dislriblllioll: Bahamas, Greater Antille , Lesser AnLill es, So ulhern
Cari bbean.

Lejolisia exposita c.w. Schneider & Searles in Searle & Schneider 1989:
736. ligs. 1 -28.
Thallus rufted, small , spreading, filamentolls, 1-3(- 10) mm hi gh, / . Habi/ of /hallus.
rose-red; branching generally absent in erect fil aments, when present 2. Deve/oping eyslOcwps and
sparingly alternate, rarely opposite. Fi/amen/s cy lindri cal , 13-24 fAm malUre eys/ocarp (e) a /
di am., sli ghtl y tapering di stall y; cell s 70- 150 fAm long, lIncorticated branch apices.
throughout. S/% ns conspi cuous, fil amentolls 18-40 ¡,¡m di am.; 3. Te/rasporangia/ brane/?
rhi zoids unbranched, single-cell ed, termin ating in attachment pad. wilh immalUre (i), malure
Telraspo rang ia pheri ca l to ova l, 30-42 11m di am., 38-68 11m long, (111) and empty (e)
on unicellul ar (rarely to fou!' cell s) stalk, solitary or oppositely lelraspo rallg ia.
paired, tetrahedrall y or crllciately divided . Sperllla/ang ia/ e/us/ers
oval to spheri ca1 , 16-36 ~lm di am. , 45- 72 ¡,¡m long, terminal on main
or lateral branch. Cwposporophy /es spheri ca l to oval, 86- 150 11m
diam. , 90-1 22 ¡,¡m long, terminal on main or small lateral branches;
carposporangia spheri ca l LO irregul ar, 12.5-22.5 11m di am.
UIlCOlnIllOIl: incon pi CllOUS, epiphyti c or growing as fine low rurf on
mangrove prop roots; lower intertidal to 32 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Western Caribbean.

Key to species of Pleollosporiuln This mangrove c reek, al

l. UncorLi cated ..................................... ..... ..... .... .. ..... ...... .... ........ .... .................. .. ...... P. boergesel/ii, p. 160 La Pargue ra, Puerto Rico,
l . Often corticated al base by rhi zo ids ........................... .. .. ........ .. .. .. ...... ................... P. flexlIpslllll, p. 160 offer a ri ch di vers ity o f
macroa lgae. Such lidall y
tl owing habitats. w ith
mu ltiple li ght gradi ents
and a mpl e nutri e nts, have
a hig h di vers ity o f a lgae
and in vertebrales o n bOlh
the roOI hab itats and lhe
sedime ntary bo lto m .

Pleollosporium boergesellii (A. B. Joly) R.E. Norris 19 5: 61.

MesotlU/lllllioll boergesellii A.B. Joly 1957: 142, pI. 16, fi gs. la- le; pI. 18,
figs. 3a-3e.
Thal/us fine, delicate, filamentou s, intertwined, 1-3(-7) cm high , l. Habil of Ihal/us.
dark brown-red; branches spiraling alternately from ax is. Erecr 2. Imm arure
Jilamellls cylindrical, 150-250(-335) !-1m diam., uncorlicated; cell polysporangiutll.
to 2.5( 1.5) mm long. Branchlers appearing dichotomous, tapering
to 20 !-1m diam ., straight or slightly arched inward; cell s cylindri cal
to cJub-shaped; apices bluntly pointed. Rhizoids fine, inconspicuous,
aris ing from base or lower joints. Polysporangia and relrasporangia
ova l, 40-75 !-1m diam ., 85-160 !-1m long, dividing into 4--32 spores,
borne di stally on branchlet cel!. Spermalangia oval, se sile or on
hort stalk, at fork of lateral branchlet. Carposporophyles pherical,
to 300 !-1m diam. , borne at base of branchlets; carposporangia
pherical to ova l 12-25 !-1m long.
UnCOIIIIIIOIl: minute, inconspicuou , interm ixed in turfs of other
algae, growing e ither epi phytic or on rock and coral fragm ent ;
12-30 m deep .
Dislribution: Western Caribbean.

Pleonosporillln flexuosum (e. Agardh) Bornet 1892: 327.

Ceralllilllll j7exlloslIlII e. Agardh 1824: 14 1.
Thal/lIs fine, delicate, filamentou s, intertwined, 1-3(-6) cm hi gh, J. Habil of rhal/us.
dark brown-red; branche alternately occurring on oppo ite sides 2. Branch apex shoIVing
ofaxis. Erecl JilametlTs (200-)300-625 !-1m diam. , ba al area somewhal c/ub-shaped
loo e ly corticated with rhi zoids; cell s club-s haped , to 1.5 mm long. cel/s.
Branchlels appearing dichotomou s, tapering to 40 !-1m di am. , li ghtl y
arched inward; cell s cJub-shaped; apices bluntly rounded. Rhizoids
fine, inco nsp icuo us, forming at base o r lower joints. Polysporangia
ova l, 65- 110 ¡.un di am. , 85- 160 !-1m long, dividing into 8-32 spores,
sessile. borne distally or at axi l on branchlet ce l!. Spermalangia ova l,
terminal on outer branchlet. Carposporophyres spherical , to 510 !ln1
diam ., borne at ba e o f branchlets, urrounded by incurved in volucral
filaments; carposporangia spherical to oval 30-55 !-1m long.
UnC011l1ll01l: minute, incon picuous, intermixed in turfs of other
a lgae; 18-27 m deep.
Distributioll: Flo rida.

Ptilothamnion speluncarum (Collins & Hervey) Ballantine & Wynne

1998: 227, figs. Hí*
Rhodochortoll spelllll Ca l"/l1ll ollins & Hervey 19 17: 147.
Thal/us rufted , filamentou s, to 1.2 cm high , dark red-brown ; l. Unbranched erecr Jilamenl
branching generally absent, when present alternate to irreg ul ar; apices and ba,wl srolons
sholVing erecr dorsal "
unco rticated throughout. Filamenls variable, 20-30(-40) !-1m
di am. , di stally tapering sli ghlly; cell 2-4(-8) diameters long; branches emerging frolll
cell wall s 3-6(- 12) !-1m thick. Srolons conspicuous, filamentou , cenler of proslrare cel/s
30-40 !-1m diam .; cell s 2-4 diameters lo ng. Rhizoids short, opposire vellfral rhizoids.
de cend ing from opposite side (ventral) of parent cell from
ascending upri ght fil ament (dorsal), terminaling in attachment Growing on Ihe green alga
pad. Terrasporangia olitary, rarel y paired, 50-65 !-1m diam. , on Vemricaria venlricosa in
lower joints. sess ile or on 1-2 cel led stalk . Spermarangial c/uslers photog raph .
oval to pherical, 20-28 !-1m diam ., to 40 !-1m long.
UIlCOl1lfllO/l.: incon spicuou , growing as fin e, low tufl on larger
plants, in haded areas; to 1 m deep.
Distrib/ltion: Florida, Bahamas, Southern Caribbean, We tern

Seirospora purpurea M. Howc 19 18: 529.

T/¡a llus fil amentous. bushy, lO 2.5 cm hi gh. pale pink or pale purpl e; J. Habil oJ brancll.
branching radia ll y altem ate; uncorticated abo ve, lower half thinl y 2. Spennalangial cllIsler
corticated with narrow rhi zo id , basal portions often with free Jo rming a l brancll Jork.
rhi zo ids (not c1 inging ti ghtl y to centra l ax is). Axial fi lamellls to 3. Branch wilh branchlel base
100 '.un di am.; cell s 150-250 ~lm long, taperin g d istall y, slightl y inilialing rhi~o ida l
wo llen at joints; cell wall s 8-20 ~m thi ck. Branchlels tapering to conicalion.
6- 13 ~m d iam., altem ately di vided below. dichotomou Iy di vided 4. COrlicaled sw face oJ
di stall y; cell s 2-4 di amerers long. Rhizoids ori ginating from brancl/.
corti ca ting rhi zoids. Telrasporangia ova l, 50-65 ~m di am.,
sess il e, scattered al joints. Spermatangial cllIsler:; oval 0 1' irregul ar,
25-40 ¡.lm di am., 45-65 ~m long, occurrin g al j oints. Carpo-
sporop/¡yles hemi pheri ca l, 300-400 ~m di am. ; carpospores ova l,
35-40 ~m long.
Vl/cO/llmoll: inconspicuous, epiphytic on seagrasse or larger algae;
to I m deep.
Distriblltion: Fl ori da .

Spermothamnion gymnocarpum M. Howe 1920: 579.

Thallus rufted, bushy, fil amentou s, to 4 cm hi gh, purple- pink; l . Sl% ns wilh unbranch.ed
branching di chotomous below, oon becoming oppos ite, di tall y rh.izoid:;; erect fi lamenls
unil ateral; uncorti cated lhroughout. Filaments 50- 115 ~m di am., arising Jrom one end oJ
di slall y ta pering 10 12-20 !1lII di am.; cell s 300-375 ~m long; parelll cell, rhizoids
cell wall s 5-40 ~1 thick. St% ns conspicuous, fil amentous; cell s descending frO I11 opposile
50- 130 ~m di am., 130-400 ~m long; cell wall 13- 50 ¡.lm thick. end oJ pa renl cell.
Rhizoids unbranched, terminating in attachment pad. Telra- 2. Branell apices showing
sporangia so litary or in group of 2-5 near j oints, 60-80 ~m unilaleral branchlels.
di am. on uni cellul ar stalk. Spermalangial cluslers ova l to pheri cal, 3. Brancll wilil
26-40 ~m di am., 40-80 ~lm long. Ca rposporophyles hemi - lelrasporangia.
spheri ca l, 80- 150 ¡.lm di am., so litary or in small groups. 4. Telrasporangiulll 0 /1
Vnco/llmoll: inconspi cuous, epiphyti c 0 1' grow ing a fin e, low tuFlS unicellular stalk.
on mangrove peat; lO 10 m deep.
Distriblltion: Fl orid a, Bahamas , Greater Anlill es. Western
Caribbean .

Key to species of Spyridia The ex posed knob-like

l. Thallus less rhan 10 cm high; branchl ets to 60 ¡.lm diam ., sharply tapering ........................ ................. . tip o f ma ive corals,
...... ... .. .. .. .... ... ................................................. .. ...... .. .. ...... .. .. .. . S. hypnoides subsp. comp/allata, p. 164 such as Ihi s Monlaslrea
l . Thallus greater than 10 cm high; branchl ets less rhan SO ~m di am .. gracl ~la ll y tapering 1.. .. .. .. ... ...... ... 2 annularis, o fie n become
2 . Branch api ces never hooked; branchlet j oints mostl y of four corti cal cell s .. .. .. S. filamelltosa, p. 164 damaged phy ica ll y. This
2 . Brallch api ces commonl y hooked ; branchlet joints mostly of e ight cortica l cell ......... .. ....... .... .. .. .... .. al lo ws rapidl y co lo ni z ing
........ ..................................... ....... .......... .. ........ .. ......... ........ .... .. ............................... .. S. hyplloides, p. 164 fil ame nlo us aJgae 10 gain
a footho ld and pote nli a ll y
e nc roac h upo n the ur-
ro unding cora l po lyp .

Spyridia filamentosa (Wulfen) Harvey in W. Hookcr 1833: 337.

F"c/I!J jiltllllelffOSlIs Wulfen 1803: 6-1-.

Thal/lIs fil a me nLOus, Fuzzy. bush-like, 10 20 c m hi g h, dllll brown 10 l . M aill axis wilh brall chlels
pal e pink ; branching alternale. Mail/ axis 1-2 mm diam.; central somell'hal radial/y
filam enl cell s 0-120 J.lm diam. dislally. 10 340 flm d iam. proximall y; arrallged alld
slIrface cell s in one layer, alternating zones of long narrow cell s sperllla/ang ial so ri girdlillg
(6- 10 J.lm di a m .. 50-70 J.lm long) and sho rt wide cells ( 15- 20 J.lm /o ll'e r Ihird 01 brallchlel.
diam. , 30-40 J.lm lo ng; half as long, twice as wide); zones becoming 2. Carposporophyle lermin al
obscllre wilh age. Brallchlels hi g hly variable, de li cale. decidllolls, 0 11 shorl brallch.
20-45 J.lm diam. , 0.5- 1.5 Illm long. lInbra nch ed, banded: seg menls 3. Telrasporallgia 10rl1ling C/I
40- 100 J.lm long, lIncorticated ; apex poillled, spine- like; joillls wilh joillls 01 branch/el.
4(- 12) cortica l cell s. Telrasporallg ia spherical, 40-70 J.lm diam. , 4. Brallchlel apex.
tetrahedrally divided , sessile, forming al branchlel joinl.
Spermalangia to 5 J.lm diam., in sori girdling lower third o f
fertile branchlets. Carposporophyles terminal on shon branc hes,
180-225 ~lm diam .
Comllloll: on solid sllbslrates in calm protecled areas: ro 8 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahamas. Grealer Allli ll es, Lesser Anlilles,
Soulhern Caribbean. WeS lern Caribbea n, GlIlf of Mex ico.

Spyridia hypnoides (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Papenfus 1968a: 281.

Thollll1opl/Ora hypl/oides Bory de Sainl- Vincenl 1834: 175.
Thal/lIs fllzzy, filamentou , densely bu shy. lo 10(-25) cm hig h. pink, l. Maill axis wil/¡ brallchlels
slraw to magenta-red; branc hing allern ate in a U direclion s; api ces somew/¡al radial/y
commonly lerminating in large f1attened hooks. Maill axis 1-2 mm arrallged alld lelra-
diam. ; central filament cell s to 500 J.lm di a m.; sllrface cell s small , sporallgillm (1) al
initially allernaling between lo ng narrow cell (10 10 /1m diam ., branc/¡Iet )oilll.
60 J.lm long) and shorl wide cell s (10 30 fU11 diam. , 30 ~lm long). 2. Trans verse seclion oi
eventua ll y in several layers. Brallchlels numerous, delicale, deciduous, mallU'e brancll.
30-50 J.lm di a m. , 0.3- 2.0 Illm long. unbranched. banded ; segments 3. BI'C/llchlet apex.
40- 100 ~lm long. uncorticated ; joints with eighl or more pericentral 4. M ain axis showing conical
cell s, e longated, eventua ll y s plirting transversely to form mall er cel! arrangemelll.
cell s; apex pointed, rarely with recurved spine. Telrasporangia
spherical , 50-85 J.lm diam ., o litary 01' 2-5 in clllsters, sess ile.
formin g al joints. SperlllC/langia in sori girdling and ex panding
from joints .
UIICOIIIII/.OII: in calm protected a reas; to 8 m dee p.
Distribution: Florida, Bahama . Grealer Allli ll es. Lesser Antil les.
SouLhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Spyridia hypnoides subsp. complanata (J. Agardh) M.J . Wynne

1998: 94. Spyridia cOlllp{mlllW J. Agardh 185 1 11 85 1- 18631: 3-13.
Tha!lus fil amentous, fuzzy, bu sh-like, to 10 c m hi gh, straw LO pale l . Main axis Ivilh brc/Ilchlets
pink ; branchin g irreg ularly spiral. Maill axis 1-2 mm di am. : central somew/¡al radial/ l'
filam enl cell s 160- 200 J.lm diam. di slally, 10400 J.lm diam. proxi- arranged, lel1¡asl;orangia
mally; surface ce ll s initiall y in alternating zones 0 1' narrow ce ll s (1) al branchlel j oillls.
( 10-25 ~1l11 diam., 40- 60 flm long) and wide cell s (40-50 J.lm diam .. 2. Bral1chlel apex.
50-65 J.lm long); zones becol1'lin g obscure with age. BI'C/nchlels hig hl y 3. Transverse seclion olyollng
variable. delicale. deciduous, unbra nc hed, banded, generall y 35-60 /1m brclI/ch.
di am., 0.5-2. 0 mm long. sli ghtly incurved al apices: seg menls 4. Trans verse secliol1 01 o/del'
30-70(- 100) J.lm long. uncorti caled ; j o ints corli cated initi all y Wilh brandl.
(6-)8(- 12) peri central ce ll s; apex pointed, spine- like, occasionall y
wil h laleral recurved spine. Telrasporangia spheri ca l, 40-80 /1m
di am .. tetrahedrall y divided . outer wa ll 10 15 J.lm lhi ck, forming al
branchlel joinl. Sperlllawngia lo 5 ~1l11 diam .. in sori girdling several
segmenl 01' branchlel. Ca rposporop/¡yles le rminal o n shon branches.
C01I/1Il01l: in ca lm protected areas, on mangrove roolS. docks and
other solid structures; inte rtid al 10 3 m deep.
Distributioll: Lesser Anlilles. Soulhern Ca ribbean, WeSlcrn Car ibbea n.

TiffanieLLa gorgonea (Montagne) DOly & Meñez 1960: 13 .*

Calli¡/¡alll ll ioll go rgollea MOlll agne 1857: 289 . \
Thal/us fin e, fil amentous, 2-5 mm hi gh, purple- red; branching J . Habil wilh spermalangia/
alternate; uncorti cated throughoul. Fi/amenls 2~0 (-5 0) ¡.un cluslers.
diam. , di stall y tapering to 14 ¡.un di am.; cell s 180-250 ¡.un long; 2. STO /Oll wilh l1!u/licellu/a r
cell wa ll 6- 10 ¡.t.m thi ck. STO/ons conspicuous, fil amentous: cell s rhizoids and uprig /us
20-50 flm di am., 140-225 flm long; cell wa ll s 6- 10 ¡.t.m thick. a rising from Opposile ends
Rhizoids rare ly branched, multi cellul ar, ofte n swollen. Po Ly- of sTO/on cel/s.
spo rang ia solitary, producing 16-32 spores, on 1-2 cell ed stalk, 3. Spermalang ia L clusle /:
formed on lower porti on o f erect branchlet. Spermalan.g ia / cluslers
oval, 3 ~0 ¡.un di am., 60-100 ¡,tm lon g; forming laterall y on
fil aments, di stal on parent cel!. Carposporophyle irregul arly
spheri cal, to 200 fUll di am., solitary.
Uncoml1lon: inconspi cuous, epiphytic on Codiul11 and occasionall y
other marine plants; ro 20 m deep.
Distriblltion: Fl orida, Grealer AnLill e , Le er Antill es, Gul f of
Mex ico .

Key to species of WrangelÚl M o ray eels, suc h as

l. Th allu less than 1.5 cm hi gh; generall y fo und as turfs ...... .... .. .. .............................. ... W argus, p. 166 thi s Spotted M o ray
l . Th allus greater than 1.5 cm hi gh; generall y bush-like or found in individu al tuft .. .. ................ .. .... .. . 2 (Gymllolhorax moringa).
2. Main fil aments to 400 ¡,tm diam.; uncorticated .. .. .. ................ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............ W biC/lspidata, p. 168 present a hazard by
2. Main fil ament to 200 ¡,tm di am .; compi'e te ly corLi cated proxim ally ............... .. W penicillata, p. 168 mi taki ng a coll ector '
hand fo r octo pus prey.
T he ir powerful bite and
sha rp teeth can do
conside rabl e harm. [n
additi on. lhe large a mo un l.
of bacteri a in lhe ir Illoulhs
ca n cause wounds to
read ily beco me lnfecled.

Wrangelia argus (Mol1lagne) MOl1lag ne 1856: 444.

Griffi¡/¡sia arglls Montagne 184 1 [1 839- 184 1J: 176, pI. 8, fi g. 4.
Thal/us sparse, so ft, forllling fu zzy turfs, to 1.5 cm high, iridescent l . Joinl al main fi /am el71
purpl e-red, o fteo with white-gray tips; branching absent 0 1' c losely showing who rLed
alternate lO irregular. Main filaments cy lindrical, to 400 ¡,tm di am. ; bronchLels.
cell to 800 ¡,tm long. Bronchlels soft, thin , in whorl s al j oints, 2. Branchlel apices lVilh
somewhal di chotomously di vided, growing in aJl directi ons; basa l poinled lips.
branchl ets al joints few to absent, Wilh no or few fil aments c linging 3. Telrasporang ium /ooseLy
10 main cell s; api ces tapered, Wilh single apical spine 0 1' point. surrounded by in vo /ucra /
Rhizoids fine, branched, fil amentous. Telraspo rangia spheri cal, fi /amellls.
60-70 ¡,tm di am. , abundant al joints on outer branchl ets, loosely
surrounded by hon , slender, incurved , in vo lucral fil aments.
COIIIJllOIl: frequentl y coverin g large areas on rocky substrate 0 1'
epiph ytic on coarser pl ants; to 10 !TI deep.
Distributioll: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Grealer Amill es, Lesser Anlilles,
Southern Ca ribbea n, Western Cari bbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

WrangeLia bicuspidata B¡¡rgesen 1916: 11 8. fi g . 127- 130.

TI/a/llls dense, forming 50ft !ufIS, 10 8 cm hi gh, ligh! rose ; l . !vfain jilamen/ showing
branchin g irregularl y altern ale. Main j ilamen/ cy lindri cal , lo whorled brcl/1chle/s wi/h
400 !-1m di am.; cell s 10 800 ¡.tm long. Branchle/s Ofl, lhin, jine cOlllor/ed basal
whorled al joints, dicholomously di vided, progressively lapered; branchle/s.
apica l cell s in elS of 2-3, poinled, unpigmented, dec iduous; basal 2. Branchle/ apices wi/h
branchlets atj oinls narrower, growing upward and downward , in 2-3 poillled tips.
conton ed shapes, loosely encircling main filament. Rhizoids fin e, 3. Sperma/angial c1l1s/ers (s)
oflen branched. Te/rasporangia 60-90 ¡.tm di am., tetrahedrally loosely surroll/uled by
di vided, loosely c lasped by sparse, shorl, slender, incurved, in volucral jila//len/s (i).
involucral filaments. Sperl1lalCil1gial cluster spheri ca l, 25-80 ¡.tm
di am., parsely urrounded by in volucral filaments.
COllllllon: epiphyLic on larger algae; 1040 m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Bahama , Grearer Antilles. Lesser Amilles.
Sou thern Caribbea n, We tern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

WrangeLia penicilLata (e. Agardh) C. Agardh 1828: 13 .

Crijfi,hs;a pen;c;/lata C. Agardh 1824: 143.
Thallus fine ly branched, bush-like, to 8 cm hi gh, li ghr pink; main J. Branchlet apices.
branching altern are or irregul ar; secondary branching allernate at 2. Main brancll segmen/
every egmem, mainl y in one plane. Main jilaments cy lindrical, showing descendillg
180-200 ¡.tm di am., comple!ely corti cated proximally; cell s to co rtica/ing jilamen/s.
800 ~un long. Branchle/s 50ft , thin, in whorl al joints, 3. SpermalCingial cluster (s)
di chotomously divided ; apical cell s blunt tipped, often deciduous. loosely surrounded by
Rhizoids clustered, fin ely branched. Te/rasporangia abundant, in volucral cells (i).
spheri ca l, 75- 100 ¡.un di am. , tetrahedrally divided , al joints near 4. Te/rasporclIJgia (1) c1asped
branchl el tips, loosely clasped by shon, slender, in volucral by soli/ary in volucral
filaments. Sperma/angia similar to aboye but clu tered , 55- 60 ¡.tm jila//len/s (i).
di am. Cys/ocCllps lo 400 ¡.tm diam. , terminal on shon branchl ets, 5. Trall sverse section of //lain
surrounded by many shon , slender, incurved fil aments. branch in oblique view.
Comlllol/: genera ll y epiphyli c on seagrasses or other larger algae;
to 15 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida. Bahamas, Greater Amilles. Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mexico.

Key to species of Dasya '7.Branchlets whorled al close interva ls (whorl s ob cured with age), 50ft, undulating, completely
l . Mature branchlet clustered,several ets developing from base .. ....... ................ D. spiflllligera, p. 176 covering all branches ..................... .. .. ........................ .................................................... D. mollis, p. 174
l . Mature branchlets olitary. one branchlet developing from one basal cell ........ .............. ..... ............... 2 7. Branchlels spiraled al clo e intervals (spira ls obscllred wilh age) , stiff, spongy, covering all outer
branche ........................ ... ............. .. ....... .. .. ....... ........................ ..... ..... ... ............... D. collillsiallCl, p. 170
2 . Cortication proximal, not present on most axes [branchlets developing from every egmentl ........ ..
8 . Th allus pale brown-pllrple ........... .. .......................... ..... ... .. .. .................. ... ...... ....... D. C1ntillarulll, p. 170
2. C~;~i·~·~~i·~·~··p~~;~·,;·; ·~~ ..~ii·;~~j~~··~·~···::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~. . ~~~~~1l.~:.~~..17~ 8. Thalllls pale 10 dark rose to Pllrple-red .. .. ... .. ... .. ...................................... .. .. .... .. .......... ........ .. ..... .. ........ 9
3. Branchlets 50- 70 ¡.tm diam. for 3-4 dicholOmi es then abrupt ly taper to fin e hair-like apices 9. Branching altern ate; branches 10 0.3 mm di am .; branchlets spirall y 10 irregul arl y alTanged .. .. .......... .
(6- 10 ¡.tm di am.) ·...................................................................... ....... .... .... .. .......... D. corYlllbifera, p. 172 .... ... .................................. ................ .. .... .. ... ............................. .. ............... .... .... .... .. ... . D. ocellata, p. 174
3. Branchl et wi lhoul abrupt taper, grad uall y increa ing 01' decreasing in diameter ................... ........... .. 4 9. Branching di cholomolls 10 ilTeglllar; branches 10 I mm di am. ; branchlets whorled, in older branches
tll fted .. ....... .. .. .. ... .. .................. ... .................. ..... ...................................... .. ...... .. ..... ..... D. pUllicea, p. 174
4 . Marure thallu generall y less lhan 12 cm hi gh ............................ .. ............................................... ......... 5
4. Mature lhallus greater lh an 12 cm high .. .... .......... ..... ................ ......................... ..... ....... .. ... ............. .. I I 11 . Branchlels less than 2 mm long .. ...... .............................. .......... ..... .. .................. D. ralllosissima , p. 176
I l . Branchlets greater th an 2 mm long ... ...... ......... ........ .... ........ ......... ....... .. ...... ... .............. ........ ..... .... .... . 12
5 . Branchl ets les. than 2 mm long ...... ........... ..... .......................... ..... .. ......... ....... ........................ ..... ....... .. 6
5. Branchl ets greater than 2 mm long ..................... ... .... ............... ....... .................................... .. ...... ..... .... 8 12 . Thallus 10 25 cm hi gh, bushy; branching nllmerolls; branchlets 2- 5 mm long. not tapering at base;
co rti cati on not co mpl ete to tips ....................... ..... ...... .. ............ ..... ....... ..... .............. D. IlCIrveyi, p. 172
6. Branchlets sparse, irregu larly pl aced .. .................... ..... ... .......................... ... .. ...... D. crouClnianCl, p. 172 12. Thalllls 10 90 cm high, parse: branching scant; branchlets 2- J4 mm long, lapering at base;
6 . Branchl ets abundant .............. ....... ... .... ....................... ..... ..... .... .... .... ............................. .. .. ...... .......... ..... 7 corti ca tion co mpl ete to tip ...................... ...... ...... ..... .... ....... .... ............. ....... .... D. baillollvialla, p. 170

Dasya antillarum (M. Howe) A. Millar 1996: 155'

DasyofJsis alllillarulll M. Howe 1920: 577.
Tha llus tough, bu hy, to 12 cm long, pale brown-purple; branching l . Branchle/s wi/h jine
irregul ar or alternate. Branches 1.0- 2.5 mm di am.; naked prox i- jilamelUous apices.
mal ly, covered with fi ne, hair-like, fi lamentous branchlets di tall y; 2. Ma/u re /e/rasporallgial
corti cati on heavy bur restricred to main ax is. Brallchle/s fi lamen- slichidium.
tous, 1-3 mm long; branching alternare, appearing dichotomou 3. Imma/ure /e/rasporall gial
when mature; ba al cell s 10- 15 ¡.tm di am.; midd le cell s 40--50 ¡.tm s/ichidiulI1.
diam., lO 150 ¡.tm long, apical cell s di stall y tapering to fin e poinr, 4 . Transverse sec/ion of
8- 10 ¡.tm dia m., ro 100- 120 ¡.tm long. Holdfas/ inconsp icuous, brandl wi/h jive pericen /ral
disc- li ke. Te/raspo rang ial slichidia spind le- haped or woll en, (p) cells and sparse
75- 150 ¡.tm di am., 300-500 ¡.tm long, on third (occasionall y to cor/ica/ing (c) jilamen/s.
fif th) di chotomy from base of branchlel. Sperma /angial s/ichidia 5. Surface view of branch
50--60 ¡.tm di am ., to l mm long, term inal on branchlet , rarely in showing sparse cor/ica/ing
middl e; porangia 2-4 ¡.tm di am. jilamen /s.
Unco/1/mon: on various hard surfaces; to 10 m deep.
Dislributioll : Flori da, Bahama , Greater Antill e , Lesser Ant illes,
Wes lern Caribbea n.

Dasya baillouviana (S.G. Gmelin) Monlagne 1841 [1839- 184 IJ: 165."
Flle" s baillollViallG S.G. Gmelin 1768: 165.
Thallus erect or undu lating, delicate, ofl, to 90 cm high, bri ght red l . Spen na/ang ial stichid ium.
to rose; branching altern ate, generall y sparse. Branches sLippery, 2. Telrasporang ial slichidiutl1.
long, graceful , 2-3(- 6) mm di am., comp letely corticated, densely 3. Transverse sec/ion of small
covered by fi ne hair-like branchlets; base oflen denuded. Branchle/s branch.
fil amentous, 2-7(- 14) mm long, 2-3 times di chotomousJy branched, 4. Main axis wilhjilamelUous
tapering both prox im all y and distall y; ba al cell s 10-20(-40) ¡.tm branchlels.
diam. , 10--50 ¡.tm long; apica l cell s 5- 12 ¡.tm di am., to 200 ¡.tm long.
Telrasporangial Ihalli with sparse branching, paJe red; tetrasporangiaJ
stichidi a lance-shaped, 80- 160 ¡.tm di am., 0 .40-- 1.25 mm long
fo rmed on lower fork of branchlet; tetrasporangia pherical, 40--80
¡.tm di am., tetrahedrall y di vided. Spermarangiallhalli with dense
branc hing, deep red; permatangial sti chidi a lance-shaped, 60--75 ¡.tm
di am., 200--600 ¡.tm long. Cys/ocarps urn-shaped, to 1. 1 mm di am.
COl1ll1lo//.: on hard substrates in protected areas, commonly mixed in
seagrass communities; to 40 m deep.
Dislriblltioll : Florid a, Bahamas, Greater Alllilles, Lesser Ant ill es,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbea n, Gu lf of Mexico.

Dasya collinsiana M. Howe 19 18: 524.

Tha llus densely bushy, soft, 1-4 cm high, dull red ; branching l. Habi/ of brallch
altern ate, irregul ar, to somewhal dichotomous. Branches 2. Yo ung brandl showing
0.5- 1.5 mm diam. near base, tapering di stall y; cortication swollen pericenrral cells
transparent , thin ; peri centraJ cell s five, translucent, conspicuou , before cor/ica /ion.
swo ll en, 0.5-3.0 d iameters long, eg ments poorl y defi ned ow ing 10 3. Branchle/ slfow ing lower
cell overl ap. Bran chle/s fi lamentoll s. stiff, spongy, coverin g all ouler d icholomous bran chill g
branches, to 0.9 mm long, fi rst two d ivisions dichotomous, next and distal allernale
3-5 altern ate, most at or near 90°, pi ral ly arranged al clo e bran chillg .
intervals, spiral becoming ob cu re w ith age; basa l cell 100- 130 ¡.tm 4. Transverse sec/ion of
di am., oflen wider than long, proxima l ce ll s to 75 ~lm dia m., 10 two corricC/led brancl?
diameters long, sli ghtl y tapering di stall y; apices quickJ y tapering to
harp po int or long hair- li ke point. Holdfas/ inconspi cuous, disc- li ke.
Te/rasporangia l slichidia 90-- 130 ¡.tm di am., to 500 ~lm long, on one-
celled staJk. CysIOCC/t1JS so li tary, spherica l to ova l, 670- 920 ¡.tm
diam ., 600-750 ¡.tm long.
UIICOIllIllOIl : inconspi cuoll , on hard surfaces or epiph ytic on larger
algae, in protec led areas; lower interti da l lO I m deep.
Dislriblltion : Flori da, Bahamas, Greater Ant ill es, Lesser Antill es. 200 JkID 200 JkID

Dasya corymbifera J. Agardh 184 1: 3 1.

Thalllls erect, 5- 12 cm hi gh, light pink to purple; branching l . Tetrasporangial stichidiulII.
repeatedly altern ate to in·egular. Bral/ches 0.4-0.8 mm diam .. 2. La teral bral/chlet.
corti cated, sparsely covered by branchlets proximally, more den sely 3. Surface of corticated
covered di tally. BrclI/chlets whorled to so mewhat spiraled, 1-2 mm branch.
long, lower 3-4 dichotomies 50-70 ¡.1m diam. then abruptl y tapering 4. Tral/s verse sectiol/ oJ II/ai/I
to fine hair-like apices 6- 10 ~lm diam . Holdfast ineon picuous, di se- branch.
like. Tetrasporangial stichidia lanee-shaped to elongated cy lindri ea l,
80- 120 ¡.1m diam., 350-600 ¡.1m long, formed on lower fork of
branch let; tetrasporangia spheri ca l, 30-40 ¡.1m diam . CystocC/lps
ova l, 550-650 ~lIn diam ., 600-800 ¡.1m long, sessile on o uter braneh
with obv ious release pore.
Rare : on rock and other hard urfaces in ea lm hab itats; 30 m deep.
Dislribllliol/ : Florida. Grealer Alllill es, Lesser Antille , Southern
Ca ribbean.

Dasya crouallian.a J. Agardh 1890: 95.

Thalllls erect, to 7 cm hi gh, green-brown to rose-red; branehing J. Slllface vielV of branch
widely di ehoto mous to irregular. Branches 0.5- 0.7 mm diam. , with tetrasporal/gial
cOltieated, parsely covered by fine branehlets proximally, more stichidia.
densely covered di sta ll y. Branchlets fil amentous, 1-2 mm long, 2. Mature stichidillll/ Ivith
2-3 times dichotomously branched . slightly tapering di stall y; ba al tetrasporal/gia (t).
eell s 18-20 ¡.1m diam. , 20-40 ¡.tm long; api ca l cell s blunt, 5-12 ¡.1m 3. Transverse section of
di am. , to 30 ¡.1m lo ng. Holdfast ineon picuo us, di c-like. Tetraspor- bral/ ch.
angial stichidia lance-shaped to elongated ey li ndrica l, 80-120 ~lm 4 . SII/face oJ bral/ch.
di am., to I mm lo ng, Formed on lower fork of branchl et; tetra-
sporangia spheri cal, 18-30 ¡.1m diam. , tetrahedrall y divided.
Spermatangial stichidia lanee-shaped to e longated cy lindrical,
60-70 flm diam., 150-225 J.lm lo ng, f0ll11ed on lower fork of
branchl et.
V neollllllon: on mangrove prop roots or other hard surfaees, in
proteeted areas; to 23 m deep.
Distriblllioll : Florida, Bahama , Grealer Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
Weslern Caribbea n.

Dasya harveyi A, hmead in Harvey 1858: 127, pI. 50, A.

Thalllls de licale, fin e, bu h-like, to 25 cm hi gh, rose- red ; branching J. SU/face of imll/ature
a lternate, numerous. Bral/ches to 2 mm diam ., thickly corticated; branch sholVing cortication
api ce slender. limp. 1.0-2.5 cm lo ng; outer branche dense ly j ust beginning bellVeen
covered by fine hair-like branchJ ets. Branchlets fil amenlo us, slender, larger pericel/tral cells.
15-20 ¡.1m di am .. tapering to 8 ¡.1m diam. at apiees, 2-5 mm long, 2. Surface of lIIálllre brandl
pseudodiehoto mously branched. Holdfast ineonspi cuou , disc-like. with jilamelllolls bral/chlet.
Tetrasporal/gial stichidia slender, elo ngated. tapered. o n any fo rk o f 3. Cystocarp prodll cil/g
branehlel, rarely on botto m fork ; telraspo rangia spheriea l, in two CC/fpospores.
rows near branch lip . Cystoca rps ull1-shaped, to 600 ¡.tm di am., 4. Bral/ch apex.
devel oping al apex of branch.
COIII IllO I/ : in limiled range, on hard substrates in proteeled areas;
lO 10 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Florid a.

Dasya mollis Harvey 1853: 62.

Thallus deli cate, fi ne, bu h- li ke, LO 4(- 15) cm high, pale ro e; ,/ / . Axis showillg whorled
branching irregular, main ax is not apparent. Bral/ches LO 1 mm brcl/lchlets IVith basal cel!
di am., tapering di tall y, corti cated, completely covered by fi ne gelle/'Cll!y \Vider thall 101lg.
fil amentoll s branchJ ets. B/'Cl l1chlets slender, limp, 1.0- 1.6 mm lo ng, 2. Te lraspo/'CllI gial stichidiulII.
3-4 ti me di choto molls ly branched ; whorl ed at c lose ioterva ls, 3. T/'Clll sverse sectioll of
whorls obscured with age; cell s lO 80 ¡.un di am., tapering 10 6 11m b/'Clllcll.
di am. , 90 11m lo ng at apex; basa l cell s 60 11m long, generaJ ly wider 4. Habit.
than long, often li ghtl y corti cated. HoldJast inconspicuolls, di sc-
like. Tet/'Clsporal/gial stichidia linear-oval, to 135 11m di am .,
300 11m lo ng, near base of branchl et; tetra po rangia spheri ca l,
to 50 11m di am., tetrahedra ll y divided.
VI/COIllIllO I/ : inconspicuou , on hard sllrfaces in protected areas;
1033 m deep.
Dislriblltion : Flori da, Bahamas, Grea ter Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, We tern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Dasya oceLLata (Grateloup) Harvey 1833: 335.

Ceramium acellatlllll Grateloup 1806: pI. [ 1] , lig. 2.
Thallus delicate, fluffy, so ft , to 8 cm hi gh, rose to Pllrple-red; l. Apex of brancl¡.
branchil1g alternate, generall y sparse. B/'Clnches to 0.3 mm di am., 2. Young b/'Clllch il1 itiating
corticated, densely tufted al branch apex by fi ne branchl ets, spar e ly corticating (c) Jilamellls.
covered proxi mall y. Bral1cltlels fin e, hair- like, fil amentoll s, to 5 mm 3. Tet/'Clspo/'Cll1gial stichidiul11 .
lo ng; uncorLicated or parti all y corti cated at base, piraJ ly or irreg- 4 . Surface oJ brancl1 wilh
ularly arranged, 4(-5) times di chotomo usly branched ; basal cell cortication.
formed fro m hort pericentral cell , 30-80 11m di am., 25-48 11m long;
mi dcIJe cell 20-30 11m di am ., 60- 140 11m long; api ca l cell s tapering
to 10 11m diam. HoldJast smaU, incon picuous, di c- like. Tel/'Cl-
sporangial stichidia 100-200 11m di am., to 0.5(- 1.1 ) mm long,
o nl y on lower branchlets; tetra po rangia spherical. 25-40 11m di am .
Sperlllatangial stichidia simil ar, 60-70 ~lIn di am., to 200 11m long.
Cystoccll ps phericaJ, solitary.
Comilla/! : on hard substrates in protecled areas; lO 40 m deep.
Dislrib ution: Fl orida, Bahamas, Lesser Antill e , Southern Caribbean.

Dasya p unicea (Meneghi ni) Meneghi ni in Zanardi ni 184 1: 168.

Bl/il/auvialll/ pl/llieea Meneghini in Zanardini 1840: 204 .
Thal!us delicate, fi ne, bush-Like, 5- 10 cm hi gh, pale ro e; branching l . Habit oJ branch with
dichoto mous to irregular. Branches 0.4- 1.0 mm di am. , tapering whorled branchlets.
di tall y, corticated, densely covered di stall y by fin e branchl ets, 2. Tral1 sverse seclion of
naked prox imall y. Branchlets hair-Li ke, fil amentous, slender, limp, b/'Clllch showing Jive
2-4 mm long, whorled al clo e interva ls, who rl s obscured with age, pericelllral cells
2-3 time di chotomo usly di vided near base; cell s 20-40 11m di am., surrounding central
50-80 ¡.tm long at ba e, tapering to 12 ¡.1m di am. al api ces. Holdf ast fi lamento
inconspi cuOll s, di sc- like. Telrasporangial stichidia 70-90 ¡.1m 3 . Brancl1 witil corticated
diam., 300-400 ¡.tm long, on 1-2 cell ed talk; tetra po rangia surface and whorled
spherical, 30-40 11m di am. Cystoca rps oval, to 1 mm diam., branchlets.
terminal on hort stalks, with obviou release po re. 4 . Tetrasporangial stichidiul11.
Rare : on hard substrales in protecled area ; 2- 10 m deep.
Distriblltioll : Bahama ,Le er Antill es, Western Caribbean.

Dasya ramosissima Harvey 1853: 6 1.

Thalllls erect, bushy, de licate, flurfy, soft, to 30 cm hi gh, brown- l . YOllng brand1 ShOlVillg
red ; branching wide ly altern ate. Branches LO I mm di am., spherical basal cell (b)
corticated, den ely covered by fin e hair-li ke branchlets distall y, ' of branchlet.
naked prox im all y. Branchlets fi lamenlous, to 2 mm long, many 2. Bran ch inilialillg cortical
times di chotomously branched, occas ionall y aJ ternate be low. basal cells (c) f rolll spherical
dichoLOmy generaJ ly wide; cell s to 25 !-lIn di am. , 4-6 di ameters branchlel sear cell
long, ta pering di stally, api ca l cell s to 10 11m di am., to 60 11m long. (s, fo rmer basal eell
Holdfast inconspi cuous, di sc- like . Tetrasporangial stichidia lance- of branchlet).
shaped, to 50 11m di am., to 500 11m long. Cystoccll ps ova l, on shor! 3. Older eorlieated branch.
branch, no! fo rming at apex . 4. Imlllature tetrasporang ial
COIllIllOI/: on hard substrates in protected area ; to 55 m deep. stiehidiul1l.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahamas, Grea ter Antill es, Les er Antilles,
Southern Cari bbean.

Dasya rigidula (Kü lZi ng) Ardissone 1878: 140.-

EllfJOgOllill1/l r igidll lll lll KÜl zi ng 1843 : 4 15.
Thallus de licate, fluffy, o ft , 1- 2(- 8) cm hi gh, rose to purpl e-red ; J. Axis with tetrasporangial
branching irregul ar, generall y sparse. Branches 300- 500 ¡.un di am. , stichidia 0 11. brallchlels.
partiaJl y corti cated proximally from small strands descending from 2. Spermatangial stichidium.
basa l ce ll of branchl ets. Branchlels spirall y arranged from every 3. Apex with short swollen
segment, 1- 3(- 5) mm long, den ely tufted, dichotomously branched ; branchlet cel/s.
uncorti cated ; api ces tapering, incurved, sharpl y pointed; basal cell
50-140 11m di am. , to one di am eter long; api ca l ce ll s 10-20 11m di am.,
to 10 di ameters long. Tetrasporangial stichidia linear-ova l, 120-1 70
!lI11 diam., to 400 11m long, often with long terminal POilll, es ile or
on 1-3 celled stalk, forming al lower branchl ets; tetrasporangia
spheri cal, 20-50 11m diam. , tetrahedrall y divided. Spennatallgial
srichidia simil ar in hape and positi on, to 100 11m di am., 300 11m
long. Cystoearps urn-shaped, 450-520 11m di am., 700- 900 11m long.
Comll/on: inconspi cuous, on mangrove prop rOOIS, mangrove peat
or other hard surfaces in protected areas; to 10m deep.
Dislribution: Fl orida, Bahamas, Greater Antill e , Lesser Antill es,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Dasya spinuligera Collins & Hervey 19 17: 130. pI. 4. figs. 24, 25.
Thallus erect, to 5(- 7) cm high, dark rose-red, maroon; branching J. Habil.
irregul ar ro alrernate. Branches 0.5- 1.5 mm diam. , corti cated, 2. Cluster of fi lamentous
parsely to densely covered by fine branchlets proximall y with branchlets with developing
base ort en denuded. Branchlets fi lam elllous, 0.3- 2.5 mm long, slichidia.
2- 3 times dicholomous ly branched, somewhar whorled on ax is, 3. Cluster offilalnen/ous
generall y clustered on large basal cell ; ba a l cell s 15-25 !-lIn di am., bral/chle/s.
15-25 11m long; apical cell s blunt, 5- 12 !-lIn di am. , to 75 11m long.
Holdfas t inconspi cuous, di sc-like. TetrasfJorangial stichidia cone-
haped or lance-shaped, cy lindri cal, 50- 100(- 150) 101m di am.,
140-350(- 800) 11m long, formed at first dichotomy of branchlet;
tetrasporan gia spheri cal, 20-40 11m diam., tetrahedrall y di vided.
Spermatangial stichidia cy lindri cal to lance-shaped, to 60 101m
di am., 250 11m long; api ca l 2- 3 cell s naked. CysloccupS so litary,
terminal on lateral branches, urn-shaped, to 1.35 mm diam.
VI/eofllmon: on sponges or mangrove peat in protected areas;
to 40 111 deep.
Distribütiol/! Bahama , Greater Antill es, Lesser Antilles, Western
Caribbea n.

DictyurIls occidentalis J. Agardh 1847 : 17.

ThallLls 50ft, delicate, forming dense tufts or turfs, 10 12 m hi gh, /. Apex of brandl.
rose 10 dark red; branching spar e. Brallches four ided, formed by 2. Crol1'ing margin of
short, spiraling, whorled branchlets. Brallchlels forming web-lik\: l1Iesh-like nel.
net; net cells 60-80 ¡.Lm diam. , 2-3 time as long; net hol es round 3. Basal allachmelll of
10 angular. Basal slalk cy lindri ca l, distally quadrangular, of four brallchlel la slalk.
pericentral ce ll s sun'ounded by large (to 60 ~lm diam.), irregul ar, 4. Transverse section 01
rounded cell s. Rhi~oids tangled, fom1ing mat-like base. slalk.
Locally abulldant: in shaded habitats, hanging from rocks and
other hard surfaces; lower intertidal 10 10(-30) m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Sahamas, Grealer Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
Gulf of Mex ico.

Halydictyon mirabile Zanardini 1843 : 52.

Thalllls Ofl, delicate, forming nel or mesh-like c lump or tufts, J. Marginal filamelll
to 8 cm high , bright rose to ru st-red; main axis indistinct; branching branching.
numerous, at most joints except near apices, omewhat di chotomous 2. Filamenl branching ill
at apices; branches fu sed laterally to fonn three-dimen sional me h. center of luft·
Branches to 110 ¡.Lm diam. , slowly decreasing in diameter with each 3. Basal slalk and haldfasl.
success ive divi sion ; cells 4--6 diameters long; cell wa ll s 2-5 ¡.Lm thi ck;
apices to 50 ¡.Lm diam. , roundly pointed. Basal swlk cy lindrical,
inconspicuous; ofien attached at everal po ints. Rhizoids short ..
forming mat-like ba e. Slichidia single or paired, generally sessile,
on di tal branches. Cyslacarps proj ecting from mesh, found on
proximal branches.
LocalLy abulldant: genera ll y uncommon , epiphylic on other marine
plants, oflen growing on Thalassia; lower intertidal to 4 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Sahamas, Greater Anti lI es. Lesser Ami lI es,
Western Caribbean.

Key to species of Heterosiphonia The Princess Parrotfi sh,

l. Thallus 15-20 cm high; main axis corticated ...... ........... ............ .... ................... .. ..... H. gibbesii, p. 180 Scarus laenioplerus, feeding
l . Thallus to 6 cm high; maio axi llncorticated ........................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......................................... .. 2 o n a lgae. Herbi voro us fi sh
2 . Branchlet 4--6 times dichotomously branched; basal two segments multi seriate . H. criSpella, p. 180 are ex tre me ly important o n a
2. Branchlets 2-ó times altemately to dichotomously branched ; ba al egment multi eriate ............... .. . health y reef a nd prevent
.... .. ...... ,.. ......... .. ........................................ .. .. .... ... .. .................... ,... .. .. ,....... H. crispella varo laxa, p. 180 a lga l po plllaLi o ns fram
do minating a nd overg row ing
cora l and other attac hed
in verte brates (fir. t shown
by Stephe nson & Sea rl es
1960, Ra nda ll 196 1).

Heterosiphollia crispeLla ce. Agal'dh) M.J . Wyn nc 1985,,: 87'

C"lIitl/{/lI/lIioll (',ú"ellllll/ C. Agardh 1828: 183.
Tlw fllls spongy, tangled, fo rming f1uffy st lon5 o r tuft5, 10 6 c m l . Brancl, sllolVing
hi gh. bri ght red to beige; branching c1i choto mous to irregul ar. _ jIlamel/ lous bral/clllels
Bra l/clles to 175 ¡.tm c1 iam .. 01' (+-)5(-6) peri cenlral cc ll s: cell s in lI'illl lIIulliseriale basal 111'0
lower porti o ns 35-75 ¡.tm di am .. 70-250 ~lm long; not corti cated . seglllellls (s).
Bral/cftlels 0.9- 1.1 mm lo ng. sli ghtl y incurved, o n eve ry other 2. Bra l/clllel apices.
seg ment ,4-7 time c1i choto mo usly branched; basa l IWO seg ments 3. Telrasporallgial slicllidiulIl.
multi seri ate, lIni seri ate abo ve; api ce tapered 10 25 ~Im di am.
Rllizoids basal 0 1' forming where branches cont act sllbstrate.
TelrasporclIIgial slicllidia terminal on branchl ets. ova l with tapering
apex, to 200 ¡.tm di am. , 200-750 ¡.tm long; tetras porangia spherical,
10 75 ¡.tm di am .. tetrahedra lly di vided.
COII/II/Ol/: inconspi clloll S, epiphytic on other algae 0 1' creeping on
sto ne . shell fragments or mangrove peat, in protected locati ons;
to 20 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florida. Bahama . Grea ler Antilles. Lesser Amill es.
Southern Caribbea n. Western Caribbean. Gull' 01' Mex ico.

Heterosiphonia crispella varo Laxa (B¡jl'gesen) M.J . Wynne

1985,.: 87.
H eterosipllOll ill 1I'/l rdell /{lI/ lIii val'. laxa B01'gcsen 19 19: 327, li gs. 327, 328.
T/wfllls spongy, formin g f1uffy clumps, to 6 cm hi gh, pink; l . Filall/enlOUS brallc/¡Iel s
branching dichotomous to ilTegul ar. Bral/ches to 170 ¡.tm diam. , fo nllil/g f roll1 II/ulriseriale
of fOllr peri celllral ce ll s; cell in lower porti o n 35- 140 ¡.tm di am .. basal segll1elll.
70-300 ~Im lo ng; not coni cated . Brallcftlels 0 .9- 1.3 mm long, 2. Tral/sverse seclioll of
dec iduous, sli ghll y incurved, on every other seg menl. 2-6 times bralld /.
dichotomo usly to altelllately branched ; basa l segment mulli seri ate. 3. Bral/cll apex.
uni seri ate aboye; api ces tapered, 10 12.5 ¡.tm di am. Rlli~o ids basal 4. Itlllllature lelrasporangial
0 1' forming where branches meet subslrate. Tel rasporang ial slichidia slicllidiLlIll.
terminal on branchl ets, ova l with tapering apex, 11 0- 120 ¡.tm
di am., 170-400 ¡.tm long; tetrasporangia spherical, 25-40 ¡.tm di am.
C01I/1Il01/: inco nspi cuo u , epiphyti c on lh er algae 0 1' creeping on
to nes, shell fragments or mangrove peat, in protec ted locati on
to 10 m c1eep.
Distribulioll: Fl orida, Greater Antill es. Lesser Anti ll es, Western
Caribbea n.

Heterosiphonia gibbesii (Harvey) Falke nberg 190 1: 653.

Dasya gibbesii Harvey 1 53: 59. pI. 15. A.
Tllafllls oft , flu ffy, to 20 cm hi gh, bri ght pink to o range-red ; lower l . Bral/cMer \Vil/¡ Lllliseriale
branching sparse, alternate; o uter branching di choto mo us. Bral/ches apices.
to 1.5 mm diam., of 6-9 or more peri central cell s; older axes 2. Transverse secriol/ of
corticated. Bra l/cftlels absent near base, den e above; apices delicate, II/ulliseriale óranc/¡Iel.
minute, tapering. 01' six peri cenlral cell s, uncorLi ca ted: ul¡im ate 3. Tral/sverse secliol/ of main
branchlet uni seri ate (s ingle seri es 01' cell ), to 30 ¡.tm diam . Holdfasl axis.
inconspi cllOus, di sc- like. Telrasporal/g ial slicllidia lance-shaped,
repl ac ing lower branchl ets. Spennalal/gial slichidia simi lar, pointed.
CarpogoniulII near base o f branchl ets.
COlI/lIlon: on hard subsu·ates or man grove peat, in protectecl areas;
to 6 m deep.
DistributiOI/: Florida, Bahamas . Greater Antill es, Les er Ant illes.
Southern Caribbea n. Wes lern Caribbea n.

Thuretia bornetii Vickers 1905: 63.

Thal/us soft, delicate, spongy, bushy, creep ing or erect, to 2 cm hi gh, /. Habit of brclllches.
pale pink to dull red, whiti sh when permeated with sand ; branching 2. Cel/ular arrangemelll of
ilTegul ar. Brallches rube-shaped, cylindrical, 1-2 mm diam., formed Ilel-like mesh.
by de licate meshwork of fil aments. Brallch/ets with altem ate 3. Apex of branc/l.
branching, ari si ng from cell s of central axis, uncorticated, deve loping 4. Brallchlels origillaling
open net-like mesh; ce ll s 18-32 I.un di am., 1-3 diameter lo ng, wall frol/1 celllral axis.
4-6 !!m thick : mesh holes polygonal , 4-6 sided, wiLh 1-6 cell s per
side. Sralk or central axes to 130 ~lm di am .. obscure, lacki ng
peri central cell s; rhizoidal corti catio n sparse or thin. Rhizoids
filamentous , from basa l portion of stalk. Tetrasporangial stichidia
conical, at base of branchl et . Sperl/1atangial c/I/sters oval to
phericaL formed within meshwork . Cyslocarps um-shaped, formed
wi lhin meshwork.
Rare: in cracks and crev ices, in shallow rocky areas or occa ionally
encountered o n and pl ain , often hidden amo ng larger pl ants; lower
intertidal to 30 m deep.
Distributioll: Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles.

~ ITffiil
Apoglossum ruscifolium (Tumer) J. Agard h 1898: 194. =
FllclIs I'/Iscifolills Tumer 1802: 127. pI. 8. figs. 1. 2.
Thal/us small , erect or creeping, 2- 10 cm hi gh, pink-red to maroon; / . Apex of blade showillg cel/
branching irregular, from midrib or just adjacent to midrib. Blades arrall gemenl.
slrap-shaped to oval, 1-3(-6) mm wide, o ne cell lhi ck; api ces 2. Blade margin with
pointed ; apica l cell prominent, giving ri se to di stincr midrib; midrib comll1ollly occu rring
conspicuo us, central cell sUITounded by four pericenLral cell s; lateral laleral rhizoids.
vei nl els common in o lder bl ades. Telrasporangial sori paired, 3. Midrib of older blade
elo ngated, to I mm long, parallel and adjacent to midrib; tetra- sholVing distillct laleral
sporangia pherical to oval, 30-55 !!m diam. , tetrahedraJl y divided . veinlels (v) .
SpermaIClIlgial sori angling from midrib, between midrib and margin,
in parallel rows covering enLire blade. Cyslocarps hemi spheri ca l,
500-800 !!m di am., proximal on midrib of outer blade, one per
bl ade; carpospores pherical ro oval, 22-30 ~n di am.
Uncollllllon: incon pi cLlous; on vari ous hard surfaces, more
commonl y ep iphyti c on larger pl ant ; 20-40 m deep.
Distribution: Lesser Anlilles, Gul f of Mex ico.

Branchioglossum minufum c.w. Schneider in chneider & Searles

1975: 92, figs. 13. 15, 16.
ThallllS small , erect, to 1(-2.2) cm hi gh, pink-red ; branching /. Habil of thal/us.
irregular, mainl y from base. Blades oval, 1-3 mm wide, 1- 6 mm 2. Blade edge wilh margillal
long, one cell Lhi ck; apices ro unded , indented or pointed; api ca l rhizoids.
cell prominent giving ri se to midrib; midrib conspicuou , everal 3 . Apex of blade..showing cel/
cells thi ck, cell s 18-50 Ilm diam., 80- 120 !!m lo ng, urrounded by arrallgelllelll, midrib and
four pericenLral cell s. Holdfasl generall y rhi zoidal, inconspicuo us: tetraspores in ferti le sori
marginal rhi zo id infrequent. Tetrasporangial sori elongated, in surroulld ing midrib.
clo e proxi mity and parallel to midrib; tetrasporangia spheri ca l,
20-40 !!m diam., tetrahedra ll y di vided . Sperlllatallgia in irregul ar
c lu sters, caltered, midway between midrib and margi no CysIOCC//1JS
hemi pheri cal. 250-650 Ilm di am. , di stal on midrib; carpospores
spherical to ova l, 25-32 !!m di am.
Uncollllllon: inconspi cuous, o n vario us hard surfaces, more
co mmonly epiphyLi c o n larger pl ants; lower inlertidal lo
28 m deep.
Dislributioll: Florida, Bahama , Western Caribbean .

CaLLoseris haLLiae J. Agard h 1898: 2 13.

Thallus deli cate, solitary, membrane-like, o ften pro lrate, 7 cm /. Habit 01 thalLus.
long, li ghl pink 10 ro e- red with blue surface sheen; branching 2. Ma rgill with occasiollal
irregular. Blades to 1 cm wide, 40-60 ¡,t111 lhi ck, broadly ex panded irregula r teeth.
wilh in'egular short branches 0 1' lobes: o ne cell lhi ck, oflen wilh 3. Basal stipe-like stolon with
scallered areas 2-4 cell s thi ck; vein lacking; cell s rounded terll/ inal rhi:oids.
po lyhedrai. 50-120 ¡,t111 di al11 .; margins undularing Wilh irregul ar
ShOl1 teeth . Stololls ba al , rarely marginal, inconspi cuo us, as
lhickened stipe- like structure el11analing from lower margin o
Tetrasporangial sori o va l to irregul ar, lO 1.3 mm di am., 2 mm
long, 200 ¡,tm thi ck. para lle l to blade margins, occasiona ll y
merging with adj acent sori ; tetra po rangia spherical, 45- 11 0 ¡,tm
di am. , tetrahedrall y di vided . CyslOCCl lpS pear-shaped, 26-32 ~lm
di am .. 56- 70 ¡,tm long.
Rare: langled o n larger reef pl ants 0 1' allached to solid subslrales;
1030 m deep.
Distributiol/ : Florida, Lesser Amill es.

Caloglossa leprieurii (Momagne) G. Martens 1869: 234. 237.

Delesser;a lepr;eur;; Monlagne 1840: 196. pI. 5, lig. l .
Thallus erect 01' prostrate, spreading lalera ll y to 3-5 cm across, , . Habit showing rhizoidal
2 cm hi gh, purple-red lo brown. Blades constri cted at di chotomies cluster (1') velltral o//.
to form linear-oval blade , 1-2 mm wide, 1- 6 mm lo ng, one cell II/idrib.
thi ck; midrib ofien several cells thi ck; econd ary branching from 2. CystocO/p descellding frO Ill
midrib coml11on ; apices pointed 0 1' forked ; apical cell prominem, II/idrib.
giving ri se 10 di stinct midrib. Rhizoids clustered, ventral o n l11idrib 3. SLI/f ace vielV oJ cell
al con tri cLio n . Tetrasporallgia spherica l, 10 45 ¡,tm diam ., tetra- arrclIlgemel/.l al Jo rked
hedra ll y di vided , develo ping from d istal blade cell . Cysloca rps apex.
460-800 ¡,tm diam ., develo ping from midrib on underside of blade .
Comlllo//. : inconspicuous, o n mangrove pro p 1'0 01 , rocks 0 1' other
hard ubstrates, in protected areas; upper intertidai.
Distribution : Florida , Bahal11as . Greater Ami lle , Lesser Amill e ,
So ulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Key to species of Hyp oglosSll11l On the ri g h! i lhe al ga

l . Thallu generall y obscure, pro trale, translucent pink; tetrasporangia 40-80 ¡,tm d iam., developing Rhodogorgoll rall/osissima
rando ml y in elo ngated sori ...... .............. .. .............. .. ....................................... H. hypoglossoides, p. 186 (p. 7 1) a nd o n lhe le ft is
l . Thallus generall y o bviou , erect, lran slucent green-yell ow; tetrasporangia 70- 120 ¡,tm di am., a sting ing sea ane mone.
developing in eri es with oldesl more prox imal on bl ade ..... ..... .. .. ...... .............. H. tellu(¡o liulIl, p. 186 The a lga. hypotheti ca ll y,
appea r lO mjl11ic lhe color
ancl g rowlh fo rl11 o r the less
pa latable ane mo ne .

Hypoglossum hypoglossoides (SlHckhouse) Collins & Hervey

19 17: 116. FlleLlS hypoglossoides Stackhouse 180 1 11795- 1 011 : 76. pI. 13
(see Silva el al. 1996).

Thallus small, delieate. solitary or forming ereet ruft 'Ür prostrate J. Habil ShOlVillg
mats. 2- 10(- 20) c m high, light translucent red; branching irregular lelrasporal/gial sori (1)
from midrib. Blades oval to linear, 1-4 mm wide, 1-2(-5) cm long, parallelillg midrib al/d
one cell lhick; margins smoolh to undulating; midrib ingle row of bladelels emallalillg from
cy lindrica l cell s f1anked by one, occasionally two, rows of elongated midrib (m ).
hexagonal cell s, later becoming corticated and lhicker; apiee 2. SII/jace view of marginal
pointed ; ap ica l cell prominent giving ri se to di stincl midrib. Holdfasl rhi~oids.
inconspicuous, pad- like; secondarily atlaehed by l11arginal rhizoids . 3. Apex of blade.
Telrasporc/IIgia pherical. 40--80 f.lm diam. , telrahedrally divided , 4. SU/iace view of malu,.e
deve loping randol11ly in elongated sori adjacent and parallel to blade apex \Vil/¡
l11idrib. SpennalaJlgial sori on upper blade, l11idway between l11idrib lelrasporallgia forming
and margin o Cyslocarps to 100 f.lm diam .. se sile, centra l on midrib. arotllld mid,.ib.
UnCOI/JIIIOIl: incon spicuou . epiphYlic on eagrasses or a nached
10 roek , dead gorgonian , ponges or olher firm sub trates;
to 60 m deep.
Distribuliol/: Grealer Antilles, Western Caribbean.

Hypoglossu.m tenztifoliztm (Harvey) J. Agardh 1898: 186.

Delesseria /ellllifolia Harvcy 1853: 97. pI. 22.

Thallus delieate, so litary or forming ereel tufts or prostrate l11ats , , . Habil of bral/chil/g.
2-10(-20) el11 high , li ght translueent green-yellow, rarely pink; 2. SII/iace vielV of indellled
branehing irregular from Illidrib. Blades linear, 1.0--2.2 mm wide, 0 1' I/olched apex of blade
1-5 111111 long, one eell lhick; originating frolll Illidrib of parelll showillg developil/g
blade; l11argins 11100lh to undulating ; midrib of single row of lelraspo rallgia parallelil/g
ey lindriea l ce ll s f1anked by elongated, often hexagon al eell ; apiee mid,.ib.
indented. blunt or oecasiona ll y pointed. Telrasporal/gia spherical, 3. Cell SlruClure of blade
70--120 fun diam. , tetrahedrally divided , in latera l rows in e longated apex.
sori. adjaeent and parallel to midrib (smothering Illidrib when
mature), wilh o ldest more proximal on blade. SpermalO1/gial sori
on upper blade, midway between midrib a nd margino CyslOcarps
to 100 ftm diam ., sess ile, central on midrib.
Locally COI/IIIIOII : epiphytie or on roeks and coral frag ments of
deep sand plains; 45-60 m deep.
Dislrib 11 tiol/ : Florida, Bahama , Greater Antill es, Lesser Antilles ,
Southern Caribbean . Western Caribbea n.

Martensia pavonia (J. Agardh) J. Agardh 1863 [1851 - 1 631: 83 1."

M eso/rema IJCII'oll ia J. Agardh 1 54: 110.

T/¡allus widely lobed. lhin , delicate, to 4 cm hi g h, pale blue-pink . ,. Membrane \Vi,/¡ allemalillg
Blades 2- 10 mm wide, alternating zones of so lid membrane wilh ~on es of so lid bC/nds and
net-like ba nds: vein absent. Membral/e where solid 1-2 eell s lhiek ; nel- like ballds.
g ridwork one eell thick when young, o lder area lhi c kened by
multiple eell layers, holes square to rectangular, latera l pa rtitions
often with shol1 purs or points. Slalk absent. Rhi~o ids tangled ,
filamentou s, growi ng from any margi no Telrasporal/gia
tetrahedrally divided, in o lder gridwo rk, rarely fonned in solid
membrane, o litary 01' in group ; net-like porlion di sintegrates
after spore release.
COI/JIIlOI/: epiphylie on other plants; lO 30 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Fl orida , Greater Antilles , Les er Antilles. Soulhern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean , Gulf or Mex ico.

Myriogramme prostrata (E.Y. D"wson el a l.) M.J . Wy nne 1990: 330.

N ara/dia pros/rata E.Y. Dawson. cushu l & Wi ldman 1960: 25. pI. 2. lig. 4--6.
Tha lllls de li cale. olilary, membra ne- like, oflen prostrale, lO l . Lobed blade margil/ wirh
3.5 c m wide, 2.5 cm long; li ght lransparenl pin k witb blue-green margillal rhizoids (1').
sheen. Blades broadl y ex pandecl wilh irregul ar shorl branches 0 1' 2. Trall sverse secrioll o/
lobes, one cell thi ck; veins lacking; margins wavy wilh irregul ar blade.
shon leeth ; cell s po lyhedra l, SO-QO 11m di am. Rhizoids at tip , 3. SII/face vielV o/ blade
margins or undersurface of bl ade, inconspicuous. Terraspora ng ia ShOlVillg lIIargillal reerh.
developing randoml y in w ide solitary sori well inside outer margin,
letrahedrall y di vided .
Rare: tangled on larger reef planls or attached to various objects;
to 20 m deep.
Disrribution: Lesser Amilles.

Key to species of Nitophyllum Two color forms o f the

l . Thallus irregul arl y lobed ; margins smooth , without teeth .................. .... .. .. .... .. ... N. plll/ctatlllll, p. 188 econo mi cally important
l . Thallus dichotomously or polychotomously branched ; margins Wi lh teeth .... N. wilkil/sol/iae , p. 190 red a lgal agarophyte
Graci/aria tikvahiae
(see van der M eer 1979,
H ani sa k e t a l. 1988), a l o
a po pul ar o rn ame nta l pl ant
in lhe aquarium trade.

NitophyLlum punctatum (Stackhouse) Greville 1830: 47.

Fllells pLllle/a/lls Slackhouse in Wi thering 1796: 405.

Thallus eXlremely thin , deli cate, 2-3(-20) cm hi gh, bright l. Habir of rhalllls lVirh
pink; branching irregul ar ro lobed. Blades ova l to strap- hapecl, reproduclive sori sca/lered
2- 10(-20) mm wide, one cell thi ck, 10-15 11m lhi ck di stall y, jusr inside margino
40-60 11m thi ck prox imall y; cells angul ar, 20-60(-80) '.un di am.; 2. Surjace view~f marginal
margin sm oth . undulating; apice bluntly rounded; veins ab ent. rilizoid.
Sripe absent. Rhi~o ids la ngled, fil amemous; marginal rhi zoids 3. Transverse secriol1 o/ blade.
co mmon, occurring on any margin o Terrasporangial sori scall ered 4. S/I/ face view of lIIargin
jusI in ide di stal margin of lobed bl ades; tetrasporangia spheri ca l lViril scartered ra ised sori.
lO irregul ar, 45-60 11m di am., tetrahedrall y di vided. Cysrocarps to
I mm di am., scallered just inside distal margin o f lobed blades.
UnCOIIIIIIOI/.: epiphytic on other pl ants or on rocks; to I m deep.
Distriblltion: Florid a, Soulhern Caribbean, Western Cari bbea n.

Nitophyllul1l wilkinsoniae Co llins & Hcrvcy 19 17: 115. pI. l. fi g. 8;

pI. 2. fi g. 9: pI. 5. fi g' . 32-33.
Thalllls eX lreme ly lhin, deli cate, to 2(- 10) cm hi gh, pale pin k 10 l . Blade lVil/¡ dic/¡OIOIIlOIIS 10
purpl e-red; bra nching di chotomoll 10 polycholomous. Blades strap- palma le brallc/¡illg .
haped 10 sli ghll y ova l, 2- 10 mm wide; one celllhi ck, 15-20 ~m 2. SII/fa ce view of blade I
thi ck di stall y, 40-70 ~m thick proxim all y; cell s angul ar, 20-60 ~l m sholVing m in/lle marginal
wide, 40-90 ~m long; margin toolhed, undul aling: api ces bluntl y leelh. ~
rounded ; veins ab ent. Slipe absent. Rhizoids tangled, fil amentous; 3 mm "
marg in al rhi zo ids uncomm on. Tetrasporang ial sori scanered ; )
tetrasporangia spherical lO irregular, 45-60 ~ m di am., tetrahedrall y
di vided.
UnCOIllIl101/.: on rocks or epiphyti c on olher marine pl ants;
to 20 m deep.
Distributioll: Le er Antille .

F AMILY RHODOMELACEAE Pl ant a re ma inl y restric led

to cry ptic habitats between
Key to species of Acallthophora
the various coral heads o n
l . 80th branches and branchlets containing spur-like spines ............... ..... ...... ......... A. I1Il1scoides, p. 190 hea lthy eora l-do minated
l . Onl y branchl ets contai ning spur-like spines ........ ...... ................... ........ .. ... ... .. ... ..... .. A. spicifera, p. 192 reefs, uc h as this
peetaeul ar site in Roata n,
Hond ura (ee a lso p. 225) .

Acanthophora muscoides (Linnaeus) Bory de Sai nl-Vincenl 1828

[ 1826-1829] : 156. Fucus flluscoides Li nnaeu 1753: 11 6 1.
T/¡allLls brittle, clo e ly compact, to 16 cm hi gh, col or vari able, dark l . Brand 1 lVil/¡ spines on bolh
brown-red , green or yellow; branching irregul arl y radial . Brallches brandz and branch/els.
ey lindri eal, to 2.5 mm diam ., heavil y eortieated , possess ing spllr-Like 2. Trcl/1sverse seclion of
spines. Branchlels uniforml y abundant, hon, al o hav ing spur-like branc /¡ .
spines; spines to I mm long, with deciduous, obseure, api cal hair-like 3. Cystocarp fo rming on
fil ament in telminal elu terso Ho/dfasl irregul arl y lobed, di sc-like. spine of bral1chlel.
Telrasporangia in linear rows, tetrahedrally divided, in short, spine-
like, crowded branchlet . Cyslocarps urn-shaped, 0.5- 1.0 mm di am .,
oljtary, in axes of pine .
Rare: early eol onizer on dead coral fragments, wooden ubstrates,
pebbl e or other solid sub trates, in calm waters; intertidal to
18 m deep.
Distribution: Fl orida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Lesser Antill e ,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, GuJ f of Mex ico.

Acallthophora spicifera (Vahl ) B>lrge,en 19 10: 201, ligs. 18, 19.

Fue/l'! '!piciferus Vah1 1802: 44.
Tlw llus brittle, spiny, wide-spreading, to 25 cm hi gh, co lor vari abl e, , . Brallc/I wi//¡ spilles ollly
white-pink, pale brown, green or yell ow; branching irregul arl y radi al, 011 branchle/s.
parse. Brallc/¡ es cy lindrica l, 0.6-3.0 mm diam., smooth , without 2. Apex of branchle/ lVi//¡
spi ne , heav il y corticated. Brallchle/s unifo rml y abundanl, hort, /ermina l hair-like
possessi ng spur-li ke spines; spines to 0.5 mm long, Wilh dec iduous, jilamell/s.
ob cure, apica l hai r-like fil am ent in terminal cluste¡;s. Holdfas/ 3. Tra nsverse sec/ioll of
irregul arly lobed, disc- li ke. Te/rasporallgia in linear rows, 42-50 11m brallc/! a/ brallchle/
di am., 60-80 11m long, letrahedrall y di vided, in short spine- like showing cell/ral
swoll en branchl ets. Sperma/angial clus/ers di c- like, wilh slerile hairs 10llgi/udinal jilamell/.
often pre ent al base of stalk. Cys/ocarps urn-shaped, 0.5- 1.0 mm
di am. , solitary, in axes of spines.
COl1llllon: early colonizer on dead coral fragments, wooden
substrates, pebbl es or other organisms in ca lm waters; interlidal
to 8 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Fl ori da, Bahamas, Grealer An lill es, Le er Anlilles,
So uthern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mexico.

Amallsia multifida J.v. La mo uroux 1809a: 332, pI. 6, lig. 2c-e.

Thallus coarse, tough, bushy, to 20 cm hi gh, red to purple with l . Brallch showillg fa illl
bri ght sheen and fa inl transverse lines (caused by arrangement of /ransverse lilles.
surface cell s); branching oppos ite to alternate. Blades trap-shaped. 2. Longitudillal sec/ioll of
2-5 mm wide, two cell layer thi ck; api ces inrolled ; central rib and in rolled apex of brallchlet.
stalk with 5-6 peri central cells sUITounded by many corti cating 3. Cystocarps fo rmillg along
cell . Brallc/¡Iets generall y opposite, lO 2 mm long, often spiraling velltral side o/ brallchlet
or twisting, numerous. Holdfast in conspicuous, di sc- like. mid rib.
Tetrasporangial s/ic/¡idia incurved, developing from marginal 4. Trallsverse seclioll of cell
branchl ets; tetrasporangia in two rows. Cystocarps round to oval, arrangemelll at blade
to 75 11m di am., 250 11m hi gh, with narrow apical neck to 125 11m /II idrib.
long, forming along ventral side of midrib on marginal branchlet.
UIICOl1llllon: on rocks exposed to waves or moderate urge; lower
intertidal to 5 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Flori da, Bahamas , Grealer Antill e , Le el' Anlille ,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

Key to species of Bostrychia

l . Th allus nOl corti cated ; attachment pad often forming from first branchl et on major branches ...... 2 Trida chia c rispa/a as
l. Thallus, at least in part , corti cated ; attached sole ly by haptera on ventral ide of stolon .. ........ ....... 3 we ll as othe r me mbe rs
2. Outermosl branchl et (Iast order) entirely uni seliate (s ingle row of cell ) .. .... ... B. Illoritziana , p. 194 of lhe . ea-slug g ro up can
2. OutermOSl branchlets not elllire ly uni seri ate .. .. .. .. .. ........................................ .. ....... B. &adicans, p, 194 sequeste r and re lain
viabl e c hlo ro pl asts from
3. Ap ices 18-25 !-1 m d iam. ; letrasporangia 40-50 !-1m di am. [outermo 1 branchlets mosll y uni eri ale
(" /enella" fo rn1) or apices uni seri ate ("binde ri" form)] .......................................... ... B. tellella , p. 196 lhe ir al ga l prey, lhe re by
3. Ap ices 25-30 !-1m di am.; letraspora ngia 80- 100 !-1m di am. loutermo t branchl et apices uni seriate) ... making the mselves "solar
... .. ..... .............. .. ............. ... ...... ..... ............................ .................. ... .. ..... ...... .. ... ... .... . B. lIIontagne;, p. 194 powered" (Ro ll e r &
Bianc hi 1995).

Bostrychia mOlltagllei I-I arvey 1853: 55. pI. 14. b.

Thallus scru ffy. fo rmin g coarse turfs. lO 8 cm hi gh, bl ack to dull J. Te/rasporal/gia/ stichidia.
dark purpl e when wel , pale yellow on upper urface when dry; 2. Typica/ bral/chil/g.
branching in lower porti o ns altern ate, sparse; uprights sU'ong ly 3. Transverse section of
arched. Branches of 6-7 pericentra l cells, sun'o unded by 5- 7 layers bral/ ch.
o f cell grad ing ma ll er loward urface. Branchlets di tall y bil ateral, 4. Tetrasporal/giulll.
fea ther- like, with curled apices, 50-80 !-1m di am., laperi ng to
25-30 IAm di am. ; ap ices uni eri ate. St% ns long, slender, creeping,
fi bro us. Te/rasporangia/ stichidia swo llen at branchl et apices,
100-350 IAm di am., o n shOrl stalk; tetrasporangia 80- 100 !-1m di am. ,
tetrahedrall y di vided . Cys/ocarps ova l to spherica l, to 800 IAm di am.,
700 !AI1l long, solitary or in pai rs, termin al on fertil e branchl ets.
COIll/llOIl: as tu ft thal droop, sag or hang loo ely o n mangrove prop
roots, in protected locati on , occas io nall y o n rocks, pier piling or
eawall s; upper intertid al.
Distriblltio1/. : Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Antill es, Western Caribbean,
Gul f of Mex ico.

Bostrychia moritziana (Sonder ex Kützing) J. Agard h 1863 [185 1- 1863]:

862. PolysiphollialllorilziallG Sonder ex KÜ lzi ng 1849: 838.
Thallus scruffy, fine, turfy, moss- li ke, lo 5 cm high, d ull red-brown; J. Typical branching showing
branching regularly alternate. Branches 75- 100 IAm di am., of holdfast (h) fo nning fro m
7-8 pericentraJ cells; corticati on absent. Branchlets regularly fi rst branchlet on major
alternate, 20-50 IAm di am., to 2.2 mm lo ng, fm e, often upcurved, branch.
uni eri ate, rarely mu lti seri ate al ba e. Holdfasr pad-like, fonning 2. Pad-/ike ho/df as/.
from first branchlet on major branche or as haptera on ventra l side 3. Brand? with IIniseriate
of stolon. Tetrasporallgial stichidia elo ngated, to 200 ¡.tm diam., branchlets.
900 ¡.tm lo ng; tetrasporangia 25-40 ¡.tm di am., tetrahedrall y di vided, 4. TetrasporC/ngia/ s/ichidilllll.
2-4 per whorl. Cystocarps pheri ca l to urn -shaped, to 560 IAm di am.,
640 IAm long.
Com/lloll: on mangrove pro p root in protected locations,
occasionall y on rocks, pi er pi lings or seawa ll s; upper intertidal.
Distriblllion : Florida, Greater Antill es, Lesser Anti ll es, Southern
Caribbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

100 ILm

Bostrychia radicans (Montagne) Montagne 1842b: 661.

Rhodolllela radicans Montagne 1840: 198, pI. 5. fig. 3.
Thallus scruffy, fin e, erect o r prostrate, turfy, moss- like, loosely J. Habit of thallus.
creeping, to 4 cm high, brown-purpl e to deep violet, color o ften 2. Unco rtica/ed brand, al/d
obscured due to mud coating; branching loose, regularly alternate brallchle/ apex.
to somewhat dichoto mous at apices. Branches 150-200 IAm diam., 3. Trallsverse s/!ctioll of
of 6-8 pericentral cell s, o ften transversely di vided ; corti caLi on ma / branch.
absent. Branch/ets pseudodichoto mous, 50- 100 ¡.tm di am., 1-2 mm 4. Developing cys/ocarp.
lo ng, fin e, often incurved; apices 30-40 IAm di am., uni eri ate, soon
becoming mu lti eri ate. Ho/dfas/ pad- like. forming fro m first
branchlet o n major branches or a haptera on ventral side of stolo n.
Te/rasporangia fo nned in long, who rled seri e below apex of outer
branche , tetrahedrally di vided . CyslOcarps phericaJ to oval,
terminal o n lower branchlets.
Comllloll: on mud, f1 0ating logs, occas ionall y on rocks, pier piling
or seawall s, in saline or bracki sh water, often found in sa lt marshes
or estuaries; mid to lower intertidal.
Distriblltiol/ : Florida, Greater Anlill es, Lesser Anlill es, oU lhern
Caribbean, Gul f of Mexico.
196 Rllol>OPlln' \

Bostlychia ten ella (J.Y. L",nouroux) J, Agardh 18631 1851- 18631: 869. '
PlocamiulII renellulII J.V. Lmnouroux 1813: 138.

Thalllls prOSlI'ate, coarse, Orlen rorming mau, 01' indete rm inate l . TelrasporclIIgial slichidillll1.
size a nd shape, to 5 cm high, black to d llll da rk pll rple when wet, 2. Tl'pical branchil/g.
pale yell ow whe n dry; branching mainly pi nnate, reather- like: 3. Transl'erse secliOI/ of
api ces in cllrl ed. Bral/ches of 6-8 pe ri cenlra l ce ll s, slIlTollnded by bral/ d /.
1--4 layer 01' corti caling ce ll s g rading smaller toward slIrface. 4. Paired terlllinal cystoca rps.
Bral/chlel.l' nllm erous, crowded, incllrved, 25-300 ¡.1 m cli a m"
lape ring to 18-25 ¡.1m di a m. , onl y a pi ces lIni seri ate ("bil/de ri"
form) o r all branc hl et lIni seriate (" Iel/ella" I'o rm ). Slolon 5- 10 cm
long, altaching at many po int . Telrasporangial slichidia lin ear,
40- 160 ¡.1m di a m" swoll e n at branc hl el api ces; telras po ra ngia
40-50 ¡.1m di a m. , le trahedrally di vided, in I'o llr linear rows, often
appearing sca tle red. Cyslocolps oval to phe rica l, 10 700 ¡.1m di a m. ,
ses il e, so li ta ry o r in pairs, tenninal o n fenil e bra nche ·.
COIll/1/01l: fo rming úg htly adhe ring malS o n rocks, seawa ll s or
ma ng r ve prop roots: lIpper intertid al.
DislributiOI/: Fl ori da, Baha mas, Greater Anlill es. Lesser Anl ill es,
o lllhcrn Cari bbea n. Weste rn Ca ri bbean. Gu lr 01' Mex ico.

Bryotlzamnion triquetrulIl (S .G. Gme li n) M . Howc 19 15: 222.

FIIC/I.\' triq/leter S.G. Gme li n 1768: 122. pI. 8. ng. 4.
T!/(/lIl1s coarse. tough, bu shy. to 25 c m hi gh, da rk brow n-red; l. Brand / apices.
bra nc hin g irreg ul arl y a lte rnate. Branches nume ro us, 01' 7-9 2. Trw /.\·I'erse secliol/ of
pe ri central cell s surrounded by o ne (in o lder parts m re) layer o f brol/ ch.
corti cal ce ll s. Brclllchlets sti ff. to 2 mm lo ng. a rra nged in lhree J. Trol/sl'erse seclion at
vertica l row . c reating tri angul ar bra nc he¡" o fte n spiraling o r bral/ch showillg the Ih ree-
twi ting; api ces incurved, fo rked. Holdfast di sc- like. Sporctngia sided lIature of bronch.
fo ur-sidecl , in d istal egme nts o f fe nil e branchl et. Sperlllatangia
ova l, o n spec iali zed re producti ve branchl et . Carpogol/ial
brctnches four-cell ed. Cystocarps oval, stalked .
UIlCO/1/1TI01l: o n rocks ex posed to moderate wave surge;
4--20 m deep.
DislributiOI/: Florida, Bahalll as. Grealer Antill es, Lesser Amill es.
Southern Caribbcan, Weslern Caribbea n. Gulr 01' Mex ico.

Key to species of Cholldria

6 . Branchle ts nOl con tri cted at base, gene rally lac king fin e api ca lfi~l a m e nts ...... .. .. C. jloridalla, p. 20~
l . Api ces mostly po inled ; api ca] cell nO! sunke n in te rmin al de press io n ...... ........ ... ... .. ........ .. ................ 2 6 . Branchlets constricted at base, generall y posse sing fin e api cal 1 aments ..... .. ..... .. ........................... .
l . Api ces blunt; api ca l cell u uall y lInke n in terminal de pression .. ....... .. ..................... .... .................. .. .. .. 6
7. Branches with fa int ba nding (caused by thic kened ends of pe ricentral cell s) ............. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ....... .. . 8
2. Thalllls genera ll y e piph yti c, 2-5 cm hig h; bra nchl ets 80-200 ¡.1m di a m ....... .. ..... C. baileyalla, p. 198 7. Bra nc hes without faint banding ....... .. ..................... .... .. .. ........ .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. ............ .. ...... .. .... .. .... ... ..... 9
2. Thallus generall y no t e piphyti c, 10--40 c m hi gh; bra nc hl e ts 250-500 fllll di a m ... .. .... .. ...... .. ...... .. ..... 3
3. Th allu s c reeping; rhi zo ids ti ghtl y bundl ed. intermitten! alo ng c reeping ax is .. .... .. C. polyrhiza, p. 204 8. ~~~~~1~1~t~~~~f~ng.;..~~~11~.~.I.~.tS ..~.~.2.0~.. ~I.n..~~~~~::.~:~~.I :~..I~l.I~.. I~~~:.~~. i.z.o.i.d....i.n.b~~l~~~:V~~/~~~:~~rl~~ 200
3. Thallus e reC l; ho ldfast di sc-like, gene rall y one pe r th allus ........ .. .... .... .... .. .. ........... .. .... .. ...... .. .............. 4 8. Thallus erecto branc hl ets 250--450 ¡.1m diam ., to 4.5 mm lon g; holdfast small , dl sc-hke..... : .......... ..... ..
..... .. .. .. ...... ....: .. .... .. ... .. ........................................... .. ........... .. .................... .. .......... ... C. colllllswna, p. 200
4 . Branchle ts a bruptly thinner tha n main ax is. ex tre me ly lape red at bOlh e nds .. ...... C. litloralis, p. 204
4. Branc hl ets no! abruptl y thinner but g radu all y grading in di a me te r from main ax i . Wilh mode rate to 9. Branches 0.22-0.37 mm di am.; branchlets lO 250 ¡.1m di a m ... .. ....: .... .. ............ C. leptacrel1loll, p. 2~~
no taper toward a pex .. ....... .. ........................ ... ................. .. ...... .. .................... .. ............... ..... .... ............ .. . 5 9. Branches greate r tha n 0.50 mm diam .; branchlets 200-600 ¡.1m dlam . ...... .. .. .. .. ........ .... ...... .. .. ...... .. .
5 . Th allus pale straw to dull purpl e; apica l cell s never nush with truncated apex o n small er branchl ets; 10. Branc hes 0.50- 1.25 mm di am.; olde r branchlets propagating new branc hlets from b~an chl et base;
api ca l filam e ms sparse. seldo m o bsc uring api ca l cell .. .......... .. ...... .... .... ............. .. ... C. capillaris, p. 198 pe ri central cells 6-8 ................... .... .. ........ .. ...... .. .... .......... .. ...: ............... .... .... .. .... . C. clllcop/~ylla, p. 200
5 . Th allus dark pllrpl e- red; api ca l cell s o rte n nu h with truncaled apex on smalle r branc hl els; a pi ca l 10 Bra nc hes I 0- 1 5 mm di am . o lder branchlets not pro pagaung ne w branchle ts from ba e,
liI a me ms abundant, gene rall y ob c uring api ca l cell .............. .. ... .. ............ .... .... C. alropllrpllrea, p. 198 . pe ri central ~ell ~ 4--6 .............'.. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ...................... ................................... c. dasyphylla, p. 202

Chondria atropllrpllrea Harvcy 1853: 22. pI. 1 c.

Thal/us par e lO bushy, 15-25(-40) cm hi gh, dark purple-red. l . Bral1chle/ wirh
Bral1ches cylindri ca l, 0.8-2.0 mm di am., relati ve ly coa rse, lateral /e /rasporal1g ia.
branching sparse. Bral1ch/e/s unbranched, 0.25-0.40 mm diam., 2. Habi/ of brallc/l.
sharply constri cted al base, ini tiating fro m depre sion in branch, 3. BrclI/chle/ lVi/h apica/
short and long branchlets interm ixed, evenl y di slribu led; sho n jilal1lellls al/d exposed
branchl et wi lh blunt api ces, apica l cell li ghtly exposed o r flu sh apica/ (a) cel/.
wilh surface cell s; lo nger branchlels blunl to slightly tapered, 4. Surface cel/s of lIIa /ure
ap ica l cell ex posed but dense ly covered by apica l fil ament s; api cal brallch.
fi laments to 200 11m lo ng, di cholo mo usly branched. Ho/dfas/ di sc- 5. Surface of youl1g brcl/lch
li ke. Te/rasporal1gia somewhat spherica l, 40- 11 0 11m diam., wi/h paired (p) subsw face
letrahed rall y di vided. scartered in di stal ends of ouler branchlels. cel/s exposed fo l/owing
Cys/ocarps ova l to urn-s haped, to 1.5 mm diam., cattered o n release of re/raspo res.
Oluer branches.
C01I/1Il01/: o n boat ramp , slones o r she ll ; intertidal 10 I m deep.
Dislribllliol/: Florid a, Bahamas, Grearer Antilles. Lesser Anlill es,
Sou lhern Cari bbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Chondria baileyana (Montagne) Harvey 1853: 20, pI. 18A.

Lal/reneia baileyal1a Monlagne 1849: 63.
Thal/us so ft. sparsely bushy, solitary o r gregari ous, 2-5(-25) c m l . Apex of brallch/e/ Ivilh
high, red-purp le to pale yell ow-brown; branching alternate to exposed apical cel! (110/
irregular. Bral1ches cy lindricaJ, elo ngaled o r club-shaped, 0.2- 1.0 mm sUl1ken in pi/) al1d
diam. Brcl/lchle/s numerous, cy lindrical, slender, 80-200 11m diam., to developing /e/rasporal1gia .
5 mm long, unbranched, marked ly constricled at base; apices lu fted 2. Cys/ocOl]J.
with fine, branched fi laments often ob curing apica l cell ; apicaJ cell 3. Surface cel/s of //Ja /ure
exposed; pericentra l cell s fi ve, large, irregular. Sw face cel/s to 15 11m branch.
di am. , ro unded rectangul ar, 2-5 di ameters lo ng. Te/rasporangia 4. Transverse sec/iol1 of main
spheri ca l, 55- 160 ¡.t.m di am., tetrahedra ll y di vided, embedded beneath axis.
surface layer, spirall y arranged, in middl e portion of branchl ets.
Sperllla/angial sori lateral on branchl et ,a fl at circular di scs, Grow ing on lhe seagrass
250-400 ¡.t.m di am., 240-250 ¡.t.Jn long. Cys/ocarps pheri ca l to urn- Thalassia /es/l/dil1l/11l in
shaped, to I mm di am., so litary, stalked, lateral o n o uter branchl ets. ph otograph .
COII/IIlO//.: epiphytic o n seagrasses, occasiona lly on rock or other
hard urfaces; intertidal lo 5 m deep.
Dis/ributiol1: Florida, Grealer Antill e , Lesser Antill e , Sou thern
Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean.

Cholldria capillaris (Hudson) M.J. Wy nne 199 1: 3 17'

U/m capillaris Hudso n 1778: 57 1.
Tha l/l/s sparse to bushy, 10 25 c m hi gh, pa le-straw 10 dull -purpl e. J. Habi/ of brallch wi/h
Branches cylindri cal, 0.5-2.5 mm di am., relati vely coarse, lateral branch/e/s /ape red a/ bo/h
branches par e prox im ally, numerous and finer di staJl y. Branch /e/s ends.
0.25-0.50 mm d ia m. , 2- 15 mm long, unbranched, sharp ly 2. Branch/e/ wi/h /e/raspores.
constricted al ba e, evenl y di stribuled, api ces ru fted with sparse 3 . Sl/ /face of youl1g branc/l
fi laments; fi lament 10 200 ¡.t.m long, di choto mo usly branched ; o,. branchler.
api ca l cell ex po ed, o ften appearing as small spine prou'uding from 4. S LI/face of lila /l/ re bral1cIJ.
blulll apex . SII/face cel/s 5- 10 diamelers long. Holdfas/ di sc- li ke. 5. Transverse sec/ion of
Te/rasporallgia somew hal pherical, 40- 100(- 150) 11m di am., branch.
tetrahedra ll y divided. canered in di sta l ends of outer branche .
Cys/ocarps ova l to urn- haped, to I mm d iam., scattered in
truncated o uter branche or mai n stalk.
COII/IIlOI/ : o n boat ramps, tones, shell s or olher hard surfaces;
in lerLidal to I m deep.
Dis/ribution : Florida, Bahamas. Grea ler Anli lle , Lesser An lill es,
Soulhern Caribbea n, Gul f of Mexico.

Cholldria cnicophylla (Melvill) De Toni 1903: 849.

C}¡o//dr;ops;s c//;cop }¡yl/" Mclvill in Murray 1888: 333, pI. 284, ligs. 1a, 1b.
Thal/us soft, tangled, densely bu hy, to 20 c m hi gh, straw-yell ow, l . Habil of branch/els.
often with red api ces; main bran ching altern are to irregul ar. 2. Apex of lIIawre brallch/el.
Brand les cy lindrica l, 0.5- 1.3 mm diam. proximally, thinner 3. Trc/II sverse seclioll of
di stall y; peri central cell s 6-8, difficult to di stingui sh, large, round . brc/II ch.
Branch/els numerous, cy lindri ca l, to 500 11m diam., 2-5 mm long; 4. SU/f ace vielV of young
initi all y pirall y arranged, pinched at base, o lder branchlets branch/el.
propagating at ba e, 2-6 branchl ets per clu ster; api ces harply 5. SLI/face vielV of malure
truncated, tufted with fin e di chotomously branched fil ament. in bran ch.
terminal depres ion; api ca l cell sunken in terminal depression.
SL/lface cel/s oval to rectangul ar in transver e ecti on, 30-50 11m
di am., 60-90 ~lm thi ck. Holdf asl obvious, mound-like, initi ating
numerou s uprights. Telrasporang ia spheri ca l, tetrahedrall y di vided,
occurring throughout fertile branchl ets.
UnCOl1llllon: on firm surfaces, often as ociated with seagrasses beds;
intertidal 10 5 m deep.
Distriblltion : Florida, Greater Amille . Lesser Antilles, GlIlf of
Mex ico .

Chondria coLlillSialla M. Howe 1920: 568.

Thal/us so ft , sparse, erect, solitary or gregari ous; 1-3(-8) cm hi gh; l . Cyslocarp.
straw-ye ll ow LO pink; branching sparse, irregular. Main axis well - 2. Branch apices.
defined, cylindri ca l, 0.4-0.8 mm diam .; pericemral cell s 5-6. large, 3. Brand! apex lVilh fla l, c1isc-
rounded, ends thi ckened f0ll11ing fa int banding. Branchlels cone- /ike spennalang ia / soruS.
shaped , 250-450 11111 di am. , to 4.5 ml11 long, sparse, irregul arl y 4. Imllla /ure sll/f ace cel/s lVi/h
arranged, pinched at base, unbranched ; api ce truncate to sli ghtl y ji/alllel1l scars.
rounded, tufted with fin e, dichotomously branched fil ament ; api cal 5. E/onga /ed l1Ialllre sL/lface
cell sunken in tenninal depres ion. SL/lface cel/s roundl y rectangul ar, cel/s.
elongating with age, 26-40 11m wide, 65- 160 11m long; scar cell s
common on younger urfaces (resulting fro m loss o f deciduous api ca l
fil al11ents). Ho/c1fasl inconspicuous, di sc- like. Telrasporang ia
spheri ca l, to 140 ~1111 di am., tetrahedrall y clivided, di stal on outer
branchlets. SperlllalClIlg ia / sori di c- haped, c ircul ar to oval, to
500 11111 di am., n at, forming at ba e of api ca l fil ament . Cyslocarps
spheri ca l to ova l, to 700 11m di am., 800 ~1I11 long, on short stalk.
Uncolllmoll: inconspi cuous, epiph ytic on larger algae or seagrasses;
1- 10 m deep.
Dislriblllion: Florid a. Bahal11as, Lesser Antill es. Western Ca ribbean.

Cholldria curvilineata COll ins & Hervey 19 17: 120. pI. 2. ligs. 10. 11.
Thal/lls spreading, creeping, with short erect branches, forming l . Branch apex wi/h cone-
loosely knit mats, 1-3 cm high. covering indeterminate area, rose- s/wped brallchlel Clnd fa in/
red 10 ilidescent blue-red ; branching irregul ar, parse. Branches ba nd ing.
cylindri cal, 0 .2-0.5 111m di am.; peri central cells 6. large, rounded, 2. Trallsverse sec/ion of
ends thi ckened forl11ing fa int banding. Branchlels sparse, cy lindri ca l, branc//. _
hort, 90-200 ~1111 di am .. 0.2- 1.0 mm long, irregularl y arranged, 3. Mallll-e sU/face cel/s.
often pinched at base, cone- haped, unbranched ; apices ex tremely 4. Apica/ ji/amen/s.
truncated, tufted with fin e, dichoLOm ously branched fil aments in 5. IlIImature sU/face cel/s al
terminal depressions, often" mi xed with hort coarser fil aments; brallch or brallchle/ apex.
apica l cell unken in terminal depression. S LI/face cel/s angul ar,
40- 7011111 long, six-sided at api ces, rectangul ar below. Rhizoicls
in bundles or di tinct tufts, intermittent, short, often multi seri ate.
Telrasporangia spheri ca l, to 70 ~lIn di am .. tetrahedrall y di vided,
di stal on outer branchl ets. Cys/ocarps spherical to ova l.
Rare: epiphyti c on larger algae or on roc ks 01' other hard surfaces;
to 40 111 deep.
Distriblllioll: Fl ori da. Bahamas, Greater Ant ill es, Lesser Antilles,
GlIl f of Mex ico.

Chondria dasyphylla (Woodward) C. Agardh 18 17: 18.

Fllell;' dasyphylllls Woodward 1794: 239: pI. 23. ligs. 1- 3.
ThallL/s soft, par ely bu hy, 5- 10(-30) c m hi gh, li g ht yellow-brown /. Typical branching with
to dark rose- red ; branching in·egular. Brallches cylindrica l, 1.0- 1.5 branch /els tight/y
mm diam . proximally, thinner di stall y; pericentral cells 4-6, 10 over constricted at base.
160 flm diam. , mosLly sphe ri ca l. Brallch /els numerous, cy lindrical to 2. Branch/et with
cone-s haped, 200-600 flm diam. , 2-3(-10) mm long, alte rnate, tetrasporangia.
o pposite or pirall y arranged, tightly constri cted at base; apices tufted 3 . Transverse sectioll of
with fine di chotomo u Iy bra nched fil a ments in terminal depre ion; letrasporang ia/ brallchlet.
a pi ca l cell sunke n in te rminal depress io n. Surface cel/s 20-30 ¡.tm 4. SL/lface ce//s of j u ven ile
dial11. , initi ally rounded. elo ngating with age. Telrasporangia branch /et.
sphe ri ca l, 40- 170 ¡.t111 diam., te trahedrall y divided , near apices in 5. SLI/face cell.l' of lIIatL/re
o ute r branchlets. Spermalangia/ sori as ova l fl at di scs, 400-600 fll11 b rancl/.
diam. , forming on basal cell of a pi ca l fil ame nts. CysloclllpS sphericaJ
to ova l, to I 111m diam., 700 ¡.tm lo ng, near a pices in oute r branc hl ets.
Common: attached to rubbl e or coral fragme nts on shall ow sa nd
pl ains; intertid al to 5 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es. Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Cholldria floridana (Collins) M. Howe in W.R . Taylor 1928: 170. pI. 34,
lig. 3. Chol/dria dasyphylla f.j7orid{lIIa Collins in Collins eLal. 1902
[ 1895- 19 19): 996.
Thallus bushy, densely bra nched near api ces. naked below, to 20 CI11 / . Habit of branch.
hi g h, pink to yellow-red ; branching alterna te, coar e. Branches 2. Branchlel apex.
cy lindri ca l, 0.5-3.0 111m di am. prox im all y, thinner di staUy, often 3. Transverse seclion. of
heavil y e piphyti zed; pe ricentral cell s 5-6, to 100 flm di a m. branch.
Branchlets numerou s, cy lindri ca l, 0.3-0.6 mm di a m., 5- 10 mm
long o r lo nger, not con tricted at base, mainl y unbranc hed, present
onl y on outer branches, straight to c urved ; a pi ces truncate, rarel y
tufted with te nninal filam ents; apical cell not ex posed, sunke n in
depression. SLI/face cells rounded recta ng ul ar, to 40 ¡.tm diam. ,
70 ¡.tm long. Ho/dfast di, inco nspicuo us. Tetrasporangia
s phe ricaJ , te trahedrall y di vided, embedded beneath surface layer,
generall y in ba nds about 1-2 ml11 be low branc hle t apices.
Comlllon: loosely atta hed to rock fragm e nt or othe r hard
surface , in sandy shall ow areas; to 40(-80) m deep.
DistriblltiOIl: Florida, Bahamas. Greater Antill es , Lesser Antilles ,
Southern Ca ri bbea n, Western Caribbean .

Cholldria leptacremon (Melvill) De Toni 1903 : 848.

Chol/driop;,is lep/aerell/ol/ Melvill in Murray 1888: 333, pI. 284, fi gs. 2a, 2b.
Thalllls bushy, 2- 10(-15) c m hi g h, li ght green to ye ll ow-brown / . Branch apex showing
10 pa le red; branching irregular. Brclllches cy lind ri cal, stiff, minute bran chlets (b)
0.22-0.37 mm diam. ; peri centraJ cell s 4-6, to 60 ¡.tm di a m. , cOl1ll11on/y oCcurring
rounded . Branch/els nume rous, c lub-shaped to cy lindri cal when close lO branch/et apices;
mature, to 250 fLI11 diam. , I mm long, alternate, opposite o r branch/et wTih
somewhat whorled, lape ring evenl y from blunt apex when young, lelrasporangia (1).
consLri cted at base; apices tu fted with fine dichOlomou Iy branched 2. Branch/et apex.
filanle nts in termin al depress io n; apicaJ cell sunke n in termin al 3. Trans verse seclion of
de pre sion. SlIIface cells 20-30 ¡.tm di am., initiaJl y rounded , brancl?
elo ngaling 10 60 ¡.tm lo ng with age. Ho/dfasl obvious, he mi pheri cal,
initiating many upri ght . Tetrasporangia sphe ri ca l, 40-80 ¡.tm di a m.,
tetra hedrall y di vided.
Jnfrequellt: ep iphytic o n seagra ses a nd coarser algae or o n other
hard urface; intertidal to 5 m deep.
Dislribution: Florida, Bahamas. Greater Antilles, We te rn Caribbea n,
Gulf of Mex ico.

Chondria littoralis Harvey 1853: 22.

Thal/us spar ely branched, to 35 cm hi gh, brown-yell ow or pale lO l . Branch ""il/¡ bral/chlels
dark red ; branching irregular. Branches cy lindri caJ , to 2. 0 mm di am. abruplly /hil1l/er Ihal/
prox imally (ma in ax is 10 2.2 mm diam .), tapering to 0.8 mm di staJ ly; mai/l. axis.
pericenlral cells 5-6. Branchlels onl y present o n outer branches, to 2. Persislel11 apical jilalllel11s.
0.5 mm di am., tapered at both end s, mainl y unbranched, decided ly J. SII/face cel/s of malure
pinched at ba e; api ces pointed; apica l Fil aments Fine, to 1.5 mm bral/ d1.
lo ng, dichoto mou Iy branched (o ften at every seg ment for tirst 4. SII/face cel/s of branchlel
5-6 di visio ns), densely tu fted , persistenl ; api cal cell exposed. SL/lface wilh jilcllnenr SCC/l:
cel/s to 18 11m di am., rectangul ar, 1--4 di ameters lo ng when mature. 5. Tral1sverse seclion of
Telrasp orangia spheri ca l, 100- 150 11m di am., telrahedrall y di vided. brand1.
Spermalal/gial sori di sc-shaped, fl atly ova l, to 450 11m di am ., lateral 6. Transverse secliol1 of
on branches or at tufts. Cyslocarps so litary, stalk ed, pherical to urn- cortex.
shaped, 800-850 11m diam., lateral on o uter branches.
COl1lmoll: Firm ly attached to cora l or rock Fragments or other hard
surfaces o n shall o w sand flat , occas ionaLly intermingled with other
mall algae in short turfs; to 15 m deep.
Dislributiol/: Fl orida, Bahamas, Greater Anti lles, Lesser Antill es,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Chondria polyrhiza Coll ins & Hervey 1917 : 12 1, pI. 2. tig. 12.
Thallus spreadin g, creeping, with sho rt erect branches, forming l . Habi/ showing s/olol/ s willl
loose-kn it mats, 5-8 mm high, covering indeterminate area, paje cighl bUlldles of rhizoids.
rose-red to iridescent blue-green; branchin g irregul ar, sparse. 2. Branchle/ wilh
Bral1ches cy lindrical to sli ghtly flattened, 300-525 I.un diam. /etrasporangium (1).
BrancMe/s sparse, to I mm long, irregularl y arranged, pinched at J. Bundle of rhizoids.
base, pindl e- haped, seldom branched ; api ces pointed, tufted with 4. SurJace cel/s of mature
short inconspicuous Fil amenls; api cal cell s ex posed o r partially b ranch.
covered by Fil aments. SLuface cel/s ro undl y ang ul ar at api ces, 5. Immalure sU/face cells wilh
rectangular below. to 15 ~lm diam. , 20-60 11m long. Slolol1s paired subsU/face cel/s (p)
200-400 11m diam .; rhi zo ids tightl y bund led, intermittent, exposed fo llowing release
sho rt, unbranched. Telrasporal1gia sph erica l, lO 140 11m di am. , of /e/rasporangia .
• tetraJledrall y di vided, d istal OLl o uter branchl ets, causing branches
to become di sto rted with bulges and depressions.
Rare : epiphyti c on larger a lgae or growing o n hard urfaces;
to 18 m deep.
IJislribution : Fl orid a, Bahamas, Greater Anti ll es, Lesser Antill es,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Digenea simplex (Wulren) C. Ag¡¡ rdh 1822 11822- 1823]: 389.

COl/feT..,.a simplex Wul ren 1 03: 17.
Thallus súff, wiry, often gregari ous, to 8(-25) c m hi gh, light pink to J. Schemalic longiludinal
dull , dark bro wn-red ; branching di choto mous to irregul ar. Branches seclion of branchlel
naked prox im ally, covered with numerous sho rt branchl ets di stall y; showing lube-like cylinde r
large cenlral cell s grading mall er loward surface in transverse of sU/face cel/s.
sectio n. BrancMe/s 3-5(-15) mm long, unbranched, súff, wiry, 2. TrclIlsverse seclion of
often with Fine, deciduous hairs near api ces. SLtlface cel/s o f malure brand! .
branchl et 25- 35 (.lm di am., in 20-24 lo ngitudina l cy linders; J. Transverse seclioll of
peri central cell s 10- 12, 25-38 11m di am.; centra l ti lament di stincl, branchle/.
40-55 11m di am. Holt(fas/ of coarse, sho n rhi zo id de cending fro m
lhicker di sc- like base. Telrasporangia lO 80 11m di am., in o uter
swoll en branchlels. Spermalallgia in smal l, ovaJ , di sc-shaped clusters
at branchl et apex . Cysloca/1JS ova l, lateral at branchlel apex.
C011l1l/0 1l: on hard surfaces, often overgrow n by Filamento u
epiphytes, abund ant in heavy-s urf conditi ons, when buried by sand
dwarfed and denuded; lower intertid al to 20 m deep.
Dislribu/Íon: Florida, Bahamas, Grea ler Alll ill es, Lesser Alllill es,
So uthern Ca ribbean, Wes lern Caribbean, Gulf 01' Mex ico.

Dipterosiphonia rigells (Schousboe) Falkcnberg 1901: 325.·

Ceramillm rigel/s Schousboc in Bomel 1892: 305.
Thal/us scrurfy, fin e, erect, turfy, to 2 cm hi gh, black or dull purple; l . Apex o/Ihal/us.
branchin g allemale to irregu lar. Branches of 4-6 pericentral cells; 2. Main axis wir/¡ branchlers
conicalion absenl. Bral/chle/s numerou s, fine, 10 3 mm long, in two al/d /e/rasporangial
lateral rows, unbranched or altemalely branched on every second s/ichidia.
set of cells. S/010/1S long, creeping, fibrou s. Te/rasporangial 3. Terrasporangial srichidiu/Il
s/ichidia to 100 11m diam., 600 11m long, shon, stalked , pod-shaped; wirh /e/rasporangia.
tetrasporangia 10 SO 11m diam ., tetrahedrally divided. Spermaral/gial
clusters cylindrical, 40- 50 11m diam ., 160-200 11m long, at tips of
branchlets. Cys/ocarps spherical, to 250 11m diam. , on short
horizontal branchl ets .
Ullcom/lloll: inconspicuou , on mangrove prop roOlS in protecled
locations or epiphytic on larger algae; upper inlertida l to 6 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Oreater Antil les, Western Caribbean.

Key to species of H erposiphollia Stack of!he reef-building

elkhorn coral Acropora
l . Thall us erect [branchl ets altemately off et at succe sive join ts] .............. .... H. p ectell- veneris, p. 208
l . Thallu moslly pros trate wi th short erect branchl ets arisin g fro m prostrate joints [prostrate apices palma/a grow rapidly to
upcurved] ...................................... ......... .. ... .............................. .... ........ .... ............. .. ....... .. ...... ........ .... .. .. . 2 the urface and provide
excellent habitat for fi hes
2. Branch let in offset pairs, al successive joints, wi lh 3-4 egments between pairs ...... .... .... ... .. ... ......... .
and invertebrales. Mo 1 of
..... ..................................................................................................... .... .... .... .. .. .. ... .. H. bipillnata , p. 206
2. Branchlets not as abo ve .. .... ...... .. ...... .. .. ............................. ........................ ... ...... .. ............ .. .... .... ...... .. ... 3 !he reef-building coral s
contain photo ynthetic
3. Upright branchlet at every fifth or sixth joi nt ......... .. ................ .. ...................... .... H. secunda , p. 208
zooxanthellae and require
3. Upright branchlets commonly at every joint (occas ionall y irregu lar) ......... .. ................................ .. .. . 4
!he e sym bionts to survive
4. Apex truncated (appearing cut off, flat), with 2-3 apical fi laments .... .. .. .. .. .. ...... H. er. parca , p. 208 and produce the calcium
4 . Apex not tru ncated, generall y with more than three apical fil aments ..................... H. tenella, p. 210 carbonate skeleton. which
is the building material for
!he world' coral reef .

Herposiphonia bipinnata M. Howe 1920: 574.

Thall us partiall y prostrate, tangled, wi th pronounced dorsiventral J. Apex of pros/rafe axis
sides, to S cm long, yellow-brown, branchlets often rose; prostrate showing successive paired
branching irregu lar. Prostrare axes to 120 11m diam. , of 9- 11 peri- (long and sl1or/) ver/ical
central cell ; apices upcurved. Erec/ brallchlers in pai rs (one short, branchlets.
one long), slighlly offset at successive joi nts with 3-4 segmenls 2. Pros/rafe jilamen/ with
between sets, to 120 11m di am. , apices incurved; segment 1.5-3 .5 single-celled r hizoid
diameters long. Apical jilamenrs coar e, d ichotomously branched, /enninaling in jinger-like
oon deciduous; apices blunl. Rhizoids single-cell ed, tem1inati ng in pad.
fi nger- li ke branched ap ices. Terrasporangia spherical , 30-50 11m 3. Transverse sec/ion of
diam. , formed as straight series in ferti le branchl ets; outer waU to pros/rale axis.
10 11m lhick, colorless.
Ullcommoll: epiphytic on larger mari ne plants; to l S m deep. Orow ing on the green alga
Dis/ribution: Bahamas, Western Caribbean. Penicillus in photograph.
208 RII ODOI'II\ TA RIIOt)()l'lI\T \ 209

Herposiphonia cf. parca Selchell 1926: 103. pI. 20. fig. 2.

Thal/us prostrale, ft brous, as indi vidual lo lo n , of indetennin ale area, l . Habi/ 01 pros/ra fe axis
to 6 mm hi gh, brown to purple- red ; proslrate branching irregularly wi/h perpendicula r
allern ate. Pros/ra /e axes 100- 150 11m di am. , bearing single upri ght brallchle/s a/ evel:v )oilll.
braneh al every jo inl (pattern oeca ionall y iITegul ar); segment 2. Branchle/ apex wilh
1.0- 1.5(- 2.0) diamelers long. of 8- 10 pericentral cell s, apices apical jilamen /s.
upcurved. Erec/ branchle/s 40-70(-90) 11m diam .. 8- 12(-20) segments 3. Transverse sec/ioll 01
hi gh, slrongly arched when young; segments 0.5-2.5 di ameters long, pros/ra fe axis.
of 8- 10 pericentral cell s; apices blunl, truneated. Apical jilamem s 4. Rhizoid wi/h jinger- like
terminal, 2-3 per branehl et, 3-5 time dicholOmo usly branched. allachment s/ruc/ure.
Rhizoids o rten infl ated when penelraling host, to 100 11m d iam.,
termin ating in ft nger-like arlachment pads. generall y spar e,
occa io nall y fro m every other segment. Te/rasporangia spherical,
80- 120 11 m di am., as straight seri es in fertile branchlet. Sperma /angial
s/ichidia obl ong, 10 80 11m di am., 190 11m long, possessing teril e tip of
1- 5 cells. Cys/ocarps lO 400 I!m di am., lermin al on branchl ets.
Rare : inco nspi cuous, epiph yti c on larger plants and anim als; intertidal
lO 15 m deep.
Dis/riblltiol/ : Florida, We tem Caribbean.

Herposiphonia pecten-veneris (Harvey) Falkenberg 1901: 315.

Polysip//OI/ia p eclel/-vel/ eris Harvey 1853: 46, pI. 16.
Thal/us ft ne ly fi lamento us with microscopie recurved api ces. to l . Brallchi/!g pallern showing
lO cm hi gh, light brow n-red to straw-yell ow; branching altem ate. recurved arc.
Main axes strongly recurved at apex, 70- 165 ¡.un di am .; segment 2. Branch apex wi/h
2-3 di ameter lo ng, of 9- 12 pericentral cell s. Branchle/s 60-80 11m al/em a /ely offset branchle/s
d iam., 8- 10 segments (to I mm) lo ng, of uniform length , af evely)oilll.
unbranched, perpendi cul ar to branch, altel11ately offset at every
joint. Apical jilamen/s tufted, spirally arranged at o r near apex,
2-5 times di chotomously branehed, deciduou , leaving baoal scar cell s.
S/olons matted, creeping, filamentous; rhi zoids single-(seldo m 2-3)
celled. Te/rasporangia spherica l, 36-75 I!m diam., formed as straighl
erie in fertile branchlet. Spermatallgial s/ichidia cy lindri ca l, on
unbranched api cal fil aments. Cys/ocarps oval, spheri ca l al maturi ty,
0.3-0.6 mm di am., so litary, term inal on branchlets.
COIllIIIO/! : o n hard surfaces or epiphyti c on larger plants and animals;
10 2 m deep.
Dis/rib utioll : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Anti ll es, Lesser Antill es,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Herposiphonia secunda (e. Agardh) A mbronn 1880: 197.

H w chil/sia secl/l/da C. Agardh 1824: 149 .

Thallus pros trate, langled, fin ely ftbro us, forming mats ti ghlly l . Brand 1 apex wi/h
adhering lo substrate, of indeterminate area, red-brown 10 bri ght dich%moLlsly branched
red when subtidal, yell ow-brown when intertidal; prostrate branching jilamen/s.
irregul arly alternate. Pros/rafe axes 75- 150 I!m di am., of 7- 9 2. Te/rasporic branch.
peri central cell , bearing single upri ght approx im ately every 3. Pros/ra fe axiS.
5-6(-8) joints; apices upcurved. Erec/ branchle/s short, incon- 4. Transverse sec/ion 01
spicuous, 60- 125 I!m diam., 1- 2 mm high, unbranched ; segments pros/ra fe axis.
to 125 11m long, of 4-9 peri central cell s. Apical jilamellls spiral ly
arranged at o r near apex, dec iduous, di choto mously branched. Grow ing 0 11 the brown alga
Rhizoids ingle-( e ldom 2-3) cell ed, occas io nall y with finger- like Lobophora variega/a in
branched apices. Telrasporallgia pherica l, to 75 11Jl1 di am., in straight pho togra ph.
eries near branchl et apex. Cys/ocC/lps so lilary near branchl et apex.
COIllIllOII : o n hard surfaces or epiphyti c on larger plants and animals;
hi gh inlertid al lO 2 m deep.
Dis/ribu/iol/ : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Lesser Anli lJes,
outhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Herposiphollia tellella (e. Agardh) Ambronn 1880: 197. '

HUlchilllia lel/ella e. Agardh 1828: 105.
Tltal/us prostrate, tangled, finely fib rous. formin g mal. ti ghtly /. Apex of prosrra/e axis.
adhering to substrates, of indetennin ate area, to 8 mm hi gh, brown- 2. Prosrrale axis lVirlt ereCI
red ; branching irregularly altem ate. Proslrale axes 50- 150 11m brclllc/¡/ers al/d descel/ding
diam ., o f 7- 10 pericentral cell s, bearin g singl e upri ght every joint rltizoids ar every joil1l.
(pattern occas ionall y iITegular). Erecl bral/c/¡/els 30-90 11m diam. ,
1-8 mm hi gh, of 11 -45 segments, unbranched. Apical jilamel1ls
pirally arranged, deciduou , dichotomou Iy branched, leaving basal
scar cel!. Rltizoids from every joint (pattern occas ionall y irregular),
unbranched ; oflen 2-3 at joint, each orig inating fmm separate
pericentral cel!. Telrasporangia pheri cal, 36-80 11m diam. , a
straight seri es in fertile branchlet. Spennarallgia cy lindrical, on
unbranched filament. Cyslocarps oval. spherical at maturity,
0.3-0.5 mm diam ., so litary on short slalk.
COl1ll1lon: on hard urface or epiphytic on larger pl an ts and
ani mal ; intertidal to 2 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahama , Greater Amill es, Lesser Anti lles.
SOllthern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Key to species of Laurellcia (becau e hade pl ant can differ marked ly from fu ll -sun plants, several
species have been repeated in the key for easier identification of aU form ) Seamoss drink s (made from e ithe r Eucheuma
l. Distal branches densely covered wilh hort, tough, knobby branchl els .............................. .. ... .. ...... 2 ¡siforme o r Hydropuntia cornea) are bo ttl ed
l. Di stal branches nOI den sely covered with short, tough, knobby branchl ets .................................... 3 co mme rc ia ll y in lhe Le ser Antill es .

2(1). Thallus yellow-brown ; sllrface cell s 40- 130 11m di am .; immature cell s (surrounding Ihe apices of
ultimate branchlets) often with surface proj ecti ons ......................... L. gellllllifera (in part), p. 214
2( 1). Thallus purple-green to olive-brown ; urface cell s 8-27 !lm di am.; imm ature cell s withoul surface
proj ectio ns ...... .... ......... ....... ..... ............ .. ...................................... .. ....... L. popUlosa (in part), p. 218
3( 1) . Thallu with brilliant blue iridescence on dor al or exposed sw'faces [thallus genera ll y creeping] ....
..................................... .... .... .... ....... ...... ..... ........... .. ... .. ..... .. ... ......................... ...... L. iridescells , p. 216
3( 1). Thallus not having brillialll blue iridescence ............................................ ..... ......... .............. .... .. ........ 4
4(3). Surface ce ll s generall y greater than 40 !lm di am . .......... ...... ... .. ..... .... ..... .. .................. .............. .. ....... 5
4(3). Surface cell s generall y less than 40 !lJ1l diam ...... ............................................................................... 7
5(4). Thallus pale green to purple-green, occasionall y with rose-pink tips [branching dense, a lternate to
irregular; branches 0.2-1.2 mJ1l diam .] .......................... .. .. .. ... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... . L. microcLadia, p. 216
5(4) . Thallu other than pal e green to purple-green ... .... ..................... .............. .. ...... .. ................... ........... 6
6(5). l.mmature urface cell with minute surface projection s in apical areas; yellow-brown occasionally
with red-brown tips; apices seldom down-curved ............. .. ...... ......... L. gellllllifera (in part), p. 214
6(5). ImJ1lature surface cell s without minute surface projections; yellow-green wi th stubby or peg-like
ro e colored branchlets; api ces often down-curved ............................................... L. intricata, p. 214
7(4). Thallu dark bright green; branching sparse below, crowded aboye; colorless micro copic pot
("corps en ceri e") apparent in each surface cell of li ving or freshl y preserved specimens .... ......... . Free- Iy ing tha lli of Euclzew na isiforme amo ng lhe
... .......... .. ......... ............. .. ... .. ... .......................................... ................ ....... .. ... .... .. ..... ... L. obtusa, p. 216 eagrass Tha lassia le.l'tud ill um o n Gl over 's Reef,
7(4). Thallus olher than dark bri ght green; branching spar e to numerous; microscopic sflot absent in Be li ze. Thi s a lga is harves!ed for the preparati o n 01'
surface cell s of li ving or freshl y preserved speci men .............................. .. ....... .. .......... .. .. ............. .. 8
"seamoss porridge" a nd sea moss drin ks (see p. 12 1).
8(7). Thallus dark purpl e-green to olive- brow n; surface cell s [ 12-27 !-1m di am., 24-30 !-1m thi ck] radiall y
elongaled when immature 1generally shaded indi vidu als] ................... L. papillosa (in part), p. 218
8(7). Tha llu other th an dark purple-green lO olive-brown ; urface cell s nOl radi al ly elongated when
mature ... ........ .... .... ............ ........ ................... ........................... .. .. ... .... ..... .... .. .. .. ... .. .. ..... ............... ........ 9 I I ( 10). T haUus 4-7 c m hi gh; branches generally co mpressed ; lateral branchl els often fu sing with
adj acenl branchlets or secondarily attaching 10 substrate [dark red, red-brown lO pink-purpl e] ..
9(8). Tetrasporangia 90- 130 !-1m diam .; branching c losely alternate or almost opposite [pale buff to .... .. .......... .. .. ...................................................................................................... L. caraibica, p. 212
li ghl pink with red tips] ........................... .. ...... .. .......... .. ...... ......... .. ....................... L. poiteaui, p. 218 I I ( I O). Tha llus generall y grealer lhan 7 cm hi gh; branches not compre sed; laleral branchl ets nOl
9(8). Tetrasporangia le than 90 !lm di am.; branching not closely altemate to alm osl opposite ......... 10 fu ing wilh adj acent branchlets. nOI secondaril y attaching to substrate ... .. .. .. ............ ............ .... 12
10(9). Thallus generally less than 4 cm hi gh; branche 1-2 mm diam. [red-brown, oli ve-green to 12( I 1). Thallus to 16 cm hi gh; branches lo 0.5 mm diam . [Ii ghl pink wilh red lips] .............................. ..
maroon; apices oflen iride cen! blue] ...... .. ..................... ...... ........................... L. cervicomis, p. 212 ............... ...................................................................................................... L. c1wlldrioides , p. 212
10(9). Thallus greater than 4 cm hi gh; branches less than I mm diam ..................................... ... ... ....... . I I 12( I 1). Thallus 10 12 cm hi gh; branches 0.5- 1.0 mm diam. Igreen-purple] ............ .. L.flliformis , p. 214
212 R 1101)01'11 YTA RIIODO PII YTA 213

Lallrencia caraibica P.e. Si lva 1972: 205 '

Thallus cartil aginous, fragile, 4-7 C I11 high, dark recl , greelJ -brow n lO J. Typical brand / showillg
pink -purple; branching cl icholO1110US below, irregular abo ve. Brallches regenera /ioll (1') j i'olll
cOl11pressed, sli ghtl y f1altenecl . 0. 15- 1.0 111111 clia l11 .. regenerati on \IIoLlnded 01' brokell
frol11 center of broken branches cO l11l11on. Brallchle/s sparse, brall ches.
cy lindrica l, 0. 1-0.5 111111 dial11 .. to 2 111111 long; api ces slighll y swollen, 2. Trallspuse sec/ioll of
tufted with hon. incon pi cuous li lal11ents; lateral branchlets brand /.
commonl y fusing with aclj acent branchlets or secondaril y att aching 3 . Apex of brallchle/.
to substrate. SlIIfa ce cel/s rouncll y angular, 30-40 ~lm diam., swollen, 4. S I//face cel/s of lila /L/ re
econdary pit connecti ons rare; medullary cells spheri ca l. 75- 100 ~m b rall ch.
diam. ; commonl y with lenticular thi ckenings (end wa ll of cells 5. SlIfface cells of i111111atl/re
thicker); api ca l cell sunken in deep termin al depression. Holc(fas/ brallchle /.
pad-like; econdarily attached by numerou lateral rhi zoids from
branches. Te/rasporangial branchle/s slightl y enlarged; tetrasporangia
tetrahedrall y clivided, in single whorl near branch apex.
Unc011l1/l01/ : on deacl coral, coraJline algae or other hard surfaces,
founcl in shallow. pri sLine. protectecl habitats; to I m deep.
DistributiOIl: Bahalllas. Gremer Antill es. Les er A ntilles. Western
Cari bbean. Gulf 01' M ex ico.

Laurencia cervicornis Harvey 1853: 73. pI. 18.e.'

Th al/Lls tough, carLil aginous, typi ca ll y willl many epiphytes. forming l . Habi/.
hemi spheri ca l clumps, to 4 cm high, red-brown, oli ve-green 10 2. Bronchle/ wi/h jin e apical
maroon, api ces occasionall y iridescent blue; branching somewhat jilam e/lls.
dichotomous, occasionall y whorl ed. Brallches 1- 2 mm diam. 3. Tran sverse sec /ion of
Branchle/s numerous, club-s haped, often forked, to I cm long; apice branc//.
slightl y wollen, tufted with tine, deciduous, dicholOmously branchecl 4. S LI/face cel/s of ma/tlre
filaments. SII/face cel/s ti ghtl y co mpacto angular. to 40 I.Ull wide. bran d /.
35 ~1I11 long Ln mature branche ; medullary cells spherica l, to 150 ~m 5. SII/fa ce cel/s of young
diam., unpigmentecl , thin-walled; apical cell sunken in deep terminal brallchle /.
depression. Holdfas/ conspi cuous, all major uprights ori ginating from
large pacl-like base.
Rare: on hard surfaces, often in relatively deep waters; to 45 m deep.
Distributio//.: Bahamas, Lesser Antill es.

Lallrencia chondrioides B¡;rgcsen 19 18: 252. fi gs. 243-246.

Th al/LlS erect, occa ionally sprawling, lOugh, cartil agLnous, main ax i J. Habi/.
often encrustecl with ca lcareous red algae, 10 6 cm high, light pink 2. Branchler lVi/h shor/ apical
with recl tip ; branching alternate to irregular. Branches upcurvecl , jilamen/s (J) Qnd
to 0.5 mm diam. Brclllchle/s numerous, club-shaped 0 1' peg-shaped, /e/rasporang ia (1).
1-4 mm long; api ces rarely swollen, tu fted wilh fine deciduous, 3 . Sll/fa ce cel/s of yOLllIg
clichotomously branchecl tilaments; fil aments generall y obscure, bran chle/. -
sunken in pit or absent. S I/rf ace cel/s ti ghtl y co mpact, swollen, to 4. SLllface cel/s of malttre
40 '.Ull di am., 40- 140 ~m long; subsurface cell s of equal or larger size; brand /.
medu llary ce ll often smaller than surface or subsurface cell ; api ca l 5. Tran sverse sec/ion of
cell sunken in cleep termin al depression. Holdfas/ small , overl apping. branch.
Telrasporang ia oval to spherica l, to 80 I.U11 cli am., teu'ahedrall y
dividecl, parse, near cli tal encls of outer branchlels.
Commoll: on harcl urfaces or reef rubbl e, in seagrass communitie or
deeper reef habitats; lo 30 m deep.
Distriblltion: Fl ori da, Bahamas, Grea ter A ntilles, Lesser Antille ,
Western Caribbean.

Laurencia ftLiformis (c. Agardh) Monlagne 1845: 125.'

Chol/tlria jiliJormis C. Agardh 1822 [1 822- 1823]: 35
Thaf/us erect, occasionall y sprawling, tough, cartil ag inou , to 12 cm l. Typical bral/ch.
high, green-purple; branching somewhat di chotomous below, alternate 2. Branchlel apex.
aboye; primary axe numerous. Branches cy lindri ca l, 0.5- 1.0 mm 3. Cyslocarp releasing
diam. Branchlels numerou s or sparse, cy lindri ca l, 1- 3 mm long, ca rpospores.
a ltemate or irregular; apical filamentous tufts seldom obvious, sunken 4. Tral/ sverse seclion of
in term inal cavity. SLI/face cef/s roundly angular, 20--40 [.lm diam. , brancl!.
30-50 [.lm long in o lder branches; apical cell sunken in deep terminal 5. SLI/face cel/s of imlllawre
depression. Holdfasl inconspi cuous, pad-like. Telrasporangia oval to bran chlel.
spherical, 50-60 [.lm di am., tetrahed rall y di vided, at di tal end of 6 . SLI/face ce f/s of lIlalure
swollen branchlets. CyslocO/ps ova l or urn-s haped, to 240 [.ltn diam., brancl!.
es ile, near di stal end of outer branchlets.
Comlllo/!: on hard substrates or mangrove prop roots; to 2 m deep.
J)istriblllioll: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antill es, Southern Caribbean,
We lern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.


Laurencia (Chondrophycus' ) gemmifera Harvey 1853: 73.

pI. 18.b.

Thaf/us bushy, stiff, wiry, 2-5(- 15) cm high, yellow-brown, /. Habil.

occasionally with red-brown tips; branching dense, alternate 2. Transverse seclion of
10 irregular. Branches cylindrical, somewhat f1 attened with age, immalure branchlel
1.0-2.2 mm diam. , tapering 10 0.5 mm diam. at apices. Branchlels showing poil1led sU/face
numerous, cy lindrical, 0.2-0.9 mm di am., 0.2-1.0(-3.0) mm long, cells.
blunt, wart-like, oflen swo ll en; apices tufted with fine deciduou s, 3. Branch/el apex.
dichotomously branched fil aments ex tending just beyond rim of 4. SU/face cells of malure
terminal depre sion. SLI/face cells oval to angular, 40-50(- 130) fun brancl!.
diam. , with surface proj ecti on near apices, deepl y pi gmented;
medullary cell large, co lorless; apical cell sunken in terminal
depress ion. Ho/dfasl di sc- like or spread ing to pad-like. Telraspor-
angia oval, 10-1 2 [.lm di am., 14-20 fun lon g, tetrahedrall y di vided,
in mallest branchl ets.
U/!comlllo/! : on hard surfaces of shall ow reef f1ats or attached to
dead 'coral rubble on shallow sand pl ains; 1020 m deep.
Distribll lion: Fl orida, Bahamas, Grealer Antilles, Les er Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Laurencia intricata J. V. Lamo uroux 18 13: 13 1, pI. 9, figs. 8, 9.

Thaf/us f1 eshy, so litary, gregarious, in loose mats, 5- 10(-25) cm l . Typical brane/!.
hi gh, yell ow-brown, tubby branchlets oflen rose or brown ; branching 2. Branch/el wilh
parse, irregularly alternate, at ri ght angles; main axes not apparent. lelrasporangia.
Branchlels 0.4-0.8 mm di am., cy lindrical, rarely club-shaped, 3. Surface cells of illllllalLlre
irregul arly alternate, occasional ly opposite; apices sli ghll y down- branchlel.
curved, tufted with inconspi cuou , fine, di chotomously branched 4. Elol/galed surface cel/s of
filament s in term inal depression. Sw face ce f/s 40-50(-70) [.lm diam. , malure bra/l c/¡.
deeply pigmented; medull ary cells large, colorless, thin-walled, 5. Tral/ sverse seclion of lIlain
decrea ing in ize toward surface; apical cell unken in terminal axis.
depress ion. Holdfasl fibrou s. Telrasporangia to 120 [.lm diam. , 6. Typical dO\lll/ -curved
tetrahedrally divided , formin g ju t below apex of branchlet prod uc ing apices of branches al/d
diminutive surface bumps. Spermatal/gia/ e/uslers small, oval or bral/chlels.
barrel-shaped, in apical depre sion. Cyslocarps partly embedded.
COlllIIIOII: on rocks, hells or coral fragments, in protected andy
areas; 103 m deep.
Distriblltio /l : Florida, Bahama , Grea ter An tilles, Le ser An tilles,
oU lhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexi co.
5 mm 200 ILm lOO ILm

Laurellcia (ChOlldrophycllS*) iridescells M.J. Wynne & D.L.

Ballamine 1991: 395. figs. 1- 11.
Thal/us c reeping or spraw ling. LOugh, canilaginous, LO 2 cm hi gh, l. Typical brand/.
to 6 c m diam. , lavender-red with brilliant iridescent blue on dorsal 2. LolIgillldillal see/ioll of
or exposed surfaces; branching irregular. Bral/ches 1.0-1.3 mm eor/ex.
d iam. Branchle/s spar e, peg-like. 1-4 mm long, ilTegul arly 3. SII/face view of imllla/ure
d i persed; apices rarely swoll en; apical tu ft inconspicuou , sun ken cor/ex.
in terminal depression. Swface cel/s roundly angul ar, occasionall y 4. SII/face view of l1Ia/ure
with urface projection near a pices. 28-50 ¡.1m diam. in o lder cor/ex.
branches, secondary pit connection present; apica l ce ll sunken in 5. Bral/ehle/ wi/h
terminal depress ion . Holdfas/ inconspicuous, pad-like. Te/ra- il/col/spicllolls apieal
sporangia oval to spherical , 40-90 ¡.1m lo ng, tetrahedrally divided , filamelll /l/ft (f) in /erminal
in single whorl at di tal e nds 01" outer branch lets. depressiol/.
Comlllon: on hard substrates. often limestone outcropp ings,
frequently ubjected to sub tantial wave exposure; il1lertidal
to I m deep.
Dislributioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Anlilles , Lesser Antille ,
Southern Caribbean. Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Laurencia microc/adia Klilzing 1865: 22 , pI. 60, figs. b, c.

Thal/us bushy, wiry, to 10 cm hi g h, pale green LO purple-green, l . Typical branch.
occasiona ll y wi lh rose-p ink tips; branching dense, alternate 10 2. Trans verse sec/ion of
irregular. Bral1ches cy lindri cal, 0.2-1 .2 mm diam. Bral/ehle/s brancl/.
cylindrical, 0.3-0.5 mm diam. , 0.2- 1.5(-3.0) mm long, blul1l, wart- 3. Stl/face of iml1lC/wre
like, often swolle n; ap ices tufted wi th fine deciduous, dichotomously branch/e/.
branched filamel1ls; filament e ldom obvious, unken in tenninal 4. SLllfaee oJ ma/ure brand!.
depre ion. SII/face cel/s oval, 30-60 ¡.1m diam. , deeply pigmented, 5. Cys/OCC/lp releasing
secondary pit con nections pre en t; medullary cell 100- 120 Ilm CC/lpospores.
diam., colorl ess; apical cell unke n in term in al depression. Holdfast 6. Lol/gitudinal sectioll of
di sc- like or spreading to pad-like. TetrasporclI1gia spherical ro oval, branch.
65- 100 ¡.1m diam., tetrahedrall y divided. Cystocarp sphe ri ca l to urn-
shaped, 550-720 j.l.m diam., 560-800 ¡.1m lo ng, di stal o n branchlets.
Comllloll : o n hard surface , abundant on shallow reef fl ats;
to 4 m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Antill es, Lesser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Cari bbea n, Gu lf of Mexico.

Laurencia obtusa (Hudson) J.V. Lamouroux 1813: 130.

Fllells ob/llslIS Hudson 1778: 586.

Thallus compact, often c1umped, 8- 15(-26) cm high, dark to l. Typical brand!.

o li ve-green with maroon tip ; branching alternate, spar e below, 2. Longitudinal seetion of
numerous and c rowded above. Branches cy lindri caJ, proximally cortex.
0.7-1.8 mm diam. Braneh/e/s generally piral 10 occas ionall y 3. SLllface view showing
Oppos ile, 0.5-0.8 mm diam. , 1-2 mm lo ng; apice tufted wi th fine sll/face cell with distinctive
deciduous fil amenl f0l111ing in shall ow termina l depression. SU/face microscopic spots.
cel/s 24-30 ¡.1m diam. , somew hat sphe ri ca l, heav ily pi gme nted, w ith 4. Transverse section of
di stinclive colorless spherical bod ies ("corps en ceri se") pre e nt in brallch cortex.
li ve or recel1lly preserved spec ime ns onl y; medullary cell s large, 5. Cystocarp releasil/g
colo rl ess; ap ical cell su nken in shallow lerminal depressio n. ca /pospores.

.·· . \, 3

Te/rasporan gia telra hed rall y divided. Sperll/C//angial dus/ers oval
or barrel-shaped, in depre sions. Cys/ocC/lps ova l, 450-650 Ilm
diam ., 700-800 ¡.1m lo ng. ,
.1': • \

Comlllon : in shallow wave-dashed habitats rareas of strong \,.' '

.e: , •
c urrenlS: to 8 m deep. " , . o •

Dislriblltion : Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Al1lilles, Lesser Antil le , .... )

Southern Caribbean, We lem Caribbean, Gu lf of Mexico. lOO¡.tm lOO¡.tm

Laurencia (Chondrophycus *) papillosa (c. Agardh) Greville

1830: 52. Chol/dria papillosa C. Agardh 1822 [185 1- 18631: 344.

T/¡allus gregarious or olitary, cartilag inous, 5-8(-20) cm high, J. Typical brancll.

purple-green to oli ve-brown; branching alternate or irregul ar. 2. Trallsve rse seclioll of
Brallches proxil11ally 1-2 111111 di al11., devoid of branchl ets; di stall y branc/¡Iel apex with apical
densely covered by perpendicular branchlets. Brallchlets Sh0l1, jilamelll IUft in terminal
crowded, lOugh, knobby, club- haped, wan-like, 0.5-0.7 111111 dial11., depression alld
0.5-2.5 111111 long; in shaded habitats branchlets sparse, irregul arl y lelrasporcmgia crowded
arranged; apices tufted with inconspicuou fin e fil al11ents forl11ing near apex.
in terl11inal depression. Swface cells radi all y elongated when 3. Lollgitudinal seclioll of
illll11ature, 12-27 J.l111 dial11 ., 24-30 J.l1ll thi ck in l11ain ax is, 8-15 J.l111 branch cOr/ex.
di al11. , 20-30 J.l111 thick in branchlets, thick-walled, secondary pit 4. Longiludinal secliall of
connecti ons present; l11edullary cells 100- 150 J.lm di al11 ., colorIess. branchlel wilh elongaled
Telrasporal1gia to 100 J.l111 di al11. , tetrahedra ll y divided. sw face cel/s.
Spennatal1gial cluslers oval or barrel-s haped, in apical depress ions. 5. SU/face view of brancl?
COIllIllOII: on hard surfaces ex posed to 1110derate wave action;
intertidal to 7 111 deep.
Distribulio//.: Florida, Bahal11as, Greater Anti lles. Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Laurencia poiteaui (J.Y. Lamouroux) M. Howe 19 1 : 5 18.

FllclIspoitealli J.Y. Lamouroux 1805: 63, pI. 3 1, figs. 2. 3.
Thallus bushy, stiff, wiry, 10-20(-30) cm hi gh, pale buff lO bright l . Typical brallcl?
pink with red lips; branching closely alternate in pairs to irregular, 2. Branchlel apex wilh sparse,
abundant. Bra/"lches cy.lindrical lO sli ghtl y f1attened, 0.5-2.0 111m sho r/, apical jilamenl IlIjls
diam. Branchlels nUl11erou , cylindrical, 0.3- 1.0 111m di al11. , il1 lerminal depressions.
0.5-2.0 111111 long, blunt, warl-Jjke, often swo ll en; apices tufted wilh 3. Transverse section of
tine, deciduous, dichotol11ously branched filal11 enls extending just branch .
beyond depre sion ril11. Swface cells irregul arly rounded lO oblong, 4. Longitudinal seclion of
20-30 (-35) ¡.un diam., seco ndary pit connections present; subsurface branch.
cells 35-50 11111 di al11 .; l11edullary cells 80- 135 J.l111 dial11 .; apica l cell 5. Swface cel/s of brand/.
sunken in lerminal depress ion . Tetrasporangia oval to spherical.
90-130 J.l111 di al11., tetrahedrally divided. Spermcllangial c/usters in
apical pits, oval or barrel-shaped. Cyslocarps spherical to urn-shaped.
Comllloll: abundant in wave-surge areas, attached to rocks near base
of gorgoni an corals, often found in deep spur-and-groove areas on
reefs; to 40 111 deep.
DistributiOIl: Florida, Bahal11as. Greater Anti ll es, Lesser Antilles.
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Lophocladia trichoclados (c. Agardh) F. Schmilz 1893: 222.

COI/Jerva trichoc/adis C. Agard h 1828: 132.
T/¡al/us lax, bushy, lo 10 CI11 hi gh, rose-pink ; branching wide ly l . YOLllzg braflch \Vilh fine
dichotolllous: Brallches 0.5-2 .0 111111 diam. , lapering, distall y laleral jilalllellls and Iwo
covered with fine hair-like filal11enlS; of four pericentraJ cells; lelrasporangial slichidia
corti cali on absenl di staJly, parlial or slight proxil11all y. Filamellls wilh letrasporangia.
lO 60 11m di am., deciduous, dichotomously branched, lO 2 ml11 long,
cells 2-3 diameters long near base to eighl di ameters long di staJl y.
Haldfasl inconspicUOllS, di c-like or attached by rhi zoids from
deClll11benl branchlets. Telrasporangial slichidia to 120 11m c1i am.,
500 ~Ul1 long, at fir t dichotomy of filament; tetrasporangia
spheri cal, .10 60 Ilm diam., in spiral eri es. Antheridial slrand
cylindrical lO spindle-like, al second dicholomy of filament.
Cy.510carps oval or urn-. haped, on short slalk.
COIIIIIIOIl: attached lO rocks or pebbles; to 20 m deep.
Dislributioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Les er AntilJes.
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico. .

Key to species of Lophosiphollia T he sea urchin Echil/ol1le /ra

l . Apica l fi lamenls not nOliceabl y offset, on every (3-)4-8 or more segmellls ... .... .. L. cristata , p. 220 \'irid is , gene ra ll y fo und
l . Apical fi laments with sl ighl (al lemate) offset on every segment .................... .... ... . L. obscura , p. 220 in ho le 0 1' c rev ice. in lhe
recf during Lhe day, is an
im porta nt predator o n
seaweeds at ni g ht (O gde n
et a l. 1973).

Lophosiphonia cristata
\', ~
'i' 0
Falkenberg 1901: 499. pI. 9. ligs. 7- 10.
T/¡allus fil amentous often forming turfs, to 1.5(-2.0) cm hi gh, of J. Habi/. \V
indetermin ate area, red-brown; prosu ate branching irregul ar ; 2. DowllIumed apex wi/h -J~'
¡ _
; '. 100J'ID
branching of ereCl fil amenls infrequent, lateral. Prostrate axis to deve /oping te/raspo rallgia
120 11m di am., of (6-)9- 13 thi ck-wa ll ed pericentral cell , bearing (1) and apica/ ji/amellts 0 11
I ',
single upri ghl every 8- 10 0 1' more joints; apices upcurved. Erect otller lIlarg ill . ~ \
brallch/ets lO l 00 ~lm di am., tapering at api ces; marure segments 3. Trall sverse sec/ion of erec/
sli ghtl y longer than wide, o f 6- 13 thi ck-wa ll ed peri central cell s; ji/amen/.
apice downrurned. Apica/ jilaments crested on outer margin, nor 4. Pros/ra fe ji/alllel11 wi/h
noticeabl y offset, on every (3-)4-8 or more segmenrs, soon sing/e-celled r/¡izoids.
deciduous, pseudodi chotomously branched , basal cell often spheri ca l.
Rhizoids ingle-celled, 30--40 11m di am., terminating in fin ger-like
attachmenl pads. Tetrasporc/Ilgia spheri cal ro oval , to
50 11m di am ., tetrahedrall y di vided, in swoll en, straight or spiral
seri es, di sta l on branchlet.
Ullconímoll: inconspicuous, on hard surfaces, in calm prolecred
areas; lower intertidal 10 2 m deep.
Distributio/l. : Flori da, Bahamas, Greater Anl ill es, Lesser Anlill e .

Lophosiphonia obscura (e. Agard h) Falkenberg in Schmitz & Falkenberg

1897: 460.* Htllch illsia obscura e. Aga rdh 1828: 108.
Thallus as fil amentous rurfs, lo 1.5(-2) cm hi gh, of indeterminate / . Dowl1/umed apex wi/h
area, red-brow n; prostrate branching irregul ar; branching of ereCl apica/ ji/amel11s s/ight/y
fil aments in frequenr, lateral. Prostra /e axis to 140 11m di am., bearing offse/ al/erna/e/y a/ evely
single upri ght every (4-)8- 10 or morejoints; apice upcurved . Erect segmel11.
brallch/e/s to 100 11m di am., tapering at api ces; mature segmelll 2. DOIVI1 /u mecrapex showing
sli ghll y longer lhan wide; peri central cell s (6-)9- 13, thi ck-wall ed ; dich% mous/y bral1ching
api ces downrurned. Apical ji/aments crested on ourer margin, sli ghtl y ji/amen /s.
alternately offset on every segment when mature, soon deciduous, 3. Traf/sverse sec/ion of erec/
pseudodichotomou Iy branched; basa l cell o ften spheri cal . Rhizoids jilam el11.
si ngle-cell ed, 30-50 11m di am. , as ex ten ion of peri central cell, 4 . Apex of pros/ra fe ji/amel11.
parti tioning cell wa ll ab ent, temlinati ng in fin ger-Like attac hment
pad. Te/rasporangia spherical to oval, 10 50 11m di am., tetrahedrall y
di vided, in swoll en straight or spiral seri es, distal on branchlet.
UncolIIlllOIl: inconspi clloUS, on hard surfaces, in ca lm protected
areas; lower intertidal to 2 m deep.
Distribution: Bahamas, Grealer Antille , Lesser An lilles, Gul f of
222 R 1101)(>1'11 YTA RIIOOOPIIYT \ 223

Murrayella pericLados (c. Agardh) F. Schmi[¿ 1893: 227, rOO[notc.

Hlllchil/sia periclado.\· C. Ag"rdh 1828: 1Ol .
TllCIllus dense, erect, turf- li ke, 10 5 cm high , dull , dark red-brown; J. Terrasporal/gial sliehidilllll
branching d ichotomous below. alternate aboye. Bral/ehes of four (s) lerminal Of/ sl/Orl
pericentral ce ll s, uncotti cated. BrclIle/¡/els deciduous , fine, slightl y l11ulriseriale branc/¡.
upcurved. unbranched or branched alternately on opposing sides, 2. Cysloewp (e) al apex of
inilially al every joint, uni eriate; cell 23- 28 !-1m diam., 30-60 !lID lIlulliseriale brane/¡.
long. Slolons slender, creeping. Telrasporal/gial sriehidia 50- 105
!-1m diam. , 400-900 !-1m long, terminal on short mu ltiseriate branch,
with or without uni eriate branchlets; tetrasporang ia to 55 !-1m
diam. Cyslocarps spherica l to ova l, to 400 !-1m diam ., terminal on
hort mulLí eriate branches. Spermarangial slichidia slightly arched
or lance-shaped, 40-60 !-1m diam., 240-360 !-1m long, on modified
branchlet; spermatangia tear-shaped, 4-6 !-1m diam.
Commo/!: on mangrove prop roots, rocks , pier pilings or seawa ll s,
in protected locations' upper intertidal.
Dislributiof/: Florida, Bahama , Greater Amilles, Lesser Anlilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Osmundaria obtusiloba (C. Agardh) R.E. orris 1991 : 14, figs. 9. 21. "
Rytiphlaea Oblllsiloba C. Agardh 1824: 161.
Thallus coarse, tough, bushy, 10 25 cm high, pale brown to bright l . Habil of brandl wilh
red, with extremely faint transverse lines (formed by arrangement inrolled lips.
of interior cell ); branching oppos ite to irregular. Blades strap- 2. Ferlile brallehlel (wilh
shaped, twisted, 7-9(- 12) mm wide; apices inrolled wilh dichoto- dark dOls) 0/1 i/1rolled
mous ly branched hairs appearing as tip develops; midrib indistinct, branchlels.
of 5-8 peri central cell , thickening with age. Branehlels generall y 3. Longiwdinal seelion of
opposite, to 2 mm long, numerou . Swfaee eells elongated, inrolled apex showing
20-50 !-1m diam. ; medu ll a two cell s thick dista ll y, four cell lhick developm enl of
proxi mall y. Holdfasl inconspi cuous, disc-l ike. Telrasporangial dieholomously branehed
slil!'l1idia incurved , fin ger-like, developing on inner side of marginal hairs.
branchlets; tetra porangia 60-80 !-1m diam. , in two row . Cysloewps 4. Transverse seelion of
forming along ventral ide of midrib on marginal branchJet. young blade al midrib;
Uncommoll: on rocks exposed to moderate wave surge; lower eenrral vein shaded.
intertidal to 5 m deep. 5. Transverse seelio/1. of older
Distribution : Florida, Greater Anti lles, Lesser Anlille , Soulhern blade al miclrib; central
Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico. veín shaded.

Part of a vast sand- The same sand-inundated

inundated habitat in the plot as o n the o ppos ite
Turk an d C a icos, whic h page a fter lhe sand had been
many bi o logists would re moved . The area was rich
record a ed ime ntary with sma ll pec ies o f
substrate devoid o f in vertebrates, frondose al gae
epilithic bi ota (but ee and cru stose cora ll ine algae,
fac ing page). a ll ali ve and hea llhy unde r
the sand covering.

Key to species of PolysipllOllia

I. Pericentra l cell s more than four ....... .... .. ...................................................... .. .... .. ... .... .. .. .. .. ...... .... .. 2 13( 11 ). Main branches 40-60 ~ di am. , li ghll y con tricled al ba e; lalera l branchlets fo rm!ng from
I. Pericentra l cell fo ur .................................................................................................. ...... ... .... ......... 4 scar cell of apical fil ament .. .... ................................................................. P. pseudovlillllll , p. 230
2( 1). Thallus lO 25 cm hi gh; peri cenlral cell s 5-6 .. ..... .... ....... .... .... ... ... .... ................ P. delludala , p. 226 13( I 1). Main branches 70- 150 ~lm diam. , nOI constricted at ba e; lateral branchlel fo rm!n ~ i~ ax il s
2( 1). Thallus les lhan 25 cm hi gh; pericentral cell s six 0 1' more .... ...... ... ....... ....................................... 3 of apical fi lament .. .. .................. .. .......... .. .............. .. .. .. ...... .. .............. .. .. .. ... P. flaccldl sSIll/O , p. 228
3(2) . Thallu lo 5 cm hi gh, creepin g, densely matled ; pericentral cell 8- 16; letra porangia
40-55 llm di am . .... ........ .. .. .. ... .... .. ... .... ..... ........................................................... ..... P. /¡ owei , p. 230
3(2). Thallus lO 10 cm hi gh, erecl, loo e ly matted ; peri cenu'a l cell s 12-24; letrasporangia T he e co lorful a e mbl ages o f m ixed alga l and
60-90 llm di am ...................... .. ............... .. .. ... ........... .... .. ... .. ... ... .... ..... ....... ......... .... P. opaca, p. 230 invertebrate popul ations on uspe nded mangrove
roots are co mmo nl y fo und in he lle red coves and
4( 1) . Altached by di sc- like ho ldfasl, secondaril y altached by rhi zoids; stolon absent.. .. .... ..... .......... ... . 5 bays of mangrove is land s. Many a re de licale and
4( 1). 0 1 attached by di sc- like ho ldfasl, primaril y attached by rhi zo ids descending fro m di tinct
su cepti b le lo preda li o n, w hi c h they avoid by being
slolon or prostrate ax is ........... ...................... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. ...... ... .. ......... ....... ... ...... ...... ............. 6
suspe nded in lhe wate r column (Tay lo r el a l. 1986).
5(4). Erect ax is to 380 llm diam .; di stal branching alternate to irregul ar ............... ..... P. billlleyi, p. 226
5(4). Erecl ax is 10 120 llm di am.; di tal branching di chotomous lO irregul ar ......... P. gorgolliae, p. 228
6(4). Rhi zoids in open connecli on lO parent cell , withoul ce ll wall .................... .. .... .. ... .... .. .... ... ... .. .. .... 7
6(4). Rhi zoids nol in open connecti on 10 parent cell , cul off by cell wall .......... ................................. I I
7(6). Branching dicholo mou .... .. .. .. .. ... ................... .................................. .. ... ... .... ...... P. allmltica, p. 224
7(6). Branching irregul ar to alternale ....... ... ... .... ... ... ... .......... ..... ..... ..... ........... ............... ............ ............ . 8
8(7). Branches fonning in ax is of api ca l fil aments .................. .. .. ...... ... ... ..... ..... .... P. Izavall ensis, p. 228
8(7). Branche repl acing apical fil aments ...................................................... ......................... .... ............. 9
9(8) . Segments 1-8 di ameter long; mature tetrasporangia 1-3 in spiral eries .. P. subti/issima, p. 234
9(8). Segments 1-2 di amelers long; mature letrasporangia greater than 3 in seri e ...... ............ ...... ... . 10
10(9). Filament car cell s generall y lackin g; rhi zo ids prox im al on parent ce ll ; tetrasporangia
50-60 llm diam ., in swoll en straight seri es .. ... ... ... ...... .. .. .. ..... ..... ... ..... .......... P. scopulorulIl, p. 232
10(9). Fil ament scar cell s COffim on; rhizoid central on parenl cell ; tetrasporangia 65-75 llm di am. ,
in swoll en piral seri es .. .. .. .... .. ............ .... .. ......... .. .. .. .. ........ .... ...... P. scopuLorum varo viLLulll, p. 232
II (6). Most segments less than one di ameter long ... ....... .. ... ... ... ...... .. ...... .... ... ...... .. ... .... ..... ........... ..... ... 12
I 1(6). Mo 1 egmenl grealer than one di ameter long .......... .... .. ....... .... .. ...... .... .. .. .. ... ..... .... ..... .. .. .......... 13
The ree f-cre 1 coral Agaricia
12( I I YThallus 10 15 cm hi gh; main branche 80-300 ~lIn di am.; lateral branches widely angled ............ .
rel1l1iJolia prov ide re fu gia fo r
.......................................................... .. ........... .. ... ... .. ........... ....................... .... .. .. . P. JeruLacea, p. 226
12( 11 ). ThalJu lO 2 cm high; main branche 60-2 10!lll1 di am.; lateral branches narrow ly angled .......... . numerou pa latabl e seaweed s
.. ........... .. ........................ ........ .............. .................... .. .. ... ... ...... .. .......... .. ..... P. sp/¡aerocarpa, p. 232 between ilS lea f-like branches.

Polysiphonia atlantica Kapmu n & J.N . orris 1982: 226. figs. 107a--<:.-
Thal/us fil amenlous, so ft , fl acc id, fonning matted turf , to 2 cm J. Erect axes \Vith apical
hi gh. brow n lO dark purpl e-red ; brancbing somewhal di cholomous, jilaments.
sparse. Pros/!·ate axes 60- 100 I.un d iam. Erect axes 40-90 llm di am., 2. Brallching apex.
of four peri cenlral cell s; corticali on ab enl; segments 1-3 di ameter 3. Erecl axis with
long. Apical j ilaments lacking or sparse, deciduous, di vided once or tetrasporangia.
unbranched, alternale on every fo urth to iXlh segmenl; lateral 4 . Spermatangiol branc/¡ Iet
branchlel developing 10 repl ace fil aments; fil amenl scar cell terminal on persistelll
common. R/¡i~o ids numerous, unicellul ar, fro m prostrale axes, in apica l fi lamento
open connecti on lO parenl cell . Tetra porangia pheri ca l, 40-60 llm 5. Prostrate axis Ivit/¡ r/¡izoid
di am .. letrahedrall y divided, as wo llen straighl erie in outer in open connection to
branchl et . Spermatangial branchlets cy lindri cal, oflen incurved, parelll cel/.
30-40 llm di am. , 100- 180 llm long, terminal or lateral, forming
from apica l fil amenls. CyslOcarps oval, 200-330 ~n di am. ,
250-360 llm long, with raised release pore.
COIllIllOI/: on beclrock or other harcl surfaces, lower intertidal
lo I m deep.
Dislribuliol/: Fl orida. Bahamas, Grealer Antill es, Les. er Anl ill es,
SOlllhern Caribbean, We lern Ca ribbean, GlIlf of Mex ico.

Polysiphollia binneyi Harvey 1853: 37.

Thalllls tilamelllou , tine, epiphytic, in loose clumps, 10 3(- 15) cm / . Habi/.
hi gh, brown-red: branching altemale lO irregular, below omew hal 2. Apex of branc/l.
dichotomous. Eree/ axis to 380 ¡.tm diam. at base, sliff, lapering 3. CyslOemp releasing
di lally, of four pericentral ce ll ; segment 1.0-2.5 diameters long: ca rpospores.
laleral branchl ets replacing apicaJ fiJament . Apical jilamel//s 4. Basal holdfas/ sholVil/g
deciduous, allernately radi al on every segment. Holdfas/ disc- like ; sparse rhizoids.
stolon ab ent; rhizo ids when present a secondary attachment in
open conneclion to parent cells. Te/rasporangia spherical,
55- 80 ~lIn di am., tet.rahedrally divided. in short, swo ll en, spiral
seri es just below apex. Sperma/angial brane/¡{e/s cy lindrical ,
25- 50 ¡.tm diam ., 100-200 ¡.tm long, generally wilh 2- 3 steri le tip
cells, lateral on lower egment of apica l filaments. CyslOearps
pherical to oval, 190-550 ¡.t.m diam., on short stalk, release hole
large, formed on upper branche .
Commol/: epiphytic on seagra ses or fOllnd on rocks or coral
fragments; lO 9 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Les er Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Polysiphonia denudata (Dillwyn) Greville in W. Hooker 1833: 332.

COIIJerva del/I/dara Dill wy n 1807 [1802- 1809]: 85 .
Thallus tilamentolls, loo ely tufted, to 3(-25) cm high , dark brown J. Apex of eree/ axis wilh
to dark purple-red; branching alternate, dichotomous or irregu lar. re/raspo rangiul1l forming
Erec/ a.xis 100-750 ¡.t.m diam. ; branche 100- 170 ¡.t.m diam. , forming in swollen s/raigh/ series.
in axi l of filaments; of 5--6 pericentral cell s; corticat.ion ab ent or 2. Prosrrale axis wi/I!
slight at base; segments 1-3 diameters long; hair scar cells common. expal/ded rhizoids (r)
Apieal jilamen/s deciduou . Holdfas/ initially di sc- li ke, later attached formed when epiphylic on
by unicellular rhizoid , when epiphytic on ofter species uch a Codium.
Codillm, rhizoids multiceUular and expanded into surface ti ssue; 3. Transverse seerion of ereer
rhizoid eparated by cell wall, proximal on pericentral cells. axis.
Te/rasporangia oval, 50-85 ¡.t.m diam., tetrahedrally divided , a
swollen straight series in outer branchlet. Sperma/angial branehlets
cy lindri cal, 30-80 ¡.t.m diam. , lateral on lower egment of apical
COl1l11ion: on hard surfaces or epiphytic on larger algae, often in
protected areas; to 35 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antille , Le er Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, We tem Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Polysiphoniaferulacea Suhr ex J. Agardh 1863 [1851 - 1863]: 980.

Thallus filamentou , fine, tufted , bushy, to 6(- 15) cm high, Light / . Apex of eree/ axis.
brown to purple-red; branching altemate. Ereer axis 80-100(-300) 2. La/eral branc/1.
¡.tm diam.; lateral branches slightly thinner, often basally constricted, 3. Pros/rafe axis wi/h rhizoid
of four pericentral cell s; cortication absent, lateral branchlet separa/ed by eell wall.
replacing apical tilaments; tilamen! scar cells common; egment
one diameter long or less. Apical filaments hi ghl y branched,
eventuall y deciduou , abundant on every fourth lO sixth segment,
often sickle-shaped when immature. Rhizoids separated by cell wall ,
di stal on pericentral cell s. Telrasporangia spherical , 50- 60 ¡.t.m diam. ,
tetrahedrally divided , in extremely woll en spiral series on outer
branchlets. Sperma/angial branehle/s cy lindri ca l, to 60 ¡.¡.m dian1 .,
150-500 ¡.tm long, characteri tically wilh 1-2 sterile thick-walled
cell s at apex.
Commo1/.: on hard surfaces or epiphytic on larger algae or eagrasses;
lower intertidal 10 36 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Antilles, Lesser Amilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Polysiphonia jlaccidissima Hollenberg 1942: 783. figs. 8. 19'

Thal/us fil amentous, fin e. mat-forming. to 2(-3) em hi gh. ro e- red ; J. Apex of erec/ axis wi/h
erecI branching a1 tern ate, irregul ar to p eudodichotomous. ProSl/'a /e sper/ll atall g ial
axes 70-300 !-1m d iam.: segmenls 1-2 di ameters long; fil ament scar brc/II chlets (s)
cell s common, often giv ing ri e lO upri ghts. Erect axes 70- 150!lm 2. La/eral brallch (b) for/llillg
di am., of fo ur peri central eell s; cOlticati on ab 'ent; segments in axil of jilament.
1-5 di ameters long; lateral branehes forming in ax ils of fil aments. 3. Tetraspo rangiu/II (l) .
Apical jilamel1ls deciduous, three Lime dichotomously 0 1' pseudo- 4. Cystocarp releasing
dichotomously branched. Rhi~o ids separaled fro m parenl cell by carpospores.
wa ll , prox im al on pericentral cell s. Tetrasporangia spheri ca l, 5. Prostrate axis with rhizoids
40-75 IJ.m di am., tetrahedrall y to irregularl y di vided, as swo llen separa/ed f ro/ll parent cel/
spiral seri es in outer branchlets. Sperl1latang ial branch/ets by cel/ wal/.
cy lindriea l, 30-50 !lm di am., 100- 180 IJ.m long, lateral or termin al
on lower egment of api cal fil ament ; steril e apica l cell s lac king.
Cys/ocOl p s ova l, l 50-500 ~lm di am.
Comllloll: epiphytic on eagrasse 0 1' larger algae; to 50 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Western Cari bbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

Polysiphonia gorgoniae

Harvey 1 53: 39.
Th al/us fo rming bushy tufts 0 1' thi ck turf, to 4 cm high, lighl lO J. Habi/.
dark brown; branehing dichotomous 10 ilTegul ar, dicholomous at 2. Pros/ra /e jilamen/ wi/h (¡ !

api ces. Erec/ axis lO 120 IJ.m diam. , of fo ur pericentra l cell ; ull icel/ular rhizoid no/ \. /
corLi cati on absent; segments 1-2 di ameters long; lateral branches "'.~'
separct/ed by cel/ wal/.
replacing api cal fil aments, gradu all y lapering to 30 ~lm di am. ; 3. Apex showing dich% lllous 100 JL~
ultim ate branches hort after last di vi ion. Apical jilal1lell /s branching .
deciduous; hair sea r ceUs obscure when present. Holdfas/ disc- li ke, 4. Tra nsverse sec/ion of erec/
later allached by numerous unicellul ar rhi zo ids; rhi zo ids nOI jilamen /.
separatecl by cell wa ll s, generall y centered on peri central cell s.
Te/rasporangia oval, to 75 !lm di am., tetrahedra ll y di vided, as
swoll en spiral series in outer branchlet. Cys/ocaqJs ova l to
spherical, 250-400(-500) IJ.m di am., on outer branches.
Ullcom/1/on: on hard urfaces or epiphyti c on larger algae, o flen
fo un d in prolected areas; to 3 m deep.
Distribuliol/: Flori da, Bahamas. Greater Antill es, Le ser An till es.
Gul f of Mexico.

Polysiphollia havanensis MO nlagne 1837 : 352.

Thal/I/s fi lamenlou , mat- forming, to 4(-8) cm hi gh, yellow-brown , . Apex of erec/ axis \Vi/h
to purpl e- red; ereCl branchin g altern ate lO irregul ar. Prostrctte axes apical jilamen/s.
80-200 IJ.m di am.; fil ament car cell s cO llllllon, often giving ri se lO 2. Te/rasporallgia i/1 s/raig/¡ /
uprights. Erec/ axes 50- 100 !llll di am., of fo ur peri eentral cell s: series 0/1 erec/ brallchlet.
corticati on absent; segment 1-3 di ameters long; lateral branchl els 3. Pros/rafe axis IVith rhi~o ids
forming in ax ils of apical fi laments. Apical jilaments c1eei duous, in ope/1 cO/lJ.lec/ioll /0
hi ghly branched . Rhizoids numerous, uni cellul ar, prox imal 0 1' parel1l cel/s.
central on peri centra l cell s, in open connection 10 parel1l cel!.
Te/rctsporallgia spheri ca l, 50-70 IJ.1ll di am .. telrahed rall y di vicled,
so litary or in straight series of 2--4 in outer branchlets. Sper/l1a-
tangial branchlets cy lindri cal, 30-60 ~lm di am ., 80-300 IJ.m long,
lateral on lower segments of api ca l fi laments; steli le apieal cell s
lacking. Cys /oca/1JS spherica l, ova l 0 1' urn-shaped, to 300 !lm diam .
COIII/llOIl: on hard surface 0 1' epiphytic on larger algae; lO I m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Le ser Anli ll es.
Wes lern Caribbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

PoLysiphonia howei Hollenberg in W.R. Taylor 1945: 302, lig. 3.

Tl!a llus fi lamento us, erect, mal-forming. 0.5- 2.0(-5.0) cm hi gh, l . Apex oJ erecl axis IVill!
pa le brow n to rose-red; ereCl branching short , irregul ar. Proslrale ~'Pira lly arranged
axis 100- 190 J.lm diam.; fil ament scar ceJl s comm on, oflen giv ing lelrasporall g ia.
ri e to upri ghts. Erecl axis 70- 150 J.lm di am., arched when yo ung, of 2. Trclll sverse secliOIl oJ erecl
8- 16 peri cenlral ceJl s; corticati on absent ; egments to one d iameter axis.
long; lateral branchlets repl ac ing apica l fi laments. Apical jilamellls 3. Proslrale axis IVilh rh izoid
deciduou , short, branching 3-5 times: basa l ceJl (eventuaJl y scar ceJl ) separa lee! f rom parelll cell
conspi cuously large, pherica l. Rhi~oids eparated by ceJl wa Jl , distal by cell lVall.
o n pericentral ceJl s, numerous. uni ce Jlul ar, termin ating in attachmWIl
pad. Telrasporallg ia spheri ca l, 40-55 ~lm di am., as swo Jl en spi ral
serie in o uter branchlets; tetra pori c IhaJlu s coarse, sparsely
branched. Spenllatallgial branclilels cy lindri ca l, 22-25 J.lm di am.,
100- 170 J.lm long, laleral on lower segm ents of apical fi laments;
teril e api ca l ceJl s lac king. Cyslocarps ova l, to 140- 190 ~lm diam.
Comlllo//.: on rocks and olher hard surfaces o r epiphytic on
eagrasse and larger algae; intertidal ro shall ow sllbridal.
Distriblllion: Florid a. Bahamas, Grealer Antill es, Les er Antill es,
So ulhern Cari bbean, Western Carib bean, Gulf of Mex ico.

PoLysipholZia opaca (c. Agardh) Moris & De Olari 1839: 208, pI. 5. 11.
H IIIChillSill opaca C. Agard h 1824: 148.
T/¡allus fil amento u , erecr, loo e ly mat-l ike, 2-5(- 10) cm hi gh, l . Habil.
dark brown-red ; majo r axes readi ly apparent ; lateral branches 2. Apex of erecl axis s/¡owing
short , often wirh branchlets. Erecl axes 150-200 J.lm di am., of spiral ar/'C/I/gemelll of
12-24 peri central ceJl s; egments 1- 15 di ameters long; cOl1icatio n lelrasporang ia.
absent; latera l branches I 00- 130 ~lm di am. , 1-2(-4) mm lo ng, 3. T/'C/lIsverse secliol! oJ
repl acing api ca l fil am ents. Apical jilamellls nllmerolls, di stinct, to l11ature erecl axis.
2 mm long, 3-5 time d ichotomously branched; basa l cell to 30 J.lill
di am., 400 !-1m long; fil ament car ceJls commo n. Telrasporallg ia
spherical, to 90 J.lm di am., tetrahedrall y di vided, as swo ll en spiral
seri es in o uter bran chl els. Cyslocarps ova l, 380-420 J.lm di am.,
on ho n stalk .
VI/COIllIll01l: o n rocks and other hard surfaces in heavy surf areas
o r tide-pools; intertidal 10 shall ow ublidal.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahama , Lesser Anti ll es.

PoLysiphonia pseudovillum
(1) f
Hollenberg 1968b: 73. lig. 3C.
Thalllls fil amentoll , hOI1. mat-forming, 1-2(- 3) cm hi gh, dark /. Apex oJ erecl axis lVil/¡

red: branching spar e, irregul ar. PrOS/l'ale axis 10 60 J.lm di am. ; ill1l11alLlre lelraspo/'C/lIgia

fila ment scar cell s common, givin g ri se to lIpri ghls. Erecl axis ane! laleral brclllc/¡Iels IVilh
40-60 J.lm diam., sli ghtl y constricted al base, of fOllr peri ceI1lraI clw/'C/clerislically pinched
ceJl s: corli catio n absent ; egment 1-2 di ameters lo ng. Apical base.
jilalllenls eventu aJl y dec iduous, repeatedl y branched . R/¡i~oids 2. Apex of ereq brallclilel.
numerous, uni ceJlul ar, prox imal on peri central ce ll s, separated
rrom parent cell by wa ll. Te lrasporangia spheri ca l, 40-50 J.lm
3. Proslrale seglllelll IVil/¡
rhizoie!s separaled by IVa ll.
I ( CD
~ . -
di am., tetrahedrall y div ided. as swoll en spiral eries in outer
: lOOJ.Lm
branchlets. SpermalClIlgial branclilels cy lind rica l, lateral o n lower
segment o r apical fi lamems. Cyslocarps ova l, to 150 J.lm di am.
COIllIllOI/ : epiphyti c 0 11 seagrasses 0 1' larger a lgae; shall ow waters
.'Q.· V!í)
í .'

to 3 m deep.
Dislriblllioll : Florida .

Polysiphollia scopulorlllll Harvey 1855: 540.

T!tal/us fi lamentou , fine, tufted, often fOlming thick tUlf, to 3 cm l . Erec/ axes l\Iil/1
hi gh, li ght brown-red; branching altemate. Prostrale axes 60- 180 I-lm lelrasporall gia.
diam. Erecl axes 30- 100 I-lm diam., of four pericentral ce ll s; seg ments 2. Apex of erecI axis.
to two diameters long; corti cati on absent; lateral branche thinner, 3. Proslrale axis lVil!t rhizoids
3~0 I-lm dial1l .. replacing apical filaments; tllamenl scar cell s il/ open co/m eclioll lO
genera ll y lacking. Apica/ji/amellls deciduou , u uaJl y altemate parelll cel/s.
on every other segment, to four- li mes dichotomously branched.
R!ti~o ids numerau s, unicellular, prox imal on pericentral ee ll s,
in open eonneetion to parent eell . Telrasporallgia spheri ea l,
50- 100 I-lI1l di am., letrahedrally di vided, in wollen straighl series
just below brancll apex. Spermalallgia/ brallc!t/els ey lin driea l,
forming on apieal filamenl . Cyslocmps oval. 150-190 flm diam.
Ullcommol/ : ineon pieuous, epiphyti c on larger algae or seagrasses,
in shall ow calm waters; lO 3 m deep.
Distriblllioll: We tem Ca ribbean.

Polysiphonia scopulorum varo villum (J. Agardh) Hollenbcrg

1968b: 81. lig. 7a. Polysiphol/ia I'illl/I/IJ . Agardh 1863 [1851 - 18631: 941.
Tlra//us fi lamentous, fine, tufted, lo 0.5(-3) cm hi gh, li ghl pink to l . Apex of erecl axis.
brown-red; branehing altemate. Proslrale axis 60-100(-200) flm 2. Sclremalic vielV of
diam. ErecI axis 40-80 flm diam., of four pericentral cell ; segments IrClI/sverse seclion of
to lwo diameter long; laleral branches sli ghlly lhinner, replacing erecl axis s!tOlvil/g fO l/r
apical fi laments; corli cali on absent; filament scar cell s generally pericel11ra/ cel/s
lacki ng. Apica/ ji/am ell ls deciduous, altemate on every 2-6 surrounding cel/lra /
egments. Rhizoids numerous, uni cellul ar, central on pericentral Ji /all/en/.
cell s, in open connection to parent cel!. Telrasporangia spherica l, 3. CyslocallJ.
50-60 !-1m di am., tetrahed rall y d ivided, in swoll en sU'aighl series jusI
below branch apice . Spermalangia/ branchlels cy lindri ca l. fonning Growing on lhe slaghorn
on apica l filaments. Cyslocalps oval, 150-190 flm diam.; carpo- cora l Acropora cervicomis
spores ova l, to 40 flm diam .. to 80 !-1m long. in pholograph.
COII/II/Ol/~ generall y found as inconspicuous epiphyte on eagrasses,
coral or larger algae; 103m deep.
DislribllliOI/ : Florida, Grealer Al1lilles, Weslern Ca ribbea n.

Polysiplzollia sphaerocarpa BVlrgcscn 1918: 27 1, ligs. 267- 271.

Thal/lIs fi lamentous, fi ne, lufted, bushy, lO 2 cm hi gh, li ghl brown to l . Apex of erecI axis.
rose-red lO mamon; branching altemale lO somew hal diehotomous. 2. Axis wil/r spiral/y arrollged
Proslrale axis 100-2 10 flm diam. ErecI axis 60- 150 11m diam., of /e/rasporallgia.
four pericentral cells; latera l branches 60- 125 flm diam. , oflen 3. Proslrale caes s/rolVing
basa ll y constricted, replacing apica l filamenls; eOl1i cali on ab ent; comlllon/y occurrillg
filamenl scar cell s common: segments 0 .5- 1.5(-3.0) diamelers long. rhizoida/ all(jc!tmelll lO
Apica/ji/amellls deciduous, rare ly LO 800 !-1m long. Ho/dfasl iniliall y adjacelll axis.
disc- li ke, later attaehed by uni cellul ar rhi zo ids; rhi zoids separated
from parent cell by wa ll . distal on pericenlral cell s, com monl y
altac hin g lO nearby branches creating mesh-like nel wh ich trap sand .
TelrasporclI1gia spherica l. 50-60 I-lm diam., tetrahedrally divided, as
swo llen piral erie in outer branchlels. Spenl/alangia/ bral/c!t/els
cy lindri cal, 50-60 !-1m diam., 150-250 I-lI1l long, lateral on lower
seg l1l enl of apical filam enls. Cys/ocmps spherica l, 200-300 I-lm diam.
C01I/1II01/: inconspicuous, epiph Yli c on larger plants or on hard
surfaces, in wave-exposed area ; lower intenidal 108m deep.
Dislriblllioll: Bahal1la , Grealer Al1li ll es, Lesser Anlille . Soulhern

Polysiphonia subtilissima MOlltaglle 1840: 199.

Thallus fil a menlo us, mal- like, 1-8(- 15) cm hi gh, green, purpl e- red / . Apex of erec/ axis wi//¡
LO bl ack: e rect branc hin g allernate 10 irreg ul ar. Pros fraf e axis prominen/ scar (s) cells.
70- 120 11m diam.; fi la ment scar cell common . giving ri e 10 2. Ax is wi/h slig/II/y spira/ed
upri ghts. Erec/ axis 30-60 !lm di a m. , of four pe ri central ce lls; /e/rasporang ia.
corticati o n absent: segme nls 1-8 di a mele rs long; latera l branchl ets 3. Base of ji/amen/ lVi/h
replacing api cal filaments. Apica/ ji/am en/s deciduo u , o rten fork ed ; rhizoids de ve/oping fro m
apical cell s o bviou s, to 10 ¡.tIll wide, 10 ¡.tIll long. Rhizoids numerous, pericen/ra/ cells.
uni cellul ar, proximal o n peri central ce ll , in open connecti on wilh 4. Pros/l'a /e axes lVi/h rhizoids
parent ce ll , without cell wall. Telrasporang ia pherical, 65- 75 11m in opell connee/ion /0
di a m., tetrahedrall y di vided, as swo llen slightl y piral e ri es in outer parenl cells.
branc hlets. Sperlllalangia/ brallchle/s cylindri ca l, with or without
steril e tip cell s, formed o n lower egme nt of apical fi lament.
COIllIllOII: e piphytic on mangrove pro p roots; inte rtidal.
Dis/riblllion: Florida, Baha ma s. Greater Antilles. Lesser Antilles ,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Key to species 01" Wrightiella An e nc rusting mi xed

l . Thallus stiff, spin y, to 20 cm hi g h; lateral fil a ments to 30 !lm di a m .. .................. W. b/odgettii, p. 234 cora lline a lgal community
l . Th alJu s gene rally lax, bushy, LO 75 cm hi gh; latera l filaments to 60 !lm diam ........ .. ... .... .. .... ...... .. ... ... . compe tin g for space o n
........................................................ .... .......... ... .. .. ............. .... ........... .. ................ W. tUlIlallowiczii, p. 236 the surface o f the g reen
al ga Valonia maerophysa
(see a lso p. 147).

Wrightiella blodgettii (Harvey) F. Schmitz I 93: 22 1.

Alsidi/llll b/odgeuii Harvey 1853: 16, pI. 15. B.
Thalllls e rect, stiff, s piny, LO 20 c m hi gh. bri ght red to pink; primary l . Habil of brand, tipo
branching proximal , iITegu lar. Branches 0.5- 1.3 mm diam. , with 2. Cys/ocC/lps; /ower
numerous short pines and fine fi lame nts, of 4-5 pe ricenu'aJ cell s, cys/oearp re/easing
parLi all y or co mpl ete ly corli cated. Spines numerous abo ve, absenl earpospores (e).
below, 10 350 ~lm di am ., 1- 5 mm lo ng, spur-like, so li tary o r in pairs. 3. Swfaee vielV pf bI"C/nch/e/
occa io nall y fo rked, spiraJ. in four vertical row , tapered at apex. \\Ii/h spine (s) and swface
Fi/amenls uni seri ale, lo 30 ~tm diam., I mm lo ng, dec iduou ; ji/amen/ (j).
branching irregu larly piral; basa l cell of ultim ate branc hJe t small. 4. Sw face eortica/in g cells
Ho/dfasl inconsp ic uous, di sc- like, o n ha rd urfaces, tap-root-like showing somewha/ spira/
in so ft sediments. Telra spol"C/ng ia spheri ca l, 30-60 11m di a m., arrangem en/ around
in spiral seri es on main bra nch o f fil ame nts. Cys/ocarps ova l o r /a rge r m edllllary eell.
urn-sha ped, 10 900 !l m 0;am., on short slalks.
U ll COIIIIllOII: o n hard surfaces in moderale wave su roe'
1- 10(-36) m deep. o ,
Dislribution : Florida, Bahamas, Lesser Antil les, Southern Ca ribbean,
Weste rn Caribbean.

WrightieLla tumanowiczii (Gauy) F. SchmilL 1893: 222.

Das)'a rl/lllallo",ic~i Gauy in Harvey 1853: 64.
T/¡a/llls ereCI, lax, bu hy, lO 75 cm hi gh, straw-yell ow 10 bri ghl red- l . Apex wit/¡ cor/ica/illg
pink ; branching allernate 10 irregul ar. Branc/¡ es 0.5-2.0 mm diam. , jilamellls ini/ia /ing f rom
o f 4-5 peri cenlral cells, partiaJl y 0 1' compl etely corLicaled by mall - spilles.
cell ed de cending fil aments. Branchlels numerous, undul ating, to 2. Te/rasporangia spira/ly
4 cm long, repeatedly branched abo ve, gradually lapering with arrallged 0 11 sL/lface
numerous shon spines and fin e fil aments. Spines lO 150 11m di am. jilamel1l.
al base. to 300 !lID long, irregul arI y spiral. Fi/am.ellls to 60 11m di am. , 3. Main axis with. nllmerOL/S
tapering to 10 11m di am., to 2 mm long; branchin g irregularI y spiral ; spines and alterna/ely
basa l cell o f ultimate branchl ets unique ly small. Ho/dfas/ branc/¡ed la /eral ji/amell/s.
inconspicuous, di sc-like. Te/rasporangia pherica l, 3 ~0 11m di am., 4. Transverse section of main .
in spiral eri e on main branch o f fil amen!. CysloCC/rps ova l or vase- axis and spine.
shaped, conspicuous, on short stalks.
COll/tlton: tangled in seagra s bed or attached to small coral
fragments or rocks on shallow or deep sand plains; lO 55 m deep.
Distriblllioll: Florida. Bahama , Grealer Anlill es, Le er Anlilles,
Gulf of Mex ico.

Co nducting a video tran ec t a long the Co nduc ting producti vity/func liona l
upper waJl of the Oreat Blue Hole, morphology studi es aboard lhe
Belize (see a l o p. 79) . This habitat ocea nographic vessel R/V Sewa rd
is cha rac te ri zed by unu uaJ long Johllsoll . The deep-di ving submer-
draping form s o f Chlorophyta . sibl e Johnson -Sea-Link 11 wa llsed
Quantitati ve coring o f deep al gal to co llect the ex pe rime nta l pl ants.
communities by video was first u ed
by Littler e l al. ( 1985).

Technic:.1 deep-wale r (60 m) cave Vibracore dlilling ri g u ed to tud y lhe

collecting in the Oreat Blue Ho le. foss il -record o f mangrove peat
Be lize. Rare and unllsllal pl ant accumul atio ns near the To bacco Range
fo rms OCCllr on unde rcut a nd Fracture Zone, Be li ze (see Mac intyre
sta lactile habitats. et a l. 1995).

BROW ALGAE 19( 18). Branches indi tincll y fo rked, greater than 1 cm wide ..... .......... .. ............... . Spatoglosslllll, p. 276
19( 18). Branches distinctly forked, genera ll y less than 1 cm wide .. .... ............ ....... .. ............ ............ ....... 20
20( 19). Growth from apical row of meri stemati c cells; base of blades often cylindricaJ [exc lusive ly
upper interti da lj ....... .. ... ............. .. ... .. ..... ................. ..... ..... .... .... .. ... ....... .... ....... Chlloospora , p. 246
Key to genera of P h aeoph yta 20( 19). Growth from one api ca l cell per branch; ba e of blades mai nl y f1 at, trap-shaped .......... .... ... ..... ..
J. Th allus exc lusively fil amentou , generall y in llI ft or turf ..... .. ... .. .. .................. .... ........... ........... 7 .. ............. .. ....... ............. ..................... ..... ...... ........ ..... ..... .. .. .... ..... ........ ................ ..... Dictyota, p. 258
l. Th allus no! exclllsively fil amentous ........ ............ .. .. ... ... ... ..... ....... ..... ............................. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 2 2 1( 17). Thallus undul ating, gelatinous, f1 accid ....................... ..... .......................... .... ... CLadosipllOll , p. 244
2( 1). Thallus crust-li ke .......... .. ...... ..... .... .. ... ... ........ .......................... .. ... .. .. .... ...... ...... .. .... ........... ..... ... ... . 10 2 1( 17) . Thallus not gelatinous 01' f1a ccid ..... ....................... ..... ..................................... .... ... ....... ...... .. ...... 22
2( 1). Thallus no! cru st-like .... .... ... .... .... .. ................................. .............. .. .. ....... ....................................... 3 22(2 1). Branches holl ow, occasionall y co llapsed and somewhat f1attened .............. ... Rosell villgea, p. 248
3(2). Thallus c lu ster of fan-shaped blades .. ... .... .... ... ... ............................... .. ... ...... ........ ........................ 1 1 22(2 1). Branches soli d and tough, not hollow ................. .............. ........ ... ... .... .. .... .... .. ............................. 23
3(2). Thallus other than c1u ter of fan-s haped blades .......... ..... ... ...... .. ........... ..................... ............. ..... 4 23(22). Thallus to 3 cm thi ck, mat-like, tangled; axes ova l in transverse section, compressed, seldom
4(3). Thallus witholl! di stinct axes, a irregul arly-shaped mass ................................... .. ..... ..... ... .... .. ..... 5 strap-shaped ; api ces uplllrned or hooked, occas ionally with diminutive fa n-shaped bl ade ;
4(3). Thallus with one or many axes, having some consistent pattern to the bran ches or blade ..... .. 6 apices and branches without tufts of fine fil amentou hairs .. Dictyerpa stage of Padilla, p. 270
23(22). Thallu greater than 3 cm hi gh, not mat- like; axes cy lindri cal; apices not hooked or uptllrned;
5(4) . Thallus sack-like, often lobed, hollow when mature; margi ns not inrolled ... Colpolllellia, p. 248 apices and branche Wilh tufts of fine filamentou s hairs ................... .. .. ......... ... ....... ..... .. ............ 24
5(4). Thallu initi all y holl ow, soon beco ming f1 attened with many holes; margins inroll ed ................. .
... ... ... .. .. ...... ............................................... .. .. .... ........................... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. Hydroclathrlls, p. 248 24(23). Lateral tufts on spur-like branchlets ......................... .. .... ........................... ... .. .......... Nereia, p. 246
24(23). Lateral tuft on stalked branchlet with bulbous apex ................ ...... ........ ..... .. . Sporoclllllls, p. 246
6(4). Th allu f1 0ats when detached fro m ubstrate, possess in g so me type of ai r-bladder; reproducli ve
organs within sunken conceptacles ....... .. .. ... .............. .. ... .... ..................... ..... ............ ... .... ... ......... 15
6(4). Thallus sinks when detached from substrate, without air-bl adders; reproductive organs on
surface, not sunken in conceptacles ....................... ... ...... ........................ ............. .. ... ............ .. ... .. 17
7( 1). Filaments multi seri ate (more than one row of cells) ... ........... ...... .... .. .. .... ... ... SphaceLaria , p. 250
7( 1). Filaments uni eriate (one row of cell s) .......................... .... .. ..... ... ............................................ .... .. 8
8(7). Plastids band- or ribbon-like ........... ......... .... .... ..... ........ ........... .. ............... ......... Ectocarpus, p. 240
8(7). Pl astids di sc- like ..... .... .... ........... .... ........................ ......................... ...... ... ... .. ... .. ... ........................... 9
9(8) . Meristemati c zone (di vid ing cell s) di stinct, generall y at base of long unbranched filament;
sporangia mostly stalked .. .. ....... ..... .... ............ ......... .. ... .. ........................... .. ... . Feldmallllia, p. 240
9(8). Meri stemati c zone diffu e, rarely at base of short lateral branch; sporangia mo tl y sessile (not
stalked) .. .. ... .. .... .. ... .................... ..... ......... ....... .. ...... .............. ...... ...... ..... .... .... .. ... .. .. Hillcksia, p. 242
lO (2). ThÍlll us forming complete ly adherent crust; sllrface fil aments fu sed laterall y .. ... .... ............ ......... .
.......... ........... ........ .... ......... ..... .... ......... .... ....... .......... ...... ...... ......... .... .. .... PselldoLithoderllla, p. 244
10(2). Thall us as cru t with rai sed margins; surface fil am ents free ............ Lobophora (in pa rt), p. 268
1 1(3). Apical margin inrolled ......... ... ..... ..... ........ .. .. ....................... ... ..... ...... ....... ... ......... .. . Padilla, p. 270
ll (3). Apical margin not inrolled ......................... .... ... .. ... .. .... .. ..... ....... ... .. .... .... ....... ... .................. .. .. ...... 12
12( 11 ). Blades ribbed below; sporangia producing eight spore ..... ... ....... ... ........ ......... .. ..... ZOllaria, p. 278 Navassa ls land , located near the
12( 1 1). Blades not ribbed ; sporangia producing four or e ight spores ......... .. .. .. ... .... .. ......... ...... ... ..... ........ l 3 geographica l cente r of the Caribbean
13( 12). Sporangia on two-celled stalk ..... .... ....... ... ... .... .... ... ........................ .. .. .. .......... ..... .... . Taonia, p. 278 Regio n, contain ome o f the most
13( 12). Sporangia not on stalk ....... ................ .... .. ..................... ........... .. .... ........ ......................... .. .. .. ... .. ... 14 pectacul arly colo rful walJ-di ve
sites ro be fo und in U. S . waters
14( 13). Sori with steri le hairs am ong tetrasporangia; basa l holdfast di súnct ....... .... Stypopodilllll, p. 278
14( 13). Sori without leril e hair s among tetra porangia; ba al attachment often diffuse .... ..... ........ ......... . (Littler et a l. 1999, see
... ......... .. ... ........... ...... ..... ..... ........ ......... .. ........ .. .. ... .... .. ....... ..... ....... .... Lobophora ( i ~ pa rt), p. 268 a lso pp. 155 & 157 herein) .
15 (6). Blades a spine-like laterals, without well -developed blades; conceptacles on ordinary branches .
........ ......... ............... ... .......... .... ... ......... ..... .................................................. ......... . Cystoseira, p. 280
15 (6). Blades well developed , not spine- like; conceptacles on speciali zed lateral 01' axillary branchJets
... ... .... ... .......... ........... .... .... .. ... ... .......... ........... .............. .... .... .... ... ...... .... .. .... .. ..... ......................... ... 16
16( 15 ). Blades leaf- like; ai r-bl adders bulbous and obvious .............. ......... .... ................... Sargasslllll, p. 280
16( 15 ). Blade pyramid-shaped; ai r-bl adders sunken within blade ... ... ......................... Tllrbillaria, p. 288
17 (6). Blades strap-shaped or f1attened ; branches not cy lindricaJ throughout ...................................... 18
17 (6). Strap- haped blade absent; branches cy lindrica l or ova l throughout ................. .... .. ... ........... .... 2 1
18e 17). Blades with di tinct midrib ............. ........ ................ ...... .. .. ....... ........... .. ............. Dictyopteris, p. 254
18( 17). Blade wi thout di tinct midrib .. ............. .......................... ......... ...... ............. .......... ....... .. .. ... ......... . 19

Ectocarpus elachistaeformis Heydrich 1892: 470. pI. 25. lig. 14.
Thal/Lls as fine fil amenlous lu fl , lO 1.5 mm hi gh, brown-green; / . Erec/ jilamel//s lVi/1! la/eral
branching sparse, irregul ar, chi eJl y from base. Filamellls I0- 18 ~lm plurilocular sporangia (s).
di am.; cell s 1-3 d iam eters long: pl astids band-shaped aga insl illner 2. Cel/ IVi/h balld-shaped
wa ll of cel!. Holdfas/ as ba al prostrate fil amenls, o flen wilh haptera- plas/ids.
like cell s c lingillg to firm substrates. Plurilocular sporangia elollgale,
15-25 !!m di am., 60-200 11m long, latera l 0 11 fil ament. scattered,
rare ly in linear se ri es; apex tapered ; stal k oflen single-celled.
COllllllon: incollspi cuous, epiphytic on coarse algae, seagrasses or l
mangrove prop roOIS; intertidal to I m deep.
Distribuliol/ : Flori da, Grealer An lill es, Le ser Ant ill es, Soulhern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gu lf of Mex ico.

Key to sp ecies o f FeLdmannia This speci men represe nls an

l . Branching irregular, not at righl angles to maill ax is, deve loping from undifferenti aled ax ial cell ; lInllslIa l spec ies be lo ng in g lO
pluril ocular sporangia forming laterall y on fil ament ........... .. .. .. ........... ......... ........ ..... . F. indica, p. 240 lhe ra mil y De lesseriaceae.
l . Branching generall y at ri ght angles to main ax is, deve loping from short ax ial cell ; pluril ocular MlIch work slill re ma ins lO
porangia forming in ax il of branchlets ............................... .. ......... ..... ..... .. .. ... ..... F. irregularis , p. 242 be do ne in describing the
d iver e marine fl o ra.

Feldmannia indica (Sonder) Womersley & A. Bai ley 1970: 288.'

ECloclIrpllS illdiells Sonder 1854: 2. 3. foolnole.

Thal/us as so ft fi lamentous lufts, lO 5 cm hi gh, brown-green; l . Erec/ jilamen/s wi/h

branching irregular, forming as lateral proj ections. Filamellls tapering la /eral branchle/s
20-34 ~Ull di am.; cell 0.5-5.0 di ameter long; branchlels tapered, and p luriloclllar
darkly pigmenled . 5 /010ns fiJ amenlous, with fin e rhi zoids. sporang iu/ll. (s).
Plurilocular sporal/gia cy lindrica l, 20-50 ~lm diam ., 100-250 11m 2. Filamen / cel/s lVi/h
long, rarely sla lked, wilh blunl apices, fo rming laterall y on scallered di~1:- like
fi laments, scattered, rarely in linear series. p las/ids (p ).
COllllllon: inconspi cuous, on rocks, vari ou hard sub trate or
epiphyli c on other algae and seagrasses; 10 20 m deep.
Dislribulion : Flori da, Grealer Anlill es, Lesser Anti ll es, So ulhern
Caribbea n. Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Feldmallllia irregularis (Kliuing) G. Hamel 1939: 17.'

ECIOC{//]1I1.\ irreg ll/arÍ> KÜl/ing 1845 : 234 .
Thalllls as fi lamentous luflS, to 5 cm hi gh, brown-green; branching , . Habil of jilamel11s sholVing
al ri ghl angle to main fil ament, in'egular, someú mes favoring one righl angled lateral
side ; branches initialed from shorl axial cell . Filamel11s 25- 50 fAm branch/els wilh small
di am.: cell s 0.5- 10.0 diameters long; laleral branche generall y spherical basal cells (c)
smaller in diameler. oflen with sho rt, spherica l basal cel!. Slolons and plllriloCl/lar sporangia
filamentous, with fine rhi zoids. Plurilocular sporangia cone-shaped, (s) in axils of branchlels.
24-40 fAm diam., 40-200 fAm long, erecl, often in ax il of branchl et,
rarely several in linear seri es; staJk generall y absenl (sess il e) .
Unilocular sporangia uncommon , oval, 25-45 ~lIn di am.,
50- 100 fAm lo ng, ses i le.
Commoll: inconspi cuou , on rocks or epiph ytic on other algae;
less than I m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florid a, Greater Anú ll e , Lesser Amill es, Southern
Caribbean. Gul f of Mex ico.

Key to species of Hillcksia The ea lIrchin Tripl1 euSles

l . Branching at le lhan 90° angles 10 main filam ent ........ ......... ....... ........... ......... H. mitchelliae, p. 242 vel1/ricosus lItilit:ing lhe
l . Branching at ri ght angles to main filament ..... ..... .. ......... .... ..... .. ... ....... .... ... .... ... H. ollslowellsis, p . 244 brown alga Lobophora
va riega ta as camo lln age.
By atlac hing va ri o lls
pec ies of dri ft algae to its
slIrface, thi s urchin ble nd
in more naturall y with its
sllrrollndings in orde r ro
avo id predators.

Hincksia mitchelliae (Harvey) P.e. Si lva in Si lva el al. 1987 : 73.

EctocarplIs mitchelliae Harvey 1852: 142, pI. 12, G.
Thalllls a filan1entou s tufts or mats, 2-3(- 12) cm hi gh, l . Erec/ jilaments wilh
brown-green; branching irregu lar, form ing as lateral proj ecti ons. lapering apex (a) and
Filamen/s ( 17-)30-50 fAm diam .; apices tapering to 15 fAl1l di am .; plurilocular sporangia (s).
cell s 1-4 di ameters lo ng, division mai nl y intercaJary. SlOlons
filamentou s, with fine rhi zoid . Plurilocular spora/!gia cy lindricaJ ,
often wilh sli ght taper at apex, 15-36 fAm diam. , 42- 220 fAm long,
rarely talked , lateral o n filaments; locul e 4-6 fAm di am. Uniloclllar
sporangia rare, oval , sessile, 25-50 fAm diam ., 50-100 fAm long.
COI1l1ll0/!: inconspicuou , on rock or epiphytic on other algae,
often found as brown fuzz on mangrove prop roots; less than
1 m deep.
Distriblltioll : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Le ser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean , Gulf of Mex.ico.

Hincksia ollslowensis (A111,lor & Kapmun) P. . Sil va in il v" el al.

1987: 130. GiJJo/'dia ol/sloll'el/sis A111sler & Kapmun 1985: 94. lig'. 1. 2.
Thal/llS as fi lame nlo llS tu fl. 0 1' ma ts, 10 S c m hi gh. brown-g reen / . Filamellfs brclllching CII
10 rose: branc hing sparse. irregul ar. al ri ghl a ngles 10 mai n ax is. righl allgles from middle
Filalllellfs 20-50 ~Ull dia m.: cell s 10 fOllr di a mele rs long. div is io n ofaxial cel/s.
mainl y inte rca lary: branc hlels developing fro m cenler ofax ial cell : 2. Cel/s lI'ilh disc-shaped
di ta l bra nc hlel taperin g. 4-22 11m di a m. S,ololls fi lal11 entous, plaslids (p).
w ith fin e rhi zo id . Plu riloclllar sporctllgia ova l. 10-20 11111 di al11 ..
22-52 ¡.U11 long, ra re ly stalked . o lila ry 0 1' in pair .
Comlllolf: inconspi c uou , o n rocks 0 1' epiphyti c on othe r algae,
ofre n found as brown fll zz 0 11 mangrove prop 1'0015: to SO m deep.
Distributioll : Florid a. Lesser Antill es.

Pseudolithoderma extensUIn (P. Crou"n & H. Crouan) S. Lund
1959: 84. Ralfsia extel/sa P. Crouan & H. Cro"'lIl 1860: 368.
Thal/us forming thin c rusts, to 8 cm di am., yellow-brown to dark l . Trctllsverse section of CI'/ISl
brown. Crust comp lete ly adhere nt , lo 220 11111 thi c k; 01' verti ca ll y sholVing vertical jilaments
ali g ned fil a ments. Filalllellls 8- 12 IlI11 di a m., closely packed. fu sed (f) alld su/jace
laterall y; fil ame nt cell s cy lindri cal, le ngth va ri abl e; surface cell "phaeophycean " hairs (h).
ova l, den ely pi g l11ented ; surface hairs (ca ll ed ph aeophycean hairs in
brown a lgae) de nse, o f 1- evera l cells, 8- 12 Ilm di a m .. to 300 ~lm
lo ng. seldom branc hed, rarely with bulbo us api ces. A lfached by ba al
cell s. Plurilocular sporallgia coml11on. Ullilocular sporctllgia
s pheri ca l, to 22 ~lm di am.
Ufl coflfmolf: inconspi cuous, o n rocks 0 1' othe r ha rd surfaces, most
conSpi Cll O,lIS whe n present on stark white mo llusk shell s 0 1' oth er
carbonate sllbstrates; to 10m deep.
DislributiO Il : Florida. Bahal11as. Grealer Anlill e , Lesser Anlill es,
So ulhern Ca ribbean. Weslern Cari bbea n, GlIlf of Mex ico.

Cladosipholl occidentalis Kyli n 19·1O: 27. lig. 15F; pI. 3. lig. 8.
Thal/us undlll aling, gelarino u , slippery, fI accid , 10-30 c m lo ng, dllll /. Trall sverse sectioll of
brown; branc hing sparse, irregular. Brallches cylindri ca l, 0.7-3 .0 mm brallclt sltowing hollo\!'
di am., covered with fin e co lorle hairs; ho ll ow or basa ll y so l id. Wa l/ cel/ter sllrrpl/I/ded by
inne r cell s long itudin ally cy lindrica l, 30- 130 ~U11 di am .. 200-400 11 m larger lIIa fl cel/s (w),
long; o ute r radi al fil al11e nts 5.5-9 .0 Ilm di am .. 100-300 Ilm lo ng: producing lateral (1)
slIlf ace hairs colo rl es , 8- 1S IlI11 di a m .. ro I SO Ilm lo ng. Plllrilocular jilamellls al/d colorless
sporallgia o n tips of o llte r fil am ent , 10 19 IlI11 di am .. 48 ~lm lo ng. slliface hairs (17 ).
Unilocl/lar sporangia so litary 0 1' cluste red, oblong 10 ova l, 25-40 Il m 2. Lateral jilall/el/ts lVil/¡
d ia m. , 40-80 Ilm lo ng, fo rming o n oute r fil al11ents. Call/erc/llgia lO l/Itiloclllar sporallgilll11
S Ilm diam .. to 48 Ilm long, forl11ing al a pex of Olue r radi al fi lam e nts. (11); scale same as #3.
Locally abUlldallt: epiphyli c o n o the r algae or seagrasses in shall ow J. La leral jilalllel/ts willt
calm wate rs; to I I 111 deep. terminal gametangia (g).
Distributiol/ : Flori da. Bahal11 as. Grea te r Anl ill es, Lesscr Antill es.
So ulhern Caribbean , We tern Ca ribbca n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Nereia tropica (W.R. Taylor) w'R. Taylor 1955: 74. pI. 5.
SlilopIJortl l/'OpiclI w'R. Taylor 1928: 11 5. pI. 3. lig. 9: pI. 14. ligs. 5. 6: pI. 19, lig. 2.
Thal/lIs wiry, to 35 cm hi gh, li ght yell ow-brown; branchlng irregular l . BrclI1c/¡ apex and lateral
or al ternate; main axis not apparent. Brallc/¡ es 0.3-2.0 mm diam. , spur-like brC/Ilc1r1els wilh
termin ating in fine fil ame ntoll tufts; latera l tufts cauered on spur- apical lufis.
like branchlels; luflS absent in o lder branchl ets. Medlll/lIIY cel/s 2. SU/face view of cel/s.
30-50 /-1m di am.; pericentral ce ll s 10-20, often obscu re. SII/face 3. SporC/ngium (s) f1anked
cel/s papillae-like wilh no or few latera l connecúon ; branch urface by club-shaped slerile
celJs 15-25 /-1m diam., 30-75(-150) /-1m thick ; branc hlet surface cell s hairs (h).
10 10 /-1m di am. , 20-50(- 70) ~lm Ihick. Sporangia cy lindri ca l, ova l 4. Transverse seclion of
to cllIb-shaped , 10-20 ~1I11 diam .. 25-45 /-1m lo ng, al base of fil a ment brancll corlex wilh
tufts; adjacent sterile hairs club- haped to ova l, 10-28 /-1m di am., papil/ae-like sll/face cel/s.
25-51 /-1m long, lIni ce lllll a r.
UnCOmITlOIl: g rowing attached to rock or ep iphYlic on other algae,
abundant on deep sand plains attac hed to mall pebble ; 20 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Fl orida, Grealer An lill e , Le ser Alllilles.

Sporochllus pedullculatus (Hudson) C. Agardh 1820: 149.

FllclIs pedlln clllallls Hudson 1778: 587.
Thal/us of wiry sliff branches wilh termin al a nd lateral, fine, fluffy, l. Habil of lalerallufls.
filamentoll s tufts, to 30 cm hig h. li ght yell ow-brow n; branching 2. & 3. Ullilocular sporallgia
irregul ar from central axes. CetUral axes cy lindrical , lO I mm 0 11 shorl filam enls.
diam. , lough, di stinct. Brctnches lerminate in fine filamentou s 4. Transverse seclion of
tufts; fil ame nt lO 7 mm long. Laleral tujis absem in o lder brall ch.
branchlet ; talk 175-200(-500) ~lm diam. , 1-2(-3) mm lo ng;
reproduclive blll ge below filaments 700-850 /-1m diam.; terminal
fi lame nls 15-22 /-1m di am. , 3-6 mm long., cell s 80- 100 /-1m lo ng.
Medul/G/Y cel/s 20-40(-50) /-1m diam ., 70-150(-250) /-1m long,
longer nea r ba e. SU/face cel/s phericaJ , 8- 10 /-1m diam.,
eX lre me ly thick-waJled , heavi ly pigmemed. Sporctllgia unil oclll ar,
oval, 8- 12 /-1m di a m., 20-35 /-1m long, on short filaments al base
of long fil!\menl tufts.
Uncollllllon : growing ab llndanl ly eilher ep iphylica ll y or on roc k,
on deep sand pl ain s, often found a uached to or grow ing free in
T/¡alassia beds in lhe Gulf of Mexico; to 55(-1 10) m deep.
DistribuliOIl: Florid a, Grealer An lill es, Gulf of Mex ico.


Chlloospora minima (K. Hering) Papenfuss 1956: 69.
Fllells lIIinilllllS Herin g 184 1: 92.

Thal/us wiry, t ug h, lhin. lo 16 c m long, yellow-brown: branc hing l . Ha bit.

dicholomou s to cervi corn, sli ghtl y broadened al di c holomies. 2. Transverse section of bloc/e.
Blac/es IhickJ y strap-shaped, to 2 mm broad, I mm thick, 4 c m 3. Tran sverse Seclioll of
lo ng; apices tapering to blllnt points. Medul/ary cel/s roundly sU/face ha ir lufi.
angul ar, to 40 ~lm diam., elo ngated, lacking pig ment, decrea ing in
size toward surface. SlIrface cel/s spherica l, to 10 /-1m diam .. heav il y
pi gmemed ; ubsurface ccll s to 12 /-1m diam. , heavil y pigmented.
Surface /¡airs to 500 ~lIn long, di tinclly tufted ; tufls to 20 /-1m
di am ., I mm lo ng. scalte red o n blade urface: hair cell s lO 10 /-1m
diam ., 80 ~lm long. Holclfasl di c-like.
Rare: in area ex posed to large waves: exc lusively upper intertida l.
Distriblltioll: Florida. Greater Alllil les. Lesser Anlilles. Soulhern

Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex ROlh) Dcrbes & Solier in ¡j,wgne
1851: 95. U/m sil/llosa Mallens ex ROlh 1806: 327. pI. 12.
Thalllls moolh, slick, hollow, crisp, spheri caJ, irregul arl y ex panded l. Transverse seclioll of slerile
or sOmewhal lobed, lo 30 cm di arn ., 10 cm hi gh, golden-brow n; oflen surface ha ir e/usler.
covered with fine co lorles hairs : reprod ucli ve sori as dark ra ised 2. Transverse sectioll oJ
palche on surface. Membralle 300-500 I-tm th ick, of 4-6 cell layers; sLl/face membralle.
medllll ary cell s to 240 I-tm di arn .; cortex 1- 2 cell thi ck; surface cell s
3.7-8.0(- 16) I-tm di am.; sllrface " phaeophycea n" hairs transparent,
in scattered c lusters. Holdfast not apparent, attachment al many
poillls. Plurilocular sporallgia cy lindri ca l to clllb-shaped, 3.7-8.0 11m
di am., 18-30 11 m long, in dense c lusters, seattered on sllrface,
interspersed wilh steril e hair ; sterile hairs ey lindri ca l to clllb-shaped,
8- 16 11m di am .. 25-50 11m long.
COllllllon: filllll y attached to hard surfaces or epiphyti c on other
orga ni sms; lower intertidal to 15 m deep.
Dislriblllio1/. : Florida, Bahama , Greater Antilles, Lesser Ant ille ,
South ern Caribbea n, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mexico.

Hydroclathrus clathratus (c. Agardh) M. Howe 1920: 590.

EI/coelil/III cla//¡rlIlIIlII C. Aga rdh 1823 11822- 1823.1: 4 12.
T/rallus irregul arl y-s haped (imm atll re th alli spheri ca l), perforated, l . Gllfer sU/face view of
holl ow. 1- 10(- 100) c m long, li ght to pale golden-brow n, o ften with petfo raled Ih allus.
tuft of urface hair ; perfo rations numerou , circul ar, with margins 2. Inner sLl/face oJ petfOra led
inro ll ed. Membrcrne 100-200 I-tm thi ck, of 3-6 cell layers; interi or Ihallus wilh m lled ma rgins.
cell s rounded angul ar, 50- 150 11m di am .. lacking pigmentati on; 3. Transverse seclioll of
surface eell s angul ar, o ften reclangular, to 10 11m diam ., heav il y memb rane.
pi gmented. HoldJasl nOl apparent, auached at many points. 4. View of OUler su/face celis.
Reprodu cli ve sori in young tha lli only; reprodllcti ve orga ns 5. View of inner su/face cel/s.
elongated oval (4-)9- 17 11m di am., 13-23 Iiln hi gh, plllriloeul ar,
uni seri ate or biseri ate, surrounding hair tu fts.
Locally abundan!: li ghtl y attached to hard substrate or Iying free
in ea lm waters; to 10 m deep.
Distrib ution,: Fl orida. Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Les er Antill es,
So uthern Ca ribbean. Western Ca ribbea n. Gul f of Mex ico.

Key to species of Rosell villgea The c ru st fonn o f lhe

l . Branching irregul ar, tangled; api ces tapered ........................ ..... .... ............ .... .. .. .. ...... R. in tricalll, p. 250 brow n a lga Lobophora
l . Branching dichotomous; apices not lapered ... ... .. ........ .. .. ..................... .... .... .. R. sllllclae-crucis, p. 250 I'a riegara (ef. p. 27 1)
g row in g o n lhe ba a l
branches of the cora l
POJ'iles porities. The ba es
o f branc hing cora ls a re
o fte n refug ia fo r pec ie
o f a lgae beca use
he rbi vorous fi shes have
diffi cultyaccessin g uc h

Rosenvingea intricata (J. Aga rdh) B0rgesen 19 14a: 26 Icontin uous

paginalion : 182). AsperococclIs il/tricotus J. Agard h 1847: 7.
Thallus as ta ngled mals or bushy indi vidual clumps, to 40 cm hi gh, l . Transverse sec/ion of
go lden 10 oli ve-brown; branching irregul ar. num erous. Blades sLllface membrane.
ho llow, cy lindrica l, often fl attened or contorted, occas ionall y to 2. Tra nsverse seclion of so rus
10 mm wide, sharpl y taperin g towards tips; apices blunt or showing plu rilocular
rounded. Membranes 70- 150 f.lm thi ck. o f 2-4 cell layers; sporangia (s) fo rmed fm m
medull ary cell s 60- 13 1 I.un di am. , 28- 120 f.lm thick; surface cell sLl/face cells.
irregul arl y angul ar, 9- 19 f.lm diam.; surface hai rs scattered or in 3. Tral/sverse seclion of
c lu terso Holdfas/ inconspicuous. Pluriloclllar sporangia ova l, to sutface membrane wilh
20 f.lm diam., 50 f.lm long, in well -defin ed sori , developing from e/Lls/er of "phaeophycean "
surface cell s. hairs (17) .
Comlllon : attached to eagra ses or vari ous hard surface , in
protecled or sheltered areas; lower interti da l to 35 m deep.
Distributiol/ : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Le ser Anlill e ,
So uthern Cari bbea n. Western Cari bbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Rosenvingea sanctae-crucis B0rgesen 19 14a: 22. ngs. 14- 17

Icontin uo lls paginalion: 178, ngs. 14 1- 143J'
Thallus tangled mats or fin e bushy individua l c lumps, to 20(-40) J. Trallsverse seclioll of blade.
cm hi gh, golden to dark brown; branchin g dichotomous, rarely 2. Trallsverse sec/ioll of cor/ex
irregular or cervicorn. Blades holl ow, cy lindri ca l or fl attened, to wi/h two surface cells
2 mm di am.; apice commonly blunt, rarely fin e or hair- like. inilialing hairs (17 ).
Cor/ex 120- 180(-280) f.lm lhi ck; interior cell s rounded 10 3. Sw face view of cells.
rectangular, 80-200 ¡.lm diam .. 100-300 f.lm long ; surface cells
tri angul ar to reclangul ar, 10-20 f.lm di am; surface hairs scattered.
Gametangia oval, 5- 12 Ilm di am ., 20-40 Ilm long, in irregular
sori .
UIIC01ll11l0n : attached to hard surfaces or seagrasses in protected,
shall ow, subtidal areas; 10 15 m deep.
Dislribution: Flori da. Bahamas, Greater Ant ill es, Lesser Alllilles.
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Cari bbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

O RDER S PHACELARIALES "Tumbleweed of the sea"

F AMILY S PHACELARIACEAE In an area of strong
incoming and outgoing tidal
Key to s p ecies of Sphacelaria currents in the Bahamas,
l . Propagules with long cylind rica l "arm s" ................. ..... .... .... .... ... ..... .. .... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. S. rigidu/a , p. 252 thousands of free Iying
l. Propagul es broadl y tri angul ar, without long cy lindrical "arms" .. ......................... ......... ~.............. ... ... .. 2 Cladophora catenata balls
2. Propagul es withoul "a rms", body rounded tri angul ar: fil aments 25-60 Il m di am.; segments 1.0- 1.5 (tennis-ball size) are swept
di ameters long ......... ....... .............. ... .... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... .......... ..... ... ........................ S. tribu /oides, p. 252 and a1temately accumulate
2. Propagul e with shon tapering "arms"; fi laments 48-70(-80) ~tm diam.; seg ments 0.5- 1.0 on the opposite sides of
di ameter long ......... .. ...... ................ ... ...... ........ .. .. ........ ......... ............ .......... S. 1I0vae-hollalldiae, p. 252 Thalassia lestudinum
(turtlegrass) ridges ( ee
also Ballentine et al. 1994).

Sphacelaria novae-hollandiae Sonder 1845: 50.

Thallus as dense filamel1lolls tllfts, 5- 10(- 15) mm hi gh, medjum l . Broadly triangular
ro dark brown ; branching in'egular ro radi al, frequenl. Filall/ents propagule with short stalk.
straight, cylindrical , 40-70(-80) Ilm diam. tapering sli g htly dista ll y; 2. Typical filamelll lVith
segments 0.5- 1.0 diameter long with 2-5 longitudi nal walls: latera l brokell Imeral hairs (h).
branchlels common, more . Iende r lhan main filamenls; lalera l hairs 3. Holelfast of illlertIVined
abundanl, 7- 10 Ilm diam .. soon breakjng off. Stolorl fibrous ; rhi zoi Is rl1i:oiels.
filamelllou s bUl dense. Propagules o n 1-3 ce lled tal k, roughly
triangular, 80- 150 ¡.tnl across arms , 100-200 Ilm lo ng.
Comlllo/! : incon picuou , on rock or othe r hard substrales,
epiphyúc on seagrasses or coarse algae; inte rtidal to 3 m deep.
Distriblltiol1: Grealer Antilles , Lesser Antilles.

Sphacelaria rigidula KÜlzi ng 1843: 292.

Thallus as filamentou cushion-like tufts with all fi laments l . ErecI.filam ems showing
genera lly of equal len gth or occurring a scattered fil a me nts in slalked
mi xed nlrf communiti es, 0.3-1.5(-3.0) cm hi gh, medium to dark propagule wilh Ihree short
brown ; branching irregul ar to radia l. sparse ro frequenr. Filaments anns (el) and l71alure
straight, cylindrical, (25-)30-45(-52) Ilm diam. throug hout, propagule (p).
segments 1- 2 di a meters long with 1-3(-4) longitudinal walls ;
lateral hairs a bundant, 14-20 Ilm diam ., soon breiling off.
Ho/dfast di c- like or stoloniferous. Propagules with 2-3
cy lindrica l to slighLly tapering arms; arms 20-28 Ilm diam. ,
150-350(-450) Ilm lo ng; stalk 150-250 Ilm lon g.
Comlllon: inconspic uous, on rock or other hard substrates,
e piphytic on eagrasses or coar e algae; intertidal to 3 m deep.
Distriblltio1!: Florida, Grealer Al1lilles, Lesser Amilles , Sourhern

Sphacelaria tribuloides Meneghini 1840: [2].

Thal/us filam e ntou tufts or scanered in mixed turf communities, l . Roulldeel triangu.lar
4-5(- 10) mm hi gh, dark brown ; branc hing irregular to radial , propagule with sltort stalk.
sparse. Filaments cylindrica l, 25- 60 Ilm diam. ; segme nts 2. Typical filal71elll with
1.0-1.5 diallleters long; cells 15- 30 ~llll dialll. , 50-75 11111 long; broken lateral hairs.
lateral hairs 10-15 11111 di alll. , soon brea king off. Holelfast of
inteltwined rhizoid . Propagules stalked , rounded tri a ng ular,
oval in ide view, 140-165 11111 wide, lo 200 ~lm long.
COII/lllon: inconspicuOlls, on hard subsLrates, e piphytic o n
eagra e or coarse algae; inle rtidal to 3 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Anlilles, Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean. Gulf of Mex ico.

F AM1LY DICTYOTACEAE The stoplighl parrotfi sh
Spariso11lQ viride, an
Key to species of Dictyopteris
important herbivore, is also
l . Thallu large, to 50 cm high; blade with distincl cortex ..... ........ ..... ..................................................... 2 an importa nt corallivore
l . Thal lu s small er, to 30 cm high; blade wilhoUI disrincl corlex (exc lu ive of midrib) ............... .... .... .. . 3 (see linier et al. 1989b,
2. Blades to 200 ¡.L111 thick; yell ow-o live-brown; medull ary ti ssue two cell thi ck ............ D. justii, p. 256 Miller & Hay 1998).
2. Blades to 400 !!m thi ck; dark brown; medull ary ti ssue 2-7 ce IJ s thi ck .................... D. jolYa/Ia, p. 256
3. Mature blade one cellthick (exclu sive of midrib), with ti ne laleral veinlets from mi dri b to margin ...
........ ......... .. ................................................ .. .. .. ............................................... D. plagiogramma, p. 256
3. Mature bl ade greater than one cell thick, without fin e lateral veinlets .............................. .... .... .... .. ... 4
4 . Branching dichotomous below, altern ale aboye; margins with small inconspi cuous. teetl: ... .. ..: ..........;..
....................... ..... ........ ........ ............. ........................ ......................... .. .......... ....... D. Jama¡CeIlS¡S , p. 2:l4
4. Branching di chotomous to irregul ar; margins smooth , w ithout teeth ............... ..... ...... .. .. ........ ............ 5
5. Thallus l11all (2-8 cm hi gh), preading, tangled; bl ades to 5 111m wide .......... ..... D. delicatula , p. 254
5 . Thallus large (to 30 cm hi gh), erect; blades greater lhan 5 111m wide ........... D. polypodioides, p. 258

Dictyopteris delicatula J.v. Lamouroux 1809a: 332, pI. 6, lig. 2b.

Thallus spreading or erect, tang led, 2-8 cm hi gh, li ght to dark brown ; l . Habit.
branching dichotomous to irregular. Blades strap- haped, 2-5 mm 2. Transverse section of blade
wide, two cell s thick, lhicker at midrib; cell s in parallel rows; l11idrib margin o
di stinct but thin ; api ces rounded ; surface hairs c lustered in tufts. 3. Transverse section of blade
Holdfast basal or attaching at variou point by fil amentous rhi zoid . midrib.
Reproductive sori in single rows on each side of midrib.
Common: on mangrove prop roots or other hard substrates;
intertidal to 12(-30) m deep.
Distribuliol/: Florida, Bahamas, Grea ler Antilles, Les er Antill e ,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Dictyopteris jamaicensis W. R. Taylor 1960: 228/63 1, pI. 32. lig. 2.

Thallus erect, to 15 cm hi gh, brown; branching dichotomou in l. Habit of branching.
lower parts, alternate in outer. Blades thin, trap-shaped, 7- 11 mm 2. Margil/ wirh minute teeth.
wide, 42-60 !!111 thick, dli cker al midrib, one cell thi ck when young, 3. Suiface cells.
two cell layers when mature; multiple layers at midrib; cell s 4. Transverse secliol1 of blade
omewhat rectangular, 20--30 !!111 wide, 30--50 !!m long; midrib midrib.
di stinct; margin mooth , often undul ating or more ofien with
minute teeth ; surface hairs clustered in tufts, scattered or restricted
to two rows paralleling midrib. Stipe deve loping from older midrib.
Holdfast di tinct.
Rare: on hard substrate , ofien attached to coral fragment , most
commonly found in shallow habi tats; reported 10 73 m deep.
Dislribulion: Grealer Anlill e , Lesser Anlill e , Weslern Caribbean.

Dictyopteris j oLyana E.e. Olivcira & R.P. FlIrtad 1978: 760. figs. 1- 5.
Thal/us erecl, coarse, tough, 10 50 cm hi gh, yell ow-o li ve-b rown with J. Trallsverse secliol1 of blade
darker brown pots; unbranched o r 1-3 lime di chotomou s near base. Ivilh oogol/ia (o) mixed
Blades strap-shaped , 10 6 cm broad. 400 11m thick, four cell s thick at Ivilh slerile cel/s (s).
margins, older blade 10 seven layer , gradually increasing 1 ward 2. Tral1sverse seclioll oflloll-
midrib; midrib 6- 16 cell s thi ck, extreme ly pronounced, yell ow- /erlile blade IVilh wft o/
brown; margins mooth lo ruffl ed; apices blunt, indenled o r nOlched; s/IIface hairs (h).
surface hair shorl , fine, occas ionally covering enlire surface.
Medul/a/Y cel/s rectangular, tran slucent. 76- 152 11m wide, 38-68 ~lm
lhi ck. SlIIface cel/s rectangular, 26-40 11m wide, 34-60 11m lhick.
Slipe 2-3 cm long. Holdfasl fine ly fibrous. Oogollia ova l, 10 68 11m
diam., 164 ~l m long, o n e ither surface, in co mpacl. irregularly
scattered groups, originating from corti ca l cell ; however, corti cal cell
remain di tincl at base of mature oogoni a; sori oval, 0.2-1.0 mm
lo ng, generall y interrupled by narrowly e longaled paraphyses (sterile
3. Tral1sverse secliol1 o/ blade
celller ShOlVillg gradual
il1crease in cel/layers
loward cel/lral midrib.
lB 200 ¡.LID

colorl ess cells).

Ul/collllllon: attached 10 rocks and other hard substrale in
moderalely wave-exposed areas; inlertidal to 30 m deep.
Distribution : Bahamas, Grealer Anlilles.

Dictyopteris justii J.V. Lamourollx 1809a: 332, p1. 6. lig. 23.

Thal/us erecl, neshy, often in clumps, to 40 cm high, dark yellow l . Tral1 sverse seclioll o/
10 oLive-brown; branchi ng dic holomous. Blades strap-s haped, blade lVilh c1usler of
1.5-8.0 cm broad, 10 200 11m Ihick; four cell s thick, abrupt ly swface hairs (h).
increasing al midrib lo 8- 14 cell layers thick ; midrib heavy, yellow- 2. Tral/ sverse seclioll o/
brown: margi n sli ghlly ruffl ed; apices indel1led or blul1l; surface yOllnger growil/g margil/.
hairs common, clu lered, in ti ghl rufts, scatlered, often slighlly 3. Tral/sverse secliol/ o/
rai sed. Medul/a/Y cel/s rectangul ar, lo 100 11m di am., 60 11m thi ck. lIlalure blade margill.
Suiface cells reclangul ar, 10 30 11m diam. , 30-65 11m thick. Hold/asl 4. Tran sverse secliol1 o/
fibrous. Reproduclive sori in palches on upper surface. Oogollia blade wilh developing
oval, WilhoUl elongaled sterile cells, originating from cortical cell , sorus (s).
cortical cell lost al malUrily.
Locally ahulldal/t: on hard sub trates in moderately turbulent areas;
intertidal 10 50 m deep.
Dislrih ution: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Anti ll es, Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean , Gu lf of Mexico.

Dictyop teris plagiogramma (Monlag ne) Vickcrs 1905: 58.

fl aliseris plagiog rall/lI/lI Monlagne 1837: 356.
Thal/us erecl, 10 25 cm high , brown; branching alternate to irregular. J . Habil o/ branching.
Blades thin , strap- haped , 3- 10 mm wide. 35-50 11m thi ck, one cell 2. Inilialion o/ swface hairs.
thick excepl al multip le layered midrib; cell somewhat rectangular, 3. SLI/face view o/ veinlel (v) ;
15-30 11m wide, 30-50 11m long; midrib di slinct; margin s usua ll y blade edge wilh marginal
smootJl. s lightl y undul ating, lac king teeth ; surface hairs clustered in rhizoids.
lufts, scattered or in irregu lar row paralle l 10 midrib. Slipe forming 4. Tran sverse seclrol1 of blade
from eroded midrib. Holdfasl di stinct. Sporal/gia 80- 120 11m diam ., marg in o
scallered near midrib. 5. Transverse seclion o/ blade
Rare : o n hard substrale , o flen attached 10 coral frag mel1ls 01' allllidrib.
cattered rocks on deep sand pl ains; 9-55 m deep.
Distribution : Florida, Greater nlill e, Le ser Antilles, oUlhern
Caribbean, Weslern aribbea n. Gulf of Mex ico. m lll ! ¡
100 ¡Lm 200 ¡.Lm


Dictyopteris polypodioides (DcC"ndolle) J.v. Lamouroux 1809a: 332."

UII'" polypodioides DeCandolle in L.1mHrck & De ando lle 1805: 15.
Thal/Lls erecl, bushy, 10-30 cm hi gh, li ghl to dark brown; branching J. Habi/ of blade.
di chotomou lO irregular. Blades strap-shaped, 5-15 mm wide, lwo 2. Transverse sec/ion oJ
ce ll s thi ck, 75-1 00 ~lIn thi ck, thicker al midrib and margin ; cell s suiface ha ir c/us/ers.
in parall el rows; midrib distinct, 8- 15 cells thick, 175-200 IAm thick, 3. Transverse sec/ioll of
denuded below lO form slipe; apice rounded, ofien notched al apex: la/eral blade margino
surface hai rs 18-22 IAm diam., clustered in rufts, oppo ite one 4. Tral/sverse sec/ion nea r
another on both ides of blade. Holdfas/ inconspicllolls, pad-like. midrib.
Sporangia in irregular sori on both ides of midrib. Came/angia
in larger groups, at tim es covering large area of blade.
U IICOIllIIIOII: on rocks or other hard urfaces, rarel y intertidal ;
to 40 m deep.
DistribLltiol/ : Florida, Oreater Antille , Lesser Antilles.

Key to species oC Dictyota

l. T hal lus medll ll a mostly two cells th ick [dark yellow-brown] .................. .. ............................... .. .. . 2 12( 11). B lades with wide dark and li ght brown bands, 3-5 mm wide, 100-140 11m thi ck ...... ............ ........ .
l. Thall us medlllla mo tly one cell thick [yellow-brown, brown, olive-brown to iride cenl blue or ................................... .... ... ........ .. ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ....... ..... ..... ........... ..... .. ... D. bartayresiana, p. 260
green) ................................... .... .. .................. ..... .................. .... ....... ....... .... ... ....... .. ... ....................... . 3 12( 11 ). Blades not widely banded but often having thin dark brow n tran verse striati ons, 4- 15 mm
wide, 150-250 11m thi ck ............. ......... ...... ............... .. ... .. ....... .. ........ ............ D. lIlel/strualis, p. 266
2( 1). Blades 2-4(-5) mm broad; apices rounded ; medulla 2(-5) ceUs thick near margin s, tllinner at
mid-blade ....... ......... ..... .... .. ....................... .... ........ ..... ... ...... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. ....... ... D. pilll/atifida, p. 268 13( 1 1). Blade 0.3- 1.5 mm wide, 200-300 IAm lhick; sporangi a and amheridia nO! surrounded by
2( 1). B lades 0.3-2.0(-4.0) mm broad ; apices rounded to po inted; medu ll a un iformly 2(-4) cell s pa raphyses ....... .......... ........................................... .... .... ................... .................. D. caribaea , p. 260
thick, mostly one cell thick at margins .. .. .. ................................ .......... ......... D. gllilleellsis, p. 264 13( 1 1). Blades 1.0-2.5 mm wide, 180-220 IAm thi ck; sporang ia and antheridia lIrrollnded by
paraphyses ...................................................................................................... D. cervicom is, p. 260
3( 1) . Upper branching altemate ............................................. ......... .. ... .. ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ....... ................. 4
3( 1) . Upper branching other tllan altern ate ............................................................... ....... .. .. .. ............... 5
4(3). ThaLl lls having iridescent blue-green sheen; main axe distinct; lateral branche much twi sted ,
80-120 IAm thick; tetra porangia without paraphyses .......... ........ .. ................ D. lIIertellsii, p. 266 Colorflll pl anl/anima l communily characte ri sli c
4(3). Thallu brown, lacki ng blue-green heen; main axes not obvioll s; branche not overly twisted,
180-349 IAm th ick; tetrasporangia with paraphyse ...................... ........ .. .. .. .... D. crispata , p. 262 of suspe nded prop roots in hea llhy ma ngrove
islands, suc h as lhe Pe li can Cays, Be li ze
5(3) . ThaLIll with distinct lateral tendril or hook ... ......................................... ... .. D. halllifera, p. 264 ( ee Maci ntyre e t al. 2000). Su pe nded ro ts
5(3) . Thalllls without distinct lateral tendrils or hooks ..................................................... .... ................. 6
prov ide a re ru ge ro r pa latabl e plants fra m
6(5). Margin s toothed ......... .. .... .. .......... .... .. ... .................... .... ... ... ..... .. ...... ...... ....... ... .. .... .... ...... ...... ...... ... 7 he rbi voraus ¡¡shes and bemhi c in verte brates,
6(5) . Margins smooth ... ......................................... ........ ........ .... .. ..................... .... .................. ........ ... ...... 8 beca use they o rrer ambu sh s ites ro l' carni voraus
7(6). Blades to 7(-12) mm wide, marginal teeth ma ll but obviou .. .................... .... D. cilioúzta, p. 262 predato ry fishes (p. 225 he re in , Tay lor e l a l.
7(6). Blade to 3 mm wide, marginal teetll minute, not obvious ..................... ....... D. crelllllata, p. 262 1986).
8(6). Thallus generally prostrate [tightly adhering to ub trate or forming flat mats or pad ) ........... 9
8(6). Thal lus main ly erect .. ................................................................................................................... 10
9(8). Branching irregu lar to dichotomou ; blade 75- 125 IAm thick; light brown with blue iride cence ..
.. .... ........ .. .......... ..... ....... .... ................... ...... ..... ............ ......... .... ........ ... ........ ...... D. 11lIl1Iifllsa, p. 264
9(8). Branching strictly dichotomous; blade 100-200 IAm thick, light brown with green iridescence
and dark pots ..... ...... ............... ......... ..... ........... .. .. ..... ......... .................................... D. pfaffii, p. 266
10(8). Thallu Wilh wide lower bl ade (to 5 mm broad) narrowing with each ucce sive divi ion to fine
apice (0. 1-0.2 mm wide) .................................................. .............................. D. plllchella, p. 268
10(8). Thallus nOl narrowing with each succes ive divi sion ....... ........................................................... 11 Underwa ter photography is a n impo rta nt too l
11 ( 10). Blades greater than 3 mm wide ............ .. .............. .. ........................ ... .. ............ .............................. 12 in qu antilat ive eco log ica l sllI d ies (see Littl e r
11( 1O). Blades le than 3 mm wide ............................ ....... .......... .... ....................... ~ ....... ... .. ............... ..... . 13 & Littler 1985). as well as in taxo no mi c
researc h, suc h a the present study.

Dictyota bartayresiana J.Y. L.amouroux 1809b: 43.*

Thal/us erect, delicate, 10 7 cm high, light brown, often wilh dark J. 81ade lVi/h dich%ll/ol/s
olive-brown bands, occasionally with iridescent blue <lnd green brclI/chillg.
bands; branching dichotomou . 81ades slrap-shaped, 3-5 mm wide, 2. Trallsverse sec/ioll of blade.
100-140 11m thi ck. to 60 or more medullary cells wide; apices J. Surface I'iell' of blade lI'i/h
broad. roundcd. Medl/I/ar)' cel/s in one layer, rectangular, smal/ sL/lface cel/s coverillg
45-1 10 11m thick. arranged in rows. SII/face cel/s rec tangular, large medl/I/cl/y cel/s.
10-30 11m thick. in regular rows. SL/lface hairs uncommon , tufted,
scatteretl. HoldfclSf incon picuous, fibrou s, mat-Iike. Sporallgia
spherical, 60- 110 ¡.ull diam. , so litary o r c1ustered, not surrounded
by le ril e paraphyses. Oogollial sori scallered.
C01I/1Il0 1l: in shallow protected habitats oflen found grow in g
horizonLally u pended or shelf- like from mangrove prop roOlS;
10 1 m deep.
Dislribl/liol/: outhern Caribbean. Western Caribbean. NO/e: Thi s
name has been mistakenly associated with various entiti es in
Caribbean walers.

Dictyota caribaea /-Iomig & Schneuer in I-Iornig el al. 1992: 58 "

Thal/I/s lOugh . wiry, bushy. in tangled c lumps, lO 12 c m hi gh, l. Habi/ of brallchillg.
yell ow-o li ve-brown; branching dichotomou s to cerv icorn, 2. VielV of blade edge sllOlVing
occa ionally irregular. 81ades slrap-s haped , uniform ly 0.3- 1.5 mm spllr-like la/eral brallcltle/s,
wide lhroughout, ofte n twisted, 200-300 flm thi ck, 6-25 medullary ha ir IL(/is (h) and /hick
cell s wide; apices pointed. Medl/I/C/IY cel/s in one layer, rectangular. na/l/re of blade.
180-270 11m Lhick. a rranged in rows . SII/face cel/s reclangular, J. TrclI/sverse sec/ioll of
10-20 11m thi ck. in regular rows. SL/lface hairs tufted . scattered blade lVi/h sLl/face
a long cen tral blade. shed rapidly. Holdfas/ incon spicuou s, fibrous, sporallgiwl/ (s) .
mal-like; marginal rhizoids common. Sporallgia olitary, cattered,
genera ll y near blade margin , w ithou t paraphyses.
COJ//1Il0 1l: on rocks, other hard substrate or mangrove peat, most
commonl y round in sha ll ows arou nd mangrove islands; to 3 m deep.
DistributiOI/: Florida. Greater Anti ll e , Lesser Anlill es, Sou th ern
Caribbean, We ~ tern Caribbea n, Gulf of Mexico.

Dictyota cerviconzis KÜILing 1859: 11 , pI. 24. fig. 2.

Thal/us bus hy, to 20 cm hi g h, ol ive-brown; branching l . Habi/ of blade.
dichotomously asym me lri ca l, cerv icorn. 8rallches 1.0-2.5 mm 2. SLllface vielV of antheridial
wide; 180-220 fllll thick. 10-25 medul lary ce ll s w ide, often twisted sorus (s) surroullded by
o r spira l; apices pointed. Medul/ar)' cel/s in one layer. rectangu lar. paraphyses (a).
140- 180 11m thick, arranged in longi tudina l row . Sll/face cel/s J. Trallsverse sec/ion of blade
rectangular, 15-20 11m thi ck. SLI/face hairs in tufts, scattered near II/argin ShOIVillg
cenu'a l ax is. Holdfas/ fibrous , mat- li ke; margin al rhizoid com mon. antheridial súri (s) and
SporCIngia cattered, 'o litary, surrounded by paraphyses. Oogollial marginal rhizoids (r).
sori scattered. AII/heridial sori multichambered, surrounded by
paraphyse .
Comll/oll : attached to rocks, he ll fragment or large plants in
andy hall ow a reas; to 3 m deep.
Dislribuliol/: Florida. Bahamas. Greater Anlillc;, Le ser Antill es,

Soulhe rn Caribbean. Weslern Caribbean. Gulr or Mex ico.

(}) iI J lOOJLm

Dictyota ciliolata Kützing 1859: 12. pI. 27. lig. 1.

Thal/us bushy, erect, to 15 cm hi gh, li ght brown with yell ow green J. Habil of blades.
iridescence. so metimes with dark brown tran ver e triali ons; 2. OntS wilh oogol/ia.
branching narrowly irregu lar to di chotomous. Branches strap- 3. Anlheridial sorus.
shaped, LO 12 mm wide below fork , 7 mm wide abo ve, often spirall y 4. Tran sverse seclion of blade.
twisted: margin s with scattered, slender teeth LO 0.5 mm long,
generally upturned; apices tapering, blunt to pointed. Blade to
150 J!lTI thi ck. Medul/ary cel/s o ne layer thick, rectangular, to
125 Ilm thick, arranged in di stinct transverse rows crealing fine
stri ated pattern on blades. Surface cells rectang ular, to 25 11m lhick.
Surface hairs to 120 11m long, in callered tufts. Sporangia oval ,
to 25 per cluster, wilhout sterile paraphyses cell . Oogol/ial sori
callered , to 200 Ilm diam .. II O ~lm high . AllIheridial sori -
5 mm
.... . ,
mu ltichambered, wilhout paraphy es.
U n COIIIIII OI/ : on rocks or odler hard substrates in moderately
turbulent habitats; to 25 m deep.

Distriblltion: Florida. Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf 01' Mexico.

Dictyota crelllllata J. Agardh 1847: 7'

Thal/us erect, bushy, to 20 cm hi gh, yell ow-brown; branching wide ly l. Typical brallch.
dichotomous near base, api ces often with narrow dichotomies 2. Immalure sporangium.
(a lmost parallel). Blades strap-shaped, often lwi ted , 1-2 mm wide, 3. AllIheridial sorus.
100-130 Ilm thick, 16--35 medullary cell s wide; apices blunt; 4. TrC/n sverse seclion of blade
marginal teeth diminuti ve, 50-150 Ilm long, al irregul ar interva ls. wilh oogonial (o) so rus
Medul/ary cel/s in o ne layer, rectangu lar, 75-100 Ilm thick, arranged and marginal rhizoids (1').
in longitudin al row . Surface cel/s rectangular to squari sh, 20-40 ~tm
lhi ck. SII/face hairs to 120 Ilm long, in scattered tufts. Holdfasl
inconspicuo us, as fibrou s mass; marginal rhizoid common.
Sporangia as dark dol , 80- 120 Ilm diam. , cruciate ly divided,
scallered, so lil ary 01' in small c1 usters. Oogol/ial sori evenly
di spersed, to 25 0 Ilffi di am., 500 Ilm long, so litary or in mall
(2-3) clusters. AllIheridial sori 75-200 !lffi di am., 60-120 11m hi gh.
U IICOIIIIllOI/ : grow in g on hard subslrates in moderate ly shallow
waters; to 15m deep.
Distriblltiol/ : Greater Antilles, Lesser Antille , Southern Caribbean,
Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Dictyota crispata J.v. Lamouroux 1 09b: 44."

Thallus erect, large, fluffy, bushy, 10 20 cm hi gh, yellow-brown, J. Habil of blade.
often with dark brown lransverse striations: branching mo tly 2. Apex of blade showing
alternate w ith numerous short spur-like branchl ets ( 1-2 mm long). single apical cel/.
Blades to 3 mm wide, 180-340 11m thick , 30-45 medu ll ary cell s 3. Tran sverse sectiol/ of blade.
wide; apices pointed when mature. Medul/ary cel/s in o ne layer,
rectangu lar, to 280 11m lhick, arranged in di stincl tran sverse rows
oflen creaLing tri ated pattern . SLllface cel/s 15-30 Ilffi thi ck, in
regular rows. SLllface hairs tllfted, scattered. qui ckly deciduou s.
Holdfasl inconspicuous, fibrous, mat- like: margin al rhi zoid
common. SporC/ngia sphen ca l, to 150 Ilm diam., densely scattered,
solitary or in linear clu lers of 4-5, surrounded by paraphyse .
Locallyabulldallt: in moderately wave-exposed areas where fish
grazing is minima l; intertidal LO 15 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles. Les er Antille ,
Southern Caribbean. Western Caribbean.

Dictyota guilZeelZsis (KÜlzing) P. rouan & H. rouan ex Ma¿é & Schmmm

1878: 126* Spatogloss/l lII g/lil/ eel/se KÜlzing 1843: 339.
T/¡al/lIs densely bushy, ereCl, lO 30 cm hi gh, dark yell ow-brow n; l. Habil of blade.
branching prox im all y alLell1ate, di sta ll y di chotomous, rarely 2. Tra l/ sverse seclion of blade
altell1ate ro palmate ly lobed. Blades narrowl y trap-shaped, s/¡ olVing medul/a (111 )
0. 3-2.0(-4.0) mm broad; margins smooth , undu lating; api ces blunt composed of rwo cel/ layers
to somewhat pointed. Medul/a uni form ly 2(-4) cell s thi ck, mostl y and oogonial sori (o).
one cell thi k at margin ; ce ll s rectangular, to 85 J.lm thick, arranged
in rows. SLllface cel/s rectangul ar, ro 20 ~lJn thi ck, in regul ar row .
SII/face ha irs numerou5, in tuft , scattered. Holdfasl inconspicuous,
~i brou . Sporal/gia pheri ca l, lO 100 !-1m diam .. scattered, near
apices. on eilher surface o f blade. Oogol/ia scattered, without
paraphyses. Alllheridial sori scaltered .
Comilla": on 5mal l rocks or coral fragments, o ften in wave-ex po ed
areas ; interticl al 10 10m deep.
Distribll lio l/ : Florid a. Bahamas. Greater Anti lI es, Lesser Ant i lI es,
So ulhern Caribbean, Western Cari bbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Dictyota hamifera Selehe ll 1926: 92. pI. 14. Iigs. 1-6.

T/¡al/us bushy, in tangled clumps, ro 12 cm hi gh, li ght brown l . Habil of Ih al/us lVilh laleral
w ith iridescent blue bancled sheen; branching widely di chotomous. hooks or lelldrils.
Blades strap-shaped, 0.7- 1.2 mm just aboye dichotomies 2. Tral/sverse secliol/ of
tapering wider ( 1-2 mm wide) just before branchin g, often twisted, lel/dril.
100- 125(-290) !-1m thi ck; 8- 13 medull ary cell s wicle just aboye 3. Transverse seclioll of blade
di chotomi es, to 26 medullary cell s wide just be low di chotomies; wil/¡ IUft of sUlf ace /¡airs.
with di stincti ve lateral hooks or tendri ls which o flen attach to
adj acent pl ants or anim als; tendril s to 250(-300) J.lm thi ck, o f
limited growth ; apices bluntly pointed. Medul/a lY cel/s in one
layer, rectangular, 80-270 J.lm thi ck, arranged in rows. SII/ face
cel/s rectangul ar, 15-25 J.lm thick, in irreg ular rows. SUlface hairs
tufted, scattered along central bl acle. Holdf aSI inconspi cuous.
fibrous, mat-like.
Rare: langled with other algae or hooked on bryozoans;
LO 3 m deep. '
DistriblltiOIl : Greater Antill es, Les er Antille .

Dictyota humifusa Horni g, Sehneller & Coppejans in Homig el al. 1992:

T/¡al/us prostrate. deli cate. creeping, densely interwoven, to / . Habil.
0 .5-2.0 cm high, li ght brown, of1en with bri ll iant blue iridescence; 2. Transverse seclioll of blade
branching irregular lO so mewh at di chotomou . Blades tubby, wil/¡ venlra l r/¡izoids (r).
trap-shaped, ( 1-)3-5 mm wide, 75- 125 !-1m thi ck, 30-60 medu ll ary
cell s wide; apices broad, rounded. Medul/O/y cel/s in one layer, squ are
to rectangul ar, 50-80 ~lm lhi ck, arranged in omewhat regul ar rows.
SII/face cel/s rectangular, 15-30 !-1m thick, in parall el rows. SII/face
hairs lufted, scattered, eldom pre ent. R/¡izoids from lower surface,
seldom marginal. Sporallgia scallered, wilh four or eight spores.
COII/II/Ofl: úghtly adhering to any firm ub trate, creeping over
urfaces, in shall ow protected habitats¡ to 40 m deep.
Distriblltioll : So ulhern Caribbean, Wes lern Cari bbean.

Dictyota mellstruaLis (HOyl) SChneller, Hornig & Weber-Peuken 1987:

195. Iigs. 5, 6. Dic/)'ora dicJw/o/lla var. /IIells/nla!is HOyl 1927: 616.
Thallus bushy, erect, 15-25(-35) cm high , yellow-brown to dark /. Typical branch.
brown; bra nching regularly dichotomous (ang Ling 15° to 45°). 2. Trans verse sec/ion o/ blade
Blades strap-shaped, 4-- 15 mm wide, 150-250 11m thick, 25-45 or wi/h marginal rhizoids.
more medulJ ary ceLl s wide; margin smooth; apice blu nt. Medul/ary
cel/s in one layer, occasionall y mu ltilayered near base, rectangul ar
to polygonal, 120- 180 11m th ick, arranged in mostly regu lar rows.
Su/face cel/s rectangul ar, 20-30 11m thick, in paralle l rows. SlIIface
hairs tufted, inconsp icuous. Rhizoids abund ant, marginal o n younger
blades, marginal and ventral on o lder blades. Sporangia scattered,
sing le or in pairs, without paraphyses.
Commo/! : on mall rocks, sponges or cora l fragment in sandy
areas; to 30 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Weste rn Caribbea n, Gu lf of Mexico.

Dictyota mertensii (Manius) KÜlzing 1859: 15. pI. 36, Iig. 1"
Ulva /IIertensii Marlius 1828: 5, pI. 1.

Thal/us erect, large, nuffy, bu shy, to 20 cm hi g h, brown with / . Habi/ of blade.

iridescent blue-green sheen; lateral branching alte rnate with 2. Trans verse sec/ion of
numerous short twi sted branch le ts ( 1-2 mm lo ng), mai n ax is blade wilh /uft of slllj'ace
di stinct. Blades to 3 mm wide, 80- 120 11m thi ck, 50 or more jilame/ (f) and
medullary ceLl s wide; apices broadly ro unded. M edu/lary cel/s in o ne sporangium (/).
layer, rectang ular, to 100 11m th ic k, arranged in rows . Sll/face cel/s
rectangu lar, 15-20 11m thi ck, in regu lar rows. Swface hairs in
scattered tufts, nO! marginal, persistent. Holdfasl inconspic uo us,
fibrou s. mat-like. Sporangia den sely scattered, so litary o r in linear
clusters of 4--8 . Oogonia 80- 100 11m diam. , soli tary o r in c lusters
of 2 or 3.
Locally ablllldallt: in moderate ly wave-exposed areas where fi sh
grazing is mi:nimal ; inte rtidal to 15 m deep .
Distributiotl: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antille , Le ser Antil les.
So ulhe rn Caribbean.

Dictyota pfaffii Schneller 1972: 12. fig . 1"

Thal/us prostrate, deli cate, c reepin g, de nsely interwoven, 0.5-2.0 c m / . Typical branch.
hi gh, li ght brown to gree n, commonly with dark spots; branching 2. Tran sverse sec/ion of blade
dichotomou . Blades strap-shaped, 4--7 mm wide, 100-200 11m lhic k, showing marginal rhizoids,
35-75 medullary cells wide; api ce broad, rounded . Medul/CII)' cells in .lome /erminC/ling ill
o ne layer, rectangu lar, 60-160 11m thick , a rra nged in rows. SU/face hap/eral (finger-like) cel/s.
cel/s rectangul ar, 10-25 ~lm thi ck, in regular rows. Surja'ce hairs
tufted, scattered. Rhi~o ids often marginal, when mature terminating
in haptera l (fin ger- like) cell s. Sporangia spheri ca l, to 80 11m diam.,
o litary or clu tered, containing four to eig ht spores. Oogollial sori
scattered. At1Iheridial sori 90- 180 11m long, multi cha mbered.
Comllloll: ti g htly adhering to stabl e sub trate. in shallow protected
habitats; to 40 m deep.
Distribtttiotl: Southern Caribbea n, We te rn Caribbean. No/e: Thi \

entity has been mi stakenl y identifi ed in Caribbean waters under
vario us na mes.
-~-' ,.~.~

Dictyota pillllatifida KÜlLing 1859: 16. pI. 39. lig. l."

Tltal/us bushy, erecl, 10 15 cm hi gh, dark yell ow-brow n: branchin g l . Typica l dicltOIO/JIOIl S
alternale to irreg ul ar; apices inili all y d ichoto mo usly branched brancl1.
(a ngling 15°_ 45°). Blades trap-shaped, 2-4(-5) mm wide; margin 2. Irregular bral/clting
smoolh; api ce blunt 0 1' ro unded. Medul/a 2(-5) cell s lhi ck at (unco /JI 1l101/ ).
margi ns, lhinner at mid- bl ade; cell rectang ul ar, 50-80 l.tl11 lh ick, 3. Transverse secliol/ of blade
arranged in rows. SII/face cel/s rectangul ar, 10-20 11m lhi ck, in sltowing Ilticker medul/a
longiludinal row . Suiface hairs scattered in tu fts. Holdfasl (111) al lI1argil/s and sll/face
inconspi cuo us, fib rous. Sporangia solitary, scattered . Alllheridial sporangia (s).
sori mulli chambered, containing many anlheridi a.
COII/llton : on small rocks, coral fragments 0 1' at the base of li ving
cora l; to 26 m deep.
Distriblllion : Florida. Bahama , Greater Ant ill e . Les er Antill es,
Soulh ern Caribbea n. Western Ca ribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Dictyota pulchella Homig & Schneller 1988: 285, lig. 7.

T/¡al/us erecl, fonning bushy tangled c1 umps, to 10 cm hi gh, brown, l. Typ ical branch.
o fle n with green iridescence; branchin g widely di choto mo u 2. Transverse seclioll of blade
(a ng ling (60°-)90°_ 120°). Blades in lower po rtion 3-5 mm wide, wil/¡ oogol1ial sorus.
wilh cach succe sive di visio n becoming progre ively narrower, 3. Trallsverse seclion of blade
abrupll y narrower (0. 1-0.2 mm) al api ces, 180-240(-300) ~tln showing marginal rltizoids.
thi ck, 4-25 medull ary cell wide; apices blunt lO roundly pointed.
Medul/ary cel/s in o ne layer, reclangular, 120-200 11m lhi ck,
arranged in longitudinal rows. SU/face cel/s rectangular, 20-30 11 m
lhi ck. Su/face hairs common, tu fted , scattered near center line of
blade. Holdfas l inconspicuous, fibrous, mal-like; marginal rhi zoids
co mmo n. Sporangia so litary or in lighl c luster , cattered near
cenler line. Oogonial sori scattered, covered by clear protecti ve
membrane. AllIheridial sori scattered.
COllllllon: on dead coral, mangrove peat, shell fragments or
epiphyti c on eagrasses and coarse algae, in shallo w areas;
to 70 m deep.
Distribution: Fl orida, Bahamas. Greater Antille , Lesser Anlilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Cari bbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

Lobophora variegata (J.v. Lal11ouroux) WOl11ersleyex E.e. Oliveira 1977:

2 17." Die/yo/{{ I'ariega/{{ J.v. Lal110uro ux 1809b: 40.
- Lobopllora variegata has three forms depelldillg on depth a nd ha bita t -
T/¡al/us prostrale in he lf- like layers, to 15 cm di am. , light brown to l . Lollgi/udinal seclioll of
orange, with fa inl concenlric zones of growth and hairs. Blades thin , blade marg ino
overl apping, fan-s haped ; 90- 120(-300) J.lm lhi ck. Medul/ary cel/s in 2. Transverse sec/ion of blade
one layer, 45-60 11m lhi ck. colorless. Cor/ex 2-3 layer ; surface cell s lVi/h oogoniál so rus.
10- 15 ¡.un thi ck. darkly pi gmented . SU/face Itairs 15-25 11m di am., 3. Transverse secliol1 of
scallered or in concentri c lines. Rltizoids basa l o r on lower surface of lila/L/re blade.
prostrale bl ade, tan 10 oli ve-brown, langled, matted together.
Sporangial sori cauered over upper and lower surfaces; porangia
club- haped, 50-95 11m di am., 80- 150(- 180) 11m long, form ing 4-8 Addi tional photographs
spores. Oogonial sori scaltered, covered by membrane; oogoni a ova l. on pp. 209 & 405.
COII/llton: in shaded hall ow areas or in deep water habitats with
moderate herbivory. often dominanl plant at 100 m deep; lO 120 m
Distribution: Flori da. Bahamas, Grealer Anl ille , Les er Alllill e ,
Soulhern Caribbean, We tern Caribbean, Gu lr or Mexico.

Lobophora variegata (J .V. Lamouroux) Womersley ex E.C. Oli vcira 1977:

217* Die/yola I'ariegala J. V. L:1I110UroUX 1809b: 40.
Thallus lick crust, covering indeterminate area, dark brown 10 J. Su/face view al grolVing
orange-brown. Crust 80- 125(-300) 11m thick. Medul/ary cel/s in margino
one layer, 40-75 11m thick, 15- 25 !1J11 wide. COr/ex 2-3 layers; 2. Longitudinal seclion ol
surface cells 10-20 11m thick, deeply pigmented. Stl/face hairs in blade al/d oogoniaL sorus
tufts, scattered, often abundant and persistent. Rhizoids originating nOI covered by an oLller
fram lowermost cells. melllbrane.
Comilla//.: tightly adherent on dead coral, mangrave prop roots 3. Rhizoids originaling from
or sunken logs in hallow subtidal al'ea where grazing is intense; velllral cel/s.
to 30 m deep.
Distributioll: We tern Caribbean. Additional phorograph
on p. 249.

Lobophora variegata (J.v. Lamouroux) Womersley ex E.e. Oliveira 1977:

2 17' Diclyola I'ariegata J.v. Lamouroux 1809b: 40.
Thallus erect, ruffled clusters or cl lImp , to 15 cm di am., light J. Longiludinal seclion
brawn. Blades fan-shaped to oval, often overl apping, ro 7 cm wide, ol blade wilh oagonia.
100-150(-300) !1ITI thi ck, of 5-6(-9) cell layer . MedullO/y cells in 2. Longiludinal secliol!
one layer, 60-100 11m thi ck, colorless. Corlex 2-3 layer ; surface wilh suiface /¡airs (h)
cell 10-20 11m thick, darkly pigmented. Su/face hairs abundant, in and basal /I1.oniliform
tllftS, scattered. Rhizoids basal, moni li form or bead-like, terminating rhizoid (r).
in hapteroid (finger-like) holdfast cel!. 3. SU/face view ol sU/face
COllllllOII: in calm, shallow waters with low fish grazing, often cel/ arrangemell l.
growing arnong seagra ses; to 8 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Weslern Caribbean.

Key to species of Padilla

14 d . bl des 50-60(- 150) 11m thick rwo celllayer
Grawing in shallow waters, ~ess than
l. Thallus as tangled or matted branches; branches compressed; apices upturned or hooked,
occa ionally with diminuti ve fan-shaped blades ............... .. ........ Dictyerpa stage of Padilla , p. 272

neal' margins, progress lvely IIlcreas lll O-6
Growing excluslvely III deep water, 3 m eep,
m eep, a r near base ... .. ......... P. gYlllllospora, p. 272
to 9 ~ell la~I~Je 80- 150 11 thick , three cell layers near
P. rO'Wlda p. 276
progressl. vely increasing ro 4-6 cell layers near base .. ............... .. ......... p~,
l. Thallu clu ters of fan-s haped blade ; apica! margi ns inrolled ............................................. ........... .. 2 . ,
Base of blades lhree cell layer thick; sporangia covered b.y..~r~t~~ti~~ .~~~~~a;ep~·~~;;i~~. ·, .. ~>2·:i4
2. Blade generall y two cells thi ck near base .................................................. .. ..................................... 3
2. Blades more than two cells thick near base .............. .. .. .. ................... ..... ....... ..............,....................... 5 7.

3. Blades two cells tltick; tltree cells thi ck where reproductive organs occur; dorsal celllayer almo t 7. B~~~· ~·f·bi~d~· · ·f~~~·~~ii· ·,·~y~~·~·tl;¡~k;··~p~~·~~g;~· ;~~~··~·~·~·~;~d by protecti ve me;1~:~~g~~·~~·;ii;· p~· ·i:,·2
twice a thick a ventral layer ........................... .. ................... ............ ....... ........... P. Izaitiellsis, p. 274 .................................................................................. ......... .................................
Blades two cell thick througbout; both cell layers of equal thickness ........................... .................. 4
Calcification mai nl y on upper urface; lower surface uncalcified or very li ghtl y calcified ............. ..
.............. .. ........................................ .................................................. .. ........... P. sallctae-crucis, p. 276 I
4. Calcification on b lh surface ; calcification of lower surface with intermittent uncalci fied bands al
1-2 mm interval .... ............ .. ................................................ .. ...................... .. . p. perilldllsiata , p. 274
5. Blades generally four cell s lhick, 2-3 cells thick near margin, 6-8 near base ................................. 6
5. Blades generally two cells thick, 3-4 cell thick near base ............................... .. ............... .. ... .. ........ 7

Dictyerpa stage of Padilla IVallghallie/la slagel"

T/¡alllls forming maued turf, to 3 cm thi ck, light yell ow-brown: l . Habit sholVing dimill lllive
branchi ng dichotomou . oppos ite or ilTegul ar. Blades com pressed blade and IlOoked apices.
10 trap-shaped, 0.7-1.0 mm w ide, 2-3 cm long. to 500 11m thick, 2. Transverse section 01
abundantly branched ; ap ices slightly upturned, hooked or wi th branc/¡ lVil/¡ vemral
dimi nut ive fan- h ap~d " Padina" blade . Medlllla/Y cells to six layers rhi~oids.
thick, irregul arly rectangul ar, 40-60 11m wi de, 60- 120 11m long.
SU/face cells square in transverse section, sq uare 10 rec tangul ar in
urface view, 20-30 11m wide, 30-50 ~un long; api ces multi cellul ar.
R/¡i~oids developing on pro trale axe .
COllllllon : incon pi cuous, on rock , coral fragmenls or other hard
substrates; lower in terti da l 10 10 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahama , Greater Antill es, Lesser Antilles.
South ern Caribbea n, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mcxico.

Padilla boergesellii Allender & Krart 1983: 87, ligs. 6C, 6H, 61, 7C, 7D.
Thallus in leaf-li ke clu ters, 10 5- 10 cm hi gh, brown to tan. Blades l . LongilLldinal seclioll 01
fan-s haped, 5-20 cm broad; margins two ce ll layers, 50-70 11m thick; inrolled blade l1Iargin
mid-bl ade th ree cell layers, 75- 125 11m thi ck; lower bl ade near base through band 01 sU/face
four ce ll layers, 1 10- 130 11m thick; di stinctl y banded, li ghtl y 10 hairs.
moderately ca lcified on upper surface, lighl ca lcifica ti on on lower 2. Longitudinal sectioll oJ
surface in bands 1-2 mm wide, allern ating with unca lcified bands mature blade Ih rough
120- 180 ~1I11 wide; outer margin inrolled. SU/face hairs 20-25 11m oogonial sorus.
diam., in concentric zones altern aling between urfaces (forming
uncalcified bands). Rhizoidal base matted. Sporangia oval to
3. Transverse seclion oJlolVer
b lade. o 100J.l.m

di!' ¡¡Pi§}E
spheri ca l, 90- 125 ~un di am. , in di sco ntinuou bands between altern ate
hair band ; nOl covered by membrane. Oogonia spheri ca l, to 80 11 m
di am. Dicrye/1Ja tage ofien presento . [;lit 1''1i
' ~ ." :i,~.' 't.if.
-~.~....:::;.-' ... '
COlI/lIlo"': on rocks, cora ls or mangrove prop roots, found in
she ltered or moderate ly wave-ex posed areas; intertidal to 14 m deep.
Distriblltion: Florida, Grealer Antill es, Lesser Anlill es, So ulhern
Ca ribbea n.

Padilla gymnospora ( KÜlzing) Sonder 1871: 47 .'

Zollari" g)'lIIlIo'pora KÜlzing 1859: 29. pI. 71 , lig. 2.
Tha llLls in leaf- like cluster , to 22 cm high. 37 cm wide, yell ow- l . Longitudinal seclion 01
bro':Vn 10 tan. Blades fan-shaped, 5-20 cm w ide, banded, lightl y il/rolled blade I/largill.
ca lc ified or uncalc ifi ed, 50-60(- 150) ~un thi ck di stall y, 2. LongilLldillal seclion 01
150-250 11m lhi ck prox imally, of four cell layers, 2-3 cell s blade base.
thi ck near margin, 6-9 cell s thi ck al base; outer margins 3. Longitudinal seclion 01
in roll ed . SurJace hairs 25-35 11m di am., in concentri c bands blade lVith 1Jogonial sorus.
( 1.5-)4(-8.0) mm apan . Rhi~o ida l base matled. Fe rrile bands
in co ncentric zones mid way between hair bands, mOSl o ften on
upper surface. Te lrasporangia ova l, 10- 15 11m di am., 25-35 11m
long. crucialely di vided. generally covered by membrane.
Oogol/ia spheri ca l, 30-65 '.un di am. Am/¡eridia in zones 200 11m
wi de. DicI)'e/pa stage often pre ent.
CO/1/lIIon: on rocks, cora ls or mangrove prop roots, found in
prOlected or moderate ly wave-exposed afeas; lo 14 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida , Bahamas, Greater Anti ll es. Lesser Ant illes,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbca n, Gu lf of Mexico.

Padina haitiensis Thi vy in W.R. Taylor 1960: 235. pI. 75, lig. l. "
T/¡alllls in leaf- li ke clu ters, ruftl ed, to 6 cm hi gh , upper surface J. Longitudinal inrolled
chalky white alternating with light yell ow-brow n bands, lower surface lIIargin o/ blade.
less ca lcified with darker brown bands. Blades fan -shaped, to 8 cm 2. Longitudillal sectiol/ o/
broad, concenlri ca ll y zoned. substan ti all y calcified; 10 65 !1m lhick blade lVit/¡ oogollial sorus.
distally, I05 ~lm thi ck proxima ll y, generall y 01' two cell layers, three 3. Lollgiludinal seclion o/
cell layers onl y where surface hairs are produced 01' reproductive blade wil/¡ i/ll/1/a/ure /¡airs.
tructures are formed: dorsal cell s rectangular, 30-80 ~Ull wide, ro
60 ~lm thick ; ventral cell s smaller, rectangular, 20-60(-80) ~1I11 wide,
to 30 !1111 lhi ck; l11argin s in ro ll ed . SII /face hairs lO 15 !1111 diam. ,
130 !1m long, in concentri c zones. R/¡izoida l base matted . Repro-
dllclive sori alternating with bands of steri le hairs. Sporal/gia oval,
80- 1 10 !1111 dial11.
COllllllon: within limited di stribuli o n, o n hard substrates uch a beach
rock; lower intertidal to 3 m deep.
Dislribulioll: Bahal11as, Greater Al1lille , Lesser AnLilles.

Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy in W.R. Taylor 1960: 234.

FIICLlS pOl'Ollic LlS Linnaeus 1753 : 1162.
Thallus in leaf- like clu ter , to 22 CI11 hi gh, 37 cm wide, brown to J. Lollgiludillal seclioll o/
tan. Blades fan-shaped, to 12 cm wide, with edge extremely blade sholVing inrolled
incurved, banded , moderately ca lcifi ed abo ve, lighter calc ificati o n margin lVilh tufls of sU/face
below, 50-65 !1m thick di stall y, 80- 130 !1m thi ck proxim all y; hairs (17).
margins of two cell layers, main bl ade 3-4 cell thick; outer 2. Longitudinal seclion of
margins imolled . Swface hairs 15-25 !1m di am., in concentric blade.
bands 1.5-6.0 111m aparl. Rhizoidal base l11atted. Sporangial sor; 3. Trallsverse seclion of blade.
90-140 !1111 di al11. , covered by thin membrane. oflen in continllolls
bands o n each side of o r sole ly above hair bands. Oogonia
pherical, 40-50 !1m diam. Al1Iheridia alternating with oogoni al
bands on sides of hair bands.
COIllIllOIl : on rocks, coral o r mangrove prop roots, found in
sheltered or mo¡:lerate ly wave-ex posed areas; lower il1lertidal
to 20111 deep.
Dislribulioll: Florida, Greater Al1lilles, Lesser Antilles, Southern
Caribbean, We tern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Padilla perindusiata Thivy in W.R. Taylor 1960: 235/632, pI. 75, fig. 2.
Thallus in leaf- like clusters, ruffl ed, to 15 cm hi gh, chalky white l . Longitudinal seclion of
alternating with light brown band , lower surface mo re di stinctl y blade showing inrolled
banded. Blades fan-shaped, 10 9 c m broad, 70-120 !1111 tl1ick, of two margino
ceLl layers throughout ; zonation concentri c; lIpper sllrface lighrly 2. Lon.gitudillal seclioll of
calcifi ed ; lower surface heav il y ca lcified in bands 1-2 ml11 wide, blade with uncalcified
uncalcified bands 120-250 !1111 wide, differences in calcificatio n ban.d (u); calcified sLl/face
often forl11 stair-step fearure on blade surface; dorsal ceLls rectangul ar, is shaded. _
60-70 !11l1 long, 40-45 !1m thick; ventral cell s smaller, rectangular, 3. Longiludinal seclion of
30-60 !1m long, 30-35 !1m thick; margins imoll ed. Sw face hairs blade wilh oogollial sorus
15-25 !1m di am. , in concentri c zones. Rhizoidal base matted. Sori covered by conspiCL/ous
in concentri c bands in middl e of zone, covered by conspicuous m.embrane.
membrane. Sporangia spherical 10 oval, 10 170 !1111 diam ., forming
irregular bands.
Comllloll : on rocks, hell s or coral fra gll1ent , o n shallow reef ft ars
or o n 1l10derately deep sand pl ains ; to 14 111 deep.
Dislribulioll: Florida, Grealer AnLi ll es.

Padilla profullda S. Earle 1969: 167. tig'. 62-68.

Thal/I/s in Icaf- like c lusters. 10-25 cm high. 10-20 cm wide. golden ,. Lol/gillldillal seclioll of
brown alternating with li ght yellow-brown band~. lower ~urface illrol/ed lIIargill lI'ilh
lightly calcified. Bll/des fan-shaped, 5-20 cm broad. 80-150 flm del'elopillg s/lIface hairs
thick di,tally. 200-500 fUll thick proximally, 500-700 f.lm thick ( hJ. 200p.m
at base. of 3-4 cell l aye r~, 2-3 cells thick at margino 3-6 ce ll s thick 2. LOl/giludillal secliol/ of
al base; o ute r margin imoll ed; zonati o n concentric with lower blade hase of blode.
having distinct unca lc ifi ed ba nds every 0.5-1.5 Illlll ; uncalcified 3. LOlIgiludil/al secliol/ of
bands 140- 180 flm wide. differences in calcifica1ion often fo rlll blode lI'ilh illlllla/I/re
stair-ste p fea tu re on blade s urface. Sil/lace hairs few to many, hairs (a J.
23-28 f.lm d iam.; bands concentric, 1.8-2.5 mm apart, a lt e rn ating
blade faces, uncalc ified. Rhi~o idal base tang led. matted. Fertile
bal/ds in concentri c zones.
Rare : exc lusively a deep-water plant. attached to rock. cora l
fragments o r rubbl e o n deep sand plains or sea mounts:
30-60 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahama . Greater Antille,.

Padilla sallctae-crucis Borge>en 1914": 45. tig'. 27 . 2K Icontinuou,

pugination: 201, tig'. 153, 1541.
Thal/I/s in leaf- likc c lu sters, ruffled. to 15 cm hi gh, upper sutface l. LOllgitudil/al seclioll of
c halky white alternaling wi th li ght ye ll ow-brown bands, lower surface blade sholl'il/g il/rol/ed
unca lci li ed or very li gh ti y calc ified wi th darker brown banding. BIC/des II/argill.
fan-shaped. to 9(-25) cm wide. concentrica ll y zonee! . substant ia ll y 2. LOllgiludillal seclioll oI
calc ifi ed o n uppcr surface on ly, to 90(-150) flm thick diMally. blade I\'ilh del'elopillg
150-200 f.lm thi ck near base. of two cell layers throug hout: dorsal oogollia.
celb rectangu lar. 30-60 flm wide. 45-75 fUll thick: venlral ce ll s J. Lol/gillldillal secliO/I oI
sma ll er, recta ngu lar. 24-35 f.lm wide. 35-55 fUll thi ck: outer margins blade I\'ilh ill/II/a/ure hairs.
inro lled. SII/face hairs 15-25 f.lm diam .. on both surface" in
a lternating concentri c bands 2-3 mm apart. Rhi~oidal base matted.
Sori ab ve every second hair band on lower surfaces. Sporal/gia oval.
60-120 fUll diam., 100-170 f.lm long. forming irregular bands.
Oogol/ia spherica l. 30-50 f.ltll diam .. in o ne 01' two bands. Alllheridia
in broke n bands. Diclye/11a stage ofte n present.
eOIllIllOI/: o n rocks. she ll s o r dead cora l o n reef tlats: to 5 m deep.
Dislribuliol/ : Florida, Bahamas. Greater Antilles, Lcsser Antille~.
Southern Caribbean. Western Caribbean. Gulf of Mcxico.

Spatoglossul1l schroederi (c. Agardh) Küt/ing 1859: 11. pI. 51. Iig. 1.
ml/lIr;lI \c(¡roede,.; C. Agardh 1824: 256.
T/wl/I/s erect, to 30 cm high. deep dark green LO brown. newer ,. Habil of Ihal/us.
blades iride. cen1 : branching highly variable. from deeply palmate 2. Blade.
LO somewhat dichoLOmous. Blades strap-shaped, 0.5--tO cm broad. 3. Trallsl'erse seclioll of blade.
le ngth hi ghl y variable. to 180 fllll thi ck: apices roundcd; marginal
teeth at irregular interva l . ofte n poi nted . Medl/l/lIIY cel/s
recta ngu lar. to 50 flm thick; generally in fo ur layers. Su /lace cel/s
rectang ular. to 30 f.lm thi ck. SlIIface hai,.s scalte red, obscure, in
tufts. Stalk presen1 in mature thallu ~. Holdfasl inconspiclIolls.
Telrasporal/gia scattered o n both surface& of blade. Oogollia
scatte red. Alllheridia in mall. scatte red. r¡¡ised sori.
U n CO IllIllOIl: o n hard s ubs trates in prolectecl habitats; to 46 m deep.
Dislribulioll: Florida. Bahamas. Greater Ant ill e~. Le&~er An1illes.
SOllthern Caribbean. Gulf of Mexico.

Taonia sp.*
T/¡al/us as erect c lumps, lO 40 c m hi g h, iridescelll yell ow-brown. l . Longitudinal proflle of
Blades fa n-s ha ped , lO 15 c m wide, 180-2 10 !!m thi c k, o lde r secti o ns blade wi//¡ zones of suiface
o fte n raggedly slrap-shaped Wilh sl11 001h l11argins, becomin g irregul ar /¡airs and sporangia
due to uneven growth o r plitting; zonatio n di stincl. fo rmed by alternating irregularly 0 /1
narrow li g hl bands of surface hairs, 6-8 111m aparl near base, 1-3 mm f rol11 and back of blade
apa rl near margins; lacking inro ll ed margin o Medul/O/y cells two sw jaces.
layer in younger ti ue (within 2 111m of growing margin), fo ur in 2. LongilLldinal seclion of
o lde r areas (beyond 4 ml11 frol11 l11arg in ), quare in transverse secti on. growing margin.
irregul a rl y recta ng ul ar in lo ng itudina l secti o n, 50- 125 ¡.t111 long, 3 . SporangiulII wil/¡ /Wo-
30-60 ¡.tm lhi c k, in irregul ar rowS. Swjace cel/s irregularl y rectan- cel/ed stalk.
gular in urface view, to 15 ¡.tm wide, 20 ~ll11 lo ng, 20-30 ¡.tm thi c k. 4. LongilLld inal seclion of
-'" _. "--
Sw jace hairs in lransverse rows, a1ternaling irregul arl y o n front o r blade lVi/ /¡ sll/jace /¡airs
back, mostl y o n back side of bl ade. Spo/"Ongial sori c losely borde ring
hair band, mos! abundant on blade front; sporangia spheri ca l 10 ova l,
80- 100 ¡.tm di a m., o n two-cell ed slalk ; talk to 30 ¡.tm di a m.
and sporangial cllIsle/:
5. Tral1sverse sec/ion of lower
I r KD
COll/m o/! : o n roc k fragments in sandy a reas or on solid substrates; b-
lower intertidal 10 10(- 80) m deep. )---'
1 1
Dis/riblltioll: Baha mas.

Stypopodium zona te (J. v. Lamourollx) l'apenfuss 1940: 205 .

F l/cl/s ZOllalis J.V. Larnouroux 1 05: 38. pI. 25, lig. 1.

Thallus a e rect lea f-like cluste rs, to 30 c m hi gh, brown with l . Transverse seclion C/I
concentric bl ac ki sh brown bands. Blades fan - haped, lO 15 c m wide, growillg lIlargin of blac/e.
120-240 ¡.tm lhi c k, o lder secti ons ofte n raggedl y slrap-s haped with 2. Longiludinal seclio/J of
undulating marg in , becoming irregul a r due to uneven gro wlh or blade.
splilting; zonati o n di lincl, formed by narrow ba nds of surface hairs, 3. Longil!/dinal seclion of
3-4(-6) 111111 apart; lac king inroll ed ma rgin o MedullO/y cells lwo blade lraversing hair band.
layers, to four layers al base 01' in o lde r bl ade, square in lra nsverse
sectio n, rectangul ar in lo ng inldin al sectio n, 60-1 20 ¡.tm lo ng, 40- 100
~lm lhi c k, in irregul ar ro w . SU/jace cel/s 10-20 ~un wide, 30- 50 ¡.tm
long, 10-20 ¡.tm thi ck, hea vil y pig l11 e nted . Sw jace hairs in transver e
rows, with each ba nd alle rn ating front to back of blade; whe n mature,
undevelo ped hairs occur in bands exacll y opposite (fronl lo back)
developed hairs. Sporangia sphe ri ca l, 100- 145 ¡.tm di a m.
COllllllon : o n rock fragments in andy area or on so lid roc ky
ubslrale ; lo we r inte rtidal lO 10(- 80) m deep.
Dis/ribll /ioll: Florida , Bahamas, Grealer Anlilles, Le er ntill e,
So uthern Cari bbea n. Western Caribbea n.

ZOllaria tournefortii (J.v. Larnouroux) Monlagnc 1846: 32.

Fl/cl/s /OI/m ef or/ii J. V. Lamollrollx 1805 : 44, pI. 26, li g. 1.

T/¡al/us as e rect, lea f-like CIUSlerS, 10 3- 17 CI11 hi gh, yell ow-brown l . Habil of malure Ihal/us
whe n young, da rk red-brown whe n mature . Blades fa n-shaped, o lder IVilh splil blades.
sectio ns ofte n ragged ly trap- haped ; margins becoming irregul a r 2. YOllng Ihal/us prior lO
due to uneven growlh o r splitting, nOl inro lled; zonati o n indistincl, splilling.
al irregul ar inte rva ls. Su/jace /¡airs in transverse rows, appa re nt in 3. Longitudinal seclioll of
younger bl ades. Medullary cel/s 20-35 ¡.tm w ide. 80 ¡.tm lo ng, yOlln g blade.
110 ¡.tm thi c k. lhese di viding pe ric linall y (paralle l to surface) to 4. Trallsverse seclion of o/el
produce al lea 1 lwo, generally 3-4 lie rs of small oule r cell s. blade.
Suiface cel/s 10- 15 ¡.t111 wide, lo 20 ¡.tm long, 10- 15 ¡.tmlhi c k, each
sub urface cell covered by at leasl lwo urface cell s. Slalk de ri ved
fro m lhi cke ned o lder blades, o melil11es absenl. Holdfasl
conspi c uo us, fibro us. Sporangial sori in scatte red palc hes, lackin g
sleril e hairs; po rang ium with eighl spores c lustered in sori
bo rderin g fil ame nl zone .
Rare: o n so lid rocky substrate , mOSl ofle n coll ecled in beach drift;
1093 In deep.
Dis/ribll/ioll: Bahamas, Greater Ant ill es.
280 PilA EOI'IIYTA PIIAEO I' II\,... \ 281

Cystoseira myrica (S.G. Gmeli n) C. Ag" rdh 1820: 53.
Fllells lIIyr;('{/ S.G. Gmclin 1768: 88, pI. 3, lig. l .
T/¡al/lIs wiry, sparse, lhin , to ugh, lringy. to 30 c m hi gh, lig ht brown ; J. Brand l \Vil/¡ air bladders
branching irregular to alternate. Blades rnodified inlo blunl cy lind- passessil/g bltll11 eylil/drical
rical projecti ons. 0.5- 1.0 mm lo ng. Air bladders (fl oat ) on o uter p raj eelial/s.
branc he , solitary, round 10 ova l, to 2 mm diam ., 3--4 mm lo ng,
terminatin g with sho rt spine on short spiny ta lk. Haldfasl incon-
pi cuous. O)'plaSIOII/OIa (sunke n cav iti es o n bl ade surface appearing
as dark dots) cattered o n branc hes and projecti o ns. Ferlile branehlels
sle nder, spiny, c lub-shaped, to I mm diam. , 2-9 mm lo ng, terminal
on branches.
VI/callllllal/: wilh patchy di stributi o n but ofte n locall y abund ant,
o n roc k . commonl y in hi gh limestone tide poo ls; inte rtidal to
10 m deep.
Dislribllliol/: Fl orida, Bahamas.

Key to species of Sargassum
l. Lacking ho ldfast, fl oating (pelagic); c ry ptosto mata few to none ................ .. .. .. .. .............. .. .. ... .. .. .... 2 7. More commo n in deep wate r (10 137 m deep); blade with small sha rp teeth; midrib o ft en .white
l. Attached by ho ldfast (be nthic); c ryptosto mata consiste ntl y present, gene rall y obvio u .. .... .. .. ....... 3 with white zone paralle lin o midrib .. .. .. .. ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... .......... .... ............ .. .. S. hyst/'lx, p. 282
0 1'
7. Exclusively in shallow wate."(to 15 m deep); blades smoolh . seldom with small sharp teeth:
2. Air bl adders lacking spine, hook 0 1' leaf-like projection .... .............................. .. ..... S. flui/al/s, p. 282 midrib nOl white .... ........ ........ ......... .... .. .. ....... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .................. S. hys/rix varo bllXifoliulll , p. 284
2. Air bladders te rminating in mall spine, hooked pur o r leaf-like proj ecti o n .......... S. I/alal/s, p. 284
8. Air bl adders occasionall y with terminal hook 0 1' pine. with c ryplOSlomata; crypto lomala
3. Cryptosto mata (sunken cav iti e ' on bl ade sUlface a ppearing as small dark dots) arranged in scatte red over bl ade urface ....... ........ .. .. ...... .. ......... ...... ........ .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .......... .... S. filipelldula, p. 282
irregul a r rows parall el to Illidrib ....... ..... .................... .. ....................... .............. S. platycarpll/Il, p. 284 Air bl adclers without te rminal hook or spine, Wilhout cryptostomata; cryptosto mata as single
3. Cryptosto mata eilher cattered 01' parall e l to margin , not in row parall el to midrib .. ...... .......... .. .. 4 e ri es paralle l to blade ma rg in ...... .......... .. .. ...... ...... ...... ............... .. ..... .. ..... .......... S. ralllifolilllll, p. 286
4. Midrib ra i ed, o ften with teeth 0 1' projecti o ns at ba e of mature blades .... .... S. pleropleurol/, p. 286 Air bladde rs with solitary spine near base; bl adder stalk tlatlened . ofte n winged with loothed
4. Midrib not Illarkedl y rai sed .............. .... .............................. .. ......... ... .. ............................ .. .................... 5 maroin ...... ...... ..... .... .. .. ........ ....... ........... .. .. .. ....... .... .. .... .. .... .. ......... ..... ........... ...... . S. acillarilllll, p. 280
5. Main axe gene rall y smooth , witho ut spines o r knobs ...... ... .. ........ .. .............. .. ... .. .. .................... ....... 6 9. Air bl adde rs witho ut basa l pine; bl adde r stalk cylindrica l ...... ........ ......... ...... .. ........ .......... .. .. .. ........ 10
5. Main axes wi'th minute spines or knobs, rough .............. .............................................................. ....... 9
10. Blade api ces sli g htl y l'Ounded to pointed; air bladde rs roug he ned with c ryptosto mata .. ..... ........ .. ..... .
6. Blade. ova l. not forked ; air bl adde rs sphe rical with small scatte red spines [c ryptosto mata ... .. .. ............ .... ........... ...... .......... .... .. .. .. ...... ... .. ........ ...... ........ ...... . S. polycera/illlll varo ova/lIl1l , p. 286
scattered, but more comm on along marginl ............... .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. ............ .. ...... .. ........ .. .. ...... .. ........ .. 7 10. Blade api ces l'Ounded lO sli ghtl y notc hed: air bladde rs smoo th witho ut c ry ptoslOm ata ......... ..... .. ..... .
6. Blades nalTOW, often fo rked ; air bladders spherica l witho ut scaltered spines .... .. ........ ....................... 8 ... .. ... ..... ... .... .......... .... ....... ..... ......... .... ... .... .. ...... .... ........ ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .... ....... ... ......... S. vlllgare , p. 288

Sargassllln acillariul1/. (Li n""cus) Selchell 1933: 20 .

FllclIs ae;lIar;lI.' Li nn"eu, 1753: 11 60.
T/¡al/lIs e recto tough, leathe ry, densely bra nched. to 50 c m hi g h, l . Celllral Ihal/lIs sholl'ing
brown. Main axes o ne 10 several, roughe ned by 0.5- 1.0 mm lo ng lIplL/med spines (s) af lila in
uptull1ed spine . Blades ova l. 3-8 mm wide o n basal branche , axis, ferlile branehlels (f)
1-3 mm wide on di stal branche , 1.5-3.0(-7.0) cm lo ng; apex and spined sp/¡erieal air
rounded; marg ins irregula rl y and deepl y toolhed ; midrib di stinct; bladders.
stipe gene rally I mm lo ng. Air bladders sphe ri ca l, 3-7 mm di a m. , 2. Air bladders_\Vil/¡ laolhed
numerous, o fte n with solitary s pine near base; stalk tlatte ned, slalh .
0.5- 1.0 mm wide, 1-6 mm long. o fte n winged wilh toothed 3 . ImmalL/re blade lI'il/¡
marg ins. Haldfasl slrong, di c- like. Cryplaslolllara appearing as develaping air bladder (a)
da rk do ls. 100- 150 11m dialll ., abundant, scalte red; cenlral pore al base.
30--40 11111 di a m. Ferlile brallchlels (receptacles) 0.5-0.7 mm di a m. , 4. Blade lI'ilh seallered
0.5- 1.5 c m lo ng, branching altern ate o r fo rked. with wa rt-like or cryplaslamala (e).
bumpy urface. con pi c uo u whe n present. 5. TrallS verse seclion af blade
VI/comlllol/: in mangrove lagoons 0 1' around ma ngrove i lands; al cly ploslOlIle (e).
to 2 m deep.
Dislribuliol/: Fl orida, Bahamas, Grea ter Antill es , Les e r Antille ,
South ern Caribbean. Western Caribbea n, Gul f 01' Mex ico.

SargassufIl filipendula c. Agardh 1824: 300.

Thallus erecl, lOug h, leathe ry, spar ely branc hed, 30-60(- 100) c m J. Typical blode.
hig h, brow n. Ma ill axes one 10 several, smoolh , withoUl spines. 2. Ferlile brallc/¡Iels (j) and
Slades lo ng, narrow, 3-8 mm wide, 3- 10 c m lo ng, occa ionall y j7al slalked air bloddel; al!
fo rked near borto m of o lder pla nts; margins irregul arl y 100thed; having IllI I1IeroUS
midrib di tinct; supe gene rally I mm long. Air bladders ova l to cryploslOmala.
pheri ca l, lO 5 mm di a m., numerou , ofte n Wilh solirary spine at 3. Air bladder will! spil1e (s)
a pex; slalk oflen f1 atlened, 0.5- 1.0 mm wide, 2-8 mm lo ng. al apex.
Holdfas l slrong, conica l, spreading, lobed. Cryploslomala a ppearing
a dark dot , abundanr, scatte red, on bl ades, air bladders and stalk s;
centra l pore, oval , 50- 100 ¡,1m wide, 150-200 ¡,1m long. Ferlile
branchlels 0.5- 1.0 mm di am., 1-2(-4) c m long, Wilh wart-li ke
or bumpy urfaces, conspi cuous when present, branc hing alte rn are .
COIllIllO": in lagoons and estuari es just below low tide leve l o r
attached to roc ks, she ll s o r dead coral; to 33 m deep.
Distributiol1 : Fl orid a, Bahamas, Greater Antill es. Lesser Antill es,
SOlllhern Caribbean, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Sargassum jluitans (B 0rgesen) B0rgesel1 19 14a: 66 (fooll1ole) [contil1l1olls

pag inali ol1: 222 1. SargassulII flys¡r¡x var. j7l1iwl/S B¡¡rgesel1 19 14b: 1 1, fi g. 8.
Tl!al!us fo rming free- f1 oating c lumps, to I 111 lo ng, golden brow n. J. Tip of Ihal!us.
Main axes moorh or with few spines; do min ant ax is lackin g. Slades 2. Air bladders developillg al
nume roll s, short-slalked, f1 at, narrow, 3-8 mm wide, 2-6 cm lo ng, to base of blades.
ISO 11m thi c k at l11argin s. finn ; midrib pro mine nt, to 800 ¡,1m thi c k; 3. Transverse seclion of blade
marg in s 100thed; bases asy mmetri ca l; api ces po inted . Air bladders al lhickened mid rib.
(f1 oats) nume rous, 1-2 at base of each bl ade. round 10 ova l, 3-6 111m
di am .; slalks 2-3 mm long, occasio nall y with lateral wings; te rmina l
spin e lacking. Haldfasl lacking; thallu unattached. CJ)lpIOSIOl1laIO
few to no ne.
COIllIllO//.: pe lagic, f1 0ating in large clumps or rafts, major com-
po ne nt of beach dri ft, o ne o f Iwo spec ie c haracteri sli c of lhe
Sargas o Sea (see also pp. 345 & 354).
Dislribution: Fl orida, Bahamas, Greater Anlilles , Les er Anlill es.
So ulhern Ca ri bbelln. Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Sargassul1l hystrix J. Agard h 1847: 7.

Thal!us bushy, e recl, to 7(-40) c m lo ng, dark brown. Maill axes l . Slade Wilh few scallered
smoolh , cy lindrical. Slades ova l to o bl o ng, lO I c m wide, 1-4 c m clyploslOll/ala.
lo ng, radi all y arranged, ofte n with white zone along midrib ; bases 2. Fenile brallchlels al base
a ymm etrical; ma rg ins wilh small sharp teeth . Air bladders of blade IVill! air bladdel:
numerou., spheri ca l with small sharp spines; slalk sho rt. Holdfas l 3. Transverse seclion of blade
strong. di stinct. Cryploslomala small , inconspi cuo u , catlered, al cryplostollle.
120- 160 flm di al11. , 120- 160 ¡,1m deep; central po re 80-100 flm
di am. Fenile bral1chlels one th ird as long as adj acenl bl ades,
alte rn ately branched, extre mely roug hened from conceptacle pores.
COIllIllO": rarely found in hall ow water , more frequent in deep
water , o n rocks or coral fragments; 10 137 m deep.
Distribllliol/ : Florida, Bahamas, Grea le r Anlill e , Lesser Antill es.
oulhern Ca ribbea n, Weste rn Ca ri bbea n, G ul f of Mex ico.

SargassllIn hystrix varobuxifoLillln Chauvin in J. Agardh 1 48: 322.

Thal/lIs ercct, bushy. to 50 c m long, o li ve to dark brown. Maill axes l . Typical blade lI'ilh obsclIre
smoolh, cy lindrical. 81ades crowded. ova l to obl ong, lO 1.5 c m wide, /IIidrib.
6 cm lo ng, radi alJ y a rranged, lacking white zone alo ng mid rib ; midri b 2. 8 rallch apex showillg
ob c ure in mature bl ades; bases asy mmelri ca l; margins moolh wilh single air bladder ill axil of
few smalJ sha rp teeLh. Air bladders sphe rica l. w ith smalJ scattered blade.
sp ines. numerous, generalJ y one per blade ax il ; stalks to 1 mm long. 3 . SII/ bby sl/O rI f en ile
Holdfasl sturdy, d islinct. Clyploslolllala few, smalJ , scarte red, brallches (receplacles) i/1
inconspi c uo u , more near blade marg in lhan bl ade cenl er; po re less axil of blade.
th an 100 !-1m di a m. Ferlile brallcltlels irregular, ho rt, tubby. 4 . Trall sverse seclioll ofblade
gene ralJ y less lhan o ne third as lo ng as adj acent blades; in c ro wded showillg s/ll al/-cel/ed
c lu ter, ex tre mely ro ughe ned fro m conceptac les. /IIid rib.
Uncollllllon: attached to rocks o r coral fragments, o n shalJow reef
f1 ats or bac k-reef lagoons; to 15 m deep.
Dislribution: Fl ori da, Bahamas. Greale r An tilJ es, Le ser Ant ill es,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, G ul f of Mexico.

Sargassum natans (Linnae us) Oaillon 1 28: 355.

F lleLl" 1I11/{IIlS Linnae us 1753: 11 60.
Thalllls fo nning free-f1oatin g, sma lJ c lu mps, to 50 c m diam. , paj e lO J. 8rallchlel lip wilh air
dark brow n. Axes thin , wiry, smooth , lacking do minant ax is. 8/ades bladders (a) lermillaling
elongated, narro w, 1-4 mm wide. 2- 10 c m lo ng; marg ins coarsely in slllal/ spin e (s).
toolhed . A ir bladders numerous, sphe rical. 3-6 mm di am., smooth, 2. Transverse seclio/l of air
w ilh alternate branc hing fro m main talk or branchl ets at base of bladde l:
bl ade, te rmin ating in smalJ spine, hooked spur o r lea f-like proj ecti o n; 3. 8 rallchlel lip showillg
slalks 3- 5(- 10) mm long. Holdfasl lacking; thalJu s unattached. coa rse-Ioolhed IlJa IL/ re
Cly ploSIO/I/CI/(t a b enl. blade.
COllllllon: pe lagic, f1 0aling alone or in large rafts, major compone nt 4. IlIl/lla lllre blade.
o f beach dri ft and c haracteri sti c o f the Sarga o Sea.
Distribulioll: Fl orida, Bahamas , Greater Antilles. Lesser AntilJ es ,
Soulhe rn Ca ri bbea n, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Sargassum pLatycarpum MOnlagne 1856: 3 5.

Thal/L/s erect, de nse, bu hy, 10 40 cm hi gh, go lde n brown. Main axes J. Habil of Ihal/us.
smoolh , wilho ut spine . 81ades spar ely cattered o n sle nder main 2. Typical blades Ivilh large
branches, crowded on shorler branchl et , lance- haped, 2-9 mm wide, cryploSIOIllC/la paral/el 10
2-7 c m lo ng; marg in o fte n deepl y toothed ; bases gradualJ y tapering mid rib.
into slipe. Air bladders spheri ca l, o fte n absent. Holdfas l irregular, 3. Trall sverse seclÍoll of blade
di sc-like. Cryploslolllala di stinct, 0.5--D.9 mm di a m., paralJ eling al cryplOslome.
midrib in irregul ar rows. Fertile branchlels c rowded, fo rked, clusle red
a t base of blades, 2- 3(-7) mm lo ng; api ces ofle n sharpl y po in ted .
COlIZlllon: o n rock or othe r hard substrate , in areas with mode ra te to
eX lre me wave ex posure; to 5 m deep.
Dislribulioll: Baha mas, Grealer Antilles, Lesser AnlilJ e . o ulhe rn
Caribbea n.

Sargassum poLyceratium varo ovatum (Collins) W.R. Taylor 1928: 129.

pI. 18. ligs. 7, 10: pI. 19. lig. 16. SargasslIlII vlIlgarer. 01'0111111 Collins 1901 : 248.
Tilallus crowded, erecl, tOllgh, leathery, densely branched, lO I m l . Tilal/us silo\Ving seallered
high, brown. Main axis one lO several when yOllng, rOllghened by Clyploslolllala (e) 01/
mall spine . Blades closely crowded, nllmerolls, 3-8 mm wide, blades and spherical air
1.5-2.0 cm long; base asymmetrical; stipe absenl; apices roll nded bladders.
to pointed; margins densely and often deeply loolhed; midrib di stincl. 2. Ferlile branchlels \Vil/¡
Air bladders spherical , 3-5 mm diam ., numerous, near base o.f blades; seallered conceptacles
stalk shorl, al mo t 2 mm long. Holdfasl strong, disc-like. (co) .
Cryploslomala appeari ng a dark dots, small, scattered . abundam on 3. Transverse seclion of
blade and air bladders. Ferlile branehlels forked , densely branching, malure conceplacle \Vilh
in ax ils of blades. fwo oogol/ia.
Comlnon: on rocks in moderalely turbulem habilats, oflen behind

reef crest in rllbble-pavement zone; lower intertidal to 14 m deep.
Distribulion: Florida, Bahama , Grealer Amil les, Western Caribbean .

Sargassum pteropleuron Grunow 1867: 55 , pI. 6, lig. l .

Thallus in vertical colll mn , lO 4 m hi gh, light brown to pale golden / . Clusler of fOL/r smoolhly
brown. Maill axes cy lindrica l, altell1ately branched. Blades narrow, spherical air bladders.
2-7 mm wide, 2.5- 9.5 cm long; ba e asymmetrical; talk short; 2. Ferfile branchlels ",il/¡
margins toothed ; midribs raised , tri angular in transver e section, roug/¡ed sU/face formed
a toothed IÍdge on older blade , often developing into wings. Air by eonceplacles.
bladders spherical, smoolh, 3-8 mm diam. , numerous, altell1ate ly 3. Blade wilil raised midrib.
branched, genera ll y four per c1usler; stalk 10 3 mm long, occasion- 4. Trans verse seeliol/ of blade
all y absenl; imm ature blades al branch api ces appear triangu lar. midrib showing ridge or
Holdfasl large, rough. Clyploslomala few, scattered on blades and winged sLl/faee keel.
stalk. Ferlile branchlels in loose clusters al base of blades; branching
dicholomous at apice , irregul ar to cervicoll1 below.
Comlllon: on mall rock or coral fragments in shall ow waters;
to 5 m deep.
Distribulion: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Anlilles, Lesser Anlilles,
Soulhern Caribbean.. Gu lf of Mexico.

Sargassum ramifolium KÜlZing 1861: 10, pI. 32, fíg. la, lb.
Thallus erect, slender, to 30 cm hi gh, dark brown ; branching sparse.
Main axes smooth , cyli ndrical, 2-4 mm di am .; with several arising
fro m initial, hOrl ( 1-2 cm), olitary stalk. Blades elongated linear,
oflen forked, 1-3 mm wide, 2- 5 cm long, radi all y arranged; mar-
ginal teeth present when young, obscure or lacki ng at maturity;
midrib di linct. Air bladders 3-5 mm di am. , 1-2 per bl ade when
/ . Cenlral Ihal/us showing
slender blades, smoolh
lIlaill axis and spherical
air bladders.
2. Trans verse seclion of
blade at midrib.
present, perfectly spherica l, smooth , without pines; staIk 3. Trans verse se¡;lion of
350-500 !-lm diam., 2.5-3.5 mm long. Holdfasl strong, di tinct, blade margin wi//¡
pad-li ke. Clyploslomala 80-IOO!-lm diam. , 80- 100!-lm deep, in eryp/oslome (c) .
ingle series c10se to blade margi n, incon picuous ; central pore
60-80 !-lm diam. Ferfile brallchlels spindle-shaped to cy li ndlÍcal ,
branching altell1ate or forked , in ax ils of bIades.
Ullcollllllon: on rock or cora l fragments, oflen around mangrove
island s; 1- 3 m deep.
Dislriblltion: Florida, Grealcr Anlilles, Le ser Anlilles, Soulhern
Caribbean, Weslern Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Sargassum vulgare c. Agardh 1820: 3. 1/0 11/. ¡lIeg."

T/¡alllls erect, tough. leathery, to 40 cm hi gh, brown. Main axes one l . Typical blade lVilIJ
to severa l; pine few 0.3-D.7 mm long . ..f3lades numerous, 3- 8 mm irregularly loolhed ma rg ino
wide, 1.0-3.5 cm long; ap ices rou nded to sli ghtl y notched; margin 2. Celllrallllallus showing
Wi lh irregul arly scatlered teelh; slipe to 1 mm long. A ir bladders seallered uplumed ~pill es
pherica l, 2.5-8.0 mm diam. , numerous, near base of bl ades; stalk (s) 0 /1 maill CLrü alld
cy lindri cal, 0.8-1.0 mm di am .. 1- 2 mm long. Holdfasl strong, disc- sll1ool11 spllerieal air
like. Cryp/oslolllala 100- 160 Ilm di am., abundanl, scattered but nOl bladders.
on or along cen tral axis; pore 40-50 Ilm diam. 3. Transverse seclion of blade
Comlllo/!: in mangrove lagoons or around mangrove islands; willl cryploslome (e).
lO 2 m deep.
Distrib u/ion : Florida, Baharna , Greater Antill es, Le er An tilles.
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Key to species of Turbillaria Bloo m o f lhe bro wn lurf

1. Bl ades round to rounded tri angular, center concave (totall y sunken bladders), tapering sharpl y a lga D ictyota beginning 10
towards stalk, ridges often toothed ; cryptoslO mata vo lcano- like, raised .......... T. tricostata, p. 288 overgrow !he reef-building
1. Blades round ly 10 sharp ly triangu lar, often with large convex center bu lge (parti a lly sunken coral Pori/es C/s /reo ides in a
bladder), tapering gradually loward ta lk, ridges smoolh ; cryplOstomala nOl raised, generall y typi cal shal Jow back reef
f1u sh with surface .. .... .. .. .. ............................................................ .. .. .. .. .. ...... ...... .. .. T. turbina/a , p. 290
habital ju l behind lhe reef
c rest.

Turbinaria tricostata E.S. Barton 1891 : 218, pI. 54, figs. 3-4.
TIJallus tough, leathery, 2-4(- 17) cm hi gh, brown to yell ow-brown. J. Typieal blades showing
BraneIJes parse, hort. Blades clustered; apex fl at 10 concave, CO/'leave celllers and
round to pyramid- haped fro rn abo ve, 0.8- 1.2 cm wide; Lransverse sharply /apering 10 spiny
section narrow ly triangular, 1.0-1 .5 cm long, tapering harply ridged slalks.
IOwards roughened stalk; ridges with sma ll teeth. Air blad(lers deeply 2. Trans verse seclioll of
embedded in center of blade. Holdfasl sLrong, tough, branching. cryploslome.
CI)lplOSlomala (sunken cav iti es on blade surface appeanng as dark
dots) abund anl, convex, scatlered over blade and stalk, wi th rai ed
opening (volcano- like or cone-shaped) creating róugh surface.
Ferlile brallehlels den ely forked, crowded at blade ax il.
Comlllo/! : on rock or dead cora l fragments , in shallow area on
reef crest in slrong current or heavy wave action ; lower inte~tidal
to 1 m deep.
Dis/ribuliol1 : Florida, Baharnas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Turbillaria turbinata (Linnaeus) Kun ll.e 1898: 434.

Fll e ll.\" /lIrb;lIa/lls Linnaeu, 1753: 11 60.
Tlla llus lough, leathery, erecl, cy lindrica lly-shaped, lO 40 cm high, l . Typ icol blodes IVil!? fla t,
dark brown. Blodes clu tered; apex fl at or convex, pyramid- haped, cOll vex 01' sliglltly cOllcove
0.8- l.2 cm wide; transverse section tri angular, tapering gradually cellters.
towards 'moolh stalk, rarely toothed; margin mooth to slightly 2. Transverse seclioll of
toolhed. Air blodder embedded or parti ally emergent in center of cryptostollt e.
bl ade. Holdfasl strong, LOugh, branching. Cryploslomola numerous,
scatlered, with single pore flush with blade surface or only lightly
rai ed. Fe rtile brallchlels common, fork ed, at bl ade ax il or base of
COIIIIllO": adhering ti ghtl y lO hard ubstrate immediately behind
reef crest in areas of stron g turbu lence; to 5 m deep.
Dislributiol/: Florida. Bahama , Grealer Antille , Lesser,Anti lles.
Southern Cari bbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gu lf of Mex ico.

Cru stose red alga on a tube-worm Sponges often provi de suitabl e

aggregati on (Ve rmiliopsis spp.) 10m in ide ubstrates for algae such a Dictyo/a,
th e 20 m deep roof of a marine cave (see w hich may benefit fro m lhe inorganic
M acinty re et al. 1982 for descripti on o f nilrogen excreted by lhe animals
Columbu Cay Cave, Belize). (ColTeclor el al. 1988).

Di ver collecting from a stalactite 40 m deep in

Columbu Cay Cave, Beli ze. Stalac tites were
created w hen the cave was above sea level
Di vers dropping through l he roof ol' lhe
during the Pl eistocene. The directi onal growths
15 m deep enlrance lo Columbu Cay
on thi s stalactite are co lonial worm tubes
Cave. B elize. Submergecl caves oflen Ofrer
( Vermiliopsis spp.) ori ented loward lhe lighl at
a unique algal nora Wilh rare and unu ual
the mouth o f lhe cave (M acinryre el al. 1982).
species in ancl around lhe openings.

GREE ALGAE 17( 15 ). Thalllls cy linclri cal , fin ger-like [apex oflen covered WiUl fin e green fil aments] .... ... ....... :........ .... .
........ .. ............. .... ..... .. ........... ... ....... ... .... ...................................... ... ........ Neomerls, p. 438
OTE: KEYS DESIGNED ONU ' FOR TU E SPEC mS REI'IU- ENTE!) UEREll 17( 15). T·h·~Ú·~~ ·¡;~rasol - haped .(delicate stipe with lerminal whorl o f rays) .. ... ....... Acetabl/laria, p. 440
Key lo genera of Chlorophyta
18(3). Branching in more lh an one pl ane, forming sponge- like, sLiff, fil amentous tu fts .. ... ........ ........ .. .
l. Thallus ca lcifi ed ...... ............ ... .......... .... ....... ................ ........ .... .. .... .. ........... .......... ..... ............... .... . 10 .... .. .. ...... .. ........... ... .................... .... ... ... .. .. .... ........... .............. .. .... ... .. .. ...... .. .. .. ....... ... Boodlea , p. 324
l. Thallus uncal cifi ed ........ ........ ................. ........ .. .................... .... ... .............. ......... ........ ........ ............. 2 18(3). Branching in one plane, fonning tl at bl ade or net-like membrane .. ... ..... ... .. .. .... ....... ............. .. .. 19
2( 1). Thallus of minute uninuc!eate ce ll s embedded Wi lhoUl order in fragil e ye ll ow lO yell ow-green 19( 18). Me h- like membrane nOl stalked .. .... ....... ... .. ..... ..... ........ .......... ................ .... MicrodictyolI , p. 310
gelatinous matrix ...... .. .. .... .. ........... .. ...... .. ............... ... .. ....... ......... .. ........... Pseudotetraspora, p. 296 19( 18) . Me-ll- Iike bl ade di slincll y talked ............... ... .... .... .. .... .. ... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. ... .... ........ ...... 20
2( 1) . Thallu more substanti al. well orga ni zed, somelhing other th an frag il e ye ll ow ish muc il age .... ... 3
20( 19) . Central stalk with 14-20 P?irs of branchlets; lateral s produced by synchronous segregati ve .
3(2). Th allus formed by branchl ets fusing lO fonn me h-like network .......... .. ... .............. ...... ....... ..... 18 cell di vision [cY LOpl as m wlthlll cell eparatlllg lIlto everal (often elght) sphere , lhen formlllg
3(2) . Thallus other than mesh or nel-like nelwork ... ...... ...... ...... .. ... .... ..... .... .. ...... ... ....... ............... ..... ... 4 cell walls); intercalary cell di vision (between intern al cell s) absent .... .... .. .... .. .... ... Struvea, p. 328
20( 19). Central stalk with less than 14 pairs o f branchl els; laterals produced by no n~ syn chron o us
4(3). Thallus as solid membranous sheels ..... ........ .. .. ...... ........ ................ ......... ..... ...... ..... .............. ...... . 2 1 centripelaJ wall fo rm ation [ce ll waJl forming by parent cell dl Vldlllg approx llnate ly 111
4(3). Th allus olher than solid membranous sheels .......... ... .. .. ...... ........... ...... ........ ...... ....... .... .... ....... ..... 5 half] ; intercalary cell di vision often present ... ............................................ Phyllodictyoll , p. 326
5(4). Tha llus fil amenlous throughoul ...... .. ... .... ....... ........ ... ..... ....... ....... .. ....... ... ........ ....... ..... ...... ..... .... 27
5(4) . 2 1(4) . Thallus membrane tubul ar, holl ow or, if tl attened, with holl ow margin (obvious in tran verse
Thallus not fil amentous ......... ......... .. ........ .. ................ ...... ...... .......... ......... ... ...... .. ......... .. ...... ..... .... 6 secti on) ....... ...... ... .. ............... ... .... .... .. ... ..... .......... ... .... ... .. ... ....... ... Ellteromorplza (in part), p. 298
6(5) . Indi vidual cell s macroscopi c, visibl y distincl, bulbous or club-s haped ....................... ........... ..... . 38 2 1(4). Thallus other than ho llow lube or tlattened with holl ow margin ....... ........ ..... .......................... . 22
6(5). Indi vidu al cell s not vi ibly di stinct ............ ... .. ........ ............. .. ...... ....... ... ....... .. ............ ........ ........ .... 7 22(2 1). Thallus gelatin ous .. .... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .... .... ................. ..... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... . Verdigellas, p. 296
7(6). Stipe w ilh di stinct annul ar constri cli ons llh allus peltate, capped wilh large lufl of coarse 22(2 1). Thallus not gelalinolls .................... ..... .......... .... ..... ..... .. .... .. ........ ..... ..... ... .. .... ................ ........... .... 23
fil ament s l ..... .. ....... ....... ... .. .... ....... ....... .... ... ... .. ....... ......... ...... ....... .. Chamaedor¡s (in part), p. 330 23(22). Blades with faintl y visibl e ve in s .. .. .. .. .. ....... .. ........... ..... ... ........... ..... ......... ..... .Alladyolllelle, p. 308
7(6). Stipe WilhoUl annul ar constri cli ons ..... .. .. .. ........... ....... ... ....... .. ...... .. ............ .. .. .... ... ......... .. ....... ...... 8 23(22). Blades withoUI vein ...... .. .. ..... .... .. ... .. .... .... ... ... ... .. .. ..... ..... ... ............. .... ............ ......... ... .... .... .. ..... .. 24
8(7). Tha llus coenocyti c (l acking crosswa ll s; many genera Wilh obvious sloloniferou s or rhi zomatous 24(23). Thallus grealer than 5 mm dianl .; forming erect bl ade with basa l attachment .. ........ .. ... ... .. ... .. . 25
mass) .... ........ ....... ........... .... ................ .. ..... ... ............ ........ .... ......... ..... .... ......... ........... ... .......... ... ... . 43 24(23). Thalllls 1- 5 mm di am.; forming di sc-like cru t ... ... ... .... ..... .... .. ...... .... ... ... .......... .. .... ..... ... ..... ... .. 26
8(7). Th allus nOI coenocyti c (having crosswa ll s; lh alli in c lusters or solilary, as fu zzy fin ger-like
upri ghlS) ... ............ .. ..... .. ........... ............ .. ...... ..... .... .. ....... ... ... ....... ... .. ........ ....... ....... .... .......... .. ....... .. 9 25(24). Blades one cell layer thi ck [uncomffion) ... .. .. .... .. .. ............... ... ...... ... ... ..... .... ... .... . Gayralia, p. 298
25(24). Blades two cell layers thick [common) .......... ......... ..... ......... ...................................... Ulva, p. 304
9(8). Main ax is of loosely whorl ed branchlets at every 0.2-2.0 mm: mature branchlet with numerous
ga melangia ..... ................... .. ...... .... .. ....... .......... .. .................. ......... .... ... ..... ........... Batophora, p. 434 26(24). Thallus one cell thi ck th roughout ; surface hairs present ....... .... ............ .. . Prillgslzeimiella, p. 306
9(8). Main axis of ti ghtl y whorl ed branchl els every 100- 150 !1m ; matu re branchlels with in gle 26(24). Thallus center o ften 2-3 cell s thick; surface hair absenl ... ....... ........ ........ .... .. ...... Ulvella, p. 308
ga metangia ........ ......... .... ....... ........ ... ...... .. ............ ....... ..................... .. ......... .... .... Dasycladl/s, p. 436 27(5). Filament (siphons) coenocytic (Iackin g cell wa ll s) or with few partiti oning wall s ................... 28
1O( 1). Thallu ca lcifi ed onJ y in annul ar conslri cti ons between barrel-shaped seg ments o f stipe ... .. ...... .. 27(5). Filamenls having many regul arl y spaced partilionin g wall ... ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ......... ... .... ..... .. 33
... ........ .. ............... .. ... .... ... ............ ...... ........... ............ .......... ......... ..... Chamaedoris (in part), p. 330 28(27). Siphons with mi croscopic transverse supports or trabeculae .. ......... ... Cal/lerpa (in part), (J. 356
1O( 1). Thallus other lhan aboye ... .. ....... ............. ............ ........ .. .. ............... ............ .. ................ ... ......... .... 1 1 28(27). Siphons withou! mi croscopic transverse supports ........ .... ........................... .. ................... ........... 29
1 1( 10). Thallus di slinctl y segmented ....... ......... .. ..... ....................... .. ......... .. ......... ....... ...... .. ......... .... .. .... .. 12 29(28). Siphons unbranched .............................................. .......... ..... ... ... ........ .... ....... .. .... .. Bryobesia, p. 314
11 ( 10). Thallus nOI segmenled or indislinctly seg menled .. .......... ........ .. ..... ..... .................. .... .. ...... .. ....... 13 29(28). Siphons branched ................ ..... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... ..... ...... .. ... ...... .. ... ... .... .... ..... .. ........ .. .... ...... .... ... .. ... ... .. .. 30
12( 1 1). Branch apices termin ating in green unca lc ifi ed fil amenlous tu fts; mature seg mems cy lindri caJ .. 30(29). Siphons di stinctl y and deepl y con tri cted at base o f branchlet ; fonning, al least al base, ti ghll y
..... ....... ...... .. .. ... .. ...... ... ........ ... ....... .. ....... ....................... ... ....... ........ .... ......... ...... . Cymopolia, p. 436 knit fil amen!ous mal ........... .......... ................................... ........... ............................. ................... 3 1
12( 11 ). Branch api ces nOI terminating in green unca lci fi ed fil amenloll s lu flS; malu re segments tl at. 30(29) . Siphons not deeply constricled at base of branch; forming loosely fil amelllous mats or tufl .... .
di sc- like or pheri cal ... ............ .... ..... .. ......... .... ..... .. .......... ... ..... ........... ......... .. ..... . Halimeda, p. 398 .. .... .. .. ...... ............. ........ ... ... .. .. .. .... ..... ...... ... ........... .. ...... .... ......... .. .... .. ............ .............. .......... .... .. .. 32
13( 11). Th allu bru h-shaped: cap or upper lhallus o,. coarse fibrous siphons .. ................... ... ...... .......... 14 3 1(3 0). Branchin a generall y di chotomous or pseudodi chotomous .. ... ....... .. ............ ... Boodleopsis , p. 394
13( 1 1j. Thallus nOl brush-shaped; cap nOl o f coarse fib rous siphon ... .. ..... .. .......... .. ...... .... .... ........ ....... . 15 3 1(3 0). Branchin~ la!eral, oflen oppos i!e and fornling feather-like or plume- like blades .. ........ ... ....... .... .
14( 13). Cap siphons always in one pl ane, lapering di stall y to approx im alely one ha lf di ameter • . ••••.• .. .. ..0 .. . ... .. ... . . ... ...•••..••••••..•••••••••••••••• • •• . ••• • ••• . ••• .• . • • . •••• .• ••• . •. . •• .. . ... .. . ..• . ... . •. . . .. • . ..•• Bryopsis, p. 340

of prox imal siphons; di chotomie generall y nOl constricled at first di chotomy: ca p lower 32(3ü ). Ho ldfa t uncalc itied; branching dicholomou or irregul ar ............ ....... Derbesia (in part), p. 346
margin straighl, profil e " V"- haped ....... ................ ... ........... .. .............. ..... .. Rhipoc'éphalus, p. 416 32(30). Holdfast as ca lcifi ed basa l di sc; branchin g at ri ghl ang les LO parenl siphon ... .. Peclobesia, p. 348
14( 13). Cap siph ons not always in one pl ane, wilh no or litU e taper from base LO
apex; deepl y conslri cted al a ll di cholomi es; cap lower margin convex ly rounded fro m slipe, 33(27). Filaments generall y multi seri ale ( 1-3 or more rows of cell s forming axi ), mature fil amenls
profi le ··U·' - haped ....... .... ..... .... .... ...... .................... .. ...... .... ................ ... .......... ..... PellicillllS, p. 410 hollow or tubul ar ... .. .... .......................... ... .. .. .... ..... ... ... ... .... .. ........ Ellterolllorpha (in part), p. 298
33(27). Filaments olely uni eri ate ( ing le eri es of cell s) .... ..................................... .... ... ..... ........ .... ...... 34
15( 13). Thallus fa n- or paddle-shaped, occas ionall y WiUl splil or ragged apex; ne ilher finger-like nor
parasol-shaped ......... ..... ............. .. ....... .... ...... ..... ..... .... ........ ...... .. .......... ............ .. ........ .. ...... .. ... ...... 16 34(33). Filaments unbranched or seldom branched ...... ... ............ .. ....... ...... ... ..... .......... ... ....... ..... ..... .... .. ... 35
15( 13). Thallus fin ger-like or paraso l-s haped. nOl fa n or paddle-shaped. nOl split al apex ............... .... 17 34(33). Filaments abundanlly branched ........ ........ .... ............ .......... .. ..... ........ ... ......... ..... .... .... ........ .... ... ... 36
16( 15). Th allus mall , le s lh an 1 cm hi gh; stipe composed of ingle siphon, uncorti caLed .. ......... .. ........ . 35(34). Filaments sti ff, coarse (grealer than 30 !1m diam.), not co ll apsing when removed fro m
....... ... .... .... .. ........ ..... ....... ................ ...... .... .... .... .. .... ......... ....... .. ... ........ ..... .... Rhipidosipholl , p. 420 water; cell mulLinucleale .......... .. ........ ......... .. ... ......... ............................ ..... Clzaetoll/.orpha, p. 314
16( 15). Th allus greater lhan 1 cm hi gh; slipe wilh coni cali on fo rmed by latera l appendages 35(34). Filaments fin e (l e s th an 30 ~lm di am.), co ll apsing or fl accid when removed from waler;
(branchfets), di stinctl y co rti caled .. ...... ............ .... .. ....... ..... ... ...... .... .... ..... ...... ......... Udolea, p. 420 nllclei one to few per cell .. ... .. .... ..... ................ ............. .... ..... ... .... ........ .... .. ... RhizoclolliullI, p. 324

36(34). Wall partiti ons absent from base of branche ... .. ................... .... ....... ..... .. . C1adopltoropsis, p. 330
36(34) . Wall parti lion presenl al base o f bra nches .. ..... ........................ ....... ... ....................................... 37
The Sa rgass um II sh,
37(36). Fi lamen!s fro m (0.3-)0.5- 1.0 mm di am.: branching sole ly unilaleral. on oulside of curve ..... ... Hislrin hislrio, w hic h
... .... ..... .... .. .. ... .......... .. ... .. .. .............................. .. .. .... .... .. ..... .. ...... .. ...................... Valolliopsis, p. 31 4 inhabits f1 0aling ra fts 01'
37(36). Filamenls seldom greater than 0.5 mm di am.; branchin g varied, occas ionall y uni lateral al gae a nd de bris, usuaJl y
near api ces .. ............ .... ......... ..... ... .... .... .. .. .... .... ......... ................... .... ................. C/adopltora, p. 320
bl e nds Wilh ilS
38(6). lipe presenl .......... ......... ....... ..... ................ ................ ..... ........... ... .. .. ............ ........ ........ ... ............ 39 surro undings. This
38(6). Slipe absen! ......................................................... .. .. ........ ... .. ........... .................. .. .. .. .. ... ..... ........ ... 40 spec ies 0 1' fi sh can li ghle n
39(38). Branching whorl ed al apex o f paren! branch ... .. .. .... ... ........... .. ....................... Em oe/esmis, p. 338 il co lo r fro m dark brown
39(38). Branching lateral 10 paren! branch ................ ..... .... ............. ....... ........ .... .. . Sip/lOllocladus, p. 334 (when sw imming among
40(38). Th allus genera ll y as so li tary, large, spheri ca l ce ll ... .................. ..... .. .......... .... .. ......... ... ............. .. 4 1 Sargassum ) lO pal e
40(38). Thallus a c1u lers of large macro copi c cell s ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. ....... .... ............. ........................ ...... ..... 42 yell ow (as in lhi pi cture
4 1(40). Cell s lranSluCenl green, refl eclive; growing on any so lid subslrale; attached by mall di stincl wh en il was wilh lhe
rhizoidal cell s ............................................................. ......... ... ........ .... .... ........ .. .. Vell/riearia , p. 336 green alga. U/va) .
4 1(40). Cell glo sy green, nO! refl ecLi ve; growin g on cru Slose coralline algae; atlached by fin e J
coenocyti c (Wi lhout cell wall s) rhi zoids ...... .. ...... .. .. .. ... .... ... fla/icystis stage of Derbesia , p. 348
42(40). Cells round or ova l, large, greater than 3 mm di am. or, if le s, greaLl y elongaled, 5-20 mm
long .............................. ..... .... ..... ........ .... ..... ... ..... ... .... .... .. ... .. ... ... ... ...... .... ... .. ... ... .... . Valollia , p. 338
42(40). Cell s angular or polygo nal, small , less than 3 mm di am ... ........... ........ ..... Dictyospltaeria , p. 332 The seahorse
Hipp ocampus p.
43(8). Surface or shall ow subsurface slolons obvious: siphons with mi croscopi c lTan verse upports or
u'abeculae [hi ghly var iable genus with many form ] .......................... Caulerpa (in pa r t), p. 356 using blue-green algal
43(8) . Surface IOlons lacking or obscure: siphons wilhoUl trabecul ae ................................................. 44 covered Halimeda as
a c rypti c habitat.
44(43). T hallus of lough, spongy branches or as proslrate, lough. spongy mals; composed of comp lex
siphon with con ex o f lighLl y packed utri cles (swo ll en siphon api ces) .... .......... Coe/ium , p. 350
44(43) . Thall us with d istincl stipe topped by paddl e-s haped or paraso l-shaped blade or as pro trate
spongy mat, wilh out cortcx of utri c les ......... ...................... .... .................................................... 45
45(44). Surface siphons colorl ess, lhin, conlOrled, ti ghLl y in!erwoven, forming discrele cortex;
abruPl distinclion belween corlex and medull ary siphons ...... .. .. .. ............. C/adocepllll/us, p. 396
45(44). Surface siphons absent or loosely inlerwoven; no abrupl di stincti on between corlex and
medul lary iphons .. .... .... ......... ......................................................... .. .. .............. .... ......... ... ...... .... 46
46( 45) . Lateral branchlets lerminating in speciali zed hapleroid (fin ger-li ke) apices .. .. .. Rltipi/ia , p. 41 2
46(45). Laleral brilllchlels WilhoUl pec ialized hapteroid apices .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .................... .. .................... 47
4 7(46). Th all i generall y greater lhan 6 cm high; bl ade grealer lhan 100 ~lm thi ck .. Avraill villea , p. 380
4 7(46). Th all i genera ll y les Lllan 6 cm high; blades less lh an 100 !-1m thi ck .. .. ......... Rltipi/iopsis, p. 414

B y it c rypti c co lo rati o n
a nd surface tex ture , lhe
herbi vo rous c rab
Thersa llclm s compressus
takes re fu ge o n its hOSl T hi s decoralo r c rab (fac ing
planl AI'ra ill villea ri ght ) nea r lhe cenle r of lhe
/ollg icaulis (see Hay e l a l. pi ctu re (and above), fo und
1990, Liul er & LiUl er li vi ng amo ng Call1erpa
1999(1). Ma ny marine racemosa, was di ffi cult
in vertebrates are lO SpOl since it was
ca mo ufl aged to matc h lhe camo ufl aged w ith a li vin g
a lgae o n w hi c h lhey occ ur. . pec imen o f lhe a lga
w hi ch il had attached
to ilS back.

Pseudotetraspora marina Wille 1906: 20, pI. 1, figs. 32-36."
Thal/lIs soft, gooey, somewhal pheri ca l 10 wri nkled or contorted. l . Celalinolls malrix wilh
o flen perforaled or lorn when older, 2-20 mm di am. , dull yell ow ral/domly scallered
lO yell ow-brown. Cel/s spheri ca l to ova l, 3- 10 I-Im diam., randoml y spherical cel/s.
scallered in gelatinou matri x, o flen in sets of fo ur. 2. Cel/s randolll 01' oflen in
COllllI/.on : when present, loosely attached on seagrasses, larger seIs offoll!:
algae or mi scell aneous solid obj ects; 10 I m deep.
Dislributiol/ : Flori da, Bahamas.

-- --

Key to species of VerdigeLlas This specimen represents

l. Thallus erect or prostrate, blade- li ke, with margin al fin ger-like branching ........... V. fimbriata , p. 296 an unu ual spec ies of the
l . T hallu o flen peltate, pro trate, lobed, wilhoUl marginal fin ger-like branching ....... V. pelta/a, p. 298 green alga Verdigellas.
Much work stilL remains to
be done in desc ribing the
diverse marine flora.

VerdigeLLas fimbriata D.L. Ballantine & J.N . NOlTis 1994: 369. figs. 1-4.
Tlw l//ls ereCl 01' prostrale, sli ck, gelatinou , to 9 cm long, II mm l . TlllIl/us exhibiling
wide, 2 mm lhi ck, bright green; branching irregul ar to palmate, characleriSlic fi nger- Iike
j uvenil e lhallus peltale, soon becoming solely uprighl; marginal marginal brall chillg.
branching fin ger-li ke, irregul ar. Blades cy lindrical or f1 attened, 2. TrclIIsverse seclion of
oflen fusin g logether. Cel/s 5- 10 I-Im di am. , irregul arl y arranged Ihal/lIs showillg dellser
in gelatinous matri x, denser near surface and margins, with ing le cel/s /l eal' sU/lace.
cup- 0 1' "c"-s haped chl oropl asts. 3. Typical cel/s-wilh Cllp- 0 1'
Rare: in ex tre me ly low li ghl habitals such as deep water, cave and "c" -shaped chloroplaslS
crev ices; 10-65 m deep.
Dislribllliol/: Bahama . Grealer Amill es.
when viewed f l'olll Ihe
side, darkelled whell ~Ci.! : ~}
viewed fro m above.

(0~9?> '
100 ¡.LID 25 ¡.LID

VerdigeLLas peltala D.L. Ballanlinc & J. orri, 1994: 369. fi g'. 5-7.
Tltal/lIs proslrale, occasiona lly pellale, as slick ge lalinous discs 01' / . Trall ,l'ver.l'e sec/ioll oJ
cushions, 10 6 cm di am .. 2 mm thi ck, bli ght green, occasiona ll y rhal/us sholl'illg denser
with blue sheen; margins free moolhly lobed, often undulaling; cel/s nea r sll/face.
aflached by o ne to many incon spi cuo us stipes on underside or blade. 2. Scallered cel/s Il'ilh Cllp-
Cel/s 6--9 11m diam ., irregularl y arranged in gelatino us matrix , den ser shapeel cft/oroplasrs.
near surface and margin s, wilh ingle cup- or "c"-s haped
c hloropla st.
Rare: in eX lremely low li ght habilats such as deep water, caves and
crevice ; 10- 157 m deep. 8 @)
Dis/ribu/iol/: Bahamas, Greater Anlilles. @

C9 0

o 50~m

Gayralia oxysperma (KiiI Ling) K.L. Vinogmdova ex Sc¡¡gel el al.

1989: 72. ' Ulva oxyspenn3 Kiilzi ng 1 43: 296.
Thal/lls eXlremely deli cate, lhin, flacc id, sheel-like, as tufls or l . SII/face vieIV oJ cel/s near
so lilary blacles. 2- 10(-20) cm hi gh, tran lucenl lighl green. Slaeles blaele I/Iargin.
slick, slippery, o ne cell lhi ck; margin fl at or somewhat rurFled. 2. Transverse seclion oJ
Cel/s rounded polyhedral or oval , 10 25 ~Im diam .. 10-30(-40) 11m blade.
lhick, irregu larly arranged in rhizoicl al area. occas ionall y in rows
peripherally. Rhi:oiels inconspicuous, basal.
UnC01ll11l01/ : adhering 10 mangrove prop rools 01' other so lid
surfaces, in prolectecl ca lm -water areas 01' a so n green turlS in
il1lertida l pools; hi gh. inlenida l 105m deep.
Dis/ributiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer An lill e , Lesser Anti ll es,
Southern Ca ribbean .


Key to species of Enteromorpha
l. Malure blade fl allened, strap-shaped, often hav in g rurn ecl margin ; only margino holl ow in 5. Branches indistinguishab le from main axes .. .. .. ... .................. ... .. .. .. .. ... .................... E. lil/gula/a, p. 302
lransverse secti o n ......................... .. ........................ ........ ...... .. ............................... E, COl1lpressa, p. 300 5. Branche di stingui hab le from main axes ............. ......................................... .... .. ......... .. .. ... .. ................ 6
l. Mature blades olher lhan aboye ...... .. ........ ................ ........................... ............ ............... ,... .. .................. 2
6. Main axes ea ily distingui shable, not masked wilh fine branch let ; branch lets multicellul ar al base .. ..
2. Thallus filamemou s, loose- Iying. langled, generall y 1-3 ce ll s in lransverse secti on. tubul ar on ... ........................ ..... ..... ... ........ ........ ..................................................... ... ................ .... E. prolifera , p. 304
occas ion ... .... ........................... ....... ........ .... ....... ... .. ............................... .... E. chae/ol/lorphoides, p, 300 6. Main axes not easi ly di slingui habl e, covered with extreme ly fine fi lamenlous branch lets; branchlets
2. Thallus nOl solely filam enlo us. mOSl oflen allached, tubular ........................ .......... .................... ........ 3 uni cellular throughoU l .... .. ............................................................ E. flexuosa subs p. paradoxa , p. 302
3. Thalfus gc nerally unbranched 01' ~ parse l y branched al base .. ...................... .. ...... ....... ... ..... ................... 4
3. Thallus abundan ll y branched .. ... ............... ............ .... ........ ...... ...................... .. ........................................ 5
4 . Tubular blades 1-5(- 10) mm diam.: never conto n ed; ce ll s generall y in lransverse and longiludinal
row~ .............. ..... ............. .. ................ ...... ...... ....... .. ...... .. ...... .. ......... .............. ... .. ......... E.flexuosa, p. 300
4. Tubular blades 0.5- 1.0(- 10.0) cm di am.; o nen conto n ed; cell arrangemenl ranclom lhro ugho ul ......
..... .. ........................... ........ .. .......... ........ ... .... ...... ....... ........ .. .. ... .............. .. ............... E. il/tes/inalis, p. 302

Enteromorpha chaetomorphoides B~rgcscn 19 11: 149. lig. 12.

Thal/Lls loose- Iying. tangled, in fi lamenlOus aggregali ons of J. Cylindrical blade
indefi nite ize and hape, bright green; branching mai nly al ap ices. jilalllen/s.
Blades long, fi ne, slender, cyli ndrica l, 16-50 flm dia m. ; most 2. Transverse sec/ions oftwo
commonl y 3 rows of longiludinall y ali gned cells; lhi cker blade blades.
(401' more ce ll in diameter) hollow in tran verse secLion; apice
si ngle series o f cells, rapidl y becoming two cell thick. Cel/s square
to rectangul ar, 16- 18 flm diam .; pyrenoids 2(-3) per cell.
Comllloll: tangled on mangrove prop roots, occasionaJl y forming
loose- Iying mas ses smoLhering oLher orga ni sms in areas o f
ex tremely hi gh nutri ent ; to 10 m deep.
Dislriblltion: Florida, Grealer Antilles, Lesser Antill es, Soulhern
Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Enteromorpha compressa (Linnaeus) ees 1820: Index [2].

Ullla cOlI/pressa Lin nae us 1753: 11 63.
Thallus slender, gregarious or so litary, 2-20(-40) 'cm high, yell ow- J. Habi/ of imma/ure
green; unbranched 01' rarely branched near base. Blades cy lindrical, thal/us.
ho llow, lubul ar, 2- 10(-20) mm diam. when young; mature blade 2. SU/face arrangemelll of
tl attened and sLrap- haped (margins Ilo ll ow in tra nsverse secti on), cel/s.
0.5- 1.0(-6.0) cm broad, all fo rms tapering toward base; wa lls one 3. Basal holdftts/.
cell thi ck; margins ruftled in well -developed compre sed fo rm .
Cells rounded n:clangul ar, 10- 16(-28) flm wide, 10-35 flm long,
randoml y arranged wiLh occa ional palche in longitudinal and o ften
transverse rows; pyrenoid so litary 01' paired in larger cell s. Rhizoids
fusing lO form lower stalk and basal pad.
UIICOI/IIllOII: on mangrove prop rools, wood, rocks or epiph yti c on
otller marine pl ants, in deeper walers on sa nd-covered rock surfaces;
intertidal to 25 m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Grealer Antill es, Lesse r Anlilles.

Ellteromorpha flexuosa (W ul fen) J. Agardh 1883: 126*

Ulvo flexllosa Wu lfcn 1 03: l .
Thal/Lls tl accid, slender, gregariou , in clu lers or tufts, 5- 15(-25) J. Habit.
cm long, liglll green: branching, if present, sparse near base. Blades 2. Transverse sec/ion of/ube
1-5(- 10) mm di am. , tapering toward base, cy lindri ca l, Iloll ow, wal/.
tubular or tl attened and sLrap-shaped with hollow marg ins; walls one 3. SlIIface view of blade
ce ll thi ck. Cel/s ro unded rectangul ar, 10-28 flm wide, 8-30 flm long, cel/s.
in somew llat longitudinal and often transverse rows; basa l ceUs to
50 f.llll long; pyreno ids ( 1-)2-3(-5) per ce ll. Rhizoids fin e, forming
li glltl y knil basa l pad.
COllllllon: on mangrove prop rools, wood, rock or epiphytic on
oLher marine pl ant ; in brack ish water of estu aries or around
fres hwaler seeps on sandy shores; hi gh inlerLidal 105 m deep.
Dislriblllion: Florida. Bahama , Grealer Amilles, Lesser Anl ill es,
Soulhern Caribbean, We lern Caribbcan, Gu lf of Mexico.

EllterOl1lorphajlexllosa subsp. paradoxa ( . Agardh)

Bliding 1963: 79. ligs. 42-45 .' ViI 'a paradoxa . Agardh 18 17: 12.
T/¡al/us Oaccid. soft, gregariou , to 20 cm lo ng, lig ht green: l . Blade ",it/¡ IIniseriate
branching abundant, excepti onall y slender, opposi te to irregu lar; branchlets.
main axes obscure. Blades cy li ndrical , ho ll ow, tubular, rarely to
2. Cel/ arrallgemelll of
1 mm diam.: wall s o ne cell thi ck. Branchlets uni seriate (s ing le
brane/I and brallchlet.
seri es of cell s), tapering to 8 ¡.tm di a m. a t apices. Cel/s rectang ular
3. Brc/II chlet illitiating
to po lygo nal, 10-25 ¡.tm wide, 18-50 ¡.tm lo ng, in o mewhat
lateral brallc/¡Iets.
lo ng itudinal and transverse rows; plastids di sc-like; pyrenoids
1- 5 pe r cel/. Rhizoids fin e, formin g ti ghtly knit ba al pad.
COII/lllon: tang led on seagrass or coarser algae, on roc ks, shell s
or o the r firm substra tes in calm waters; intertidal to 5 m deep.
Distriblltion: Florida, Baham as, Grea ter Antilles, Lesser Antill es,
Gulf of Mex ico.

Enterolllorpha intestinalis (Linnaeus) Necs 1820: Index 12].

ViI 'a illtestillalis Linnaeus 1753: 11 63 .

Tlial/us Oaccid , g regariou s, cy lindri ca l or as Oatte ned tube , in l . T/¡al/us e/uste/:

clu sters or tufts , 5-30(- 100) c m lo ng, yell ow-green; bra nching, if
2. SlIIface view of blade.
present, sparse near ba e. Blades holl ow, tubular, contorted , rare ly
strap- haped \Vith hollow margin s, 0.3-1.0(- 10.0) c m wide, tapering
toward ba e; walls o ne cell thick. Cel/s rounded rectangu lar, 7-15
diam., not in lin ear rows, lInordered throllg ho ut; basal cell to 22 ¡.tm
long; py re no ids 1- 2 pe r cel/. R/¡i:oids finc , forming lighlly knit
di sc- like pad.
COI/lIIIOIl: on mangrove prop root , wood, rock or epiphyti c o n
o the r ma rine pl ants; inte rtidaJ.
DistriblltiOIl: Florida, Greater Antille , Lesser Antilles, SOUlhern
Caribbea n, Western Caribbea n. Gulf of Mexico.

Enteromorpha lingulata J. Agardh 1883: 143.

Tlial/us lax , fine, loo e- Iying or tufted, forming ta ngled fil a me ntou
/ . YoulIg tlial/us sl/OlVillg
ma se , to 7(- 15) cm long, bright yell ow-green; branching pre ent
abulldallce of brallc/¡Iets.
thro ugho ut, most abunda nt at ba e. Blades cy lindrical , tubular, hollow,
2. Blade slllface wit/¡
1-2 mm diam .; wa ll s one cell Lhick. Brallc/¡Iet apices single e rie of
somewliat vertical/y
cell , rapidl y becoming two rows, inc reas ing thereafte r. Cel/s harpl y
aliglled cel/s.
sq uare to rectangular, 9- 12 ¡.tJ11 diaJ11 .. 9-28 ¡.tm long, lo ngitudinally
and ofle n transversely ali g ned ; pyrenoid 1-2(-4) per cel/. Holdfast
pad-li ke, of ti g hlly knit rhi zoid .
COIIIII/.Oll: as ti la mentous layer o n mangrove pro p roots or seagrasses,
in ca lm water a nd tide pools; lower intertida /.
DistributiOIl: Florida, Greater Antille . Le ser Antill e , Sourhern
Caribbea n, Weslern Caribbea n, Gulf of Mexico.

Enteromorpha proLifera (O.F. Müller) J. Agardh 1883: 129. pI. 4.

ligs. 103. 104. Ulva !,IVIi/era O.F. MUller 1778: 7. pI. 763. lig. 1.
Thalllls eXlremely fine, a long undlllaling surrace mals or large l. Trallsverse seclioll of
nurfy langled c lump ,1060 cm high , brighl yel low-green 10 dull brclIlch.
green; branching abu ndant lhrollgholll; main axes llsuall y distin- 2. SUf¡ace of brallch.
gu ishable. Blae/es lhread- like, ho ll ow in transverse seclion: wa lls 3. Maill axes lI'ilh shorl
one cell lhick. Brallch!els le s lh an 500 ~lm long; apices si ngle laleral brallch!els.
serie of cell , soon becoming two rows, increasing lhereafter.
Cel/s rectangular lO irregu lar, 9-27 Ilm diam., longitudinally
aligned in younger branches; pyrenoids 1-3 per cell. Hole/fasl
pad- like, of ti ghtl y knil rhizoids.
COIllIllOIl: on mangrove prop roots. ropes or olher solid objects
in ca lm waters, often associaled wilh hi gh nutri enl areas (e.g., bird
islands); to I m deep.
Distribllliol/: Florida, Bahama , Grcater Anlilles, Lesser Anli ll es,
SOlllhern Caribbean . Weslern Caribbean. Gulf' or Mexico.


Key to species of Viva Losl "ghost net" continuing

l . Thall ll s as c lllsters o r strap-shaped blade ...................... .. .. .. .............. .. .......... .. .......... U. fasciata, p. 304 to negatively impact a
l. Thallu as clu lers or tufts of ova l, roundish or irregular blade .. ...................... .. ..... :........................ .. . 2 broad speclrum of reef
2. Blade marg ins wi lh microscopic inlerminent leelh [b lade oflen perforaled] ........... U. rigida, p. 306 creaLUres. Gillnets are often
2. 81ade margins without microscopic teeth ................................................................ . U. 11lCtuCll, p. 306 left unattended and beco me
IOSI, fouled and entangled
(see also p. 59).

Ulvafasciata Deli1e 18 13 ( 1813- 1826): 297, pI. 58 , lig. 5.

Thal/us lhin, sheel-li ke, as cluslers of trap- haped blades, lo l. SLIf¡ace cel/s al blae/e
50(-100) cm lon g, bri gh l app le-green, central portion paler, margin o
margins darker. Blades 1-5 cm wide, two cells lhick, mostl y 2. Transverse seclioll of
branching al base; margin mooth lo ruffled; base wedge-shaped. blae/e.
Slalk inconspicuous or absenl. Cel/s 8-20 Ilm wide, 14-40 ~lm long,
lhicker in middle region relative 10 margin; pyrenoids 1-2 per cell.
Rhizoids short, basal.
C01f/1ll01l: on solid objecls, as ociated wilh hi gh nlllri enl areas
(e.g., mangrove , bird islands) or freshwater seep ; intertidal lO
10 m deep.
Distribllliof/: Florida, Greater Anlilles. Lesser Anlilles, Soulhern
Caribbea n, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf oF Mexico.
306 CIlLOROPHvrA 307

Viva laetuea Linnaeus 1753: 1163.

T/¡alllls thin , sheet-like. as solilary blades or in IUfts, 10-25(-70) /. SL/lface view o/ blade.
cm hi gh, bright green. Blades ruffled or flat , lwo cells thick ; hape 2. Trall sverse section o/
variable; margin s smoolh lO undulating, rounded, often lobed. Cells blade.
round, square or irregularl y polyhedral. 8-12 ~un diam. , 12- 14 11m
long, somewhal longirudinally aligned in pairs or hOl1 row ;
pyrenoids one per cell, rarely two or three. Stalk incon picuou 01'
ab en\. R/¡izoidal cells hort, basal.
Commoll: on hard surfaces, in shallow calm cove and harbors, fast
grow ing, often associated with area of hi gh nutri ents (b ird islands),
including polluted or recently di sturbed habitat with low herbivory;
intertidal lo 10m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Anlilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Viva rigida c. Agardh 1823 [1822- 18231: 4 10.

UlvlI lacl/lca varo rigida (C. Agardh) Le Jolis 1863: 38 (see Bliding 1969).
Thallus thin , sheet- Like, as turfs, tuft or solilary blades, vari able /. Margin of pelforated
in hape, lO 10(- 100) cm hi gh, brighl green. Blades ruffled or flat, IhallLls.
two cells thick, unperforaled or perforated with few lO many small 2. Margill with illlennillent
holes; margins rounded, lobed, smooth ro undul ati ng, with microscopic leel/¡.
microscopic intermittenl leeth; basal region to 200 11m thick. 3. Sl/lface arrangemenl of
Cells rounded, square ro irregularly polyhedral, 11 -17 [.lm wide, blade cells.
15-22 ¡.un long, somewhal elongated, in ordered row or random ly 4. Trallsverse seclion of
arranged ; pyrenoids generall y 2, rarely 1-8 per cel l. Stalks
inconspicuous. Rhizoidal cells short, basal.
UnCOIll11l0n : on hard surfaces, in areas of active water motion or
prolected cove ; inlertidal 102m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida.· Grealer Antilles. Lesser Anlilles, Southern
Caribbean, We lern Caribbean.

.-: . . . . . •. - ....
. . '4'
100p.m ···· \.V

PrillgsheimieLLa seutata (Reinke) Hahnel ex Marchewianka 1925: 42'
Prill gsheimia .cutara Reinke 1889: 241.
ThallLls thin , circu lar, forming di sc-like crust, 1-2 mm diam., /. Habil showing cel/tral
bright green. Crusts 10-1 2 IJ.I.TI thick, of one cell layer. Cells sU/face hairs.
5-25 ¡.un wide, 10-20(-40) 11m long; marginal cells in radiating
series , radially elongated; central cell roundly rectangular, thicker, Growing o~Velllrica ria
often extendi ng vertically into su rface hairs; hairs 8- 10 [.lm diam. , ventricosa in photograph.
to 140 ~lm long; pyrenoids 1-4. Sporangia oval to bottle-shaped,
15-22 11m diam. , 28-45 ~lm long, with ingle pore at apex; spores
quadriflagellate. Call1eles quadriflagellale.
COllllllon: inconspicuous, epiphytic on other marine plants;
to 7 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Grealer Anti lles, Lesser Antille , Weslern
Caribbean .

Ulvella lells P. Crouan & H. Crouan 1859: 288. pI. 22. fig. E.
Thal/lIs thin . c ircular, fonning disc- like crust. 1-5 mm d iam., l. Cel/ arrallgelllelll showillg
bright green. Crusts 8-25 11m thi ck; margi ns with one cell layer; fo rked distal cel/s (t) 01
center with 2-3 cell layers. Cel/s 5- 10(-20) ~Lm diam., round ly )'olll/g plal/t.
recta ngul ar; di stal ce ll s o ft en fo rked; margi nal cell s elongated,
3-8(- 15 ) 11m di am., 15-30 f.! m lo ng; surface hai rs ab ent ; Grow ing on Vel/tricaria
pyrenoids genera ll y ab enL Sporallgia fo rmed from central cell s. I'el/tr icnsa in ph otograph.
each produci ng 4 . 8 or 16 bi fl age ll ate spo res.
COIIIIllOI1: in con picuous, o n shell s. hyd ro id s 0 1' epi phyti c on
olher marine pl ants, commonl y occurring on Velllricaria
I'elllricosa; inlertidal to 2 m deep.
Distriblllioll: Fl orida. Grea ler Antill es, Lesser Antill es. So uthern
Ca ribbean. Western Caribbean, Gul f 01' Mex ico.


FAMLLVA ADYOME ACEAE The spotled sea hare
Key to species of Anadyomene Aplysia dactylomela feeds
on red <llgae such as
l . Th allus pelta te or pseudopeltate, solitary; margi ns with w idely angled POi!ltS. formed by Laurellc ia . The red algal
elo ngated vein ce ll .......... .. ...... .... ... ...... .... ..... .... ...... ...... ........ ........... ..................... ... A. lacerala, p. 308
l. Th allu s tufted . cJumped 0 1' as heet; margins smoothl y rounded, lobed or und ul ating, formed pi g me nls sequeslered
from sma ll spheri cal ce ll s ... .. ....... ...... ...... .. ........ .......... ... ...... .... .......... .... .... .... .. ..... ......... ..... ...... .. ... ...... .. 2 during feeding are released
as a purple fluid when lhe
2. Cell s between veins random .... .......... .. .. .. ...... .. ......... .. .. .. .... .... .... ..... ...... ... .. .. ..... ..... A. saldalllme, p. 310
anima l is disturbed.
2 . Cell s between veins parall el ... .. ...... ... .......... ........ ........ ....... .... ... .. ........ ... ....... .. ...... .. .. ... A. slellata , p. 310

Anadyomene lacerata D.S. L inier & M.M. LilUer 1991: 105. figs. 6- 14.
T/¡al/IIS pe ltate (ho ri zontal bl ade on perpendicul ar slalk ) 01' / . 8/ade I'ellm iol/ s/¡oll'illg
pseudope ltate, solitary. to 6 cm hi gh, paje yell ow-green. 8/ades ragged lIIargill lo rlll ed by
cri spoone cell thi ck; marg in s lacerated, ragged with man y wide ly ve ill cel/s.
ang led points: marg in ál cell formed by elo ngated vein cell s. Veill s
faintl y visible, in fan- haped patterns. rad iating peripherall y fro m
stipe; branching polychoto mo us at seg ment api ces: cell s' mjd-bl ade
length ( 1.5-3.4 mm) to width (0.2-0.3 mm) rati o 8: l . Cel/s
between veins para ll el. Stipe mall but di stinct, formed by
intel1wined basa l eX lensio ns of lower vein cell s. Rhi~oids loosely
Rare: indi vidu als scattered on verri ca l wa ll s 0 1' ru bbl e/sa nd plains;
10-60 m deep.
Dislributioll: Grea ter Ant ill es, Lesser Antill es, So ulhern Ca ribbea n.
Gulr oC Mex ico.

A lladyomene saldanhae A.B. Joly & E.e. Oliveir" 1969: 30. figs. 1-3.
Thal/lIs as dense ly packed tufts. proslrate sheets 01' erect rurn ed /. B/ade /IIargill ShOlVillg
clumps. LO 10 cm high, bright green. B/ades crisp, one cell thi ck; ralldol/l cel/s betll'eell
margins smoothly rounded; marginal cell s small , ova l. Veills faintly ve ill s.
visibl e. in fan-shaped pattern, radialing peripherall y from base, 2. Base o/ b/ade wit/¡
branching polychotomous al segment api ces; cell s' mid-b lade lenglh ,./¡izoida/ eXlellsions o/
(0.65-0. 8 mm ) to widlh (0.25-0.35 mm ) ratio 4: l . Cel/s belween ve ill cel/s.
veins random, oval. Rhi-oids loosely tangled, occurring over broad
area, formin g from basa l extensions of lower vein cell .
COII/lllon : on hard substrates, sponge or mangrove prop roots;
lower intertidal to 30(-79) m deep.
Dislri blllio ll : Florida, Baharn as, Greater Anlille , Le ser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbea n. Weslern Caribbea n.

A nadyomene stellata (Wu lfe n) e. Agardh 18231 1822- 1823J: 400.

Ulva stellall1 Wulfen in Jacquin 1787: 35 1.
T/¡al/us as densely packed tu fts or ereCl ruffl ed clumps, LO 10 cm J. B/ade marg ill .
hi gh, bri ght yellow-green. B/ades cri sp, one cell thick; margin 2. Mid-blade s/¡owing
lobed or undu lating; marginal cell s small , oval. Veills fa inlly paral/e/ cel/s berweell
vi ible, in fan-shaped partern , radiating periphera ll y from ba e, ft.laitl ve ins.
branching polycholomous at seg ment apices; cell s' mid-bl ade
length (0.6-3. 0 mm) 10 width (0.25-0.38 mm ) ratio highl y Addi tiona l photograph
vari abl e. from 8: I in young lO 2: I in older blades. Cel/s between on p. 399.
veins parallel. R/¡i~o ids loosely langled, from ba al ex ten ion of
lower vein cells; attached direclly lO substrate or inlertwined ro
fonn mulliple stipes.
COII/lllon : on rocks, mangrove prop roots. sponges 0 1' olher firm
surfaces: lower inlertida l to 30(- 91.5) m deep .
Dislrib ll lio ll: Florida.' Baharnas, Greater Antill es. Les er Anlilles.
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Key to species of Microdictyo ll The formati on of " Ha/im ec/a

hash" , a majo r compo ne nt o l'
l. O val bl ades in ti ghl luflS; branchlets abut adj acent fi laments by specia lized hapteroid cell s ............... .
.... .......... ................ ..................................................................... ......... .. ....... ............. M. clIrtissiae, p. 3]2 beach and in lhe Caribbean .
l. Membranes of indelerminate shape, generall y in si ngle layer or loose l1ifts; branchlels wilhoU l As the indi v idu a l calcifi ed
hapteroid cell s ..... ... ............. .... .... ................... .................................................... ... ................................. . 2 egme nts o f Ha/i/ll ec/a di e,
2. Fine me h-like net; primary fi lament cell s 145-240 fllll di am., 400-500 fun long .. .. :~: ........... .......... .. Ihey fall lO Ihe ocea n n oor
........................ .... .......... ..... ............. .... ...... ... ......................................................... M. boergesenii, p. 312 and eventu all y break up 10
2 . Coarse me h-like nel; primary filam ent ce ll s 550-800 flm di am., 1.0- 1.6 mm long ........................ .. . form and pal1icles.
..................... .. ... .. .. ... .. ............................................................................. ............ .. .. .. M. lIlarinllll/ , p. 3J2

Microdictyon boergesellii SClchcll 1925 : 106.

Tllal!l/s de li ca le, fine, o pe n rnesh-like nel forllling ro unded to / . Cel! a rrallgemelll in
irregul ar bl ades, of indete rlllin ate size and ha pe, pale g reen. lIIesh-/ike nellVork of
Primaly ji/alllen/s o b c ure, with no di Lincl palle rn ; bran ching b /ade.
o ppos ite, radiating from jo illls; cell 145-240 ¡.tm di a m., 2. Branchlels abl/lling
400-500 ¡.tm lo ng. Branchlels abut adj acenl filam ents with adjacenl ji/alllen/s IVilholil
lhi ckened le rminal pads and lhi c ke ned ring al contacl; ce ll s specia /i~ed allachmenl
45- 110 ¡.tm di am. , 100- 200 !lm long; ma rgin s frin ged with sho r!. cel!s.
free branc hl els. S/ipe absenl. Rhizoids short, incon pic uo us,
fo rming as basa l exte nsio n o f prima ry fil a me nt cell s.
Locally eOI11I11OIl: overg rowing other plants or blanketing rugose
substrate ; 50- 160 m deep.
Dis/ribu/ioll : Fl orida, Bahamas, Grealer Anlilles. Lesser Anlill es.
Soulh ern Caribbea n, Weslern Caribbean.

Microdictyon curtissiae w'R . Tay lor 1955 : 69. pI. 1. fi gs. 1- 8: pI. 3. lig. 2.
Tha //us deli cate, fin e, a so lita ry blade or rnultil ayered tufts, LO 4 c m J. Ce// a rrangemelll in
wide, 7 c m lo ng, iridescence pale green. B/ades ova l, me h- like, o ne lIlesh-like network of
ce ll thi ck. Prilllal)' ji/amen/s obscure bUl detecta bl e, with no d i tinct b /a de .
palte rn ; bra nc hing Oppos ile, radi ating from j o ints; cell s 320- 590 !-1 m 2. Brcmchlels showillg
diam. , 600-2000 !lm long. Branchle/s a but adj acent fil am ents w ith specia /ized hapleroid
mall , speciali zed, oval lO sphe ri cal. hapte roid cell (3 1- 114 !lm cel!s (h ).
di am.) ; branchl et cell 250-340 ¡.tm di am ., 2-3 diam ete rs long;
marg ins frin ged Wilh short, free branchl ets. S/ipe absent. Rhi~oids
ho rt, incons pi c uous. forrnin g as basa l ex len io n of prim ary fi lame nt
cell s.
UIlCOl11l11on: attac hed to ma ng rove prop roo ts just below low tide
line or g rowing on oth er marine plants: LO I m deep.
DislributiOIl: Fl orida, ,Weslern Ca ribbea n.

Microdictyon marillul1Z (Bory de Sa inl-Vincenl ) P.e. S il va 1955: 180, lig. 1.

NydrodYl.'liulII ma rillUIII Bory ele Saint-Vi ncelll I 25 : 423.

Tha //I/S sliff, cri p, coarse, a mesh-like nel forming rounded / . Cel! a rrangelllenl in
me mbranes, of indele rmin ate size and shape, pale green. Prima r)' mesh-/ike nelWork of
.fi/amenls obvio us, with no di slinct patle rn ; bra nc hing Oppos ile al b/ade.
j o illls; cell s 550- 00 ¡.tm di am., 1.0- 1.6 mm lo ng. Branch/els abur 2. Branchlels abuuing
adjacent fil aments with thi c ke ned te rmin al pads a nd lhi c ke ned ring adjacenl ji/amellls lI'i/llolI/
al COl1laC l; cell tape ring lO 250 11m di a m.; rnargins frin ged Wilh speciali~ed (fllachlllen /
shorr, free branc hJ els. Slipe absen!. Rllizoids shor!. inconspi cllOll . cel!s.
forming as ba al ex rension of primary fil a me nt cell s.
Local/y eOllllllon: bla nkeling roc k o r cora l, o fl en in a reas li g htl y Addili o nal ph otograph
dusled by fin e sedime nt s; lo 12 m deep. o n p. 152.
Dislribulioll: Bahamas. Greater Anlill es.
314 C II LO ROPIl YTA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----' CIILOROI'IIVTA 315

VaLoniopsis pachyllema (o. Manens) B0rge en 1934: 10. ligs. 1,2.

BI)'o!,s;s !'ac¡'Yllemll O. Manens 1868: 24, pI. 4, lig. 2.
T/¡al/lIs filam ento u , coar e, stiff, loose, forming pad-like /. Habit s/¡owillg basal
cush ion , to 10 cm diam ., 5 cm thick , g lossy green ; branching rhi:oids (b) alld lateral
generally unilateral. Filamelll cel/s cylindrica l, (0.3-)0.5- 1.0 mm rhizoid. (1).
di am. , 2- 10 or more diameters long. Bran c/¡Iets cy lindrica l. wit h 2. Ulli lmeral branching
no 01' liule taper, originating from upper e nds of parent ce ll ; wa ll pallem.
form ation basal lO main filamenl. R/¡izoids shon , sparse; o lde r
branc hes oflen seco ndar il y attached by shon lal eral rhi zo ids.
COIIIIII OIl : forming stiff masses or c1l1mps in ca lm shallow habilats;
lo 5 m deep.
Dislribulio//.: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Anlilles. Soulhern
Caribbean, Wesle rn Caribbean.


Bryobesia j ohannae Weber-van Bosse 19 10: 26-
T/¡al/us e rect, fi lamentolls, stiff, 3- 15 mm hi gh, da rk green ; J. Habit showillg basal
branching parse, whe n pre e nt, somewhat dichOlomolls. rhizoids.
Sipholls 75- 156 11m diam. ; siphon wall (3-)5- 10 11m thick .
Sporallgia spherica l lO oval , 90-180 11m diam. , 150-450 !J.m
long, solitary, sess il e, formed from o ne arm of dichotomy;
pores oval, 20-25 I.un diam , 20-40 11m lo ng, 200-500 per
sporangi um.
Rare: incon spicllo us, epiphytic on mang rove prop roots or
grow in g on o lher hard surfaces; inte rtidal to 7 m deep.
Distributioll: Bahamas, Western Caribbean .

Key to species of Chaetom orpha The panern of

reprod ucti ve-structure
l . Fi laments straight, auached by basal c rust .................................................. ..... .................. ................... 2
l . Filaments tangled, witho ut basal c rust ...................... ...... ...... .... .......... ...... ...... ....................................... 4 form ation in Udotea,
a member of !he
2. Filame nts moniliform (bead-like, co nstricted at regular intervals) ........................... C. clavala , p. 316 Bryopsidales ( ee also
2. Filaments not m niliform ....................... .... ....... ...... ........ ...... ................................. ........ :.:.......... .. ...... ... 3
p. 423). Members of !his
3. Basa l fi la me nt cell no t lInll ually lo ng, withollt annular constri ction , 125- 590 ~1I11 diam. , group reproduce by
1-2 diame te r. lo ng .................................... ........ .... .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. ................................... C. aerea , p. 316 holocarpy, where all of
3. Basa l filament cell s elo ngated , with a nnul ar constrictio ns commo n near base, 400-525 11m di a m., ...
!he living protoplasm of
8-50 di a meters long .. ...... .............. .. .. .. ................................................................... C. a ll lellll i lla , p . 3 L6
!he !hallus participates in
4. Filaments 35- 100 ~lm di am ........ .... .... .. ............................. ........ .......................... .. .. .. .. C. gracilis, p. 318 gamete formation
4. Filaments generall y greater than 100 11m diam ......................................................................... .... .. .... .. 5 followed by death of !he
5. Filament stiff; ce ll s (80-) 100-375(-400) 11m di am., 1-5 di amelers lo ng; formi ng large mounds .. .. . plant (see p. 331 herein,
.............................................. ..................... .......... ................................... ........................ C. lill // III , p. 3 18 Clifton 1997).
5. Filament lax; cell s 300-700(- 1000) ~un diam ., as lo ng as broad, no! forming la rge mounds ............ .
............................................... ......................................................................................... C. erassa, p. 318

Chaetomorpha aerea (Di ll wyn) KÜ 1849: 379.

COIIJerl'G aerea Dillwyn 180611802- 1809]: pl. 80.
Tha l/us so lilary or gregari o us, a patches of un branc hed slraig hl J. Filalllel/ / apex.
fil a me nts, 15-30 cm lo ng, bri ght ye ll ow-green. Filalllell/s 2. Filalllelll Ivi/h dividil/g
unbranc hed; cell cy lindri ca l, 125- 500 ¡.tm d ia m. , lO lwo cel/s.
di ame te rs long, lhinne r prox im all y, sli ghll y wo lle n d istall y; 3. & 4. Typica l jilallJell/ cel/s.
basa l cell s 60- 150 flm di a m., 7.5- 10.5 di a me ter lo ng, ta pe red 5. Base of /hal/us wilh shor/
prox imall y. inili ating rhi zoids; basa l rhi zoids in sedime nts c/inging rh i~oids (r).
ex te nding deep between sand g rain s, o n rock spreading and
cling ing. Fer/ile ce/ls 200-700 /1m d ia m., bulbo u or more
sphe ri ca l.
lllfreqllellt: occurring in small de nse c lu ste r. o r hanging in
patches o n wave-beale n rocks; uppe r inte rlidal to shall ow
Distribll/iol/: Florida, Greater Antilles, Lessef Ant ill es, Soulh ern
Ca ribbea n.

Chaetomorpha antennina (Bory de Sui nl- Vi ncenl) K Ülzing 1847: 166'

COIlJer l'o all fellll;lIa Bory de Saint- Vi ncel1l 1804: 38 1.
Tltal/us gregariolls, as patches of sti ff, stra ighl fil a ment , rare ly l . Typical ullbranched
solitary, 7- 10(-20) c m long, bri g ht yell ow-g reen. Filamel1ls jilamen/s.
unbranched ; cell s cy lindri ca l, 450-550 /1m di am. , 2-4 di a mete rs long, 2. Basal rhizoids slzowing
ofte n sli g htl y swoll e n; basa l cell s un ique, unusuall y elo ngated, tape red fa illl slria/ions.
prox im31 ly, 400-525 ¡.tm di a m. at apex , 8- 50 di amele rs lo ng, o fte n 3. Club-shaped basal cel/s
w ilh several annular constricti ons near base; base spreading, initi a tin g ofien wi/h C/llnular
short branched rhi zoids ba ving faint lo ngitudin al stri ati o ns. cons/ric/iolls al base.
lllfreq/tell/: in small dense c lu sle rs or ha nging in pa tc hes o n wa ve-
beate n roc ks; uppe r inte rtidal.
Distriblltion: Grea ler A11lilles, Le ser Antill es, Soulhern Caribbean.
We le rn Caribbea n.

Chaetomorpha clavata K Ülzing 1847: 166.

Thal/us so lita ry or tufted. as patches o f stiff, straight fil a me nts, l . Lower jilamen! wilh basal
7-J5(- 30) c m lo ng, yellow-green. Filamell/s unbranched ; basa l unpigmen /ed foo l-like
cell s cy lindrica l, 80- 100 flm di am., 2-4 di a melers lo ng; base al/achmenl cel/.
spreading, li ghtl y adhe ring to substrate; olhe r cell s spherical to 2. Typical unbrallched
swo lJ e n or barrel-shaped, 0.5- 1.5 mm di a m., mo niliform 0 1' bead- jilamellls showing
like in appearance. varialiolls in size.
lllfrequell/: in sm311 dense c lu ster 0 1' as indi vidu al strand on wave-
beate n rock ; uppe r inte rtidal to I m deep.
Dislriblllioll: Greater Antill e , Lesser An till es, Soulhe rn Cari bbean.
G ul f of Mexico.

Chaetomorpha crassa CC. Agardh) KUlzing 1845: 204.

COI/len'" erass" C. Agardh 1824: 99.
T/¡al/us tang led, resembling nylon-monofil ament line, of l . Filal7lellls s/¡ owillg
indeterminate length, glo sy pale green to dark green. Filamenls individual cel/s IVil/¡ Ihick
unbranched, unatlached ; cell s cylindrical , 300-700(- 1000) J.llll wal/s.
diam. , as long as wide; thick walled and tough in shallow tropi cal
water ; thin walled and delicate in deep ubtropical water .
VI/comlllol/: tangled with other large algae on mangrove prop
roots or as tangled coal' e thread on edilllentary bottollls;
intertidal to 50 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Florida, Greater Antilles, Le er Antille , Soulhern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean .

Chaetomorpha gracilis KÜlzing 1845: 203.·

Thal/us fine, stringy, fil amentous, to 15(-200) cm long, of l . Filamenl SlruClure of long-
indeterminate hape, bri ght yellow-green; loosely attached by cel/ed fOrlll.
basa l cell s, eas il y breaking free. Filaments trai ght, curled or 2. Filamefll slruClure of
twisted , unbranched; cell s cy lindri ca l, 32- 100(- 120) J.llll di alll ., shorl-cel/ed formo
100-200 J.llll long; basal cell 125-360 !-1m long.
Commoll : on hard surfaces, as filamenlous mass eXlending with
preva iling current or draped over rocks, often in areas of hi gh
nutri ents; intertid al.
Distributioll: Florida, Greater Anti lI e , Les er Anli lI e , Southern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gu lf of Mex ico.

Chaetomorpha linum (O.F. Mül!er) KÜlzing 1845 : 204.

COl/l en'a 1i11L//II O.F. Mül!er 1778: 7, pI. 77 1, fi g. 2.
Thal/us large, loosely tangled, filamentoll s, formin g mounds lo I m l . Filament SlrUClure.
high, 2 m wide, yellow-green, unattached . Filamenls curled, twisted,
stiff, unbranched, resembling coarse steel wool ; cell s cy lindrical,
(80-) 100-375(-400) !-1m diam ., ( 100-)300-800 J.lIll long; joints
slightl y constricted, darker green.
Commoll: as mats or Illounds Iying free in hi gh-nutri enl areas
(near bird islands); to 3 m deep.
Distribution : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Anli ll es,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean , Gulf of Mex ico.

K ey to sp ecics of Cladophora [Cladophora taxonomy fo Jl ows Hoek ( 1982) who points out that
several quali tative characters generaJl y are req uired for identification and lherefore keys are nOI This c10nal a semblage of
usuaJl y feas ible] the green alga Udotea
l . Main axes generaJl y less lh an 100 11m di am . ....... .. .. ..... ..... ............................... ... ........ .. .. ... ...... .... .... ..... 2 cyath(fol'tllis demollstrales
l . Main axes greater than 100 11m d iam ..................... ..... ................................................ .. ...... .. ...... .. ........ 4 lhe mechanism of
2. T haJ lus for ming loo e- Iying mats ... .. ... .. ................................................................. C. lilliformis, p. 322 rhizomatous propagalion,
2 . Th allus as di ti nct tufts or lax and undul ating ................................ ....................................................... 3 a I argel y overlooked
3. Branchlet ap ices taperi ng lO12 ~lm diam .. .. ............................................................... .. C. albida, p. 320 mechanism of sand-
3. Branchl et apices with li ttl e or no taper, to 37 ~lm di am ..... ... .. ....... .. .. ..... ... .. ....... C. laetevirells, p. 322
dwelling macroaJgae.
4. Main axes generaJl y 100-200 IWl di am ................. .. .. .. ... .. ....... .. ...... .. .. ................ C. vagabunda, p. 324
4. Mai n axes exceed ing 200 11m diam ............................................... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ...... .. ..................... 5
5. Main ax ial cell s 240-345(-800) ~lm d iam., 7-9(- 16) diameters long; short seri e of annul ar
constri ction co mmon where basal cell meets rhi zoid .... .. .. ... .. .. ...... .. ...................... C. prolifera, p. 322
5. Main ax ial cells to 430 !llll di am , 3-6(-10) diam eters long; short seri es of annul ar conslri cti ons
not present where basa l cell meets rhi zoid ...... .. .. ................ ..................................... C. catellata, p. 320

Cladophora albida (Nees) KÜ lzing 1843: 267 '

AllIlI/lilla albida Nees 1820: Index [1].
Th allus either forming spongy hemi spherical mounds 1-3 cm hi gh l . Habil.
in wave-washed area or delicate undul ating fil ament in more 2. Cel! arrangement al
protected areas, to 10(- 15) cm hi gh, pa le yellow-green to dark branch base.
green' branching irregul ar lo dichotomous be low, unil ateral aboye, 3. Apex of branchlet.
at apex of parent ceJl ; maximum number of branches at joints one,
rarely two; ceJl di vi ion primaril y intercaJ ary (between internal
cell s), not api caJ. Filam.ents gracefull y curvmg or sickl e-shaped ;
ceJl s cy lindri caJ , (20-)40-80 11m di am. , 2-7 diameters long; api ces
tapering to 12 11m di am., 2.5- 7 di ameter long. Rhizoids fi ne,
s hort.
COIllIIIO/! : in protected or wave-ex posed areas, on hard sub trates;
upper intertidal LO 2 m deep.
Distriblltion: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Grealer AntiJl es, Lesser. Antill es,
Gul f of Mexico.

Cladophora catenata (Li nnaeu ) Kützing 1843: 27 1 [emend. Hoek

1963: 123]. * ConJerva calellata Linnaeus 1753: 11 66.
Thallus cri sp, fi lamentou , in smaJl , dense, pompon-like tu fts, l . Apex of branchlets atld
cushions or occasionaJl y as loo e Iying spherica l baJl s, 2-9 cm hi gh, outer branchin.g pattern.
bri ght grass-green to dark green; branching irregul ar, dichotomous to 2. Cel! arrangement of main
alternate below, omewhat unil ateral aboye; max imum number of fi lament wilh branches.
branches at joints one, rarely two; ceJl di vision interca lary or apical.
Filamellls sti ff, straight below; apices curved ; ceJl s cy lindri ca l, to Additi omr1 photograph
420 11m di am., 3-6(- 10) di ameter long; branchl et cell s cylindrical, on p. 25 1.
sli ghtl y swoJl en at joints, 160-290(-420) 11m di am., 4-18 diameters
long, longer near apices; api cal ceJl s 160-275(-450) ~n di am.,
6-26 d iameters long; cell waJl s 5- 13 ~n lhick. Rhizoids fine,
COJllIllO/!: near low-tide line on wave-ex posed shores; reported
LO 55 m deep.
Distribllliotl : Florida, Bahamas, Grea ler Anti Jl es, Lesser AnliJl es,
Soulhern Caribbean, We lern Cari bbean, Gul f of Mexico.

Cladophora Laetevirens (Dillwyn) KÜlIin g 1843: 267 "

COllfen '" laelel'¡rem Dill wy n 1805 [1802- 1809 1: pI. 48.
Thal/lIs spongy. sli rr, when compacl as hemi spherical pads 10 l . Branching pallem.
5 CI11 high, in prOlecled area as spar e Ihalli 1020 cm hi gh, 2. Cel/ arrangemenl oJ
gra s ~-gree n 10 pale green; branching pseudodi cholo mou 01' jilalll ellls.
pselldolri chotomo us below, sOl11ewhal unil ateral abo ve, ang ling
25°-45°; l11 ax il11ul11 nlll11ber of branches al j oinls one 10 two,
occasionall y three. Filalllenls stra ight or sli ghtl y curved ; cell s
cy lin dri ca l, sli ghtl y swo ll en at di stal ends, 50- 100(-205) 11m
di alll ., 3- 11 di al11eters long; apices straighl 01' curved, laperin g
to 37 ~Ull di alll ., 3.5- 11 di amerers long. Rhizoids tine, fo rming
fro m basa l or adj acent ce ll s.
COIllIIIOIl: near low-lide line o n rocks, pebbl es or other hard
substrates or in ca llll itllali o ns such a tide pool or mangrove
lake ; to 2 111 deep.
Distriblltiol/: Le ser Anlill es. So uthern Caribbea n, We lern

CLadophora Liniformis KÜlzi ng 1849 : 405 .

Thallus spongy, sparse or co mpact, fo rlllin g loose- Iying l11ars, / . Habil wilh
10 10 cm high, pale green ro dark green; branching appearing pseudodicholomous
dichotomou below, somewhar unilateral aboye, angling 35°_ 45°; branching below and
Illaximum nUlllber of branche al j oints one, rarely two; cell unilaleral branching al
di vision l11 ainl y intercalary, seldol11 by di vision o r long apica l lips.
cell . Filamellls straight or sli ghtJ y curved ; cell cylindri cal, 2. Typical branchlels.
(32-)40-65(-85) f.lm di alll ., 3.5- 20 di am eters long; apices 3. Filamelll cel/s IVilh
straight o r lightl y curved ; apical cells ( 15-)20-30(-45) 11111 ribbon-like chloroplasls.
di al11 ., 8- 10 di amelers long. Rhizoids fin e. Akineles (vegetati ve
reproducti ve cy I fo rllled frol11 cell content ) coml11 on.
COIIIIIIOIl: o n rock , pebble 01' mud , near low- lide line, o ften
in bracki sh water 01' fl oating in mangrove ponds; 102 m deep.
Distributiol/: Fl orida:

CLadophora proLifera (ROlh) KÜlzing 1 43: 27 1"

COllfe,,'o prolifera ROlh 1797 : 182. pI. 3, lig. 2.
Thal/us fil al11ento u , coarse, sliff, often in spheri ca l clumps to /. Typical brand /o
10 CI11 diam . or as densely branched tufts to 25 cm high, dark green, 2. Annular conslriclions oJ
free- living 01' attached ; branching variable, pseudodi chotol11oll 01' basal cel/s and rhizoids.
p eudotri chotol11oll be low,.often unilateral at api ces; max il11l1lll
nllmber o f branches al joint one to three, rarely four. Filamenls
stiff, straight 10 sli ghtl y cllrved ; cell cy lindri cal to club-s haped,
240-345(-800) 11-111 dialll ., 7-9(- 16) diallleters long; api cal cell s
95- 240 11111 di am., 2-5 di am eter long; api ces rollnded. Rhizoids
form ed prox illlall y frolll basal ceLl s, both with annul ar
constri cli on .
Locally COllllllon: lindel' eutrophi c environl11ental conditi on ,
lIn attached ball can cover large areas, wilh accumulatio ns
1-2 111 thi ck in ca llll harbors and inl els; 10 10(-70) m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Fl o rida, Bahanla , Greater Amille , Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbea n, Western Caribbea n.

Cladophora vagabunda (Linnaeus) Hoek 1963: I-M. "

COl/jen'a I'agablll/{/a Linn"cu, 1753: 11 67.
T/¡ al/lIs fil amenlous. spo ngy, so n . po mpo n-like (10 4 cm di am.) / . 8 ranc/¡illg pallem .
on wave-wa hed rocky hores 01' tuflS lO 30 cm hi gh in prolecled 2. Cel/ arrangemelll oJ
habilals, pale green lO gra -green; branching p e uclod ichotomo us jilamellls.
below, o mewhat unil ateral aboye; ang le o f branching 25°_ 45° in
u'aight branches. 45°_ 60° in curved branches; max imum nu mber
of branches al joints one lO four, rare ly fi ve; cell d ivisio n
interca lary. nO! api ca/. Filamelll cel/s cy lind rica l, 80- 140 !-1 m
diam., 4- 12 diameters long; branchl ets lapering to 40 ~Im di am.,
slighll y constri cted at jllnctio n with main axes; api ces straighl
abo ve, curved or sickJ e-s haped below; api ca l cell 20-60 !-1m diam.,
5- 11 di amelers lo ng. R/¡izoids fin e, oflen connecling lO adjacent
fil aments by hapteroid-like rhi zoids.
COII/IIlOI!; on rocks, pebbl es or other hard surfaces, near low-tide
line; lO 2 m deep.
Distriblltioll : Floricla. Bahamas, Grealer Ant illes, Lesser Ant ill es,
Southern Caribbean, Western Cari bbea n. Gulf of Mexico.

Rhizocloniwn ripariwn (Roth) KUt7ing ex Harvey 18491 1846- 185 11:

pI. 238. ConJe /l'l/ r;par;a ROlh 1806: 216.
T/¡al/lIs fin ely filam entous, in tangled masses, vari able in size and l . Unbrall c/¡ ed jilam enls
shape, yellow to green; u uall y unattached . Filamellls 10- 30 11111 lVil/¡ c!wraclerislic,
di al11 .. unbranched or seldol11 branched , often ol11ewhat curl ed; cell s 51V0l/en, apical cel/s.
cy lindrical, 1-6 di ameters lo ng; api ca l cells often woll en. Rhi~oids
when pre enl hort, incon pi cuo us.
C01ll11l01! : o n rocks. pebb les or other hard substrates, o flen tangled
al110 ng other spec ies; inlertidal to 1 III deep.
Distriblltion : Florida. Bahamas, Grea ter Anti lJes. Lesser AntilJ es,
SOllthern Caribbean, We tern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

F AMJLY BOODLEACEAE Joint Slllilll oni an a nd

Key to species of B oodlea Harbor Branc h
Oceanographic Instituti o n
1. Thallus to 2 c m hi gh; prim ary fil al11ents 160-450 11111 di al11. , to 20 dia meters long ... ....... ................. .
expedition lo S a n Sal vador
.. ........ .. .. .... .. ... ....... ... ...... ... ..... ...... ... ............. ....... .... ... ........... ........ .... ....... .......... .... .. B. cOlllposilll , p. 326
l. Thall lls to 7 C I11 high; pril11ary fi lal11ent 0.2- 1.2 111111 di al11 ., 4-40 dial11elers long ... "' .. .... .. ...... ........ .. Island, Bahalllas for
... ....... .. ... ... ...... ....... ..... ... .... .. ................ .. ........... ....... ...... ... .. ............. ...... .... .... .. ....... B. stru veoides, p. 326 bota nical tudies . The e
two research ships (RIV
J O"/150/1 & RIV Sea Diver)
have been used exten. ive ly
by our g roup for
ti eldwork.

BoodLea composita (Harvey) F. Bmnd 1904: 187.

Co"Jerl'lI COlllfJOsita Harvey 1 34b: 157 .
Thal/us f1u ffy, of fin e tiff langled fi laments fo rmin g sponge- like l . Tangled jilamellls o/
tu ft , to 3 cm hi gh, light grass-green; branching in more than Ihal/us.
one pl ane, not f0n11ing f1 at bl ades. Pril11ary filal1lenls obscure, 2. Branchlels ablllling
160-350(-450) 11m d iam ., with no distinct pattern ; cell s to 20 adjacel/I fi lalllellls Ivil/¡
d iameters long; branchin g initi ally un ilatera l or opposite, later specialized hapleroid
becoming whorled or irregular. Branchlels 70- 100(-200) 11m cel/s (hJ.
diam., commonl y abutting adjacent fil aments with speciali zed 3. Bral/chlel apex IVilh
hapteroid cell s; branchl et cell s 4-8 di ameters long, o ften lacking hapleroid cel/ al lip.
cros wall between parent cell when young; marg ins freq uentl y
fringed with short, free branchlets. Rhizoids short, inconspi cuous.
forming as basa l ex tensions of prim ary fila ment cell s,
termin ating in attac hment pads.
Un collllllon: in cracks or crev ice , in moderately protected
area ; to 10 m deep.
Distribution : Greater Antill es, Lesse r Ant ill es.

Boodlea struveoides M. Howe 19 18: 496.

Th al/us f1u ffy, of arched sti ff tang led fil amenrs formin g sponge- like l . Filalllelll apex.
tufts or on weak upri ght staLk, 0.5-7.0 cm hi gh, li ght grass-green; 2. Ta ngled fi lalllel/ Is o/
branching in more than one plane, not forming fl at bl ade . Prilllllly Ihallus.
fi lalllel/Is obscure, 0.2- 1.2 mm di am., with no di sti nct pattern ; cell s 3. Branchlel abulling
4-40 di ameters long; branching generall y oppo ite, later becoming adjacelll jilalllent wil/¡
irregular. Bral1chlels 250-460 11m di am. , co mmonl y abutti ng specialized hapleroid cel/.
acljacent filamems with spec ialized hapteroid cell s; branchlet cell s 4. Specialized hapleroid ce"
4--20 d iameters long, lacki ng cross wall s between parent cell when al apex o/ bral1chlel.
young. Slipe obvious, to 2.5 mm di am., o ften encrusted with
coralLine algae, occasionall y di chotomously branched near apex.
Hold/asl pad-like, inconspi cuous; when pro trate o ften adcliti onall y
attached by hapteroid-like rhi zo ids forming fro m branchl ets.
Rare : generall y mixed wilh other larger species (s uch as
Microdictyol1 l11aril1l1l11 ) in coar e rurfs; to 10 m deep.
Dislribuliol/: Bahamas.

Key to species of Phy llodictyon Unde rwate r coote rs a re

partic ul ari y u e ful in
l. lntertidal to I m deep; center vei n with 4--8 pairs of branchl ets .. .. .. ... ..... .... . P. al/astom osans , p. 328
l . Below 20 m deep; center vein with 8- 12 pair of branchlets ..... .. .. .............. . P. plllch errillllllll , p. 328 d iscoverin g rare or
unu ua l pec ie o f
seaweeds by a ll ow in g
muc h mo re coverage pe r
di ve.

PhyLlodictyoll allastOl1l0SanS (Harvey) Kraft & M.J . Wynnc 1996: 139.'

Cladopl/Ora ? anaslOlllosans Harvey 1859: pI. el. (no page l1ulllbers)
T/¡al/us erect, as sparse clllsters of slalked nel-like blades, rarely l . Typical blade.
so litary, 2.5-5 .0 cm high. li ghl green 10 dark green; branching 2. Brallchlets allached by
oppo ite, in one plane (single layer), repealedly branching 10 form specialized IIC/pteroid
open me h-like blade. Sralklcel7lral veil/ 200-900 ¡.1m diam., cel/s (h).
uni seri ate, with few partitions proximally, rarely branched, bearing
4-8 seis of Opposi le branch lel dislally. Branc/¡Iets decreasi ng in SlIrrounded by a fil amentou
di ameler with each successive divi sion ; ce ll apices anachin g lo red alga in ph olograph.
adj acenl cell s by speciali zed hapteroid cell s. Rhizoids fin e, shorl,
Uncommol/: on rocks, dead coral heads or mangrove prop roots;
to I m deep.
Distriblllioll: Florida. Bahama , Grealer Anti ll es. Lesser Anlilles,
Southern Caribbean, We lern Caribbean.

Phyllodictyoll puLcherrimum l .E. Gray 1866: 70'

Thal/lIs solilary or in small clusters, delicate, of stalked net-like ,. Distal portioll of blade.
bl ades, 2-3(- 10) cm hi gh, green ; bran chin g opposite, in one plane 2. Branchlets allached by
(s ingle layer), repeatedl y branching to form open mesh-like bl ade. specialized hapteroid
Stalklcentral vein 0.5- 1.25 mm diam. , lIniseri ate. with few parti- cel/s (h).
lions proxim all y, rare ly branched, bearing 8- 12 sets of oppos ite
branchl ets distall y. Branc/¡Iers decreasing in di ameter with each
successive di vision, branching ex tremely sy mmetrica l; cell apices
altaching to adjacent cell s by speciali zed hapleroid cell s. Holdfast
Uncollllllon: inconspi cuous. on rocks or dead coral heads;
excl usively deep-waler, 20-90 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Bahama , Greater Antilles. Lesser Amill es. SOlllhern

Struvea elegans B0rgesen 19 12: 264. figs . 13. 14.

Thal/' ls erecl, so litary, deli cate, of sta lked net-like blades, rarely in , . Distal pOrfion. of blade.
c luster , 1-4(-12) cm hi gh, dark green; branching oppos ite, in one 2. Hapleroid ce/l allachillg
pl ane (s ingle layer) , repeatedl y branching to form open mesh-like branchlet apex /O
bl ade. Stalkslcelllral lIeins 0.8- 1.3 mm di am .. uni seri ale, wilh few adjace/1.l branchler.
parLitions prox imally, rarely branched, beari ng 14-20 ets of
Oppos ile branchlels distally. Brallchlers ori ginating from apex of
each parenl cell, extremely symmetri ca l in younger blades; cell
api ces altaching 10 adj acent cell by speciali zed hapleroid cell s.
Rhi~oids hort , broad, sparingly branched, lerminating in fin ger-
like pad .
UI/COIllIllOI/: on rock or dead coral; exc lusively in deeper water ,
20-40 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Florida, Lesser Antilles, Western Caribbean.

Chamaedoris peniculum (J. Ell is & Solander) KunllC 1898: -100.

Corllllinll p el/ic/lI/l1I/ J. Ellis & olander 17 6: 127, pI. 7, ligs. 5-8: pI. 25. lig. 1.
T/¡al/us peltate, gregari ous, in clu ter or luft , 2- 10 cm hi gh. bri ght J. Cap jilamellls.
yellow-green. Cap cu p-s haped lo f1a ltened, ova l, 3- 10 c m di am., 2. Cylilldrical s/ipe \Vi//¡
pongy, co mpo ed of coar e fi lamellls. Filamen/s 80-250 !-lm diam., regular allllular
tangled lighl ly logelher; branching p eudodi cholomou below, cOlI slric /ioIl S.
uni lateral above; lalera l fi laments ori ginating fro m upper end of 3. Base of s/ipe lvi//¡
parent cell s; wa ll formalion irregul ar al long inlerva ls, o ften absenl brallchillg r/¡izoids.
al base of branchlel, in ope n connection lO parenl cel!. S /ipe to
1.5 mm d iam ., 5 cm long, fragile, perfec tly cy lindrica l with annu lar Addili onal phoLOgraph
conslri ctions from base to cap. slighlly ca lcifi ed al constriclions. on p. 25 .
UnCOlllmOI/ : as small clusters in shallow walers, generall y on
lime tone surfaces; to 25 m deep.
Dislribu/iol/: Fl ori da, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Les er Amill es,
Southern Ca ri bbea n.

Key to species of CLadophoropsis Sphe rical reprod uc tive

l . Main fi lament 375-460!-lm di am . .. ....................... ......... ... .. ... .. ... .. .... ... ............ C. macromeres , 1). 330 structures formed on
l . Main fi laments 150-280 !-lm di am . .. ................. .. .... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... .. .. ... .. ....... .. C. m emhral/acea , p. 332 margins of calcareou
segme nLS in Halimeda.
Holocarpic gametogenesis,
whereby a1 1 protop lasm of
lhe thallus participates in
exu al reproduction , occur.
sy nchronou sly during !he
early morning hour ( ee
p. 3 15 here in, Cliflon 1997).

Cladophoropsis macromeres w' R. Taylor 1928: 64. pI. 4. ligs. 15. 16.
Thal/lIs loo e, coar e, a fil am enlous mats or in mi xed rurfs, l . Filamellls sho\Vil/g lack of
to 3(- 15) c m high, glo sy light green; branching irregular cel/ \Val/s a/ base of
below, un il ateral above; o flen lacki ng basal nelwork . Filamellls la/eral jilamen/s wi//¡
375-460 !-lm di am.; laleral fi lamenls 2 10-295 !-lm d iam., orig inaLing open conn ec/ioll /0 parell/
as eX lension o f upper end of parent cell ; wa ll formati on absent from cel/s.
base of laleral fi laments wi th open conn ecli on LO parenl cel!. 2. Colorless basal holdfas/.
Rh i~oids pale or co lorl ess, fibrou , often termi naling in fi nger-li ke
pads (hapleroid ce ll s) .
Comlllo//. : form ing cushi on-li ke clumps in ca lm shall ow habitals
or tang led wilh other a lgae; LO 5 m deep.
Dislribll/iol/ : Florida. Grea ler Anl illes, Les er Amill es, SO llthern
Caribbea n, Wes lern Cari bbea n.

Cladophoropsis m embranacea (Horman Bang ex C. Agardh)

Bjjrgcscn 1905: 289, Jigs. 8-- 13.
COI/Jen'a lIIelllbral/acea Horman Bang ex C. Agardh 1824: 120.
Thal/us fi lamentou , fo rm ing dense malS or in mi xecl turfs , l . Filamen l s/¡owing lack oJ
2-5(- 10) cm high, glo y light green; branching alternate below, cel/ lllal/ al base oJ laleral
un ilateral aboye. Fila/1/elllS 150--280 ¡.tm diam.; lateral filament brallchlels lVil/¡ opell
100-- 150 J.lm di am., ori gin aling as ex tension o f upper end of parent conneclion 10 parenl cel/s.
cell ; waU form ation ab ent fro m ba e of latera l fi laments with open 2. Colorless s/¡ort rh i~oid
connection to parent cel!. SlOlons spread ii1g horizontall y, pale or wilh fin ger- like hapleroid
co lorl ess, fi brous, o ften terminatin g in fi nger-li ke pads (haptero id (h) allachmenl.
cell s).
COIIIIIIOI/: fo rming mall cushi on-li ke clumps on rocks, woocl pilings
or other hard surfaces in ca lm waters, occas ionall y as extensive
mats infiltrated with sand: interticlal to 10 m deep.
Distribution : Flori da, Bahama , Greater Antill es. Le ser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

Key to species of Dictyosphaeria T he green a lga Caulerpa

racelllosa becoming fertile
l . T hallus sack-like, holl ow or irregul arl y lobed when ruptured ............ ... .. .... .. ........ D. cavernosa , p. 332
(dark internal spots) prior 10
l . Thallu as dense, fi rm crusts or hemi spheri cal mouncls ................ .. ... .. ....... ... .... ...... .. .. .. ... .. ...... .. .. ... .. .. . 2
exual gamele release and
2. Primary cells to 2 mm diam., without internal cell -wall spines; thallus as crusts or hemi spheri cal holocarpy (death of lhe
mounds .. .. ......................... ............................ ..... .. ........ ....... .... .. .... .. .. ....... ............ .. ..... D. ocellata, p. 334 plant fo llowing tota l
2. Primary cells to I mm di am., with internal cell -wall spines; thallus spherical when young,
fl attened and pad-li ke when mature ........................ .. ...................... .......... .. .. .. ........ . D. versluysii, p. 334 conversion of protoplasmic
contents to gameles, see also

Dictyosphaeria cavernosa (Forssk. 1) Bjjrgesen 1932: 2, pI. 1, lig. l .

U/va cavernosa Forssk 1 1775: 187.
Thal/us sack-like, hollow, pheri cal when young, irregul arl y lobecl J. Tral7sverse secliol7 of
or ruptured when o lcl, to 12(-30) cm c1i am. , li ght green. Primary Ihallus showing basal
cel/s 0. 1-3.0 mm di am., in one layer, angular or polyhedral in rhizoids (r) .
urface view, appearing honeycomb-like, adhering to one anolher 2. SU/face view of primary
by micro copic hapteroid cells. Hapleroid cel/s forrning cOlitinuous (macroscopic) cel/s wilh
row at abutment of primary cell s, alternate ly oppo ite one anolher. allem alely opposite
Rhizoids short, branched or unbranched. cOl7l1ecring hapleroid
COllllllon : li ghtly attached to rocks or deacl coral heads, oflen cel/s (h).
forming extensive mals in eutrophic waters; 1040 m deep. 3. S!I/face view oJ hapleroid
Distributioll: Fl orida, Bahama , Greater Antille , Lesser Antilles, cel/s.
Sou lhern Caribbean. Western Caribbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

Dictyosphaeria oceLLafa CM. Howe) Ol,en-Stojkovich 1985b: 62.

Valol/;l/ ocellofll M. Howe 1920: 603 .
Tha l/lIs a dense fi rm crusts or hemi spheri ca l mounds, 10-20 cm
broad or of indetenn in ale diameter, to 3 cm lhi ck. glo. y green.
Primal)' cel/s lO 2 mm diam., angul ar or polyhedral in surface view,
appearin g honeycomb-like. adhering lO one anolher by minute
l . HabiT.
2. Surface view showillg
macroscopic cel/s lVilh
cOllllecTillg /¡ apTeroid
0 · h~
200¡.¡.m lOO¡.¡.m
haptero id cells. HapTeroid cells 40-60 11m di am. , fo rming contin - (h) cells.
uou row at abulment of primary cells, alternately oppos ite one 3. Sll/jace view of hapTeroid
anolher. Rhi~o ida l cel/s coarse, e longated, firm , generall y cel/s.
COlI/lIlo//.: on rocks, dead coral or mangrove peal, in ca lm walers
or ex posed lO moderate wave acti on, occasionall y on mangrove
prop roOl ; intertidal 10 1m deep.
Dislributio,,: Flori da , Bahama , Greater Anl ille , Lesser Anlilles,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Dictyosphaeria versluysii Weber-van Bosse 1905: 144. "

Thal/us spheri cal when young, fl altened and tough when mature, l . Tral1 sverse secTio/1. of
so lidl y composed of macroscopic (sma ll but indi viduall y observable) Thal/us wiTh basal
cells, 103(-5) cm di am., li ght green. Prilllary cel/s 0.5- 1.0 mm rhizoids.
di am., angular or polyhedral in surface view, appearing honeycomb- 2. Small hapTeroid cel/s (h)
like, adhering 10 one another by minule hapteroid cells; internal al abllll1lel11 of primary
cell-wall pine common, projecting into cell cavity, 10- 14 11m cells.
di am. al wall tapering to 4 11m al apex, 70- 120 11m long. HapTeroid 3. Transverse secTion ofcell
cells 30-60 11m di am ., fonning irregul arl y at abutment of primary wal/ showing inTernal
cells. Rhizoids 0.5- 1.0 mm di am. , hort, generall y unbranched. spines.
Un colllflloll: ti ghtly attached to rocks or dead coral head ; intertidal
to 30 m deep.
Distributiol/: Greater. Anlill es, Les er Antill es, Soulhern Caribbean.

Key to species of Siphollocladus The g reen alga Rhipiliopsis

l . Thallus cushi on-like, to 5 cm long, o flen growing downward ..... .......... ..... ..... .......... S. rigidus , p. 336 profunda is the deepe t
l . Thallus bushy, tufted, to 10 cm hi gh, erecI ........ ..... ...... ... .. ... ................ ................. ... S. tropicus, p. 336 known fleshy plant and is
recorded to 200 m deep in
lhe Bahamas (Littler &
Liuler 1994). This particular
population occurred in a
cave in Cozumel , Mexico
and represents the
shallowest record al
11 m dee p (cf. p. 415).

Siphollocladus rigidus M. Howe 1905a: 244, 1'1. 13, lig. 1: 1'1. 14,
ligs. 1- 11.
Thalft,s coarsely fi lamenLOuS. cris p, rigid, c ushi on- like, !O 5 c m l. Habil lI'ilh c/earfilamenl
long, pa le lO lrans lucenl green; branc hing unilalera l or in·eglll ar. bearing spherical. darkly
Maill axes indi tinct, 350- 11 50 !lI11 dia m .. 1-3 cell wide. Bral/ches pigmel/led reprodllclive
sing le series of cell s (uni seri ate), rare ly 2-3 cell s wide; cell s e lo ngate spores.
latera ll y lO fo rm bra nc hle ts. Brallc/¡/els 350-900 ~lm d ia m., uni -
seriare; api ces blunt, no t tapered, ofle n grow in g dow nward ; ce ll wa ll s
15-70 IAm lhi c k. Spores co mmo n. pheri ca l, bri ghl yell ow-green,
fo rmed w ilhin branch sheath, re lea ed slow ly fro m bra nc h apex .
Holdfas l of imil ar lhic k fil am ents.
Comllloll: inconspic uous, o n mangrove peal o r o lhe r fi nn slIrfaces;
inte rtidal lO I m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antill e , Lesser Antill es,
Western Caribbean. Gul f of Mex ico.

SiplwllocLadus tropicus ( P. Ctouan & H. Crouan) J. Agardh 1 87: 105.

A"jol/llia ,ro"ica P. Crouan & H. CrouHn in Schramm & M Hzé 1 65: 47.
Tlw l/us coarsely fil ame nto us, c ri sp, sri ff. bush- like, solita ry o r in /. Brall chlels.
ru fts. lO 10 c m hi gh, pale yell ow-green; branc hing gene rall y in three 2. Base of Ihal/L1s sholVing
orde rs. Main axes 400-800(- 1000) ~lm di am., 1-3 cell s wide: ba a l fai lll all/udar cOl/striclions
cell e longated. often constricted al close inte rva ls prox ill1all y aboye basal rhizoids.
(annul ar conslricli o n al ba e). Brallches numerou , generall y 3. Typ ical slerile branchlel.
sing le-celled . radi aling laterall y: api ce blunt, not tape red ; e lo ngated 4 . Ferlile brclIlc/¡/e/ lvilh
bra nc hl ets subdi vidin g, becoming 2-3 cell s wide the n budding off spores.
late ral branc hl ets; cell o f multi cellul a r branc hl ets 300-550 1'111 5. Bralld , inilialing
di am. Rhi~o ids coarse, lhic k-walled. Spores spheri ca l, lO 300 IAm brclIlchlels.
di am .. brig ht yell ow-green. forming within branc hl et sheath .
VI/COII/IIIOII: o n so lid substrares or epiphyri c o n larger algae in calm
shallow WaLers; to 5 in deep.
Distriblltiol1: Fl orid a. Grea te r Antill es, Lesser Antill es, Soulh ern
Caribbea n.

Ventricaria ventricosa (J. Agardh) J.L. Glsen & J.A. Wesl 1988: 104.
figs . 1-4. 11. Valollia I'elllricosa J. Agard h 1887: 96.
T/¡ al/lls so lita ry o r a everal loosely connected , large, unbra nc hed, l. Habil, nOle base IVil/¡
mac roscopic cell s. 2-5(- 10) c m di all1 ., glo sy dark green with bri ght rhizoids (rJ and vegeJalive
re n ecti ve glare. Cel/s sphe rical lO oblo ng, firll1 ; cell wa ll s thin . p ropagules ("J.
tough. R/¡izoida l cel/s small , branc hed. Reproducliol/ by re lease of
mall cytoplas mi c sphe res from pa re nt ce ll 0 1' ex pansion of Additi o nal pho lographs
rhi zo idal cell s. NO le: when broke n free, lh allus sink . o n pp. 29 & 147 .
C01I/1Il01l: in c rack and c rev ices on hard subsLrates o r scalte red
a mo ng other algae on mangrove prop rOOl ; lO 80 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es. Le ser An lill es,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf 01' Mex ico.


Erllodesmis verticillata (KülZing) 80rgesen 19 12: 259. figs. 10-12.
Vofol/io .'erticiffow KÜlzing 1847: 165.
Tlralllls bushy. stiff, in spherical clumps, to 10 cm hi gh, tran lucent J. Typ ical brand,.
yellow-green. Brand ,es formed fro m single macroscopic cell ; cells
nalTOW al base, swo llen or club-li ke at apex, lopped with up to
12 similar branches al apex, branching patlern repealed for six or
more equ al levels, each branching et sli ghtl y small er and narrower
than preceding set. Sralk ingle-cell ed, 1.5-2 .5 mm di am., 1-2 cm
long. Rhizoids sparse, inconspi cuous.
UIlCOIIIIllOIl : inconspicuous, often covered by sed iments or
numerous epiphytes, on mangrove prop roots or other firm objects
in hall ow protected bay ; occasionall y found in deeper walers along
steep walls; lO 45 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahama , Grealer Antilles, Le ser Antill es,
Soulh ern Caribbea n, Wesrern Cari bbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Key to species of Valollia Mixed chool of surgeon-

l . Th allus hemi spheri cal, dome-like or as free- li ving spheres ... .. ..... ... .... ............... V. aegagropila, p. 338 fishes (Acatllhllnts chirugus
l. Thallu prostrate, creeping ... ........................... ......................... .... .... ....... ... ... .... ...... ... ..... ................... ... 2 and A. coerulells), importan!
to coral reef due 10 their
2. Cells pheri cal, 5- 15 mm di am ., oblong lO club-shaped, ti ghtl y packed .......... V. macrophysa, p. 340
extensive grazing on algae.
2. Cells elongated, to 3 mm di am., cylindrical, ofien arched or curved, uncrowded .... .. ... ... ... .. .... .. .......... .
... ... .. .. ........................ .................... .... .... .. ... .... .... .. ... .. .. ... ... ... ... ..... ... ........... ............... V. ulricularis, p. 340 Surgeonfishes tend ro have
a browsing, as opposed to
scrapillg (e.g., parrolfishes).
mode of feeding (Lewis &
Wainwright 1985).

Valonia aegagropiLa c. Agardh 1823 [ 1822- 1823]: 429.

Thalllls of large, densely packed cells forming hemi spherica l l. Single branch from dense
cushi ons, domes or free- li ving sphere , to 20 cm di am., bri ghl r/w lllls.
yellow to green; branching clu tered, from .swoll en outer end of
parent cell , rarely lateral to parent cel!. Branchlers ti ghtl y pac ked
within hemisphere. Cells 1-3 mm diam ., 5-20 mm long, strai ght
or club- haped; surface cell appearing honeycomb-like, angular,
lens- haped when tightly packed. Rhizoidal cells minute.
UIlCOIllIIIOII: indi vidu als loosel y attached on hard substrate ,
o lder thalli often Iying free, in protected bac k reefs or lagoons;
to 7 m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahama , Grealer Antill es, Lesser Anlille ,
Soulhern Cari bbean, Weslern Caribbean.

Va /ouia macrophysa KÜlling 1843: 307.

Thalll/s formed from crowded mac roc pic cell s, creeping. o f l . Habit.
indetermin ate ,ize and shape. to 5 c m thi ck. glossy, dark live-
green; bra nchi ng irregu lar. fro m ba,e or any ex posed area o f parent A Idili o nal pholographs
ce l!. Cell.\· spheri ca!. ob long LO club-shaped, 5- 15 mm diam. , 1-4 cm on pp. 39 & 235.
long. ti ghll y packed: cell wa ll ' thin , LOugh. Rh i~o ids extcndin g from
basa l ell s.
COII/II/Ol/ : li ghtl y adhering LO hard sub trales, in shaded or darkened
area : intertielal 105 m deep.
DistriblltiOI/: Fl orid a. Bahamas, Grcaler Anl ill es. Lesser Alltill cs.
oulhern Cari bbean. Weslern Caribbea n.

Va/ouia utriclllaris (ROlh) C. Agardh 18231 1822- 18231: 431.

COIIJen'lI II/r;mlar;s ROlh 1797: 160. pI. 1. fig. 1.
Thallus creeping chains o f elongateel mac ro copic cell s, 01" l . Ha bit.
indeterminale size and shape, li ghl green: branching random, 2. Basal rhi~o ids.
irregular, mosl commonl y c lu tered !'rom sli ghll y swo ll en end
of parenl cel!. Bral/ches uncrowded . cy lindri cal, rarely pherical,
often curved or arched, prostrate or occas ionall y ereCI, 10 5 c m
long. Cells hi ghl y vari abl e, to 3 mm di am .. 2 cm long. Rhi:oids
inconspi cuous, as short ex ten ions of small basa l cell s.
V I/COII/1II0l/: ti ghLl y adhering lO hard substrates, in cracks or
crevices on shall ow reel" n ats; LO 5 m deep.
Distributiol/: Florid a. Bahama , Grealer Antill es. Les er Antill es,
So uthern Ca ribbea n.

ORDE R BRYOPSIDALES Indisc riminate rasping bite

marks of herbivorous
parrotfi h in a mixed algal
Key to species of Bryopsis community (see pp. 93,
l . Branchl els randoml y arranged .. .. ................ .. .... .................. .. ....... .. .. .. .. .. ........ .... .... B. hYIJ/loides, p. 342 179 & 255). Parrotfi hes
l. Branchl els in 1-2 rows .............................. .. .. .............. ................................ .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .... .. .. ........... 2 are highly mobile generalist
2. Branchl ets inconspi cuou ', parse; nOl forming di tincl organi zed fronel s .. .... ...... B. mll/ulosa, p. 344 grazers that cause con-
2 . Branchl el conspic uous. numerous; forming di stincl organi zed fronds ................ .............. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 3 iderable bioerosion to reef
substrates (Hutching 1986.
3. Branchl ets to 1.5 cm long, length hortening towarcl apex; main axes less than 200 11m di am ... .. .... ..
Littler e t al. 1995b) .
....... .................................. ... ... .......................................................... ........................... B. plllll/osa, p. 344
3. Branchl ets 2-5 mm long, of unil"orm length : main axes grealer th an 200 ~1Il1 d iam . .. .. .. .. ............ ..... 4
4. Branchlets in oppos ite pair .... .............. ...... .. .. ............................................ .. ...... ...... B. pelllUlla, p. 342
4. Branchl ets appearin g unil ateral (s ingle vertica l row) ............ .. ........... B. pel/I/ala varo secuI/da , p. 342

Bryopsis hypnoides J.Y. Lamouroux 1809c: 1;15. pI. 1. figs. 2a. 2b

Ialso 18093: 3331. '
Thallus as fi lamentous tufts, lO 10 cm high , dull or dark green; l. Scallered. irreg ular habil
branching irregular; primaIy axes highly branched. Fronds 01 brallc/¡fets.
decreasing in diameter with each succe sive division ; main axes
65-140 11m diam. ; branchlets form irregularly, lIndifferentiated
from axes, 40-80 11m di am., constricted at base; apices rollnded.
Rhi~o idal syslelll fibrou , tightly interwoven.
COIllIllOI/: on mangrove prop root or other hard sllbstrates ;
lower intenida l to I m deep.
Distriblllioll: Florida, Bahama , Greater Antilles, Southern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean, GlIlf of Mexico.

Bryopsis pennata J,V, Lamourollx 1809a: 333.

Thalllls filamentolls, bllshy, in luft-like mats, to 10 cm hi gh, glossy l . Habit.
dark green, oflen with light bllle iridescence. Fronds feather-like, 2 . Laleral brc/Ilchlels wilh
8- 15 mm wide, sparingly branched ; mai n axes 240-360 fllTI diam. ; pillnate brallching (in nvo
latera l branchlels 75- 150 11m diam. , of lIniform lenglh, conslricted opposile rows).
al ba e, in lWO opposite rows o n upper half of branch, lower half
naked . Rhizoidal syslel11 fibrollS , tightly interwoven.
COllllltOI/: on mangrove prop roolS or other solid substrales ,
in calm shallow walers; lower interlidal 105m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahama , Greater Antilles, Lesser Antil le .
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Bryopsis pel/.Ilata varo secunda (Harvey) Collins & Hervey 19 17: 62.
BI)'opsis plllmosa var. seC/lllda Harvey 1 5 : 31. pI. 45A. figs. 1- 3.
Thalllls fil amenlOu , bushy. in tuft-like mats. 10 10 cm high , glossy l. Habil.
dark green, oflen with li ghl bllle iride cence. Frond 2-8 mm wide. 2. Frolld showing unilaleral
paringly branched; main axes 240-360 fllll diam .; lateral branchlel branching.
75- 150 11m diam ., of uniform lenglh , constricted al base, angling
45 0 or less from o ne anolher, appearing unil alera l (from o ne side
onl y) al limes, o n upper half of branch, lower half oflen naked.
Rhi~o ida l syslem fibrolls, tightly interwoven.
COllllllon: on mangrove prop roots or oLher solid substrates,
in calm sha ll ow waters; lower inlertidallo 5 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles. Lesser Anlilles.
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean. Gulf of Mexico.

Bryop sis pLumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh 182311822- 18231: 448.

UlI'a plllll/osa Hudson 1778: 571.
Thallus forming filamenlou tufts. to 20 cm high, u'al1 lucent light
green, often wilh blue iridescence; primary axe frequenll y with
, . Habit.
2. Pillllate lateral CD
seconda.ry branches. Fronds fine, feather-like (pinnale) or plume- brallchlets.
li ke, naked below, 1-3 cm wide; main axe lO 200 11m diam.; lateral 3. Stolon-/ike rhi:oids.
branchlets 65- 100 11m diam., in two opposite rows. constri cted al
base, with rounded to bluntly pointed api ces, increasing in length
toward main axe . Rhi:oidal sySTelIl fi brous, ti ghtly interwoven.
COllllllon: on hard substrates, in tidepools, protected habitats or
in moderate surf behind reef creSl ; interlidal 10 I m deep.

Dislribll lioll : Florida. Bahamas. Grealer A nlilles. Lesser A nlille , lmm
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

~. 0.3
. . lmm

Bryopsis ramuLosa Monlagne 1842c: 16, pI. 3. lig. 2.

Thalllls forming fi lamentou tu rfs, 2-4(- 10) cm high, dark green; l . Habit.
prim ary axes often withoul secondary branchlets. Frolld long, fine, 2. Main axes j Ul1ctiol/ing
naked below, to 8 mm long; main axes 10 300 11m di am.; branchlets as gallletangia. showing
65- 120 11m diam., short, cattered, 10 2 mm long. constricted at Ihree (b right yellow-
base, uni lateral or in lWO opposite rows; api ce rounded. Rhi:oida l greel/ ) gallleles (g).
systelll fi brous, tightly interwoven.
V I/ collllllon: incon picuous, on mangrove prop roots or other hard
surfaces; inlertidal to I m deep.
Dislriblllion : Florida, Bahama , Greater A ntilles, Lesser A nlilles.
WeSlern Caribbean.

The golden zoanthid A eri al view of " sarga so-

Para:oalltl1Lls slViftii weed" (mostl y SargasslIIl1
grows in bands on fluilCtllS, pp. 282 & 354)
the surface of several arranged into 30 m w ide
species of sponge . streaks by L angmuir Cir-
M any sponges and culati on (parall el w ind cell
zoanthids contain vorti ces) .
micro copi e algal cells
(zooxanlhellae) and are
ph oto. y ntheti ca ll y
compel ent (see
also pp. 69 & 347).

Key to species of Derbesia Many sea ane mones such

l . Thallus as so litary, spherica l, balloon-like cell .................. ...... .... ...... ................... D. oSlerholltii, p. 348 as thi s COl/dylaclis gigantea
l . Thallus filamenlOus ... .. .. ............ ..... .. .. ...... ..................... .................. .... .... .. ....... ............... ... .................... 2 contai n sy mbiotic
zooxanthe ll ae in the ir
2. Branching strictly dichotomous .............. .... .. ... ... .. .... ...................... ............. ... ......... D. fastigiata , p. 346
2. Branching nOI trictly dichotomous ... ..... ....... .. ...................................... ..... .. ... .................... ... .. ............ 3 ti ssues. Tbe mic roscopi c
zooxan the llae e nable ome
3. Branching laleral, rarely p eudodi chotomous; cross wa ll s of siphons often double; sporangia sea ane mones lO
spherica l, ova l to club-shaped. lO 200 !-1m diam., 333 !-1m long .. .. .. .... .. .................... D. marilla, p. 346
photo ynthesize at rates
3. Branching pseudodicholomous or latera l; cross wall s of siphons single; sporangia spheri ca l to
rounded triangu lar, to 165 !-1m di am., 190 !-1m long ........ .. .. .... .. .... ........... .... .. ... ...... D. turbillata, p. 348 comparable to ma ny
eaweed s (Fitt et al. 1982).

Derbesia f astigiata W.R. Taylor 1928: 94, pI. 11. figs. 1- 3.

Tha/llls fine, as spar e fil amentous tuft , 0.5-2.0 cm hi gh, dark J. Habil showing repealed
green; branchin g 4-7 times in eq ual dichotomous divisions. dicholomous divisions.
Siphons erect, stiff, straight, often swoll en al apex ju l be fore
branching, 50- 100 !-1m di am. at base, decrea ing in diameter with Growing on the seagrass
each successive di vision; termina l siphons tapering, to 7- 10 ,.un Syringodiul11 fi liforme in
diam., more lax, undu lating, nOl or rarely constricted at pholOgraph .
dichotomies. Holdfasl inconsp icuous, of contorted siphons.
UI/.COllllllon: inconspicuous, epiph yti c on other marine pl ants;
intertidal 10 l m deep.
Distribution : Florida, Greater Antille . We lern Caribbean.

Derbesia marina (Lyngbyel Solier 1 46: 453.

VOL/che,.;o IIIM;1I0 Lyngbye 18 19: 79. pI. 22A.
Thallus fonning fine fi lamentous tufts, 1-3 cm high, clark green; J. Plam siphons wilh lareral
branching par e, latera l, rarely dichotomous. Siphons ( 11 -)50-70 sporang iuII/ (s) and
11m di am. , occas ionall y havi ng cloub le cell wa ll s at juncture with occasional double wa/l
parent iphon. Sporangia so lilary, oval, spheri cal to club- hapecl, (w) al base of branc!/.
(38-)90-200 !-1m diam. , (85-) 120-270(-333) !-1m long, lateral on
branch, sessile or wilh shorl talk, sepa ratecl by cloubl e wa ll ; spores
16-32 per sporangium . Holdfas r inconspicuou , of contorted
siph ons.
UIICOIII IllOII : incon picuous. epiphytic on other marine planls;
inlertid al lO 60 m deep.
Distriblltiol/ : Greater Ant illes, We lern Caribbean.

Derbesia osterhoutii (L. Blinks & A. Blinks) Pagc 1970: 375. figs.
1-6. HlI/icysti\ o.\ terholllií L. Blink, & A. Blin~, 193 1: 389. pis. 22.23.
figs. 1- 12.
T/¡alllls solitary or in cluste rs. a small g los y ba ll oon-li ke cell s, , . Habil.
LO 3 c m di a m .. pale lra nslucelll green. Cells ova l 0 1' spherical, 2. & 3. A llacfullel/l pads.
pli abl e; wa ll thin , to ugh. Holdjasl inconspi c uou ; rhi zoids
20-30 ~lm d iam., blunt, pad-li ke. NOl e: Th allu s Ooat when
bro ken free. ' H alicyslis stage ' of D erbesia oSl er/¡ oltlii is com-

pl e tely diffe re nt fro m it fil a me ntous alte rn ate, each form
represenling a di sLincl stage in me life hi sto ry. 2 ....'.;.. ", .... 100J-LID
COII/IIlOI/: grow in g o n crustose coralline algae suc h as \.!:.J ' ..~
Sporolilhol/ o r HydrolilhOI/, in shaded c racks and crev ice ; to I
18 m deep.
Dis/ribll/iol/: Fl orida. Bahama , Greale r Anlilles, Lesser
An lill e , Soulhern Caribbea n. Weslern Caribbea n, Gul f of

Derbesia turbinata M. Howe & Hoyl 1916: 106. pI. 11. fi gs. 10- 16.
Th allus fin e, tang led, fil a me ntous, 1- 5(-9) c m hig h. dark g reen to l. Thaffus sip hon.\' lV ilh
yell ow-green; branching spar e, pseudodi c ho to mou , mOSI i r r egula r alld il/j reqllel//
commonl y lateral. c ross wa lls infreque nt, nOl constricted at base. cros.\' Iva lls.
Sip holls prox im all y ( 16-)40- 75(- 100) 11m di a m. , decreas ing in
di ame te r di stall y; te rminal sipho ns tape ring to 20 ~ltll di am.
Spor allgia sphe rica l, oval or ro unded tri ang ul ar, 85- 165 11m d ia m.,
(55-) 115- 190 ~lm lo ng, on hon sta lks, separated by doubl e wa ll.
H o/djasl incon pi cuou , of conton ed ipho ns.
Vl/colI/mol!: inconspic uous, e piphyti c o n o the r marin e pl a nts;
illle rtidal to l m deep.
Dis/ribll/ioll : We tern Caribbea n.

Pedobesia LamOurOllXii (J. Agardh) Fe ldrnan n. Loreau. Codornier &

Coulé 1975: 2641. figs. 1- 19.
B,}'oplis ba/bisialla varo /amouro/etii J. Agard h 1842: 18.
Thaffl/s fin e, erect, fi la me nto us, 3-6 c m hi g h, ye llow-green LO J. Bra nchil/g o/ sip hol/s
dark g reen; bra nc hing spar e . perpendi c ular to pa re nt branc h perpel/diclllar 10 pa r enl
whe n pre e nt. Siph ons 100-600 J.lm di am. Sporang ia spheri ca l, branches lVilh tlL/l/lerOl/S,
200-550 J.lm di am., lateral o n bra nc h, so lilary o r seve ral in scaller ed sporang ia (s).
uccessio n, da rkl y pi g mented, es il e 0 1' o n sho rt sla lk. H oldjasl
in conspic uous. as ca lcifi ed cli. C. No/e: Differs from D erbesia in
presence o f calc ifi ed basa l di sc and direct, dipl onti c life hi story.
VI/comll/ol/: inc n pi CUOllS, epiphYli c o n other marine pl ant ;
inlertid al to l m deep.
Dis/ribll/iOI/: Grea ler Amill es. Lesser Anlill es. WeS lern
Caribbea n.

Key to species of Codilllll
He li copter survey w ith
l. Tha ll us an lInbranched mal, often with overlapping lobes .... ........ ... .. ....... ..... .... C. il/ter/extlllll , p. 352
lhe door re moved to
l. Thallu spherica l or with cy lindrica l or slightl y fl atlened branche ............... .. ... .. ... ... .... .. .. ................. 2
facilitate photogra phy
2. Thallus pherical ....... .... .... .... .... .. ........ .... .... ................ .... .................................. .............. C. ovale, p. 352
and video. This technique,
2. T hallu wi th cy li ndrical or li ghtly flattened branches ...... ....................... ... ........................ .... .... .. ....... 3
when combined with
3. Thall u mostly creeping, loosely fo llow ing substrate contollfs, attached to ubstrate at random
hi gh-altitude (U-2)
poi nts; branche occasionally fu ing together ...................................................... .... .. ........................... 4
3. Thallus genera lly erect, with single point of attachment; branches not fusing together ....... .. .. .... .. ... 5 photog raphy and
geo log ical urvey maps,
4. Branching mai nly dic hotomolls; branches 1-3(-5) mm d iam.; wal l al apex of utricles to 6 J.lm thi ck
..... ... .......................... ... ....... .. ......................................................................................... C. repel/S, p. 354 is usefu l for baseline
4. Branching often irregul ar; branches 4- 11 111m di am.; wa ll at apex of utri cles to 10 J.lm thi ck ............ . mapping of marine biota
....................... .... .... ........ .. ..... ....... ................ ... ......... ....... .. ... ..... ......................... C. carOlillial/ lll/l , p. 350 a nd synoptic surveys of
5. Thallll 25-50(- 100) cm high; utricles usuall y 220-500 11m di am., 1. 1- 1.8 mm long ......... .............. . critical coastal habitats (see
............................................................................................................................ C. decorticatlllll , p. 350 Li ttIer & Littler 1987) .
5. Thallus less th an 25 CI11 high; lItricles usuall y les than 350 11m d iam., less than 1.1 ml11 long .......... 6
6. Th aIJ us li ght green, soft, lax; branche un iforml y cy lindri ca l ....... ................ C. isthllloeLadulII , p. 352
6. Thall us dark green, fi rm , stiff; branches fl attened throughout or al dichotomi es .... C. tay lorii, p. 354

Codium carolinianum Searles 1972: 19, Iig . la, 2.

Thallus creeping, 20-30(-60) cm wide, deep green, attached at / . U/rieles wi/h roulldec/ or =
vari ous points; branching irregular to di chotomous. Branches poill/ec/ apices.
pongy, slightI y fl attened to cylindrica l, 4- 11 mm di am., decidedl y 2 . U/rieles with
tl attened at di chotomies. U/rie/es cy lindri ca l or c1 ub- haped, game/angium (g) 0 1/
75-2 10 fUll d iam. , 730- 15 10 fll11 long; apex wa1l 8- 10 11111 thi ck; shor/ sta /k.
hairs uncommon, up to five per utricle, in band 140- 175 J.lm below
apex. Gametangia oval, 50- 120 11m diam., 195-260 11111 long,
sralked, 1-3 per lI tri cle. Rhil.oids ventral on creeping branch, in
fib rous tuft or clusters, pad-like.
COIIIIllOIl: on rock or other hard objects in prorected localities,
occasionall y coverin g large areas on deep rubble; to 25 m deep.
Distribulioll : Florida.

Codium decorticatum (Woodward) M. Howe 19 11 : 494.

Ulva decorticara Woodward 1797: 55.
Thallus undulating, bushy, hemi spherical or in dome-shaped / . & 2. U/rie/es wi/h hair
clumps, 25- 50(- 100) cm hi gh, dark yell ow-green; branching scars (h) . .
dichotomous, ofren pro lific. Branches spongy, cy lindrical,
6-25 mm diam., 6-9 cm long, fl attened at dichotomi es
(occasionall y throughout). Utrie/es cy lindri cal or c1ub-shaped ,
150-800 J.lm di am., 800-2000 11m long; apex wall 4-8 J.lm
thi ck; hair vari able, up to 12 per utric le when present, in band
145-330 11m below apex. Gametangia oval, 58- 125 11m di am.,
144-390 11m long, stalked, 1- 7 per utric1 e. Holdfas/ fi brous,
Comilla": on rock or other hard object , in protected areas;
lower inlertidal to 15 m deep.
Distributiol/ : Fl orida, Greater Alllilles, Les er Anlilles, Soulhern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Codium illtertextum Collins & Hervey 1917 : 54.

Thal/us sli ck, fi nn , spongy. smo lh, co nlorted, fo nn ing creeping / . U/rieles ",i/h yOllng
mats. oflen wilh overl apping broad lo bes, of indeterl11inale size game/al/ giulII (g).
and hape, 10 6 C I11 lhi ck. yell ow-green 10 dark green; surface lyp- 2. U/rieles lVi/h ha ir scars (h).
ica lly covered by fi ne hai r , nOliceable when subl11erged. U/rieles 3. Habi/.
cy lindri ca l, (42- )70- 11 0(- 2 15) '.un di am ., (400-)480-700(-850)
~lm long: apex rOllnded 01' fl atlened, rarely. pOlllled, o flen bulbous
or sli ohtl y conslricted be low apex, when di secled, uln cles separate
imo lfo hl clusters or " famili es"; api ca l wa ll 3-8 J.lm lhi ck; ha ir scar
coml11~n o n older ulricJes. in band 60-- 145 J.lm below apex . Came-
tangia spindle-shaped to oval, 55- 11 0 J.lfI1 di am., 220--330 ~l m long,
slalked. lypi call y one per ulri cle. Rhi~o ids fin e, numerous.
COII/II/Ol/ : ti ghtl y adhering lO rock o r other hard surfaces, o flen
forl11ing dislincl zone near low-tide mark; 10 20 111 deep.
Dis/ribll/ioll: Fl orida , Bahamas , Greater Anlille . Les er mill es,
OUlhern Ca ribbean, Weslern Ca ribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Codium isthmocladum Vickers 1905: 57.

Th al/us in ti ghtl y compact hemi spherical clumps, to 20 C I11 hi gh, / . U/rieles wi/h game/al/gia
li ghl green, in haded areas loo ely branched, dark green; surface (g) and su/f ace hairs (h).
sl11ooth , ofl , covered by deli cate hairs; branchin g dichotol11ollS 2. U/rieles lVi/h gametal/gia
near tips, irreg ul ar below. Branches o ft, spo ngy, cylindrical , (g).
2-6 111m di am., occasionall y fl attened. U/rieles cylindri ca l. club-
shaped, infrequenLl y pear-shaped, 120-475 J.lm diam. , 440--850 ~lm
lo ng. occasionall y constri cled 130--260 f.Lm below apex; apical wa ll
18-56(- 110) f.Lm lhick; hairs few 10 several per utri cle. CCllne/al/gia
oval , 50--1 30 J.lm di am. , 180--280 ~lm long. stalked, lwo o r mo re
per lItricJe; gametangia o flen 1110difi ed a propagati ve buds. Ho/dfas/
a cru t-like ba e.
COlI/lIlon: o n l11angrove prop roots, coral rubbl e or other hard
surface ; to 10m deep.
Dis/ribll/io/l.: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Grealer Antill es, Lesser Anlill es.
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Codium ovale Zanardin i 187 : 37'

Thal/lIs spherica l, sli ck, spongy, smoolh , lo 3 cm di am. , dark green, / . UI/'ieles Ivi/h game/allgia
eventu ally becol11ing holl ow fro m breakdo wn of central medull ary and sU/face hairs.
lilamem ; lIrface typi ca lly covered by Fme hai rs, nOli ceabl e when 2. U/rieles wi/h
submerged. U/rieles evenl y cylindrical Wilh so me taper loward base, galll e/al/ gium; showing
250-400 f.Lm di am., 900-- 1200 f.Lm long; apex rollnded or fl attened ; varia/ion il/ shape al/el
api ca l wall 4-6 J.lm lhick; hair scars commo n on older ulricJes, si~e.
so mewhal whorl ed, wilhin 50 f.Lm o f apex. Call1etangia pindle-
shaped, elongated oval, 60-80 J.lm diam. , 250-400 J.l111 lo ng, o n
short stalk , 250-400 J.lm be low ummit, rypi ca ll y one or two per
ulricJe. Rhiw ids line, numerous.
Rare: seldo m encOllntered, growing on carbonate rock o r dead
gorgoni an cora ls; 10 20 m deep.
Dis/ribllliol/: Lesser Antille .

Codium repens Vickcrs 1905: 56.

TltalllloS creeping, gregarious, often forming mat (of incleterminate l . Habir of arypical g roIVrlt
area) or palches (10 40 cm cli am.), pale du ll green to dark green; form .
branching widely dicholomous to irregul ar. Brallches lough, rubbery, 2. U/rieles wi/h yOllllg
cy lindri caJ 10 sli ghtl y f1 auened, 1-3(-5) mm diam., oflen fusing game /all g illm (g).
together; api ce blunt, rounded. U/rieles vari abl e, cy lindrical to oval, 3. U/rieles wi/It Itair scars.
clll b- haped, 100-275 11m di am. , lender lItri cles 330-550 ~1Il1 long,
lhi cker ones 700-900 ~lm long; api ca l wa ll to 15.5 11m thi ck; hai rs
common, generall y one, occasionall y two per utri cle, appearing
65- 130 11m below apex. Game/allgia rare, oval , stout ly spinclle-
like, 65-90 11m di am. , 200-225 11m long, stalked, developing
230-350 ~lm be low apex, one per utric le. Rhizoids tufted.
U IICOIllIllOII: grow ing over or clinging to rock , under ledge on
reef crest; lower-intertidal to 20 m deep.
Dis/riblltiol/: Florid a, Greater Antill es, Lesser Antilles, Soulhern
Caribbea n. Western Caribbea n.

Codium taylorii P.e. Silva 1960: 510, pI. 112, 118b, 11 9. 120a. 120b.
Thallus erect or creeping, as ti ghtly compact hemi spheri cal 1. Urrieles wir/¡ sUlface
clumps, to 15 cm high, dark green; surface smooth, soft, covered /¡airs (h).
by fine hairs; branching dichotomou s, occasionall y cervicorn 2. Urrieles wi/It
be low. Brallches firm , spongy, cy lindri cal , 3-8(-25) mm di am., gametang ia (g).
o ften somewhat f1atlened. U/rieles cy lindri cal to club-shaped,
(55-) 11 0-260(-380) ~lIn di am., (550-)650- 1,150(- 1,450) 11m
long; ap ices rounded to lightly pointed ; api cal wa ll to 23 !-1m
thick; hair and/or hair scars abundant, appearing 50- 105 11m
below apex. Game/angia slender, o val, 45-85 ~1I11 di am.,
200-350 11m long, developing 275-430 11m be low apex, 1-2 per
utricl e. Holdfas / a crllst-like base.
COIllIllOIl: on mangrove prop root , reef rubble or other hard
surfaces; to I0(-60) m deep.
Distriblltioll: Fl orida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Lesser Antilles,
South ern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gu lf of Mex ico.

Aerial vi ew of floating Schoo ls o f rudderfi sh (and

ra fts of Sa rgassullI urgeonfi h) suc h as Ihe
j luitans accumulati ng Kyphos/ls pic tured he re
on coral patc h reefs in readil y consume drift rafts
Be li ze, C entra l o f Sa rgassulIl from lhe
America. Such im- wate r co lumn as they move
po rted drift eaweed o nto the reef.
and assoc iated fauna
are readil y consumed
by resident reef fi shes
(see fac in g page).

F AMlLY CAULERJ>ACEAE 22(2 1). Stolons 3.0-4.5 mm diam .; branchl et 3-7 mm diam. , oflen wilh moul ed 0 1' patc hy
pi g menla ti o n ................ .. ..................... ............. .. .......... :....... ... .. .. .. ............. .... ......... .. .. .. .. .......... .. . 23
Key to species of Cal/Jerpa
22(2 1). Stolo ns 2-3 mm di a m. ; branc hl ets 2-4 mm di am., often wilh central star pattem 0 1' 'cal-eye· ..
l. Fronds filamentous, all piU1S cy lindri cal a nd generally le. s than 500 ~m diam ... ....................... 6 ............................................... .. .............................. ... ... ............ .. .... ..... ..... ....... ......... .. ................... 24
l. Fronds nOl filamentous, some 01' all parts greate r than 500 ~m diam ..................................... .... 2
23(22). Branc hle ts spheri cal, scattered 01' in tighl clusters .... .. ............ .................. C. 11lacrophysa, p. 362
2( I ). Frond and/or branchl els Dal .............. ...... ...................... ...... .................. .. ................... .. ............... 13 23(22). Branc hlets c lub- haped, e ithe r arranged irregul arly, in fo ur verti cal ly aligned rows 01' two
2( l ). Frond andlor branchlets not Oal ........................................................................................... ......... 3 opposite row ...... ...... .............. .. .......... .... ................ .. .. .. ..... C. racemosa varo tamol/rol/xii, p. 370
3(2). Branchlet apices swo llen , pherical. oval. slrong ly club-shaped or disc-like .................. .... .... ... 19 24(22) . Branchl ets spheri ca l, club-shaped 01' mushroom-shaped , cattered or in tight c lusters .............. ..
3(2). Branc hlelS cy lindrical or conica l, no t swoll e n ...................................................... .......... .......... .. .. 4 ............ ............................ .. ......................................... ............ .................... C. racemosa, p. 370
4(3). Uprights with clustered branches at summit; co mpl ex with thick sIal k and lhick branche 24(22). B~~;lchl ets abruptly sphe ri cal, evenly spaced on long ax is .............. .. .. .. .................. .............. ...... ..
hav ing many fine branc hlets ........... ........ .. .................... ......... ........................... ............... ........... 25 .. .... .. .. .. .. ................ .. .......................................................... ... C. racemosa varo occidenlatis, p. 370
4(3) . Uprights not complex , branches and branc hle ts of similar di ameter, not whorled al summil ... 5 Branc hlets crowded, not et in vertical row ; branches cy lindri cal ................ .......... .................. .. ..
5(4 ). Branchlels coarse, tooth-li ke 01' cone-shaped , seldom shortI y cy lindri ca l .... .. .... .... .. .. .......... .. . 28 .. .. .......... ............................................................................. C. paspatowes varo cOlllpressa, p. 366
5(4) . Bra nc hlets long and cy lindri cal, le ng th muc h greater lhan twice diameter of main axis ......... 3 1 25(4). Branc hlel el in 3-4 vertical rows, branc hes genera ll y triang ular 01' quare in e nd view ........ 26
6( 1) . Branchlets nol in di stinct whorls .... ................................ .. ............................................................ 7 26(25). Ultimate branc hl e ts less than I mm long .................................. C. paspaloides varo laxa, p. 366
6( 1) . Bra nchlets in di stincl whorl ...... .... .... .................... ................................ .. ................................... 10 26(25). Ultimate branc hl ets greater than I mm lo ng .. .. ..... .. .......... .................................. .......... ............. 27
7(6). Branchl el segmem les than two diameter ' lo ng (short) ........... C. webbiana f. disticJw, p. 380 27(26) . Bra nchlets 100- 120 ~m diam., 2-3 mm long ........................................... C. paspaloides, p. 366
7(6). Branchlel segme nts more than two di ameters long ............................................ .. ........................ 8 27(26). Branchlets 160- 176 ~m diam. , 4-6 mm long ...... ........ C. paspaloides varo wurdemalllli, p. 368
8(7). Thallus gregarious, mal-like; slol o ns, rhi zoids and erect portion si milar. oflen 28(5). Bra nchlet and main axes co mpressed to so mewhat Dattened; branc hl ets marginal, opposite,
indistinguishable ....................... ...... .... ..... .. .......................................... ............. C. fastigiata , p. 362 tough, upcurved .................... ........ .. .... ............ .. .. .. .. .... ........ C. cl/pressoides varojlabellata., p. 360
8(7). Tha llu s as indi vidual slrands. rarely sparse mats; stolons, rhizoids and erect portions di stinct .. 9 28(5). Branc hlets and main axe not compressed; branc hl ets not oppo ite, not marginal .... ............. 29
9(8). Branc hl ets Opposile, feathe r-like ........ ........ .. .. ............................................... C. vickersiae, p. 378 29(28) . Branchl et in 3-4 verticall y paralle l column s .................. .................... .... C. cllpressoides, p. 358
9(8). Brallchl ets in any direclion , irregul ar, radi al, rarely who rled .. ...... .... .... .. ...... .. .............................. . 29(28) . Branchle t in more than 4 parall el co lumn s ...... .... .. .. .................................... .. .. .. ....................... 30
......................... ... .. ......... ... .... .. ..... .... ............. ...... ..................... C. vickersiae var.fl/rcifolia, p. 378
30(29). Branchl ets about as long as diameter of cenu'al ax is ...... C. cllpressoides varo mamillosa, p. 360
10(6) . Branchlel segments stiff, less th an two diameters lo ng (shorl); whorls crowded along moSI of 30(29). Bra nchl ets more than twice as long as diameter of central ax is ........ .......... ... .............................. .
erect branc h .................................................................................................................................. I l .... ...................... .......... .. .... .................. .......................... .. C. cupressoides varo lycopodiul1l, p. 360
10(6). Branchlel segme nts lax, more than IWO di a meters lo ng; whorls oflen c rowded di stally .......... 12
3 1(5). Branc hlets crowded, rando ml y arranged ............ ... ....................... ..... .................................... ..... . 32
I I ( 10). Branchlets dee ply conslri cted al fork .............. .......................... ........................ C. pI/silla , p. 368 3 1(5). Branchle ts in two oppos ite vertical rows , feather-like .................................... .. ........................ 33
II ( 10). Branc hlets not constri cled al forks ................................................................ C. webbiana, p. 378
32(3 1). Branchlets fin e, 60-200 ~m dialll ......... ........ .. .. .................... .......... ............. C. lanugillosa., p. 362
12( 10). Lower branchlet segments 2-3 di ameters long; slol on 150-200 ~m di a m ... .. .. .......................... . 32(3 1) . Branchlets coarse, 500-700 ~m diam ........................... ...... .... C. sertularioides r.farlowii, p. 374
.............. .. .................................... .... ................ .......... .. .. .. ........... C. verticillata f. charoides, p. 376
12( 10). Lowe r branchl et segme nts 5-10 01' more diameters long; tol ons 300-560 ~un di am . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33(3 1). Thallus large, coar e; bra nchl ets g realer than 0.5 mm dialll. , tips occasionall y wollen .......... :.. .
................................................................................... .............. .. .. .................. C. verticillata, p. 376 .. ............................ ... ........ .................................................................. ..... .. ...... C. ashmeadií, p. 358
33(3 1). Thallus fine, deli cate; branchle ts 0.3-0.5 mm diam. , tips never swo lle n .. .......... ...................... 34
13(2). Fronds as wide Dat undivided blade; ma rgins smoolh 01' wilh obscure leeth .. .............. ...... ...... .. 14
13(2). Fronds di vided, having margin al bra nc hlets 01' large obvious teeth ...... .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. ...... ........... 15 34(33). Uprights commonly 2-4 times di c holOIllOU Iy branched .. .. C. sertularioides f.lollgiseta, p. 374
34(33). Uprights generall y unbranched .. .. .. .................. ...................... .......... .. .... .. . C. sertularioides, p. 374
14( 13). Margins often possessing small teeth when young; blade 3-4 mm wide, 1-3 c m long; apex
indented 01' sli ghtIy notched .. ...... .. .. .. .. .............................. .. .......................... C. brachYPlls, p. 358
14( 13). Margins smooth. not toothed ; blades gene rally greater than 4 mm wide, grealer than 4 c m
long; apex not inde nted 01' notched .. .. .......... ........ .. .................................. .. ..... C. prolifera, p. 368
Caulerpa racemosa
IS ( 13). Frond marg in all y toothed, di chotomously branc hed .......... .. .. .. ......... .. .. ..................................... 16 bloom oveltopping and
IS ( 13). Frond with two oppo ite rows of di stinct branchl et .................... .. .... .. ..................................... 18 killing reef-bui lding coral
16( 15 ). Frond to 10 c m hi gh; long a nd narrow. never twi ' ted 0 1' sp iral .................................. ...... ...... ...... . fonnations (p. 370).
........ ................ ........ ..................... ........... ........ ............. ....... C. ClIpressoides varo jlabellata, p. 360 Outbreak. 01' another
16( 15). Frond to 4 c m hi gh; short and narrow, ofte n lwi sted 0 1' spiral .................... .. .......,;; ................... 17
pecies in Lhi genus
17 ( 16). Frond 1.5-2.5 ~m thic k. most always twi sted or sp iral ................................. C. sel'rl/lata , p. 372 (a popular ornamenta l
17 ( 16). Frond thin , 0.5-1.5 ~m thick. rare ly twi sted o r spiral .............. C. sel'rulata varo hl/lllmii, p. 372
in Lhe aquariuITI trade)
18( 15). Branchlets constricted al base: midrib oval, compressed but not Da! ............. C. taxifolia, p. 376 have attained consid-
18 ( 15). Branc hl e ts nOI constricted al base; midrib Dal .............................................. mexicana, p . 364 c. erable notoriety in lhe
19(3). Branc hlel disc-shaped ....... ................ .................................................... .... ... .. .... .. ... .. .......... .. .... ... 20 Medilerranean (see
19(3). Branc hle t tips wollen, pherical. oval 01' club-s haped ................. ...... ...... ...... .. .......... .. ...... ...... .. 2 I Raloff 1998).
20( 19). Stolons 400-850 ~m di am.; branc hl els o lely di c-s haped .................. .. .. C. nl/11l111l1taria , p. 364
20( 19). Slolons 1-2 mm diam.: branch lets disc- to club-shaped ............ C. racelllosa varo peltata, p. 372
21 ( 19). Branc hlelS co nstricted al talk-sphere inlerface ...... ...... .. .. ........................ C. lIlicrophysa, p. 364
2 1( 19). Branchle ts not conslricted al sta lk-sphere imerface ............... .. ... .. ........................................... 22

CallLerpa ashmeadii Harvey 1858: 18. pI. 3811ig. aj.

Frolld ereC l, seldo m branched, coarse, feather-like, lO 20 cm l . Habil.
hi gh, lig hl green. Brallchlels cy lindrica l to sli ghtl y clllb- haped, 2. Frolld apex ShOlVillg dub-
0.5- 1.5 mm dia m. , 7- 18 mm long, lIpcllrved , oppos ile in two s/¡aped brclI1chlels.
vertical rows; apice blllntl y rollnded. Celllral axes cylindrica l,
1.5-2.0 111m diam. SlOlolls c reeping, 2.0--2.5 mm di am ., lO 2 m
lo ng, wide-spreading: rhizoids nUl11 erolls, Ihi ckly slalked ,
branching lO sle nder apice .
COllllllon : in ca lm , shall ow afeas, in mangrove c hannel s or
mixed within seagrass beds; to 36 m deep.
Distribulioll: Florida, Grealer An lilles, Lesser An lill e . Gulf of

Call1erpa brachYPlls Harvey 1860: 333.

Frolld thin , deli cate, lIndi vided, ova l 10 e lo ngaled, flat, 3-5 111m / . Larger blade where
wide, 1-3 c m long, g rass-green ; margin s smoolh to occas io na ll y margillal leelh are scarce;
toothed when young; apex indented o r slighLly notched. S/alk short, hOlVeve/; illdenred apex is
sle nder, 300-400 11m diam .. 1-3 mm long : unbra nc hed . Slololls slill apparelll.
creeping, 300--800 11m di am. ; rhi zoid s branched, 80-- 100 ~lm di am. 2. Youllger blade lVil/¡
al sto lon s, branching to slendef apices. dislincl loollzed margill.
Rar e: occas ionally loca ll y abunda nt, g row ing in seagrass beds o r 3. Blade apex \Vilh illdellled
a ttached 10 scatle red rocks on deep sand pl ai ns; to 30 m deep. or s/ig/¡lly no/ched apex.
Dislrib lltiOIl : Grealer Ami lI es. Lesser Ami lIes.

Caulerpa cllpressoides (Vahl) C. Agardh 1817: 23.

Fllells cupressoides Vahl 1802: 38.

FrOlld erect, covered with 3(-4) lo ngiludin al parall el columns of / . Typical bralldl alld
shon branchle ts, to 25 c m hi g h, grass-green ; bra nc hing di chot- bralldl apex.
omou to irregular. Brallchlels knobby, stiff, conica l, to 004 mm 2. Habil Ivi/Il uprighl
diam. , 1-2 mm long (as long or sli g htl y lo nger Ih an diameler of f ronds (j). creepillg
central axes), lIpcurved; apice po inted. Celllral axes 0.5-1.0 mm slololl (s) alld
diam. SIO/OIlS creeping, 1.0-- 1.5 ml11 diam.; rhi zoid numeroll , brallchillg r/Ji~oids (r).
while-ye llow, stalked, 200--300 ~1Il1 diam. al Slol on, branc hing to
s le nde r apice .
Commoll: o n sandy bottom or in l11angrove 11111ds; to 3 m deep.
Distributioll : Florida, Bahamas, Greater Amilles, Les el' Anl ille ,
Soulhern Caribbea n, Western Caribbea n, GlIlf of Mexico.

Caulerpa cupressoides varo flabeLLata B0rgesen 1907: 368.

ligs. 18, 19.
Frol/d erecl, sliff, sparse, wilh marginal spines or short branchl ets, l . Brancll ap ex \IIilll 5pine-
lO 10 c m high, grass-green; branching in'egul ar lO so mew hat like bral/c/¡fels al
dichotomous. Branc/¡fels tough, sLiff, opposite, often spine- like, marg ins.
0.8- 1.0 mm di am., to 0.5(- 1.5) mm long., upcurved; api ce 2. Habil lVilll upriglll fro nds
pointed . Celllral axes compressed or Oaltened, 1-2 mm wide, (j). creeping s/Olol/
everal times branched, naked below (w ithout branchl els). S/OIO/ /s (s) and bral/ching
creeping, 2 .0-2.5 mm di am.; rhi zoid numerous, white-yellow, rhizoids (r).
thickl y stalked, to 2 mm di am. al slolon, branching ro fin e api ces.
VI/COI1l1ll0//.: on sedimentary bottoms, anchored in fin e silty
sediments o f mangrove lakes; to 3 m deep.
Dislriblltiol/: Fl orida, Greater Ant illes, Le er Anlilles, Soulhern
Cari bbean, Western Ca ribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Caulerpa cupressoides varo lycopodiwn Weber-van Bosse

1898: 335, pI. 27. ligs. 8- 13; pI. 28, ligs. 10-- 12, 14'
Frond erect, sliff, densely covered with ShOrl, verti ca lly parallel l. Frol/d apex wilh sllOrr
branchlets oflen obscured wiLh age, lO 20 cm high, dull yell ow- cylindrical branchlels.
green; branching common but sparse. BranchlelS upcurved. 2. Thalllls wilh bral/ching
0.9- 1.3 mm di am. , 4-5 mm long (lwice as long or longer Lhan fronds (f), creeping
di ameler of central axe ); api ces pointed . Cenlral axes cylind- 51010l1 s (s) al/d finely
ri ca l, 1.5-2.0 mm di am. , covered by cy lindri cal branchlets. branched rhizoids (r).
Slolol/s spreading, 2.5-3.0 mm di am.; rhi zo ids while-yell ow.
numerous, to I mm di am. at stolons, rapidl y branching ro slender
Rare: attached LO coral fragments or small tones; forming
ex ten ive popul alions fn shall ow sandy or silty area , occa-
sionall y on mangrove prop r ots, also present in eagrass beds;
to 5 m deep.
Dislriblllion: Fl orid a, Bahamas, Greater Antille , Lesser Antill es,
South ern Caribbean, Western Caribbean.

Caulerpa cupressoides varo mamillosa (Montagnc) Weber-van

Bossc 1898: 332. pI. 27. ligs. 2- 7. COll lerpo 1II01ll;/I0S0 Monlagne 1842d: 13.

Frond erect, sLiff. bu hy, densely covered wilh short, somewhat l . Bral/ch wilh poil/led,
spiraling parall el (general ly fi ve or more columns) branchlets. to kl/ob- like branc/¡fels in
7 cm high, grass-green. Branc/¡fels knobby, tough, Li ff, coni cal, five al' /llore ~1} ira l
to I mm di am., 1.5 mm long (aboul as long as di ameter of central colulI/ns.
axes), upcurved ; api ces pointed. Celllral axes to 1.5 mm di am., 2. Slo IO/ / wilh descel/ding
often branching several times. SlolO/ /s creepin g, 1.5- 2.5 mm rhi~o id.
di am.: rhi zoids numerou s, white-yellow. thick.l y stalked, branching
LO slender api ce .
Comlllol/: on andy bottom . attached to stones and coral
fragment or anchored directl y in ediments, ofien presenl in
seagrass beds; to 10 m deep.
Dislributiol/: Florida , Bahama , Greater AnLill e , Le se r Antille ,
Soulhern Caribbea n, Western Caribbea n.

CauLerpa fastigiata Mo nlagne 1837: 353.

Thallus fi la me ntous, forming mat- like aggregati ons, lo 3 c m hi gh, J. Habit.
dark green; liltl e di fferellli ari on be rween rhi zo ids, stipe and 2. Ereel sipholl.
bra nc hl els. Ereel sipllOlIS 20- 120 !-1m di a m. , branc hin g di choto mous 3. Slolol1 wilh filie rhizoids.
10 irregul a r; trabecul ae faillll y vi ibl e under magnifi caúon in 4. LolIgiludillal seclion of
younger sipho ns. SIOI0 115 150-2 10 ~Ull di am.; rhi zo id fi ne, hair- siphol1 ShOIVillg slruclli ra/
like, nume rous, 20-60 J.lm di a m .. leng th va riabl e. lrabeclllae.
COlI/lIlo//.: incon pi c uous, 0 11 sandy or muddy botto m , near
mang rove islands, occa ionall y on ma ngrove roots, accumul atin g
muc h sedime nt, ofle n fo nning mall mound s; ro 1 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Fl ori da, Bahamas, Grealer Antilles, Lesser Antill es.
Soulhern Caribbea n, Western Caribbea n, Gul f of Mexico.

CauLerpa Lanuginosa J. Agardh 1873: 28.

Frol1d covered by c losely pl aced branchlets, 3- 13 cm hi gh, dark l . Apex of fro lld.
green; branc bing irregul ar, spa rse o r unbranched . Bral1ch/els 2. Apiees of cylil1drical,
cy lindri cal, 60-200 ~lm diam ., 3-5 mm lo ng; api ces sharpl y po illled b ranch/els.
po inted. SlololI s creeping, 0.4- 1.0 mm dia m.; rhi zoids fine. hair-
lik e, 40-80 ~lm di a m. at slo lon , tape ring to 10 J.lm at api ce ,
fo rked or irregul arl y bra nc hed, o fte n te rmin ating in anachme nt
pad, uniformly covering sto lons, e nsnaring and trapping a nd
grain s.
COIIIIIIOII : firml y altached ro o lid , sand -covered roc k substrates
o r deepl y e mbedded in sediments; lO 20 m deep.
DistribulÍo/l: Fl ori da. Bahama . Greater Antill es, Lesser An lilles,
Soulhe rn Caribbea n, Weslern Caribbean.

Caulerpa macrophysa (Sonder ex KliLZi ng) G. Mu rray 1887: 38*

Chal/villia macl'Ophysa Sonder ex KÜlzi ng 1857: 6. pI. 15.
Frolld bearin g c lu te rs of large. bead-like branchJe ts. to 6 cm hi g h, J. Up righls wilh bu/bous
gra s-green, ofle n wilh mottled or spo lted pi g me ntati o n. Brallchlels brallchlels.
phe rica l to lig htl y mushroo m-shaped, 3-7 mm di am.; sta lks, whe n 2. Brand, apex IVilholll
presenl, 1-2 mm di am., lO 2 mm lo ng . SlOlol1 s spreading, c reeping, cOlIslriclioll al baselsla /k
3-4 mm diam .: rhi zoids stalked, to 2 mm di a m. at to lon, ofte n in j Ul1 clion of bulbol/ s
mass ive pale yell ow clumps, branc hing ro sle nde r a pi ces. branchlels. _
COII/IIlOII.: forming inte rtwined mats li ghll y attaching to rock or
o ther hard sub trales, ofle n in areas of moderate surf; inte rtidal
to 20 m deep.
Distributioll: Flori da , Bahamas, Grealer Anl illes, Les er nLill es.
SO lllhern Caribbean. Weslern Caribbean. G ul f of Mex ico.

CallLerpa mexicana Sonder ex Küt,,-ing 1849: 496.

Frol1d erecl, resembling f1 altened feather , hi ghl y vari abl e, dwmf l . Frol1d IVilil jlallel1ed,
fo rms (ri ghl piclllre) LO 2 cm hi gh, 4- 10 mm wide in wave-ex posed uplurned , poil/led
area , elongated form s (I eft pictllre) 15-25 cm hi gh, 5-25 mm brallchlels.
wide in ca lm prolected habi tals. grass-g reen; lInbranched or
occasionall y branched. 8 ranchlels Oppos ile, f1attened, upcurved,
2-4 mm wide. 2- 10 mm long; apices tapering, pointed; base
narrow ing slightl y. Central axes (midrib) f1 al, broad, 1-3 mm wide;
lower slalk 1.0- 1.8 mm diam., 2-5 mm long. Slolol1s creeping,
0.6-- 1.5 mm diam .; rhi zo ids de licale, nllmerollS, stalked, 0.2- 1.0
mm di am. al lolon, branching 10 slender apice .
COII/mol! : attached 10 small coral frag menlS or pebble . on
sand or mud bottoms, in lagoons, mangroves or eagras beds;
10 15 m deep.
Distributioll: Fl ori da, Bahamas, Grea ler Antille , Les er Antill e ,
SO lllhern Caribbea n, We lern Caribbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

CallLerpa microphysa (Weber-van Bosse) Feldmann 1955: 430.

Call1el7){1 racemosa f. lII ;crop{¡ysa Weber-van Bosse 1898: 36 1, pI. 38, tig. 5.
Frol/d bearing scattered or cl uSlerS of small, bead-like branchlets, l . Habil.
lO 30 mm high, grass-green. 8ranchlelS pheri cal, 1.5-2.5 mm 2. Spherical bral/chlels IVil/¡
di am., con tricted al base; branchlel stalks 0. 2-D.5 mm long, conslricliol/s al j Ul1clion
45°-90° angle from branch. SlOlolIs creeping, 1.0-1.5 mm di am. ; lVil/¡ stalk.
rhi zoids nllmerous, branched, tapering to slender api ces.
V llcomlllon: on andy or silty sub trales, generall y atlached 10
she ll fragments or rock, in shall ow shaded habitats or deep-water;
10 11 0 m deep.
Distributiol/ : Florida, Bahama , Grealer Antilles. Lesser Anlilles,
Southern Caribbea n, We lern Caribbea n.

CauLerpa nllmmu/aria Harvey ex J. Agardh 1873: 38.'

Frol1d bearing olitary or sparseJy clu lered , f1 attened, di c- like l . Frolld apex IVil/¡ disc-
blades, to I cm hi gh, pale to dark green; oflen proliferating s/¡aped blades.
additi onal stalks and blades from center of parenl blade. Blades 2. Blades ShOlVil1g
f1 altened di scs, peltate, 1-2(-3) mm di am., occasionall y slightl y p roliferaling slalk I rol/1
lobed or sca ll oped al margins; branchlet slalk 300-400 11m diam., lower blades.
length vari able. Slolol1s creeping, 400-850 11m di am. ; rhi zo ids nOl 3. 81ades wilh scalloped
slalked or when sla lked branching progress ively fin er. ma rg ins, creepil1g slolon
V l/colI/lllon : in low-light habitats sllch as shaded mangrove prop wilh mal1y bral/ched alld
root or lInder ledges in reef habitals; 10 I 10m deep. ul1bral1c/¡ ed r/¡izoids.
Dislribuliol/ : Western Caribbean.

CauLerpa paspaLoides (Bory de "inl -Vi nccnl ) Grevi lle 1830: 64 .

CllolI";l/;o po,' polo;de, Bory de Sainl-Vinccnl 1 2 : 206. pI. 23. lig. 1.
Frol/d ereCI, 7- 25 cm hi gh; umm il branche 3-6(-8) cm lo ng. dark l . Bral/chle/ sholVil/g
green, densely covered Wilh fi ne branchlel sel in 3-4 verli ca l rows, opposi/e bral/chle/s IVilh
tri angul ar 0 1' sq uare config uration when viewed fro m tipo Bral/chle/s allerl1ate IIllilllale
cy lindr ica l, 100- 120 ~U11 di am., 4-7 mm long, angling 45- 55 0 fro m bral/chlels (Ierlll ed
axes, sti ff: branch ing opposite, in two rows; ullim ale branchl els pill/we).
altern ale 2- 3 mm long, angling 45 0 01' less from one another,
appearing un ilateral al limes. S/ipe naked, green, Orl en fo rked near
midpoint; summil whorl ed wilh 3- 5 branches. S/olons creeping,
10 3 mm di am.; rhi zoid numerous, white-yell ow, thickly stalked,
to I mm diam. al stolo n , branching to slender api ce .
UIlCOITIIIIOl/: in shal low seagrass communities; to 12 m deep.
Distribllliol/: Florida, Bah amas, Greater Antill es, Weslern Caribbea n,
Gul f of Mex ico.

CauLerpa paspaLoides varocompressa (Weber-van Bosse) M. Howe

1920: 609. Ca ll1el]Jo paspalo;des varo ryp;ca r. compressa Weber-van Bosse
1898: 353, pI. 30, ligs. 3, 4.
Frond ereCI, 10 8 cm hi gh; summit branches 3- 5 mm di am., 3-4 cm l . Habil.
long, dark green, densely covered with fine branchlet nOI set in 2. Brallehlels showing
verti cal rows, cylindri ca l in confi gurati on when viewed fro m tipo Opposile branching wi/h
Bral/ehle/s cy lindri ca l, 80- 100 '.un di am ., 1- 2 mm long, angling allern a/e or irregular
75-900 fro m axes, sli ff; branching oppos ite to altern ate in two ullimale branehlels.
rows o ppos i[e o ne another; ultimate branchl ets altern ate 0 1' ilTegul ar,
angling 45 0 or mo re fro m o ne another. Stalk naked, green, generall y
unbranched, to 4 mm di am. , to 2 cm long; summit whorl ed with
3- 12 branches. Slolol1s creeping, to 4 mm di am.; rhi zoids numerous,
white-yell ow, ta lked, to 2 mm diam. at tolons, branching to slender
UI!COII/IIIOl/ : in shallow eagrass communiti e ; [O 12 m deep.
Distributioll: Bahamas, Fl orid a.

CauLerpa paspaLoides varo laxa Weber-van Bosse 1898: 353, fig. 5.

Frond erect, to 20(-36) cm hi gh. ; summit branches 4-8 mm J. Bran chlels lVilh erolVded,
di an1., to 10(- 28) cm long, dark green, parsely covered Wilh fi ne uni la/era lly branehed,
branchlets sel in 3-4 vertical rows, tri angul ar or squ are ultimale bran ehlels.
confi guration when viewed from tip o Penul/illla/e bral/ehle/s
cy lindri cal, 160- 200 f.lm diam ., le s than I mm long, angling
45-55 0 fro m axes, sti ff; branching in two rows; ultimate
branchlet alternale, angling 45 0 o r les fro m o ne another; tips
oflen forked. Slipe naked, green, 2- 3 mm di am ., to 10(- 18) cm
long, often o nce forked near midpoint; summil whorl ed wilh
1-4 branches. SlololIs creeping, to 3 mm di am.; rhizoids white-
yell ow, thi ckly stalked , branchin g lO slender api ces.
Locally cOlI/mol!: in muddy bottom of mangrove channe l
lagoons o r shall ow seagrass communities; to 12 m deep.
Distribllliol/: Florida, Western Caribbean.


CauLerpa paspaLoides varo lVurdemanni Weber-v"n Bossc 1898:

pI. 3D, fi g. 6.
Frol1d erecl, lO 14 cm high ; summil branches 3- 10 cm long, dark J. Bral1chlet lVilh
green , covered with fine branchlets el in 3-4 vertica l rows, ullbral1ched II/timate
triangular or sqllare configuration when viewed from tipo U/tima te brallch/ets (except /olVer
bral7chlets cy lindri ca l, 160- 176 ~lm diam. , 3-5 mm long, opposite, 11V0 sets).
angling 90° from one another, moslly unbranched. lower 2-3
unilaterally branched. 5tipe naked , 2-3 mm diam., yellow-green;
ummit whorled with 1-4 branches. 5to/0l1s creeping, 2-4 mm
diam.; rhizoid slender, white-yellow, thickly stalked , branching
10 slender apices.
COII/lllon: in muddy bottom of mangrove channels, lagoon or
shallow seagrass communitie .. 10 12 m deep.
Distriblltiol1: Florida, Grealer An lill es, Western Caribbea n,
Gulf of Mexico.

Caulerpa prolifera (Forssk 1) J.V. Lamouroux 1809a: 332.

Fl/ c LlS prolifera Forssk51 1775 : 193.
Frolld thin delicate to thick lealhery, lIndivided, oval to e longated, /. Habit .
flat, 6- 15 cm long, (3-) 15-25 mm wide, dark grass-green; often
proliferating secondary blade from center vein of parel1l blade.
5ta/k short, slender, 1.0-1.4 mm diam. , (0.5-) 1-2 cm long;
often branched. 5to/0l1s creeping, 1.0- 1.5 mm di am.; rhi zoids
0.7- 1.0 mm cliam. at slO lons, branching to fine apices.
C011l1ll01l: grow ing in eagra s bed ; to 15m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida, Bahama , Gremer Antilles, Lesser Amilles,
SouLhern Cari bbea n, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Caulerpa pusilla (Külzing) J. Agardh 1873: 6.

C/ulL/vi"ia pI/sil/a KÜlzin g 1849: 500.
Thallus thickly fibroll S, forming com pact aggregations or mats, / . Bral1chlel.
rarely as indi vidual strands, 5- 10(-25) c m hi gh, of indetermi nate 2. 5to/01l with l7umerOIlS fine
lengUl , green. Frollds of whorled branchlets, to 1.5 mm diam.; rhizoids.
whorls abundant, closely placed along most of stalk, generall y 3. Typica/ rhi~oid.
300-400 flm apart, this distance decreasing toward apex. Brallch/ets
5-7 tim es dichotomou Iy branched, strongly constricted at forks ;
basa l egments 100-140 11m diam., 1-2 diameters long,
progre sively shorter toward apex. taperi ng to 40-50 ¡.!ln diam.
at apices; apices generall y with two sharp point . 5to/0l1s creeping,
250-300 flm diam.; rhizoids numerous, wilh talk 30-40 ¡.tm diam.
al stolon, first division generall y dichotomou , wiLh pad-like apices
attaching to sa nd grains.
Rare: inconspicuou ; forming mats or mall aggregations on deep
sand plains; lo 40 m deep.
Distriblltiol1: Bahamas, Grealer Antil les, Le ser Anlilles. Soulhern

CauLerpa racemosa (Forssk 1) 1. Agurdh 1873: 35. '

FI/ el/s meemosa Fors;k 1 1775: 191.
Frol/d ereCI or creeping, bearing small, oflen crowded, bead-like / . Frol/d lVilh ligilll)'
branchlels, 1-5 cm high , evenly grass-green or oflen with cemer cluslered brallchlels
Slar, dOlor cat-eye; unbranched or branched. Bral/ch/els sphericaJ, ( "uvifera" jor/JI).
ova l or club-shaped, occasionall y omewhat Oattened, 2-4 mm 2. Frol/d lVilil sparser
diam., not constricled al base; slalks 1-2 mm diam., 2-5 mm long. bral/chlels ( "clavijera"
510/01/s creeping, 2-3 mm diam. , oflen branched; rhizoid jorll1).
nllmerous, thickly slalked, branching to slender apice .
Comlllo//. : forming inteltwined mat tightly ad hering 10 rocks, AddiLionaJ photographs
in moderately heavy Sllrf areas or in ca lm lagoons and bays, often on pp. 295 , 333 & 357.
presem in seagras bed ; imertidal to 2(-50) m deep.
Distributiol/: Florida. Bahamas, Grealer Antilles, Lesser Anlille ,
Southern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Caulerpa racemosa varo lamourouxii (Tumer) Weber-van Bo e

1898: 369, pI. 32, fi gs. 1-4. FI/el/s ¡amol/rol/xii Tumer 18 11 - 18 19: 79, pI. 229.

Frond bearing club-shaped branchlels, 10-15 cm h1gh, grass-green J. Apex oj jrond showillg
often with mottled or potted pigmentation . Bral1chlels club-shaped flallelled stalk lVilil
10 pherical , 3-5(-7) mm diam., aJternately oppo ite, oflen in four opposile club-shaped
vertical rows or in two rows al 180 0 apart ; branchlet stalks 2-3 mm branchlels.
diam. , 10 I cm long, occasionall y slightly conslricted at base.
Ce11lral axes (frond stalk and midrib) compressed or slightl y
Oattened, often constricted at stolon. 51010l1s creeping, 3.5-4.5 mm
diam. ; rhizoid stalked, 2-3 mm diam. at tolon , branching 10
slender apices.
UIlCOmIl101l: on ilty sub trate , generall y in shall ow shaded habitals
such as mangrove lakes; to 30 m deep.
DistributiOI/: Bahamas.' Grealer Anlilles, Les er Anlilles. Weslern

Caulerpa racemosa varo occidentalis (J. Agardh) B¡>rgesen 1907:

379. figs. 28, 29. Cal/lelpa e/¡eml/if:ia var. oecidel/fatis J. Agardh 1873: 37.
Frond long, undulating, bearing lIncrowded spherical-tipped J. Brallcl, apex sholVing
branchlets, 5- 15 cm hi gh, pale green; generally unbranched. abruPlly spherical
Branchlels spherical, occa ionally mushroom- haped, 2-4 mm bral1chlel apices.
diam., evenly green, not constricted al base; talk to I mm diam ., 2. Bran cillel.
expanding to 1.5 mm diam. al ba e, 2-8 mm long; branching
rad ial. Cenlral axes cylindrical, 1.3- 1.6 mm diam. 51010lls
creeping, 2-3 mm di am.; rhi zo ids white-yellow, thickly talked,
branching 10 lender apice .
COlllmoll: adhering 10 mangrove prop roots or other hard surface
in caJm walers; 103m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Bahamas, Grealer An lill e , Lesser Anlill es, Soul hern
Caribbean, WeSlern Caribbean.

CauLerpa racemosa varo peltata (J.v. Larnollrollx) Eubanl.. in

Slephen,on 1944: 349. Cal/ler"a "eltata J.V. L'"110UroUX 1809a: 332.
Frolld bearing loose c1 l1SlerS of nattened, rounded 01' disc-like caps. /. Frolld lI'illl jlallell ed
10 5 CI11 hi gh. pale 10 dark green. 8ranchlels nattened disc~ 10 brallchlels.
I11l1 hrool11 - haped, 3-4 111111 dial11.: slalk 10 1 111111 dial11., 1-2 111111 2. De/ail o/ branchlel.
long. 51O /0 1lS creeping. 1-2111111 eJial11.; rhizoids slalked. branchin g
10 slender apices. NO/e: Flattened 1110rphology is a re 'ponse 10 low
li ghl.
eOIl/IIIOI/: on shaded l11angrove prop roolS, in eJark crevices 01'
under leeJges; lo 80 111 deep.
Distriblltiol/ : Lesser Amilles. SOlllhern Ca ribbea n. Weslern

CauLerpa serruLata (Forsskal) J. Agardh 1837: 174.

FI/el/,I' sermlatl/.I For •• k!d 1775: 189.
Tllalllls sl11a ll , nal, oflen Iwi led 01' spiraling, 104 CI11 hi gh. grass- / . Habil.
0 " " ':,'i: .
green; branching widely di chol0l11 0US. Frallds 2-4 111111 wide, 2. 5pira/illg b/ade lI'illl
2.0-3.5 CI11 long, 1.5-2.5 111111 lhi ck. unbranched 01' fo rked; l11 argins loollled tIIarg ill.
100theeJ (serru lale); leelh wedge- haped, lO 1.25 111111 wide. 1 111111
long: apices poinled. 5utlk in conspicllOlls, 10 1.5 111111 dial11.,
10 5 111111 long. 51O /01lS creeping. 1.2-2.0 111111 dial11.; rhi zo ids
sla lked, branching 10 slender apice .
U I/ CO IllIllOI/: on and-covered rock surfaces: lO 5 111 eJeep.
Distributioll: Bahal11as. Greater Amill es. Lessc r Anlilles, Soulhern
Caribbean, Weslern Ca ribbean.

CauLerpa serrulata varo hUl1ll1lii (Día/-Piferrer) Farghaly 1980: 89-90.

el al. 1996).
Cal/le/pa 11/1111111;; Día/-Piferrer 1969: 13. fig . I (.ee Si lva
Thallus 5111all. fl al, seldol11 Iwi led. lO 4 CI11 hi gh. grass-green: / . Habil.
branching widely eJichol01110U . Frollds 1.0-2.5 111111 wide, 4- 10 111111 2. 8/ade lI 'illl lOollled
1 ng. 0.5- 1.5 111111 Ihick generall y forked in eJi chol01110llS pairs 01' al tIIarg ill.\'.
leaSI Iwice dichOl01110llS, occasionall y 10 lhireJ order; l11 argins loothed 2mm
(sernli ale): leeLh wedge-shaped, lO 1.25 111111 wide, 1 111111 long; apice
poinled. 5w /k inconspicllOll , 10 1.5 111111 dial11 .. 1.5-3.0 111111 long.
IO/OIl S creeping, 0.8- 1.5 111111 eJi al11. ; rhi zoids slalked, lO 230 ¡.lIll
dial11. al slOlon, branching lO leneJer apices.
U I/ CO /TIII/ Ol/ : on l11angrove peal. dead cora l or oth er calcareous debri5;
5-30111 deep.
Distribttlioll : Soulhern Caribbea n. WeSlcrn Caribbean.

Caulerpa sertularioides (s. Gmelin) M. Howe 1905b: 576.

Fllells .erll/llIrioides S. Gmelin 1768: 15 1. pI. 15. lig. 4.
Frond erect, fealher-like, occasionaJ ly branched, to 20 cm hi gh, J. Tllallus lVilh fealher-/ike
1-2 cm wide, li ghl green. Brallch/els opposite, cy lindri ca l, need le- uprighlS, creepil/g SIO/O/l.
shaped, 180-330 11m diam. , 3- 11 mm lo ng, lIpc urved or traight; al/d IlIick/y sla/ked
apices blllntly pointed. Centra/ axes cy lindri cRI, 1.0-- 1.5 mm diam . rhi::.oids.
Sl%ns c reeping, extens ive, 2.0--2.5 mm diam ., to 2 m long, 2. Fealher-/ike ¡rond.
genera ll y horter; rhizoids thickly sta lked, lO 2 mm diam. at
sto lo n, branching to lender apices.
COIllIllOIl: forming large stands in hallow sandy areas or
on mangrove prop roOl , often present in eagra s-beds;
to LO m deep.
Distributioll: Florida, Bahama , Greater Antilles, Le ser Antilles.
SOlllhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, GlIlf of Mexi co.

Caulerpa sertularioides f. farlowii (Weber-van Bosse) B~rge en

1907: 365, lig. 11. Call1erpa plumari. r. fllrlolV ii Weber-van Bosse 189 : 295,
pI. 24, figs. 5, 6.

Frol/d erect, covered by short, crowded branchlet , 5- 10 cm high, /. Thallus willl buslly
li gh l yel low-green. Branchlels radially arranged, occasiona ll y uprighlS, creepil1g SIO/OI1
somewhat opposite, cy lindrica l, lIpcllrved, 500--700 11m diam ., alld Ihick/y sla/ked
5-8 mm long; ap ices rollndly pointed. Sl%ns c reepi ng, to 5 mm rhizoids.
diam.; rhizoid lhickly stalked , branching to slender apices. 2. Typica/ ¡rol/d covered by
COIllIllOIl: anchored to cora l fragments or pebble in shRllow sandy slIorl, crowded branchlels.
areas on reef f1ats; to 8 m deep.
DistributiOIl: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antille , Le ser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, We lem CRribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Caulerpa sertularioides f. longiseta (Bory de Sainl-Vincenl)

Svedelius 1906: 114, fig. 10. Call1e'1Ja pl/l/Ilari. varo IOllgiseta Bory de Sainl-
Vincent 1828 [1 826-- 1829J: 194. pI. 22, lig. 4.
Frond erect, feather-like, 2-4 times dichotomou Iy branched, / . Typical dicholOIl/OllS/y
to 20 cm hi gh, 7-10 mm wide, dark green. Bral1ch/els Opposi le, bral1ched frol1d.
cy lindri cal , needle-shaped , 300--500 11m diam ., 2- 5 mm long,
upcurved or straight; ap ices blllntly pointed. Cellfra/ axes f1attened
aboye, cy lindrica l be low, 1.0--1 .5 mm diam. , nRked below. Sla/k
wi lhout branchlets, 1.0--1.2 mm diam. SIO/Ol/S creeping, extensive,
1.8-2 .2 mm diam. , lO 1 m long, genera lly shorter; rhi zoid tlli ck ly
stalked , 1.5- 2.0 mm diRlll. at to lon. branching abruptly into tine
hair-l ike rhi zo ids.
UIlCOIllIllOIl: forming IRrge sta nd in sandy areas; lO 10 m deep.
Distributiol1: Grealer Antil les, Les er Anl ill es.
376 CIILOROI' II\T,\ CIILOROl'lIYl' \ 377

Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh 18 17: 22.

Fllells /axiJolia Va hl 1802: 36.
Frol1d fl attened , fealher-like, 3- 15 cm hi gh, pal e grass-green; l . Frol1d IVi/h j1al1el1ed
new frond s oflen proliferating from midrib. Bral1chle/s o ppos ite, f eather-like bral1chle/s.
0.6- 1.0 mm wide, 106 mm long, upcurved, fl artened, lapering al 2. Brc/II ch apex ShOlVil1g
both tip and base, conslricled al point of altachmenl, approx i- /lpc/lrved, sickle-shaped
malely 1 mm belween branchlets when mature. Celllral axes oval branchle/s al/d sligh/ly
in lran verse ecti o n, sli ghLl y compressed (not fl al), 1.0-1 .5 mm j1al1el1ed midrib.
wide, often naked near ba e for 1-4 mm . S/olol1s creeping,
1.5- 2.5 mm diam .; rhi zoids fin e.
V I/ comlllol/ : growing in and o n reef fl ats o r in fin e sediments
adj acenl to mangrove islands in prolecled or moderate ly wave-
ex posed areas; to 15 m deep.
Dislribuliol1: Grealer Anlille , Lesser Antille , Soulhern Caribbean,
Weslern Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Caulerpa verticillata J. Agard h 1847: 6-

Thallus fine , fibrou , in felt-like mat , 1-3(- 10) cm hi gh, of l . Habi/.
indeterminate area, rare ly as indi vidual strands, li ght green. 2. Dich% mousl)' di vided
Frol/ds deli cate ly whorled, 5-8 mm di am. Bral/chle/s 5- 7 times bral1chle /.
di chotomously branched ; basa l egments 100-2 10 ¡.tm diam ., 3. Forked apices of
5- 10 or more di ameters lo ng; apical egment 30-40 ¡.tm di am .. bral1chle /.
apices abruptl y forked, pointed. Celllral axes 140-200 ¡.tm di am.
S/olol/s creeping, slender, 300-560 ~lIn diam. ; rhi zoids few, Additi onal ph olographs
branched. on pp. 47 1 & 477.
Commol/: a large aggregation on stable sub trates, mangrove
prop roots or peal, o flen pre ent a an under lory in eagrass
bed ; 10 30 m deep.
Dislributioll: Florida, Bahamas. Grealer Antille , Lesser Anlill e ,
Soulhern Caribbea n. We'slern Caribbean , Gulf of Mex ico.

Caulerpa verticillata f. charoides Weber-va n Bosse 1898: 267- 268.

Th allus fin e, fibrou , as ind ividual strands, rarel y as felt-like mats, l. Bral1chlet IVith ul1iJorm
1- 3(- 10) cm hi gh, of indetermin ate length , green lO yell ow-green, dichotomies.
center often whiti h. Frol1ds deli calely who rled, lo 5 mm d iam.; 2. Forked apex of bral1chlet.
whorl s 2-4, clo ely pl aced, di stal o n slalk: mal-fol1lling aggre- 3. Long itudil1al sectiol1 of
gali ons having up 10 16 whorl , generally 1 mm ap:u·t. Brallchlets siphon sholVil/g strllctural
5- 7 time di choto mo u Iy branched, sli ghLly constricled al forks; trabeculae.
basal seg ments 80- 100 ¡.tm di <lm., 2-3 d iameler long; apical
seg ment 20-40 ¡.tm diam .: apices o ften abrupll y fo rked, eith er
ro unded or pointed . SlOlol/s creeping, lender, 150-200 ~lm diam .,
trabecul ae (intern al brac ing sy tem) easil y visibl e under
magn ificati on; rhi zoids few, br<ll1ched .
Rare: but often confu ed with C. verticillalC/ ; on vari ous stable
sub trate or mangrove prop rOOls; 10 30 m deep.
Dislriblltiol/: Grealer Anlille , Lesser Antill es, WeSlern Caribbean.

Caulerpa vickersiae Bi<lrgesen 19 11 : 129, lig. 2."

T/¡alll/s de li cale, fib rous, as indi vidual strand , occasionall y fonning /. Habil.
sparse mats, lO 1(- 2) c m hig h, of inde te rminate a rea, dark green. 2. Frond.
Fronds 1- 2 mm wide; e rect axes 100- 150 J.lm di am. , 4-7(- 10) mm 3. FrOlld apex.
hi gh. Bra nc/¡fels opposite, in o ne plane, fea lhe r-like, 60- 100 J.lm
di a m., to 600 J.lm lo ng; apices blunt. SIO/OIIS c reeping, 200- 250 ~lm
di a m. ; rhizo ids par e, branc hed, sle nder.
Uncomlllo/l. : incon pic uo u , most commonl y in mixed turf
communiti es, on calcium carbonate rock or mangrove prop roots,
in. protected areas; to 20 m c1eep.
Dislribution: Fl orida. Greater An lille , Le ser Antill es , Soulhern
Caribbea n. Weslern Cari bbea n. Gul f of Mex ico.

CauLerpa vickersiae var.furcifolia W.R. Taylor 1933: 396.

Th allus c1eli cate, fibrous, as indi vidu al slrands, occasionall y forming l. Habil.
sparse mats, to 1(-2) c m hi g h, of indetermin ate a rea, dark g reen. 2. Frond wilh irregular
Frollds 1-2 mm wide; e rect axes 60-85 J.lm di am., 4-7(- 10) mm brallc/¡fels.
hi gh. Brallchl els irregular, radi al or who rlecl in any c1irectio n,
50-85 J.lm di am., lO 300 J.lm long, unbranc hed or 1-3 time forked;
apices blunt. Sl% ns creeping, 125-2 15 J.lIll c1i am. ; rhi zoid s spa rse,
branched, slender.
UIlCOIll/llOI/ : inconspic uous, on sand-coverecl rock or in mixecl turf
commun iti es, in protected areas; to 20 m deep.
Dislribution: Fl orida, Grea ter Antill es , Les er Antill es , So uthern
Cari bbea n. Weslern Ca ri bbea n.

CauLerpa webbiana Monlagne 1837: 354 .

Tllallus mall , inconspic uo us, Illat-like, to 15 mm hi gh, yell ow- / . Frol/d wilh IOI/gll, spil/y
g reen. Frolld lO 1 c m long, w ith sma ll , indi stinclly who rl ed, branclllels.
to ugh. spiny bra nc hlets. Bral/ch /els 2-6 per whorl , to 500 J.lm
lo ng, 2- 3(-5) time di c hotomou Iy branc hed, cy lindri ca l al base:
apices fl atte ned wilh mulliple po ints. S10/0I1S creeping. cy lin-
dri cal, lO 400 J.l m di am.: rhi zoids fin e, spar e to c1ensely covering
slo lon, stalk 30-50 J.lm di am. at sto lo n, first di vi io n di cho lO-
mously di vided, wilh pad-like apices attachin g to sa nd grains.
COIIIIIIOIl : inconspi c uous, in sand cha nnels o n sand-covered coral
fragment ; to 50 m deep.
Dislribulion: Flori da. Grealer Antilles, Les er Anlille , Soulhern
Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean.

Call1erpa webbialla f. disticha Weber-van Bo"e I 98: 270. lig. 1.

TltallLls sma ll , incon picuous, mat- like, lO 1S mm hi gh, yell ow- / . Tltalllls lVil/¡ filie rlti-oiels
green. Frollel 10 1 cm long, covered Wi Lh small , Opposile, lough, coverillg SIO/OII; frOllels
piny branchlel . Brallclt/els to 500 ¡.tm lo ng. 2-3(-5) time sltolVillg Opposile
d ic holo mo llsly bra nc hed, cyl indrica l al base; apices f1a tte ned wiLh brallch/els.
mul tip le poi nt . SIO /OIIS creeping, cy lindrica l, LO 400 ~lm d iam.: 2. BrclI/chlel lVillt /1/1I/lip/e
rhi zoids fine, parse to densely covering rh izoid, WiLh sta lk poillls al apices.
30-50 ¡.tm d ia m. at sLO lo n, generall y fir l d ivi io n dic ho tomously
d ivided, WiLh pad- li ke ap ice attaching LO sa nd grains.
C;ofllmon : inconspic uous, in sand channe ls o n sa nd-covered coral
fragments; lo SO m deep.
Distributiol/: G realer Am ill es.

Key to species of Avraillvillea
l. Fronds fi nger-li ke 01' somewhat club- haped [ iphon api ce often blll bous; inte ri o r ipho ns 10(4). Blade si phons cy lindrical throug ho ul ... ... ...... .. ... ..................... ....................................... .. ............ II
sli ghtJ y moniliform (bead-like), 40-55 ¡.tm d iam.] ............................................ A. digitata , p. 382 10(4). Blade sipho ns pa rtl y moniliform and/o r contorted ........................................................... ..... ..... 12
1. Frond f1 atlened, peltate (paraso l-shaped) or ex panded ... .... .. .. ...... .... .... .. .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ....... .... .. ..... 2
1 1( 10). Blades 2-3 mm lhi c k; aCli vely g rowing siphon darkl y pi g me nled, dia mele r small er Lhan
2( 1). Fro nds lhic kened, peltate or ex panded, kno b-like [siphon api ces ofle n blllbou ; inte ri o r o lde r sipho ns (30-40 ¡,tm vs. 40-80 ¡.tm); dri ed bl ades fi brous .... ...... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. A . lIIazei, p. 388
siphons sli ghtJ y monili fo rm , 50-65 ¡.tm di a m.] .... .... ........................................ A. rawsollii, p. 392 II ( 10). Blade less tha n I mm thi c k; acti vely growing siphons genera ll y not darkly pi gme nted,
2( 1). U pri ght f1 atte ned o r paddle-shaped .......... .. ....... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... ....... ... .......... ....... .... .. ... .... .... ........ ....... 3 di ame te r nOl malle r Lhan o lde r ipho n ; dried blade nOl fibrous [cortical siphons li ghll y
la rger (26-36 ¡.tm d ial11 .) than inte ri o r siphons (22-30 ¡.t111 di am.) of growing margin (i n
3(2). Blades clu tered (5-8) ato p stipe [blade sipho ns mo nil iform to cy lind rical , 20-30 ¡.tm di a m.;
deep waler pecime n , siphons consiste ntJ y 20-25 ¡,tm di am.)] .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... . A. hayi, p. 386
siphon apices laI?ered to 8 ¡.tm di a m.] .... ... ........ ... .. ........ .... ......... .......... .. .... ... .. .. . A.fellicalii , p. 384
3(2) . Blades borne sing ly 011 stipes ... ............. .... .... ....... ... ..... ... ........ .................... ... ..................... ......... ... 4 12( 10). Dislal half of bl ade containing o nly cy lindri ca l sipho ns (20-60 l-lI1l di am .), proxil11al half
with occas io nall y tape red 1110nilifonn sipho ns (8-25 ¡,t111 d ial11 .) at surface, [stipe typi ca ll y
4(3). Blade sipho n moniliform throug ho ut .. .. ... ... .... ... .. ... .... .. ... .... .... ................ .... ..................... ............ S
mllc h elo ngated (to 26 c m); bl ade extreme ly tIlin (less tha n I mm), sipho n loosely woven
4(3). Blade siphons not moni lifo rm throughout ...... .. ...... .. ................... .. ........... .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. ... ........ 10
al l11argins] ...................................... .. .. ... .. .......... .. ........................ .. ... .. A . longicalllis f. laxa, p. 388
5(4) . Blade sipho ns with ex tre me taper toward surface o f frond ..... ..... .......... .. ....... .. ..... ... ... .. .. .. ........... 6 12( 1O). Di tal a nd proximal porli o ns of blade havin g cy lindri cal ipho ns grading to moniliforl11
5(4) . Bl ade sipho ns with linle or no lape r to ward surface of frond ....................................................... 7 and/or conto rted al surface .. ... .. ... .... .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. ..... .. .. ....... ... .. ...... .... .......... .. .... .. ............. ........ .... 13
6(5). Frond 2-5 mm thi ck; bl ade sipho ns gradually tape ring to fo rm loo e cortex; inte rio r 13( 12) . Blades l11ed illm thi ck to lhic k (greate r lhan 2 111111) .. ..... .. ........ ............ ............ .. ..... ............. .. .. .. . 14
sipho n o fbl ade 60- 140 ¡.tm di am . .. .. .... ......... .. .. .. ................................................... A.fulva , p. 384 13( 12). Blades lhin (les lhan 2 111111) ........................................................................................................ 1S
6(5) . Frond 1-2 mm thick; bl ade siphon tapering abruptl y to fo rm tighll y knit cortex; inte rio r
14( 13). Blade oval, wilh fa int 01' more commonl y lacking concentric l11arkings; inleri or siphons
siphons of bl ade 45-80 11m dia m ......... .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. ... .... .. ... .. .. ............................ A. silvana, p. 392
to 70 IAIll di am ., with few lape red (to 15 ~lm di a m.) sipho n at urface of fro nd .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ....... ..
7(5). Bl ade sipho ns con i te ntl y 30-40 11m di a m.; apices not fonning tig htI y kn it cortex; lower .... .. ....... ... .... .... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... ...... ...... ..... ... .. ... .. ... .. .... ... ... .. .. ..... ... .... ... ............ .. .. .. A . longicalllis , p. 388
margin of bl ade wedge-sbaped ....... ............... ......................................................... ............ .. .. ... .. .... 8 14( 13). Blades broadl y fa n-s haped, concentri c l11arkings fa int; inte ri o r ipho ns 20-34 ¡.t111 di al11 .;
7(5). Blade sipho n generall y 20-40 11m di am.; apices fornling ti g htl y knit cortex; lower margin sllrface sipho ns 18-30 ¡.t111 wiLh lilll e o r no taper ...................................... .. ... .. .. A . elliottii, p. 384
of bl ade ofte n deeply lobed .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ............................................... ... ... .. .......... .~ ...... ... .. .. .. .. .... 9
15( 13). Di ta l porti o n of bl ade lacking cO l11pact cortex ............................... A. levis f. transll/cens , p. 386
8(7). Blades loosely woven, rounded LO sli ghtl y ova l, generall y with no zonati o n ......... .. ...... .. .. .. ........ .. 15( 13). Distal porti o n of bl ade with compact cortex .......... .. ................................. .. ......... .. .. ... .. .............. 16
................. .. .. .. .................. .... ........................................................... A. Iligricalls f.jloridana, p. 390
8(7). Blades ex tre mely loo ely woven, muc h lo nger th an wide, with faint zonatio n ............................ .
16( 1S). Base of bl ades straighl; surface sipho n with linle or no taper, 18-30 11m di al11 ........................ .. .
................................... .. ............ ......................... ........... .... .. ....... ... .. A. Iligricall s f. spongiosa , p. 392 .. ................. ............................... .. .. ... ... ...... ..... ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ..... A . asarifolia f. o/i vacea , p. 382
16( 1S). Base of bl ades lobed ; lIrface siphon lapered, 8- 20 l-lI1l di al11 ........ ..... ..... ..... .. .. .. ....... ................ 17
9(7). Blade to 9 cm hi gh, with di stinct zonaLio n; lower margin deepl y lo bed ; cortex tig hLl y knit .......
.......................... .... ... ... .......... .. ........... .. ....... .................. .... .... .. ........ ...... A . lIigricalls f. parva , p. 390 17( 16). Frond large (10 24 cm hi gh); bl ades wiLh concentri c l11arkings, base deeply lo bed ;
9(7). cortica l siphons 1110 nili fonn and/or conlorted, 12-20 ¡.t111 di am .................... A. asarifolia , p. 382
Blades to 30 c m hi gh, wiLh fa int or no zonati o n; lower margin eldo m deepl y lobed ;
corlex loo ely woven .... ............. .. .......... .. .. ............... ........................................ A . Iligricalls, p. 390 17( 16). Frond small (lO 6 cm hi gh); blades withoul concentric marki ngs, base hall ow ly lobed:
cortical siphons gene rall y monil iform , 8- 12 ¡.t111 di al11 ......................... .................. A. levis, p. 386

AvraillvilLea asarifolia B¡lrgesen 1909b: 34. fig. 4. pI. 3.

Thalllls solilary 01' in c luster of 3-5 upri ghts, LO 24 cm hi gh. dull J. ipholls 01 growillg
dark gray-green. Blades broadly kidney-shaped, to 19 cm wide, margill.
II cm lo ng, less lhan 2 mm lhick, smooth ; margi n ragged to 2. u/face sip/¡olls o/ blade.
moothl y rounded; zonati on di stinct: interior siphons 30-50 ~lm
di am. in deep-water pl ant , 20-30 ~m diam. in shall ow pl ants, Addi ti ona l pholograph
sli ghtl y moniliform (bead-like) lO cy lindri ca l; surface iphon on p. 4 15.
tapering, 12-20 ¡.1m di am. , contol1ed to s li ghtI y mo niliform ,
fo rming di stinct cortex. Slipe to 15 mm di am., 15 cm lo ng, cylin-
dri ca l or flauened abo ve, unbranched ; central siphon 35-50 ~m
diam ., sli ghlly mo niliform to cylindrical; surface siphons 8- 12 ¡.1m
diam ., slighlly contorted to sli ghtl y moniliform. Rhizoidal mass
bulbous, verti ca l.
COIllIllOll: in lagoons or and pockets between cora l heads on fore-
reef slopes; to 20 m deep.
Distriblltion: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Amilles, Lesser Alllilles,
Southern Caribbean, Westem Caribbea n, Gulf of Mexico.

Avrainvillea asarifolia f. olivacea O.S. linier & M.M . Linier 1992:

379, fig. 2.
Thallus gregarious, occurring in c lusters of 2- 12 upri ghts l . Sip/¡o/l.s o/ growing
proliferalin g from single large stolon (develo pin g from fo rmer marg in o
stipe, now prostrate), oli ve-green. Blades to 12 cm wider, to 8 cm 2. SII/face sipholls 01 blade.
lo ng, thin ; margin ragged to smoothl y rounded; lower margin 3. SLllface sipholls o/ slipe.
di linctly flattened; zonation ab elll o r faint; internal structure
similar to A. asarijolia f. asa rijolia with interio r siph ons 20-30 ¡.1m
di am., sli ghtly moniliform to cy lindri ca l; urface siphons 18-30 ~m
di am. , taper slight to none, contorted 10 sli ghtl y mo niliform, form-
ing little o r no conexo Slipe lo ng, lender, to I cm diam.; central
si pho ns 35-50 ~ml di am. , sli ghll y mo niliform 10 cy lindri ca l; urface
iphons 8- 12 ¡.1m di am., li ghtl y tortuo us 10 li ghtly moniliform.
SlOlolls lo ng, tangled.
UIlCOllllllon: in mangrove lakes in areas with ri ch organic
sediments, often formin g large aggregalion up to 4 m diam .;
to 2 m deep.
DistriblltiOIl: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Le ser Antilles,
Western Caribbean.

Avrainvillea digitata O.S. Lilller & M.M. Linier 1992: 379. fig. 3.
Thalllls gregari oll s, fin ger-like, occasionally club-shaped or pointed, / . SII/face sipholls o/ blade.
to 6 cm hi gh, 1.5 cm diam. , dull dark brow n-green. Blades loo ely 2. Habit.
woven, spongy; zonation absent; interi or and surface iphon
srro ng-walled, 40-55 ¡.1m (to 75 ¡.1m at grow ing margins) di am. ,
slightI y monilifollll (bead-like), apices blllbo us or rollnded. Stipe
absent. R/¡izoidal mass large, pros trate.
COllllllon: on carbonate sediments or mangrove peat, growing as
large mat in shallow waters (less lhan 1m), often interspersed
among Thalassia testudinulll or at lhe edges of mangrove islands;
deeper forms (greater tIlan 3 m) have narrow uprights wilh blunll y
pointed apice , Puerto Ri can pecimens ha ve more club-shaped
upri ghts; to 5 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Bahama , Greater Ami ll es. Lesser Antilles, Soulhern
Caribbean, Western Caribbean.

Avraillvillea elliottii A. Gepp & E. Gepp 19 11 : 35.138. pI. 11, flg.

99; pI. 12. flgs. 99a, 100.
T/¡alllls solitary. seldom c1 ustered, to 13 cm high, olive. Blade l . Surface siphon o/lIpper
broad ly fan- haped, to 10 cm wide, 8 cm long, greater than blade.
4 mm thick, loosely woven; surface smoolh, occa ionall y 2. Surface sipholl of 10IVer
wrinkled; margins ragged to smoothl y rounded; lower margi ns blade.
straight, angli ng harp ly into tipe; zonati on fa int ; interior 3. Sip/¡olls of growillg
si phons 20-34 I-lITI di am., cy lin dri ca l to li ghtJ y moniliform; lIIargill.
surface si phons 18-30 ~lm di am., s lightly monili fo rm to tor-
tuous, forming loose cortex. Sripe to 1 cm diam., 4 cm long,
cy lindri ca l or sLi ghtJ y compre sed, seldom branched; centra l
siphons 30-44 11m diam .. cy lindrica l; surface siphons 20-28 ~UTI
,diam., tortuous to sli ghtl y monili fo rm. Rhi~oida l mass small ,
erec t.
Rare: fo und on sand or gravel botlom ; to 10 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Le er An lilles, So uthern Cari bbean .

AvrainviLlea fenicalii D.S. Linier, M .M. Li nier & M. Hay in Lin ier &
Linier 1992: 384. fig. 5.
Thallus c lu tered, 5-8 bl ades per ti pe, 5-30 slipes per ho ld fa t, l . Siphon of central
to 7 cm hi gh, dark green. Blades deeply lobed to fo rm narrow fl at rhi~oida l lIIass.
projection , to 5 mm wide, 3 mm thick, soft, pongy; surface 2. Surface siphons o/ blade.
smooth , occasionall y wrin kled ; lower margin straight angling 3. Sw face siphons of sripe.
sharpl y in LO stipe; zonati on absent; interi or siphons 20-30 ~lm
diam., cy lindri ca l, contorted to sli ghtly monili fo rm , bul ge above
constricti on at di chotomi e; urface iphons tapering to 8 11m
diam., li ghlly moniliform , hooked 0 1' LOrtuouS, fo rming loose
cortex . Sripe to 1 cm di am., 8 cm long, cy lindrica l, branched or
unbranched; central iphons 40-52 11m di am., moniliform , tortuous
01' cy lind rica l. Rhizoidal mass ex traordinarily large, co lumn ar,
3-4 cm di am. , greater than 30 cm long; central siphons 40-60 11m
diam. , moniliform , tortuous 0 1' cy lindri ca l; rhi zo ids tapelin g to
8 11m di am.
Rare: fo und in sand 0 1' gravel bottoms; LO 10m deep.
Distriblltioll : Bahama .

Avrainvilleafulva (M. Howe) D.S. Linier & M.M. Linier 1992: 387, flg. 7.
Avraillvilleo lIigricolIs f. f/l/va M. Howe in Coll ins el al. 1908 [1 95-1919]:
no. 1480.
Thallus c1 u ter of 2-5 uprights, seldom so litary, to 24 cm hi gh, l . SII/face siphol1 of blade.
gray-green 10 green. Blades when mature wedge-shaped, to 15 cm 2. Siphon of growing
wide, 18 cm long, 2-5 mm thi ck, loosely woven, coar e, fi brous; ma rgin.
margins ragged to smoothl y rounded; base grad uall y tapering imo 3. Sipholls o/ sripe cortex.
wide stipe; zonati on absent; interior siphons yellow 0 1' yell ow-
brown to clear, 60-1 40 !-1m diam ., moniliform , seldom cy lindrical;
surface iphons repeatedl y branched at outer lips, tapering to
20-40 !-1m di am., monili fo rm . Sripe to 4.5 cm wide, 6 cm long,
cy lindri ca l, compre sed near blade, unbranched. R/¡izoida l sysrems
massive, sllbterranean; central siphons 80- 130 !-(m diam. , monili -
form ; urface siphon 20-40 11m di am., monili fo rm to tortllOll .
Comllloll: on soft sllbstrates rich in organic maller, often fo und
among A. nigricans; to 10 m deep.
Distriblltiol/ : Florid a, Bahamas, Greater An till es, Lesser Antilles,
outhern Ca ribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.
386 ÜIl .OROPIIYT\ 387

Avraill viLLea hayi D.S. Litt lcr & M.M. Li ttler 1992: 390. lig. 9.
Tilal/m ,olilary. ra re ly in clll sle rs of 2-3 lI prighls, 10 14 cm high. / . SII/fa ce sipholls o/ blade.
pale green. Blades sli g hll y broade r rha n lo ng. ova l. 109 c m wi de, 2 . Sipiloll o/ groll'illg
10.5 c m long. less lhan I mm lhi c k. li ghll y interwoven; margins lila rg ill .
moolhl y rollnded. occasionally lobed : zonati on present in shall ower 3. Medu l/wy sipiloll o/ slipe.
pla nts, absent in deep-waler pl anl ; interi o r sipho ns 18-25 11m 4 . Conical sipiloll o/slipe.
di a m. in deep-wa ler pl anls, 22-30 ~lm di am. in shall ow pl ant .
cylind rica l: slIrface siphons occas ionall y ex panded 1026-36 '.un
diam. , cy lindri ca l; di slincl cortex absenl. Slipe 10 1.5-5.0 mm
di a m. , 1-2(-4) c m lo ng. cy lindrica l o r f1 alte ned above, rarely
bra nc hed; central sipho ns 25-40 11m di am .. cy lind rical; slIrface
sipho n 10- 18 11 m di a m. , sli ghll y conto rted 10 slig hll y moniliform .
R/¡i~o ida llllass verti ca ll y cy lindri ca l or mllc h redllced in deep
. walerS.
Rare: o n deep-wate r sand pl ains or in edimenl pockets deep o n
ridge wa ll s; 13-60 m deep.
Dislriblltiol/: Grealer Alllill e . SOlllhern Caribbean.

Avrainvillea Levis M. Howe 1905b: 565. pI. 23, lig. 1: pI. 26. lig. 8-10'
Tilal/u.l· solitary, se ldo m bra nched, lO 6 c m hi g h, gray-green lO / . Sipholls o/ growillg
yellow-green. Blades kidney-shaped lO wedge-s haped , to 6. 5 c m marg ill .
wide, 4 c m lo ng, lhin (less tha n I mm ), ti ghtl y woven, smoolh ; 2. Typical blade sipholls.
marg in s ragged lO smoothl y rollnded ; base ofle n shal lowly lobed;
zonati o n absent 0 1' faint; inte ri o r siphons 25-35(-40) ~lm di a m.,
li ghll y monilifo rm lO cy lindri ca l, lo ng leggy conslrictio ns above
dic ho to mies; surface siphon tapering, 8- 12 11m d iam .. mostl y
mo nilifo rm , rarely cy lindrical, forming ti ghl cortex . Slipe to 4 mm
dia m. , 2.5 c m lo ng, cy lindl'i cal 0 1' f1 atte ned above (often concave
whe n dri ed ); central ipho n 30-40 11m di am. , cy lindri cal to lig htl y
mo nili fo rm ; surface siph ons 8- 12 ~lIn di a m., sli ghtl y moniliform to
cy lindri ca l. Rili~o ida l lIIass coni ca l.
UIlCOfllfllOI/: occllrring on' rock or sand-covel'ed hal'd urface;
lO 125 m deep.
Distribuliol/: Fl orida, Bahamas. Grea le r Antill es, Lesser Anlill es ,
Wesle rn Caribbea n, GlIlf of Mex ico.

Avrainvillea Levis f. transLucens D.S. Lilller & M.M. Litt ler 1992:
395. lig. 11.
Tilal/us solilary, e reCl 0 1' pende nt, seldo m branc hed, 10 15 c m hi g h, l. Blade illterior witil
transllIcenl gray-green to yellow-green. Blades kidney- haped to smal/er sipiloll s
ova l, 10 9 c m wide, 7 c m lo ng, ex tre mely lhin (Iess th an J mm), illtermixed Iviti? larger
loosely woven, smooth ; marg ins ragged to moothl y rounded ; base sipilol1s.
hall ow ly lobed : zonali o n absent or faint; large inte ri o r ipho ns to 2. Siphons o/ g rowillg
30 11m di a m. , slig htl y contorted to cylindrical , long leggy m a rg ill . _
consll'i ctio ns above di c holo mi e ; inte rmixed with ex tre me ly fin e, 3. Thick {md thin rhizoids.
colorless iphons, 5-8 11m dia m., mostly contorted, rarely
cylindri ca l; cortex lacking. Slipe 104 mm di am., 2.5 c m long,
cylindri ca l or f1 alle ned above (o fte n concave when dri ed); central
sipho ns 30-40 11m di a m., cy lindrical to s li g htly mo nilifo rm ; surface
sipho ns 8- 12 ~1I11 di am., li ghlly monili form to cy lindrical.
Rhizoida l mass coni cal.
Rore: occul'ring o n silt-covered carbo nate rock such as at lhe mo ulh
of the G reat Blue Ho le in Belize, gene rall y a species re tri cted 10
deep water ; 5-60 m deep.
Distribution: Bahamas, Weste rn aribbea n.

AvrainviLLea IOllgicauLis (Kü tzing) G. MUlTay & Bood lc 1889: 70.

Rhipilia longic(/ uli.\" KÜl/ing 1858: 13. pI. 28. Iig. 2 11 (c. d) .
Thalllls clu ters 01' 1-3(- 5) uprights. eldolll solitary. lO 14 Clll l . Siphol/s of groll'il/g
high. dark green. Blades broadly oval, lO 10.5 Clll wide. 6 Clll m arg in o
long, grealer Úlan 3 111111 lhick, spongy, loosely woven, coarsely 2. Cortical siphol/s of stipe.
tex tured when dry; Illargins Illoothl y rounded; basal Illargins
fl allened 01' slighll y cUJ'ved ; zonati on fa int 01' absent ; interior Additi onal ph otograph
siphon , 35-60 ftlll di alll ., Illostl y cy lindrica l, occasionall y on p. 4 11.
Illonili forlll ; 10% of surface siphons lapering to 15-25 f1l11 diam.,
moniliform , repea tedl y divided, other 900/, as interi or siphons;
distinct cOltex absent; dark siphons 01' growing margin 25-35 J.llll
dialll., lighter iphons 28-42 ftlll di am. Stipe to 13 mlll diam ..
8 cm long, cy lindrica l ro slightl y fl attened, unbranched: centra l
'siphons 38-46 J.lm diam ., cy lindrical ; surface iphons 8- 12 J.llll
diam. , moniliform to tortuous. Rhi~o ic/a l lIIass large, verti ca l.
COllllllon: in open sand y areas 01' sparse seagras beds in pri stine
waters; to 4 m deep.
Dislribllliol/: Fl ori da. Bahamas. Grealer A nlille . Les. er An till es,
Southern Cari bbean, We5tern Cari bbean , Gulf 01' Mex ico.

AvrainviLLea longicauLis f. laxa D.S. lin ier & M.M. Li nier 1992 :
397. fig. 13.
Thallus gregari ous, often in large aggregati ons. to 30 cm hi gh, l . SlI rface siphons of dislal
yell ow-green to oli ve-green. Blades elonga ted oval or wedge-shaped, blac/e.
lo 7 cm wide, 10 cm long. less lhan 3 mm lhick , spongy, loosely 2 . Siphon of groll'ing
woven (e peciall y at margins): zonati on absent; interi or siphons lIIargin .
cy lindrical, 40- 60 J.lm diam.; ulface siphons mostl y cylindrica l, 3. SlIIfa ce siphol/s ji'olll
40-60 f1l11 di am.. tapering to 8 fU11 di am. at surface, in lower third proximal portian of
of bl ade moniliform lO contoned: darkly pi gmented siphons of b lade.
growin g margin cy lindrica l, 20--30 J.lm diam. , lighter siphons
40--60 f1l11 diam.; cortex absenl. Stipes lO I cm di am .. 26 cm long.
cy lindrica l 10 fl atl ened. often branched; cenu'al siphons 38-46 J.lm
di am., cy lindrica l; surface siphon 8- 12 J.lm diam .. moniliform to
contorted. Rhi~o ida l mass "anchored by hori zontal 51010n (old
COllllllon: on nutrient-rich organic subSlrates, in interi or lagoon
of mangrove i land ; to 2 m deep.
Dislribllliol/: Florid a. Bahamas, Greater Antill es. Le ser A nlille,.
Weslern Caribbean, Gulf of M exico.

AvrainviLLea mazei G. Murray & 8000 le 1889 : 70.

Thallus solitary 01' several in clo e prox imily, to I S cm high. dark / . Siplioll s of growillg
green. Blades wedge-like, lO 9 cm wide, 7 cm long, grealer than lIla rgil/ .
2 mm thick, loosely woven, coarse, fibrous; growing margin 2. SipliollS of blac/e.
smooth 01' slightl y ragged, base tapering to slipe: zonation absent 3 . SLI/jóce sipholls of slipe.
or light; inleri or sipbons brown. 40-80 J.l111 dial11., cy lindrica l,
strong-waJled; luface siphons cy lindrica l. with litlle to no taper,
deepl y pi gl11enled al acti ve ly growing api ce ; dark siphons of
growing margin 30-40 fUl1 diam . Stipe to 1.5 cm diam., 8 cm long.
cy lindrica l lO sJi ghtly co mpressed, unbranched; central siphons
55- 70 J.lm di am .. cy lindrica l 01' torlltous; sUlface iphons 12- 18 !-lm
diam., slighll y moniliform , loosely con oliclated. Rlii~oida lm ass
small , co nica !.
COIllIllOI/: in shallow protecled lagoons 01' protected sides of
l11angrove islands: LO S m deep.
Distribllliol/: Fl ori da, Bahamas. Grealer A ntill es, Lesser A milles.
Soulhern Cari bbean. Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Avraillvillea nigrical1.s Decaisne 1842: 108 . 11'. lligriclIIISJ

711Qllus so lilary, seldom clustered. 1030 cm high , dark green 10 l. Sipholl o/ blade.
brown-green, Oluer margin oflen darker. Blades wedge-shaped 2. Habit.
10 ova l, 23 cm wide, 15 cm lo ng, le s than 2 mm lhick, loo ely
woven; margins smoolhl y rounded or ragged ; blade base n al or
ang led upwards; zonal ion faint; interior a nd surface siphons
lInifomlly 30-40 ~lm in diam. , deeply mOlliliforrn; cortex loose.
Slipe cy lindri cal, 1-4 cm diam., 109 cm long. unbranched; central
sipholls 30-60 ¡.un diam., sli ghtl y moniliform 10 cylindri ca l;
surface si pho ns I 0-20 ~lm diam., deeply monilifo rrn . Rhizoidal
lIIass blllbou ; rhi zoid 40-50 ¡.tm diam. tapering 107- 12 ¡.tm diam.
al apices.
COllllllon: on deep sand plains or other salldy habilals;
1030 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Florida, Bahama , Grealer Anlilles. Lesser An lill es,
Soulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbea n.

Avrail1.vilLea nigricans f. floridana D. . Lilller & M.M. Lilller

1992: 402, lig. 16.
Thal/us so litary, seldom clustered, 109 cm hig h. pal e g reen 10 l. SLI/face siphol1 of blade.
brown-green, ou ler margin oflen darker. Blades wedge- haped 10 2. IllIerior sipho/'ls of blade.
ova l, 10 15 cm wide, 15 c m long, grea[er than 2 mm thick, loosely 3. Rhizoids.
woven, coarse; margins moo[hly rounded or ragged; lowe r margins
f]al o r ang led upwards; zonation absent or fainl; interior and lIrface
siphon uniforml y 30-40 ~1l11 in cliam., deeply mo nilifonn ; cortex
loose or absent. Stipe [O 2 c m diam., 5 c m lo ng, cy linclri ca l,
unbranc hed ; central siphons 30-60 ¡.tm diam. , slig htly mo nilifo rm ;
sUlface siphon s 10-20 ¡.tm diam. , deeply moniliform. Rhizoidal
mass bulbous.
COllllllon: on and -covered hard substrates, oflen found with
A. fulva ; to 30 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida, Bahamas, Lesser Anti lI es.

AvrainvilLea nigricans f. parva D.S. Lilllcr & M.M. Lilller 1992:

402, lig. 17.
Thal/us solilary, seldom cluste red , 10 16 c m hig h, gray green 10 l. Siphol1 of growillg
brown-green, fringed in bl ack. Blade kidney-shapecl lO ova l whe n margin of blade.
mawre, 23 c m wide, 15 cm long, t11in (le s than 2 mm lhick), 2 . Habit of thal/lIs.
loosely woven; margins smoothl y rounded or ragged; blade base 3. Typical blade sipholls
straight or lobed; zonali on faint; interior sipho ns 30-40 ¡.tm in
diam. , monilifonn ; surface sipho ns 20-30 ¡.tm diam., deeply
moniliform, forming loose cortex. Stipe to 15 mm diam. ,
1-4(- 9) cm long, cy lindri cal, seldom branched ; central sipho ns
30-60 ¡.tm diam. , sli g hll y moniliform; surface siphons 10- 20 ¡.tm
diam. , deeply moniliform. Rhi~oidallllass bulbous.
Locally cOllllllon: around mangrove islands, oflen growi ng
o n man grove peal; 10 2 m deep.
Distriblllioll: Bahal11as, Western Caribbean.

Avrainvillea nigricans f. spongiosa D.S. Li lller & M.M. Lin ier

1992 : 406. lig. 18.
Tltal/us gregari o us, 10 36 c m hi gh, oli ve-green. Blades elo ngaled / . Su/face sipltolls of blade.
(much longer than wicle), to 10 cm w ide, 20 cm lo ng, 3- 5 mm 2. Siplton of grolVillg
lhick, loo ely woven, po ngy; marg ins lobed or raggecl; base lapering marg ill .
into slipe: zonation absenl: inleri or and surface ipho ns unifonnl y
30-40 ~un di am ., monilifoll1l, occa ionall y cy lindri ca l; COrlex
ab ent. Slipe lO 15 cm long, cy lindri ca l, oflen branched ; central
sipho ns 30-60 '.un di am., slightly moniliform ; surface siphon
10-20 11m di am., deepl y mo nili fo rm. Rhizoidallllasses fo rmed
fro m long stolo n thal were former stipes.
Rare: in interi or lakes of mangrove islands, grow ing in large
aggregati ons, often amo ng other species of Avraill vil/ea;
. to 2 m c1eep.
Distriblllioll : Western Caribbean.

Avrainvillea rawsonii (Dickie) M. Howe 1907: 5 10. pJ. 30.

Rhipilia rawsanii Dickie I 874a: 15 1, pJ. I 1. ligs. 1, 2.
Thalllls gregario us, in large mal , brown-green lo bl ack-green. l . Sipholls of blade.
Blades knurl ed, knobbed or ilTegul ar when shallo w, Ihi ckl y lo psided 2. Sipholl s of rhi~oida l lIIa /.
and nat-lopped in deeper water, lo 5 cm wide, 6 cm lo ng, 3 cm
thi ck, loosely woven, spo ngy; margins smoolhly rollnded 01' lo bed ;
zonati o n ab enl ; inleri o r and surface sipho ns 50-80 ~un di am.,
moni liform ( li ghll y mo nilifonn to cy lindri cal in dri ed specimens),
apices 50% round , 50% blllbollS, (Bahami an spec imens' lIrface
iphons sli ghtly tapering but hi ghl y mo nilifo rm). S/ipe wide ly
tapering, cy lindri ca l lO oval, commo nly branched ; siphon
38- 75 11m in di am., sli ghll y moniliform . Rhi~o idalll1clI large,
COIllIll O// : on beach rock or" otller so lid sub trates in shall ow (le s
than 1 m) water, large aggregati ons attached LO hard sllrfaces in deep
water; 10 25 m deep.
Dislribulioll: Fl ori da. Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Lesser Anlill es,
So uth ern Caribbean. Western Caribbean .

Avraillvillea si/vana D.S. Lin ier & M.M. Lin ier 1992: 408. lig. 20.
Thalllls so litary, seldo m c lll stered, 10 17 cm hi gh, oli ve-green. l . Sipholls of grolVillg
Blades oval, to 16 cm wide. 11 cm lo ng, lhin ( 1-2 mm thi ck), m arg in o
smoolh ; margins ragged or eroded ; lower margin f1 al o r sli ghtl y 2. SU/fa ce sipholls of blade.
lobed in deeper water, wedge-shaped when shall ow; zonalio n fa inl
o r ab ent ; interi or iphons 45-80 11m di am., monilifo rnl: slIrface
sipho ns rapidl y lapering 10 20 11m di am. , mo nili fo rm , api ce
rollnded, hooked 01' lo rlUous, fonning li ghl con exo S/ipe 10 7 mm
di am., 7 cm long, cy lindri ca l, seldo m branched ; interi or sipho ns
50-70 ¡.tm diam" moni liform lO occas io nall y ey lindri ca l; surface
siphons 15-20 ¡.tm di am .. monili fo rm lO 10 rtllOllS, o ften
lInpigmented. Rh i~oidallllass mall, fi broll s.
COIIIIIIO//: found on eilher deep sand plain s or shall ow nlllri ent rieh
habilats (mangrove islands); to 11 7 m deep.
Dislribll tiol/ : Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Lcsser Antill es, Western
Ca ribbea n.
394 C1ILO Ro l'IIYT\ CIlLOIWrll\.... \ 395

Key to species of Boodleop sis So me a lgae beco me lhe

l . EreCl siphon gene rall y moniliform (co nstricled al c lose inte rva ls, bead-like); branching mainl y SlIbsli·ate fo r o the r
dichoLOmolls ....................................................................... .. .................................. ....... B. pusilla , p. 394 pecies of a lgae a nd
l . Erecl sipho ns moslly cy lindri ca l, somelimes lIndulating, rarely moni lifonn; branching dicholomou , in ve n e brale . The . e sea
lrichotomoLl lO vertici lI ate (who rled) ................................................................. B. verticillata, p. 394 a ne mo ne co lo ni es a re
e piph yti cal ly well -
a nc ho red within lhe
spo ngy s iphonaceoll s
bl ade of the g reen a lga
Avrain l'illea.

Boodleopsis pusiLLa (Collins) W.R. Taylor. A.B. Joly & Benlalowicz

1953: 105. Dic¡'OlOlIIosip¡'oll pI/sil/lis Collins 1909: 43 1.
Thallus a ti g htl y-knil mats of fin e interwoven sipho ns, of l . Typical mOl/iliforll1
indefinile size, brighl gree n. Sipholls wilh few if any cross wa ll s : siphons al/d il/terllal
prostrale siphons lO 90 ¡.u n di a m., bra nc hing irregular lO dichoLO- ul/piglllel/ted 1/011-
mOll s, occasio na ll y lric holo moll S, large interior iphons o flen 1II0l/iliforll1 siphon (iJ.
lInpi g mented, g row ing lip slightly blllbo lls; e rect siphon generall y
mo ni lifonn , initia l trll nk lO 80 ¡.un d ia m .. d ia mete r redLl ced with
each success ive di vision, oute r branc hlels 23-48 ¡.u n di am.;
stro ng ly constricted al base of bra nc hl els.
Rare : ofte n unnoti ced, as large thi c k malS parti all y buried in fine
sed ime nts, in close proximily to mangrove islands; inte rtidal to
I m deep.
DistributiOI1: Fl orida, Bahamas. Greater An tilles, Lesser Ant ill es ,
SOLlthe rn Caribbean.

Boodleopsis verticiLLata E.Y. Dawson 1960: 32. lig. 1, a-d.·

Thallus as loo e- knil malS 01' tllfl of inte rwoven sipho ns, of l . Typical eylindrieal
indefinite size, bri g hl green. Sipholls with few if any cross wa ll s, siphons.
50- 100 I-un dia m., mo tl y cy lindri ca l, so metimes Llndlll ating, rarely 2. 3. & 4. Siphol/s sholVing
mo nilifon11 . Lrongly con tri cted at base of branc hlets; branching eOllllllOllly occurril/g
dicholomollS. LrichotomollS to verti cill ate (whorled); large si pho n branching pallems.
o rten unpigmented; growing tip sli ght ly bulbous. Rhizoids fro m
lower sipho ns, 10- 12 11m diam., interwoven, occasiona ll y branc hed;
branching irregular lO so mewhat di c hotomo ll s, se ldo m constri cled at
Rare : often unno ticed, in prOlected areas g row ing o n mlld or
sa nd, ofle n in c10se proximity LO mangrove islands: intertidal
to I m deep.
Distributioll : Bahamas. SOLl thern Caribbean.

Key to species of CLadocephalus Damselfish create seaweed

l. Cap as single ova l 10 wedge-s haped blade ........... ......................... .................. ... ... . C. luteofllsclIs, p. 396 mosaics on coral reefs by
l . Cap o f many narrow fin ger-li ke, bUl f1 attened, blades ... .... .... ..... .... .... ........ .. .... .. ... C. scoparills, p. 396 killing coral polyps and
then gardening and
fertilizing prefelTed algae
within their territories.
These discrete patche are
vigorollsly defended
against other herbivores
(see review by Lobel

Clatlocephalus luteofuscus (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) B~rge en

1909b: 44. F/abellarill /lIIeojllsclIs P. Crouan & H. Crouan in Mazé &
Schra mm 1878: 88.
T/¡allus solirary, rare ly gregariou , ro 12 cm hi gh, dark yell ow- l. Fine. colorless sll/face
green. Blades oval to wedge-shaped, ro 7.0 cm wide, 4.5 cm long, sipholl s (s) of blade
thin bur rough; zonarion fainr; interior siphons 50-80 !-1m di am., developillg fra m largel;
cy lindri ca l ro sli ghtl y tortuous, omewhar parall el, generall y in pigm em ed i/lterior
one layer; constricti ons li ght or absent ar di choromies; surface siphons.
siphons 4- 10 !-1m di am., unpi gmented, repeatedl y forking or
irregul arl y branched, forming den e ly woven cortex. Stipes o fren
branched, 2-6 mm di am., ro 9 cm long, f1 attened abo ve, structure
simil ar ro bl ade. Rhizoidal mass bulbous.
Comlllo//.: in shall ow mangrove lagoons, ofren grow ing with
Avrainvillea IOllg icall/is f. la.xa and A. asarifolia f. olivacea, or
sparsely scattered in Thalassia meadow ; ro 5 m deep.
Distriblltion: Fl orida, Greater Antill es, Lesser Antill es, Western
Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Cladocephalus scoparius M. Howe 1905b: 569. pI. 25: pI. 26.

figs. 11 -20.
ThallllS a in verted broom or brush, olitary or gregari ous, ro J. Fin e. colorless sllrface
14 cm hi gh, dark green to yellow-brown. Cap variable, from oval, siphons (s) of blade
o mew har pheri cal ro an e longared e llipse, o f narrow f1 attened deve loping fra m lel/·gel;
blades 2-4 cm wide, 3-8 cm long; interior iphons 30-80 !-1m di am., pigmenred interior
cy lindricaJ ro li ghtly rortuoll s, somewhat parallel, generall y in one siphons.
layer, con rricrions li ght or absent ar dichotomi es; surface siphons
5- 10 I.un diam., unpigmented, repeatedl y forking or irregul arly
branched, forming densely woven cortex. Stipe cy lindricaJ , 3-7 mm
di am., 2- 10 cm long, f1 attened or channeled (as in celery stalks)
abo ve, o fren branched; analO mica l strucrure similar to bl ade.
Rhizoidal mass blllbou .
Rare: on sandy or mudcl y bottoms, mo t o ften grow ing in seagrass
meadows; ro 10 m deep.
DisLriblltioll: Bahama .

Key to s pecies of Halim eda

1. Segme nl oval or spherical .. ...... .... .. .. ........................ ... .. .. ... .. ............. ... .............................. .. .. .. .... 2 13( 12). Segme nt generall y di tinctl y ribbed ; surface utri cles a ng ul ar after decalcificati o n ... .. ... ............. ..
l. Segme nls Il alle ned, oflen ridged 0 1' cy lindri cal .......... .. .. .. .. .. ................... .. ...................... ...... .. .. .... 3 ... ....... ........ ............. .... .. .............. .... ... .. ............ .. .... ..... ............... .. .................... H. il/crassata , p. 402
13( 12). Segm e nt generall y indi tinctl y ribbed ; surface utricles spheri ca l afler decalcifi cati on ...... .. ........ .
2( 1). Segme nls 1-5 mm dia m.; egme nl c hains 10 5 c m lo ng ............ .. .... .. ........... H. lacrimosa, p. 404
....... .................... .. ....... ............. .. ....... ............. .. ... .. ... ........................ ..... ... ... ..... .. H. simlllalls, p. 408
2( 1). Segme nts 10 10 mm d iam.; segme nt chains 10 25 c m lo ng ..... H. lacrimosa varoglobosa, p. 404
14( 12). Segme nts to 1.2 c m wide; basa l segme nt stipe- like .................. ..... ..................... ... H. IUlla , p. 408
3( 1). Segments mosll y less than 5 mm w ide ....................... .. .. .. ................. .. ............ .. ...... .. ... ................ .. 4
14( 12). Segme nts large, 2-4 cm wide; basal segments not tipe- li ke .... ............. ...... .. .... ....... .. .. .. ............. 15
3( 1). Segment generall y grealer than 5 mm wide .. .... ................................................ .. .. .. .................. .. .. 5
15( 14). Segments 0.7- 1.4 mm lhi ck; up to 14 surface utri c les supported by eac h ubsurface lItri cle .... .. .
4(3). Segme nts minute, 1-2 mm wide, 1-2 mm lo ng ............ .. .... .... .. H. cryptica varoacerifolia, p. 400 ... ......................................... ... ................ .. ........ ... .. .................................. .......... H. discoidea, p. 400
4(3). Segme nts small , 2.5-6.0 mm wide, 3-4 mm lo ng .. .. .. .. .................. .. .. .. ............. H. gorealli, p. 402
15( 14). Seg ment 0.3-0.5 mm thic k; onl y 2-4 surface utri cle supported by each subsurface utricle .. .. ...
5(3). Ollle r segme nts di tinctl y cy lindri ca l .... .. ........... .. ................... ...... ............... .. ..... H. mOllile, p. 404 .................................... ............... ...................... ................. .. .. .............. H . tulla f. platydisca, p. 408
5(3). Ollle r segme nts Il atte ned ... .... ..... ......... ................... .... .. ... ................ .... .... .. ... .. ..... .... .. ..................... 6
6(5). Branc hl els ori gi nating al random (o flen al ri ght angle to one anolher, j llmbled), freq uentl y
attached al vario us po int .... ... ... ...... ..... .......................... .. ...... ................. .... .... .. ... .... ... ... ... ... .......... 7 Transmitted light
6(5). Bra nc hle ts ori gi nating in o ne pl ane (appearing Il at), ingle attachme nt a ppare n! ................... .. 8 photograph of
7(6) . Thallll c rowded, in de nse clumps or mOllnd s ... .. ....................... .. .. .. .................. H. opul/tia , p. 406 lhe green alga
7(6). Thalllls sparse, in loose clump , mOllnds o r cattered c hains ............ H. oplll/tia f. triloba , p. 406 Anadyomene stellata
showing an artistic
Surface roug h, utri cles having center spine at sllrface [segme nts li g htl y ca Jcifi ed, wedge- haped
with rollnded top, du ll gray-greenl ..................... .. .. .. .... .. .. ....... ................. .. ......... H. scabra, p. 406 "stained-glass" effect
8(6). SlIrface smooth , utricl es Ilat o r rOllnded al surface ........ .. .. .. .. .......................... ......................... .. ... 9 created by lhe arrange-
men! of cells and
9(8). Segme nls connected by one large siphon at j o inls [20- 174 m deep, rarely e ncounlered] .... ...... .. photosynthetic
........ ... .................... .. .. ........ .................. .... ............ ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. .. ...................... . H. cryptica, p. 400
9(8). pigments.
Segme nt connected by mo re th an o ne siphon o r g roups of siphons al j o inls ................. .... ..... 10
10(9). Segme nt marg ins sli ghtl y thi cke ned [ ubsurface utricl e abruptly swo lle n at apex] ......... ............ .. Fertile cap of lhe green
................ ........ .... .. ... ... .... ........ .............................. ....... ... .. ............................. ...... H. gracilis, p. 402 alga Rhipocephallls
10(9). Segme nl margin s no! sli ghtl y thi cke ned ...... .. ................... .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... .............................. .. .. .. ... . 1 1 phoenix. The gamelangia
11 ( 10). Thallus pe nde nt, fo rming ha ngi ng chains or langled [segme nls 10 2.1 c m wide] .. ....... .. ..... .. ....... . are beginning to appear as
................... ..... ...,.... ... ... ... ...... ..... ................ ... .. ..... .. ..... .... .... ............ ........ .. ..... .... H. copiosa, p. 398 dark margins on lhe
11 ( 10). Thallll s commo nl y erect, no t fo nning long, hanging c hain a nd no t ta ngled .......... .. .... ... ... .. .... 12 individual blade , as lhe
12( 1 1). Segments di slinc tl y or indi tinctly ribbed, often tril obed .. ... ...... ......... .. ...... .. .......... .. .. ..... .. ...... ... 13 entire protoplasmic
12( 11 ). Seg me nts essenti ally rounded, nOl lobed .. ...... ... .. .. ..................... .. ... ....... ..... ... .. ........... ..... ..... .... .. . 14 contents are mobilized
during lhe holocarpic
reproductive effort.

Halimeda copiosa Goreau & EA Graham 1967: 433, figs . 1- 10.

Thallus pe ndent, fo rming lo ng c hains, 10- 15(-70) c m long, l . Sw face view.
bri ght g reen on uppe r surface, white o n lower; branc hing mostl y 2. Sw face lIIrieles in
dic ho lomous, initi all y in one pl ane, sparse near o uler tips. Seg- longitudinal sec/ion.
mellls calcifi ed, di sc- haped, Il at or dorsall y convex, obl ong to
oval, to 2. 1 c m wide, 1.3 c m long, 400-650 ¡.1m thi c k, faintly
ribbed; first 2-3 egments trilobed; base trllncate to lo bed.
U/rieles (swo ll en tips of siphon ) in three layers; urface utri cle
25-65 ¡.1m di a m. , 25-65 ¡.1m long, up lO four supported by each
subsurface ulric le; subsurface utri cles to 30 ¡.1m di am., 40 ¡.1m lo ng.
Joilll sipholls uniting in pairs (occasionall y in g ro ups of 3-6),
uncalcifi ed. Holdfas/ inconspic uous.
Commol/ : hang ing verli call y be neath rocky overha ngs or ledge ,
often in low- li ght habi tats; 10- 100 m deep.
Distributioll: Bahama , Greater Anlill es. Les er Antill es,
Soulhern Caribbea n, We tern Cari bbean.

Halimeda cryptica Colinvaux & EA Graham 1964: 5.

Thallus pendenl o r tangled, 10 10 c m long, bri ghl green on upper l. Apical segments.
surface, white on lower: branchin g in one pl ane. sparse, irregul ar 2. SII/face tltricles in
10 di - or tri-cholomou s. Seglllellls heavi ly ca lcified, brittle, f1al , 10 long itudinal sectioll.
10 mm wide, 8 mm long. 300-500 ¡.Lm thick, lower segmenl margins 3 . Basal segmelll sltolVil/g
evenly curved; upper segment margin s with genera ll y three points, pad-like Itoldfast.
rarely lrilobed; basal seg menl wilh small cy lindrica l stipe. Utricles in 4 . SIl/tace vielV of t/lricle
2-3 layer; urface utricles 33-60(-88) !-1m diam. , 40--65(-90) ~lm a rran gemelll.
long, 4-6 upport by each subsurface utricle; ubsurface utric les
branching trichotomou sly from single large cenu'a l siphon ; central Addi ti ona l photograph
sipho n continuo us from basa l seg ment 10 apex, 100--2 1O ~lm diam ., on p. 3 11.
con tri cted at mOSI tricholomie . Holdfast small , inconspicuou s,
pad -like, formed by intertwining of many small ( 10 10 ¡.Lm di am.)
rhi zoid initiated from several larger sipho ns.
UllcolI//IIon: hanging from rocks on deep vertical wa ll s or langled
on horizontal surface ; 20-- 174 m deep.
Distributioll: Baharnas. Grea ter Antilles.

Halimeda cryptica varo acerifolia D.L. Ballantine 1982: 89.

figs. 7-9. I l .
Thalltls pendent, exceed ingly sma ll , to 5 cm long, pale green; J. SII/face view of t/lricle
branching in o ne plane, par e, irregul ar lO di- o r tri-cholomous, arrangelllent.
ori gin aling from sin gle row of egment . Segmellls heavi ly 2. SII/faee tltricle in
calcified, britlle, flal ; basa l segments 0.8- 1.0 mm wide, longitudinal section.
0.8- 1.0 mm long; di tal segments larger, 1-2 mm wide, 3. Celllral siphon in
1-2 mm lo ng, 100--150 ¡.un lhick; margins undulating or with longitlldinal secliol/.
blunt leeth. Utricles in two layers ; surface uU'icles 33-88 ¡.Lm
di am. , 40--90 !-1m long, 4-6 uppo n ed by each subsurface utricle;
subsurface utric les branching tricholomously from ingle large
central siphon; central siphon run from basal egment to apex,
100--2 10 ¡.Lm di am. , con ~ri c ted al most trichotom ies. Holdfasl
small , inconsp icuo us.
Rare : hanging from rocks on deep vertica l wall s; to 50 m deep .
Distriblltiol/: Bahama , Greater Antill es.

Halimeda discoidea Decaisne 1842: 102.

Thalltls erect, compacl, often as dense c lumps, 10 20 cm hi gh, J. Sw face view.
bri ghl green to crearn-w hite; branching dichotomou , sparse, 2. SII/face tltricles il/
inili all y in one plane. Seglllents li ghu y ca lcified, ribl ess, f1 at, 10ngillldil1al section.
disc- like, ova l lo wedge-shaped, sli ck, soft, to 4 cm w ide, 3.0 cm
lo ng, 0.7-1.4 mm thi ck; basal 1-2 segments seldom cy lindrica l or
stipe-like. Utricles in 2-3 layers; surface utri cles 30--90 ¡.Lm diarn. ,
35-2 10 ¡.Lm long, up to 14 uppo n ed by subsurface lItricle;
subsllrface lItric le often swo llen, 50-- 150 !-1m di am., 100--350 ¡.Lm
long. Joint siphons uniting in twos and threes, uncalc ified. Holdfasl
small but obvious. Sporangia pheri cal to oval, bright green,
120--300 ¡.un diam. , radially allern ate or irregularl y arranged o n
talk, densely clu tered al margin s of fert ile segments or as parse
clusters on bl ade surface.
COII/llIon: o n shell s, coral fragments or oUler sand-covered hard
SlIrfaces; lo 80 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida. Bahamas. Greater Anti ll es. Les. er Ant ille .
SOllthern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Halimeda goreaui W.R. Taylor 1962b: 173. ligs. 1- 7.

Thallus usuall y pendenl, small, lo 7 cm long (in sha110w waters), l. Surface view.
10 13 cm long (i n deep water ), cea ional ly erect in dense clusler , 2. Surface u/rie/es of blade
10 4 cm hi gh, bright green; branching sparse (deep) or abundant marg in ill longitudinal
( hallow) and ori ginaLi ng fro m single row of segmenl '. Segmell/s section.
ca lc ified, brittle, fl al, sli ghll y ribbed, 2.5--6.0 mm wide, 3-4 mm
long, 300-500 11m thi ck; lower egments cy lindrical lo wedge-
haped; upper egmen t deltoid to lrilobed. U/rieles in three or
more layers; surface utri cle 15-37 11m di am ., 15-40 11m long,
2-6 upported by each sub urface ulri cle; subsurface utri cles
10-30 11m di am., 20-60 11m long. Joint sipholls uni ting in pairs,
Common: attached to rocks, often in hallow shaded areas or in
crev ices; lO 80 m deep.
Distribulion: Bahamas, Greater Anlille , Lesser Anti ll es. So uthern
Cari bbean, Western Caribbean.

Halimeda gracilis Harvey ex J. Agardh 1887: 82.

Thallus erect or decumbenl, to 20 cm hi gh or 40 cm long if l . Bralle/, apex showing
creeping, lighl green; branching irregul ar, up lO fi ve (mosl oflen habit of segmel1ls.
3) branches fro m a single segment, initial branching in one pl ane. 2. Surface LIIrieles il/.
Segments heav il y calcifi ed, hard, briltle, di sc- li ke, oval to longi/udillal section.
kidney-shaped, rarely cy lindrical , lO 15 mm wide, 9 mm long, 3. Surface view.
0.5- 1.0(-2.0) mm lhi ck, fl at, rarely ribbed and/or lobed; margins
sli ghtl y lhickened. U/rieles in 2(-3) layers; surface utricles
23-58(-70) 11m diam. , 40- 1 LO 11m long, 4-8 supported by each
subsurface utricle; subsurface utri cle club-shaped, swo ll en or
fl altened at apex, (23-)80- 125 11m diam ., ( 100-)300-400 11m
long. Join.t siphons uncalcifi ed, uniting as pairs 01' rarely in
threes; siphons immediately above joint dividing trichotomously.
UncollllllolI: generall y foúnd on deep-water sand pl ains or
occasionall y on mangrove peal; lO 60 m deep.
Dislributioll: Florida, Grealer Antill es, Lesser Antill es.

Halimeda incrassata (J. Ell is) J.V. Lamouroux 1816: 307.

Corallilla illcrassara J. Elli s 1768 : 408, pI. 17. figs. 20-27.
Tha llus erect, lO 25 cm hi gh, li ghl lO dark green; branching J. SU/face view.
somewhat di chotomous, initial branching in one pl ane. Segmen/s 2. SLI/face u/rieles in
heav ily ca lcifi ed, hard , brittle, di sc-like, oval lO kidney-shaped , lO longitudinal section.
14 mm wide, 10 mm long, 0.7- 1.5 mm lhick, oflen ribbed and/or
lobed; basal egments fu ed. Utrieles in 3-5 layers; urface ulricle
34-90(- 105) 11m di am. , 40-125 11m long, 2-4 supported by each
subsurface ulri cle; subsurface utri cles oval, swollen, 23-90 11m di am. ,
30- 11 5 flIl1l ong. Joint siphol1s uniting as single group, unca lc ified.
Rhizoidal mass bulbous. Sporangia spherical lO oval, bright green,
200-380 11m di am. on dichotomou Iy forked lalk, densely cl uslered
al margins of fertile segments.
COfllfllOIl: associaled with seagrasses or on hall ow sand fl alS;
to 12(--65) m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Antil les, Le ser AnLi lle ,
Southern Caribbean, We tern Caribbea n, Gul f of Mexico.

Halimeda lacrimosa M. Howe 1909: 93. pI. 4. lig. 1: 1'1. 6. Iig'. 3- 12.
Thallus frag il e, e recl 01' pe nden!. in chains. 2-5 c m lo ng whe n l . S II/face "iell'.
shall ow. yell ow-grecn to gray-green; branchin g spa r e. irregular 10 2. S II/face I//rieles in
di chOlomous. Segmellls heav il y calc ified. spheri ca l. lear- haped o r longiTUdinal sec/ion.
bead- like, 1-5 mm diam.: slllface moolh , ofle n glazed. U/rieles in
2-3 layers; surface Ulri c les hexagonal. 3 1-42 ~lm di a m .. 40- 11 0 ~lm Grow ing Wilh Lobophora
lo ng, apices [l al lO sli g hll y rounded, (6-)8- 10(- 18) supporled by "a riega/a in pho lograph.
each subsurface ulri c le; subsurface ulri c les 66- 110 iJ m d ia m. al
a pi ces. 105-340 iJm long, c lub-sha ped wilh ova l head ; inle ri o r wilh
littl e 0 1' no ca lc ifi ca li o n. Joil1l siphol/s uniling in twos. Ihree ' 0 1'
fours, unca lcifi ed . S /alk absenl. HoldJas/ of fin e rhi zo ids binding
sand particJes to form anchor o r attac hed al vari ous po ints whe re
bra nc hes contact substra te.
Rare : o fle n loca ll y abundant, fo und g row ing on sa nd-covered rocks:
to 6 1 m deep.
Distriblltion: Flori da. Bahamas. Grealer Anlill es.

Halimeda lacrimosa varo globosa Dawc, & HlI llllll ex Dawes

1980: 142.
ThallLls fragil e, c reeping. rarely pendent, in c hains, 15-25 c m l . S II/face viell'.
long. gray-green lO while-green; bra nc hing sparse. irregular 10 2. S II/face wric/es in
di c ho lo mo us. Seg mellls heav ily calc ifi ed, sphe rica l, lear-shaped or longitudil/al sectiol/.
bead-like. to 10 mm di alll .; surface slll oolh. o fl en glazed. U/rieles in
2-3 layer : surface lIlri cles hexagonal, 3 1-42 iJlll di am. , 40- 110 iJlll
lo ng, a pi ces n al lO sli ghll y rounded. (6--)8- 10(- 18) . uppo rled by
each subsurface ulri cle; subsurface utri c les 66- 11 0 iJlll di a m. al
apices, 105-340 iJlll lo ng. c lub-shaped wilh ova l head; inte ri or with
lin le o r no ca lcifi cati on. Joil1l siphol1 s uniling in lWOS. threes 0 1'
fo urs. unca lcifi ed. S/alk absent. HoldJas/ of fin e rhi zoids binding
sand parti cle lO fo rm anc hor 0 1' anached al vario u po il1ls where
branches contact substra te:
Rare: found grow ing o n sa nd-covered rocks ; to 9 1 m deep.
Distribll lion: Bahalllas .

Halimeda monile (J. Elli, & Solander) J. v. Lallloul'oux 1 16: 306.

Coral/illa II/ollile J. Ell is & Solande r 1786: li D. pI. 20. Iig. C.
T/¡alll/s erecl, 10 20 c m hi gh. dark g reen. Segmellls ca lcifi ed. di slall y l . SII/face viell'.
cy lindri ca l, e l e whe re di c- like 0 1' lril obed. 1-5 mlll wide, 3-8 mm 2. S II/face LIIricles ill
long, 0.7- 1.5 mm lhi ck; basa l egme nts cy lindri ca l, fused lO forrn long itudillal sec/ioll .
sripe. Utrieles in 3-5 layers; surface utricles 30-60(- O) iJm di a m.,
48- 115 iJlll lo ng, 2-4 upported by eac h subsurface utric le:
subsurface ulri c les 23-90 iJlll di am., 23- 130 ~lIn long. Joil// sipholls
un iting in lwos . threes 0 1' larger g roups. uncalcifi ed. Rhi~o ida ll7lass
buJ bous.
COIIIIll OI/ : on sa nd n alS and a mong 'eagrasses; lO 30 m deep.
Distriblltion : Florida , Bahamas, Grealer Alllill es. Lesser Alllill es,
Soulhcrn Caribbea n. We lern Cari bbea n. Gulf of Mex ico.

Halimeda opuntia (Linnaeus) J.V. ul mouroux 18 16: 308.

Corallilla opllfllia Li nn aclIs 1758: 805.
T/¡allus fo rming dense c lumps or mound s, lo 20 cm high, I 111 di am. /. SII/face view.
(generall y smaller), yell ow-green to dark green; branching ra ndo m, 2. Suiface lIIric/es in
irregul ar. Segmellls heav il y calcified, fl at to contorted. often ribbed, 10llgiludinal seclion.
ova l 10 ear-shaped, to II mm wide, 7 111m long, 0.5- 1.2 mm Lhi ck. 3. Habil of apical seglllel1lS.
Ulric/es in 4---5 layer ; surface utricle 12-20(-63) 11111 di al11. ,
15-30(-70) 11m lo ng, 3-5 suppo rted by each sub urface utricle;
subsurface utricles variabl e, 11 - 50 11m di al11., 30-50 11m long. ) oinl
siphons uniting in pairs, rarely 3-4, uncalcifi ed . Holdfasl region
diffuse, rhi zo ids occurring anywhere segment contact ubstrate.
COl1lll/on : tightly adhering to and forming patches on shall ow reef
crests, as mound in sand o r Thalassia beds; lO 25 m deep.
Distributiol/ : Florida, Bahama , Grealer Antill es, Lesser Antilles,
Sou thern Cari bbean, Western Car ibbean, Gulf oF Mex ico.

Halimeda opuntia f. triloba (Decaisne) J. Agard h 1 87: 84"

Halillleda ,riloba Deca isne 1842: 102.
T/¡allus as loose c lu mps o r mounds, to 50 cm high, I m in di am . /. SlIIface view.
(generall y smaller), yellow-green to dark green; branching rando m, 2. Surface utric/es in
irregul ar. Segmel'lls heav ily calcified, fl at to conto rted, ribbed, with longiludinal secliol1.
th ree lobes. to 1I mm wide, 7 mm long, 0.5- 1.2 mm thi ck, often 3. Typical segmellls.
in plane al ri ght angles to nex t segmenl. Ulric/es in 3-4(-5) layers;
urface utricl es 12-20(-63) 11m di am., 15-30(-70) ¡.I111 long,
3-5 supported by each subsurface utricle; subsurface utri c les vari able,
11 - 5011111 di am., 30-50 11m lo ng. ) oil1l siphons uniting in pairs,
rare ly 3-4, uncalcifi ed . Holdfasl region diffuse, rhi zoids deve loping
anywhere segments contacl firm sub trate.
COII/lllon: a loo e mound in protected back-reef lagoons or
T/¡alassia beds, as parsely branched strands o ften attached to
mangrove rools; to 60 m deep.
Distributioll: Fl orid a, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of Mexico.

Halimeda scabra M. Howe 1905a: 24 1, pis. 11. 12.

Thallus erect, 5-25 cm hi gh, dull gray-green; branching in o ne l . SUlface view.
plane . Segmenrs lighll y ca lcifi ed, di sc- like o r wedge-shaped, with 2. SII/face lIIricles in
ro unded to p, to 2 cm w ide, 1.5 cm long, 460-800 ¡.1m thick; ribs longiludinal seclion.
ab en!. Ulricles in 2-4 layers; surface spine (occa ionally hoo k )
o ne per utri cle, to 40 11m long; surface utricles 27-35(-66) !-1m
di am., to 70 !-1m lo ng, 2-3(-8) uppo rted by each ubsurface utri cle.
) oil1l siphons un iting in twos o r Lhrees, uncalcifi ed. Slipe di stinct, of
fu sed segments. Hole/fasl inconspi cuo us. Gametangia spheri ca l to
oval. 160-320 !-I111 di am. , bri ght green, on dichoto mously fo rked
stalk , densely clu slered at margin o f fe rtil e segmen!.
COIl/1II0": a cattered indi viduals o n hard sub trates or andy
botlOI11 : to 20 111 deep.
Distribution: Flori da , Bahamas. Grealer Antill es, Lesser Antille ,
So uthern Ca ribbea n.

Halimeda simuLans M. Howe 1907: 503. pI. 29.

T/¡allus e rec l, lO 15 c m hi g h, li ghl green; branching so mewha1 J. SII/face vieIV.
dichotomous , in o ne plane. Seg/ll ell/s heavily calcifi ed, hard , disc- 2. SII/face wricles ill
like, kidney-shaped to ova l, lrilobed, 4- 15 mm wide, 2- 11 mm /rans verse sec/ioll.
long, 0.7- 1.2 mm thick, di lally di linctl y ribbed and/or lobed .
U/rie/es in 3-5 layers; surface utricJes 25-45(-60) ~lm diam. ,
25-90 !-1m long. rounded triangular, 2-4 supported by each
sub urface utricle; subsurface utricles variable, woll en, 30-72 !-1m
diam ., 30- 115 ~lm long. Joilll sipho/1s uniting a in gle g roup,
unca lcifi ed. S/ipe cy lindrical , formed by basal segme nt fusion ,
1-3 egmenls long. R/¡i~o idalll/CIss bulbou .
COI11/1lon: often a ociated with mangrove peal commu nities or
other nuu'ielll-ric h sub u'ate ; to 8 m deep.
Dislribll/ion: Florida, Bahamas. Greater Antilles. Lesser Antilles.
outhern Caribbea n, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Halimeda tUlla (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux 1816: 309.
Corallil/lI 11I11lI J. Ellis & Solander 1786: 111 , pI. 20, lig. e.
Thallus compact, 10-25 c m hig h, dark green; initi al branching in J. SU/face view.
one plane. Seg/llellls li ghtl y calcified, disc-like, often triangular, 2. Longi/udi/1al sec/io/1 of
large, to 2 c m wide, 1.3 c m long, 300-600 !-1m thick ; ribs absent. slllface wrieles in older
U/rieles in 2-4 layers; surface utri cles 25-75(- 125) !-1m di a m. , segmento
45-100(-230) !-1m lo ng, 2-4(-7) supported by each subsurface
utri cle; ub urface utri cles 20- 110 !-1m diam. , 40-120 !-1m lo ng. Additional pholograph
Joill/ sip/¡ons uniting in lwos 0 1' threes, uncalcified. S/ipe di tinct, o n p. 417 .
of fused segments. Holdfas/ inconspicuous.
CO/llIllOIl : inconspicuous, as scatte red individuals o n hard
ub trales; lO 70 m deep.
Dislribll/ion: Florida, Baha mas. Greater Antille , Les er Antill es,
Soulhern Caribbean , Western Caribbea n. Gulf of Mexico.

Halimeda tUlla f. pLatydisca (Oeeaisne) E.S. Banon 190 1: 14. p1.1 , lig. 2.
Halimeda p/{/fydi,ea Oee.isne 1842: 102.

T/¡alllls compacl, 5- 15 cm high , brig ht green to daJ'k g reen : initi al J. SlIlface l'ieIV.
branching in one plane. Segments lig htl y ca lc ifi ed, di sc- haped , 2. Longitudillal sectio/1 of
large, 2-4 c m wide, 2-4 c m lo ng, 300-500 !-1m lhick, oflen fl exible slllface U1rieles i/1 yOU/1 ger
(brittle when dried); marg ins moolhly rounded or rippled in large seg/ll ellt.
ou ter segments; ribs absent. U/rieles in 2-4 layers; surface utri c les
25- 125 !-1m di am., 45-230 !-1m long, 2-4(- 7) supported by each
subsurface utri cle; ubsurface llU'icle 20- 110 !-1m diam . at apcx,
40- 120 !-1m long. Joi/1/ sip/¡o/1s uniling in two 01' lhrees,
uncalcifi ed. Holdfast incon picuous.
COIllIllOIl: as scattered individuals o n hard subsu·ates; 10-50 m c1eep.
Distriblllion: Florida, Bahama . Grcater Anti ll es. Lesser Anlille .

Key to species oC Penicillus When older blade of the

l . Corticating laleral branchlets of stipe termin ate in long, tapering, bluntly pointed api ces (surface of siphonaceous plant
stipe with rough tex ture) ..... ............. ........... .............. ..... ................ ... ............ .. ....... .......... ... ............. ...... 2 Avraill villea IOllgicaulis
l . Corticati ng lateral branchlets of stipe terminate in short, truncated api ces (surface of stipe smoolh) become highly epiphytized,
.............................................................. ................ ................................................ ................................... 3 all living protopla m is
2 . Cap e longated ova l, li ghtly calcified [I arge, to 30 cm hi gh] ; cap iphon 400--800 ¡.Lm d iam ........ ..... . moved out of the
....... .............. .... ................................ ... .. .. ... ....................... .. ............. ... ............... .. .... P. dumetosl/s, p. 4JO epiphytized blade (note
2. Cap Aat-topped, heavily calcified [m id- ized, to 12 cm hi gh]; cap iphons 150--250 ¡.Lm d iam... ...... . large white dead blade with
........... ......... .... .. ... ... .............................................................. .. ........... .. ..................... P. pyriformis, p. 412 the epiphyte load manually
3. Thallus li ghtl y ca lcified; cap siphons 100--300 11m di am .... ................ ........ ........ .. . P. capitatus, p. 4JO removed) and tran ferred
3. Th allus heavil y ca lcified; cap iphons 300--500 11m di am ... ........... ... ... ... .......... P. [amo uro l/xii, p. 412 into production of new
blade (called epiphyte-
induced translocation/
proliferation; see Littler &
Liuler l 999b).

PenicillllS capitatlls Lamarck 18 13: 299.

Thallus tiff, calcifi ed, brush-like, to (2-) 18(-25) cm hi gh, dull l . Cap siphon.
bl ue-green. Cap smoothly rounded, spherical to oblong, 2-6 cm 2. Lateral appelldages 01
di am., 2-6 cm wide; siphons slender, crowded, (76--) 100-300 flm slipe con exo
di am.,2-3 cm long, with no taper or onl y light taper di tall y,
rarely monil iform (bead-like) at base, evenly constricled aboye all
dicholomies; segmenl api ces slighll y wollen. Stipe to 3 mm di am.
be low, 10 mm diam. abo ve, 14 cm long, seldom branched; surface
smooth ly corti cated; appendages closely set, 4-5 limes di choto-
mously branched wilh blunt, Aal to rounded api ces. Rhizoidal
mass bu lbous.
eOll/mol! : in ca lm lagoons and bays, on mud or sand bottoms,
often intermi xed with seagrasses or among mangrove prop roots;
lO 12 m deep.
Distributioll : Fl ori da, Bahamas. Grealer Anlille , Lesser Anlill es,
Soulhern Caribbea n, Weslern Ca ribbea n, Gu lf of Mex ico.

PenicillllS dllmetosllS (J .V. Lamouroux) B1ainvillc 1834: 553.

Nesaeadllllletosa J.V. Lamouroux 18 16: 259. pI. 8. lig. 3a. 3b.
Tha llus li ff, li ghlly ca lcified brllsh-like, to 30 cm hi gh, bri ght l . Cap sipholl.
green. Cap coarse, much longer than wide, tapering to short sta lk; 2. Varia/iolls in laleral
siphons coarse, crowded, Aacc id, 400--800 11m di am., 4-8 cm long, appendages 01 slipe
evenly constri cted at all dichotomi e . Slipe vari able, often cortex.
branched, to 15 mm diam., 8 cm long, Aattened abo ve; appendages
lIncrowded, di cholomously branched wilh apices taperin g lO blunt
poillls. Rhizoidalmass large.
COII/II/on: in andy pr lecled areas, often intermixed wilh
seagrasses; lo 15 m deep.
Distributioll : Florida, Bahama , Grealer An lilles. Lesser Alllilles,
Soul hern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

PelliciLlllS Lamollrouxií Decais ne 1842 : 97.

T/¡allLls shaggy, sliff, heavil y calcified, shaving-brus h- like. lO / . Cap sip/¡ oll.
10 cm high. faded lighl green. Cap spherica l lO ova l, 2- 5 c m 2. La /eral appel/dages 01
diam .. 2- 5 cm lo ng; sipho n parsely scaltered or malted. s/ipe conexo
300-500 ¡.tm d iam ., often sporadi ca ll y mo niliform (expa nded al
c lose interva ls), con tricted al all d ic hotomie . S/ipe unbra nc hed ,
5-8 mm d iam ., 3-4 c m lo ng, ofte n co mpre sed; surface smoothl y
corti ca ted; appe ndages close-set hav ing wide, swo ll en,
d ichoto mo us branches w ith hort, n at, tinger-like api ces.
R/¡izoida llllass bulbous.
Comlllo/!: indi viduals wide ly cattered. often intermi xed with
seagrasse , in ca lm lagoons and bays o n mud or . a nd botto ms;
lO 12 m deep.
Dis/ribll/ioll: Florida, Baha ma , Greater Anl ill es, Lesser Anlill e .
Soulhern Caribbea n. Weslern Caribbean. G ul f 01' Mex ico.

Penicillus pyriformis A. Gepp & E. Gepp 1905 : 1, pI. 468, lig. 1.

Tha /!Lls nat topped, heavi ly ca lcifi ed, compact, bru h-li ke, 10 12 c m l . Cap siphol/.
hi gh, gray-green. Cap cone-shaped, a pex n ar, s ides tapering into 2. La /eral appe/! dage of
talk; siphon sti ff, malted o r tangled, 150-250 !-1m cli a m., 2-3 c m s/ipe con exo
lo ng, evenl y constri cted al al l clic ho to mies. S/ipe cy linclrical or
sli g hll y natte necl, 5-7 mm cli a m. , 3- 10 c m lo ng, rare ly branc hed;
appe ndages 2-4 times di chotomously bra nc hed, loosely inle rlwined
w ith api ces la pe ring lO blunt po ints. Rhizoida lmass bulbo us.
COII/1Il0/!: o n andy bolto ms in calm lagoon and bays;
to 30 m deep.
Dis/ribll/ioll: Fl ori da, Bahamas, Grealer Antill es, Lesser Anlill es,
Sou lhern Caribbea n, We lern Cari bbean, Gulf o r Mex ico.

Rhipilia tomentosa Kützing 1858: 12. pI. 28. lig. 1.

Tha /!Lls o litary, pe ltale o r funn el-shaped whe n young, paddl e- / . Sip/¡ olls lVi//¡ silla /!
shaped whe n mature, spongy, 10 7 c m hi gh, brow n-green !O dark IllIp/eral apices (h).
green. Blades e lo ngaled fan-shaped, 3-4 c m wide, lO 4 cm lo ng, 2. Hap/eral apices clillgillg
1-2 mm lhic k, usuall y longer lha n wide, with faim concentri c / 0 adjacell/ sip /¡oll.s.
zonati on; marg in smoolhl y rounded ; ipho ns 30-50(-70) f.lm di am ..
weak-wa ll ed (coll ap ing eas ily), loose ly inte rwoven, bra nc hing
somew hat di c ho lo mo us, with equal constric ri on al api ca l di chot-
omies, unequ al co nstri c ri o ns e l ewhere, occa io na ll y constricted
al rando m : la te ral branchl ets varia bl e in le ngth , abund ant ; cell wall s
occas io nall y at base of branc hl els; haple ra o r short fin ger-like
proj eclio n termin al on lale ral branc hl els. Slipe 3- 5 mm di am.,
5- 10 mm lo ng whe n pre e nl ; ipho ns simil ar lO blade sipho n ,
lo 50 ¡.tm di a m. S/OIOlIS to 180 ¡.tm di a m.; rhi zoids lO 15 ~tl11 di am.
Rare: because of rhi zo idal vegelative propagali o n, ind ividuals
gene rall y occur in small aggregations, fo und o n deep sand pl ain s;
20-30 m deep.
Dislribllliol/: Baha mas , Greater Anlill es. Lesser Ant ill es, South ern
Cari bbea n.

Key to species of Rhipiliopsis Rarely doculllellled

l . Blade siphons adhering latera lly; lateral bl ade siphons sparse, running diagonal to hori zontal acro s reproducti ve frond ol"
radi ating siphon , o le ly on upper surface .............................. .... .... .. .............. ......... R. profunda, p. 414 Al'raillvillea asarifolia.
l . Blade siphons adhering by short lateral branchl ets; lateral blade branchlets common but do not run The siphons at the Illargin
di agonal to hori zontal across radi ating iphons ..... .... .. .... .. .... .... ........ .... ......... ......... ........ .. .. .. .. .. ........... 2 release gallleLOphyli c spore ,
2. Thallus soli tary ; generall y in deep waters ................................... .... ....... ................ R. reticulata, p. 414 bul lhe reSI of lhe plant does
2. Thallus in ruffl ed c1umps, gregarious; generall y in shallow waters ........ ..... ............. ... ... ... R. stri, p. 416 nOI participate a in Illany
members (holocarpi c
genera) of the Bryopsidales.

Rhipiliopsis profunda (Eiseman & s. Earle) J.N. Norris & s. Blair in

Norris & Olsen 199 1: 324. Johnson-sea-linkia profunda Eiseman & S. Earle
1983: 1, figs. 1, 3-9.
Thallus peltate, to 6 cm hi gh, li ght, tran lucent green. Blades / . Habit.
circular, to 3.5 cm diam ., 20 '.un thick; margins rounded, mooth 2. Blade margin with
to finely ragged ; siphons cy lindri ca l, 12- 20 /-1m diam. , parallel, dichotomously dividing
adhering lateral ly, one layer thi ck, even ly constricted aboye paraUel siphons and
dichotomies; lateral siphons sparse, running diagonal to horizontal occasional lateral
across parallel siphons, solely on upper surface, without constric- branchlet.
tions at base. Stipe 0.3-0.5 mm diam. , occasiona Ll y branched ; 3. Blade siphons showing
central siphons 35-45 /-1m diam .; cortical branchlets lateral, occasiollal lateral
14-25 ¡.tm diam. , contorted, ti gbtly intertwined. Rhizoidal base
small , inconspicuous.
4. SLI/tace siphons of stipe. CD

~I I _I li\
Rare: at SCUBA depths in"Cozumel , Mexi co ( 11 m and below)
and the Cayman rslands (60 m), in caves or undercut ledges, Additional photograph
otherwi se exc lusively a deep-water species (the deepest f1 eshy alga on p. 335.
know n); 11 -200 m deep.
Distributiofl: Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Gulf of Mex ico.
50J.Lm 50J.Lm

Rhipiliopsis reticulata (Hoek) Farghaly & Deni zot 1979: 18 1, pI. 8, fi gs.
23 , 24.* Udotea refiell/ella Hoek 1978: 57, figs. 8, 9.
Thallus so litary, erect, fan-like or parasol-shaped (peltate), to l . Habit.
7 mm hi gh, dark to pale green. Blades fan-shaped, f1attened, net- 2. Sipholls of blade margin
like, to I cm di am.; siphons cylindri cal, 20-30(-65) ¡.tm diam. with IlLlmeroLls lateral
throughout, in one layer, paraLlel, fu ed lateralJy by short branchlets.
branchlets, evenJy constricted aboye dichotomies, proxim all y 3. Dichotomously divided
branching often equa l di stances from base. Stipe short, cy lindri cal, and evenly constricred
of several intertwined siphons converging into a single siphon near siphons of blade.
holdfast. Rhizoids short, branched, 65-100 /-1m diam., to 500 /-1m 4. Fusion of adjacen.t
long, occa ionall y with hort lateral kIlobs. sipholls by abLllling
Uncomtnon: lncon pi cuous, on calcium carbonate substrates lateral branchlets.
on deep vertical wall or on lhe ce ilings of undercut ledges;
6-60 m deep.
Distributio/l.: Bahama , Soulhern Caribbean, WeSlern Caribbean.
4J6 Cm.OROPH\~r\ C IlLO ROPII\'TA 417

Rhipiliopsis stri (S. Earle & J.R. Young) Farghaly & Deni/Ol 1979: 182. pI.
8. fig . 25.* S;pholloc/alhrus sIr; . Earle & J.R. Young 1972: 3. figs. 1-8.
ThallLls in ruffl ed clumps or turf- like, gregari ou , lO 8 mm hi gh, l . Habi/.
dark to pale green. Blades fan -shaped, f1 atlened, nel-like, o ften 2. Lo\Ver siphons of blade
lobed or proliferating, to 5 mm long; siphon cy lindri ca l, generally sholl'itlg deep
40 !-1m di am. throu ghoul, in one layer, parall el, fu ed laterall y by cotl s/riClions al
short lateral branchl ets, evenl y constri cted aboye dichotomie or dicholomies.
tri chotomi e . S /ipe near blade of severa! intertwined siphons; 3. S /ipelslolotl \Vilh
siphons to 40 !-1m di am. ; stipe appendages loose ly packed, repeat- cotllorred la /eral
edl y branched; lower stipe single siphon, cy lindrica l, at times projecliotls whieh laler
sto lon-like, to 70 !-1m di am., with short contorted lateral projections deve lop itllo conlorled
developing into rhi zoids at base of lhallll . Rhizoids branched , rhizoids.
langled. 4. Siphons of blade margino
Ullcomllloll: in large aggregations on mangrove prop root or
mangrove peat, as par er aggregati ons on Limestone or shells;
intertidal to 11m deep.
Distribtltiol/: Oreater Anlill es, So ul hern Cari bbean, Weslern

Key to species 01" Rhipocephalus [measurements of decalcified siphon onl y] T he amphipod , Eric/honius
l . Blade iphon free, no! fu sing latera ll y .................... ......................... .. ...... .. ... .... ... .. R. oblonglls, p. 416 brasiliellsis (CRUSTACEAE),
l. Blade siphons laterally fu ed 10 adj acent siphons ... ... .... ... .... ..... .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. ...... .... .... .......... 2 reshapes tennina l Halimeda
IUl/a segments as prolective
2. Thallus generall y short, 4-7 cm hi gh; cap composed of long, often fl oppy blades loosely arranged
do mic ile . Halimeda seg-
around central sta lk .. ................... ... .................................... ..... ... ... ..... .. R. pl!oellix f. 10llgifolills , p. 418
2. Thallus o ften ta ller, 10 20 cm hi gh; cap composed of sti ff, shingle-Iike, overl apping blades ............ 3 me nt are 50ft and pliable
whe n firsl fomljng. Calc i-
3. Cap cylind rica! ; bl ades 1-2 cm long .... : ............................................... R. pl/Oellix f. brevifolillS, p. 418 fi cation occurs several ho urs
3. Cap e longated oval; blades to 2-3 cm long ........ .......... .............. ..... ... ... .. ... .. ... ..... ... . R. pl/Oellix, p. 418 after pad fonnati on thu s
g iving Lhe amphipod ample
time to shape the segment
into a tube before calci -
fi cation takes place (Sotka
el a l. 1999, see a lso
p. 409 here in).

Rhipocephalus oblongus (Decaisne) Kützing 1849: 506.

Pell;cillllS oblollgllS Deca isne 1842 : 109.

ThallLls li ghtl y calcifi ed, fl at-topped or shaving brush-li ke, 10 20 cm l . Cap siphol/ sho\Ving lad
hi gh. dark green. Cap cone-shaped to ex tremely elongated, 1-3 cm of eotlslriclions above
di am., 5- 15 cm long, lower edge straightl y angled from stipe; cap basa l dieh% my (as
apex smooLhl y rounded, fl at or concave; siphons slender, free, not opposed 10 Peni cilllls,
fu sed, 200-350 !-1m di am. prox imally, tapering to 160 J.lm di am. which has deep
di tall y, 7- 15 mm long, dichotomies equal di stances from base, cotl sTricliotl s).
sy mmelri ca l branching in one plane; basal seg ments shorter, lower 2. La Tera l apjJendages of
one or two di chotomi es nO! constri cted after deca lcificati on; outer s/ipe corTex.
egments longer, evenl y constri cled aboye dicholomies. Slipe
cy lindri ca l, to 6 mm di am .. 4.0-7.5 cm long, seldom branched;
cortical appendages 5-7 time di vided wilh blunt, fin ger-like apices.
COIIIIIIOII: often confllsed with PenicillLlS eapira /Lls [Lhe lower edge
o f P. eapiralLls rounded into stipe (U- haped) vs. the lower edge in
R. oblongLls slraight into stipe (V-shaped)], occurring among
seagra ses. attached lO rock or anchored in sand; to 40 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Florida. Bahamas, Grealer Al1lilles, Weslern Caribbean.
418 C HI.O RO I' II\ f\ CIILOROI'II\T \ 419

Rhipocep haLlls p ltoenix (1. Elli, & Solander) Kliuing 1843 : JI 1.

CO/'llllillll pl/Oellix J. Ell i, & Solander 1786: 126. pI. 25. fig,. 2, 3.
Thalllls li ghll y ca lc ifi ed, 10 10 cm hi gh, dark green. Cap ova l, of / . Sipholl oJ blade base
sma ll blades in close proxi mi ty 10 main slalk. Blades 2-3 cm lo ng, s/¡ olVil/g basal dic/¡OIOIllY
concentric, fl attened, sym melri ca l; sipho ns cy lindrica l, parall el, lackillg deep cOllslricliOI/.
fused lalerall y, 200-250 11m diam. prox ima ll y, 50- 100 11m diam. 2. LolI'er laleral appelldage
di . la ll y; dichotom ies eq ual di lance fro m base, lower o ne 01' lwo illilialing rh i~oids.
dicholom ies nOl constri cled after deca lcifi calio n, olhers evenly 3. Loleral appendage 01
conslricled . Slipe cy lind ri ca l. 3-5 mm di am., 2-5 cm long; cortical IIpper slipe cortex.
appendages ti ghll y packed, repeated ly branched with blunt. fin ger-
like api ces. Rhizoidal mass compact. Addili onal ph otograph
Comlllol/: on rock 0 1' and , often among eagras es; to 20 m deep. on p. 399 .
Dislribll /;oll: Florid a. Bahamas, Greater Amill es, Lesser Ant ill e ,
oUlhern Cari bbean, Weslern Cari bbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

RhipocephaLlls phoenix f. brevifolius A. Gepp & E. Gepp 19 11:

95, pI. 31. figs. 184- 186.
Thallus lightl y ca lcifi ed, to 20 cm hi gh, yellow-green to dark green. , . 81ade lVilh lalerally j itsul,
Cap cy lind li ca l. of small sho rt blades in c lose prox im ity to main dich% ll/oL/sly branched
talk. Blades 1-2 cm lo ng, concentric, shingle- like, in overl apping sipllOns.
seri es; siphons cy lindrical, parall el, fused laterall y, 200-250 Jlm 2. Siphon 01 blade base
di am. prox imall y, 50- 100 ~lm di am. di sta ll y; di chotomi es equ al showing basal dicholollly
di stances from base, lower one 0 1' two dichotomi es nOl constricted. lacking cOlls/riClions (ne).
other evenl y constri cted after deca lcifi cat io n. Slipe cy lindri ca l, 3 . Lateral appendage 01
genera ll y sho rt; corti cal appendages ti ghtly packed, repeatedl y slipe eortex.
branched with blun t. fin ger-like apices. Rhizoida l mass compacl.
Com mol/: in sandy 01' silty areas, most commonl y occurring in
shall ow back-reef habitats; t? 20 m deep.
Dis/ributioll : Florida. Bahamas. Greater Antill es. Lesser Amill es.
So ulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gul f of Mex ico.

Rhipocephalus phoenix f. longifolius A. Gepp & E. Gepp 19 11:

95. pI. 3 1. figs. 187, 1 8.
T/¡allL/s lighll y ca lcified, 4-7 cm hi gh, dark green to li ght green. l . Siphon 01 blade base
Cap cylindri cal 0 1' ilTegul ar, of long, oflen lack 0 1' limp bl ades. showing basal dieholOmy
Blades 3-5 cm long, fl at, concentric, loosely arranged, not com- lacking deep
pact; si phons cy lind rical, parall el, fu ed lalerall y, 200-250 11m di am. cons/ric/ions.
prox im all y, 50- 100 11m di am. di stall y; d ichotomie equal distance 2. La /eral appelldages 01
from base, lower o ne 0 1' two di cholo mi es not constri cted after s/ipe corlex. ,
deca lcificati on. others evenly constri cted. Stipe cylindri ca l, sho rt,
frag il e; corucal appendages tighlly packed, repeated branched with
blunt. fin ger-like apices. Rhi~o idal lIlass compact.
COllllllon: o n rocky 0 1' andy ubstrates, most common form in
deep water; 10 40 m deep.
Distribll/ioll : Florida, Bahama , Grealer Antill es. Lesser Anti ll es,
So ulhern Caribbean, Weslern Caribbean, Gu lf of Mexico.

Rlzipidosiplzon floridensis D.S. Li tLler & M.M. Li lller 1990b: 34. ngs. 1- 5.
TIJal/lIs inconspi cuo us, erecl, ca lcified, d iminuli ve, lO 10 mm high, l . Siphol1 arrallgemelll.
li ght green. Blades fan-shaped , to 6 mm wide, 8 mm long, fragile,
delicale; lower margin wedge-shaped; sipho ns pm'allel , ad heri ng
laterall y, in one layer, equall y co n tricled abo ve dicholomies; basa l
sipho ns 95- 11 6 ¡.ull diam. , decreas ing to 45-60 I.un diam. loward
margin . Slipe incon pi cuo us, 130-220 fLm diam., lO I t11m long,
unbranched, uncorticated, consi ting of so litar)' siphon. Rhi~oids
numerous, fine, tran spm·ent.
UIICOllllllon: inco nspi cuous, o n hard sub trates; to 20 m deep.
Dislriblltion: Florida, Grealer Antilles, Southern Caribbea n.

Key to species of Udotea

l. Blade single layer of s iphons ........................... .. ... ... .............. ........ .... ........... .. U. IlIlistralea, p. 432
l. Mixed calcareous red and
Blade at least prox ill1all y of man y layers ...... ... .. ........ ............. .. .......... .............. ... ........ .. ............. .. 2
green algal community.
2( 1). Bl ade siphons smooth , lacking lateral appendage ... .. ........... ........... ... ........... .. .......... ... ........... ... .. 3 Deep underwater habitats
2( 1). Blade siphons with lateral appendage ... ............. .. ....................... .. .......... ..... ......... .. ......... ...... ..... I I are often ablaze with rich
3(2). Stipe lateral appendages with pointed apices ... ...... .. ............... .... .. ...... ......................... .............. ... . 4 colors; however, since
3(2). Stipe lateral appendage with blunt. woll cn 0 1' fl attened ap ices .... ........... ............. .. .. ............ ....... 5 only blue light penetrates
4(3). Blades dlin , deli cate, outer margin sin gle layer of siphons ......... ...... ...... ......... U. looensis, p. 428 at depth, artificial light has
4(3). Blades lhi ck, leathery, outer mm'gin ll1any layers of siph ons .... ........ ............ ... ..... U, IUI/a, p. 428 to be used for this
5(3). spectacular display to
Blade cup-like, funne l-shaped 01' scoop-s haped ...... .. ....... .. .......... ............. .. .............. .. ......... ......... 6
5(3). Blades fl at (f1 abell ate), fan-shaped ..... ......... .... .............. ..... ...... ....... ......... ......... .. .......... .. ........... .... 8 be appreciated (see also
pp. 155 & 239).
6(5) . Cup thin , delicate, not fibro us; margins single layer of iphons .. .. ... .. ........... ................................ .
.............. ... ........ .... ........ .... ............. .. .......... ... ......... .. .......... U. cyathiformis f. if/juf/dibulll/1/ , p. 424
6(5) . Cup not thin or deli cate; margin siphons multil ayered ....................... .... ......... ....... ..................... . 7
7(6). C up greater lhan I mm thick, fibrou , tough .. ......... .. ........ U. cyathiforlllis f. sublitloralis , 1). 424
7(6) . Cup less than I mm thick, fibrou s to papery, not tough .. .... .. ......... .. ........ U. cyathiformis, p. 424
8(5). Blade siphons less th an 70 ¡.1m di am., tighdy adherent, not fibrous ........... ............. ....... .. .. .. ........ 9
8(5). Blade sipho ns greater than 85 fLm di am., loose ly adherent, fibrous ................... ... ... ...... ...... .. ..... 10
9(8). Blades w ith di slinct concentri c bands; siphon termin ating in repeated ly contorted di chotomies
..... .... ........ .. ........... ... .. ...... .. .. ... ......... ... ... .................... ............. ..... ........... ..... U. cOl/gIl/lillala, p. 422
9(8). Blades w ith faint concentric bands; siphon s termin ating in straight and pm'all e l to subparall el 14( 13). Blade lateral appendages continuing to bl ade marg in .................. ....... ... .... .. ... U. Spilllllosa, p. 430
tips with few dichoto mies ............ ......... ..... .. ........ .. ........................ ................ .. . U. caribaea, p. 422 14( 13). Blade lateral appendages absent with in 2-3 mm of bl ade margin ............. ..... .... .. ...... ... .... ..... ...... .
10(8) . ...................................................... .... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .......... ........... U. spinulosa f pallllettoidea, p. 432
Blade s! phons li ghtl y calc ifi ed, 85- 11 0 fLm diam ., with nalTow-angled di cholomi e ; blade surface
fin e ly ftbrou s .. ........... ................ .. ....................... ............................ .. ........... U. abbottiorlll1l, p. 422 15 ( I 1). Blades hav ing numerou narrow branch-like di vi ions ..... .. .. .. ...... ... .. ... ............ .. U. Ilorrisii, p. 430
10(8). Blade stph ons heav ily ca lcifi ed, 100-150 fLm diam. , with wide-ang led dichotomies: blade surface 15( I 1). Blades single, large, fan-shaped, often lobed ... .. ......... ... .... .. .. ..... ..... .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. ............ ............. 16
coarsely fibrous .............. .. ...... .. ....... .. .. .... ........ .. .......... .. ........... .... ........ ................ U.fibrosa, p. 426
16( 15) . Blade lateral appendages randoll1 , spm' e ly cattered .. ....... ... .... ... .. .......... .. ... . U. jlabellulll, p. 428
I 1(2). Blade lateral appendage not forming continuous co rtex .......... .......... .. ... ..... ........ ......... ...... ...... 12 16( 15). Blade lateral appendages abundant, o ften opposite, closely ali gned .............................. .... ......... 17
I 1(2). Blade lateral appendages forming cominuou cortex .. .......... .... ...... .. ... ............ .. .......... ... ......... ... 15
17 ( 16). Blade lateral appendages unbranched, terminatin g in swo llen lobes, each lobe with 6-12 small
12( I 1). Thallus oflen with ll1ultiple blades radi ating from centra l ax is; blade and slipe lateral appendages knobs with concave apices ...... ...... ..... .......................................................... U. occidenlalis, p. 430
termlll ate tIl. rounded or truncated apices .. .. .. ... ........ .... .... .................. .. .. ......... ... U. wilsOllii, p. 434 17 ( 16). Blade lateral appendages widely branched, not termin ating in swoll en lobes .......... .................. . 18
12( I J). Thallus as s lng l ~ bl ade or overl apping blades in one pl ane; blade and stipe laleral appendages
18( 17). Bl ades wider than long; blade lateral appendages termin ating in clo ely pac ked, fl attened api ces
terllltllate tIl pOtllted aplces ............ ... .... ... .... ....... ............ .... ............ ...... :..... .. ........ .. ............ ... ..... 13
........... .............................. """,' .. " ., .""."".",." .. .................................. .... .... .... ..... .... U. dotyi , p. 426
13( 12) . Blade lateral appendages in whorls or irregul arl y arranged ............ .. ... .......... U. verticillosa, p. 432 18( 17) . Blades longer than wide; bl ade latera l appendages terminatin g in di chotomo usly branched,
13( 12). Blade latera l append ages on ex posed surface onl y, unilatera l througho ut.. .............. ....... .. .. .. .... 14 rounded api ces ...................................... .. ..... .... .... ........................... .... ... ... .. .......... U. dixonii , p. 426

Udotea abbottiorllnl D.. linier & M.M. Lin ier I990a: 210. lig. lo
Thalll/s narrow ly ran-shapcd. ca lcified, to l 5 cm hi gh, yellow-green, l . Blade siphol/.
grow ing margin often darker green. Blade to 5 cm wide, 8 cm long, 2. Slipe sipl/OI/ lVi/h la/eral
1-3 mm thi ck; cortex absen t: zonali on obscllred with age; siphons appendages.
90- 110 I-Im diam. , lacki ng lateral appendages. evenl y c nstricted 3. La/eral appendage of
aboye dichotomies. S/ipe cy lindrica l, flallened abo ve, grad uall y 10IVer s/ipe.
widening into blade; siphons 70- 100 ~lm diam.; latera l appendage 4. La/eral appendage of
repeatedl y dichotomous with apices fl anened in lower stipe, swollen l/pper s/ipe.
in upper slipe. Rhi~o idal I/lass bulbous, langled.
CO IllIllOll: in shall ow ca lm habitat arollnd mangrove islands,
grow ing in mangrove peal or sand ; to 10 m deep .
Distribution : Florida, Bahallla , Grealer Antill es. SOllthern
Ca ribbea n. Weslern Ca ribbea n.

Udotea caribaea D.S. Linier & M.M. linier 1990.: 2 11 . lig. 2.

Thalll/s widely fan-shaped , heav il y ca lcifi ed, to 9 cm high, yellow- l . Blade sipholl.
green or white-green, as h-white when dried. Blade lo 10 cm wide, 2. Slipe sipholl \\Iill1 laleral
7 c m long, 0.5- 1.0 mm thick; cortex ab ent: zonation obscure: appendages.
siphon 30-50 IAm diam. , lack ing latera l appendages, li ghll y 3. Laleral appel/dage of
com pact, evenl y constri cled aboye di chotomi es. Slipe 2-5 mm slipe sholVil/g finger-lik e
diam .. 10 2.5 cm long, with no c lear demarcation between stipe and apices.
bl ade sllrface textllre; siphons 60-80 I-Im d iam.; lateral appendages
repeated ly branched with stubby, finger-like, blllnt apices. Rhi~oidal Photograph on ri ghl shows
mass blllbous, tangled. two parrotfish bite marks
U lI CO IllIllOll: in hallow ca lm habitats around mangrove i land , that occ urred prior lO
grow ing in organi c rich and or on mangrove peat: to 7 m deep. gametangia formation .
Distribl/tion: Florida, Greater Antilles, Soulhern Caribbean, Western

Uliotea COllgLlltinata (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamollrollx 18 16: 3 12.
Corallil/a cOl/glutil/ara J. Elli, & Solander 1786: 125. pI. 25. lig. 7.
Thallus fan- haped, heavily ca lcified, to 15 cm hi gh, green. J. Blade siphol/.
Blade as long as wide (10 12 cm), 1- 2 mm lhick; surface 2. Laleral appel/dage of
felt-like; co rtex absent: zonati on di tincl; siphons 40-60 I-Im slipe siphol/.
di am., lacki ng lateral appendages, evenl y constricted aboye 3. S/ipe siphol/ lVi//¡ laleral
dichotolllies; surface apice repeatedly di vided, contorted . Slipe appel/dages.
to 5 mm diam ., 2.5 cm long, cy lindrica l below, flattened aboye,
wilh gradu al lransili on into blade; latera l appenclages fin ger- like .
Rhizoidal mass fibrou s; rhizoids e longaled, unpi gmenlecl.
Rare: generall y in soft sediments; to 40 m deep.
Distribntiol/ : Baha lll as , Greater An tilles.

Udotea cyathiformis Oecaisne 1842: 106.

Thalllls goblel-shaped, calcifi ed, to 8 cm hi gh, green. 81ade del icate, l . 81ade sipholl.
0.5-1.0 mm thi ck, fibroll s to papery; cortex absent; zo natio n faint; 2. Slipe sipholl IVilh lateral
sipho ns 30--70 11m di am., lacking lateral append age , para ll el to appendages.
interwoven, evenl y co nstri cted aboye di chotomi es. Slipe 1-4 mm
diam. , 0.3-2.0 cm long, Wilh harp demarcati on where bl ade meets Additional photograph
slipe; sipho ns 50--120 11m di am. , generall y lInevenl y con tricled on p. 32 1.
abo ve di choto mi es; lateral appendages repeatedl y branched, with
swoLl en 01' fl attened apices. Rhi~oida llllass fibrolls.
COIllIllOIl: in many environments from shallow mangrove peat to
deep sand pl ain s: to 30 m deep.
Distribuliol/: Florid a, Bahal11as, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbea n. Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.

Udotea cyathiformis f. infundibulum (J. Agardh) O.S. Lilller &

M.M. Liuler 1990.: 2 16. Udolea illfimdibulul/I J. Agard h 1887: 7 1.
Thal/lIs goblet-shaped, ca lcifi ed, to 8 cm high, green. 81ade delicate, J. Outer lIlargill of blade
0.5-1.0 111m thick, papery, often wider than long; cortex absent; showing unislratose,
zonation faint; margins o ne layer thi ck; siphons 30--70 11111 diam. , paral/el sipho17S.
lacking lateral appendages, adhering laterally, evenl y constricted 2. 81ade sipholl wilh /wrrow
aboye di chotomies; di chotomi es narrow. Sripe 1-2(-4) mm mam. , dichotomies.
0.3-2.0 cm long; sharp demarcalio n whcrc bladc mcets stipe; latera l 3. Lateral appendage of
appendage repeated ly branched, with swoll en or flattened apices. slipe corlex.
Rhizoidallllass fibroll s.
COIllIllOIl: in many habitats from shall ow mangrove peal to deep
sand pl ains; lO 30 m deep.
Distribl/tioll: Florida, Bahamas, Weslern Caribbean.

Udotea cyathiformis f. sublittoralis (W.R. Taylor) O.S. Liltler &

M.M . Lilller 1990a: 216, fi g. 6.
UdOlea sublilloralis W.R. Taylor 1928: 91. pI. 8. li g. 16; pI. 9, lig . 8. 9.
Thallus funnel 01' goblet-shaped, calcified, to 8 cm hi gh, green. l . 81ade siphon showing
81ade tOllgh, 2-3 mm thi ck, coarsely fibroll s; cortex ab enl ; wide dicholollly.
zonation faint ; margin everaJ layers thi ck; siphon 60--80 ~lIn 2. Slipe sipho17.
diam ., lacking laleral appendages, evenl y constri cted aboye 3 . Lateral appendage of
di cholomi e ; dichotomie wide. Slipe 1-4 mm di am ., 0.3-2.0 cm slipe cOl·lex.
long, sharp demarcalion where blade meets sripe; lateral append-
ages repeatedl y branched, with swo ll en or flattened api ces.
Rhi~o idal lIIass fibrous.
COIllIIIOIl: in many habitats fro m shallow mangrove peal to deep
sand pl ains; lo 30 m deep.
Dislribuliol/: Florida, Bahamas , Greater Anti lles, Lesser Antille .

Udotea dixonii o.s. Littler & M.M. Littler 19903: 220. fig. 8.
Thallus in groups of 2-5 upri ghts pe re nnating from ingle ho ldfast, l . Slade siphol/ s IVi/h la/eral
occas io nall y o lita ry, fan-shaped, li ghLl y ca lcified, to 2 1 c m hi g h, appel/dages.
yell ow-green to dark green. Slades longer (6- 12 c m) L11a n wide 2 . La/eral appelldage of
(4- 10 c m), 0.2-0.8 111111 thi ck, f1at, lo bed, corti cated ; zonati o n blade.
di slinct; siphons 20-35 f.lm di am., unevenl y constri cted aboye 3. La/eral appel/dage of
dichotomie ; late ral appendages in two verti ca l rows ori ented toward s/ipe.
blade sUlface, irreg ularl y branc hed, with swoll e n, knob-like api ces.
S/ipe 2-3 111m di am., 2-6 c m long, surface unmodified in lra nsiti o n Phorograph how several
ro bl ade; lateral appendages dichotomou Iy di vi ded, with tubby, parrotfi sh bite l11 arks in
fin ger- like apices. Rhizoidalll1ass fibro ll S. lIpper edge of blade.
Coml/loll: in sand pockets o n steep walls or o n deep sand pl ains;
15-54 m deep (rarel y to I m in shaded low-herbi vory habita ts).
Dislriblltioll: Fl orid a, Ba hamas, Greater Antilles , Lesser Antilles.
Southern Ca ribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Udotea dotyi 0.5. Littler & M.M. Littler 1990a: 223. lig. 10.
Thallus fan -shaped, hea vily ca lcified, LO 23 c m hig h, yell ow-green l . Slade sipholl wi/h la/eral
LO dark gray-green, light g ray-green when dri ed. Slade large, often appelldages.
wide r (to 14 c m) than lo ng (to 10 cm), 0.5- 1.0 mm thi c k, nOl 2. Blade la/eral appendage.
lobed 0 1' sparing ly lo bed, f1al , corlicated, lower margin dee pl y lobed; 3. La/eral appendage of
zo nati o n faint ; siphons ova l, 60-80 f.lm wide, 40-50 '.un thi c k, .Hipe.
lInevenly consu'icled aboye dic hotomi es; latera l appe ndages shorl ,
in two oppo ite verti ca l rows orie nted loward bl ade surface, with
de nse ly pac ked, tlal-topped api ces. S/ipe to 6 mm diam. , 2 c m long;
urface unmodified in transiti o n ro blade; lateral appendages with
long stalk and rounded apices. Rhi~o ida l mass fibrou .
Rore : gene rall y on deep-water sa nd pl ains; 15-25 m deep.
Distriblltiol/ : Greater Anlillt¡s. Lesser Antilles , Western Caribbean.

Udotea fibrosa 0.5. LilUer & M.M . Littler 1990a: 226. fi g. 11 .

Thallus fan-shaped, heavily ca lcifi ed. LO 7(-9) c m hi gh, duLl dark J. Slade siphol/.
g reen. lighl green when dried. Slade often lobed or convo luted, 2. uileral appelldage of
lo nger (lO 8 cm) than wide (to 5 cm), 3-5 mm lhi ck; cortex ab e nt; s/ipe.
zona ti o n lacking; siph ns I 00-150 ~lm diam ., lac king lateral 3. S/ipe siphol/ wi/h Imeral
appe ndages. evenl y con tricted aboye di c hotomies, ofte n lig htly appel/dages.
mo nilifo rm ; ba al siphons (Iower 2-5 mm) covered by sho rt la teral
appendages increasing in de nsit y toward tipe, sharp di stinction
between urface of stipe and blade. S/ipe tout, lo 5 mm wide, I c m
lon g, f1 anened aboye; lateral appe ndages dichotomously divided ,
with short, rounded o r lig htl y bulboll a pi ces. Rhizoidal mass deep.
broad, fibro us .
Locally abulldan! : o n sand-covered rock in ex u'emely shall ow
walers ; ro I m deep.
Distriblltio ll : Greater Antille . Weste rn aribbea n.
428 Cm ,OROPII\ 1'\ CHLOROPII\,A 429

UdoteaflabeLlum (J . Elli . & olander) M. Howe 19().l: 94.

Cora llilllljlabelllllll J. Ellis & Solander 1786: 124. pI. 24.
ThallLls fan-shaped, moderately calc iti ed, solilary, lo 30 cm high, l . Slade siphol/ lVi/h laleral
pale green lO dark green. Slade variabl e, undi vided lO hi ghl y di vided, appendages.
size vari able. 0.8- 1.5 mm Lhi ck. leathery, corti cated ; zonat ion 2. Slade la/eral appel/dage.
di Linct; iphon 30-50 11m di am. , con tricti ons aboye infrequent 3. Habi/.
dichotomie absent or li ghtl y uneven; lateral appendages irregul arly
paced, long stemmed, di chotomously branched with crowded, short ,
rounded apices, apices appear shrunken or fl at when dried . Slipe
cy lindri ca l be low, flattened abo ve, 5- 7 mm di am. , 2-4 cm long,
unbranched: surface unmodified in transiti on to bl ade; siph ons
20-80 11m di am.; lateral appendages similar to blade. Rhizoida l
mass bulbous to elongated .
Comlllol/ : widespread, occurring in sandy areas or eagras beds; to
10 m deep.
DislribLllioll: Florida, Bahama , Greater Amill e , Le ser Amilles,
SOllthern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, GlIlf of Mex ico.

Udotea looensis D.S. Li tller & M.M. Linier 1990.: 232, Iig. 15.
ThallLls fa n-shaped, li ghtl y calc ifi ed, to 7 cm hi gh, dark green 1. Slade siphol/s.
when young, li ghter green when older. Slade broader (5-7 cm) 2. S asal siphol1 o/ blade in
lh an long (3-5 cm), to I mm thick; cot1ex absent; zonaLion faint; /ral1si/ion area joil1ing
margins ragged, o ften torn ; base fl at lO lobed ; siphon 50-80 11m s/ipe.
di am., lacking laleral appendages, con tricLion aboye dichotomi es 3. La/eral appendage o/
deep and even; margin one layer thick; basa l siphons possess s/ipe.
abbrev iated laleral appendage ; laleral appendages increas in g in 4. Slipe siphol1 wi/h la/eral
density toward sLipe. S/ipe to 2 mm di am., 8 mm long, with appendages.
gradu al transition from sLipe to blade; lateral appendages
repeatedly divided wilh pointed apices. Rhizoidallllass small,
COIIIIIIOIl: anached to rock in shaded areas around mangrove
islands or in deeper water; to' 30 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Fl orid a. Bahamas, Greater Anlill es, South ern
Caribbea n, Wes tern Ca ribbea n.

Udotea luna D.S. Litl)er & M.M. Littler 1990.: 232. Iig. 16.
Th allLls fan-shaped to half-moon-shaped, li ghtl y ca Jcified, lO 7 cm l. Slade siphol/.
hi gh, dark green when young, li ght green when old. Slade broader 2. Siphon near base o/
(6 cm) than long (4 cm), 10 I mm thick; cortex absent; zo nati on blade.
fa int; tex lme velvety when young; margins ragged, often torn 3. La/eral appel/dage o/
or fluted (overl apping one anoLher); ba e fl at to lobed: siphons s/ipe.
50-80 11m di am. , lacking lateral appendages, evenly constri cted
aboye dichotomi es; basa l siphons possess abbreviated lateral
appendages; appendage increasing in density toward stipe. S/ip e
1- 3 mm di am .. to I cm long, with gradu al transiLion from smooth
stipe to fibrou bl ade; siphons 60-90 11m di arn ., sli ghtl y unevenly
consLricted at dichotomi e ; lateral appendage repeatedl y branched ,
with pointed apices. Rhi 7 0idalmass small , tangled.
COf/lf/lon: on and-covered carbonate rocks or on peat around
mangrove i lands; lO 23 m deep.
Dislriblltion: Fl orida, Bahamas , Greater Antill es, We tem Caribbea n.

Udotea norrisií 0 .5. Lilller & M.M . Lilller 1990a: 235. lig. 17.
Tilallus coarse. bu hy, heav il y calcifi ed, to II cm hi gh, gray-green. l . 81ade sipilol/ \Vir/¡ lareral
Blades irregul arl y di sec ted into lo ng linear segments, 1-3 ml11 wide, appel/dages.
1- 2 mm lhi ck, corti ca ted ; zonati o n di stinct; sipll ons 40-80 !-lIn 2. Blade lareral appendage.
d ia l11 .. unevenl y constricted abo ve di choto mies; latera l appendages 3. Slipe laleral appendage.
w ide ly spaced, irregul ar, long-stemmed, api ce f1 attened 0 1' rounded.
Slipe oflen branched , 2-3 111m di am., 1-2 cm long, surface
unmodified in transiti on lO bl ade: laleral appendages repeatedly
branched with fl attened, blunt api ce . Rhizoida l mass bulbo us,
Rare: on and pl ain or andy patches around coral pinnac les;
3-30 m deep.
Dis/ributiol1: Bahamas.

Udotea occidentaLis A. Gepp & E. Gepp 19 11 : 127. pI. 2. figs. 18. 22a.
22b: pI. 7, ligs. 63-65 .
Thallus fan- haped, heav il y cal cifi ed, lo 30 cm hi gh, li ghl gray- J. Blade siphon wirh lateral
green below, greener loward margin s (specimen pholographed appendages.
becoming fertil e al margins). Blades variable, often lobed or split, 2. Laleral appendag e o/
as wide as long (8 cm), thin (Iess than I ml11), papery, corti cated : blade.
zonali o n di stinct; siphons 20-50 fÁm di am. , unevenl y constri cted
abo ve dichotomies; lateral appendages numerous, tenninating in Ph otograph shows early
lobes possess ing 6-20 rounded kno bs with concave api ces; surface stages o f gamelangia
covered by sllbmi croscopi c spine (v isibl e o nl y under SEM ). Slipe form ati o n.
cy lindrica l, 1.5- 2.5 111m di am., 1- 2 cm lo ng; surface unmodifi ed in
lransiti on to bl ade ; siphons 40-70 !-1m di al11 ., unequ all y conslri cted
aboye dichotomi es; lateral append ages repeatedl y di vided with
srubby, rounded api ce . Rhizoidal mass bulbo us. NOle: Oflen
confu sed with Vdolea flabellul11.
Rare: in shal low sandy area ; to 10 m deep.
DistributiOI1: Fl orid a, Bahama , Grearer Antill es, Lesser Antilles,
Soulhern Caribbean, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.

Udotea spinulosa M. Howe 1909: 97, pI. 4, lig. 2; pI. 8, figs. 1- 7.

Thallt/s fan- haped, heavil y calcifi ed, to 8 cm high, green when l . Blade sipllon with la/eral
li ving, white, brittle and thin when dri ed . Blades 4-6 cm broad, 4-6 appendages.
cm long, le s than 0.8 mm thi ck; corticati o n incomplete; zonati on 2. Blade lateral appendages.
faint, often stri ated (markings radiating fro m stipe toward marg ins); 3. Slipe sipho/l. wit/¡ lateral
margins one layer thi ck; siphons 60-90 !-lJll di am ., evenl y con- appendages.
tricted aboye di choto mi es: lateral append ages o nl y on exposed
surfaces, 50- ISO !-1m lo ng, consisting of cy lindrical trunk topped by
1-8 prongs 0 1' spines. Stipe 1-2 mm diam ., J-2 cm lo ng, fl attened ,
aboye, graduall y lapering into bl ade; lateral appendages repeatedl y
di vided, witl1 lo ng, pointed, fin ger-like apices. Rhizoidal mass
bulbou .
Locally ahul/dani: o n moderately deep sa nd pl ains, 10-20 m deep.
Dis/ributiOI1: Fl orida. Bahama , Greater Antill es, Le ser Antille ,
Gul f of Mex ico.

Udotea spilluLosa f. paLmettoidea A. Gepp & E. Gepp 191 1: 125,

pI. 6. lig. 56.
Thal/us fan-s haped, heavily ca lcifi ed, to 8 cm hi gh, green when j. Slade sipholl wi/h la/eral
living, white, brittle and thin when dried. Slades 4-6 cm broad. appendages ollly 0/1
5-6 cm long, le than 0.8 mm lhick; cortication incompl ete, exposecl sicles.
absent wi thin 2-3 mm of margin ; zonation fainl, often st:riated 2. La/eral appendages of
(markings radiating from stipe toward margins); margins o ne layer slipe.
lhick; siphons 60--90 ¡.L1l1 diam. , evenl y constricted aboye dichot- 3. S/ipe siphon wi/h la/eral
omies; lateral appendages sparse, occurring irregularly, on ly on appendages.
exposed urfaces, 50--150 ¡.Lm lo ng, consisting of cy lindrical trunk
lOpped by 1-8 prongs or sp ines. S/ipe 1-2 lllJ]l diam., 1-2 cm long,
flattened aboye, graduall y tapering into blade; latera l appendage
repeatedly divided , with long, pointed, finger-like apices. Rhizoiclal
mass bulbous.
Locally abundall!: on moderately deep sand plains, 5-20 m deep.
Distriblllioll : Florid a, Bahamas, Lesser Antilles.

Udotea ullistratea

¡l~:!~jll! ¡¡~i;. ~l;f/////

l//¡C" D
D.S . Linier & M.M. Linier 1990a: 240, lig. 21.
Thalllls coo p- to fan- haped, li ghtl y ca lcified, to 7 cm hi gh, blue- l . Slacle sipholls showing
green lO oli ve-green. Slade to 5 cm wide, 3.5 cm long, 0.1-0.4 mm evenly cons/ric/ecl
lhick; corticati on absent; zonati o n faint; sipho ns 100--240 11m clichotomies eqllal-
di am., lacking lateral appendages, one layer thick, stri ctly aligned o r clistance fro/11 slipe.
paraJlel to o ne another, adhering lalerall y, evenly constricted aboye 2. S/ipe siphon wi/h la/eral
dichotomies, di chotomi es occurring equidi stance from stipe; base o f appenclages. (~~ {/i ,'¡.''/;
blade fibrous, siphons to 340 11m di am., parallel arrangemen t becom- 3. S/ipe la/eral appenclage.
ing losl. Stipe to 1 mm diam ., 1-5 cm long, occasio nalJy absent;
lalera l appendages repeated ly divided , di choto mo usly lobed, wilh
.:l -', : . . ~.
blunt api ces. Rhizoicls fine, fibrous .
Rore: in sand pockets o n deep verti ca l waUs; 24-46 m deep. 200J.Lm ·· 0 \~

f1{ 1~
DistriblltiOIl: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Lesser Antilles,
Western Caribbean. '

200 J.Lm 200 J.Lm

Udotea verticiLlosa A. Gepp & E. Gepp 1909: 269.

T/¡al/lIs fan- haped , thin , li ghtl y calcifi ed, lO 10 cm high, li ght l . S/ipe siphon wi/h Imeral
gray-green. Slade wider ( 10 cm) th an lo ng (7 cm), 1-2 mm appellclages.
lhick; cortex incom pl ete; zonati on faint; siphons 60-90 ¡.un 2 . Slade sip/¡ oll o/ apex.
dian1. , di stall y not constricted aboye dichotomies, proximal 3. La/eral appenclages of
constricti ons even; uni lrato e and parallel aboye, multi tratose blade sipholl.
below; latera l appendages with 1-4 pointed to bluntl y pointed
ap ices, 60-- 180 11m long, vertici ll ate (i n successive whorls)
arrangement at margins, haphazard to o ppos ite below. Stipe to
I mm diam., 0.5-4.0 cm long; lateral appendages dichotomollsly
branched, with tapering apices. Rhizoicls tangled , fine, fibrou s.
Rore: on sa nd plains, often many thalli in close proxil1lity due
to rhizomatous vegetati ve reproduclion ; 10-40 m deep.
Distribllliol/: Bahamas, Lesse r Anti ll es.

Udotea wilsonii A. Gepp. E. Gepp & M. Howe in Gepp & Gepp \9 \ \: \30.
144 . pI. 7, lig. 66; pI. 3, ligs. 67, 68. [as ' lVi/soll i 'l
Thallus of mu ltiple fan-s haped blades radi ating from central ax is J. Habit.
(rarely as single fl at blade), li ghtly calcified, to 13 cm hi gh, pale 2. Blade siphon.
green. Blades wider ( 10 cm) than long (8 cm), 1-2 111111 thick; 3. Lateral appendages of
cortex incompl ete; zonali on fai nt; siphons 40-80 11111 di am., rarely blade sip/¡on.
constri cted aboye di chotomies, con tri cti ons uneven when present; 4. Lateral appendages of
lateral appendage short, knobby, blUnl, unbranched or forked, stipe siphon.
25-90(- 120) '.un long, in 2-4 longitudinal rows which become
obscure with age. Stipe 1-2 111m di al11. , 1-2(-4) cm long; lateral
appendages hort, di chotomously branched wilh knobby apices.
Rhizoids tangled, fine.
Locally abundant: in organicall y rich ill or on and pl ai ns, often
grow ing witb many thal li in clo e proximity due to slOlonous c10nal
reprodllcti on; 10 18 m deep.
Distriblltion : Florida, Bahamas, Grealer Antilles, Lesser Antilles,
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

ORDER D ASYCLADALES Olde r predatory fi shes slIc h as

Ihi s OreaLBarracuda.
F AMlLY D ASYCLA DACEAE Sphyraella barracllda, develop
Key to species oC Batophora tox icily called ciguatera. La rge
l . Gametangia pherical ; thallus lO 6 cm high; ax is wilh whorl s of branchlets every I mm or less; basal barracuda are responsible fo r
section of whorl ed branchlets 10 400 11m diam ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. B. occidentalis varo largoensis, p. 434 tlle majo rity of ciguate ra cases
l . Gametang ia oval; tlla ll us to 10 cm high; axis with whorls of branchlets every 1- 2 mm; basal section in lhe C aribbean. Cigualox in
of whorled branchl els to 750 11m di am ......................... .. .......................................... B. oerstedii, p. 436 come from the mic roscopic
dino tlagellate Gambierdiscus
toxiclIs. which li ves o n fi ne
fi la me nto us macroa lgae and is
" bio logically magnified" in Ihe
food c hai n as il moves upward
into higher trophic levels (see
ToSleson el al. 1988).

Batophora occidentalis varo largoensis (J.S . Priee & S. Baker)

S. Berger & Kaever ex M.J . Wynne 1998: 108.-
Balophora targoellsis J.S . Prinee & S. Baker 1984: 323 , figs. \ , 4-6, 8, 10.
ThallLls fu zzy, soft, cylindrical , solitary or mosl-often gregarious, J. Transverse section of
4-6 mm diam., 3-4(-6) cm high, green to brown-green, releasing gametangial thal/Lls.
brighl yellow slai n when cru hed. Maill axis of loosely whorl ed 2. Gallletangia (g) 0 /1
branchlet every I mm or les ; whorl of 8- 13 branchl ets; branchlet.
branchlet di chotomously forked 1- 7 til11es, initial branch to
400 11m di am., deciduous on older fertil e thalli , lower 0.5 CI11
of ax is oflen naked. Holdfasl of short, stout; rhizoids branched.
Gametangia spheri cal , 500-800 11m di al11., bright yeLlow-green,
clustered near base of branchl et; reproducti ve bodi es oval 10
, oblong, 40-60 11111 di al11.
Com/lloll: in lagoons, especial ly around mangroves, also
in bracki sh-water habitats, oflen on rubble or dead eas hells;
108 m deep.
Distriblltion: Florida, Bahamas.

Batoplzora oerstedii J. Agardh 185-1: 108.

Tila/llls ruzzy. 50ft , cy lindri cal, . o lit ary 01' most-o rte n g regariolls, l . TrclIIsI'erse seclioll of
4- 10 mm diam .. to 10 c m hi gh. bri g ht green, re leasing brighl yellow gall/ elCll/ gial 11/a/llls.
stain whe n c rll shcd. Mail/ axis of loose ly whorled branchl ets every 2. Gall/elCllIgia (g) 011
1-2 mm ; whorls or 8- 10 branchl ets; branchl et dichotomously brallc¡'¡el.
forked 1- 7 limes, initial brandl ro 750 !.U11 diam. , deciduolls on o lder
fertile lhalli , lower 2 cm ofax is ofte n na ked. Holelfasl of short Ph otog raph on right
lobes. Gall/elal/gia ova l, 500-700 11m diam ., 900- 1200 long, bright shows fenile th alli Wi lh
ye ll ow-green, cluste red near base or branc hl el; reproductive bodies bri g ht ye ll ow-green
sphe ri ca l to o bl o ng, 40-60 11m diam. gamela ng ia.
COII/IIlOI/ : in lagoons, especially arollnd mangrove islands. al o
in brackish-water habilats. often on rubbl e or dead seashell s;
to 8 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida. Bahamas. Greater Anti ll es. Lesser Antilles.
Southern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, Gulf 01' Mex ico.

Cymopolia barbata (Linnaeus) J.Y. Lamo uroux 18 16: 293.

Cortl llil/a harIJa/{/ Linnaeus 1758: 806.

Tila/llls heavil y calc ifi ed excepl at flexible joinls a nd tllfted apices, 1. Brall c¡'¡els wilil
to 30 cm hi gh; apica l tllft of fine , 50ft , short, brighl g reen filaments; elevelopillg
egme nls white to white-green; branching irregul arly dichotomou s. gamelClllg iulI1 (g).
Branches of rigid cy lindri ca l egme nls; segmenls 2-4 mm diam., 2. Trallsverse sectioll of
3- 12 mm long; sllrface cell s c lllb-shaped, 115- 140 ~lm diam.: apical segmelll IVilh
filamenls dec idllolls. 5- 6 times dichotomoll sly branchcd. lIppcr divi- galll e/(II/ gia (g)
sions hair-like. Holelfasl as sand-i nundaled he mi pherical concentra- celllereel i/1 fork of
li on of rhi zo ids givi ng ri se lO one o r many upri ghts; rhi zoids a short, outer brallchlets.
stubby ex te nsio ns of basal segme nt , to 300 11m diam .. 2.5 mm long,
terminating in many sho rt, stubby, dinging, conlo rted branchlet .
GamelClngia spheri ca l to pear-shaped, 150-200 ~U11 diam. , o litary,
centered in forks of branchle'ts forming ouler layer.
LoclIlIy lIbUllellIllt: on rocks or coral fragmenls , in calm bays
01' harbors, often forming den se zones adjacent to sho reline;
to 5 m deep.
DistribuliOIl : Florida, Bahamas. Greater Antill es. Lesser Anl illes.
Soulhern Caribbean . Gulf of Mexico.

DasycLadus vermicuLaris (Scopoli ) Kra>ser in Beck & Zahlbruckncr

189 : 459. lig. 8. S¡Jol/g ia "ermiclI/aris Scopoli 1772: 412, pI. 6-1. lig. 1454.
Tila/lus fllzzy, soft; indi vidual cy lindri ca l, gregari ous, 5-8 mm l . Fenile brallchlel IVilh
diam .. 2-6 cm hi gh. green. Maill CLris who rled wilh lighlly packed solilClry, spilerical
branchlets. 10-15 branchlel per whorl Wilh abutting basa l cell s, gall/ elall g iul/J (g) .
100- 150 11m belween whorls; branchlets 1-3 ml11 lo ng, with basa l 2. Transverse seclioll of
ce ll 300-400 ~lIll diam. , capped Wilh 3-4 branc hl e ts lermin aling lila/lus SilOlVillg IVilorl
in lhree spines; ap ica l spine occasionall y te rl11in aling in 2-3 of brallc¡'¡el\
dicholol11ou sly branched tapering hair-like fil al11el1ls. Slipe shon,
naked . Holdfasl 01' short lobe . Gal/JelCllIgia o ne per branc h.
spherical. 500-800 11111 dial11., brighl yellow-green, in ax is of
branchlel . NOle: DlIsyclaelus (like Ba/ophora) releases a yell ow
ubsta nce when crushed.
COIIIIIIOII: o n hard sub lrales uch as shell s 0 1' cora l fragments,
frOI11 hallow reefs and tide pools to deeper lagoons 3nd l11ang roves:
to 8 m deep.
Distriblltioll: Florida. Bahamas. Greater An lill cs, We lern Caribbean,
GlIlr of Mexi co.

Key to species of Neomeris Flight of wild flamin gos al

l. Ga mela ng ia fused in set of 5- 12 ..... .... .. .. ............... .... ...................... .... ... ............... N. G//IIulata, p. 438 Crooked Ca y, Ack lin
l . Ga mela ng ia nO! fu sed in seIS, indi vidu all y free ...... ... .. ... ....................... ... .... ................ ...... ... .......... ...... 2 Js land , Bahamas. The pink
2 . Th allu gray-w hile; re producli ve bodie phe rica l, 100- 120 ~un di am . ........ .... .. ... .. N. lIlucosa , p. 440 coloralion of lhe feathers is
2. Th allus g ray-green; re producli ve bodies oval . 180-260 ~lm d iam . .................. ........... N. cokeri, p. 438 deri ved from feeding on
cruslacea lhat have
acc ulllulated carotenoid
pigmenls from microscopic
a lgae. The embayment
pictured represent one of
the mos! pri sline mangrove
island co ll ecling s ites in Ihe
tropical westem A!lantic.

Neomeris allnulata Dickie 1874c: 198.

Th allus solita ry or in de nse c lu slers, cy lindri ca l, e reCl or arc hed l. GC/lllelallgiulI/ (g) flallked
downward , 1-3 mm di a m. , 1-2(-3) c m hi gh; base white. heavil y by slI/face cells.
ca lcified; apex fu zzy g reen, tufled with deciduous, fin e api ca l 2. LolIgiludillal seclion of
filam enls. Cenlral axis 400-640 !-1m dia m.; bra nchlets in whorl s celllral axis IVilh whorled
from central ax is, te rmin ating in two surface ce ll s fl anking game- brallchlel scars.
ta ng ium ; surface cell s po lyhedral , 80- 135 I.un di am., in annul ar
rows with bu lbous apex. Holdfasl sm311 , pad-like, of short contorted
sipho ns. Gamelangia e longated ova l, stalked; 46--80 !-1m d ia m.,
11 5- 175 !-1m lo ng, fusing with adj acent gameta ngia in heav il y
calci fied sets of 5-8(- 12). .
oo o , o o o oH

COlllmol/: abunda nI o n mangrove prop rOOIS, cora l fragments or 00

rock in shallow sandy a reas; inte rtidal lO 30 m deep.

Dislribuliol/: Fl orida, Bahanias, Greater Anlilles, Lesser ntill es ,
Soulh ern Cari bbea n. Weslern Ca ribbea n. (i)
irooooo ooooo oo,~

Neomeris cokeri M. Howe 1904: 97. pI. 6. fig' . 3-12.

Thallus so lilary. occas io nally in small c luster , cy lindri ca l LO club- / . Transl'erse seclioll of
h3ped, erect, finger- like, 1-2(-4) c m hi g h, generall y small er, da rk celllral axis showillg
green-gray; apica l fil ame nts fuzzy g reen to pale blue. deciduo us, lIlalure brallch!els lI'ilh
each di visio n reducing di amele r by half, lerminating in fi ne hairs. c/llb-shaped sllb-basal
Celllral axis to 500 !-1m di a m.; branc hlets in who rl s fro m cemral cell (c) forming afler
ax is. with basa l ce ll s cy lind rica l or sli g htl y swolle n, topped by jilalllellls are losl.
simil ar cell s, lhen bra nching di - or Il'j-c hoto mou at apex of each 2. Bases of laleral
segme nt; a pi ca l cell becoming more club-s haped after fil ame nts are brallchlels. '
hed o Holdfasl small , pad-like, li g hll y ca lcifi ed. Galllelallgia heav il y 3. Apices of laleral
ca lcifi ed, 180-260 !-1m lo ng. nO! in ringed fo rmat, fo rming a to p brall chlels.
first fil a ment cell , fl a nked by swoll e n secondary cell s; re productive 4. Gamelangillll/ (dark)
b di e ova l, 82-94 !lfIl dia m .. 140- 190 !.un lo ng. fla llked by swollen
Rore: on haded roc ks or under roc k ledges; inlertidal to less secollda ly ce lis,
lhan 1 m deep. lIIagnificalioll Jallle as
Dislribll/ioll: Bahamas. #2 & #3.

Neomeris mucosa M. Howe 1909: 84. pI. l . Iig. 5: pJ. 5. Iigs. 1- 14 .

T/¡al/lIs so li tary or in small c1usters. cy lindri ca l lO c1 ub-shaped , / . Gametall gilllll jlall ked by
arched downward, fi nger-li ke, 1.5-2.5 mm di am., lO 2 cm hi gh. IWO sllIface cel/s 0 11
gray-white below. heavil y ca lcifi ed; apex fuzzy bri ght green; api ca l laleral branchlel.
fi laments fi ne. decidll ous, lhree times d i- or tri -chotomollsly
branched. Central axis 10 750 11m diam. ; branchlets in whorls fro m
centra l ax is terminating in two surface ce lls fl anking gamelangia;
surface cells wilh bul boll apex, 100-200 11m di am., often
irregul arl y- haped fro m surface view, lower ax is compri sed of
enl arged, denllded branchl el staLks. Holc(fast small , pad-like, of
ca lcifi ed. short, contorted lobes. Gametangia spherica l 10 sli ghtl y
ova l, 11 0- 140 11m di am., 140-2 15 11m long, al matllrity trongly
calc ifi ed bul mutu ally free (nol fu ed IOgelher); reproductive bodies
spheri ca l, 100- 120 I.un di am., 120- 160 11m long.
COllllllon: on moderalely wave-ex posed rocks on shall ow ree r
crests: 10 1m deep.
Dislribulioll: Bahamas, Greater Antill es, Les er An till es, Southern
Caribbea n, We lern Caribbea n.

Note : The genera Acetabularia , Acicula";a. Challllasia and Polyphysa have an imen wined and conrusi ng pasl (see Sil va el
al. 1996 for detail s). To eSlabl ish a monophylelic genus. we chose lo combi ne lhe above rour genera (as has oflen been done
in Ihe pasl). The phylogenelic relalionshi ps 01' DNA sequences (Olsen el al. 1994) funher conruses lhe laxonomy. We
recog nizc one genus un til the laxonomy "nd nomenclalure are clarilied.

Key to species of Acetabularia

4. Disc of 5-8 ray ; cysls ro 50 Ilm di am ................ ... .. ......... .. ........ .. ......... .. .......... . A. myriospora , p. 442
l . Corona inferi or present; calcifi cali on evenl y di stributed .... ........... .. .. ... .. .. ,.. .. .... .. ..................... .. ...... .. 2 4 . Disc of greater Ihan 8 rays; cysts greater than 50 Ilm diam . ..... ... .. .. .......................... .......................... 5
l . Corona inferi or absent; calcifi cation concentrated between rays .......................................... .. .. .. ...... .. 4
5. Ollter margin of ray roundl y truncated (di c of 10- 18 ray ; base of rays constri cted] .... .. ... .. .. .. ........ ..
2 . Di c o f 22-30 ray , to 7 mm di am . .................................................................... ..... A. calyculus, p. 442 .... ....... ...... ........... ..... ..... ... .... .... .. ........... ..... .............. ... .. ... .... ......... ..... ................... ....... .. A. pllsilla, p. 444
2. Disc of 30 or more rays, 5-20 mm di am . ..... ....... .. .. .. .......... ......... ..... ..... .... .. .. ........... ....... ...... .. ............ 3 5. Outer margin of rays blllntl y pointed .. ... ..................... .. .. .. .. ......... ................ .. ....................... .... ... .. .... .. . 6
3. Axe 200-300 11m di am.\ di sk of 30-80 rays; cysts 65-80 Ilm di am., 10 500 per ray ....................... .. 6. ' Rays evenl y taperin g to blunt po int; hair scars 2-8, generall y not papill ae- li ke (disc of
.............. .. ....................... .... .. .. ............ .. .. ... ... ....... .. .. .... .... ... .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. ...... .... ..... . A. crelllllata, p. 442 15-32 rays; pores to 150 Ilm di am.) ............. .. ... ............. .. .. ... .. ......... .. ................. .. A. antillana, p. 440
3. Axes 450- 660 11m di am.; di sk of 30- 60 rays; cysts 60- 100 Ilm di am., lO 300 per ray ....... .. ............ .. 6. Rays not evenl y tapering to blunt point; hair cars 6- 13, o ften papillae- like [disc 01'
..... .. ... ... ................ .. .. .. ... ... .... .... .... .. .... ... .. ....... ....... .... ................................................. A. schenckii, p. 444 11 - 25 rays; spores 90- 190 Ilm di am.) ................... ....... ... ... .. ... .. ..................... A. polyphysoides, p. 444

Acetabularia (Polyphysa) antillana (Solms-Laubac h) Egerod

1952: 4 IO.' Challllasia alltillana Solms-u wbach 1895: 12. pJ. 3. Iigs. 2, 3. 5.
Thal/Lls solitary, inconspi cuous, parasol-shaped, 2-5(- 10) mm / . Habit.
hi gh, dark green. Disc olilary, fl at or cup-shaped. 10 6 mm 2. Rays oJ disc wil/¡ corolla
di am .. of 15-32 rays joined by heavy carbonate depos its; rays superior (s) al base.
0.50-0.75 mm diam., 1.5-2.0 mm long, elongated ova l in 3. Corolla superior wilh
u'ansverse secti on, outer margin tapered to blunt point; base lIIultiple ha ir scars.
conslri cled; celller pl ate convex; corona supelior (microscopi c
branchl els on dorsal side at base of rays) lobes projecting, latera ll y Thallus 0 11 ri ght o f
free, with 2-8 hair scars ellipticall y arranged; corona inferior pholograph shows
lacking. Stalk 300-800 Ilm di am., 1-4(- 9) mm high, lapering gamelangial rays fill ed
toward base. Ho/dJast inconspicuous, bulbous; rhi zoids diminuti ve, with cysls.
contorted. Gametangia are marure ray ; cy ts pherica l,
100- 150 Ilm diam.; cy t wa ll 8- 10 Ilm thi ck.
UIlCO/llIllOII : mall and obscure, seldom co ll ecled, found at ba es of
larger pl ants wilh in hady cracks and crevices, most often mi xed in
lhi ck tu rf immedi ale ly behind reef cre t; to 5 m deep.
Distributiof/ : Flori da , Greater Anlill es, Les er Al1 till es, Western
Caribbea n, Gul f of Mex ico.

AcetabuLaria caLycuLlts J.Y. La moll rollx in Quoy & Gaimard 1824: 621 , pI.
90. IIgs. 6. 7. [as 'ca/il"ll/lIs'l
Thallus so litary or in c lu ters, goblel- haped , li ghLl y ca lc ified, J. Habil showing illlll/alUre,
1-3 cm hi gh. bri ght green. Axes slender, 200-250 ¡.u n di am. al base. jilamelllous, nOIl -fer/ile
35~20 flm di stall y, heav il y calcified, wiLh interminent spindl e- 111O I/US alld lIIalure 111O I/IIS
shaped swell ings having whorl s of 10- 12(- 16) branching filam ents IVil" game/allgial disco
when yOllng or fil ament scars when marure; fil amellls colorles , pale 2. Rays of dise lVilh corolla
green when yOllng, each branchl et topped with IIp to fi ve imil ar slIperior (s) al base.
branchlels al apex, branching patlern repeated for 5-7 levels, each 3. Corona illfe riO/:
branching sel slight ly sma ll er and narrower Ihan preceding sel. Discs 4. Corolla slIperior lVilh 2-3
so li tary, Cllp- haped, rarely fl attened, 4-7 mm di am., o f 22-30 rays; ha ir sca rs (h) per
ollter marg in di stincll y nOlched ; corona superior (al lIpper base of rays) branchlel.
of shorl, inconspi clloll s projecli ons, blll ntly lobed wilh 2-3(-4) hair
car ; corona inferi or (underside, base of rays) of short, incon pi cllous Photograph also hows
proj ecli ons. Game/allg ia are malLire rays. producin g approx imately several whiti h di sc o f
80 cysts per ray; cysls spherical, bri ght green, (80-) 120- 160 !-1m di am. lhe larger Ace/a bularia
Locally ahl/lldallt : on mangrove prop rool or on sandy bOlloms schenckii.
attached to shell fragmenl or other hard lIb trates; to 5 m deep.
Dislrihlltiol/: Fl orid a, Gremer Ant ill e , Lesser Anlilles, SOll lhern Caribbea n.

AcetabuLaria crenuLata J.V. La mouro ux 18 16: 249, pI. 8, IIg. 1.

Thallus solitary or in c luslers, paraso l-shaped , moderately ca lcified, /. Disk of rays IVilh corOlla
2-8 cm hi gh, white-green. Axes slender, 200-300 Ilm di am. , heav ily superior (s) al base.
ca lcifi ed, occasionall y bearing everal whorl of fi laments; fil aments 2. Corona superior lVilh HVO
colorl ess, pale green when yOll ng, rapid ly dec iduolls, each branchlet
topped w ith up lO six simi lar branchlet al apex, branchin g pattern
"air sca rs (h).
3. Corona inferiO/:
repealed for 5-7 levels, each branching set li ghtly smaller and
narrower than preceding set. Dises one or more in succession, fiar
01' cllp-shaped, 12-20 mm di am .. of 30-80 rays; ollter margin of
ray with centered toolh or pine; corona superi or (at base of rays)
of hort inconspi cllolls projecti ons, with rounded 01' sli ghtl y lobed
apices and two exceeding ly failll hair sca rs; corona inferi or (lInders ide,
base o f rays) of shorl incon pi cuolls projecli ons w ith forked api ces.
Holdfasl small . di sc- like. Game/angia are mature rays, prodllcing up
10 500 cy t per ray; cysls spherica l, 65-80 Ilm di am.
COIIIIIIOII: grow in g on mangrove prop roOIS, rocks, she ll s or coral
fragments in protected areas; to 3 m deep.
Distriblltion : Florida. Bahamas. Grea ler Anlil les, Lesser Anlill es,
SouLhern Caribbean, Weslern Ca ribbean, Gu lf of Mex ico.

AcetabuLaria (PoLyphysa) myriospora A.B. Jo ly & Cardeiro-

Mari no in Jo ly el al. 1965: 80. pI. 2. IIgs. 1- 10'
Tha llus soli tary or more often gregariou , inconspi cuous, l . Habil.
para 01- haped, 1-3(-5) mm high, deep green. Disc so litary, 2. Disc IVilh corona sllperior
fl al, 1.5-3.0 mm diam., of 5-8 rays joined by light carbonate (s) al base.
deposil ; rays 10 I mm di am., l mm long, ova l in lran ver e 3. Corona superior IVilh
secli on. ollter li ps rollnded: center pi are fl al 01' sli ghtl y convex; II/ulliple hair scars (h).
corona superi or (minute projecli on al ba e of rays) round ly
po inted with 3-4 hair cars rectangll larly arranged ; corona
in feri or absent. Slipe 20~00 !-1m di am., 1-3 mm hi gh.
occasionally with faint annlllar constrictions. Holdfasl minule.
inconspi cllOll s; rhi zoids diminuti ve, contolt ed. Galllelangia are
mature rays; cysts spheri ca l, lo 50 !-1m di am.
eOll/lI/on : ex tremely small , eldol11 co llected, on ca lcilll11
carbonate rock, in shady cracks and crev ice. or l11i xed in t11ick
IlIrfs; 105 m deep.
Distriblltion : Grealer Anlill es. So ul hern Caribbea n. Western
Caribbea n.

Acetabularia (Polyphysa) polyphysoides P. Crouan & H. Crouan

in Mat.é & chramlll 1878: 42-
Tha/lus o lita ry, incons pic uo us. paraso l-shaped, 1- 3(- 10) mm hi gh, l . Disc wilh corol/a superior
deep brown-green. Disc solitary, n at o r c up-shaped. 1.5-5.0 mm (s) al base.
diam., of 11 -25 rays joined by heavy carbo nate deposit.; ray 2. Corol/a superior Ivilll
0.5O-D.75 mm diam .. to 2 mm long, elo ngated ova l in transverse /l/ulliple ha ir sears (11).
secti o n; o uter marg in of ray ro unded 10 blunt poi nt; cente r plate
convex; coro na superi or (minute projecli o ns at base of ray ) Thallus in left of
roundl y poi nted wilh 6- 13 hair scars ellipti ca ll y alTan ged ; corona pho tograp h shows
inferior absent. Slipe 300-500 11m di am .. 1-3(-9) mm hi gh. game tangial ray pa rtl y
Holdfasl minute, inconspi cuou ; rhizoids diminutive, contorted. filled with cysts.
Galllelal/gia are mature rays; cysts sphe rica l, 90- J 90 11m dia m ..
6- 50 per ray
Comlllol/: small a nd ob cure, seldo m coll ected, found at base of
larger pla nts, wilhin shady cracks a nd c rev ices or, most ofte n,
mi xed in thi c k tllJfs immediately behind reef crest; to 5 m deep.
Dislribuliol/: Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Anlilles. Soulhern
Caribbean, WeSlern Caribbean.

Acetabularia (Polyphysa) pusilla (M . Howe) Coll ins 1909: 379-

Tha/lus solitary, inconspi c uo u , paraso l-s haped, 1-2(-3) ml11 hi gh, l . Disc.
deep green. Disc solitary, nat, 1.0-2.5 ml11 di al11. , of 6- 18 rays 2. Corona superior l\Iilh
j o ined by light carbonate deposits; rays 0.45-0.65 111m di al11 ., to /l/ulliple ha ir sears (h).
I 111111 long, elo ngated oval in tran verse section: OUler margin of 3. Rays of dise IVilh eysls
ray ro undl y truncated ; center plate n at to sli ghtl y convex; corona fo r/l/ing in rays and
superi or roundly po inted with 2-5 hair scars e lJjplicall y a rranged; eorolla superior (s) al
corona inferior ab e nl. Slipe 130-300 11m di am., 1-3 mm hi gh. base.
Holc(fasl minute, inconspi c uo u ; rhi zo ids climinutive, co ntorted.
Galllelangia are mature rays; cysts sphe ri ca l 68- 100 11111 dial11. ,
15- 16 per ray
Comlllol/: mall a nd o bscure. seldo m coll ected. grow ing o n ca lcium
carbo nate rock o r coral, in haded, protected c racks a nd c rev ices or
mi xed in thick turfs; to 5 m,dee p.
Distribution: Florida, Bahamas, Greater An lill es. Lesser Anti ll es,
Soul hern Caribbean, Western Caribbean, GlIlf of Mex ico.

Acetabularia schenckii Miibius 1889: 3 18.

Acicularia sc"el/á;; (Miibi us) Solms- Laubac h 1895: 33. pI. 3. ligs. 4. 9. 11,
12, 14, 15
Tha/lus solitary or in c luste rs, parasol-shaped, 1110derately calc ified, l. Rays of dise IVilh eorolla
3- 8 cm hi gh, white-green. Axes 420-660 11m di am .. heav il y ca lci fi ed,
occa io nally bearing who rl of fil a ment ; tilaments colo rl ess, pale
superior (s) al base.
2. Corona inferiO!:
green whe n young. ra pidl y cleciduous, eac h branc hl et topped with IIp 3 . Corona superior lI'ilh IWO
LO six similar bra nc hle ts at a pex. bra nching pattern re peated fo r 5-7 ha ir scars (h) per
leve ls, becom ing narrower with each uccess ive di visio n. Dise o ne or brallchlel.
more, na! o r c up-shaped, 5-20 mm di a m. , of 30-60 rays; oute r 4. OLiler margill of lIIa fllre
nuu'gin of ray rounded with central looth o r spine: corona superior gallle/al/gial ray fi/led
(mi cro copic branchlets on dorsal ide al base of rays) composed of Il'ilh eysls.
inconspic uou pr ~ection with two exceed ingly fa im, c losely sel. hai r
scars: corona inferior (on ventra l si de at base of rays) a inconsp ic- Addi ti ona l photograph
uous projections wi th forked apices. Galllelal/gia are malure ray , o n p. 443.
producing 200- 300 cysls per ray; cysls sphe ri ca l. 60- 100 11m diam.
Comlllol/: on rock , shell s or coral fragmelllS in shall ow prOlected
a reas; to I m deep.
Dislribulion: Florida, Bahamas, Greatcr Anti ll es. Lesser AllIi ll es,
Soulhern Caribbean , Weslern Caribbean. Gu lf 01' Mexico.


ole: Cyanobaclena have a very long geological hislory (> 3.5 bi ll ion years) and are abundanl worldwide: howcver. few field
guide Ireatmenls cover lhis difficult and highly conlroversial phylum. As lhe group lhal "invemed" pholosymhesis. lhe
process Ihal feed us all . Ihoy are eXlremely imponan\. In addilion. Cyanobaclena ( = blue-green algae) are ubiquilous on coml
reefs and are largely responsible for lhe pamdoxically high produclivilY of reeC • due lo lheir abi lily lo conven almospheric
nilrogcn ¡nlO inorganic Illllrien lS. Where appropriate. synonyms are in brackets below lhe species names due la lhe confusion
whic h ex iSlS wilhin Ihe group'S nomenclature (see fac ing pagel.
Key to genera of Cyanobacteria
1. Thallu formed from ingle spherical or elonga ted cells ...................................................... .. ...... 2
1. Thalllls fo rmed from filament of tightly connected cells (tri chomes), often surrollnded by
Jaaginema an extern al mllcilaginolls sheath ............... ................ ..................................................... ................ 4
2( 1). Cells generall y elongated, loosely arranged in macroscopic gelatinolls matri x ...... .. .. .. .. .............. .
Spirocoleus ........... .. ... ................... .... .... .. ... ............. ... .... ............ ... .. ... .. ........... .. ..... .... .. .... .. Aphallothece, p. 448
2( 1). Cells generall y pherical , tightly an'anged in microscopic cluster ............................ .. .......... .. .. .. . 3
3(2) . CIlIsters forming dark fragile cm sts on sand or rock near hi gh-water mark ............ .... ................ ..
Planktolyngbya ... ...... ....... ................ ................ .... .. ... .. ... .......... .................. ................... ...... Hormat/wllema , p. 448
3(2). Clusters of cells, often diffe renl in size, forming thin coating on variou hard substrates or
epiph yli c ......................................................................................................... Pleurocapsa, p. 448
4( 1). Heterocytes (speciaLi zed cells, different in size, pigmentation and lhicker cell wall from
vegetative cell s) present [trichomes often with dislinct basal area decidedly di ffere nt from
Phormidium apical region] ..... ... .. .. ..... ....... ................. ........... .............................................................. ................ 5
4( 1). Heterocytes absent [trichomes similar throughout, no di stinct basal or apical differentiation] ..
............................................................................................................................ ............................ 9

~~~~~~~=~~~:=~~ Planktothrix 5(4) .

Heterocytes predominantly ba al .................................................................................................. 6
Heterocytes predomi nantl y intercalary ... .... .......................... ................... ... .. ............................... 8
Porphyrosiph 6(5). Filaments entirely coalesced (fused together) into hemispherical, hard, sli ck or folded hollow
gelatinoll ma ses ........ ...... .................. .. ...... .............. .. ........ .. .. .. .................... .. ..... Rivlllaria, p. 474
Pseudophor 6(5). Filaments generall y free; di stal portions fuzzy in appearance .. .. .............. .. ...... .. ...... .. ................. 7
7(6). Filaments branched in parallel rows coalesced at base, free at tips, in di stinct sheath ................ .
.... .... .... .. ... .. ............................................... ..... ... ................................................. . Dichothrix, p. 470
Tychonema 7(6). Filaments generaJl y unbranched, often with indistinct sheath ........................... Calothrix, p. 468
8(5). Thallus as firm, gelatinous, often holl ow cluster; trichomes branched with apices tapering,
Oscillatoria hair-like ............................................................................. .... .... .................... Brachytriclzia, p. 478
8(5) . ThaJlu as tufts or velvety cm t ; trichome apices not hair-like ...... ............. Scytollel1la, p. 476

Lyngbya 9(4). Cells di scoid, much shorter than wide ............................ ............................................................. 10
9(4) . Cells equal or longer than wide ..................................................... .. ........ ...... ............ .. ................. I I
10(9) . Trichomes generalJy more than one per sheath ..................... Hydrocolelllll/Blellllothrix, p. 458
Pseudoscytonema 10(9) . Tri chomes one per sheath .................................................................................... LYllgbya, p. 450
II (9) . Sheaths absent .. ... .............. .. .................... ......... ....... .. .......... ..... ................. .. .. .. . Oscillatoria, p. 454
Heteroleibleinia I 1(9). Sheaths present ................................................................................ ............................................ 12
12( 11 ). Filaments containing one or more trichome ................. ........... ....... .......... .. .. Schizothrix, p. 464
The genera lisled on lhe left are from Geitler (1932), lhose on lhe right are based on changes 12( 11 ). FiJaments wi th one trichome only .......................... .................................................................... 13
proposed by Anagnostidis & Komarek (1988). Sorne species wilhin these genera have been
transferred to the newer scheme in accordance with lhe Botanical Code of Nomenclature 13( 12). Mature cells generaJly much longer than wide ........................ ... ..................... Spirocolells , p: 462
13( 12). Mature cells generally as wide as long ...... ........ .. ............ .. .......................................................... . 14
(numbers represent species lransferred), while olhers have no\. The Drouet (1968) system is
not widely accepled. To illustrate lhe currenl confusion of lhe order Oscillaloriales, lhis chart 14( 13). Thalllls organi zed, tightly knit, relati vely tiff, in erect bundles or wick-like .. Syl1lploca, p. 460
shows lhe four "GeiLlerian" genera which uffered the most changes. Other orders of lhe 14( 13). Thallus as unorganized soft irregular or hemi pherical mass .... .. .............. .. .. Phormidilll1l , p. 456
Cyanobacteria are les disrupted by lhe new arrangements (Golubic, unpublished).

Hormathonema violaceo-nigrum Ercegovic 1930: 372, lig. 5.
T/¡al!Lls fo rming frag il e warty 01' granul ar crusls, to I mm thick, l . SU/iace vielV of cel! 50J.'m
dark brown to black. Cel!s genera ll y spheri ca l, 2- 5 11m diam.; upper e/lIste/: ,-'
cell often dividing to form aggregali ons of various shapes and sizes:
lower cell s frequentl y ini tiate fi laments that penetrate wood, sand
or limeslone. S/¡ eaths thi ck, stri aled, li ght brown.
2. SU/iace cel!s with
pelletratillg jilalllellls.
3. Cel!s lVithill. pelletrating
!db~\ ;;
COIllIllOIl: fo rming crum bly cru sts on sand or rock near hi gh-water jilamelll sholVing striated
mark 01' in plash zone, oflen occurring in protected lagoon or s/¡ eath.
ti de-pools where sa linity is high; upper intertidal.
Distribution: Bahamas.

: ~\ (J;~\¡
'O "


Pleurocapsafuligillosa Hauck 18851 1882- 18851: 5 15, lig. 231.

[Belongi ng lO lhe genus Chroococcopsis according lO Ko marek & Anag noslidis
( 1986): however, lhe combinat ion has nO! been made (Golub ic, personal
Thal!us mucil aginous, within hemi spheri ca l masses, to 10 cm diam., l . Typical cel! e/Liste!:
li ghtly pi gmented at surface, lower parts blue-green. Cel!s spheri cal,
5-28 fUll di am., contents granul ar, united in clusters; c lu sters to Photo: Pha e-contrast
11 0 11m di am. Sheat/¡s initi all y thin, becoming thicker wilh age, mi crograph. Color of
2-4 11m lhic k, colorless. proloplasl in li ving cell s
COlI/llIon: mi xed with other species in muc il aginous spherica l brow ni sh green.
masse ; al o reponed as thin red 01' brown-bl ack coalings on upper Upper lefl insert:
intertidal rocks or wood, epiphyti c on intertidal EllIeromorpha; mucil aginous mass
105 m deep. containing P. f u/ig inosa
Distriblltiol/: Bahamas. and other species of blue-
. ....

Aphanothece stagnina (Sprengel) A. Braun in Raben horsl 1863: no. 1572.
Coccoc/¡{oris stagl/il/G Spre ngel 1807: 14.

Thal!us as mucil aginous cluster, somew hat spherica l bUl lumpy, often l . Elongated cel!s il/
wilhout defi nile shape, fo rming large gelatinous masses, lo 4 cm mucilagill oLls matrix;
diam., go lden-brown, yell ow-green to blue-green at surface, much several cel!s ShOlVillg
paler be low surface. Cel!s spheri cal 10 elongated, generally ova l, typical pe/pendicular cel!
3-5 11m di am., 5-8 11m long; cell content fin ely granular, dull green, di vision.
blue-green 10 gray. Sheaths thick when observed, generally indi tincl,
trucrureless, running logether forming mucil age.
Ullcollllllon: fonnillg loosely attached small mucil aginous c lusters,
generall y found on and in calm protected waters; interlidal
to 2 m deep.
Distriblltiol/ : Bahamas, Weslern Ca ribbean.



F AMlLY O SCILLATORlACEAE Acamhopleura gral/ulala
rasping Cyanobacteria
Key to species of Ly ngbya fro m the intertida l rock
l. Cells ( 16-)40-55(-80) !-1m diam . [2-4 !-1m long) ............ .. ... .. .. .... .. ...... ........ .. ....... L majuseula, p. 450 e1iff o n Navassa Island.
l . Cells genera ll y less than 40 !-1m di am .... .. .................. ..... .... ... ................... .................. ........ ............ ........ 2 Thi process contributes
2. End cells generall y with obvious cap [cap lInpi gmented) ......... .... ..... .. .... .. .. ................. .... ......... ............ 3 toward the undercut zone
2. End cells without obvious cap .. ... ..... .... ........ ................... .. ... .... ................................ ....... ...... ... ..... ... .. ... . 4 o n many vertical i land
coastlines (see p. 157
3. End cell distinct from otbers, fl at, dome- haped; trichomes 9-18 !-1m di am .. ... .... .. ............. ..... ..... ... .. ..
.,............................................................. .. ............................. .................................. L semiplena, p. 452 herein, Rasmussen &
3. End cell rounded; trichomes 5-6 !-1m diam . ........................ ........ .. ...... .. .... ..... L pellieilliformis , p. 452 Frankenbe rg 1990).

4. Cell (6-) 10- 16(-30) !-1m diam. ; 2-4 !-1m long ................. .... ....... .......... ............ L eOllfervoides, p. 450
4 . Cells 14-40 !-1m diam., 4-10(-14) !-1m long ... .. ................ ....... .... ......... .. .... ...... ... ... L polyehroa , p. 452

Lyngbya confervoides c. Agardh 1824: 73.

Thallus as clumps or tufts of fine tangled strands, to 5 cm hi gh, J. Typical fllaments showing
du ll yellow-red to dark green. Filaments 12-20(-35) !-1m di am ., disc-like cells and
ba al prostrate filaments tangled, erect fil ament mai nly straight numerous empty sheaths.
or sli ghtIy curved, somewhat ri gid. Cells short, di c- haped,
(6-) 10-16(-30) !-1m di am. , 2-4 !-1m long, transverse walls granular,
content oli ve to blue green, not constricted at cro s walls; end
cell rounded, without cap. Shealhs obvious, colorless, often
layered or striated and rough when older, to 5 !-1m thi ck.
Heterocytes absent.
Commoll : on stones or other hard surfaces, mangrove prop roots
or epiphytic on eagras e or larger eaweeds; to 2 m deep.
Distributiol/ : Florida, Lesser Antilles, Western Caribbea n, Gulf of

Lyngbya majuscula (Di JJ wyn) Harvey 1833: 370.

COllferva majuscula DiJJwyn 1809 [1802-1809]: 40, suppl. pI. A.
Thallus filamentou , forming tangled mas es, to 50 cm long, J. Typicaltrichomes with
general ly shorter, brown-green, yelJow-green, black-green to blunt end cells.
black-purple. Filamenls long, straight or curved, rarely coiled,
30-90 !-1m diam. Cells di sc-shaped, (16-)35-45(-80) I!ffi diam.,
2-4 !-1m long; not constricted at cross walls; end cell somewhat
rounded or dome-shaped, not tapering, cap ab ent; cell contents
finel y granu lar, dull green, blue-green to gray. Sheaths striated,
colorl ess, 4-11 I!ffi thick.
Common ; forming large mat in calrn waters or unattached as free
fl oating, black, hair-like mats, poisonous to mammals; causing
swimmer's itch reaction in humans; intertidal to 2 m deep.
Distribution: Florida, Bahamas, Greater AntilIes, Lesser Antilles,
Southem Caribbean, Westem Caribbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

Lyngbya penicilliformis P. S il va ill Sí lva el al. 1996: 39. ·

IPllorlllidill1ll pellicillllllllll Gomonl 1893: 88. 1'1. 4. lig;. 5- 7. T here i, mueh
cO ll fu ~ion a~ lO lhe nomenclatural history of Ihb ~pccic~. So me workers prefer
10 relain (his laxon in P/wrmillium (S. Golubic. personal cOllll1lunication), whi le
Si lva el al. 1996 have fo llowcd Hoffman & Comperc (1990) in lransfcrríng
p. l,ellicilli[orllli.1 lO Ihe ge nus L.l'lIgbya. ]
Thal/us mueil aginous, long and undul ating, to 7 em long, eolo rl ess l. Apices o}' Iric/¡omes.
or li ghtl y pig me nted at base, uppe r parts brown-green. Filall/el/Is 2. Typ ical fl lall/el/ls IVilll
5-6 I-lm di am .. unbrane hed. adhe ring togethe r or as thi e k. undu - 1IIII/IerOllS ell/pry s/¡ eal/¡s.
la ting, fin ger-like projeetio ns. Cel/s ey lindri ea l o r very slig htly
barrel-s haped, 7- 12 !-1m long, not granular at eros wa ll s; e nd cell s
rounded, nat or slig htly po inted, witho ut cap, oeeasionall y with
terminal lhie ke ning. Shealhs thin, deli cate. onl y obvious in yOllnger
fil a me nts, eolorless, o fte n e mpty of trie ho me in internal regions.
Helerocyles absent.
Commol/ : g row ing as thi e k mue il agino lls bundles attaehed 10 hard
substrate o r tang led o n dead gorgoni ans: to 3 m deep.
Dislribllliol/: Florida. Grea te r Ant ill es.

Lyngbya polychroa (Me neghin i) Rabcn ho"l 1847: 83. ·

Lei"'eillia po¡ycllma Me neghi ni 1844: 304. 1Synonym: LYlIgbya sordida
Gomonl 1892: 126.1'1. 2. lig. 2 1. (sce Si lva el al. 1996: 39 for nomenclatural
h islorY)· 1
Tllal/us fil ame ntous, forming large ta ngled mas. es. to 6 c m long. l . Typ ical fllalllellls lIIilh
pale pin k inte rn all y, eX le rnal stra nds brow n-green, golde n-green freq llelll empry s/¡ ecl//¡s.
to bl aek-green. Filalllel/Is ( 16-)35-50 !-1m di a m., lo ng, o rte n
e urled, rare ly coiled. Cel/s di se-s ha ped , 14-35(-40) !-1m d ia m ..
4- 10(- 14) !-1 m lo ng: sli g htl y eon tricted al e ro s wa ll s: e nd eell s
he mi spheri ca l o r do me-shaped, no t tapering, witho ut cap; cell
eonte nts fin ely granul ar. S /¡eaths c lear, eo lorl ess, rare ly striated,
5- 10 !-1m thiek; o fte n e mpry of tri cho me in inte rnal areas.
Comlllol/: e pi phytic on othe r marine pl a nts, oft e n as long dark
undul ating masses in ma ngrove lagoons; inte nida l lO 2 m deep.
Dislriblllioll: Fl orid a, Bahamas , Greater Antill es , Lcsscr Antill es,
Southern Caribbea n. Weste rn Ca ribbea n, G ul f 01' Mex ico.

Lyngbya semipLena (e. Agardh) J. Agardh 1842: 11.

CalOlhrix sellliplella C. Agard h 1827: 634.
Thallus as fin e para ll el hairy o r grassy indi vidual fil ame nt forming l . Typical fi lamellls ShOIVillg
eompact tangled base. to 3 cm long, pin k-red to dark yell ow-green. colorless caps 011 Ie/'millal
FilalllelllS 9- 18 I-lm di a m., straight, soft. nex ible, ofle n wilh slim y cel/s. }'requelll empry
lex ture. Cel/s di sc-sha ped, 5- 12 !-1m di a m., 2-3(-6) flm lo ng, no t shealhs alld roughel/ed
constri cted at c ross wa ll ; cell conte nts fin ely g ranul ar; e nd cell sU/faces o}' older shealhs.
freque ntl y wilh co lorless cap, o me what nalte ned o r dome-shaped.
not lape ring. S/¡ ealhs clea r. co lo rl es , 2-3 !-1m thi ck. surCa e
roughe ns Wilh age. Helerocyles absent.
Comllloll: a. fi ne hairy pads o r spreading mats in ca lm wate rs;
inten idal to 2 m deep.
Dislriblllioll: Florida, Bahamas. Grea ter Antill es. Lesser Antill es,
So ulhern Caribbean. Western Caribbcan. Gu lf oC Mex ico.

Key to species of Oseillatoria S lIc h commu ni ti es 01' fan

l . Thallus fonning as fibrolls brighl rose-red mal lO 5 mm thick ..... ... .... ........................ O. rosea, p. 454 corals (GORGONA EA)
l . Th allus generall y a spar e trichomes il1lenni xed with fin e sed im ents .... ........... O. ael/mil/ata, p. 454 prov ide refuge habitats
for pa latabl e marine pl ants
(see Lilll er et a l. 1987 b,
p. 46 1 here in).

Oscillatoria cr. acuminata Gomon! 1893: 247, pI. 7, fi g. 12.

II-Ias been lransferred lO P¡'orlllidilllll aClIlIlillalLl1ll (Gomonl ) Anagnosli d is &
Komarek 1988: 404: however, we ehose lO relain Ihis laxa wi lhin Oscillaloria for
lhe present.1
ThallLls spar e, binding and intennixed with fin e sed imel1ls, bllle- l . Trichomes \Vitl! poillled
green. Trichomes straight, 3-5 ¡lIn di am ., tapering toward apices. tips.
Cells 5-8 ¡.un long, not constricted or very slightly constricted at 2. Tapered. sharply poinled
ce ll wall ; apica l cell sharp ly poil1led, occas iona ll y hooked or apices_
twi sled. Sheafhs absent. Heterocyfes ab ent.
COm11l0 1l: inconspicuous, binding surface layer of fine sediments
in mangrove lakes or ca lm bays; lO 3 m deep.
Distriblltiol/ : We tern Ca ribbea n.

OscilLatoria rosea (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Batters 1896: 394.

Oscillaria rosea P. Crouan & H. Crouan 1867: 11 3_
I Be lo nging 10 lhe genus Geir'erillellla according lo Komarek & Anagnoslidis
( 1986); however, lhe eo mbinalio n has nOl been made (Golubi c, perso nal
commun icm io n). 1
Thallus fonning fibrou mats to 5 mm thi ck, covering l. Triehomes \Vilh gradrrally
indelem1inate area, brighl rose-red. Trichomes traighl, tapering laperillg poil1led tips.
IOward apices, 4-- 10 !-lIn diam., 2-4 mm long, not constricled or
very sli ghtly constricted al cell walls; cell s gradua ll y tapering toward
apices. Cells 15-25 !-1m long; api ca l cell s sharply pointed. Sheafhs
absent. Heterocytes absent_
Uneomlllol/ : fonning brightly co lored mats on walls at mOllths of
marine caves; to 3 m deep.
Distrib lltiol/ : Bahamas .


Key to species of P/¡or11lidiul1l ilhouetted against Carrie
Bow Cay at daybreak in
l . Thallus as black band mov ing acro s li ving coral leav ing dead coral skeleton behind ............. .... .. ..... ...
.... .... ................. ........ .. ..... .... ..... ... .......... ........ ... ...... ... .......... .. ... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ...... P. corallytiCUI/l, p. 456 Belize. This shallow-draft
l . Thallus not as black band on coral .. ... .... ................ ...... .... ...... ... .... ......... ......... .. ... ........ ........... ............ ... 2 ship has allowed access
to many interesting
2. Thallus purp le- red to rose-red ...... .............. ... .... ........... .. ............ .. ........ ... ...... . P. cf. dil/lorphul/l , p. 456
Caribbean reef sy. tems
2. Thallus yell ow-brown to brown-red to rust-red ... .... .... ........ ............ ... .... .. ... ......... P. laysanellse, p. 458
lacking sufficient depth
for larger oceanographic

Phormidium corallyticum Rlitzler & Sanlavy 1983 : 304, figs. 1-8.

Thallus mucil aginous, fonning black pathogeni c band on li ving J. Typica/ /richomes.
coral , band 5- 30 mm wide, length variable, black to black-brown.
Trichomes cy lindri ca l, curved, tangled, unbranched. Cells 4.0-4.5 11m
di am., 2.5-5.0 11m long, s lightl y con tri cted at cross wa lls, often
granul ar at cross wa ll s; apical cells either hem ispheri cal or tapering,
without termin al thi ckening. Shea/hs obscu re, thin , deli cate,
colorl e s, coa lescing into amorphous masses. He/erocy/es absent.
COfllfllO/l. : fo und on Momas/rea, Dip/o ria and other coral formin g
dark bands separating [i ve cora l tis ue from recently ki ll ed white
coral skeleton, hence the common na me ' Black Band Disease';
to 5 m deep.
Distribu/iol/: Florida. Bahalll as, Greater Antilles, Les el' Antille ,
Southern Caribbean, Westerfl Caribbean . Gu lf of Mex ico.

Phormidium cf. dimorphum Lellllllcnnann 1908: 187, pI. 5, fi gs. 25- 28.
Thal/us as ta ngled fin e filaments forming so ft undul ating masses, J. Typica/ ji/alllellls showil!g
to 4 cm long, purple-red to rose-red. Fi/amen/s 4-8 11m di am. , equa / /ellgrh and \Vidrh Di
straight or tangled, containing single tri chome. Cel/s 3-5(-8) ~un cel/s a fld IlUm erOIlS empry ',! \

diam. , 3-9(-13) ~lIn long, di sti ncdy constri cted at cross walls; apica l shearhs. "-",-':'. l.
cells dome-shaped, often with thick ge latinou cap, e ldom tapering;
cell contents with few di stinct granul es, pale green. Shea rhs thin , \", ~¡
deli cate, co lorl ess, sti cky, 1-2 11m thick. He/erocy /es absent.
COllllllon: on mangrove roots or other firm objects in calm waters;
to 4 m deep. CD
Dis/ributiOIl: Western Cari bbean.

Phormwium Laysanen se Lcmmennann 1905: 619, pI. 7, figs. 4, 5.

Tha llus membrane- like, muc il aginous, fo rming small fi nger-li ke l. Habit.
masses, to 10 mm hi gh, covering 1-3 cm in area, light go lden 2. Tallgled jilalllellls.
brown to rust-red. Trichomes 4-7 !lJll di am., tangled or o mewhat 3. Filamellls with slightly
paJa ll el, un branched, agg lutinated by di stinct amo rphOllS mucil age. poillled apical cel/s.
Cel/s 3-5 ¡lm d iam., 4- 14 ¡lm long, no! constricted at cross wa ll s,
contellts blue-green, granul ar; cross wall often obscure in o lder
tri cho mes; api ca l cell s fl at or fl at-coni ca l, wilh di lincl lermin al
lhickening. Sheaths o bscllre, thin, de licale, co lorless, coa lescing.
Heterocytes absent.
UnCO IllIllOI/: grow ing over other alga! species o r as fin ger-like
projecti o ns fro m sand wilh basa l fil aments c linging to sand gra in
10 2 m deep.

DislribuliOIl: Greater Antill es, Lesser Amill es, Western Caribbean,
SO llthern Ca ribbean.


Key to species of Hydrocoleum/Blellllothrix

Cushion-like colonies of
l . Thalllls with oxygen bubb les tangled within lhi ck slimy mass; genera!ly on ediment bottoms .... ...... .
Cyanobacteria growing on
............... ....... ........ ... .. ... ....... .. ........... ......... .......... ... .. ........... .................................. H. coccilleulIl, p. 458
l . Thalllls withollt oxygen bubbl es tang led within thin slimy ma s; generall y on vari ous hard substrates .. a rock in a Thalassia
....................... ....... .. ....... .... ... .. ....... ......... ........ ... .... .... ...... ........ ....... ... .... .... ....... ..... B. lyngbYllcea, p. 460 testudinum seagrass bed.
Sorne Cyanobacteria fix
atmospheric nitrogen and
play an irnportant role in
adding inorganic nitrate
essential for coral reef and
seagrass primary produc-
tion (Wiebe el al. 1975).

HydrocoLeulIl coccinellln Gomon! 1892: 342. pI. 13. figs. 1. 2.

[Belonging 10 Ihe genus Blellllotll,.ix according lO Komarck & Anagnoslidis
(1986): howcver, Ihe combinaLion has nOI becn made (Golubic. personal
l . Typicaltricl/OII/es lVilh
illdistillct sheaths.
Tha l/us forming soft, slimy, thi ck, o mewhat undul ating masses,
to 2 cm ta ll , maroon to pale red. Trichomes straight 0 1' slightJ y This photograph shows
clll'ved, cross wall not constri cted; apex with slight taper; api ca! the fo rm ati on of oxygen
cell s rOllnded, blullt 0 1' convex, often with sma ll ca p ce l!. Cells hort, bllbbl es when exposed 10
di sc-s haped, 5.5-9.5 ¡lm di am., 2.5-6.0 ¡lm long. Shellths indi stinct. sllnli ght. The¡¡e bubbl es
Helerocytes absent.
become trapped within
COIllIllOIl: found as slimy lh ick masses covering sed iment borto ms lhe slimy mass , giving
of mangrove lake and pond ; 0.5-23 m deep. the enlire poplll ati on an
Dislributioll: Les el' Ant illes, We tern Caribbea n. unllslIal appearance

Blennothrix lYllgbyacea (Kü tzing) Anagnosl idis & Komarek 1988: 430.
Hydrocolelllll lyllgbyacewlI KÜlzing 1849: 259. IMicrocolells Iyllgbyacells
(Külzing) P. Crou"n & H. Crou"n 1867: J 17.J
Thallus forming soft, slimy, thick, somewhat undu lating masses, to l . Typical tricholl/es with
2 CI11 tall , maroon to gray-green to yell ow-green. Trichomes straight indistinct sheaths.
or highl y curved, cross wall s not constricted; apex with ll O taper or
slight taper through severa l cell ; apica l cell s rounded or convex
with tlat-hemi pherical cap. Ce lis short, di sc-shaped, 6- 12(- 16) J.l111
dial11. , 2-4 fUll long, pale blue-green to viole!. Sheaths indisrincl.
HelerocyLes absenl.
C01ll11l01l : forming short undul ati ng strands on various hard
sllbstrates; intertidaJ to 2 111 deep.
Dislriblltioll : Lesser Antilles, Western Caribbean.

Key to species of Symploca Colonie of the gorgoni an

l . Cell s 4-6 !-1m long; sheath 2-3 !-I111 thi ck ........... ...... ... ... ......... ......... .. ............. .. .. ...... S. atlalltica, p. 460 coral Gorgonia velltolina
l . Cells 5-14 !J.m long; heath J-2 !J.111 thi ck ......... .... ........... ....... ... ............. ...... ......... S. hydlloides , p. 462 prov ide a refuge fo r vari ous
seaweed associations at
their bases (Lin ier et al.
I987b, p. 455 herein).
Pictured here is a dense
algal community dominated
by several pecies of
D ictyota growing in close
proxi mi ty to the
gorgonian's basal
attachme nt structure.

Symploca atlantica Gomolll 1892: 109. pI. 2. fig. 5.

5 0~m . . /.'
Thallus fo rming erect bundles, wick- like, to 3 cm high, maroon l . Habit.
to tan-rose at sll rface, pale to co lorless below. Filaments long. 2. Filamellls showing
6- 10 J.l111 diam. , straigbt or cllrved, not branched. Cel/s 4-6 flJll rounded apical cel/s alld
dial11 ., 4-6 J.lm long; sli ghd y constricted between cell ; terminal empty sheaths (s).
cell s somewhat rollnded or dome-shaped, lightl y tapering. Shearhs
c lear, colorl ess, 2-3 !J.m tbick .
ComlllOIl: forming erect, vertica ll y layered bundJ es; to 2 m deep.
DistriblltiOI1: Tropi ca l to temperate. world wide.


SympLoca hydnoides
(~ .~
(Harvey) KÜlLing 1849: 272.
Calot/¡rix /¡ydlloides Harvey 1833: 368.

Tha/lus forming erect bundles, wick- like, to 5 cm hi gh, dull gray l. Branched jilamel1ls
lO blue-green to dark maroon at surface, pale to colorl es below. showing Irichomes IVilh
Filamellls 5- 10(- 14) f.un diam., straight or gentl y curved, obscure cross Ival/s. - -
_. '
occasionall y falsely branched. Ce/ls 5- 14 f.lm long; sli ghtly 2. Filametll apices lVilh 50f.Lm
constricled at cross wa ll s near ap ices on ly; cross wa ll s often slighlly conslricled cross
obscure in older trichome ; termin al ce ll s somewhat rounded wal/s.
or dome-shaped , without taper. Shealhs c lear, co lorless, 1-2 f.lm
thick, slightl y adherent, often empty.
COIllIIIOI/ : forming erect, vertical ly layered bundles, often found
on back reef habitats ; 10 20 m deep.
Distriblltion: Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Western Caribbean.

Aeri al view of lhe spur-and-

F AMILY P SEUDOANA BAENACEAE groove system of Looe Key
Key to species of Spirocoleus NationaJ Marine Sanctuary in
l . Thallus soft, mucilaginous, undul ating ma s ............ ............ .. ... .. .. .. ..... ... ...... ..... ...... S. er. fragUe, p. 462 lhe Florida Keys. This is one
l . Thallus flattened hemisphere or pad-like, hard, tough ... ... ............................. .... S. helldersollii, p. 464 of the mosl popular
recreational di ve sites in lhe
world. Aeri al mapping al lhis
site (p. 35 1), in conj uncti on
with ground-truth SCUBA
urvey (p. 63 herein, Lilller
el al. I 986a), provided the
basis for lhe first hip-
grounding fi ne levied for
destruclion of a back-reef
seaweed communily.

Spirocoleus cf. fragilis (Meneghini) P. Silva in Silva el al. 1996: 62

Allabaillo fragilis Meneghini 1837:8. [P/¡ ormidiulII cf. f ragile (Meneghini)
Gomonl 1892: 163, pI. 4, figs. 13-15.)

Thal/us oft, mucilaginous, forming undulating masses, to 2 cm long, l . Typical jilamellts.

colorless or li ghtly pigmented at base, upper parts yellow-brown to
brown-red. Filamellls curved, tangled, unbranched. Cel/s 0.5-1.5 f.lm
diam., 1.0--2.5 f.lm long, sli ghtly constricted al cross wall s, not
granu lar al cross waIls; apical cell s fl at or lightly rounded, without
terminal thickening. Sheaths obscure, thin , delicate, colorless,
coale cing into amorphou masses; empty sheaths numerous.
Helerocyles ab ent.
U IlCOIIIIIIOIl : forming erect bundles in coar e andy area or epiphytic
on larger marine pl ants; to 2 m deep.
Distriblltion: Greater Antilles, Le ser Antilles.
464 en OB\CTERI \ eYASOl1 \(- rERIA 465

SpirocoLeus hendersonii (Howe) P. ihu in Silvu el ul. 1996: 62.

P¡'urlllidilllll ¡'elldersollii Howe 19 18: 2-1. lig. I.\.II.J.

T/¡allus as f1attened hemi sphere or pad, hard. tough. to 1 cm hi gh, l . Ta ll gled jilamel//s.
covering 1-4 cm in area: surface mooth lick, oli ve-green. pa ler
below surface. Filall/ell/s very slender. 1- 2 flln di am .. sli ghtl y
curved. Cells 0.8- 1.2 fllll diam., 4-8 fUll long, nOl constricled al
cross wa ll s, contents blue-green; slrands tangled or somewhat
para llel, un branched, agglulinaled by di stincl amorphous mu ci lage;
api ca l ce ll s rounded. S/¡ ea /hs obscure, lhin, deli cate. colorles . often
coa lesced. He/erocy/es absent.
VI/eollllllol/: grow in g as lough, hard, gelatinous mass; ba al
fil al)1ents clinging lO sand grains: lO 2 m deep.
Dis/ribllliol/: Bahamas.

Key to species of Sehizothrix The upper inlel1idal snail,
Nerita \'ersicolor feeds
l . Major slIIface co mponenl of subtidal lromatolile ................... ................ ... .. ....... S. gebeleil/ii, p. 466 exlensively on lhe blue-
l . NOl major surface component of stromato lites, but ragged, soft , irregul.arl y-shaped mass .. ......... ... .. 2
green alga] cru t cOllllllunity
2. Thallu irregul ar in shape .. ... .... ...... ..... ..... ..... .... .. ..... ..... ........ .. ...... .... ...... ...... .... .... ........... .... .................. 3 of lhe splash zone.
2. Thallu with more de fin ed shape, spheri ca l lo f1 altened ova l, wilh or wilhout wrin kle .................... 4
3. Thalllls to 4 cm hi gh, generall y lighl beige 10 brown ........ ...... ... .... .. .. .. .. .... .... .. ... .. .. S. ealcieolll, p. 464
3 . Thallus to 8 mm hi gh, gencra ll y dark gray to blue-green .. ..... ..... ..... ..................... S. lenerrillla , p. 466
4. ThaJ lu s hard , dense, fonning compact buttons ..... ... .. ... ............. ..... .... ....... .... Sehizolhrix sp. A, p. 466
4. Thalllls softer, mucil aginoll s ..... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ......... .. .... .. .... ... ...... .. .... .... .. .. ... .... .. ... .... .. .......... ..... ... ... 5
5. Thalllls o ft ; cell lenglh one to (WO lime di ameter .... ... ... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... .. Sehizolhrix sp. B, p. 468
5 . Thallus LOugh, firm ; celn englh greater than twice di ameter ........... ..... ........ Sehizothrix sp. e, p. 468

Schizothrix calcicola (e. Aga rdh) GOlllo nl 1890: 352.

Oscil/atoria calcicola e. Agard h 18 12 [ 18 10- 18 12]: 37.
T/¡allus ragged, soft, irregul ar in shape, o flen lO 2 cm di am. , 4 cm l. Typ ical jilamellls wilh
hi gh, pale beige be low, purple-beige to brown abo ve. Trichotltes fl vo /richotltes ( 11105/
slraight, twisled or tangled , occasionall y piraling, rarely branched. COlllllto llly) 0 1' lI1al/y
Cells 1.0-2.0(-3.5) flm di am., 1-3(- 10) fun long, generall y as long /richollt es (occas iol/ally)
as wide; contents pal e blue-green; apica l cell rounded to swo llen, per shea/h.
not tapering. S/¡ea /h s inili all y thin , al maturity thi ck, faintl y
layered or stri ated with roughened urface, often undetectable,
empty sheaths common, enclosing one, two or many lri chomes.
He/erocyles ab ent.
COIII/llOI/: on rocks or other hard surfaces on haJl ow reef tlats'
L0 2 md= p. '
Dis/riblltiol/ : Florida, Lesser Antill e , So uthern Cari bbean, Weslern
Caribbea n.

Sclzizothrix gebeleinii Go1ubic & Brownc 1996: 278, figs. 7, 8.

T/¡a lllls as densely tangled sof1 gelatinous mass trapping and l . Typ icaltric/¡ omes.
intersper ed wilh ooids (spherical sand grains) and other
edi mentary particles whi ch eventuall y olidi fy, covering an
indelermin ate area several mm thick, off-whi te, bone to lighl
beige. Filaments 4-20 Ilm diam., unbranched or par ely branched,
containing one 10 several trichome . Trichomes intertwined, often
closely crowded and twisted forming a rope-li ke bundle. Cells 1-2
Ilm di am. , 2-8 Ilm long, sli ghtl y con tricled at cro walls; apical
cells rounded, occasionall y swollen, o ften broken off. Sheaths
lhick, co lorl ess, to 4 Ilm thick, weakly striated. Helerocytes absent.
Ullcomllloll: Schizothrix gebe/einii, by trapping sediment ,
augments lhe growlh and accretion of sublidal stromatolites
commonly found in the Exuma Chai n of the Bahama (see al o
p. 37) and elsewhere th.roughout the Caribbean; 2-5 m deep.
Dislriblllion: Bahamas, We lern Caribbean.

Schizotlzrix tenerrima (Gomonl) Drouel 1968: 135.

Microcolells leller r imlls Gomol11 1 92: 355, p1. 14, figs . 9- 11.
T/¡allus as 50ft, den ely tangled mass covering an indeterminate J. Fa/se branching near
area, to 8 mm hi gh, dark gray to purple-red 10 blue-green, wilh apex of lrichome bundles.
fine, somewhat parall el, individual tri chomes adhering lalerally 2. Tapered apices of
along mucilaginous sheaths. Trichomes 1.5-2.5 Ilm diam ., strai ght, trichomes.
lapering toward apex, o ften closely crowded and twi sted forming
rope-like buodles; bundles unbranched or spar ely branched; apex
with sheath di sintegrating or broken off. Cells 2-6 I-Im long, often
constricted at cross wall ; apical cells tapering, harply pointed.
Sheaths thick, colorless, obvious, to 40 Ilm thi ck, nOl layered, with
many tri chomes wilhin. Heterocytes absent.
UIlCOI1l11l01l: as dark film or thin mal covering other plants and
animal ; intertidal to I m deep.
Distributioll: Greater Antill es; Lesser Antill es.

Schizothrix sp. A
ThallllS hard, firm , mucil aginous, formin g compact buttons, to l . Typica/ fi /amellls showing
5( 15) cm di am. , 2 cm thick, colorless or li ghtly pigmented al ba e, empty sheaths.
upper parts blue-green to brown-red, interior white, mass oflen
impregnated with ca lcium carbonate. Filalllents straight at surface, Additi ona l photograph on
curved, tangled or somewhat paral lel below, unbranched. Cells 1-2 p.459.
Ilm di am. , 1.5-5.0 Ilm long, not granul ar at cross walls; api caJ cells
fl at or sligbtl y rounded, without tenninal lhi ckenin g. Sheaths
obscure, lhin, deli cate, co lorless, often coa lescing into hard masses;
empty sheath numerou . Heterocytes absent.
C011l11l01l : fonning hard butlon-like mounds 0 0 any fir m urface
uch as rocks or dead coral ; to 2 m deep.
Dislriblltioll: Greater Antill e .


50 J.l.m

Schizo1.hrix p. B , ;

T/¡a!lus mucilaginous, fo rming hemispherical or I bed ma ses, lo l . Typical jilalllen/s lvi//¡

5 cm diam., 2 cm lhick, colorless or lighll y pigmenled al base. freq llell / emp/)' s/¡ ea/hs.
upper parls purple !O bl ue-green. Trichomes 1.5-2.5 I.un diam., of
un iform di ameler, unbranched. Ce!ls 2-5 IAm long, unconslricled al
cro wa lls, one 10 lwo limes as long a wide, nOl granul ar al cro s
wa ll : apical cells fl al or slightly convex, WilhoUl lerminal
lhickening. Shea /hs ini tiall y thin, beco min g thi cker Wilh age,
1-2 IAm th ick, colorless, sheath deep wilhin lhe lhall u often
conlain 2- 3 lrichomes. He/erocy/es absent.
Commol/ : generall y found as soft hel11i pherical cOllony ball in
sheltered localions, attac hed to dead coral branches or olher hard
substrates: 109 m deep.
Distributiol/ : Grea ter Antilles, WeSlern Ca ri bbean.

" J 50f.LID

Schizothrix sp. e
T/¡a!llls firm , lOugh, mucilaginous, as dense flatlened oval or sphere, l . Typical jilamell/s \\Ii//¡
102 CI11 dial11., I cm thick, colorless at base, pale bllle-green aboye, il/e/is/il/ c/ cross \\Ia!ls al/e/
oflen green al sllrface. Filalllel//s rigid, slraight 10 slightly curved /hick shea//¡s .
al surface, ti ghlly tangled wilhin, unbranched; lhose with two
tri chomes 6-8 lA 111 , lhose with one trichome 2.5-6.0 1A111. Ce!ls
1.0- 1.5 IAI11 diam., with transverse walls mostly indislinct or obscure.
when observed 2-5(- 11 ) IAm long, not granu lar al cross wa lL; apical
cell s fl al or slightl y rounded to slighlly tapering, withoul terminal
lhickening . S/¡ ea /hs obvious. fai nt ly layered. colorl ess. 1-2 IAI11
thi ck, coalescing into firm mass. He/erocy/es ab enl.
COI//IIIOI/ : fonning pherical tu ft on any firm surface sllch as rocks,
mangrove prop rOOIS or dead corals; to 10 111 deep.
Distribution: Grealer Anlilles, Lesser Anli lIes, WeSlern Cari bbea n.

----...".."..::....:_....::..:...-....:.. \

ORDER NOSTOCAL ES The crustose coralline

Mesophyllum mesolllO/phwll
overgrowing lhe sponge
Key to species of Calol/¡rix Rhaphidophlus venosus,
l . Thall llS 2-5 ml11 high: basal heterocYles I0- 15 ~lm di am.................... .... .... .... ..... C. aeruginea , p. 470 a common type of plantl
l . Thall lls !O I 111m hi gh; ba al heterocytes 15-25 IAI11 di am....... ...... ..... ............. .. C. scopulorum , p. 470 animal interaction occurring
on reefs.

CaLothrix aerugillea (Klilzing) Thuret 1875: 10.

Leibleillia aerugillea Kützing 1843: 22 1.
Thallus forming delicate, sparse hairy rurf or palches, 2-5 mm hi gh, J. Young fi lamenls showing
dark oli ve-brow n to dull bl ack-green. Filalllellls 12-25 ¡.tm di am. basal heferocyles.
Trichollles taperin g from base to a cellul ar hair. Cel/s 7- 14 ¡.tm 2. Mafure fi lallle11l.
di am., 3-5 ti mes shorter lhan di ameter al base, e longaling di stall y,
to 25 ¡.tm long at apex; sli ghl or no constricli on between cells;
contents granul ar, blue-green; one strand per heath . Shealhs
clear, co lorless or yell ow-brown, striated Wilh age, 3-20 ¡.tm lhi ck.
Heferocyles pheri cal, 10- 15 ¡.tm diam. , basa l, generall y solitary,
occasionall y 2-3.
C011l11l0fl : on dead coral rubbl e or carbonate rock in low intertidal;
intertid al to I m deep.
Dislribufioll: Tropical and subtropica l, worldwide.

CaLothrix scop ulorum (Weber & Mohr) C. Agardh 1824: 70.

COllfen'a scofJulol"ll1ll Weber & Mohr 1804: 195, pI. 3, lig. 3.
Tllallus fonn ing delicate, sparse hairy turf or patches, to I mm l . Spherical helerocyfes wilh
hi gh, dark oli ve-brown 10 dull green. FilamellfS 10- 18 ~tm di am., taperill g Iricllollles.
fo nning occas ional fal e branching. Trichollles tapering fro m base
upward , ending in short Cel/s 8- 15 di am., 2-5 ¡.tm long al ba e; Photograph shows abundant
unconstricled between cell s; contents granul ar, blue-green. Sheafhs trapped oxygen bubbl es.
clear, colorles or yell ow i h, striated wilh age, 3- 18 ¡.tm thi ck.
Heferocyles spheri ca l, rarely cone-shaped to elongated,
15-25 ¡.tm di am., 15-35 ¡.tm long, basal, generall y so litary,
rarely 2-3.
COIllIIIOI/. : typica ll y on dead coral rubble, forming thin deli cate
layer; intertidal to 2 m deep.
Dislribll lioll : Tropi ca l and subtrop ica l, worldw ide.

Key to species of Dichothrix C lose-llp view of a green

l. Heterocytes 10- 16 ¡.tm di am . .. ......................................... ......... ......... .... ... .. ..... .. .. .. D. l/taheflsis, p. 474 alga-Iunicale-spo nge
l. Helerocytes grealer than 20 ~lm diam ......... .................. .. .. .... .... .. .... ... ........................................... ....... 2 aggregati on in lhe Pe lican
Cays, Be li ze. AII three o f
2. Cell length generally equal to or slightl y longer lhan diameler .. .... .... ................. ... D. / l/cico/a , p. 472
2. Cells consislentl y shorter lh an di ameler ...... .. .. .... .. ...... ........ .. ...... ..... .. ................... ................ .............. 3 these taxono mi c group
are treated in de lai l in
3. Th allus to I cm hi gh; fi laments to 52 ~lIn d iam.; cell s only slightly constri cted al cros,s wall s; M ac intyre el a l. (2000).
helerocyles ba al or interca lary (at random locali ons). oflen e longaled, 10 60 ¡.tm long .. ................ ..
................... ................................................ .. ... ... .. .. .... .. ...... ..... .............................. D. bom etiana, p. 472
3. Thallll lo 3 mm hi gh; fil am enls to 35 ~lm di am. ; cells constricled at cross wa ll s; heterocytes main ly
basa l, onl y sli ghLl y e longated. 1040 ¡.tm long .. .. .............. .. ........... .. .... .. .... ...... .. ... D. p efl icillata , p. 472

Dichothrix bornetiana M. Howc 192-1: 357.

Thal/us fo rl11ing s 111 a 11 fu zzy hel11i sphe ri ca l lllfLs, to I CI11 l . O rgalli~a lioll lVilhill luf l.
200 "-ID
hi g h, pllrpl e-beige lO o li ve-green. Filalllel/Is falsely bra nched lO
fo nn bru sh-li ke bllnd les, 20-52 ~1111 di al11 . Trichollles lapering fro l11
base. Cel/s 6- 13 /l111 di al11 ., swoll e n base 13- 24 /l111 di al11 ., 5- 10 /l111
2. Typical jilamel1ls SllOlVillg
Irichollles \I'ilh basal
IV! /\.
~ I (~.
./T, ,/ ,:/
t ... , ~:

lo ng, shorter than wide: slighll y constri cled between cell s. Shealhs
c lear, co lorl e lo tra nsparent yell ow, slrialed, 8-20 /l111 thi c k, ofte n
fu ing in bundles. Helerocyles spheri ca l, cone-shaped lO elo ngated,
20-30 /l111 di al11 ., 20-60 /l111 lo ng, ba a l o n indi vidu al lri cho l11e o r
inle rca lary (at ra ndo l11 10caLi ons wilhin IlIfts).
COII/IIlOI/ : e piphyti c o n l11a ng rove prop roots, 111 ud, tone or wood,
fo nnin g l11 all pad o r fll zzy clul11ps; inte rtidal lO 2 111 deep.
Distriblltiol1: Bahamas. Grealer An lilles, Weslern Caribbean.

d· (3) ~~ fl

Dichothrix fucicoLa (Külzi ng) Bornel & Flnhault 1886: 379.

Scili: osip/1011 JI/cieo/a KÜll ing 1847: 178.
Th allus forl11ing sl11 all e recI tllfts or SO fl fu zzy palche , to 8 111111 J. Habil.
hig h, lavende r-red lO dark o li ve-green. Filalllel1ls 2~0 ~1111 di al11 ., 2. Typical Jilalllel1ls ShOlVillg
fo rl11ing false branching. Tr ichollles o ne pe r sheath , l11erging wiLh Ir ichollles wilh basal
age, tape ring fro l11 base, e nding in a long hair. Cel/s 9- 13 /l111 di al11 ., helerocyl es.
swo lle n base 13-22 /l111 di am. , 10-60 /l111 lo ng; not constricted al 3. Filamel1l wilh shealh al
c ross wa ll s. Shearhs clear, colo rless o r yell ow ish. stri aled, 8-20 /l111 apex.
lhi c k. Helerocyles spherica l, cone-s haped 10 elongated, 20-25 /l111
di al11 ., 20-60 /l111 lo ng, basa l o r inte rca lary.
C01I/1Il01/: gene rally epiphytic o n othe r l11 arine pl anls, forl11ing
l11 all pad o r fuzzy Cllll11p ; intertidal 10 2 111 deep.
DislriblltiOIl: Trop ica l and sublropica l, world wide.

Dichotltrix peniciLLata Zanardini 1858: 89, pI. 12. lig. 3.

Thallus forl11ing l11all tufts or oft fu zzy patc hes, lo 3(-10) 111111 l . FilC/lllent e/usle/:
high, dark brown-green. Filamellls 25-35 ~1111 di al11. , 10 2 111111 lo ng, 2. Typ ical Jilalllellls sholVin g
fo rl11ing fa l e branc hin g. Trichollles o ne pe r sheath , l11e rging with Irichollles Ivil h basal
age, li ghtl y tapering al api ce . Cel/s 7- 15 ~ll11 di al11 . (occas io nall y helerocyl es.
10 20 ~1Il1 di al11 . near basal hete rocytes), 2-20 ~llll lo ng, gene rall y
sho rte r than di al11ele r: constri cted al c ross wall s. Shealhs clear,
co lo rl ess, stri ated, 8- 20 /l111 t1lic k. Helerocyl es phe rica l, cone-
haped lo elo ngated, 20-30 ~1111 di al11 ., 20-40 /l111 long, l11ainl y
ba al o n indi vidual tri cho l11e.
COIIIIT/Ol/: grow ing o n rock or dead cora l o r e piphyti c o n othe r
algae, o fte n fo rl11ing sl11all dark pad or da rk fu zzy clul11p al tile
l11a rgins o f li ving coral; inle rtidal to 2 111 deep.
DistriblltiOI1: Fl orida, Grealer nlill es, Lesser Anlill es , Weslern
Cari bbcan. Gul f of Mex ico.

Dichothrix utahellsis Ti lden 1898 I I 94- I 909 1: 288.

T/¡allus fo rming small fu zzy turt or SO fl palches, lO I cm l . Habil.
high, purp le 10 blue-green. Filame/lls 22-30 ~lm di am ., fonni ng 2. Typical jilamellls ShOlVi/lg
fal e branching. Trichomes o ne per sheath, merging wilh age, Irichomes lVilh basal a/ld
tapering inlO lo ng hair al apice . Cells 7- 14(-20) ¡Am diam., illlercala r)' helerocyles.
10-40 ¡Am long, sometime constricted al cross wa ll s (especiall y 3. Filall1elll apex.
in younger acti vely grow ing tufts); wa ll s o flen obscured wilh age.
Sheal/¡s clear, colo rless to pale brown, slriated, 8- 10 ¡Am lhi ck,
often fll sing in bund les. Heleroc)'les co ne- haped to elo ngated ,
I0- 16 ~Im di am., 20-40 ¡Am lo ng, basal or interca lary (al random
COIllIIIOI/ : epiphytic on mangrove prop roots, mud, sto ne or
wood, forming small pad or fuzzy c1 umps; intertida l lO 2 m deep.
Dislribuliol/: Bahamas, Grealer Anti ll es.

Key to species of Rivularia

l . Clusters ho ll ow; fi laments in o ne layer .... ........... ... ............. .. .. .. .......... ... .. .... .. ............ .. R. nítida, p. 476 The rocky intertidal
l . C lu sters lIsllall y so lid, occa ionall y hollo w when very old; fi laments in many layers .. ... .. ...... .... .. .. .. .. 2 peri winkle Tectarius
2. C lusler yell ow-green to dark brown; cell s 1-2 diameters long ..... ....... ..... ........ ... ....... ... R. atra , p. 474 I1lllricatus feeds on the
2 . C lu sters black-green to dark blue-green: cell s les lhan I diameter long ... ............ ... R. p olyotis, p. 476 Cyanobacteria of the
uppennost zone of wave-
wepl rocks .

Rivularia atra ROlh 1806: 340.

ThallLlS in spheri ca l or sli ghtl y lobed c1uslers, not holl ow bul so lid, l . Filamellls /l ear sw face.
firm , gelatinoll S, 2-5 mm diam. , dark yello w-green lO dark brown . 2. Typical jilamen ls sholVing
Filamenls radi ating from center, irregularly but ti ghlly para lle l, Iric/¡omes lIIil/¡ basal
crowded, in many layer . TricllOmes lermi nating with tapering helerocyles.
hair-like apex. Cells 2-8 ¡Am di am., 1-2 di ameter long; content
ge nerally blue-green. Sheal/¡s indi sti ncl, 5- 10 ¡Am thi ck, co lorless
lO lighl yell ow- brow n. Heleroc)'les basal , spheri ca l, 5- 10 ¡Am cl iam.,
lightl y larger in cli ameler than tri chome cell s, so li tary.
COII/fllon: o n rocks o r mangrove prop roots, lhroughoul interlidal.
DistributíOI/ : Bahamas.

476 CVANOIIAcn RI \ CV ANOIl .\ CTFRI \ 477

RivuLaria nítida Agardh 1817: 44

Thal/lls in hemi spherica l or lobed irregular cluster. ho llow, 50 ft , J. Transverse seelion al
gelatinous, 2.5-30(- 100) mm di am., me mbrane to 800 ~Ull lhi ck, e/USlel:
yell ow, yell ow-brow n lO dark blue-green. Triehomes rad iatin g from 2. Basal helerocyles (h) lVi,h
center. irregul arl y but li ghtl y para ll el, crowded, in one layer. wilh raperil/g ' richomes.
long lapering hair-like apex . Cel/s 2- 10(- 14) ~m diam. al base, 1-
4 times as long a diameter, prox imal cell s 'horter; cell contents
generally oli ve. Shealhs 10-- 15 ~m thick, co lorl es to li ght
yellow-brown. Helerocyles basal, spheri ca l, rarely he mi spheri ca l,
lO 5- 15 !-1m di am., so litary.
COllllllon : on rocks or mangrove prop roots, lhroughoul
intenida l.
Dislriblllioll : Florida. Bahamas. Greater Antilles, Wes tern
Caribbea n.

RivuLaria p oLyotis (J. Agardh) Hauck 1884 [ 1882- 1885J: 495.

Diplolrichia polyolis J. Agard h 1842: 10.
Thal/us hemi spherica l 10 irregular wilh many small lobes or knobs, l . Habi,.
so lid, occasionall y holl ow when o ld, lough, lealhery, 2-30 mm 2. Transverse seetioll of
d iam., brown, bl ack-maroon 10 dark blue-green. Filamellls radi aling ,ha 1/115 sholVing fl lalllelll
fro m center, parall el, fonning concentri c layer , repeated ly layers.
branched . Cel/s /2.5- (in outer porti on)]8- 10(- 15) !-1m di am. 3. Filalllent e/uster \Vi,h
at ba e, shorter lhan wide except at apex, lapered di stall y. Shearhs basal heterocytes 0 1/
gelatinous, merged lalera ll y, colorl e s to lighl yell ow-brown. rapering trichomes.
He'eroeytes spherica l, 10 15 ~lm di am., basa l, rarely in lerca lary.
Common: on roc ks or mangrove prop roOl , hi gh inlerlidal lO
low illlerlidaJ.
Dislribulioll: Florida, Bahamas.

F AMcrLV S CYTONEMATACEAE The iphonaceous gree n

K ey to sp ecies of Scylon ellla a lga Cou/erpa verticillato
thri vin g amo ng a co loni a l
l. Thallus crusl-like, 10 2 mm thi ck .......................... .... ... ......... ... .......................... Scylonema sp., p. 478 tuni cate. This re lati ve ly
l . Thallu. as fuzzy patches, 1-5 mm hi gh ........ ........ .. ... ........................ .... .... .. ........ S. polycysllllll , p. 478
sma ll a lga ca n bl oo m,
overg row and smolhe r
large areas o f reefs to the
detriment o f o ther
o rgani sm s. However, suc h
re lati ve ly de lica te forms
are mOre susceptible to
re mova l by phys ica l
di lurbance (Little r e t al.

Scytonema sp.
Tha llLls as expanded, somewhat lumpy cruSl, oflen wilhout l . JI/ venile jilamell/ wi//¡
de finite shape, 0.5-2.0 mm lhi ck, bl ack 10 dark green. Filcl/llellls in /ercalclI)' he/erocy/e.
15-30 I-Im di am ., short, generall y erect, occa ionall y decumbent, 2. Mauu'e apex.
with abundant fa lse branching. Cells elongaled when full y- 3 . Decll/nbell/ jilal/lelJl.
developed, irregu larl y paced, 2-4 I-Im long at apice . grad ually
expa nding to 6-20 I-Im long when maLUre; cell content fi nely
granul ar, dark yell ow-brown. Shea /hs lhi ck, gelati nous, 6- 15 I-Im
thick, often layered or stri ated. He/erocytes intercalary, oval
lO obl ong, dark green-brown.
UnCOIIIIIIOIl: forming dark green crust on carbonate rock ,
generall y in high currenl areas or in lhe spla h zone; inlertidal
to l m deep.
Distriblltioll: Baha mas.


Scytonema polycystum Bomel & Flahauh 1887: 90.

Thallus as ex panded fu zzy patches, o f indefinite shape and size,
2- 15 mm thi ck, rust brown , bl ack-green to bl ack-brown. Filamellls
l . Typical jilamen /s. CD ./F//
18-36 I-Im di am., langled, erect or decumbent. Cells barre l-shaped
when full y-developed, 10-20 llfI1 di am., 6- 15 ¡.un long when mature,
constri cted at cro wall s; cell contents yell ow-brown to yellow-
green. Shea /hs lhi ck, gelatinou , 10-20 11m thi ck, stri aled, yell ow-
brown. Heterocy/es intercalary, ova l to obl ong, deep brown.
UIlCOIIIIllOIl : forming fu zzy tufts on carbonate or beach rock,
generally in hi gh current areas or in the hi gh spl ash zone; intertidal
lo l m deep.
DistributiOIl: Bahama .

Brachytrichia quoyi (e. Agardh) Bornel & Flahauh 1886: 373.
NoslOc qlloyi e. Agardh 1824: 22.
Thallus as bemi spherical or lobed holl ow cl usters, to 15 mm di am., l . Transverse sec/ioll ofji/"ln
yell owish oli ve-green. Tric/lOm.e s embedded in fi rm gelatinous gela /illous layer.
matri x, 4- 10 I-Im di am. , branched, in ba al section of layer tangled, 2. Trichome wi/h in/ercalary
in outer membrane somewhat parallel, terminating in long tapering he/erocy/e (da rkened).
hairs. Cells bead-like, barrel-shaped or sli ghtl y swo llen, in inner
membrane as long as broad but may occur to tw ice as long as broad.
Shea/hs thi ck, fi rm , colorl ess or yellow, di stinct in younger
fi laments, obscure in o lder fil aments. He/erocyles spherical to oval,
8- 12 11m diam., interca lary, rarely basal.
UnCOIllIllOIl : epiphytic on macrophyle or on mangrove prop roots,
more frequent on pilings and breakwater , found on rock, wood or
other firm ub trales; intertidal.
Distriblltion: Gul f of Mex ico, Florida, Greater Anti ll es, Lesser
Ant ill es.

SEAGRASSES Co nductin g sludi es o n lhe
Key to the Seagrasses rol e o f ti h graz in g in
l. Leaves cy lindri ca l ..... ..... .... ....... .... ................. ....... ..... ............... ...... .......... Syrillgodillm fi liforme, p. 484 controllin g harmful bJ ool11s
l. Leaves fl at, bl ade-like or trap-shaped .. .. ...................................... .. ................................................ ...... 2
o f epiphylic a lgae o n ha l-
2. Leaves bl ade- like, ova l, les than 4 cm long ...... ........ ....... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ...... .. .. ............ ................... 3
low seagras beds in the
2. Leaves trap-shaped, greater than 4 cm long .......................... .. .................................. .. ........................ 5
lndi a n Ri ver Lagoo n, Fl o rida
3. Leaves in pairs: two sca les at nodes .... .. .............. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. .. .. ............................... 4
3. Leaves appearing whorled at top of sta lk; two sca le at nodes, two other scales al midpoint on (G ar; ia el a l. 1999). Shown
Sla lk ..... ....... ........ .. .... .... .. .................................. ........ ... ...... ....... .. .. ...... ..... Halophila ellgelmanlli, p. 480 are fi sh exc lus io n fences a nd
4. Leaves widely ova l, 3-6 mm wide, 10-25 mm long; margins with extreme ly fin e teeth ........ ...... .. .. .. ope n fe nce contro l pl OI
..... ...... ... ..... ... .. .... ............... ......................... ... .... .. .. ..... .... .... ......................... Halophila decipiens, p. 480 (2 111 2 each).
4. Leave narrow ly ova l, 2-3(-4) mm w ide, 5- 25 mm long; margin mooth ................................ .. ...... .
.......... ............... .. ....... ... ... ......................... ... ......... .... ............ ..... ........ .... .. .. ... Halophila johllsoll ii, p. 482
5. Leaves 4- 15 mm wide .... .. .. ........ .... ............................ .. ...... .. .. .... .... .. ........ Thalassia testudinlllll , p. 482
5. Leaves less rhan 4 mm wide ...... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................ .. .... ........ .. ............ .. .......... .. ...... .. ...... .. ... 6
6. Leaf apex tapering to one point 01' looth , lateral veins if presenl obscure .. Ruppia lIlaritillla , p. 484
6. Leaf apex not tapering, leaf tip with three teeth , central toorh and two laterals ........ .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .
.......... ..... .... ....... ..... ... .. .. .... ..... ......................... ........... ..... ......... .... .... .. ... ............ Halodule IVrightii, p. 484

HaLophila decipiens OSlenfeld 1902: 260. wilh lig.
Planls deli cate, small, in leafy patches, to 3 cm hi gh, of indeter- l . Habil of plal1l showing
minate area, bri ght green; fl owers and fruits ma ll, inconspicuous. scales (s) al nade (n) and
SIen/s slender, 3- 15 mm long, one per node. Leaves oval, 3-6 mm fi ne roo/lels (r) 0/1
w ide, 10-25 mm long, one pair per node; margin with ex tremely descendillg 1'001.
fin e teeth ; marginal veins pli tting from central vein at leaf ba e, 2. Marginal leelh (1) and
parall elin g margin, meeting central vein aga in ju t be low leaf apex; lIlarginal ve in (v) .
cross veins fai nt, 6-9 pairs, j oining marginal veins; leaf cell s 3. Leaf apex lVilh ma rginal
rectangular. Scales one pair per node, ova l, 3-7 mm long, trans- veins meeling celltral
parent, keeled, hai ry on outside. Slololls 0.5- 1.0 mm di am., vein.
ex tensive. Rools 0.2-0.5 mm di am ., one per node oppos ite leaf
pair; rootlet 10-20 JAm diam. -
COllllllon : in calm waters on oft sand 01' fine sedimentary
bottoms; to 30 m deep.
Distriblltiol/: Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antill es,
Southern Caribbean, Western Cari bbean, Gulf of Mex ico.

HaLophiLa engeLmanni Ascherson 1875: 368.

Planls delicate, in leafy patches, to 10 cm high, of indetermi nate l . YOLl/1.g leaf wilh
area, bri ght green; fl owers and fruits small, inconspicuous. Slalk marginal leelh .
lender. to 1.5 mm diam., 2-4 cm long, one per node. Leaves oval, 2. MalLlre leafwilh fi lle
3-6 mm wide, 10-30 mm long, in 2-4 c1 0se set pairs (appearing ma rgillal leelh.
whorled) at summit o f stalk; apex blunl, occasionall y with spine; 3. Habil of plallf.
ba e wedge-shaped ; margin finely toothed; marginal veins plitting
fro m central vein at leaf ba e, paralleling margin, meeLÍng centra l
vein agai n just be low leaf apex; cross veins faint , 6-8 pairs, joining
marginal vein . Scales at ba e o f upri ght, pai red, oval , 3-6 mm long,
tran sparenl. keeled ; second pair at midpoint of talk, oblong to
linear. 1-3 mm wide. 4- 12 mm long. Slolol1s to 2 mm di am. Rools
to I mm di am., one per node, oppos ite upri ght stalk, soon covered
by fin e rootl ets. Flower brac/s lance-shaped, in ax is of leaf,
containing one fl ower.
Uncolllmon: bUI w idely di stributed ; in ca lm wa ters on Ofl sand of
fin e sediment bottoms; to 5 m deep.
Distriblltioll : Florid a, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Western Caribbean,
Gul f of Mexico.

HalophiLajohllsollii Eiseman 1980: 16. lig. 1.

Plall /s deli cate, small , in leafy palches, lO 5 c m high. of indeler- l . Young grolVil/g /ip
min ale area, brighl green: fl owers and fruits mall, inconspi cuous. sholVing pair of elol/ga /ed
S/ems lender, 10-20 mm long. Leaves oval. 2-3(--4) mm w ide, oval /ea ves wi/h ol/e pair
5-25 mm long, one pair per node: margin smooth , wilhoul leelh ; of seales a/ base.
marg inal veins splitting fro m central vein at leaf base, parall eling 2 . Developing 10llg-l/eeked
margi n, meeting central vein agai n jusI be low leaf apex; cro s veins frui/.
fa illl, 5- 10 offsel pairs, joining margin al veins; leaf cell s rectan- 3. Transverse see/iol/
gul ar. Seales one pair per node, ova l, 3-5 mm long, transparent, shol\lillg blade midrib
keeled, hairy on oUlside. Sl% ns 0.5- 1.0 mm di am., ex tensive. (een/er dark) flanked by
Roo/s 0.2-0.5 mm di am., one per node oppo ite leaf pai r; roollet hol/ow ehambers.
colorl ess, 10-20 ¡.tm diam . Frui/s oval with e longated neck, to
1.5 mm wide, to 8 mm long.
Ulleo llllllon : in cal m waters on soft sand or fin e edimelllary
bottoms; commonl y occurring in the Indi an Ri ver Lagoon, Florida;
10 I m deep.
Distriblltion : Fl orida .

Thalassia testudinum Banks ex Konig 1805: 96.

Plal1ls erect, coar e, grass- like; 10 I m high, covering indeterm inate l . Habi/.
areas a interwoven mats, grass green. Leaves strap-shaped, 2-6 per 2. 8 1ade apex wi/h paral/el
sheath, 4- 12(- 15) mm wide, one cluster per node; veins 9- 15, veills.
paralle l, connected by perpendi cular cross vein at approximately
I mm intervals; margins mooth , di stall y with mi croscopi c spines, Additi onal photographs
lerminal spioe to 10 times longer lhan lateral spines. Leaf-shea/hs below and on pp. 2 1 I &
1.5- 7.0 cm long. Seales ellipti cal, 5- 10 mm long, one per node. 243.
S /O/Oll ex ten ive, creepin g, 3-6 mm diam . R OOlS one per node.
Flower braels oval, 1.5-2.5 cm long, fi nely toothed. Female
flowe rs of 3-5 petals, ova l, toothed al apex; ovary cone-s haped,
to I cm long; fl oral cup lO 2 cm long. Male flowers of nine stamens;
anthers oblong, lO I mm wide, 8-9 mm long. Frui/s spheri cal 10
ova l. 2.0-2 .5 cm wide, 1.5-2.0 cm long, bri ghl green to yell ow
green, rarely red.
CommoT/. : abu ndalll, conspicllous, fonning extensive meadows on
hall ow andy 0 1' muddy boltoms; lower intertidal to 20 111 deep.
Distriblltioll: Fl orida, Bahama , Grealer Anlill es, Lesser Anlilles,
Southern Caribbean, WeSlern Caribbean, Gul f of Mexico.

Fe ma le fl ower of the Ma le fl owers of lhe

lurtl egras Tha Lassia Cari bbean seagrass
/esllldinum. Tha lassia lesllldinllll1.
Thi s seagrass covers vast
area of the Caribbean
reg io n a nd domin ates
back-reef a nd lagoona l
hab ilats.

Halodllle wriglztii Aschcr.,on 1868: 19.
Plallls coa r e, stiff bul pli a ble. grass- like. 1025 c m hi g h. covering l . Apex of )'ol/ng blade lI'ilh
inde tell11inale area~; g ras green: roOl sysle m rc lati vely weak; midrib (m ) and marginal
fl owe rs and fruil s sma ll , in conspi c uo us. Leaves 0.5- 1.5 mm wide. veil/s (v).
5-20 c m long, narrowed al ba e, one clu sler pe r node: midrib 2. Transverse seelion of
con pic uo us; parall el marg inal veins presenl bUl nOl as conspi c uous blade margil/ sholVing
as midrib vein ; lea f Lip having three teeth ; central 100lh 1- 10 limes margil/al vein (v) of
lon ger than late ral leeth . Sea les elliptical , 5- 10 mm lo ng. SlolOlI smal/er densely paeked
exte n ive, creeping. ROOls 1-4 per node. cel/s.
Commo/!: on sa ndy, soft, mudd y bonoms : lowe r inle rtidal to 3. Trall sverse seclion of
5 m deep. cenlral blade \IIilh lIlidrib
Distribl/tiol/: Fl orida. Grealer Anlill es. Lessc r Anlill e, oulhe rn (m ) composed of smal/
Ca ribbean. Wc 'lern Ca ribbean. Gulf of Mex ico. lighll)' bl/ndled cel/s
paral/eled 0 1/ bolh sides
by air chal/neis.

Syringodillm filiforme K Ülli ng in Hohenacker 1852- 1962: 426.

PlanlS coar e, stiff, brinl e, WiLh cy lindrical leaves, 1045 c m hi g h. l . Habil sholVil/g leaf seale
gras g reen; flo wers and fruil s small, inconspi c uo us. Stalks o ne pe r (s), rOOIS descendil/g
node, bearin g 1-3 leaves. Leaves 1-2 mm di a m .. 10-30 cm lo ng, immedialely belol\' blades
central va c ul a r bundl e surrounded by 5- 8 air c hannels and lWO and fil/e roollels (r).
cenu'a l vascul a r bundl es. Leaf-shealhs to 2 mm wide, 2-6 c m lo ng. 2. Transverse seclion of
Sea les al node, 10 6 mm lo ng. seldom present, shed rapidl y. Slolon blade lI'ilh til'O cenlral
10 2 mm di am. Rools 2-4 pe r node, occas io nall y mo re al o ld lea f vascular bl/lldles (c). six
scars on stalk , to 500 11m diam ., unbranched or WiLh few branche . cenlral air channels (a)
COlI/lIlo/! : widely di stribuled, fOl1l1ing de nse sla nds in and o r fin e alld 111'0 laleral vascl/lar
mud sedime nts; lO 25 m deep. bundles (v).
Dislribuliol/: Fl orida, Bahamas. Greater Anlill es, Lesser Amill es.
outhern Caribbea n, Weslern Ca ribbea n, Gulf of Mex ico.


Ruppia maritima L innaeul> 1753: 127.
Planls coarse. finn. with fl alte ned lea ve . 1045(- 100) c m hi gh, l . Habil sl/Owing solilm)'
grass green; fl owe rs and fruits mall bUl conspi cuous whe n fl owering. IIp righls and sil/gle
Leaves 10 I mm wide. 10-20 c m lo ng, ari sing directl y fro l11 node, ul/brallched rools
stalk a bsenl , each c luster of 2-4 leaves. of one central lo ngitudin al developillg fro lll each
va c ul ar bundle (vein ) wilh lwo laleral and paralle l air c ha nn el on node of slo/(m.
either side . Leaf-shealhs 10 3 ml11 wide, I CI11 lo ng, sole ly al nodes. 2. Transverse seclioll of
SlololI 10 I mm di am .. branc hing coml11o n. ofte n eX lending blode lVilh ol/ e cenlral
veni ca ll y to appear as stalk. e peciall y dunng fl owering. Rools o ne I'ascula r bundle and til'O
pe r node, lo 500 11111 di al11 ., gene rall y unbranc hed. paral/el oir channels 0 11
COlI/lIlon: in brac ki sh wale rs o f bays a nd eSlll ari es, widely eilher side.
di stributed ; f0ll11in g de nse stands in muddy &and ; to 2.5 111 deep. 3. SlIIoolhly poil/led leaf
Distribuliol/: Fl ori da. Bahamas. Grea le r Al1l ill es. Lescr Antill e;,. apex.
OUlhern aribbea n. Weslcrn Cari bbca n. Gulf 0 1" Mcx ico. 4. Leaf slliface cel/
a rrangem elll.
486 ApPENDlX ApPE DlX 487


Aeetabll/aria (polyphysa) antillalla - Synonym: Po/yphysa all/illal/a (Solm -Laubach) M.J . Wynne Ceral/lill/ll jlaceidul/l - ynonyms: CerallliulII byssoidewl/ Harvey 1853: 2 18, nOIl1. illeg.;
1986: 2256 (see Silva et al. 1996 for detai ls). C. /ral1 sversa/e Collins & Hervey 1917: 145, pI. 5, fi gs. 29-3 1 (see Womers ley 1978).
Aeetablllaria (Polyphysa) myriospora - Synonym: Po/yphysa lI1yriospora (A. B. Joly & Cordeiro- Ceral/liul/l rubrum - Silva et al. (1996: 402) que tions lhe author citations and actua l na me for
Marino) Bula-Meyer 1982: 135, pI. 5, fig. 25; pI. 9, fig . 40 (see Silva et al. 1996 for detail s). thi s pecie, there i much hi storical confusion.
Acetabularia (PoLyphysa) po/yphysoides - Synonym: Po/yphysa polyphysoides (P. Crouan & H. Chaetol/lorpha alltellllil/a - Synonym: ChaelOlllorpha lI1edia (e. Agardh) Klitzing 1849: 380
Crouan) Schnetter 1978: 136 (see Silva et al. 1996 for detail s). (see Egerod 1974).
Aeetablllaria (Polyphysa) pusilla - Synonym: Ace/abu/wII pusillulI1 M. Howe 1909: 89, pI. 6, fi g . Chaeto/llorpha graci/is - Synonym: COllferva graci/is Kützing 1843: 259, 11 0 111. illeg. (see Silva et al.
13- 15; pI. 7, figs . 1-4 (see Silva et al. 1996 for delail s). 1996).
Agardhiella subulata - Synonym: Agardhiella /enera (J. Agardh) Scl1mitz in Schmitz & Hauptf1eisch C/wndrophycus - Garbary & Harper ( 1998) split Laurel/cia imo three genera (Laurel1 cia.
1897: 371 (see Silva et al . 1996). Chol1drophycus alld OSlllul1dea); however, in doing so they on ly treat four of our 11 species.
Morphologically similar to So/ieria filiforlllis, however, in transverse section S. fi/iforlllis often has Withoul havin g combinali ons made for lhe remaining sevell species it was not feasible 10 create
a thinner cortex (3-4 vs. 4-6 cell layers thick) and smaller cystocarp (0.5- 1.0 vs. 1-2 mm diam.) keys. Hellce, we retaill the Laureneia cOl1lplex as one entity, with the Ilew generi c epithets given in
developing with obvious surface swelling. parentheses.
Amphiroa rigida - Synonym: Amphiroa rigicla var. an/illana B¡¡jrgesen 1917: 182, figs. 17 1- 173 ChOlldria eapillaris - Synonym: Chondria /enuissillla e. Agardh 18 17: 18, 1/0 111 . i/leg. (see Wynne
(see Riosmena-Rodríguez & Siqueiros-Beltrones 1996). 1991 ).
Alltil/W/Ilnioll /hermillieri - Synonym: An/i/hal11l1ion antillal1 ulI1 B¡¡jrgesen 1917: 226, figs. 2 13-2 16 Cladophora albida - Synonyms: Conferva a/bida Hudson 1778: 595, 110111. i/leg. (see Silva et al.
( ee Silva et al. 1996). 1996); Cladophora glaueescens (Griffi lhs ex Harvey) Kützing 1849: 403 (see Hoek 1963).
Asparagopsis tnxiformis - "Falkenbergia Stage" or Sporophytic Stage - Synonyms: Fa/kenbergia Cladophora ca/ellata - Synonyms: Cladophora fu ligil/osa Kützing 1849: 415, under C. aegagropi/a
hillebral1dii (Bornet) Falkenberg 190 1: 689; Polysiphonia hillebral1dii Bornet in Ardi ssone 1883: fuliginosa; C. 11I0lllagl1ei Klitzing 1849 (see Hoek 1982).
376 (see Chihara 196 1). Cladophora laelevirens - Synonyms: Cladop/¡ora lI1exicana P. Crouan & H. Crouall ex Schralllm &
Asteromellia peltata - Synonym: Ha/ichrysis pella/a (W. R. Taylor) P. Hu vé & H. Hu vé 1977: 106 Mazé 1865: 38; C. ea/el/a/oicles P. O'ouan & H. Crouan ex Mazé & Schramlll 1878 : 65 (see Hoek
( ee Hui sman & Millar 1996).
1982) .
AvraillviLLea Levis - Synonym: Avrainvillea son/ida sensu Murray & Boodle 1889: 70. (see linier &
C/adopllOra prolifera - When reproductive filament apices becol1le undulated or wavy, chl oroplasts
Lini er 1992).
concentrate in dark spots (3-5 J.lm dial1l.) , other ch lorop lasts en large (to 8- 10 J.l11l diam.)
Batopllora oecidentaLis varo largoensis - The attempt by Berge & Kaever ( 1992) to elevate
contributing to gal1lete formation, lh allus disintegrate upon release of gall1etes.
Ba/ophora oers/edii J. Agardh var. occidenta/is (Harvey) M. Howe to lhe species level within
Cladophora vagabunda - Synonyll1s: Cladophora !aseicularis (Martens) Kützing 1843: 268; C.
Ba/ophora wa corrected by Wynne ( 1998) [BalOphora occidellla/is (Harvey) S. Berger & Kaever
mauri/iana Kützing 1849: 399; C. sertularil/a (Montagne) KÜlzing 1849: 396 (see Hoek 1982).
ex M.J. Wynne 1998: 108], as was the varieta l name.
Codium ovale - This new record for lhe tropica l and subtropi ca l we tern Atlanti c [Les ser Antilles
Boodleopsis vertieillata - This new record for lhe tropical and subtrop ica l western Atlantic (D&ML
(D&ML 3 1233, Grenadines)] is di stingui shed from it c10sest relative by ils ova l or spherical
24027, Bahamas) is distinguished by its cy lindri cal siphons and dichotomous, trichotomous to
vertici llate (whorled) branching pattern. Other specie occurri ng in lhe Caribbean genera ll y have morphology.
Coelar/hrum cliftollii - Synonym: Coelar/hrulIl a/ber/isii (Piccolle) B¡¡jrgesen 1910: 192 , figs. 11 , 12
onJy dicholOmous branching.
Bostrychia tellella - Synonyms: Fucus /enellus Vahl 1802: 45, 110111. ilIeg.; Bos/lychia binderi Harvey (see Huisman 1996).
1849 [1847-1849]: 68, pI. 28 [in part] (see King, Pultock & Vickery 1988). c,yptollemia seminervis - Synonym: Cryp/onemia /uxurial/s (e. Agardh) J. Agardh 185 1 [1 85 1-
Bryobesia johallllae - Synonym : Blyobesia cy/il1drocarpa M. Howe 1920: 610 ( ee Hoek 1983). 1863]: 228 (see Price et al. 1986).
Bryopsis hypnoides - Possibly con pecific wi th Bryopsis p/ulllosa ( ee Schneider & Searles 1991 ). Dasya alltillarulll - Synonym: Eupogodol/ an/i/larum (M. Howe) P.C. Silva in Silva et al. 1987: 60
Calenella caespilosa - Synonym: Ca/en ella repens (Lightfoot) Batters 1902: 69 (see Parke & Dixon (see Millar 1996).
1976). Dasya baiLloltvialla - Synollym: Dasya pedieella/a (C. Agardh) e. Agardh 1824: 2 11 (see Silva et al.
Caulerpa cupressoides varo lycopodiulII - Synonym: Cau /erpa lycopoclillll1 J. Agardh 1847: 6, 110m. 1996) .
illeg. ( ee Weber-van Bosse 1898). Dietyerpa stage of Padina [ ometimes referred 10 a lhe Vaughanie/la stage] - Synonym: Dicryerpa
Call/erpa macrophysa - Synonym: Cau/elpa racemosa varo macrophysa (Sonder ex Kützing) Taylor jamaieensis Collins, Holden & Setchell 1901 [1895- 19 19]: 25 1 (see Silva et al. 1987: 78).
1928: 101 , pI. 12, fig. 30; pI. 13, fig. 9. Dictyopteris poLypodioides - Synonyll1: Dictyop/eris mell1branaeea (Stackhouse) Balters 1902: 54
From consistem field observation of C. macrophysa growing langled wilh (but not attached to) ( ee Silva et al. 1987).
various form s of C. racelllosa, and its con istent mottled pigmentation prior to going reproductive, Dictyosp/weria vers/uysii - Synonyll1: Dietyospilaeria vanbosseae B¡¡jrgesen 19 12: 256 (see Valet
we recognize C. lIIacrophysa at the species level. 1966).
Cau/erpa 11Ll1I/IIIUlaria - Careful observalion must be made to distingui sh Cau /erpa numlllu/aria from Dietyota bartayresialla - Synonym: Die/yo/a l1eglee/a Hornig & Schnetler in Hornig et al. 1992: 56,
the similar C. racelllosa varo pel/ata; lhe most obvious differences are lhe lhin sto loh (400-850 J.lm fig . 5 (see De Clerck & Coppejans 1997).
diam. VS. 1-2 mm diam. ), proliferating stalks from blade centers and the often lobed or sca lloped Dietyota caribaea - Synonym: Dietyo/a indica Kützillg 1859: 8, pI. 17, fig. 1, sensu Vickers 1908
margins in C. I1wnllw/aria. ( ee Horn ig el al. 1992)] .
Cau/erpa raeemosa - Synonyms: Cau /erpa racemosa varo clavifera (Turner) Weber-van Bosse 1898: According to Homig et al. ( 1992: 58) lhis ent ity previously was idelltified as Die/yo/a indica
36 1, pI. 33, figs. 1-3; C. racemosa vaL uvifera (e. Agardh) J. Agardh 1873: 35 ( ee Papenfuss & Kützing 1859: 8, pI. 17, fig. 1, sensu Vickers 1908: 39, pI. 18. However, becau e the type of
Egerod 1957). D. il/diea is synonymous with D. eervieomis, a new name was assigned.
Caulerpa viekersiae - The con pec ificity of Caulerpa ambigua and C. vickersiae wa proposed by Dietyota crellulata - Synonym: Dictyo/a jalllaieensis W.R. Taylor 1960: 630, pI. 32, figs. 4, 5 (see
Eubank ( 1946) and followed by various alllhors; however, B¡¡jrgesen ( 1949b) and Dawson ( 1956) Horn ig el al. 1992).
continued to recogn ize both taxa. After considerable tield work in both lhe Atlantic and Pacific, Dictyota crispa/a - Synonylll: sensu Dietyo/a bar/ayresii Vickers 1908: 38, pI. 12 (see De Clerck &
we agree with the lalter two aulhors and recognize C. vickersiae a di tinct from C. ambigua . Coppejans 1997).
488 ApPENDlX ApPENDlX 489

Dictyota gll ineensis - Synonym: DilopllLls guil/eensis (Klilzing) J. Agard h 1882 : 108 (see Hornig el al. Galaxaura subverticillata - Hui slllan & Borowilzka ( 1990) consi der lhis species conspec ifi c wilh
1993). G. lapidescells (telraspori c slage of G. rugosa). slaling lhal lhe whorled vs. evenJ y disu'ibuled
Dictyota hl/lniJlIsa - Bula-Meyer ( 1994) cons idered Dictyota hLllniJusa eonspeeifie with D. pfaffli; cortical filalllents are too variab le lo be used; however. we find onl y non-inlergrad ing, di crete
however, lhe two peeies are ea ily eparated wilh D. /lIIlI/ifusa being irideseent blue with irregular populalions in lhe field and lherefore reLai n the dislinclion.
branching. whi le D. pfaffii has a di slinct brown colorati on (generall y wilh dark SpOIS) and Gayra/ia oxysperllla - Synonyllls: MOllos/roma oxyspermlllll ( Klilzin g) DOly 1947 : 12, pI. 2,
dichotomou branching. figs . 13- 15 ; Ulvaria oxyspenna (Külzing) Bl iding 1969: 585. fi gs. 3 1-33 (see Scagel el al. 1989).
Dictyola mertensii - Synonym: Dictyota del/tata J. Y. Lamouroux 1809a: 33 1 (see de Széchy & Gelidiopsis plallical/lis - R. Norri s ( 1987) placed Gelidiopsis p/allicau/is and G. gracilis in ynonymy
Cordeiro-Marino 199 1). wilh G. variabilis. We agree with lhe synonyllly peltaining lO G. graei/is. However, we disagree in
Dictyola pfaffti - Bula-Meyer ( 1994) cons iders Dictyota hU/nifllsa conspecitic Wi lh D. pfaffii; however, regard to G. plallicalllis. which is di stincl in the Caribbean Ba in, hav ing naltened, almost Slrap-
lhe two species are easily separaled w ilh D. pfaffii havi ng a di stinct green-brown eolorati on shaped blade di stall y. the letrasporangia l sorlls is a swoll en sphere al the branch apex (without an
(generall y with dark spots) and dichotomous branehing. while D. hUl/lifusa is iride celll blue with apica l poinl ) and lhe lelrasporangia are tetrahedra l. In contrasl, G. va riabi/is has its telrasporangial
irregular branching. sorll S a a swoll en branch apex (wilh apical poinl) and cruciale tetrasporangia.
Dictyota pinnatiftda - Synonyms: Dicl)'olC/ a/rernans (J. Agardh) Hornig, Schnetter & Pmd' hom me Ge/idiopsis varia bilis - Synonylll: Ge/idiopsis gracilis (Kützing) Feldlllann 193 1: 157 (see R. Norri s
van Reine 1993: 169; Diloph us allemans J. Agardh 1882: 108 ( ee De C lerck & Coppejans 1997). 1987: 245).
Diplerosiphollia rigens - Synonym: Hurchinsia rige/lS C. Agardh 1827: 638 (see Falkenberg 190 1). Ge/idil/m pllsillulIl - Gelidilllll pllsil/ul/1 is a very confusing species. wilh Illany differi ng descriptions in
Enteromorpha flex1/.osa - Synonym: Conferva flexuosa ROlh 1800: 188, nOIll. il/eg., (see Silva et al. the lilerature: we follow Abbott & Holl enberg ( 1976).
1996). Gracilaria bursa-pastoris - Synonym: Gracilaria compressa (e. Agardh) Greville 1830: 54 ( ee Silva
Enleromorpha flexuosa subsp. paradoxa - Synonyms: Conferva paradoxa Dillwyn 1809 1.1 802- 1952).
1809]: 70, su ppl. pI. F, 110m. il/eg.; Enlerol1lorpha erecta (Lyngbye) Carmichael in W. Hooker Graci/aria caudata - Synonym: Graci/aria verrllcosa (Hudson) Papenfll ss 1950: 195 ( ee Plaslino &
1833: 3 14; E. plumosa Klitzing 1843: 300, pI. 20. 1 (see Sil va et al. 1996). Oliveira 1997) .
Womers ley ( 1984) recognized E. paradoxa as a di sLincl species, we tend to agree with this; Graci/aria cervicomis - Synonym: Graci/aria ferox J. Agardh 1885: 592 (see Oliveira et al. 1983).
however, until type spec imens are examined, we conlinue lO follow Silva el al. ( 1996) in retai ning Graci/aria cy/illdrica - orris & Frederi cq ( 1990) combined G. cy/illdrica Wi lh G. b/odgel/ii ; however,
the ubspecies designation. we follow Schneider & Searle ( 1991 ) in relaining each as di sLinct species.
Erythrodermis haematis - Elylhrodermis, a new record for the tropica l and sllbtropica l western Graci/aria tikva/¡iae - Syn nym: Gracilaria foliifera var. allguslissima (Harvey) W.R. Taylor 1937:
Atlantic [Grealer Anlilles (D&ML 51745, Jamai ca), Western Caribbean (D&ML 55298, Beli ze)], 230. (see McLachlan 1979).
is easil y recognized with lhe allernate branching pattern of filam ents from the large main vein , and Gracilariopsis lelllllll eiforlllis - Synonylll: Gracilariopsis sjoesredlii ( Kylin ) E. Y. Dawson 1949: 40
al o, upon decalci fica lion and squash-mounting, longi tudin al sections of the mai n vein appear (see Abbotl 1983).
c luslered from the fusion of sUlface cell s; lhis lalter characleristic is unique in the Peyssonneliaceae. Haelllatoce/is sp.- This new record for lhe tropica l and sublropi ca l we tern Atlantic [We lern
Ethe/ia sp. - This new record for the tropical and subtropi cal we tern Atlantic [Weslern Caribbean Caribbean (D&ML 55141, Beli ze) ] is ea il y iden tiñ ed by lhe surface cell s being a mi xlure of large
(D&ML 55287, Be li ze)] is di lingui shed from ilS close re lati ve Polystrara by lhe extremel y large ( 12-25 ¡Lm diam .) and small (6- 10 '.un diam .) celI s. Mosl members of lhe Peyssonneli aceae have
central veins (50-70 !-un in Erhelia v .20 ¡L11l in Polysrrata) . surface cells of lIniform size.
Feldmannia indica - Synonyms: Giffordia indica (Sonder) Papenfllss & Chihara in Papenfuss 1968b: Ha/imeda opulltia f. tri/oba - Recelll workers have nOl recognized lhis form ; however, due to lhe
30: Eclocarpus duchassaingiallus Grunow 1867: 45, pI. 4, fig . 1 (see Womers ley & Bai ley 1970). dramatic differences in appearance (Ha/im eda opullfia f. opul/ria is compacl and sma lI , whereas
Fe/dmannia irreg1/.laris - Syn'onym: Hin cksia irregularis (Kützing) Amsler in Schneider & Searles H. opu/l./ia f. rriloba is large, long and loo e), we recognize two di screte form s.
1991 : 120 (see Kim & Lee 1994). HalipÚ/olI cllbense - Synonym : Coral/ina cubensis (Montagne ex Klitzing) Klilzing 1858: 37, pI. 77,
Fosliella chamaedoris - see Wyn ne 1998, slalus and generic placemem uncertain. ñg. 2 (see Garbary & Johansen 1982).
Galaxaura comans - According lO Papenfllss el al . ( 1982) G. COl/l(ms and G. lapidescens have Herposip/¡onia len ella - Holl enberg ( 1968a) redllced He/posiphonia secLIIlda 10 lhe rank of form
similar lenglh s of surface fil aments. Hllisl1lan & Borow ilzka ( 1990), also con ider lhe sllrface under H. rel/el/a. SlIbseqllently, Wynne ( 1985b) cOITectly reversed lhe reduction 10 H. secunda f.
filam enls lOO variable lO be llseflll and pl ace G. coman s inlo synonymy Wilh G. rugosa Telraspori c renel/a; however, a consislent difference ex ists in ñeld materi al; lherefore, we retain the two laxa as
Stage (formerly G. lapidescens). However, we tind on ly non-inlergrad ing. discrete poplllations in separale species.
the Caribbean Basin and, therefore, retain lhe distinclion (see Galaxaura key #3 Heterosiphollio cr¡spella - Synonym: Hererosiphol/ia 1V1Irdelllalll/ii (J. Bailey ex Harvey) Falkenberg
for difference ). in Schlllilz & Falkenberg 1897: 473 (see Wynne 1985a).
Galaxallra margillata - Synonyms: Galaxaura slUpocaulon Kj ellman 1900: 75, pI. 14, fi gs. 1- 9; Hydroplllltia com ea - Synonyllls: Gracilaria debilis (Fors kal) B ~rge en 1932: 7; Po/ycavem osa
pI. 20, fig. 28. Probab ly G. frurescells Kj ellm an 1900: 75, pI. 13, fig s. 14-27; pI. 20, fig . 3 1 (see debi/is (Forsskal) Fredericq & J.N. Norri s 1985: 152 ( ee Wynne 1989) .
Papenfuss et al. 1982). Hydropllntia crassissima - Synonyllls: Gracilaria crassissima (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) P. Crouan &
Gala_mura obtusata - Synonyms: Galaxaura decaisnea J. Agardh 1876: 526; G. II/oniliformis H. Crouan in Schrallllll & Mazé 1866: 46; Polycavernosa crassissima (P. Crouan & H. Crouan)
Kj ellman 1900: 83, pI. 17, figs. 15-30; pI. 20, ñg. 54; G. umbel/ala (Esper) J.Y. LallllOllrou x 18 16: Fredericq & J.N. Norri s 1985: 152 (see Wynne 1989).
262 (see Papenfllss et al. 1982). Hy/mea spin ella - Synonylll: Hypll ea cervicornis J. Agardh 185 1 [1 85 1- 1863]: 451 (see Silva et al.
Ga/axaura rugosa - See Hui sman & Borowilzka ( 1990) for delails on life hi slory. 1996).
Gamelophyle Slage - Synonym: Ga/axaura sqlla/ida Kjellman 1900: 55, pI. 6, ñgs. 1- 12; pI. 20, Jania capilla cea - Cribb ( 1983) pl aced Jallia capil/acea in synonymy with J. adhaerel/s; however, we
ñg. 9 ( ee Papenfllss el al. 1982). recogni ze bOlh enLitie due 10 consistenl size differences.
Tetrasporophyte Slage - Synonyms: Cora /lin a lapidescens J. ElIis & Solander 1786: 11 2, pI. 2 1, KallYlllenia d. cribrogloea - This new record for lhe tropical and sublropica l weSlern Atlantic [Lesser
ñg . g; pI. 22, ñg. 9; G. lieblllal/nii (Areschollg) Kje llman 1900: 46, pI. 1, fig . 1- 10; pI. 20, fig. 41; Alllilles (D&M L 17087. Martinique)] is easi ly identifi ed by the llniforlll pelforalions in lhe blade
G·flagel/iforl1lis Kjelll1lan 1900: 47, pI. 3, ñgs. 2- 11 ; pI. 20, fig. 16 (see Papenfllss el al. 1982). (see Key 10 Ka/lymenia for more spec ific delails of differences lO olher c10se ly relaled spec ies).
Conspec iñc Wilh Galaxaura subverricil/ata according to Hui sman & Borowitzka ( 1990), who KallYlllenia sp. - We have only co lIecled female maleri al ID&M linier 17232, D&ML 30988 (US),
cons ider lhe whorled vs. evenl y dislribllled corti cal filaments lOO variable 10 be u ed; however, we Mal1iniqllel from thi s unknown species be longing to the Kall ymen iaceae.
find on lv non-intenrradiIH!. discrete nonlll~linn<;;; in Ihp fiplrl ~nrl th p rp f cu-p rpt!lin th p rti "tin l"' ti nn

Laurellcia caraibica - Synonym: Laurencia nalla M. Howe 1920: 566. nomo illeg. (see Silva el al. Rhodogorgol/ ralllosissima - Conspecific wilh Rhodogorgon carriebolVensis J.N. orri s & Bucher
1996). 1989 (see Ogden 1992).
Laurellcia cervicomis - Howe ( 1918) combined Lal/rencia cervicomis wilh L. corallopsis; however, Rhodymellia er. divaricata - Blade much wider ( 1.5- 3.0 mm vs. 5- 10 mm) and thicker ( 100-250 vS.
lhe much smaller lhallus size, maller surface cell size and various olher fealure juslify retaining 375-600) lIlan prev iously reported (Schne ider & Searles 1991 ).
L. cervicomis at lhe species level. Rosenvillgea sallclae-crucis - Synonym: poss ibly synonymous willl R. oriemalis; if o, lhe lalter would
LaurellciafiliJormis - Synonym: Laurellcia scoparia J. Agardh 1852 [1 85 1- 1863]: 746 (see Rodríguez have priority ( ee Earle 1969).
de Rio & Sai lo 1982). Sargasslll/l. vlllgare - argasslllll vu/gare is considered an ill egitimale name with no repl acemenl al lhe
Liagora ef. albicalls - Synonym: Liagora decl/ssa/a Montagne 1849: 64 (see Abbott 1990). present lime (see Si lva et al. 1996: 707, 929).
Lmgora. delldroidea - Synonym: Liagora mucosa M. Howe 1920: 556 (see Abbott 1990). Scinaia cllribllea - Synonym : Pseudog/oiophloea caribaea (W.R . Taylor) Joly et al. 1965: 8 1
Liagora. valida - Synonym: Liagora fragilis De Toni & Lev i 1888: 65 (see Silva et al. 1996). (see Hui sm3n 1985).
Li/hophylllll/I cOlIges/um - Synonym: Li/hophy//um daeda/eum Foslie & Howe 1906: 133, pis. 84, SEBDENlACEAE - See Saunders & Kraft ( 1995).
85, 73; Li/hophyl/ulI1 p/a/yphyllulIl (Fos li e) Fosli e 1900 (see Steneck & Adey 1976). Sebdel/ia j1abellata - Synonym: Sebdenia po/ydacry/a (Bl'lrge en) M. Balakrishnan 196 1: 89
Labophora variega/a - Synonym: Pocockiella variega/a (J.Y. Lamouroux) Papenfuss 1943: 467. (see Schneider & Searl es 199 1).
fi gs. 1- 15 (see Oliveira 1977). Spltacelaria rigUlllla - Synonym: Sphacelaria furcigera Kützing 1855: 27, pI. 90, fi g. 2 (see
Laphosiphollia obscura - Synonym: Lophosiphollia sl/badul/ca (Kützing) Falkenberg 1901: 496 Prud' homme van Reine 1982: 203).
(see Silva el al. 1996). Taollia sp. - This new record for lhe tropi cal and subtropi cal western Atlantic (D&ML 5 1849,
Martellsia pavollia - Millar (1990) synonymi zed the Pac ific Mar/elisia frag i/is Har vey wilh Bahamas) is easi ly di stingui shed, hav ing sporangia formed on a unique lwo-ce lled slalk.
M. pavollia; having observed large populations of bOlh in lhe field , we note subslantial differences Stypopodium, a c10se re lative and similar in appearance, has sporangia wilhout stalks.
wilhout intergrades and therefore retain lhe eparation. Tiffalliella gorgollea - Synonym: Spermolhamnion gorgoneulIl (Monlagne) Vickers 1897: 305
Meristiella echillocarpul/I - Guimaraes & Olive ira ( 1996) combined M. echillocarpum and (see Doty & Meñez 1960).
M. schram/llii with M. ge/idiul/I considerin g il one hi ghly vari able spec ies; however, we follow Tricleocarpa cylil/drica - Synonym: Galaxaura cylindrica (J. Ellis & Solander) J.Y. Lamouroux 182 1:
Gabrielson & Cheney ( 1987) in recogni zing each as a leg ilimate species in the Caribbean Basin . 22, pI. 22, fig. 4 (see Hui sman & Borowitzka 1990).
OSllllllldaria obtl/siloba - Synonym: Vida/ia obtusi/olJa (e. Agardh) J. Agardh 1863: 11 23 Tricleocarpafragilis - Synonym : Corallina oblonga/a J. Ellis & Solander 1786: 11 4, pI. 22, fi g. 1;
(see Norri s 1991 ). Ga/axaura oblonga /a (J. Elli s & Solander) J.Y. Lamourou x 18 16: 262; Tricleocarpa oblonga /a
Padilla gylllllospora - Synonym : Padilla vickersiae Hoyt in Howe 1920: 595 (see Allender & Kraft (J. Ellis & Solander) Hui sman & Borow ilzka 1990: 168, figs. 46-49, 53-56 (see Silva el al. 1996) .
Padilla haitiel/sis - Gaillard (1975) sugge led Padilla haitiellsis be placed in synonymy with
P. sal/c/a e-crucis; however, the three cell layers around the reproductive structures and lhe dislinct
persi tent indusium (covering membrane) warranlS di stinction of each laxa.
Peyssollllelia er. crispa/a - Section s made from lhe lhallus of lhi s new record for lhe tropical and
subtropical weSlern AlIantic (D&ML 41043, Bahamas, Grand Turk) are virtua ll y identical lO the
Boudouresque & Denizot ( 1975) drawings (fig s. 66-77). The precisely uniform spacing of both
horizontal and vertical filal1}ent is characteri ti c of the originall y described specimen.
Phyllodictyol/. allastomosallS - Synonym: S/ruvea anas/omosans (Harvey) Pi ccone & Grunow in
Piccone 1884b: 20, fig s. 1, 2 (see Kraft & Wynne 1996).
Phyllodictyo/l. pulcherrillllll/l - Synonyms: S/ruvea ramosa Dickie 1874b: 3 16; S/ruvea pu/cherrima
(J.E. Gray) Murray & Boodle 1888: 28 1 (see Schneider & Searles 1991 , Kraft & Wynne 1996).
Polysiphol/ia atlantica - Synonym: Po/ysiphollia macrocarpa Harvey in Mackay 1836: 206, nOIl/.
iIIeg. (see Kapraun & orris 1982).
Polysipltollia j1accidissima - Synonym: may be synonymous with Po/ysiphol1ia sertu/arioides
(Graleloup) J. Agardh 1863 [1851 - 1863]: 969 (see Womersley 1979 and Kapraun & Norris 1982).
PorolithOIl pachyderllllllll - To species level: Li/hophyl/1/1Il pachyderllll/m Fosli e 1906: 22.
Moved lO Hydro/ith on by Penrose & Woelkerling 1992; however, lhe hori zontal surfi cial megacell
pl ales easi ly dislingui h Poro/i/hOIl.
Pril/gslteillliella sC/ltata - Synonym: Prillgsheimiel/a udo/eae (B!(lrgesen) W.R . Tay lor 1960: 5 1
(see Kornmann & Sahling 1983) .
Pseudo/e/raspora. I/Iarina - Synonym: Pseudo/e/raspora alllillarul1l M. Howe 1920: 597' (see
Woelkerling 1975)
Pterocladiella capilla cea - Synonym: P/eroc/adia capil/acea (S.G . Gmelin) Bornel in Bornel &
Thurel 1876: 57, pI. 20, fi g . 1-7 (see Santili ces & Hommersand 1997).
Ptilolhalllllioll ~pellll/carum - Synonym: Sperl1lo/hamllioll spe/ullcarulI/ (Co llins & Hervey) M. Howe
1920: 578 (see Ball anline & Wynne 1998).
Rhipiliopsis reticlllata - Bula-Meyer ( 1982) proposed lreating R. re/icu[ata a con pec itic with R. s/ri;
however, we ha ve ob erved consistent differences and lherefore retain lhe di stinclion.
Rltipiliopsis slri - Bula-Meyer ( 1982) proposed treating R. s/ri as conspecific wilh R. re/icu/ata;
however, we have observed con i tent difference and lherefore retain the di stincti on.
492 GLOSSA Rl' GLOSSA R\' 493

abiotic: not biotic; the physical and chemical components or lhe environment. calcilication: deposition of calcium carbonate within, between or on cell wa ll s.
agglutinated: glued IOgelher; united by ad hesion of mucilaginous gel. calcilied: havin g lime depos its (calcium carbonate, a chalk-like ubstance) within or on the plant;
akinete: resti ng cyst formed from cell content ; vegetati ve reproducti ve structure in Cyanobacteria. heav ily calcified planLS appear stone- like in tex rure.
alga (plural = algae) : photosynthetic nonvascular orga ni sm reprod ucing without cellul ar jacketed male cap cell: ingle cell at lhe apex of a filamelll often with a unique shape.
and female Slructures. cap: unique ly shaped apex, crow n or top; overlying layer of surface cells.
algal ridge: intertidal ridge on tropical reefs formed primaril y by cru tose coralline algae in zo ne of capitate: having a swollen or enl arged apex.
heaviest wave hock. carpogonial branch: pecialized internal fil ament terminating in a carpogonium .
alternately branched: branches appear on two ides of lhe stalk, alternating at different levels or carpogonium (carpogonia): the female sex organ in the Rhodophyla, consistin g of a single cell or egg
po iti ons along lhe axis. (female gamete) and the trichogyne (drawn out ex tension of egg ce ll with which the spennatia fuse
amorphous: lacking distinctive morphology; wilhout definite ex ternal Slructure. 10 begin fertilizarion).
anatomy: the intern al structure of an orga ni smo carposporangium (carposporang ia) : lhe reprod ucli ve struclure of the carposporophyte (diminuti ve,
annular: ring- like in structure; forming a ring; often as conslriction allernating wilh ridges. diploid , para itic generation) producing nonmotile carpospores.
anoxia: a conditi on of below normal oxygen levels. carpospore: the dip loid spore released fro m the carposporangi um, germinates 10 form a
anterior: in lhe frontal pos iti on; oppos ite of po terior. te tra sporophyte.
antheridium (a ntheridia): male reproducti ve structure producing spermati a. carposporophyte: the diminutive, paras ili c generati on unique to the Rhodoph yta life hi story,
anthropogenic: re laling 10 the impact of human s. producing gonimob la t filaments lhat form carposporangia which release carpospores; equivalent to
anticlinal : pattern of cell divi sion in direction perpendicular to or grow ing out from the main axis th e cyslocarp minu s the peri carp (sulTounding proteclive ti ssue).
thereby increas ing lhe bread th or circumference o f the ax is. cartilaginous: firm , tough, but tlexible.
apex: di sta l end; outer tip; uppermost point; summit. cervicorn: di chotomous branching wilh one arm of the di chotomy suppressed.
apical: at or near apex or di stal tip o eC. : co mpared with ; similar to but not quite lhe same as.
appendage: an outward ex ten sion. character: feature u ed in taxonomy; one of the attributes that make up or distingui sh an organi sm or
asexual: reproducti ve process unrelated to lhe fusion of genetic materi al. indi vidual.
asymmetric: showin g a lack of symmetry; uneven. ch lorophyll : green photosyntheti c pi gments.
atoll : ring-s haped reef, surrounded by open waters. enc los ing a lagoon with no central hi gh i land; low- chloroplast: membrane-bound structure within lhe cell cytoplasm containing chlorophyll (green)
Iying islands may occur on the reef ringo pi gments.
author: person who described a given spccies, whose name appears arter lhe Latin generic and specific chromatophore: pigmented area or structure within tlle cell cytopl as m.
epithets; the last part of the comp lete scientifi c citation of an organi smo c1ass: group of related organi sms formin g a category ranking aboye order and below phylum (name
authority: person with ex perti se (e.g., in a given taxon or group), not to be confused with lhe aUlhor ending in "phyceae").
of a species. c1assilication: systematic arrangemelll in hi erarchical groups or categories accordin g to evo lutionary
axial: pertaining to the primary filament, center- Iength area or centra l coreo (phy logenetic) re lati onships.
axi l: angle formed between a branch and lhe axis or main branch from which it arises. coalesce: to merge into a ingle body or group ; uniting by grow ing togelher.
axillary: grow ing in, on or fro\ll an axil. coaxial: paralle l cell with end walls aligned formin g arching tiers or curved transverse bands.
axis (axes) : main stem or major branch ; central line on wh ich other parts are regul arl y arranged; the coenocyti¡;: lacking (or wilh few) crosswall s, composed of a multinucleate mass of prolOpla m within a
stem- like sta lk. tubular wal l.
barrier reef: reef that is separated from a land mass by a lagoon. colony: an organism compo ed of interacting connected individuals.
basal: toward lhe base or region of attachment. community: di linctive assemblage of organi sms with one to several characteri stic species.
basionym: the ori ginal name (epilhet) assigned to a spec ies, which is retained when transferred to a compressed: omew hat tlattened; oval in transverse secti on.
new category such as a di fferent genus. concave: rounded inward like the inside of a bowl ; arched or curved inward; smoothl y curved depress ion.
benthic: an organi sm associated wilh lhe substrate or seafloor. concentric: curved zones that are para lle l.
binagell ate: ha ving two fl age ll a. conceptacle: cav ity or so litary chamber containing reproducti ve organs.
bilateral : two ided (oppos ite) arrangement in reference to a center line. conglutinate: joined IOgelher; adherent; united.
biogeography : lhe tudy of lhe geographica l di stributi on of organi sms. conical: shaped like a cone.
biotic: pertaining to li vin g organi sms. conspecilic: identical with anolher specie .
bird island: island where birds roo t in abundance, their droppings act as fertili zer, maki ng lhe convergent: approaching and finally Illerging together; 10 come togelher.
surrounding waters ri ch in nUlri ents. convex: rou nded olltward; like lhe olltside o f a sphere; arched or curved outward; blllgin g olltward .
biseriate: hav ing two rows or layers. coralline a lgae: caJcareous red algae of the order Corallinales.
bisporangium (b isporangia): porangi um lhat di vides into two parts. core: central ti ssue or central fi laments generall y running parallel to the surface, often termed medull a.
bladder: vesicle or small sac-like tl oat tha! enabl es so me algae to tloat or remain erect. corona: whorl of appendages aboye or below lhe center of the galllelangial rays in Acelabularia and
blade: lhe leaf- like structure of an alga, often lermed frond. related genera.
bladelet: maller leaf-like proliferati on off a mai n ax is or larger blade. cortex: outer layer of lissue, sometimes Iying beneath the cUlicle or epidermi s, but always outside the
brackish water: part seawaler and part freshwater; diluted seawater. medulla or central ti ssue.
branch: main latera l appendage of lhe axis. cortical: pertaining to the cortex.
branchlet: maller projection off a main ax is or larger branch. corticated: hav ing a cortex .
bulbous: haped like a bulb; hav ing a swoll en aspect. cortication: secondaril y forllled outer covering of the central ti ss ue.
bushy: dense ly branched. corymbose: longer dichotomies at base decreas ing in lengtll outward to create tl at-topped c luster.

cosmopolitan: widely di lribuled. fringi ng reef: reef running parallel to and altached to the shoreline of an island or land mass with ut
cruciate: cross- haped planes of divi sion separaling tetraspores; divided in two planes at ri gilt angles. a deep separating lagoon.
crustose: flrm 10 hard cru t; two-dimensional layer pros trate on the sub trate. fro n!i: blade or leaf-like Slructure of an alga.
cryptic: concealed; difficult to di stingui sh. fusion: adilesion of cells following contact, sub equently fo rming open connecti ons, e.g., lateral cell
cryptostome (cryptostomata) : open cavity or pit on a lhallus surface containin g terile hairs fusion s in the Corallinaceae.
(paraph y es). gam etan gial thallus : haploid thallus producing gametes by mitosis; the sex ual phase or gametophylic
cutide: structurele s transparent layer on lhe ollter surface of ome plants. pha e in the life hi story.
cyst: asex ual resting-stage structure; lhi ck-wa lled sphere of den e protoplasm thal germinates to form a gametangium (gametangia): reproductive structure producing gamete (in Rhodophyta, female
new indi vi dual . gametangium = carpogonium ; male gametangium = sperm atangium).
cystocarp: the gonimoblasl filaments and lhe carposporangia born e on the m (the carposporophyte) gamete: haploid (containing a single set of chromosomes or N) reproductive cell capable of uniting
and , when present, the surrounding peri carp (peripheral) Li ssue. with another gamete 10 form a diploid (two sets of chromosomes or 2N) zygote.
deciduous: nOl permanenl; falling off or shedding seasonall y or at a certain stage in development. gametophytic phase: haploid or gametaogial thaUus producing gametes by mitos is; the sex ual phase
decumbent: creeping; loosely following surface contours, apices usuall y ascending (colllpared to in the life history.
pros trate, adhering LO surface contours). gela t inous: firm , ge lalin-like.
denuded : left bare; los of lateral fil aments or branchlets. genus (genera) : group of closely related organisms, con isting of one or more species; first Latin
dichotomous: each branch divi sion or fork divided into two equa l portions. word of a cientifi c name.
d iplonic stage: stage in life hi story hav ing diploid (2 N) chromosome . gla nd cell : sma ll dark staining cell , functioning in secretion .
discoid : di sc-like; fl al and circular. gonimoblast: mi croscopic fi lament producin g the carposporangium , forming the carposporophyte
d iscrete: separate; not j oined or coalescent. generalion in lhe Rhodophyta.
d istal: farthest point; opposite of basal or proximal. ha bit: the morphological form or outward appearance of an organi smo
ditrichotomous: everal dicholomies (two equal di vision ) ending in a tri chotomy (three equal ha bita t: lhe phys ical environment in which an organism lives; the place where an organism is typically
divi sions). fou nd.
domina nt: the mosl abundant, most conspicuous organi sm; having the greatest ecological influence. hair ceU: basal cell fro m which a hair is attached to the cortex or surface, also termed trichocyte or
dorma nt: inacti ve; withoul acti ve growth. megacell.
dorsal: upper surface; opposite of ventral. hair: elongated, finely fi lamemous, thread-like, uni seriate strand or as a ingle colorless cell, often
dorsiventral: with di stinct dorsal and ventral parts or surfaces (back vs. front , top vs. bottom). decid uous, borne on outer cOltex.
ecad : variation within a species (the external appearance) caused by environmental factors ; for ha pter oid: containing lobed, branched or fin ger-likc extensions of a cell thal can attach to adjacent
exa mple, brighl li ght vs. shaded growth form s. structure .
ecology : the study of organi ms in relation to their environment. ha pteron (haptera) : lobed, branched or fin ger-like attachment cell.
ecosystem: the organi sms in a major habilat and the influencing abioti c factors. herbarium (herbari a) : an organized collection of plants.
ellipsoid : forming an ellipse, sy mmetrical at both ends. herbivor y: the consumption of plant or alga l materi al.
encrusting: crust-like; to cover or overl ay with a thin layer. heter ocyte ("heterocyst") : unu sually large cell , differentiated in size from the surrounding vegelative
enti re: having a smooth margin, not toothed or lobed. cells; in Cyanobacteri a, clcar cell (hyaline) associated with nitrogen fi xation.
entwined : tangled; twi sted together; intermi xed filaments. holdfast: root-like or d isc- li ke structure that attaches an alga to the substrate.
environment: the total phy ical , chemical and biological surroundings. holocarpic: ' when becoming reproducti ve, all protopla m participates in fomlÍn g gametangia; upon
e pilithic: attached to rock or stone. release of reproductive structures thall us di sintegrates.
epiphyte: an organi sm that lives upon, but does not get its nouri shment from , a plant. holotype: lhe single (type) pecimen to which the name of a new taxon is permanentIy attached .
epithaHus: surface layer or zone of a prostrate thallus. homonym: an invalid name because the same name was used earlier for a different plant (name
et al.: "and olher ", used in citations of authors' names to indicate subseq uent authors, usually three or incorrectl y attached to a different type spcc imen).
mo re. hyaline : clear; transparent.
ethnobotany: the tudy of how various human societies use plants. hypothallus: lowermost layer or zone of a pro trate thallu s.
eucaryotic: compo ed of one or more cells with di sti nctly vi ible nuclei (oppo ite of procaryotic, incurved: curled inward toward lhe main ax is.
without di stinct membrane-bound organelles). indusium: membrane that covers the surface of a reproductive structure.
eut rophic: ri ch in di solved nutrients. inferior: below some other structure.
eut rophication : becoming eutrophic and often defi cient in oxygen; nutrificati on. inrolled: rolled inward toward lhe central ax is or toward the upper urface.
ex: from or according to; used in author citations to connect two authors, wi th lhe econd validating intercala ry: between two cell or cell layers.
a name proposed by the first. \ intertidal: area of the shoreline between the upperrnost and lowermost tidal levels.
fa lse branching: in Cyanobacteri a (blue-green algae) a brandl formed by the redirection of growth due involucr al cell : large incurved sau age-shaped cell encapsulating or protecting lhe reproducti ve
to crowding of cells (versus true branching by lateral di vi ion of a cell ). structure.
fam ily: group of dosely related organi ms ranking abo ve genus and below order (ending in "aceae"). involucr al fil am ent: one of the steril e filaments surrounding or enveloping the reproductive structure.
fib r ous: containing or consisting of fibers ; capable of being divided into slender strands or threads. iridescent: surface sheen reflecting an interplay of metallic colors; glowing; shining (see Dictyota
filament: very slender, lhread-like, single series of cells; referring lO any very lender thread, fiber or humifusa: true color brown but iride cent blue).
strand ; cells attached end to end ; in Cyanobacteria (blue-greens), the strand of cells plus sheath . irreguJa rly bra nched: branche appearing in no regular or consistent pattern .
nageUated: hav ing flagell a ( lender microscopic fibril s providing mOlility). j oint: juncti on between segments; end wa ll between contiguous cells in a filament (often termed node).
foliose: leaf-like; broadl y fl allened. keeled: having a narrow, lengthwi se, prominent ridge, like the keel of a boat.
form (abbreviated f.): taxonomic subdi vision of a species indi cating a variati on resulting from lagoon : rel ati vely deep (5-30 m) prolected area behind a reef front; area separaled from lhe sea by a
environmental factors; the external shape of an organi sm: the momholol!v.

lance-shaped: much longer lhan broad, taperi ng toward a poinled apex. pelagic: unattached in offshore ocean ic waters.
lateral: at, from 0 1' toward lhe ide; from lhe edges of a nat struclllre. peltate: para 01- haped; nattened horizontal disc wi th a perpendicular stalk attached near center.
lax: loose; limp; not ri gid. pert;nnial: persistent for several years.
lectotype: specimen selected as the nomenclatural basis of the taxon when lhe holotype is lost 0 1' pericarp: protecli ve tissue, usuall y urn -shaped, surrounding the carpos porophyle.
destroyed. pericentral cell: surrounding the center; cut off from and surrounding an ax ial cell and of similar size
lenticular (lhickening) : shaped like a lhick convex len. and orientati on (center axial filament + pericentral filaments = polysiphonou ).
life his tory: an organism's vegetali ve and reproductive phase . periclinal: parallel and interior LO lhe surface; longit udin al.
linear: as in linear frond where the edges are parall el; narrow, much longer lhan broad. periphery: at the outer perimeter; on the circum ference.
locul e: co mpartment 01' chamber. perithallus: middl e layers or zone of a pro trate thallus.
longitudinal: lengthwi se; in the directi on of the longest ax is; right angles 10 transverse. phaeophycean hairs: surface hair- like fi lalllents wilh lhe grow ing reg ion near lhe base (onl y present
loose Iying: not attached; Iying unattached on lhe substrate. in the Phaeoph yta).
macroalga: larger alga eas il y observed without the aid of a microscope. phycology: lhe study of algae; equ iva lent to and rep lacing lhe outdated term algo logy.
macroscopic: large enough to be recogni zed by the un aided eye; observable wi thout a mi croscope. phylum (phy la): major group representing a separate evo luti onary line; eq uiva lent to "division".
mangroYe island: island composed of dense thi ckets of mangrove trees around its perimeter; phytoplankton: minute photosynlhelic organi ms suspended in lhe water column.
mangrove trees ca n li ve in sea water and often fo rm islands in the tropics and subtrop ics lhroughout pigmented: hav ing color or pigment o
the world. pincer-like: two-pronged, grasping 0 1' claw- like.
medullary cell : central core cell 0 1' filament, generall y surrounded by a cortex. pinnate: abundant close-spaced branchl ets on opposite sides of lhe main ax is; feather-li ke
megaceU: unusuall y large cell , often lhe former base of a surface hai r. arrangement.
meiosis: when genetic segregation occurs; nuclear di vision where the chromosome number is reduced pit connection: cytopla mic strand connecling adj acent cells through a pit-like opening in the wa ll,
from diploid (2N) to haploid (N). found in the Rhodophyta.
meristematic: lissue 0 1' region of active cell di vi ion and growth. plane: fl at surface (e g., growth in one plane res ul ts in a two dimensiona l plant).
microscopic: un able to be reli ably observed without the aid of a mi croscope. plasticity: lhe ab ility of an organi sm to change form in response to varyi ng environmen tal conditions.
midrib: center vein-like structure of a blade. plastid: pigmented photosy nthetic organe ll e 0 1' body with in the cytoplas m of a cell , generall y
moniliform: alternately swo llen and constri cted; arranged like a stri ng of spherical beads. containing chlorophyll and other pi gments.
monoculture: exc lusive cultivalion or dominance of one pec ies. plurilocular: multi chambered.
monograpb : systematic account of a particu lar group at lhe generic level or aboye; to produce a polychotomous: branching many times from a term ina l point or area.
monograph. polyhedral: havi tig many sides.
monosporangium: structure producing sin gle spore (monospore). polysiphonous: severa l cohering longitud inal rows of elongated cells (pericentral) surrounding a
morphology: the ex ternal fo rm of lhe thallus or structure. central ax is where the cells are of imilar hape and size to those of lhe central axis.
mucilaginous: slippery, slimy or j ell y- like. polysporangium (polysporangia): forming many spores, generall y more tll an four.
multiceUular: composed of many cell s. pompon: ball-Like or spherical tuft of strands.
multinucleate: hav ing more than one nucleu per cell. pore: an openi ng or ho le, often at the apex of a reproductive structure.
multiseriate: more lhan one row of cells; with mulliple adherent parallel fi laments. posterior: in the rear pos ition; oppos ite of anteri or.
node: an often thickened or wo ll en region on an axi s where ascending lea ves andlor descending roots predation: one organi sm preying upon or eating another, including both herbi vory and carni vory.
emerge; junction between segments; end walls between contiguous cells in a filament. primary: lhe fir t part in development.
1101/1. illeg.: ill egitimate name; va lidl y published name whi ch does not compl y with rules set by lhe pro syll : as a sy nonym.
lnternational Code of Botanical Nomenclature (generally a homonym or a supertluous name). procarp: lhe carpogonium and auxiliary cells as a unit.
nomenclature: lhe system of narning; lhe use of rules to correctly determine lhe scienti fic name of an proca ryotic: organi sms lacking membrane-bound organelles wilhin the cells (bacteria and blue-green
organi smo algae); as opposed 10 eucaryotic, wilh distinct nuclei.
nutrient: enrichment or chemical ferlili zer essenti al for growth. procumbent: branches completely prostrale.
nutrilication: addition of nutrients; eutrophication; becoming ri ch in di s olved nu trients. proliferation: lhallus projection , branchin g structure.
nutritive cell (fi lament): celJ or filam ent supplying nutrition lo olher cells, usuall y staining darker proliferous: reproducing easily by vegetative means; producing many branchlets.
lhan surrounding cells. propaga te: to reproduce or spread.
oogonium (oogoni a): female reproductive organ produci ng one or more eggs (female gametes). propagule: multi cellular vegetative structure hav ing the potenti al to develop into a new plant when
opposite branching: branches appearing in two opposi ng directions at lhe sa me level on a single detac hed from paren!.
talk. prostrate: tighll y adhering to surface contours; growing fl at on the substrate.
order: category of taxonomic classifi cali on ranki ng aboye family and below class (ending in "ales"). protoplast: the contents of a cell.
organelle: small membrane-bound body wilhin cytoplas m of cells serv ing specific functions. proxi ma l: near point of attachment; lower pan; basa l; opposite of di stal.
oval: havi ng the fonn of an egg; haped like the longitudinal transverse secli on of an egg. pseudo: false; looki ng similar but nOI exactly alike.
palmate: extending finger- li ke 01' radiating fan-like from a point. pseudodicbotomous: appearing dichotomous, fo rmed by strongly developed lateral branch resembling
papillae: minute rounded projections. the ori gi nal ax is.
papillate: having papillae; having minute rounded projec tions. pyr enoid : dark or refracti ve body assoc iated with chl oroplasts in green algae, involved wilh lhe
paraphysis (paraphyses) : sterile hair in pit-like depress ion (cryptostome); sterile peripheral cells 01' produclion and storage of starch; lhe associated starch stains black with aqueou iodin e.
fi lament surroundin g fertil e ceUs in reproductive soru s. quadrangular: quadri lateral, having four sides.
parent cell: initial source or origin of sub equent cells or tructures. radial: line along a radiu ; rad iating out from or away from lhe central point or axis; developing
partition: cross wall 01' cros membrane di viding a siphon 01' tube. uniformly perpendicular LO a central axi s .
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ramellus (ramelli ): fairly persistent, fine, deep ly pigmented surface ftIam ents; lhe ultimate, ex tremely specifi c epithet: the second Latin word in the scientifi c name, given to a group (i.e., pecies) of
fin e branchlets. clo ely rel ated organi sms thal ca n interbreed to produce fertil e offspring.
r eeeptacle: modified branch or branchlet, usual ly enlarged or swollen, where reproduclive organ sperm atangial pla nt: planl producin g spermati a; male pla n!.
develop (generall y in th e Phaeophyta order Fucales). spermatangium (s permatangia): mal e reproducti ve structure producing spennali a (male gametes).
r eeurved: bent away from the main curvature of the ax is. sperma tium (spermalia) : nonmotil e male reproductive cell found in lhe Rhodophyta.
r eer er est: shallowe t part of a reef where the greate t wave energy is released, usuall y an intertidal or spher ical: globe- or ball- haped.
upper subtidal area. spindle-sha ped: circul ar in transverse section. tapering IOward each pointed end .
r eef fl a t: uniformly shall ow protected area behind (shoreward of) the reef cres!. spine: sliff, sharpl y poi nled elongaled projection.
r epent : creeping, attaching at varying poi nts along the prostrate branche . spora ngium (sporangia) : structure producing spores.
rhizine: dark stai ning, thick-wall ed fi lament within a medull a of large, often thin-walled cells. spore: single-cell ed reproducti ve body (tetraspores = IN) thal can germinate into a new lhall us.
rhizoidal: pertai ni ng to the rhizoid. sporophytic phase: diploid (2N) spore-producing stage in an algal tife history.
rhizoid: root- like or attaching structure of an alga. spur a nd gr oove: zone eaward of a coral-reef crest; an area of deep grooves separating shallower,
rhizomatous: having rhizomes, runners or stolons. para llel , calcareous ridge (spurs), fonning a 100th-comb partem.
rhizome: an underground horizontal stem-l ike structure, similar to, but not the same as, sto lons which spu r : short , horn -like projeclion .
travel along the surface. st ella te: star-shaped or with lobed star-like arm .
rhodolith: unattached, somewhat spherical free- liv ing th allus in the Corallin ales, often termed sterile: lacking reproductive struclure ; vegetative.
coral line algal nodu le. stichidium ( tichidia): specialized swollen branch bearing tetrasporangia.
stipe: lhe stem-like or stalk portion of an alga.
rigid : stiff or inflexible.
stolon: creeping ax is. or surface runner connecting ascending fronds or branches and descending
root: the absorptive and anchoring organ of vascu lar plants (seagras es).
rhi zoids (e.g. Caulerpa and certain other species of algae); hori zontal or creeping slem, prostrate
ruffied: with a strongly waved or undu lating margino
axis, runner with roots (descendin g) and shoots (ascending) al lhe nodes (e.g. seagras es).
rugose: roughened or wrinkled.
stolonifer ous: hav in g ru nners or stolons (rhizom atous) .
runner: stolon; rhi zome; hori zonta l stem-li ke structure.
striated : hav ing fine de licate li nes or markings.
salinity: salt content of water, usuall y expressed in parts per thousand.
stria tions: somewhat paral lel, delicate, narrow markings.
seale: adberent leaf-like tructure differing from the normal leaves, general ly small , thin and non-
stubby: short, thi ck and oflen rounded.
suba pical: immed iately below lhe apex or tip o
sealloped: series of curves fo rming a somewhat wavy edge, not as extreme as ru ffled.
subcortical: immedi atel y below the corlex.
seagrass: marine vascul ar plant growing submerged at least at hi gh tide. substra te: substance or surface wilh which a benthic orga ni sm is associated.
seaweed: larger mari ne plant (macrophyte), easily observed with the unaided eye, incl udes both subtidal: below lhe lowest low-lide leve!.
macroalgae and seagrasses. superior: aboye so me other structure.
secund: lateral branching in a row on one ide of a branch, often on the outer side of a curved branch; synchronous: simultaneous.
unilateral. synonym: an ob olete or in val id name; a na me superseded or replaced by lhe correct name.
sediment: particulate matter that settles and accumulate on the bottom, includes deposits of mud , synonymy: collecti vely, the names considered 10 be sy nonym of lhe correct name for a taxon; a li t
sand and grave!. of these names.
segment: (often termed inteniode) one central cell and surrounding pericentral cells (if present) and systema tics: the science or ystem of class ificali on, co mbining taxonomy, evo lution and
cortex (if present) ; egments are general ly connected by joints (sometimes termed nodes); in nomenCl ature; the classification and tudy of organi sms in regard to their natura l relationships.
calcified groups, referring to large hard calcified sections between short uncalcified flexib le joints. taxon (taxa) : general term applied to any laxonomic entity in'especti ve of its level of hi erarchical
segr egative division: type of cell division where the protoplast divides two or more times within the c1assi fication.
parent cell, the protoplast expands and then develops walls (generally found in the taxonomy: lhe discrimination of taxa or the general principies of scientifi c identification ; the orderl y
Si phonocladaceae). recogniti on of organisms according to lheir presumed natural relationships.
seirospore: the product of a seirosporangiu m, monosporangia occurri ng terminally in a chai n-li ke tendril : tw ining or clasp ing structure.
fa shi on. terminal: outer tipo di stal end, apex or end cell in a chain.
sellsu : in the en se (opinion, perception) of; as described by. tetrahed ral: Y-shaped planes of di vision eparating tetraspores, di vided into four equal wedges.
septum (septa): partitions, dividing wal!. tetras por an gium (tetrasporangia) : slrucrure containing four tetraspores forming an oval or spherical
seria te: arranged in a eries. enclos ure.
seri es : repetitive sequence . tetraspor e: one of four haploid spore produced by a telrasporangium.
serra te: margin ally toothed, with poi nted teeth. tetrasporic stage: diploid lhallu producing haplo id tetraspores by meios is.
sessile: not stalked , attached directly to substrate or parent structure; also, nonmoti le or attached. tha llus (thalli ): plant body of a non-vascular (cryptoga mic) pl an!.
sheath: the surrounding material ; in vascu lar plants, the leaf-Like basal structure surrounding the stem. tiered : layered; regu larl y tacked rows or series of cells arranged one abo ve lhe olher.
simple: unbranched or undivided. t rabeculae: slender, intern al strands of wa ll material ex tending across a siphon or tubular structure
sinus : the recess or valley between two structures or branches. (characteristi c of Ca/llerpa).
siphon : tube with few or no crosswalls. transverse: across or at light ang les to lhe main ax i .
siphonaceous: composed of rubes or siphon , generall y multinuc leate. trichoblasts: decid uous (soo n dropping off). nonpigmented, fin e filall1 ents occurring on lhe surface of
sloughing: shedding of the surface cell layer; shedding synchronously in thin delicate sheets or blades or a l the apices of branches (e.g. in lhe Rhodoll1elaceae) .
diffu sely as single cells. trichocyte: speciali zed, often hair producing cell whi ch is usuall y larger in size and thi cker walled lhan
solita ry: ingle; on ly one. other cells; often terll1 ed ll1egacell.
so rus ( ori) : cluster of reproducti ve organs, in patches or as a single peciali zed structure, often mu lti - tric hogyne: elongated ex tension of lhe fell1 ale gamelangiull1 (carpogoniull1) on whi ch spermatia lodge
rpl"l nn th p (' llrfo:1"'~ ,....f th .o th .... ll .. ,.. tri i",; t ;'l IQ f'Q ... i l ;..,'l .; ..... ....

trichome: in Cya no bacle ria (blue-green algae). Ihe stra nd of cell s withoul lhe surrounding sheath . Abboll, I.A.
trichotomous: dividing into three eq ua l parls. 1983. Some pecies of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) from Cali fornia. Taxon 32: 56 1-564.
trilobed: hav ing three lobes. 1984. Two new spec ies of Liagora ( e maliales, Rhodo phyla) and notes o n Liagora farinosa
truncate: c ul o ff abruptly, blunl. n al-LOpped 0 1' abrupll y n atte ned a if cul off. Lam ouroux. American Jou rnal of BOlany 7 1(8): 1015- 1022.
tubular: lube- like; like a ho llow cy linde r. 1990. A taxono mi c as essme nt of the s pecies of Liagora ( e mali ales, Rhoclo phyta) recognized
by J. Agardh , based upon studies of type specimens. Cly plogalllic BOlan)' 1: 308-322.
tuft: cluster of fil a me nts; branche o r sipho n a ttached al a single basa l area.
turr: sparse to den e growing, sho rt, in terlwined mal of small lhalli (usuall y less tha n 3 c m hi gh); layer Abbott, I. A. & M.S. DOly
o f hort upri g hl shoot arising fro m proslrate bases. 1960. Studies in the Helminlhoc ladiaceae, Il. American Joumal of BOlany 47(8): 632-640.
type: the specime n lo whi ch a spec ies (genus o r olhe r hi g her taxon) name is atlached. Abbott, I.A . & GJ . Ho ll e nberg
typification : lhe process of des ignating a no me nc latural ty pe. 1976. Marin e algae of Californ ia. Slanford Univer ity Press: Stanford, California. xii [xiiil +
understory: grow ing unde r larger organi sm 827 pp.
undulate: wavy. Adey, W.H .
unicellular: s ing le-ce ll ed. 1970. A rev ision of the Foslie c ruslose coralline he rba rium. Kongelige No rske Videnskabers
unilateral branching: branc hes a ri sin g o nl y from o ne side of the talk. Selskabs Skrifler 1970( 1): 1-46.
unilocular: having one c hamber, a in unilocul ar porangium which has one cavi ty producing one to 1976. Crustose coralline algae as microenvironme ntal indi calo rs for lhe le rtiary. Pages 459-464.
many spo res. In : J. Gray & AJ . BOUCOl (eds.), HislOrical biogeography, piare Teclonics, alld lite challging
uninucIeate: hav ing onl y o ne nucle us per cell. envirOlllllenl. Oregon State Un iversity Press: Corvallis.
uniseriate: in a single row o r as a single seri es of cell s; no more than one-cell broad. Agardh , C.A.
unistratose: of o ne layer. 18 10- 1812. Dispositio algarum Sueciae ... BerLing: Lund<e [Lund] . Part 1, pp. [1]- 16 ( 1810),
upright: o ri e nted vertica l to the substrale. part 2, pp. 17-26 ( 18 11 ), parl 3-5, pp. 27-45 ( 18 12), + 3 pi .
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va riety (abbreviated vaL): Latin na me aclded 10 the generic and specific e pithets of a pecies to 399-53 1 ( 1823) pp.
designate a consistent differe nce wilhin thal spec ies, bul nOI substanti al eno ugh lo e parale as a new 1822. Al gae. Pages 1- 16. In: C.S. Kunth (ed.), Synopsis pla11larum, quas, in ilillere ad plagam
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vegetative: cell o r tissue not associaled wi th reprod ucti on; non-sex ual. 1824. Syslema aLgarum. Be rling: Lundae [Lund]. xxxv iii + 3 12 pp.
veinlet: small vein -li ke structure. 1827. Aufzahlung eini ger in de n ostre ichi schen Uindern gefunde nen ne ue n Gattungen und Arten
veins: slrand s of larger cell s within ti ssue; vascul ar conducting ti ssue in seagras e . von Algen , nebsl ihre r Diag nostik und beigefü gten Be merkungen. Flora 10: 625-646.
venation: pa ttern formed by veins. 1828. Species aLgaruln ... Vo l. 2. part l . E. Martitiu s: Gryphiae [Gre ifswald] . Ixxv i + 189 pp.
ventral: lower 0 1' unders ide; opposite of dor al. Agardh,J.G .
verticillate: branching in a flat whorl; radi ating outward in all directi o ns in a single pl ane. 1837. Novae species algarum , qu as in itinere ad oras mari s rubri co lleg it Eduardus Rüppell ; c um
voucher specimen: herbarium s pecime n ke pl as docume ntation for an ide ntifi cation reported in the ob ervationibus nonnulli s in spec ies rariores antea cognitas. Museum Senckenbergianum
lilerature. 2': 169- 174.
whorled branching: many branches (three o r more) ari ing in all direcli o ns from o ne level on a main
184 1. In hisloriam algarulII symbolae. Linnaea 15: 1- 50, 443-457.
1842. A1gae maris Medilerral/ei el Adrialici, observaliones in diagnosin specierul11 el
stalk; arranged in a circle around a n ax is.
disposilionel11 gel/erul11. Apud Fortin, Masson el C ie: Pa ri sii s [Pari s]. x + 164 pp.
wing: thin , wide, lateral ex ten sion along an ax is, midrib. branch o r a ny othe r SU·uClure. 1846. Caroli Ad. Agardh Icol/ es algarul11 inediTa e. Fasculi qui eXSlalll duo. Edilio nova.
zonate: parallel planes of divi sion separaling four zoospores into verti cal stacks. Berlingiana: Lundae [Lund]. [6] pp., XX pis.
zonation: occurring in hori zontal a nd parall el zones or bands. 1847. Nya alger fran Mex ico. OfversigT af Konglig (Svenskaj VeTenskaps-Akademiens
zooid: fl agell ated (moti le) reproduc ti ve cell , either gamele or pore (= swarmer) . Forhalldlinga r 4( 1): 5- 17.
zoosporangium (zoospo ra ngia) : structure where zoos pores a re formed. 1848. Species genera el ordines alga rul11 ... Volumen primum: algas f ucoideas compleclens.
zoospore: mOlile reproductive cell with fl agell a. T.O. Weigel: Lundae [Lund] . viii + 363 pp.
185 1- 1863. Species genera el ordines aLgarul11 .. . Volum en secundllln: algas j70rideas
colllpleclens. T.O. Weigel: Lundae [Lund]. Par! 1, pp. [i]-x ii + [1]-336 + 337-35 1
(Adde nda & Index) ( 1851); part 2, fasc. 1, pp. 337-504 ( 1851 ); part 2, fa sc. 2,
pp. 505-700 + 70 1-720 (Addenda & Index) ( 1852); part 3, fasc. 1, pp. 701 - 786 ( 1852);
parl 3, fasc. 2, pp. 787- 129 1 ( 11 39- 1158 omitted) ( 1863).
1854. Nya algformer. OfversigT af Konglig [Svenska} VeTenskaps-Akadellliens Forhandlingar
11 : 107- 111.
1872. Bidrag li ll Flo rideeme syste matik. Lunds UniversilelS Ars-Skrijt, Afdelningen for
Mmh emaTik och Nalurvelenskap 8. 60 pp.
1873. Till algemes syste matik . Nya bidrag. Lunds Universilels Ars-Skrifl, Afdelningen for
Mmh el1lalik och Nalurvelenskap 9. 7 1 pp.
1876. Species genera el ordines algarulll .. . Volulll en TerliulII : de Florideis Cl/rae posTeriores. Par!
l. T.O. We igel: Lipsiae [Leipzig]. vii + 724 pp.
1882 . Till algernes sysle matik . Nya bidrag (A ndra afdelningen). Lunds Universilels A rs-Skrijt,
"PAn l n ; .... ,.",." F; ••• ~ A;'Jtl"n .... ,.. t;/, ",, 1. 1\1"" 11" ir . 1 1 . -

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