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Ramil Ephrem L.

XII- Newton

What is a cell?
Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human
body is composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the
body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into
energy, and carry out specialized functions. Cells also contain the
body’s hereditary material and can make copies of themselves.

Plant Cell
The first thing that is wonderful
about plant cells is that they are
the only producers of food by self
on earth. Next they have amazing
features like chloroplasts, rigid
cell wall and vacuole. Their
features resemble those of
animal cells. Plants retain a
definite shape due to the
rigid cell wall.

Animal Cell
Animal cells are found within
every animal. The main difference
between an animal cell and a plant
cell is that animal cells are not
able to make their own food. There
are trillions of cells in the
animal body and each one is
different depending on its
function and type. Most animal
cells have at least the three main
parts: nucleus, cell membrane, and
Similarities Differences
 Animal cells and plant cells  Size
are similar in that they are Animal cells are generally
both eukaryotic cells. These smaller than plant cells.
cells have a true nucleus, Animal cells range from 10
which houses DNA and is to 30 micrometers in length,
separated from other while plant cells range from
cellular structures by a 10 and 100 micrometers in
nuclear membrane. Both of length.
these cell types have
similar processes for  Shape
reproduction, which include Animal cells come in various
mitosis and meiosis. Animal sizes and tend to have round
and plant cells obtain the or irregular shapes. Plant
energy they need to grow and cells are more similar in
maintain normal cellular size and are typically
function through the process rectangular or cube shaped.
of cellular respiration.
Both of these cell types  Energy Storage
also contain cell structures Animals cells store energy
known as organelles, which in the form of the complex
are specialized to perform carbohydrate glycogen. Plant
functions necessary for cells store energy as
normal cellular operation. starch.
Animal and plant cells have
some of the same cell
 Proteins
components in common
Of the 20 amino acids needed
including a nucleus, Golgi
to produce proteins, only 10
complex, endoplasmic
can be produced naturally in
reticulum, ribosomes,
animal cells. The other so-
mitochondria, peroxisomes,
called essential amino acids
cytoskeleton, and cell
must be acquired through
(plasma) membrane.
diet. Plants are capable of
synthesizing all 20 amino

 Differentiation
In animal cells, only stem
cells are capable of
converting to other cell
types. Most plant cell types
are capable of

 Growth
Animal cells increase in
size by increasing in cell
numbers. Plant cells mainly
increase cell size by
becoming larger. They grow
by absorbing more water into
the central vacuole.

 Cell Wall
Animal cells do not have a
cell wall but have a cell
membrane. Plant cells have a
cell wall composed of
cellulose as well as a cell

 Centrioles
Animal cells contain these
cylindrical structures that
organize the assembly of
microtubules during cell
division. Plant cells do not
typically contain

 Cilia
Cilia are found in animal
cells but not usually in
plant cells. Cilia are
microtubules that aid in
cellular locomotion.

 Cytokinesis
Cytokinesis, the division of
the cytoplasm during cell
division, occurs in animal
cells when a cleavage furrow
forms that pinches the cell
membrane in half. In plant
cell cytokinesis, a cell
plate is constructed that
divides the cell.

 Glyoxysomes
These structures are not
found in animal cells but
are present in plant cells.
Glyoxysomes help to degrade
lipids, particularly in
germinating seeds, for the
production of sugar.

 Animal cells possess
lysosomes which contain
enzymes that digest cellular
macromolecules. Plant cells
rarely contain lysosomes as
the plant vacuole handles
molecule degradation.

 Plastids
Animal cells do not have
plastids. Plant cells
contain plastids such as
chloroplasts, which are
needed for photosynthesis.

 Plasmodesmata
Animal cells do not have
plasmodesmata. Plant cells
have plasmodesmata, which
are pores between plant cell
walls that allow molecules
and communication signals to
pass between individual
plant cells.

 Vacuole
Animal cells may have many
small vacuoles. Plant cells
have a large central vacuole
that can occupy up to 90% of
the cell's volume.
Table showing the presence or absence of cell organelles
in plant and animal cell.

Cell Organelles Plant Cell Animal Cell

Cell Wall Present Absent
Cell Membrane Present Present
Cell Nucleus Present Present
Mitochondria Present Present
Ribosomes Present Present
Endoplasmic Reticulum Present Present
Golgi Apparatus Present Present
Chloroplast Present Absent
Vacuole Present Present
Centrioles Absent Present
Lysosomes Absent Present

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