GEND Syllabus 19june2018final Version

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The Gender Studies Programme teaches gender as a subject and as a category of analysis. The subject
gender includes gender relations and identities, women, and sexualities. As a category of analysis,
gender interrogates cultural production, and social systems, intersecting with other categories of social
difference, such as sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, and ability, to critically analyse structures of
knowledge and systems of power.

The Gender Studies Major (72 Credits)

Students wishing to major in Gender Studies must normally complete the following requirements:

(a) Introductory courses (18 credits)

(i) 6 credits of GEND1001. Introduction to Gender Studies (or CLIT1002. Introduction to
Gender Studies for students admitted in 2017-18 or before), and obtain a grade C or

(ii) 12 credits of introductory courses from any Arts programmes;

(b) Advanced courses (54 credits)

(i) 6 credits taken from one of the following courses (The other course may be taken as an
GEND2001. De-colonising gender (6 credits); or
GEND2002. Gender, race and beauty (6 credits)

(ii) 6 credits of GEND3901. Gender Studies research (capstone experience); and

(iii) 42 credits of advanced courses at 2000 level or above listed below, among which at least
24 credits of advanced courses shall be taken from the Faculty of Arts, and not more than
18 credits of advanced courses can be taken from other faculties.

The Gender Studies Minor (36 Credits)

Students wishing to minor in Gender Studies must normally complete the following requirements:

(a) Introductory course (6 credits):

6 credits of GEND1001. Introduction to Gender Studies (or CLIT1002. Introduction to Gender
Studies for students admitted in 2017-18 or before), and obtain a grade C or above;

(b) Advanced courses (30 credits)

(i) 6 credits taken from one of the following courses (The other course may be taken as an
GEND2001. De-colonising gender (6 credits); or
GEND2002. Gender, race and beauty (6 credits); and

(ii) 24 credits of advanced courses at 2000 level or above listed below, among which at least
12 credits of advanced courses shall be taken from the Faculty of Arts, and not more than
12 credits of advanced courses can be taken from other faculties.

List of Advanced Elective Courses

Faculty of Arts

Gender Studies
GEND2001. De-colonising Gender (6 credits)
GEND2002. Gender, race and beauty (6 credits)
GEND3001. Internship in Gender Studies (6 credits)

School of Chinese
CHIN2146. The “sickly beauties”: gender and illness in late imperial China (6 credits)
CHIN2151. Gender and sexuality in Ming and Qing fiction (6 credits)
CHIN2171. Women's autobiographical writing in late Imperial China (6 credits)
CHIN2264. Chinese eroticism (6 credits)

School of English
ENGL2022. Women, feminism and writing I (6 credits)
ENGL2039. Gender and discourse (6 credits)
ENGL2080. Women, feminism and writing II (6 credits)

School of Humanities
CLIT2014. Feminist cultural studies (6 credits)
CLIT2016. The body in culture (6 credits)
CLIT2037. Gender and sexuality in Chinese literature and film (6 credits)
CLIT2058. Histories of sexuality (6 credits)
CLIT2076. Fashioning femininities (6 credits)
CLIT2089. Culture and ‘queer’ theory (6 credits)
CLIT2091. Gender, feminism and modern China (6 credits)
CLIT2093. 20th Century fashion and the making of the modern women (6 credits)
CLIT3023. The making of modern masculinities (capstone experience) (6 credits)
FINE2032. Art and the portrayal of women (6 credits)
FINE2049. Art and gender in China (6 credits)
FINE2053. Beauties and the beasts: Song and Yuan painting (6 credits)
FINE2079. History and theory of fashion (6 credits)
FINE2089. Gender and sexuality in architecture (6 credits)
FINE2100. Body, Gender and Sexuality (6 credits)
FINE3020. Women making art after 1960: Sexuality, subjectivity and the politics of identity
(6 credits)
HIST2048. The history of childhood and youth (6 credits)
HIST2081. Gender and history: Beauty, fashion and sex (6 credits)
HIST2083. Gender, sexuality and empire (6 credits)
HIST2085. The history of modern sexual identity and discourse (6 credits)
HIST2089. History’s closet: Clothing in context (6 credits)
HIST2119. Changing lives: Women’s history from Fin-de-Siècle to the interwar years (6 credits)
HIST2126. The American family: Histories, myths, and realities (6 credits)
HIST2131. Growing up ‘girl’: Histories, novels, and American culture (6 credits)
HIST2158. Women in Hong Kong history: Private lives and public voices (6 credits)
HIST2160 Visualizing history (6 credits)
HIST2161 Making race (6 credits)
HIST2165 Protest and politics in modern US history (6 credits)
HIST2166 Gender and sexuality on trial: a global history of sex and scandals 1690-1990 (6 credits)
PHIL2090. Foucault (6 credits)

School of Modern Languages and Cultures

AMER2055 From slavery to the White House: African-American history and culture (6 credits)
EUST2011. Modern European lifestyle: Fashion, food, music and sex in Europe (6 credits)
GRMN3033. Gender equality in German-speaking countries and the European Union (6 credits)
HKGS2006. Engendering Hong Kong: sociological and demographic perspectives (6 credits)
JAPN2045. Sex, gender, and technology in Japan (6 credits)
JAPN2059. Family and social institutions in Japan and Greater China (6 credits)
JAPN2090. Growing Up in Japan: Youth, Culture and Society (6 credits)
JAPN2095. Gender and sexuality in modern Japanese literature (6 credits)
JAPN3064. The Tale of Genji (6 credits)

KORE2034. Gender, sexuality, and family in Korea (6 credits)

SINO2013. Women and gender in Chinese history (6 credits)

Faculty of Education

MEDD8869. Gender and Education: International and Comparative Perspectives (6 credits)

Faculty of Law

LLAW3220. Gender, sexuality and the law (6 credits)

LLAW3239. Law and social justice at the intersections: gender, race, religion and sexuality
(6 credits)

Faculty of Social Sciences

PSYC2070. Love, marriage, sex, and family (6 credits)

SOCI2011. Gender and crime (6 credits)
SOCI2012. Gender and society (6 credits)
SOCI2013 Gender in Chinese societies (6 credits)
SOCI2081. Sexuality, culture and identity (6 credits)
SOCI2021. Marriage and the family (6 credits)
SOWK2037. Human sexuality (6 credits)

Introductory Course

GEND1001. Introduction to Gender Studies (6 credits)

This course introduces students to the discipline of Gender Studies. Students will develop an
understanding of gender both as a subject and as a category of analysis. Students explore gender-related
topics, including gender relations and identities, women, and sexualities. As a category of analysis,
students will use gender to interrogate cultural production and social systems, paying close attention to
how gender intersects with other categories of social difference, such as sexuality, race, ethnicity, class,
and ability. Students will connect the assigned academic readings to “real-life” examples in the news,
media or their everyday lives thereby producing new theoretical understandings of gender and sexuality
within the contexts of Hong Kong, Asia and the world.
Assessment: 100% coursework.

Advanced Courses

GEND2001. De-colonizing gender (6 credits)

This course aims to decenter European and North American knowledge about gender and introduce a
new Asia-centered approach to studying gender, sex, and sexuality. The course will introduce students
to theoretical models that challenge the historical privilege of Whiteness and the West in Gender
Studies, including Orientalism, the Subaltern School, and Intersectionality. Students will also look at
gender theories from colonized/post-colonial or non-Western places, such as China, Japan, South Korea
and India. Drawing transnationally from gender theory, the course will propose new models for talking
about gender, sex, and sexuality in Hong Kong, China, and Asia.
Assessment: 100% coursework.
Prerequisite: GEND1001 or CLIT1002 (for students admitted in 2017-18 or before)

GEND2002. Gender, race and beauty (6 credits)

This course examines beauty, skin, and cosmetics from the nineteenth century to today. Students will
consider the similarities, differences, and interconnectedness of beauty practices across time and place,
examining how they reveal global and local structures of gender, race, and class. The course will
consider how entrepreneurs shaped beauty markets, how advertisements visually represent ideals of
feminine and racialized beauty, and how people have felt about their physical beauty.
Assessment: 100% coursework.
Prerequisite: GEND1001 or CLIT1002 (for students admitted in 2017-18 or before)

GEND3001. Internship in Gender Studies (6 credits)

The Gender Studies internship offers students an opportunity to take their classroom knowledge into
the community. Drawing on previous coursework in Gender Studies, students will apply a critical and
intersectional knowledge of gender and sexuality to an experiential learning endeavor that demonstrates
a real impact on society. An internship proposal must be submitted to the course supervisor the semester
before the proposed start of internship. The student must pass an interview with the organization before
being allowed to register for this course. The duration of the internship will depend on the arrangement
between the student and the organization, but should involve at least 40 contact hours of service for the
organization. Students will check-in with the supervisor at least twice to discuss internship progress.
Students will complete a written report and critical reflection on the internship experience, signed by
the organization.
Assessment: 100% coursework (graded on a pass/fail basis).
Prerequisites: GEND1001 or CLIT1002 (for students admitted in 2017-18 or before), and GEND2001
or GEND2002

Capstone Course

GEND3901. Gender Studies research (capstone experience) (6 credits)

This capstone experience aims at providing Gender Studies majors in their penultimate or final year an
opportunity to produce a final project. The course introduces students to doing research on Gender
Studies in original and secondary sources. The course will introduce students to the methods of gender
studies. Through a rigorous series of guided steps, students will work both collaboratively and
independently to produce a research paper or equivalent project.
Assessment: 100% coursework.
Prerequisites: GEND1001 or CLIT1002 (for students admitted in 2017-18 or before), and GEND2001
or GEND2002

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