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Himachal Pradesh

2 - 2
At the end of the programme, the student will be able to acquire basic computer skills for
various applications to students of all branches of study.
• Familiarize various operating systems
• Know the usage of word package
• Understand the facilities in a spread sheet
• Prepare slides using power point
• Make use of internet facility
1. Basics of Computer System: (04 hrs)
1.1 History of Computer
1.2 Data, Information & Program
1.3 Elements of Computer System – Hardware, Software
1.4 Types of Computers
1.5 Block diagram of Computer system
1.6 Applications of Computers

2. Basics of Input /Output Devices: (04 hrs)

2.1 Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Touch Screen, MICR.
2.2 Output Devices: : VDU, Printers (Impact &Non Impact).

3. Basic of Storage Devices: (06 hrs)

3.1 Concept of Primary and Secondary Memory
3.2 Cache Memory
3.3 RAM & ROM
3.4 Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD.

4. Basic of Computer Software: (06 hrs)

4.1 Software, Types of Software
4.2 Computer Languages
4.3 Translators - Assembler, Interpreter, Compiler .
4.4 Booting (Cold & Warm Booting).

5. Basics of Operating System: (06 hrs)

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Major features of the operating systems
5.3 Types of Operating System
5.4 Most desirable characters of the operating system

6. Basics of IT: (06 hrs)

6.1 Information Technology Concepts and Scope
6.2 Role of IT in Social & Society
6.3 Network and its applications
6.4 Types of Network
6.5 Internet, uses and its future
6.6 Internet Browsers, WWW.
List of Practical
1. Study of various components of computer system and their functions.
2. Practice in installing a computer system by interconnecting various parts.
3. Study of various input Devices & output devices.
4. Working with WINDOWS OS (Latest edition)
4.1 Creating , renaming and removing a folder.
4.2 Making the taskbar wider, arranging icons on the Desktop, Displaying and
hiding the taskbar clock, Controlling the size of start menu options. Creating
4.3 Adding a program to the start menu, Recovering files and folders from
Recycle bin, Customizing the mouse settings.
4.4 Displaying the properties for a file or folder ,Using cut ,copy and paste
operations to a file, Finding a file or folder, by name, Compressing a file
using WinZip.
5. Working on MS – WORD (latest edition)
5.1 Creating ,Opening, Saving a word document.
5.2 Using various editing features of MS-Word.
5.3 Using various formatting features of MS-Word
5.4 . Creating a table
5.5 Using mail merge
5.6 Prepare your Bio-data/Resume using above features.
6 Working on MS – EXCEL(latest edition )
6.1. Create a worksheet in Excel .
6.2 Copy, Move and Merge the cells
6.3 Using various Formatting features
6.4 Using formula and functions prepare worksheet for storing
subject marks of ten students and perform the following:
6.4.1 Calculate the student wise total and average
6.4.2 Calculate the subject wise total and average
6.4.3 Calculate the overall percentage and also individual
percentage of the student.
6.4.4 Create a Circle diagram (Pie chart) for the above.
7. Working on MS – POWER POINT(latest edition )
7.1 Create a simple presentation with atleast 5 slides about your institution
8 Working on
Log-in to internet
8.2 Navigation for information seeking on internet
8.3 Browsing and down loading of information from internet
8.4 Creating an e-mail account
8.5 Sending and receiving e-mail
8.6 Attaching a file with e-mail message


Topic Time Allotted
No (Hrs) Allotted
1 4 12
2 4 16
3 6 16
4 6 20
5 6 20
6 6 16
Total 32 100

Periods/Weeks 2 - 3

Information technology has great influence on all aspects of life. Almost all work places
and living environment are being computerized. In order to prepare diploma holders to
work in these environments, it is essential that they are exposed to various aspects of
information technology such as understanding the concept of information technology and
its scope; operating a computer; use of various tools of MS office; using internet etc. form
the broad competency profile of diploma holders. This exposure will enable the students to
enter their professions with confidence, live in a harmonious way and contribute to the


1. Information Technology – its concept and scope ( 2 Periods)

2. Elements of a computer system, its usefulness and applications, block diagram of a
computer, CPU, memory, data – numeric data, alpha numeric data; contents of a
program, processing of data
( 4 Periods)
3. Computer organization, computer hardware and software; primary and secondary
memory: RAM, ROM, PROM etc.
( 4 Periods)
4. Input devices; keyboard, scanner, mouse etc ; output devices ; VDU and Printer,
Plotter ( 4 Periods)
5. Primary and Secondary Storage (Auxiliary Storage), Secondary storage; magnetic
disks – tracks and sectors, optical disk (CD, CD-RW and DVD Memory)
(4 Periods)
6. Introduction to Operating Systems such as MS-DOS and Windows (4 Periods)
7. Introduction to internet, browsing using search engine (like google etc.)
( 5 Periods)
8. Basics of Networking – LAN, WAN, Topologies (5 Periods)


1. Given a PC, name its various components and list their functions

2. Identification of various parts of a computer and peripherals

3. Practice in installing a computer system by giving connection

4. DOS Commands (internal / external) e.g. TYPE, REN, DEL, CD, MD, COPY,

5. Exercises on entering text and data (Typing Practice using any tutor)

6. Features of Windows as an operating system

- Start
- Shutdown and restore
- Creating and operating on the icons
- Opening closing and sizing the windows
- Using elementary job commands like – creating, saving, modifying,
renaming, finding and deleting a file
- Creating and operating on a folder
- Changing setting like, date, time color (back ground and fore ground)
- Using short cuts
- Using on line help

7. MS-Word
- File Management:
Opening, creating and saving a document, locating files, copying contents
in some different file(s), protecting files, Giving password protection for a
- Page Set up:
Setting margins, tab setting, ruler, indenting
- Editing a document:
Entering text, Cut, copy, paste using tool- bars
- Formatting a document:
Using different fonts, changing font size and colour, changing the
appearance through bold/ italic/ underlined, highlighting a text, changing
case, using subscript and superscript, using different underline methods
- Aligning of text in a document, justification of document, Inserting bullets
and numbering
- Formatting paragraph, inserting page breaks and column breaks, line
- Use of headers, footers: Inserting footnote, end note, use of comments
- Inserting date, time, special symbols, importing graphic images, drawing
- Tables and Borders:
Creating a table, formatting cells, use of different border styles, shading in
tables, merging of cells, partition of cells, inserting and deleting a row in a
- Print preview, zoom, page set up, printing options
- Using Find, Replace options
- Using Tools like:
Spell checker, help, use of macros, mail merge, thesaurus word content and
statistics, printing envelops and labels
- Using shapes and drawing toolbar,
- Working with more than one window in MS Word,
- How to change the version of the document from one window OS to
- Conversion between different text editors, software and MS word

8. MS-Excel
- Starting excel, open worksheet, enter, edit, data, formulae to calculate
values, format data, create chart, printing chart, save worksheet, switching
between different spread sheets
- Menu commands:
Create, format charts, organize, manage data, solving problem by analyzing
data, exchange with other applications. Programming with MS-Excel,
getting information while working
- Work books:
Managing workbooks (create, open, close, save), working in work books,
selecting the cells, choosing commands, data entry techniques, formula
creation and links, controlling calculations, working with arrays
- Editing a worksheet, copying, moving cells, pasting, inserting, deletion
cells, rows, columns, find and replace text, numbers of cells, formatting
- Creating a chart:
Working with chart types, changing data in chart, formatting a chart, use
chart to analyze data
- Using a list to organize data, sorting and filtering data in list

9. MS PowerPoint
a) Introduction to PowerPoint
- How to start PowerPoint
- Working environment: concept of toolbars, slide layout, templates
- Opening a new/existing presentation
- Different views for viewing slides in a presentation: normal, slide
sorter etc.
b) Addition, deletion and saving of slides
c) How to view the slide show?
- Viewing the presentation using slide navigator
- Slide transition
- Animation effects etc.

10. Internet and its Applications

a) Log-in to internet
b) Navigation for information seeking on internet
c) Browsing and down loading of information from internet
d) Sending and receiving e-mail
- Creating a message
- Creating an address book
- Attaching a file with e-mail message
- Receiving a message
- Deleting a message


Since this is an introductory computer related subject, the teacher should demonstrate and
explain computer and its peripherals in the laboratory. The theory may be dovetailed with
practical exercises for better understanding. The students may be encouraged to work
independently on computer to gain confidence.


1. Fundamentals of Computer by V . Rajaraman; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,

New Delhi
2. Computers Today by SK Basandara, Galgotia Publication Pvt ltd. Daryaganj, New
3. MS-Office 2000 for Everyone by Sanjay Saxena; Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi
4. Internet for Every One by Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon; Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., Jungpura, New Delhi
5. A First Course in Computer by Sanjay Saxena; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Jungpura,New Delhi
6. Mastering Windows 95, BPB Publication, New Delhi
7. Computer Fundamentals by PK Sinha; BPB Publication, New Delhi
8. Fundamentals of Information Technology by Leon and Leon;Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., Jungpura, New Delhi
9. On Your Marks - Net…Set…Go… Surviving in an e-world by Anushka
Wirasinha, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
10. Learning MS Office XP by Ramesh Bangia, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P)
Ltd., New Delhi.
11. Fundamentals of Information Technology by Vipin Arora, Eagle Parkashan,
- - 2


Information technology has great influence on all aspects of life. Primary purpose of using
computer is to make the life easier. Almost all work places and living environment are being
computerized. The subject introduces the fundamentals of computer system for using various
hardware and software components. In order to prepare diploma holders to work in these
environments, it is essential that they are exposed to various aspects of information
technology such as understanding the concept of information technology and its scope;
operating a computer; use of various tools using MS Office/Open Office/Libre Office using
internet etc.,. This exposure will enable the students to enter their professions with
confidence, live in a harmonious way and contribute to the productivity.

Explanation of Introductory part should be demonstrated with practical work. Following
topics may be explained in the laboratory along with the practical exercises. There will not be
any theory examination.


After undergoing the subject, the students will be able to:

  Identify Computer hardware components, network components and peripherals.

  Explain the role of an operating System.
  Install system and application software.
 Explain the function of the system components including processor, motherboard
 and input-output devices.
  Use Word Processing software to prepare document.
  Use spreadsheet software to create workbooks and automate calculation.
  Use presentation software to create interactive presentation.
 Perform fundamental tasks common to most application software including
 print, save, edit, cut, copy, paste, format, spell and grammar check.
  Find and evaluate information on the Web.
  Install antivirus.
 Safeguard against online frauds, threats and crimes.

1. Basic Concepts of IT and Its Application

Information Technology concept and scope, applications of IT. in office, Air and
Railway Ticket reservation, Banks financial transactions, E-Commerce and E-
Governance applications etc., Ethics of IT, concept of online frauds, threats of IT

2. Computer Hardware:

Block diagram of a computer, components of computer system, CPU, Memory, Input

devices; keyboard, Scanner, mouse etc; Output devices; VDU, LCD, Printers etc.
Primary and Secondary Memory: RAM, ROM, magnetic disks – tracks and sectors,
optical disk (CD, DVD & Blue Ray Disk.), USB/Flash Drive.

3. Software Concepts:

System software, Application software, Virtualization software and Utility software,

Introduction of Operating System, Installation of Window / linux, Features of OPEN
OFFICE/MS_OFFICE(MS word, Excel, PowerPoint) .

4. Internet Concepts:

Basics of Networking – LAN, WAN, Wi-Fi technologies and sharing of printers and
other resources, Concept of IP addresses, DNS, introduction of internet, applications
of internet like: e-mail and browsing, concept of search engine and safe searching.
Various browsers like Internet explorer/Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, use of
cookies and history, WWW (World Wide Web), hyperlinks, introduction to Anti-


1. Given a PC, name its various components and peripherals. List their functions .
2. Installing various components of computer system and installing system software and
application software
3 Installation of I/O devices, printers and installation of operating system viz.
4. Features of Windows as an operating system
  
  
Shut down and restore
  
Creating and operating on the icons

Opening, closing and sizing the windows and working with windows interfacing
elements (option buttons, checkbox, scroll etc.)

Using elementary job commands like – creating, saving, modifying, renaming,
finding and deleting a file and folders
  
Changing settings like, date, time, colour (back ground and fore ground etc.)
  
Using short cuts
 
Using on line help
5. Word Processing (MS Office/Open Office)
a) File Management:

 Opening, creating and saving a document, locating files, copying contents in 
some different file(s), protecting files, giving password protection for a file
b) Page set up:
  
Setting margins, tab setting, ruler, indenting
c) Editing a document:
  
Entering text, cut, copy, paste using tool- bars
d) Formatting a document:

Using different fonts, changing font size and colour, changing the appearance

through bold/italic/underlined, highlighting a text, changing case, using
subscript and superscript, using different underline methods

 Aligning of
text in a document, justification of document, inserting bullets and
  
Formatting paragraph, inserting page breaks and column breaks, line spacing

  
Use of headers, footers: Inserting footnote, end note, use of comments, autotext
  
Inserting date, time, special symbols, importing graphic images, drawing tools
e) Tables and Borders:

Creating a table, formatting cells, use of different border styles, shading in
 merging of cells, partition of cells, inserting and deleting a row in a
  
Print preview, zoom, page set up, printing options
  
Using find, replace options
f) Using Tools like:

 Spell checker, help, use of macros, mail merge, thesaurus word content and
statistics, printing envelops and lables
  
Using shapes and drawing toolbar,
 
Working with more than one window .

6. Spread Sheet Processing (MS Office/Open Office)

a) Starting excel, open worksheet, enter, edit, data, formulae to calculate values,
format data, save worksheet, switching between different spread sheets
b) Menu commands:
Create, format charts, organise, manage data, solving problem by analyzing data.
Programming with Excel Work Sheet, getting information while working
c) Work books:
Managing workbooks (create, open, close, save), working in work books,
selecting the cells, choosing commands, data entry techniques, formula creation
and links, controlling calculations
Editing a worksheet, copying, moving cells, pasting, inserting, deletion cells,
rows, columns, find and replace text, numbers of cells, formatting worksheet,
conditional formatting
d) Creating a chart:
Working with chart types, changing data in chart, formatting a chart, use chart to
analyze data
Using a list to organize data, sorting and filtering data in list
e) Retrieve data with query:
Create a pivot table, customizing a pivot table. Statistical analysis of data
f) Exchange data with other application:
Embedding objects, linking to other applications, import, export document.

7. PowerPoint Presentation (MS Office/Open Office)

a) Introduction to PowerPoint
- How to start PowerPoint
- Working environment: concept of toolbars, slide layout & templates.
- Opening a new/existing presentation
- Different views for viewing slides in a presentation: normal, slide
b) Addition, deletion and saving of slides
c) Insertion of multimedia elements
- Adding text boxes
- Adding/importing pictures
- Adding movies and sound
- Adding tables and charts etc.
- Adding organizational chart
- Editing objects
- Working with Clip Art
d) Formatting slides
- Using slide master
- Text formatting
- Changing slide layout
- Changing slide colour scheme
- Changing background
- Applying design template
e) How to view the slide show?
- Viewing the presentation using slide navigator
- Slide transition
- Animation effects, timing, order etc.
f) Use of Pack and Go Options.

8. Internet and its Applications

a) Establishing an internet connection.

b) Browsing and down loading of information from internet.
c) Sending and receiving e-mail
- Creating a message
- Creating an address book
- Attaching a file with e-mail message
- Receiving a message
- Deleting a message
d) Assigning IP Addresses to computers and use of domain names.

9. Functioning of Antivirus

a) Installation and updation of an antivirus.

b) How to scan and remove the virus.


Since this subject is practice oriented, the teacher should demonstrate the capabilities of computers
to students while doing practical exercises. The students should be made familiar with computer
parts, peripherals, connections and proficient in making use of MS Office/Open Office in addition
to working on internet. The student should be made capable of working on computers


1. Fundamentals of Computer by V Rajaraman; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Computers Fundamentals Architecture and Organisation by B Ram, revised Edition, New
Age International Publishers, New Delhi
3. Computers Today by SK Basandara, Galgotia publication Pvt Ltd. Daryaganj, New Delhi.
4. A First Course in Computer by Sanjay Saxena; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Jungpura,
New Delhi
5. Computer Fundamentals by PK Sinha; BPB Publication, New Delhi
6. Fundamentals of Information Technology by Leon and Leon; Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., Jungpura, New Delhi
7. Fundamentals of Information Technology by Vipin Arora, Eagle Parkashan, Jalandhar

- - 4

Information technology has great influence on all aspects of life. Primary purpose of using
computer is to make the life easier. Almost all work places and living environment are being
computerized. The subject introduces the fundamentals of computer system for using various
hardware and software components. In order to prepare diploma holders to work in these
environments, it is essential that they are exposed to various aspects of information
technology such as understanding the concept of information technology and its scope;
operating a computer; use of various tools of MS office; using internet etc. form the broad
competency profile of diploma holders. This exposure will enable the students to enter their
professions with confidence, live in a harmonious way and contribute to the productivity.
Explanation of Introductory part should be dovetailed with practical work. Following
topics may be explained in the laboratory along with the practical exercises. There
will not be any theory examination.


7 Information Technology – its concept and scope, applications of IT, impact of computer
and IT in society.
8 Computers for information storage, information seeking, information processing and
information transmission
9 Computer Application in office, book publishing, data analysis, accounting, investment,
inventory control, graphics, Air and Railway Ticket reservation, robotics, Military, banks,
Insurance financial transactions and many more
10 Elements of computer system, computer hardware and software; data types – numeric
data, alpha numeric data; contents of a program, processing
11 Computer organization, block diagram of a computer, CPU, memory
12 Input devices; keyboard, Scanner, mouse etc; output devices; VDU and Printer, Plotter
13 Electrical requirements, inter-connections between units, connectors and cables
14 Secondary storage; magnetic disks – tracks and sectors, optical disk (CD, CD-RW and
DVD), primary and secondary memory: RAM, ROM, PROM etc., Capacity; device
controllers, serial port, parallel port, system bus
15 Installation concept and precautions to be observed while installing the system and
16 Introduction about Operating Systems such as MS DOS, Windows, Windows NT etc. as
an interface to Computer System
17 Special features, various commands of MS word and MS-Excel, MS PowerPoint
18 About the internet – server types, connectivity (TCP/IP, shell); applications of internet
like: e-mail and browsing
19 Various Browsers like Internet explorer, Mozilla Fire fox, WWW (World wide web);
hyperlinks; HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol); FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
8. Basics of Networking – LAN, WAN, Topologies
9. Ethics and information Technology
10. Future with information Technology


9 Given a PC, name its various components and peripherals. List their functions
10 Practice in installing a computer system by giving connection and loading the system
software and application software
11 Exercises on entering text and data (Typing Practice)
12 Installation of operating System viz. Windows XP, Windows 2007 etc.
Features of Windows as an operating system
 Start

 Shutdown and restore

 Creating and operating on the icons

 Opening closing and sizing the windows
 Using elementary job commands like – creating, saving, modifying, renaming,
finding and deleting a file
 Creating and operating on a folder

 Changing setting like, date, time, colour (back ground and fore ground)

 Using short cuts

 Using on line help

5. MS-Word
 File Management:

 Opening, creating and saving a document, locating files, copying contents in some
different file(s), protecting files, Giving password protection for a file

 Page Set up:

 Setting margins, tab setting, ruler, indenting

 Editing a document:

 Entering text, Cut, copy, paste using tool- bars

 Formatting a document:

 Using different fonts, changing font size and colour, changing the appearance
through bold/ italic/ underlined, highlighting a text, changing case, using subscript
and superscript, using different underline methods

 Aligning of text in a document, justification of document, Inserting bullets and

 Formatting paragraph, inserting page breaks and column breaks, line spacing

 Use of headers, footers: Inserting footnote, end note, use of comments

 Inserting date, time, special symbols, importing graphic images, drawing tools

 Tables and Borders:
 Creating a table, formatting cells, use of different border styles, shading in tables,
merging of cells, partition of cells, inserting and deleting a row in a table

 Print preview, zoom, page set up, printing options

 Using Find, Replace options

 Using Tools like:

 Spell checker, help, use of macros, mail merge, thesaurus word content and
statistics, printing envelops and lables

 Using shapes and drawing toolbar,

 Working with more than one window in MS Word,

 How to change the version of the document from one window OS to another

 Conversion between different text editors, software and MS word

6. MS-Excel
 Starting excel, open worksheet, enter, edit, data, formulae to calculate values,
format data, create chart, printing chart, save worksheet, switching between
different spread sheets

 Menu commands:
o Create, format charts, organise, manage data, solving problem by analyzing
data, exchange with other applications. Programming with MS-Excel, getting
information while working
  Work books:
o Managing workbooks (create, open, close, save), working in work books,
selecting the cells, choosing commands, data entry techniques, formula
creation and links, controlling calculations, working with arrays
 Editing a worksheet, copying, moving cells, pasting, inserting, deletion cells, rows,
columns, find and replace text, numbers of cells, formatting worksheet

  Creating a chart:
o Working with chart types, changing data in chart, formatting a chart, use
chart to analyze data
 Using a list to organize data, sorting and filtering data in list

 Retrieve data with query: Create a pivot table, customising a pivot table. Statistical
analysis of data

 Exchange data with other application: embedding objects, linking to other
applications, import, export document.

7. MS PowerPoint
a) Introduction to PowerPoint
- How to start PowerPoint
- Working environment: concept of toolbars, slide layout, templates etc.
- Opening a new/existing presentation
- Different views for viewing slides in a presentation: normal, slide sorter etc.
b) Addition, deletion and saving of slides
c) Insertion of multimedia elements
- Adding text boxes
- Adding/importing pictures
- Adding movies and sound
- Adding tables and charts etc.
- Adding organizational chart
d) Formatting slides
- Using slide master
- Text formatting
- Changing slide layout
- Changing slide colour scheme
- Changing background
- Applying design template
e) How to view the slide show?
- Viewing the presentation using slide navigator
- Slide transition
- Animation effects etc.
8. Working with MS Access
a) Understanding different data types
b) Creation of table
c) Entering data in a table and modify it.
d) Creating simple Queries
9. Internet and its Applications
a) Log-in to internet
b) Navigation for information seeking on internet
c) Browsing and down loading of information from internet
d) Sending and receiving e-mail
- Creating a message
- Creating an address book
- Attaching a file with e-mail message
- Receiving a message
- Deleting a message

Since this subject is practice oriented, the teacher should demonstrate the capabilities of
computers to students while doing practical exercises. The students should be made familiar
with computer parts, peripherals, connections and proficient in making use of MS office, MS
Excel, MS Power Point and MS Access in addition to working on internet. The student should be
made capable of working on computers independently
1. Fundamentals of Computer by V Rajaraman; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
2. Information Technology for Management by Henery Lucas, 7th edition, Tata Mc Graw
Hills, New Delhi
3. Computers Fundamentals Architecture and Organisation by B Ram, revised Edition,
New Age International Publishers, New Delhi
4. Computers Today by SK Basandara, Galgotia publication Pvt ltd. Daryaganj, New
5. MS-Office 2000 for Everyone by Sanjay Saxena; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi
6. Internet for Every One by Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon; Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd., Jungpura, New Delhi
7. A First Course in Computer by Sanjay Saxena; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Jungpura, New Delhi
8. Mastering Windows 95, BPB Publication, New Delhi
9. Computer Fundamentals by PK Sinha; BPB Publication, New Delhi
10. Fundamentals of Information Technology by Leon and Leon;Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd., Jungpura, New Delhi
11. On Your Marks - Net…Set…Go… Surviving in an e-world by Anushka Wirasinha,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
12. Learning MS Office XP by Ramesh Bangia, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd., New
13. Fundamentals of Information Technology by Vipin Arora, Eagle Parkashan, Jalandhar

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