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Beneficial Insect Prey/Host Metamorphosis

Mealybugs Like caterpillars and many
other insects, ladybugs
Spider mites
undergo four stages of
metamorphosis: egg, larva,
pupa, and adult. Upon
hatching from the egg state, a
caterpillar-like larva
emerges, ready to eat
whatever crosses its path.

Coccinella septempunctata
True bugs In other species, the adult fly
glues eggs to the body of the
host, and the maggots
penetrate into the host's body
after the eggs hatch. ... In all
cases, tachinid maggots feed
internally in their hosts and
exit the host body to pupate.
Pupae are commonly oblong
and dark reddish.

Tachinid flies
Peleteria spp.
Moths The praying mantis has three
life stages: egg, nymph, and
adult. This is considered
incomplete metamorphosis,
where the juveniles look just
like adults, only smaller. ...
The fact that the praying
mantis has three distinct life
stages and undergoes
incomplete metamorphosis
classifies them as
Praying Mantis
Mantis religiosa
Chrysoperla sp.

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