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University of Pennsylvania

Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering

ESE 206: Electrical Circuits and Systems II - Lab


I. Purpose:

The overall objective of this Experiment is to familiarize the student with the basic properties
of the junction diode and, as well, provide an overview of some important but simple
applications. The main concentration, however, will be on the device itself, with most
emphasis on the diode's forward-conduction properties.

II. Components and Equipment:

While many of the Explorations to follow could be done with a single diode of a single
type, there is much to be learned about different diode types, and the myriad applications of
multiple diodes. Thus you are provided with

1 - oscilloscope
1 - function generator
1 - Multifunction DMM (with ohmeter ranges)
1 - dual power supply.
2 - 1N914 diodes (or equivalent 1N4148) - a small-signal diode
2 - 1N4004 diodes - a low-power rectifier diode
1 - 100 μF polarized capacitor
1 - 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ resistors

Please note that on each diode, the band indicates the cathode end for normal forward
conducting operation.


Figure 1 Basic Rectifier Circuit


lII. Prelab Assignment:

1. Read Sections 3.1, 3.3 and 3.5 of the Sedra & Smith Text (5th Edition).

2. Ideal Rectification:
(a) Consider the rectifier circuit in Fig. 1 with load resistance R = 1 kΩ load. Let the input VA
be a 10 V peak triangle wave at 100 Hz, sketch the input and output waveforms, VA and
VB, respectively.

(b) Redraw the sketch of the output waveform VB made in (a) above to take into account a
diode which has a constant voltage drop of VD = 0.7 V for all currents.

+10 V

1 kΩ

Figure 3 Diode Forward-Drop Test Circuit #1

4. Diode Forward Drop Measurement:

(a) Consider the circuit in Fig. 3, consisting of some particular diode with its cathode
connected to ground and anode connected to a 1 kΩ resistor that is fed from a 10 V
supply. If the diode voltage drop is 0.62 V measured at node B, what is the corresponding
diode current ID?

(b) Let the diode operating in Fig. 3 be shunted by a 1 kΩ resistor as shown in Fig. 4. With the
shunting of the diode by the 1 kΩ resistor, the diode drop decreases by 3.0 mV. Determine
the new value for the diode current ID.

(c) Use the voltages and currents in (a) and (b) to compute an estimate for the value of
parameter n for this diode.

+10 V

1 kΩ
D R2
1 kΩ

Figure 4 Diode Forward-Drop Test Circuit #2

5. Forward-Conduction Modeling - Finding A Large and Small Signal Model

(a) Using the diode I-V characteristic in Fig. 3.12 on page 156 of the Sedra & Smith text (5th
Edition), estimate the values of VD0 and rD for a piece-wise linear diode model which
matches this characteristic exactly at ID = 0.5 mA and 5 mA.

(b) Let a diode for which n = 2 operate at 5 mA with a drop of 0.69 V. Determine the
incremental resistance rd for this diode.

IV. Experimental Procedure:

1. Ideal Rectification:
Goal: To explore the detailed behavior of the diode in performing the rectifier function.

a) Assemble the circuit shown in Fig. 1, using a 1N4004 diode and 1 kΩ resistor.

b) Set the generator to provide a sine wave at 100 Hz with 10 V peak amplitude.

c) Use a two-channel oscilloscope, externally triggered, to display waveforms at nodes A and


d) Using the waveforms in (c), estimate the diode voltage drop VD at the peak of the output,
and at an output voltage which is one-tenth of the peak value. Hing: You can display the
difference between the two signals on the scope by going to the +/- menu and selecting the
proper function.

e) Switch the generator to provide a square-wave output. Note the direct effect of the diode

Record the waveforms observed and the estimated values for VD.

2. Rectifier with Capacitor Filter:

Goal: To explore the use of a capacitor to store energy from a rectifier between intervals of
diode conduction, and thereby to smooth or filter the rectified output voltage.

D 100 Ω B
A +

100 μF 10 kΩ

Figure 5 Rectifier Circuit #2 With Capacitor Filter

a) Assemble the circuit shown in Fig. 5 using an 1N4004 diode. Use a 10 V peak 10 Hz
sinewave as input. Note that 100 μF capacitor is polarized thus, its + terminal must be
connected as indicated in Fig. 5. The 100 Ω resistor is added to limit the current in the diode.
You can assume that it has a minimal effect on the operation of the circuit.

b) Display the waveforms at nodes A and B with an oscilloscope. Estimate the diode drop
during conduction. Sketch and carefully label both waveforms. Estimate the time interval for
which the diode is forward conducting. Note that there is a 50 Ω source resistance (internal to
the function generator) in between node A and the actual voltage source.

Record the waveforms, and for each input waveform record the peak values for vAmax and
vBmax, and the minimum value for vBmin.

c) Replace 10 kΩ R in Fig. 5 with a 1 kΩ resistor. Measure the waveforms at nodes A and B as

in a). Record the waveforms as you did above.

3. Diode Forward Drop Measurement:

Goal: To explore a simple means of characterizing diode forward drop.

a) Assemble the circuit shown in Fig. 3 using a 1N4004 diode.

b) Use your DMM to monitor as you adjust the supply voltage to 10 V. Measure VB = VD and
determine ID.

c) Shunt R with another 1 kΩ resistor (i.e. put a 1 kΩ resistor in parallel with R). Measure VB =
VD and determine ID.

d) With two 1 kΩ resistors connected, shunt diode D with a second IN4004 diode (assumed to
be matched). What does VD become? Estimate the current ID in each diode.

Record your measurements in table with headings # of Diodes (i.e. 1 or 2 diodes), R, VD, and

In your report use your measurements in b) - d) above to determine values of the parameters
IS and n (see Eqs. 3-3 to 3-5 of the Sedra & Smith text) for the your 1N4004 diodes.

4. Forward-Conduction Modeling - Finding A Large & Small Signal Model:

Goal: To explore a relatively simple but effective way to characterize a diode over a wide

a) Using the circuit in Fig. 3, connect the anode of the diode to one of the leads for each of four
resistors, with values 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 100 kΩ, and 1 MΩ. The second leads for each of the
resistors are to be left open circuit for the time being. As measurements are taken (see section
b below), each of these open terminal will be connected to the 10 V supply alone in sequence.
That is first connect the 1 kΩ resistor and take your measurements. Next disconnect the 1 kΩ
resistor from the circuit , then connect the 10 kΩ resistor and take your measurements, and so
on until you have used all four resistors. [Please note, from a safety point of view, to limit
currents which might flow as a result of accidental misconnection, use the power-supply
current-limit feature and/or a small series resistor connected to the supply, say 10 Ω to 100 Ω.]

b) For a supply voltage of 10 V, measure VD as each resistor is connected to the supply in

sequence. Estimate the diode current ID for each value of R. Please note that if the supply
voltage is raised slightly, to 10.7 V or so, the values of current become somewhat easier to
estimate (or calculate) and to plot.

c) Repeat the measurements in a) and b) for the 1N914 (or 1N4148) diode.

Record your data for each diode in a table with headings R, VD, and ID.

In your report consider the following:

a) Using these data as four points, make sketches of the forward-drop I-V characteristic for
your diodes on a linear current scale, and on a log current scale. From the log scale sketch,
estimate the value of n.

b) For the 1N4004 diode: If 10 mA is the "normal" operating current, determine the diode
junction voltage VD0 at 1% of normal (i.e. 0.1 mA) and at 0.1% of normal (i.e. 10 μA). For these
values used as VD0 (See Fig. 3.12 of the Sedra & Smith text), determine values for rD.

c) For the 1N4004 diode: Determine estimates of incremental resistance at about 5 mA, 0.5 mA,
and 50 μA.

Kenneth R. Laker
Revised 18 March 2002; March 26, 2004
Updated by J. Van der Spiegel, March 16, 2007

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