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Information Technology - Commerce (99)

Introduction 5. develop capabilities to access Information

Government has to visualize Schools using Internet
which will concentrate on a balanced 6. learn the basic concepts of Computer
development of students in intellectual, Networking
emotional and physical terms, with a view to 7. develop an understanding of principles
developing a technology literate, creative, and based on visual environment
critically thinking class of students to open the 8. acquire skills for creation of Basic Web
doors to the world of knowledge. Pages
The curriculum has been devised to 9. acquaint with basic techniques and
integrate a wide variety of knowledge, language, knowledge required for computing
value elements and skills such as creative and applications
critical thinking, personal, social, scientific, 10. get aware about cyber laws and ethics
mathematical environmental and knowledge
acquisition. Std. XI
In order to execute these dreams we have 1 Introduction to Information
to develop the relevant infrastructure. We should Technology
carry out a substantial reinvention and re- 1.1 Information Technology: Definition,
engineering of educational sector. Our existing Introduction, Information Systems,
curricula in educational institution in respect Software, Data
of computer courses have to be thoroughly 1.2 IT in Business, Industry, Home, Play,
revamped. Internet connectivity should be Education, Training, Science and
provided to all Schools. Recognized aided and Engineering
unaided Educational Institutions should ensure 1.3 Computers in Hiding
that the entire student community, irrespective 2 Office Suite
of subject chosen should become computer 2.1 Word Processor- Microsoft Word and
literate. IT should be the integral part of its main features
education system. 2.2 Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel and
Objectives its main features
The student should be able to 2.3 Presentations – Microsoft PowerPoint
1. acquire basic knowledge of Computers 3 Multimedia
2. acquire basic knowledge of Information 3.1 Multimedia-Definition,
Technology Communication, Components,
3. understand E-Commerce and related Building Blocks, Scope, Uses,
concepts Application purposes
4. understand concepts in Multimedia 3.2 Overview of Computer Images
3.3 Digital Audio

3.4 Overview of Video 7 Overview of Tally

3.5 Flash – Overview and Introduction 7.1 Advantages of computerized
3.6 Multimedia Design and Future accounting
Directions 7.2 Introduction to Tally and its features.
4 Web Browsers, E-mail Clients and 8 HTML
Messenger Utilities 8.1 Uses, Features, Properties and
4.1 Overview, Working of the Internet Limitations.
and WWW 8.2 Tags and Attributes, Basic Tags
4.2 Role of Web Servers, Clients Paragraph and Heading Tags,
4.3 Web Browsers and their use, Popular Comments
Web Browsers 8.3 Ordered and Unordered Lists and
4.4 E-Mail Servers and Protocols Related Tags, Nested Lists
4.5 E-mail Clients and Web Based Mail 8.4 Anchor Tag and Hyperlinks in HTML
Access using Browser 8.5 Division and Physical Style Tags,
4.6 Messenger Services and Clients working with Fonts, font types, sizes
4.7 FTP and colours.
5 File and Disk Utilities 8.6 Body background colour, text colour
5.1 Concept of Files and directories and hyperlink colours, Pre-formatting,
5.2 File Archival, compression and Line Break, and Horizontal Rules,
encryption Displaying special characters in
5.3 Disc Tools (Windows 7) Error- HTML
Checking and Defragmentation 8.7 Images in HTML, related tags and
5.4 Computer Security attributes, features of BMP, JPG and
6. Basic Database Concepts GIF Raster image formats
6.1 Definition of Database and database 8.8 Tables in HTML and related tags
program 8.9 Marquee
6.2 Tables, Rows/Records, Columns/ 8.10 Java Applets
Fields, Differences between database
and spreadsheet Std. XI - Practical List
6.3 Relational abilities and meaning of 1. Identification of Computer Systems and
Relational Database understanding LAB setup.
6.4 Basic Concepts of database and 2. Exercise on Windows, Start Menu and
RDBMS Accessories.
6.5 Constraints to ensure data quality 3. Creating Documents, page formatting, use
6.6 Database Administration, Software of fonts and colour and printing using
Development, Business Analysis Word
6.7 SQL, History and Command 4. Mail merge and envelope printing using
Categories Word

5. Study of Spreadsheet using Excel 2 Cyber Laws and Ethics

6. Create simple Presentation and Slideshow 2.1 Moral, Ethics and Law
using PowerPoint 2.2 Ethics Culture and ethics for computer
7. Practical on simple Flash based animation users, professionals and business
8. Study of a Web Browser for browsing 2.3 Information Service
different websites 2.4 Code and guidelines of ethics
9. Acquisition of e-mail ID on free web- 2.5 Introduction to cyber laws and IT Act
based e-mail servers; sending and receiving of India 2000
emails with and without attachments. 2.6 Digital Signature, Electronic Records-
10. Study and use of search engines and Attribution, acknowledgement and
messengers. dispatch.
11. Downloading and saving Web page content 2.7 Ten Commandments of Computing
and images as files. 2.8 Security, Privacy and Control
12. Creation of Compressed File Archives ZIP 2.9 Intellectual Property Rights
and RAR 3 E-Commerce
13. Study of Disk Management Tools 3.1 Electronic Commerce-Scope,
14. Create a simple web page using basic Definition
HTML tags. 3.2 Trade Cycle
15. Creation of WEB page containing graphics 3.3 Electronic markets-Usage, Advantages
and table. and Disadvantages, Future
16. Use of Hyperlinks on web pages. 3.4 Electronic Data Interchange-
17. Creating simple database, table, forms and Definition, Benefits
reports using Access. 3.5 Internet Commerce, e-Commerce in
18. Generating simple queries and verifying Perspective
results. (Access). 3.6 EDI Security
19. Study of TALLY Package (GATEWAY) 4 Introduction to Networking
4.1 Communication and Network
Std. XII Technologies
4.2 Internet, Network Communication and
1 Web Publishing Protocols
1.1 HTML Page Frames 4.3 Transmission Media,
1.2 Image Mapping Communication over Wires and
1.3 Forms and Form Objects Cables, Wireless Communication
1.4 Inserting Sound and Video and Standards
1.5 Use of Unicode and Indian Language 4.4 Network Architecture,
Fonts Relationships and Features
1.6 Cross-Browser Testing 4.5 Cable Topologies
1.7 Introduction to CSS 4.6 Network Hardware
1.8 Web Server 5 Data Management using Access

5.1 Microsoft Access and its main 6. Use of Video on Web Pages
features, Database Concepts 7. Creation and Publishing a Website using
5.2 Opening existing Databases FTP
5.3 Working with Tables 8. Cross Browser Testing and Differences in
5.4 Introduction to Forms and working Rendering
with forms 9. Creation of Webpage in Devnagri Script
5.5 Table Relationships (one-to-one and (Marathi or Hindi) using UNICODE. Use
many-to-many) Queries, Query types, MS-Word with BarahaIME and Save as
creation of Query manually as well as html
using wizard, calculations using 10. Conversion between Audio File Formats
queries (based on Std. XI syllabus)
5.6 Introduction to Reports and working 11. Image Conversion between Image file
with Reports formats (based on Std. XI syllabus)
6 Tally
6.1 Creating and configuring Company
Menus related to Accounts
6.2 Working with Groups and Ledgers
6.3 Study of Cost centers and Vouchers
6.4 Printing Purchase orders, Sales orders
and Invoice
6.5 Study of Trial Balance, Balance Sheet
and Profit and Loss Account

Practical List
1. Creation of a Website
2. Creation of a Website with Frames and
3. Hyperlinks on a Web Page using Client
Side Image Mapping
4. Hyperlinks on a Web Page using Server
Side Image Mapping
5. Use of Audio and Animation on Web

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