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VaiṢṆava SŪkta MaÑjarĪ

This is the second, highly anticipated, rewised, and extended

edition of the Vaiṣṇava Sūkta Mañjarī, also known as the Mantra
Book. It comes as a set of two books, silk covered, in a slipcase.
This book is a collection of mantras from various Vedic
texts and from our Vaiṣṇava literature that are commonly used
in rituals like pūjās, yajñas and saṁskāras.
The Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra is our central mantra. However,
as sādhakas, other practices support our devo­tional progress in
addition to chanting the mahā-mantra. For a de­votee on the plat-
form of spontaneous devotional service, chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa
may be sufficient. But for those who have not yet reached that
platform, these practices, prescribed by our ācāryas, are very
Order your copy now!

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Your servant,
Ananta Gaura das
Bhaktivedanta Academy Publishing

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