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Miah Camille S.

Dagohoy HUMSS-B
Ms. Lily F. Apura October 09, 2019

Reflection: My journey and learnings to World Religion class

As a part of a Christian domination society, it is new for me to engage myself with the
learnings and beliefs of other religions aside from what I firmly believe in. This class opened my
mind to vast concepts about the world religions that we have. The word religion goes much deeper
than I expected, it’s not just what people follow and believe in, it’s also about instilling the lessons
and making it a part in certain aspects in our life. It is an important guide in developing and shaping
one’s self. As the months passed by, it all just went in a blur for me, not knowing we ended our
classes in the world religion for this semester. I have learned different things and it made me
appreciate other beliefs and religions present today coming all from the past.

We are bombarded by different beliefs and practices, and each individual has a different
system of beliefs just like me believing in the teachings of Christianity. In this class, we tackled the
variety of religions that we have in this world, from its roots and belief systems. Religions in
different parts of the world like Hinduism, Buddhism and its major branches, Islam, Jainism,
Sikhism, Shintoism, Daoism, Confucianism, Judaism, and others that I haven’t mentioned. I
discovered different worldviews and learnings from what they believe and practice in their
designated religions. Each of it has its founder that build up their systems and the people present
today still try to amend some of it. It can be seen that people from the past had a wide understanding
of the beauty and reality of life. Religion is can be seen as a powerful world view shaper because a
person lives his life according to the fundamental truth about life and what he believes in the most
that affect his day to day perception and actions.

As for my learnings throughout my journey, it made my mind more open to understand and
appreciate other religion’s beliefs and practices. One thing that made a mark to me is that although
religions may differ in so many ways, they all have one goal which is to be one with their God. It all
teaches about the truth that they believe in what’s good and evil in this world. The concept of most
religions that I learned from this class is about having peace, goodness, humaneness, harmony,
righteousness, and truthfulness towards yourself and especially to the people around you as well.
Our last performance task which about the interview made me realized that people mostly strive for
the happiness in this life that it could ever give and attain, that’s what I learned from Mr. Lao. The
dao de jing text that I’ve read was full of inspiring words that tackled universal scopes about morals,
ethics, cosmology, and other disciplines. Above everything, all I can say is religion is one of the
aspects that greatly affect a person’s decision, perception, and action. This was a very enlightening
journey that made a mark and I will forever remember the teachings that it imparted me. For I know
this will help me flourish into the person that I aspire for myself.

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