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Sexual Tantric Techniques

A guide to the deeper mysteries of sexual tantric practices


Mama Kali & Daddy Shiva

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Sexual Tantric Techniques
❖ Visualizations- using the mind’s eye to paint an image of an internal alternate reality to
distract the conscious mind. They are best and often paired with meditation techniques
focusing on the breath and other sensory awareness. When engaging in sexual tantric
techniques, either solo or with a partner, visualization serves as a powerful guide for
submission and submergence into the sacred power of kundalini.
➢ In my opinion, there are two main types of visualizations which I like to call Anatomic
and Story-time. Anatomic visualizations guide your awareness to your biological and
etheric bodies; these visualizations are best for change work. Change work is when you
consciously activate or alter components of your physical or etheric bodies; an example
of this is Kundalini awakening. Story-time visualizations guide your awareness to an
entirely different dimension; these visualizations are best for gaining profound
understanding and clarity on selected topics. An example of these types of meditations
is the “White Owl Purification” guided meditation, available to our YouTube channel.
This type of visualization is also seen in the movie “The Wizard Of Oz”.
▪ Anatomic Visualizations
• Horny Serpent- “Imagine a warm coil of white light resting outside of your genitals.
Focus your attention on how warm the light is and how amazing it makes your
genitals feel. Keep awareness to your breathing. Image the warm coil of white light
uncoiling itself and slowly entering your root chakra. Focus your attention on all
sensory reactions, any pressure, tingling or tickling you may feel. Deepen the
relaxion of your muscles every time the serpent moves. Image the warm white light
serpent slithering up your spine and through your chakras. Each chakra that it
touches begins to feel orgasmic. Focus your attention on how your creative/sexual
energy is building up. Watch and feel as the serpent shoots itself out of your crown
and down towards your genitals. Watch as the warm white snake begins to turn a
bright fiery red as it bites its own tail. Focus your attention on how your senses
react to the Ouroboros that you are centered in. Focus on your breathing.” -This
visualization is great for activating and interacting with Kundalini; It can be done
during solo masturbation or with a partner either during intercourse or linked
meditation. I’ll explain linked meditations later in the document.
• Ultraviolet Flame- “Imagine a violet colored flame exiting your third eye. Focus
your attention on your breathing. Synchronize your breathing with the expansion
and contraction of the violet flame. Imagine and feel as the flame grows larger
with every breath you take. Focus on your breathing and the sensation of being
engulfed by the violet flame of sacred wisdom. Watch
and feel your entire being become absorbed by the force
of Ajna’s Wisdom.” – This visualization is perfect to use
during solo masturbation or with a partner, wiping

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sexual fluid on the third eye after this visualization will directly give more potent
energy to the chakra. Exchanging sexual fluids with another person’s third eye will
strengthen the karmic connection between the two; The joining of psychic eyes, a
mystical marriage. Since the sexual fluids are the pure manifestation of the
creative essence of the universe, anything we place the fluids upon is enlivened
and empowered. i.e. sigils, deity statues, crystals and candles. This visualization
can be modified to work with any of the major chakras.
• Waters Of Life- “Imagine that every breath you take is fluid, like water. Be sure to
breathe deep into your diaphragm, it is centered in the Solar Plexus which is home
of your cosmic umbilical cord. Pay attention to the sensations of drinking your
breath.” – This visualization is perfect for solo and partner play, it will strengthen
the physical connection to the great mother. Daddy Shiva gives an in-depth
explanation on the profound connection between the breath and the watery
universe in Tantric Techniques Tutorial Webinar & Notes.
▪ Story Time Visualizations
• The Red Room-
FlVnd5b3JXRkZZ “ - This visualization was designed for surrendering to the raw
power of the Divine Feminine on. Through this, a deep connection and
understanding of her true power will be obtained. Just like all visualizations, this
can be done during solo masturbation or linked meditation.
• White Owl Purification-“” – This visualization
was designed to purify the entire chakra system, as well as, connect you with a
gatekeeper of sacred wisdom; the white snow owl. Although this visualization is
not directly sexual, it is tantric and can be modified to gain deeper sexual
❖ Physical Techniques- When engaging in sexual tantric practices, the most important factors
that require your attention are sensory awareness and breathing. Physical or objective
techniques are secondary in relevance but can further strengthen your ritual.
➢ Mantras- Mantras are single or strung together syllables that create energy-based
sounds. The Hindu metaphysical tradition explains that the body is composed of the
combination of five elements and the first of them is sound. It is important to
pronounce the mantra properly with an understanding of its meaning; improper
pronunciation of a mantra can inflict imbalance and conflict. You should be respectful
while chanting mantras. The chanting or playing of mantras during solo/partner play is a
great way to invoke/evoke a specific energy into your ritual. To evoke means to
indirectly interact with; To invoke means to directly address or interact with. i.e. evoking
a deity means you’re asking for the energy to be present; invoking a deity means you’re
asking for direct interaction either sexual or mental. As we mentioned earlier, putting

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sexual fluids on symbolic artifacts will bring them life; pairing mantras to the
corresponding symbolic artifact will create intense energy to work with.
▪ Mantras
• काली Kali Mantra – “Om Krim Kalikayei Namaha” This is the great seed mantra of
Kali, the primordial feminine energy: the dark Goddess of energy and
transformation. It governs over prana as lightning or electrical energy. KRIM grants
all spiritual faculties and powers – from arousing of kundalini to opening the third
eye. It has a special power relative to the lower chakras,
which it can both stimulate and transform. It helps
awaken and purify the subtle body. While the inner
meaning of this mantra can only be understood in deep
meditation, the word KRIM meaning is as follows: K
stands for full knowledge, R means she is auspicious, I
means she bestows booms, and M that she gives
freedom. KRIM is the Seed of Transformation, and it’s
more exclusively associated with Kali Ma. KRIM is also the thunderbolt or vajra
that destroys the serpent of the ignorance and releases the light of absolute truth.
It represents the force of the atmosphere (Atomic sphere) and carries the
supreme life force. This is a powerful mantra, use with care.
• ॐ नमः शिवाय Shiva Mantra – “Om Namah Shivaya” translates to O salutations to
the auspicious one, adoration to Lord Shiva. In simple terms, this mantra means ‘I
bow to Shiva’. However, when we explore at a deeper level, the meaning of this
mantra unravels in a thought-provoking manner. ‘Namah’ used in middle means
“I am not ego” but only Shiva. In self-realization, it means: I am none other than
Shiva. Furthermore, Namah in simple words refers to salutation or worshipping.
But when you break the word Namaha into Na and Maha, it denotes “not mine”.
In simple words, I am not mine. I am submissive to the Lord; I belong to the Lord
(Shiva). Nothing is mine. I am in Shiva and Shiva is in me. Going deeper, this
mystical mantra puts forth its complex composition. It is a panchaskara mantra,
excluding OM, meaning it is composed of five cosmic syllables: na – mah – shi –
vaa – ya. These five cosmic vowels are the seed reverberations of the Five
Elements of—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. Every phenomenal material
element like human body, mountains, tree etc. is made of these Five Elements. At
higher stage attained by regular chanting over a period of time, when all the
misgivings, sins, guilt are rooted out, the worshipper feels he is the inseparable
element of Shiva, the Purest Consciousness.
• अशि िक्ति Adi Shakti- “Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo. Sarab
Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo. Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham
Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo. Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti,
Namo Namo.” This translates to I bow to (or call on) the primal power. I bow to (or

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call on) the all-encompassing power and energy. I bow to (or call on) that through
which God creates. I bow to (or call on) the creative power of the Kundalini, the
Divine Mother Power. This devotional mantra (a Bhakti mantra), invokes the
primary Creative Power which is manifest as the feminine. It calls upon kundalini,
Mother Power. By meditating on it you can obtain a deeper understanding of the
constant interplay between the manifest and the unmanifest qualities of the
cosmos and consciousness.
➢ Mudras, Postures and Positions- The word Mudra is derived from the Sanskrit words
Mud+Dhra, or bliss+dissolving – meaning that which dissolves duality and brings together
the deity and the devotee. Mudras are gestures performed with the hands and are used
to convey various feelings, or expressions or meanings. The use of the Mudras is quite
common in the Hindu Poojas, Tantric worships, Yoga and in Classical Indian dances. In
Hindu iconography, the deities are often depicted with their hands making various
Mudras – like the twin gestures of dispelling fears and granting boons. Various deities
have several specific Mudras which are associated with them. They are used by the
practitioner for various purposes – like activating the various nerve centers, to convey a
feeling or to appease a deity etc. Each finger represents one of the five elements—the
thumb is agni (fire), the forefinger is vayu (air), the middle finger is akash (ether), the ring
finger is prithvi (earth) and the little finger is jal (water). Ancient mudras, postures and
positions can be a powerful addition to solo and partnered tantric masturbation sessions.
▪ Mudras, Postures Positions
• Abhaya Mudra — the gesture of fearlessness — the palm displayed with the fingers
pointing to the sky. Indicates the practice of harmlessness to all beings in word, deed and
thought (ahimsa) and granting to all beings the gift of freedom from fear.
• Varada Mudra — the gesture of generosity — the palm displayed, fingers
pointing downwards. This indicates the benevolence of the deity as well as the
teaching of the principle of generosity to all beings.
• Chin Mudra — the gesture of teaching — palm displayed, fingers upwards thumb and
fore-finger joined at the tips. This indicates the imparting of knowledge, form the deity to
the contemplator and having received the knowledge the aspirant is expected to pass it
on to others. The thumb pressing on the index finger indicates suppression of egoism, the
3 upraised fingers indicate overcoming self-referent desire, anger and greed.
• Dhyana Mudra— the gesture of meditation, this takes two forms: palms placed one over
the other in the lap or arms stretched out, hands on the knees with
the palms outward displaying the chin mudra. The former
indicates meditation using an abstract or formless focus, and the
later expresses the idea of meditation upon a more tangible
 Deities are typically shown in various stereotyped postures, reclining, sitting with one
foot raised, two feet raised or two feet down or standing. The reclining posture
indicates absolute transcendence, a state of inscrutable "otherness" and is beyond all

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our powers of comprehension. Seated there are
three stages of manifestation being depicted.
• Both legs crossed in padmasana (lotus posture) indicate
a state of transcendence with a potential for
• One leg lowered indicates a concern for sentient beings,
a desire to be pro-active and an intention to engage in acts of compassion and liberation.
Both legs down indicates a full intention to assist the devotee and an
impending act of great compassion guiding others to enlightenment.
• Standing indicates full manifestation within our realm and capacity to
comprehend — it indicates immanence — the closeness of our inner being.
It is the Divine in full action within our minds and the world in which we live.
• Cowgirl and missionary-
Reguardless of which partner
is situation in the dominant role, these
positions are perfect for cycling energy
and creating an energetic bond between
both people.
• Hexagram- This pose is ideal for linked meditation, the process of unifying on a
physical and energetic level. Through this position the heart chakra is activated
and unification between the Divine feminine and masculine are symbolically
❖ Final thoughts- One final topic I’d like to touch on is the
importance and power of the orgasm; known by the French as La
petite mort, the little death. Like we mentioned earlier, kundalini
and sexuality are the primal creative force. While engaging in
sexual tantric practices it is important to direct the climax of this
potent creative force. For men, injaculation is the most potent
way to channel your sexual force through the body before
releasing it to the world. This is done by squeezing and clinching
your entire body the moment before ejaculation, holding in all
your secretions. This will result in a jolt of energy, kundalini,
shooting through the body before being released out of the
penis. This moment is perfect for simple visualizations such as
images of ejaculating liquid gold or even light beams. For women, intense orgasms are how
we give energetic birth and is encouraged to do so multiple times during solo or partner sex.
Again, visualizations are perfect for the build up and moment of orgasm. Creativity is vital
when preforming any sexual tantric acts and rituals, take everything that has been presented
in this document and experiment. There is no blueprint or specific outline for practicing
Tantra, but creativity is key. Remember, Tantra is not about the conscious self and all that it
can perceive; it is about the sub/unconscious self and all that it purely is.

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