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Waste Management in Japan

~Rules and Figures~

November, 2018
Japan Industrial Waste Information Center
1. Outline of the development of the legal and regulatory framework
relating to waste management in Japan

Title of the law (year of enactment) Key features Background

• Main target: night soil

• Beginning of rapid
Waste Sanitation Law (1900) • Individual municipalities made urbanization
responsible for the waste disposal
• Target changed from night soil to solid
waste (hereafter referred to as “waste”). • Increase in the amount
of waste being
• Clearly stipulated that the purpose of the generated as a result of
Public Cleansing Act (1954) law was to promote the speedy removal the economic revival
of waste from places where people are after the end of World
engaged in their daily life War II
• In principle, waste should be incinerated

Waste Management and Public Cleansing • Increase in the amount

Law (1970) of, and change in of the
quality of, the waste
derived from business
• Clarification of the responsibility for activities, as a result of
waste disposal
Japan’s high economic
 Industrial waste: waste generator growth
Amendment to Waste Management and  Municipal waste: municipality • Responding to
Public Cleansing Law (1976) • Setting criteria for waste disposal
conservation measures
relating to waste

Title of the law (year of enactment) Key features Background

Amendment to Waste Management and Public

Cleansing Law (1991, 97)
• Promotion of the reduction of waste
discharge, and also sorting and • Growing concern within
Basic Environment Law (1993) recycling society regarding the
• Promotion of the construction of safe emission of Dioxins
Containers and Packaging Recycling Law and appropriate facilities, through after incineration
(1995) public sector involvement • Pressing situation
Home Electric Appliances Recycling Law • Thorough implementation of the regarding residual
(1998) responsibility for waste disposal volume of the final
• Environmentally conscious and disposal sites
appropriate waste treatment
Dioxins Control Law (1999)

Basic Law for Establishing a Sound Material-

Cycle Society (2000)

Construction Material Recycling Law (2000) • Growing awareness of

• Promotion of the 3R(Reduce, Reuse the need for effective
and Recycle) concept to support the utilization of resources,
Food Waste Recycling Law (2000) establishment of a sound material- and of the global scale
cycle society of environmental
• Strengthening the industrial waste pollution
End-of-Life Vehicles Recycling Law (2000) disposal measures • Further deterioration in
• Strengthening the anti illegal the situation in regard to
Amendment to Waste Management and Public dumping measures the securing of final
Cleansing Law (2003-06, 10, 15, 17) disposal sites
Small Home Electric Appliances Recycling Law

2. Legislative Framework for Waste Management in Japan

The Basic Environment Law Basic Environment Plan

Ensuring material cycle in society

Basic Law for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society Reducing consumption of natural resources
Lowering environmental load
Fundamental Plan for Establishing a sound material-cycle society

<Proper treatment of waste> < Promotion of 3Rs >

Waste Management Law Law for the Promotion of Effective Use of Resources

①Reduction of waste generation ①Repeated efficient use of resources

②Proper treatment of waste (including recycling) ②Ingenuity and innovation to create structures and use
③Regulation for establishment of waste treatment facilities materials to facilitate recycling
④Regulation for waste treatment operators ③Labeling for separate collection
⑤Establishment of waste treatment standards, etc. ④Promotion of effective use of by-products

Regulations targeting individual articles

Containers and Home Electric Construction End-of-Life Small Home

Food Waste Electric Appliances
Packaging Appliances Recycling Materials Vehicles Recycling
Recycling Law Recycling Law
Recycling Law Law Recycling Law Law

Enforced in Enforced in Enforced in Enforced in Enforced in Enforced in

April 2000 April 2001 May 2001 May 2002 January April 2013
Partially 2005
amended in amended in
June 2006 June2007

Bottles, PET bottles, Air conditioners, Timber, concrete,

paper or plastic refrigerators, freezers, Food residues Vehicles WEEE
containers and TVs, washing machines,
packages drying machines
Green Purchasing Law
(Initiative to promote the procurement of recycled items) Enforced in April 2001
2. Legislative Framework for Waste Management in Japan (continued)
"Sound Material-Cycle Society" means a society in which the consumption of natural resources will be conserved and the
environmental load will be reduced to the greatest extent possible, by preventing or reducing the generation of wastes, etc. from
products, etc., by promoting proper cyclical use of products, etc. and proper disposal of waste. [Basic Act on Establishing a Sound
Material-Cycle Society] (Promulgated in June 2000, and put completely into effect in January 2001)

Formulate the basic promotion plan for the Sound Material-Cycle Society
Input of natural resources
Control the input of (manufacture, distribution) First: Reduce
natural resources
Reduce the waste generation

Third: Recycle Promotion of a
project for building
Things, albeit not recyclable, are Second: Reuse a sound material-
regenerated as resources cycle society,
Reuse the used through efforts in
materials repeatedly coordination with
the central

Fourth: Heat recovery
Treatment In the case of an unrecyclable waste, for which
there is no other way of treatment than incineration,
(recycling, incineration, etc.) the heat generated by incineration is recovered for
power generation and the residual heart thereof is
used for other purposes

Fifth: Proper disposal

When there is no other means of disposal,
Final disposal dispose of them in a proper manner.
2. Legislative Framework for Waste Management in Japan (continued)

2.1 The Basic Law for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society

(1) Purpose
Regarding the establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society:
1. to thoroughly articulate the basic principles underpinning the
establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society
2. to clarify the responsibilities of the State, local governments, business
operators and citizens
3. to articulate fundamental matters regarding the formulation of policies
for the formation of a Sound Material-Cycle society, including those
relating to the drawing up of the fundamental plan for Establishing a
Sound Material-Cycle Society

To promote comprehensively and systematically the policies for the

establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society and thereby help ensure
healthy and cultured living for both the present and future generations of
the nation
2.1 The Basic Act for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society
(2) Outline
1. Clarifying the shape that the "recycling society" should take: a society in
which the consumption of natural resources will be conserved and the
environmental load will be reduced to the greatest extent possible
2. Defining those items within the scope of wastes, etc. regulated by the law
that are deemed to be useful as "circulative resources“
3. Promoting the cyclical use of “circulative resources,” which are those
items within the scope of wastes, etc. regulated by the law that are
deemed to be useful
4. Establishing, for the first time, a legal basis for the setting of priorities in
regard to waste processing:
①Reduce, ②Reuse, ③Recycle, ④Heat recovery, and ⑤Proper disposal

2.1 The Basic Act for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society
5. Clarifying the roles of the central government, local governments,
businesses and citizens
 Businesses and people will bear the "responsibility as emitters"
 Producers will continue to bear some degree of responsibility
("extended producer responsibility") with respect to their products
after their products, etc. have been used and become waste.
6. Formulation by the government of the "Fundamental Plan for
Establishing a sound material-cycle society" every five years
7. Announcement of the measures being implemented by the state to bring
about the establishing a sound material-cycle society
 Measures to reduce generation of waste, etc.
 Regulatory measures or the like for the thorough implementation of
“discharge responsibility”
 Measures based on the “extended producer responsibility”
 Measures to ensure that, when obstacles to environmental
conservation occur, the responsible business enterprises bear the
cost of restoration, etc.

2.1 The Basic Act for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society
(3) Basic Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society
So far, indices and goals have been set for (1) entrance, (2) circulation
and (3) exit of the material flow to establish the recycling-based society
in which the measures for the reduction of waste discharge, reuse,
recycling, etc. can be developed in a balanced manner.

Indices and Goals in the Basic Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society
Goal (target year)
Section of the
Index 1st Plan 2nd Plan 3rd Plan 4th Plan
material flow (2010) (2015) (2020) (2025)
Resource productivity (10,000yen/t)
(1) Entrance (GDP/ inputs of natural resources, etc.) 37 42 46 49

Recycling ratio (%) [Recycling Amount/

(2) Circulation (Recycling Amount + inputs of natural 14 14-15 17 18
resources, etc.)]×100

Amount of final disposal (10,000t)

(3) Exit (Amount of the final landfill) 2,800 2,300 1,700 1,300

The 1st Plan was formulated in 2005, the 2nd in 2010, the 3rd in 2015, and the 4th in 2018.
2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law
(1) Purpose

Basic legal framework for waste management

Maintenance of a clean living environment through the

restriction of waste discharge, appropriate sorting, storage,
collection, transport, recycling, etc.

Conservation of the living environment and enhancement of

public health

Stipulating the following items: definition of waste,

discharger responsibility, issuing of permits to waste
disposal contractors, issuing of construction permit for waste
disposal facilities, and waste disposal standards, etc.

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(2) Definition of waste – Waste subject to controls
Sludge, excreta and other filthy and unwanted matter, which are in solid or liquid state

The term “unwanted matter” is used to refer to things which have become needless
because one cannot use it oneself nor transfer it to another person for profit;
Whether unwanted matter can legally be classed as “waste” or not should generally be
determined on the basis of the following criteria:
State of the object, discharge situation, normal form of handling, presence or absence
of value for a transaction, and the intention of a possessor

Category Industrial waste Municipal waste

Definition Designated in the Waste Management and Waste other than
Public Cleansing Law (20 items) industrial waste
• all the wastes left as a result of business
• wastes which might damage or
contaminate the environment unless
they are treated appropriately. (toxic,
large quantities)
Responsible Waste generator The municipalities (self-
party governing bodies of cities,
towns and villages)

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
Definition of waste –Industrial waste

20 items designated in the Law

Waste paper* Livestock excreta*

Waste wood* Animal carcass*
Waste textile* Cinder
Animal and plant residues* Sludge
Unwanted animal solid matter* Waste oil
Waste rubber Waste acid
Waste metal Waste alkali
Waste glass, concrete and ceramic Waste plastics
Waste casting sand and slag Dust
Waste generated by the treatment of the
above 19 industrial wastes

*denotes that there are restrictions depending on the type of industry that
the waste-discharging enterprise belongs to.

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
Definition of the waste –Municipal waste

Waste generated from households and urban activities:

The municipalities have the responsibility for taking the necessary actions (planned
collection, and proper management and treatment)

Municipal refuse
Household waste The municipalities
have responsibility
for management of
Waste from business this category of
Urban activity (commerce, establishments waste.
transportation, etc. )

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
Definition of the waste - Specially controlled waste

Explosive, toxic, infectious or of a nature otherwise harmful to human health or

the living environment.

Specially controlled

Harmful nature
Municipal waste Normal municipal waste municipal waste

Specially controlled
Industrial waste Normal industrial waste industrial waste

With regard to specially controlled waste, stricter

controls for collection, transportation and disposal, Harmful to human
etc. are applied, in addition to the usual controls health or the living
applying to normal municipal solid waste and environment
industrial waste.

Definition of the specially controlled municipal waste

Parts made using PCBs that are contained in discarded air-

Parts made using PCBs conditioners, discarded television receivers and discarded
electronic ovens

Waste mercury recovered from municipal waste deriving

Waste mercury
from products

Soot and dust produced at waste incineration facilities,

Soot and dust
which are collected by dust-collecting devices

Those containing more than 3ng/g of dioxins generated

Soot and dust, cinders
from waste incinerators that are classed as facilities
and sludge
specified by the Dioxins Control Law

Municipal waste generated from hospitals, clinics, etc., in

Infectious municipal which a pathogen is contained or to which one adheres, or
waste waste in which a pathogen may be contained or to which it
may adhere

Definition of the specially controlled industrial waste

Waste oil Gasolines, kerosene and light oils (excluding flame-retardant tar, pitch or the like)

Waste acid Significant corrosive waste acid (less than pH2.0)

Waste alkali Significant corrosive waste alkali (more than pH12.5)

Industrial waste generated from hospitals, clinics, etc., in which a pathogen is contained or to which one
Infectious industrial waste
adheres or waste in which a pathogen may be contained or to which it may adhere

Waste PCBs Waste PCB and waste oil containing PCB

Sludge impregnated with PCB, waste paper to which PCB is applied or in which it soaks, waste wood or waste
PCB contaminated material fiber to which PCB soaks, plastics or metal scrap to which PCB adheres or in which it is enclosed, waste
ceramics or demolition debris to which PCB adhere

Materials used in the handling of waste PCBs etc. or of PCB-contaminated materials are included within the
PCB handling materials
scope of the controls applying to PCBs
Specified hazardous industrial waste

① Waste mercury, etc. generated in designated facilities

Waste mercury, etc.
② Industrial waste containing mercury or compounds of mercury, and waste mercury recovered from industrial
waste deriving from products in the manufacturing of which mercury was used

Specific sewage sludge Sludge specified ) in Article13-4 of the Cabinet Order for the Sewerage Law

Slag Those containing beyond a certain concentration of heavy metals

Those which are related to asbestos construction material removing companies or which are produced at a
Waste asbestos place of business having a soot and dust generating facility as specified in the Air Pollution Control Law and
which may scatter

Cinders Those containing beyond a certain concentration of heavy metals and Dioxins

Soot and dust Those containing beyond a certain concentration of heavy metals, 1,4-dioxane and Dioxins

Waste oil Those containing organochlorine compounds and 1,4-dioxane

Sludge, waste acid or waste Those containing beyond a certain concentration of heavy metals, PCB, organochlorine compounds, pesticides,
alkali 1,4-dioxane and Dioxins

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
Definition of waste and waste classification system

Industrial waste (20 kinds of waste left as a result of business activity)

Specially controlled industrial waste (industrial wastes which

are explosive, toxic or infectious, etc.)

Municipal waste (waste other than industrial waste)

Night soil

Municipal Waste from business establishments (wastes

refuse generated as a result of business activity other
than industrial waste)

Household solid waste (waste generated from


Specially controlled municipal solid waste (municipal solid

wastes which are explosive, toxic or infectious, etc.)

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(3) The responsibility of industrial waste generator
1. Businesses shall bear the responsibility of properly managing waste
materials generated in their activities or entrust such management in
writing to licensed waste disposal businesses (i.e. collection and
transportation companies, and waste disposal businesses).

2. In case the waste generator commissions the waste disposal to others,

in compliance with the manifest system, the generator is required to
maintain oversight over the flow of the waste to the final disposal by
paper manifest or e-manifest.

3. No one shall incinerate waste with the following exceptions:

Incineration of waste which is conducted in accordance with the
municipal solid waste disposal standards or other relevant standards
or where incineration is unavoidable for the public good or in
accordance with social customs, etc. as specified by Cabinet Order.

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(4) Waste manifest system
1. When a business (including contractors of intermediate treatment)
generating industrial waste as a result of his activities is to commission
waste processor to transport or dispose of his waste (including
industrial waste of intermediate treatment), he shall issue the waste
processor an “industrial waste control manifest” (hereafter referred to
as manifest) at time of delivering his waste.
2. Manifest shall be transferred to the commissioned agents one after
another at the completion of each treatment of the waste and shall
return a copy of manifest to the issuer within a period prescribed in
the Law.
3. When the issuer receives a copy of manifest, he must confirm each
completion of the treatments and keeps the copies of Manifest for a
period specified in the Law.
4. Annual reporting of the record of issued manifests to a competent
governor is required.

Paper-based manifest


C1 disposer A B1
B1 C1

Disposer Discharger
Collection and Collection and
Discharger Transportation company Disposal Disposal Transportation company Final disposer
B2 C2
trustee entrustor B2 C2

Flow of the waste Manifest for archive

Flow of the manifest ・Discharger : A, B2, D, E ・Intermediate disposer ・Collection and
as disposal trustee : C1 Transportation company 2:
Posting to the manifest E ・Collection and
Sending the manifest E as disposal entrustor : C2
Transportation company 1:
A, B2, D, E ・Final disposer : C1

Classification Manifest for archive

Discharger A, B2, D, E
Collection and Transportation company C2
as disposal trustee C1
Intermediate disposer
as disposal entrustor A, B2, D, E
Final disposer C1
Electronic manifest

waste waste waste waste

Generator Collection and Intermediate Collection and Final

transportation treatment transportation disposer
3 4
2 3 7 3 Report on the completion 4 The second manifest 6 Report on the
of intermediate registration(within 3 completion of final
2,3,7 treatment(within 3 days days from the date of disposal(within 3
notification waste delivery)
from the date of completion days from the date
of intermediate treatment) of completion of
7 Report on the final disposal)
1 The first manifest
registration 2
completion of
final disposal
(within 3 days from notification
the date of waste 2 Report on the
completion of
7 5 Report on the
completion of 6
transportation(within 5 6 transportation(within
3 days from the date of 3 days from the date of
the completion of the the completion of the
transportation) transportation)

archive and control of the

Information Processing Center
information of the manifests

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(5) Controls relating to appropriate management

1. In the case where a firm wishes to undertake as a contractor to collect, transport

and dispose of industrial waste, permission must be obtained from the
prefectural or designated city governments. The permit must be renewed every 5
or 7 years. The capabilities of an applicant are requested to be complied with the
permit standards as specified in the law. Conditions to be satisfied include a)
facilities to be used satisfy the technological standards specified, b) the
knowledge and skill of industrial waste, and c) financial feasibility.
2. In the case where a firm wishes to install the intermediate treatment disposal
facilities, permission must be obtained from the prefectural or designated city
Permission must also be obtained in the case where changes were made to
3. An exception to the above is the case where wide-area management of waste
(such as waste spring mattresses, etc. ) is implemented. For recycling specified
waste (e.g. to recycle waste rubber tires into cement raw material, etc. ), the
above permission is not required, as an exceptional case.

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(6) Responsibilities of a waste generator on the commission of waste treatment

A waste generator is responsible for managing his waste on a cradle-to-

grave base.
Three key responsibilities:
1. required to comply with the commission standards.
2. required to confirm the proper treatments of his
waste by a control manifest.
3. required to perform his necessary cares to ensure
the proper treatments of his commissioned waste.

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(7) Waste disposal standards
With regard to the operation of waste disposal facilities, the following
standards or references have been established. Industrial waste disposal
operators are required to comply with these.

1. Standards applying in the case where waste is stored for a given

period of time (waste storage standards)
2. Standards relating to collection and transportation
3. Standards relating to disposal or recycling (intermediate disposal)
-Standards relating to operation and management of intermediate
disposal facilities
-For incineration systems, etc., technical and maintenance guidelines
have been established
4. Landfill disposal references
-Technical guidelines relating to sanitary landfill system, and
maintenance guidelines

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(8) Supervision by administrative agencies
Prefectural and designated city governments (hereafter collectively
referred to as “supervisory authorities”) conduct spot inspections to guide
and supervise the businesses in their respective administrative areas to
which they have granted permission for operation as industrial waste
disposal businesses or for installment of disposal facilities.

Spot inspection of the contractors after granting permission

Pre-operation test for the facility
Periodic spot inspection
• to check manifests, outsourcing agreements, account books and other documents
and items such as facility inspection markers, etc.
• to confirm whether they are complying with the maintenance guidelines on site, and
to confirm the state of facility installation, etc.
Periodic inspection
• Inspection of incineration facilities, treatment facilities for PCB waste, and facilities
such as final disposal sites, etc.
• to check the adapting situation of technical standards (technical guideline)

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(9) Administrative action

Supervisory authorities can order industrial waste management

contractors to adopt the following measures:

With respect to industrial waste management contractors

・Order for Suspension of Business (to stop the waste disposal business in the
case of facilities used for commercial purposes, or where the capabilities of
that contractor do not comply with the relevant standards, or when violations
are observed)
・Order for Improvement (to order the making of improvements at the facility in
the case where the facility is incompatible with the technical and maintenance
guidelines or where the capabilities of that contractor do not comply with the
relevant standards, or when violations are observed)
・Failure to follow such instructions from the supervisory authorities is
punishable with penalties such as imprisonment and fines

2.2 Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (continued)
(10) Landfill facilities

Isolated Type Landfill

Stabilized Type Landfill

Controlled Type Landfill

2.3 Law for the Promotion of Effective Use of Resources
1. Strengthening of recycling measures such as the implementation of the
recovery and reuse of products by businesses
2. Reducing waste generation by resource saving and through longer
service life of products

3. A new implementation of the measures for the re-use of parts from

recovered products (reuse)

Through the above, the aim is to bring about the establishment of a

recycling-oriented economic system.

Responsibility of business operators A total of 10 types of

① 3R measures in the manufacturing phase of the industry and 69 articles
product (use of recycled raw materials, reduction have been designated as
of the amount of resources used, etc.) requiring 3R initiatives
② Consideration of 3R at the design stage (easy-
to-recycle design of the products, etc.)
③ Identification marks to facilitate separate
collection, and the putting in place by
businesses of systems for voluntary collection
and recycling
3. Waste related data in Japan

Data structure
Material cycle
1  Material flow of Japan
 Material flow indicators

Gross emissions
2  Municipal waste
 Industrial waste

Waste treatment flow

3  Municipal waste
 Industrial waste

Recycling rate
4  Municipal waste
 Industrial waste

Final disposal and landfill

 Final disposal amount
5  Remaining landfill capacity
 Remaining landfill lifetime

6 Illegal dumping of waste

1 Material cycle: Material flow of Japan (FY2014)

Unit: million tons

1 Material cycle: Material flow indicators
Material flow indicators in Japan (A. resource productivity , B. cyclical use rate and C. final disposal
amount ) , set forth in the Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society, show a
steady progress toward their targets, due to implementation of the 3Rs.

A. Resource Productivity
GDP (=$4207/ton)
= *1=Y109.34(2014/9/29)
DMI* (Input of natural resources , etc.)
*DMI: Direct Material Input

B. Cyclical Use Rate

Amount of cyclical use (reuse + recycling) 17%
DMI + Amount of cyclical use

C. Final Disposal Amount 60 Target:
17 mil. tons
= Final disposal amount of waste
7年 2000
12年 2005
17年 2010
22年 2015
27年 2020
2 Gross Emissions: Municipal waste

Total volume of waste emissions

Average waste emissions per person per day
Average waste emissions per person per day (including foreign nationals)
60,000 1,200

58,000 1,146
Total volume of waste emissions (1,000 tons)


Average waste emissions per person per day

5,338 1,100
54,000 52,720

(grams per person-day)

52,000 50,820
50,000 976 976 979 1,000
48,110 963
48,000 942
46,250 964 958
46,000 45,360 45,430 4,523 947
44,870 939
44,320 925 900
44,000 43,170


40,000 800
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


2 Gross Emissions: Industrial waste


Total volume of industrial waste emissions


(million tons)


426 415
200 394 405 408 400 406 400 393 412 417 422 418 419 404
390 386 381 379 385 393 391





2 Gross Emissions: Industrial waste by category

waste wood chip waste plastics waste acid

7,248 6,827 2,826 other industrial waste
(1.9%) (1.7%) (0.7%) 11,355
waste glass, concrete
and ceramics
waste scrap metal
waste casting sand
and slag sludge
15,161 FY2015 169,371
(3.9%) total (43.3%)
demolition waste 391,185Tt
soot and dust 64,212 (100%)
17,736 (16.4%)

livestock corps
(20.6%) unit: 1,000 tons

2 Gross Emissions: Industrial waste by sector

cramics, and clay and other industries

stone products 28,173
mining and quarrying 9,348 (7.2%)
9,766 (2.4%)

food and beverage electricity, gas,

manufacturing heat supply, and
9,069 water
(2.3%) 100,543
chemical industry (25.7%)
9,974 FY2015
(2.5%) total
iron and steel agriculture
29,757 and forestry
(7.6%) 80,949
pulp, paper and paper (20.9%)
31,761 unit: 1,000 tons

3 Waste treatment flow: Municipal waste (FY2016)

Group Total recycled

collection 1,960
2,270 8,790

Incineration Recycled
Generation of treatment
Waste 4,560
treatment Landfill of treatment residue

430 3,980

Unit : 1,000 tons/year

3 Waste treatment flow: Industrial waste (FY2015)

Direct recycling

Treatment 130,712
Generation of residue
treatment 135,954 Landfilling
309,492 treatment


Direct Landfill

Unit : 1,000 tons/year

4 Recycling rate: Municipal waste

Direct recovery of Recycling after Group Recycling rate

resources intermediate processing collection
1,600 24.0

20.5 20.8 20.6 20.5 20.6 20.6

20.3 20.3 20.4 20.3
1,400 21.0
Total quantity of resource recycling (10,000 tons)

1,200 18.0

1,000 15.0

Recycling rate (%)

306 305
300 293
800 292 279 273 268 265 258 250 12.0
239 227

600 9.0

449 458 462

415 451 447 455 455 450 457 455 458 456
400 6.0

200 3.0
233 254 257 264 234 224 217 215 212 212 208 203 196
0 0.0
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

4 Recycling rate: Industrial waste

Total amount of waste Total waste Total final disposal

(million tons) recycled reduction amount amount

400 26 24 22 20
60 30 17 10
67 45 42 14 14 12 10
68 50 50 40 12 13
Industrial waste emission volume


300 180 179 182 180 170

180 169 167 169 158 168 173 174
185 177 175 172
250 179 179 179
178 187


219 215 219 217 207 205

100 201 211 200 208 205 210 208
181 169 172 171 184 183 182
147 150


5 Final disposal and landfill (Final disposal amount)

Municipal waste Industrial waste


Final disposal amount (1,000 tons)








1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

5 Final disposal and landfill (Remaining landfill capacity)

Municipal waste final disposal sites

Industrial waste final disposal sites

Remaining landfill capacity(million ㎥)




2000 2005 2010 2015

5 Final disposal and landfill (Remaining landfill lifetime)


Industrial waste final disposal sites

Municipal waste final disposal sites

Remaining landfill lifetime (years)




1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

6 Illegal dumping of waste

Amount (10,000 ton) No. of cases

Amount No. of cases



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